#lol this was originally supposed to be for kats..
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delicioustarong · 5 months ago
Throws this at you (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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| Trapped |
Bill trapped Ford in a bubble, screwing his view of reality. In order to trick Ford, Bill has repressed his memories and manipulated him into believing that he lives with Bill back in the shack where they're both working to complete the 'portal'. Bill's goal here is to get the equation he desperately needed in order to escape Gravity Falls.
An important thing to note is that whenever Ford remembers, the whole scenario resets.
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ethereange · 1 year ago
there was nothing in this world that could have felt so close yet so far at the same time. it happened right in front of you. and you didn't move.
you couldn't, you told yourself. your organs were stabbed. your heart was crumbling. you couldn't move.
but you could.
snap out of it! megumi would say that, wouldn't he?
if he were here.
but he wasn't, he was on the other side of the screen- the one you constantly wavered back and forth from gluing your eyes to or gluing them shut as you huddled with your fellow sorcerers.
it's sukuna. and with his markings and red pupils, anyone could see that.
it's sukuna. because megumi would never push his hair back like that, would never smirk like that. he would never... try to kill gojo. it made you want you to throw up.
it's sukuna. so why did he have to choose megumi?
because he's strong. he's still in there, you thought. you hoped.
the two strongest in the world clashing before you, displayed like some horrific movie.
please fight back, you pleaded. please don't give up.
half of your heart crawled its way to your throat, choking you as tears spilled. but for just a second, it stopped. and for a moment, breath couldn't find its way into your lungs.
because the other half of you was dying, was giving up.
and you wished with every fiber of your being that this was all just a movie.
you took the half of me that i needed and how'd you walk away so easy? it's almost like you like to let me down you took half of me, could you leave it? and go back to when we were speaking i hate the fact that i miss you around
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tizeline · 2 months ago
Now that 2024 is coming to a close:
1) Of everything you've made this year, which ones are you the most proud of?
2) What are a few of your favorite things (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
Ooo fun ask!
1 - So in general I'm just really happy with how the entire Separated AU developed throughout the year! I created it almost exactly a year ago now (the anniversary is on the december 26th btw, might have something planned for that). And I've mentioned it before but I really wasn't planning on developing into a proper story originally, I thought of the basic concept one day and thought it was neat so I just wanted to put it out there. So I made a SINGULAR post and that was all I initially planned to do, but then I came up with more and more ideas and before I knew it the AU got fucking SECOND PLACE IN THE TMNT AU COMPETETION!? HELLO?? Yeah turns out people like my silly little AU, to this day I'm constantly blown away with all the positivity I recieve from this fandom and it means the world to me ueueueu 😭💕
I've made quite a few TSAU comics over the year, but the first TSAU comic I made that was longer than just a page or so was the Cell Talk comic and it still holds a special place in my heart for that reason. (Also it's where the whole bit about TSAU!Leo being a huge Shadow fanboy originated from so that's awesome)
There's also a certain project I've participated in and made art for that I'm really excited to show you guys, but I'm not really supposed to talk about that yet so uhhhhhh 🤫 you guys are just gonna have to wait for that one lol. Either way, I'm proud of myself for being being part of that :D
2 - OKAY ENOUGH ABOUT ME, time to give some other people the spotlight!!
First of all, special shout out to anyone who has made fanart of my AU, I love love LOVE you so much!!! 💕
The art that the other participants of the tmnt fashion competition made was also absolutely amazing, that event was so fun!! Kat especially, she totally deserved that win her art was so good!
I've been a fan of the Empyrean Weeping AU by cupcakeslushie for a while now, but it's just been getting better and better, the recent comics for the AU have really been absolutely fantastic, I adore the art and story!!
I've been absolutely obsessed with The Canary Continuity fic series by qolden recently it's driving me insane. Donnie is one of my favorite characters ever which means that of course like any normal person I love seeing him suffer! :D I was actually a bit worried that the story was gonna be a bit too angsty for me when I read the tags, but turns out it was just the right amount angst for me, and also it's gonna get a happy ending which is great, so yeah I'm having an absolute blast reading it!
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lenaboskow · 9 months ago
a few problematic/confusing things i've seen scrolling through bree's twitter (plus one tumblr post). not as long as i wanted which is why i included some not necessarily problematic things, but just factually incorrect
this is the most notable one. in the top post, she makes an apology (which i will not say whether or not it's sincere but i will say it only came after being called out by fellow bt fans), but in the bottom post she leaves her original "lol i wasn't racist you're grasping" post up. last i checked this was still true. the duality of man, everyone.
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this one. does she genuinely believe we'd hack lfj for one post? and then block the buddie fan?? though, she has pretended to be hacked before, so... tracks that she'd use the same excuse to defend lfj
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also this one. you don't actually have to scroll that far to see the posts. especially if you're on desktop. the fact that they're still up even after being called out is the problem (besides the controller one and the one he was supposedly hacked about, but that's recent). lord forbid we hold actors accountable (before anyone says anything about ryan, read this post)
this is also about lfj being called out. pretty sure this was before she came up with the hacking excuse because she knew she couldn't justify his actions.
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this one is just confusing. in what way was our lord and savior blair flirting with buck?? please, enlighten me, because if she was flirting she needs some lessons asap
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this one. is eddie supposed to do everything on his own? eddie can't get through to chris, so he turns to the person who's always helped him with chris in the past, because he knows chris views him as a parental figure. leaning on your support system is not codependency. I've also attached the definition of codependency. tell me where this lines up with eddie asking buck for help in time of need
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no comment. once again just her ignoring all the queer coding and representation eddie brings without being confirmed queer just because she feels her ship is threatened (and if your ship can only work because you force a character in the closet, what does that say about your ship?)
also she really likes reposting kat pettibone tweets which is insane because kat ships buddie
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last but not least taking over this tumblr post about a bt breakup to steal the s10 wedding and girl dad buddie tropes
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way-too-many-ideas · 6 months ago
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but first a huge thank you to @love-you-fo-rever for helping me make her and develop her lore!! oh and a btw, any art of remy that I use will more than likely come from kat bc I can’t draw lmao
Okay okay okay lore time
Remy was the prototype created right before the CYN drones were made. Her little PN thing is CYR, but she is the only drone of that type due to a bug in her code. Remy cannot ever be fully 100% charged. You know how cell phones have a maximum capacity for their battery? Yeah, so that maximum drops over time, so even if your phone shows it’s 100% charged, if your maximum capacity is (for example) 90% then really ur phone is 90% charged (this is just my understanding of it, this probably isn’t how it actually works oops). It’s basically the reason why phones seem to die faster and faster over time.
So, Remy’s max isn’t 100% (I haven’t decided what it is lol), and she basically has narcolepsy as a result. I also like the idea that the code, which I just keep calling the REM code, was supposed to allow the drones to charge faster/have more energy bc they would be in the drone equivalent of REM sleep. Idk I haven’t worked out all the logistics yet. Anyways, because of the faulty REM code, she also doesn't always sleep through a whole REM cycle, meaning that sometimes she doesn't/can't even recharge to her max. The code couldn’t really be fixed without fucking up everything else and so she was the only version of this drone to be made since they caught the bug very quickly.
This glitch is also why her eyes are different colors. Her eyes were both originally the light blue/teal color, but after her first REM cycle, the glitch took effect and as a result one of her eyes became a darker blue (aka I wanted her to be quirky and different and I also thought it would be fun for that to be the like, tell (for lack of a better word), that she is glitched) Also, when Remy sleeps, her face doesn’t just say “sleep mode” or whatever, it just says REM, hence how she got her name.
She was one of Tessa’s drones. Idk how the Elliot’s got her, maybe the same way they found Cyn? Idk, I haven’t thought that out yet. Anyways, Tessa loves her and thinks it’s silly how Rem will just suddenly fall asleep and loves to like cuddle with her when she does. Her parents have definitely found them curled up together asleep in the most random places. Of course, Tessa names her Remy after seeing her in sleep mode. Tessa’s parent didn’t want to keep Rem, but how could they say no to their precious daughter, I mean she’s even given the drone a name! But since Remy’s glitched, Tessa’s parent don’t really care for her. They only let her stick around because Tessa loves her. They kind of just ignore her. Remy isn’t bothered by this because that means that she tends to go unnoticed and can therefore get away with shit. She has definitely snuck Tessa some treats after bedtime and such. Oh, and she has red hair because Tessa saw her blue eyes/core and was like "red will look so good on you girl" (I get the vibe that Tessa always wanted her drones to look as like stylish as possible)
Remy is chill with all the other drones before everything goes to shit. They all understand that she can't really be of much use due to her being a potential hazard, but they would definitely try to include her when possible. However, she was still able to easily hide away/be forgotten about (for lack of a better term).
Okay so now to the trauma weeeee
Remy was Cyn’s first victim. I imagine that since Remy is typically ignored/hidden in the shadows, nobody really notices she’s gone. She def went missing a little bit before Cyn killed everyone. The dragon wings were the first wing design Cyn tried out (definitely not because I love dragons nope never). But, Cyn didn’t really like them and kept messing around with them therefore damaging the membrane. Remy was tortured, going through constant changes thanks to Cyn. Since she was essentially Cyn’s practice toy, she practically got taken apart and put back together multiple times.
Rem knows she was tortured, but she doesn’t remember much of it. She slowly gets her memories back after the events of the show cause something to trigger and make her remember. She also knows that N doesn't have his memories, and she knows it's because of V somehow, but she doesn't know all the details.
She has the male murder drone legs because she did it to herself. Cyn originally gave her the peg legs, but Remy absolutely hated them. She had a hard time keeping her balance and she would fall a lot more whenever she would randomly fall asleep. So one day, they’re out on a mission or whatever and they stumble upon a dead disassembly drone and Rem’s so fucking done with the peg legs that she literally cuts them off and welds the other legs to her (hence the scars around her legs).
She’s a masochist for sure. She’s also more rebellious since she could get away with a bunch of shit before everything happened. She’s quiet at first, but after the show as she grows closer with everyone (and works through some shit) she breaks out of her shell. I feel like she has some sort of Doberman/German Shepherd/Pitbull energy. She's like very protective over everyone, like V levels of overprotective.
Okay, that's all of the Remy lore for now, there's definitely more I could include but I also kind of want to make those separate posts. I'm literally obsessed with her Kat seriously ate. I'm so excited to start writing out like little scenarios and stuff!!!
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writerchic16 · 28 days ago
Quick Thoughts for The Way Home 3x04 I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song
I'll be honest - I'm a week behind because I'm losing some interest in this season. But I'm rewatching the last two episodes so let's get into it...
-I've been thinking about Kat's personality. She can't stand when life is "boring" and normal for five minutes. At first this seems weird to me because after all the trauma she's been through, you'd think she'd appreciate the normal moments. But I realized that while I handled trauma that way, everyone is different. (I won't ramble about my personal life but yeah, I really appreciate the rare calm moments.) Kat seems like the type who can't be alone with her thoughts, always has to be distracted from her own life. And her father's death is a fresh wound again after finding out she inadvertently contributed to it. She needs to accept the past in order to fully live in the present. I think this will be her story arc for the entire show and I can see her giving up the pond for good at the very end.
-LOVE Kat and Alice running off to the pond instead of shopping, lol. Though I would like to see them do something normal together. Even then, as soon as they get to '74 they split up.
-Thank goodness Evelyn has Alice this summer. Watching this episode again, it makes total sense that Evelyn desperately needed someone on her side at that time. Rick died, Colton - who she loved - spent every moment with her enemy Delilah Watson. Evelyn already had a tenuous grasp on reality, so without Alice, spending the summer all alone might have pushed her over the edge.
-Random, but looking at the Lingermore mural again I wonder if it was painted by Susanna ("over a hundred years ago") and the children were supposed to represent Kat and Jacob. Very curious to find out who the "White Witch" really is, if there is another origin besides Kat. Also hoping more and more that this is leading to the true origin of the pond.
-There's lots of speculation that Del's "seasickness" means she's pregnant, and it is suspicious that she ended up at Lingermore without her parents that summer. But in the next episode she says something about "everything being different" when she went home. This makes me wonder if she wasn't pregnant, but becomes pregnant - leading to the baby left by the pond?
-Waterloo was stuck in my head for days.
-I like that Del and Jacob bond this episode. I just wish she would extend an ounce of that compassion to her daughter. At least we get one scene where they actually don't fight and Del apologizes for being overly critical. Love that you can see the disbelief in Kat's face.
-I truly wonder how Colton chose Del over Evelyn. Not only that but never even seemed to consider Evelyn an option. I guess Evelyn was always a sister to him and for him, that never changed even as they grew up.
-Honestly I don't blame Elliot for caring about keeping his house in order against Hurricane Kat, and I don't like how he pretends not to because it's what Kat wants. (Even then she still runs out on the poor guy.) Some people live in the present and notice what's around them. Wanting a clean house is not the end of the world she seems to think it is!
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sesshy380 · 1 year ago
Well, it was a nice 5 days off. Back to the grindstone. Kinda. Sorta. This time of year my hours get literally cut in half (which really sucks come payday).
I managed to churn out a small ref for Kat in those 5 days (which you already saw the small preview of). I think it's safe to say that I am much better at drawing anthro beings than people lol
On the left you have Kat in her human form, on the right is her demigod from (this is what Bakhure saw in 'Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real')
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I originally envisioned the demigod form as having hair on the head as well, but when I added it I didn't like it. Honestly, it's an aesthetic I've never had hard-set in stone, and I like how this came out.
I know her hair/fur is supposed to be 'midnight' in color, but it's kind of hard to do that without everything looking so bland and monotone. Technically her wings and spots are supposed to have that little rainbow sheen like you seen on raven wings when the light hits it just right, but I'm not that good yet to be able to show off those details lol
A few other aesthetic changes I've made is that she's not dressed in all black in either form. This is another way of avoiding monotony. I might do a longfic accurate version of both forms at some point, but for now, you get this.
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 1 year ago
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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transgaledekarios · 1 year ago
Thanks for tag friend! @brother-genitivi
My Spotify is a mess since I don’t use playlists lol I just mash them all in my “liked songs” and use queues so this will be… interesting. I forgot how many songs I was supposed to pick? Was it 10? I’ll go with 10.
1. “Sorry That Im Like This”- Kat and the Hurricanes
This is just typical angst for fucking up relationships??? Idk. It’s a fun song
2. “The Gilded Hand”- Radical Face
I can’t explain it but this song reminds me of Fallout. Have I ever played fallout? No. So take that as you will. Grain of salt or wtvr
3. “platicamos tanto”- Duelo
This is a song of my childhood that I remember hearing at everyone’s quinceañeras and family parties lol
4. “Xion”- Project Destati
kingdom hearts soundtrack music with orchestra. Good soup
5. “22”- Savannah Conley
Song about a seemingly doomed relationship that you hope isn’t actually doomed. I’ve been listening to this a lot for Ever’s original setting.
6. “Cheer Up”- Twice
I had a kpop phase and still enjoy a lot of the stuff I listened to back then
7. “Sweetness”- Jimmy Eat World
Pop punk still has a special place in my heart
8. “Pájaros” - Porter
This is a song about grief and missing someone who isn’t there anymore.
9. “Wild One”- FIGHTMASTER
Amazed this song took so long to come up. I’ve been obsessed with this artist’s songs recently.
10. “Anything But Me” - MUNA
Such a fun song. Id put this under sorta-amicable-ish breakup song territory like “I wish you the best, I’m here if you need me, but romance is off the table forever bye”
Now I’ll go ahead and tag @creaking-skull @isayashai @aphoticfairy @dadpilled @phoenixsoul13
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katniss-evermeme · 1 year ago
Tag Game
Tagged by @the-average-procrastinator
1. Are you named after anyone? Not on purpose, lol. I happen to share a name with an ancestor and my parents didn't realize it until I was like 2 days old and my grandma told them.
2. When was the last time you cried? Probably around a week ago.
3. Do you have kids? No but I'd like to adopt someday
4. What sports do you play/ have you played? I did gymnastics when I was 5 and archery when I was 13-14
5. Do you use sarcasm? Frequently
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? Usually hair or clothes. I have trouble with faces so I kind of latch onto other characteristics to tell people apart when I'm new to a group.
7. What's your eye color? Blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, it bothers me when there isn't one
9. Any talents? I get a lot of compliments for writing, knitting, and being naturally good with animals, so I guess those count
10. Where were you born? Midwest United States
11. What are your hobbies? Video games, visual novels, writing, fishkeeping, knitting, comics, biking, editing videos, and reading
12. Do you have any pets? Two, technically five. I have a calico cat named Marie and a veiltail betta fish named Aurora ("Rory"). I also do roughly 80% of the work for my brother's goldfish: Cornelius, Hermione ("Hermey"), and Clarice. In theory I'm supposed to take the goldfish when my brother goes to college, but in practice I'll probably end up getting custody of them when I move out.
13. How tall are you? 5'10"
14. Favorite subject in school? free reading time I liked music, literature, and art. When I was homeschooled we did a cultural studies unit that I also really enjoyed.
15. Dream job? Author, someday. Right now I'm content with my silly little fanfics, but I have original stuff that I'd like to publish later on. I wanted to be a veterinarian for years but realistically I don't think it would be a good fit for me. I'm looking into vet tech certification instead but right now I'm working a little outside of the field to make sure its what I really want before committing to the program.
Tagging @firstfandomfangirl, @of-winter-and-summer, @return-of-the-trinidude, @manda-kat, @caitlin-snow-leopard, @redhatmeg and anyone who feels like doing a tag game
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nottheweirdest · 2 years ago
Sister, I must know things about Hallowed! Like what inspired it? Is there gonna be a lot of angst?? Just how much spiciness do you plan to add to it in general???
In seriousness though 😅 like how long did it take you to outline it? When did the idea or plot first come to you? Are there any challenges you're facing with it right now? Do you have any mood boards or music or other outside content you can give us to feel the vibe for it?
Feel free to answer any or all (or none haha) of these. Just wanna know something cool about your Halloween inspired fic ❤️
SAAAAAMMMMMMM I miss your face so much!!! 💖 I'm so glad you asked because Hallowed is one I plan on alternating with the next part of the Clean Slate trilogy!
So it was originally just supposed to be a spicy Halloween oneshot because some friends we know wanted something with vampire Shadow and werehog Sonic and I was like sure! I got this! But then my squirrel brain was like wait. No. We do not got this. This actually got away from us very quickly because now it's this big huge thing with a ton of world building and lore. It took me a while to outline actually. I started some of it and then changed it. Typing it out was fast, making it work in my brain was tricky and took the span of a few days once I actually devoted some time to it. Challenges I'm facing right now are the same I'm facing for pretty much everything with is burnout. Not from writing, just life lol I've been in burnout, officially, for two years and sometimes the words come slowly when my mind is overwhelmed and tired. I do have a playlist for it. I can send it to you if I want! I've got playlists for all my bigger fics. 😋 Some songs on Hallowed's playlist are: Darkness Inside - Astyria It Will Find You - MOONWATER Watch Out - NOCTURN, Kat Leon Satan's Arrival - Revolt Production Music KILLING TIME - Jordan Fiction So yeaaaaah lol as you can probably tell there is going to a fair amount of angst, mostly in the source of guilt and self hatred. And there is going to be a lot of spice too. I was looking at the outline the other day and chapter 2... good lord I was in a MOOD that day. Holy shit. My mouth fell open and I actually blushed when I read it lololol Anyway. A fair amount of spice lol Think sexy Van Helsing vibes.
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findroleplay · 1 year ago
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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rosefulmadness · 2 years ago
yesterday, my cactus plant was knocked over by the window/wind, and I picked it up and cleaned it and took it to the balcony.
I decided that ot would be pretty aestethic if I, in my long skirt and fancy shirt with my pretty crystal necklaces started gardening for no reason at all in the lovely sunny afternoon with no music or headphones but hearing the sings of the birds and the sweet sounds of my neighbors balcony decoration twirling in the wind.
and so I did. I went to my room to get rid of my bracelets and put on a prettier flowy blue shirt i bought that same day in the bazaar instead of my tight brown silk one and put half my hair up with a brooch and made a few braids to decorate the part that was down.
I worked the dead soil on some of the pots and brought it back to life, I then re planted the cactus and planted snapdragons. I also watered the plants and put some colorful deads in my favorite one.
I forgot to mention that my friends and I had just returned from the center of the city (from the bazaar, to be exact), and we were supposed to take a group nap. I was reading (fanfiction) on the bus and left myself in standby mode, so I had "rested enough," and I wasn't sleepy anymore. my friend kathia had fallen asleep on the bus and he went straight to my bed and slept, my friend gabi fell asleep not long after, cuddling kat.
I started baking some cookies, blue cookies! colorful food is always more fun. I waited till they woke up, and then we knitted like we were originally supposed to. after we gave up (lol), we watched a movie while I made us some curry, still in my pretty outfit, feeling pretty.
if I hadn't decided that it would be fun to romanticize my life and do this type of things when I feel like it, I would have probably used my phone and miss the opportunity to enjoy myself.
bonus: I journaled a bit while eating mint ice cream (that I put pretty sprinkles on) and drinking fresh lemonade with a pretty straw and a lemon for decoration before I decided to plant the snapdragons; it felt wonderful.
romanticizing your life, for me, it's to make every little detail feel cinematic, exciting, and extravagant. it helps me live in the moment and enjoy living those moments, even the most simple boring ones
romanticizing your life is such a powerful tool and it’s a shame that it’s mostly used by people on tiktok to justify the purchase of expensive breakfast smoothies when there are few better ways to force oneself through unpleasant shit than imagining a cinematic backstory for your extremely quotidian suffering
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xplrvibes · 11 months ago
shower thought… (is that tmi? idk) is it conspiracy worthy that kat is dropping her supposed tell-all single in a few days and then a few days after that snc are dropping their video that should have come out last weekend? is this an attempted distraction? perhaps tales are to be told sam doesn’t want much focus on lol
i joke, ofc. the idea that they moved their video just to distract audiences from kats single is ludicrous ofc
also seperate note
im watching ‘encounters’ on netflix and they have an episode abt the haunting of the myrtle plantation and they started telling the story abt the slave, Chloe, who was hung and sunk in the river for wanting to poison the family… (their version is a bit more detailed than the snc version) …completely not true. that slave never existed and the story was completely fabricated in the 50s and developed overtime from a french canadian nanny to an african american slave to what the guides tell now. but fact of the matter is chloe never existed. wiiiild. they do admit they like this story bc it sort of encompasses a handful of true stories but the actual story of chloe is fabricated.
interesting… but i love finding out history of places from unbiased sources who actually do research 😂 (this isnt meant to be a slam btw despite how it comes across… i just mean historians and people who get their rocks off doing research lol)
but i wonder if this image of chloe and her green bonet is an egregore from how many people have been told the story and truly believe it.
- aussie anon
Showers are the best places to have thoughts! I solve every problem in my life in the shower (or in my car). 🤣
I just answered an ask about the Kat thing but I have actually heard that conspiracy floating around - while I wouldn't exactly put it past snc, I also think the timing of this video is more because they won't lean the fuck out when it comes to the editing lol.
But, nothing surprises me at this point!
(Saw your other ask: for anyone interested, the show aussie anon is referring to is called Unexplained!)
I love hearing the origins of urban legends and ghost stories! I think it's really interesting, and I do think a lot of the most famous stories we hear are actually egregores...which I find interesting in their own right! So, that's really cool and honestly, I'd respect any paranormal team that would dive that deep into stuff. I know snc brought up egregores a few times in the past and I always really liked when they did....I think the issue is that with a lot of these places, you have to tell the stories they want you to tell, or you get blackballed from the community really quick 😬.
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kmze · 1 year ago
You are absolutely right,Kris.That was clearly her claim to 5 seconds of relevance moment.I don't know if she did anything after tvd and I never kept track of that verse or any discourse related to it after the show ended.But if that tweet was able to reach me along with some of her recent commentaries of possible "relationships", then she knew exactly what she was doing.Maybe drumming up support for a possible reboot?Yeah I heard that one too recently( 'perks' of having a tvd obsessed teen niece,you see).
I was reading your s1 review earlier and quite enjoyed it.Do continue if time permits you.I haven't had the time or interest to rewatch TVD again.This was the first show I was emotionally invested in and by the end of it,JP made sure I would never wanna go back to it.
I do miss Stefan-Caroline a lot though.I miss Stefan "Where do I belong" Salvatore,who had me intrigued the first time I met him in September, 2009 even though my friend made me watch the pilot for Ian.I miss my baby girl,Caroline "I try so hard" Forbes".The treatment of Caroline Forbes in that season was beyond horrible although I would say s7 was on that same level.Ironically, that was not a KW season but ran by that demon.
I do quite agree with your analysis as to why Plec didn't go back to SE even though she had the perfect opportunity to.The Human Stefan storyline almost had me convinced they were going in that direction which was probably why I had a hard time sitting through the last few episodes.TVD had become so emotionally draining.Caroline-Stefan scenes were like a bright light in a sea of Awfulness that show was.
Hey Anon, I believe she's done a few things since the tvd 'verse ended but I do know that unlike TO and TVD Legacies did not get an official final season. Their series finale was supposed to work as both a season and series since the CW had been sold and JP knew it was possible the show could get cancelled. So I think that's why she's trying to get something done now. I absolutely believe her tweet was to engagement bait for either for herself or whoever is interested in the TVD 'verse continuing again to see how much interest is still there. Although I have no idea what could be in the works, I know at a con in December the question was about a movie but I'm not sure enough of the original main cast would be willing to return to make that happen. I mean majority of the characters are dead or human and I know a few actors have said they wouldn't be interested in returning (Kat, Ian and Paul) so I'm not sure what kind of movie she could make lol. Candice would probably come back (and since I'm a sucker that's all I would need) and maybe Nina (mostly I don't think she's a hard no) but I'm not sure that's enough for anyone to agree to finance this. Of course Teen Wolf got their awful movie financed so I could be completely off base.
The rewatch has been enjoyable so far (it's easier when you know the ending lol) and honestly S2 has been so much more engaging and interesting to me than S1 so I should have the first half of that season done this week. When I get to S7 is gonna be such a buzzkill from S6 I am so not looking forward to that slough especially the first half. I will always dislike Dries for what she did to Steroline that season UGH makes me mad just thinking about it.
Ha! The show became so emotionally draining that season worrying about what would happen. I hate the human Stefan storyline (I especially hate the STUPID CURE and how the rules change for how it works every time it's mentioned!) though I did enjoy how much he hated being human because the fandom always believed he wanted that but really HE HATED not having vampire powers. He only wanted to be human because of his addiction to blood, and don't even get me started on how him being a "reformed ripper" in S6 got completely dropped in S8. I do agree in a way about some of that awfulness and it's the same for me, while I did enjoy a majority of the seasons overall in the series the bright spot was 1000% Steroline, to me they're the best thing the show ever did. Now that I'm up to S2 in my rewatch it just reminded me of how good their slow burn was.
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sesshy380 · 1 year ago
10 for Tangled Web of Fate?
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Oooh! Longfic question! *rib crushing hug* Long reply incoming!
There are a few different pairings in longfic, but the main two are Atem x Bakura (which is still a WiP) and Marik x Kat(OC).
I'm going to assume you are asking about Marik x Kat, since it's the main pairing atm, but I'll also explain how the Atem x Bakura came into being as well lol
For Atem x Bakura...that wasn't even on my radar when I started writing longfic. That came about when one of my oldest son's friends asked to look at my writing (they were thrilled at the idea of an adult writing fanfic). They literally read the first two chapters (I think I only had 3 at the time) and said 'Yami and Bakura are going to kiss. I just know it'. Cue me staring in blank confusion trying to figure out what kind of Evil Knievel leap their brain took to go from 'Yami looked at Bakura with disdain' to the RMS 'These two will kiss'. Brain did that 'now how would that work' thing, and tadaa! Two idiots made for each other because I said so lol
As far as Marik x Kat, when I first started 'brain-writing' the story years ago, it was originally a poly ship with Kat at the center (very reverse harem). Due to the many alterations I made (namely the shared Ra relation between Marik and Bakura), I removed the poly/reverse-harem thing going on. I stuck with Marik and Kat in the end because those two do have a lot in common.
Marik is still freshly recovering from the whole Battle City fiasco. He's lost and uncertain who he is supposed to be. Cue this crazy girl that makes his own crazy seem 'normal'. Like her, he is a blend of both the old world and the modern one. He can relate to things she says in his own way.
Kat has spent millennia striving towards a goal that, while she achieved it, things didn't quite turn out at all how she had expected (sound familiar?). She's now torn. Cue (cute) guy who just finished speed-running a similar scenario and just 'gets' her. It's nice to feel 'normal' for a change.
Those two are great for helping each other in their own way. It's what draws them together and helps build things between them. Both are accepting of the things that make the other a bit 'different'. Kat doesn't mind Marik's more effeminate traits, and Marik doesn't mind Kat's more animalistic ones. If anything, they both adore those things about each other.
I could go on and on, but I think my point is made. It just 'worked' (in my mind at least lol)
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