bellyjellyfish · 3 years
i got my first ever logboard fail on camera HA
i almost broke my ankle because of a fuckin stone 👍
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paddleoutdoor · 7 years
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この週末は天気も良く、ロングとブギーを持って小⒉の息子と海へ。 波は、小さかったですが、たまに綺麗なセットが入ってきて楽しかったです。 #surfing #サーフィン #千葉 #小学二年生 #bodyboard #logboard (Katsuura, Chiba)
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inouiboards · 8 years
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eileenmaytech · 5 years
TheDrva || Krk off-road || MAYTECH 6374 ARE BEASTS!!! ESK8 LOGBOARDING
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ridwenn · 7 years
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Salut tout le monde. Premier post ici. Yeap premier pas franchi ! Le plus dur est fait. Non je déconne c’était la partie la plus simple pour l’instant.
Enfin bref. Bienvenue sur ce tumblr, blog, galerie, foutoir, appelez ça comme vous voulez... qui aura comme but d’être un journal de bord de création. A chaque jour son post, non ce sera sûrement trop contraignant, ça doit rester du plaisir... à chaque semaine sa publication minimum, qui à chaque fois sera une création, sur n’importe quelle forme. Texte, poème, gribouillis, vidéo, animation,son, borborygme, crachat... bref vous avez compris le système. Des fois il y aura des mix, son+image, animation+texte... Ce sera libre, du moment que ça vient de mon esprit brillant et créatif. Tout compte fait, tout ne viendra peut être pas de moi mais la majorité, le but étant de créer, de s’inspirer, et tant mieux si ça peut en inspirer d’autres.
Je pense, j’espère que vous avez un peu compris le système ? Sinon ça viendra vite. Promis.
Au fait moi c’est Manon. Enchantée. Non je serre pas la main, je sais pas où t’as été la fourrer.
Hi everyone. First post here. Yiiha firt level completed. The hard work is done. Joking, it was a piece of cake until there.
Well well, welcome on this tumblr, blog, gallery, junk room... call it like you want... which is supposed to be an artist logboard. Everyday a new post, no, maybe it will be to binding, it has to stay fun.... each week one post at least, which will be a creation, whatever its form, content: text, poem, doodle, video, animation, motion, video, sound, grumbling, spit... well, I think you get it. Sometimes you will have mixed content : sound+drawing, animation+text... it will be aaaall free. It will just have to get out of my creative mind. All in all, may not come from me but in a vast majority, the only rule is to create, be inspired, and if can inspire others it’s just fabulous.
I think you get just right how it will works ? If not it will come for sure.
I’m Manon by the way. Nice to meet you. No, don’t shake hands, don’t know where you stuffed that one.
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longboardexpert · 7 years
#benefits #of #having #a #longboard
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twinsforfashion · 7 years
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El último día de la 080 de verano es, para nosotras, sinónimo de diversión. Todo gracias a BCN Brand y su desfile lleno de color, sonrisas y buena onda. “Emotion” así llamava Pablo a su nueva colección, porqué emoción es lo que siente su marca por la ciudad de Barcelona. En el desfile nos dejamos llevar por ese buen rollo que desprende nuestra ciudad, viendo como en una calle cualquiera chicas tomándose fotos, chicos en logboard o una chica escuchando música, absorta en la belleza de la ciudad. Diversión, así definimos tanto el desfile como el estilo de esta gran marca, que presentó su moda de baño y calzado llenos de color y estampados únicos. Como bien dicen: “No BCN Brand, no fun”. Para el desfile me decidí por un vestido estampado muy veraniego, nunca me lo pongo porqué me da la sensación de que voy en pijama, pero me pasó lo típico, se lo vi a otra chica y pensé “¡anda, si ella puede yo también!”. Diciéndolo en voz alta me da la sensación de que tengo muy poca personalidad pero, al fin y al cabo, estas cosas nos pasan a todas. * The last day of 080 summer is, for us, synonymous of fun. All thanks to BCN Brand and its show full of color, smiles and good vibes. "Emotion" was how Pablo called his new collection, because emotion is what his brand feels for the city of Barcelona. In the catwalk we let ourselves be carried away by that good vibes that our city reveals, seeing as in the street; girls taking photos, boys in logboard or a girl listening to music, absorbed in the beauty of the city. Fun, this is how we defined both, the show and the style, of this great brand, which presented its swimwear and footwear full of color and unique prints. As they say: "No BCN Brand, no fun". For the show I decided on a very summer printed dress, I never wore it before because I feelt like if I was in pajamas, but that typical thing happened to me; I saw it on another girl and I thought "hey, if she can I can too ! ". Saying it aloud gives me the feeling that I have very little personality but, after all, these things happen to us all.
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Total look by Mango with Bershka shoes. Shoot by @xaguado.
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Perfect Summer Evening || @nakisurf photo ⚡️ . . . . . . #SanOnofre #loggin #logboarding #nakisurf #oc #California #tylerwarren #tylerwarrenbomber #bomber #beer #coorslight #burgers #tunatacos
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mattmesser412-blog · 12 years
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Relaxing after a day of riding
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cruise4freedom · 12 years
I had a dream last night that I learned how to slide. Oh if only that was reality :c
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Untitled. 27
Arms stretched out
like some kind of 
tortured savior.
The street was
her salvation,
the hill
the promise of redemption. 
She closed her eyes
and forgot
for a moment. 
She never saw
the car.
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lilliangracenow · 13 years
Yesterday I went skating and pretty much did the same thing over and over again, trying to nail a new trick just once for almost two hours. But instead, I just accomplished waking up really sore. But I'm going to go out and do it again today because once I nail this I will be able to take such bigger hills and not worry about dying. I'm ready to be better.
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sidewalksurfers-blog · 13 years
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