#lol spat in my face didnt she.
backspacingmyself · 7 months
26/02/2024, 22:19pm
It's a shame how people turn out when you never expected it from them
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kayesfanfics · 1 year
The Vampires Handmaiden
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Pairing: Hector x Fem! Reader
A/N: The ending is a bit rushed, but I wasn’t about to write out a whole episode lol. But Hector is absolutely my fav character and there isn’t nearly enough fanfic about him. Also AU where Hector DIDNT FALL IN LOVE WITH HIS ABUSER AND FELL FOR SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY LOVED HIM.
Warnings: Abuse, blood, swearing/vulgar language, some Stockholm syndrome, Carmilla being mommy except in a toxic abusive way
You shivered in the freezing cold, following your mistresses down to greet your other mistress, Carmilla. You stood behind Striga and Lenore, keeping your head down and eyes on the ground, hoping not to draw any attention towards yourself. You listened as the sisters greeted each other and Carmilla complained and complained about the long journey she had, her soldiers marching past her into the castle. You noticed at the very end, a man with silver hair was being dragged along by a chain on his neck, his hands tied in front of him and his boots missing. He looked extremely battered and exhausted, and your stomach churned, knowing the feeling all too well. He made eye contact with you as he passed, until he was tugged harshly to continue following the soldiers down to the dungeons.
“Y/N, go warm some water for my bath. And make it a good one.” Carmilla ordered you. “It better be ready after I have a drink with my sisters.”
“Yes, mistress.” You bowed, before heading to collect frozen water to heat up for her bath. You carried the frozen buckets of water to the fireplace to warm them up, dripping Carmilla’s specific combination of essential oils into her bath. You lit candles as normal, and kept the water warm until she arrived, immediately stripping naked and getting in the tub. You kneeled down and began to scrub her aching feet, as she sighed contently in the warm water.
“Your Kind is so despicable, Y/N. I don’t know HOW you survived all those years without me.” Carmilla grumbled, still agitated from her long march in the freezing tundras.
“Me neither, mistress. Thank you for saving me.” You said without a thought, used to thanking her for kidnapping you and beating you into submission until you complied with her and her sisters’ every order. She often spoke about how lucky you were that she found you, and how you’d be dead in a ditch without her.
“Oh, get out. I need time alone. You’re dismissed for the night.” She waved her hand in your face, before sinking into the water. You bowed to her, before quickly leaving her to relax for the night. Sunrise would thankfully be soon, your time to roam as you wished and do as you pleased.
You thought about the poor man they had dragged in, how pathetic he looked, bags under his pretty blue eyes and cuts scattered across his face and hands. His feet were probably frozen numb, and you knew the guards probably stripped him of his clothing, along with his humanity. You found yourself wandering to the kitchen, grabbing bread and a fresh apple and stuffing them into your pockets. You walked down to the dungeons, giving the guard a few coins for his silence before looking around for the man. You finally spotted him in a cell, huddled in the corner and embracing himself. He was shivering, and you couldn’t tell if he was crying or not, but you wouldn’t blame him if he was. You approached his cell, kneeling down and taking out the food from your pockets.
“I brought you some food.” You spoke, and he slowly looked up at you. His face was strong, but his eyes were soft and filled with fear. He was trying to mask it and remain tough, but you could see right through that facade.
“Why would you do that? Don’t you work for them?” He asked, spatting the word ‘them’.
“I do. But only for fun.” You joked, holding the food out to him, reaching into his cell. He looked at the guard in worry, but eventually crawled towards you, taking the food and immediately digging in. “I’m sorry I couldn’t bring you clothing or a blanket. They would notice. My name is Y/N, what is yours?”
“Hector.” He said simply between bites, scarfing down the food like he hadn’t eaten in days, which, he probably hasn’t.
“Well, Hector, I also brought you this.” You duh into your pocket and grabbed a small bottle. “It’s an ointment, for your wounds. There is much disease in these cells.”
He carefully took the bottle from you, finishing his food quickly and leaning against the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest to hide his nude body from you.
“Why are you helping me?” He asked, looking down at the ground.
“Because I know what it’s like to be treated like this by them. I know how cruel and careless they are.” You admitted, sitting down fully.
“You do?” He looked up at you, gazing into your eyes.
“Yes. I’m a human, like you. They took me a couple of years ago, maybe longer. I’m now their lady-in-waiting.”
“How come they haven’t turned you, then? I thought they hated humans.”
“They do, which is why they don’t turn me. They want me to know I’m below them. Weaker than them.” You explained, fidgeting with the skirt of your dress. “They treated me like they do you. They broke me down years ago. Kept me around for their amusement, and so I could serve them and they don’t lift a finger. Why did they take you, Hector?”
“I’m a forgemaster. Carmilla wants me to make night creatures for her.” He sighed. “I should’ve run away when I had the chance. I can’t believe I trusted her.”
“Don’t blame yourself. They’re expert manipulators.”
“Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU, GIRL?” You jumped when you heard the booming voice of Striga, calling for you.
“I must leave. I will try to bring you more food tomorrow. Rotten meat with maggots isn’t exactly sustaining.”
“I quite like the maggots, actually. They add a nice crunch.” He smiled playfully, despite his situation. It made you smile back, at least until you heard your name being shouted again, and you bolted off so you wouldn’t get in trouble for speaking to the prisoner.
You continued to visit Hector while the vampiresses were asleep, providing him with fresh food and what comfort you brought him. You asked about his occupation as a forgemaster, curious as to why Carmilla needed one so bad. He often had fresh injuries when you visited, and you would reach through the bars of the cell to rub ointment into the ones he couldn’t reach on his back. One day, he wasn’t in his cell, and when you asked the guard (and gave him some coins), he told you he had been moved into the “luxurious cells”. You scoffed at that. A cage was still a cage, no matter how nice it looked. But you made your way to the other cells, ducking behind the wall when you saw Lenore standing at Hector’s cell. You peeked around it, watching her tug on a leash attached to Hector’s neck, forcing him forward, taking it off of him. You felt a pang of both jealousy and disgust when she called him a ‘good boy’, possession and venom dripping from her words. You hid again as she turned to leave, and once she was gone, you rushed over to his cell.
“Are you alright?” You asked, heart sinking when you saw a blush on his cheeks.
“I’m fine.”
“Hector, she’s tricking you. She doesn’t care about you.” You grabbed his cell bars, trying to make him listen. “Lenore is a-“
“Is a what?”
Your blood went cold when you heard her voice, right behind you. You shivered in fear, eyes wide and body frozen in terror as you felt her cold hand harshly grab your shoulder, her claws digging in and drawing blood.
“Lenore, don’t harm her.” Hector warned her.
“Or what? What exactly will you do?” She asked, before throwing you across the room with her superhuman strength, hitting the wall and falling to the floor.
“Lenore! She was helping me! Leave her be!” Hector grabbed the bars this time, now trying to make her listen to him.
“Helping you?” She laughed bitterly as she walked over to you, grabbing your hair to make you look up at her. “Well, Carmilla is not going to be pleased that her pet was playing with mine now, will she?”
“Mistress, please don’t-“
“I am not the one to beg mercy from, Y/N. You should know this by now.”
Hector yelled at Lenore and for you as Lenore dragged you away, up to Carmilla’s grand study, throwing you onto her table.
“Can I help you?” Carmilla asked Lenore, glaring down at you with disgust.
“It appears our pets have been getting friendly with each other. She’s been helping Hector this whole time.”
“Oh really?” Carmilla glowered down at you, grabbing your hair harshly and holding you up by it, lifting you off her table.
“M-Mistress, I’m sorry! Please, mercy!” You begged, clenching your jaw at the pain of being held off the floor by your hair. “I-I just wanted to help!”
“Well, my dear sweet Y/N, you helped the wrong person.” Carmilla bared her teeth. “I gave you free roam of the castle, I saved your life, and this is how you repay me?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please!” You cried, feeling your scalp starting to bleed.
“I’ll leave you to it. I should probably discipline Hector as well.” Lenore said smugly, grinning at you before exiting her sisters study, leaving you alone with the merciless vampire.
Hours later, you stood beside Carmilla in the sister’s meeting room. She held a leash attached to your neck, the collar on too tight and dried blood coating your face and shoulders from the beating you endured from her. Your hands were folded politely in front of you, eyes fixed on the ground below as you didn’t dare move an inch from your mistress. They talked and bickered about their plan, various maps set out on the table with their wine glasses filled with blood. Carmilla had already drank from your neck, pure virgins blood remained her favorite to drain out of you until you went pale, but not enough to kill you. You didn’t move when you heard the door open behind you, but knew Hector was there when Carmilla complained about a man being in their quarters. You looked at him out of the corner of his eye, seeing he was confused and hurt by Lenore in some way you didn’t know yet. He looked at the collar tightened around your neck, guilt flashing in his eyes when he saw all the blood and bruises littering your face.
You listened in horror as Lenore boasted to her sisters about what she did to Hector, binding him to her through deceit and manipulation. You felt sick when she asked for a large bed in his room so she could “train him”, and silenced Hector when he tried to say something.
“Hm. Do you think you could make one for Y/N? She’s been disobedient, so I tethered her to myself to make sure she can’t do things behind my back anymore. But this ring would be so much easier, then I don’t have to keep her around me all the time.” Carmilla asked her sister, ignoring your look of horror you gave her at the idea.
“I’m already a step ahead of you, sister.” Lenore smiled, tossing her two rings for the both of you.
You fell to your knees, hands gripping Carmilla’s thighs, tears streaming down your face.
“Mistress, please! I’ll be good, I promise! Please don’t do this! I beg of you!” You pleaded, glossy eyes looking up at her with desperation.
“Oh, I love it when you do that, Y/N.” She smiled, one hand holding your chin. “But if you hadn’t betrayed me, I wouldn’t have to do this. Now would I? This is your fault, I’m only doing this because I have to, dear.”
You whimpered as she grabbed your wrist, shoving the ring onto your finger.
“Now, be a good girl and pledge your loyalty to me.” She said, running a hand through your hair, scrapping your sore and bloody scalp.
“I-I…I p-pledge my loyalty to y-you.” You cried out in pain as soon as those words left your mouth, feeling the magic piercing your skin and binding you to Carmilla. She pet your hair and shushed you, letting you cry into her lap as your body trembled pathetically.
“Good girl.” She smiled, before turning to Lenore. “You really are a genius, sister.”
“I know.” Lenore said cockily, before jumping off the table and grabbing Hectors arm, dragging him with her. His gaze lingered onto you, feeling as if it was his fault for this to be done to you as well. But you knew it was inevitable, Carmilla would’ve done this even if you hadn’t helped him, she liked the power over you too much.
“Now, darling, you are not to speak to Hector again. Do you understand me?” Carmilla asked you as you calmed down, sobs slowly dissolving into silent tears.
“Yes, mistress.” You said numbly, but sighed in relief when she took the collar that choked you off.
“Good. Now, off you go. Go clean yourself up, you look dreadful.”
You staggered out of the room, clutching your dress in your hands as you willed yourself to stop crying. Any freedom and humanity you had left was just stripped away, taken from you without a second thought or care in the world. You now felt empty and numb, the hopelessness overtaking your mind as you made your way to gather water for your own bath. You sank into the warm water, letting it comfort you like an embrace would, gently washing the blood out of your hair and off of your body. You wished you could wash the spell away, but no matter how hard you scrubbed, it wouldn’t leave you. You headed to bed soon after, curling into yourself and crying yourself to sleep.
The next few days went about as normal, Carmilla ordering you to do random chores and bring her glasses of blood, sometimes making you drain your own blood for her. You did as you were asked, it wasn’t like you had much of a choice. You were still allowed to roam as you wished in the daytime, but if you went too close to Hector, your ring burned like fire and it felt as if swords were piercing your body. You felt incredibly lonely like you had before he arrived, but even more afraid than before. You constantly worried about what Lenore was doing to Hector behind closed doors, and unbeknownst to you, he too was worried about what Carmilla was doing to you. Lenore treated you more harshly than she ever had, making it known to you that she was not pleased with you befriending Hector. After she saw you watch as Hector walked past the room you were in, she approached you, grabbing your neck and hoisting you up to be level with her face.
“I know exactly what you are thinking. I suggest you cease those impure thoughts about what is mine.” She warned, smile still soft but eyes filled with hatred.
“I-I don’t know what you mean, mistress-“ you stammered, yelping when she slapped you across the face.
“Lie to me again, I dare you.” She hissed. “Hector is mine, do you understand? He will never love you, he doesn’t even look you in the eye anymore. So quit wasting your time filling your pretty little head with such delusions. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.” You nodded as best you could, coughing when she finally let you go. She turned to leave, looking back at you with a devious grin.
“I understand your desire for him, of course. I know you saw that cock of his. It feels better than it looks.” She cackled at you, before finally leaving you alone. You choked back tears, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing she got to you. You rushed to your room to cry in peace, instead seeing a letter resting on your pillow. You picked it up and opened it, reading the name at the bottom and seeing it was from Hector.
‘Y/N. I know you’re being forced to keep away from me, I am not angry with you, I’ve been avoiding you too so that I don’t get you into anymore trouble because of me. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you about Lenore, I thought she truly cared about me. How wrong I was. But I’ve been alone with my thoughts for awhile now, and I’ve come to conclusion that I want to help you. I care for you as you cared for me when I arrived, and I don’t want you to suffer on my behalf anymore. You don’t deserve this treatment, and neither do I. I have a plan for escape for us both, I will help you gain your complete freedom back. Wait for another letter from me, but in the meantime, avoid me at all costs. They can’t know we’re speaking again.
Burn this so that they don’t know I’ve reached out. -Hector’
You held the letter to your chest, tears dripping onto your bedding. Nobody had ever wanted to help you before, and if they did it was out of their own self interest. It had been so long since someone showed you any compassion or kindness, and him wanting to help you escape this life gave you a new sense of hope. You did as instructed and burned the letter, and checked your bed often for the next letter. You didn’t see much of Hector for the next week, only catching glimpses of him in the library , and you didn’t dare wander near his work place upstairs. You received a letter with the details of his plan later in the week, with detail of what you needed to do to stay out of danger. He told you about how he would trap Lenore, and allow her to be killed by the sunlight in the morning. Due to her manipulation and his messy feelings towards her, he didn’t have the heart to kill her himself. But Hector wasn’t a killer in the first place, he gave beings life and showed them kindness and empathy, something those vampires lacked.
The plan would be carried out that night, before the sun would rise. You did your chores as usual, not showing any unusual behavior or giving them any reason to be suspicious. You served Carmilla her chalice of blood for her study session, before bowing and leaving her to her work. Striga and Morana were away, all you had to worry about now was Lenore, arguably the worst. You wandered the castle with caution, trying to pinpoint where she was, and when you couldn’t find her, you came to the conclusion she was up at Hector’s workshop. You were supposed to meet him up there, but you didn’t want to risk Lenore hurting either one of you.
A shiver ran up your spine when you heard the screech of night creatures, and in your panic, you feet took you straight to safety; to Hector. It took you a few tries to find his workshop, stumbling up stairs as the castle shook from the attacks of the night creatures. When you finally saw him, a blue magic cage was blocking the doorway, holding Lenore inside of it.
“Hector!” You shouted, his eyes immediately finding yours.
“Y/N! You’re okay!” He smiled getting close to the cage as he could. You ignored the pain from the ring, face contouring in pain, but your smile remained.
“What is this?! Hector!” Lenore raged, glaring daggers at you. “How have you two been conspiring? The rings wouldn’t allow you two to speak!”
“We haven’t said a word to each other in weeks.” Hector said, facial expression stiffening into anger. “We didn’t see each other at all. But I have other ways of communication that you missed, along with the devices I’ve put about the castle. There’s a lot you didn’t see.”
You turned around when you heard the screeching and growls of night creatures, coming up the stairs towards you. You backed up against the cage as much as you could as the creatures approached you, and dark man in capes leading them. You looked at them with fear, knowing night creatures to eat and tear apart anything they wished.
“I do not mean you harm.” The man told you, stepping up to you. “But if you would mind moving, that would be appreciated.”
You stepped aside and he opened the cage with his enchanted sword, allowing you through as well. Lenore had half a mind to tackle you right then and there, but with the man between you she didn’t, instead just glaring. Hector stepped back as you entered the room, not wanting to cause you any pain from the ring. You wanted so desperately to touch him and be near him, but he didn’t want to hurt you any more, keeping his distance as he spoke with his colleague. You watched as he suddenly asked for his friends knife, and you tilted your head in confusion until you saw him bring it to his finger, cutting the ring off of him. His severed finger and ring clattered to the floor, blood dripping and sweat beading on his forehead as he allowed his friend to cauterize the wound with the same knife. Hector took the knife back, giving you a look that asked for your permission. You nodded, hissing in pain as he stepped closer, and crying when he took your hand in his, quickly slicing your own finger off. As soon as the ring fell off, it was like taking a breath of fresh air. You didn’t feel that weight on your shoulders or the fear in the back of your mind anymore, and the physical pain melted away immediately.
“Thank you, Isaac.” Hector said as he handed the knife back to him.
“Of course. Now, I’m off to slay Carmilla. See you on the other side, my friend.” Isaac said, taking the amulet Hector made for him and leaving the room. Hector turned back to you, a soft smile adorning his pretty face.
“Let’s wrap that up, sit.” He gestured to a chair, going to his supplies and finding bandages for the both of you. He wrapped your hand up first worrying about his own only after he asked if your bandage was too tight.
“May I hug you?” You asked suddenly. The adrenaline had made your walls come down, too full of a new hope for life that you didn’t even think to be embarrassed. Hector smiled at you, opening his arms for you to embrace him. Your arms immediately wrapped around him, the first time you’d ever been able to truly touch him since you had met all those weeks ago. You savored the feeling of his own arms wrapped around your body, his chin resting on your shoulder and your face buried in his chest.
“This is nice.” Hector grinned, pulling away slightly to look at you. “Thank you, Y/N. For everything you did for me. You were the first person to show me genuine kindness.” He smiled, before looking at Lenore, who simply glared at the both of you.
“I knew I needed to help you as soon as I laid my eyes upon your face.” You said, leaning in slightly towards his face. “You too were the first person to show me kindness in a very long time, Hector. I…I love you.”
His eyes widened slightly at that, a blush creeping up to his cheeks.
“Oh, please!” Lenore shouted from her cage. “The two of you barely know each other! This is ridiculous!”
“Yes, because you know me so well.” Hector rolled his eyes at her. “Let me put her on the balcony so we can have a real conversation, okay?”
You nodded and let go of him, letting him argue with Lenore and move her somewhere else so she didn’t bother you. You gasped when a force exploded somewhere in the castle, shaking the whole structure with such force. But you felt something else as well…freedom. That man Isaac really did it and killed Carmilla, you could feel it. It immediately brought tears to your eyes, and you began weeping. It had been so long being under Carmilla’s hold, the feeling of her hands being pried off your shoulders was overwhelming. You hadn’t felt like this in years, it almost scared you. You never thought you had a future away from this castle, away from your mistresses. You’d assumed you’d be serving them until the day you died, and probably by their own hands. The relief washed over you, overwhelming you.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Hector asked as he reentered the room, kneeling down in front of you.
“Nothing…nothing at all.” You smiled at him through tears, continuing to sob from the feeling. “I just…I really do love you, Hector.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” He wiped your face with his thumbs as he cupped your face, before leaning in and gently pressing his lips to yours in a perfectly sweet, loving kiss.
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bogusbyron · 4 months
Copy pasting les mis notes from today's matinee (30th may) here instead of posting screenshots from my notes app like last time cause i think thisll be easier to read.... There's 73 points and it's LONG so i'll put it under a read more . Go wild hope you find them somewhat interesting. Ignore any errors puhlease 😭🙏
1) Jordan Simon Pollard was on as Javert and he is. Fucking massive. Very imposing. His silhouette on the top of the boat is crazy good
2) Harry Lake as Marius, saw him on may 14th schools matinée, god his voice is gorgeous. As usual amazing
3) the guitar riff in Work Song kind of gets me lol
4) Valjean (Chris Jacobsen) flinching when Javert lifted his hand to pass him the slip. Additionally he has a GREAT voice. Quite gentle
5) The fight where Valjean gets beaten up was a bit awkward lmfao
6) More valjean flinching when the Bishop goes to touch his shoulder
7) chris spitting "thanked him like i should" interesting delivery, quite liked it.... his "took my flight" wasnt as strong is Milan's but whateverrrrrr
9) The "I missed" on "I missed it 20 long years ago" was very harsh, as was "mouthful" in "mouthful of bread. LOOOVE thankyou Chris. "any other" in "treated me like any other" apparently was very gorgeous. I dont remember how but thats what I have written. Then i just wrote "Holy shit". He also was sobbing a little bit between "One word from him" and "offers me my freedom" which was lovely. Then i wrote "Chris ate jesus" so thats a high commendment
10) the bassline in At The End Of The Day is so delicious always
11) I kept seeing tom hext and harry lake in the ensemble (it was, uh, a bit thin  male ensemble-wise)
12) synth tones as usual heavenly I LOVE SYNTHESISERS!!!
13) the foreman was northern which was kind of funny #northrepresent
14) i think someone dropped somethijg offstage just before I Dreamed A Dream lmfao
15) Now i know that Fantine's wig cost £4000 i kind of appreciate it more. Doing my part
16) KATIE'S VOICE IS DIVIIIINE the low note she hits on "tear your hope apart" is ssoosooooooo goooode i get goosebumps bro
17) harry lake was the 2nd guy in lovely ladies though thought that was funny. He got his arse slapped on the "if you want to take all year" line . Giggled
18) javert big ass hat with the feather 😭😭😭😭😭
19) he was throwing some bitchy ass glances at the other policeman (who was harry lake. Btw) when fantine was begging whats his problem. His faces were so fun to watch hes so expressive. Hes also delightfully imposing and, as i wrote, "he's kinda fat LOVE"
20)  not very homoerotic at the cart although they did get dangerously close on "brand upon his skin".
21) i loved Jordan's performance honestly, he was very curt and harsh in his lines. Makes you want to cower away when he speaks
22) i cant remember when, but Chris spat a lil during Who Am I ans i wrote "spittin a bit there Chris. Hit that shit"
23) Katie was so wonderfully and convincingly weak for Come To Me ouuhhh my heart
24) I liked the little detail of Valjean looking over his shoulder a lot when he was with Fantine... ughhhghhhhhh
25) THE LOW NOTE JORDAN HIT 🤤🤤🤤🤤 different chainn
26) good strangle. Didnt fuck it up! He was stood up rather than knelt or laid like javert usually is but thats probably a Jordan thing since ive seen Stewart thebother times. He stood up quite fast rather than writing around a bit like stewart does and thenWIPED HIS MOUTH cool whagever. Then valjean kneed him in the balls at the tousle at the end lmfao
27) TOMMMM😍😍😍 i love his thenardier withbhis gruff voice lol. He did a little shimmy on "content to be" looove. I love his gay little dance he does with his pointed toes. And he flashed the gentleman guest at the start. As usual he does the bisexual thing. He flashes everyone again after mme thenardier's "whats happened since" someones gotta stop him bro
28) chris was so gentle with cosette i could cry .
29) tom hext thenardier does this thing where he's asleep when valjean comes in until he says "pay" at which he wakes up with a snort. Love
30) cosette runs to valjean  when he starts reassuring her when the thenardiers are trying to get him to spend more money snd it warmed my heart
31) tom squeaking "monsieur" in "one of our own monsieur" tickled me hes so funny. Also the jazz hands after "christians must do". I did keep getting blinded by his shiny shoe buckles though
32) chris was delightfully harsh on "too long to Forget" get his ass valjean
34) LOVE YOU HARRIUS his face when he sees cosette is so nice hes so good bruh
35) JAVERT IS HUUGE ITS CRAZZYZYYYYY especially  in that coat and the hat ohmt god dude
36) when thenardier pipes up after valjean runs off from javert he steps forward and gets choked a little itwas great. The way he goes up to javert to lean on him and the slide on his voice on "told you so" as well when he walks backwards lmfaoaoooo
37) stars was GORGEOUS . I mainly made very messy notes on Jordan's inflections during the song because i like the different delivery choices.... "face to face" was quite soft which i liked. The quick slide on "fall in flames" was delish.. hissed "scarce" and "silent" on "silent and sure". HOLY SHIT also his expressions, so good. Stewart is largely kind of deadpan just with a furrowed brow but jordan's face is all over the place its delightful. Also "bars" in "safe behind bars" was SO powerful and low ohhhhh his voice bruh. Bloody hell
38) marius' blank ass stupid ass smile when he offers the money to eponine its so fucking funny
39) i think the foreman is rhe ssame guy as grantaire but i do Not know. He did a silly giggle after "some wine and say what's going on" which i liked
40) i wrote "marius is so [see below image]" which lke ueah he was. Nothing behind his eyes at all. Love you harrius
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41) i absolutely LOVE djavan as enjolras hes very engaging and shit i LOVE him . Dont even care about les amis that much but djavan is great at getting me to gaf about enjolras i cant lie. Hes so good
42) i wrote "harmonies. I came" do you hear the people sing getting me good as always
43) cosette was still shaky im so sorry girl i dont like her voice very much😭 great voice very talented her vibrato is just all over im so sorry
44) shamefully, i had to write "cosette your dad fit as fuck"  when he appeared for heart full of love lmfao
45) he was quite harsh on "better unsaid" ..😔 contrasted the otherwise gentle deljveries for the rest kf the show
46) marius looks constantly, like, aghast and bewildered and stunned by the fact that cosette is looking at him and i loved that. Bless him. Love you harry
47) babet always cracks me up whats his deal. Also in attack on rue plumet there was a guitar riff after "why's she hanging about you" giggled
48) felt a bit 4th wall-y when valjean was saying his plan to escape idk. Hello vro❤
49) enjolras' bit in one day more will always fuck. I got goosebumps so bad when he came in bruhhhh. FUUUUUUCCCCKKK I LOVE ONE DAY MORE
50) not much exr chemistry  surprisingly. Tom hext clearly doing the heavy lifting for the enjoltaire fandom
52) never getting over the barricade reveal . As a techie the lighting makes me geek the fuck out bro. Id say it gave me a boner but would that be going too far. Anyway the lights were bright and i could finally see clearly what i was writing for a bit lol
53) i wrote "byron for army general 2025 i dont know why because my voice is nowhere as good as that. I am the biggest fan of those bits though its so catchy i love it. They really went harsh on the Guns or DIE!!!!!! looove
54) the only one taller than javert is enjolras and i find this hilarious
55) JAVERT WITH THE DARK RED RIBBON IN HIS HAIR i said "dorothycore" later in the evening. Also his sideeye to gavroche when he was being ratted out was funny
57) "javert slutty red waistcoat" he had a deep red waistcoat to match his hair ribbon. Ir was kinda unbuttoned off his shoulder when he was dragged back out okayyyyyyyy
58) chris delightfully harsh when he says "give me the spy" yesssss bro yessss
59) NOT AS HOMOEROTIC AS ID LIKED BUT AGAIN  SCHOOLS MATINÉE TUESDAY REALLY SET THE BAR HIGH😭 valjean did grab javert lapels though and hold them until "i'm a man. Held out hope in my soul my psychic mind beams would cause them to kiss like my comic but alas! Also as usual javert very expressive. Yummm.
60) gavroche and grantaire's friendship for evarrrrr. Theyr so fire
61) chris was so lovelyand delightfully soft for bring him home HE ABSOLUTELY HIT THAT SHIT, IF I DIE... BROOO... i thimk i prefer milan still but chris absokutelt did NOT disappoint.
62) did not shit myself this time when gavroche died. Winning
63) djavan's voice as always insanely good its insane dude holee fuck hes so good brugh
64) when grantaire died he qas kinda hanging off the side in a really awkward spot and i think javert stood on him a lil when climbing down the barricade lol. On that note hes still so fucking big its crazy im obsessed. Also Again with the cross over gavroche's body though godbless
65) kind of looked like tom's mic wasnt on his head properly in the sewers but whatever thats just a techie nitpick of mine. He sounded great as usual though no problems just looked a bit odd lol. He kicks marius on "stiffs at my feet" poor guy
66) javert raised his brows and bulged his eyes on "i wont be swayed" i just had to note that because of how good it was. His expressions seriously so enchanting
67) the heavy breathing and kinda growling before soliloquy dude ohhmy gourd. Hell yes brother. His hair was so good too his wig is slightly curly and its like all over his shoulders and shit whenever he brought his chin back it kind of cowled his face and it was delectable . His EYES .............. as a bulging eyes javert truther it was sso good. Great inflection on "i am the law", "valjean", "dominion", "insTEAD"..... soft on "gave me my life" which i LOVED, as well as delivering "heart of stone" in such a deeply sad tone which was so good bro ohhmy god. "Killed me" was very harsh LOVE! he absolutely GROWLED "world of jean valjean" hellooooooooo bruhhh
68) HARRY LAKE WHEN I GET YOU HARRY LAKE. the low notes on "tomorrow never came" get outtttt. "Theres a grief that cant be spoken" whole line got my heart torn apart . He deliverwd it SO emotionally it got me screaminf crying. Also he was kind of harsh on "don't ask me" which i LOOOVED.
69) dont really know how to describe it but chris' valjean i liked himmmm he felt like ? Quite .. mature ? Well duh cause hes like old ass man . He played it wonderfully anguished as he was confessing to marius, got more anguished as he went on until the "who am i" ouuughhhhhhh . He was delightfully desperate and frantic when he was asking marius to keep the secret too, shaking his shoulders a little and all bro ohhhmy
70) HARRY SO HANDSOME IN HIS SUIT 😊😊😊😊🥰 HIS SMILE ALSO i might be a little bit in love with him but what evarrrr lol
71) THE THENARDIERS AS ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL stole the show. Tom's spin when he gets punched by marius omg so good . GAY ASS DANCING .... plus return of the funny little toe dance he does in master of the house. He did a little pose on "paris at my feet" which i loved. The pose:
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72) chris' frail voice OUCH. so gentle. He was like muttering into cosette's hair when she kneeled in front of him i was going craaaaaazzzzyyyyyyyyy bro kmsss. The way he delivered the "i will try" was so fucking heartwrenching cause he sounded so earnest and final  and like the smile he gave her ohmy god i was tweaking so bad HRURRYUYYGGGHHHHHH he whuspered "its a story" as he handed her the book. Suicide tomorrow gang⁉️
73) nearly cried i cant lie. NEARLY. i didnt but nearly. Goosebumps on that final note ugh OUGH eugghhh. Anyway yeah final  verdict this cast fucked amen 🌈🌈 harrius and tomardier on top
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alxndryngs · 1 year
Second Opinion
I had this small idea before I went to bed last night, picking hairs I lost off of my pillow and the sheets lol. Basically, this is about hair loss and Alcina worrying that something is wrong.
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One particular morning, you woke before Alcina had. Normally she was the first to wake up, but today was different.
You had told her the night before that you were expecting your period soon and that you had to run down to the village today to get some tampons. She approved of it, but she didnt think you'd go this early in the morning.
Sighing deeply, she looked over at your empty side of the bed. Her eyebrows furrowed while she sat up, taking a closer look at your side of the bed. It was basically covered in hairs!
Rubbing her hand over the pillow in circular motions, she soon had a small hairball she could pick up. The alarms inside her head went off.
You were shivering when you stepped back into the castle, a small plastic bag in your hand. Peeling the coat off your shoulders, you made your way to Alcina and your bedchambers. Ever since you stepped out into the cold, you had longed to get back into bed with her and warm up beside her.
However, when you stepped in and called out to her that you were back, you weren't looking at one but two women.
"Y/n, dear. Lovely to see you." Miranda said, smiling softly as she stood before Alcina whom was sitting in her chair by the fire.
Looking at her surprised, you nodded your head. "You too, Mother Miranda. I am so sorry, I had no idea the both of you were to meet. I'll leave you both to it."
You said, hurrying to hang up your coat and tossing the bag over to the connected bathroom so you wouldn't interrupt any further.
"Actually, my dear." Miranda said carefully, coming over to you and placing her clawed hand on your shoulder as she looked down on you. "I am here for you."
Eyebrows furrowing, you looked at Alcina before back at the priestess. For you? "For me? Im sorry, Im afraid I dont quite understand."
Miranda turned her head to look at Alcina before turning back to you with a more serious expression.
"Alcina fears that you might be sick, little bird. Let me do a couple examinations to make sure that you are not, alright?"
"What?" You spat with shock, looking past Miranda and at Alcina. "Alcina! Why on earth would you call Miranda?? I am perfectly fine!"
"Are you?" Finally turning her head to you, you saw the tears on her cheeks and redness in her eyes. "You are losing a lot of hairs. Do you know why people lose hairs? Cancer!"
You pout at her while walking past the priestess and over to your girlfriend, taking her hand into yours and offering a smile.
"I am not sick. Nor do I have cancer, Alcina. Everything is okay."
"Then please, allow me to do some tests to make sure of it."
Turning to miranda with a sigh, you hesitantly nodded. "Fine, okay."
"Fabulous!" She beamed, wings fluttering as she stepped over to you and waved her hand at you. "Take off your clothes."
Your face dropped in not even a second as you looked at Alcina once more, the shock not to miss on your face. She just shrugged, nodding.
"If it requires you taking off your clothes..? It's just Miranda, dear."
"Unbelievable." You mumbled, beginning to undress your upper half before standing before her bare chested. "That's all you'll get."
With a small nod, she pulled off her talons off her fingers before reaching for your breast.
"This is so AWKWARD- Jesus!" You yelled, stepping back from the winged woman and rubbing your breasts.
Alcina leaned forward, her eyebrows furrowed with worry. She looked like she might cry again.
"Did that hurt?? She barely touched you-! Oh god, Miranda, she's going to die, isn't she?" She said, looking to her mother and breaking out into another row of sobs.
"Alcina," You said softly, trying to keep composure. "I am fine. She has very cold hands." You said, glaring at the blonde. "You know my breasts are sensitive.." You mumbled, lowering your arms again.
"Oh, apologies." Rubbing her hands together to warm them up, she stepped towards you once more.
"Well, good news." Miranda said while walking back into the room, Alcina clutching your hand tightly.
"Y/n is not sick.... as she tried to tell us. She just.. has a lot of hair and seems to lose just as many."
Turning to your lover, glaring at her, you fake smiled at her.
"I told you so. How about next time you refuse to eat, I will call Mother Miranda and we can wait and see what she shoves down which one of your openings."
Alcina grimaced, mumbling a few apologies. You chuckled while pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.
"It's alright. I know you were just worried. But please, talk to me first before you call Miranda to fondle my breasts."
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philipkindreddickhead · 5 months
@unabombastic with regards to your situation with the hospital thats why I dont believe that a pediatritian or family doctor is a good substitute mandatory reporter for teachers. Not only do you see them far less often, but they are so callous in the face of abuse.
When I was 17 I got a uti after being essentially raped. My mother was literally screaming her head off about how I wasnt a virgin anymore enough so that she had to be removed from the doctors office. The doctor just spat at me "if youre old enough to have sex youre old enough to ask for a condom" and the thing was. I did. He refused. He said he'd leave me if I didnt have sex with him. I couldnt have that because I was so desperate to leave my home situation. I feel like if there was any kind of prodding at all from the doctor I could have been helped in some way both from the rape and the abuse. Instead I gambled with my uterus until college and at least was lucky on that front bc my mom wouldve made me keep it lol.
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
omgieeees ive been waiting and checking tumblr at literally regular intervals waiting to hear back from you <3
i feel like youre starting to get a bit sick of him... 😂 if the definition of crush is wanting to kiss sumun, i wouldnt say i was crushing on him, i just kind of liked him? it was really weird, this whole thing made no sense from the start, sis.
NO i disagree, it would be super weird to date sumun who looks like you, that feels like something straight out of narcissism. i could never, but im also indian and ive never liked any indian guys (i dont live in india to be fair tho) although maybe there's something slightly resembling me in the guys ive liked if we look too hard? idk. idts tho.
she has pretty eyes! she has his eyes, but they're different somehow. more detailed? LMAO i just really love eyes in general; i could recognize all of my friends from their eyes rather than their face 💀
yeahhh i dont like him anymore, its something weird between friends and not. distance would be great, and im getting that in a way because were off school for half term, although i have his snao and we do streaks so im technically seeing him every day.
any thoughts on the buzz cut tho? (in general)
high time for a new crush indeed 🙌 im looking but no one else has caught my eye :/ any ideas how???
sorry sorry for the rant omg 😭 somehow i enjoy telling this story because of how complex it is but i like telling it to you as well ❤ idk something about you makes me wana tell you the whole tea lol.
i get what you mean, i think its great that they have good communication and all because all healthy relationships are built on that, but idk we're teenagers so the thought of telling my bf "hey by the way this guy ive been having that weird spat with told me he didnt like me today, what about you?" is just... off. the fact she evens knows i exist because of that (or if he told her even before which is sus because he did the doing before innit) seems... awkward. it just feels really cringey, man. most things, not all things tho.
maybe tell someone but not ur gf, that feels disrespectful to both of us in some weird way.
damn right. he actually had a bit of a stutter around me when we first met! its gone now, but weve also spent a while around each other. hmm, i get that; obviously there's definitely a lot of people he would find attractive at our school (we have some genuine REALLY pretty gils here, like, super hot) (as you can tell, i am bi ❤) but hes not staring at all of THEM in a sus way. like, this was a whole thing. hes not gt a thign with all of them.
yeah, well, i dont want to DATE him if that makes any sense so its good he doesnt, but like, idk man. i hope he wants to stay with her because if they break up because of me its not going to end well in a lot of ways because im sure that me and C.S.M.B wouldnt last, even if we did date, his gf would hate me forever and rightfully so, and her bestie, my bitchy friend, would not mind her own fucking bsuiness and ruin things in the friendship group for me so lets hope whatever it is no beef goes down 🙏 also i dont like him because i know him better this year, so it would be a whole problem so its good the way it is 👍
all i need him to do is start talking to me regularly and then we can be friends and i can focus on my future crush 👌
its deffo fun and I NEED TO GET A NEW CRUSH BUT IDK HOW MAN ANYONE CAN YOU HELP ME OUT easier said than done ofcccccc
yayyy i really hope you like that playlist, i live breathe eat those songs, so lets give C.S.M.B a round of applause for helping me come up with it 👏
hmm, maybe. its a bad law :/
oh, hes definitely scared of me. he listens to me when im talking to other people and im a BEAST in class (and outside) so hes rightfully scared of me 👍 its absolutely hilarious but i think he was more confused
well, we were on the bus, and i said "guys we should come up with a nickname so other people dotn know who we mean" and my friend was like... "...what about toothpaste?" i think she saw an ad for toothpaste somehwere lmaooo any other explanation would be... ...questionable.
i would love for that too. shes probs hot so i wouldnt say no to that 🤣🥴😏😈
i wonder what your followers think about this series lol, The Very Deep and Complicated Love Life of Sythe ? someone give this sitcom a name 💀 i hope they're not too sick of it lmaoo i know this has nothing to do with him :/
but thank you so much for listening to me ranting about C.S.M.B, i appreciate it so much!!! <3
here is an anakin for you:
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this is my favourite anakin ever, hayden looks very hawt and sexc in this <3
i alos possess a rare coloured edition of this photo 😈
anywaysss bye oli love u!
i also really like eyes 🤭 and i get it, i just think you should fixate on someone else bc there are plenty of cuties and this one seems like a dead end. take the trash out 😂🗑 i have no idea how to find a new crush…maybe start trying to intentionally pay attention to other people in your school/your life? see if anyone seems interesting or cute hehe
it’s funny cause when i was in high school i was listened to T Swift You Belong With Me and hyper focusing on small interactions with my crush and i haven’t been in high school for years but ppl are still doing that same exact thing 😂 i guess high school never changes. now that i have an *adult brain* though, i can tell you that you should be focusing on people who are nice to you and if he can be a good friend great, but if not, boy bye
thank you for my Anakin. this concludes this episode of the sad beautiful tragic love life of sythe 😂
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tinyyzz · 3 years
Dammit Tommy You’re Late Again.
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(OLD) Notes: I actually had this written right after I posted Only You which was insane lol, sort of like a stroke of inspiration and bam! this was written. Also wanna thank all of you for bringing already 60+ notes! 60+!! I was internally squealing whenever I saw a notif pop up on my home screen :D and reblogs too! killed me! thank you guys so much! (Would like to personally thank @/adelinekam​ bc this gal been rly supportive! thank you :)) !)I hope you guys like this one as much as the others ;D THANK YOU AGAIN!
(NEW) NOTES: ah yes, this angsty one that actually got a few notes! Which honestly was unexpected but hey, its back here again, im honesty really glad I found them back ehehe
Angst prompt! : “(y/n) open the door.”
Pairings: Tommy Shelby x reader
You stormed angrily into the cold and wet pavement as you exit the doors of the Garrison, instantly feeling the heavy pouring rain soak your clothes throughly. “Bloody bastard.” You grumbled aloud, clutching your coat closer to block Birmingham’s chilly air.” Bloody, bloody fcking bastard.”
You could hear the quick sounds of Thomas Shelby’s footsteps behind you, echoing with the loud chorus of the continuous rain that fell on the ground, they were hot on your heels as you begin to walk faster towards your flat that was, thankfully, you thought, very nearby.
“(Y/N).” You hear him call tiredly behind you
“Not another word Tommy Shelby.” You spat, resentful.
Snatching the house keys roughly from your purse, you jammed them mercilessly into the door lock all the while muttering vulgar curses under your breath at the man that was catching up behind you.
You strode in just in time to slam the door at his face, making the flat tremble. You shook your fist at the door and took the chance to make yourself comfortable, changing out of your wet clothes and drying yourself off as you hear Tommy sigh from the other side.
Today was your birthday.
You were going to celebrate it with none other than the all-famous Peaky Blinder: Tommy Shelby, who was also, frankly speaking, the love of your life. Although apparently, a while ago, celebrating a birthday had meant being stood up for an hour by him without warning and then, to make it worse, appearing later with a lady that you’ve never seen before hung on his arm, smiling and laughing.
You had immediately caught his eye hurt and angry. Hurriedly paying for the drink that you had drunk in waiting for the sorry man you walk out smoothly past in at a quick pace.
So here are the both of you now.
“(Y/N) open the door” He says calmly
“No.” You retorted angrily
You knew it was childish, but screw it, he deserved it.
“(Y/N).” He calls a little louder.” Open the door.”
A moment’s pause.
You look at the door for a while, biting your lip and mentally arguing with yourself in making the decision on whether to open the door for him or not and be won over by a simple ‘please’.
But then again, no one has ever heard Tommy Shelby say please.
You open the door reluctantly and watch him walk in slowly, you face him with your arms crossed, frowning. He looks at you as you glare into his eyes, still fuming. He takes your hand gently, unfolding your arms and sits you down next to him on your small couch.
“I’m sorry.” He utters, looking down at your hand and gently grazing his thumb over your knuckles
You slap him limply across the face, it was hard enough to create a sound at least, as it should be. “Did you know it was my birthday Thomas?” You lifted a brow, your anger now fully replaced by sadness.” Hmm?”
He sighs, solemnly.” You know i do.”
“Really? Because I was given the impression that you didnt”
“She was with John,” he explained further patiently.” He asked me to accompany her until he came.”
“You were supposed to accompany me Thomas.” You argued.” I waited for you an hour.”
He goes silent and you raise your brow high in annoyance when you see the hint of a smile on his face.
“Turn around.” He instructed gently
“Tommy…” You started, suspicious and feel your anger rise again in annoyance at the thought of not being taken seriously.” Wipe that smile off your face or I swear I’ll smack you.”
“I am taking you seriously.’ he replies solemnly, but the small smile on his face not leaving,” and right now I’m asking you to, please, turn around.”
You narrow your eyes at him and turn, slowly and cautiously. You hear him rustle for something in his coat and a gasp escaped your mouth as you suddenly feel something cool and thin wrap around your neck.
“Happy birthday love.”
Your eyes widened as you look down to see a magnificent, gleaming diamond necklace set lightly on your neck. The intricate pieces of the precious gemstone were all set perfectly as it grew and varied in its size all in a neat row.
“Tommy…” you stammered, shocked as you admired the gleaming row of diamonds on your chest.” Tommy, when—where did you get this?”
“Wasn’t going to make it in time when I called them.” He explains as he gently hugs you from behind, putting its velvet box on the closest surface.” I didn’t think it would take so long so.” he shrugs.”Decided to get it on my own before meeting you.”
“Oh Thomas.” You chuckled softly, your anger instantly going away as you raised your arm, reaching to touch his face.” You really could’ve just given it to me the next day.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, smiling down at you.”or I could give it to you today.”
“Even though you had been delayed for an hour.” You raised a brow and he raises your knuckles to his lips, kissing them gently.” I didn’t know it’d be that long, I fcking swear it.”
You search his eyes for a moment and smile softly “Fair enough.”
“Good enough.” he utters under his breath as he bring you closer to kiss you once more.
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loostssoul · 3 years
in lesbians with you- r.h x reader
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Uhm idk i made this because i was bored. Its not my favorite and its not that descriptive, but ig i made it like that because its kinda in gregs pov. this includes a scott pilgram reference that you probably wont get if you didnt watch the movie. Scott pilgrim vs the world seems like a movie that rodrick would like so thats why i picked it. Ok enjoy this drabble
Genre: fluff
Pairing: rodrick x female reader
“Alright, wimp. Movie’s over, get out.”
The movie credits of Scott Pilgrim vs the World rolled on Rodricks laptop. It was supposed to be a private thing between Rodrick and Y/N, but his mom changed the plan. She promised Rodrick and Greg a bunch of Mom Bucks if they watched a movie together, and she trusted Y/N to keep them civil.
But Y/N fell asleep midway through the movie, as she’s watched it a million times. And while she was asleep, Rodrick and Greg argued. A lot.
“What, need me to get out so you can kiss your girlfriend?” Greg said, mockingly.
“Out.” Rodrick spat.
Greg groaned and stomped out of Rodrick’s room. But as he walked down the hall, he realized that he left his glass of water in Rodricks room. He knew Rodrick would kill him if he went back into his room, so he decided to sit near Rodricks door frame and get his water when Rodrick escorted Y/N out. So he sat there and peeked his head out, waiting for them to leave.
Rodrick sighed and ran his fingers through his dark hair. He turned behind him at his girlfriend, asleep on his bed, the moonlight on her face. Greg expected him to shake her awake, as he always did to him. He didn’t expect the soft kiss he placed on her forehead, or him wrapping his arms around her shoulder. This was a side of his brother he never saw.
“Baby, hey wake up…” He muttered, poking her cheeks.
She groaned, “Did I miss the movie…?”
“Yeah, you missed the part with Envy Adams.”
“Dammit!” She frowned, “That's my favorite part…”
“Yeah, I know.” He grinned, brushing her hair out of her face and pressing kisses all over it. Greg could’ve barfed.
“C’mon babe, you gotta go home.” He whispered.
Greg watched his brother hold both of her hands and help her up from his ratty bed. She let out a yawn and stretched her arms, trying to get the sleep out of her eyes. Rodrick smiled and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her and spinning her until she giggled.
He set her down and rested his chin on top of her head, "I'm definitely in lesbians with you, Y/N."
Her mouth tilted into a warm smile, "Aww, Rod... I think I'm in lesbians with you too..."
He grinned and shook his head, "This is way too cheesy for me. You wanna go home now?"
"Yeah." She said in a sleepy tone, "But you should probably get rid of our little Peeping Tom first."
Greg froze as Y/N turned to him and waved. “Hi, Greg!”
Rodrick turned around and ran toward his door, causing Greg to go into a sprint and run into his room and locking his door.
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed, starting toward the hallway to break them up.
Lol please send me asks im so bored. And i might make a guitarist!reader fic idk
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unnie-lili · 3 years
Hi! Im not sure of ur rules when it comes to writing a fanfic so if this makes u uncomfy its absolutely fine if u dont wanna write it! Can I request an skz office smut with seungmin?? (female reader) like he does some dumb shit or like ticks u off so u decide to ride him after work hours on the office desk but suddenly stops and doesn’t let him cum, but after making him beg and whimper for u, u eventually give in and continue riding and BOOM creampie(why do I talk funny describing a smut LMFAO) do it if u want tho ofc!(also ive been asking a lot of ppl now and i forgot who i asked and who i didnt so if u got this before ignore LOL)
hello anon! thank you for your request 💙 I hope you like it! it's my first smut so I'm sorry if it's not that good!
pairing : bratty!seungmin x fem!reader
genre : office!AU, smut (minors DNI)
word count : 2.8k
warnings : dom/sub dynamics, bondage, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks)
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Being promoted as the new Head of Marketing at your office had its perks : a hefty salary, flexible schedules, more liberty in your decision making, and you didn't have to endure the non-stop commanding of your old manager. The only inconvenience, really, that you could think of was that your office had been moved to the marketing floor, where you now had to work with Kim Seungmin.
At first, everything was going well. You had established a trustful and respectful relationship with all your coworkers, and you were able to put into motion a new marketing campaign in the span of two weeks. That was until the Marketing Specialist had come back from his work trip to New York. The first time you two crossed path, you flashed you a soft smile, and you remembered thinking this was probably the hottest man you had ever met. Turns out, he was. And he was the most annoying and enraging man you had ever met, too.
You had held a meeting with him and the other managers to keep him up to date with his duties, whilst he would share the market research he had done.
“I don't think the new campaign is great,” Seungmin had told you bluntly. “In fact, I don't even think it's good. It sucks.”
The other managers stared at him in stupor.
“Everyone in the department believe this campaign to be the next big thing,” you could only force a tight smile on your lips. “We already have the Advertising team working on it, and it has been approved by Chief Marketing Officer.”
“She must've fallen on her head to approve this,” Seungmin retorted, not even bothering looking at you. “I'll go talk to her, I'm responsible for marketing campaign after all.”
His boldness ticked a nerve in you, and you couldn't stop yourself from being more and more annoyed by his attitude. Who was he to try and go back on your decisions?
“I am the one in charge here,” you spat back, a bit too vehemently for your own liking. “You will do no such thing.”
Seungmin offered you a cocky smile in return, which only fueled your growing anger. The meeting had ended with a palpable tension in the air.
You thought that maybe it would've gotten better as the weeks went by, but Seungmin kept opposing every one of your choices with blunt, bordering-on-disrespectful remarks. Every time the Marketing Specialist opened his mouth, an everlasting smug grin on his face, you had to hold yourself back from losing your cool and start yelling at him. It felt like he knew exactly how to strike a nerve, no matter what situation you were in. Your first campaign had done numbers, your hard work having even been praised by the company's executives. You couldn't understand why Seungmin was still headstrong about making your life a living Hell.
You reached your limit during the department meeting for the Holiday season campaign. Seungmin had presented multiple campaign options, only for each of them being worse than the last.
“This isn't up to your own standard, Kim Seungmin,” you had commented. “This isn't good. Did you forget we had this meeting or do you simply not care about the success of our company?”
The Product Manager let out a small gasp, whilst Seungmin tilted his head, seemingly not understanding what you were saying.
“I don't get it,” Seungmin spoke, feigning innocence. “Your ideas for campaigns are always mediocre at best, I thought this was what you wanted.”
You stared at him, fuming, as the rest of the team froze in shock.
“You,” you had to clench your hands into fists to stop them from shaking. “Meet me in my office at 6. This type of behavior will not be tolerated in this building.”
Your response seemed to take him aback, his eyes wide as he nodded his head in your direction. He sat back on his chair and stayed quiet for the rest of the meeting, giving you a break for once.
Sitting back in your office, you let out a sigh. Your team had done incredibly well, and you were all able to finish before the end of office hours. You looked at the city life through the window, the already dark sky appeasing you in some way.
Soon enough, a light knock was heard at your door, and you didn't even bother saying anything. Seungmin peaked his head inside your office, meeting your already annoyed glance.
“Kim Seungmin,” you pointed the chair facing your desk. “Sit down.”
The man did as he was told, watching you as you got a few documents out of your desk drawer.
“I don't think it's a surprise to any of us if I tell you your behavior had been less than ideal for the past few months,” you spoke matter-of-factly. “I have discussed with HR, and there is no way we can tolerate your misbehavior anymore.”
Seungmin visibly gulped, nodding his head silently.
“So,” you took a document titled Disciplinary Report from the pile and laid it out in front of you. “Since there have been no previous recorded incidents revolving around you, I can't fire you. I would, trust me, but it's against company policy.”
You grabbed your pen and filed up Seungmin's employee information on the document.
“Instead, I'll be filling a disciplinary report with you and arrange a meeting with HR to address your behavioral issues.”
You glared up at the Marketing Specialist, who seemed livid. His silence was bothering you almost as much as his usual arrogant remarks.
“I'll be writing you up for,” you read the document, squinting your eyes. “General misconduct around corporate employees, insolence, and insubordination towards an higher-up. Does that sound correct to you?”
“So this will be kept in my employee file forever?” Seungmin asked, clearly worried about his future in the company.
“I asked you a question,” you retorted.
You noted it down the document.
“Yes, it'll be in your file in our system,” you answered. “Got a problem with that?”
“Listen, I'm sorry, Y/N,” Seungmin blurted out, panicking. “I mean, Miss L/N. I never thought it would go this far.”
“Care to explain what you mean by that?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“It's just,” Seungmin's scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I never thought it would get to this. I never meant to personally hurt or attack you.”
You stared at him, dumbfounded.
“You never thought that insulting everything I do or say would affect me?” you asked.
“Now that you say it like that,” Seungmin avoided your gaze. “I get it. But... I never meant it.”
“Oh, really?” you scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest in defiance. “Then, why did you say all these things to me if it wasn't to attack my work?”
“I,” Seungmin's cheeks turned red. “I couldn't help it. You look so hot when you're mad.”
You stared at him in complete shock.
“Excuse me?” you blurted out, feeling heat creep up your whole body.
“I-I'm sorry, Miss L/N,” Seungmin hid his face in his hand, embarrassed. “Every time you got mad at me, I just wanted you to lose it. To punish me and make me regret being so rude to you.”
You couldn't say anything, your mouth dry as you felt your own wetness against your thighs.
“Since I'm already losing my job,” Seungmin sighed, staring right back at you with dark eyes. “I wanted you to use me to get out your frustration, fuck the brat out of me until I only know your name.”
Your own heartbeat was out of control. You stood up, hoping Seungmin couldn't see how your legs were trembling from excitement. You headed to your office door, clearing your throat.
“I'm so sorry, Miss L/N,” Seungmin stood from his chair. “I-I'll leave. I'll resign tomorrow. I-”
He stopped talking when you locked the door, turning around to face him. You slowly walked to him, heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor.
“You have been bad, Seungmin,” you spoke softly, watching as he fumbled to sit back on the chair, this time facing you. “I think you need to be punished.”
Seungmin gulped, looking up at you with wide, lustful eyes. You grabbed his tie, pulling him into a messy, passionate kiss. You ran your other hand through his hair, pulling slightly at the strands. He moaned against your mouth, his hands shooting up to your waist.
“No touching,” you pulled away from him, Seungmin immediately resting his hands on his thighs.
You took your time to observe the man in front of you, his lips messy with your own lipstick, and eyes begging for you to do more. If you had known this was all he wanted from you, you could've resolved your feud a lot earlier.
You kissed him again, pushing your tongue in his mouth as you palmed his already hard cock through his pants. Seungmin bucked his hips against your hand, loving the friction but desperately wanting more. Without breaking the kiss, you straddled his lap, grinding lightly on his bulge. His hands flew to your ass, groping the tender flesh and pulling you against his hips.
“Hm,” you broke the kiss, raising an eyebrow. “What did I say?”
Seungmin put his hands on the arm rest, eyes wide.
“N-no touching,” he stuttered out, breathing heavily.
“That's right,” you smiled, undoing his tie. “I guess you give me no other choice.”
Grabbing the silky fabric, you stood up. Seungmin reached his hands around the back of the chair without you having to ask, letting you tie his wrists together. Satisfied with your bondage, you lightly scratched his exposed forearms with your nails, earning a soft groan from the man. You went and straddled him again, playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Not too tight?” you asked, leaning closer to him.
Seungmin shook his head, shivering when you started nipping at the soft skin of his neck. You unbuttoned your own dress shirt before doing the same with his, letting your hands roam on his toned body. You let him leave sloppy kisses on your collarbone, trailing your hands down his body. You unbuckled his belt, sliding one hand inside his pants to palm him through his boxers.
“Please,” he mumbled against your skin, moaning when your free hand pinched one of his nipples.
“Please what?” you asked, leaning back to look him in the eyes.
He started grinding his hips against you hand, glazing at you with pleading eyes.
“Use your words,” you warned him.
“P-please fuck me, Miss L/N,” he whimpered, tugging at his wrists. “You look so fucking good, please, I want you so fucking bad.”
You unzipped his pants, getting off the chair to pull his trousers and boxers down to his ankles. His cock sprung free, the red tip leaking precum on his toned stomach. It was a sight to hold onto, feeling your own arousal pool into your panties. Not bothering taking off your dress skirt, you sat on his lap, taking his cock in your hand, and teasing your clothed entrance with it.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, feeling your thighs shake when his tip rubbed your clit, the fabric of your panties only adding to the pleasure.
Unable to wait any longer, you pulled your panties aside, sitting down on Seungmin's cock. You took him completely, your hips flushed against his. Your head spun as he filled you up, your walls snug around his throbbing cock.
“Y-you feel so good, M-Miss L/N,” Seungmin already looked fucked out, eyes unfocused as he looked up at you. “S-so warm, so f-fucking wet.”
You moaned in response, lifting your hips to slam them back down roughly. Seungmin whimpered at you set a fast pace, wrapping one hand around his neck.
“Such a bad boy,” you groaned, tightening slightly your grip on his throat. “This is what you wanted, uh? Acting like a fucking brat every fucking day, because you wanted me to fuck you?”
Seungmin nodded his head, eyes glistening with tears of pleasure. You rolled your hips a certain way, moaning loudly when his cock hit the spot that make you see stars. Seungmin grunted against your neck, helping you chase your high and thrusting his hips up to hit your sweet spot over and over again.
“Such a fucking brat,” you moved the hand that was on his neck to his mouth, shoving two fingers in it. “Wish I had known this was the only way to make you shut your mouth up.”
He moaned around your fingers, eyes rolling back. His thrusts became sloppier, his mouth crying your name as you let your fingers fall onto his chest. You noticed he was nearing his climax, and you stopped all movement, removing yourself from him entirely.
Seungmin bucked his hips up into nothing, looking at you with teary eyes as his cock throbbed against his stomach, painfully red.
“M-Miss L/N,” he whimpered.
“Brats don't deserve to cum,” you stated, not mentioning how you ruined your own high while doing so.
You sat on the desk beside him, a mixture of both your arousal leaking down your leg.
“I'm sorry, Miss L/N,” Seungmin pleaded. “P-please, I'll be good, please make me cum.”
You bit your bottom lip.
“You know what good boys do?” you asked, leaning over him and pulling his head back by his hair.
“They beg,” you whispered in his ear, letting go of his hair.
Seungmin groaned.
“Please, Miss L/N,” he stuttered. “I want you. I n-need you. Please, fuck me.”
You sat back on his lap, not doing anything more. He tried kissing your lips, only for you to lean away from his reach.
“I said, beg.”
“Fuck, Miss L/N,” you knew he was growing impatient, his cock rubbing against your slit every time you moved. “Please, fuck me. I need your tight pussy around me. I'll be a good boy, fuck, please Y/N I need your cunt so fucking bad. Please make me cum, I beg you. It hurts.”
Satisfied, you reached behind the chair to untie his hands.
“Good boy,” you slurred, kissing him messily before slamming his cock deep inside you.
Seungmin grabbed the armrests of the chair tightly, thrusting back into your sloppy cunt, the sound of skin against skin echoing in your office. You felt heat pool into your lower stomach, getting closer to your climax as Seungmin bit your collarbone, sucking on the soft skin afterwards.
“Seungmin,” you panted, feeling your head get lighter and lighter. “I'm so close.... Touch me.”
“Fuck,” he grunted. “Me too.”
He wrapped one arm around your waist, pulling you back into his deep thrusts and angling his hips to hit your sweet spot with every pump. His other arm slid between your two sweaty bodies, rubbing tight circles on your clit. Your orgasm came without a warning, waves of pleasure crashing down on you as you screamed out Seungmin's name, your body trembling uncontrollably against his.
“I'm-” Seungmin cried out, white spurts of cum shooting deep inside you as your walls milked him dry.
You both rode out your high, Seungmin holding onto you tightly. Closing your eyes, you tried catching up your breath, leaning your head against his shoulder. Seungmin was softly caressing your skin under your shirt, leaving gently kisses on your shoulder.
After a moment, you seemed to gain back your conscience, realizing what you just had done. You leaned back to look into Seungmin's eyes.
“This... shouldn't have happened,” you stated, getting out of his embrace to stand against your desk.
“It's okay,” Seungmin smiled, running a hand through his sweaty hair.
“No, it's not,” you replied. “I'm your boss. This shouldn't have happened. I'm going to be in so much shit-”
“No you're not,” Seungmin grabbed your hand.
You glared at him.
“And why's that?” you retorted.
“Because, since 5pm today, I don't work here anymore,” Seungmin shot you a cocky smile, the one you hated so much. “I'm leaving to go work at the New York branch tomorrow.”
You stared at him, dumbfounded.
“Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me?” you blurted out. “Why did you come to my office if you knew you weren't even an employee anymore?”
“Well,” Seungmin shrugged, putting his boxers and pants back on. “I wanted to tell you during our little meeting. And say goodbye. Surprisingly, I didn't expect this to end up like it did.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms on your chest. Seungmin stood up, lifting up your chin with his index and kissing you lips softly.
“I didn't have a chance to say goodbye, though,” he smirked. “Wanna come back to my place and do that?”
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This is my first ever smut T_T I hope you liked it! you can always send me requests via asks. Please like and comment if you liked it, it really helps!
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hey! can i request a fic where the reader is Chris's older daughter and she didnt really agree with Chris's hunting styles and stuff so she leaves but then she comes back to Beacon Hills and becomes really close with derek cuz they're similar ages and something bad happens between them? idk what lol, but yeah
thanks for requesting! (i changed it up a bit, hope you don't mind)
(it's the ✨bad writing✨ for me 🤢) i have writer's block smh
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"Derek!" you screamed out as loud as you could, running into the loft, immediately met by a shocked look from Derek.
"Wh-" he started.
There were hot tears in your eyes as you ran towards him, immediately striking him on his cheek.
He knew what it was about already. He clenched his jaw, looking down.
"(Y/N)," he started.
"Save him. Find him. Bring him back," you yelled at him.
After coming back to Beacon Hills for Kate's funeral, Allison begged you to stay for some time. Chris and your relationship were on the rocks, due to the fact that he wanted you to hunt and you never wanted to. The thought of killing something that didn't deserve it always bothered you, and you always stayed away from it.
Eventually, after Victoria died, you were pushed by Derek to fix your relationship with Chris. As much as he hated your family, he always said that family was the most important thing a person could have.
Now you stood in front of him, in tears, after Jennifer took your father.
You pulled on his arm as he pushed you away.
"I know you're hurt, but-"
"She's your psycho ex-girlfriend! Now she's going to kill my father! I don't care what you're doing, you need to come with me and you need to help me find him," your voice was shaky as you yelled at him.
"I'm sorry," he said softly.
"You son of a bitch," you sniffled.
You hit him on his chest once again, while he tensed up.
"(Y/N)," he started.
"He's gone b-because of you. He's gonna die because of you!" you cried.
He wrapped his arms around your shaking frame, trying to hold you back as you sobbed into his chest. He stroked your head softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I know, I'm sorry," his voice was barely above a whisper.
"I'm sorry."
"S-Stop apologizing and help us find him," you cried.
"I need to take care of Cora. She's my sister."
"And Chris is my dad."
You could see the pained expression on his face as you pulled away, wiping away your tears.
"I hate you," you spat.
He only nodded his head, looking away from you.
Your heart was aching as you stormed out of the loft, keeping your back turned on the man you once loved.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Regrets // Victoria De Angelis
words // 1557
warnings // angst, mentions of abusive relationships (not details)
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x GN!Reader, Ethan Torchio x Platonic!Reader
author's note // taglist here. please only let me know if you want to be tagged on that google form so i know what to tag you on, thank you
also i changed the original tittle because i didnt like it that much
request // yes
summary // Reader is Ethan's best friend and because of that they are around the band a lot. Maybe a hint of jealously, a toxic partner and a visit at the hospital will be enough to change their relationship with Victoria from hate to love. Or maybe the love was there all along.
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The first time the two met each other was right after the band finally united. Y/N’s had been Ethan’s best friend for years now, making the fateful meeting inevitable - as well as the obscure amount of time they would have to spend around each other. If anything, the drummer was attached to the hip with his best friend, tagging them along to every show, many rehearsals (there was even a suggestion to come with him on Måneskin’s European tour - it would be a nightmare if they did).
Victoria did not take long to adopt a defensive mode against them, one that not even she could decipher. Maybe it was the way they were just always there, like leech attached to her bandmate, or maybe it was that annoying way they dressed, all out there and attracting her attention, or maybe it was that stupid girlfriend of theirs that just had to make it known they were a couple. She really did get on Victoria’s nerves a awful lot. She was nice, not going to lie, just maybe a little too nice - ickly nice, she’d say. She wasn’t sure why but that girl simply made Victoria’s gut drop every time.
For years, as that relationship lasted, Victoria and Y/N would butt heads, always at each other’s throat with something to say and complain about. What are they doing here again, the bassist would ask over and over again. Just here to piss you off, Y/N would say, walking to Ethan. Other times it’d be the opposite. It just always was… a mess.
Everyone could see the situation the two found themselves into but no one could do anything. No, not until they opened their own damn eyes.
The dislike between the two only grew stronger and stronger as time passed by, with their insults getting worse. Truth be told, no one expected it to get that bad, and now they just hoped to stop.
For a while, Y/N was facing some drama in the relationship, some that could end up pretty bad. Not few were the nights Ethan would get a phone call in the middle of rehearsal, sobbing heard even beyond his phone. Please, please come get me Ethan. I don’t think …. The rest was inaudible for Victoria, not that I care, she would remind herself, moving on with her work.
On occasion she’d joke about it to Y/N. What? Trouble in paradise, cucciolo? Oh well. Deep down she knew she should not say that but she could not control herself. Y/N was pretty put together some of those times, others they’d just snap with no regard to anything. Just shut your fucking mouth, they said once adding a few profanities to explain their anger.
After the fourth time it happened the blonde had gotten genuinely angry. “Ok, enough. Close your phone, Ethan,” she spat out, almost snatching it off his hand. “They can wait.”
“No! They have cut short three out of our four rehearsals this week! This is the fifth rehearsal, Ethan, their fourth time! They’re a big kid now, they should not need you all the time.”
In time she would regret those words but in that moment they seemed appropriate. She had grown exasperated at their constant interruptions. Well, most of the time they were not really disturbing - they’d call on a break or just cuddle with Ethan on a break, at a time they had for the solemn reason of relaxing - but Victoria would not admit that. Not to herself and not to anyone.
“Ok.” Ethan whispered the words, silencing his phone with a heavy heart. He had a bad feeling, that he knew for sure, but he did not feel like fighting with the blond bassist.
The hours they worked passed by quickly, feeling more like quick moving water, their session was simply flowing. It was now quiet, maybe around three in the morning. 2.58 AM read the clock on the table. Ethan was sure his best friend was sleeping by now. He’d shoot them a text and then go to sleep as well - lord knows he needed it. Well, not everything always goes as planned.
Victoria was by him when it happened.
His phone started to ring while he was about to walk to his room. Y/N. If he was not concerned earlier that night there was no way he was not now. It was not common for them to call at hours like this, if anything they were usually asleep by eleven, maybe even twelve.
“Pronto. Che? A- cazzo, sì, sì. Sto venendo ora.” showing off my italian lol
“Ethan? What happened?” She was not sure of her feelings in that instant. Why was she even asking him? She did not care about them, right? But no, no, it was not worry. It was fear of guilt. And worry, but that she was not aware of.
“Y/N is at the hospital,” he breathed out, “they- uhm… Their ex hurt them - thank god their neighbor was there and heard what happened. Oh my- if-if-if he was not there Y/N-”
Victoria could not stand seeing her friend like that. She believes that she’s never once seen Ethan this emotional - not negatively emotional, that is. He always keeps his composure so well but this time it just was not possible. The blonde just stood there now, holding Ethan in her arms, whispering comforting things to him, hoping that he’d calm down a bit.
“I-I should’ve answered the phone Vic… It- I could have prevented this. Oh god, it’s my-”
“Ethan no! If it’s anyone’s fault here, it’s mine. I should not have snapped like I did.”
“I- yeah. Yeah, you know what, yeah, it is your fault.” He was sad, he was anxious, he was angry… A whirlwind of emotions really, and Victoria’s statement made him target it to her. “It is your fault Vic, with that-that stupid, stupid, conflict you two have. I’m leaving.”
“Where are yo-”
“To the hospital! Where the fuck else?” Ethan’s voice was rising by the second, as his blood started boiling in his veins. He knew he could not drive there, but he was not about to say it.
“I’ll drive you-”
“No. I can do it on my own.”
“Please. It’s the least I can do.” Victoria’s eyes were cast to the floor, unsure of what else to do. She knew that things were taken too far this time, the least she could do was drive her friend to the hospital.
The drive there was quiet. Neither knew what to say. Victoria was feeling guilty, afraid, and even worried about Y/N’s well-being, regardless of whether she could she tried to focus on the road. More injured people would not be helpful. Ethan on the other hand was fuming. He was angry out of his head; at his blonde friend, at himself and most of all that bitch, Y/N’s ex. She was the one to cause all of this, all of it, even problems he was not aware she was the cause of.
As they arrived there there was even more trouble on their way. He’s not family, he’s not a spouse, neither is Victoria. It was always like that. They would not let them pass if they were not either of those things but, god bless that man, the nurse that called him showed up, recognizing the voice and assuring the nurse, on the front, that he was indeed the only person on their emergency contacts, they had to pass. With a lot of complaining they were finally let to pass.
When they walked in the room Y/N was laying on the bed asleep and at first both their minds went to the worst case scenario. “I have given them some painkillers for now. They’ll be ok but some injuries cause severe pain -” he was walking outside along with Ethan.
Victoria was now left alone in the room with Y/N, although it felt as if she was looking at a photo of them rather than the real life Y/N. “I’m sorry,” was all she could say, the only thing that felt right to do at that moment. “It’s my fault -oh my it is! Ethan, he-he wanted to respond to the call by I-I got so angry!” She cried out, now grasping Y/N’s hand. “I can only hope he can forgive me. Hell, I hope you forgive me. It’s my fault you’re-”
“It’s not, Victoria.”
“You are awake?”
“It’s not your fault. I was already here when I called the first time. Neither of you could have changed a thing.” They were so calm - maybe it was the painkillers, she thought. “Thank you. For the apology I mean.”
“Yeah. I, uh, I’m sorry for everything Y/N. I-”
“Hey, stop! It’s ok. What’s by is by,” they laughed, never missing the opportunity to joke. (you know, bi - by… terrible pun)
“I, uh,” she paused, thinking of what to say next. She remembered a small chocolate bar in her pocket. She was about to eat it when the call happened. “I don’t know if you’re supposed to eat chocolate but I know you like it.”
“Oh my, it’s my favorite,” they gushed, prompting Vic to come closer.
“Come, sit, sit! We can share it.”
“Yeah, I guess we can.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost @superchrystaldrug
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baecvlt · 4 years
Better Late than Never
in which the reader was set up on a blind date by Sonia Nevermind with Kazuichi Soda
• Kazuichi Soda x Reader
• fluff
• fem reader
• original idea <33
BTW YALL this might sound accidentally self insert-ish but that’s because I gave the character interests (since this is a date fic) but I dont know anything else to put for them. anyway enjoy still.
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“So, there’s no one there?”
I glared at her, death staring into her clear, blue eyes. “What the fuck is ‘there’?”. She sighed and lightly hit my arm. “I’m asking you if you have a crush, silly!,” she spat, yet her tone remained friendly. I shook my head. “I don’t find any of these people attractive, Sonia”.
“So you wouldn’t go out witj a classmate?”
“No, Sonia”
She stays silent, suddenly darting her eyes at Hajime. “How about him,” she asked,“Hagime seems like a nice guy”. I shrugged. “Not my cup of tea, really”. She then points at Teruteru,“And him?”. I looked at Teruteru, who was already gawking me. “God, no, Sonia,” I gagged,“Too perverted for my liking”. She then began listing names. Here is what I had to say for all of them.
Hajime: Boring
Nekomaru: LOUD
Fuyuhiko: Mean and short
Nagito: Psycho!
Eventually, she gave up. I didnt feel any way of them, who’s to know how I feel about anyone else at this school? “Fine,” she said, but her eyes lit up,“Oo! How about-”.
He had bumped into me, knowing me to the floor. Kazuichi Soda: the Ultimate Mechanic. “Yeah, him!,” Sonia said. I looked at Kazuichi, disgust on my face. “Not in a million years”. “Huh?” (Kazuichi was madly confused). Sonia grumbled,“What’s wrong with him?”.
“What isn’t there wrong with him? He also doesn’t bathe!”
“Ouch, I bathe,” he said. “Why were you in such a rush anyway?,” I asked. He shrugged, but eventually sighed and revealed his reason. “I got excited,” he said softly. Sonia and I were confused.
“I just got updated on my— something. I’m going to the office to see what they have to tell me about this thing I’m in the middle of”
I was confused, but I had to know now. “Anyway, I’m sorry,” he said, walking right past us. I stood there, but Sonia got my attention. “Come on, we’re gonna be late to Economics”. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to class. When we got there, everybody was huddled up. There was something they were being discreet about. “Hello, friends,” Sonia said,“What are we talking about?”. “Kazuichi,” Ibuki said without the slightest hesitation.
Okay, maybe not that discreet.
“What’s wrong with him?,” I asked,“Besides all that, I mean”. “Cut him some slack,” Hajime said, now I knew the situation was a little more sensitive than I thought. Sonia and I both got our chair to listen. Hajime sighed,“This morning, I woke up and went to get Kazuichi for class. He wasn’t in his room. Later that day, I went go check on him and he was in his room, but when I opened the door, his eyes were just read and tired. I asked him is all was well, he only nodded and smiled. It took a while, but he still told me he was okay, now adding in the detail that the board had gotten back to him on his request to be transferred elsewhere”. My mouth dropped slightly. “Transferred where?,” I asked, Hajime only shrugged.
“This is all Sonia’s fault!”
We looked at Hioyoko, Sonia quick in defending herself. “He wouldn’t transfer schools because of me, it’s probably all your fault,” she was defensive,“Maybe if you weren’t so mean to him all the time—”. Suddenly, arguing broke out. I heard many things. Hajime said he hasn’t shown interest in her lately, Sonia seeming slightly offended. Gundham was blamed, Ibuki wasn’t being blamed (she was never cold with him). Suddenly, Mikan spoke out. “Wait!”. She yelled, so we were quiet. Surprised by her tone, it made us all shut up. “What if it’s all our faults?,” she suggested,“Y-You didn’t have to be cold to him. Who else besides Ibuki or Hajime spoke to him without immediately judging character?”. It made me think, but suddenly Fuyuhiko spoke. “Fuck that!,” he said,“The dude probably wasn’t enough to be here so they dropped him. He was also probably too embarrassed to say that. And the eyes? Please! They were red because he might be some type of pothead; high out of his mind!”. “That’s a really shitty thing to say,” Hiyoko said,“Even *I* know that’s harsh”.
“I don’t give a fuck; Its true”
Hajime shook his head,“I’m gonna agree with Mikan”. “Wait isn’t it like extremely hard to transfer from this school?”. “No, not quite,” Chiaki said,“When given valid reason, the board can transfer a student elsewhere”. “If in fact the mistreatment of Kazuichi was the reason he sought transfer,” Peko added,“He probably went with ‘mental health concerns’. Since we’re all of age, he wouldn’t need to run it by a parent or guardian, making it much easier for him to transfer”. There was silence. “So what now?,” I ask. Hajime had a quick answer,“We treat him better”. “Is it not too late?”. Peko shook her head.
“If Kazuichi really went to simply be spoken about the appeal, students are given three days to make their final decision. Afterwards, there is no going back since students are allowed an appeal once”
We all still sat there. Were some of us actually cold towards him? I mean, everyone else in the academy didn’t even acknowledge him (neither did some of us, but we were around more, right?). “Alright, studebts, to your seats now!”. The professor being there had us scurrying away from Hajime’s desk. Throughout the whole class, I couldn’t focus. I kept thinking of Kazuichi, but why? Why did I care about him leaving so much?
The bell rang, Sonia waited for me. Econimics was our last class every Thrusday. The minute I was within her reach, she continued the conversation from earlier today. “So, I was thinking: you can’t talk to boys for shit,” she said. “And?”.
“What if I set you up on a blind. date.— huh? How about that?”
I sneered. Blind dates—they were such a tacky idea to me, what the fuck, but this was Sonia. She always new what was best for me when it came to, well, everything. Plus, it might be fun, or funny?
“Oh, what the hell. I’ll give it a try”
Sonia smiled so hard, her eyes shut. She squealed. “I cant wait,” she said,“I promise, this’ll be good for you. Just you wait!”. She kissed me on the cheek, leaving me behind. “Wait— we aren’t going home together?,” I asked. She shook her head. “I have some things to take care of! See you tomorrow, love”. She hurries her way. That girl. I’ll never understand her…
“Hey, how’s it going? … Nice … Well, now that you ask, I was wondering if you were open to a blind date? … Splendid! Friday, agree to meet with this girl, here’s her number … Let’s make things more interesting … Don’t tell her your name … Yes, you do know her”
I got home, setting my book bag down and practically collapsing onto my mattress. What a day. Before I got in thought about all that I was told today, as if on cue, my phone rang. It was a message, one from a number I had never seen before.
???: Hi :)
I was friendly, I didn’t have to be.
Me: Hello :)
As if a second cue went off, Sonia texts me.
Sonia: Has your blind date messaged you? btw make up a name! dont reveal anything !
Me: OH okok
I return back to the unknown sender.
Me: sonia put you up to this ?
???: yes, ma’am (or sir, or i have no clue. sonia said you were a girl. sorry)
Me: hey dont worry, sonia said she was setting me up with a guy, so i assumed too. i am a girl and being called ma’am doesn’t bother me.
???: well you assumed correctly, but thank you for letting me know, ma’am i get unsure.
???: anyway, what’s ur name?
I thought of a good, normal name, but nothing occurred to me. I looked all around my room for an object. Suddenly, my eyes landed on the family camera I had left in my room whenI used it for a project.
Me: my name is cam, hbu
???: Zero
Me: Is that really your name?
Zero: no but it makes sense to me
Me: wdym?
Zero: itd just me i guess
Me: ur gonna make me sad booo
Zero: oops, sorry !
Me: lol Its fine. but seriously, I know there is someone who cares about you. if anything Is wrong. you can talk to me, even if our date friday goes to shit :)
Zero: Yeahyesh thanks for that, Cam. its just my friends, i dont feel seen by them and it just feels like my parents have followed me.
Me: Well, they probably really love you. if it helps, I care about you :))
Zero: you’re very kind
Me: aw noooo. anyway, how was your day?
Zero: it coulda been better. yours?
Me: yeaaaa same here
Zero: what’s wrong?
Me: found something out ab a friend of mine.
Zero: is everything okay?
Me: Yea it all should be if I can fix things with him
Zero: you must really care ab him
Me: yea i really do
“Zero” decided it’d be best to change the subject since he figured it was slightly depressive (which it was). From the time I got home (4am) to 12am, we talked. I was excited because for once in my life, I was speaking to someone who liked the things I did. The same movies, the same bands. He listened to a lot of new wave and indie rock. Eventually, I got sleepy, so we called it a night. He called me cute and let me go to bed.
I actually looked forward to our date Friday. I didn’t care who he was, for he was perfect.
Morning came around and I just wanted to talk to him. In fact that’s all I did. We texted in homeroom, Theater, Calculus, etc. It was Friday today, meaning we’d have to meet today after school, thus revealing ourselves. Sonia and I were in calculus and she noticed I wouldn’t put my phone down. “God, someone’s obsessed,” she teased. “He means everything to me,” I said, breaking no eye contact with my screen. Sonia went to Kazuichi, who I have class with for Calculus, Government and Chem (which we both failed last year). I couldn’t care to break my focus on my screen, but I did head him mutter “she’s perfect”. So Kazuichi found someone else? That’s fine, but will she care enough to stop him from transferring? Could be be transferring for her?!
As the day grew the situation began getting fucking dire.
I was headed to my final class, chemistry. I had my phone in hand, texting away and very distracted. Suddenly, just like yesterday: “Oof!”. I was on the floor and above me? Kazuichi Soda. “I’m sorry, oh my god,” he said as he helped me up. I shook my head. “Nono, this time it’s my fault,” I said, dusting myself off,“I wasn’t paying attention”. 
“I was also very distracted, heh”
I smiled, picking his phone up from the ground. His screen turned on, exposing that he had been listening to music. “Cocteau Twins”. I handed him his phone. “You like them,” I asked. He nodded,“Do you?”. 
“Yeah, I do”
“Cool... where are you headed?”
“Why so early? There’s a whole hour and a half till we have to be there, plus the 5 minute tardy bell”
“I like being early. Where were you going?”
“My room,” he said,“I can’t find my chemistry journal, so I figured I should look for it before class”. “In your room?”. He nodded. For some sick and weird reason, I felt bad leaving him to do that on his own. “I can help you,” I blurted, almost instantly. His face lit up. “Really?!”. His overly joyed expression brought a smile out in me as well. “Yeah,” I answered softly. He grabbed my hand and ran with me up to his room, having me keep up with him. We got to his room as my heels skid slightly behind him. When opened the door and turned on the light, my jaw dropped.
His room was a complete and utter mess.
“Kazu- how is anything gonna get found in here?,” I asked, trying to keep my tone as calm as possible. “Its manageable,” he answered, entering and starting to look through all his junk,“I haven’t had the energy to clean my room anyway. It hasn’t really bothered me”. I shook my head as I walked in. “No, this isn’t right,” I said, an idea coming to mind,“Why don’t you lay there and rest up a little? I’ll clean your room”. His eyes lit up. “Really?”. I nodded, a warm smile creeping up on my lips. “Well, okay,” he answered,“Thank you, sweetheart”. I couldn’t even react to the pet name. His hat rested over his eyes as he quite literally fell asleep before my very eyes. 
With that, I got to work.
Cleaning out his room, taught me a few things. He also happens to like the same films as I do, but he likes more action films. I also learned he has a much bigger wardrobe than I thought. Lastly, he isn’t as mess as I thought. He had everything one would need to clean, even owned a vacuum. It took me about 1 hour and 5 minutes to clean out. I hadn’t realized it was that long, time went by me like a breeze. I approached him and sat by him. In a pattern, I shook him carefully then played with his hot pink hair, which was softer than expected. 
God, there’s something wrong with me. 
He woke up and I removed the hat from over his eyes. He lay as he looked around, seeing his room uncluttered. “Wow, it’s like a brand new room,” he said happily. “Yep”. He sat up and smiled back at me. “Thank you,” he repeated. 
“It’s nothing, really”
His voice was still groggy, I could tell he was a little dazed after his nap. He lay back and laughed to himself as we sat on his bed. “What?”. He shook his head as the lazy smile on his face grew slightly wider. “You’re really pretty”. I blushed a little, and laughed nervously. “Thanks”. He sat back up again, we both had no idea what to do now, but look at each other. It was a comfortable silence. I could forever into his oddly colored eyes. 
I wanted him to kiss me, now.
I’ve truly lost my mind. I had no idea if it was just tension or anything but that. Would I like it or would I despise it. I decided to maybe test these waters, but before I could, he beat me to it. Out of nowhere, he grabbed my chin, pulling me to his lips. Kissing me skillfully, he lay back and I followed so I wouldn’t be away from him, leaving me straddling his lap. What a day to forget to wear shorts under my skirt. With how he kiss me and I kissed him, it was no secret we wanted this for a while now. The fact that I wanted this made my stomach knot. We pulled away, slightly winded. “That was so fucking hot”. I proceeded to tell him this never happened. He agreed it didn’t. Then he added:
“I’ve never done that before”
“Neither have I-”
Then, it hit me. Kazuichi was my first kiss.
“This must be a very shitty realization,” he said, laughing a little. “Shut up, let’s get to class”. He nodded, getting up from bed, seeing that his journal was on his now clean and visible desk. He picked it up and now we were ready to go. We were still early, despite distance and how crowded the halls were. We sat at our own table, usually we both sat alone since none of our friends had this class. We all knew each other, but we wouldn’t exactly call certain people friends. Anyway, during class, I was extremely bothered. I felt sick and I couldn’t stop thinking about that fucking kiss.
At all.
I really didn’t want him to leave. I couldn’t stand the thought of him leaving. I had to stop it, but why did I want to anyway. Is this pity? It didn’t feel like it; I can tell when I pity someone and this didn’t feel like pity. Could it be that he’s always been there?
I’ve never fallen in love before, nor caught feelings. Something about him felt so familiar. What has Kazuichi done for me?
I began to think and it all came to me. The times I had no one else to talk to so he’d be there, whenever someone has bailed on me I’d go to him. I’ve taken him for granted, yet he’s smiled through it all. To think I’d hurt him made me feel worse. “God, I hate this class,” he whispered to me. I broke away from my thought. “Oh, me too,” I answered,“How are you doing, though?”. 
“In this class?”
I nodded. “Terrible”.
I mouthed an “oh”. After a second, I offered a solution. “Well, you can always ask me for help,” I said. “Seriously?,” his eyes lit up like when we were in his room. God his crooked, toothy smile had me smiling, it was intoxicating. “Yeah, come to me anytime,” I said, getting quiet. This was quite awful. On top of that, I remembered I had a date after today. I didn’t even want whoever the fuck I had to meet with. As planned by Sonia, we were to meet at the bridge in between dorms on the third floor at 7pm (mind you, I don’t have a room in this school so there really is no reason for me to stay so late). Now that I think about it, it really sounds like more of a meetup than a date. Maybe it wasn’t so important for me to meet this mystery man. I can just text him I was no longer interested.
And that’s what I chose to do.
After class, I bumped into Sonia. She smiled widely when she saw me. “Oh my god, Are you excited for tonight?!”. Here I am, bursting her bubble.
Her smile went down slowly. “Why not?,” she asked. “I’m not going”.
That was probably the loudest she’s ever spoken. “I mean, I don’t want to”. “But this was important, what the fuck,” she seemed too upset about it. “I don’t want him,” I said,“I’m into someone else”. “WHO?”. I swallowed before the name came out of my mouth,“Kazuichi...”.She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I know its emba-”.
“THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M GONNA SAY, oh my god. You have to go still, don’t leave your blind date hanging, please. I’m begging you, please!”
I scoffed.
I nodded. “Fine, but I really cannot pretend to have a good time,” I said to her. Nodding frantically, she said she knows. Ultimately, it was my choice and she knew that. Sonia walked home with me, then said she would walk back with me when it came time to meet my blind date. She wanted be there for when he was revealed. I got a message from this man when I got home.
Zero: Hey, are you sure you want to meet?
  I raised a brow and showed Sonia. She covered her mouth, but quickly told me to say yes. So that’s exactly what I did. 
Me: Yeah
Zero: ok
  “He isn’t into it,” I said, showing Sonia the messages. “He will be”. Damn, she was so dead set on this and for what? “Come on,” she said,“We should get going”. I nodded, getting up from the floor we sat on in my room. Locking up, we swiftly headed to the bridge.
It was dark by the time we got there.
No answer. “Maybe wait a little,” Sonia suggested,“He gets shy”. I turned to her. “Do you know him?,” I asked. “Of course I do”. She must’ve misunderstood what I asked. “No, but do you know him know him,” I cleared up,“like is he close to any of us”. She nodded, now I was really curious. A couple minutes passed and he still wasn’t there. “See,” I said,“Fucking no-show!”. My hands clenched into a fist. Sonia was getting closer to me, looking as if she had some consoling words to say, but she stopped. Smiling, she backed away. Then, I heard footsteps behind me. She stepped away from me, nodding towards me, but that was just a signal for me to turn around. I heard a gasp,“You?”. 
The familiarity of the voice—it all made sense now.
“You!,” I cried. My eyes watered as a smiling Kazuichi stood in front of me. I hugged him and I could tell he wasn’t expecting me. “God, I thought you’d hate me,” he sighed, relieved. I shook my head. “I’ll leave you to it,” Sonia said,“I have to go anyway; my ride’s here”. We waved her off, getting back to each other. “Wanna head into my room?”.
We headed into his room, snuck in, I’m not supposed to be here. He threw himself onto his bed as his hands made a gesture for me to get on. I straddled him like before and kissed him. “Someone’s excited,” he teased. I scoffed. “I’m not the only one”. His face turned red as he looked away. “Hey, Kazuichi? Can we talk”. He nodded, waiting for me to introduce the topic. 
“Hajime and, well, everyone else including Sonia and myself were talking and—”
“That you’re leaving?”
“Oh... yeah. I am”
I frowned, getting off him, now sitting next to him. He looked upset now that he remembered. “It isn’t too late now, is it?”. He shook his read putting his hat on his bedside drawer (me thinks this is the first time I’ve seen him without a hat). “Tomorrow, I go confirm my decision,” he said,“I feel... miserable in Hope Peak. I don’t belong here”.
“You don’t know what it feels like not having anything in common with anyone. Everyone being so fucking distant”
“I do know how the first one feels, but... we have each other to relate to”
“I just hate how this school makes me feel and I want it to go away”
He shivered as his eyes began to water. It hurt so much to see him cry. I never have. “Baby, look at me,” I said to him,“We all love you, okay? I love you. I’m sorry for being so cold towards you this whole time. You were always there”. He stuck his head into my chest and just let everything go. I played with his hair as he got rid of emotion. I lay his head down and straddled him again. Quickly, I kissed all over his tear-stained face, the taste of salt persistent on my lips. The kisses got him riled up and giggly once again, making him tackle me. I fell back on the bed as he did the same to me. He smooched me on the lips before giving me his final word.
“I’ll think about it, okay?”
I nodded, not pressuring him. I wanted him to be so sure about staying. I also wanted him to know that if he did stay, I would be there, always. “You need a ride home?”, he asked. I could have gone home, but I didn’t necessarily want to. “Aw, don’t you want me to stay?,” I pouted. The way I said it was so playful it almost felt like teasing. He blushed frantically answering,“Yeah, I do”. I then realized I didn’t have clothes to sleep in.
And no, sleeping in underwear could never be an option. (Not yet, at least)
“Damnit, I don’t have clothes”. That’s when he opened his drawer and threw some sweatpants at me. “You have a shirt under that one, correct?,” he asked. I nodded, unbuttoning my school shirt. it was a silk black undershirt, could be used as an undergarment or sleepwear. “Hey, I’m just gonna go out to the communal to wash up, okay?”.
“That’s fine, baby”
He smiled, heading off with his toothbrush and towel. Once the door shut, I with a I slid off my socks. I then stood up and took off my skirt. The clothing fit me kind of snug, but I didn’t mind. I lay back and waited for him patiently.
His shower was quick, well, in my opinion it was. His hair gave off a brisk scent, as he lay next to me. His eyes looked weak as he hug his face into my chest. It wasn’t in a weird way or anything, so I simply assumed he was tired. “Are you sleepy, yet?”. He nodded, his face in deeper. “I’m really sleepy,” he said softly. I ran my fingers through his hair like before and let him sleep. Watching how at ease he was in my embrace soothed me to rest. According to Hajime, he was usually a light sleeper. The slightest touch or noise would wake him up. He would shift around or mumble in his sleep. This time, it was different.
It was peaceful.
The next morning, I woke up and put on yesterday’s clothes. When I got to putting on my shoes, I felt him move behind me. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” I said sweetly. “Good morning, angel,” he said, his voice straining as he stretched with a grunt,“Time?”. 
He got up and threw on a pair of clothes that I have never seen him in. “You want a ride home?,” he asked,“I meet with the board today at 10. If I take you home now, I can make it back in good time”. I nodded, going hand in hand with him after he had put his shoes on.
I never knew Kazuichi drove. I recall him say he had terrible motion sickness, yet here he was driving me home in a borrowed car that had been worked on in the school’s auto shop class. I had nothing else to talk about and the silence was killing me. “So you can drive?”.
“I can drive”
“What about your motion sickness?”
He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, that’s always been there, always will be,” he began to explain,“but I’ve learned to ignore it”. He put his arm around me, smiling. I smiled, yet I was terrified. What if I wasn’t enough to make him stay? As he drove, I noticed he had nothing in mind. With Kazuichi, you can always tell when there’s something on his mind. Always. He’ll squint, mouth some words to himself...that’s how you know. It began to overwhelm me and I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry knowing there was possibly nothing I can say or do for him to stay. He may know I love him, but what if the timing was off?
Oh, well.
We arrived at my home, him walking me up to my doorstep. He kissed me, his smile dropping afterward. Fuck, he must’ve noticed... “Hey, is everything okay?”. I nodded. “Okay,” he said, uncertainty in his tone,“Well, text me if anything!”. I nodded, a faint smile on my face. I headed inside and lay in bed.
My memory of that Saturday and the Sunday that followed are fogged. I don’t remember leaving my room, let alone my house. Monday came around. I was nervous. I walked down the halls, Sonia standing and an expression of worry spread across her face. “Sonia,” I said,“What’s wrong?”. She gulped and I knew nothing positive would come out of this.
“Hajime hasn’t seen Kazuichi all day”
My eyes widened and I wanted to pass out. “No, that can’t be!”. I didn’t want to feel this. It was all guilt. Why, though? Everything seemed fine when we had last seen each other, it made no sense. “You haven’t talked to him?,” she asked. I shook my head. Sonia sighed. “Okay,” she began,“We have government today. Your only class with him. All we have to do is wait and then we’ll know for sure”. I nodded, trying not to let emotions get to me.
Now in government, I waited, We all did. None of us had heard a word from him. Soon enough, an hour passed: no Kazuichi. Tearful, my eyes shut as I placed my head on my table. Hajime walked up to me. “If its in any consolation at all,” he began,“Kazuichi really did like you. He loved you. I’m sure he knew you loved him”.
“Why the fuck do you make it sound like he’s dead?”
“I see how it would sound like so. I’m just gonna leave my words at that”
My eyes were burning and a headache began growing. Suddenly, there was pounding on thr door, pounding that startled the class. The teacher sighed. The knock was that of a late student, which obviously would’ve annoyed her considering this is a 65 minute class and it had been an hour or so. A student volunteered for the door and there stepped in a distressed Kazuichi.
I sniffled and my heart was beating out of my chest when I heard his voice and saw his face. “Kazuichi?!”. I ran up to him and hugged him, he was tense. “I was so worried,” he said. “That makes two of us”. I kissed him, he asked if I was okay and I nodded so frantically. “I didn’t text because I was sad!”. He hugged me tighter, kissing my forehead. I looked into his eyes, falling in love. Then I had realized one thing. “Wait”. He looked at me,“What’s up?”.
He walked to the teacher and handed her a doctor’s note. “You know I can’t mark you present right?,” she said. “You can’t mark me absent either, miss”. Yeah, he wasn’t the best student here. He walked back up to me and kissed me. “There’s like 2 minutes left,” he said,“Can we leave?”.
“Just go”
Being a nuisance paid off as we were all let out early. He grabbed my book bag and ran with me, pulling me by the hand. He took me to the back of the school, yeah, the very back behind the gym. I sat in his lap as he kissed me once more harder, now that no one was watching. I then faced him. “I thought you were leaving,” I whined. He ran his hands through my hair. “I was going to,” he said,“but I couldn’t do that to you, or to myself”. We sat in silence till I said,“Who would’ve thought?”.
“Yeah, in a million years, huh? What year we in?”
“Shut up”
I kissed him and felt him smile against my lips. “Don’t change, Kazuichi”. “Don’t plan on it,” he said,“I love you”. “I love you too”.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
gruvia drabble
author’s note: well. i said it. and here it is!!! this is based off the most recent gruvia matching covers of fairy tail 100 years quest!!!:) i felt super inclined to write this bc 1. those covers are BEAUTIFUL and 2. well... last time gruvia was at a ball it.......didnt go so well!!! (end of the gmg arc......iykyk😔) SO!! i hope i did these covers justice!:) enjoys bbies!!!!! and im tagging @sobatsu bc i was instructed to lol!!:) i hope u enjoy, love!!!:)
“Wow.” Lucy lulled, taking in the grand surroundings. “I forgot just how nice this palace was.”
“Yeah, it’s been a little while since we’ve been here, huh?” Natsu finally looked up from his plate as he said with a mouth full of food.
“Natsu, manners!” Erza scolded. “Queen Hisui was kind enough to invite us here for her birthday ball. Don’t embarrass Fairy Tail.”
Juvia, however, was not taking a large part in the conversation. She was more focused on a certain someone, and how she had yet to even talk to this certain someone throughout the whole night.
Once she heard that Fairy Tail would be attending Queen Hisui’s birthday ball, she was estatic. Rather than dwelling on the fact that last time she was in that very ballroom Gray essentially rejected her, she decided to look at the glass as half full. She would reinvent herself this night. She would wear a dress even more dazzling than before, she would act so elegantly even if it killed her, and she would do everything in her power to make Gray eat the words he said at the last royal ball. Juvia would show Gray that she was an even newer version of herself, and she was a woman more than deserving of his love.
However, the fact that he seemed to be avoiding her the entire night was certainly putting a damper on Juvia’s plans. She didn’t want to overcrowd him like she seemed to last time, but patiently waiting for him to approach her was killing her. She wanted to gush over the fact that he looked so handsome in his fancy suit and sweep him off his feet onto the dance floor, but unlike her usual, she was trying to keep her cool. Unfortunately, “keeping her cool” was turning into a burning irritation. She kept her eyes glued onto Gray as she mingled with Jellal across the ballroom. They were chatting and laughing with drinks in their hand, and Juvia wanted to be by his side as he did so. Instead, she watched, and subconsciously poked at her food with her fork as her other hand tapped anxiously on the table.
Naturally, Erza was the first person to notice her agitation. “Juvia? Is everything alright?” She asked.
“Eh?” Juvia finally snapped out of her daze. She stopped her fidgeting and turned towards Erza. “Juvia’s fine.” She forced a laugh.
“Is that so?” Erza raised a brow. “That must be why you’ve been staring off and playing with your food for 30 minutes without taking a single bite.”
“Urgh!” Juvia finally dropped her fork. “Why hasn’t Gray-sama talked to Juvia tonight?! At all!” She spat out.
Erza gave a low chuckle. “I could’ve guessed that’s what this was about.”
“Why don’t you just go up and talk to him, Juvia?” Lucy chimed in.
“Because,” Juvia groaned. “At the last ball, Juvia was a bit—well— abrassive, and it totally turned Gray-sama off.” She sighed. “Juvia just doesn’t want to make the same mistake twice.”
“You know, the last ball was a long time ago. A lot has changed from then. Not only you and Gray as individuals, but as a couple as well.” Erza casually explained, tucking a loose hair that fell from her bun behind her ear.
“A c-c-couple?!” Juvia’s face turned red. Sure, she and Gray had gone through a lot together since then, but their relationship was anything but definite. They were in this awkward “more than friends” stage that Juvia just couldn’t seem to fight her way out of.
“Erza’s right!” Lucy said, optimistically. “Gray cares a lot about you, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you went up and talked to him or asked him to dance.”
Juvia sighed, somewhat defeated. “Juvia supposes you two are right, but I really don’t want to mess anything up tonight.” She began lightly messing with her food again.
“You should do whatever you feel is right, Juvia.” Erza gave her a reassuring smile.
Juvia finally smiled back. “Thank you Erza-san, and Lucy-san, but Juvia is sure. She will lay low tonight. Whatever happens, happens.” As much as it killed her, this is what she decided to do, and deep down she would hope Gray would eventually approach her.
“Hey, Juvia,” Natsu interjected. “While you lay low, are you gonna’ eat that?” He clearly had eyes for her plate.
“Natsu!” Lucy exclaimed.
Juvia hummed a giggle. “It’s alright. You can have it, Natsu-san.”
After all, she was far too anxious to stomach anything right then.
While Gray was paying attention to Jellal and their conversation, he couldn’t help that little thing that was itching away at his mind. Finally, he glanced over her way across the room to see she was talking with Erza and Lucy.
His index finger tapped at the glass in his hand, unknowingly to him. He quickly shook his gaze and turned back to Jellal.
“So it’s safe to assume you’re fitting right in at Fairy Tail? You’re a new member and you’re already going to all our parties.” He said to his old friend, but new guild mate.
Jellal nodded. “Well, there’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure.” He chuckled. “I would hate to miss out.”
Gray playfully raised his eyebrow. “Is there a particular reason you’re inclined to be so involved? Maybe, I dunno’, because of a certain red-head, by chance?” He teased.
Jellal’s eyes went wide. “W-what?! Erza?! I—erm— not necessarily! Why do you say that?!”
Gray couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re as cool as a cucumber all the time, but as soon as Erza comes up in conversation, you start buggin’ out.”
“I guess I can’t help it.” Jellal sighed contently and looked over to her table. “She has that effect on me.” He grinned.
Gray admired Jellal’s realness with himself. It was a trait that Gray seemed to lack sometimes, especially when it came to the feelings department. That got him back to thinking about that thing that was poking at him all night. Or rather, that thing that wasn’t poking at him. Wasn’t bothering him, wasn’t clinging to his side, wasn’t flashing that engulfing sweet grin, wasn’t talking his ear off all night.
“H-hey,” Gray finally let his anxiety fall off his lips. “Does Juvia seem...” He realized he was failing on putting the right words together. “I dunno’,” He exhaled. “Weird... to you? At all?” He finished, agonizingly.
Jella furrowed his brows. “Weird as in...?” He wasn’t sure just what Gray was getting at.
He groaned. “I don’t know, like she’s acting kind of... differently tonight, right?”
“She looks perfectly fine to me.” By the tone in Jellal’s voice, it was clear he was trying to pull something from Gray.
“Y-yeah.” Gray swallowed his thoughts.
“Or could you be getting at the fact that she hasn’t been following you around at all tonight?” Jellal pried.
“I mean, yeah! It’s not like her to— well— leave me alone.” Gray snorted. Here he was, finally getting a second to breathe from her, and he was complaining about it.
“Does it bother you that she’s not bothering you?”
“No!” Gray immediately answered, but once he saw the look he was getting from Jellal, he knew there was no fooling him. “Ok, maybe.” He turned away.
“It’s just strange to see her not being herself.” He looked at the drink in his hand and swirled it around. “So, yes, in a weird way, it does bother me that she’s not glued to my side.”
“Well, Gray, it kind of seems like you’ve answered your own question, my friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go ask a beautiful girl to dance.” Jellal flashed one last smug smirk at Gray, almost as if it were a nudge, and walked strutted his way across the floor. He watched as Jellal executed his plan with that very red-head that knew just how to ruffle his feathers. Shortly following, Lucy and Natsu excitedly arose from their seats and entered the dance floor as well.
Gray knew what he had to do.
He downed the drink that sat in his hand, slammed it on the table beside him, took a deep breath, and headed towards her.
For the first time all night, Juvia wasn’t looking at Gray. She had her chin resting in the palms of her hands as her elbows leaned on the table. She looked longingly onto all the couples that were dancing the night away. It was hopeless. She had been defeated for a second time.
Flower petals fell from what was seemingly the sky, as the guards released them in bushels, setting the perfect mood for the couples romantically dancing.
“O-oi!” Juvia knew that voice all too well. She snapped her gaze at that direction.
“Gray-sama?” She nearly gasped. This was the first time she’d been so close to him all night.
“Juvia.” Gray took a deep breath. “Do you...” He held out one hand as his other instinctively scratched at the back of his head, as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. He felt the blush burn his cheeks, so he couldn’t help but look away in the moment. “Do you want to dance with me?”
Juvia’s first reaction was her eyes widening, not believing what they were seeing. Her lips parted as she finally took in a breath after what felt like an eternity with no air.
“Yes. Juvia would love to.”
Gray finally looked back at her. and the world around him completely faded away. All he saw was her. Juvia’s long waves draped her frame perfectly, as parts in the front fell and curved onto the seams of her dress. She looked at him with a hooded gaze, one that stared into his entire being, and he was mad that he orginally didn’t have the courage to look into her deep blue trance. Pink frosted her porcelain skin perfectly, and it just so happened to match the soft petals that fell onto her so perfectly, grazing her hands that were crossed on top of each other, tightly held at the center of her chest. She was truly all he could see in that moment, and he didn’t care. All he ever wanted to see, was her. It was a sight he could look at for eternity.
Finally, the nerves seemed to dull. He gracefully took her hand, and led Juvia onto the ballroom floor. She was first to wrap her arms around his neck, and Gray matched her, a bit awkwardly at first, by placing his hands onto her back.
“Juvia thought you would never ask her to dance.” She half groaned and half chuckled.
“Yeah, well, you could’ve asked me yourself, y’know.” They continued to sway back and forth, stepping with ease.
“And risk rejection?! For the second royal ball in a row?! Juvia’s heart couldn’t take it.” She dramatically explained.
“Well it’s not like you to stand on the sidelines.” Gray scoffed.
“But it paid off didn’t it?” She hummed a giggle. “Gray-sama asked Juvia to dance.” She sang
“Yeah, but I didn’t like seeing you be all—well— not yourself.” He muttered and embarrassingly turned his head to the side.
“Eh?” Juvia pushed her face towards Gray. “Gray-sama doesn’t mind Juvia’s mannerisms?” She boasted
“Urgh, well, I like you, okay?! And part of what makes you you is how you’re so loud, and giddy, and forward, and in my face about everything.” He finally looked back towards her. “So don’t go changing anything about yourself, alright? I like you just the way you are.”
For the first time ever, Juvia was at a loss for words. Without giving a verbal reply, she removed her arms from Gray’s neck, and wrapped them around his torso while she prompty pressed her cheek against his chest.
“If Gray-sama insists.” She hummed, snuggling up.
For a moment, Gray didn’t know how to react. Before he could think of a response, he was overwhelmed with a sense of familiarity. This feeling, this sensation of Juvia being so close to him was exactly right. He loved feeling this closeness with her, not only physically, but emotionally as well. Even though he wouldn’t admit if half the time, he longed for moments like this. Her embrace brought him a sense of home like no other could. He calmly wrapped his arms around her, and brought her in even tighter than before.
Finally, while in each other’s arms, just as they knew they should be, Gray and Juvia danced into the night.
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obxdrewseph · 4 years
Slytherin!Rafe Cameron AU
Slytherin!Rafe Cameron x Gryffindor!reader (non-canon Rafe LOL) 
you and rafe cameron NEVER got along 
you two were always yelling at each other, throwing spells at each other, and even physically punching and shoving sometimes. 
it all started when you got accepted as one of the youngest seekers on the gryffindor team in a long time. you were praised by many and had many admirers 
he was jealous of your success. he was the same age as you but never received the same hype. it was like his household-- he worked so hard without gaining any approval from his father who only loved sarah.
the rivalry officially started when rafe told one of his friends lackeys to spell your broomstick before a game your first year. you were an innocent freshman then and felt confused when you jerked around in the air
after losing that game, rafe walked by you and mumbled “mudblood” under his breath. you weren’t surprised that rafe was prejudice after hearing the rumors about him
but you werent the type to judge someone before knowing them ... 
but now you officially hated mr. hot guy at hogwarts
later that month, you produced a love potion and slipped it into another third year’s drink who you knew had a crush on rafe 
crush is an understatement-- she was obsessed with him. and the love potion only made her passion more intense
she followed him around everywhere,.. and i mean EVERYWHERE until the potion wore off
and rafe had too many classes with the girl to avoid her 
the girl even snuck into his room and chased off other girls who hit on rafe
to be frank, he was pissed . 
the both of you had gone back and forth with mean pranks to each other, but you were seventh years now .. you were almost ready to go into the real world and you didnt have any time for immature pranks
just joking !! 
you both still hated each other. 
it was the nearing final game of the season, meaning it was you and rafe’s last quidditch game at hogwarts 
the tension was much higher between you two than usual 
when he saw you in the hallways, he would literally just shove you to the side while you spell his pants to fall down 
sometimes that worked in his favor which pissed you off
right before the game, rafe drank some liquid luck he needed it 
“god im so ready to crush that mudblood , there’s no way gryffindor will win today” 
“rafe why are you still fighting with her, it’s been years!” 
“hey she fights with me too” 
sarah cameron rolled her eyes at the immature boy but said nothing. she was secretly rooting for the two of you to have an intense love story... but it didnt look like it was happening 
the stadium was going wild as both teams walked out. everyone knew and loved the slytherin vs gryffindor rivalry 
secretly you loved it too. it gave you some sense of competition 
“ok i want a good game students. no playing dirty and all that” 
the professor narrowed her eyes at both you and rafe
you guys definitely wouldnt follow those rules
once the whistle blew, the players shot into the sky
there wasnt much for you to do as a seeker until you saw the snitch and you waited for it to catch your eye. you looked at the other seeker who was a sixth year. she glared back at you. 
“what are you lookin at, mudblood” 
you rolled your eyes at her comment
suddenly, it appeared in your line of vision and you went soaring through the sky. you could faintly hear someone announcing your actions on the speaker, but all you could focus on was that tiny ball with wings 
it was so close to you, you could touch it 
you held out your arm to try and grab the golden snitch-- your hands practically wrapped around damn thing
“y/n watch out!!” 
were the last words you heard before you felt something hit your side, flinging you roughly to the stadium. your back hit wood and you fell to the ground, the sand “breaking” your fall 
you could almost hear the audible gasp through the stadium as you dropped from the sky, but all you could feel was pain. in all of your years as a seeker, you’d never been hit with a bludger. you had always kept your eyes peeled for them
you knew someone deliberately hit you with one this time
a whole bunch of professors ran to you
“y/n darling! oh dear, this looks bad” 
you felt someone prop you up, but everything seemed blurry and faint. you were going in and out of consciousness 
your mouth was dry and probably bleeding, but you could still mumble out a few words
“check my hand” 
then you blanked out
you woke up in the hospital wing alone. and you hated being alone. 
your body felt sore and everything was fuzzy. your lips were dry and chapped and you could barely move your body
“easy there, y/n. you dont want to strain yourself” 
at the sound of that deep voice, you whipped your head to the side and came face to face with ... 
rafe cameron?
your curious look turned evil.
“you bastard, you hit me with your fucking bludger!” you wanted to hit him on the head, but your body wouldn’t allow it
“are you seriously that mad?? you still won the fucking game!” he spat back 
that made you laugh. he tried his best to knock you off your game, but you still pulled through-- as always
you gave him your best smug look 
“youre right. i should be grateful right now that mr. cameron just lost his last game... ever” you emphasized the last words
you expected to same something back, but he stayed silent
you opened your eyes and just saw him staring at you 
“what?” you spat. you didnt know what game he was playing at 
and for the first time in your life, you saw a look of remorse and confusion on his face 
“well if you have something to say, then just say it!” you yelled. patience wasnt your strong suit 
he scratched the back of his neck, something you knew he did when he was nervous 
“look, i just wanted to say im sorry, ok? i- i didnt mean to hit you so hard” 
his confession shocked you. 
you never had been kind to one another. ever. 
“um... alright” 
you and rafe were both bad at emotions 
“alright? i apologize to you and you just give me a mere ‘alright’?” his tone made you angry 
“excuse me?? just because you apologize, it doesnt mean i have to forgive you!” you didnt even know why you were mad-- it’s not like you meant to brush off his apology, you just were confused
he scoffed and slid back in his chair. it was then you noticed he wasnt in his robes, just his pajamas that were sweats and a tank top (you knew this because you had snuck into his dorm one day while he was sleeping and spelled a bunch of snakes to his bed. they were harmless ofc) 
you saw something flicker in his face that you hadnt seen before.. was it embarrassment? something else? 
you were over all the anger that you had towards rafe. you were both 17 and still fighting like kids. all you wanted to know is why 
“rafe, why do you hate me so much?” 
you finally asked 
he paused in his steps, and didnt make eye contact. odd. he was always staring intensely at you. then he scratched the back of his neck
“be honest” 
“fine, i was jealous of you alright? you were the golden first year and i was just another first year on the team. everyone paid attention to you i guess and i dont know .. i just got angry” 
you tried not to show any surprise, but you were shocked. rafe always seemed so cocky and arrogant, to know he envied you at one point didnt make you feel too good
“well maybe people would like you more if you werent such an asshole” you bit out. you dont know why you said that, he was being vulnerable but he started the rivalry by making you lose your first game. it humiliated you. the rumor was you couldnt even fly properly and people doubted your skills as a seeker
he rolled his eyes and turned to walk away 
“wait!” you shouted. he stopped.
you didnt know what you wanted to ask him, but the words toppled out before you could stop them
“why are you here?” 
“to apologize”
you gave him a look. 
somehow, you felt like you knew rafe cameron better than anyone at this school. you knew what made him tick, you knew what made him nervous, embarrassed, etc. you even knew what made him happy so that you could deliberately not do that
and you knew when he was lying. like right now
his jaw tightened. “jj.” 
?? huh ?? 
“what? what about jj?” you knew rafe didnt like the gryffindor, but he wasnt as mean to jj as he was to you 
“jj carried you out of the stadium. he was the first one there.” 
you still didnt know why he was telling you this 
“um, ok? did he like tell you to come here?” 
suddenly, you saw a smile on rafe cameron’s face. 
you had only seen him smile like that when he was reading his potions textbook or practicing offensive spells. he never smiled like that at you. 
then... it hit you 
“wait... were you.. jealous of jj?” you sputtered out 
he gave you a now smug look
“i guess? it was a weird development i admit.” 
you rolled your eyes
“oh, liking me is a ‘weird development’” 
“woooah who said anything about liking?? i just said jealousy. im pretty sure im just jealous youre close to another guy besides you.” he fibbed.
you scoffed. “im close to plenty guys besides you.” 
you were lying. 
guys hated how much you interacted with rafe cameron and were scared of getting on his bad side. they were cowards-- all of them. there was nothing you hated more than a coward. 
“anything else you have to confess to me?” you asked finally, confused of the direction this conversation was going. 
“nope. see you around y/n.” 
he gave you one of his rare soft smiles and closed the door, leaving you more confusion than you had woken up with 
once rafe closed the door, he paused with his back leaning on it. 
“guess that liquid luck came in handy” 
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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Beverly Hills- Han Jisung (Part One)
a/n: i didnt realize how much i loved writing fics until a couple weeks ago so we back at it again with our biaswrecker sksksksk
this fic is going to be drama-filled? not sure how to describe it but i’m getting a lot of inspiration from high school dramas so we’ll see LOL
Sweaty palms and sunburns cannot emphasize how bummed Jisung was about this weather. Living under a cave for three years and completely skipping high school did him good but now he's back in the city, knocking on the front door to his cousin's home with a glued smile on his face.
"Jisung!" Jeongin exclaimed, running down the stairs of their mansion home to swing open the door.
"Jeongin!!" Jisung could only laugh at the sights of his younger bro, pulling him into his arms.
"I missed you dude" he whispered into the younger boy's ear before his luggage could be pulled away from his arms.
"Let me help you out with that," Seungmin said, taking a whiff of Jisung's figure before scrunching his nose in disgust. "You need a shower before our mom comes home, she would not like to see you like this"
Jisung looks down at his dirty vans and rusty jeans, "What's wrong with this?" he asked the two boys before the two look at each other.
"We'll get you a new wardrobe, just please go take a shower"
"Alright, alright" Jisung complies, following the boys upstairs he stares at the lines of academic awards and medals."So how did you two punks graduate high school early?"
Seungmin and Jeongin eye each other before turning around to show him their diploma. "Just with our wits" Seungmin winked
"Well your wits got me to come back to school, your mom literally dragged me here" Jisung groaned, flopping onto the bed that used to be his.
"She really wants you to graduate Jisung, can't you do just that? Especially after your parents.." Jeongin's voice turned into a whisper as Jisung eyed him across the room.
"Let's not bring them up Jeongin, I swear if Auntie brings them up I'm going to ignore her"
"Sorry I just-"
"It's fine Jeongin" Jisung interrupted before stuffing his face into the familiar pillow.
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Let's get things straight. 
Here at Beverly there's a few different families. We have the Bang Family, consisting of son and daughter Chan and Claire. Their family owns almost all the clubs in LA. Next we have the Lee's, Felix and Minho are nothing alike however, Felix being the school's outcast and Minho being a popular dancer.  Yang and Kim's are united- the bond between the two families inseparable.
Oh, did I not mention Beverly Hills' most popular rich boy? That would be Hwang Hyunjin. The Hwang's along with the Seo's claim all the hotel businesses of Southern Cali, and their families are often known for being involved in rough politics.
Last, but definitely not least, we have the Stay family. You're the only daughter, sister having passed away at a young age. Because of this, you carry the legacy of your own last name. Oof, the pressures of an asian family. But nothing stops you from a good party, especially the big "Back to school" pool party that Chan and Claire are throwing tonight.
"Is this cute?" Claire asks, taking a pretty white swimsuit from the hangers to your attention. 
You take a glimpse at it before looking away, "Too white, you'll look like that statue of David when the museum is closed"
Claire rolls her eyes, throwing the suit in the cart. "I don't have a dick y/n, and Michelangelo definitely is not cute enough to mold my curves"
"As if you have any" You retort with a chuckle before being slapped in the back by Claire's Louie Vuitton. "Shut up!!"
You could only laugh as she walks away, shaking her ass in the air as you go for the simple yellow swimsuit. Checking the price tag, you see three digits and decide to put it back before taking it in your hands again.
"Mom and dad will kill me... it's okay" You tell yourself before heading off to the cashier's.
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Jisung mutters a quick "Leave me alone" before throwing the comforter over himself again. Finally, the comforter is stripped away from his bed as Jeongin screams in shock.
"Jisung!! You sleep naked?! Disgusting!!" Jeongin exclaims, throwing the blanket back on him.
Seungmin pats Jeongin's shoulder in embarrassment before waking Jisung up. "Get up, The Bang's are having a party tonight and we've been invited. It'll be the perfect chance to get new friends"
Jisung rolls his eyes at Seungmin's proposal, "Friends aren't shit Seungmin, they're just your friend during high school and when it's over they forget your name."
"Oh come on Jisung!! You can't be lonely forever!" Jeongin pouts, ticking Jisung's sleepy figure before Seungmin could add, "Well Jeongin and I are going, so I guess you're going to be alone with my mom"
Jisung is quick to jump out of bed and puts on the nearest pair of shorts before wrapping his arms around the two boys shoulders, "Okay so where exactly is this party?!"
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The booming music makes the whole neighborhood shake and sounds of chit-chat and the small of alcohol fill the air. Girls fill the pool with floaties of all kinds and drinks at every table.
"W-wait. You guys meant a real party?! I thought you geeks only went to chess comps and bingo clubs" Jisung said, "T-there's real people here. Ew."
Seungmin drags Jisung inside the crowded living room, "You clearly aren't ready for Beverly Hills High School Jisung, and that's why you need to be here”
"I'll get us some drinks, go find some open space for us Jisung" Jeongin says, running off with Seungmin.
Jisung winces at the people surrounding him, turning to the hallway before being greeted by a stumbling girl in a white swimsuit.
"Oh, oh hi! You must be new here, I'm C-claire" Claire grabs Jisung's shoulders, a burp leaving her lips before she collapses onto him.
"Woah- woah okay, okay Claire take it easy" Jisung says, grabbing her waist as he looks for the nearest bedroom. Walking further down the hall, Jisung hears a few voices and hopes to drop the drunken figure into the hands of some other people.
"Look Hyunjin! I've told you so many times, we just don't work out together" You exclaim, trying to push Hyunjin off you as he continues to suck on your neck. You fail to get his weight off him as he cages you against the bed, his plump lips making all sorts of blues and purples on your skin as you try to kick him off.
"Come on y/n..." Hyunjin whispers into the crook of your neck, "We can make this work you know?" Your calls for help are muted by the loud music playing outside but you know with enough resent you can get him to stop.
"Hyunjin, stop! It's over" You continue, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp. Well aware of how much he chugged before, you tried to work with his intoxicated self but it didn't seem to be working.
Jisung presses his ear against the door, realizing the situation as he kicks open the door. "Hey!"
Hyunjin quickly turns around, getting off the bed. "Um, hello?" Hyunjin replies sarcastically.
Jisung is left without words the second he lays eyes on you, you're beautiful. Light beaming on your figure from a nearby window, the sunlight is casted upon you. He can’t even blink, the sight is too worthy to lose even for a second. Left breathless in the middle of the bed, you thank the lords above that some cute guy came to save the day before noticing your best friend in his hands.
"Holy shit!" You run up to Jisung and grab your best friend.
"Is she okay?" Hyunjin says, picking her up and laying her on the bed. You sniff her hair before nodding your head.
"She's drunk. I'm so sorry about that.." You turn around to see the boy in a simple white tee, shorts and a Ralph Lauren bucket hat before asking, "what's your name?"
Jisung's eyes are fixated on the floor before realizing you were talking to him. "Oh- me? Jisung" he smiles.You smile at the way his cheeks puff up when his teeth show, face resembling a cute squirrel as you shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Jisung" you say with a smile.
"So someone told me my sister was being dragged to the guest room?" Chan said, Minho and Changbin by his side as he glanced at his sibling.
"She drank a little too much," Hyunjin responded before Chan could send Hyunjin a nervous look. "Bro, the plan didn't work?" Chan mouthed to Hyunjin as he glanced at you, noticing your hand still tied to Jisung's.
"Dude, why are you still shaking her hand?" Changbin asked, turning everyone's attention to you and Jisung. You stare at Jisung for a moment, noticing the bit of nervousness in his eyes. Jisung's grasp on your hand tightens anxiously before you could smile at the guys, "That's because Jisung here, is my new... boyfriend!"
Minho nearly spat out his drink, "Your what?!"
"My new boyfriend" you repeated, "Now don't mind me, but I'm going to leave now.. with my new BOYFRIEND" you spat at Hyunjin's face before leaving.
"Bro, what the fuck just happened?" Chan asked Hyunjin, handing him his drink
"I-I think y/n is really calling it quits" Hyunjin stutters, lying against the wall as the guys join him.
"Don't worry Hyunjin, y/n is always like this.. I’m sure this “Jisung” kid will leave if we teach him a lesson" Minho said, patting his shoulder.
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You're running to the backyard with Jisung before he could stop you, panting out of breath. Sitting down at a nearby bench, you gesture at Jisung to sit next to you before letting go of his hand.
"I'm really sorry about dragging you into that, I just needed to get out of there" You apologize
"That's alright... but just like, did you call me your..?"
"Boyfriend." Jisung's eyes pop off at the validation.
"Seriously?" Jisung points a finger at himself in shock, "Me??"
"Yes you idiot" You reply with a chuckle, pushing his hand away. 
"I know you're new, maybe we can be friends" Smiling at Jisung's shocked expression you notice a figure resting on the edge of the garden.
"Felix!!" You call out, noticed the freckled boy turn around at your voice.
"Y/N!!" He replies, running over to you guys.
"Jisung, this is Felix. I think he'd be the perfect friend for you here." Jisung looks at Felix before looking back at you again, "Are you not staying?"
You stand up before spotting Chan and Minho asking people for your whereabouts. 
"Not for now, I need to fix a mess I started, it was nice meeting you though!" You exclaim, running inside to the two guys.
"Don't mind her, y/n is always involved in some sort of drama" Felix says
"Seriously? Why would nice girls like her get involved in that kind of stuff?" Jisung asks, scratching his neck in curiousness. "Whew, Jisung" Felix says, knowing he has a lot to learn.
"Welcome to Beverly Hills High School."
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hazelolive · 4 years
Diavolo entered his bedroom. He pulled off his outer coat and tossed it over a chair. He had just gotten back from the maid cafe event he asked lucifer to put together. Granted this one was a little short notice but he didnt fail to impress. It was a whopping success and he felt the students enjoyed it as well even if it did orginally spawn from Kera showing him a anime with hosts in it. And him thinking that, that might be amusing to see irl.
He pulled out his phone he knew he probably had a missed text or two but he was having fun so he figured that whatever it was could hopefully wait for 2 hours while he watched the brothers run around serving everyone. Some doing better then others, some being obsessed with snapping a selfie here a there, and beel trying his best to resist devouring the customers order and actually succeeding mostly anyway. He unlocked his d.d.d and saw the gallery was still open. And there just so happened to be one of his nudes on the screen.
He let out a small laugh. Well that would explain a few things. He wondered why Lucifer seemed a bit rattled compared to his usual calm demeanor.
He suddenly had a brilliant idea as he opened his messages and began to type.
Lucifer flopped down in his chair in his room. It had been a long day. He managed to get his brothers into running this small maid cafe but it was no small feat. Beel ate half the orders before they got to the customers. Levi was more concerned with taking pictures of everyone in there butler outfits and gushing. And it seemed everyone was distracted by kera in her maid outfit for the first 10 minutes after opening up shop. Speaking of he took the hand written card out of his coat pocket and opened it up.
Kera had aperntly felt bad for yelling at him this morning so she made a hand written care with some Rose's drawn on it that said I'm sorry for being grumpy earlier and handed it to him as a gift. He didnt make a big deal of it when he accepted it but it did put a smile on his face and he would keep it in a special drawr sealed with multiple spells that he had for whenever his brothers made him things when they were younger.
He slipped it into the drawr and resealed the spells when he noticed he d.d.d buzz. He unlocked his phone to see there was a message from diavolo. He opened it and saw the text read.
"Thank you for organizing the maid cafe. It was a rousing succession and I believe the students enjoyed it as much as I did."
"No problem I'm just glad I was able to keep my brothers in line."
"You did look like you had your hands full there at times. But you looked so cute in your suit I dont mind springey this on you even if I might of been last minute".
"*sigh emoji* Do try to give me more then a days notice next time please."
"I'll try but no promises." *Laugh emoji* "Also if you wanted to see me nude all you had to do was ask 😘 "
Lucifer spat out some of his water. He thought he had closed his gallery when he locked his phone! He grabbed a cloth and started to wipe up the water he spat on the desk. He say dots flash across the screen
Then a picture of a fully nude and propped up in a very paint me like one of your french girls poses (as kera called them.) Diavolo was on screen. He was glad no one else was around because he could feel his cheeks redning agaisnt his consent. He quickly deleted parts of that conversation but may have downloaded the picture to a file called open and die on his phone.
There I finished it lol
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