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Make your day worth it 🍰
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someone give this stock photo a caption i cant think of anything
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(via Sunday Inspiration #17)
gravityhomeblog.com - instagram - pinterest - bloglovin
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east coast blogger: today i murdered a rat with my own crystalized rage and hatred
west coast blogger: this beach is so relaxing my body melted right into the sand
midwest blogger: o Lords of corn, what sins have we committed for the weather to punish us so
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Sometimes being productive in the morning can be very difficult, so here are some tips on how to boost your productivity and stop procrastinating in the morning!
1. Get plenty of sleep-try to get at least 7-9 hours sleep at night so that you actually feel awake and willing to get up in the morning!
2. Change out of your pyjamas-although they are so comfy, keeping your PJ’s on is more likely to make you feel sleepy and want to go back to bed. You can still stay comfortable by putting on workout clothes or yoga pants.
3. Drink a glass of cold water-it’s honestly so refreshing in the morning. Keep a bottle or glass beside your bed.
4. Exercise-anything from 30 minutes of yoga to a walk to the park. You don’t need to go to the gym, but any form of exercise gets the blood pumping round your body, leaving you wide awake and ready to be productive.
5. Lay out everything you need the night before-this includes the clothes your going to wear, work you want to do and anything else you might need. Because it is already laid out you’ll feel less need to procrastinate.
6. Plan your time effectively-making a schedule for the day or using a planner/ bullet journal is great as you can allocate time slots for each task you have to do and it is extremely satisfying to tick things off. It also gives you a structure to stick to, meaning that you will know what you are doing at all times. Just remember to give yourself breaks!
7. Bye bye electronics-make sure to switch off all electronics you won’t be needing and put them in another room. You can even get someone to hide your phone from you if you think you’ll be tempted!
8. Download “Forest” app-I just downloaded this app recently and it’s amazing! It allows you to plant a tree and this tree will grow if you don’t use your phone. It’s super satisfying and really boosts my productivity, especially in the morning!
9. Eat a healthy breakfast-don’t skip breakfast, make sure that you eat something nutritious and filling, as this will make your brain more switched on and alert. I’m going to make a post soon about healthy breakfast ideas, so stay tuned for that. Some include: oatmeal, berries, bananas, smoothies, wholemeal pancakes, yoghurt.
10. Switch up your location-working/studying can be much more fun if you get out of the house sometimes. Try going to a coffee shop, library or a park if it’s a nice day. You’ll be more likely to want to wake up if you’re going out somewhere. ( I’m also going to be making a post soon about study locations, so stay tuned for that as well!)
hope this helps!
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communication is the foundation
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My grandma sent me this video on the trans bathroom controversy. His name is the Liberal Redneck and he is now my best friend.
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*feels intense dirty capitalist pleasure over acquiring a new material object* my father karl will forgive me because I have a retail kink and kinks are protected even under communism
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