#loki speaks like shakespeare
lexytoga · 4 days
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look i know loki doesnt speak like thor all the time but I can see loki mixing up his "yes's" and other words like a Shakespeare actor (''I say thee nay'') just small hc, maybe when mobius called him nicknames loki stumbles over his words just going back to asgardain- who knows maybe stark or after the battle of NY someone said he sounded like Shakespeare and he was interested in that and started to read in during thor the dark word XD
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi there, I love your writing and I was wondering if it’s alright if I request a Morticia Reader with Yandere Jack (My Baby Boy), Odin, Poseidon, Chen Gon (He screams Gomez), Hades, Loki, Beelzebub, Buddha, Hajin and Zerofuku (Platonic, she basically adopted Zero and cares for him like he’s her son)
She’s known to be elegant, aloof, poised, deadpan, well-mannered, finds beauty in the macabre, though polite she’s unafraid to state her opinion and sees no reason to apologize for her loved ones’ lifestyle
She’s also fiercely loyal and protective of her family and is in a deep romantic relationship with (Love), and only had eyes for him, she has a unique outlook on life and has a personal green house for all the carnivorous and poisonous plants she grows and cares fondly for
-Beautiful, dark, deadly, passionate, loving, unique, all were words used to describe you and all of them were true.
-You were like the moon against the dark night sky, surrounded by pitch black darkness, bright but eerie and quiet.
-You found enjoyment in the dark and macabre, but to you, they were normal, beautiful things, skulls, poisonous flowers, dangerous plants, death, how lovely.
-Many thought you were odd by the way you dressed and carried yourself, always wearing elegant black gowns paired with matching jewelry with spider or coffin motifs. However, sometimes you would wear different colors when it was warmer out, just a slightly lighter shade of black with an umbrella, you didn’t need any unwanted color in your complexion.
-Your tone was always even and deadpan, never showing emotions the way others do, so nobody could ever tell if you were joking or not about feeding someone to your kitty-cat, an actual lion that you kept around who was like a housecat with you and those he knew, but vicious and violent with strangers.
-Many made comments that you would be attractive if you were ‘normal’ but where’s the fun in that? It’s much more fun to keep others guessing- keeping them on your toes.
-Speaking of keeping others on their toes, if anyone was to visit your private greenhouse, they would need to watch where they step or risk losing a few.
-Your garden was notorious for being filled with poisonous and carnivorous plants, and not just little things like little Venus Fly Traps, no you had a giant 4 ½ foot one that would eat people if they got close enough if you hadn’t fed them yet!!
-However, due to their healthy fear of your garden, you didn’t have many visitors, which you liked, less of a risk of your babies getting trampled or damaged.
-Your lover liked you the way you were, you were unapologetically unique, and he loved it, you were so different from other women and that’s what drew him to you.
-At first he did think you were a little odd, intimidating was a word he liked to use, as you weren’t afraid to speak your mind and there was always an air around you, a silent warning, but as time went on, he fell hard for you.
-Jack- He adores everything about you, from the way you dress and carry yourself, to your hobbies, to your passion, he had never met someone so bright but also so dark before. You were brutally honest and so full of life; your colors were stunning to him, and he loved to just gaze at you. Your wit and charm never failed to bring a smile to his face, and he knows that he could tell you anything and you would give your honest opinion, but you would always support him. You would bond over Shakespeare and tea, him reading to you while you knitted quietly, a soft, content smile on your lips. Fiercely protective of you, would not hesitate to throw words or hands with others if they would dare insult you, and you found it refreshing that he would defend your honor, even going as far as challenging them to a duel.
-Odin- You adored your darling lover, from his darling ravens, his rugged looks, seemingly endless knowledge, and his unfaltering loyalty to those he cares about. He loved your passion, he could tell when you were happy, tending to your plants or talking long moonlit walks, and while others would only see you with a neutral face, he could tell you were beaming. Odin preferred the quiet, so you were a perfect match, he could sit with you in your greenhouse, minding your plants that could be nippy with him, and ‘read’, holding an open book while looking at you, watching your fluid movements flittering about. You were the only one, besides Odin, that Muninn and Huginn would perch on, sitting on your shoulders, enjoying your attention and affections. When Odin wanted attention he would just wrap his arms around you from behind and just hold you, which you thought was cute, but you enjoy it as well.
-Poseidon- You didn’t bother Poseidon with loud squeals and fawning eyes, like other women who would eye him, you were calm, mature, and so elegant, while being dangerous at the same time. You would hesitate to threaten to poke out another woman’s eyes if she didn’t keep them to herself, and due to your even tone she couldn’t tell if you were serious or not, until you held up your hand, nails pointed out at her. You actually made Poseidon laugh that day, and that was also the day you made him blush when you stepped into his arms, telling him how good he looked smiling. You didn’t force Poseidon to do anything, only asking him, like if he wanted to go on a moonlit walk with you, and he appreciated that, as previous women were always demanding him to do things with them. You would never force your lover to do anything he didn’t want to as you respected him and he respected you for that.
-Chen Gong- At first he was intimidated by you, you were so beautiful and so confident, he felt like he wasn’t worthy to stand in your presence. However, once he found out more and got brave enough to ask you out, he was instantly head over heels in love. He would gaze at you like you hung the stars in the night sky, lighting up his life. He was the opposite of you, cheerful and warm, he was like sunshine while you were moonlight, but he adored everything about you, how you dressed, what you did on a normal day, tending to your garden, you were stunning. If you were in the same area, he couldn’t look away from you, his eyes were always on you if you were around. He never failed to flatter you, bringing you flowers and jewelry, thinking that you would like them, “These roses made me think of you, so I brought you some!” and you always appreciated his gifts, pressing kisses to his face, leaving lipstick marks all over his face, which always makes him melt.
-Hades- You were enamored when you learned that your lover was the king of the underworld, ruling over the land of the dead, and Hades loved that you didn’t mind. His kingdom was beautiful, dark and mysterious, but also so homey and cozy feeling. Hades adored your elegance, your even tone and voice, you were perfection in his eyes, everything and anything you did, he was watching with hearts in his eyes. As he loves you, you are the same for him, he’s regal, calm, a true leader, but also passionate about the things he enjoys. So protective of you, will not hesitate to come to defend your honor, should someone dare to insult it, especially in his presence, it was those rare moments that you would see that Hades was indeed a king. Once he was done dealing with the offending party, however, he was right back to you, kissing the palm of your hand, inquiring if you were alright, which you would always appreciate, giving him a kiss on his cheek, leaving a kiss mark that he would refuse to remove for at least an hour.
-Loki- The first time he saw you his eyes shot out of his head in the shape of pulsating hearts, ogling you and when you flicked them away as if they were a pest, Loki fell hard and fast for you. You find him to be mildly annoying, at first, but when he gave you a bouquet of rose stems, the flowers at the top gone, your favorite flowers, you couldn’t help but open your heart. Definitely a prankster, but never to you, he will pull pranks for you, to make you smile or laugh, and when you smile, he’s immediately in your arms, grinning up at you with a goofy look on his face, adoring the vision. He was very passionate about you, he loved everything about you and was so territorial over you it was almost amusing, Odin liked it because you were able to keep him distracted and out of trouble.
-Beelzebub- Two peas in a pod, both of you were dark, quiet, stoic, and serious, but also loyal and so in love with each other. You didn’t bother him while he was researching, other than bringing him some tea, and he didn’t like your plants, having been bitten by one too many, but supported your love for them, not telling you to get rid of them, like other men tried to tell you to do before. Your passion for what you loved, the macabre, let him relax, as he too enjoyed it, but was less open about advertising it. That’s another thing he loves about you, you weren’t afraid to be you, he did his best to not get close to others, not wanting to hurt and lose anyone else, but you seemed to soothe his inner demons, literally, Satan liked your vibe so he did nothing against you, as he could sense you would be able to hurt him, but he wasn’t completely sure how. This let Beelzebub get close to you and you opened your arms to his love and would gladly drown in your affections.
-Buddha- Complete opposites, as far as vibes go, but at the same time, you both looked so good with each other, balancing each other out. Buddha was very physically affectionate with you, something you didn’t really mind, as he liked to hold you, while you were more words of love, telling him what you loved about him, and covering his face in lipstick marks from your kisses, which would always make him melt. Buddha helped you explore more treats and you taught him about your plants, which he would always hide behind you, not wanting to get bitten again, until you taught him how to feed your babies, which he did have to admit he was fun. You were happy with your lifestyle, something Buddha knew and appreciated, which is why he never tried to make you change, and he was happy just being with you.
-Hajun- Very territorial and easily jealous about you, you didn’t care what he looked like or that he was a demon, you loved him the way he was, and due to that, he adored you, worshipping everything about you. He didn’t find you weird or strange, he found you soothing and calm, to him, you were just Y/N, his love. Hajun was almost like a giant cat with you, he would sit on the floor in front of you and lay his head in your lap, minding his horns and he could just bask there for hours if you let him, because you have in the past. Returning to being jealous and territorial, if another man was to catcall you, or worse, insult you, all he could see is red and would fly into a frenzy, threatening to maim and kill those who would dare approach you in such a way. However, all you need to do is put one hand on his arm and he will be instantly calm, you were the only person able to calm him down, as he would never forgive himself if he hurt you, but you trust him not to, something he adores.
-Zerofuku- Your darling son, you found him peeking into your greenhouse one day and seeing his curiosity while you were feeding your larger Venus Fly Traps, you invited him in. Many told him that you were a scary woman, evil and wouldn’t hesitate to feed him to your plants, but he quickly learned they were wrong. You were so doting and gentle with the child god, treating him like you were his mother, giving him head pats, teaching him new things, and showering him with affection and love, in your own way and Zerofuku loved it! He loved being with you, even though he was the opposite of you, being a ray of sunshine, and you adored him, humoring him when you held his hand while he walked you around the gardens, you shielding yourself with your umbrella and you taught him the beauty of moonlit walks, seeing fireflies and looking at the stars together. You weren’t scary, you were like a mother, one that he loved dearly, and you loved him.
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blondie20000 · 9 months
Actions Speak Louder than Words - Loki × Wanda Maximoff
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It all started with words.
Everywhere Wanda went Prince Loki would be there to greet her with a series of compliments most of them all quotes from Shakespeare. Soon those words appeared on paper as Wanda started receiving poems almost every night by the door of her room.
The Scarlet Witch did find it quite endearing and also quite amusing how the Prince will simply not give up. It also made her puzzled as well. There are many ladies out who would love to take his hand he had so many options yet his focus was on her. A Prince in love with a Witch? It sounded absurd. If there is one thing Wanda knew about Prince Loki is the fact he is a rebel at heart. As the youngest of the Odinson family Loki had less responsibilities and more time to do the things he loved. He had freedom and therefore liked to make decisions that would be seen as controversial but to him it was a progress, a way to modernize society.
Wanda admired him for that.
One evening Wanda decided to go for a walk it was a nice evening the sky is clear and there is a breeze in the air. She tilted her head back and felt the wind blow on her face causing her hair to fly out. This here felt like freedom to her. Little things like this made life more worthy of living and gave her the motivation and hope that someday their world will be saved.
Captain Carter will save them all.
"Great minds think alike." A voice suddenly said.
Wanda spins round her hands immediately glow red with power ready to attack.
"Miss Maximoff!" The voice shrieked.
It took a few seconds for Wanda to realize who it was. When she did her eyes widen and she quickly lowers her hand.
"Prince Loki." She does a curtsy her cheeks flushed with shame and embarrassment. "I apologize I thought you were..."
"An intruder? He gives her an amused look. "My brother?"
She huffed a laugh at that.
"Your brother?"
"You must have thoughts? To strike? He can at times be a nuisance. Impatient as well."
He gives her a knowing look Wanda knew what he meant. She did respect His Highness and will always remain loyal to him but sometimes he can be increasingly difficult. Since the Captain's arrival Thor has demanded for an update Wanda tried to reassure him but he wouldn't hear for it.
"Our world is falling apart!" Thor snapped at her. "We don't have time! You fail me Witch?"
She shook her head.
His face darkens.
"You better succeed because your life depends on it."
"Yes your Highness."
"Such thoughts should not be expressed out loud my Prince." Wanda nodded.
"So you have thought about it?"
"Didn't say that my Prince. You know throwing accusations around is not wise you wish to see me in the dungeons?"
He raised an eyebrow at that.
"In chains? Completely at our mercy?"
There is a underlying meaning to that. His lips tug upwards into a smirk. His eyes shone with mischief.
Another blush forms on her cheeks.
"What brings you out here?" Wanda quickly changed the subject looking everywhere but him.
"Admiring the view." He looks up at the sky. "Such a fine night."
She agreed with him on that.
"I also come out here to think." He continued to nod. "The quiet it helps."
"How is that going for you? Your work?"
"Making progress." He then sighs. "I do wish they would show respect towards my work."
"My siblings." He again sighs. "My sister and brother I am not like them I will never be a warrior my interests differ from theirs. I love art, music, poetry, theater. They mock me for it my brother says I need to be a man not a weakling." He shakes his head. "It shouldn't bother me but it does. I support them but they do not return the favor."
He lowers his head at that. Wanda looks at him with sympathy. She has witnessed the other Royals' behavior there is always a boo or jeer from Prince Thor while Queen Hela dramatically yawns and rolls her eyes. Wanda always found them childish their younger brother is helping society in another way he is entertaining them through these dark times the Royals should encourage it not dismiss it.
The Scarlet Witch places her hand on his shoulder.
"I like your work."
He looks up at her with surprise.
"Your poems they are beautiful." Wanda continued with a smile. "I keep them stored somewhere safe and whenever I feel down I read your poems they always lift my spirits." She then shrugs. "My opinion may not mean much but..."
"Miss Maximoff." He gives her a serious look. "It means a lot coming from you."
Wanda takes a deep shaky breath.
His eyes shift on to where her hand remains on his shoulder. Realizing her mistake Wanda pulls her hand away. Loki reaches out and grabs her hand.
Wanda froze. Her eyes lock to his.
They stared at each other in silence.
Loki then slowly intertwined his fingers with hers.
Wanda takes another deep breath.
Loki closes the gap between them.
"My Prince." Wanda said her voice trembling the fear of getting caught starts to consume her. "We can't."
"Shh." He tucks a stray of hair behind her ear. "I do not care what they think. I only care about you Miss Maximoff. Lady witch." He smiles. "From the moment I set my eyes on you I knew you were the one for me. You are the Juliet to my Romeo. My glorious purpose."
Wanda already knew the Prince was interested in her but hearing his confession still made her heart soar.
"Such kind words my Prince." She smiled sheepishly.
"Well you have always been my inspiration." He grinned. "I think of you and the words come out my pages flow with the beauty of language. It is a sight I wish to share with you."
His other hand rests on her back. He leans forward and whispers in her ear.
"On a physical level that is." He added with a smirk.
Wanda tilts her head and smirks back at him.
"An invitation my Prince? For me?"
"If you want to." He assured her. "There's no pressure."
"I accept." She replied without hesitation her fears immediately washed away replaced with a feeling of excitement. "My Prince."
She goes to curtsy again but he stops her.
"Save that for my quarters my dear."
That was the moment words turned into actions.
The couple didn't waste time removing each other's layers. Wanda however decided to get more creative. She used her magic and the clothes ripped off the Prince's body. Loki looked up in wonder as the clothes hovered in the air before they dropped on the ground. He then looked at the Scarlet Witch and frowned.
"My Prince." Wanda said suddenly fearing she has done the wrong thing. "I apologize my excitement got the better of me there I promise there will be no more magic."
"Wanda." Loki said using her name for the first time.
Hearing him say her name caused a shiver to go down her spine.
He goes up and cups her face in his hands. He grins.
"Never hold back for anyone especially me in fact I want you to be free tonight! We shall explore these uncharted waters together as equals."
"My Prince?"
"No need to be formal." He shakes his head. "Please drop the title my darling. Say my name."
"Loki." She said uncertain. He raises an eyebrow. "Loki." She repeated this time sounding more confident.
"Hmm." He hummed at that. "I am going to enjoy hearing my name from your mouth." He rubs his thumb over her lip. He sighs heavily. "Yes I will."
"I hope I do not let you down...My...Loki."
He again shakes his head.
"You will never let me down Wanda." He said the last part in a husky voice.
Wanda immediately found herself drawn to his lips. She leans forward and locks her lips with his. He responds and kisses her back. The kiss then deepened and became more passionate.
Wanda bites his lip causing him to moan. He then pushed his tongue in and rolled it along with hers.
Seconds later the couple pull apart needing to catch their breath.
"You still want me to curtsy your Highness?" Wanda asked with a smirk.
"You remembered." He goes in again and gently caressed her face. "Answer to your question yes. The sooner you please me the sooner I can repay you." He kissed her and runs his hand over her breasts. Wanda pressed herself against him but he shakes his head. "It seems fair hmm."
She sighs and smiles at him.
"Very well." Her hand moves to his balls. "I shall do just that." She then squeezes his ball causing him to gasp and groan. She has him backed against the wall her hand still fondling his balls. "Hmm."
She tilts her head. Her eyes spark red.
Loki could stare into her eyes all day.
"Like rubies." He muttered.
The eye contact breaks when Wanda goes down on her knees. She wraps her hand his length and slowly draws him into her mouth. The Scarlet Witch almost choked when his length hits the back of her throat. Once she regained her compose she started to suck him.
Loki throws his head back against the wall and squeezes his eyes shut as Wanda sucked his dick off. Her head bobs up and down and her tongue slides along him. He ordered her to pick up the pace.
Wanda obeyed.
She continued to suck him. Fast, hard and rough. She kept going until the Prince reached his climax. Loki let out a cry as he spilled himself inside her. Another gasp escapes him as he pulls himself out. Wanda looks up at him. She swallows the cum and grins.
"Does that mean I have royalty in me now?"
He laughs. He then takes a deep breath and helps Wanda up to her feet.
He kisses her cheek and brushes himself against her hair.
So soft. He thought.
It sent a wave of calm through him. Loki felt reassured, solid in her presence. His faith in her continued to grow every second he spent with her.
"I did say I would repay you my love." He again kissed her. "I never go back on my word."
"Never?" She smiled.
"Well..." He gives her a teasing look. "Sometimes. Depends on the person."
"Like your brother?"
He again laughs.
"You know me well."
"I know all the games. The mischief."
"Mischief is who I am my dear." Wanda suddenly gasps as she feels a finger go inside her. Loki smirks at her reaction. "I am very very good at it."
He abruptly pulls out of her before going in again. Wanda wraps her arms around his neck and holds him tight as he started to thrust her with his fingers.
Wanda hitched her leg up on to his waist and buried her face in his neck as he stuck another finger inside her.
"Oh!" She grits her teeth. "Oh!"
Her moans encouraged him to go faster. Soon the couple found themselves on the bed. Loki resumed the thrusting pumping her harshly and enjoying the sweet sounds that came spilling from her lips.
After a few more thrusts Loki pulls his fingers out.
"Loki!" Wanda said frustration in her voice.
He responds with a grin.
"You called?" He asked in a teasing tone.
Wanda flashes him a glare. Her eyes burn bright red. Loki chuckled not fazed by her power.
"Now now." He strokes her thigh in a tender manner. "Where's that lovely smile?"
Her face scrunched up at that.
Loki found her reaction adorable.
He smiles softly at her as he eyes her up and down.
"Beautiful and blooming like a rose." He said.
That brought a smile out of her and her cheeks turned pink.
"There it is." Loki kisses her cheek followed by a series of kisses along her collarbone.
Wanda angled her neck to allow him better access.
Loki kissed her with such tenderness. He takes his time and admires this woman he believes is a work of art. The words formed on the tip of his tongue he had so much praise for her but they are past that phase now and as they say actions speak louder than words.
He sucks on her nipples, bites down on her flesh, licks her burning hot skin. Each stroke from his tongue sent a shiver through the Scarlet Witch.
His tongue draws all the way down between her thighs. He licks her folds and sucks on it causing her to gasp.
Loki grips on to her thighs and pulls them further apart he then positions himself until his cock is in front of her entrance.
"You ready my dear?" He asked as he twirled strands of her hair in his fingers.
Wanda's hand goes on his. As she looks at him her eyes are dark with lust.
"Do not ask such ridiculous questions." She growled.
Seeing this side of the Scarlet Witch made Loki feral. He purred with delight as he took in her beauty yet again. His eyes remained on hers as he slowly goes inside her.
Then he started to rock her.
Arms snaked around each other, their lips locked Loki and Wanda poured all their emotions into this intimate act. Their breathing became shallow and their bodies shook as Loki pounded into her.
A groan comes from the Prince when he felt Wanda's nails dig into his skin. Wanda clawed at his back. She pushed herself up against him and swore out loud when he gave her a hard thrust.
"Blasphemy!" He pretended to scowl at her. "You have a filthy mouth Witch!"
"What are you going to do about it?" Wanda smirked at him. "Punish me?"
He grabs a handful of her hair and tugs it forward. Wanda laughs at his stern expression.
"Quite the little Devil you are." He mused.
He lifts her up enough to give her a slap on the ass. Wanda again laughed wanting to push him further. Loki grips her ass tight, his cock is buried deep inside her now.
He gives her a mighty thrust and covers her mouth to stop her from crying out. He kept going and chuckled at the muffled sounds from behind her hand.
Soon the Scarlet Witch fought back. Her hands glow and she pushes the Prince back. She didn't push too hard just enough to put him in his place, remind him of his promise to please her.
Loki's hands end up behind his back. He tried to move them but he couldn't. He gives her an amused look.
"Your hands are tied my Prince." She grinned.
"Powerful and wicked." He huffed an laugh. "I knew you were the right one. Such a character."
She waved her hands again.
Loki felt something push him from behind. He flies forward his lips ending up on hers. She kissed him then said.
"A rebel that's what you are. One of the things I always admired about you."
He grinned at the compliment.
"Thank you."
With one more kiss Loki continued to thrust her until they both reached their climax.
"Wanda!" He growled as he took her hand. "I want to do this with you...this...together...us...this act of love."
"I want...I want do that as well." She replied between pants.
She increased her grip on his hand.
"I want to see your reaction." Loki added his eyes going wide. He is close. He needed to let it out.
Wanda sensed this and quickly nodded.
"Keep your eyes on me." She said.
He managed to muster up a smile.
"I wouldn't look anywhere else."
A shudder coursed through them. Seconds later the couple cry out as they let it all out. Once it was released Loki pulls himself out and takes a deep breath. Wanda's legs collapse on to the bed. She trembled as she slowly came down from her high. Loki lies down next to her and pulls the covers over them. He then takes the Scarlet Witch in his arms and holds her.
He kisses her head and runs his fingers through her hair. He loved her hair. Wanda lies on his chest and closes her eyes savoring this moment wanting it to last forever. They sat like this for a while in silence. Minutes later Loki breaks the silence.
"I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, I love you."
Wanda lifts her head up. Loki looks down at her with such warmth it made her heart flutter.
"King Henry V." She said recognizing the famous Shakespeare quote. She also then realized that behind that quote is a confession. A love confession. Prince Loki has officially come out and said he is in love with her.
"I love you."
Hearing that confession said out loud caused a stir of emotions to rise inside the Scarlet Witch.
Wanda frowns. Loki suddenly became worried.
"I hope I haven't scared you away it's just I have felt this way about you for a long time and tonight it felt right to tell you how I feel about you." He lifts her hand and rubs his thumb along it. "Miss Wanda Maximoff will you accept my hand?"
Wanda looks down at their hands. She then looks back up at him.
A big beaming smile spreads across her face.
"I accept."
His face lit up at that.
He takes her other hand and kisses it.
"Wanda my love you have made this man very happy."
"You have made me happy." She nodded. Her smile turning into a full blown grin. "But my Prince I have to ask why me? There are others who would wish to take your hand? I am a simply only a Witch..."
Loki raises his hand making her pause.
"Do not ask such ridiculous questions." He repeated her words back at her.
Wanda laughed.
"If you say so."
Loki kisses her neck.
"I do love nothing in the world so well as you." He breathed a sigh. "Goddess, nymph, perfect, divine!"
Wanda huffed a amused smile.
This man really does love Shakespeare the quotes are never-ending but Wanda didn't mind she could listen to this man talk all day
"You have witchcraft in your lips."
Wanda arched an eyebrow at that quote.
"I do?" She asked with a smirk.
He brings her forward his eyes lingering on her lips.
"I want more of it." He added.
Wanda nods.
"And you shall." She replied.
Soon the couple made love again. Their hearts are full and their belief is stronger than ever.
Captain Carter will save them all.
And they will live on for another day.
The End
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tokyoterri2 · 1 year
on the adventure of listening to Good Omens and The Sandman
I hear Good Omens echoes listening to Michael be Lucifer in The Sandman audiobook:
-the divine plan
-the fire and fear of falling
-the return to ‘paradise’ - refused
Lucifer/Michael’s voice is a rasping, delicious honey bath-deeply dissatisfied with millennia of taking pleasure and giving pain…
When the lord of light and falling decides that ghosting hell is his next form of self care, Lucifer takes responsibility for sealing hell’s gateways and rousting immortal stragglers.
hell is empty and all the devils are here. Shakespeare
then an unlooked-for bonus as I listen: the sexy brilliant crackling chaos of David/Loki…one single peal of his manic laughter reminds me of his delighted Good Omens chortle at his angel’s thrown war-halo and the prospect of hell’s response. But the reasons for his laughter live in separate wings of our story.
Look, I understand that the classic myths and legends, the bibles, and the song poems of griots inform and shape the minds I am so in love with (like Neil’s and Terry’s and Octavia’s and Ursula’s and Nnedi’s…).
I admit, they inspire me to pick up the old texts, revisit my English education.
But more often, I take the shorter road and let these writers and their avatars.in.story—like Michael and David—indicate the structure of myths for me.
This granted grace of living knowledge sets my soul alight.
coda: and at the end of the same story, yet another angel speaks, in an expression of angellogic that is purely chilling.
good thing that we are not at their mercy.
good thing that our modern stories admit the presence of love and a better flavor of angel.
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antvnger · 1 year
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((Hey friend! No worries! My Shakespeare’s Avengers game is still open, so you’re totally fine!
So Tony and Loki in Avengers Tower can be found here.
Also the scene between Loki and Natasha can be found here.
Here is the “Ant, boot” scene just for you @delyth88
[aside:] Who is this man with evil-seeming mien? He smiles as though he held a secret vast, and viewing him, my mind is sorely vex’d. I like not this—such portents work me woe.
[to Loki:] In case ‘tis some what still unclear to you, should you attempt escape, e’en scratch the glass, you shall be dropp’d some thirty thousand feet within an iron cage unto your death. Pray, do you understand now? Ant, meet boot.
A cage impressive, though not built for me.
Built for one stronger, mightier than you.
His fame hath reach’d mine ears, though he did wish to dwell forever in obscurity—a mindless beast in costume as a man. How desperate your cause, that you beseech such creatures lost to be your sure defense?
How desperate? I gladly shall reveal: you threaten all the living world with war, you took a force you’re pow’rless to control, you speak of peace yet slaughter for amusement, you’ve made me passing desperate, forsooth—you may live to regret it, verily.
A cool man who doth burn to come so close: to have the Tesseract and all its pow’r—unlimited, mayhap—and yet for what? A warm light for all humankind to share. Yet then, thou didst see what real power is.
I prithee, tell me if real pow’r desires a magazine to pass the boring time.
[Exit Loki, encaged.
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mushroomhattime · 1 year
Befriending Loki
-Fluff with teasing
-mentions of poison, age difference
-1282 words
-If you’d like an x reader version of this comment below or pm me and i’ll post one
"Jarvis, are all books present?" She questioned the A.I. System that she had come to adore as much as her father did. "Your favorites, Twilight, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn have been taken out Miss. Stark." He responded sarcastically, but monotonously, like always. "May I ask by whom?" An amused smirk framing her face as she scanned the walls for her desired section. "By Mr. Odinson, Miss. Stark." Jarvis replied. Her smile reappeared as she thought about what Thor might think of them. The only reason she had those at all was because she refused to believe a book was bad until she'd read it herself. And unfortunately, the negative hype surrounding the series was anything but false. "Aha, here we are." She climbed the ladder up to the section full of outdated vocabulary and skimmed through titles she thought to be appropriate. "No, not Edmund... Norton... Wyatt... maybe Drayton," the mutters continued until the target was found. "Ah, Shakespeare! There he is!" She started snatching plays off the shelf and placing them into a makeshift basket she made with the front of her sweater. "Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Taming of The Shrew, Julius Caesar, and Comedy-of-Errors. That should keep him busy for a month or so." She clasped the hem of her shirt in her teeth to keep the contents from spilling out and slid down the edges of the ladder before hurrying out the door and to the elevator. The trip to his cell was unnecessarily long, especially when she stopped to make tea, which proved to be difficult when refusing to put down all the books. But nevertheless, she prevailed and took the reading material and thermos' to the fiftieth floor and into a section of the laboratory. Eventually, she stumbled into the room where his cell was and began the hike over to the door. He watched her closely, highly amused by her state. Her stomach was visible from pulling up her sweater for the books, and under both arms were cups that he found unfamiliar and suspicious. "What are you doing, mortal? You look ridiculous." His face exerted smugness, but that was never unusual for him. "I'm being nice to you, so you damn well better appreciate it, Asgardian." She commanded sarcastically, struggling to type in the password and give a thumbprint as she did so. Thankfully, the door opened without any further obstacles and she crashed in, the entrance closing behind her. "Here." She placed the tea gently into a corner and dumped the literature into his lap. "What is this?" He questioned, examining each cover of the five. "Those are called books, love." She cracked a small smile and plopped down in front of him, sipping her tea. "I'm well aware. What I was insinuating was why have you assumed I could possibly appreciate Midgardian literature?" He much enjoyed teasing her and waiting impatiently for her to throw it back in his face with her witty comments and comebacks. "Because I've listened to the way you and Thor seem to formulate sentences, and the vocabulary you use. It is remarkably similar to the regular speaking patterns of Midgardians in what historians call the Elizabethan Era. These are all written by a man called Shakespeare, who lived in England over 400 years ago, he wrote plays, 43 to be exact. Nowadays we've dubbed your speech 'Ye Old English', an unofficial term used to describe the language difference from then and now, also more formally known as Shakespearean... is that enough information, or shall I continue?" She rambled satirically. "I think that is enough for now." He stated, flipping through The Taming of the Shrew carelessly. "I didn't know what genre you preferred, so I grabbed a variety. I've read all of these ones and I think they're nice. I thought you would like them more than modern books." Her nerves set in, regretting her act of kindness, but she wouldn't dare show them.
He glanced over at her, studying her awkward actions. Her sleeves pulled over her fists, which were resting uncomfortably in the small space on the floor between her crossed legs. He was about to express his thanks when she flung herself to her feet dramatically. With haste, she bent down and snatched the second thermos, then slid on her belly over to him. He hummed a tiny laugh as she reached out her arm with the cup to him. "I made you tea, drink it and shower me with compliments about how good it is." She said. "Yes of course... but are you sure it isn't poisonous?" Loki gave her a knowing glare and a smile.
"I am sixty-five percent sure that it isn't, but you should be fine. That is unless Asgardians are prone to floral allergies." The woman raised her eyebrows sassily at him.
"I am a god. Gods do not have such pathetic internal weaknesses." He scoffed and sipped his tea (after fumbling quietly with the lid in confusion during the majority of the conversation.)
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Magic-Man... You know, you don't HAVE to act as if you're SO above me all the time. You and I both know that we're equal in intelligence and technically the same age." She had changed her position while talking to have her legs straightened and propped up against the wall with her back and head on the floor next to Loki.
It was obvious that the god was unaware of one of those two presented points because he nearly spit out the tea everywhere. "You and I being the same age is literally impossible. I am thousands of years old and you are eighteen." He looks down at her skeptically; wiping the dribbled tea with the back of his hand.
"Wouldn't it only make sense to assume these two different realms of existence that are billions of lightyears away from each other probably have differing concepts of time? If not because of vastly contrasting histories, then possibly for different distances from their respective suns and moons? How long is a day in Asgard vs. Earth?" She talks with her hands and makes eye contact while still on the floor, happiness emanating from her because of the obvious irritation building in his face. Loki does not like to be shown up or proven wrong, albeit he's never lashed out at her for doing so for some reason.
"Even so, how do you know that we're the same age on earth terms? there are no specifics about that in your kind's Norse literature." He was quite curious now; this could really end up working in his favor.
"Well, it was excruciatingly easy when I had Thor on hand to tell me the average life expectancy of an Asgardian/Norse god and how old you were and the general synopsis of your guy's calendar. You compare those to a human's, specifically American's, then you come up with a medium level equation that can be checked by the two live-in geniuses and the supercomputer that encompasses this building. You, Loki Laufyson, are roughly seventeen and three-fourths old, which makes me approximately 3 months older than you in Midgardian years."
Loki had never seen her look so smug in his life and he despised it. "I despise you." He growled, almost a little too realistically.
"Doubtful, you looove me." An attractive and confident air surrounded her.
"I know." He murmured quietly, not quite ready to have this conversation with her.
"What was that hun?" Back to her considerate, usual tone.
"The tea is lovely, Eliza." Loki toned himself down to a sweeter, softer tone that only she and his mother were ever allowed to hear.
"Hell yeah it is."
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goldencherriess · 2 years
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I posted 522 times in 2022
That's 522 more posts than 2021!
177 posts created (34%)
345 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 435 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#laura talks - 94 posts
#fic rec - 68 posts
#mutuals my beloved - 65 posts
#laura answers - 53 posts
#loki x reader - 44 posts
#fanfic writing - 41 posts
#writing - 39 posts
#mail 💌 - 39 posts
#alex turner - 39 posts
#arctic monkeys - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#and do not get me started on how absolutely awesome it is to learn new vocabulary and string sentences together
My Top Posts in 2022:
And they were roommates ™ || Student! Sherlock Holmes x Fem! Reader
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Word count: 931
Pairing: Student! Sherlock Holmes x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/N quickly discovers that being roommates with Sherlock Holmes has its own benefits.
Warnings: absolutely none, other than Sherlock being a big ol’ softie :)
Life as a student wasn’t all that bad. It was fun most of the time, if Y/N excluded the stress of the approaching exams. And it wasn’t dull either. Not when you had a chemistry student as a roommate who just couldn’t stop making experiments everytime he had the opportunity. Which was everyday.
Not dull, definitely not dull.
And she wouldn’t have complained if he just stayed to his side of the room. The man didn’t know what were boundaries and personal space, leaving his ustensils and the experimental subjects all over her desk and books. It was getting on her nerves.
At first she ignored it all, didn’t question the creepy eyes in the jar or the fingers in his tea. And when she tried to question him, he only replied shortly, in a curt manner:
She didn’t press on after that. It was obvious he had no interest in speaking with her. And she was absolutely fine with that. Just fine.
But this time though, she had enough. She couldn’t stand by and see her side of the room being devoured by his stuff. It was chaotic. And Y/N was no chaotic person, she’d rather much preferred order and neatness.
So, when he stormed in their shared flat, she deeply breathed in and stood up from her bed, leaving behind her course notes on Shakespearean literature. She could hear him rummaging through the fridge and cursing under his breath.
“Sherlock? What are you doing?”
He didn’t respond and Y/N was just timidly entering the kitchen when he slammed the fridge door.
“Ah, hello, Y/N! How is Shakespeare coming along?”
She paused.
“How did you…?”
He waved his hand, stuffing the other in the pocket of his coat. From behind, she could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Wouldn’t you like to know? The bags under your eyes and the Shakespeare books scattered on your bed gave it away. And also, your messy hair. You have been running your fingers through your hair out of stress for some time now. Plus, it’s exams season.”
Y/N stopped following him through the flat, gaping at his back.
“You guessed I was studying Shakespeare by all that?”
He snorted, turning to look at her.
“I didn’t guess, I simply observed. It’s elementary, dear Y/N.”
She blinked, shaking her head.
“Right, of course.”
Sherlock just stood there, staring at her, with his hands clasped behind his back, and smirking. She felt flustered under his gaze, small even. Y/N shifted from a foot to another, pushing her glasses further up her nose. But then she remembered why she approached him in the first place. She raised her head and met his eyes.
“You have to start cleaning around here.”
He frowned.
See the full post
286 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Bookstores and dates || Stephen Strange x Fem! Reader
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Fem! Reader
Word count: 759
Summary: Stephen Strange have never felt lonelier than now. The Sanctum Sanctorum echoed with silence. Wong's occasional visits kept him somewhat grounded, but they never filled the void. That all changed when he met her.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff :)
Stephen was no stranger to loneliness. He felt it before and he felt it now. It ripped his heart apart, shards of it falling to the ground like broken mirrors. It consumed him.
The first time he felt loneliness was when he gave up Christine. He truly loved her and letting her go hurt. He had Wong by his side, but most of the time, it was just him and the Cloak drinking tea in the morning and protecting the multiverse together.
But then she came. With sparkling eyes and a bright smile, she collided into him and tore his walls down brick by brick. She worked at a bookstore near the Sanctum Sanctorum. He stumbled upon the bookstore one day he took it all for himself, and started going there ever since just to see her, to relish in the peace she gave him by just being in his presence.
Today was no different. The bell above the door chimed when he entered. Smells of chocolate, books and dust drifted in the air and filled his lungs. The bookstore was cramped with books from top to bottom, unevenly placed. The Rolling Stones were quietly filling the silence. Light was streaming in from the small windows near the front desk and the door. It gave off cosy vibes, something he didn't find at the Sanctum. The place reminded him of her, in that way. Warm. Nice. Homey.
''One sec!'' said a voice from the back.
He could recognize that voice anywhere. It was hers.
He approached the front desk. An open book laid faced down on it, a bookmark with sunflowers drawn on it sticking out.''Wuthering heights'' by Emily Brontë.
''Sorry for the delay, I was just putting some things in the back!''
Her voice sounded so much closer now, a vanilla scent wrapping him in a warm embrace.
''Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.''
She was now next to him, going around behind the desk. Her eyes met his, a glint in them. He wondered if she saw the emotion swirling in his own eyes, if she could read him like an open book.
''You read Wuthering heights?''
''It's a classic.''
''Should I take that as a yes?''
She was smirking now. Stephen felt his own lips curling up.
''It depends. Do you like it so far?''
Her smirk turned into a blinding smile, her eyes crickling.
''I do.''
''Then, yes, I did read it.''
She shook her head, picking up her book, a smile still edged on her face.
"Can I do something for you, Stephen? Do you want some books? Maybe serve you some tea while I'm at it?"
She knew his name. Somehow, he thought she saw him as an old client, an avid reader who came by almost every week.
"You know my name?"
She sat up straighter and looked him in the eyes with a soft smile.
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350 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Just the way you are.
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Pairing: Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Request? Yes! And you can find it right here.
Summary: His secret might be just the one thing to drive them apart.
Warnings: self-hatred, angst, fluff. Could the werewolf transformation be a warning here, does it apply or not??
There were a few more days until the full moon. And Remus was growing restless. The only thing that kept his mind off of it was Y/N, who filled his evenings with warm cuddles on the couch, near the fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room. Her perfumed always enveloped him in sweet comfort and he always basked in her halo.
She was slowly falling asleep in his arms, her chest rising and falling soundlessly when James jumped on the couch with a laugh. ''That Evans bird is such a fox. She's playing hard to get.''
''I think she just straight up hates you, mate.'' said Sirius, sitting on an an armchair. Peter lightly laughed, almost snorting as he did and lowering himself on the carpet in front of the fireplace.
''No, I'm telling you! This weekend I'm actually asking her out.''
''You mean again?''
Remus inhaled a breath through his nose. ''She's asleep! Be quiet, will you?'' he whisper shouted, while pointing with a sharp stab of a finger at Y/N's small figure in his arms.
But she wasn't asleep. She was very much awake, still drifting between the groggy realm of daydreams and the colorful, alive, almost pulsating world around her. She kept her eyes closed, but her attention wide open.
''When are you going to tell her?'' voiced Sirius.
Remus shook his head, his hand lightly on top of hers, just a touch of velvet. ''I'm not.''
''You should, Moony.'' added James, looking him in the eyes. ''She has the right to know.''
Peter just nodded his head, agreeing with his bestfriend.
''Right! You've been dating her for, what, a year now?'' said Sirius.
''Five months, Padfoot.'' sighed Remus.
''Same thing! You two have been doing the sweet, heart-shaped eyes at each other far longer than that. You were technically already dating!''
''Doesn't matter. I'm not telling her, it's too dangerous.'' He looked downwards at her, soft eyes and eyebrows crinkling. ''I want her to be safe.'' he added in a croaky whisper.
''She'll find out sooner or later, Moony. The girl is bloody Sherlock Holmes!''
''She won't.'' Remus replied, hugging her closer, oblivious to her heightened hearing.
Y/N sipped on her pumpkin juice as her eyes fleeted throughout the whole Great Hall. Students were milling around, some eating, others reading and catching up on school work (professor Slughorn always did raise expectations up).
''Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?'' a voice said near her.
Y/N turned her head next to her, a mop of red hair greeting her. ''Hm? What? No, I don't think so.''
Lily frowned, as her hands reached for some toast. ''Why not? Have a butter beer while you're at it. Snog Remus on a secluded street.'' she smirked.
''Lily!'' exclaimed Y/N, smacking her friend on the arm.
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559 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
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Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Fem! Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Requested? Yes! And it was by @gaitwae (i hope you like it <;3)
Summary: Sherlock finds himself entranced by Lestrade's best friend and co-worker.
Warnings: kinda office romance, fluff
Sherlock Holmes was a man of pragmatism and cold truth. He could answer to any question, he could find a resolve in everything (science always played a part in this sense), but when his dear roommate and companion, John Watson, suggested that maybe the suspect was in love with the victim's wife, he felt repulsed by the idea.
"Absolutely not, John! Have you paid attention to the details, to the facts?"
John's eyebrows shot to the top of his head. "Have you?"
Scoffing, Sherlock put his hands in the coat's pockets. "Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side. No, we're dealing with a cold murderer this time, not some love sick puppy. If he were in love, his eyes pupils would have dilated when we asked about her, but they did not. And I-'' he trailed off when he saw a familiar mop of hair appearing behind John and talking to Lestrade, a notebook in her arms.
John turned around, eyebrows still raised and he crossed his arms, a smirk finding its way on his lips. His eyes met Sherlock's again. "You were saying?"
Sherlock licked his suddenly dry lips and blinked. "I, uh-"
"Cat got your tongue, Sherlock?"
It was as if Sherlock's brain short circuited, cutting all the ties to reality. He blinked and gulped thickly. ''When in love and looking at the object of all your desires and affection, your pupils get dilated. The pulse gets increased and you feel your breath leaving you. But that's not true, that's just an illusion, it's your body reacting to hormones. It's just pure science, really.'' he said, whispering the last part and never taking his eyes off of Y/N.
She was laughing now, touching Lestrade's arm and shaking her head in amusement. And Sherlock felt his stomach twisting into something he couldn't name. He tilted his head. ''I'm right, aren't I, John?''
''I don't know, Sherlock, but it doesn't seem so to me.''
Sherlock's gaze slowly left Y/N's figure and met John's eyes. His eyebrows pinched together. ''Why do you say that?''
John's smirk never left his lips. ''Your pupils dilated.''
Sherlock nodded, a realization dawning on him. And his eyes were again on her, just drinking her in. ''They did, didn't they?''
Y/N L/N was a woman of soft love and indulging daydreams. A pure romantic at heart, she could find meaning in every glance and smile (she did learn best from Jane Austen). But when her best friend and co-worker, Greg Lestrade, inquired about her new crush, she mumbled an excuse, blushing furiously and averting his gaze.
"Oh come on! I know you, Y/N! Been knowing you for years now. So, who is it?"
Shaking her head, Y/N replied. "No one."
Lestrade furrowed. "Then why are you blushing?"
''Why are we talking about this now? We're at a crime scene.'' she almost snapped.
Lestrade pursed lips, nodding and putting his hands in his pockets, his gaze looking in the distance at nothing particularly. And for awhile, neither of them said anything, the bustling of the forensic pathologists filling the air. Y/N fumbled with the notebook in her arms, her gaze sliding towards a certain curly haired man. They rarely talked about anything other than work, but she always found herself enticed by what he was saying. His mind worked in mysterious and interesting ways and she only wished to understand it more, to be the one overtaking his thoughts. Just like he did hers.
He met her eyes across the room and she felt her face flush. He acknowledged her with a nod of his head and she smiled his way.
''It's Sherlock, isn't it?'' voiced Lestrade besides her.
She snapped her head towards him, almost getting a whiplash. ''What?''
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603 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The art of eye contact || Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Hufflepuff! Reader
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Pairing: Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Hufflepuff! Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: The three times they made eye contact and the one time he did something about it.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff. Idiots in love
That's what she saw when she met his eyes across Slughorn's class. They were sparkling and melting honey combs. Warm. Kind. Sweet. She only wished she could drown herself in them.
Slughorn's voice echoed in the background along with the bumbling of the cauldron in front of her. White noise. She paid no attention to them.
An elbow dug into her ribs brought her back to the present. Frowning, she turned to her friend, who just pointed her head subtly to the professor.
''Miss L/N, can you tell us what you smell from this cauldron?''
She gulped down the lump that was settling in her throat and took a few steps to the front of the class. Y/N could still feel his eyes on her, burning holes into her back. She took a whiff of the potion in front of her. Aromas embraced her and she suddenly felt lightheaded. She took a step back, clutching her robes in fists. ''I smell parchment, chocolate and... honey.''
Slughorn clapped, smiling. ''And can you tell me which potion it is?''
She opened her mouth to reply, but she quickly closed it, shaking her head.
''Yes, mister Lupin?''
She turned her head to where the honey eyed boy was sitting and felt her insides warm up. He was slowly lowering his hand, clearing his throat. ''It's Amortentia. Although, it's a love potion, it can't induce true love, just infatuation. Its smell is different to everyone, according to what attracts them.''
Slughorn's face lit up, once again. ''Very good, mister Lupin! Ten points to Gryffindor!''
Remus' eyes panned to hers, once again, and she felt her face burn.
''Please, miss L/N, you can go back to your seat.''
And she did, feeling his lingering gaze on her all the way to the desk and throughout the whole class.
The Great Hall was bustling with chatter and laughter. The light came through the tall windows, painting the room in a low glow. There were owls delivering mail, dropping them from the air. The Daily Prophet plunged straight in Remus' mashed potatoes with a splash, small droplets sticking to his face and hands. ''Great.'' he muttered. After wiping away the food from his skin, he picked up the newspaper and started flipping through it. Something about dark forces rising were written in ink. Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Remus looked up from the pages.
There, across the room at the Hufflepuff table, sat the Potions girl. Her eyes met his and Remus felt his chest clenching and burning up. She softly smiled and he felt his own lips curling up. The hands on the newspaper loosened, letting The Daily Prophet fall right back into the mashed potatoes.
''Heaven help a fool who falls in love'' said Sirius from besides him, snickering.
Remus turned his head so fast that he was sure he would have gotten whiplash. ''What's that supposed to mean?''
''You're smitten'' smirked Sirius while he bit into the glistening and fat chicken leg.
Remus shook his head, sandy hair falling into his eyes. ''That's not true. We barely even talked!''
''Doesn't matter, mate, it's written all over your face.''
Remus threw Sirius a look. ''What's written over my face is annoyance.''
''Hmm, I beg to differ'' replied Sirius with a mouth full of food. He gulped down the meat, the rich aroma caressing his throat like a velvet to the touch. ''There's no time better than the present! You should ask her out. Someone will snatch her up.''
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668 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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theatrical-child · 10 months
TLDR: Tom hiddleston is Shakespeare
So I was watching the assembled for loki season 2 ( assembled is a show where they talk about the making of marvel movies and shows if you didn’t know ) and as I was watching I realized how kind of, how like, Tom Hiddleston talks so…Shakespearean.
Like, he’s coming up with some moral or metaphor whenever he speaks, and the accent doesn’t make it any better. He’s talking like he’s in hamlet, is what I’m getting at. He’s talking like he teleported from the 1700s after finishing up the preamble for the constitution.
I’m gonna miss loki. It was such a good show and he was such a good character. I can only hope we see him before they reboot marvel ( which will be in in the next 8 - 10 years or so )
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redemptiionss · 2 years
*the OG Loki shows up on my dash*
me: I miss you.
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chickenfics · 2 years
Team ‘Weekend Trip to Asgard’
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Relationship: Loki x Fem!reader (SFW)
Summary: When Bruce invited you to a quick weekend getaway, you’d hardly expected your destination to be Asgard. Just like you’d hardly expected to be accompanied by two gods – one of whom you’re convinced hates your guts. But who would have thought that the God of Mischief has a thing for flowers, a talent for reciting Shakespeare, and knowledge of all the best places for stargazing? Certainly not you.
But in a weekend filled with sunny fields and boisterous feasts, with accidental skinny dipping and drunken magic tricks, you would begin to realize all the different ways Loki could surprise you.
Word count: 8.4k
A/N: No warnings besides the author (and the reader) being a big ass nerd. Excerpts in this chapter are taken from both Jane Eyre and The Tempest. It's okay if you're not familiar with the stories, but if you're interested, I suggest checking out the SparkNotes links above - they offer great summaries, and I think even have full versions of the stories!
Also on Ao3
Previous chapter Next Chapter Masterlist
Chapter 5
It wasn’t until, you assumed, Thor had reached the bottom of the mountain that Loki let out the smallest of breaths and released his hand from around your waist. 
Immediately you leaned back and burst into laughter. Loki whipped around, looking down at you like he was sure you’d officially lost your mind. Trying to catch your breath, you straightened up with the intention of telling him how adorable that had been, but the look of cranky befuddlement on his face sent you right back into your fit. 
After a few more seconds, you managed to right yourself and wipe your eyes. Your sides were aching awfully, and you had to prop a hand on your hip for support. 
“Are you done?”
“I think so, yes. Just… don’t speak or do anything with your face for a few minutes.”
“I don’t enjoy being laughed at,” Loki scowled.
“Oh, no, I wasn’t -- it wasn’t you, I just-- well I--”
“Alright,” Loki muttered. “Don’t injure yourself.” A smirk finally broke through his harsh exterior. He gave a little huff of laughter and then poked you in the ribs. 
“Hey!” you yelped, stepping out of his reach. 
“Serves you right." 
“Touché.” you surrendered. Then, feeling the uncomfortable shift of your sopping wet tank top, you grimaced. Everything felt clammy and gross. 
 “I’m ready to not be in wet clothes anymore." 
“Oh that’s right -- we were in the middle of something before being so rudely interrupted.”
Loki took a step towards you, and you instinctively took a step back, looking up at him with a questioning gaze as he reached out and grabbed your shoulders. You saw another flash of green, and the next thing you knew, you were completely dry. It felt a little bit like waking up from anesthesia -- one minute you had known something, and then the next it was completely different. 
You looked down, grabbing the front of your tank top. It wasn’t even damp. With a shake of your head, you could feel that your hair was dry as well. A flower fell from behind your ear, floating to the ground and landing between you and Loki. You stared at it, confused for a moment. 
“Showoff,” you muttered, despite the heat that had rushed to your face. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, My Lady,” Loki innocently replied. He stooped down to pick up the flower, which made you remember that you were only in your underwear. 
“I think I’m gonna put some pants on,” you muttered, backing up a few steps before spinning around and searching for your jeans.
“If you must,” Loki sighed, staying crouched as he watched you. 
He twirled the flower between his thumb and forefinger. You pulled on your jeans and tried to ignore him. Buttoning the front of your pants, you smoothed out your tank top and stuffed your flannel into the backpack you’d brought. 
“So,” Loki said, standing up to his full height. “Where are you off to now?”
You threw your bag over your shoulder. 
“Well, I was thinking maybe I’d find a rock and read for a while.”
“A rock?” he asked, cringing. "You mean like on the side of the mountain?”
“Uh, yeah…” you weren’t quite sure why that was such a problem, but Loki was shaking his head and suddenly walking towards you again. You wished he’d stop doing that -- he had to know how intimidating it was. 
Then again, based on the almost boyish look of determination on his face, maybe he didn't. And after all, you had told him you trusted him. 
“Nonsense,” he was saying. “I know a much better place.”
And once again, he grabbed you around the shoulders. This time, the flash of green was much larger and tinged with gold sparks. It engulfed you whole, flashing around you almost like a smaller version of the Bifrost transporter.
You felt Loki take a step forward, and you stumbled backward as the ground beneath your feet changed from solid stone to something softer. You caught yourself on his forearms, and a hand slipped behind you to hold you up. 
The green glow disappeared with a soft fizzle. You took a moment to blink the flashes of white from the backs of your eyelids before looking around. What had moments ago been stone was now tall, pale green grass, leaning gently in a warm summer breeze. And what had previously been a dark cave was now the open expanse of a beautiful meadow, filled to the brim with flowers and a few sturdy, ancient-looking trees under the open sky. 
The sun beat down on your head, instantly warming your skin -- which grew a little hotter at the sight of Loki grinning down at you. He looked so genuinely pleased, his eyes gleaming brightly and accompanied by crow's feet, lip curled up with a smile that you couldn’t help but reciprocate. 
“What… just happened?” you asked, laughing breathlessly. Loki shrugged, still holding onto you. 
“I teleported us somewhere much nicer than a cliff. Wouldn’t you say?” 
He swept his arm out, guiding your hand until you had spun around to face away from him. The meadow really was beautiful. Lush green grass was swaying placidly, with little flowers peppered throughout the mix in colors you could hardly begin to describe. The smell of summer was carried on the wind, as well as faint birdsong. 
You smiled, closing your eyes as the warmth of the sun soaked into your skin, filling your lungs with the intoxicating aroma of earth and plant life. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” came Loki’s low voice, and you felt a hand fall hesitantly onto your hip. 
“Yes,” you confirmed, too enamored by your surroundings to bicker with him. Though you couldn’t help but add, “You could have at least told me what you were going to do.”
“Now, what’s the fun in that?” Loki quipped. You narrowed your eyes at him, but he only grinned charmingly and held out his hand with a slight bow. 
You huffed at his theatrics but placed your hand in his, and he began to lead you over to one of the few large oak trees. As you approached, a thin blanket appeared out of mid-air, fluttering to the ground where it lay half covered by the shade of the tree. 
Loki stopped, but his hand led you forward. Setting your bag aside, you lowered yourself cross-legged onto the blanket. Loki soon followed, sitting on the other end and stretching his legs out in front of him, lounging back onto his arms. 
“I used to come here as a child,” he said, surprising you by the sudden topic. “I would pretend that I was a fairy prince and this was my kingdom. Or sometimes I was one of the dísir sent out to protect a faraway clan.” 
He smiled faintly, leaning back and closing his eyes against the warm sun. You watched him with a growing feeling of warmth that had nothing to do with the sun and everything to do with seeing him so content, so relaxed. It felt like you were getting a glimpse of something rare and precious. Hard edges fell away to reveal a softness that was so remarkably delicate, it made you wonder what else the God of Mischief was hiding beneath his defenses. 
It made you want to see every part of him -- every little bit that he kept hidden away. It made you want to take all those harsh edges and iron walls and whisper to them until they bloomed into enough wildflowers to fill a valley. 
“You’re staring,” he said, eyes still closed. 
“I’m sorry, is it disrupting your peace and quiet?” you teased. 
“No,” Loki shifted. “I quite like it, if I'm being honest.”
You rolled your eyes, and Loki smirked. 
“You know if you keep doing that, they’ll get stuck.”
“How did you--” your mouth fell open in disbelief. 
“I told you, Mouse,” he crossed his legs, the epitome of arrogance. “You are delightfully predictable.”
“Tell me, are you always this annoying?” you asked with exaggerated interest. 
“I beg your pardon,” Loki huffed, finally opening his eyes. “But I am a delight.”
“And so humble, too.”
“My isn’t someone witty?”
You snorted, leaning your head into your hands, and Loki watched you with an expression that could have almost been called fond, and most definitely pleased. 
Shaking your head, you reached into your backpack and dug out your book. When Loki saw the title, he raised a slender eyebrow. 
“Well, now it all makes sense. Jane Eyre… you’ve learned from the best, I daresay.” he tilted his head, watching as you began to flip through your book, purposefully ignoring him -- which you knew was the absolute worst thing that could happen to Loki. At least, in his mind it probably was. 
“Though,” he continued after a moment, and you bit back a smirk. “I wouldn’t have taken you for the romantic type.”
Lifting your head, you gave it a shrewd tilt. Loki raised his eyebrows in an insistence of innocence and, not being able to resist him for long, you surrendered with a sigh. 
“Neither did I, actually. I hated love stories with a passion when I was a kid, but then I read Pride and Prejudice in high school and it was all downhill from there,” you smiled, then held up your book. 
“I’ve read this one like a dozen times. Okay, maybe not a dozen, but you know.” You smiled shyly, and Loki's lips twisted into an amused grin.
Shifting so he was laying on his side, he leaned on his arm and said, 
“So, tell me your thoughts, little scholar.”
It was like he knew the way to your heart, asking you to talk about one of your favorite books. You hesitated, not sure that he knew what he was getting himself into -- but he raised an eyebrow expectantly and suddenly there was no stopping you. 
Laying down to mirror his posture, you began to pour your heart out onto the blanket. You told him about how the beginning of the book was your favorite. How you adored the way that Jane’s time at the school was described, and how you’d been convinced that she and Helen were in love even though they didn’t know it yet. 
You went on to gush about Jane and her determination, her commitment to her sense of self above everything else, and her strong wit. The way that she persevered through endless trials while still managing to hold onto her spirit. You rolled your eyes at Rochester’s dramatic nature but claimed that he was really just a horribly lonesome man, despite how disagreeable he was determined to be. 
 Loki watched you with a softly enamored expression, like he was breathing in every word you spoke, and several minutes passed before you realized that you had definitely been talking for too long. But Loki didn’t seem to mind. His eyes wandered lazily over your face as you finally stopped to breathe, wincing with embarrassment.  
“But anyway, yeah. As you can see, I have a lot of thoughts. Probably too many,” you chuckled nervously. 
His eyes somehow grew softer, the fondness within them becoming less and less questionable. 
“And tell me,” he murmured, tilting his head lazily. “Do you think disagreeable men are deserving of love?”
The question gave you pause. It was so blatant, so honest, that you actually had to think about your answer. You took a deep breath, holding it as you pondered what he was asking. 
“I think everyone is deserving of love,” you truthfully replied. 
Loki’s brow shifted so slightly that you weren’t even sure you’d seen it, and you thought you could detect and new complexity in his eyes. 
“Though,” you added. “Rochester was quite the ass.”
Doing exactly what you’d hoped it would, Loki laughed, smiling faintly at the blanket. But as you watched him, you could tell that there was something a bit heavier to him. Your brow knit together in concern, and you tilted your head so you could catch his gaze. When he finally looked at you, you gave him an encouraging smile. 
Loki sighed, rolling onto his back and resting his head on his hands. 
“Rochester was pretty horrible. I always hated that they end up together.”
“What?” you laughed, turning onto your back. He glanced over at you, and, seeing that you were watching him, hesitantly continued. 
“Honestly, I never liked him. He was cruel, and a liar. I think Jane was better off without him -- though, I do like your idea of her and Helen. They could have made quite the pair, had things gone differently for poor Helen.”
You took a deep breath, peering up to the sky and trying to get your thoughts in order. You were starting to have a sneaking suspicion that Loki believed himself to be a Rochester, considering his choice interpretation of the man. 
“I don’t think that’s true…”
“What? About Helen?”
“No, that Jane would have been better off without Rochester. I mean, sure, he could be pretty shitty. And he made a lot of mistakes, too, but… She was stronger because of him. She learned to stand up for herself, and that finding someone to love you isn’t going to give you a home or a sense of belonging -- only you can make that possible. You have to accept who you are, and you have to accept who that person is, too -- flaws and everything. And then, once you do that, then you can try and make a relationship that both of you feel at home in.”
Loki shifted, turning to look at the sky as his face screwed up in thought. 
“But… she shouldn’t have had to endure all that pain. Because of him, no less.”
“Loki,” you murmured, and he looked over at you, eyebrows raised in an openly attentive expression. 
“Love is pain. We endure it because we care about people, and we think that maybe there’s a chance they care about us, too.”
He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but remained silent, eyes trailing past you to look at something in the distance.
“And anyway,” you shrugged. “Rochester learned a lot from Jane, too. Like how to be less of a dick.”
Loki scoffed laughingly, shaking his head as he returned his gaze to the sky. 
“But seriously,” you continued. “He learned how to put others before himself. He learned that, in order for love to be real, you have to sacrifice the things you don’t want anyone to know -- let people see your ugly sides. You have to be honest, even if it hurts. And then you try to do better.” 
Loki’s eyes sought your face for a moment before he dragged them away. 
“I still don’t think they should have ended up together,” he muttered, and you shook your head, smiling at his stubbornness. 
“Alright,” you shrugged. “That’s fine.”
“Really?” Loki challenged, scrutinizing you. 
“Yeah, really.” 
“You’re not going to argue some more?” he sounded like he didn’t think such a thing was possible. 
“No, Loki, I’m not going to argue with you,” you laughed. “It’s your opinion, and it’s completely valid.”
“...Alright. Fine.”
You both stared at each other for a minute. Loki remained so still you weren’t sure he was breathing, and then suddenly he hopped up and strode off through the grass. 
“Wait, where are you going?” You called, sitting up hastily. 
“I’m going to pick some flowers,” he called back. 
“The fuck you are. Wait -- really?”
“Yes,” his voice grew increasingly distant as he got further away. “What’s so wrong with that, Princess?”
You threw your hands up in exasperation and leaned forward.
“Nothing,” you yelled before letting yourself fall onto your back. 
You had watched him for a few minutes as he waded through the high grass, fingers trailing just above the sea of green until, when a flower caught his eye, he reached down to pull it from its stem. He looked lost in thought but more relaxed than you had ever seen him. He seemed to forget that you were even there, not once turning back to acknowledge you. 
With a vague smile, you were finally able to tear your eyes away from the captivating scene in front of you and turn your attention to your book. Shifting onto your stomach, you stretched yourself out in the sun and began reading a page, bookmarked long ago and forgotten until just now. 
 ‘But, mother, I did not come to hear Mr Rochester’s fortune: I came to hear my own; and you have told me nothing of it.’
‘Your fortune is yet doubtful: when I examined your face, one trait contradicted another. Chance has meted you a measure of happiness, that I know. I knew before I came here this evening. She has laid it carefully on one side for you. I saw her do it. It depends on yourself to stretch out your hand, and take it up: but whether you will do so, is the problem I study.’
 You felt your eyes growing heavy with each word -- the sun warming your back and the melodies of birdsong lulling you into a state of drowsiness. Leaning your head on your hand, you scanned the field, finding Loki quite easily. He was stooping over a flower, the breeze tangling his hair into an unkept mess that had you grinning like a fool. On his face, however, was a look of concentration. One might have labeled it as grumpy -- but you had seen enough of those looks enough to know the difference. 
Smiling to yourself, your chest suddenly felt warm, as if the sun had reached inside and made a home in your heart. Finally letting your head drop onto your arms, the book still pinned open beneath your hand, you nodded off to sleep. 
When you woke up, it happened gradually. You began to hear a soft humming, and then you were aware of the breeze brushing along your bare shoulders. The sun was still overhead, though perhaps a little less hot, and you could hear the faint trills of distant birdsong. You shifted, stretching your legs and rubbing your cheek along the blanket. Your book had folded shut on one of your hands, your curled fingers still marking the page. 
After taking a moment to clear the fogginess of sleep away, you blinked open your eyes and shifted so your arms were underneath you. That was when you noticed the strange feeling -- like something was draped over the back of your head. Propping yourself onto your elbows, you watched a few flowers fall onto the blanket. You squinted at them, face scrunching in confusion. 
When you reached a hand behind your head, it all suddenly made sense. Well… sort of. Your fingertips brushed along the delicate, cool petals of flowers, which had been woven into your hair. Glancing down, you realized the blanket was covered with them -- little wildflowers, pink, yellow, purple, and white -- dusting the blanket as if a breeze had scattered them there. 
You pushed yourself into a sitting position, and a few more flowers fell from your hair. You picked one up -- a Queen Anne’s Lace, the little bundle of white petals reminding you of snowflakes -- and spun it gently between your fingers.
“‘The flame flickers in the eye,’” came Loki’s hushed voice. “‘The eye shines like dew; it looks soft and full of feeling’…”
That sounded familiar. With a tilt of your head, you realized he was quoting part of your book, no doubt from the page you’d left open.
“‘It smiles at my jargon: it is susceptible; impression follows impression through its clear sphere; where it ceases to smile’--”
“‘It is sad,’” you finished with him, and he looked up to meet your eyes. 
“Just another one of Rochester’s lies,” he mused, glancing down in thought before his eyes eventually found yours. “Sleep well, Little Mouse?”
“Mmm,” you hummed, stretching your arms. “Apparently a little too well,” you gestured to the flowers that were tumbling out of your hair. 
Loki smirked almost shyly before trading it for teasing smugness. 
“This may come as a shock, but I can be impressively quiet when necessary.”
“You’re right, it does come as a shock.”
“And now you’re agreeing with me?” Loki marveled. “Will this day see no end to its surprises?”
“You are so very dramatic,” you announced, crossing your legs. “But seriously, what’s the deal with…” You gestured to your hair, and somehow Loki managed to look even shyer than before. Apparently, this day wouldn’t see an end to its surprises. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, producing a book out of thin air. “Just couldn’t help myself. You’re quite adorable when you sleep.”
You felt heat rise to your face and tried to combat it with a teasing reply. 
“Not as adorable as you picking flowers.”
“Alright,” Loki muttered. “Don’t be mean.”
“I’m not -- really, I'm not. I love it.”
 Loki lifted his eyes at your insistence, giving a minute tilt of his head. 
“Hmn,” he huffed, furrowing his brow. Passing you a hint of a smile to assure you that your sentiment had been well received -- or at least received -- he returned to his book. It was an old, worn copy, its title faded long ago, and the binding around its edges had frayed. It looked well-loved. You couldn’t help but lean closer out of curiosity. 
Then all of a sudden you had the most brilliant idea that you’d ever had in your entire life. Carefully gathering some of the flowers that were scattered across the blanket, you began creating a pile. 
Loki was already lost in his book, brows drawn together. Your eyes filled with adoration at his reading face, which looked almost concerned and perhaps a little cranky. He reminded you of an old man reading the paper, or perhaps a scholar working through a deep theoretical problem. You wanted to reach out and smooth the wrinkle between his eyebrows. 
Instead, you settled with scootching closer to him. You’d managed to make it about a foot before Loki’s eyes flickered up to you, doing a double-take as he suddenly realized where you were headed. 
“What are you doing?” he demanded as you settled down next to him. He was sitting up, back rigid in what looked like an uncomfortable position -- though you weren’t sure, maybe gods had a different definition of comfort. 
Crossing your legs next to his, you got as close as you could without touching him. Which seemed entirely asinine when, picking a flower off of the blanket, you reached up and tucked it behind his ear. 
“What are you doing?” he asked again, leaning out of your reach and giving you a scowl. 
You had half a mind to apologize in the face of his apparent anger, but there was something about the way he was looking at you that made it impossible. Something that told you maybe he wasn’t actually insulted by what you’d done, but was rather, for lack of a better term, saving face. 
Because you couldn’t imagine that many people had even taken an interest in putting flowers in his hair. Then again, you could have said the same thing about yourself up until about an hour ago. Loki was strange. The way he behaved around you was strange and confusing, and it made you want to get to know him better. To understand him at the deepest level that he would allow. 
And to do that, it seemed that you would need to begin by breaking down a few of his walls. Or, in this case, putting a few flowers in his hair. Who would have thought? Definitely not you. 
“Oh come on,” you implored, voice softening. “You put flowers in my hair -- and I was unconscious, so I didn’t even get to protest.”
Loki narrowed his eyes, but you saw a hint of worry flash through the deep green. 
“I don’t mind,” you quickly reassured. “But I think that means you owe me. ‘An eye for an eye,’ or whatever.” 
He scoffed. 
“Please, that’s just some foolish rule you mortals invented to make yourselves feel better when you inevitably act on your vengeful desires.”
“Wow, okay edge lord, take it easy.”
“I beg your p--”
“Oh, would you just shut up and let me put one flower in your hair? Just one flower. And then if it’s really that awful you can… banish me from your fairy kingdom and I’ll never speak to you again. There, we have a deal?”
You held out your hand, and Loki, still leaning away from you, opened his mouth with a reproachful look, but you could practically see the wheels turning. 
“I…” he finally started. “I have several things I’d like to say in response to-- ” he waved a hand over your face. “Firstly, you have already put one flower in my hair, though I’m assuming you meant one additional flower. You should really be more specific when bargaining with someone, least of all myself.”
You let out an exasperated sigh, but of course, that didn’t stop Loki. 
“Secondly, I am willing to overlook your vain attempt at humor -- which failed, by the way -- if you vow to not speak a word while you perform this insufferable act, rather than after.”
“Does that mean you’ll let me do it?” you jumped, poking him repeatedly in the knee -- the only part of him that he couldn’t lean away from you. 
“Not a word,” he firmly repeated, enunciating each syllable. 
You quickly nodded and then held out your hand once more. Looking at it like he thought it might turn into a snake and bite him, Loki slowly reached out and pressed his palm against yours. You shook it once, and then beamed up at him -- only to be met with an especially grumpy look from the God of Mischief. More like God of Bad Attitudes. 
But apparently, your gut feeling had been right. 
Moving slowly -- so wonderfully slowly -- just in case he changed his mind, you selected a flower from the pile. A little white daisy. You’d always loved daisies, and you were sure that the white and yellow flower would look stunning against his curtain of black hair.
You lifted it to his head, resting your elbows on his shoulder as you began to run your fingers through his hair, sectioning off a bit just behind his temple. He watched you, his piercing eyes trailing over your face, following your hands with every movement. His expression was totally passive -- a blank mask, not letting you get a glimpse of what he was thinking. 
Putting the stem of the flower in your mouth so you could work with both hands, you began to twist a small portion of Loki’s hair into a french braid. Your fingers moved tediously, paying the utmost care to the smooth, windblown strands of hair. It fanned around his head, beautifully messy, and you were finding it very hard not to rake your fingers through it. 
Giving a final twist, you pulled back to take the flower out of your mouth. Loki’s eyes followed, and you looked up with sudden nervousness under his intense gaze. Holding your breath, as seemed appropriate for undergoing such a task, you tucked the flower into the braid. 
Loki opened his mouth, drawing in a hushed breath before closing it again. Still under the scrutiny of his eyes, you opened your mouth, brows drawing together. He looked like he wanted to say something, do something, and for a moment his whole being seemed to tremble with potential. Then he let out an unsteady breath, and it pushed the moment out of view. Whatever he’d thought about doing, he settled on not doing it. 
Even so, he glanced down at you with a faint, very reluctant smile. 
“There,” you whispered, tucking the braid behind his ear, where the other flower still sat. Leaning back, you took in the sight before you. 
Loki, Prince of Asgard, with a somewhat baffled expression on his face and a daisy in his hair. You couldn’t stop grinning. Loki tilted his head, eyes widening in a questioning manner. 
“You’re so pretty,” you admitted, and then instantly threw a hand up to cover your mouth. Loki’s face flitted through several different emotions in the span of a second. Surprise. Confusion. Tenderness. And then teasing. 
He smirked wryly at you, leaning forward a bit. 
“Did you just call me pretty?”
“Don’t make this a thing,” you groaned, dragging your hand off your face. 
“I’m flattered. And a little shocked, if I’m being honest,” he raised his eyebrows. 
“Shut up.”
“Are you quite sure?” he suddenly asked, brow knitting together in a look that was so innocent you felt torn between wanting to shake him and wanting to kiss him. 
“What, that you're pretty?”
“No,” he grunted, impatient. “That much is obvious. Are you sure that you think I’m pretty?”
You raised your eyebrows, staring out across the field behind him as you tried to pick apart the complexity of such a question. 
“Well… yeah. ‘Course I am. I didn’t even really mean to say it, I think my filter malfunctioned for a second.”
Loki snorted. 
“Are you sure you have one?”
“Hey,” you smacked his arm. “Just for that, I’m adding another flower. Unless you’d like to banish me, Your Majesty?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“Jury’s still out,” he muttered, turning back to his book. You took that as an okay to continue, figuring he’d let you know when and if he wanted you to stop. Grabbing another flower -- a small, purple coneflower -- you shifted so you were sitting behind Loki now. He swiveled his head to follow you, shooting a surprisingly nervous glance over his shoulder. 
“Sorry, is this okay?” You asked, not wanting to overstep, despite the fact that you’d practically bullied him into letting you mess with his hair in the first place. 
It was a moment before he responded with a quiet, “Yes.” 
You nodded. 
“Just tell me to fuck off if it ever stops being okay.”
Loki let out a puff of what you realized was laughter, and then nodded his head. Feeling very smug, you started another braid, incorporating the previous braid into this one. You had a vision, and though you were inexperienced with fancy hairdos, you were determined to carry it out. 
Loki had returned to his book, seeming to forget that you existed entirely, let alone the fact that you were touching him. But after a few minutes, he gradually began to relax. 
You didn't even realize he hadn’t been relaxed until he slowly leaned back into you. You could tell he was still holding most of his weight -- he’d have to otherwise he would probably flatten you like a pancake -- but when his back came to rest against your chest, you could feel his breathing slow into a peaceful rhythm as your hands worked through his hair. 
With him closer now, you found yourself leaning over his shoulder to glance at the book he was reading. You were surprised to find stage instructions and a page littered with italicized names. Loki was reading a play.
“Is that…” you leaned closer, resting your chin on his shoulder. You felt him shift to look down at you. 
“Are you reading The Tempest?” You asked, though you already knew the answer based on the list of characters on the page. Prospero was currently arguing with Miranda about wanting to marry Ferdinand. 
Sure enough, when Loki flipped the book over to the first weathered page, The Tempest was printed in faded blank ink. 
“I love this play,” you eagerly announced, instinctively pressing yourself closer to Loki in your excitement. 
The god laughed softly at your reaction. 
“‘Hence! hang not on my garments,’” He recited, and your eyes followed that exact line in the book, where he’d stolen Prospero’s words right off the page. 
“‘Sir, have pity,’” you read Miranda’s line with a giggle, grabbing the back of Loki’s shirt for good measure. You gave him a poke in the ribs. 
“‘Silence,’” he boomed, and you were gripped with a sudden and overwhelming need for him to act out the entire play for you right then and there. Loki and theater… now that was a combination that you absolutely adored. As he continued, you could hear the giddy smile in his voice -- one that he was trying to repress for continuity’s sake. 
“‘One word more shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee. What!’” he continued with much animation, and you were completely enamored. “‘An advocate for an imposter! hush! Thou think’st there is no more such shapes as he, foolish wench.’”
You were forced to ignore the fact that he’d skipped a couple of lines when he reached behind you and jabbed a finger into your side much like you had done to him. You squeaked, wriggling out of his reach and laughing brightly. 
“‘My af--’” you rushed to catch your breath. “‘My affections are then most humble--’ you skipped a line so now this doesn’t make any sense,” you added, continuing anyway. “‘M… most humble…’” you found your spot again and carried on with confidence. “‘I have no ambition to see a goodlier man.’”
“‘Come on; obey--’”
“Hell no,” you interjected, unable to help yourself. Especially when the order was coming from Loki instead of… well… Prospero. 
“Hey,” he huffed. “Now I don’t believe Shakespeare wrote that.”
You opened your mouth to protest before, all of the sudden, the wind was knocked out of you as Loki fell backward. You yelped, grabbing him around the shoulders as the god dropped all of his weight onto you. Obviously you couldn’t hold all six feet two inches of him, so you were at his mercy. Your suspicions had been right -- you felt very much like a flattened pancake. 
“Loki,” you wheezed, flapping your arms and trying to wiggle yourself out from underneath him, but the god simply lifted his book and pretended to read. 
“That’s what you get for disrespecting Shakespeare.”
Blowing a strand of Loki’s hair out of your face, you defiantly reached up and clamped your hands over his eyes. 
“Hey,” he griped, sounding so wounded that you couldn’t help but laugh, which in turn made him laugh. You felt the vibrations of it against your chest, and it felt better than anything in the world. 
Removing your hands, you let them fall to either side of you as Loki muttered an indignant “thank you” and flipped the page. Scanning the dialogue, you grinned at the theatrics of Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Alonso. 
“God, I love this play,” you muttered, shifting a little beneath Loki’s weight. “It’s so much fun.”
“It is quite enjoyable, isn’t it,” Loki mused. “Though I can’t help but sympathize with Prospero…”
You stilled, turning over the almost lazy comment. 
“You… you what?”
“Hm?” Loki innocently replied, already sounding distracted by his book. You threw your hands over his eyes again. 
“Mouse,” he implored, but you didn’t let go.
“Did you just say that you sympathize with Prospero? Of course you sympathize with Prospero,” you giggled, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Uh, yes,” he vehemently replied. “He’s a powerful sorcerer. He was cruelly betrayed by his brother, robbed of his throne, his home -- and he was banished,” Loki finished his list with a pointed raise of his eyebrows. 
“I’d say we’re rather alike.”
You considered the idea that Loki was like Prospero. It was undeniable that they had experienced many of the same hardships. And, like Prospero, Loki often came across as self-important and haughty. Both were highly skilled in their use of magic -- and both had used that magic to take advantage of others. 
But Shakespear hadn’t written Prospero as a villain. Sure, the character had his flaws, but by the end of the play, Prospero had begun to grow into a more understanding, sympathetic person that, ultimately, the audience finds it in their hearts to root for. You wondered if Loki thought Prospero deserved forgiveness. You wondered what he thought about himself.
“You’ve gone quiet. You’re not thinking about me again, are you?”
You laughed softly, uncovering his eyes. 
“Just your opinions on Prospero, since you seem to like him so much.”
“Ah-ah,” he raised a finger. “I said we are alike, not that I like him.”
“Well tell me then,” you murmured, wrapping an arm gently around his neck. “What do you think of him?”
Loki didn’t answer for a moment, and in that time you focused on the steady rhythm of his heart. Then he carefully shifted on top of you. 
“I… think… “ he began, voice low. “I think that he was a tragically misunderstood character. I… I don’t think he even understood himself. Not truly…”
You waited for Loki to continue, but he didn’t. Instead, you seemed to have lost him to his thoughts as he stared up at the branches above you. You reciprocated the silence, not wanting to interrupt whatever was going on in his head. 
But it was a little hard to relax with a giant Asgardian laying on top of you. You cleared your throat, feeling pins and needles spread through your legs. 
“Um… hey Loki?”
He tilted his face towards you. 
“Could we maybe readjust? It’s getting a little hard to breathe under here.”
“Norns, sorry,” he muttered, carefully shifting his lower body onto the grass to relieve you from the majority of his weight.
 In his haste to get off of you, he ended up with his head resting on your stomach and the rest of his body perpendicular to yours. 
“Is this… alright?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you replied, feeling as the blood returned to your limbs. 
“Okay… Just tell me to fuck off if it stops being alright,” he added, pulling a laugh from you. 
“Sure thing, Prospero,” you replied, instinctively reaching forward to fiddle with a lock of his hair. That’s when you remembered. 
“Aw, shit -- you messed up my braids. I was going to give you a flower crown…”
“Well in that case, thank the Norns for Shakespeare,” Loki muttered, barely reacting when you smacked him on the arm. 
“No fair,” you replied, and Loki smirked boyishly. 
With feet tucked up slightly under him, his knees in the air,  Loki lifted his book and began to read again, gradually disappearing in the story. Following his lead, you reached over, stretching as far as you could without disrupting Loki and just managing to grab the cover of your own book. 
Loki’s eyes found you for a moment, watching as you pulled the book over and lifted it above your head, thumbing through the pages until you found where you’d left off. Then, seeing that you were content, he settled back into his own story. 
Distracted by the dramatic, beautiful arguments between Jane and Rochester, you didn’t notice that you had continued to play with Loki’s hair, only abandoning it when you needed to turn the page. You weren’t sure he even noticed -- that is until both of you realized that you were now running your fingers through the roots, raking your nails gently across his scalp. 
You stopped, abruptly aware of what you were doing, and let your hand hover nervously over Loki’s head. Maybe he hadn’t noticed yet. Maybe he was still lost in his book and you could just pretend that--
“Please,” Loki suddenly spoke, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Don’t stop.”
It was supposed to come out as teasing, or perhaps flirtatious or indifferent, but it didn’t. It came out as desperate, almost pleading. He sounded so… small. You felt your heart clench in your chest. 
So you didn’t stop. Brushing a lock of hair away from his face, you began to run your fingertips along his scalp, tracing the crown of his head before dipping back behind his ear. You felt as much as heard the sigh that spilled out of him, and he turned his head to allow you better access to the back of his neck. You swept the curtain of hair off of it and traced a finger where the roots met his skin. 
Surprisingly, you didn’t think much about what was happening. About the fact that, as of this morning, Loki had literally been a stranger to you. Sure, he’d walked you home last night, but other than some sort-of-friendly small talk, you wouldn’t have considered the two of you to be anything but mutual acquaintances. 
But here you were, dragging your fingers through his hair while he practically purred like a cat under your touch. And somehow it wasn’t weird. Somehow it was just… you and Loki. It just made sense, as impossible as that seemed, and neither of you really questioned it. You didn’t think about how you knew virtually nothing about this man, and Loki didn’t think about how letting his guard down with you was probably a very bad idea. 
Instead, you both went back to your books, allowing the stories of love and deception to take you far away from the world you were in. You read, feeling warm and content as the sun sank lower in the sky. When it began to set, you sat up to watch the big yellow orb dip below the horizon line in a pool of orange and purple glow. 
Loki, whose only response to your sitting up had been to shift his head onto your lap, lifted his book higher and said, 
“Here, listen to this. Ferdinand has asked Miranda why she is weeping, and she replies, ‘At mine unworthiness that dare not offer what I desire to give, and much less take what I shall die to want.’ It's so… beautiful yet heartbreaking." he shook his head, turning the page as his eyes devoured the words. 
“Loki,” you whispered, carding a hand through his hair. 
“Hm?” He hummed, looking up at you, then following your eyes to where you were watching the sunset erupt in deep golden light. 
“Mmm,” he hummed again, not a question this time. 
Setting his book down, he rolled over so he was laying on his side. Together, you watched the last wisps of light sink into the horizon, leaving behind a chalky smear of color against the darkening indigo sky. 
“We should probably get going," Loki whispered after a moment. "We have a party to attend, after all.”
“Oh right,” you groaned softly, and Loki shot you an amused expression, though his eyes were gentle. 
“Indeed,” he agreed, and you got the feeling that he was thinking the exact same thing you were. 
“I wish we could just stay here,” you murmured. Loki took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. 
“As do I.”
As crickets began to hum softly, the silence of the meadow was suddenly interrupted by the growling of your stomach. Loki’s eyebrows shot towards his hairline, and you fought the urge to cover your face. 
“Well then--”
“I’m just hungry,” you said with undertones that were begging him to leave you alone. 
“Is that what that was?” he shot back. It seemed you would have no such luck. “Sounded like a beast trying to escape the depths of Hel.”
“Jesus, you’re so--” you groaned, falling dramatically onto your back. 
“What? I’m so what, Mouse -- come on, do tell me.” Loki sat upright, propping himself directly above you. 
“Move, you’re blocking the view."
“Darling, I am the view,” he slyly quipped, and you nearly flicked him on the forehead. 
“Oh, so violent,” he scolded. “And before you accuse me of reading your mind, rest assured I did not.”
Your mouth fell open with the realization that he’d just not-read-your-mind twice. Pursing your lips, you gave him a warning expression before erupting into frantic laughter as he jammed his fingers into your sides. 
Kicking your legs up, you rolled away from him and jumped to your feet. It had been hours since you’d stood, however, and you found yourself falling right back down again as your legs gave out. You scrambled to catch yourself, and Loki, who had still been kneeling, clumsily darted forward to try and prevent you from faceplanting. 
In the end, you both wound up falling on your asses, arms interlocked. 
“Well, that was humiliating,” Loki muttered, and you leaned forward to laugh against his shoulder. 
“My legs aren’t working very well.”
“Again? Is that a common occurrence for you?”
You only laughed harder, and Loki exhaled a smug sigh. 
“I shall have to remember that when I ask you to dance tonight.”
Your head shot up, face suddenly growing very serious. Loki tilted his head questioningly at your expression. 
“What?” he laughed. “You’ve seen me naked, how much more traumatizing could it be to share a dance with me?”
“No, that’s not -- I thought Thor said it was a feast.”
“Yes,” Loki insisted. “And of course, there will be dancing.” 
He said it like it was obvious, but you had not been expecting to have to dance. You didn’t even know how to dance -- a fact that normally wasn’t a problem, but now seemed horrifyingly embarrassing. So instead what you said was,
“But I don’t have anything to wear.”
Loki tsked, waving his hand. 
“We’ll worry about that later.” 
Later? The party was likely in a couple of hours. 
“But for now,” he stood, flipping his hair over his head and holding out a hand. You took it, and he pulled you to your feet. “Let’s get you back, shall we?”
Standing now, you forgot almost entirely about the very scary party you were about to endure. Instead, you stared up at Loki’s face, smiling at him with a faraway look.
“W…” Loki breathed, his posture stiffening up as he leaned away from you, though he never let go of your hand. 
In lieu of an answer, you raised your free hand up to his ear, brushing your fingertips along the petals of the flower that had remained tucked into his hair. Your smile deepened.
“Right,” Loki caught on, reaching up to slowly move your hand away. “Good catch.”
“No don’t--”
Leaning forward, he ruffled his hair until the flowers fell out and the braids came undone. 
“Loki,” you nearly whined as he smoothed a hand over his head. “They looked so good on you.”
“Yes, Little Mouse, I am fully aware of your opinion of me,” he dryly replied. “But I can’t just go waltzing around with flowers in my hair. I do have a reputation to uphold.”
“Oh, fuck your reputation,” you replied, but Loki wasn’t listening. Instead, he had carefully lifted his hand to the flowers still tangled in your hair. 
“You, on the other hand,” he said under his breath, like he was thinking out loud. 
His hand lingered near the side of your face, not touching, save for a ghostly brush of fingertips along your unruly hair. Then he shook his head, taking a deep breath as whatever seemed to have gripped him disappeared. 
“Uh, shall we,” he gestured, and you turned to gather your things. 
It had gotten chilly now that the sun had gone down, so you retrieved your flannel and shrugged it on, stuffing your book into the bag before swinging it over your shoulder. Loki stood watching you, and once you walked over to his side, the blanket disappeared in a flash of green, taking The Tempest with it. 
“Alright then,” you muttered under your breath, exchanging smiles with the god as he gestured for you to begin down a small dirt path. 
“Uh, where are we going?” You asked as he came to walk beside you. You’d assumed he was just going to portal you back to the palace.
“Just over this way. It's easier for me to--”
“Holy shit,” you practically yelled, throwing an arm out to stop him. Loki tensed, hooking his own arm protectively around your waist. 
“Norns, what --what?” He demanded, sounding as close to panicked as you’d ever heard him and looking hastily around. 
But you were looking only one place: a little patch of dirt directly in front of your feet, where a little frog was sitting, staring blankly into the distance. 
“It’s a frog…” Your voice was the concerning hybrid of a whisper and a squeal. 
Loki leaned forward, squinting. 
“That’s a toad.”
“Whatever, same thing,” you waved, thinking back to your adventure hiking up to the cave. You’d managed to find a frog after all. Or toad -- whatever. Next to you, Loki pulled a face. 
“No, it’s not.”
But his grumpiness had no effect on your giddy joy. Now you knew what frogs looked like on Asgard. Which was… just like regular Earth frogs. Not that you were complaining. 
“Hey little guy,” you whispered, crouching down to watch the creature.
“What are you doing?”
“Saying hello,” you replied, still gazing lovingly at the dirt. Loki took a big inhale, shaking his head as his eyebrows arched upward. 
But before he had a chance to say anything else, the frog hopped silently into the grass. You gasped. 
“Oooh, look at him go!”
“Yes,” Loki replied with overwhelming patience, sounding increasingly concerned for your mental wellbeing. 
The frog disappeared into the brush, and you grinned so hard your face hurt.
“That was amazing,” you whispered.
“Was it now?”
“Yes.” Straightening up, you wiped the dirt from your pants. 
“I think it’s time to take you back to civilization. The wilderness is having a concerning effect on you.”
“Oh, don’t be such a drama queen,” you smirked.
You were surprised when Loki laughed softly, bearing his teeth in that adorable smile you had come to love. You were even more surprised when he placed a gentle hand on your back, looking at you with a sense of curious fascination. 
“We really do need to go, I’m afraid. Thor will have a cow if he thinks we ditched his party.”
You giggled at the comment, and that look in Loki’s eyes deepened. But then you remembered something you’d once read, and you just had to ask.
“Wait, if the legends are true, didn’t you literally have a horse--”
“Alright,” Loki cut you off, and, with a wave of his hand, a line of green began to spark through the air. 
After a single step, you were outside the castle, the portal fizzling closed behind you, and the god’s hand still on your back.
Taglist:  @itsamedeemonee @mischief2sarawr @sabxism @princess-ofthe-pages ((let me know if you would like to be added!!))
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Flufftober - Day 2
2 - Sneaking Out Together
@prompts-in-a-barrel prompt in bold. Written for @flufftober2021 's event.
Pairing: Loki x Stark!reader
Tags: fluff, fluff FLUFFFFFFF (this is flufftober, of course there’ll be fluff). A tiny tiny bit of angst in the beginning (if you really squint) and maybe… maybe some father issues as well. I’m not discussing this with my therapist.
Word count: 1,2K
A/N: Listen. There isn’t an actual “sneaking out” because technically it isn’t. But it’s the most similar thing it could be, and honestly I like how it ended up.
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Gif not mine.
“There was only one rule you had to follow”, started Tony Stark, in front of fucking everyone. The whole team was in there, and you wanted to bury your face in your arms, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t because if there was one thing you’d never lose, it was your dignity. So, you sat right, with your eyes directly on your father’s as he kept going on how bad it was what you had just done. “Just one rule about dating. What have I told you?”.
“Don’t get in trouble”, you repeated, the phrase already memorized. “You know, I don’t see what the big deal is about. I never got in trouble, and I’m not a little kid anymore, you can’t actually control my dating life”.
“As long as you live under my roof, you can’t date criminals. No, wait. As long as you’re an Avenger, for moral stuff, you can’t date criminals”.
“Firstly, he’s not a criminal. Secondly, I only live with you because I’m an Avenger. Thirdly, we’re not dating”.
“Are we not?”, inquired Loki from the doorframe. You shot a panicked look over him, and calmed yourself down as you saw his teaseful smirk showing across his face.
“Can we talk alone?”, you asked, and Tony and you walked out of the room to talk in the corridor. “I just… I just want you to support me, dad. That’s all I ever wanted”, you said, lowering your voice and head, knowing all of your confidence had faded away as soon as he looked at you with that disappointed look he’s always looked at you with.
“I can support you in many things, dear. I really do. I love your work in the science projects you’re doing… and your new friends are great, and I know how hard it is for you to socialize”, you sighed, and looked at him knowingly, because if your relationship could be described in a phrase, it definitely was “not the point I’m trying to make”.
“But how can I support you when you’re making a huge mistake?”.
You sighed in frustration and wiped a tear away.
“If you think being around him is a mistake then why did you even let him in the team to begin with? Why didn’t you just refuse Thor's demand of keeping him here? You know me, you knew I’d get attached”.
“So, you’re admitting you’re dating?”.
“Yes, we are something. Maybe not dating. I don’t know what we are”.
“Oh, what a great way to tell me you’re fucking. Great, nice. I love to hear that my little…”.
“No, not your ‘little-something’, dad. I’m an adult now. So take it or leave it. This is what’s happening, and whether you like it or not, Loki is actually really nice to me. He’s a gentleman, he treats me right, he’s all the Prince Charming you’d think an actual prince is”.
“Just… do me a favor and don’t lie for him, would you? He’s got that much already on him”.
“I’m not lying”, you looked at him defiantly, yet with that tenderness he always saw in you, even as a little kid.
Tony sighed, knowing you were honest.
“Please, don’t let him take your goodness away”.
That same night you couldn’t sleep. You rolled around in your bedsheets, grasping to them for your dearest dreams, but anxiety won, once again. You thought of your studies, your homework, your grades. You thought of your father and your dating life. You thought of Loki. You thought of him way too often. You knew —you were sure— you had fallen irremediably in love with him.
Who wouldn’t? He truly was prince charming.
Speaking of which, you heard a soft knocking at your window. You got up from bed and covered yourself up with a blanket, walking to see who was calling you at such late hours of the night.
The moonrays shone brightly and they were the only way you could see around; otherwise, it would be only darkness. Nights were better now, and Loki was in there, waving hello with that big smile of his, looking up at you as if he were Romeo. He truly was.
You smiled back and opened your window, looking around for any sign of your parents or Jarvis’s cameras being a bitch, and when there wasn’t any, you finally rested your elbows on your window frame and gave him the dreamy eyes he loved to be stared at with.
“My little love?”, he called in a whisper, yet you could still hear it.
“Dear”, you called him back. “Why are you awake?”.
“I can’t sleep without you”, he said, and you smiled involuntarily. Maybe your feelings weren’t so out of place after all. Maybe he felt the same way, and the only thing in your way was your dad and his prejudices.
“Really?”, you laughed softly, and he laughed too.
“Why are you awake, pray tell?”.
“Of what?”.
“Of who, you may say”, you said, and he raised his eyebrows, wondering. “Of you, of course. And of my school books, that’s for sure”.
“Love and anxiety, all in one big package”, he said, and you rested your head over the heels of your hand. Did you just admit your love for him? And did he take it well? “I think it’s only fair for me to invite you to the library. The one from the compound is open at any time, right?”.
“Is this a study date at 4am?”.
“Darling, your idea of romanticism is so nerdy”, he laughed. “But if you may call it a date, then I’ll bring the candles”, he added, appearing a rose in his hand. “Shall I quote Shakespeare, too? Or is it enough for…?”.
“Well, no need to mock me, now”, you chuckled, while reaching for your clothes. “Meet you there?”.
“I’ll be there in a second, quite literally”, he said right before vanishing under a veil of green lights.
The night was spent with chattery over homework, with fun illusions he made in his hands, playing games and kissing —a lot. The night was spent so much, tiredness finally fell over you two, and before you could even realize, the sun had bathed both of your sleepy figures bent over the table, head resting over your arms. Loki was right in front of you and his legs intertwined with yours under the table. Books spread everywhere, you even used some as pillows. Not even once, you realized someone could walk in the library and let everyone know where you were last night.
And, as said, Tony and Pepper walked nonchalantly into the study area of the library, only to find you two sleeping over a pile of undone homework. You still had the rose behind your ear and a smile you wouldn’t be able to wipe off even awake. Pepper smiled and looked at Tony, who was staring in realization.
“They seem… good together”.
“You could even say happy? Good for each other?”, hinted Pepper, fighting back a giggle.
“Maybe… maybe they were right after all. I could give the guy a chance”, he nodded, rolling his eyes. “Now, let’s get those papers and close the curtains, they seem like they just fell asleep”.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 @the-departed-potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00-pi , @selfship-mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @theonewiththenerds , @vicmc624 , @spiderlaufeyson @theaudacitytowrite )
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tomhiddlestonfanfic · 3 years
Before We Do This
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TITLE: Before We Do This CHAPTER NUMBER/ONE SHOT: One shot WHICH TOM CHARACTER: Actor Tom PAIRING: Tom Hiddleston/Reader GENRE: Romance AO3-link SONG: Shakespeare by Miranda Cosgrove REQUEST PICTURE CREDIT: @prislaa​ TAGLIST:  @waddlenut @twhiddlestonsstuff​ Let me know if you want on or off the taglist.
Before We Do This
It was cold outside, and if it hadn’t been for your date walking beside you, you would waste no time getting inside your apartment building to warm yourself. But there you were, purposely slowing down your steps as you approached the building. In the last few hours, you had had a nearly perfect first date with a true gentleman. His name was Tom and he was very polite and had seemed genuinely interested in getting to know you. The only problem was that he didn’t speak much about himself during the date. You felt like you had a good chemistry and you might have invited him in for a drink if it hadn’t been for the fact that you felt like you didn’t really know him.
It began to snow as you came to a stop a couple of metres away from your apartment building. He slowly turned towards you with a beautiful smile on his lips. His long fingers brushed against your cold cheek as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. You had instinctively leaned in to his touch, welcoming it.
Your lips were just about to meet when you suddenly took a step backwards.
“I’m sorry. I must have misread the situation, I-” Tom began to apologise, but you shook your head at him.
“No, it’s not that,” you tried to assure him. “I want to kiss you,” you said. “It’s just that, before we do this… I need to know more about you.”
“Oh, okay. What would you like to know?” Tom wondered.
“Well, a whole lot of things actually… Do you… like Shakespeare?” you asked and his eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of Shakespeare.
“I… yes! Yes, I do in fact like Shakespeare very much,” Tom replied with a big smile. “Do you?”
“I do,” you replied with a smile. “You mentioned earlier that you’re an actor. Are you in the theatre? Or in movies?”
“I love working in the theatre, but I do movies and series as well,” Tom replied.
“Anything I might have seen?” you asked.
“I was in a series called Wallander. It was filmed in Sweden. I’m also in a movie called Thor,” Tom explained.
“I’ve seen Thor!” you said eagerly. “But you’re…” Your eyes widened as you looked at him. So that’s why he looked so familiar. You had seen him before. “Oh my God. You’re Loki!” you realised and Tom laughed.
“Yeah, I play Loki,” Tom confirmed.
“He’s such an interesting character. You did very well in portraying him,” you praised.
“Thank you,” Tom said appreciatively.
“Would you like to come inside?” you offered.
“Sure,” Tom agreed.
As you went inside and led him up the stairs, you felt like there were butterflies in your belly. You hadn’t felt so excited about a date in forever. Tom seemed like a genuinely good guy, and now that you knew that he also liked Shakespeare, you had something to talk about.
You made some tea for the two of you before you went to sit in the living room. You sat down next to each other on the couch and at your request, Tom began telling you about his and Kenneth Branagh's conversations about Shakespeare’s works when developing the character Loki. You felt genuinely interested in what Tom had to say about it and it was a pure joy to hear him go on about something that really excited him.
When Tom took a break from talking to have a sip of tea, you took the teacup away from him and put it back on the table. He looked at you confusedly for a second before smiling at you. You leaned in to kiss him and couldn’t help but smile as your soft lips met. You could feel him smiling too and began to laugh at how hard it was to kiss properly when you couldn’t stop smiling.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
self conscious.
| loki x reader | fluff |
short, soft!loki drabbles to get you through the week
anon requested. Could you write something fluffy about a story conscious plus size reader with him reassuring her she's gorgeous...
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“I don’t want to go,” your voice was quiet, and Natasha frowned.
“Y/N come on, it’ll be fun. We haven’t gone shopping in so long.”
Nat, Wanda, and Shuri begged you to join them, and you declined. You’d seen the tabloid articles, and comments on social media, and you were in no mood to try on clothes. You weren’t tiny and petite and thin like the other avengers women, and the media had a lot to say about it. 
Usually, you didn’t give in, but the night before you’d stayed up, reading them all and crying. You were incredibly self conscious, it was hard not to be when you were the subject of cruel, adolescent gossip. 
You tried to be confident in your body, but some days it was hard.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Wanda asked sweetly.
“Yeah, Stark needed me to run some labs for him anyways,” you shook your head, but the women could see through your lies. They didn’t push you, not forcing you to talk or open up to them, but Wanda suspected you would open up to your beloved boyfriend.
They left you alone, not wanting to push you into joining them when it was quite clearly something you did not want to do. Before they left, Wanda found Loki.
“Can I speak with you?”
Loki looked up from the map he was studying with Thor, his brow furrowing in confusion. He followed her off to the side, studying her uneasiness. The other avengers rarely bothered him or went out of their way to interact unless there was a problem, and he grew concerned, especially once he realized you weren’t with the women.
“Y/N is upset, she won’t come out with us. You should talk to her, I’m worried,” Wanda expressed, and he nodded.
“Thank you for informing me. I’ll go now... Thor, we can finish this later.”
Thor nodded, tell him to make sure that you were okay. Thor cared about you, and you were like a sister to him, and he worried whenever Loki was concerned for you.
Loki went upstairs to your suite, finding you standing in front of a mirror and crying. His heart broke at the sight of your tears, and he immediately wanted to know how to help. You jumped when he said your name, and you pushed away from him as he stepped toward you. 
“My love, what’s making you cry?” Loki’s gentle voice surrounded you, reaching all the way to your heart. He hated seeing you so upset, and was distraught not knowing the reason for your hurt.
You shook your head, not wanting to tell him. You didn’t want to say it out loud, and you didn’t want him to secretly agree with your insecurities.
 His hands slid around your wrists, pulling you toward him as he knelt in front of you. You couldn’t escape his emerald gaze, held fast in front of him. 
“Y/N, tell me, I’ll listen.”
“It’s...” you struggled to admit it to Loki, even with those gentle stormy eyes.
“I don’t look like them, everyone talks about it, they’re so horrible to me. I’m not beautiful like them,” your voice cracked, and Loki’s face fell.
“Y/N, you’re gorgeous. Do you not know how beautiful you are? From the first time I ever laid eyes on you, you were the most stunning woman I’d ever seen. Everything about you, including your heart, it’s all perfect to me,” Loki confessed.
“No. There is no exception. I will worship you, my love.”
You softened, and you let him pull you into his arms, hugging you tightly. He held your face, kissing you passionately. You melted into his arms, kissing him back. 
“I never want you to dislike yourself, not when I love you so,” Loki spoke against your lips.
“Do you mean it?”
“My love, I’ve never meant anything so much.”
Loki spoke with such sincerity, you couldn’t doubt his words. His honesty brought you comfort, and he made you feel loved, beautiful, and perfect. Your self-consciousness crumbled under the green gaze, erasing the ache in your heart.
“Good morning, gorgeous.”
You looked up at Loki, a sleepy smile adorning your face. You tried to squirm out of his arms but he held you tight against him, burying his face in your chest and pressing kisses to the soft skin. You eventually relaxed, dragging your fingers through his black locks. 
You loved whenever Loki got cuddly and warm in private, holding you and always touching you in some way. He loved the way you fit against him, and he loved the feeling of your soft skin, and the delicacy of you that came along with being a mortal. 
“Where’s my phone, Lo?” you asked, noticing it wasn’t on the charger. You didn’t need an answer really, you knew he’d taken it and hidden it, and there was no way you were getting it back before you wanted. 
“You don’t need to read the hate comments on social media. So, I’ve taken the liberty of making the decision to just stay in bed with me all day, and ignore them.” Loki wanted all your attention, and he fully intended to spend the day loving on you, making you happy, and doing whatever you wanted. 
“I have things to do,” you argued, moaning softly as he kissed a sensitive area.
“Not anymore... You know I’d have them executed if this was Asgard,” Loki mumbled bitterly. Loki was personally offended by every negative comment meant for you, and if you were in his kingdom, he would put a permanent stop to all of it. You knew his threat was real, and although the trolls had hurt your feelings, you were glad Loki wasn’t king here.
“You’re so dramatic,” you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop the smile from pulling at your lips from his protectiveness.
“Hardly. Everyone should worship you as I do.”
“Okay, Shakespeare,” you giggled. 
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The Golden Palace
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: fluff, tiny bit of angst, Odin the asshole, cursing
Summary: your boyfriend takes you to visit his ‘parents’ and see Asgard for the first time
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You were both laying on your bed, Loki’s head in you lap, reading. “Hey, love, is it true that Asgard has a rainbow bridge?” You were reading a book and it had included a fact about Asgard and you wanted to know if it was true. Loki looked up at you from his Shakespeare book, “yes it is darling, that’s the Bifrost, also the thing that takes Thor and I to Asgard and back to Midgard.” You smiled in amazement, “that sounds cool, what else is there in Asgard?” You had always been interested in magic, especially since Hydra had forced upon you magic of your own. Loki sat up, set both of your books to the side and pulled you into his lap. “Well, let’s see, there’s a giant golden palace in the middle of town, there’s a bunch of different creatures that you don’t have here on Midgard, like a Bilgesnipe but those are disgusting. We have more beautiful creatures like fairies, though they are cute, they are very annoying.” You giggled at the thought of a cute tiny fairy annoying your big, broody boyfriend. “You know, I should take you one day, to Asgard that is, I think you would love it.” You sat, stunned, “Lokes, you know that involves meeting your parents……a literal king and queen. I’m a nervous wreck, that would go terribly!”
Loki hugged you tightly, “oh darling, you would be alright, I’d be there with you, and I can help you prepare before we go, learning our culture and stuff, we would get to spend lots of time together,” he pleaded. You gave in when he pulled out the puppy dog eyes, “alright, we can go, but you have to help me learn everything, like the dances, mannerisms, language.” Loki looked at you hopeful, “you, you want to learn Asgardian, for me?” You smiled and nodded, “then you and I can have secret conversations in front of the rest of the team, when Thor isn’t around of course.” Loki’s eyes gleamed with the thought of the mischief.
Throughout the next few months Loki and you spent the days and nights focusing on learning Asgardian culture. Thor knew of your plan, and helped you guys sometimes. After 4 months, you could speak Asgardian (your magic helped you learn quicker) and knew a few dances, and enough other stuff to make sure you didn’t look a fool.
“Come on little sister! It is time to go!” Thor boomed, knocking on your bedroom door, more excited than you and Loki. “In a minute Thor, Loki and I are still getting ready,” you laughed. After about an hour of Loki styling his hair, you two were ready to go, Loki said you didn’t need to bring anything to Asgard, they had everything. You three headed to a secluded spot outside and Thor called down the Bifrost.
The second it started taking you up, you clung to Loki, he found it hilarious, you found it nauseating. You somehow gracefully landed, and were greeted by Heimdal. You looked out onto the bridge that originally caused the trip, “Woah, that’s, beautiful,” your eyes stared in amazement. Loki placed his hand on your lower back and motioned you to the horses standing nearby, “here darling, we’ve got to ride these across so the citizens can see their princes’ return,” he smirked, “and their future princess.” You gave him a joking glare and headed towards the horses, one was for Thor and one for you and Loki.
Thor got into his horse easily and you stood looking at the horse for a second, “sidesaddle or astride?” Loki looked at you confused, “darling, how do you know how to ride a horse?” You looked at him sheepishly, “I took a few classes with an ex a few years ago.” He chuckled and gave you a kiss, “ah, well, traditionally you would ride side saddle but you can ride normally if you’d like.” You decided on riding side saddle, not wanting to make anyone upset.
You got to the palace, after riding through the town. You could hear the people gossiping, some good some bad, you tried to tune out the bad. It wasn’t too hard when your whole mind was focused on being anxious about meeting Loki’s parents, you already knew Odin would have a bias since he hated humans. Loki helped you down from the horse and you three headed into the throne room to announce your presence. “It’ll be alright darling, I love you.” You squeezed Loki’s hand, “love you too Lokes.” You too a deep breath and walked into the throne room with Loki and Thor.
“Who is this mortal you being with you?” Odin asked, disgusted. Loki and Thor bowed, you curtsied. Thor answered his father’s question, “Allfather, she is courting Loki, and while she may come from Midgard, she is no mortal.” Odin was confused and slightly annoyed, “what do you mean she’s not a mortal? And why would she choose Loki?” Loki could tell you were now angry, but you bit your tongue, and Loki spoke up, “she has magic like I, and hence her lifespan is the same as us.” He strategically choose to ignore Odin’s second question. “You are dismissed I suppose.” He waved the three of you off. You three walked out of the room, Frigga following behind you.
Once you got into the hallway outside of the room you turned around to greet Frigga. “Don’t mind him, he’s a grump,” Frigga smiled and said. “Mother,” Loki and Thor greeted, giving her a hug. “And you must be Y/N, it’s nice to finally meet the woman my son is always missing when he visits.” You chuckled, “it’s nice to meet you too, Queen Frigga, Loki has told me lots about you.” She waved you off, “just call me Frigga dear, you’re family now. I must be getting to the healing center as my help is needed there, but I would like to talk with you later, nothing bad I assure you.” She gave you a hug and walked off.
You met Thor’s friends, they were nice, definitely loud. You got along great with Sif. They obviously had to tease Loki and ask how he got such a great girlfriend, you squeezed Loki’s hand to try and reassure him but you could tell he was feeling self conscious. You made up the excuse of being tired and Loki led you to his room. “Are you alright darling? You don’t look tired,” he said concerned. “I’m alright love, just could tell you wanted to get out of there.” Loki gave you a forehead kiss and thanked you.
You both got into bed and cuddled as you ran your fingers through his hair, reassuring him of your love. After about 2 hours, a maid came into the room saying that it was time for dinner. Dinner was, a tad awkward, Odin still didn’t like you, but Frigga tried making small talk. You went off to bed with Loki afterwards.
The next day you met with Frigga in the garden, she was really nice. You explained your powers to her, and she in return, shared funny stories of Loki as a child. Loki came out to the garden to find you and when he saw you with his mother he was quick to try and get you away. “Mother, if you don’t mind, I would like my lady to accompany me elsewhere.” Frigga knew what Loki was trying, “oh but Loki, dear, we were just having a nice chat,” she smirked. “Yes, I know, that is the problem, I don’t need you telling her any stories.” You smiled and moved to hold his hand, “why it’s too late for that love.” He jokingly rolled his eyes and kissed your forehead, “oh well, but I also have a surprise planned for you, so we must be going now.” “Oh alright,” Frigga chuckled, “go ahead with your lady, I need to visit the Gunnar village anyways,” she teleported away to the village.
“Come now my darling, the surprise awaits us.” Loki grabbed your hand and led you through the gardens to a secret area where he’d set up a small picnic. You both ate the delicious food and sat under the sun, reading your books while you laid your head on his chest, laying parallel to him. After a while you guys decided to venture out to get new books but you were interrupted.
“Brother! Quick! Gunnar village is being attacked by the pillagers again! We must go and defeat them, For Asgard!” He ran towards his stead. You and Loki headed there as well, “Loki, love, your mother’s going to be alright, she might even be back by now, it’s ok.” Loki tried to convince you to stay here but you said you needed to help, you could heal those who were injured, and make force fields after all.
Thor, Loki, the warriors three, and you all rode there quickly, especially after Loki mentioned the Queen possibly being there. You arrived and Frigga was helping the people fight. You set up a healing tent for those injured and started healing them while your boyfriend, Frigga, and the others fought.
Suddenly, Loki came running in with Frigga in his arms, “Darling! My- My mother, she took a hard blow, she dying, love, can you do anything?” Odin had also heard of the fight getting bad and come to help aid in the battle. He came rushing in after Loki, “the battle is over,” he looked disgusted and terrified when seeing Frigga, “how can this stupid Midgardian save my wife? She’s just a lowly human.” You glared at him, you glared at the KING, wherever this burst of confidence came from you were into it, “look, I’m your best bet at saving her so calm the fuck down and go sit and take some deep breaths.” Thor took his father aside while you did your magic.
“I, did it,” you collapsed into Loki’s arms as Frigga woke up, she was still weak, and needed rest of her own, but she was alive and would stay that way. “Dear!” Odin ran towards his wife and hugged her, he was cruel, but he did truly love Frigga.
You rested and healed up in Asgard, Loki taking care of your every need. Once you were healed, Odin held a feast in your honor, as a thank you. He made you a noble in Asgard, this was mostly so that when you and Loki eventually married, it wouldn’t harm the royal image, but you’d still take it. You and Loki danced the night away and headed to bed early in the morning, planning to leave that afternoon or evening. “I love you Loki, thank you for taking me to Asgard, it’s beautiful, just like you.” You nuzzled into Loki’s side, stealing his cool temperature. “I love you too darling, I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he hugged you closer, “and one day you’ll be a princess here, by my side,” he added, but you were already asleep.
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lozzypoz321 · 4 years
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Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in so long!!! But I am quite surprised that my current 200 followers (wow) haven’t unfollowed by now but this is my 200 celebration fic even though I’m a bit late- also I’m sorry if this sucks I just haven’t written in ages! Please bare with me! Kindly proofread by @canadianhufflepuffavenger 💗
Warnings: angst, past break up
Your real dad
Steve tightened his grip around your draw-string bag that he had convinced you to part ways with, as you, him and your mother made your way into the tower. He was dreading the reunion with Bucky after not seeing the team for about 2 weeks. You were practically bouncing on your feet to see your real dad. While Steve was there watching you treat your dad like a hero but not even spare him a glance.
Your family relationship was complicated yet simple at the same time: you hated your mom but tolerated her, loved your dad with all your heart, hated your stepdad as much as he tried, treated Peter like your brother and Thor exactly like your uncle.
Why did you hate your stepdad so much?
Well, first of all, he pretended like he was your real dad and tried to do all of the things with you that you and Bucky did together. Second, he always stole all your moms attention and made you feel like you were alone (whether he meant it or not)
The elevator door dinged, indicating that the three of you had reached your floor where currently Bucky, Thor, Tony, Natasha and Sam were hanging out, waiting for your “family”. The others were in the kitchen, trying to get a sneak taste of the food that had been ordered.
“Dad!” You yelled and raced up to the super soldier, he broke out into a grin and picked you up off the ground to invade you into a bone-breakinghug. “Hiya doll face.”
You grinned back at him and got down from his arms briefly to run across the room to retrieve your drawstring back so you could show your dad your new spiderman action figure that had been bought by your cousin Peter.
“Look! Look!”
He smirked slightly at your excited demeanour as you held up the toy as high as you could while jumping up and down for him to see. Once he’d figured out who the character was, you had already gone running off to see what Wanda and Vision had baked in one of the many kitchens.
“Hey Buck” Steve acknowledged as friendly as he could, it wasn’t that the two ‘friends’ hated each other, but there was definitely some tension in the room as the two sat parallel. Tony cleared his throat and mentioned something about having a cough as he quickly left the room.
“I better see where he got off to” Natasha and your mother said at exactly the same time, not wanting to experience what they thought was about to go down.
“Hi Steve” the older soldier greeted back, not sure what the intentions of the conversation were exactly. In the tower, the history between both soldiers and your mother was known but not really spoke of- Bucky dated your mother for quite a while (almost four entire years), and got her pregnant with you, but- as everybody was sure to know- all good things must come to an end- and the two broke up on good terms. That was before Steve Rogers himself got involved at a certain billionaire’s party when they realized they were (and this is in your mother's words) “meant for each other.”
“I’m erm, here to speak to you about something.” As if the awkwardness present in the room was no longer enough before, by now it was almost too much. Thor and Sam took the most obvious hint and left the room in search of something else to occupy their time.
“Well, you’re free to speak-“ Bucky was interrupted by the loud sound of laughing from behind the wooden door and almost instantly after a hushing sound. The two men had completely different reactions to this, Steve was utmostly confused, both eyebrows scrunching together, while Bucky’s face held a small smile. He knew exactly who was trying to eavesdrop and it just proved how much Steve did not know his stepdaughter from the fact he didn’t immediately know. “(Y/N),” he called out, the humour evident in his voice, “Parker, we know you're out there.”
“Awww, Peter you gave our secret identities up!”
By now Steve had caught on to the two of you and laughed lightly, trying to cover up the fact that his only chance to ask Bucky his question alone, was interrupted.
The wooden door creaked open, revealing Peter, dressed up in his spiderman suit for dramatic effect and you with a bandana on, which you thought made you look like a ninja and you held your action figure tightly in your left hand.
“(Y/N), you know it’s rude to eavesdrop” Steve scolded you, trying to be firm. You ignored him and shrugged your shoulders before going to follow the scent of Chinese food.
“Doll,” your dad stopped you “don’t ignore people, you know not to do that” he stood up from his spot on the sofa and began to also make his way to the kitchen, you right beside him muttering a small “okay dad.”
Steve tried not to let his heart sink as his best friend walked away. He would just have to try and get Bucky alone at another point in the night. If he didn’t get an answer, then he would have no use for the small box that was sitting in his trouser pocket.
“Bonjour,” Clint greeted the two of you as you both arrived for food, the island set up with enough plastic plates for everyone (Tony couldn’t be bothered with hiring people to wash normal, expensive ones multiple times a day)
Your mother smiled at you from the other side of the kitchen, but she was immediately confused when you didn’t smile back. The reason you had not, is because you had a feeling you knew exactly what question your stepdad had for Bucky and did not at all like the sound of it.
“Fries?” Bruce offered, tilting the box of food towards you. You nodded gratefully and grabbed a handful. The conversations at the table were mixed; Thor ranting passionately about the food at his home planet, Tony mumbling something about not even being hungry anyway (you thought he was just being salty since he didn’t get his Shawarma), Bucky and Sam having a silent argument across the table, and Peter was busy singing Christmas songs in his best Santa Claus voice.
“Have a holly jolly Christmas, and in case you didn’t seeeee” Natasha rolled her eyes dramatically at the teenager making everyone laugh.
“Hey don’t get annoyed at me! Everyone loves Christmas!”
You used to love Christmas before your parents separated and you weren’t allowed to spend the holiday with your dad.
“I don’t like Christmas,” your dad shrugged half mindedly while taking a sip of his soda. Peter looked at him like he had two heads and exclaimed in shock, “that impossible!”
“It ain’t kid,” Bucky chuckled while your mother shifted in her seat uncomfortably, realizing the reasoning.
While you worked your way through the pile of noodles, Thor’s incessant ranting came to an end, and the teenager had seemingly run out of songs, the group of superheroes decided to hang out in the living room and watch a movie before you, Steve and your mother had to go home.
“Which one?” Nat asked the room while holding up two movies, the nightmare before Christmas and the corpse bride. Both Halloween movies, neither particularly scary.
“How could one have a nightmare on the day before Christmas? Surely that is against the rules of the Holiday Christmas, that is based on happiness?” Thor asked, earning a quizzical look from you. “Stop tryna act like Shakespeare big man” Tony laughed while grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it all into his mouth.
Steve ignored the billionaire, and while no one seemed to be paying attention he directed his attention to Bucky, swallowing nervously. “Hey Buck, can I speak to you for a sec outside?”
Confusion spread over the soldier’s face for a split second before complying and getting up from the couch with Steve as discreetly as possible as to not raise suspicion from the rest of the team and you.
“What’s up?” He asked once they’d reached the hallway outside, he didn’t know what was up with the younger man but he could easily tell that he’d been acting nervous around himself and your mom.
“Um, I have a question, you don’t have to say yes or no or anything-“
“Your ranting.”
He stopped and thought for a second, wondering how to put it. “I know it’s been complicated recently, and I know this might make it worse with all your history with (Y/M/N) and (Y/N) but I really do love both of them and since (Y/M/N)’s parents passed a while ago, there’s no one to really ask for their blessing so I guess I’m here to ask you, can I have your blessing to propose to (Y/M/N)?”
Bucky stood emotionless for a second, not knowing how to react. He wasn’t sure whether to be happy for Steve and support him or to be angry. He had both reasonable attributes for each option but was cut short when he heard the sound of a door banging against its hinges on the floor above.
Both of your dad’s eyebrows scrunched together, who was that? Everyone in the tower knew not to do it because Tony despised it, and everyone with a brain knew that when Tony got annoyed, bad things happened.
Then almost instantly after the door entering the living room revealing an awkward Loki “I’m sorry to interrupt this conversation but your daughter slash stepdaughter, just ran upstairs in tears so if you could quickly wrap this little moment up, it would be greatly appreciated”
Bucky’s heart stopped, why were you crying?
He and Steve completely forgot about their previous conversation and quickly headed upstairs, nearly running Peter over in the process coming from the toilet. But just as they reached the door where you normally stayed when you came for sleepovers, Bucky stopped and put a finger to his lips.
“I think I should go in.” Instead of arguing, and saying that it would be good ‘bonding time’ to get you to like him, Steve silently agreed and let your dad go in.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he gently closed the door behind himself, instantly catching sight of you sat on the carpeted floor, furiously wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie.
“Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” he took ahold of both of your wrists and set them down on your lap, “why’re you crying doll?”
Tears continued to stream unapologetically down your cheeks, you didn’t know how to tell him. That you had snuck out of the living room to see where the two had gone and then eavesdropped into their conversation, and once hearing your stepdad (who you did not like at all) was going to become a permanent part of your life, ran off crying.
“I don’t wanna talk about it” you shook your head, making him sigh. “Please tell me, I wanna know why. You trust me right (Y/N)?”
The simple nod was all he needed, yet his heart still ached. Seeing his only daughter in tears and didn’t trust him enough to tell him why? It was heartbreaking for him. “I don’t want him to marry mom,” you quietly admitted, “the only reason I’m still allowed to see you is because she thinks I still need a father figure, so now he’s gonna be here forever I won’t be- I won’t be able to see you anymore.”
He sighed deeply, trying to find a way to comfort you. “You will, I promise. I’ll always be apart of your life doll. No one can ever take you away from me because you're my daughter and I love you so so much, m’kay?”
You sniffled and wiped the final tears from your cheeks. “Okay.”
Before you could both get up and return downstairs to finish the movie, Bucky stopped you and lifted you up to whisper something to you.
Once he had finished you pulled back and nodded hesitantly, realizing that you should put your grudge behind you and face a fear.
Your dad and you returned outside, Steve waiting patiently while resting on the wall, gently smiling at you to make sure you were okay.
“Go on doll,” Bucky quietly urged, making you take a deep breath and just go for it.
“I give you my blessing to marry mom.” Steve’s heart skipped multiple beats as his brain tried to process what you had said. You’d finally accepted him into your life?
He broke out into a grin, trying to form words to thank you without seeming like this meant the absolute world to him. “Thank you (Y/N). I appreciate it so much.”
Bucky was proud of you for taking a leap and letting Steve into your life when you were scared. He realized at that moment that even if you did have a dad and a stepdad at the same time, he’d fulfilled his role already.
Taglist: @marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger @herecomesthewriterwitch @every-marveler-ever @hera-the-writer @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @rooskaya-yelena @deephideoutmilkshake @kidney9-9 @js3639 @am3l1a-24 @bonkybarnes107 @ilovemarvel-andcats @sapphireplums @deannawallacee @keenmarvellover @garbage-potato @mollbt @spookybooisa
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chickenfics · 2 years
Team ‘Weekend Trip to Asgard’
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Relationship: Loki x Fem!reader (SFW)
Summary: When Bruce invited you to a quick weekend getaway, you’d hardly expected your destination to be Asgard. Just like you’d hardly expected to be accompanied by two gods – one of whom you’re convinced hates your guts. But who would have thought that the God of Mischief has a thing for flowers, a talent for reciting Shakespeare, and knowledge of all the best places for stargazing? Certainly not you.
But in a weekend filled with sunny fields and boisterous feasts, with accidental skinny dipping and drunken magic tricks, you would begin to realize all the different ways Loki could surprise you.
Word count: 4.7k
Content warnings: discussion of drinking and hangovers, threats of violence (though very, very empty lol)
Taglist: @itsamedeemonee @mischief2sarawr @sabxism @princess-ofthe-pages ((let me know if you would like to be added!!))
Also on Ao3
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Chapter 3
You should have woken up with the hangover to end all hangovers, considering how drunk you’d gotten last night. But, besides sleeping in a little later than usual, if the sun streaming through the window was any indicator, and the twinge of a headache, you felt fine. Way too fine. Suspiciously fine. 
Blinking your eyes open, you rubbed the sleep out of the corners and stretched across the full length of the couch. The morning air was cool, even inside the palace, and you weren’t surprised to notice birdsong coming through the open window at the back of the room.
 Dragging a hand down your face, you began to pull yourself up, bringing the blanket with you and wrapping it around your shoulders. As far as blankets went, it wasn’t very comfortable, but it was warm, and you were cold, so you really couldn’t complain. Leaning back against the couch, you yawned and rolled your head, neck cracking pleasantly as you stretched the muscles. 
“Sleep well?”
You jumped, eyes flying to the corner of the room, where a certain God of Mischief had somehow gone unnoticed until now. When you saw it was only him, you found yourself torn between letting out a sigh of relief and burying yourself beneath the blanket in the ridiculous hope that he was talking to someone else. 
 Instead, all you did was give a croaky, “Good morning.”
Loki, who was flipping through a book and had yet to look at you, didn’t reply. Instead he said,
“You know, Little Mouse, if you wanted a blanket I could have easily conjured you up one. There was no need to steal my cloak.”
A jolt of panic shot through your limbs as you glanced down at the fabric draped over your arms. 
“But I thought that…” 
Oh. You flipped one corner around and, sure enough, there was a collar and a leather clasp.
 “Oh,” you said it out loud this time. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t realize.” You hastily untangled yourself from the blanket -- the cloak -- and carefully set it aside. 
You swear you saw Loki’s mouth turn up in a smirk, but he continued to flip lazily through his book as if you were hardly there at all. 
Hauling yourself into a standing position and smoothing wrinkles out of the cloak, you suddenly realized that you had no idea where your bag was. The guards had taken it the previous night and you hadn’t seen it since. Turning in a circle, you began to look for it as subtly as possible. It was nowhere to be found. 
“Uh,” you finally mustered up the courage to speak. “My bag…”
Without looking up, Loki lifted a finger and pointed to the doorway off to his right as a page of his book flipped on its own. You murmured a quiet “Thanks” before sneaking over to the door and hesitantly pushing the curtain aside. The room was small, with a bed in one corner and an elegant wooden dresser in the other. A vanity made of the same dark, ancient looking wood sat on the wall along the doorway. 
You found your bag over by the bed and rummaged through it for some clothes. Swapping your pants for a clean pair, you wrestled out of your top. You had pulled the curtain carefully shut, but still found yourself feeling the need to change hastily. You knew no one would be coming in, but your brain would have preferred a locked door over a piece of fabric. Oh well. 
You weren’t sure how hot the days on Asgard could get, so you settled on changing into a tank top, pulling a long sleeved flannel shirt overtop. Leaning down to peer into the vanity mirror, you wiped a hand over your tired face and fixed your collar. Then, slipping back into your shoes, you headed for the common area. 
It looked as if Loki hadn’t moved, but there was now a spread of food on the table by the window. An array of colorful fruits, many of which you had never seen before in your life, decorated golden trays, surrounding loaves of bread and a few triangles of cheese. 
“What…” You pointed at the table, then looked over at Loki. 
“Breakfast,” he answered, finally looking up at you. When he was met with your confused expression, he said, “The servants brought it while you were changing.”
You squinted, fairly certain that you would have heard servants carting in a whole breakfast buffet considering the only thing that had separated you from the rest of the room was a curtain sheer enough to see through in the right light, but you didn’t press. Instead, you hovered over the display, suddenly realizing how hungry you were. You hadn’t eaten anything since… yesterday? Which was technically only a few hours since you’d arrived, but still. 
“C… Can I?” 
Loki softly rolled his eyes. 
“Well, you're not expected to just look at it, are you?”
You took that as the only version of ‘yes’ you were going to get from him and sat down at the table, carefully grabbing a small bundle of grapes from the center. Trying one, already reaching for a piece of bread, you were nearly knocked off your chair at the flavor of something that was definitely not just a grape. 
“Mmm shit,” you groaned, glancing over at Loki, who was watching you. “What the heck is this?”
“A grape,” he replied as if he thought you might be having an episode of some sort. 
“Uh, no, I’ve had grapes, this is not a grape. This is…”
Loki snorted. “Midgardian food is hardly comparable to what you have in front of you, my Lady.”
“Well sorry,” you said, obviously not sorry. “I’ve only ever had Earth food.”
“Yes, you poor thing,” he hummed, but there was a subtle lightheartedness to his teasing that had you dramatically rolling your eyes and grinning despite your attempts at keeping a straight face. 
“I have to hand it to you, though,” you grabbed another grape. “If all your food is like this, you might be right.”
“Of course I am,” he imperiously replied, but when you threw him a playful look over your shoulder, he returned the sentiment with an almost invisible smile. 
“Thanks for breakfast.” The words came out before you had a chance to stop them. You stuffed a piece of bread into your mouth and studied the cheese on the table with newfound fascination. 
“Why are you thanking me? I told you the servants brought it.” Even he didn't sound convinced. You ducked your head, turning to give him a look of skepticism. He had straightened up a little, and was staring back at you in what you assumed was a challenging fashion, but reminded you too much of a defiant child to be even remotely intimidating. 
“Alright,” you played along. “Well if you see the servants again, tell them thank you for me. It was very thoughtful.”
Loki narrowed his eyes, but you ignored him and finished your bread -- which tasted just as amazing as the grapes. You’d never be able to look at Midgardian food the same way ever again. Wiping your hands, you turned to face Loki, who you were somewhat alarmed to find was still staring at you. 
You gave him a little smile and then asked where everybody else was. 
“Still asleep, last I checked. Though, I suspect Thor must be awake, considering we don’t have to shout over his horrendous snoring.”
You giggled, and Loki gave a vaguely alarmed look before squinting at you, that hardly-there smile once again twitching at the corners of his mouth.
“Well, I can’t blame them,” you said thoughtfully. “They drank even more than I did.”
Then you realized something. If Bruce was still passed out, why were you seemingly unaffected by the events of last night? You didn’t even have a headache when you probably should have been feeling like you'd been hit by a semi.
“Hey Loki?”
He glanced up from his book, eyes widening expectantly as they met yours. 
“Can I ask kind of a stupid question?”
“Well, that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary, would it?” he said, but he rested the book on his lap and continued to stare at you almost gently. Well, gentle for him anyway. 
“Ouch,” you feigned a wince. But your curiosity was stronger than your embarrassment. “Does, um… does Asgardian ale work the same as, like, beer? Because I don’t feel hungover at all, and I definitely got drunk last night.”
Loki fidgeted -- actually fidgeted -- in his seat.
“Yes, well…” he haughtily began. “Perhaps it has something to do with your genetics.”
“My genetics,” you repeated, face betraying your amused disbelief. “Loki, you know I’m a scientist, right? That’s not really how that works.”
“Ok, fine,” he hissed, eyes darting over to the room where you assumed Bruce and Thor were sleeping before snapping back to you. “After you fell asleep, I may have… lessened the effects of the alcohol.”
He… what?
“You what?”
Loki seemed to lose a bit of his gusto in the face of your blank stare, and his hard edges softened a little with something akin to nervousness. 
“My apologies if that was… inappropriate in any way.”
“No,” you finally got yourself working enough to shake your head. Sure, it was definitely weird -- you hadn’t known he could do something like that, and it made you wonder what else he could do -- but it hadn’t stemmed from malice or ill-will. Quite the opposite, actually, though you knew Loki would never admit it. Sure enough:
“If you tell anyone, especially my brother, I will smother you in your sleep.”
Such a threat from the God of Mischief should have been terrifying. You, however, couldn’t help but find it amusing. He really didn’t want anyone to know that he had a heart underneath all that leather and magic.
“Ok, ok,” you raised your hands. “But, uh… thank you. That was really thoughtful.”
“No it wasn’t,” he wrinkled his nose. 
“No, no, you’re right,” you played along, growing very somber.
Your lips thinned as you tried not to smile at the completely lost look on Loki’s face. He had just opened his mouth to say something when Thor meandered into the room, yawning obnoxiously and making a beeline for the table.
“Morning,” you greeted him, and Loki returned to his book like nothing had happened. 
“Good morning, little mortal,” Thor nodded, dropping into a seat and grabbing a whole loaf of bread. You raised an eyebrow at his disheveled appearance -- hair sticking up at odds ends, the little braids he used to tie sections of it back having come half undone -- and managed to smirk instead of outright laugh at him. 
“Had fun last night, did we?” you asked, fairly sure you knew the answer.
Thor grunted, stuffing some bread into his mouth. 
“What about you?” he said once he's finished chewing. “How was your first night on Asgard?” he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, and you couldn’t help but grin back. 
“Pretty amazing. I never could have imagined how many stars your galaxy has.” 
You heard the sound of Loki clearing his throat and turned around to find him studying his book with new intensity. He probably hadn’t expected you to remember the events of last night, but you most certainly did. You felt a flush of embarrassment at the thought of how he’d practically had to carry you home. 
But then again, maybe you shouldn’t feel embarrassed. You’d been worried about bothering him, but he’d done his fancy magic to help you with your hangover -- or lack thereof. You didn't do a thing like that for someone you couldn’t stand. Right?
“Uh, is Bruce still asleep?” you changed the subject, trying to shake the thoughts of last night from your head.
“Yes,” Thor gave a childish grin that definitely meant bad news. “I tried to wake him up but he’s passed out cold. I even gave him a wet willie.”
“I would say that I’m proud, but that’s really quite asinine brother,” Loki retorted, and your grimace shifted into laughter. 
Loki was looking at you strangely again, so you bit back your giggles and hopped to your feet. 
“I’ll get him,” you announced, a sly grin spreading across your face. You grabbed half a loaf of bread and headed for his room before backtracking and swiping the pillow off of the couch. You shot Loki a wink -- what on Earth had gotten into you? -- and the god’s eyes flashed a shade darker as he gave the biggest smirk you’d seen on him yet. 
Turning away before your entire face combusted, you snuck up to the doorway, dragging the curtain aside and leaning halfway in. 
“Bruce!” you shouted, launching a pillow at his head.
 His snores were choked off as he jolted awake, sitting up just in time for the loaf of bread to smack him square between the eyes. He let out an oof as he fell back against his pillow, swiping at his forehead. 
“Wha-- hey, what the--'' Scrambling to his feet, he soon located you and, grabbing the nearest pillow, hurled it in your direction. You ducked -- though his aim was so off you probably hadn’t needed to -- and the pillow sailed into the common area, hitting the back of the couch with a thump. 
“Jeez, what the heck is wrong with you, I raised you better than that,” Bruce expressed his disappointment in rapid succession, putting a hand on his hip as he tried to get his bearings. You might not be hungover, but the scientist obviously was. You watched as he managed to not fall on his face, and subsequently noticed the half loaf of bread on the floor. 
“Did you--” he pointed, furrowing his brows adorably. “Did you throw bread at me?”
“I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed."
“Now that's how you do it. Take notes, brother,” Loki’s smooth voice came from over your shoulder. You turned around, grinning proudly, and Loki gave you a sly wink. Leave it to the God of Mischief to fight fire with fire. You quickly focused your attention on Bruce again. 
“Last I checked, breakfast in bed shouldn't knock you out of bed. I can’t believe you.” He played wounded for a moment longer until he wasn't able to repress his begrudging smiles. Retrieving the bread from the floor, he threw the blanket back on the bed and stumbled into the common area, where he squinted in the bright light and groaned miserably. 
“I feel awful,” he mumbled. Thor clapped him on the back and guided him to a seat. “Why would you let me drink that much? I thought you were my friend.”
“You seemed like you were having fun,” Thor said, more a persuasion than a question. 
“Yeah, then. Not now.”
“Oh, come on -- you’ll feel better in a few hours.”
“I doubt that,” he moaned, then squinted at you. “How are you not more,” he gestured vaguely. 
You heard Loki shift behind you, and the pages of his book suddenly began to ruffle with a little more fervor than before. 
“Oh, no, I am,” you said, making a show of grimacing and rubbing your temple. “Definitely feel awful. Like total shit. I’m never doing that again.”
“Mm,” Bruce grunted in agreement, biting into the loaf of bread. 
You subtly turned around to glance at Loki, and he returned your look with a lilt of his eyebrows as if to say ‘suppose I don’t have to kill you now.’ You raised your own eyebrows in an ‘I told you so’ manner before turning back to the others. 
“So, what's on the agenda for today?” 
“Thor and I have some stuff to take care of with Valkyrie. That’ll probably take most of the day -- you think you’ll be okay on your own, or you want to tag along?”
You shrugged. “I’ll be fine. Don’t want to get in the way.”
“Stop it,” Bruce insisted. “You don’t get in the way. And besides, better in the way than lost in Asgard.”
You rolled your eyes, smirking at his concern for you. 
“I won’t get lost. Really, I’ll be fine. And anyway, I’d like to see more of Asgard, if that’s alright?”
“You’re welcome to see whatever you please,” Thor chimed in. “Just, you know, don’t talk to strangers and try not to fall off the Bifrost and you should be fine.”
“Noted,” you furrowed your brow in mock seriousness and gave a teasing salute. Thor grinned. 
“Wonderful advice, brother,” Loki said with lazy sarcasm. But then, looking up from his book, he caught your eye and added, “He is right, though, as much as it pains me to admit.”
You smiled, nodding your head in thanks, and this time he didn’t react with an alarmed expression, but rather one of smug pride before returning to his book. 
“That settles it,” Thor announced, standing and brushing the crumbs off of his lap. “Get dressed, Banner. She’s probably getting impatient by now -- it’s only a matter of time before she comes sniffing us out like a hound.” 
Bruce groaned. “Yeah, well, not all of us are Norse gods who can just eat a few grapes and suddenly become hangover free.”
“Oh, don’t be dramatic,” Thor replied with a smile, grabbing him by the back of his neck and giving him a friendly shake. 
It took about ten minutes of Bruce complaining, Thor acting like a dad getting his son ready for school, you laughing your ass off, and Loki rolling his eyes loud enough for all of Asgard to hear, but the four of you were finally making your way down one of the beautiful palace hallways. 
Valkyrie met you halfway, looking no worse for wear and easily the most chipper out of all of you. 
“Well, shall we? Half the day's already gone and we’ve got lots of ground to cover.”
“It’s barely mid-morning,” Thor insisted, but Valkyrie ignored him. Instead, she turned and gave you a smile that made your stomach flutter. 
“And how are you this morning?”
“F-Fine -- great, thank you.”
“Mmhm,” she purred, then turned away to rattle off the list of things she needed Thor and Bruce for. They began walking, and you trailed awkwardly behind them, not quite sure what to do. You felt a sudden hand on your elbow and hot breath fanned across your ear. 
“Try not to get lost today, Mouse,” Loki whispered, but by the time you turned around, he was gone. 
“Asshole,” you muttered, surprised by the fond grin that was trying to work its way onto your face. Was Loki actually growing on you? You were never one to believe in miracles, but--
“What?” Bruce had asked, and suddenly all three pairs of eyes were on you. 
“Oh, nothing,” you insisted, quickly waving them away.
“Alright, well,” Valkyrie's eyes lingered for a moment longer before turning to level Thor with an insistent look. “I want you to meet me at Vesma’s in half an hour. I’m being serious this time, I will hunt you down and stab you in the liver if you’re late. You too, big guy.”
“We won’t be late,” Bruce hastily reassured. 
“Alright,” Valkyrie replied, eyebrows raised. “Go on then, I’ll see you in a minute.”
“Thirty of them, to be exact,” he reiterated before they headed down the hall. “Be careful, kid,” he called back to you.
You nodded, giving him two thumbs up, and had just been about to head back to your room when Valkyrie spoke. 
“Hang on, I want to show you something.”
You turned back around and the woman gestured with a jerk of her head. You followed her over to one of the large balconies that stretched along the outside of the palace. Propping her elbows on the low stone wall, she smiled as you leaned next to her. 
“Over there, do you see that mountain face?” You followed the point of her finger, squinting until you could make it out. 
“Yeah, the one with the opening?”
“That’s the one,” she nodded, tilting her head closer to yours. You were pretty sure you weren’t breathing. “That opening is the mouth of a cave. At the base of the mountain there's a staircase carved out of the stone.” She leaned even closer. “There’s a hot spring inside. You should go take a look before you leave. Make use of it, if you’d like.”
You nodded, eyes flickering past the towering city of Asgard to the mountain, where you could just make out the mouth of the cave above the buildings. When you looked back at Valkyrie, she was watching you with a smug grin. 
“I would join you,” she murmured. “But I’m afraid there are two brutish oafs that currently demand my attention. Perhaps next time…”
You definitely weren’t breathing. All you could do was nod your head and try to ignore the heat that was rushing right into it. Valkyrie’s grin deepened, and her eyes flashed intensely before she straightened back up. 
“Right, well,” she placed a hand on the small of your back, and you wondered how you hadn't passed out yet. “I better get going. It’s really quite boring, being queen. Don’t let anyone drag you into it.”
She flashed a smile and spun on her heels, lazily sauntering down the hall. Raising a hand in parting, she called, “I’ll see you around, Princess,” without looking back. 
The soles of your feet remained glued to the stone beneath them as you watched her go. 
Once you’d managed to get over the way that Valkyrie had just resorted you to a flustered puddle of cooked spaghetti, you hazily made your way back to your room, a giddy grin plastered on your face. Valkyrie -- and apparently the Queen of Asgard -- had just flirted with you. Had she been flirting? It definitely felt like flirting, going off the way your legs were hardly able to carry you down the hall at the thought of the woman. 
“I would join you,” she’d said, after telling you where to find a fucking hot springs. Your head spun with the insinuation of that -- which you told yourself you’d try not to think about but, of course, ended up thinking about anyway. Which only made you feel even more lightheaded. If you didn’t get a hold of yourself, you were at serious risk of passing out. 
Instead, you let out an awestruck giggle as you made your way into your room and began packing a small canvas backpack you had stuffed into your duffle bag. 
You’d always been a reader, ever since you could remember. The library had been a sort of safe haven for you as a child -- with row after row of endless possibilities all at your fingertips. Now as an adult, you didn’t read nearly as much as you used to, but you still found joy in a good book, and usually had one with you everywhere you went. 
It was more of a comfort thing, really. Most of them were ones you’d already read -- usually once or twice… or a dozen times -- and bringing them with you whenever you traveled was like carrying a little piece of home. So, when you’d heard you were going to Asgard -- a place that would be especially far away from home -- you’d known you were going to need a good book to accompany you. 
You had settled on one of your favorites: Jane Eyre. You’d re-read it countless times since first discovering it in your late teens, and by now it was familiar enough that you could open the book to a random page and dive right into the story with ease. Perfect, you’d thought, for a casual getaway on an alien planet. 
With all the excitement of the previous night, you planned on finding a quiet part of Asgard and curling up to read the day away. But first, you wanted to see the sights. Grabbing an apple from off the table, you tossed it next to your weathered copy and headed for the door. 
Walking through the castle you became painfully aware that if you didn’t get lost today it would be a miracle. Only divine intervention would keep you from ending up completely turned around in the maze that was your new surroundings. Good thing you knew a few gods.
You smirked at the thought as you strode out into the warm Asgardian morning. The sun was already high in the sky, and its light streamed down onto your shoulders, instantly warming you up. If the weather here was anything like that on Earth, you suspected it was going to be a hot day. Jogging down the stairs of the palace, you smiled sheepishly at the guards, who nodded as you passed. 
As you’d suspected, you stuck out like a sore thumb in your Midgardian clothes, but aside from a few extra glances, no one seemed bothered by your presence. You supposed that most Asgardians had seen stranger things than you in your blue jeans. Still, you couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. 
That feeling was quickly forgotten, however, as you entered the main hub of Asgard. It looked similar to the kind of flea market that you would find on Earth, only much more whimsical. Actually, it looked like something right out of one of your books, which sent a wave of excitement through you. 
Picking up your pace, you easily melded into the crowd of Asgardians as they made their way through the streets. For them, you realized with a touch of awe, this was just a normal day. Groups of simply dressed people heading to work, parents doing the shopping, their children tugging on their hands, desperate to go play. You even saw a few dogs running through the crowd, diving between feet and sniffing the ground for scraps. 
Wooden carts of various sizes were situated along the streets and outside shops, all selling a variety of things -- from tomatoes to cloaks to glittering jewelry. You blinked around at it all, grinning as you took in the sights. The hum of chatter surrounded you, and the very air seemed to be vibrating with energy. It was wonderful. 
You heard laughter behind you and spun around in enough time to see a group of children rushing by. They shoved past people, some of the smaller ones even ducking between legs and earning themselves shouts of protest. You stepped aside as they ran past, but you’d caught the eye of a few of the older ones. 
A boy, hand intertwined with a young girl who couldn’t have been older than five, spun around to look back at you. He tilted his head at your odd clothes, but then his face broke out into a wide grin as he waved. Bending down to say something to the little girl, she looked up and raised her hand at you. You waved back, and then they raced off to catch up with their friends. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. 
With a delighted shake of your head, you continued weaving through the crowd. Much like the children, you caught the attention of a couple of passer-byers, but all of them waved kindly. You returned the sentiment, just glad to be accepted by these people, despite how strange you probably looked to them. 
After about an hour of walking casually through the streets of Asgard, the sun had gotten just hot enough to be uncomfortable, and you were starting to feel yourself growing tired. Crowds had never been your thing, and though you were having fun seeing everything that Asgard had to offer, you were ready to be alone for a little while. 
Lifting your eyes to the mountains, you quickly located the one that Valkyrie had pointed out to you earlier that morning. A secluded cave with a hot spring sounded perfect right about now. With eager anticipation, you began to head towards the outskirts of the city.
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