fruitsclipper · 3 months
my uncle is here & as usual he brought weird
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and miss lokelani ♡ it was her "birthday" on thursday
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athleticperfection1 · 3 months
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American Triathlete Lokelani McMichael
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wormy-business · 5 months
Calliram, Drow Cleric of Lolth.
Calliram is one of my Tav's in Baldur's Gate 3. He is a drow, and a war domain cleric of Lolth. I decided that he would be from Menzoberranzen, like Minthara is, but unlike Minthara he didn't have a reason to leave his home and travel all the way down the Sword Coast to near where Baldur's Gate is. So instead, I gave him a little extra trauma, as a treat! I'll add a few pictures of him at the end of the post (as well as translations for the drow-words used).
Calliram of House Maelith, thirty-second house of Menzoberranzen, was taught many things by his mother, Aundryl of House Maelith. Amongst those many things, he was taught that as a male he was inherently lesser, that he should be subservient, that denying the request of a woman (unless she request something to harm his own house) would be to deny Lolth Herself. Calliram was soft-spoken, well behaved, gentle tempered, skilled in the breeding of spiders, skilled at playing the harp, well read on scripture and the histories of Menzoberranzen, and he was of age to be married soon. Very soon, if the formal event Aundryl was hosting within a ten-day should go well. 
On this particular day, Calliram was sent to the market streets. He was sent for certain supplies pertaining to a ritual he and his mother would conduct in Lolth’s honor. Such a task is unfitting for even the mildest mannered servants to undertake, and so he was trusted in the procurement of these items. He would not have failed this task if not for three sisters of the forty-fifth house of Menzoberranzen. They knew of his mother’s formal event, they knew of his sisters Laniss and Viconia’s fierce battle tactics, supposedly rivaling those of the highest houses. They desired to have such a power, to tear down House Maelith and take their place in Menzoberranzen’s hierarchy. They knew as well how Calliram was raised, their own brothers and cousins were raised the same. To deny a woman is to deny Lolth.
“You, jaluk!” One of the sisters called from a particularly darkened alleyway. Calliram, who walked with shoulders broad, head high, spine straight, and eyes focused ahead stopped in his tracks and turned his head to where the voice called to him
“Yes, alur?” He spoke in a clear voice, yet one that was still soft and subservient to the women who beckoned him.
“Come here to us.” The other sister spoke this time, her voice a harsher hiss than her sister’s. “We require your assistance.” 
Calliram complied. Not only due to his teachings, but of the knowledge that he is soon to be wed. It would be unbecoming of his house if word spread that he had dared denied women of another noble house a request. He merely said the words “of course, madams. Whatever I can do to assist you, my hands shall be your tools.” He stepped from the busy streets to the alleyway, which he found nearly as crowded. The buildings on either side left little room for four people to stand. The tallest and eldest of the sisters glared down at Calliram, who dared not make eye contact with her should he spark her ire. 
“Harl’il’cik.” The eldest’s voice was the harshest and meanest sounding of the three sisters. 
Calliram, a sense of fear shooting through his heart, did as he was commanded and knelt down before the three women, who began to encircle him like vultures. Even as they drew nearer, snickering with malicious intent, Calliram did as he was told. He did not question the sisters, he did not complain his clerical robes were dirtied by the filthy streets, he did not urge them that his matron had sent him to gather supplies for a sacred ritual, he only sat in submissive silence. 
The sister with the sweetest voice tied a blindfold tightly around Calliram’s head.
The sister with the spider-like hissing voice stuffed a dirty rag into his mouth, and tied rope around his mouth to keep it in place. 
The eldest sister with the harshest voice kicked Calliram in the ribs, knocking him onto his back. He was flipped by the two younger sisters, who held him as he struggled so their sister could tie his hands behind his back. 
A hand, to which sister it belonged was unknown to Calliram, grabbed a fistful of his soft white hair and yanked him to his feet. 
Calliram, so docile and ignoble, now thrashed and cried and panicked. He tried to speak, but only swallowed chunks of dirt and stray fabric. As his stumbling feet were forced forward, one of the sisters would often punch him in the side or kick at his shins. He cried for his mother, for his sisters, for his House Matron, he cried for Lolth herself, yet all were unaware of or silent to his cries. Finally, the eldest sister spoke again. Not to him, but to someone he could not see.
“Take him to the surface. Beat him if you wish, but under no circumstances should you kill him. I don't care about anything else you do, but I need him to find his way back down here eventually for this to work. You can throw him off the caravan while it’s moving for all I care, just don’t kill him.” 
Calliram’s heart pounded in his ears. Who was the woman talking to? Why did she need him alive? Why was he being taken to the surface? Who was taking him there? What plan did she have regarding him?
There were more sounds, clinking muffled by fabric, an exchange of coin. 
“This is only 500.” A deep, gruff male voice griped. 
“And you’ll get the other half when you’re done!” The middle sister hissed at the man, her tone impatient and almost childish. 
There was a lot of grumbling and moaning of whoever was being given possession of Calliram, but eventually stout hands that grabbed at his bindings from below shoved Calliram onto the floor of a wagon.
Calliram heard a whip, the whine of a rothé, and a dialect of Dwarvish being spoken as the wagon began moving. He had been kidnapped by noble drow, and passed on to duergar to do their dirtier work. 
It was not long before Calliram felt a sharp kick dig into his back. Just as they had been given permission, the dwarves beat Calliram until he was bloodied and bruised. With each punch, kick, and stab Calliram cried to his Goddess for her mercy, for her forgiveness, for streea. 
He received nothing but what may have been hours of torture. And at the end of it, just as they had been encouraged to, the dueargar shoved Calliram from the moving wagon to the dirt road. 
Calliram cried out, a sharp pain shooting through the arm he landed on as he rolled onto his back. Even with the blindfold still covering his eyes, he could sense the brightness of the surface. He tried to stand, but his legs were weak and one of his arms had certainly fractured during the fall from the wagon. He felt blood in his throat as he tried to breathe, and forced himself onto his side. With the rag still in his mouth he could not spit the blood from his mouth, but he felt it dribble onto his chin mixed with saliva. He whined as he crawled off of the road, ramming his head face first into a tree, only furthering his pain. Using the broad, sturdy trunk he leveraged himself into a standing position. 
It took another hour of struggle, but he managed to escape from his bindings. The blindfold was the first to come loose, but when the bright surface sun hit his eyes for the first time in his over a hundred years of living, he wished he had kept it on. The light was blinding, it stung and pained him to look at his surroundings. The surface world was foreign to him, he had only ever once traveled outside of Menzoberranzen to the city of Mantol-Derith, the rest of his life had been spent in the caverns, in his mother’s temple, and his home. This place was alien to him.
When he had finally managed to slip his wrists from their bindings he could finally remove the rope and dirty, now bloodied, cloth from his mouth. He then fell back to the ground, shielding his eyes from the sun, like a child, and he cried, like a child. He had hardly any magic, no focus to cast from, and no components to form spells with. He clutched a holy symbol around his neck, feeling the sharp pointed legs of a spider, Lolth’s symbol the same as was tattooed on his forehead, and used what little arcane power he could gather to heal only some of his injuries. He then fell into exhaustion. He curled into as tight a ball as he could, draped his ragged and bloody robes over his body, and fell into a sleep that was almost as foreign to him as the world around him. 
When Calliram woke night had fallen. He was grateful for the darkness it brought, he could see clearer now. He was still in pain, but less so after hours of rest. He whined as he pulled himself onto his feet, and shivered in the cold breeze as he began to walk aimlessly through the wilds. He did not know what direction the wagon had come from, or where it had gone after he was dropped from it. In fact, he had lost the road entirely. He did not know where to go to get back to his home. He was surely going to die out here. As Calliram entered a clearing, he dropped down to offer a prayer to Lolth. While he was preparing, before he could begin his prayer, a sound in the sky caught his attention. Something like a ship was crossing the sky. In abject horror, he froze and watched as it approached him, and something like a tentacle seized his body, and once again, Calliram was taken.
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Jaluk - Derogatory term for a male drow
Alur - "Superior"
Harl'il'cik - "Kneel"
Streea - To die in service to Lolth
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xradiant · 11 months
@heirceleste - xxx
"It all depends on which dream you want to discuss." He answered with a small grin as he leaned forward on the counter, folding his hands and looking over at her. But she was something, wasn't she? Standing there like she was. "A few days ago seems a long while too much, don't you think?" He offered, wearing a smile of his own.
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heirceleste · 1 year
starter for @seesgood jennifer’s body
it’s an end of summer party at the lockwood mansion. the best sweltering and everyone getting in their last minute moments in the sun before senior year starts. kel chose her swimsuit carefully, picking yellow over her usual black, a chambray skirt and matching crop top had covered it up earlier, now discarded along side her bag in one of the guest rooms. and although she should be relaxing, lokelani can’t take her eyes off of caroline.
the sun had set a little while ago, and now she could spot it. the way flirting turned to hunting. and christ was kel mad. these boys didn’t deserve caroline, her lips on their skin, her company. most of them were scum beneath her feet, and lokelani couldn’t take it anymore. standing up from where she sat at the edge of the pool she took walked over to where the blonde stood, some jock that had graduated two years ago in front of her.
pulling caroline away she waited until they were out of ear shot before rounding on her friend with a pout. “i hate watching you with them. is there something wrong that you can’t just snack on me for once? you’re better than them,” kel pouted, resisting the urge to stomp her foot.
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valaquenta · 1 month
Abby Lokelani - Hopes and Dreams
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casualya · 6 months
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My BG3 Modlist
I made my modlist for BG3. It's mostly mods for visual character changes and adding different armor and clothing. I hope this information will be useful to someone. Please don't forget to read the descriptions to the modifications and download additional required mods ⬇️
Heads | Face | Eyes | Makeup & Tattoo
Unique Tav Custom Appearance (You must also download and install this mod to work correctly) Vemperen's Other Heads Repaired Tasha's Cauldron of Faces New Character Creation Presets WIP Themia's Sister Preset Mari's tattoo Mari's makeup Astralities' Skintone Expansion - Natural Tones Astralities' Fantasy Skintone Expansion Eyes of the Beholder Aether's Half-Illithid Begone Gale's Wizardly Updo
Hair | Horns | Hair Collections & Colors
Tav's Hair Salon Icon and Race Patches for Tav's Hair Salon Tav's Hair Mixer Astralities' Hair Color Supplement Astralities' Hair Color Collection Vanilla (and NPCs) Hair Mixer Vessnelle's Hair Collection Tasha's Cauldron of Hairstyles Tasha's Cauldron of Hairstyles Pack 2 Horns of Faerun Alternate Horns for Tieflings De-Accessorized NPC Hairstyles Yves Hair Gallery Angel Wings And Halos __ By Ren Angel Wings and Halos _ Solar Race Patch P4 Bangs Bangs Everywhere (a Fringes and Extra Hair mod) Shibariwaluigi's NPC Hair Edits Ghouls Customization Compendium - Custom Heads Horns and Beards Ghouls Simple Braid and Ponytail Hairstyle Long Hairs Silver's Hair Pack Silver's Hair Pack 2 Silver's Hair Mixer REN'S DIVINE HAIR GALLERY Tepkunset Hair Collection Shadowheart Alternate Hair - Updated for Launch Fire Keeper's Hair and Mask
Body (Scars)
Bhaal Scars for All Darker Bhaal Scars for All Vampire Bite Scar
Basket Full of Equipment. NSFW version Basket Equipment to Camp Clothing Basket Underwear to Underwear Slot Modular Equipment Citizen Outfits as Camp Clothes Professor's Suit Fancy Camp Clothes Fancy Dresses Epilogue Camp Clothes More Mage Gear Rose Bard Outfit Cambion and Gith Armor Extra Gear Extra Gear as Camp Clothing Druu's Clothes and Armours lokelani's lavish livery Ascendant Astarion Epilogue Clothes Witcher 3 Armor (Keira Ciri Yennefer Margarita) Yennefer's wardrobe Triss' wardrobe Astarion's Wardrobe Astromancer robes Custom Item Pack IO's Outfit Collection Slutty Menswear
Astarion's Gear Nox Male Outfit from Elden Ring Mythral accessories
Mythral accessories Ghouls Custom Piercings Piercing Improvement - Physics Piercing Edits Astarion's Earrings Kylin's Piercings Ellian's trinkets Weeviljester's Accessories Trips' Accessory Collection P4 Blooming Circlets and Piercings - a Valentine Inspired Mod
TC Dyes
Half angel ( Aasimar 5E ) Aasimar - xx's New Female Head Preset patch Astralities' Tiefling Compendium
Gameplay | Interface
ImprovedUI ReleaseReady Appearance Edit Enhanced Transform into companions and NPCs - Ring of Metamorph Tutorial Chest Summoning Hugs
Misc | Utilities
Norbyte's Baldur's Gate 3 Script Extender (from github) Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Fixer Trips' Old Shader Pack (for Unique Tav Custom Mod)
Otis Camera (Baldur's Gate III photomode tools) IGCS Connector IGCS Depth of Field ReShade
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happy-lemon · 8 months
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saveuswhitegirl · 4 months
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04.30.2024 | Shadowheart
Appearance Edit Enhanced by Eralyne. Piercing Edits by jerinski. Trips' Accessory Collection by Trips. lokelani's lavish livery by lokelaniii. Shadowheart Dyes by me. Camera by Frans Bouma. Captured using ReShade.
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fruitsclipper · 1 year
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Petted ❗️
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virtualfotodivision · 4 months
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Shadowheart | 04.30.2024 | Baldur's Gate III
Appearance Edit Enhanced by Eralyne. Piercing Edits by jerinski. Trips' Accessory Collection by Trips. lokelani's lavish livery by lokelaniii. Shadowheart Dyes by me. Camera by Frans Bouma. Captured using ReShade.
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Baldur's Gate 3 Mod List (Part 1)
Armor & Camp Clothes
Astarion's Gear
Astarion's Wardrobe
Astarion's Vampire Outfits BY REN
Fancy Camp Clothes
Yennefer's wardrobe
Ciri's Clothes
Witcher 3 Armor (Keira Ciri Yennefer Margarita)
Witcher Outfits - Dettlaff
Annarietta's wardrobe
Triss' wardrobe
SR Apparel - Clothing and Armor
Astromancer robes
lokelani's lavish livery - outfit-clothes-clothing
Tasha's Cauldron of Outfits
Elden Ring Armor (WIP)
Enchanted Threads
The Dragonfly
Bandit Armors and Camp Clothes
Corset Outfit Variations
Off-shoulder dress (in Black and flower pattern)
Mix armour - Vanilla and SBBF and Beautiful Curvy body
Laced Flats
WarMagicks Armoury - Light (Rogue) Armours
Sam's Monk Backpack
Elven Weaponry - Chainmail
PK Clothes and Armours
Slutty Closet
IO's Outfit Collection
Fancy Dresses
Scantily Camp Outfit
Modular Pants and Skirts
Modular Equipment
Epilogue Camp Clothes - Item Shipment Framework
Ranger Gear
Ranger's Leather Armor
Noble Knight Armour
Druidic Soldier Armor WIP
Fancy noble gear
Extra Gear
Legendary Equipment - Class Armor Sets V2 Update LIVE
Simple Blouse Camp Clothing
Potent Robes for Dark Urge
Adventurer's Armour Collection
Purchasable Camp Clothes and Underwear
Shirts Dresses Corsets
Leviathan Axe - The Kratos Axe - adaptation by RussWZ
Extra Weapons
Twinkle and Icingdeath - Drizzt's Swords
Elven Weaponry - Longbows and Quivers
Elven Weaponry - Daggers and Shortswords
Origin-Themed Weapons
Aeterna Amantes
Grove and Growl - Act 2 Druid Equipment
Crate of Lost Goods
Witcher Gear
Pirates and Rebels
Basket Full of Equipment. NSFW version
Tav's Hair Salon
Icon and Race Patches for Tav's Hair Salon
Bububull's hair pack 02
Tav's Hair Mixer
Em's Hair Mashups Pack 1
Em's Bigger Vanilla Hairs
Em's Custom Hair Pack 2
Lara Croft Hairstyle ( Ponytail )
Mashed Up Hairs
Stellar Ponytails - Long Ponytails with Physics
Silver's Hair Pack
Silver's Modular Hair Pack
Silver's Hair Mixer
Tasha's Cauldron of Hairstyles
Tasha's Cauldron of Hairstyles Pack 2
Harpy Hairs
Hairstyles of Faerun
Basic Hair
keysuspect's Hair Edits
Honey's Hair Kitchen (WIP)
Tepkunset Hair Collection
Hairstyles from the continent
Half loose hairstyle
P4 Bangs Bangs Everywhere (a Fringes and Extra Hair mod)
Long Hairs
De-Accessorized NPC Hairstyles
Astralities' Hair Color Supplement
Lazy's Heads and Hair
Vanilla (and NPCs) Hair Mixer
Ghouls Simple Braid and Ponytail Hairstyle
NPC Hairstyles
Vessnelle's Hair Collection
Piercings & Accessories:
Ghouls Custom Piercings
Mythral accessories
Kylin's Piercings
Trips' Accessory Collection
Tintable Piercings
Box of necklaces
Ellian's trinkets (camp version)
Ellian's trinkets
Crowns of Nature
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thatliminal-wanderer · 4 months
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Pink Cat Girl ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Abby, Afra, Almog, Altansarnai, Amaranth, Annagul, Aphrodite, Bellarose, Bengal, Blush, Briallen, Carnation, Cerise, Cherry, Coral, Coralie, Coraline, Doja, Donda, Faviola, Feleena, Feline, Fleur, Fuchsia, Gulabi, Gulrukh, Gülizar, Havana, Ichigo, Kalika, Kalyca, Kamala, Kat, Kitty, Kolab, Kopal, Koralia, Kulap, Lilac, Lokelani, Lotus, Marjani, Marzhan, Mau, Mauve, Mist, Ogin, Peninna, Primrose, Quahah, Raisa, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosalind, Rose, Rouge, Ruby, Savannah, Shoshana, Tiffany, Vardah, Vidhruma, Warda, Wurud
baby/babys, blush/blushs, bubble/bubblegum/bubblegums, candy/candys, cat/cats, cherry/cherries, coral/corals, cotton/cottons, feline/felines, fla/flamingo/flamingos, fuchsia/fuchsias, fur/furs, girl/girls, gum/gums, kitten/kittens, mag/magenta/magentas, meow/meows, mew/mews, nya/nyans, pastel/pastels, paw/paws, pig/pigs, pink/pinks, prr/prrs, punch/punchs, rose/rose, rouge/rouges, salmon/salmons, taffy/taffys, tulip/tulips, whisker/whiskers, 🌷/🌷s, 🌸/🌸s, 🎀/🎀s, 🐱/🐱s, 🐽/🐽s, 🚺/🚺s, 🦩/🦩s, 🩰/🩰s, 🩷/🩷s, 🪷/🪷s
A Cat Girl Adorned in Pink, A Coral Colored Cat,A Kitty of Pink, A Pink Kitty, The Cat Girl of Pink Hues, The Cat with a Girlish Pink, The Cute Pink Kitty, The Girl Who’s Cat Ears and Tails are Pink, The One With A Pink Kitty Nose, The Pink Cat-like Girl, The Pink Meow, [prn] Who Purrs Pink Hues, [prn] With The Pink Ears and Tail
Aestheticatgirlic, Catearpersproutial/Catearsproutial, Catgirlcutie, Catgirldarling, Catgirlgender, Catgirlthing, Cutecatesque, Glitterkittyic, Luckycatgirl, Pinkcatgender, Pinkgender, Pinkheartsmeowic, Pinkinjection, Pinkribbon, Refecatgirlcomfic, Sillycatgirlic
Other mogai
Aldercatgirl, Alderretraclawic, Assigned Cat at Birth/ACatAB / Assigned Kitty at Birth/AKitAB, Cat Omninoun, Catalius, Catperspesque, Catstelic, Catvesi, Felivior, Kemidernic, Pink Diffiden, Pink Omninoun
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j-l-kepler · 4 months
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i swear to god im gonna make something involving the real companions one day. i swear. also sorry if these gifs are causing your phone or computer to explode, my bad
do excuse the terrible visual quality~ i had my wisdom teeth pulled today so i decided, once i was lucid and not on the verge of passing, to take a page out of some of the sick BG3 tav posts i've seen and make GIFS of The Stacked Seven [detailed here].
i had to redress some of them in an attempt to match the companion fits I gave each of them (so there's some, uh, obvious overlap). but man this was fun to put together! i couldn't subvert em's clipping but ah well close enough/ totally not realizing how i could've actually fixed her look literally this second. i am not re-making hers.
the process also required me to regain Rohku's oath THEN change his class to take the screen recording so that was extremely funny to me. also scarlet's is the rogue one because she's a modded class with no animations, and she started out as a rogue before i respecced her! felt right.
[my attempt at a semi-comprehensive list of the cosmetic mods I used in these screenshots below the cut]
oh sheesh there's no way i didn't miss stuff. DOES NOT include mod requirements. I don't know exactly which dyes I used so I'm just listing all the ones I know for a fact may have been used at some point. If it doesn't have a link, that means it's hidden or deleted. List as of May 11, 2024. lemme know if any links get messed up!
Astralities's Hair Color Supplier - All hair colors except Rohku and Scarlet's
Basket Full of Equipment (NSFW edition) - Twins and Canary's bracers, Twins' boots, Eckhart's pauldrons, Leryk's scarf, various dyes
Boring Dyes - various dyes, also that name is untrue because these dyes are gorgeous
Boring NPC Dyes - various dyes (also freaking gorgeous)
CmdrSkele Outfits - Briar's scarf
Customizer's Compendium and its unoffical Patch 4 fix - Rohku's hair
Demon Eyes - Eye Color Edition - Canary's eyes
Ellian's Trinkets (Camp Version) - Scarlet's choker
Extra Gear - Rohku and Rohku's armor, gauntlets, cloak and boots.
Faces of Faerun - Canary and Eckhart's faces
Ghoul's Custom Piercings - Canary, Briar and Leryk's earrings
Glowing Eyes - technically all of them have them
Goggles (with Variants) - Canary and Scarlet's goggles
Honey's Hair Kitchen (WIP) - Emerleigh's ponytail
Ieko's Head Presets WIP - Briar's face
Izzli's Pigments - various dyes
Kailime Eyes - Daughter of Darkness - Leryk's eyes
Kay's Hair Extensions - Briar, Scarlet and Emerleigh's hair add-ons
Lokelani's Lavish Livery - Briar, Emerleigh and Canary's armor
Modular Equipment - Emerleigh's vest/corset
Mystical Fashions - Eckhart's armor
Mythral Accessories - Briar and Emerleigh's chokers
New Character Creation Presets - Scarlet and Emerleigh's faces
Noble Trickster's Garments - Scarlet's entire outfit, various dyes
P4 Bangs Bangs Everywhere - Briar and Emerleigh's bangs, Scarlet's fringes add-on
P4 Custom Hair Colours Highlights and Greying - Twins' highlights
Pirates and Rebels - Eckhart's necklace
Silver's Hair Pack - Canary's hair
Some New Horns - Emerleigh's horns
Tav's Hair Salon - Scarlet's hair
Vessnelle's Hair Collection - Briar and Eckhart's hair
Yennefer's Wardrobe - Briar and Canary's boots
Yogurt's Heads - Leryk's face
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heirceleste · 2 years
lokelani didn't know she could miss someone so much. didn't know just how raw her heart could feel when she wasn't waking up next to daisy every day. but while her girlfriend had gone to rehab, kel had worked on cleaning up the apartment. got rid of all the drugs that weren't marijuana and even scrubbed the place clean. not to mention working on not partying and getting fucked up herself.
pulling up to the rehab, she checked in at the front desk. and a few minutes later when daisy walked out, kel was rushing forward and pulling her into a hug. "fuck daisy, i missed you," she says softly, placing a kiss on her forehead.
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