#lokis gonna kill me i stg
keybordcaps · 5 months
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So me and my friend @wiseheartedloki were on roblox and i took a screenshot of us fucking around while it was rambling about how Uncool Millennial Tree Cookie is and how much he wishes he was cool enough to date her and stuff like that so I made this image. Have fun.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Another day. Another questionable interview from someone involved with the production. This time the Director (who to her credit at least is better than Mike Waldron in that she is able to say she likes Loki’s character whereas his interviews drip with open disdain and disrespect and he can’t even pretend otherwise). (x)
Kate Herron: But Loki doesn't have many friends, you know? He builds this friendship with Mobius across the second episode.
Here again we get out-of-universe confirmation that the narrative framing of Mobius in a positive light is intentional. Mobius is not Loki’s friend. He’s his captor and his torturer. Loki isn’t on equal footing with Mobius. They don’t even have a boss-employee relationship. LOKI WAS MOBIUS’S SLAVE until he escaped. He was being held against his will and coerced under threat of death to work for Mobius and his organization without compensation. That is slavery. And it’s not ok. 
Mobius also berated him by telling him that he is inherently evil and monstrous - the very things that drove him to suicide. Mobius is complicit in acts of torture, genocide, murder, privacy violation, and  police brutality and shows no signs of having any problem with it. He’s no more Loki’s friend than Thanos or the Black Order are. 
When has he ever treated Loki with dignity or respect? Even if we ignore all the horrific stuff, he’s just plain not nice to Loki. He constantly mocks and belittles him and never takes his side. That’s not a how a friend behaves!  That’s how a bully behaves! Where is the basis for this friendship??!!
Kate Herron: “And obviously, we're seeing it through Loki and Sylvie's POV. You know, neither of them are good or bad. A complete, pure good hero would probably join the queue and be like, "Well, hopefully we'll get on the train." But they're not those characters. They're going to try and get on it.”
They snuck onto a train??? That’s what she thinks a grey character is? That’s so dull! Loki was a complex and grey character. Larry (as I call the tv show character) and Sylvie...got on a train without a ticket. That’s laughable! That doesn’t make me think about complex morality or issues. And c’mon. All the heroic Avengers have done that level of rule breaking MANY times and they don’t lose their “pure good hero status.” Tony Stark constantly does things like that! I want Loki back. HE is a grey character. But I haven’t seen him in the show so far. Instead I get Larry the watered down clown. 
Kate Herron: “When Loki and Mobius are at Pompeii, for example, that's shown through Loki's POV, right? He's joyous and he cracked the case. Pompeii was horrific, but we're seeing it through his perspective and he's in a completely different headspace.”
You know a scene can have more than one emotion right? Like he could be happy about solving the case but also horrified at the destruction of Pompeii? Instead he is laughing at the people who are about to die horrifically and seems to have no compassion for them whatsoever. Sure people can headcanon reasons why he behaved that way (and more power to them. Fixing dumb canon is what fandom is all about!) but the narrative framing is to me pretty clearly lighthearted and the director confirms that intent. There seems to be no awareness that by having Loki behave so callously it makes him come across as incredibly cruel. Far more than he ever was in canon. 
In Thor 2011 Thor is laughing while slaughtering Jotnar (as is considered appropriate in his culture) but Loki isn’t. He kills when he has to but he doesn’t enjoy it, something that’s unusual for the culture he was raised in. This Pompeii scene could’ve been a great time to see Loki’s more compassionate side as he looks at the people who are going to die. We could’ve seen some real conflict from him. And it would’ve been a great moment to start introducing the concept that he’s more than just a simple villain to more casual viewers. Instead, although they think they’re “redeeming” Larry over the course of the show they’ve made him far worse and more villainous. I wish they had hired an experienced Director who also understands Loki - like Kenneth Brannaugh!!! - rather than a Director who has never headed up a major project before. Though even the best Director couldn’t fix the abysmal and ooc script and story Mike Waldron came up with. 
Kate Herron: “I think that's the thing that's really key for her is that she's a completely original character, completely born out of our writers, and that, for me, was exciting.” 
Remember when I said Sylvie is the favored OC? Called it. 
Kate Herron: “The train scene I love because Loki doesn't get many wins and it's nice to see him having a nice sing-song. He's just enjoying himself. Because I think that's such a funny way, as well, to show the difference between him and Sylvie is that she's on a mission. She's like, "We're going to get off this moon." And when she's offered a drink, she's like, "No, thank you."
WOW. I hate this SO much. So suddenly Sylvie gets to act more like Loki and Loki suddenly doesn’t know how to be subtle and is just a dumb clown messing everything up. C’mon! This is absolutely ridiculous. This is not Loki silvertongue. This is not the Loki who tried to diffuse the situation on Jotunheim and almost succeeded. This is not the Loki who was always a restraining voice in Thor’s ear. They’ve turned Sylvie into discount Loki without any depth or complexity or vulnerability and they’ve turned Loki into discount Thor ft. dumb clown! Absolutely outrageous. 
Kate Herron: “everything is not what it seems and even in our design, people have picked up on certain things. Like the way that they dress, or the posters and that there's something a bit more going on there.”
If the TVA actually turn out to be twist villains I will laugh SO hard; I’d say that twist is too dumb even for Marvel but...it’s really not! Like. Guys. If they’re gonna be TWIST villains you have to not have them do obviously villainous things on screen!!!! BECAUSE THEN IT’S NOT A TWIST!!!!
From the moment we meet them we see them commit acts of police brutality, murder, genocide, trial without due process, enslavement, privacy violation, and torture IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE FREE WILL. Like. They are literally the most evil organization in the MCU. Even Thanos can’t compare. So having them be revealed as villains will fall flat. Because the twist isn’t the audience learning new information or the main character learning it. It’s just the narrative suddenly acknowledging it and treating their atrocities seriously. So the twist is in the real world not the show. And it’ll make Larry look like an even bigger idiot than he already does if he’s suddenly like “Wait the people who tortured and enslaved me are evil?! What?!??!” (I stg if he has to fight miss minutes in the end like I joked about I will lose it).
Also. Why make it a twist?! When you treat the villains as a joke it robs the narrative of tension. Their acts of evil should’ve been acknowledged from the beginning in order to create sympathy for the protagonist and tension in the narrative as we watch him try to escape this situation! Smh. The only funny joke in this series is how badly the writing fails. 
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Hogwarts Houses
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(Ayy Slytherin gang!! Thats my house)
Faust: Self explanatory. This man is the epitome of Slytherin. Evil mad scientist who doesn't care what methods he uses to achieve his goal? Y e s. I’m proud to have this absolute full course meal of a man in my house. (Honestly I think I'm very similar to him but THATS a discussion for my therapist.)
Vlad: Again, self explanatory. He has big ambitions (wanting to turn humans into purebloods) and will do whatever it takes to get there.
Theo: Originally I was thinking of putting him in Gryffindor but after reading his route and seeing how he’s actually very cunning and willing to sacrifice everything, including hsi humanity, for the sake his goals, i think he's definitely Slytherin. Also have you SEEN that man sell stuff to people? Thats pure Slytherin.
Mozart: Another one I was on the fence about. I see Ravenclaw tendencies in him but ultimately I think he’s a Slytherin. His amazing passion for music and his ambitions led him to becoming a vampire. His ability to change his whole personality in order to charm the people he would need as patrons is peak Slytherin. And I did his route a while ago but I remember him saying he came back to life to basically make the most amazing, emotional musical composition ever. That’s very Slytherin of him. 
Shakespeare: I don't know too much about him but his yonder tendenices + manipulating people for the sake of his plays gives me major Slytherin vibes. If anyone thinks he should be in a different house tho let me know why!
Comte: Another one thats debatable I think. However, he keeps a lot of secrets, revives famous historical figures for an unknown (at least to me right now) reason. I think it is safe to say he’s a Slytherin.
(Whew thats a lot of Slytherins) 
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Napoleon: This man SCREAMS Gryffindor. Gryffindor poster boy. He literally reminds me of Harry Potter. He reprsents almost every trait of this house (Chivalry, Courage, Loyalty...) 
Leonardo: Okay he’s a special one because I’ve thought about it and absolutely can't decide between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for him (like 50/50). You guys need to help me decide. I’m gonna talk about his Gryffindor side here. He’s another one that represents so of the traits of this house. He’s extremely loyal and so protective of those that he loves (to a point where its self sarificing but thats a discusion for HIS therapist). He also sometimes does stupid things for the sake of his own curiosity (and because its fun. Source: 12 Flavors of Love event. I stg this man would never turn down a dare.) And he uses his talents to help others rather than for his own ambitions because helping others and making others feel comfortable and happy is what gives him a sense of purpose/satisfaction (Now I’m gonna go cry I love him so much). His general attitude about life is very Gryffindor to me (Similar to Masamune from Ikesen). 
Jean: Another one just like Napoleon. Based on what I know about him, he’s always there to help whenever you need him (Mozart and Theo’s route). He is overflowing with Chivalry (literally one of the sweetest guys in that mansion ily baby). He’s just a socially awkward Gryffindor. Please give him a hug.
Arthur: I was debating whether he’d be Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but ultimately I think he’s Gryffindor. The fact that he started writing books to make the children in the hospitals happy because he couldn't save them by being a doctor is just so Hufflepuff (my HEART omfg. Someone give him a hug pt. 2), but he also isn't afraid of putting himself in danger to save others (the nun kidnapping thing). Hero behavior. He deserves the world.
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Isaac: He’s very inquisitive about how the world works and values those who can show him a new perspective to what he's thinking (probably the reason he gets along with Leo so well). He’s socially awkward but if he’s comfortable with someone he’d love to teach them various scientific subjects.
Leonardo: Okay so this is the other side of Leo that tbh his route didn't display that much, but its still a huge part of who he is. His room is FULL of just books and other material about every subject imaginable He just has this unstoppable thirst for knowledge. Inquisitivity is in his nature, and it doesn't matter if that subject will be “useful” in the sense of like, making money, he’s curious about it regardless. He has this amazing love for learning, no matter what subject it is. He’s a genius polymath for a REASON (Cybird I will forever be mad that his route barely showcased this side of him. Let. me. be. a. nerd. with. him.) But i mean, thats the most ravenclaw thing ever. So I guess his attitude is very much Gryffindor but his personality (ENTP) traits are Ravenclaw. He’s a Gryffinclaw. 
Sebastian: Self Explanatory. He literally gave up his whole time period just to study famous historical figures. He gets nothing material in return but the knowledge is reward enough to him.
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Vincent: POSTER BOY. SWEET ANGEL BOY. He is so caring and considerate of everyone around him. He literally got killed by Gaugin but instead of holding a grudge like most people would, he’s more worried about Theo and how that will impact him. He is such a hard worker and never gave up on his art even if it wasn't successful in his time period. Best Boy.
Dazai: I don't know much about him but again, based off what I’ve seen he tries his best to make other people happy. and it works. He does the weirdest things and they WORK. He tries to make people laugh and hes always kind (probably because life wasnt too kind to him and he doesn't want people to feel as hopeless as he does sometimes).
Charles: I know the least about him so this might change once I find out more. He reminds me a lot of Loki from Ikerev, like chaotic yandere hufflepuff energy (it exists. I said so.) Also his relationship with Faust literally mirrors a typical Slytherin/Hufflepuff friendship. (I know because I have those friendships)
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Loki ep 6 thoughts
-recap reminds me I hate ravonna
-I want more mobius/sylvie
-Greta thin burg I love u
-upside down heart in rock
-this music slaps everyone say thank u Natalie holt
-they look so good….ugh
-sylvies hair…wah
-she’s asking him to tell her to stop :’)
-best buds I love dem
-she’s pulling the ‘I’m 8 minutes older than u!!’ Argument that every twin pulls
-she needs a moment now but she didn’t hesitate back in ep 4. Hmm
-Tom looks fuckin great here let’s not lie
-statues?? Omg who
-ominous door slam
-what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
-I need a second
-I’m so sorry that gives me the ‘HEY SISTERS’ jumpscare energy I’m laughing but terrified
-it’s fuckin kang aint it
-oh he scared
-he’s scared
-of the lokis
-wants to bargain with them hmm
-this never ends well
-this is a trick loki PLS DONT FALL FOR IT
-full offense but ‘we can reinsert you so you won’t disrupt the timeline’ and ‘you can kill thanos and have the infinity gauntlet’ cannot POSSIBLY coincide
-her eyes are creepy
-don’t let this overrule your GOAL SYLVIE
-god one of you have braincells pls
-oh she thinks they’re a thing too huh
-Disney don’t do it I stg
-sylvie looks so annoyed girl me too
-even my cat’s confused
-I don’t wanna have any sympathy for ravonna don’t show me those stupid fuckin rings
-why is this so funny
-knife buds
-I shouldn’t love him but I kinda do
-okay but they’re so funny just holding their knives to him
-I’m so sorry sylvie is so cute
-her little hair flips
-it’s a Loki thing
-he’s funny but I’m fairly certain I’m gonna hate him
-at least call her by her preferred name bitch
-“one mans void is another man’s….piece of cake”
-youre not sorry bitch
-B-15 like I’ll expose the fuck outta your ass
-Loki I love you but this is obviously bigger than you think
-man’s a script writer omg
-ugh not him being a sylkie shipper
-man I hate u
-right when they thought they could start doing their own thing and making their own decisions he’s like SIKE!!!
-I sad
-this bitch is exactly why I’m like meh on Christian god
-must be boring
-man I don’t want him to turn them against each other
-ravonna is. A little unhinged
-‘an illusion conjured by the the weak to inspire fear. A desperate bid from control’
-I’m sorry but she sounds like cliche christians
-this is coming from a cradle Catholic
-why is this the mokius/Loki fight from ep 4 all over again
-she literally says crisis of faith
-mobius: hey I think this entire institution has manipulated us and I'm gonna try and figure out what's at the bottom of it
ravonna: lies to him, has him killed
ravonna: wow i cant believe he would betray me like that
-no bc its giving Aaron burr 'now I'm the villain in your history'
-its giving catra and adora in s1 when adora's like 'they're awful' and catras like 'yeah we been knew. How dare u not condone that'
-except I don't ship Mobius and ravonna
-I had to pause to write this rant
-she threatens to prune him again as if he wouldn't just go back to the void
-mobius: we can't take away ppl's free will
Ravonna: i disagree
mobius: where are u going
ravonna: in search of free will
-mobius being left ONCE AGAIN
-poor bitch
-everyone has evil clones just let shit happen
-why is it literally an entire religious allegory
-im so confused
-what does the illusion of the time keepers do at all
-he fills the same spot as them either way
-is it anonymity?
-why doesn't he just kill all the bad variants of himself
-he sounds like a liar I don't trust him
-hes just an asshole
-why doesn't he offer ppl the option to work for the tva
-if he thinks they'll still work under Sylvie and Loki then he must think they'd help
-why does he look scared
-idk why but I'm real tired of all this
-time shit's confusing
-dude i just want lokius interaction
-no I’m so ficking emo
-I want them to be besties
-“because you can’t trust. And I can’t be trusted”
-bro I’m sad
-I’m so sad ab Loki
-he’s trying so hard not to hurt her pls
-I am going to SOB
-that’s it I’m fucking logging out
-Disney I hate you
-I’m so fucking pissed
-I’m so tempted not to finish this episode I’m mad
-anger fills me from top to bottom
-I am taking a moment
-are you SERIOUS
-my exact words when she says ‘I’m not you’ were “AH fuck. GODdammit” but I need you to take the liberty of imagining the exhaustion in my voice
-bro I’m just so mad
-I’m like apathetic to the rest of the plot rn sorry
-I couldn’t care less ab this
-man I am so disappointed
-I’m sorry I just am
-does it really fuckin have to go like that
-god at least let me have one last Lokius moment
-Tom Hiddleston’s deliverance of that rant was so fucking good
-like. You can hear how truly fucked up he is about all this. We’ve never seen Loki like this
-I’m rly emo about it
-I’m actually going to kill marvel
-I am. Divorcing this show
-are you fucking kidding me
-no because fuck you
-I am going to be pissed forever
-you fucking make MOBIUS FORGET HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT???
-I’m so tired
-I just want to take a long fucking nap
-I’m gonna spend the next few years pretending this episode doesn’t exist
-fuck everything man. I’m fucking mad I haven’t been this mad since I watched infinity war in theaters.
-with that I will be. Dying somewhere
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strmpt · 4 years
Favourite avengers movies scenes?
ok so I like attention so I’m coming back to answer this with the longest response possible aka i’m gonna list my favorite line/scene from every mcu movie
1. Iron Man - lmao when tony’s trying out the thrusters for the first time and launches himself into the ceiling, and then over the cars. also when he’s getting out of the suit that one time and he’s like “be gentle it’s my first time” or whatever
2. The Incredible Hulk - “you wouldn’t like me when i’m hungry” sdjkfkd
3. Iron Man 2 - ngl it’s the alternate opening for the movie and if you havent seen it please look it up
4. Thor - when loki says “iS iT???!??” so aggressive i love it every time
5. Captain America: The First Avenger - the whole movie. all of it. 10/10 cinematic masterpiece. i have to say this bc my fave scenes are steve being dumb and innocent and cute and that’s basically the whole movie. also hayley atwell
6. The Avengers - the scene in the helicarrier where they’re all arguing and the sexual tension between tony and steve is palpable. also “ant... boot.”
7. Iron Man 3 - the fuckin walk down the stairs tony does in armor when it wouldnt fly. also his adorable smiling face in the opening in 99. also the inclusion of blue by eiffel 65. powerful. ALSO pepper dying lmao OOPS
8. Thor: The Dark World - the scene where they break loki out all the way to when they leave asgard. the sass. the cevans cameo. incredible.
9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - the whole movie. again, 10/10. also the running scene yes i still think it’s funny
10. Guardians of the Galaxy - “what are you DOING??” uh i liked this movie a lot so it’s hard to pick my fave scene but it’s harder to watch now bc i dont like crisp rat.
11. Avengers: Age of Ultron - the hammer lifting scene. the log splitting scene. the look of disappointment steve gives tony when he admits to knowing klaw or w/e. the end where tony and steve are with thor talking about the damn hammer and the elevator. also the goodbye
12. Ant-Man - whole movie. 11/10. luis. “the sys’em?!?” bro. i didnt see this movie until after civil war and im sad i missed out even for a min
13. Captain America: Civil War - “mission report: decemeber 16, 1991” thats it. no wait— sam and bucky interacting. but that’s it
14. Doctor Strange - wong. that’s it. i hate benson cumdumpster so it’s hard to enjoy
15. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 - the scene where rocket and yondu kill everyone it’s great i love it.
16. Spider-Man: Homecoming - “i’m watching.. porn”
17. Thor: Ragnarok - the whole damn thing. 12/10 best movie. “suns goING DOWN” just making fun of that bs was great. thank you taika.
18. Black Panther: whole movie. god i loved this movie so much. it’s so good. i cannot pick a favorit part because it is all my favorite part
19. Avengers: Infinity War - “WHY is gamora???” idk not a lot of favorite scenes but i immediately wanted m o r e after watching it
20. Ant-Man and the Wasp - when scott is stuck being small and he’s running around like a kid and then when he gets in the van and wants snacks. adorable. also babba yaga. also “it IS truth serum”
21. Captain Marvel - man all of it. lesbians. goose. “what’s a cat?” amazing
22. Avengers: Endgame - the new york 2012 scene. america’s ass. actually any scene w/ steve and tony. no one died in this movie.
23. Spider-Man: Far From Home - “i will always love you” fucking SENT ME in the theater i stg that was the fucking best. also peter tingle.
sorry for the long fuckin post lmao i just had to share lmao
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 that sounds horrible, getting sick is the worst ;-; get as much rest as you can! I really hope you get better soon<3
(omg the pics are GORGEOUS. Like, Wow. Once I’m done writing this message I’m probably going to go back to stare at them for like an hour and silently scream over how awesome everything looks)
Don’t worry about it, I admit that Stoki is pretty much a crack ship ^^;;
And, well, the redemption fic I mentioned helped me fall deeper into Stoki hell, but I shipped it even before that XD I think part of it is just because I think they could have a really interesting dynamic- they’re just so different, complete opposites. Steve would confuse Loki so much tbh
Also, I just think that Steve (or at least, post-CW Steve) might be one of the avengers most willing to at least try to understand Loki. Partly because Steve’s just a nice guy, and then because of his relationship with Bucky- ‘cause Steve-Bucky and Thor-Loki are really, really similar and I think Steve would realize that.
And then like I said, Steve cares a lot about other people. If Thor ever told him about everything that happened between him and Loki Steve probably wouldn’t have too much difficulty in starting to see Loki as a human(?) being instead of some one-dimensional fairy tale villain.
Lastly, I feel like Steve is just the best person to handle Loki’s issues. He may not be able to personally relate to a lot of it (Tony, Bruce, maybe Natasha would be better for that) but he can take a step back and think rationally about the situation, help convince Loki that just because the rest of the world sees him as a monster, doesn’t mean he has to be one.
Hopefully this made sense? lol)
yeah, that’s pretty much how I felt about it too. It was just so freaking frustrating OTL
(And yes that letter destoyed my feelings too)
btw, can I ask what you think about T'challa? He doesn’t seem to have that many fans yet but I think he’s really cool and possibly one of the more sensible people in the CW movie (once he stops being furious at Bucky). Also the trailer for his new movie is epic and I can’t wait to see his sister…
Hisoillu is bizarre (sadistic murdery Clown with no sense of fashion + sadistic murdery needle guy with dead fish eyes) but also makes a lot of sense at the same time? Like, Hisoka got away with joking about killing Killua in front of Illumi, so…yeah. They’ve got something special LOL
omg imagine.
‘Satisfied but when you fantasize at night it’s Illumi’s eyes’
'Helpless but look into Illumi’s eyes and the sky’s the limit’
'History has its Eyes on you but it’s actually Illumi’
Why do I want these memes to be a thing
With the new revelation about who Touka was visiting at the hospital, I’m beginning to have my doubts about how this will end…maybe they might actually both survive for now???
But I’m a bit miserable rn because if one of them has to die I’d rather keep Juuzou too but it seems much more likely for Touka to survive. She’s like the main female lead, plus she has Kaneki’s baby…
R.I.P Naki, the sweetest cinnamon roll who just wanted to see his big bro again ;-;
(Also: Wow, way to go Kaneki, you finally started acting like an actual leader (in a way)! But can I just say, what absolutely perfect timing)
WTH I had no idea Soul Eater’s art style developed that much???!!! That’s actually pretty amazing! (And yeah, I know that SE has some pretty complex characters and interesting stories in it :D it’s just still a lot lighter and has different themes from the mangas I usually enjoy ^^ I might try it out though!)
Death The Kid seems really cool! (does he really have OCD in canon, though? Like, I’ve seen a lot of Soul Eater fans talking like he does but idk if it’s actually a thing? Maybe I sound weird but it just seems insensitive to say characters like DTK and Levi have 'OCD’ and talking about it jokingly when it’s actually incredibly difficult and stressful for people who actully have OCD, so I’m not sure how to feel about those fans)
Yay! Gotta go and try to find that fight scene now…
Join me in my suffering. I loved L so much ;-;
(But hey, don’t be too sad (what’s this? Is Evans actually COMFORTING Queen Luna for once instead of rubbing salt in the wound?!)! There’s always the book Death Note: Another Note (The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases)- it’s a prequel to the Death Note manga/anime with L chasing a murderer known as Beyond Birthday (…no comment on that alias). It also shows how he met Naomi Misora which is awesome if you like Naomi (I did, and kinda screamed when Light kiled her))
Eh, I think I’m one of the few people who doesn’t mind it being set in America because what’s the point of making an American adaptation if it’s going to be set in Japan anyway? I also don’t really have a problem with 'white-washing’ for this same reason (though I am disappointed because being Japanese-American would have added an interesting layer to Light’s character; despite fighting for justice, in canon, LIght’s never actually been victimized or discriminated against. He’s a handsome, intelligent young man who appears to be cisgender and heterosexual (even if it’s never confirmed) and is Japanese, just like everyone else around him. Japanese-American Light, on the other hand, would have really experienced how the 'rotten’ world could hurt people, so his acts as Kira might have more personal emotion in them)…like, it’s possible to cast a white actor as Light without it being white-washing, and since they changed the entire setting I think it’s fine to change other things too. Just, I’m cool with anything as long as they portrayed Light’s character properly…BUT THEY DIDN’T SO
I’m really just disappointed that they botched the characters and all the themes of the original Death Note story so badly. Sure, change the setting, change the circumstances, change the plot, changehe designs, but why did you have to take Death Note’s philosophy away?
But, because I might have been a bit too mean:
I will say that the movie LOOKS really good. The visuals are great. The soundtrack seems decent too. Also, though Ryuk’s motivations/role also weren’t done very well, Ryuk’s actor did an amazing job…and while I’m not happy with how L was portrayed in this movie, I do think that the actor they cast for him could have been a good L if not for the bad writing.
Well…from what I know, Light Turner ends up in a hospital at the end of the movie with his One True Love Mia(Misa) dead, so nah. The Keikaku failed.
(which just proves that Light Turner really is nothing like Light Yagami, because Light Yagami’s keikakus never fail.
Until the end of the Death note manga/anime, that is.)
Yeah, I know about SU’s terrible fandom, so I’m not going to actively participate in writing fanfic, drawing fan art or making HCs/theories with other people…I’m just gonna watch the show with my sister and look at pretty fanart XD
Tysm tho!
(Question: Which character do you think you are? And what kind of gem do you think you’d be?)
Aww, I’m so happy my awkward rambling actually made you feel better??? Like. Come on. You have no idea how much our convos helped me with anxiety and stress, so I have to thank you for that too <333
(And seriously, Queen Luna is amazing.)
For most people, they start going to elementary at seven (in international age) as far as I know, and then go to middle school at around thirteen. Then high school at…um…sixteen? Maybe? I’ve never really gone to school here so I might not be 100% correct but it’s something like that ^^;;
I really wanna try Mystic Messenger but since my phone is an old flip phone…I like my phone but sometimes this can be inconvenient LOL
(I’m totally fine with messaging here, but are you really ok with it? 'Cause if you’re not, we can try to work something else out!)
hi im luna and i wanna die.
HNNNNNNNNGH have i ever told you how much i hate school?  because i freaking hate school from the bottom of my heart i can’t feel my neck anymore from the amount of studying ive been doing that’s depressing.
anyway. heartfelt advice: do not fuck your stomach up in any way, because you will suffer if you do. take it from me, i’ve managed to develop this amazing thing called Gastritis and now i cant eat anything without getting the feeling that im gonna throw it back out which is absolutely wonderful. thankfully, i don’t throw up, but it’s freaking annoying and ive lost waay too much weight already. best part? the whole reason why i have it is apparently purely psychological,  too much stress. i got it in the middle of july. HOW my mom is also being INCREDIBLY helpful by basically telling me to ‘get over it’ like i can just snap my fingers and tell myself ‘oh yeah this is only in my head’ and it’ll all pass over. cause that’s how it works.  so is my sister by always laughing at me
oook moving on.
yep, school started and i am suffering. ive already gone through 4 tests and a bunch of oral quizzes. yay. thanks teachers for totally not putting horrible pressure on us from the start.  i stg, one of my most common thoughts these days is ‘see, this is exactly why i have a psychosomatic sickness.’ they’re sending my to a psychologist to see if i can let everything out and maybe get some advice on how to handle things better. i will laugh my ass off if i get diagnosed with a mental disorder. that’d be absolutely hilarious (I am in no way trying to make fun of people with a mental disorder, I’m just saying I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if they said something like Burnout Syndrome or Depression (im not even joking when I say that I’ve been sleeping pretty much all afternoon + night these days, cry way too often, feel no motivation for anything, feel worthless, no apetite and also occasional suicidal thoughts which is oh so fun (ok but in my defence, the thoughts are really rare, probably caused by the fact that I feel nauseous like 90% of the time, and I would never ever do it, mostly because some people would miss me (I hope). there are moments when I go ‘wouldn’t it be easier to disappear?’ tho))
sorry about that rant
MOVING ON TO HAPPIER THEMES (and proper writing):
Yeah, Norway was truly gorgeous ^^ I don’t think I’ve ever felt more at peace than then. I fell asleep in the car at one point while watching the scenery outside, and it was one of the best sleeps in my life, despite being in the car. I’m glad you enjoyed them ^^ If you want, I can upload random pics like that every once in a whole.
Aaah, that’s pretty good reasoning! It makes a lot more sense now, thanks for explaining! 
Yeah, I kinda see why you’d ship it. Steve is a pretty understanding person and, like you said, would probably understand Loki the best ^^ Recommend me some fics and I might even start shipping it myself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I LOVE T’CHALLA THANK YOU FOR ASKING YES.  I mean, he angery™, but also freaking cool! Not to mention crazily powerful *^* I’m pretty excited for his movie, cause more badassery from him!
Wow those sound like genuine memes. Seriously why can’t i draw XD
Also HIstory has its eyes on you but it’s actually Illumi will give me nightmares.
Yep, since I have all the volumes, I like to flip through them sometimes and I’m blown away every time by the development.  I also cosplayed the main character a while ago, so it holds a high sentimental value to me. But it is a lot lighter than your usual reads, true...
Well, uh, it’s kinda hard to explain? I mean, DTK is obsessed with symmetry and will go to crazy lengths to preserve it, get mad if someone disturbs it, will jeopardise missions if he’s not sure if he left something perfectly symmetrically at home etc, but it’s not so much as a mental illness as it is a consequence of who he is (part of the Grim Reaper)? Like i said, it’s really had to explain.
Did you manage to find the fight scene?
My reaction to Death Note in general:  FUCK YOU LIGHT YAGAMI. oooh, I’ll search that manga up!
Well, I’m not so much upset about the whitewashing, more about the fact that I feel like the japanese general ideology plays a big role in why light decided to start killing bad people? Idk how to explain it... 
Oh, Japanese-American Kira would’ve been a really interesting thing to see!
Yay, at least you found some good things? Well, it’s nice that you managed that ^^
Damnit, so it didn’t go according to Keikaku! It’s all because they didn’t include the potato chip scene.
Uuh, i don’t exactly remember much of SU, but I guess I’m most similar to Pearl? I didn’t really sympathise with any characters that much tbh. As for gem. Uuuuuh *quickly googles gem meanings* ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA.  I like Zircon because of the colour and alexandrite because it changes colour which is incredibly cool!
Your rambling always makes me feel better tbh. It gives me a looong message from a friend I appreciate incredibly much so, yeah, I always smile when I see a message from you (even though my replies are so slooooooooow)
Aaah, I see! That’s pretty interesting ^^ Quite different from our system.
Ah, shame, you would’ve liked the most recent route, there is so so so much suffering.
Yeah, I am 100% fine!! Don’t worry about it! The reason why I suggested something else is because on sites w an instant messaging system, my replies would probably be a lot quicker,
and the drawings are adorable ^^ Hide tho ;-;
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BIG FUCKIN LOKI EP 5 THOUGHTS (spoilers ahead…obviously)
-big smoke babey???
-Sylvie's curly hair 🥺🥺🥺
-judge renslayer I don’t fuckin trust you one goddamn bit
-alligator Loki is everything to me
-"All I know is I got pruned and I woke up here, and now I’m surrounded by variants of myself, plus an alligator, which I’m heartbroken to report I didn’t even find all that strange” I LOVE YOUFJENDK
- I am in love with alligator loki
-”why do you want to return to the TVA”
“Did you leave your glorious purpose there?” JFKSKFKD GOT EM
-fuckin called it bitch
-"do you have any good memories?” Fuck you ravonna
-marvel if you pull this selfcest bs when Loki and Sylvia reunite I’ll go rabid
-classic Loki is the only smart bitch
-so….Loki’s timeline continues? HE SIRVIVES AFTER INFINITY WAR???
-Loki:*rousing speech*
The other Lokis: no ❤️
-okay so what’s the beef between these Loki groups
-is it mobius
-pls tell me it’s mobius
-I’m crying real tears i haven’t felt this much serotonin since I watched Save The Cat from shera s5 I had to stand up and walk around my house but I can’t DO THAT BECAUSE ITS 3 am
-I walked around my room I had to pause for a bit
-moving on
-“you should be careful just jumping into a strangers car like that” I LOVE YOU YOU FUCKIN BASTARD
-“watch out!”
“I see it I see it”
“Really because you’re driving RIGHT towards it”
“God you really are one of you”
-loki veing super fucking done with his own variants is SO FUNNY
-our Loki trying ro sneak out of the Loki brawl
-"and whenever one of us dares to fix ourselves they send us here to die" cries?? Ur so little
-sylvie I love u but girl
-"cmon Mobius let's just drive into the thing that EATS MATTER"
-"just bc its not complicated dossnt mwan it's bad"
"doesn't mean it's good"
-did the tva ORUNE THE SHIO???
-better yet did they ARRESTTHE SHIP??
-many questions
-sylvje being like "oh my God THAY was your plan"
-mobius I love you
-I wanted a better ruinion marvel I better get SOMETHINF
-ravonna what r u up to
-B-15 NOOO
-I want more b-15 content
-also she's hot
-ur telling me Mobius read about literally everything Loki related and doesn't remember the ALIGATOR???
-I am loving the Lokis and Mobius interactions
-questioning alligator Loki on whether or not he's Loki
-pls dont
-pls dont share the blanket
-okay cool no selfcest
-this is awkwaed
-God pls just admit you're friends
-theyre sharing the blanket OK fine
-judging his blanket conjuring skills I see
-i am actually appreciating the friendly nudges I do want them to be close
-nebermind I take it back
-sylvie I believe in you
-loki you stupid bitch
-im mad
-I better see more of them I STG ILL GO FERAL
-stilk mad abour them splitting up
-alioth is baby right? Can we all agree?
-loki if u sacrficie yourself
-K so what's all this then
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