#lok moebius
incorrect-nosgoth · 5 months
Kain: Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by Moebius.
Raziel, Vorador, and Janos: *raises their hands*
Malek: *also raises his hand*
Moebius: Hey!
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bigcchalupa · 20 days
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taonpest · 1 year
It's father day here so it's shitty sketch time :)
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janosxvorador · 1 year
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forgot about these
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finlaena · 1 year
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Huh, guess Tumblr now lets you upload 30 images in one go, eh?
Perfect timing, as I found this from around 2018/2019-ish!
This is an unfinished (or perhaps finished, depending on your POV) Legacy of Kain fan comic I did that attempted -emphasis on 'attempted'- to tell a take on a hypothetical backstory for Mortanius the Necromancer and, arguably, by extention Moebius the Time Streamer during their younger years before the Humans' revolt against the Ancients.
For those who pay attention to LoK lore and read between the lines, Mortanius is portrayed as someone who is trying to fix his past transgressions and is at his heart an honorable, if deeply flawed individual (which is probably why he gets posessed by Hash'ak'gik later on). You see it especially in his brief but memorable scene in 'LoK: Defiance' when he's talking to Raziel, whom he mistakes to be one of the Hylden.
If I can scrape my brain hard enough, I believe the reasoning behind this was not to excuse the revolt/genocide that Moebius and Mortanius were responsible for starting, but to theorize that Mortanius was essentially manipulated into it by Moebius, the latter who took advantage of the Necromancer's affection for him (probably at the behest of the Elder God, idk) to help instigate the revolt.
The Ancient/Original Guardian of States, Phanuel, is a fan character of mine created specifically for this story, so they were fated to die during the revolt anyways. I don't think Mortanius would've taken any enjoyment in it, but had I got to that point, it probably would've been Moebius who murdered them when Mortanius hesitated.
Anyhow, the story was never finished due to scope creep and realizing I lacked the artistic and narrative skills to realize the story the way I envisioned. I also drew this with Procreate back in the day, so it's kind of scuffed in some spots.
Also, a small indie game called 'Warframe' entered my periphery around the end of 2019. You might've heard of it, it's kind of obscure. ;Y
Either way, it's something I'm still quite proud of to this day, even if there are a lot of parts I'd probably have done differently nowadays.
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fallenrazziel · 1 year
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Moebius, the Time Master #9
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pumpkingeorge · 1 year
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Based on this
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obscure-imaginations · 11 months
Monster Mash
Vorador takes Umah, Sebastian, Marcus, and Faustus trick or treating! Mirrored on AO3.
"Sebastian! Stop running ahead!" Vorador called to no avail, the whelp dressed as a king continued to run ahead of his 'siblings'.
Umah sighed. "I'll get him, sire." The eldest went to capture him while the remaining broodlings argued.
"This is ridiculous! Faustus got a full-sized bar!" Marcus said, stomping his foot.
"So? You have way more candy than I do!" Faustus's eyes widened as he realized something. "SIRE! Marcus is using his gifts to get more candy!"
"Don't be ridiculous." Vorador said, dragging the bickering whelps along with him up to the next house.
Ariel answered the door. "Oh."
"Trick or treat!" The four broodlings chorused, holding out their bags, while Vorador stood behind, his arms crossed.
Ariel faked a smile and passed out treats, shutting the door as Nupraptor's complaints rose up from inside the house.
Faustus's jester bells jingled as he bounced excitedly. "Ooh! White chocolate."
Sebastian made a gagging noise and Vorador impatiently tapped the back of his head. Umah, dressed as a cat, chuckled. Marcus, dressed as a skeleton, led the group to the next house.
Umah bounded past him, reaching the door first. She grinned. "Mortanius always has the best candy."
When Mortanius opened his door, a dramatic cloud of smoke wafted out as well. He was wearing his skeleton robes, peering out at the vampires theatrically. "Who dares disturb my rest?"
"Hello Mortanius." Vorador said, nodding politely.
"Hmm. You invoke the necromancer for earthly riches? Very well then." Moranius passed out expensive chocolates to the four, and tossed one to Vorador.
"Told you." Umah said as they walked away.
A few houses later, Vorador groaned. "No. I am not doing a repeat of last year."
"Oh, come on." Faustus said with a grumble. "We got candy out of Moebius eventually."
"But it was all candy corn. What Vorador didn't eat, we gave to Kain." Sebastian said, looking warily at Moebius's poor attempts at decor.
"Buttering up Kain for the next time you break something of his." Umah said. She bravely led the group to ring Moebius's doorbell.
A pause ensued. Eventually, Moebius's voice sounded from behind the door. "No one's home! Go away!"
"You left your porch light on." Vorador called from the driveway.
The porch light flickered off. Umah rolled her eyes and rang the doorbell again. When more silence answered her, Faustus took initiative and slammed his hand on the door.
A strangled yelp came from Moebius as he tumbled away from the door. Finally, he opened the door a peek, tossed five candy bags on the ground, and slammed the door.
"Thank you for your patronage." Marcus said sarcastically.
When they solicited from Malek, tense eye contact occurred between him and Vorador. The brood took this opportunity to raid his candy bowl.
Bane handed out beef jerky, DeJoule handed out individually-wrapped caramels, Anarcrothe gave a generic candy mix, and Azimuth handed out glow-in-the-dark spider rings (which were complained about when they left).
Finally, they stopped at Kain's house. Vorador had to smack Sebastian away from the garden, the whelp moving to kick Kain's prize-winning roses.
Turel answered the door, the sounds of a party bellowing out behind him. "Kain's not here."
Vorador raised an eyebrow. "And you're trashing his place in his absence?"
"We're not trashing it-" Turel began, cut off by Raziel's screams as Zephon, dressed as a spider, pounced on him.
"Why didn't we have a party?" Marcus asked.
Vorador ignored him. "Hmph. I suppose he'll be the judge of that. Do you have candy for them or not?" He gestured to the four fledglings.
Turel pointed to the "take one" candy bowl on the porch.
Vorador looked at him, unamused. "It's empty."
Turel sighed. "Oh, those damned kids. No one ever just takes one. Here." He disappeared inside the house.
A few moments later, Rahab came out. "All we have is this." A shook a full bag of caramel popcorn, and Umah snatched it immediately.
"Thank you." Vorador glanced inside the house. "You'd better take care of that fire on the stove before Kain comes back."
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necromancer-4-hire · 4 months
Random LOK: Personal quotes
Kain: I was impaling your grandfather when you were a mere topic of discussion between your mother and the bishop...
Raziel: You need help and I'd be willing to pay for it...
Janos: I may be kind but I wasn't born yesterday...
Vorador: Well I like four-somes but we can't have everything we want!
Turel: Maybe if I shut my eyes all the stupid people will go away
Dumah: I f*cked your mom
Rahab: No I'm not helping you cheat your way through life
Zephon: I hate everyone... No one is safe.
Melchiah: How are you not dead?
Umah: I don't share... Period.
Magnus: I'm not lazy... I just like beating people up without extra duties. (His answer as to why he doesn't strive to be a lord/king)
Sebastian: You'll never take me alive suckers!
Marcus: Good morning bitches destiny has arrived
Faustus: Beggars can't be choosers... I love everything that walks
Moebius: I know something you don't know...
Mortanius: I won't get mad just tell me what stupid moronic thing you did this time?
Hylden Lord: (Usually when insulted or annoyed) Well damn just shoot me why don't you?
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incorrect-nosgoth · 5 months
Moebius: I've decided I'm going to start gaslighting you.
Malek: You're going to start gaslighting me?
Moebius: That's not what I said.
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Hello vampires and gentlemen I was hanging out on LoK Ao3 and like it made me wanna dust off my forgotten WIPs from my notes app + goo docs... Thing is I don't know what would me more interesting to refresh and upload first, so I figured I'd let yall pick what seems interesting ! Some are NSFW, so judge accordingly :>
What I have in store:
Untitled 1, short little pre-canon ficlet about Janos and Vorador testing out a Soul Reaver prototype.
The Vampire's Apprentice, envisionned as a multi-chapter canon divergent fic where Janos takes Sarafan Raziel under his wing.
Castle of Cards, post-canon fic about a very regretful Kain deciding to just grab everyone from their timelines to fuck off somewhere else. Kinda slice-of-lifey fix-it fic but with a twist.
The Voice In The Pond, pre-canon maybe multi chaptered piece revolving around Moebius and the Elder God, lots of lore and headcanons about Ancient Vampire society etc.
If any of these seem interesting feel free to send an ask (anon is on of youre shy!) or put a comment on the post, or even DM me (esp for the ones below, I'd rather not expose unwanting eyes to them! if you wanna use the askbox off anon ill reply privately :] )
NSFW FICS UNDER THE CUT! Mild & vague descriptions only
NSFW1, untitled short fic about Janos and Vorador discovering each other. Pretty mild and sweet.
Put A Ring On It, NSFW fic featuring Vorador and Malek (I know, I know), centered around piercings, more hardcore and intense.
Boom Boom Boom Boom I Want You In My Room, (listen I am NOT known for my good titles okay I try not to take my nsfw fics too seriously or else id die) this ones like ALMOST finished and I need to get fucking rid of it it's set in the Blood Omen era, with young Kain and Vorador bonking hardcore it's super long and kinda fucked up I don't think it would have a very large target audience but hey. Help me out there.
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taonpest · 1 year
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Some sketches featuring sarafan Raziel
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The blessed Sarafan Priests were brought on Nosgoth to combat Vampires but all they have been doing lately is smoking weed and drinking all the good wine from the priery's vaults... Needless to say I am FURIOUS!!!
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kainissoable · 1 year
Sensible Sarafan Headcanons
The Sarafan take a lot of visual cues from Christianity and for years now I've been steadily grabbing bits and pieces from the real world religion for my Sarafan theories and headcanons, so here are the main ones I can still remember rather than leaving them in a dozen different discord chats. (also note I'm in no way a Christian so if anyone who is wants to correct me on anything, please do)
In SR2 the use of haloes in art is really inconsistent, which is a shame because they could have done some really cool stuff with that. A specific halo for members of the Circle incorporating the spirit glyph into it, like the specific haloes for the Holy Trinity. I also prefer the depictions of vampires with no haloes as opposed to red, because that's literally dehumanising them by depicting them as beings without a soul. And not a headcanon, but the crossed Reavers in William's chapel having a halo around them? Delicious.
It's so interesting that the Sarafan kept the angel motif as a symbol of righteousness whilst having hunted down the ancient vampires who would have inspired the mythology as winged messengers of their god.
Speaking of, the Sarafan Church definitely originated as a splinter group of the Ancients' faith.
And now we get onto the dark shit, so don't look under the cut unless you're prepared to deal with heavy stuff involving sex, death, and violence, often at the same time. Like we're talking suicide, abortion, sexual assault, it got worse than expected pretty damn quick.
I don't think the Sarafan would consider suicide a sin, because while they share the "your life/soul belongs to God" thing, the Elder God hungers for their lives and I don't think he would want to dissuade people from speeding the journey in extremis.
But then I realised the same probably wouldn't be true of Sarafan views on abortion. In LoK canon, souls aren't indivisible and eternal. Shades are formed from coalesced fragments of half consumed souls, in SR1 Raziel can sip a human soul without killing them, and in SR2 the Reaver will devour part of an enemy's soul when it hits them but only fully devours the soul on a killing blow. Therefore, I think it's reasonable to headcanon that in LoK, a soul grows along with the foetus rather than appearing fully formed at a certain point in the process. Given this, I think the Elder God would ban abortion simply because he wouldn't be able to consume the partly formed soul in the same way Raziel can't consume defeated shades.
But if we go with the Catholic belief of souls appearing at conception as LoK canon, I could see EG going either way on the issue. On one hand, he'd be able to eat the soul since it's a whole human immediately and would therefore be in favour. On the other, pregnancy is dangerous and if the pregnant person dies then that's even more food for him. Of course, either way he wouldn't justify his explanations like this when giving commandments through Moebius.
BUT EG and by extension the more strict branches of the Sarafan Church would be 100% anti-birth control. Not only does it get more delicious souls, uh, believers, but if LoK souls do form at conception then that's a whole lot of fertilised eggs that just aren't going to implant, giving EG a whole lot of snacks over the years.
While faiths both real and imaginary are no strangers to hypocrisy, I do believe that the Sarafan are in favour of live saving magic, as we see vampire hunters in Defiance using it, plus Moebius and Mortanius lived for goddamn ever.
Having said that, I 100% believe there was at least one Ancient cult that was anti-live saving magic as "it's against God's will" which to be fair it probably is.
Deeply fucked up, but there's also massive scope here for using a Sarafan turned into a vampire against their will and thus being excommunicated and seen as the evil they were taught to despise as a metaphor exploring Christianity's appalling real world treatment of survivors of sexual assault. Once again, vampires really can be a metaphor for anything.
Okay, that got not fun fast. Better make that post about my happier, sillier headcanons.
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ethaneldritch · 1 year
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Identity V x Legacy of Kain:
A conceptual crossover I actually wouldn't like to see all that much (due to the awkwardness of copy/pasting such intricate characters into the often-shallow medium of gaming cosmetics); but I entertained the idea anyways. Figured Rahab might make a good Professor costume, so I tried drawing it!
Warning, ramble incoming:
(I have a bad habit of drawing obscure parallels between things I like, and this time is no exception, heh.)
For those unfamiliar, Identity V's button-eye motif is implied to represent death and/or deceased characters, so I figured drawing the lieutenants as belonging to the doll-themed Survivor faction would be more thematically fitting.
I imagine Raziel would probably be a Hunter costume (maybe Axe Boy or Hermit), Moebius would make a banger Mad Eyes, and Kain...maybe an Orpheus skin. I might go into more detail on that bit eventually...
Being a competitive multiplayer game, Identity V doesn't have a heavy focus on lore, but what lore it does have is presented beautifully. I've talked briefly about this before, but I suppose the only reason I'd genuinely want to see a LoK crossover is just for that visual aspect.
Maybe I just haven't been exposed to enough media to know better, but Identity V's trailers and animations have a knack for seamlessly tying plots, characters, and motifs together through symbolism. It'd be so fun to see how they'd communicate LoK's complex story with hardly any dialogue to rely on.
Or maybe this is just me pining for some sort of LoK graphic-novelization or tv show...
Ugh, I crave more of this series so badly.
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