#lol give a girly boi some books idk
thanatoseyes · 4 months
So like I'm pretty sure in religion and myth we get the straightforward answer that humans do not become demons after they are sent to hell and humans also do not become angels after they are sent to heaven. So where do we get that trope?
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soahbee · 27 days
Dear my diary - Summary post. HI GIRLS!!! <3
The opening of the year is over and the new semester begins! The Tc community is back again!💋 Hell yeahhh I can't wait to read everyone's blogs, and I can also write my nonsense to you, since this is my diary, so I try to write things out of myself better.
There will be drama for sure girls!!😵 What do I have to face this semester?? Hmm.. Well, looking at the new students, there are a lot of beautiful girls…(well, all girls are beautiful to me) lol Some of them look like very girly tumblr girls, so khm: if anyone follows me, I'll let you know that the "literature and art" teacher is booked! OKAY??😭 I hope no one wants to start a fight with me!! (pls nooo)
There are also pretty boys, but since none of them are crisp 30-40-50 ahem..sooo not really interested. (sorry guys oops)
Next: There is a new teacher. (female OF COURSE) I hope she has a partner because I'll go crazy if she is single.🙂 She will be my biggest enemy if she doesn't behave, and it would be unpleasant because I'll have a mandatory class with her. T-T I'm trying to stay positive!!
I want to do many things differently. Learning from my mistakes not only about R, but about everything. I will have double class with R, which Im very happy about, and it seems that I have many more practical hours, which means that I will be in school more. I hope to see more of R. Also, I took up a subject that he teaches, Idk exactly what it means based on the name, but I'll be curious. So one more hour when I can see him!! Yippie :3
I hope that I'll do better at school this semester and that I'll make many memories with R. Soah gives the best!! Love yaaa girls
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toomuchracket · 10 months
ok idk what universe or how the circumstances lead to this. but im having dad matty brainrot. maybe girlie is busy and matty has to watch the kids but hes meant to be getting a new tattoo (maybe hes supposed to go with the guys, which is why he cant cancel). but he has to bring the kiddos with him and while hes getting tattooed another artist or maybe even one of the guys doodles on kiddis arm so they can match their dad :(
fuck it, og dad!matty universe! it's the last couple of weeks of the summer holidays and you're mildly concerned about the fact your husband is planning on taking your 6 year old and 8 year old with him and the boys while they get new tattoos (maybe to celebrate an album anniversary or some shit), but when george comes to pick them up he reassures you like "it's fine! it's a nice day, we'll go into the shop one at a time, whoever's not in can just be at the park down the road with dyl and lena". a good idea in theory, and it works for a little bit while matty's playing football with his babies and giving them piggybacks and whatnot; when it's matty's turn to go in and get his tattoo, though, elena's (who's been a bit more shy and reserved lately - you think she might be a bit nervous to go back to school) little lip starts to wobble like she's going to cry, and she clings to his leg and will not let go even when adam's like "el! we'll go and get ice cream, yeah? your dad won't be long, you know that". matty has to crouch to her level like "i'll be twenty minutes, munchkin. four bluey episodes long. that's all! my big, brave girl, you'll be alright without me for that long, won't you?", and she shakes her little curly head quite vehemently - when the sniffles begin, matty just hugs her into him and softly shushes her like "alright, darling, you can come in with me. but you have to sit nice next to me, yeah? no running around in case you get hurt". so then obv dylan wants to come in, too, not because she's also upset but because she's curious about the tattoos "cos you and mum both have them but i don't know how you get them" lol; she drags ross in too, because that's bestie, and he sits with a kid on each knee and patiently explains to them what's going on while their dad gets another tattoo. the tattoo artists are really sweet - the guy doing matty's is like "oh! it's nice to finally meet the two of you, it was me who did the tattoos your mummy and daddy got when you were both born" (a.n. i have no idea what these look like actually), which impresses them a lot. but he doesn't impress them nearly as much as the other girl, who they say looks like a tattooed isabela madrigal (she laughs really hard at this and calls them adorable) and who lets them look through the sample book; they both pick out the ones they'll get when they're big enough (matty shakes his head at this, but he and ross giggle. how could they not?), and the girl gives them a couple of little temporary tattoo strips to "take home and get mum to help you put on. i think i would save them for parties, though" (matty thinks this is a genius suggestion, because he knows full well his daughters would have begged for them to be put on immediately otherwise lol). the doodling happens between dylan and elena themselves, i think - one of them gets hold of a pen and says "let me draw on you so you can match daddy?", and her sister is like "YEAH and then i can do it on you", while matty's half crying at how cute they are and half stressing about taking them home covered in pen lol. but yeah, the girls are good as gold, so good that their dad can't not treat them to an ice cream AND a tango ice blast to share afterwards, followed by another run around in the park to tire them out before it's time to go home and then pick up mummy from work. a lovely day <3
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Just wondering, there’s one chapter left (+patreon alt ending), will there be a short epilogue at the end of it or do you have any plans of writing an epilogue chapter or maybe write an epilogue chapter later on? Or are you getting ready to finish jj fully and move on? Either way, nervous/excited for the ending. Still team gyu all the way ofc. I’ll probably reread the whole thing in the future and I wonder if my feelings will change because I don’t remember bad things gyu has done now. I wouldn’t describe him as toxic or manipulative.. but rn I just think of him as a sad unfortunate boy who’s lashing out because he’s losing who’s most important to him (which contributes to him losing her/is the reason etc but still). Only question is how long he’s liked her and if/when he became aware. Im sure oc can grow more confident w yeonjun in the future it makes sense she feels that way now. How important is domming to her? Because this last chapter showed that.. well idk, it doesn’t seem like yeonjun is the type to react in those nice ways … I mean it was the first time so ofc maybe they’ll find what works for them but also if oc is ok with not domming her bf or like. Ok with that type of thing and satisfied otherwise then I guess it’s fine and they can have a fulfilling relationship. Mostly excited for her career tho and I hope professional success will give her the confidence she lacks.
I was actually just thinking about this and I think the winning boy will have a few drabbles written for him between here and patreon ala the extra scene I've talked about for gyu (him wanting your attention while you play games etc) and jun (going on concert dates). There is even a plot I have in mind but I'm not sure if I will go through with it since people aren't as excited for sequels as they are for new fics as seen with the yamqn sequel (though admittedly yamqn was a whole ass book and the main characters died lmao)
Oh gyu has been terrible to oc multiple times but I wouldn't call him toxic or manipulative either. He is not doing this with the intention to hurt her or manipulate her. His reasonings will be revealed next chapter.
I see domming for oc and yeonjun as a relative thing. Sometimes they wanna dom and sometimes they wanna sub, as opposed to gyu leaning hard towards sub but has his dom moments. Oc and jun's dynamics are completely different than hers and gyu's so I see them switching more often than not.
Yup hope girlie gains some damn confidence (i say as I am very insecure in my own work lol)
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coralsgrimes · 5 months
okay so - preface this blog is hilarious and I love it and I still a closet BB fan (i'm sorry I have trash taste and I know it's a problem) but I did go to the con thing this weekend to see him because it isn't very far from me and I have to say, he was genuinely really nice and sweet. I know he was paid to be there and that's probably why he was so upbeat but he suffered through the swealtering warm, fangirls, weird questions, signing like seven books in a row and a long fucking day of 'performing' and even in down times just walking around was pretty pleasant. IDK. I get why some have fallen out of love with him because yeah it is weird some of his peter pan behaviour is eyerolling but... at the very least he knows who butters his bread and he's very nice to the people who like him. Though, I can tell he's just a normal guy at points which is...weirdly refreshing? anyway, love your tumblr. Hope you have a good day.
Glad ye had a lovely time muffin 😘😘 and thanks lol I will be putting my nonexistent fashion design degree to use later today so it's going to be at least pleasant xd
And as I've been saying CONSTANTLY. Coral might be a cunt but I give credit where it's due. Benny always delivers at cons, he a show pony but he gives enough (#debatable) for the fortune peeps pay to see him. Never heard any complaints except that one time something about some dog plushie? Can't remember the one off really.
Anyways, yeah as ye say. He knows who pays lol even though I can tell that he believes he deserves more lol
Tho if I was about to start making a list of possible reasons as to why girlies threw Benny away... Yeah a very long one. We should get to it one day now me thinks. A lil Benny Boy fandom remnants social experiment xd
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hehehehehenrik · 8 months
Give me your most silly headcanon of Samarie, a headcanon you have of her just for the sake of it
Oh God haha, that’s kind of embarrassing because unfortunately I’m not have that much of thoughts on her as on my old mans ):
I’m not used to work with such a type of characters, it’s usually evil old mans yeah. But still I have some headcanons of course, just not as thoughtful or interesting as they could be.
Well well, the silly one huh. Hmm, let’s say it’s that I think she likes pink actually, and like girly stuff at all. She all that black and white, grim and kind of boy like with that face and being breast-less, but it’s not that much of choice. If she wouldn’t be from a fucking ninth circle then she would be a girl just like any other. She still had weird look but that now be black with pink haha. Actually I have design in that style in mind for her.
And something just because yes is that I think she likes poetry. She reads story books too, but poetry is more interesting to her. She finds it easier to read and memorize since it’s in rhyme, maybe she repeats them in mind when stressing out to clear her thoughts or something. She’s like sitting somewhere in the Ministry’s dark hallways, near window, while clear moon ominously looking through the clouds, there no stars in the sky that can be seen, and she’s reading some Edgar Allan Po poetry or something, idk who’s in that universe since there no America lol.
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AssClass Bedroom Headcanons: Part 2
Part 1 Here
Definitely has the neatest room.
Her room is very light-colored with a lot of white furniture because she loves how classy it looks.
Her floor has to be clear or else she’ll lose her mind.
Has pastel feminine bedspread and decor because she likes the frills and girly vibe.
Has lots of posters of her favorite swimmers and women she looks up to.
Even her books and school supplies on her desk are so organized.
Enjoys stepping onto her soft, warm fluffy rug in the mornings.
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Has a comfy bed but honestly, this boy lives on the mini couch seating instead.
Like 99% of the time, he’s crouching there doing homework or camera stuff. Or also flipping through magazines.
Has a big window with nice curtains so he can control the lighting for picture-taking purposes.
He has the most boring ass covers lmao, it’s like a thin sheet that he sleeps under. His female friends roast him all the time for it.
Has a couple bookshelves filled with textbooks and photography equipment!
There’s a couple of plants but they were gifts from Sugaya.
Overall the vibes are nice and cozy. Slightly hermit vibes but it’s all good.
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I’m sorry but this room is so gorgeous to me, I just had to give it to her.
So like she lives in an apartment as a 3-E student and she definitely would be able to afford a rlly nice one, with her money from acting.
The room has really lovely boho vibes, but it’s also rlly modern at the same time??
Has a very large window with a stunning view that she looks at often, in thought.
Keeps a couple books at her bedside, along with painkillers and manuscripts.
Tbh it’s somewhat neat because she can’t stand messiness. But it gets messy often because she has other things to focus on and she’s sad.
There’s a bunch of pudding wrappers all around on the floor.
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Her room is a little basic by these standards tbh, but it’s super comfortable.
It’s fairly spacious since she practices dancing in there sometimes.
Has a lot of windows because she likes natural sunlight. And at night, she keeps them open slightly to enjoy the sounds of the night, like crickets, cars passing by, etc
Owns so many adorable cat plushies that she keeps in her bed.
I’d say her room is pretty neat, but during her time in 3-E, I can see Hayami throwing things around more often. Like she has other things to think about.
Her furniture is all so aesthetic looking and pretty. Like the vibes are very pretty in the room overall.
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I’m so sorry y’all, but I feel like his bedroom would be plain af 😭
Like it’s Sugino lmao. I can’t see him really thinking about “aesthetic” or “decor” lol. BUT don’t fret, it’s still very charming in its own way!
It would be pretty small since in canon, his family lives in a certain type of public housing/apartments.
His bed frame would be the kind that’s very low to the ground. Which is nice so he can just flop onto there when he’s dead tired.
Has very thick black-out curtains to block any sunlight since the boy wants all the rest he can get.
Has a single desk for his PC and as a place to do schoolwork. Also where he can play some video games lol.
Would have a couple stuffed animals on his bed UwU.
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I’m getting very suave vibes for his bedroom tbh. Like out of all the guys, he’s the best at decorating.
Given that his family isn’t very big, I wanna say he’d have a decently-spaced room.
There’s super cool lighting in the room with the lights he hung up, and his lamp. Like the ambience is just 👌
Has pictures of his family and friends framed and sitting on his dresser. It’s so sweet.
Also has a stuffed teddy bear that he got when he was kids and playing with Hara.
Tbh he’s barely in his room. He’s usually either with the class, squad, or working on his motorcycles.
Has many books on physics, mechanics engineering, etc in a single bookshelf in his room.
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Idk, my first thought was that he’d have a small-ish room that’s packed with lots of stuff.
I feel like Kimura is the type of gremlin who would lowkey hoard things lmao. Like it would sit in his drawer for 4 years before he decides what to do.
But yeah. I can see him with small shelves filled with various different things. One of them has some indoor workout equipment.
He has a desk that’s constantly cluttered, no matter how often he clears it. It also has his computer.
The only reason his room is ever clean is because his mother has cleaned it. As soon as the 3-E girls find this out, they absolutely give him a lesson on tidiness.
Has some stuffed animals that he bought to try impress Kurahashi but he ended up loving them for real lmao.
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Ok so of course, Ritsu has probably made her own lil world and home digitally. But that means she’d also decorate/create her own bedroom!
I’m a big advocate for a Ritsu who always changes aesthetic but I think her bedroom is pretty easy to figure out.
First of all, it would be hella random lmao. Like the absolute weirdest items and decorations are just all around, on the floor, wall, etc lmaoooo.
THE BED HAS TO BE EXTREMELY COMFY WITH A CUTE SPREAD. This will be her main residing area when she binges K-Dramas and other shows she loves.
Also there’s a giant TV in the room lmao.
All of her books, games, and forms of entertainment are probably lying on the floor lolol.
Yeah it’s pretty messy. One of her classmates or teachers has to remind her to clean up.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Breaking in Grey
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A/N: Like forreal I know this someone requested with an URL and I tried finding that someone but I couldn’t find her but I finished it and I hope she likes it. It’s not long and it’s how I felt when I was going through similar things. 
REQUEST:Hi! Can you make a story that has to do with a gryffindor reader who has a rough past(her parents divorced at a young age, shes lived with mom and her mom keeps trying to find someone else but never finds someone), and last time she saw her mom, her mom was drunk and started talking about how disappointed she in in the reader, making the reader slowly start to break. Sorry if this is too much detail lol, also i feel like either Sirius or James would work for this, whichever fits! Love your books
WARNING: Idk really how to say it but this fic can be triggering to some people who have a problem with mental health or any suicidal thoughts, or alcholism so I advise that if any of the topics makes you feel uncomfortable just don’t read it. 
It felt as if your world was grey. Not black, nor white but grey. Grey as in seeing the dead roses on the shelves, faltering into depths of sorrow. Grey as in the room smelt of alcohol, not much of a flavor, more plain alcohol and dullness.
“Mom!” you called out from the hall, only a sports bag over your shoulder as you opened the door to the living room. 
The reek entered your nostrils like a wave and you took a step bag, just trying to pull yourself together. You fixed your grimace into a straight face and saw her in the arms of a man. 
You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t. 
Not thinking twice, you just went through the door. You’ll call a taxi but will you have enough money? It’s better to just wait for the bus but what if you’re going to miss the train?
“Fuck!” you ran your hands through your hair and gritted your teeth. You wanted to dig your nails into your scalp and peel the skin off. You were so angry! So furious and sad at the same time that you just plopped yourself on the stoop and let your head fall on your knees.
Everything. Everything was shit. Your whole life! 
Your dad- where was your dad? WHERE!? 
You wanted to cry. No, you wanted to scream. No, you wanted to run into a wall but no, not that either. You just wanted to hurt yourself because you couldn’t hurt the person who made you hurt. You wanted to release some of the tightness and the pain inside of you because it damn hurt. 
You didn’t have a ride. You didn’t have anything really.
“I’ll be damned!” you heard someone shout but you only nuzzled closer into your arms. It wasn’t meant for you anyway. “My pretty transfiguration partner.” you shot your head up, finding blue eyes and a matching grin looking at you. 
“Great.” you said, quickly wiping off the sorrow and the pain, placing allmighty smile on your face. “Lolly?” he offered you one from his hands as one was already in his mouth, throwing itself from one side to the other. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to the choo choo?” he started to joke as he sat down next to you, looking at you and noticing something about your smile. 
“Yeah, I am.” you stood up and slung the sports bag over your shoulder, walking away. 
You really weren’t in the mood to joke around with someone who has only been your transfiugration partner in your fourth year and most of the time just played around, making rucus with his friend. 
He really wasn’t anybody to you except some asshole. 
“Hold up, girly.” he ran after you, catching up and walking by your side. 
You felt your throat go sore, your eyes wanting to tear up but you didn’t let them. 
Can’t he just leave you alone?! It’s not like you had enough last night! It’s not like you’re a worthless, unintelligent freak! It’s not like you were the biggest mistake ever made! It’s not like you’re just a burdon to everybody and everything and just wish to evaporate into disappointment that you are! 
Your throat squeezed but you swallowed the dry feeling back inside. 
He noticed. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” your voice was raspy, barely creating any sound at all.
“I can give you a ride?” he asked, eyes watching yours but you only shook your head, walking faster.
“No, thanks. I’ll walk.” it wasn’t much stronger but it was understandable and you hoped he got the hint to just leave. 
Yet, he didn’t. 
He stepped in front of you, holding you still in his arms. 
“Ger’ off me!” you pushed his hands away and took a step back. “Don’t you get it! Leave me the hell alone!” you stared at him, eyes watering as if you’re about to break into a thousand little pieces. Your legs became numb, as if somebody cut you under your knees. He could see you barely standing and he could see you breaking in front of him but all he could see was how this fourteen year old girl, who sat next to him in Transfiguration with bright eyes and adorable laugh, pushing and shoving him away whenever he made a snarky remark about other students in the class. The girl who shot him a glare whenever he was too mean to someone. The girl who shushed him one too many times but never enough to keep him quiet. The girl he thought was cute but never much interested in him. The girl that was his Transfiguration partner one whole year until that year passed and they went back into being strangers. 
That girl he thought he didn’t know at all. The girl he thought would be just another face to remember in the future was now the girl he saw breaking just as he broke once upon a time ago.
That girl. The girl breaking. 
He took a step forward, despite all the stares passers gave him. “I won’t leave until you-”
“Why do you care!” it was more of an accusation than a question and he could feel it in your tone. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” you turned around and started running with a heavy bag on your shoulder that kept dragging you down. 
You could hear him calling out but the tears were already falling and you didn’t want him to see you. You didn’t want anybody to see you. This was embarrasing. You losing it on the streets was embarrasing. 
So you dropped the bag and you ran faster than you ever did in your life. And you ran- you ran so fast until your legs made you fall into the wet grass underneath you, somewhere in the nowhere. 
You looked up, crying and weeping like a child. Hell, you were still a child. 
You didn’t ask for magical powers. You didn’t ask dad to leave. You didn’t ask to have a mother to hate you. You didn’t ask for Sirius Black to be there when you were at your lowest. You didn’t ask to be alive so why the hell were you! 
All alone in this grey world. 
You couldn’t stop. You couldn’t stop wailing and weeping into the existance. You dug your fingers into the dirt, feeling it gather under your nails. The grass got slick among your fingers and the leaves were so sharp they cut. 
You didn’t hear the sound of a motorbike. You didn’t hear the call of your name and you didn’t hear him approaching until he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him. 
A girl he didn’t know and he was holding her in his arms as if she was the most important being in the world for him. As if it was fragile and he was keeping it from breaking. 
“It’s alright. I’m here.” he whispered and you cried, holding onto his arms.
Because at first you didn’t believe it. That he was there, Sirius Black. The boy who sat next to you in Transfiguration class but never exchanged a word after that. You had somebody to hold and somehow that made it better. 
And like your heart was filling up the space in your throat, you heard yourself speak. “I’m alone!” you sobbed, crying and holding onto him. “She hates me! My own mother hates me and my dad doesn’t even care!” you cried and cried and you didn’t know but those words hit home with the boy. 
Yet he didn’t break. He already broke once and once was enough. He had James. You have him now. 
“You’re not alone, you hear me.” he whispered, almost ordered you to listen. “It’s not about them. It’s about what she thinks, what he thinks. You’re stronger without them. You’re stronger because of them. You’re strong.” 
“How would you know? You don’t even know me.You don’t even notice me.” you looked up as he offered you a comforting smile. Not the one he usually gives you but the one that just gives you the feelign of empathy. 
“The hell are you talking about? I know you.” he looked far at the distance. “I may not know your background but I have a feeling of how it feels. I know you like to hit me with a book- and one of the thick ones. Quite harshly too.” he started to joke a bit and you let out a laugh. 
Merlin, you hated when somebody could make you laugh when you were angry.
“And I do notice you. I notice when you come down in the morning, you seem to run back up because you always forget something. You wear buns most of the time because they are the easiest thing to do. Just plop your hair up but there are days you come down with braids and I like those days. Back in Transfiguration I could see you wearing this parfume that was really nice- I don’t know which one it was but it always smelled so nice and you always smelled nice. You had that parfume for a while but then it stopped and I could only smell the cheap ones whenever we passed by. I didn’t mind the cheap ones. They didn’t smell bad but the one you had before was really great. Sometimes you would smell like a fresh summer breeze and I would always try to get closer to you in Transfiguration because you always smelled so good. It’s one of the things I really took notice in and noticed that you always smelled good.” 
You were speechless. You haven’t expected that at all from him. Not from him and not so bluntly. He just said it like it wasn’t odd or creepy. It wasn’t thought. If somebody told you that one normal day, you’d think it’s odd but he told you now and it felt... it made you feel better. You were noticed. You still are. 
And you didn’t do anything except continue to look up at him and then follow his gaze into the field of nothingness. 
“You’re not alone. Not anymore.” he squeezed you gently. “You may think you are but you’re not. It’s always like that with us.”
“The family disappointments.” he quirked an eyebrow. “We are so used to being talked down on. For not following simple rules or obeying but that’s just an excuse for their pathethic decisions and pride. They put all of their flaws and faults on us but we’re not them. “ he looked into your eyes, ordering you to listen one more time. “You’re not what they say you are. You’re not what they make you believe you are. You’re better and stronger. You’re all they can’t be.” he kept looking into your eyes as you kept looking up into his.
And there was this moment of just you, him and the field of nothingness. The wet grass was damping your clothes and his words cleared your enough to realize that. You’re not alone. Not anymore. Not when he’s here and his eyes were the exact proof you needed to feel that. 
He removed himself from you and offered you his hand, grinning. “So are we going to catch this train or not?” 
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otometearoom · 4 years
I Finished Tsumugu Logic!! Overview/Rant
It took me a month, but I finished the last chapter of the game and got the true ending. I will keep playing to get all of the other bad ends, etc. 
I have so so many feels about this game, y’all. I will be highlighting a few chapters in the game, so if you haven’t finished it. Beware of spoilers!!
To recount my feelings throughout the game for each character: 
1. Tsumugu is a cutie pie. I actually really related to him, because I’m also at that point in my life where I have to decide what exactly I want to do for the rest of my life. I just finished university, but I’m still unsure about my career ahahah. So, seeing Tsumugu struggle to figure his life out was refreshing. 
2. “Sosei” is so hot. I laid eyes on him and thought, uh-oh, he’s my new addiction ahahah. I would buy his merchandise if there was any. The dude loves sweets (how cute is that) and he has such a good head for mysteries (my dream man). Plus, he’s a tsundere but really cares about Tsumugu, often giving hints and advice to him. He’s a very trustworthy older brother/senpai. I could gush over how much I love Sosei for ages. His drunken habits -> those are to die for. He becomes so lewd and straightforward. I love it. 
“Koyo”, on the other hand, I didn’t like him as much as Sosei. Which is weird, cause I love ikemen. Maybe I’m just drawn more into the withdrawn, mysterious guys?? I do like the concept of twin brothers though. I have a bit of a dirty mind so when the twins said they shared everything, even their gf, I was like ohohoho, 3p? 
I absolutely enjoyed the twins together though. I love seeing them pretend to be the other. I wish they had more of an appearance lol. I could even say that Sosei and Koyo are a scale higher than Tsumugu for me. I wish the twins were the main protagonists ahahah. No offense Tsumugu. 
I’ll just summarize my first impressions for others real quick: 
3. Kotoko - I thought she was cute, but I never really liked her and couldn’t quite pinpoint exactly why. This feeling will come into play later on. So at first, I was like meh, she’s okay, I guess. But, as I learned more about her, I really didn’t like her character that much. I mean, I wouldn’t say I hated her but I didn’t find her as a good fit for Tsumugu. 
- When she told Tsumugu to be a salesman or whatever. I was like, do you even know Tsumugu? Lmao. I didn’t know if it was just me empathizing with Tsumugu cuz I’ve often been told of what I should be, but no one asks what I want to be. 
- When she didn’t want to help Mirei, I thought how odd, for someone who tries to befriend everyone, she’s not doing so well as a heroine. I mean, it was realistic, at least. But, I think the chapter where she admits that she tries really hard to fit in so others will like her was starting to draw some red flags for me. It made me wonder how much of her was ‘real’. Idk if I’m making any sense though.
- When she swung the knife at Tsumugu, I didn’t hate her as much as I did when she swung the knife at Sosei (who protected Tsumugu) and killed him. I was furious then. 
4. Sally - I admit I was really turned off by the girly lolita style. Mainly because I’m more tomboyish irl. But, she had a good sense of justice so I actually liked her. It did come as a shock to me though that she was the “gorilla” girl that was forced to kiss Nozaki. Tbh, I was kinda sad she died at the end. Like, I know she killed Hikone, but I could understand her motive better than I could understand Kotoko’s motive. Maybe cuz I have an older brother and can’t see myself being a brocon? ahahah. 
5. Toma - In terms of hotness, he comes 2nd right after Sosei. He’s a really good friend. And I absolutely adore how he scares ppl with his glare lol. i love yankees ahaha. He’s not afraid to speak his mind. He’s a very solid character.
6. Daimon - My girl crush. High key curious who she’s arranged to marry because her fiance seems boring. Who takes an hour to choose a handkerchief? Anyways, Im sad that Daimon and Sosei never got to meet because I’m low key shipping them. Idk if they’d click well romantically because they’re so similar, but I would’ve loved for some sort of interaction. They’d make for an epic couple, solving mysteries. I really wanna write a fic for them. 
7. Tsukasa Tsukasa - I didn’t like him because of the cheating and blaming on my poor Toma, but after that, he was okay. Plus, he helped write the Tsumugu’s love letter to Kotoko. Which I find is funny, because Kotoko copied Tsukasa’s writing, thinking it was Tsumugu’s. Ahahah. The lesson here, folks, is that don’t use your own handwriting in love letters, you never know if you’re crush will copy said handwriting into your own suicide letter. 
8. Mirei - that girl can sing. I kinda cried after hearing it cuz I was going through something at the time and it really encouraged me. 
9. Landlady & Hikkimori - Both names that I can’t remember off the top of my head. I think both people are fun. The landlady is super supportive. And the hikkimori refusing to talk with Sosei made for a fun dynamic. I genuinely enjoyed seeing Sosei offended. Nice way to see emotions on my fave character. 
10. Other characters (Rindo, Happy, Travel Club Members) - I genuinely did not care enough about ahahah. I think I even enjoyed seeing some of them murdered, tbh. They were really horrible people in different ways. 
The Black club members headed under Fumi. Like what? How do you control victims to be assailants and live with yourself to be a future kindergarten teacher? Like what? I couldn’t live with myself if I was her. Plus, her disproportionately large boobs were really weirding me out. I can’t believe Yu died all because Fumi wanted to f*ck him. It’s like one day you’re living your best life and someone thinks, ah, I wanna ruin this person. 
Don’t even get me started with Nozaki. That dude is a piece of trash. Human garbage. He knows how it feels to be a victim and yet thinks it’s his right to assault women. I wanted to slap that guy so hard. So many times. He was like the boy who cried wolf. He kept pretending to be dead and eventually died in the hands of Kotoko. XD I wonder what his last thoughts were. To have died in the hands of someone he trusted. 
Hikone was another nutcase. From what I understood, he just saw everyone else as characters in his book. Sure, he didn’t physically harm anyone, but doing nothing and observing is just as much of a crime as committing it. 
Shun. I never really like cutesy guys. But when he turned out to be an ex-pimp plus lover of Fumi, he fell off the likeable scale. 
Yoshimoto being an uncontrollable drunk murderer was the only thing needed to complete the psycho Travel Club members. Tbh, I thought he was the one behind the killings at first ahaha. 
Suguha. I thought she was a tough chick. It was cool to know that she had another motive to get closer to Fumi. Because I thought it was weird how she took her cellphone at the BBQ restaurant. It’s nice to know that SEEC still foreshadows like that. 
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edengarden · 4 years
Hello!Can I please get a regular male matchup for BNHA?Thank you!!
Here’s the basics:
I’m a 5’5 with quite a big chest but I don’t have a butt and I have black hair that reaches my shoulder .I have fair skin and and I wear eyeglasses.I keep a mutual face around people most of the time but I tend to smile a lot around my close friends and family.
I am an extroverted person.Some may found me annoying in a way but i dont really care. People say I release an “intimidating” for some reason and I tried to look “less intimidating” but sadly I failed.I take the CHAOTIC mother role with my friends because I have high patience,I am protective and I help them with a lot of stuff. I give them reminders or any kind of advice that would help them.I would flirt with people if I’m interested in them.
Despite being an extroverted person,I get emotional from time to time.I bottled up my feelings,so I didn’t opened up to anybody.I hated the high expectations of my other relatives.I also hate comparisons between my siblings.Good thing my family is against it because my relatives doesn’t have any CHILL at all.
My hobby is reading books and gaming.My favorite book genre is Horror and Comedy.I like to any kind of game whether it is horror or action.I like playing ML,Minecraft and LoL more.Sometimes,those games that give “pressure” like Fnaf,Hello neighbour and etc.. I play them if I’m really bored.
I vibe to any music tbh but I prefer classical and pop more.
When it come to people..I tend to hangout with anyone but of course I have my own circle of friends.I’m interested with those who are loud,confident and etc..cause idk??I flirt with them because I like their reactions the most.I hate people who takes advantage of their status like the “student officers”.Most of them uses their power for their own needs and I hate it.I get annoyed easily if people are boasting about their achievements and such like BOI DONT RUB IT OFF IN MY FACE.I want to punch them so hard.Well,too bad I cant.
Fun fact about myself:
I was a “good” student back then..y’know the teacher’s pet and etc..when highschool came,my personality pretty much changed.
I’m girly back then,so I’m a bit boyish,I guess?But I sometimes want to look a bit girly especially if its a special occasion with people that I’m close with.Idk probably I wanted to look good for once🗿🗿
I’m matching you up with Tsuburaba!
First of all, he relishes the fact that people seem intimidated/ scared of you?? He gets this look that screams “that’s right, they’re scary and I managed to get them.” AND PPL DONT EVEN KNOW YOURE THE ONE WHO WAS MAKING THE MOVES WHILE HE WAS FLUSTERED AND SPEECHLESS AHAHAHAH-
Seriously, this boy was so awkward before you asked him out on a date?? But you can bet he was fantasizing abt you all the time, even in your presence, and he’d blush when he realized it and you obviously saw it and whoop there goes the flirting.
You’ve been blessed with your high patience. We all know you’ll need it with Tsuburaba; he’s a good guy, he really is! He tried hard and all, but buddy hangs with Monoma so... you know... he needs some structure (you). BUT BUT BUT HE’S SUPER SWEET TO YOU IN PRIVATE OR SEMI-PRIVATE!! Big cuddlebug I think, he just wants to curl up somewhere and play a relaxing game of minecraft with you. You two own a server where you have your own house and a dog and a garden and everything and he loves it so much?? And gets very protective of the server, he doesn’t want anyone other than you on it (and he works really hard trying to make it aesthetically pleasing).
And no matter how you dress up, in the back of his mind, Tsuburaba’s always going to think you’re hot. And might blush a bit when he catches himself saying that. And people see his blush and who he’s staring at and they’re like “?? He’s been dating them for a while and still blushes like crazy like that?? SuSpIcIoUs” lmao they don’t know what’s going through his mind-
Songs!!! (I’ve got no idea why but despite being so Out There, I feel like Tsuburaba has a calm taste in music??)
- Redbone, Childish Gambino
- Star, Bazzi
- idfc, blackbear
- Tonight, David Bowie
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emsartwork · 5 years
If you’re comfortable with sharing, it would be cool to hear more about your winx next gen, if that’s okay with you?
Yes of course!!!! below the cut cus i get rambley
the story so far: Daphne and Thoren are king and queen of domino. Ashia and Nex are king and queen of Andros. Sky and Bloom are king and queen of Eraklyon. Stella and Brandon are queen and king of Solaria. Tecna was queen of Zenith for a while but got bored and decided to do something else, now she and Timmy run an exploration research company that explores the outer reaches of the magix dimension. Flora is the potions teacher at Alfea, Helia runs a small art gallery in Magix city. Musa started her own record company, and Riven became the assistant combat instructor at Red Fountain. Icy broke Tritannus out of mer-prison and transformed his tail into legs, the two are now in hiding along with Darcy. Stormy left the Trix after an issue with Icy. 
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alrighty lets start off with Sky and Bloom, or Skoom as I like to call them. This is Aidan.  He attends Novatan University, a new school now on Magix. He’s a classically trained necromancer but will use magic in just about any way he can. He uses the tile of Necromancer of Ash.  Aidan does not posses the dragon flame, and boy is he angry about that. Though he gets along with his cousin Ophelia pretty well, he is intensely jealous of her destiny as bearer of the dragon flame, and to compensate he seeks power above his own and some times other’s safety. Aiden is loud, prickly, and easy to rile up, but cools down quickly and forgets about whatever made him angry. Bloom, in true Bloom fashion, generally avoids her son because she doesn’t know how to deal with his attitude (he also occasionally reminds her of Valtor and that scares the hell out of her). Sky does his best to spend time with and curb Aidan’s more destructive impulses but he also has to rule his kingdom. Aidan basically only gets along with Ophelia, he can hang out with Selene and Jack occasionally but they tend to annoy him. He and Thorn do NOT get along. 
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Daphne and Thoren!!! Daphen? Thorphne? idk their names don’t mesh that well lol. any ways this is Ophelia. Ophelia attends Alfea and is known far and wide as fairy of the dragon flame. After Daphne became pregnant, she had to ask bloom to return the dragon flame to the royal line of Domino since its always been passed down from one heir to the next. Bloom(after a few emotional breakdowns) eventually transferred the dragon flame to tiny fetus Ophelia. Ophelia doesn’t want it. She doesn’t really tell any one, but she hates being the bearer of the dragon flame. She hate the attention, the pressure, the legacy, the kidnapping attempts, the random attacks, the fact that she’s always the target. Ophelia isn’t even sure she wants to be queen of Domino in the future. in her free time Ophelia writes stories. Ophelia shoves her feelings down, holds grudges, and she can be VERY passive aggressive. When she finally explodes she can very destructive and cruel. Ophelia loves her cousin Aidan but can’t spend a lot of time with him because she can eventually feel the jealousy streaming off of him. She gets along really well with Anemone, but when they do fight its Armageddon. She also gets along really well with Thorn, as they’re both level headed older sibling types.  
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Timmy and Tecna!!!(Tecmy?) I know. She looks nothing like either of them.This is Ruth, Timmy and Tecna’s adopted daughter(they have actually adopted several other children but Ruth is the oldest and most important to the plot). When Ruth was about 10, her family’s ship crashed on a tiny desert planet in an uninhabited solar system. Her parents didn’t make it, and Ruth herself was severely injured. She managed to stem the flow of blood from the gashes in her shoulder and thigh, and cobbled together a radio system from the pieces of the ship. Timmy and Tecna were out on an scientific exploration mission when they picked up her distress signal. Infection had already set into her deeper wounds and her arm and leg had to be amputated. Ruth uses a prosthetic leg in day to day life, but prefers not to have a regular prosthetic for her arm. Ruth attended and graduated from Cloud Tower, and is the Witch of Metals, she manipulates metal into a movable prosthetic arm when she needs to, but doesn’t maintain it as its a drain of her magic. Ruth is Koyuvian(a fake planet/race thats in my version of winx club) and wears the tinted glasses to filter light. Ruth is a mechanic, and loves to build different contraptions. She’s hopeless at coding, but builds a lot of prototypes for her adoptive parents. She gets along Selene the best. 
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Flora and Helia! Floria!!! (Helora?) This is Thorn. Thorn is Silva Lynphean and a quarter Vaonaaj. He attends Red Fountain and is a team lead in his class and possibly the strongest. Thorn is quiet and sarcastic, generally preferring a books to spending time around people. He’s a little awkward when not in a “specialist” situation. he kind of wishes he was really good with people, but also doesn’t bother practicing socializing because he’s scared lmao he’s basically Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. to compensate for his social ineptitude, Thorn hangs out with Jack a lot. He is very observant though and can pin point people’s weaknesses in a snap, and he’s not shy about using those weakness if he needs to.  He and Ophelia get along well, but he thinks Aidan is a spoiled brat who throws too many temper tantrums. 
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Musa and Riven = Riva. So this is Jack. Jack attends Red Fountain. Jack loves to be the center of attention, and hides all of his insecurities behind an over the top inflated ego. He isn’t terribly interested in his dad’s career (fighting) or his mom’s career (music) but he is decently talented at both. Jack true passion is design. He isn’t totally sure the type of design he wants to do yet, but fashion and architecture are both interesting to him. He’s the best or the worst dressed guy at Red Fountain depending on who you ask, considering he usually throws together items that don’t seem like they should be on the same body at the same time. His mom and dad don’t really get either of his interests, but are trying very hard to be supportive. Jack is the easiest going out of these characters (except maybe Ramiel) and gets along with just about anybody. He’s Thorn’s “wing man”(for both platonic and romantic interests because Thorn just doesn’t frickin talk to people) and the two are kind of a funny pair to look at since Thorn is so so tall, and Jack is….. not. He also gets along well with Anemone. Jack is very intuitive, and doesn’t feel comfortable around Eirlys, usually actively trying to avoid any contact with her. 
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Stella and Brandon have Selene. Selene attends Alfea and is the Fairy of the Sun and Moon. Selene is kind of a screw up. She’s clumsy, forgetful, chronically late, messy, and awkward af. Selene doesn’t really think she suits the role of “princess of Solaria”, one of the most televised planets of the Magix Dimension(kind of like Los Angeles is the celebrity center of the US), but is constantly trying to be better at her role. Unfortunately she’s trying to force herself to be like her mom instead of trying it her own way. The one thing Selene is really good at is sculpting, and can usually be found hidden away in her studio with clay in her hands. and in her hair. and on her clothing. basically everywhere she is not neat. She’s pretty quiet in general but get her started on a project and she’ll rattle ideas off one after the other. She and Ruth are crafting besties, and trade creations frequently. She’s horribly intimidated by Thorn, though its mostly their mutual awkwardness clashing. She doesn’t like to be around Aidan much at all. 
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This is Anemone! The unlikely product of Aisha and Nex! Anemone is the Fairy of Coral, and is attending Alfea. Anemone is the girly-est girly girl to ever girl. She likes the pink she likes the ruffles she likes the make up and the fashion and the pastels. But the thing Anemone REALLY likes about being a girly girl is that it means stupid people underestimate her, giving her the upper hand and allowing her to reign terror down upon her enemies. Anemone is a girly girl and also a stone cold bitch. She’s not the nicest girl, but that’s mostly because she has the highest self esteem of any of these characters and does not bother with things that are not worth her time. She’ll be respectful and polite as long as you are. She does confide in Ophelia and considers her a good friend, but also thinks Ophelia needs to get her shit together and stop moping lol. She also gets along well with Jack, as they both enjoy fashion and whatever trend is happening at the moment. She dislikes Eirlys, but doesn’t have a solid reason for why lol. 
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Ramiel! Ramiel is Stormy’s son, his father isn’t in the picture. So basically after the news broke that some of the winx were pregnant (because lets face it they would be celebrity news) Icy processed it as “shit. they have reinforcements. we need reinforcements.” and proceeded to have herself, darcy, and stormy try to have kids. Icy had already broken Tritannus out of prison, and it was now just a matter of getting their human merfolk mix to actually work. Darcy has always been a romantic at heart so she promised to have a kid with the next man she was actually interested in. Stormy on the other hand has never really given a damn about romance, so she bore the brunt of Icy’s new obsession with continuing the ancestral witches blood line. Stormy didn’t necessarily mind the actual sex part(wasn’t enthusiastic about it either tho so :/ ), but HATED being pregnant. After a rough pregnancy, Stormy gave birth to a son who Stormy immediately became attached to, which was NOT was Icy was looking for, the ancestral and the trix power is passed down through the female line, meaning a son was functionally worthless to her. After Icy basically told her she would have to try again, Stormy took her son and noped out of there asap. She went to Ms. Griffin for help as a last effort, and after agreeing to be stripped of her magic she and Ramiel were relocated to a hidden, sparsely populated village deep in one of Lynphea’s forests. Ramiel knows nothing of his mother’s past, and, against her express wishes, decided to enroll in the Paladin program at Lynphea College. He thinks of Cymmeri as an annoying younger sister, and doesn’t know Eirlys or Arcturus. He vaguely knows of Thorn and Jack due to Red Fountain and the Order doing group training together occasionally. 
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This is Darcy’s daughter Cymmeri, usually just called Cymi. She’s kind of a know-it-all, sassy child, who has only just started to display signs of her magic. She and Ramiel form coincidental friends after a random encounter, and she’ll occasionally go to him when she has a problem she can’t talk to her mom or other cousins about. She, like my version of Darcy, is at least part Koyuvian(my own personal made up planet not from the winx) which gives her the solid eye color. She wears enchanted glasses to make her eyes appear more ordinary, and to filter light that would otherwise hurt her eyes. Cymmeri also really likes to lean into the creepy goth child role just for kicks.
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Eirlys and Arcturus are Icy and Tritannus’ twins. Eirlys attends Alfea and is the Fairy/Witch of Snow, Arcticus will eventually attend Red Fountain, though right now he’s learning magic from Tritannus, and acting as a support to his sister. The twins are actually too young to be attending either school, but their height and forged documents take care of that. both of them usually have spells in place to hide their more fishy traits but i wanted to draw them lol. Eirlys is a fitness nut and spends most of her free time exercising or playing sports. This also gives her an excuse to go on long solo runs so she can relay info to Arcturus who then takes it to their mom. Eirlys is kind of arrogant and can do no wrong in Icy’s eyes, where as Arcturus lacks self esteem and is constantly trying to prove his worth to their mom. Arcturus has an affinity for water, and most of his spells use it. Eirlys tries to force her relationship with most of the winx’s kids, but does genuinely get along with Ophelia.   
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this isnt totally accurate for their heights but i did some of these really fast and the proportions are off lol. 
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snazzamazing · 6 years
Stupid random theories, headcanons, and unpopular opinions of mine
Btw, these are all long so sit tight
My mangle theory :
I cant be the only one here who thinks that mangle was taken apart by little kids. It wouldn't make sense that little toddlers would be strong enough to pull apart a metal robot. That's because the kids didnt break her, william did. Mangle seems like he was an inspiration from funtime foxy because sister location happened before AND a lot of times, "toy foxy" is often referred to "funtime foxy". Due to this inspiration, mangle had the ability to record voices and things just like funtime foxy. Why am I pointing this out? Well, why would mangle randomly have static noises and a broken radio sound? It's her recorder, it's broken. He recorded many things and then recorded something that someone didnt want anyone to find out about. That someone would be William afton. William is always suspicious and doing evil things.Let's say that, oh idk, maybe William murdered someone, some person called the cops on him, (which explains the police messages n stuff in the radio) William killed that person and his the evidence of the murders. At least that's what he thought. Mangle was somehow recording the whole thing. William had no other choice but to take her apart and destroy him. But then William thought that it would to suspicious to have mangle be randomly broken the next day and so he fixed mangle up in way where it looks like shes fixed, but one tug hes broken and the kids are there to blame for. All of this might be a stretch I know, but apparently in one of the fnaf 2 minigames where theres a mangle Sprite, in the files or sources codes or WHATEVER IDK, there's a hidden message that says "he was here" or something like that. THAT CAN SUPPORT THIS THEORY errr headcanons? Idk I should go sleep lol
Micheal headcanon:
I always wanted to believe that Micheal was the older brother/Bully and that the bite victim was a different character. Why? Because I want more..character for Micheal. He went to sister location because he wants his torn apart family to be back together. He went to save Elizabeth and he never forgave himself for being the one to 'kill' his brother and all that failed. I wanted Michaels story to be exciting and emotional because of his past and the whole family thing
I also always liked to think that Micheal started working out to gain some strength before becoming a technician because he knows that the robots are strong and dangerous. That way things can be more action packed with Michael punching through pipes and walls, and holding back animatronics trying to grab him, and just...cool stuff
Fnaf headcanons:
Freddy has a nice deep voice and that's his real voice. When it comes to preforming during the day, he talks in his "family friendly" voice which is all goofy and fun (kinda like Patrick star's voice) The animatronics are a lot different on stage. It's as if they play as characters and they change their voices sometimes (like Freddy). Chica acts like this ditzy cute country gal, Bonnie is a laid back chill bon, foxy is just more ...pirate, and Freddy is a fun loving silly lead singer
Nightmarriones pupils change shape to Express his emotions. (Sad=tear drop pupils, sick=swirly pupils, angry=skull or fire pupils)
Lefty has his own voice instead of a whispery girly voice because he is his own character. He may look like the rockstars but he was made differently. The rockstars were built by some factory or company and they have advanced technology which gives em the ability to have emotions, personalities and to do tricks. Meanwhile lefty was built by henry in a shed or something. Henry only focused on programming him to find charlie and he had to make lefty look like the rockstars to blend in and not be suspicious. Other than that, lefty was a total rush job. Henry only wanted Charlie therefore, Henry didn't care to give lefty a personality, emotions, an EYE, or stablness.
In the afton family, the mother is sweet, kind, caring, and over protective while william is outgoing, silly, and isnt afraid to do anything (before he went insane). Usually kids have similar personalities to their parents soooo I like to think that Micheal is more like his mom but looks like his dad and that Elizabeth looks like her mom but acts like her dad. Why? Because I always saw Michael as a hero, he cares for others and he wants to save his family. He is sweet and protective like his mom. Elizabeth is rebellious and sassy. In the sister location mini cutscene with William and Elizabeth, she disobeys william to see baby and that's a rebellious move. Elizabeth likes adventure and crazy things so she wont follow the rules any time soon.
Funtime chica does all the rockstar's make up. When months pass by, the rockstar's paint would peel or chip and so ft. Chica would repaint their lipsticks, eye shadows, cheeks, etc. And they look fresh and new afterwards
Even though puppet and Goldie (and all the other animatronics) have been through so much shiz, they still try to keep their cool and enjoy life
In the rockstar crew r. Bonnie is the creepiest. Yeah, he seems chill and is self centered, he is the only rockstar who is most likely to murder someone if he's told to do so (this isn't counting ucn where they all kill). All on Bonnie's songs are so creepy and he sings about killing you in unique ways. Stuff like making slivers (or slippers) out of you, flaying your flesh, smashing your face into concrete, ending your life, and stabbing your heart with his guitar. He's definitely into gory stuff
Springtrap has two different personalities. Most of the time he's himself, spring bonnie. A kind fun loving bun who completely changed his personality after becoming springtrap. He is know constantly scared, upset, and afraid of Williams next move. He hates being an evil monster but it's not something he can control due to William still having control over him. When the slringbonnie side of springtrap gets mad or upset that's when hes weak and William takes control and becomes the evil side of springtrap. Springtrap is very aggressive and very strong. Slringbonnie tries to fight back Williams spirit, but as time went on and when the kids got sent free, spring bonnie got lonely and gave up which let William take full control over him. Sprjngbonnie is gone, its William now (which explains scraptrap)
Idk if this is a theory or headcanon but fnaf 1 bonnie is blue. Yes, he is known to be purple and everyone says and draws him purple but he's blue. Maybe it's the certain blue color he is but due to lightning it makes him look very purple. When he's in more darker areas, bonnie is very blue but when he's in the light areas, hes purple. Let's not forget how every single version on bonnie is blue (except for extras like spring springbon and bonnet etc.) Exept for fnaf 1 bonnie. That doesn't make sense if one of the originals would be purple but all the other versions are blue. One more thing, in the silver eyes, they mention that bonnie has blue fur ;) this was a dumb rant sorry
Shadow bon is evil and can shape shift cause hes a goopy shadow boy and shadow fred is his lil assistant
After fazbears fright burned down, William got to take control over springbonnie(trap) and roamed the streets at night. He roamed dark allies and probably killed whoever slighted him. It was a long walk but he was just trying to get to his destination, fred bears diner. Because of the fires, the springtrap suit was more ruined and unsturdy and so it was time for a change. Somehow William got out of the suit but he's weak without one so he picked an old spring bonnie suit, scraptrap. (According to the fnaf minigames there are multiple spring bonnie suits so that why spring trap looks different)
I got more headcanons but this post is already to long :p
My Unpopular opinions:
Am I the only one here who's not way into the whole Michael AI theory?? Like it kinda makes sense but at the same time, making a whole new robot son with advanced technology IN THE 80s does not give the fnaf-y feel?? Ya know what I mean? Like it doesn't fit the theme? Also the ai thing is in the books and the books are a different universe from the games sooo idk why matpat still connected them?? Hsjsbsjsjsn fnaf is just waaaaay to confusing. Also please dont get mad at me for this opinion cause matpats ai thing is just a theory, its not canon
Foxy isnt super great. Dont get me wrong, I love foxy and he's an amazing character but I don't get why he got so much attention and hype
Bonnet and lolbit should just be canon already. They're not canon characters but they're included in sooo many things in fnaf so might as well make em canon
Funko needs to make a fnaf 2 figure set where you collect t.chica,t.bonnie,t.freddy, puppet, one of the withereds or shadows and you collect them all to make a mangled mangle figure. I would DIE for a fully formed noodle fox figure, how cool would that be?
Scraptrap design is perfect. I know that we all make peanut and Jimmy neutron jokes but honestly I love his sharp teach, creepy eyes, AMazInG voice, and his stabby arm. Sometimes in some angles, he can look heck a creepy
butter sock
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acourtoftog · 6 years
Throne of glass spoilers ahead, you have been warned kiddos
Firstly , god damn that was a rollercoaster of hardcore battle , like seriously
The forging of the lock... idk the scene of aelin kinda flying across worlds gave me shivers, and even though I haven’t read acortar or whatever , it’s kinda made me want to read them now, it was so beautifully written
Tell ya who the queen of slow burn is, SJM like god damn that woman, yeh we god elide and Lorcan(obvs) but freakin Lysandra and aedion , I’m kinda still starved for content like, ik aedion was pissed but still a lot of the dialogue between the two of them was Lysandra feeling like shit
aelin- 10/10 character development, Sarah kinda broke her down and built her back up again, from a cocky arrogant queen (who I adored) to a kind, almost wise still cocky queen
Was it just me who thought rowan and the cadre and elide finding her was kinda... anticlimactic... yeh rowan skinned that douchebag alive but still. I felt sjm could have done it more justice
Dorian and manon my little cuties honest to god, their scenes were awesome, manon found her humanity
Crochans were awesome, but like obviously they were important but we didn’t really find out much about them if that makes sense ?
ngl thought nox was gonna have a bigger role, like we all knew he was gonna be in there somehow but still... did he even meet aelin ? Did I miss something
Also thought that it was gonna be Dorian that would have forged the lock ? Anyone else , like ik it wasn’t supposed to be glorious and yeh aelin kinda hAd the right to do it but she just pushed him aside tbf , also neat little thing sjm put in about Dorian wondering about his humanity, and about his father who turned out to be cleverer than we thought.
Maeve was an absolute bitch, her death was kinda anticlimactic, but my main boi fenrys got to have one of the killing blows which was pretty cool
Sartaq and neseryn was awesome as per usual, but I kinda wanted there to be more interaction between them and the other characters , but then again they were just their so we could get birds eye view of battle and also the dam which was freakin awesome like that was really cool , there was an impending threat that wasn’t maeve or erwan
Rowan didn’t really give aelin more time which kinda pissed me off like yeh , he was wary In a worrying way for the couple of chapters in the boat and caves but still.
It was fenrys that honestly just took my mind away, the communication whilst my main girly was getting tortured by the dickhead. That was really cool the way that was written, 11/10 maas for keeping that going throughout the book dammmn
Ik it was a battle but WHERE TF WAS FLEETFOOT , yeh she was mentioned which means she was safe and yeh she was sleepy on the floor , but I wanted her to take a bite outta someone for nehmia
Abraxos didn’t die hahahaha hahahaha my theory of big spikey doggo was correct 😏
HE HAD A MATE OMG SERIOUSLY MAN , he’d gone through so much effectively torture, then he was happy and then his mate and all his friends just got killed
Erwans death was awesome like good on yrene who is a freakin goddess in my books definitely a favourite character for evermore. She was pregnant and she managed to save everyone
Aelin still kinda has her power to remind herself and everyone what she had to do to save their world
Ngl I felt kinda sorry for maeve when she wasn’t plotting and scheming , yeh she’s the evil lady that tortured aelin for months, mentally and physically, but she genuinely just wanted to escape from her husband and brothers
Sorry but who TF were those random wolf fae/ humans like heya they saved their asses but I’ve never heard of the wolf tribe before unless I’m being stupid lol
So ummmm Dorian and shapeshift? What can’t that kid do 🤨 but his and chaols reunion was the best like I almost cried , they found each other again, the boys are backkkk
Chaol and yrene didn’t have that many chapters tbf, and when we saw them it was kinda a couple of pages and that’s it each couple of chapters, like I would have liked to have seen more interaction with other characters
Chaols dad didn’t turn out to be as much of a massive dickkk whooooooooop but still I wanted to meet terrin and his mum. Like how cool would that have been if terrin used his diplomatic skills to make the wild men fight for them, like we could’ve had some more character development from chaol who would have faced the bad aspects of his past with the good ones
Sjm could definitely do another series idk she’s kinda set it up like she could write tonnes more on it , but I’m mmm guessing theirs gonna be some more storytelling aspects to the guide book next year than we thought
THE ENDING OMG THE ORIGINAL TRIO WAS BACK AND THEY ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED EACH OTHER IN THE BEST WAY LIKE CHAOL WAS CRYING DORIAN WAS SOBBING AELIN WAS JUST KINDA GLAD THAT NONE OF THEM HAD DIED. However wtf was chaol going about them seeing each other again.? I’m expecting yrene and chaol and Dorian to be all up in Terresan for yulemas etc, aelin and Dorian better send each other books
Nawwwwww manon was a powerful queen who united the clans of witches like that was sickkkkk
Yano I was kinda expecting to meet Vaughan tbf (idk if that’s how you spell his name ) but I’m glad we didn’t because aelin probably would have given the blood oath to him so she could have the full cadre (other than Conall) which I’m still pissed about, like him killing him self, surely he loved fenrys enough to fight it ? Bros before hoes ? Jks it was relevant 😖 and it wish it wasn’t cus I wanted him and fenrys to be free together
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trueishcolours · 6 years
My siblings and I accidentally write a Ron/Victor Krum 4th year fix it fic in the group chat
Isabel: guyS
Rewatching goblet of fire
And I have to say
How amazing would it have if
It was a LOT less gendered
And also
If Ron and Krum had got together instead of Krum and Hermione
Thomas: Oh yeah there's so much Gender  
Isabel Ron already basically has a crush on Krum
Would have been great  
Thomas: idk, he's more jealous of him in my opinion  
Isabel: Nah
He has the action figure
He says he's an artist
It's definitely there
Thomas: Tru 
Clare: I mean on a superficial level I liked the Hermione/Krum part because it made me relate that a girl who is usually uninterested in 'feminine' things might still have some anxieties and take some interest now and again, and 'this super hot guy will like You, the Nerd' is standard wish fulfilment, but honestly I could take it or leave it. A grumpy feminist could equally well read it as 'EVEN smort girls like Hermione want to be feminine REALLY uwu'
And that would be a boring analysis but the whole feminine versus not argument is boring and not what we're here for
The Krum drama kicks off the Romione subplot and honestly I hate Romione as a ship, to me it feels forced from beginning to end
But Ron/Krum would tie in really nicely to the whole character arc for Ron that JKR started in the first book and then forgot about where he evolves into an amazing intelligent badass without noticing it
Picture: He is dooting along, vaguely bummed because he's nothing special compared to his older bros, then in book four he realises wait he DOES stand out from others because he's gay/bi/whatever but he's not sure he WANTS that because standing out for being a minority is a fucking hassle but by the seventh book he is war hero, chess master and gay icon and vaguely confused about it
Hell, you could even have Hermione go to the ball with Krum, get her girly character development in and have Ron freak out and both of them /assume/ it's about her when it's not
It would just
Be better Thomas: Queer theory saves the day once again
Clare: :D  
Thomas: I love this  
Isabel: Honestly decades later I am still just so salty about Ron's lack of development, hell, anti development. I just want everything for him
Clare: Like, not to make it automatically angsty just because it's gay but Ron being Not Straight ties in so well with his typical theme of qualities that he think make him less than Textbook Perfect actually being his great strengths (I read a great analysis that Ron actually achieves all his brothers' goals without trying or noticing)
Ron just utterly stalls as a character in the books
And Harry is a shitty friend to him by the end
She kind of pulled it back with his deathly hallows arc but it was bungled and could have come across as just bashing him
Isabel: HE IS. Ron is so taken for granted.
Clare: God, Ron is SO much less of a dick if his yelling at Hermione in book four is coming out of Sudden Repressed Realisation, not just 'woman I like is doing something I don't like'
Isabel: I watched film 4 last night and just everyone??? Is so horrible to each other??? All the time??? I swear in the books it's so much better handled
Other reasons why bi/gay Ron headcanon is important: - most masculine of the trio/ has a million big brothers so dealing with toxic masculinity/ bucking queer stereotypes in there too - an extra 'fuck you' to the whole pure blood thing which I reckon is really homophobic as it means your bloodline won't get continued or some shit - Krum coaching Ron on Keeping in bad English. Tell me it's not cute. - Ron's a linguist (he learnt parselmouth on like 2 listens)!! Tell me he wouldn't learn Bulgarian?! - just, chaotic bilingual Quidditch talk, all the time, forever?!
Clare: UM your pidgin Quiddich is now my new fave headcanon forever????? You're SO RIGHT Ron is smart, he's just not academic. He would DEFINITELY pick up a language fast if he was using it to talk to his boyfriend/about quiddich
Clare: Plus all the stuff you said about toxic masculinity and purebloodism.
Isabel: #giveRonaBoyfriend2k18
Also not around for the lowkey weirdness of Ron and Harry dating CANONICALLY IDENTICAL AND BORING non white girls to the Yule Ball
I know that you can overdo all this stuff but seriously the fuck
Clare: It is a bit odd and icky   
Isabel: Ok so this is what happens
Krum asks Hermione to the Yule Ball and it's like she gets her cute moment with him
But then instead of spending the whole evening being a whiny bish Ron shows un-JKR-characterisation-characteristic maturity and puts a brave face on it and talks to them both
He's upset but doesn't full on ruin their evenings
And then Hermione after the ball, (gradually realising with slight horror that she and Krum actually have literally nothing in common) kind of keeps... asking... Ron to hang out with them
And at first Ron's like lol no way am I third wheeling
But then the temptation to hang out with his literal idol becomes too strong
And he and Krum start hanging out independently of Hermione
(who's probably in the lib helping Harry study for the second task at this point anyway)
The weather is still too cold for Quidditch
Ron thinks
But somehow Ron ends up playing anyway
Clare: Hoooooly fuck this is perfect
(except he actually is because it's like -10 and snowing what the fuck Krum) Ron putting his big boy panties on and dealing during the ball, leading to him actually having an in with Krum via Hermione
I love the dynamic of Hermione just...awkwardly asking her friends to hang with them...just to break the silence...
And then them all actually having a nice evening
Clare: I mean the point of Krum with her was to get that 'YASSSS I'm dating a hot guy!' moment WHILE ALSO showing how easily it fizzles, so nothing needs to change there
Hermione could even do her 'ugh, quiddich and BOYS' routine
Isabel: Awkward because of course it is awkward what is a teenage party without angst but also, fun
yeah exactly! the slow dawning that fuuuuck, I've just brought another stupid quidditch boi into my life oh god why
Clare: Ron still knows more about the history of the game and all the technical terms than Harry so has more to talk to Krum about
Isabel: And then you know Ron and Krum stumble back into the castle with Ron wearing Krum's hat à la Chad and Ryan, and Skeeter doesn't bat an eyelid because it doesn't fit her trashy narrative
Clare: RIGHT I've got to sleep I'm getting a cold but I love this
Isabel: ok go sleep
we almost certainly get the insanely awkward 'think you're in luurve Ron' or 'lol if you love Krum so much you should date him not Hermione'! moment from either Fred or George or maybe Ginny
And there's just a kind of... missing step moment
Clare: I think all of them would do that
I mean they're pretty mean to Ron anyway, especially about love
Isabel: Exactly they're all horrible but MAYBE this would teach them!!
Clare: Exactly! It would rip the rug out from under them and they'd be like wait shit
Isabel: We are actually mean to Ron... a lot
Clare: Especially because in this timeline Ron still gets the hassle from his sibs but unlike in the main timeline where he is just butt monkey forever he has the trump card that he's got a boyfriend who's a world famous quiddich player
Like, if you're Fred, George, Ginny or even Molly you can't really come back from that reveal. Ron wins.
Isabel: Krum actually being a laser focussed guy who gives people he cares about 300% of his attention
And middle child syndrome attention starved Ron just soaks it up like a blooming Icelandic kid under a sunlamp
Ron win evertiem
Clare: Yeahhhhhh. Being a prodigy who's trained from such a young age he's got to nail that work life balance and it's like 90% work 10% life but that life is INTENSE, he's seen too many people lose their relationships because they won't switch off their metaphorical phones during dates, he gets one (1) month a year and about three (3) important people and when it is Person Time it is PERSON TIME
Right bed for eal I'm dying
Clare: Bebs I wish you could write it
The raw chemistry my goodness
I ship it now
Is there going to be 'you are treating me like an idol not a real person please stop' angst at any point?
Clare: Also Krum is like 'I knew I could trust you because you are bffs with Harry Potter and you treat him like he's totally normal you must be so mature and cool he is so so lucky to have a friend like you
Or well, Krum insecurity that people only like him because of his celeb status anyway
Which is probably why he went for Hermione in the first place because she didn't give a shit
'... I love you.'
'Bro I wouldn't care if you were the worst player in the world as long as we both are fans of the sport together.'
Isabel: BRUH
Also can I just ask...?
What happens in the second task??!!?
It's already messed up enough under that lake, love triangles all over the place
This would just be the final straw that resulted in everyone just shrugging and teaming up
Clare: Holy shit
Krum just doots along, takes Ron and goes
Harry's like...wait what...OK...um I guess Hermione and Ron are equally important to me so I'll just take her kk
Isabel: Krum and Ron appearing on the surface of the lake like 'fuck'
The most dramatic declaration of intent ever
Turning yourself into a shark and rescuing them from the bottom of a lake
Clare: Everybody in the stands is SHOOK
Dumbledore like dang I did not predict this
With their hair soaking wet they are both at maximum hot
Isabel: Rita Skeeter's quill combusts
Clare: Krum doesn't point her out as a beetle in Hermione’s hair he's too busy with Ron
Isabel: Yeah she's like where is my gossip at??? Nothing is happening over in Hermione's hair
But yeah I feel like Dumbledore would be like, oh darn, looks like I'm gonna have to show queer solidarity with Ronald Weasely or something
Clare: Would Krum charm Molly straight away though? He's very surly and shy and, in the books, not very handsome. Wouldn't Molly start out yikes who is this quiddich yob my son has taken up with?
Ginny on the other hand. Comes out as bi a couple of years later, tells Ron she only started to realise thanks to his example, apologises for being a dick about his love life
Isabel: Yeah I guess actually
I think Molly can get fierce
Clare: She's probably got a bit of pure blood/homophobic anxiety that she cloaks as objections about THIS PARTICULAR boy
Isabel: Either she loves you and adopts you right away or she is like /pulling shotgun down from the shelf/
She's like
Blaming herself, oh I should have paid more attention and NOW look what's happened
Poor Ronald, always neglected
And Ron's like... mum... this is great
I am happy
Is not problem
I mean he's probably enjoying having the attention of a quiddich super star and I bet he'd even enjoy the celebrity status of The Boyfriend a bit (best friends get sidelined but romantic partners are news) but he's not doing it FOR attention
Isabel: Yeah, and I think the suggestion that he is would just make him so mad
First confused and then mad
Oh the ANGST
Clare: Especially since that's Krums biggest anxiety
Isabel: Mr Weasely would be chill. I feel like in this whole equation he is the chillest
Clare: What would Percy say? Would social climbing or doing the done thing win out?
Also the attention thing is a way for parents to make their child's relationship all about them. Oh you want me to LOVE you more! No mum I'm growing away from you this is normal
I think Ron would get jealous around Bill and Charlie because they'd swing in all oh our brother is rebellious and has a cool boyfriend? Well we are cool rebels also welcome to the family Victor
Isabel: Yeah... I think Percy is probably pretending to be chill with it and being a bit smarmy to Krum then says something awkward and homophobic and it's worse than if he'd just said it straight up
Clare: I think a lot of Liberal but still pure blood families would take the line of, 'it's fine that you're gay...because you're the sixth son so your blood line isn't in danger and making a socially advantageous match is probably more important for you anyway! And Ron is like Y I K E S
Isabel: Yeah exactly, well I suppose you have enough sons Molly amirite
What do we think about the Krum family?
Are they just happy that their son is forming human relationships
Clare: Hmm. How do they feel about celebrity? Do they think Ron is Not Good Enough or are they actually quite a normal family and are glad Krum has an ordinary guy to keep him grounded?
Isabel: I kind of don't want Ron to have to deal with random Bulgarian disapproval
I think maybe a quite normal family who had a kid who was a genius and has been at boarding school/ travelling for years and years
Maybe Krum already came out to them so that drama is in the past
Clare: Yeah and when he brings Ron home for dinner they're just delighted that Krum is home at all and that he's happy
Yeah maybe he did
He's probably had a lot of time to introspect because of his image and maybe he's an only child?
Isabel: And Ron speaks accented but ok Bulgarian by this point and they're like !!!
Clare: I think one aspect of the large family thing that WOULD affect Ron is its just that much harder to have a private word with your parents so confiding about yourself, especially when you're not 100% sure, just isn't part of the family culture
And there's no time for introspection when you're jockeying for position with six siblings
So Krum is out to his parents while Ron isn't even out to himself
Plus Krums just that bit older
Isabel: No, when you ask for a word it's all 'yes Ron' a bit exasperated
Clare: Krum’s family are just delighted that Ron speaks Bulgarian and is a normal guy who likes their son for himself
Isabel: Maybe they have some kind of cool engineery job and Ron goes out the back and is like well my dad likes cars I will try and help
Uses his mathsy chessy knowledge
Clare: Re. Homophobia I think it is important that it's not all YOU'RE GOING TO HELL like the Muggle brand but instead is very focused on producing pure blood children. Also with the smallness of the pure blood community I bet there's a lot of, not official arranged marriage, but kind of assumed marriage, like in Pride and Prejudice or what may have happened with Prince William and Kate, like, there's three girls your age who your family's on speaking terms with who aren't your first cousins and it'll massively throw off everybody's plans if you don't marry one of them
Yes Ron helping with engineering
Isabel: Headcanon of the Krums as magical engineers with a side passion for quidditch
Clare: I bet he picks up arithmancy that way. Can't learn it in the classroom, can learn it in the garage. And he comes home from the holiday able to actually help his dad with the car and thenceforth Mr Weasley is on board
Isabel: Yeah exactly... they're a bit 'sigh ok this means you're not gonna marry bertha from the bakery but hell at least it's not a veela'
Clare: Also wizarding society is inherently conservative, they haven't even updated their writing system, so anybody doing anything different is looked askance at unless they can play themselves as a genius eccentric like Dumbledore
Isabel: So yeah then Ron turns out to be WHOLESOME af and Krum’s family are like... ok fine. this is fine. In fact yay!
Ok I have to go do some work but this has been almost as good as having the fic itself
Clare: Maybe I'll put a summary on my tumblr and see if anybody wants to adopt it
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reddeaddenial · 6 years
A, G, and S for the boiiisssszzz (I'm sorry if its long setdfyguhij)
Nonono dont apologize, i loooove answering long questions like this! It really makes me think about my ocs and helps develop them more! 
A: Aptitude1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Nick has always had very quick reflexes. They most likely developed while he was pushing himself to get stronger when he was recovering from his childhood illness. Or maybe they were there all along and he finally had a healthy body to show for it. This of course carried over into him quickly being able to point and shoot, engage quickly with enemies. He’s got terrific aim, but that’s something he’s practiced with over the years. 
Leo is just… Leo. He understands and learns very quickly even from a young age. He learned to read very well early in life and impressed his tutors with his quick knowledge of math. He just retains everything like a sponge. Buuut he comes off simple because of his lack of understanding of social interactions. But i think the most natural ability he has is his way of thinking strategically. He’s been beating his brothers at chess for yeaaars lol And he’s been a massive help to his old gang leader when helping plan out robberies. 
Theo is a natural charmer. he’s been able to tell since he could talk who and what he can get away with by reading the situation in a room. That only got better the older he got. He became the trio’s negotiator for most things. Hell surprisingly he’s the one that knows more than one language!
2. what activities have they participated in?
I’m not really sure what this is defining as activities. So I’ll just go with the RDR2 theme of it. Target contests for sure wit Nick, I bet he’s one quite a bit of cash at those. Leo has gone and done several horse races and hasn’t done too bad there. Theo on multiple occasions has gotten an entire saloon shitfaced and basically they become big parties and everyone having a great time and Theo is gettin’ the juiciest gossip about new places and stores to rob. >:3
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Nick it’s his aim. Before the outlaw life, they were all pretty sheltered and weren’t around lots of guns and such, so while he had the natural reflexes of a gunslinger, he hadn’t the aim. that was built up over lots of hard work and determination to protect his brother. He became pretty adept at it roughly 3 years in. He had to be, for them to survive. He also had to work to learn to cook for him and his brothers. Living on the road, they didn’t know much about food. It was a lot of trial and error, lots of food poisoning lol But now hes the best cook among the three, which isnt saying too much, but he at least knows how to season venison lol. 
Leo had definitely had to work with his ability to shoot a gun, or use weapons in general. He learned the gun out of necessity thanks to Nick’s coaxing, but he’s surprisingly more comfortable throwing axes than using guns lol. He’s just just honestly the most uneasy around guns because of the business they had with their dad and the trio shooting him, even if it was on accident. 
Theo had to work a lot with his knife throwing and just knives in general. He’;s got a lot of visible scars littered about his hands from a lot of failed attempts from some bullshit or another. But he’s gun a lot of dumb luck, like he’d throw a knife at an enemy and the handle hits the man instead of the blade. BUT he hit it so hard and in the back of the head, the guy goes unconscious instead lol
4. what things are they bad at?
Lol Oh man, so much. Like mentioned before, the other two boys cant cook for shit. They gotta live off of canned food or leftovers if Nick’s not around. Nick can’t patch up his own clothes, he sucks at sewing, just gets confused at what he’s looking at, one time he sewed the sleeve of his shirt completely shut, that had Theo and Leo in hysterics at his own expense. Leo as we know isn’t good with communicating well with others. He either comes off stupid or  arrogant to strangers, neither is a good scenario. Theo in particular, sucks at stakeouts, or just waiting around doing nothing, he gets very fidgety and wants to talk. So he’s been forced to find ways to entertain himself with like a book or playing cats cradle
5. what is their most impressive talent?
For Nick it’s definitely his gunslinging. He’s quite proud of how well he can shoot. 
For Theo, probably his medical work. He’s very quick and knows where to cute, and get you nice and buzzed on booze so it’s not too bad. He’s gone as so quickly to remove a bullet, sanitize, stitch and wrap a wound in less than ten minutes, he’s got it down to an art, it’s like removing a splinter to him lol
Leo it would be his brilliant plans. Like he may be quiet, but he is the most sly and creative of the group. I won’t go in too much detail cuz I have some great ideas he’s gonna implement in future chapters. But his brain is gonna have people go ‘well shit why havent we thought of that sooner?’ >:3c
G: Gorgeous
1. what is their most attractive external feature?
The twins like to tease that it’s Nick’s babyface and blonde hair. He just scowls and yanks them down into a headlock lmao. But honestly all the boys got those pretty ‘Teale Green’ eyes, that draw people in. 
2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?
Theo’s is his humor and empathy with others. Leo’s is… well I guess some people would be into the quiet listener type? Nick well… honestly he’s a bit prickly but he has some good morals underneath all that. I think the best part of his personality is standing up and protecting others I suppose. :p
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
Oh boy well basically you get the infinite protection of these three. They’re loyal to a fault and will back you up in any situation. When they bond to people, it’s family. And you treat family right. Of course with that, you gotta put up with Theo’s shenanigans, Leo desperately wanting someone else to thrash at chess, and Nick’s paranoid grumpy ass. But they’re good boys who treat their friends right. ;w; 
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
Theo hates that he cares too much about what people think, he can be easily antagonized sometimes because of it. He also has his moments where he just gets into this depressive spiral about how they’ve turned into murderers and thieves and his brothers gotta shake him outa it. He does like how tall he is though, it impresses the ladies and works for a good intimidation tactic :p Leo sometimes hates how identical he and Theo are, because people mistake him for Theo and get weird about how different and quiet he acts, he gets very self conscious about it some days, but hes usually ok. But in the same thought process, its something that he also likes about himself that he and Theo are identical. Idk its a bit of a crisis for him lol
Nick has some Arthur Moods™ when it comes to himself. He looks younger and smaller compared to his brothers some days, he hates the scar on his nose, reminds him of his dear ol dad who put it there, gets kinda self conscious about it too. One thing he suppose he likes about himself is his hair. Little secret, but he keeps good care of that shit, keep it nice and soft, will sometimes tie it back too. The twins tease him on occasion but not too much, else he’ll hide it all under a hat lol
5. what parts of others do they envy?
Nick of course envies his brother’s heights a lot, envies anyone who’s taller than him really. He also just envies people who can just be so carefree even in the darkest of time. He just hyperfixates on the worst a lot. 
Theo envies Nick’s ability to shoot and hunt. They’re useful skills to have as an outlaw that he just hasn’t mastered too well. But at least he’s got his knives! :) Leo envies anyone who can just speak their mind to others so easily. How can they condense all their thoughts into just a few sentences? How do they flawlessly move through unspoken social etiquette? It’s a mystery Leo wishes one day he too will understand.  
S: Streets1. are they street-smart?
They definitely weren’t at first! Sheltered boys practically caged up on their father’s property, only learning about the real world after they shot the man? Yeah they had a lot of learning to do and they learned through a lot of mistake son their part. But ten years have come and gone and they’re definitely a lot more street smart now. 
2. would they give money to someone on the streets?
Probably, they know how that life is like. That first year on their own was very rough on them and they sympathize with the normal poor citizens having more morals than themselves to not go robbing people like they did. 
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
Oh definitely! Sometime Theo’s placating nature just riles up people more and shit happens. But he’s got his brothers to back him up. Also on that note, someone trying to mess with Nick and Nick being the unsociable cactus that he is, makes things worse. Next thing you know, someone pulls out a knife and Nick’s curb stomping the guy who called him girly. Y’know, shit happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. has anything happened to them on the streets?
Lmao see above. 
5. are they cautious when out?
They’re always cautious thanks to Nick’s incessant lectures about watching their backs and always being aware of the law. 
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intothespideyverses · 6 years
a modest reinterpretation of “andi’s choice” in c-minor (inspired by a post by @ambimack)
in which bowie ghostwrites a song, andi tries to go ghost on walker, and [insert third awful ghost pun here]: 
so bowie is actually ringing up customers for once at the music store that I figured rarely got business because helloo it’s always damn near empty but I guess today there was a surge of customers seeking out guitar picks and vinyls to show how Cultured and Unique they were for listening to the beatles or whomever. anyway jonah is on his guitar, doing as jonahs are wont to do, and bowie drops the bomb on him with “so yeah remember that music coach I told you about? she hates you. she quite frankly and literally wants you dead. she told me this herself. why didn’t you show up???” and jonah’s like “andi don’t fw me anymore :(” which isn’t rly an answer bc lbr here homeboy was ALREADY running late. you mean to tell me him staring at that painting took 4 whole minutes? nah. 
so anyway bowie’s like “hm let’s change that” bc manipulating your daughter’s emotions behind her back is cool I guess. bowie, totally not projecting in any way whatsoever, suggests that jonah write andi a song. jonah’s not about it tho. “I can’t talk about my feelings!” he says, which is true considering he only just started exhibiting negative emotions for the first time ever last week. bowie goes, “sure u can! what rhymes with back?” and jonah almost says “crack!” bc thats clearly what bowie’s been on for the past 2 episodes but lemme not.
anyway jump to andi @ the spoon and her boo thang who’s not rly her boo thang yet bc terri hates us is facetiming her again. “so andi, my wife whom I would die for, what’s up?” and andi replies “my best friend is moving away :(” so walker, the understanding king he is, goes “aw pick your head up queen, your crown’s falling :’)” and tells her to go be with her friends and something about a bubble machine idk but w/e we still stan.
buffy comes in w/ all the junk the ghc left at her house including a knockoff tamagotchi which seems kinda before andi’s time?? like she was supposedly 7 when she got it which would have been around 2010? but once again w/e we still stan. and buffy reads the recommendation letter cyrus’ mom wrote for him which seemed a tad incomplete. “I can’t believe my mom forgot to add three references, what a waste...” he sighs.
but walker comes in and andi’s like “tf didn’t u just tell me to drink bubble soap and be w/ my friends? what r u doing here?” and walker, the modern day da vinci, says “im here to draw ur friends as a going away present for your fellow queen, buffy” and buffy looks shooketh like hey if andi don’t want him go get him sis! 
so walker draws a louvre level artist rendering of the ghc and instead of appreciating the fact that walker could probably make an exact recreation of the mona lisa, andi’s like “*rolls eyes emoji* *sucks teeth emoji* now i got TWO of these little boys after me what the fuck -_-” but that doesn’t matter bc buffy and cyrus are LIVING for it. 
“im gay so clearly im the better sassy best friend, step tf back bitch”
“the sassy best friend stereotype was made for my black ass cyrus so if you think for even a second I won’t claim my rightful spot you are sadly mistaken”
“let me have this one thing buffy I can’t even say the word gay out loud on this damn show can I at least have this?? can I?”
buffy takes a sip of her virgin margarita and goes...
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anyway back at the music shop, jonah has just finished practicing the song bowie ghostwrote for him. jonah’s like “great this is perfect for me to sing outside andi’s window” and bowie quite litcherally flips a table and goes “you rly thought u were gonna pull that corny shit??? what year is it?? 1985 called they want their courtship technique back lol what a loser” and jonah’s like hm perhaps he really is on crack but doesn’t say it out loud bc that would hurt bowie’s feelings :/. bowie says that he already booked jonah to perform at the open mic being held THAT NIGHT lmao and jonah just about has another panic attack bc what??
“what??” he asks bowie who is too busy thinking about him performing “you girl” to bex when they were younger to even remember who jonah even is. jonah’s quite honestly shitting himself and wondering what tf he’s going to do. “being around you” is cute and all but it doesn’t go nearly as hard as andi deserves, especially if he now has to compete with artsy fartsy walker who could probably redo the sistine chapel all by himself if he rly wanted to. “hm..........how can one convey how truly deep in their feelings they are for the one they love?” jonah asks the universe, bc hey it seems to always work for bowie. 
the universe responds by sending a speeding car full of college kids blasting aubrey graham’s newest hit single right into the storefront window. 
“that’s it!” 
jonah’s handing out flyers at the spoon and cyrus literally melts into a puddle and I’m pretty sure this is the first nod to his crush on jonah since he came out to andi wow. andi’s like “since when do u do anything aside from throwing a plastic disc?” and jonah’s like “last week 🤗"
they go to the open mic and some girlie is throwing it DOWN w/ her accordion but bowie being the uncultured swine he is, pulls her off the stage. “anywayyyy here’s our final performance and the only reason we held this show tonight, give a big round of applause to jonah beck!”
jonah walks out with his guitar and an amazon copyrighted product shaped like a portable speaker. bowie’s like 🤨 bc this was supposed to be an acoustic performance tf does he need a backing track for? jonah sits down on his lil stool and clears his throat. “alexa play ‘in my feelings, jonah beck cover’”. the device plays a track consisting of jonah’s angelic backing vocals, and our boy begins to strum his guitar. he opens his mouth to croon...
“trap...trap bowie bowie”
bowie’s chiseled jaw drops to dirty ass music shop floor. “this is...not what I planned.”
“this stuff’s got me in my feelings...gotta be real w/ it...”
the entire audience has a collective heart attack. 
“an-di, do u luv me? r u riding? say you’ll never ever leave from beside me, cause I want ya and I need ya, and I’m down for u always...”
buffy and cyrus catch whiplash from turning so fast to face andi. “the song’s about YOU bitch!”
andi shakes her lil head. “puh-lease, no it’s not”
cyrus, doing his best not to cry, says “he literally just said ur name but go off”
andi’s in denial bc eww j*n*h b*ck? singing a song? for her? disgusting. but jonah keeps singing his little heart out and the lyrics are more and more damning as they go on. 
“trap, trap bowie bowie...I buy you rice on a string cause you not that showy”
“art 101 cause u just like zoey”
“fuck he is singing about me...”
“fudge that netflix and chill what’s ur net-net-net worth?” jonah sings, hitting an impossible high note. queen of vocals. 
“you’re the only one I luv~~~” he serenades, serving us mariah carey level whisper notes. ariana is cancelled! our boy finishes the song, basking in the thought of how many careers he singlehandedly ended by performing at this small hole-in-the-wall music shop in bumfuck, utah. drake your days are numbered sis. 
everyone immediately deserts the shop en masse like did y’all see how fast they all left last episode?? damn. buffy and cyrus stay behind while andi is frozen sitting in her chair bc what the hell does one say to that. 
bowie goes up to jonah and is like “so um...that was...different.” and jonah responds “ikr! see, ‘being around you’ felt too old school, too...2002. idk why that year specifically, but idk it just sounds like it was written in 2002 for a completely different person, maybe even bex, but what do I know? im just your friendly neighborhood jonah beck.” bowie is shook. “anyway, do u think andi liked it?” bowie looks up to see his dorder who he’s more or less forgot about in favor of m*randa and demon child for the past couple of days walking in slow motion to the stage. how she was doing that was beyond him. “well, she looks like she’s about to cry so that’s either a very good thing or a very bad thing. ur on ur own now bud.” and he skidaddles to where bex is waiting. oh yeah bex was in this episode too I forgot. 
andi approaches jonah and he’s like “...so...song....you like?” and andi’s internally screaming bc everyone for the past several weeks has been pushing this relationship on her including jonah himself and now he just sung this song in front of all these ppl and now she pretty much HAS to kiss him so anyway ya she does. 
when she pulls away jonah blinks. “oh...dosche”
will andi finally break up with jonah for good? will jonah avoid copyright infringement for covering a drake song on disney channel? will bowie seek help for his crack addiction? find out next time on dragonball z!
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