#locus walker
eluviannaa · 2 months
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Our bargain does not require me to wait until you are ready.
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writingwarden · 8 months
I have no writing to offer right now but I have these! Character playlists!
These ones are by my brother-
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
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Nick Walker via FB:
"If you can’t choose to not be offended, then you’ve made the grave strategic error of putting power over your mental well-being in the hands of everyone but yourself."
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vigilante-apologist · 27 days
Why’s Locus-Walker kinda…..
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Their destroyed planted K’aresh in the background
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blue-eyed-banshee · 1 month
So... I got the latest Chronicle book for WoW and Here is what was really interesting to me regarding Jaina;
It turns out, Daelin was actually against Jaina being taught magic.
Now this aligns with his character as we've seen with the warcraft games when he blamed the orcs for Derek's death which in turn, let to his own death. This particular event also led to Jaina being scorned by her own homeland.
I just thought it was interesting how her father was against her being sent to Dalaran to be taught magic.
Another point, for some reason this chronicle acts as a literal catch up book. To state when I say "catch up", I mean:
It starts from Pandaria before progressing to each expansion that happened after until shadowlands where the new world tree gets planted.
I feel as this book in particular was mis marketed as an actual chronicle book, as it didn't really give enough new information- if at all.
This giant book is nothing but a recap.
Blizzard.... for fucks sake- this is not what some players want. We PLAY the game, so we know what the fuck happens. Don't go quoting each zone in shadowlands with what we do and only have ONE BRIEF MENTION of the THREE SISTERS COMIC!
That is not how things should work!
The past chronicle books have been giving up new information that the game doesn't explain.
Now, one thing I did like about the book is this.
they confirmed something that we players have speculated a long time since WoD which would be:
It's a crashed Naaru ship where a naaru- a being of being light was injured. And as a result of said injury, it turned to void. It also makes note to something we see in game near that zone- A small void creature.
I can confirm that it is NOT the void lord that was mentioned by Locus Walker within this video!
I actually had to get a return/refund through Amazon for this book. This is a seriously low blow by Blizzard, and I think every since they let Christie Golden go, this proves their writing is not going to be as great as it was before.
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skymagpie · 4 months
The best Khadgar death cope theories I've seen so far listed in no particular order
He is "missing"
He gets swallowed by the void (no body = no death)
He gets swallowed by the void and becomes a voided raid boss later on (10/10)
Medivh saves him and he returns
Alleria saves him and he returns
Force Ghost Khadgar
Khadgar is Xal'atath in disguise and the real Khadgar has been dead/voided for a while
Khadgar is the Locus-Walker from the past and the Locus-Walker is his future after he gets swallowed by the void in the opening
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raccooncityriots · 25 days
I just know Locus-Walker was so happy he got to kill the Turalyon void illusion
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cosmererambles · 26 days
"Have you eaten?" The words came into his mind clear, unlike all the other babble around him. Khadgar blinked, his eyes unfocused, looking up into the face of his wife, whose tender gaze trapped him. "I..." He tilted his head, shutting the book he held before him somewhat. "I don't believe I have." She smiled, kissing his cheek, taking the book. "Take a break. I've got our customary table at the Lounge, and you can tell me what you've found." He took her arm as she led the way out of the antechamber. "I haven't found much, I'm afraid." She looked up at him, concerned. "Nothing?" "Nothing. All our literature, ancient as it may be, holds nothing when it comes to these echos. All we have is the word of some ethereal." He gave her a sidelong look. The Locus-Walker was many things, but trustworthy was not high on the list. "Still..." Alison thought a moment. "The echoes have a startling resemblance to Azerite, at least in color." "Do you still have your specimens?" Khadgar asked, voice low. "I do..." They stepped onto the pad, teleported into the central hallway of Dalaran. "But I don't care to handle them more than I need too." "Understandable." He gave her hand a squeeze. She leaned up, kissing his cheek. "I think Azeroth is terrified of something, personally." Alison mused, voice half a whisper. "These echoes...they are the rambles of an person not in their right mind." "Azeroth is hardly a person, but I agree." "My point stands; she is a Titan, not a person, and her fears and woes are leaking into reality." "Fears and woes?" They stepped into the bustling streets. Talk was hushed these days, Dalaran was the central hub of some important goings on, and researchers went in and out of the antechamber at all hours. "Perhaps not the right term." Alison smiled. Khadgar thought a moment. "Where is our daughter?" He asked. "Waiting for us." She smiled. "She's been excited to tell you some things." "Is she now?" Khadgar quickened his pace. "I wonder if she's solved the puzzle I set her to." "You set her a puzzle?" "That I did." He grinned. "A riddle all magi must solve eventually." "Is it the one you gave me, when we were young, walking these same streets?" She teased. "No." He blushed, smiling wryly. "That one was not my best. No, this is Antonidas's Inquirery." "Oh. That one." He nodded gravely. Alison smiled. "She will have solved it. It took me a week to figure it out." Khadgar smiled. He'd figured it out in a few days. With the mixture of their two minds in his daughter, she would have figured it out by now.
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blizzardbattles · 2 months
Dark Heart | WoW Dialogue
Archmage Khadgar: "Xal'atath has returned as the Harbinger. And now she has the power of the Dark Heart at her disposal."
Jaina Proudmoore: "It's all connected to the Radiant Song. It has to be."
Archmage Khadgar: "Locus-Walker said the ethereals heard a similar song before K'aresh was destroyed."
Jaina Proudmoore: "Then is… Azeroth herself the one in danger? Is she speaking to us?"
Archmage Khadgar: "We need answers. We need her Speaker."
Jaina Proudmoore: "I will seek out Magni. But first, I must inform Thrall of what we learned here. We must face this crisis together. Horde and Alliance both."
Read more Warcraft lore on our Linktree! https://linktr.ee/azerotharchives
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thasdorah · 1 year
when the locus-walker said "Shall we start with more killing? No. That comes naturally to you [...]" and when alleria herself said "But I am a hunter. I think as my prey does."
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eluviannaa · 5 days
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In this week's written Umbral scene, our Ethereal, Zarath'anar, doesn’t have many lines, but I made sure the ones he does have are dialed up to 11. He��s from the Consortium, an Ethereal faction focused on trade and shady deals.
Most of my research is pretty focused but I absolutely loved digging into Ethereal lore. Usually, I dig further than I need to, obviously for context but also, you never know what threads will be useful later on.
For this, while the Consortium wasn’t front-and-center during Legion (the story's timeline), it still felt lore-consistent that he might be in Dalaran as a vendor at my imagined market—especially more so than other Ethereal factions in this context.
Writing Ethereal dialogue is a time—it adds another layer of formality, which feels a little different from the bits of high fantasy and poetry I usually do.
By nature, Ethereals are cryptic, mysterious, detached from mortal concerns, and more focused on broader cosmic forces. Some of my favorite lines from Void Ethereals like Locus-Walker, Saprish, and Ashaal really get at that :
"Our bargain does not require me to wait until you are ready." — Locus-Walker
While these scenes serve more as a script/draft for the comic, visuals being sparse, I'm excited to draw all of it! The scene was a bit long overall but we have a little time before I get to the panels in Act 2. I'd love to do a revision of this but as is, it was nice to finish it.
Excerpt from Act 2, Scene 5: Echoes
At the Ethereal’s stall, Eluvianna found a collection of odd trinkets and crystal fragments. The Ethereal, barely more than a shimmering silhouette, stood quietly behind the array. As a simple stone caught her eye, its surface swirled with colors that seemed to shift.
As she leaned closer to it, the ethereal inclined his head. “In all things, the Sin’dorei have an impeccable sense of timing,” he murmured, his voice carrying on the wind. Eluvianna glanced up from the wares, momentarily meeting his gaze—or where his eyes should have been.
“Am I… late?” Eluvianna asked, compelled to respond despite the uncertainty.
“Quite the contrary—you are early. And as such, perfectly on time.” He nodded with sincerity. “It seems the past is not doomed to repeat itself entirely.”
From the folds of his fabric, he produced a small, tightly wrapped package, offering it to her with a spectral hand. “As agreed.”
“I don’t recall meeting before. Perhaps you’ve mistaken me for someone else?” Eluvianna protested.
“Promises hold weight across all realities,” he replied, his voice like the air between worlds.
Despite her confusion, something in his words compelled her to accept the package. As she reached for it, he held it a moment longer, his grip firm but not unkind. “Alas, even I cannot glimpse the final patterns of the currents we navigate.”
Eluvianna furrowed her brow. “Currents?”
“Perhaps our paths will cross again when the echoes of this moment return,” his form shimmering faintly.
Somehow the words were familiar. Perhaps the echoes he spoke of were tied to her dreams. They had become more vivid, and last night they felt like a future destined. Though she had shrugged it off as merely a wish, she knew her studies had opened her mind to more. Just not quite any such path of an oracle.
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If you enjoyed "maybe prehistoric Blindsight vampires were chubby?" and "Blindsight vampires and catgirls with behavior based on actual cats would probably be a lot alike," you may also enjoy; do Blindsight vampires have toe beans? I mean, they are supposedly highly stealth-reliant predators and that is a stealth-reliant predator trait, that's why cats have them, so it would actually make a lot of sense for them to have something like that!
I guess prehistoric vampires might have just achieved the same effect with technology, using shoes cleverly designed to muffle their footfalls; extended phenotype of culture, culture can adapt much faster than genes, and all that. But vampires do have a bunch of physical differences from humans related to their life strategy, and it would make sense for the foot to be a major locus of that.
I don't imagine them having toe beans exactly but, like, some sort of spongy tissue under the skin on the underside of their feet to muffle their footfalls. And while the actual skin on the underside of their feet would be tough and calloused (as they'd be habitual barefoot walkers in this model), they might have a lot of nerve endings under that, making the underside of their feet sensitive so they'd be very aware of the ground under them, which would help them move silently. A vampire might be able to count and describe the leaves and twigs it's presently standing on just by feeling their texture under its feet. A vampire's feet might even function as secondary ears, picking up sounds transmitted along the ground. Also, I could see their toes being longer and more prehensile than human toes, allowing them to move more quietly and quickly on uneven ground by grabbing potential handholds (toeholds!) with them. I think vampire nails might also be denser and tougher than human nails, a bit claw-like (especially with some deliberate shaping), which might also be helpful on uneven ground. Incidental consequence: when they kick something, their toes kind of form a fist, and given their violent ancestral lifestyle they may even have particularly dense toe bones to facilitate this use of the legs and feet as blunt-force weapons (after all, the human leg is much stronger than the human arm, and since vampires are basically built like humans the same would be true for them). Longer and more prehensile toes might also mean vampires would tend to use their feet as a secondary pair of hands - less nimble than their real hands, but still good for situations where it would be helpful to have more than two hands (vampires might also have a tendency to use their mouth like an extra hand; I think all that extra sensorimotor processing they have might lead to a tendency to speed up tasks by using feet and mouth as secondary manipulators).
Vampire hands would probably look more human-like, as the human-vampire last common ancestor would already have had human-like hands and human-like hands would have served the vampire life strategy well, though I think vampires might develop denser, thicker, tougher nails (a bit claw-like), and I think Blindsight mentions them having longer fingers. I also think vampires would likely be mostly or entirely ambidextrous, because of all that extra sensorimotor processing capacity they have (ancient vampires may have considered human-like favoring of one hand a mild disability).
Per this model, ancient vampires probably mostly walked and especially hunted barefoot, as shoes would interfere with a lot of these stealth adaptations. In old vampire culture, shoes were probably mostly reserved for extreme cold.
Modern vampires would usually wear shoes in public, because that's the convention in most human societies nowadays, but I think they'd notice that doing so makes it harder for them to move silently and cuts them off from a lot of sensory data. I suspect they would at least mildly dislike the experience, as stealth would be deeply connected to security in their minds, and if they actually did take over the world at the end of Blindsight, well...
If I was a way better visual artist I might do a compare and contrast drawing of a prehistoric vampire, a "domesticated" vampire circa 2090 or so, and one of the rulers of that vampire-ruled dystopia implied to exist at the end of Blindsight. One thing you might notice (that I'd probably draw the viewer's attention to) is that the "domesticated" vampire is the only one that's wearing shoes.
Ancient vampire clothing is kind of an interesting question in general; I think a lot of it would have been cleverly engineered to minimize noise while protecting the vampire from rough branches, thorns, poison ivy, etc. and providing warmth when necessary. I think they'd go for, like, something tight-fitting but supple and easily sourced from wild natural materials, probably. Maybe buckskin? I wish I knew more about historical clothing! Maybe some of the historical textile hobbyists could help me out here?
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jvnla · 1 year
Exciting Promotions at JVNLA!!!
Alice Tasman and Ariana Philips Join as Partners at JVNLA
Cole Hildebrand is Promoted to Junior Agent
As JVNLA celebrates its 45th Anniversary, owner Jennifer Weltz is thrilled to announce that agents Alice Tasman and Ariana Philips have joined as Partners in the company.
Alice Tasman has been an agent at the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency for over 25 years. She represents a wide range of award-winning writers with an emphasis on commercial and literary fiction, young adult and middle grade. Her clients have earned numerous awards, honors, and fellowships, including the Calvino Prize, the C. Hugh Holman Award, the Henfield/Transatlantic Review Award, the Mary Roberts Rinehart Award, the O. Henry Prize, the Saint Francis College Literary Prize, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Her clients' writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, Best American Short Stories, McSweeney's, Salon, A Public Space and elsewhere. Awards and honors for her children's writers include a Caldecott Medal Honor, Newbery Medal nominee, Midwestern Booksellers Association Award, Texas Bluebonnet Award, Edgar Finalist and International Thriller Writers Finalist.  Alice earned her BA from Brown University and her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College.
Ariana Philips has been at the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency for over 10 years. Starting as an intern at the company, she now represents a wide range of award-winning fiction and non-fiction for both adults and children. In addition to being a full-time agent, she is the office manager, royalties manager and heads up audio and permission rights for the agency. Ariana attended Iona College, where she graduated with honors in English and Communications.
Additionally, Cole Hildebrand has been promoted to Junior Agent, representing literary and upmarket fiction as well as narrative non-fiction and poetry, while handling the Australia/New Zealand market.
Cole Hildebrand joined JVNLA in 2021 as an assistant, working alongside Jennifer Weltz in international rights, film rights, and contracts. Prior to joining the agency, he was Managing Editor at YesYes Books, working on manuscript acquisitions, event planning, website design, and publicity. He earned his B.A. from Lewis & Clark College and his M.A. from New York University.
“JVNLA’s mission statement sums up the core precepts of our agency,” says Jennifer Weltz, “We are a locus of guidance, support and partnership for our many authors. With Alice and Ariana joining as partners and Cole joining our roster of accomplished agents, I look forward to an exciting future where championing our authors’ literary careers is our passion and highest priority.”
Along with Agent Alicia Brooks, JVNLA looks forward to celebrating this milestone in the Fall in New York City.
JVNLA was started by Jean Naggar in 1978. Headed by Jennifer Weltz since 2013, current President of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA), JVNLA has grown tremendously over the past 45 years. The agency represents bestselling and critically acclaimed authors including Jean M. Auel, Maud Casey, Erica Cirino, Boyah J. Farah, Matt Goldman, CW Gortner, Bonnie Kistler, Phillip Margolin, Mary McGarry Morris, Linda Pastan, Ellen Potter, Carl Safina, Timothy Schaffert, Nancy Springer, and Sarai Walker as well as numerous prestigious literary estates. The agency's titles have been published in over 50 countries; featured in short story anthologies, magazines, and webzines; adapted for audio and showcased on big screen, small screen, and stage. As is stated on the website - “Our collaborative team redefines commitment and passion and our ideas seek out publishing's cutting edge with a bold business philosophy that has proved its worth.”
To learn more about JVNLA visit www.jvnla.com.
Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
216 E 75th St., Ste. 1E
New York, NY 10021
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yenristar · 3 years
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There is a character in World of Warcraft named Locus Walker. he is what's called a Void ethereal  and he has the ability to wield the power of the void. their bodies basically look like space.. I instantly thought of my Pumpkin Gaster. cause not only is he a Gaster so.. VOID most of his body also looks like space cause he lost most of his physical form in the Void. I HAD to draw him kind of "cosplaying" as Locus in a way. but instead of Purple, its Orange xD I worked way to hard on this piece x'D
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romans-art · 5 years
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played around with Locus-Walker’s design so that they look sexy babeyy COUTURE
also this is how their relationship is and I won’t be convinced otherwise
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