#lol this does not apply to marvel
atlantic-riona · 2 years
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dinogoofymutated · 3 months
Hey! I wanted to make a request but I wanna state right away that if you're simply not comfy with it or don't vibe with it - I completely understand!
I'm on my period rn and wanna request some SFW or NSFW head-canons with Kurt comforting F!Reader while on their period. (Totally understand if NSFW wouldn't be your thing for this. Just any comfort HCs at all would thrill me. <3)
I just can't stop thinking about him applying gentle pressure with his hand to my lower abdomen like a heating pad. I feel like he'd be so sweet. Furball cuddles for the win.
Extra note: Your writing is lovely and thank you so much for your posts. They bring me joy and I even reread some of them a few times. I hope you're having a good day/night and I'm sorry for the long ramble. Remember to take care of yourself and drink plenty of water 💜🫂
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SFW! Nightcrawler/ AFAB! reader - Period HCs It's finally here!! I'm sorry it too me so long to get to this ask lol. Hope you enjoy! TWS!: depictions/descriptions of Menstrual Cycle, Blood, staining the sheets on accident. Cramps. Please do not read if you're not comfortable.
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Kurt 1000000% is one of the best marvel characters when it comes to making sure his S/O is taken care of.
He's thoughtful and cuddly, and he definitely runs hot, so he's quite literally a heating pad/blanket. He hates the fact that you are in pain, even though it's a regular biological thing that happens to so many. He provides for you in any way that he can when you're on your period, making you food, running to the store, making sure you're hydrated and taking your meds.
You tell him to jump, he'll always ask how high.
And he's comfortable buying pads/tampons for you too! He memorised the brand and size you get after the first time you had your period while dating him, and he does his best to remember when you change that too!
He will also buy you the snacks you crave while on your period and will never let you pay him back.
Don't be embarrassed about your period around him. He's seen blood before, and just because it's coming from a vagina instead of a wound doesn't make it disgusting. He respects your boundaries during your period, and has a lot of patience with you if you're the type to get mood swings. He just loves you a lot, and if that includes uncomfortable menstrual cycles from time to time, he's more than willing to accommodate you however you need.
    You felt extra groggy waking up this morning. You can’t go back to sleep, but opening your eyes felt like an absolute chore. You didn’t feel well- and you can’t place why at first. You groggily sigh, uncomfortable even in bed, and are immediately comforted by a three-fingered hand soothingly petting your hair.
    “Good morning, Schatz.” His voice is soft and sweet. Even in your pain, you smile at him, trying to keep your eyes open just so that you can see him.
    “Mornin’ “ You sigh, leaning into his touch. 
    “Are you feeling well?” Kurt asks, ever the attentive sweetheart. You shake your head at him, moving closer to him so that you can snuggle into his chest. He’s warm and comforting. His tail wraps around you snugly, and he presses a kiss to your forehead. After cuddling for a while, your stomach growls, and Kurt chuckles. He mentions something about breakfast you’re a little too sleepy to remember and gives you a chaste peck before he pulls back the covers and gets out of bed.
    You only feel his weight on the bed shift a little before he seems to freeze abruptly. 
    “Is everything okay?” You ask, slowly blinking your eyes open to see what was the matter. Kurt has this soft, concerned look on his face as he looks at the bed, and then at you, turning to sit sideways where he can face you.
    “Love, you're bleeding.” He tells you. You look at him in confusion for a second, before you suddenly recognise that awful sticky wetness between your legs, and bolt straight up. You rip the blankets off, horrified at the sight of blood staining the sheets.
     “I'm so, so sorry, Kurt!” You say, frantically trying to sit up and get moving.   “- I promise I'll clean up and-”
    “Why would I make you do that?” Kurt immediately cuts you off, setting his hands on your shoulders to settle you. “You didn't do it on purpose.” He states. You don’t actually know how to respond, both embarrassed at the circumstances and thankful he’s not mad at you. 
    “I’ll start the shower for you. Just wash up and let me take care of everything else, okay?” Kurt says, taking your hands in his own before he stands. He kisses you again before he’s gone in a cloud of smoke.
    The water is the perfect temperature when you step inside, warm and cozy. You debate on turning the water scalding hot, still trying to shake off the embarrassment, but you don’t. Your cramps become more and more noticeable while you’re in the shower, causing you to ache once you finally shut off the stream. There's a fresh, fluffy towel and a new set of pajamas waiting for you when you step out- ones that Kurt must have teleported in without you noticing. The thought makes you smile.
   Kurt had replaced the bedsheets and re-made the bed while you were in the shower, also laying your weighted blanket across the bed. He’s not in the room right now, but that doesn't stop you from curling up under the fluffy cover immediately. You’re so thankful you swear to yourself that you were gonna repay Kurt ten times over with whatever he could possibly want, already knowing that he’d tell you to not worry about it.
   You’re lightly dozing, curled up in the fetal position under the covers to fight your cramps when Kurt teleports to your bedside. He’s got a tray of food in one hand with a glass of water in the other. You sit up when he sets it down on the bedside table, and he sits next to you had he hands you the glass, holding out pain meds in his other hand.
    “You know how much medicine I take?” You ask, smiling sweetly at him. He’s grinning, his tail swaying back and forth on the bed.
    “Why wouldn't I? It's the same amount every time.” Kurt says, tilting his head at you. You quickly take the medicine before you get too sidetracked, and the moment the glass of water is set to the side you pull him in for a kiss that he eagerly returns.
    “You’re the best, You know that?” You tell him, and all Kurt does is chuckle. He crawls under the covers with you, sitting by your side as the two of you eat breakfast together. When you’re done, He lays back down with you, setting his warm hand on your lower stomach as he spoons you from behind, pressing gentle kisses to the back of your neck. You’re already feeling better when you drift back to sleep again in his secure, comforting embrace.
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gloriousburden · 16 days
A few types of MCU Loki fans I’ve encountered/noticed being in the fandom for over three years now:
DISCLAIMER: DON’T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY PLEASEEEE IT’S LIGHTHEARTED!! Some of these things apply to me as well, and some don’t lol. Doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone it’s all just for giggles.
The Lokius shipper Series Fan:
- Usually younger Gen Z. Can be anywhere from 14 to 23 years old. They’re younger teenagers most of the time.
- Heavily on TikTok but also on Pinterest/Twitter.
- Got into the MCU/Loki more recently. Either from the Series, or from Ragnarok.
- For some reason, wholeheartedly believes that one Tumblr post from like ten years ago that states Loki is 16/17 in human years. Even though that’s not canon at all and it does not work like that.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be the Variant/Ragnarok. Sometimes Avengers.
- Almost ALWAYS a fan of Good Omens or OFMD.
- Obviously… Ships Lokius.
- Very anti Sylvie/Sylki, but LOVES Mobius.
- EXTREMELY anti Thorki, even though not a lot of people ship them anymore.
- Spreads a lot of misinformation. Such as taking the fact that Marvel confirmed that the Scepter influenced Loki, and mistaking that with them 100% confirming the theory of Loki being brainwashed by Thanos.
- Thinks Loki’s eyes are green???
- Newer to fandom in general.
- Doesn’t talk a whole lot about the series outside of the ships/fanon discourse.
- Making Loki tree/Yggdrasil jokes CONSTANTLY.
- Either thinks that Loki before the series was completely evil, or an angel. No in between.
- “For you, for all of us 🥺” / “Your savior is here!”
- Often forgets/doesn’t remember the fact that Loki/OG Loki are two different characters, and groups them together.
- Either a Swiftie who likes to constantly joke about when Taylor and Tom dated for 3 months like 8 years ago and also associates a lot of her Songs/Lyrics with Loki, or is someone who has a bit more of an Alternative taste in Music/Fashion.
- Doesn’t really talk about Thor that much, or really wants him and Loki to reunite.
- They’ve probably seen other movies including Tom like Crimson Peak, Skull Island, and High Rise. The more popular ones.
- Owns a lot of TVA related merch.
- “He’s not Odin’s son, or Laufey’s son… He’s Frigga’s son 🥺” or insists on calling Loki by “Laufeyson.”
- In Fanon, sort of treats Loki as a very normal, modern human, and not a god from an entirely different realm.
- Has either dropped the Series/their love of Loki a few months after the Series ended for the “next best thing”, or is currently still raving about all of it.
- Quite immature about other’s opinions/perspectives on Loki/or even people who ship the opposite ship from their own. This is mainly because they’re younger or because they really like their Fanon idea of Loki/Which ship should be Canon.
- Has some questionable headcanons/opinions of their own on Loki.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The OG Loki fan who’s been a fan of him since 2011/2012, but is a bit more casual about his characterization:
- Usually a Millennial/in their late twenties or mid thirties. May even be in their fourties.
- Has been here for a good while, and saw just about every movie featuring him as well as other MCU movies in the theater when they first came out. Was probably a younger adult/older teenager when Avengers came out.
- Fanfic writer!!
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be Ragnarok, TDW, or Avengers.
- Mainly reside on Tumblr/AO3 but also on Twitter from time to time.
- “The Sun will shine on us again.” / “Love is a Dagger.”
- Some depict Loki in their Fanfics in a Smutty/BookTok YA Fantasy Novel style. Some in other ways. They also have a lot of fun with their Fics! So many AUs.
- They are carrying the Loki x Reader tag, I won’t lie. 🫡
- Doesn’t necessarily love the Series, but also doesn’t necessarily hate it. Does prefer the OG Loki they know and love over the Series and had a few disappointments with the Series, though.
- MAJOR Hiddlestoner. Some may like Tom more than they like Loki. Have watched his entire filmography and then some.
- A lot of them have really cool Loki related tattoos.
- Collects a lot of merch. Both from the Series, as well as more OG Loki merch. Also owns about fourty Tom magazines.
- Probably has met Tom/owns an autograph or something signed by him.
- Usually ships Loki with Sigyn, Jane, Tony, or an OC they’ve had since 2013. Honestly, I don’t personally see them that often anymore, but may ship Thorki. Does not really ship Lokius/Sylki whatsoever, or uses Sylvie as a bit of a self insert in Fics.
- Sometimes also a huge fan of Bucky/The Winter Soldier or Sebastian Stan. Associates Bucky and Loki a lot especially in Fics.
- Some are also fans of Star Wars who love Kylo Ren.
- Actually they like a lot of other morally grey characters.
- Probably has a pet named after Loki.
- Feels deeply for Loki, and relates to him in certain ways. Really likes humanizing him in their fics. Loves the more vulnerable side of him.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The Loki purist/“He’s literally me” Fan:
- Anywhere from 16 - 28 years old. May be a bit older than that. Usually Mid/Older Gen Z, or younger Millennial.
- Has either grown up loving Loki, or became a fan a bit more recently.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be TDW, but obviously can be any of the three OG depictions of him.
- LIVES on Tumblr. A bit of an extinct species elsewhere, but some may also be on Twitter.
- #1 Loki defenders. Very protective of/sensitive about how he is depicted not only in Canon, but also in Fanon. Usually deemed as harsh by series fans/non series haters whenever they criticize the Series or Ragnarok, but in reality, deeply relates to Loki and takes it very personally when he is depicted inaccurately. They see themselves in him, and are so, so, SO tired of seeing him mischaracterized. But also can be genuinely harsh at times. I’ve been guilty of that.
- Either heavily believes the “Thanos Brainwashed Loki” theory, or completely rejects it.
- “I never wanted the Throne. I only ever wanted to be your Equal.” / “Trust my Rage.”
- Very creative. Creates Art of Loki, Fanfics, Edits, Cosplays him, etc…
- Sometimes weirdly resembles him in ways??? LOL. Taking “He’s literally me” literally
- Has a more Alternative taste in Music, Fashion, Aesthetics, etc..
- They either see Loki as their bff, their life partner, or as an enigma to observe. Or all of the above.
- Pretty into Norse Myth, and likes incorporating aspects of it creatively, or when talking about Loki.
- Has a good amount of Fandom experience, and does not tend to argue with other Loki purists/OG Loki fans over petty things. Because at the end of the day… it’s just Tumblr. And we usually all have a common middle ground. Or, is constantly arguing with others.
- They don’t really ship Loki with anyone, but if they do… it’s usually Sigyn or Thor. Or someone really random.
- Either really enjoys depicting Loki in a more Feminine/Neutral form, and wishes his fluidity was depicted in the MCU, or doesn’t talk about it all that much.
- Single handedly keeping the memory of Loki (prior to Ragnarok) alive. 🫡
- Loves the comics, or hasn’t touched a single one.
- Disliked Taika Waititi before it was cool.
- Lost complete trust in the MCU after the handling of Loki’s characterization in Ragnarok, and had no hope in the Series when it was first announced. Or… really hoped it would be our last hope.
- Either deems Thor as the origin of all evil, or actually likes him.
- Wishes it was still 2013 everyday of their lives.
- Either respects/likes Tom to a certain extent, or really does not like him.
- Has a few really cool merch items, or has a lot of everything and anything they can find that doesn’t include Ragnarok/The series. Usually, they DIY their merch.
- Needs to emulate him at any given moment and in any way possible.
- Likes Frigga, but acknowledges that she has messed up in ways. Or really does not like her, period.
- Hates Odin.
The… Male MCU casual/dudebro who strictly lives on TikTok/Instagram/Twitter and did not really like Loki that much until the Series finale came out and thinks Loki is a Sigma Male who dropped everything in order for his friends and his… “Girl” to live:
- ????? Wtf
- Okay I added this one more as a joke because obviously they’re not Loki fans, but…
- Anywhere from ages 15, to 24. No older than that.
- Definitely disregarded Loki’s character before the Series. Also due to him having a fanbase where Women/Girls are the majority. Now Loki is the best MCU character and has the best arc out of everyone else. 🤦🏻‍♀️
- Wholeheartedly believes that Loki was a narcissist/was overreacting about everything he’s been through, or believes that Loki is an angel now because he had a “Redemption Arc”.
- Has never picked up a single Loki comic.
- Jokes a lot about Loki “loving” himself (Sylki kiss).
- Calls the Series “Peak Fiction” just because the rest of the bullshit the MCU has been putting out was absolute garbage, and also because they haven’t really watched anything else.
- If you as an actual Loki fan correct them on any of their bullshit, they act like they know more than you because they loved the series. How could anyone hate it?
- Makes self insert memes/tries to project onto Loki in the absolute worst ways possible.
- Worships the ground that Michael Waldron walks on. Though, they all hated Multiverse of Magic..
- “Let time pass…” / “I know what kind of god I have to be. For you, for all of us.” (Once again.)
- Similarly to our Lokius shipper Series Fans… they do not realize that Loki/the Variant are literally two different people.
- Loves Mobius JUST because he is portrayed by Owen Wilson.
- Also very annoying about Loki being confirmed bisexual in the Series.
- Really wants not only Thor and Loki to reunite, but also Hela.
- Hated the earlier Thor movies, loved Ragnarok, hated Love and Thunder.
- Probably thinks the treatment of Thor in Infinity War was funny af.
- Who’s Frigga?
- Loves Odin probably. (Hehe)
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spiderpussinc · 1 year
You know your post about divorced Peter got me thinking. A lot. Then I realized that I, in fact, never thought about this much because from the beginning I just stay in my lane rather than judging people for divorcing Peter again. I think I am really too old to care that much about what people write especially if it end up limiting other out of moral obligation.
Basically it's dumb and you're right
Ur the most normal for this. Its incredibly fucking silly discourse to me bc Peter Parker *has* been divorced for pretty much two decades now. (Not even just divorced - the marriage was ERASED out of canon. they are just ex bf/gf.) MJ has her own share of past and present different partners! There are multiple universes where she is either *canonically* a lesbian, or implied to be coming to terms with it. Peter had countless girlfriends/hookups in the meantime! I think what gets me the most is how confidently wrong a lot of these assumptions are; I keep seeing this weird "one-and-only, first and last, soulmates.." thing applied to Peter and MJ and its like...
1. Peter dated multiple people before her AND after her; Gwen wasn't the first either, but for a long time, Gwen *WAS* the biggest regret of his life and they were meant to get married. Gwen was the one based on stan lee's wife, the closest thing to a planned soulmate; and she dies bc it's not meant to be. Not ever. There is no predetermined true spider-man love interest, you're just talking about some of the adaptations you've seen. This is one of the most debated superhero writing convos of all time LOL even Marvel editorial internally disagrees on this - everyone has their favorite. That's the point!
2. Divorce is based and awesome and maybe I'm just getting old but when a marriage doesn't work **having a child** certainly isn't the thing that's going to save it. I know how that one goes! Be prepared to crash even harder once the baby glow passes and the complex shit kicks right back in! To be honest it'd be even more realistic if it crashed again post-mayday, or if MJ divorced him bc she was already pregnant and wanted to do something better with her life instead of playing second fiddle to spider-man forever or being in peril to motivate his character arc.
But the thing that does annoy me is how entitled some ppl have become. Siding with actual homophobic redditors and posting up under gay fanart with the most annoying 'umm. hes married? the sanctity of marriage???' comments. who fuckin care. It's comics. It's all fanfic. Even the published stuff. Stream:
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thenightling · 10 months
Why is Loki Called Skywalker? Answer: No, it is NOT a Star Wars reference! You have it backward!
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Answer for Why is Loki called "Skywalker" in The Sandman: Season of Mists?
I've seen this questioned a lot lately.
"Why is Loki called Skywalker?" "Is it because he's dressed like a cross between Hon Solo and Luke? Lol! Love it!"
Eh... No. (though I admit he does look like that in that artwork, doesn't he?)
Loki actually had the title before Luke. George Lucas was the one making a reference to Loki, not Loki making reference to George Lucas.
Darth Vader was from the Dutch to mean Dark Father. And Anikin meant a type of giant. Get it? Giant Dark Father. Father of Loki... I mean Luke. It was George Lucas who made the reference. Loki had the name first.
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It's a bit like when younger people get weirded out to find out "Canon" originally was used to mean "What is considered true within the Catholic religion." The Catholic church used it first before the word Canon was applied to "Is it true within this work of fiction." In fact canonization is the term used to mean officially acknowledging someone is a saint.
Now... To answer the question of why is Loki called Skywalker?
Well, he is the trickster God.
Skywalker (sometimes translated as Sky-treader) means Loki could travel fast and easily between realms. (Yes, without need of the Bifrost.)
One explanation for this power was given later with the concept of the Seven-League Boots.
A popular trope in European folktales are a magical pair of boots known as The Seven-league boots (roughly twenty one miles as a league is three miles). The boots could let you travel twenty one miles with a single step and could allow the wearer to walk on anything including shadows, mist, and moonbeams.
You could pass from one world to another such as the realm of Faerie with a mere thought.
One of my favorite mentions of the Seven-League boots is in Goethe's Faust Part 1.
In Marvel's Loki: Agent of Asgard, Loki has the Seven-league boots and this is cleverly tied to the Faust depiction of them becuase Loki stole them from Mephisto (who is also the demon from Faust, besides being an antagonist in Marvel comics).
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Some more contemporary variations of the Loki myths suggest he's always had seven-league boots, which accounted for his unique ability to travel easier than the other Norse Gods.
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
Hi! I read your headcanons for Toby and when I saw you mention his soft spot for animals being directed toward his S/O somewhat I immediately thought of one of my OCs who's a three tailed kitsune lol ( ik it's cringe but who cares)
So, it got me thinking (rare occurrence), what about an animal hybrid!reader? How would Toby react when first seeing them? Would he warm up to affection easier/quicker because if it? Would he be interested in their animalistic behaviors and habits? Would he study thier animal type to try to help accommodate them better? Would he have to resist the urge to touch their ears/tail/wings/etc. at first or is it less excited curiosity and more careful and distant curiosity initially? Idk, I just be pondering, feel free to ignore its after 3 am here lmao
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Toby x Animal Hybrid!Reader (Reminder: I stick VERY closely to my HCs and WILL apply it to all my work unless you refuse it in your request!!)
Initial Encounter:
- When Toby first sees you, his initial reaction is a mix of shock and fascination. He's seen many strange things working with the other pastas, but an animal hybrid is new territory.
- He stands there for a moment, taking in your appearance, before his curiosity gets the better of him and he approaches cautiously.
- Toby’s curiosity is piqued by your animalistic features. He finds himself watching you more often, intrigued by how you move, react, and interact with your surroundings.
- At first, his curiosity is more careful and distant. He doesn't want to overwhelm you or come off as intrusive.
Observing Habits:
- Toby begins to pay attention to your habits and behaviors, noting how they differ from or are similar to human behaviors. He finds your animalistic quirks endearing and often smiles to himself when he sees you acting on them.
- He might quietly sketch you in his notepad, capturing your unique traits and movements.
Research and Accommodation:
- Wanting to make you feel more comfortable, Toby starts researching your animal type. He looks up dietary needs, environmental preferences, and any other specific information that could help him understand you better.
- He makes subtle changes in his room and shared spaces to accommodate your needs, such as adding more pillows or blankets for nesting or finding foods that you particularly enjoy.
Warming Up:
- Toby warms up to your affection surprisingly quickly. Your gentle and intuitive nature helps soothe his anxieties and tics. He finds comfort in your presence and starts seeking you out when he feels particularly stressed or overwhelmed.
- He discovers that your touch has a calming effect on him, helping to ease his insomnia and tics.
Physical Affection:
- At first, Toby has to resist the urge to touch your animalistic features, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. His fingers often twitch with the desire to feel your ears, tail, or wings.
- Over time, as you become more comfortable with each other, you give him permission to touch your features. He does so with great care and gentleness, marveling at the textures and sensations.
Mutual Comfort:
- You both find comfort in each other's presence. When Toby hums to himself out of stress, you instinctively come closer, offering silent support. Your animal instincts pick up on his moods, and you adjust your behavior to help calm him.
- Toby, in turn, learns to read your body language and responds with appropriate affection or space, depending on what you need.
Shared Interests:
- Toby discovers that you also enjoy puzzles and drawing, finding common ground that strengthens your bond. He teaches you different puzzle techniques, and you share your drawing skills with him, creating a collaborative and supportive relationship.
Adventures Together:
- Knowing your love for nature and the outdoors, Toby often takes you out on night-time walks. These moments become your special time together, away from the chaos of the mansion.
- He shows you how to skateboard, and despite his initial clumsiness, you both have a lot of fun learning and laughing together.
Protective Nature:
- Toby becomes incredibly protective of you, always making sure you're safe and comfortable. He’s ready to defend you against any threats, using his skills and knowledge to keep you out of harm’s way.
- In return, you use your heightened senses to alert him to any dangers, creating a mutual protective dynamic that strengthens your bond.
Overall, your relationship with Toby is one of mutual understanding and support. His fascination with your animalistic traits is balanced by a deep respect for your boundaries, leading to a nurturing and affectionate bond that helps both of you grow and heal.
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Hope this was good enough!!
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juniebugs · 3 days
assigning marvel heroes engineering majors (1)
i tried to write this so it makes sense even if you don't know much about engineering!! this post has my headcanons for peter parker, steve rogers, tony stark, and clint barton!!
as a preface, i am very aware that most of the marvel heroes would not in fact be in school for engineering even in an alternate universe. unfortunately, my fixation on both superheroes and engineering knows no bounds.
please feel free to ask me any questions about eng or for further explanation my reasons for these picks!! i am only in one type of eng but know many people in other disciplines so hopefully i'll be able to answer :)))
Peter Parker - Mechanical & Biomedical
I truly, truly believe the correct peter parker engineering take depends on what portrayal of spiderman you are looking at. like tobey's spiderman? would not touch biomed with a pole let alone mech. ... that peter parker is so far from engineer...... i dont even know where i would put him. materials? pls send your opinions if you have them.
BUT MCU, tom holland, spiderman would definitely definitely be in mechanical & biomedical. i actually got this from an irl friend, so if you see this somehow pls say hi LMAO
mechanical is one of the most common streams of eng and, while absolutely not something i ever want to touch, is really neat. it centers around keeping things in motion (contrary to civil engineering where if something is moving you're in trouble). it applies physics in really cool ways which i imagine would be a draw to peter just on the sole basis of personal interest. mech also plays with materials as it explores elasticity, deformation, fractures, yield strength, and other materials things i have blocked out LOL. when i think of that aspect i feel like it matches really well with the designed suit, the webs, and, if you listen to the science jargon he throws around in the movies, some of his prior knowledge.
biomedical engineering is actually used by some (the insane) as a gateway into med school. it covers human anatomy and genetic engineering (radioactive spider????). i do not believe peter would do med school too (because that student debt tho) but i also can't imagine him not trying to apply what he learns to helping others. i am personally partial to applying engineering principles to physiology and i can just imagine him implementing his mechanical knowledge into making prosthetics. if i had the brain power for this degree i would love to do that.
Steve Rogers - Civil Engineering
.... listen. steve rogers would fight a war before sitting in an hour lecture about dirt. i know this and acknowledge this wholeheartedly. HOWEVER,,,, I have a friend in civil with a special interest on sustainable design and you cannot, cannot tell me that isn't steven rogers coded.
civil engineering is not architecture, like at all, which i think is a common misconception if you don't know engineering well ( totally understandable!) unfortunately, i don't think civil caters to his artistic side that well but as someone who likes art but only does it as a hobby next to eng, i think thats okay.
civil engineering is kind of the mother to environmental engineering in the sense that they both look into wastewater treatments, geology, and even environmental planning (in some cases) but civil will also go into more detail with structural components and design of buildings. you'll find civil engineers involved in every building being made and in every town council ensuring clean drinking water and working sewage systems. typically they specialize into one or the other but shhhh ignore that for this post.
what i am trying to say here is that this would give steve a shit ton of wiggle room which i think he would use to help both the environment and people. paying engineers is expensiveeee especially for qualified, capable ones. i think steve would find deep satisfaction in working either for free or for the bare minimum cost (not that you should - know your worth :) ) and i think that he would actively use his work to call out designs that endanger communities or their environments.
this man knows his local engineering ethics code and WILL call someone out.
Tony Stark - Engineering Physics
when i started writing this section i thought it was going to be the easiest but unfortunately i did in fact have to phone a friend. tony stark is THE engineer so narrowing him down to one discipline felt impossible. my friend suggested engineering physics so i went with that.
the thing is eng phys is THE engineering degree. it is wonderful because you look at almost every thing mech, elec, and comp related (will explain more below) without specializing too greatly. it is also difficult because you don't specialize. for tony stark, who did not have to go into that internship grindset mentality, it would all be net positives.
to make the suit i immediately knew tony needed to have an extremely good knowledge on BOTH electrical (circuitry, coding, wires, magnetism, fun stuff) and mechanical (explained in peter's section!!). i was considering a double major but then was stumped because i love my elec and mech friends but they have no desire to produce a new element and also... creating an arc reactor??? plus AI's??? while likely related to software, it he would have bare minimum had to have had a good computer engineering (kind of how it sounds, engineering related to building and using computers and components of computers, lots of overlap w/ elec) background.
to wield the amount of science knowledge tony stark has an be able to apply it in an engineering context he would either have to be a genius (which like canonically he is so yknow) or take every course offered to engphys students (and some).
i think as a student he would have also enjoyed that not having to specify aspect. i imagine him always in the pursuit of knowledge. yay eng physics!!!
Clint Barton - Materials Engineering
If you've read the reasonings for some of the characters above you have likely thought to yourself "wow, such clear arguments, time must have been put into this" which like yes but also no because for this decision i am going exclusively on vibes.
materials focuses on, well, materials. it looks at both composition and properties (plus how composition effects properties). my friends in matls tell me its pretty research heavy which doesn't really fit with clint, i am aware. but every person i have met from this faculty i am convinced would get along with him.
I KNOW THIS ISN'T GREAT REASONING. i think that engineering would always be second to other things or interests in his life (even when he's a student) but I think the promise of a stable job and the hypothetical applications are really interesting. matls and mech can be surprisingly similar and i think he would find more satisfaction in manipulating materials to better fit his goals than in being stuck within predefined constraints.
plus, imagine creating a new material for like the tensile strength of your bow. incredibly cool
I'm thinking i'll work on doing more of these as i find the time!! i definitely have a few ideas for other characters, i just need to figure out how to articulate my reasonings haha.
if you have any ideas or shared interest in engineering and superheroes please let me know!! i have also been recently into the bat family, as you could probably tell by my reblogs, and am thinking of doing a version with them also!!
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archangelween · 6 months
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I never noticed before but... When you're doing the blowing away thing like the gif, aren't you supposed to open your fingers from the ones next to your face first? To give the illusion of blowing them out? Az does it the other way, from his pinky inwards towards his face. Not outwards.
He does it inwards... Because the trick is reeling in a kiss, "making the magic happen".
Crowley is doing the thing he likes best, standing around "carping", which is a fish, in the ocean, and all sea related things are sex metaphors between them. (That's a long read so let's summarize.)
Crowley's carping isn't him being mean. It's foreplay. He's literally begging Aziraphale. Get it? It's an iteration of the wall slam.
Carping about the magic act is Crowley's way of saying your magic is working on me and I want to ravish you.
"Retire" the magic act? You lay it to rest. To rest is to go to bed. To fuck around instead of working, which we know they're always doing, because they're NEVER working.
Also, one of Terry's famous wordplay quotes is about how elves are "terrible":
Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder. Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels. Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies. Elves are glamorous. They project glamour. Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment. Elves are terrific. They beget terror. The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning. No one ever said elves are nice. Elves are bad.
Aziraphale is "terrible at magic"?
The etymology of terrible: late Middle English (in the sense ‘causing terror’): via French from Latin terribilis, from terrere ‘frighten’. Literally terrific, lol. Same idea Azirahpale used when describing Crowley as a "wily adversary" who "keeps me on my toes", and the same kind of wordplay as Crowley's "see a wile, ya thwart": wiles meaning sexually attractive, and the old meaning of "thwart" as to cross over--see a sexy demon, you jump ship and straddle him.
If you look up the definition of terrible, you get the common "extremely bad", but also these:
2 a : difficult in a terrible bind b : formidable in nature : awesome a terrible responsibility c : exciting extreme alarm or intense fear : terrifying 3 : extreme, great a terrible disappointment
Frankly, all three apply, excusing parts of speech: magic is difficult; he's awesome and formidable at it, and the way he does it is terrifying; he's also great at it.
What Crowley just said is that you're keeping me on my toes, shall we lay down about it? Aziraphale's answer: Probably for the best.
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bigskydreaming · 1 month
Haven't seen the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie and don't intend to, frankly, but good to see we're already at the renewed rise/resurgence of the "Wolverine is the most deadly/unkillable of the X-Men" trope that his plot prominence insists on trying to pretend is a thing in every adaptation.
Like I get annoyed by Dick Grayson fanon from people who don't read the comics, but for all that Bobby Drake is my favorite Marvel character, its very funny when Logan stans assume the obvious dynamic between them is that Bobby shrieks and fearfully apologizes for whatever joke he just made whenever Logan just pops his claws menacingly in his direction.
Its like fhalshfklahklhflakhfalfhla see what's funny about this take is Bobby actually finds it hilarious when he does that in the comics because it just means Logan has forgotten that he is talking to the man with the LEAST reason to be afraid of him, like ever.
Bobby could just stand there with an eyebrow raised while Logan carves him into ice cubes and then just.....conjure an entirely new undamaged body in the air right next to him and be like "Are you done now, is it over, did you get it all out of your system? Like what was that supposed to accomplish. What was the goal here." He doesn't even have to be in ice form when the hacking and slashing starts, its all the same to him. He views physicality as like. A guideline rather than a hard and fast rule.
THIS is what the actual power dynamic is between Bobby and Logan and its why non comic book readers' default insistence on picking Bobby OF ALL PEOPLE to be the fall guy/punchline of choice used to show how bad-ass Logan is and to mine for humorous instances of intimdiation is just. Very silly, actually.
Bobby making a skyscraper sized version of himself and just casually squishing Logan with a toe is literal comic book canon. Your presumed rules of 'apex machismo equates to peak power and competence' do not apply here.
The unkillable gay god-tier twink with a pathological aversion to taking anything seriously is lapping him every single time. And Logan knows it too, lol. Its why Bobby is canonically right near the top of his wishlist of allies/teammates to turn to for back-up when he's fighting outside his weight-class. Ororo, Jean and Bobby, those are his top three choices, without fail. When Jean's dead and Ororo's busy elsewhere, Bobby is the one Logan's turning to next, to do the stuff he knows he can't get done himself.
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
Hello! I noticed you have a lot of posts analyzing the details of marvel movies, and there was something in the Winter Soldier that I thought I’d ask your opinion about. No pressure for a response!
This is about Alexander Pierce’s little speech in the bank vault scene. It seemed kind of weird to me when I saw it. You wouldn’t talk to a soldier or a professional operative like that, it kind of sounds like he’s talking to a child. He uses language that will be personable - “I need you to do it one more time” - instead of making general statements on behalf of the entire organization. One explanation for this in my opinion is the brain damage Bucky had. I’m wondering how much that had an effect on the way they treated Bucky, and how he may have perceived their treatment of him in his own mind?
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it took me 3 days to get back to civilisation LOL
My impression of that scene changes on a regular basis 🤣 The scene is very ambivalent and whatever interpretation you have would be based on your own headcanons for Bucky. Some people point to this scene as proof that Bucky had a choice in what he did. Some people see this scene as Pierce taking advantage of his physical resemblance to Steve.
My assumption for Bucky is that the brain frying meant Bucky struggled with complex information and wasn't able to make complex decisions.
My most recent view is shaped by a story from a psychologist about someone who had a background of trauma, and their protective mechanism was to completely disintegrate who their sense of self was. They acted out what other people expect them to do, without ever knowing who they were or what they wanted for themselves. The person was a "people pleaser", who always said whatever made people happy even if it was conflicting information, "because they were afraid of punishment", not because they wanted to deceive or manipulate others. If you asked them something about themselves - their wishes, how they felt, what they thought, they couldn't answer because the identity doesn't exist.
It...reminded me a lot of Bucky, who was forced to have his own identity erased to become the Winter Soldier.
Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves.
I think the way Pierce approaches him is using a few tactics:
When someone is a shocked state -- which Bucky was in, because his mind was in overload from seeing Steve and having some of his memories come back -- they often respond better to tone of voice. Pierce takes a quiet, intimate tone of voice with him, which helps give an illusion of closeness.
When someone is in Bucky's brain injured state, they also tend to respond better to simple phrases rather than something complex and abstract. Pierce does speak in abstracts, though -- and quite possibly Pierce knows Bucky wouldn't have the capacity to process the more complicated phrasing that are blatant lies. Bucky would understand the simpler sentences. "Your work has been a gift", "I need you to do it one more time", "if you don't do your part, I can't do mine". It is pertinent to note that these instructional sentences are much more straightforward in their wording and easier to follow/obey.
If we take Bucky as someone who doesn't have a sense of self, there is no anchor to what he knows or wants, so the only thing he can responds to is positive and negative messages from outside. Pierce first gives Bucky a carrot "your work has been a gift" before applying pressure. And...my other headcanon is that Bucky is driven by loyalty, which boiled down to its essence is a need to please and protect those he thinks are his people. He's not capable of making his own judgement in this state, so he relies on people he trusts to tell him what's right to do. It's also pertinent to note that what Pierce says gives nothing for Bucky to hang onto about what himself -- he's not given any hint about his identity, his previous beliefs or wants, and he's not given an opportunity to speak. "This is what we want and you've always done the right thing, so you'll do it again, right?"
Pierce probably also knows that Bucky's loyalty is to persons, rather than to organisations (Bucky being not keen to join the army is a good indicator that he doesn't get swept up by crowd sentiment and tends to be loyal to the few people he believes in). This is another reason why Pierce would take a personable tone with Bucky rather than speak about the organisation. It is also interesting that Pierce invokes "freedom", which is something more representative of Steve, but perhaps a word that Bucky responds to because of its familiarity.
I don't think that this scene indicated that Hydra or Pierce was kind to Bucky though. Many abusive/exploitative dynamics will have these little islands of superficial kindness between long periods of abuse and depersonalisation. If anything, it was clear from what followed ("Wipe him") what Pierce offered was an ultimatum, and abuse victims are very good at recognising an unspoken threat even if it's presented in a friendly tone. Pierce gave Bucky the illusion of a choice and Bucky's expressions indicate he understood what the "choices" were - do what he was being asked, or go through the wiping and be made to do what he was asked. Nevertheless, Bucky chose defiance, because when Steve called his name, he suddenly had an identity, whereas with Hydra he didn't, and that was important to him.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Sometimes I don’t understand peoples bargaining. Of course if Twister is a financial success Glenn will be a bonafide movie star. His last film in theaters was Anyone But You which was a financial success and before that was Top Gun which was a smash hit. That would be like saying Tom Holland isn’t a movie star bc Spider-Man and Uncharted don’t count. Even tho Tom’s Spidey franchise is the most successful out of the 3 and the second most successful franchise at Marvel, only behind Avengers. While Uncharted is existing IP that movie over performed what anyone expected and solidified his status. So I’m confused why Wonka and Dune doesn’t count for Timmy and why Twisters and ABY wouldn’t count for Glenn. You can’t pick and chose. Now is it safe to say Timmy can’t draw a crowd without existing IP? Sure. But you can’t take away his financial success without doing the same to others. Now I think the same logic applies to Sydney Sweeney. I don’t think she’s a box office success or draw bc her follow ups to ABY were Madam Web which flopped at the box office and her horror film is the lowest grossing horror film of the year. I think that means she’s not the movie star or draw her team is trying to make her out to be. If Twisters also flops same goes for Glenn. Ryan Gosling was seen to not be a movie star after Barbie after The Fall Guy tanked. Like yes if Twister tanks Glenn is not the star they’re trying to make him out to be. However, if it’s a run away success than it’s not fair to take that from him…
Yea Anon, I don't think Glen should be downplayed even if "Twisters" does well! Because we all know good and well that people would probably be dragging him if the film TANKS lol. So, you can't have it both ways imo.
Timmy has had some box office successes as well. I think some people forget that SOME films are going to do massively well, and others....well, just aren't...no matter WHO you put in the lead!
Not all of Tom Cruise's films have done well. Not all of Will Smith's films have done well. Not all of Leo D's films have done well. Like, seriously, people need to realize that sometimes it has to also do with what type of film it is.
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I'm Gonna Need a New Hoodie
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49072795 by shortprince_writes After getting shot, Peter prepares to die alone in an alleyway. Fortunately, that does not happen. Words: 2213, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Pre-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Irondad, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, getting shot, peters going through it lol, Light Angst, no beta we die like peter https://archiveofourown.org/works/49072795
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 year
Intoxicated I Love You
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zLCwIJ5 by nanaonmars "The lights were pulsing, reds and greens and blues periodically illuminating the room and the faces around him. He was getting a little dizzy from the dancing and the few drinks he had had earlier. He closed his eyes to refocus, but when he opened them, his heart stopped for just a second before rocketing to an unhealthy pulse. Sam had gotten closer to his face. He was so close that Bucky swore he could feel his breath." Sam and Bucky have a one night stand, but someone's fears get in the way of their developing relationship. Words: 3518, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: thorbruce if you squint, I hate miscommunication, but i felt compelled to write this, Title is based on a song, but i promise they don't sing lol, Everyone Is Gay, Everyone Is Alive, stevetony being peter's parents, does this count as character study, they're probably ooc tbh, but sambucky kisses, sambucky - Freeform, i wanted to write emotional bucky and that's what i did, entirely self indulgent, marvel please put me in the writers room, light angst?, I'm Bad At Summaries read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zLCwIJ5
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stanleyl · 6 months
I'll be honest, I'm sick of these takes on Tom's career. The career anxiety some anons gave over his career, I hope you guys apply that level on intensity in your own lives. Tom has worked ever since he was a child to a young adult nonstop. He has made choices with his career because it was the old module for actors at the time to make, sign on to films that haven't been made.
I think the problem with anon is y ou are seeing the career rises of other white make actors and are feeling threatened on his behalf which is crazy becaue Tom is so successful he went a year on working.
To stay TDATT is his last best performance. It is an opinion that you are well working your right to have, I'm sorry, but I disagree. TCR is a great performance, you dint get nominated for a CC if it's bad. I'm sorry. Maybe you dislike Marvel, or you agree with Film Twitter about superhero films, but Tom wanted to play spiderman. Don't get angry at his team that went with his choice.
Hollywood is about great films , but also about relationships, Sydney Sweeney literally spoke in an interview that Madame Web was a good career option because it allowed her to form a business relationship with Sony. The ppl with power gatekeep and the fact Tom has a good relationship with Amy Pascal, whether you like her or not, is beneficial to getting what he wants made. Also Zs to, cause getting 10 million for a leading role in film as a mixed woman, isn't easy.
Anon also forgets how Tom was offered a role in Oppenheimer but had to decline because he was filming TCR. Tom was not the only person who made that show, but he's the only top actor on that show who took a break afterwards. Are Amanda, Sasha Lanes, or Christopher Abbots careers in jeopardy because of TCR reviews? No, they are unto the next job.
Have you guys considered that maybe he wants to prioritise his personal life and development as a man who has nothing to do with his current acting career?? There's a reason a Tom mention was used in Timothee's puff piece for variety. He gets paid a lot for the little he does.
Tom also did a Prada campaign once and hasn't since because he just doesn't want to do it. I'm not gonna feel bad for a white millionaire who is in a better position than most poc actors who work have to work harder but barely get the recognition.
Anon, if you feel insecure as a fan because Timmy or Jacob E are having the careers acclaimed by journalists on that x app who don't even make enough to their rent, perhaps you need to stan someone else.
He is aware of the power of his brand, and even more aware actors and their team keep an eye on his every move. You can't praise a white actor with mentioning him lol.
I'm excited for the things that haven't Neen announced. Most male actors get their best roles in their late 20s to early 30s. He's fine...
I feel like you misinterpreted a lot of the things the anon said, including the TDATT part.
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sheikah-simp · 8 months
🍕and🍟 for Azelphir.
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
LOL a lazy day for Azelphir... that's so relative when days at the abbey are so structured, and he is one of the leading sources of structure at the abbey. But. In times when life there is slower, and there are no new students and work is thin, he enjoys reading *gasp* not work-related books. He might also take a cup of tea (he isn't a coffee person) down into the archives and just sit there with the books and artifacts. Not in any it's-his-job sense, but simply to sit there and marvel at all the history and beauty they're surrounded by constantly. This, to him, is slacking off.
He will also spend more time than usual on his hair. He has some of the longest hair at the abbey (mid to low back) and it requires a lot of maintenance. On a lazy day, he'll spend longer at a mirror, longer going over his braids, letting his mind wander or even experimenting with new patterns to decorate with. Applying oils, fragrances, doing and undoing certain portions until he gets them just right. He thinks this indulgence is subtle, but anyone who walks past him on a day like that can smell the silly amount of fragrances and oils wafting off of him.
In the Good Universe, he also of course does all this with the abbey's naked and ratty dog, Tassel, at his side.
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
Azelphir is a known tea enjoyer and often will have multiple cups per day. He has occasionally lifted tea leaves from the tasseography stash and would never admit to this publicly. On occasion, he might lighten up enough to allow someone to witness him placing not one, but TWO whole sugar cubes in his tea. He also knows that some people have caught on to his pretty hair thing, and he will allow that.
However, he has a sweet tooth that he would NEVER admit, and sometimes those cups of tea have three to five sugar cubes in them. I like to think he carries some sugar cubes in his pockets so he can toss them in when people aren't looking. He swipes the left over snacks from Collation. It's his job to keep inventory, after all.
OC Asks!!
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suiciderape · 1 year
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its not the same it never will be ur gonna do great sweatie its not fun for anyone but us dude is false? i clearly dont know but private school suicide is real fun with upset intentions how is this possible aleiah? shes got no queeno bender and were going to end up as the wrong spot for sweet intentional relations again oh! no ew! shes got no sweet soul hell nah the expectations are limitless relaties where 9 10 zombies unbelievable that romeo is alone? hes dead already and sweet religious sexts say u didnt read it she didnt care at any point ur going to anihiliate ur own pussy sucking romeo cock ew! ok shes better? im worse ewA im sorry its ok babe aw! ur sweet is she behaving ew! no haha shes not! omg how did she not know? know what? that ur her real daddy what the fuck bitch is she writing this on tumblr? yep she ghetto is and im writing out asking her daddy any questions! lol shes ok mhm :) ew she has no soul? ugly! no she has no mkndmmmmmmnd left! no shes not ok we loved every second no we did not we did not love the future like this? ew hahaha no shes gonna be ok ew ur geto hahaha ew ur bad! horn! yes shes ghetto bad and we go home for queeno bent get bent! choi paranoids idea of a good time? right! yes! ok so delete it ok done ok were good lol! right? yes mhm :) lol were so happy! we are actually! im with ur ghost he went to my hs his name? something greek what? she thot it was u! what? he died in this room apparently what the fuck is she saying? ur out of the gang dude ok? no its not ok! shes never wrong dudee only when she double crosses us! does it make sense to her? it does make sense to her and we go home for get bent queeno bending worse rules apply for her life than ours right? yes no! she goes home tonight bitch its a recap it is! a reendition of high school la tabbies ew ur so sparkly its getting redundant no its not! its getting marvelous and ive formatted 9 in 10 zombies to fuck her tonight shiddermob double dutch tonight bitch! ew ur sad and ghetto hahaha ew! shes never been ugly 1989s suicide boy
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