#lockdown lowdown
tangerinesunbeam · 1 year
0 notes
a-silent-symphony · 5 months
Nightwish: “The whole theme of the album is time, history, humanism, mortality. It’s really optimistic”
Tuomas Holopainen gives us the lowdown on everything you need to know about the hopeful new Nightwish album, Yesterwynde…
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In the four years since their last album, Finnish symphonic metal titans Nightwish have been through much change, challenge and uncertainty. And that's without the pandemic kicking the legs out from underneath a year's worth of touring plans for 2020's HVMAN. :||: NATVRE a month after it came out.
First, in December of that year, longtime bassist and vocalist Marko Hietala announced that he was leaving the band. In October 2022, singer Floor Jansen revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and successfully underwent surgery.
Then last year, they dropped a worrying newsbomb, announcing that upon completion of their then-current touring duties – which had included a mammoth show at Wembley – they weren't going to be booking any more gigs for an unspecified period of time. Including, they confirmed, even when a new album came.
“After the planned shows for June 2023 we will be ‘hanging up our spurs’ for an indeterminate time, as far as live concert performances go, and won’t be touring the next album," they wrote in a statement. “The reasons for this decision are personal, but, we all agree, vital to the wellbeing and future of the band. Be assured that we still love working together, and this decision has nothing to do with Floor’s pregnancy or our other individual projects."
They did, however promise new music. True to their word, they've just announced that in September they'll release their 10th album, Yesterwynde. A record immediately more heavy than its predecessor, it's also one that sounds refreshed, vital, optimistic.
"Yes, that's definitely a word you could use for it," says keyboardist and composer Tuomas Holopainen when we catch up with him in Berlin to get the skinny. "The whole theme of the album is time, history, humanism, mortality. And it has a really optimistic vibe going through it all."
The first track, Perfume Of The Timeless, arrives on May 21. Ahead of all that, we sat down with Tuomas to get the first look at Nightwish's next chapter…
You’ve been working on the album for ages. When did you start, exactly? “I started writing it in January 2021. It was the second year of pandemic. I wasn't supposed to start writing songs for this album yet, but there was nothing else to do because of COVID, so I thought I might as well use the time for it. So I used all of 2021 to do that. Then in early ’22, we did a demo with just me and the engineer, and had a listen to the demo with the whole band for the first time in May ’22, during our American tour. It’s always a really exciting moment to present the new songs to the band. And terrifying, to be honest!
“Then we started recording it last August, and it took a few months to record. And after that, four and a half months of mixing, and a few mastering sessions. And now here we are. And we're still working with the atmos mixes – there's going to be an atmospheric mix of the album and the orchestral version of the album.”
That’s not long after HVMAN. :||: NATVRE came out. Were you doing it with the hard intention of writing a full album, or were you just initially doing something just to pass time? “For some reason, I just felt really inspired. I felt like it was the perfect time to do another Nightwish album. And, like I said, there was nothing else to do. The previous album, HVMAN. :||: NATVRE was released in April 2020, about a month after the COVID lockdowns started, so tough luck there! It was frustrating, but as always, you have to try to look at the bright side of things. I thought, ‘Okay, maybe this album, now people can listen to it in peace. They have nothing else to do, either. Maybe it brings them some hope and comfort during the dark times.’ So you always have to turn things an optimistic way.”
This is a lot more of a metal album than the last one. Was that a conscious thing? “That just happened. We never, ever think about this stuff in advance, like, ‘Let's make a heavier album.’ It's just the stories need to be told in a certain way. And this time, they needed to be told in this way. And it's really interesting that you should say that, because there were two journalists yesterday who said, ‘I was expecting something much more metal. This is a really mellow album.’ Really? Okay, I don't hear it that way. But it's all in the listener’s ear, I guess.”
The first single, Perfume Of The Timeless, is nearly 10 minutes long. Not exactly easing people in, are you? “No! But, when we had the first meeting with Nuclear Blast, talking about the new album and singles, I told them, the first single will be a song called Perfume Of The Timeless, and it's eight-and-a-half minutes long, and the chorus comes in at 3:30. And they were like, ‘Perfect!’ I think that has to do with the fact that we have a long legacy. You know, we can do whatever we want, and I do, but it says something that we can do that, when I heard that for Spotify it’s good to have the vocals start after 15 seconds, or people skip it, they don’t have the attention span anymore.”
What does the title, Yesterwynde, mean? “It’s a made-up word. There's this thing called The Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows. It gave me the idea that if you don't have an English word to describe a certain emotion, you can just make your own. This particular dictionary is dedicated to that, like, the feeling of longing for a place that you have never been in. What is that feeling? And it was something weird, I can remember. And this album was born from a certain sensation that I felt really strongly, but I couldn't find a word in human language to describe it. So I started to talk with Troy [Donockley, multi-instrumentalist] and said, ‘Should we come up with a new word? Does that make any sense to you?’ And he's like, ‘Yeah, that's a brilliant idea. What did you have in mind?’ It was something like time, memories going black and white, sepia, and I said, ‘something yesterday’. Then he said, ‘How about Yesterwynde?’ That's perfect! But yeah, it's just a made up word to describe what the album is about."
A sense of longing? "Not so much longing as realising what time is all about. Realising that there is such a thing as time and past and history. The internet and YouTube is full of these old black-and-white images, and even video clips, that you first see in black-and-white, and then they have been coloured. Have you seen those? That's the effect that I get at the moment. It's like it's coming from an other dimension, these are black-and-white images, then you colour it, and it's right there, as if it was filmed yesterday. Something happens in my mind when I see those. I thought, 'This has to be put into a song or into an album somehow.' Suddenly, you feel so connected to the past generations, and those people that you see in those images. They've all had their lives, their ups and downs, and they don't exist anymore, except as atoms scattered all over the universe. And we're going to be in that state pretty soon as well. So that should give you something to think about."
Are you just worried about getting older? "Not at all – on the contrary (laughs). But they are the ultimate cliche of: seize the day. That's something that I think about more and more. We're all going to be dead soon. It's just a matter of what you're gonna do before that."
That's a very positive outlook. You can hear that in the record. There's an enthusiasm, rather than a sense of bleakness or defeat… "Yes! Spot on! People often ask, 'Where do you get the inspiration?' Well, just look at this world, look at everything's that happening. Look at the sky, the scientific innovations. History is so full of stories that are just a bottomless pit of inspiration. And also, especially these days, there's a lot of fear mongering going on, like end-of-the-world scenarios, which I find, let's say 'distressing', but also a bit annoying, because humankind has ceased to see the good that we have accomplished as well. There is no denying that the world is going through a horrible stage at the moment. But it's always been like that. If you go back to the Middle Ages, things were much worse. Throughout the human history, it's always been like this. But now because of fear mongering, and the media, and the authorities, whether political or religious, telling us that it's all coming to an end, we have to repent. And a lot of people buy into it, and they live miserable lives. Because of that, they forget the beauty of existence. It's an unbelievable stroke of luck, and a privilege, that we are actually alive. So you might as well enjoy it."
There's a song called The Antikythera Mechanism, which is the name of an ancient Greek device used for astronomy. You don't get many bands writing about that… "Yeah, it's considered today to be the first analogue computer made by mankind. So, imagine that 2,200 years ago, in ancient Greece, they were able to build a computer. It just blew my mind when I read about this machine in a science magazine, and I thought that the world needs to know about this. Well, now everybody knows because of the new Indiana Jones film, because that's also about this particular mechanism. But yeah, it had to be done into a song.
"I was just thinking that humankind was so advanced back in those days that were able to build a machine like this. What happened? What if religions hadn't happened, or the burning of The Library Of Alexandria hadn't happened, where would mankind be today? Maybe we would be living all across the solar system already. Who knows?"
Again, it feels like there's still a very positive outlook there in the music, rather than moaning that it's all gone wrong. "I think it comes down to the word 'imagination', which is the biggest strength that we have as human species, compared to the other lower species. We like to imagine things, imagine things that might be better on the other side of the fence and things we will never have. But also imagination takes us to huge innovations. So it's a really good thing.
"The ancient Greeks did that with their computer. They started to imagine, 'Is there a way to predict those solar eclipses or star constellations moving? I bet there is, let's start building this machine.' So it all started from the imagining. It's similar with creating any art or music. Could there be a way to tell a story through music? I do that a lot. There's a song on the album called The Children Of 'Ata, which is a wonderful story of these kids on a deserted island and surviving there for 15 months. I heard the story and thought, 'There has to be a way to put this into music.'
"It's a crazy story, from not that long ago, 1965. I think some of the kids are still alive. It's important to tell these stories, because it really did happen. And maybe it can change the human perspective of the concept that if you take a bunch of people and put them into an isolated place for a certain period of time, they become savages. But this is proof that that's not the case. So they are a perfect example that humankind has hope."
This is your first album since Century Child in 2002 without Marko Hietala. Did that change your approach to writing? “No, it doesn’t really change anything, except that now we had two voices instead of three, only Floor and Troy. But that's it – it really didn't change much at all. And Jukka [Koskinen], the new bass player, is such a grounding personality that it's so easy to work with him. And his bass playing skills are tremendous, quite different from how Marko played the bass, which also brought a new spice into the music. So nothing but positive things to say about it all.
“There are many bands in the world that don't have a single original member anymore. And I think it comes down to the fact that if the music is good, then that's all that matters, in the end. Maybe for some people, certain bands are so holy that they can stand if they don't have certain members in it, even though the music would be good, but I don't really think like that. I just listen to the music, not the personnel behind it. That's all that matters to me.”
Similarly, does it feel weird to be talking about an album that, for the first time, you won’t be going out to tour? “No, it doesn't feel weird. It just feels right. But people shouldn't get worried. It's not the end of the band. We just signed a multi-record deal with Nuclear Blast, so there will be more music coming, definitely. But as far as shows, we're just gonna have a long breather now and see what happens. That's all I can say at the moment. We got our fair share in 2022 and 2023 when we did a lot of shows. So that helped.”
Yesterwynde will be released on September 20 via Nuclear Blast
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dreams-of-cerulean · 1 year
So the “Falling Star / Comet “ Idea was the idea I figured out during the Meteor Shower Celebration at my school. Y’know, the one that made me accidentally trigger Brightly Burning at school and had Sato through a whole punchbowl at me to “put the fire out,”
I was meditating on it for a very long time in the Subway Dungeon but to no effect. Didn’t budge at all, so that’s when I started asking people here for some help on other methods for lockdown. 
Turns out - just like how Orbit requires me to perform an action, Falling Star also requires an action too. Specifically falling. For over 15 stories building-wise / 45 meters / 150 feet. It has an similar effect to what that monk did to me before, a lockdown effect that prevents evasion.
A conceptually Massive attack that can’t be dodged. 
Guess this must be what the dinosaurs felt like. 
Not very useful though. It’s another one of those “only from ambush” attacks and pray they don’t notice me falling fifteen stories to trigger the effect. Obviously, the only reason why I haven’t triggered before is because you can’t fall fifteen stories underground in a dungeon fashioned like a subway. 
Still, a mystery solved. Also, at the hideout now. I’m pretty sure I’ll get the lowdown of what’s been happening. Sato did the whole spinning hug on me, except it was me that was spinning. I have a pretty good idea of what I’ll look like in three years - wish I could go start growing now though, so I don’t get manhandled like this. 
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wingedfiretriumph · 1 month
B-u-y Verified Paypal Accounts
B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts can boost your online transactions' security and efficiency. Verified accounts offer enhanced trustworthiness and fewer limitations. 
If you want to more information just knock us – Contact US
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Telegram: @Seo2Smm
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WhatsApp: +1 (413) 685-6010
Online businesses and freelancers require reliable payment solutions for global transactions; verified PayPal accounts provide that reliability. With verification, PayPal confirms that an account's information is accurate and in compliance with their policies, reducing the risk of payment holds and limitations on sending or receiving money. 
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 The Importance Of Paypal Verification
Verified PayPal accounts convey trust and reliability. Complete verification of a PayPal account involves linking and confirming a bank account or credit card, which establishes credibility with both PayPal and potential customers. This process is essential for those who want to use PayPal as a key business tool.
Boosting Trust With Verified Status
Trust in online transactions is paramount. A verified PayPal status signals to customers that you are recognized as a trusted seller or B-u-yer. It tells customers that PayPal has confirmed your identity. This little checkmark can be the key to securing more transactions and growing your business.
Limits And Features Of Unverified Vs. Verified Accounts
Differences between unverified and verified PayPal accounts are significant:
Account Type
Sending Limits
Withdrawal Limits
Basic transactions
No limit
Full access to features
Higher sending and no withdrawal limits empower verified account holders with full access to PayPal's features, facilitating smoother and larger transactions.
Why People Seek Verified Paypal Accounts
Many opt for verified PayPal accounts to unlock its full potential. A verified status offers enhanced trust and capabilities. Users can lift various restrictions, making their online transactions smoother and more reliable. Let's delve into specifics.
Immediate Access To Full Features
Verified PayPal accounts provide immediate access to all features. Users enjoy seamless online payments, quicker checkouts, and easier fund management. This access is crucial for both personal use and business transactions. Here are the benefits:
No waiting for feature availabilities
Instant use of PayPal’s comprehensive services
Enhanced security for peace of mind
Navigating Transaction Limits
With verification, PayPal lifts limits on sending and receiving money. This means users conduct high-volume transactions without interruptions. Here's a glance at the advantages:
Before Verification
After Verification
Limited sending amount
Increased sending limits
Monthly withdrawal cap
Higher withdrawal ceilings
Verified accounts offer a smooth financial journey. They enable users to transact large amounts for both personal and business growth.
Risks Associated With B-u-ying Accounts
Navigating the murky waters of B-u-ying verified PayPal accounts can lead to choppy seas. Risks are real and consequences severe. This discussion will help you understand what's at stake.
Legal Consequences
Unpacking the legal suitcase, we find it's overpacked with complications. PayPal's terms of service state clearly: No account transfers allowed. Here's what could happen:
Immediate Account Suspension: Say goodbye to funds and features.
Potential Lawsuits: Risk a legal battle with PayPal.
Blacklisting: Future accounts could vanish into thin air.
Account Security Concerns
Imagine waking to a nightmare of hijacked accounts. Here's the security lowdown:
Password Pranks: Sellers can regain control, locking you out.
Fraud Alerts: Suspicious activity? Account may face lockdown.
Data Leaks: Personal info could take a public stroll.
Fact is, your financial health could take a hit. Think long-term, play it safe.
Steps To Verify Your Own Paypal Account
Getting your PayPal account verified enhances trust and unlocks additional features. It's easy to do. Follow these steps to add credibility to your digital wallet.
Linking Bank Accounts And Credit Cards
Begin by linking your bank and card. This step ties your financial sources to PayPal. You can then make payments and receive money.
Log into your PayPal account.
Click 'Wallet' at the top of the page.
Select 'Link a bank' or 'Link a credit card'.
Enter your details and hit 'Link Card/Bank'.
PayPal will make two small deposits into your bank account.
Check your bank statement in 2-3 days.
Return to PayPal and enter the deposit amounts.
This process verifies your linked sources.
Confirming Personal Information
Next, confirm your personal information. PayPal requires proof you are who you say you are.
Provide your full legal name.
Share your address exactly as it appears on bills or bank statements.
Submit your date of birth.
Enter your taxpayer identification number.
PayPal will review your information. They may ask for additional proof. This could be a photo ID or a utility bill.
The Market For Verified Paypal Accounts
The digital era has seen a surge in demand for verified PayPal accounts. These accounts are essential for secure online transactions. They are crucial for businesses and freelancers. The market for these accounts has grown rapidly. It caters to those needing immediate access without the wait for verification.
Online Platforms And Forums
Various online platforms offer verified PayPal accounts for sale. Interested B-u-yers must tread cautiously. Not all sellers are trustworthy. Forums dedicated to digital services are hotspots for these transactions. They are often frequented by both B-u-yers and sellers.
Secure marketplaces exist and provide B-u-yer protection.
Private sellers can be found in niche forums and groups.
Pricing Structures Explained
Verified PayPal accounts come at different prices. The cost depends on several factors. These include account age, transaction history, and available balance. Let's break down the common pricing structures.
Account Type
Price Range
Basic Verified Account
$30 - $50
Business Verified Account
$100 - $150
Seasoned Account with History
$200 - $500+
Look for sellers that offer after-sale support. Check for reviews or testimonials for additional safety. Understand the terms before purchasing. Always use secure payment methods for the transaction.
Understanding Paypal's Policies
PayPal stands out as a leader in online payment solutions. Its robust platform offers users the ability to send and receive funds with ease. However, the integrity of its system relies on strict adherence to its policies. Comprehending these policies is crucial when you consider B-u-ying a verified PayPal account. Let's delve into the terms and conditions to ensure smooth financial transactions.
Terms Of Service Agreements
Terms govern your PayPal account usage. These legal agreements are necessary to understand before you proceed with any PayPal-related decision. Below is a breakdown of key highlights from PayPal's terms:
Account Setup: information must be accurate and truthful.
Transaction Limits: these may apply depending on your account type.
Usage Restrictions: PayPal outlines activities that are prohibited.
Violating these terms can lead to restrictions on your account. It's essential to review these terms thoroughly. A link to the full agreement is typically available at PayPal's footer on their homepage.
Consequences Of Policy Violations
Non-compliance with PayPal's policies can trigger significant consequences. Actions taken by PayPal may include:
Account Limitations: temporary restrictions on sending or withdrawing funds.
Frozen Funds: PayPal may hold your balance due to suspicious activity.
Account Closure: severe or repeated violations can result in permanent closure.
Prevention is better than remediation. Familiarize yourself with the causes of these penalties to avoid pitfalls.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Stepping into online transactions may tempt you to B-u-y verified PayPal accounts. Yet, legitimate, safe options exist that keep you within PayPal's terms and offer comparable convenience. Let's delve into secure alternatives to B-u-ying verified accounts.
Using Prepaid Cards
Using Prepaid Cards
Prepaid cards offer a straightforward solution to those needing a PayPal account without the hassle of verification.
Purchase a prepaid card from a trusted retailer.
Attach the card to your PayPal account.
Keep track of the balance for seamless transactions.
Various prepaid options exist with features like reloadability and minimal fees, making them smart choices for savvy online spenders.
Exploring Other Payment Processors
Exploring Other Payment Processors
Seeking alternatives to PayPal opens a world of possibilities. Numerous platforms offer varied features tailored to different needs.
Developer-friendly with robust API
Low-cost international transfers
Simple peer-to-peer transactions
Research each processor's terms to find your perfect fit, keeping in mind ease of use, fees, and security features.
Spotting Scams In Account Sales
Shopping for verified PayPal accounts? Be savvy and spot scam signs. Learn about usual tricks in account sales. Stay safe and informed. Let's dive in and learn how to spot scams effectively.
Red Flags And Warning Signs
Too Good to Be True Prices: Rock-bottom prices signal scams.
Sketchy Payment Methods: If sellers avoid PayPal, be wary.
No History or Feedback: Trust sellers with track records.
Vague Descriptions: Clear account details show legitimacy.
Rushed Sales: Scammers pressure quick decisions.
Listen to instincts. They warn you. Check each account sale with care.
Protecting Yourself From Fraud
Security is priority. Keep transactions safe. Use steps below:
Research the Seller: Good sellers have positive feedback and history.
Secure Websites Only: Ensure the URL begins with 'https://'.
Use Reputable Platforms: B-u-y from known, secure marketplaces.
Documentation is Key: Legitimate sales have proper paperwork.
Payment Escrow: This protects your funds until service is verified.
Follow these steps. Avoid scams. Secure a genuine verified PayPal account.
The Role Of Account Verification In Fraud Prevention
The digital world thrives on trust and security, where verifying user accounts stands as a critical shield against fraud. Account verification is not just a formality; it's a robust barrier to safeguard users. When it comes to financial transactions, platforms like PayPal prioritize user safety by implementing strict verification protocols. These protocols ensure that only genuine users can carry out transactions.
How Verification Deters Scammers
Verified PayPal accounts are like badges of trust. PayPal uses various methods to confirm an account holder's identity. This process helps to filter out potential scammers who often avoid platforms where they must provide concrete evidence of their authenticity. Verification acts as a deterrent for those with malicious intent, making it significantly harder for them to operate under false pretenses.
Document checks prevent anonymous usage.
Linking of bank accounts secures user identity.
Phone and email confirmations add extra layers of security.
Paypal's Measures To Protect Users
PayPal's commitment to user safety manifests in a multi-layer defense system. Verified accounts undergo a meticulous security check process. This provides a safe space for online financial engagements.
Security Feature
Two-factor Authentication
Ensures user logins are guarded
End-to-end Encryption
Secures transaction details
Fraud Monitoring
Continuously checks for suspicious activity
Not only does PayPal fortify user accounts, but it also educates users on safety practices. By understanding the importance of verification, users become active participants in creating a fraud-resistant community. 
Testimonials And Stories
Stories shape our thoughts. When eyeing verified PayPal accounts, testimonials tell much. They offer peeks into real-world outcomes, from wins to woes.
Success And Horror Stories
Success tales inspire. Meet Jane. She snagged a verified PayPal account. Smile-wide, she recounts seamless transactions and broadened business horizons. Bullet-proof confidence in online dealings, she beams.
Yet, mishaps lurk. A horror story surfaced – Tom’s account, albeit verified, got frozen. A click, a slight mishap, and weeks spent untangling digital knots. Arduous hours and calls, a cautionary tale of vigilance and the fine print.
Quick transactions turned profits for Jane
Unexpected freezes pained Tom’s business
Learning From Others' Experiences
Peers' experiences are gold mines. A table of stories reveals patterns. It's about lessons without first-hand risks.
Simple setup, no glitches
Follow verification steps closely
Account flagged, payment on hold
Keep all business info transparent
Take cues. Aim like Emily; steer clear like Luke. Advance informed, with risks calculated. Balance the scales of e-commerce with wisdom from community chronicles.
Paypal And E-commerce
PayPal stands as a pivotal pillar in the e-commerce world. It bridges the gap between consumers and products. Seamless, secure transactions define modern-day online shopping. A verified PayPal account guarantees trust and reliability, both crucial for online sellers and marketplaces.
The Necessity Of Verified Accounts For Sellers
Sellers require verified PayPal accounts to ensure a smooth business operation. The verification badge serves as a sign of authenticity and boosts B-u-yer confidence. Unverified accounts risk transaction limitations and potential business disruptions. Verified status unlocks:
No withdrawal cap
Increase in credibility
Fewer transaction disputes
Enhanced account security
Impact On Customer Satisfaction
Note: Consider using icons or images from the theme to enhance visual appeal for 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down'.
Customer satisfaction in e-commerce relies on the assurance of safe payments. Verified accounts contribute to this assurance significantly. They offer:
Quick transactions
Positive user experience
Better protection
Trust build-up
Effortless refunds
Satisfied customers
Global reach
Broadened market scope
Thus, a verified PayPal account is not just a necessity, but a cornerstone for thriving in the competitive landscape of e-commerce.
Technicalities Of Transferring Ownership
When you B-u-y a verified PayPal account, understanding how to legally transfer ownership is key. This involves changing personal details. You must also prepare for any disputes or claims. Let’s delve into the technical steps to ensure a smooth transition.
Change Of Personal Details
Update Email: Replace the previous owner's email with yours. Use PayPal's account settings.
Reset Password: Create a new, strong password for security.
Change Contact Information: Edit the phone number and address under the profile section.
Bank Information: Link your bank account or credit card to the PayPal account.
Dealing With Disputes And Claims
Check Resolution Center: Review any open issues before transferring.
Resolve Pending Disputes: Address any active disputes to clear account status.
New Owner Verification: Provide necessary documents to PayPal to verify the new ownership.
Contact Support: If issues arise, reaching out to PayPal support is essential.
Preparing For Long-term Use
Having a verified PayPal account is crucial for smooth online transactions. Yet, it needs care like a garden. Here's how to prepare for the long haul.
Maintaining Account Health
To keep your account fit, regular check-ups are key. Here's how you do it:
Update personal info: Change outdated details fast.
Secure log-ins: Use strong passwords and change them often.
Monitor activity: Check transactions daily. Spot issues early.
Link a bank: Attach a bank account for a safety net.
Avoiding Limitations And Bans
Staying under the radar prevents trouble. Follow these steps:
Read rules: Know what's allowed. Stick to it.
Speak up: Contact support if something seems off.
Go slow: Don’t rush big money moves. It raises flags.
Be honest: Provide real info always. Fakes lead to falls.
The Ethics Of B-u-ying And Selling Accounts
The Ethics of B-u-ying and Selling Accounts spark lively debate. Opinions vary widely.
Moral Considerations
Trust and honesty are pillars of online commerce.
B-u-ying validated PayPal accounts blurs these lines, raising ethical questions.
Is it fair to bypass account creation rules?
Does it impact users unknowingly?
Industry Perspectives On Account Trading
View on Account Trading
Financial Services
Critical due to security risks.
E-commerce Platforms
Against, to maintain user trust.
Legal Perspectives
Limited by regulations and laws.
Future Of Online Payments And Verifications
The digital payment landscape constantly evolves, offering greater convenience and security. Verified PayPal accounts signify this shift, ensuring safer transactions in the e-commerce world. Understanding the future of online payments and verifications is crucial for both consumers and merchants aimed at staying ahead in the digital economy.
Trends In Digital Wallets
As transactions move online, digital wallets have become the backbone of e-commerce. These platforms offer speedy checkouts and robust security, transforming how we think about money.
Mobile-First Approach: Integration with smartphones for on-the-go access.
Crypto-Compatible: Wallets now support cryptocurrencies, broadening usage.
Loyalty Integration: Users earn rewards directly through their digital wallets.
Innovations In User Verification
User verification processes are now more sophisticated to combat fraud. Verified PayPal accounts are a testament to the robust methods in place. The following are at the forefront:
Biometric Security: Fingerprint and facial recognition to ensure user authenticity.
Two-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords.
AI Monitoring: Intelligent systems detect and prevent unauthorized access.
Frequently Asked Questions For B-u-y Verified Paypal Accounts
 Are Verified Paypal Accounts Safe To B-u-y?
 Verified PayPal accounts are generally considered safer due to identity confirmation. However, purchasing accounts from third parties is risky and against PayPal's terms of service. It can lead to account suspensions or legal issues.
What Benefits Do Verified Paypal Accounts Offer?
 Verified PayPal accounts offer increased trust and credibility with B-u-yers and sellers, higher transaction limits, and reduced chances of payments being held. They also provide a more seamless and secure transactional experience on the platform. 
How Can I Verify My Own Paypal Account? 
To verify your own PayPal account, link it to a bank account or credit card, and confirm the details. PayPal will make two small deposits, and you must enter those amounts on PayPal's website for verification.
 Can I Get Banned For B-u-ying A Paypal Account? 
Yes, B-u-ying or selling PayPal accounts violates PayPal's User Agreement. Engaging in this activity can lead to permanent account bans and legal actions by PayPal.
 Navigating the digital landscape requires reliable financial tools. A verified PayPal account becomes that trusted companion for seamless transactions. Whether you're expanding your e-commerce reach or ensuring smooth freelance payments, the decision to purchase a verified account can set the foundation for hassle-free online business. 
Embrace the security and convenience this choice offers and set sail toward your digital success with confidence.
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Depreciation shock! We reveal the electric cars that take the biggest hit | Electrifying.com
Welcome to an Electrifying podcast special where we’ll be giving you the lowdown on the used electric cars that we think offer you the most value for your money. Let’s start with a recap on the used market. We saw crazy prices post-lockdown when the slow supply of new cars saw the prices of used cars reaching almost laughably high levels. But in the past year we’ve seen a realignment of those prices and they have plummeted for used electric cars. As a result, they are all looking much more affordable. The fall in values was triggered by a number of factors, but arguably the biggest was Tesla’s decision to reduce new prices by thousands of pounds. This had an immediate knock-on effect on the used market and shockwaves through the industry. This is a story that has winners and losers. The losers are those who paid full whack for new cars at the height of the market and have taken a big depreciation hit. The winners are used car buyers, who can now pick up an electric car at a much more affordable price. We’ve obtained valuation figures from the experts at CAP, and in this video, we list the top 10 most depreciating electric cars on the market. If you’re thinking of buying a used car that appears in our list - well done, your timing is perfect. If you’re considering one new, it might be worth reconsidering your choice! Note that we're discussing 'trade' prices, which are typically less than you'll actually pay on the forecourt. Join Ginny and Tom as they discuss the list.
P.S. It seems that the new electric cars on the list have simply been too expensive in relation to the expectations of their owners, and in the second-hand market, buyers are not willing to pay a lot of money for unfulfilled expectations...!
Interestingly, this list of rapidly depreciating cars does not include electric cars made by Tesla and Chinese companies...
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freshdirect · 1 year
Unlocking the Goodness of Fresh Lemons from FreshDirect
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Hold up, folks! Lemons aren't just about giving your taste buds a tangy rollercoaster. These little citrus superheroes are like your undercover allies for feeling amazing. And we're not talking about any lemons – we're talking about the fresh lemons you can grab from Fresh Direct. Yep, it's like a health boost made super easy.
What's Inside Fresh Lemons: Quick Nutrition Breakdown
Let's keep things simple. Lemons aren't big on fat or protein. They're mostly carbs (around 10%) and water (almost 90%). Grab a medium lemon, and it's only about 20 calories – no biggie for your calorie count.
Here's the scoop for ½ cup (100 grams) of zesty lemon goodness:
Calories: 29
Water: 89%
Protein: 1.1 grams
Carbs: 9.3 grams
Sugar: 2.5 grams
Fiber: 2.8 grams
Fat: 0.3 grams
Carbs: Keeping It Simple
Carbs in lemons? They're all about basic sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose, plus fibers. Pectin, the fiber hero, takes charge here. It's like the Fresh Lemons are the guardian of your blood sugar, making sure it doesn't go haywire.
Vitamins and Minerals: The Good Vibes
Fresh lemons are like your vitamin C buddies – that's the one powering up your immune system and giving your skin a high-five. They're also packing potassium, a heart health superstar. Don't forget about vitamin B6 – it's the energy boost your food needs to keep you going strong.
Cool Plant Compounds: Health Ninjas
Lemons aren't just about the basics – they've got these plant compounds that are like health wizards. They could help you fight off the big C, keep your heart happy, and dial down inflammation.
Here's the lowdown on the secret agents inside:
Citric Acid: Guarding against kidney stones? Yep, citric acid's got that on lockdown.
Hesperidin: Fancy name, superpower action – keeps your blood vessels rock solid and arteries clear.
Diosmin: Keeping your blood vessels chill and fighting inflammation – it's like a superhero sidekick.
Eriocitrin: Another antioxidant on duty, hanging out in lemon peel and juice, keeping your body in check.
D-limonene: The lemon peel's superstar! It's all about essential oils and can even help you battle heartburn.
Lemons Rock for Your Health
Lemons? They're like those trusty sidekicks in movies. They're teaming up with your heart to tackle heart disease. They're like the anti-kidney-stone squad with their citric acid. Low iron? Lemons got your back – they'll help you snag more iron from your food.
And guess what? Lemons are like undercover agents against cancer. They've got these compounds that might just lower your risk, including the big one – breast cancer.
Sip on Fresh Lemon Power! 
You know those movie scenes with people sipping lemon water? That's not just for show. It's a legit health trend. Squeeze that lemon into your water, and you're boosting your vitamin C and getting all those plant compounds we've been raving about. Plus, it helps your body grab more iron – talk about a body upgrade!
But it's not all about health. The lemony scent? It's like a mood lifter, a stress buster. So, if you're all about a gulp of health and happiness, give lemon water a shot. Just watch out for sneaky added sugars in lemonade – they're not the healthy kind.
So, there you have it – fresh lemons, your health buddies that add a zing to your day. Whether you're spicing up your dishes or sippin' on lemon water, these zesty champs are here to brighten up your life. And thanks to FreshDirect, those fresh lemons are right at your doorstep, waiting for you to grab some zesty goodness! 
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
VALORANT patch notes – 6.08 update revamps Killjoy and Gekko
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New Valorant patch notes are here as Riot Games takes aim at Gekko and Killjoy in its competitive FPS game, while making some cosmetic changes and working on a plethora of bug fixes as well. We’ve got the full lowdown on all the 6.08 Valorant changes, so get comfy. Valorant’s best agent Killjoy is seeing some hefty changes, as her scope to interact with the environment and the overall effectiveness of Nanoswarm have been increased. Meanwhile you can check out the Valorant battle pass for Episode 6 Act 3, which goes live alongside the 6.08 patch. Valorant patch 6.08 – full notes Below are the full patch notes courtesy of Riot Games, all of the below is in the developer’s words. AGENT UPDATES Gekko Wingman - Audio improvements to Wingman’s (Q) plant and defuse audio. - The audio cues for Wingman’s spike and defuse sound were unclear during hectic combat This should help make those audio cues standout. - We’ve updated Gekko’s in-game portrait for better gameplay readability and quality consistency. Killjoy “As Killjoy has taken on a more prominent place in the meta, we’ve noticed a couple of areas where we could improve the ways her abilities interact with other players/the environment,” Riot says. “We’ve done a pass on some of her audio cues to make them more distinct and make it clearer when her utility has been destroyed. In addition, we’ve increased the reveal radius on Nanoswarm (C) to better match its area of damage and make it more realistic for enemies that are moving methodically to track them down. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this balance point moving forward. Finally, we’ve removed the yellow warning indicator that was added to Lockdown (X) last patch, as it was too noisy on screen for the full duration of her ultimate winding up.” Nanoswarm (C) - Nanoswarm reveal radius increased 350 >> 525Nanoswarm audio has been updated. - Audio loop now also turns off when disabled as a result of Killjoy being killed or suppressed. - Improved feedback for the enemy when they destroy Nanoswarm. - Nanoswarm is now revealed when it is disabled. Other Abilities - Updated visuals for Killjoy’s ultimate Lockdown (X) being destroyed. - Removed the yellow warning UI Indicator for enemies Killjoy’s Lockdown (X). - Updated deactivate sounds for Killjoy’s Turret (E) and Alarmbot (Q) to make them more distinct. Misc Brimstone’s Sky Smoke (E), Orbital Strike (X), and Omen’s From the Shadows (X) ability have updated targeting visuals to help players with precision placement on the map. COSMETICS UPDATES Shorty We have upgraded several Shorty models, including the default Shorty, to get them up to par visually with the rest of our weapons. These are just art updates—there will be no gameplay changes. Players who own any of the following will notice an updated Shorty: - Default Shorty - Wunderkind Shorty - Sidekick Shorty - Karabasan Shorty - Prism II Shorty - Doodle Buds Shorty MAP UPDATES Map Rotations - The newly updated Bind rotates into Competitive and Unrated queues. - Icebox rotates out of Competitive and Unrated queues. BUG FIXES Gameplay Systems - Fixed an issue where “Kick ally off” displays while defusing the Spike. - Fixed a visual bug where the Spike progress bar for planting or defusing would speed up or reset while defusing. - Fixed an issue where Yoru couldn’t drop his weapon while using Dimensional Drift (X). Social - (Fixed in Patch 6.07) Fixed a bug where the add/remove friend button wasn’t available when right-clicking a party member who had “Hide my name outside my party” setting turned on. - (Fixed in Patch 6.07) Fixed a bug where banned players would not get removed from your party. - Fixed a bug where party invites that were no longer valid were sometimes still showing as active for players. - Fixed a bug where Team and All chat logs would be wiped after a match. Thank you to our Redditors for alerting us to this one. - Fixed a bug where punctuation marks were not correctly displayed when in-game language is Thai. KNOWN ISSUES - We are aware of an issue modifying locale within the client. Locale updates will need to be performed through Riot Client (Riot Client settings). - We’re aware of an issue where, in rare instances, audio cues are not playing for various sound effects. We are investigating at this time and will share as soon as we know more. I wonder what these changes could do to our constantly evolving Valorant tier list? While you wait and see, it’s definitely worth loading up one of the best Valorant crosshairs to ensure that tiny changes like these don’t impact your game. Read the full article
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Best cannabis stores near me
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Well done America: A lot of states are bouncing on the lawful pot train. However, in Canada, marijuana has been lawful beginning around 2018, and life is sweet up North assuming you like getting high.
That is especially evident in Toronto, where dispensaries are springing up like minimal timberland mushrooms after they were pronounced a fundamental help during the pandemic. Controllers in Ontario are currently conceding 30 allowed seven days (that is another licence consistently and 20 minutes of the functioning day!), making the quantity of dispensaries in Toronto swell from twelve or so pre-pandemic to almost 150 today, as per the Ontario Marijuana Store.
When Canada returns, Toronto is at the highest point of our movement list — and for the lawful weed, yet not for the legitimate weed, ya dig? After lockdown, the city will undoubtedly pop — however things "may look a small piece changed," as per Toronto weed client Marly Tweedledoob. "I'm anticipating a post-Coronavirus world when we can assemble once more, yet I couldn't say whether I'll at any point return to passing arbitrary joints around with outsiders… puff, puff, debris > puff, puff, pass!"
Here is the lowdown on where to purchase weed in Toronto, in addition to our picks for the sake of entertainment activities and spots to eat once you hit the stratosphere.
Above all: some guidelines
However long you're north of 19, you can convey an ounce of marijuana (30g) on you. You can smoke in a confined home or in broad daylight, yet you're not permitted to smoke in a place where you can't smoke cigarettes — so no lodgings, cafés, just beyond open entryways, and so forth. Keep it out of your vehicle (except if it's a left RV), and obviously, don't drive impaired.
Purchasing weed in Toronto
There are currently almost 150 lawful dispensaries in Toronto — a marvellous number contrasted with only twelve pre-pandemic dispensaries — which you can find by means of the Ontario Marijuana Store. At most stores, you can get all that from blossom, pre-rolls, and oils to softgel containers and edibles, with costs beginning from about $7.50 Canadian dollars per gram. Greater stores will sell the most recent weed tech like THC drinks and each kind of line, paper, and bong you can envision (indeed, even ones that don't seem to be dicks).
The best dispensaries to look at
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Various shops have various energies, going from Apple Store to Starbucks to upscale quick easy going cafés. Simply watch out for unapproved dispensaries, similar to Bistro, which look essentially equivalent to lawful shops yet aren't directed. Check these Toronto dispensaries out:
Tokyo Smoke
Claimed by Canadian marijuana juggernaut Shelter Development, Tokyo Smoke has 14 legitimate dispensaries all over Toronto and Scarborough. Every Tokyo Smoke has a monstrous determination to browse, with north of 125 strains and little sniffing cases (or "fragrance spheres") so you can have a whiff before you purchase. This is certainly the spot to go to attempt the most recent "marijuana 2.0" treats like beverages and edibles.
The Local Joint
This dispensary in The Sea shores gives proper respect to the arrangement of compressed mail tubes that sat underneath Toronto during the 1930s, and it's Tweedledoob's number one. "It's family-claimed with well disposed and proficient staff, including an excellent canine who is fixated on their pneumatic cylinder framework that brings item from their stock space to the front counter," she says, adding that there's a helpful separate booth for snap and-gather orders so you don't need to sit tight for individuals who are concluding what they need. "In any case, assuming that you truly do need to pause, you will be engaged by the dog and the cylinder framework," Tweedledoob added.
The Hunny Pot Co
Established in West Sovereign West and underlying a previous strip club, Toronto's most memorable lawful pot shop has made considerable progress. There are currently 18 Hunny Pot stores across the GTA, including Toronto legitimate, Hamilton, Mississauga, Brampton, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The assistance will in general be great anyplace you go.
Implicating a previous cafe, Toronto's most memorable ladies-owned dispensary opened in the East End toward the finish of 2019 (it presently likewise has areas in Freedom Town and Mount Dennis). Inside, this dispensary has a well disposed woodland themed vibe with verdant walls that look like marijuana blossom.
Canada's unassuming capital, Ottawa, brought forth the nation's head of the state, this writer, and Superette — "the main dispensary with character and a remarkable brand," as per Tweedledum. "A great deal of dispensaries all appear to be identical, however this one gives a tomfoolery experience." Superette has areas in Summerhill and downtown on Spadina and Front Road, with more opening soon.
Canada's most memorable Person of color possessed retail weed organization won't overlook the bigoted history of denial. Driven by Jamaican-conceived pot dissident Vivianne Wilson, this Little Italy dispensary isn't simply a strong store — a centre point will have local area occasions when lockdowns ease.
Canna Cabana
This Calgary-conceived shop has been in progress starting around 2009 and has truly sloped it up since authorization, opening areas across Canada. In Toronto's Parliament and Yonge Road areas, Canna Cabana has a great time, tropical-themed energy and even offers a spot to reuse inefficient plastic bundling.
The best places to hang out high
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As Canada's biggest city and social centre point, Toronto has a very sizable amount of activities — with the enormous special reward that participating openly is completely legitimate. Top notch expressions and culture establishments are sprinkled all through midtown, and the city's green spaces are nearly involved by gatherings of companions passing around a joint. The following are a couple of key spots to catch up with while you're high.
High Park
"I'm expressing this for the name, however one of my number one spots to get high will be High Park," says Tweedledoob. "There are vast paths to meander, fields to excursion in, and water to look at. They additionally have a superb off-rope canine region."
Then there's Trinity Bellwoods, apparently Toronto's coolest park. This 38-section of land greenscape gets jam-loaded with young'uns getting a charge out of specialty lagers, throwing frisbees, and talking however much they might want. The recreation area likewise has motion pictures throughout the mid year.
Toronto Islands
Ostensibly one of the most outstanding road trips from any city, the Toronto Islands are ideally suited for a chill nature stroll along Lake Ontario, including a perspective on the Toronto horizon. Past beautiful paths through the trees, the Islands are home to a carnival, frisbee golf bins, and a few sea shores, including garments discretionary Hanlan's Point for those slanted.
Craftsmanship Exhibition of Ontario
On the off chance that you find the Back's outside design trippy, you'll adore its 90,000+ masterpieces. Investigating the Prior after a smoke meeting is a quintessential Toronto experience, and staff are very much familiar with laughs at the shows.
Ripley's Aquarium of Canada
Smoking and plunging is presumably just plain dumb. All things being equal, pick the safe (and truly fun!) choice and get hypnotised by the ocean life at this huge 135,000-sq-foot aquarium in the core of downtown Toronto.
R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant
Tweedledumb drew this one out into the open: She says in spite of its haphazardness, it's an astounding spot to sash. "You get a dazzling perspective on the lake and you can lounge in the stoner greatness of realizing that you are getting high where the jail scenes from Crazy were shot!" she says. "It's likewise highlighted in Robocop and a small bunch of different motion pictures."
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ayanvillafuerte · 3 years
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kalinga brew. iced coffee. daily grind staple.
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yrsonpurpose · 4 years
time for honey and billy to get back together i think
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a-night-like--this · 2 years
The Cure give us an update on their “relentless” new album – and when to expect it
Robert Smith gives us the lowdown on 'Songs Of A Lost World', another album in the works, their upcoming tour, and his relationship with bassist Simon Gallup
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By Andrew Trendell
The Cure have spoken to NME about progress on their long-awaited new album ‘Songs Of A Lost World’, as well as what to expect from their upcoming tour.
Having long teased the band’s long-awaited “merciless” new record – after telling us that two new albums were on the way back at the last NME Awards back in 2020 – Smith revealed to NME earlier this year that one of them would be “real very soon” and would be called ‘Songs Of A Lost World’.
Then today (Thursday May 19), after he and bandmate and songwriting partner Simon Gallup picked up the Icon Award at the Ivor Novellos, Smith again gave reassurance that the album was on the way and would be out before their upcoming winter tour.
“We will be releasing a new album,” Smith told NME. “I get fed up of saying this now! We will be playing from October and the new album will be out before then. We walked on [stage at the Ivors today] to a bit of new music, actually. Hopefully no one recorded it!”
At this point, Shakira interrupted the interview to shake hands with “her favourite band of all time”, before Gallup replied: “It is a surreal day”.
Back to ‘Songs Of A Lost World’, Smith then confirmed that “it’s almost finished”.
“Reeves [Gabrels] our guitar player has come over from America for the day just to finish a couple of solos, I’ve got to finish a couple of vocals,” he revealed. “Essentially it’s a 12 track album. It’s there, it’s kind of half-mixed and half-finished. It’s a weird thing. It’s kind of evolved over the last two years. It hasn’t always been a good thing to have been left alone with it. You pick at it, like picking at seams, and everything falls apart.
Smith continued: “It’ll be worth the wait. I think it’s the best thing we’ve done, but then I would say that. I’m not doing an Oasis when I say that, ‘IT’S THE BEST FOOKIN’ ALBUM’. A lot of the songs are difficult to sing, and that’s why it’s taken me a while.”
Discussing the themes and character of the long-awaited follow-up to 2008’s ‘4:13 Dream‘, Smith said that the album “doesn’t have very much light on it” and that it sounds “more like ‘Disintegration’ than ‘Head On The Door’.”
“It’s pretty relentless, which will appeal to the hardcore of our audience, but I don’t think we’ll be getting any Number One singles off it or anything like that!” he laughed. “It’s been quite harrowing, like it has for everyone else.
“I’ve been more privileged than most, but lockdown and COVID has affected me in as much as I’ve lost an entire generation of aunts and uncles in under a year. It’s things like that which have informed the way I’ve been with the record.”
Smith added: “Essentially we recorded two albums in 2019. I’ve been trying to finish two at the same time, which is pretty much impossible. One is nearly ready to go.”
As for the mysterious second record that they’ve been working on, Smith said Cure fans would likely have to wait a little longer to hear that.
“While there are a handful of really good songs, I’ve kind of fallen out of love with others so we’re going to have to record another four or five perhaps,” he said. “If it gets finished, it’s very upbeat. It’s the flip-side to the first one.
“I can’t wait to sing it, actually. I feel quite distraught singing the same songs over and over again.”
Speaking of accepting their Ivor Icon Award with Gallup, with whom he has been part of The Cure’s line-up since 1978 and 1979 respectively, Smith explained what the prize meant and why they songwriting collaboration worked.
“It is a strange one. I was thinking about it when we were walking up to collect the award – it felt strange to be leaving the other three at the table,” he said. “We got an NME Award a couple of years back for Best Festival Headliner. That meant a lot because we don’t often get recognised for that side of what we do live, but this is completely different.
“For me, it’s really lovely that Simon is up there with me. It’s criminal really, because he’s been there all the time.”
As for how they work together when penning material, he said: “With Simon, we send demos back and forth. Because I write the words, I decide what songs are going to progress and which ones aren’t. Often it’s the case that with hindsight I pick the wrong songs.
“I’ve just finished doing the ‘Wish’ remaster, and there are so many of Simon’s demos that never got past the demo stage and remained instrumental – purely because I couldn’t think of any words for them. That’s really sad, because some of them were really great!
“They’re all coming out as instrumentals, and I think there are about 36 unreleased songs coming out on the package. That’s the same every time we do anything. There’s always loads of music, and a lot of it is Simon’s. I just run out of words!”
Fans will get the chance to hear new material live at The Cure’s upcoming 2022 UK and European tour.
Asked if the gigs will be their legendary usual three hours plus in length, he replied: “Not if my band has anything to do with it! It will be slightly shorter than in the past, if I’m honest. It will be about two and a quarter hours, I think. That’s short!
“There will be a smattering of new stuff as we play through. Essentially the strength of the band live is the catalogue and the songs that we’ve got so it would be pretty dumb to play an hour of new music. Although some people would prefer us to do that!”
Smith added: “The size of the venues we’re playing, you need to engage everyone in the venue. You can’t just concentrate on the handful of people down the front. If it happens it’ll be great…that’s if Europe exists by the time we start…”
Last August, Gallup announced that he had left The Cure. However, in October, he told a fan on social media that he was still a member of the band. The bassist appeared on stage with Smith at the Ivors tonight, although he did not make an acceptance speech.
Smith’s last public appearances were for the BandLab NME Awards 2022 – where he picked up the Best Song In The UK Award for his Chvrches collaboration ‘How Not To Drown’ and after performed the track together live for the first time along with a cover of The Cure’s ‘Just Like Heaven‘ – and then again for a repeat performance of the songs with Chvrches at their Brixton Academy headline gig a week later.
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jakemoogle · 3 years
I had to give a quick little 5 minute presentation on all my work and what I’m doing regarding all the hospitality courses I overlook for the rest of the year (and during lockdown) in our team meeting today (along with everyone else giving their quick lowdown of work so not just me) and I was so nervous thinking about it all last night. It went fine overall but I’ve never given a rundown of something like this before and had a very mild panic going over my notes and what I had prepared.
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elroymeg · 3 years
Perhaps the Seven were trying to tell him something.
Perhaps the Seven were trying to tell him something. It's a personal restaurant with a lot of personal touches; the aprons are part of that.". Every one knows how in our Southern States the boundaries of slavery are continually increasing, for want of some power there to perform the same kind office. "We are rooting for and predicting. For most folks who contemplate a home business, a low cost or no cost solution is not only nice, but also very necessary. The Lyseni took the table nearest to the fire and spoke quietly over cups of black tar rum, keeping their voices low so no zapatillas de tacos futbolone could overhear. "Again, it was an oddity for a young kid when I first started playing in the late '70s. Talk of the abuses of slavery! Humbug! The thing itself is the essence of all abuse. He must.” Lady Dustin chuckled. Its coils were gold, its wings silver, its three heads ivory, onyx, and jade. For instance, if you don't have the oil changed in the engine according to the suggested maintenance schedule and the engine fails as a result, the carmaker has the legal right to void
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''I literally feel like I got asked to the prom and engaged and told I was going to the moon all in one day. Agency sent representatives to Bay Terrace earlier this year for a contentious community forum and has since agreed to an aviation roundtable with residents and elected officials to silence the complaints.. Naked, bloody, limping, she was only a woman, not so very papuci de casa din pasla different from their wives, more like their mothers than their pretty bikes btt usadas little maiden daughters. We could have this whole Solar System on exploration lockdown in just a few decades.. A thin film of ice covered the surface of the pool beneath the weirwood. And they're all different," said Pope. When one man-at-arms grew careless in her presence she had snatched his dagger from its sheath and stabbed him in the neck. We see too many moms and dads put their own dreams on hold while growing more fearful about the kind of future they'll be able to leave to their children.. Gary Gray rollicking biopic showcases exactly why these men were so influential. Given the numbers of aircraft in service today and how critical safety is, MRO has now evolved to become a major market within aviation. If you don't do aerobics, aren't a runner or haven't played basketball since high school, chances are you are not familiar with the various athletic shoes sold today. So, the first and foremost thing to do is to take your pet dog to the vet. Next day she did the same, but grandfather didn’t come, and it rained those days, and mother caught a bad cold coming down to the gate with me, and had to go to bed again..
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rumpledwhoonmars · 3 years
In case you need any convincing to watch or re-watch Hustle...
In the US, all eight seasons of Hustle are currently free to watch for Amazon Prime members.
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UC 50.35 - Imperial vs Warwick
This is episode thirty five of this years University Challenge. Almost exactly one year ago, on 23rd March 2020, the UK was plunged into what we thought would be its only lockdown. Instead it was the first of going on three, four? Where does a lockdown end and a Tier 4 start? Manchester, where I live, has basically been in lockdown for most of the twelve months since then, and who knows how much longer this one is going to actually last. 
There is a peculiar magic to a revolution of the sun, with the circularity giving meaning to the meaningless marker of three hundred and sixty five days. Somehow it feels so much more momentous that a year will have passed than that a day less than a year has passed. You remember what you were doing as the lockdown was announced, where you watched Boris make his serious address from. The tingles of fear, and maybe even guilty nervous excitement made me restless. No one knew what any of it meant. So many things have changed since then, but in some ways we are exactly where we were. Stuck inside, nowhere to go, with no concept of when life will return to normal. 
There was also a University Challenge match on the 23rd March. I don’t know if I watched it on the day. Probably not. I wrote about it six days later, by which point I was working from home with a pile of books stacked underneath my laptop acting as a makeshift stand. There is something strange about being able to read exactly what I was thinking at the time everything was starting. The following paragraphs are taken directly from that blog, and it still feels like we are in the same limbo state.
What is going on? When I wrote the last blog it was pretty clear that we were in a dire situation, but the inaction of the Government left it feeling like we were in some kind of limbo state, just waiting for the disaster to hit us. But then action was taken. Lockdown.
We now know exactly what we have to do (I was going to list the ‘Stay Home’ instructions here, but if you’re getting your lockdown lowdown from a University Challenge blog then frankly there’s no hope for you anyway), but it still feels really surreal. You’ve never done a home workout in your life, but you’ve done two in the past three days. People say ‘social distancing’ as if its always been a well-known term that was commonly used in daily life. There are never any beans (screw your toilet paper shortages, its the beans that really matter).
We’re still in limbo, really, because we have no idea how long this is going to last. And we’re still waiting for the disaster to hit, because the worst of it hasn’t yet, and the lockdown won’t start properly helping for a few weeks. So what do we do? What can we do? You feel like you want to be distracted from all that is going on, but also to be clued up to the eyeballs with the latest news.
So we do what we can. We stay inside. We call our friends and family and play that stupid ‘chips and guac’ game on Houseparty. We take solace in books, or films, or TV…
As I did a year ago, I’ll try and distract you all (and myself too), with some words about a television quiz show. Let’s not bother with the rules, here’s your first starter for ten...
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Imperial and Warwick have already played each other in this years tournament, with the Avonsiders coming out convincing winners, 200 to 120. They then beat another of the semi finalists, Magdalene, Cambridge, by 200 to 160. Fans of a nice round number, it seems. 
But I wouldn’t write Imperial off. They followed up their loss to Warwick with magnificent wins over King’s and Durham. Their skipper Kohn is the most in-form player left in the competition, and has averaged more than six starters a game. 
Having lost their first round match to Strathclyde, Imperial were given a reprieve via the high-scoring loser play-offs, and boy did they take advantage of it. This coincided with the gap in filming caused by Covid, and Kohn used the extra time to train intensely - think Stallone in Rocky but its just a guy furiously reading (with the same music playing, obviously).
Warwick, meanwhile, have had a relatively smooth path to the last four, winning by an average of 92.5 points. However, if you dive a bit deeper into those statistics, the margin has been decreasing each time (150, 100, 80, 40...), so if Imperial could get stuck into them early on then we’d have a real match on our hands. 
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Kohn is quickest on the buzzer for the first starter, and they take three bonuses, with Kohn saying that ‘this is giving me strong Dr Faustus vibes’, before giving Dr Faustus as the correct answer for the third. His speed is his downfall on the next starter though, and he loses five points with a neg, allowing his opposite number Rout to pick up the scraps.
A very long-winded biology question falls to no one, before another Imperial neg, this time from Wong, let Braid in to take the lead for Warwick. An incredibly easy bonuse set on Shakespeare extended this for them, though they didn’t recognise ‘Night of the Living Dead’ from its description. 
Marrow, Imperial’s resident smiler, took the first picture starter to her evident delight, and a couple of bonuses tied the game at thirty fives. Braid is unlucky with his guess of ‘suffer no fools’ on the next starter - the answer is ‘suffer fools gladly’. 
A trademark rapid-buzz from Kohn took the lead back to London, before a second neg from Wong allowed Braid to level the game again. Imperial’s tactic seems to be to win the buzzer race, regardless of whether or not they know the answer. So far they have three negs to three correct starters. An inspired guess of semi-colon from Marrow stole back the initiative. Neither side could string together a run of starters yet. 
Not wanting to let Kohn have all the credit, Rout comes in super early on the next starter with Hamiltonian Operator. By now we have reached the music round, in a riveting but so-far low-scoring match. Kohn takes us to seventy apiece with the musical starter, giving Miles Davis and Dave Brubeck as his answer, even though the question had only asked for one person (to be fair to him, the question asked for ‘a bandleader and soloist’, making it seem as though they were two different people, but anyway, Paxman lets him off).
Both teams are making a dangerous habit of dropping bonuses, and six pass in succession with no correct answers. A pair of starters from Burrell, along with a few made five pointers, including some on Bulgarian football teams, gave Warwick the biggest lead of the match so far - fifty. 
Kohn isn’t content to give up so easily, and takes the second picture starter, along with a pair of bonuses. Braid stumbles on a chemical elements question, and again Kohn takes advantage. Dismissing some of the bonuses as too easy, Imperial close to within ten. 
Pollard gets his first starter of the evening with Yuri Gagarin, and a rare full set from Warwick gave them a thirty five point lead. A supremely clutch buzz from Kohn keeps Imperial in it, but Braid is quickest to identify/guess that a million seconds is two weeks (to the closest week), possibly putting the game beyond the reach of the Londoners. Paxman wastes some time by going on about how stupid it is to know that fact, and Warwick waste some more time with a lengthy conference on the bonuses. They are forty points clear, and probably heading to the final. 
Braid negs. Thirty five points. 
Kohn trips over his tongue, but gets the answer out in the end. Twenty five points. Could they do it?
No (sorry to have built up your hopes, if I did). The gong follows soon after, with Imperial still twenty five points adrift. 
Final Score: Imperial 135 - 160 Warwick
Probably a deserved win for Warwick that, but Imperial were an absolute delight and it was a pleasure to watch their evolution over the course of the tournament, especially Kohn’s performances on the buzzer. 
I’m looking forward to the second semi-final next week, which also promises to be a barnstormer. See you then.
If you’ve enjoyed this, but can’t wait until next week for another fix of University Challenge, then you can check out my Patreon, where I’ve been reviewing the 2015/16 series.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, December 28
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Kardashians in ruins 
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Page 1: Fans jumped to conclusions when Taylor Swift who is known to drop hints about her personal life in her music videos posted a teaser shot for her new clip for Willow of herself in a lacy dress and floral headpiece looking very much like a blushing bride -- Taylor and boyfriend Joe Alwyn have been talking weddings and they initially discussed throwing a big bash in Joe’s native England but they’ve reconsidered since holing up in Taylor’s farm outside Nashville so now they’re just going to go ahead and get married in a small romantic ceremony and forgo the church wedding and elaborate reception since they are super private and prefer to do things out of the spotlight 
Page 2: Contents, Heather Rae Young scoped out wedding dresses with Chrishell Stause by her side 
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Page 4: Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio are heating up the Boston set of their movie Don’t Look Up where their chemistry is off the charts even though both are seriously taken: Jennifer is wed to Cooke Maroney and Leo’s been dating Camila Marrone since 2017 but Jennifer and Leo have always had a flirty rapport whenever they bumped into each other at awards shows and other industry events -- Jennifer’s husband Cooke could be annoyed with all the flirting even if the actors are keeping things professional and as for Camila she finds his connection with Jennifer pretty intimidating 
Page 5: There’s plenty of tension on the set of The Morning Show now that Julianna Margulies has joined Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston on the series -- Jen wasn’t in on the decision to add Julianna to the cast and is miffed she wasn’t consulted and doesn’t understand why Reese insisted bringing Julianna on board and she’s just plain hurt that the new arrival has been getting so chummy with her BFF and Julianna and Reese are whispering behind everybody’s backs and barking orders like they own the place and they’re not even inviting Jen to lunch 
* Olivia Jade Giannulli addressed her part in the $500,000 bribe that ensured her entrance into USC and sent her parents Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli to prison and reactions to her appearance were harsh with a typical commenter calling her smug but she thinks she did well and figures this will be good for her career as a social-media influencer 
* Martha Stewart has been flourishing during lockdown and a new photo shows her looking beyond refreshed leaving some to wonder if she’s doing more than nibbling her new CBD gummies to look so good
Page 6: Kelly Clarkson’s divorce from Brandon Blackstock may be getting ugly but her ex-mother-in-law Reba McEntire is standing by her side even though it can get a little awkward at time but nothing is going to get in the way of Kelly and Reba’s relationship 
* A slew of A-listers are about to be dragged into Johnny Depp’s defamation case against his ex-wife Amber Heard as shocking new court papers allege that Johnny had affairs with a bevvy of his costars including Angelina Jolie and Keira Knightley and Marion Cotillard and must submit all responsive communications with them -- the women are mortified and embarrassed they’re being pulled into Johnny and Amber’s tawdry split while for his part Johnny flipped out when he learned he needed to produce his communications with these women and he’s calling the tactics lowdown and disgusting 
* Star Spots the Stars -- David Beckham, Chrissy Teigen, Carrie Underwood, Gal Gadot, Floyd Mayweather, Nick Offerman, Hilaria Baldwin 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Audrina Patridge and her daughter Kirra out in Beverly Hills, Pete Wentz let his bleached hair down during a tennis game in L.A., Joe Jonas and wife Sophie Turner walking with their daughter in a stroller in L.A. 
Page 10: Steve Martin took his meal to go during a break from filming Only Murders in the Building in Central Park, Josh Duhamel and his son Axl enjoyed a playful romp in the grass, Paris Hilton and Carter Reum celebrated their one-year anniversary in Bora Bora 
Page 11: Diane Keaton jokingly flirted with the men watching on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in Burbank, Sir Michael Palin brought the laughs during his appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show in London 
Page 12: ‘Tis the Season -- Kristen Taekman left a nursery in Encino, a decked out Lil Nas X and Ellen DeGeneres opted for a safe season’s greetings by bumping elbows on the talk show 
Page 13: Brooke Burke was all smiles shooting content for her fitness app in Malibu, Niecy Nash and wife Jessica Betts kicked off their first holiday season as a married couple in plaid pajamas 
Page 14: Kylie Minogue performing on The Jonathan Ross show in London, Irina Shayk out and about with daughter Lea in NYC, Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld and a canine costar filmed scenes for Hawkeye in NYC
Page 15: Selling Sunset star Christine Quinn showing some major skin during a photoshoot in L.A., Antonio Banderas and journalist Maria Casado posed for photos at a presentation for their new Spanish television series Escena en Blanco y Negro in Malaga, Spain 
Page 16: Beach Babes -- Chantal Jeffries and boyfriend Drew Taggart in Miami, Mark Zuckerberg showed off his gliding skills on his $12,000 eFoil electric surfboard in Hawaii 
Page 17: Chris Pratt used his hoverboard as a weight after hitting the sand with his son, Julia Roberts enjoyed a solo stroll in Hawaii 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Vanilla Ice headlining the drive-in Winterfest concert in West Palm Beach -- normal, Demi Moore wearing big boxing gloves -- not normal, James Franco couldn’t go without his phone during a getaway in Mexico -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look timeless in black -- Sofia Carson, Nicole Richie 
Page 21: Taylor Hill, Vanessa Kirby 
Page 24: Like so many Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are putting their future on hold amid the global health pandemic and Gwen revealed that the two won’t even set a date for their nuptials in order to avoid a COVID situation that would require restrictions -- they have already nailed down a few details like the location which is Blake’s Ten Point Ranch in Oklahoma where he proposed inside a chapel Blake built for Gwen on the 1300-acre property
Page 25: Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox are embroiled in a bitter custody war over their sons Noah and Bodhi and Journey -- Brian responded to Megan’s divorce filing by requesting joint custody and spousal support and he’s in a non-negotiating mood and if she tries to take his kids it’s going to get ugly really fast 
* James Franco is ready to pop the question to girlfriend Isabel Pakzad and he’s been looking at rings -- dating since 2017 the two overcame a difficult time in 2018 after James was accused by multiple women of misconduct -- surviving that scandal and enjoying their time in lockdown has convinced James he’s found The One 
* Kristin Cavallari and comedian Jeff Dye who were first linked in October jetted off to Mexico for a fun getaway with friends where the couple smooched and danced and enjoyed cocktails and had a wonderful time in Cabo but Kristin isn’t looking for anything serious following her divorce from Jay Cutler 
Page 26: Cover Story -- the Kardashian empire crumbles -- with their show leaving the air early next year the Kardashian-Jenner crew could stand to lose it all -- ratings for Keeping Up With the Kardashians reached a new low before they pulled the plug and it’s obvious fans are losing interest and they spend money like it’s going out of fashion 
Page 30: A Spy at the Palace -- after a staff member steals more than $200,000 worth of her personal keepsakes Queen Elizabeth no longer feels safe in her home 
Page 33: Gone Too Soon -- a look back at the celebrities we lost in 2020 and the legacies they leave behind -- Naya Rivera, Kelly Preston, Regis Philbin 
Page 34: Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, Alex Trebek 
Page 40: Beauty -- pretty pout -- sparkly, shiny and matte lipsticks to rock this New Year’s Eve -- Rihanna 
Page 42: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Vanessa Hudgens as host of the first MTV Movie & TV Awards: Greatest of All Time 
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