#lo’ak angst
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normspellsman · 2 years ago
Take Me With Her
“She Is Mine” Lo’ak Version
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part one | part two
pairing: lo’ak x fem!human!reader
genre: angst, forbidden secret relationship, tiniest bit of fluff, no comfort at all, & violence
word count: 4.1k+ (don’t…just don’t)
warning(s): hissing, lo’ak calling reader babygirl (eeekkk), mentions of death + injury, death threats, lo’ak being possessive, kidnapping, cursing, suggestive tones, brief neck kissing, quaritch being a creep (ewww), reader thinking that she’s going to die, everyone being terrified, spider + lo’ak thinking about killing quaritch, & lo’ak crying
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @optimisticblazetrash @goodiesinthecloset21 @liyahsocorro @universal-s1ut @minkyungseokie @amortencjja @chshshhshshshshshshshs
word bank: yawne — beloved, paskalin — honey (term of endearment), eywa / great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, sa’nok — mother, sempul — father, & prrnen — baby
note: spider, kiri, lo’ak, & reader are aged up to around the age of seventeen. it just makes more sense given the timeline i had in my head & with what i wrote. also going to be two parts hehe 🤭
Giggles erupted from your throat, your shoulder coming up instinctively to hide your neck from the ticklish attacks your boyfriend was doing to your delicate skin. You were almost confident that he even left some marks on the dips of your collarbones from his nipping.
Lo’ak whined in protest, attempting to burrow his face deeper into the crook of your neck.
“Yawne,” he whimpered, rubbing his cheek against your pulsepoint once he finally broke through your insistent hiding of your neck. “Can’t I show my love to my babygirl?” He whined, yet again.
You huffed in response, not sure if it was from annoyance or the proximity of your lovers face from your neck.
“No, Lo’ak. It is getting late and we must get back,” you replied, finally coaxing him out from your neck.
The Na’vi boy in front of you pouted, tightening his grip on your waist as he looked up at you from your position on his lap. Your thighs were on either side of Lo’ak’s waist causing you to kneel as he rested in between your legs.
“Just a few m’re minutes,” he pleaded, diving back into your neck as he gently ghosted his lips against the soft flesh and puckered his lips against it.
You gave out a small sigh, hands going up to the back of Lo’ak’s head and into his braids. “Sure,” you replied, making your boyfriend's tail perk up and wag back and forth from behind him, “Later. When we go home.”.
Lo’ak let out a frustrated groan, burying his face into your neck again and taking a deep inhale of your scent before reluctantly pulling away. A pout made its way to his face again.
“Fine,” he mumbled, standing up with you still in his tight hold.
“Lo’ak!” You squealed out, increasing your grip on his shoulders so as to not fall from his arms. He was such a pain in your ass sometimes.
The boy smirked at your response, bringing you a bit higher in order to be face to face with him, “Yes?”.
“Put me down you big oaf!” You demanded, slightly glaring at your smirking boyfriend, “And don’t drop me either! Gently put me down.”. You knew how Lo’ak worked during his teasing moments, it was always too obvious what he was thinking when the thought came across his mind. There were too many times where he playfully let you go and wasn’t quick enough to catch you, resulting in you harshly landing on your ass.
“Sure thing, princess,” he obeyed, gently placing you down onto the Pandora floor and kissing the crown of your head. “Better?” He asked.
Simply rolling your eyes at him, you shook your head and began to walk away, hoping to find Spider or Tuk to spread the message that you needed to start heading back home before eclipse began.
“Ugh. Baby, wait!” Lo’ak called out, quickly gathering his bow before swiftly following after you, tail swishing behind him as he did so.
Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
First, Lo’ak stumbled upon strange footprints, tracking them to the forbidden shack, a place where Jake warned you guys repeatedly to never go. Then, Jake ordered all of you to fall back and head back to the stronghold. After that, it was going smoothly. Kiri and Lo’ak were bickering back and forth about how much trouble the boy was going to be in while Spider and you trailed behind Tuk, before she was snatched up by an RDA Avatar. Lo’ak had thrown himself in front of you, hiding your much shorter frame from the enemy soldiers' sights as he bared his fangs and drew back his bow. But that didn’t last long until an unwelcome figure came up behind you and roughly pulled you back by your hair, making you yelp out in response. Which led to where you were now, struggling in an Avatar’s tight grip as Quaritch began to eye all five of you.
“Show me your hands boy,” he demanded, striding up to Lo’ak as the boy was forced to kneel before the man.
Lo’ak only lifted up both of his middle fingers to Quaritch as his response, causing the man to reach behind the boy and harshly pull at his queue. Lo’ak hissed out in response to the pain, growling as his eyes shot daggers into Quaritch’s skull.
You shouted out in protest, beating your hands against the soldiers skin in attempts to force them to let go of you. But that only caused their grip on your hair to tighten, you whimpering out in response.
Your boyfriend's ears drew back at your expression of pain, letting out a little snarl as you went quiet.
Anxiety erupted within Lo’ak’s body as his eyes darted to both of his sisters to Spider and to you, lingering on you the most. Which proved to be something he shouldn’t have done as Quaritch caught onto the boys staring, slowly turning around and following his gaze.
Fuck, you thought when Quaritch made eye contact with you, gulping at his blank yet wild amber eyes. Holy shit, I’m going to die.
The thought was so abrupt in your mind, scaring you with how fast it formed. Everything about Quaritch and the situation you were put into terrified you. You always felt safe around other Na’vi, even Neytiri at times. But there was just something about the armed soldiers surrounding you that made you want to crawl within yourself and never come out. Every move they made, made you think it was going to be your final moments on Pandora. You just hoped that if it was, they had the decency to take you out of eyesight and do it then. You didn’t want the others, especially Lo’ak and Tuk, to see the potential violent scene.
The minute Quaritch switched his attention from Lo’ak to you, the teen boy snarled at the man, challenging him to do anything to you. There was no way that Lo’ak would even allow Quaritch to touch a singular hair on your head. Over my dead fucking body, he internally seethed.
A cackle escaped the Colonel's lips, tightening his grip on the boy's queue before turning back to the five-fingered boy. An unsettling smile etched itself onto the man’s lips as he slightly bent down to face Lo’ak, ears pinning back to the sides of his head.
“That your girl boy?” He asked, a smirk evident on his face. Lo’ak wanted to claw that smirk off his face. How dare he speak of you? Of his mate? Quaritch was pushing at Lo’ak’s buttons and he knew it. And it was working.
“How does that even work? I mean, she’s so much smaller than you. Very fragile too,” he taunted, pulling the back of Lo’ak’s head back, making him cry out in pain. “Be a shame if-” he started, but was caught off by a loud growl and hiss.
“Shut the fuck up!” Lo’ak sneered, “Keep her out of your fucking mouth.”.
Another cackle left the Colonel’s mouth, tongue gliding over his new sharp teeth before unsheathing the knife from his hip, holding it up inches away from the teen boys chest.
“No! Please! Don’t hurt him!” You yelled out, thrashing around in the soldiers grasp, ignoring the stinging in your scalp with every tug.
“Aw, that’s sweet. She’s begging me to not hurt you,” Quaritch commented, eyes glued on Lo’ak’s face, studying his expression. “I wonder what other kinds of begging she can do,” he grinned, eyes dark and sinister.
“Fuck you!” Both Lo’ak and Spider yelled out, angry at the man’s comment. The words coming out of his mouth was disgusting. It may have been socially okay to speak about women like that back on Earth, but on Pandora, women were treated with respect and praised. Both boys held you dear to their hearts. Lo’ak and Spider were going to kill Quaritch when they got the chance for the way he talked about you.
Spider and you have always been close. Being the only teenage humans on Pandora was hard but you had each other to lean on. Over the years, he became extremely overprotective over you, especially when it regarded a certain blue skinned boy. He always viewed you as family. He’d do anything to ensure that you were safe if it was deemed necessary. You may not be his sister by blood but he sure as hell treated you as if you were. So, hearing Quaritch’s words, he wanted to rip the man’s head off his body and put it on a stick as a warning for whoever else dared to speak such obscenities about his sister.
Lo’ak and you have been together for nearly two years, being close friends for way longer than that. He loved you since the day he met you and always treated you the way you deserved to be treated, with gentleness and kindness and respect. Never had he ever thought such vile innuendos Quaritch had hinted at. The older man was disgusting for thinking such things about a seventeen year old girl, especially one that was already called for. In Na’vi culture, it was a disgrace for one to talk about any women that way, mated or not. Lo’ak was raised to respect the women in his clan and those he came into contact with. So, having Quaritch talk about you in a way that made you want to throw up and sparked intense anger within Lo’ak’s system, made him want to repeatedly stab the man in front of him and watch the life leave his eyes. No one was allowed to speak about you in such ways. Not if Lo’ak had anything to do with it.
“Don’t talk about her in that way,” Spider growled out, struggling in the grips of the two soldiers that held onto him. (It was impressive that the human boy needed two Avatar soldiers to hold him back. His strength was closely compared to a regular Na’vi’s.)
Quaritch let go of Lo’ak, allowing the original soldier who had him in his grip to return to his previous position. He quickly turned around to face the both of you, your stomach dropping at his gaze.
“What’s your name, sugar?” He asked, crouching down to your level. You wanted to throw up on the spot from the nickname. It made you sick.
“Don’t fucking talk to her!” Spider snapped, achieving in getting closer to you and in Quaritch’s eyesight.
Quaritch quickly glanced towards Spider, lips forming into a thin line.
Before Quaritch or any of the other soldiers could do anything, you answered his question robotically.
“(Y/N) Selfridge.”.
The man before you stilled. He hasn’t heard that name in a long time.
“You’re Parker’s kid?” He asked, eyes slightly wide in shock. He didn’t know that Parker had a special lady during his time on Pandora. The man never seemed to be the one that was interested in that kind of stuff. Too busy trying to get the rare metal from underneath the very ground he stood on.
“No,” you spat, disgust evident in your voice, “I’m his niece. He dragged his sister, my Mother, to this planet years before the Na’vi won the Great War. She died giving birth to me after the battle.”.
Your explanation struck something within Quaritch. Parker mentioned a sister in passing during their very few and limited conversations. He never thought that Parker would bring her along to Pandora nor did he ever think that he’d leave her on the foreign planet alone to give birth. But, yet, he did almost the same thing to Paz and his son, Miles.
“What about you boy?” Quaritch asked, nodding at the human boy next to you. There were very limited surnames that went through the Colonel’s head as he waited for the boy to speak, his being one of them.
“Spider…Socorro,” he replied, hesitancy laced in his voice.
Quaritch’s heart stopped, “Miles?”, he asked.
Spider pierced his lips, eyes darting across the older man’s face as he stared up at him, “No one calls me that anymore,” he responded.
Quaritch was shocked, to say the least. He’d thought that they’d send him on the next available ship back to Earth. Albeit him being only a couple of months old, he still thought that there’d be a possibility that his son would go back to his Fathers home planet.
“I thought they sent you back to Earth,” Quaritch commented, voice slightly shaking, void of all the cocky confidence he had prior.
“They can’t put babies in cryo, dipshit,” Spider spat, fists tightly balling up at his sides. Surely his ‘Father’ couldn’t be that stupid. He should’ve known that there was no way for Spider to go back to Earth, to a planet where he’d have no one. Pandora is and always will be Spider's home.
An uncomfortable silence fell upon the group as seconds passed by. Meeting his long lost son seemed to throw him off, messing up his mojo. It was clearly evident on his face and in his body language. He seemed more tense and unsure of what he was doing.
The silence was broken by a voice erupting from behind you, “What should we do, boss?”.
As soon as the emotions from Spider’s confession of his surname came, they left just as quickly. Quaritch was back to the way he was before. “Tie ‘em up. Looks like we got ourselves some prisoners,” he responded, preparing himself to call in his position to Ardmore.
The rest of the soldiers exclaimed in agreement, slapping restraints onto the children they had captured and throwing them all into a circle near the shack.
The soldier that had you in their grip had harshly thrown you to the floor, causing you to groan out from the hard contact with the forest floor. They laughed at your reaction, taking a few steps back to talk with his fellow comrades.
Lo’ak had quickly scurried to your side, hissing at the soldier that threw you like you were a rag doll. His body was positioned in front of yours in a crouch, the tense muscles of his back being the only thing you saw before he abruptly turned around and brought you into his embrace, checking over every inch of your skin to see if there were any new cuts or scrapes he should be worried about.
You didn’t say anything as you tried your best to pull yourself closer into your boyfriend's body, the restraints on your wrists preventing you from wrapping your arms around his neck in comfort. Your brain was still trying its best to process the previous events that occurred.
Lo’ak could sense the tension in your body and how your brain was scrambling to pull itself together. So he brought you closer into his arms, bringing his tied wrists up and over your body before settling them against your back, pulling you into his chest and lap.
“It’s alright, paskalin,” he reassured, tucking your masked face into his neck, “I got you. I got you.”.
When Spider had nudged you and turned his head ever so slightly to you, eyes darting behind you where Lo’ak stood a few feet behind, you knew that Neytiri and Jake arrived. It was the slightest change in pitch of a call that drew your attention to the trees. Neytiri, you realized. Lo’ak had taken it upon himself to teach you all the callings and ululatings his Sa’nok had come up with, telling you which meant what. You supposed his late night lesson all those months ago came in handy at this moment.
Your head harshly jerked back from the soldier pulling at your hair, once again. He didn’t like it when you guys would interact with each other and decided that pulling at your hair and Kiri’s queue was the best option to teach you to not speak to the others.
Fucking dick, you thought to yourself, restraining yourself from turning around in the soldiers grip and sinking your dull teeth into the flesh of his arm. See how he’ll like it.
A low growl was heard from behind you, Lo’ak glaring at the man who yanked at your hair. He was beginning to itch to choke out the man who had your beautiful and soft hair in his hold. It made him angry that someone like him was touching you in a way that brought you pain. Made him want to bring you into arms and hold you like a prrnen. He wanted to kill anyone and anything that caused you harm.
The distinct yip echoed throughout the forest yet again, your eyes darting to where the Na’vi woman could possibly be. Neytiri may have not liked you and you may have a very strained relationship but you were overjoyed in the moment that she and Jake were here to save the lot of you. You found yourself thanking your lucky stars and the Great Mother for the fierce couple.
From Spiders left, you could hear Kiri begin to pray aloud to Eywa, muttering her words only loud enough for the soldier and the boy beside you to hear. In retaliation to Kiri’s mumbles, the soldier began tugging at her sensitive queue, causing you and Spider to follow with the harsh tugs as he also held both of your hair in his grip.
“Shut up!” He harshly whispered, getting annoyed with the girl's constant rambling. The more Kiri prayed, the more he tugged and demanded her to shut her mouth. Eventually, his command was cut off with a sharp thwick and an arrow lodged into his skull.
Chaos erupted from around you as the man behind you dropped to the forest floor dead. Guns began to go off, forcing you to duck as Spider grabbed both you and Kiri and pushed forward. You ran behind Spider as he followed after Kiri, restrained hands on the lower part of her back to keep her moving forwards but she was pulled back by another soldier.
Spider stopped his movements, which caused you to run into his back, hands going out to grip his hips to steady yourself.
Everything was going too fast. You could barely process what happened to Kiri before she was by your side again, the soldier who grabbed her slumped over with an arrow in her chest. Gassy smoke was spraying everywhere as RDA soldiers ducked behind whatever they could to hide from the onslaught of arrows Neytiri was shooting at them from her advantage point. Before you knew it, Spider began to pull at your handcuffs, urging you to follow him and Kiri as they began to retreat into the thick foliage of the forest. Your brain barely had time to process it all before the three of you were hurriedly crossing over a connecting branch to another tree.
You felt it before you heard it. The hot air and stinging of your skin as you went flying forward into Spider's back before the two of you ultimately fell and tumbled down the hill underneath the overpass that was just blown up from whatever weapon a soldier shot at it. Pain was all you felt as you rolled down the hill, harshly making contact with all the sticks and rocks along the path. It hurt. Everything hurt.
You must’ve slammed your head up against a rock or the ground because the next thing you knew, it all went black.
Adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he ran and jumped over everything in his path, Tuktirey hot on his trail as she followed her older brother.
It all went by too quickly for him to properly digest what just happened. The only thing on his mind was you. He just hoped that Spider and Kiri were already somewhere safe with you in tow. Should’ve grabbed her when I had the chance, fuck.
Lo’ak came up to an opening, not planning on stopping until two blue bodies popped out of nowhere, causing Tuk to let out a scream and him to jump out of the way. But as quickly as his fear settled into his stomach, it went away just as fast.
“Daddy!” Tuk cried out, running into her Sempul’s arms, whole body shaking from the shock and adrenaline coursing through her tiny body.
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam breathed out, bringing him into a hug, thanking the Great Mother for safely bringing back his younger siblings to him. Lo’ak leaned into the hug the best he could, hands still tied and whole body on alert for you.
“Tuk!” Neytiri called out, both her and Kiri emerging from behind some bushes, taking her youngest into her arms as she kneeled down to the forest floor, “Thank you Great Mother! Oh, thank you!”.
Jake had brought his second son into a hug after cutting his restraints off his wrists. But, as Lo’ak began to count the bodies around him, his heart sunk into his stomach. Spider nor you were in sight. Which only meant one thing.
“Where’s (Y/N)? Spider?” He shakingly asked, already knowing the answer.
Kiri looked up to her brother with tears in her eyes and a quivering lip. “They took him. They took them both!” She sobbed, head shaking at the fact. If only she had followed after you both. If only her Sa’nok didn’t pull her away.
Everything around Lo’ak began to crumble before him. The only thing he truly loved was taken from him, from right between his fingers.
As Jake tried to reassure his daughter that both you and Spider were going to be okay, that you both were tough kids, Lo’ak darted back into the forest, retracing his footsteps.
“Lo’ak!” Neytiri called out, trying to get him to come back. She was about to follow after him but Neteyam beat her to it, quickly running after him.
Tears began to brim Lo’ak’s waterline as he pushed himself to go faster, not wanting to accept the fact that you were now in the enemy's hands. His mate was in Quaritch’s hands, in the clutches of the RDA. Who knows what they’d do to you and Spider once you get to their base. Please, Great Mother, please bring her back.
But as the sight of the helicopter came into view and began to ascend back up with their precious cargo, Lo’ak felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.
“No!” He cried out, “Bring her back!”.
He fell to his knees as the flying piece of metal got tinier and tinier in his line of sight, becoming a bot in the starry sky before disappearing completely.
You were gone. Gone without a trace. Lo’ak had no way of tracking which base they’d bring you to. He had no way of saving you as he knew his Father would never waste bullets or Na’vi lives over you and Spider. The only thing he could do was cry out to Eywa to bring you back or have Quaritch come back and take him with you. But his prayers fell on empty ears.
“Little brother,” Neteyam softly called out, finally catching up to the teen boy.
The eldest Sully knew of your relationship with his brother. He had gone to visit Spider in the lab one afternoon when he stumbled upon you and Lo’ak in quite the compromising position. The younger had to beg the older to not speak a word about what he saw, knowing that if he did, their Sa’nok would have both of your heads on a stick. Neteyam hadn’t uttered a word of it since then.
Neteyam tried his best to comfort his brother, but he knew that the only person that could comfort him was you. And you were gone. Lo’ak was going to be inconsolable until he got you back into his arms.
“She’s gone, Teyam,” Lo’ak whispered, fat tears running down his darkening cheeks, “She’s gone.”.
“I know, Lo’ak, I know,” Neteyam cooed, bringing his brother into his arms for some comfort, “I’m sorry.”.
The rest of the Sully family had met up with Neteyam and Lo’ak, hugging the boy. None of them knew of your relationship, keeping it a secret from everyone, minus Neteyam and Kiri. Neytiri and Jake thought he was distraught at losing two of his closest friends but they couldn’t be further from the truth.
That night, Lo’ak cried himself to sleep, wishing that you were in his arms and that he could bury his nose into your neck and inhale your calming, yet intoxicating, scent.
Eywa, why didn’t you bring her back?, he thought to himself as sleep began to consume him, Why didn’t you take me with her?.
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loaksbitch · 2 years ago
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alright but imagine that you’re drunk as fuck and sat on lo’ak’s lap, asking him to teach you how to kiss which only leads way more than a kiss yes? eywa, yes. — i missed writing things like this 🧎🏽��♀️
warnings – agedup!lo’ak, teasing, lots of teasing omg, you asking for lo’ak to kiss you, slight mention of groping, grinding, drunk kissing, hint of commitment issues, lo’ak discovers he has a voice kink thanks to you, hint of lo’ak’s whimpering, bold confession & fluff.
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“don’t break my heart, please” — lo’ak sully (⨳, ✿)
you and your best friend, lo’ak, are alone, your freinds already long gone and leaving you two alone inside the hut many na’vi’s came to drink.
“that’s enough.” you’d hear lo’ak say before pulling the drink out of your hand, this man was so annoying right now.
“no, give me that!” you whine, trying to grab onto the cup but your best friend pulls you back by your waist, pinning you down to his lap. you squirm and groan when he tightens his hold, “lo’ak.” you spit threateningly.
you’re here to enjoy your day out with him and he’s stopping you from doing so. “you’re drunk, let’s just get back to the hut.” lo’ak says, trying to get you on your feet but you breath out a frustrated sigh. “i’m not going anywhere.” you say, sitting back on his lap.
“but all our friends are already gone, sweetheart.” the man holds on your waist, chuckling when you hum with frustration. “i don’t care, i just want to have fun.”
“you know we can have fun back there.” your ears twitch at the sudden dirty thought flooding your tipsy brain. lo’ak was confused as to why you’re silent before what he said hits him back. “i didn’t… i didn’t mean it that way, you know what i mean.” he starts to explain but you giggle.
lo’ak’s lips curve to a smile when he hears your loud laugh boom around. “you’re cute when you’re startled.” you say to him, suddenly getting on your feet before facing him and straddling him. the man in front of you hums, trying to ignore the effect you had on him.
he always liked the little things you both did, just like how you’re straddling him and placing your hands on his shoulder right now.
lo’ak securely holds onto your hips, his eyes scanning your face. lo’ak loves how your white freckles painted your flawless skin, how your cheeks are flushed with the alcohol you just had in your system.
his eyes were trained when he look your pretty face and in graves it in his mind. lo’ak was so in love with you, just a simple thought of you makes his heart desire for more. “let me just have one cup, hm?” your lashes flutter when you lazily stare at him.
lo’ak was too focused on your plump lips, his eyes heavy when your mouth curved to talked.
you roll your eyes when you’re ignored, he was just staring at you and not answering. “okay lo’ak, you’re being so boring right no—” you gasp when you feel him lean forward and peck your lips before leaning back. it was as if he was lost in thoughts until his eyes slightly widened, realizing what he just did.
you drunkenly watch lo’ak’s brows pinch together before he’s clearing his throat and his grip on your hips tighten. “shit, sorry..” he is quick to bring his thump up to your lips and brush the kiss he just gave you.
“i didn’t mean to do that,” he was kinda annoyed you’re not saying anything but again the inner panic is eating him up alive. you on other hand were thinking of what just happened.
your best friend since birth just kissed you, the man you liked since forever just gave you a kiss.
“do it again.” your voice catches him off guard. “what?” lo’ak asks, maybe if he was also drunk and his ears were doubling words he wants to hear it again from you. “do it again, lo’ak. i want you to kiss me, teach me.”
you knew whatsoever is about to happen will have an effect in your friendship with him. you knew something will change if lo’ak kissed you again but your dizzy mind doesn’t care at all, you just want his lips on yours.
lo’ak brings his one hand to your face, cupping your cheek and feeling his heart stir when you lean for his touch. your skin is so warm it’s driving him insane.
he then takes your lips in his and lo’ak almost swears he moaned loud. you tasted so sweet on his tongue, as if you were the sweetest honey ever created. his large palms sought to your waist, rubbing the soft skin ever so gently.
he doesn’t fail to catch the way your breath hitches, hips tempted to grind against his soft bulge. your freckles match with his, as if you were both made for each other. lo’ak breaks the kiss only to give you a quick glance if what he was doing was ok.
your eyes wander on his lips and he takes it as a sign for him to cue his actions.
what you two are doing right now will of course have a major impact in your friendship but lo’ak can’t continue suffering, not like this, not even a slightest bit.
and this time lo’ak decides to test your limits far enough. he bites on your bottom lip, tugging on it gently before he lets you go and watch your flesh snap. fuck. fuck. fuck.
you on other hand feel your heart race in your chest as you felt him put his hand on the rope of your loincloth. something in the back of your hooded brain screams at you to stop whatever fuck you’re doing but this felt so good.
having lo’ak all over you felt so good.
are you both wanting this? do you really think lo’ak, your best friend will actually see you more than that? it's ironically funny because lo’ak was pooled with the same thought, too scared to be friend zoned.
your desires are uncontrollable, lo’ak knew how much it’s dangerous it is when playing with a fire. especially when the fire — you — have a serious commitment issues.
a sudden moment from your abdomen almost fucking ended him right at his spot. lo’ak swallowed hard when he felt you grind your hips on him, your core rubbing over his clothed one.
he doesn’t say anything at first, thinking it was just a way of you trying to get comfortable. but no, not really, his denying self was slapped on the face when you rocked your hips again. lo’ak can feel his inside twist with panic.
this needs to stop, at least until it’s too late.
“princess.” you hear lo’ak hiss, breaking the kiss and pressing his forehead against yours. behind your eyelids, you could see him fighting not to push you to the wooden table and fuck the soul out of you.
you ignore his first call, leaning and rocking your his again, lo’ak suddenly, painfully, grabbed onto your hips, stopping you right where you are and shaking his head. “no, this can’t happen, no.” he was telling you.
well, telling himself actually.
he blinks, opeing his eyes and adjusting the surroundings against him. you breath fast, chest rising and falling, pretty much annoyed with his words. lo’ak’s eyes drop to your scarlet lips, tempted to kiss you again.
he wants to feel you so bad.
“lo’ak…” you start but stop when he shook his head. “i can’t do this to us, i can’t do this to you.” why was he saying that? you’re the one with love problems but why was he saying he can’t do anything to you.
lo’ak must have felt your confusion because he was now trying to ease the atmosphere and tucking your hair behind your ear. “i can’t do this to you when you’re not ready.” when you’re not ready. right. you mentally scoff.
you sense his strong thighs tensing, arms around your waist before securely trying to get you up until your next word froze him from doing so.
“what if i am ready?” you say and watch lo’ak’s brows knit together. he was solely trying to protect himself as well, trying not to ruin this relationship you two had. this friendship you both have.
friendship. even the word sounds so ugly to think of, he doesn’t want to be your friend. “you don’t mean that,” you’re probably too drunk, alcohol in your system making you blubber shit you won’t even remember tomorrow.
lo’ak tries to get you up again, whispering it’s time to go home. you won’t lie when he told you ‘you don’t mean that’ but he might be right, you don’t trust yourself… at least not with commitment.
you won’t lie though, because it does feel so right when he was around, when he was protecting you, when he was laughing, spending time with you, hunting with you. him being with you felt right and he damn knows that it felt right with him too.
“i like you, lo’ak.” you deadpan, eyes boring to his skull. you want to give this a chance.
you watch him hesitate, your tipsy mind getting the best of you and pretty much not making sense to you right now. you’re partially convinced you’re in a dream right now if it wasn’t for his breath hitting your lips on how you two were so close.
you bite on your cheeks, waiting for him to reply.
you want to hiss at him, smack him for taking too long to answer but you’re anxious, your legs unconsciously clamping onto his thighs.
you let a soft breath out, thinking it’s the best to leave it be, forget what happened tonight. you decide to lift yourself up, getting off from his legs until he is now the one pulling you back.
“what are yo—…”
you’re silenced with a rough kiss, teeth clashing and making a sound from the impact. you moan into the kiss, feeling lo’ak’s hand slide to your nape and pulling you more, deepening the kiss.
he whimpers, ears pinned to his skull and almost eating your face. lo’ak doesn’t know what he’s doing, the reason behind pinning you to his mouth might be because he’s drunk but he doesn’t remember doing so but it feels so good.
the heated air eases when lo’ak pulls back, a string of saliva connects to both of your lips before it snaps and breaks. you hear lo’ak mutter something too vulnerable.
“don’t break my heart, please” you hear him whisper in a tone you can’t pinpoint, “i can handle anything but you breaking my heart, please princess.” you feel the pinch in your chest but shrug it off and close your eyes.
you don’t say anything but the kiss you two just had told him everything, he still felt how your fingers clinged onto his shoulder. it stays like that for a while, silence surrounding you two.
once you both calmed down, lo’ak was the first to give you a cheeky grin. “are you okay?,” he asks, two of his infamous beaded braids clinking together. you frown at his question, your hands put on his shoulder.
“yeah.” you say, watching him lean to press his forehead against yours. “good? because i only want you to be okay.” he’s so cliche, always making sure you’re comfortable and safe. you just love him so bad.
love. the sudden pop of words makes your inside tingle.
you love lo’ak, you love the man you grew up with. you love your bes— “hey, i can hear you thinking.” you hear the man say and clear your throat, “it’s just..this is new to me and i’m scared.” you genuinely tell him.
“i’m scared too, baby.” argh, him and his stupid pet names, you just live for it. “but we’ll get through it, i’ll love you and we’ll make it.” his words are so comforting that you had to lean on him.
“i love you.” he tells you, licking his lips and kissing the middle of your brows meeting. “it’s okay if you don’t say it now, i’ll wait.” he’s so gentle and patient with you and you adore it.
“thank you.” you suck a deep breath. “don’t thank, pretty, it’s my want to wait for you so don’t feel guilty yeah?” you’re hesitant before you nod. lo’ak kisses your forehead again, gently rubbing on the skin of your arms.
“c’mon, let’s get back to the hut.” he tells you and you agree, your tipsy mind working fast and getting on your feet. you both think to call it a night and deal with everything tomorrow.
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i’m so so so sorry i worried y’all for disappearing for days but my phone got stolen and i had to deal with it (i actually got it back now.), im sorry again! i’m okay tho and i’ll answer every ask tomorrow :(
i love each and everyone of you sm — like + reblogs & feedback are so appreciated! mwah **
2K notes · View notes
oneheda · 3 months ago
MET THE BULLET. | 𖥂 lo’ak sully
── .✦ part 2 of: PREMONITIONS
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w.c: 6.8k
pairing: lo’ak x fem!na’vi reader (aged up characters for plot purposes!)
story description (read pt. 1 before this first!): but then, the ambush happened. and when lo’ak had nearly lost you, with past wounds colliding, you both had to face confrontation of the raw and painful truth of your guys’ estrangement.
contains: angst, slowburn, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, fluff (for real this time! <3)
warning: swearing, near-death experience, descriptions of war. please do not read if you find these triggering!
➙ PART 1:
a/n: hi guys! i’ve officially finished writing this at 3am. hope it’s not too bad even if i wrote it with my screen LOWKEY warping at times LMFKDNJSNAO. it got to a point where i was proof-reading and deleted whole written scenes, made several drafts, then lost track of where the story was going. so, i decided to end up sticking to the first final version i wrote and prepared in tumblr @ 3am. i’m sorry if there’s any inconsistencies (i don’t think there should be, not on this tumblr post). i hope y’all’s enjoy and stay tuned for more avatar fics! <33
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You never thought you’d be here, rising before the first light of dawn with a bow clenched tightly in your hand, trying desperately to find a stillness that refused to come. The air was cool, heavy with the scent of damp earth and lingering ash, and your grip tightened against the wood as if the bow itself could anchor you.
Each morning, you repeated the same ritual: stalking the wilds, ears tuned to the sharp, satisfying sound of stone slicing through flesh. It was routine now, the kind of focused repetition that drowned out the noise in your mind, the questions you refused to let yourself answer.
You never thought you’d become this person—someone who sought refuge not in peace but in the violent act of hunting, in the rhythmic pull of a string and the release of an arrow. You never thought you’d run, not from a battle, but from silence itself. And yet here you were, moving through the brush, your steps faltering as you lost the rhythm that once came so easily.
You hated feeling so futile, useless to questions you knew you didn’t have any of the answers to. It was dumb to you, to still think any of this mattered after all these eclipses, that he mattered. He shouldn’t be. I mean, genuinely, was he even worth a thought anymore?
It used to feel a little good to hope for more despite the tragedy of your friendship, or lack thereof. That hope, fragile as it was, had carried you through the cracks of loss and resentment. But now, that hope felt like a liability, a dangerous thread pulling you toward something you had no business holding onto. Hope felt dangerous. He felt dangerous.
So now, you did everything you could to rid him of your line of sight, to distance yourself from the memories that clung to the edges of your mind like shadows. Nowadays, around the campfire, laughter echoed, and new friendships began to take root—bonds forged in the shared heat of training and the quiet moments of reprieve. But never with him. You avoided his gaze, even more, his voice, his presence. You couldn’t even bury the ache beneath layers of forced smiles and polite conversation anymore, you had to push him out of your life completely.
Like he never existed.
Still, despite your best efforts to focus on the good in front of you, a quiet, stubborn thought gnawed at the back of your mind. It whispered that no matter how many stories you shared with these new faces, none of them truly knew you as Lo’ak did. He had seen parts of you that even you struggled to face, understood pieces of your soul you hadn’t yet put into words.
And it sucked. It sucked to feel like you were missing something, even as you sat surrounded by laughter and warmth. It wasn’t fair to the people who had shown you kindness, to the bonds you were trying so hard to nurture, who would never leave you in the dark as he did, but the feeling persisted—a dull ache that reminded you of everything you were trying to leave behind and everything you were still losing in the process.
Stop thinking so much, you reminded yourself, taking in a deep breath. I’m okay, you steadied, regaining a balance that never felt the same as it used to. Refocusing sharply on your target, you didn’t hesitate. The string of your bow snapped, releasing the arrow with precision and purpose. Its flight was swift, and with a clean, sharp strike, it met its mark. The sturmbeast staggered, its powerful frame trembling as it succumbed.
You moved without pause, leaping gracefully toward the fallen creature. Kneeling by its side, you placed a steady hand on its heaving form, murmuring a quiet prayer of gratitude to Eywa for the life it had given, the warmth of its life still lingering beneath your touch. Then, bowing your head, with a swift, deliberate motion, you ended its suffering, granting it a merciful release and ensuring its spirit returned to the Great Mother in peace. Its body soon turned colder than your hand.
“What are you doing here?”
You masked your surprise when the familiar voice reached your flickered ears—it was Neteyam. Of course, he’d found you here. He’d been assigned to spot near-by human ambush regions, a task that had him covering far more forest ground than his brother. His patrol extended beyond just the Hallelujah Mountains because the Sky People had returned 2 weeks ago.
Or so you heard.
“Just hunting,” you started, but as you turned around, your words faltered. “Lo’ak?”
Your eyes locked on the figure standing before you, and for a moment, everything inside you froze. A whirlwind of emotions rushed through you as you struggled to process the sight before you.
“Not the brother you were expecting?” The boy’s voice was light, and playful, as a small grin tugged at the corner of his lips. His hands rested confidently on his hips as he let out a long, exaggerated sigh. “Yeah, yeah, didn’t expect it either. You don’t have to act all shocked, y’know. I know how laid-back you are, [Y/n].”
Hearing your name slip from his lips sent a jolt through you, like an electric shock that you weren’t prepared for. It had been so long since you’d heard him say it like that, in his voice, the way it felt almost familiar—yet, unsettling.
But, the memories, the betrayal, the hurt, the lies—every single ounce of it flood back all at once. A sharp wave of anger surged through you as you stood up quickly, grabbing your bow with a little more force than necessary, the edges of your vision burning with the heat of your frustration. “What are you doing here?” you questioned, voice tight, a controlled fury simmering just beneath the surface.
“I asked you that question first.”Lo’ak took a step closer, his eyes scanning you like he was trying to figure you out—like he always did. His gaze flicked to the sturmbeast at your feet, and he let out a low whistle. “One arrow? That’s pretty impressive...,” he said, his voice low, almost with admiration. “No one but you at our age could do that, not yet.”
“I don’t need your validation,” you muttered, crouching down to start collecting your meal, ignoring the strange feeling in your stomach.
“Never said you did.” He shrugged, but there was a lilt in his voice. “[Y/n]. So, so independent. Even with, you know—” his eyes flicked pointedly to your thigh, where the faint scar of an old bullet wound lingered. “—that.”
“What do you want?” you asked, voice clipped as you turned back to him, trying to ignore the way your stomach twisted in all sorts of directions. “If you’re here to piss me off, after everything, just leave.”
Lo’ak’s expression hardened, and for a moment, he looked like he wanted to say something. But then he sighed, running a hand through his braids.
You asked, baffled that he didn’t move even a single inch, “What are you even doing here? Isn’t Neteyam supposed to be covering this area?”
“He was. I switched with him. Figured I’d take the scenic route today. Lucky me, huh?” Though, Lo’ak had not even a modicum of amusement in his voice.
Keeping your gaze fixed on the carcass of the sturmbeast, you refused to look at him any longer. “I’ll manage,” you muttered, bending down to retrieve your bow, to which Lo’ak stopped you.
“Nuh-uh,” he said, drawing the word out like he didn’t believe you, his gaze falling to your leg. “Over rough terrain? With that leg?”
Your jaw tightened, the irritation crawling up your spine, making your tail flick erratically behind you. “I don’t need your help, Lo’ak.”
It would’ve been so easy to let it end there, to close off that door and turn away from him once again. To let him leave, just like before. But, of course, you didn’t. You had to say one more thing, almost as if this time you could willfully cause him to disappear. “Go back to pretending like I don’t exist. We were doing really well, ever since, weren’t we?”
Lo’ak’s ears twitched, he didn’t miss the way venom laced every syllable you spoke, mixed with the sharpness in your tone. “Right,” he said, his voice flat but edged with something darker. “Pretending you don’t exist, huh?”
You felt your pulse quicken, a tremor of anger running through you, your fingers tightened instinctively around the grip of your bow. You met his eyes with a seething intensity.
“Yeah, no. That was all you,” he shot back.
You wanted so bad to argue, to fight back at the audacity, but before you could protest, Lo’ak crouched down, tying the sturmbeest’s legs with practised ease. “Look, we can keep being pissed off all you want, but ever since I noticed your leg, you’re not carrying this thing back alone. I won’t let you.”
You picked up the weight of the sturmbeast as if to prove his point, your muscles tensing with the effort. “Fine, but this will be the last time we speak to each other, got it?”
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A few days ago…
Lo’ak woke up to the soft, rhythmic sound of breathing beside him, the warmth of another body pressed lightly against his side. He blinked up at the thatched ceiling of the hut, his heart already sinking before his mind fully caught up. Turning his head ever so slightly, he found Sänika lying next to him, her arm draped lazily over his chest. Her face was peaceful, almost angelic, in the pale morning light streaming through the entrance. Her braids spilt across the woven mat like rivers of shadow, her lips parted in quiet sleep.
He stared at her for a moment, guilt already coiling in his stomach like a trapped serpent.
Oh, god. This was so sick.
His throat tightened as he looked away, his eyes darting back to the ceiling as though salvation could be found in the straw-and-wood lattice. Sänika was kind—too kind. She wasn’t the same as she used to be. She’s funny, easygoing, the sort of person who made everyone feel seen. Beautiful in a way that didn’t need effort. She deserved someone who looked at her and saw her.
But all Lo’ak could think about when he looked at her was you. And that? That felt so deeply, disgustingly wrong he wanted to crawl out of his own skin.
Fuck. Fuck. What was he doing?
He carefully, painstakingly slid out from under her arm, wincing when the motion caused her to stir. She sighed in her sleep, curling into the warm spot he left behind, and his chest squeezed painfully. He ran a hand down his face, shaking his head as if it would physically dislodge the tangled mess in his mind. Every nerve screamed at him to leave the hut before she woke up.
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“Neteyam, I’ve fucked up.”
The soft hum of the morning light filtered through the fabric of the tent, casting a pale glow over the space. Neteyam reclined against his hammock, one leg hanging lazily over the edge, while his fingers absently scratched at his jaw, lost in thought. He looked at Lo’ak, whose posture was hunched and tense, the weight of something heavy on his chest.
“When do you not, baby brother? You want the truth?” Neteyam’s voice was casual, though his eyes had an unmistakable sharpness. His gaze softened just slightly as if he were reading his younger brother’s uncertainty like an open book.
Lo’ak’s eyes darted around the tent, avoiding his brother’s steady gaze, but there was no escaping the fact that Neteyam knew. He always knew.
“You’ve hurt a lot of girls’ feelings before, Lo’ak,”
Lo’ak sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling the sting of those words like a reminder of every mistake he’d ever made. “Yeah, thanks for the reminder.”
“And one of the most being…” Neteyam raised an eyebrow, his gaze narrowing at Lo’ak with an unspoken understanding. “You know who I’m talking about, right?” he said, leaning forward slightly, his voice lower now. “[Y/n], is she the one who’s got you all worked up? I saw you two talking for the first time in years yesterday!”
Lo’ak’s stomach tightened at the mention of you. The one he’d avoided, the one he’d left behind, the one who had no reason to even speak to him anymore. “You know, she still hates me, Neteyam.”
“Of course she does, you’re a skawxng!” The older brother studied his younger brother, watching the way his shoulders slumped with uncertainty. “What are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t know,” Lo’ak said, the words thick with the frustration and helplessness he couldn’t seem to shake off. “I don’t know…”
For a moment, there was silence. The only sound was the soft rustling of the leaves outside the tent, the morning wind carrying the faintest sounds of the jungle waking up. Neteyam’a eyes bore into Lo’ak’s unsure figure, searching for the answer that Lo’ak himself didn’t seem to have.
The boy looked down, his mind racing as he wrestled with the flood of emotions crashing over him. He hadn’t expected this conversation to stir up so much—so many regrets, so much doubt, so much want for something that felt so far out of reach. “When Sänika and I kissed… it was out of a desperation. But, not as thought it was for her. It more or so felt like… I was running from something—someone. Myself.”
The older brother sighed, as if weighing his words carefully. Finally, he spoke, his tone even but pointed.
“Then, maybe, you should break up with her.”
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The jungle below roared with chaos, the unmistakable sound of a human ambush erupting like a storm. Screams of warriors, the clash of weapons, and the metallic screeches of enemy machines tore through the dense air. Jake Sully, the Olo’eyktan, led the charge on his Ikran, barking commands to the warriors below, his voice a rallying cry against the invaders.
The younger soldiers, yourself included, circled high above the battlefield as spotters. From this vantage point, you tracked the enemy’s calculated movements—humans and their monstrous machines—relaying crucial information to the warriors on the ground.
Your Ikran dipped and soared, keeping pace with the others in your squad. Even amid the panic, you felt the steady rhythm of your companion’s wings and the reassuring presence of your squadmates nearby. It was your duty—your role—and you embraced it. But the battlefield was unpredictable, and even the best preparation couldn’t account for everything.
One moment, edge of the sky you moniter seemed clear, but then the next, enemy fire zipped through the air, cutting dangerously close to your group. You veered sharply, your body instinctively leaning with your Ikran as you narrowly avoided a direct hit.
A scream erupted behind you—sharp and guttural, slicing through the chaos like a knife. Your chest tightened, panic surging through your veins.
And then it happened.
A sharp pain bloomed in your side, fiery and immediate. Your breath caught as your vision blurred, and the world tilted violently. The cries of your squadmates faded into the background as you felt yourself falling.
Through the haze, you heard a voice—a panicked, desperate voice you hadn’t expected to hear, calling out for you.
He saw you plummeting through the sky, your body limp and unresponsive, like a broken leaf torn from the branches. His chest seized and a breath punched out of him in a wave so fierce it blurred everything else.
The battle still raged, but Lo’ak’s only focus was you.
“Neteyam!” His voice cracked, raw and desperate. “It’s [Y/n]! She’s hit!”
Neteyam’s voice cut through the commlink, steady and commanding despite the chaos. “Bro! Stay on her! I’ll cover!”
But Lo’ak barely registered the words. His vision tunnelled, narrowing to the single, horrifying image of you falling toward the dense jungle canopy below. Everything else faded—the shouts of his squadmates, the hum of enemy gunfire, even the burning in his muscles as he gripped the reins of his Ikran tighter.
Not now. Not you. Not like this.
Lo’ak’s heart thundered in his chest, each beat crashing like war drums against his ribs, ticking seconds reminding him of how much little time he had. He tightened his grip on his Ikran as he forced it into a reckless dive, the creature’s screech of protest swallowed by the roar of the wind. The air stung his face, ripping tears from his eyes as he plunged after you.
The ground loomed closer with every breathless second. Through the tangled chaos of branches and leaves, he caught glimpses of your body, limp and free-falling—a sight that set his every being ablaze with panic.
Guilt struck him like a blade, sharp and merciless. Was the last time the last time?
This can’t be it. It can’t end like this. She doesn’t even know…
But deeper, a cruel voice whispered from the shadows of his mind: You don’t deserve to save her. Not after what you did. Not after you pushed her away.
He shoved the thought down, locking it away where it couldn’t slow him. There wasn’t time for regret or self-loathing. Not with you hurtling toward the ground. Not with the seconds slipping through his grasp, threatening to take you with them.
“You’re not dying today,” Tears blurred his vision as he urged his Ikran faster, pushing it past its limits. “Not on my watch.”
And then he reached you.
With a final, desperate swoop, his arms locked around your body in a frantic grasp. The collision was rough, the force of it jolting through him as his Ikran shrieked and struggled to steady its frantic, beating wings.
The warmth of your body against his sent a shiver down his spine—a reminder that you were still alive, still here, even if just barely. “I’ve got you.”
You stirred faintly, your eyes fluttering open for a brief moment. Even in your blurred, half-conscious state, your gaze met his. What he saw in your eyes—confusion, pain, something else he couldn’t quite place—shattered what little composure he had left.
Tears streaked his face as he tightened his grip on you, his heart aching with an intensity he hadn’t felt in years. He looked to the horizon, where Neteyam’s figure flew above. He nodded once, a silent agreement passing before Lo’ak headed his Ikran toward the healing tents.
As you faded in and out of consciousness, you felt the heat of his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around you. He pressed his forehead against yours, his tears hot against your skin. “You don’t get to do this. Not to me. Not after all this time.” His voice dropped, a whisper now, raw and trembling. “I can’t lose you to them—when I’m right here.”
He pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes searching your pale face for any further sign of life. “Stay with me, okay? Just… stay.” His words were a command and a prayer, his voice breaking with the weight of both.
His Ikran dove toward the healing tents, the wind whipping past them, “Come on,” he pleaded, his voice low and strained, breaking with every word. “Please, please… don’t leave me. Don’t let me be too late.”
The healing tent was dim, the air thick with the familiar scent of herbs and the soft murmur of the forest outside. Mo’at was calm, an aura of certainty surrounding her as she worked. She didn’t rush, didn’t panic. But Lo’ak, his heart pounding in his chest, hovered at the edge of the mat where you lay, unmoving. His breathing was hitched and he couldn’t think clearly. The only thing he could focus on was the shallow rise and fall of your chest.
“Mo’at—Tsahik,” he rasped, his voice strained with desperation. “Please, you have to help her. It’s [Y/n]. She’s—she’s been hurt so bad. Please.”
Mo’at turned sharply at the sound of his voice, her eyes narrowing as they fell on you. Without hesitation, she gestured for her assistants to bring a mat, her commands rapid and clipped, carrying the authority of generations.
“Lay her down here. Quickly!” she ordered, her voice firm and unwavering. She knelt beside you, her hands already moving with precision, gathering herbs and ointments from nearby bowls. Her deft fingers crushed bright green leaves into a paste, mixing it with an oil that filled the air with a sharp, earthy aroma.
“Keep her steady,” she said to Lo’ak, barely sparing him a glance. She smeared the paste across the wound, the mixture sinking into your skin like it had a life of its own. Her chants began, low and rhythmic, as she pressed her hands over the injury, her fingers glowing faintly with the energy of Eywa. The air seemed to hum, charged with a warmth that pulsed in time with her words.
Lo’ak knelt beside you, his trembling hands hovering over your arm but not daring to interfere. His eyes darted between your pale face and Mo’at’s focused expression, hope and terror warring within him. “Is she gonna be okay?”
Mo’at didn’t answer at first, her concentration razor-sharp as she worked. She murmured another chant under her breath, her fingers moving with practiced precision to apply more of the healing paste to your wounds. One of her assistants handed her a roll of soft, woven bandages, which she began wrapping around your torso, her movements deliberate and sure.
“She is strong,” Mo’at said finally, her tone calm yet firm. “But her spirit walks a fine line. The healing will hold if she finds the will to stay.”
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A few hours later…
Mo’at’s steady gaze met his, and for a moment, she didn’t say anything. She simply assessed him, reading the raw panic in his eyes, the way his hands trembled as he reached out but then pulled back, as though he couldn’t bring himself to touch you just yet.
Mo’at’s lips parted, the wisdom in her eyes knowing far more than Lo’ak would ever let her see. She shook her head slightly, almost imperceptibly. “Boy,” she murmured, her voice a mixture of reprimand and understanding, “despite saving her, you have been foolish.”
Lo’ak’s expression remained dull, but she continued, pressing the pressure points along your injured body with expert care. Her hands were steady, almost sacred as they moved, and she wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily.
“You think I don’t see it?” she asked, her voice still low, but sharp with the truth. “You think I don’t know what this is?” Her eyes flicked briefly to you, then back to Lo’ak. “She was your friend once, your companion. But, you were afraid. “You care for her, Lo’ak. I see it in the way you cannot leave her side. I see it the way your hands shake every time you think she might not breathe again. I see it in you.
She paused, eyes lingering slightly as if searching his soul. “I know what you’re thinking. All is not lost.”
His fingers gently traced over the soft skin of your hand, too afraid to squeeze, too afraid to do anything that might hurt you further. His hands found their way back to your wrist, as though touching you, even this way, could make a difference.
“I don’t know what to do,” Lo’ak said hoarsely.
“You do not need to fix what is already broken, child,” Mo’at said softly, her voice carrying the weight of years spent in the presence of Eywa. “What is torn can be mended, but only if you let go of your pride, your fear. If you will not hold her back, if you will not push her away again.”
She didn’t need to say more. The silence in the tent was louder than any words.
“She will live,” she said quietly, her voice almost a whisper, yet it held the weight of confirmation. “But only if you let her breathe when she wakes. If you do not smother her with the weight of your guilt.”
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The world around you was hazy, your vision a blur of shifting colours and dim shadows. The air felt heavy, thick with the overwhelming scent of healing herbs that clung to your skin, mixing with the familiar, earthy aroma of the jungle—a smell that, despite the circumstances, brought a sense of grounding. Every breath you took seemed to rattle your ribs, a sharp ache spreading through your body, but it was the pain in your side that was most consuming. The bandages felt tight, wrapped around your torso in an unrelenting embrace that pressed down on every wound, reminding you of how broken you felt.
For a moment, you wondered if this was real—if you were still stuck somewhere between the worlds of consciousness and unconsciousness. Your head spun with fragments of fading memories—flashes of chaos, of battle, of a cry in the distance—and then,
You froze.
You felt something else. Warmth. A presence beside you.
Lo’ak’s arm was draped across your waist, his fingers resting gently on your hip, a weight that both comforted and startled you. His proximity was overwhelming, too close, too intimate. It left you breathless, a sharp realization running through you—this was wrong. You shouldn’t be here, in this position, with him like this.
But there he was, fingers tightening just slightly, as though afraid you might vanish if he loosened his grip.
You blinked slowly, heart pounding in your chest. His steady breath was the only sound you could focus on. But, eventually, your breath caught in your throat, and you shifted uncomfortably, instinctively pushing his arm off of you.
Lo’ak jolted awake, his eyes widening as he registered the position you were in. Panic flickered across his face as he quickly scrambled to sit up. “Shit, shit, I— I’m sorry. I didn’t realise—”
But before he could finish, you tried to sit up, only for a sharp, agonizing pain to seize your body. A gasp escaped your lips, and Lo’ak was instantly by your side, his hands gently but firmly pushing you back down. His touch was urgent yet tender as if he couldn’t bear for you to move too much. “Hey, hey, no. Not yet,” he murmured, his voice steady but laced with concern. “You need to stay down. You shouldn’t be moving around like that.”
You were breathing heavily before you finally rested your head back on the woven pillow, letting out a strained breath as you held onto your torso. “What was it? A bullet wound? Ship inbound south?”
But Lo’ak couldn’t shake the image of you, pale and unconscious, lying in his arms.
“I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered, the rawness in his voice betraying the fear that still gripped him.
But everything in you screamed to pull away. Every part of you screamed for space, for freedom, from the confusion swirling in your chest. You didn’t want to feel this—didn’t want to feel him and everything else. Not now. Not after all this time.
You could still feel the weight of his touch lingering on your skin, even though he hadn’t moved. It felt like too much. Too much of everything—too many memories, too many emotions, too much hurt that you weren’t ready to face.
You turned your head, closing yourself off, instinctively seeking space from the one person who had always known you too well. “I’m fine,” you muttered, voice strained, as you tried to push past the moment, to erase the tension.
And that broke him.
“Don’t, please don’t turn away from me like that.”
Your chest tightened at the sound of his cracked desperation, and before you even realized it, the first tear slipped down your cheek, a silent testament to everything you’d been swallowing for so long. Then another. And another. The floodgates opened, and you couldn’t stop it. The rage, the heartbreak, and the confusion all collided inside you, and it felt like you were choking on it.
You wiped your face shortly before turning back to face him, refusing to let him see you as weak, but the tears kept coming and it felt like every breath you took was filled with the weight of all the years you’d spent holding this in.
“Why? Why can’t I?” Your voice cracked, each word trembling with the weight of your emotions, your sobs raw and desperate. Without thinking, you struck his chest, but the punch was weak—your fury still sharp, but tangled with something softer, something that hurt more than the anger itself. “You just decide leave my life for what seemed like forever, and now you’re back, begging me not to turn my back on you as if you didn’t do that to me first? Tell me, how—how does any of that make any sense? How is any of that fair?”
Lo’ak flinched at your touch, but he didn’t pull away. He didn’t fight back. He didn’t make excuses, didn’t try to defend himself. There were no words that could change the past. So, he stood there, letting the storm of your emotions crash over him. Every word, every tear, every breath you took felt like a weight he deserved to bear.
You grunted, frustration bubbling up inside you as you shoved him away again, the motion too weak to be anything but a desperate push for distance. You couldn’t stand being this close to him and yet feeling so far apart. “I know about Sänika—I know about everything. Why? Why, Your words caught in your throat, each one harder to say than the last. “How could you do that to me?”
Lo’ak’s eyes fell shut, and he felt a heavy weight settle in his chest. He hated seeing you like this—angry, hurt, broken—and he hated himself even more for being the one who had caused it.
“I was scared of losing you after Iknimaya,” he admitted, his words stumbling over themselves. He clenched his fists at his sides, as though holding himself together and resisting himself from holding you.
“What?” You stared at him, your anger faltering only for a moment, but the pain was still there, sharp and raw.
“I was scared,” he whispered, his voice barely audible, as though the truth was too heavy for him to bear. It took everything in him to admit it, but here he was, admitting it. To you. That you’d… want someone else. And I’d just be nothing more than a friend to you.”
The vulnerability in his voice was evident like he was confessing something that had been eating away at him for far too long. He winced, hating himself for the weakness, but the truth had to come out. “I couldn’t bear that. Not with you right there, within reach, always in front of me. So, I left.”
Lo’ak’s breath hitched, his chest tightening like a vice. He couldn’t look at you. Not now. Not with all the mess he’d made of everything.
“You didn’t care when we talked about other girls,” he muttered, each word feeling heavier than the last. He swallowed hard, but it didn’t stop the choking feeling in his throat. “So I… thought you didn’t—I didn’t think it mattered.”
He closed his eyes as if to stop himself from falling apart completely. But it didn’t work. It was all crashing down. “With Sänika,” His voice cracked, the words barely there. “We’re not together. We never really were. Because I can’t love anyone else.”
He almost didn’t want to speak anymore, terrified of what else might spill out. But there was nothing left to hide. No more masks. No more walls. Just a broken, desperate mess in front of you.
The silence that followed was deafening. You sat there, not moving, but the anger in your eyes was unmistakable. Lo’ak could feel it like a physical blow, but he stayed still, waiting for you to say something—anything—or even nothing at all, to leave.
But then, without warning, you cupped his face in your hands, Lo’ak’s breath hitched as he looked into your eyes, trying to find something—anything—that would help ground him of what had just spilt from his lips.
But, you didn’t give it. Not at first. Instead, you slapped him, Yet, in that same split second, you weren’t thinking anymore.
You leaned forward, crashing your lips against his, causing Lo’ak to stumble back slightly on his elbows. His arms moved around you, pulling you closer, as though afraid you might slip away again. He ignored the way his cheek burned where your hand laid.
It wasn’t calculated or planned. It was sudden, and passionate, all the feelings you had locked away for so long spilling out in that single, electric moment. His lips felt so soft and truly desperate, for all the right reasons this time. It was as if he, too, was tired of fighting.
His breath was shaky, and so was yours, each inhale a mix of relief and longing. His chest rose and fell beneath your hands, and you could feel the beat of his heart echoing in his chest, frantic and alive. Your hands moved instinctively, sliding up to his neck as if it were the only thing you could cling to at that moment as he rawfully kissed you. Like he needed this more than words could explain. You could feel like he was pouring everything he had left into you, trying to undo all the mistakes and all the lost time, with every move he made.
The kiss was more than an apology—it was a confession, an unspoken admission that both of you had been holding on to something. Something that neither of you could let go of.
As you both pulled away, Lo’ak’s hand gently cupped your face, his thumb brushing over your skin in a way that made everything else feel distant and unimportant. Slowly, he leaned forward, his forehead pressing gently against yours, the warmth of his skin grounding you in the moment. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted that.”
The world around you faded, and for a heartbeat, it was just the two of you.
“Lo’ak,” you whispered, your voice barely a breath. “Promise me you won’t ever doubt me and you ever again?.”
Lo’ak’s closed eyes flickered open to meet your piercing ones, humming a low, “I promise.”
And just like that, for the first time in ages, the wound within you— the one that had been so raw and painful—didn’t hurt as much anymore. It had softened, faded into the background, replaced by something new, something whole. Something that had been waiting for this moment to heal.
It felt like you could finally breathe.
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AHHHHHH thank you for reading! 💞💞 i spent so much time editing i can’t even remember which scenes i kept so i’m really leaving it up to y’all’s about what y’all’s think of the way the events turned out. not expecting much since this is the very first fic i’ve actually been able to finish that is like 12 k words long, and there’s probably a lot of AFIs. BUTT atleast i was able to start and finished something so passionately long like this for the first time. hope y’all’s enjoyed!
as always — likes, comments, reblogs are deeply appreciated. 🫶🏻
requested tags:
@starduszt @sodapopsluvr @pluhhbaby @nerdylawyerbanditprofessor-blog
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iikatsukii · 2 years ago
boyfriend texts w/ lo'ak and neteyam (modern au)
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synopsis: just some texts between you and the sully boys 
pairings: lo’ak x reader, neteyam x reader 
warnings: swearing, talk of mom fucking- (its a joke), angst between you and lo’ak (no comfort)
a/n: i'm kinda back but for now i'm only really gonna be doing texts and stuff like that and also maybe finish my mha series idk but here have this. I did both sully boys bc i wanted to is you want another character or more texts just ask and ill try to do some. I kinda enjoy them (sae told me to post these so thank her ig @lvrcpid)
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bloomdim · 2 years ago
Lo’ak x Thigh job | Female reader | Aged Up
Warnings: pet names, orgasms (m and f), p in v
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‘Shit baby…’ your mate grunts from above you, the sounds of your slick combining with his quick movements clouding your hearing as he pushes in and out of your thighs. His grip is so so tight, forcing the plush of your thighs together to get himself off.
His cock seeping with precum, staining the middle of your waist line as your eyes watch him slip in and out. ‘L-lo’ you whine out, the heat of the moment being to much as you can feel your own climax coming soon. ‘Yeah baby?’ He grunted out, the flesh of your thighs gliding his cock so deliciously. You let out another soft mewl, sending a shiver down his spine. Your voice was so sweet, his sweet girl you were. ‘M’so close!’ His cock brushing against your clit one too many times, god he felt good.
‘C’mon cum for me baby’ he cooed, pushing your thighs together more, throwing his head back as his cock twitched between you. That was your last straw, your back arching so beautifully as your arousal gushed out of you, glazing his cock with your slick. ‘Good girl’ he grunted, giving one more thrust as his length squirted his seed along your nipples and the middle of your stomach. His cum trailing along the length of your body, you looked so pretty like this he thought.
‘Such a good girl’
Taglist: @neytirishottie
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teyums · 2 years ago
can i request lo’ak and reader get into a big argument that leads to them not talking for a while but lo’ak gets into an accident during battle and they work things out? im in need of some lo’ak angst 😖
a/n: i literally live for angst wc: 3,124
“Forgive me.”
pairing: lo’ak x fem! na’vi reader
contains: angst but ends with fluff, slight use of language
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“Why do you have to be so reckless all the time? Your actions affect other people too, Lo’ak!”
You chased after your mate as he angrily stalked away from you and into your tent, but you were quick to enter after him before he could abandon the conversation.
“Do you ever stop and ask yourself how I feel when you do stuff like this?”
He spun around to face you, hands tossed in the air in aggravation before they went to hold his head.
“I just- God, not everything is about you, Y/n! Every time we fight about this it’s just you, you, you! Why the hell do you care so much, anyway?”
To say that the argument you and Lo’ak had wasn’t pretty would be an understatement. It was downright hideous. The both of you yelling at the other, feeling unheard no matter how much you raised your voices.
You’re frustrated beyond imaginable. It’s like nothing you say ever gets through to him, no matter what approach you take.
You’d sat down with him so many times to let him know you were always there if he wanted to talk. That it was okay to express his emotions, to uproot them and get them off his chest, instead of burying them. And of course, it didn’t work. He’d simply brushed you off, got up from his seat and told you it was no big deal. But if it was bothering him, then to you, it was a big deal.
He’d been making some pretty irresponsible decisions lately, a couple that nearly landed him in the Tsahik’s tent more times than you could count. He’d disappear into the forest, sometimes even after eclipse, without letting anyone know where he was headed.
Anytime he got into it with his father, he’d leave you pacing up and down your shared tent, worried about his safety and praying he hadn’t ran into more trouble. Sometimes you managed to stay up until he returned, and still you’d welcome him with open arms regardless of the fear he’d put you through for hours. And other times he’d be gone for so long that you would accidentally doze off and spend the night alone, just to wake the next morning to Lo’ak still unwilling to have a conversation about what was going on with him.
He was your mate, and he had the nerve to ask you why you cared about him?
The ridiculous question had temporarily addled you, and you stepped back a bit in slight shock as you shook your head at him.
“I- I care because I love you, Lo’ak. And I miss you… it feels like you aren’t even here anymore. I’m only trying to help.”
Your words faded to a murmur and your hand went to rub at your arm. Your face grew hot and you suddenly felt embarrassed, running after him like a lost puppy to tell him something he already knew. The agitated look on his face had you feeling smaller than ever; you felt like a nuisance.
He huffed out what was meant to be a laugh before responding to you, and your brows furled at his careless demeanor.
“Dealing with my dad nagging on me is enough, so maybe if you’d just get off my ass for two goddamned seconds I’d actually want to be around more.”
He didn’t mean it. You knew he didn’t mean it. Hell, he knew he didn’t mean it. It was his father who made him feel this way and he’d simply misdirected his anger at you. He regretted saying such a thing almost as soon as he realized what words his brain had decided to form. But that didn’t stop the tears from breaking through the puddle of moisture that’d already been forming in your eyes, and it sure as hell didn’t stop you from harshly tearing your bicep from his grasp when he grabbed onto it in hopes of taking back what he said.
His shoulders drooped as your cheeks quickly dampened, and he approached you with what would’ve been an apology, if the harsh shove you’d sent against his chest hadn’t caused his voice to catch in his throat.
“Fuck you, Lo’ak.”
It spat like venom from your tongue— some of the last words you’d spoken to him that day had too been ones you didn’t mean. But in the heat of your anger, all your hurt, you didn’t know what else to say.
The truth was, Lo’ak just wasn’t used to people checking up on him the way you would.
It was the same old routine. His dad would yell at him, his mom would give him a silent look of disapproval even if his dad had gone a little too far with the scolding, then he’d run off and hide out for the rest of the day to avoid any further confrontation.
They’d given up on him a long time ago. No one would ask where he went, how long he’d been gone, or even inquire if he was okay after taking such a talking to. That was, until you came along. But for years he’d worked so hard on coaching himself not to care, his tear stained face that’d gone unwiped a constant reminder that he didn’t need anyone but himself.
But you… you’re just so nurturing, so understanding. You’re always worried about him and he doesn’t know how to handle it. It’s the look in your eyes when you stroke his cheek and ask him what’s wrong, it’s like you can see right through the facade everyone else is fooled by. The mask of indifference he puts on is never enough to throw you off his trail or quell your concern.
And it’s scary honestly, how quickly you can have him facing his emotions instead of running from them. He should embrace having someone like you by his side, someone who’s willing to walk through the good and the bad right with him. But Lo’ak was never good at doing what he was supposed to do.
He’d broken through the curtained entrance to your home almost two hours after the argument, stopping dead in his tracks once his eyes had fallen to the sight of you shoving some of your belongings into a sack. The question you’d been dreading came immediately, but you insisted through a tremored voice that you thought staying with your parents for a few days would be best, to give each other space.
And all he did was nod. Because what else could he do? Take back the sentence that’d probably been ringing in your head for hours already? While he did exactly what you two had just argued over, stormed out and disappeared without any information of his whereabouts for who knows how long? You were tired of it, and he wouldn’t be surprised if you were tired of him too.
Days went by, but to Lo’ak it felt like years without being able to do so much as hold your hand. Getting close to you proved to be impossible, and he wondered how you’d become so much better at avoiding others than he was.
He harbored way too much pride to try and ask his mother for advice, but he couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t considering it with how much this was all starting to hurt. Every time your eyes would catch his from across the common grounds, his heart would swell with a gust of hope, only for it to deflate when you’d quickly tear them away, your feet always quick to start off in the opposite direction whenever he’d begin to approach you.
After that, you avoided every place you knew Lo’ak would be, and of course Kiri wouldn’t budge when he asked if she’d seen you around. He’d even gone to your parents’ hut to find you and apologize, just to not make it up the first step when your younger sister had stopped him before he could come any closer to the entrance. With an uncertain look of remorse and her hands behind her back, she insisted that she was instructed to inform him that you didn’t want to see him.
Lo’ak wanted nothing more than to hold you, to comfort you and apologize for everything he’d done and then some. But every failed attempt to reconcile further reminded him of the night you told him you wanted space, and while he tried to respect your wishes, he just couldn’t understand them.
You were usually a stickler for communication, and he wasn’t used to being avoided like this because you were always the one tracking him down. Before this happened, you constantly insisted on talking things out and you were never one to let an argument go on for more than a day, which is why he was left so confused once it reached the second day of silence.
He was too blind to realize why you’d been acting this way until Neteyam reminded him that this is exactly what he’d been doing to you— and that’s when it finally dawned on him. He hated the taste of his own medicine, because being ignored by the one you love is far more bitter than he could’ve ever imagined. The weight of his actions had finally set in, and he’d never felt more like an asshole than he did in that moment.
Eclipse has long passed and the hut is quiet, painfully quiet. Lo’ak’s heart twinges a little everytime he turns his head to the side, bleary eyes expecting to meet your sleeping form curled up next to him, only for them to mull over the dreaded emptiness that’s occupied your side of the bed for three days now.
Each grueling hour has given him a glimpse of what you’ve been enduring for weeks and he fucking hates it.
He tosses and turns for a bit until he uncomfortably wallows in the realization that he won’t be getting any sleep tonight. The arms that should’ve been holding you close to his chest are stretched outwards, his gaze glued to the ceiling while his mind keeps him awake with endless guilt over what he’d said. How hurt you looked when he’d been dumb enough to make you feel like a burden, all because he couldn’t handle his own emotions. Maybe he’d finally pushed you far enough, far enough to give up on him like everyone else had. And the worst part is, he has no one to blame other than himself, like always.
You were never one to hold grudges for long, this you knew. But that really became fact once you found yourself whisking through the crowd faster than you thought your feet would ever carry you. Yelling out hasty apologies and ‘excuse me’s to the air, too anxious to reach your destination to actually turn around and direct it towards those you’d bumped into.
You should’ve known something was wrong when you asked around earlier and found out the war party had yet to return; they’d stayed out almost an hour past their estimated arrival back to the village and everyone waited anxiously for an update.
You went back to your hut and tried to remain positive. You told yourself you were worrying over nothing, that everything was fine and maybe things had just taken longer than expected— mostly because you were too afraid to page Lo’ak in fear of pushing him away even more due to your supposed overbearing nature.
But when it was Kiri who’d come to fetch you with slightly widened eyes, no words were needed for you to shoot up to your feet, because her alarmed expression was enough to tell you that something had happened to him.
Everyone’s head snaps to the doorway once you break through the flaps to the infirmary, and even Neytiri stops tending to Neteyam’s wounds for a breath as she looks up at you. Your chest is heaving, your eyes frantic in their search for Lo’ak. She’s well aware of the latest predicament his stubbornness has gotten himself into with you, and it’s hard for her to fathom how her youngest son managed to mate with one of the most caring girls in the village.
“Where is he?” You’re breathless from your sprint but you hadn’t noticed, your mind is racing with a million possibilities that you’re trying to put a stop to.
Mo’at simply nods her head, willing to look past your lack of a respectful greeting for obvious reasons.
“This way, child.”
You follow closely behind her, nervously picking at the skin of your fingers as you spot numerous wounded warriors resting in cots, your heart drops as the intensity of wounds only progress as you continue walking.
Too busy ogling at the severity of injuries, you nearly come face first with Mo’at’s back when her strides suddenly halt. A sheet is pulled back to reveal your wounded mate and you gasp, a hand shooting up to cover your mouth as your eyes widen, but Mo’at is silent and only ushers you in with a hand.
You rush to Lo’ak’s side immediately and carefully kneel next to his body, eyes softening at his unconscious state. Your first instinct is to reach out and touch him, but your hand hesitates once you catch sight of his torso bandaged over, the thick gauze slightly stained with deep crimson. Your head swings up, eyes pleading to Tsahik for answers before your mouth can.
“Though my grandson is injured, he is also very lucky. A demon airship went unspotted, however the blast managed to miss him by a few feet.”
Your lips purse as you try not to imagine the scene in your mind, your gaze sweeping over his wounds one last time before it lands on his face, littered with tiny scrapes and grazes you assume are from shrapnel.
“Oh, Lo’ak…” You murmur, your touch featherlight as you gently caress his temple. You position yourself behind him and carefully slide your hands beneath his head before you lift it, allowing it to rest atop your thighs to make him as comfortable as possible.
Mo’at watches carefully. You and Lo’ak are a mated pair under Eywa, so she was immediately able to feel the dissonance that had brewed between you two the moment you stepped into the infirmary. Though she was more than pleased to see that whatever had occurred proved to be insignificant the moment you saw him.
“His body took quite the beating, so he will be asleep for a while. You are welcome to stay if you please.”
And with that she leaves the both of you alone, though she’s not sure you heard her with how focused you are on making sure the rise and fall of his chest remains steady.
You sat with Lo’ak like that for almost four hours, too restless to close your eyes for more than a few minutes in fear that you’d miss something. A slightly louder exhale through his nostrils would have your lids snapping back open and your gaze darting over his form, only for you to sigh once you’d realize he was still asleep. You’re sure it’s night now, but you haven’t gotten up to check, let alone eat because you can’t bring yourself to leave him.
When your legs finally grew numb to the point your skin felt it was being pricked with needles, you decided to place a cushion under his head instead to give your muscles a break.
And now you’re perched against the wall with your knees to your chest, your chin resting atop them and you don’t know when you dozed off or for how long, but the sound of him groaning has you alert instantly.
Your eyes shoot open and catch sight of him stirring from his sleep against the mat, every speck of drowsiness washed from your body in a split second.
“Oh my- Lo’ak!” You scramble to your hands and knees and crawl your way towards him, ignoring the scrape of wood along your skin. Your heart’s beating a mile a minute, but he finally comes to and you whisper an array of hushed thank yous to the great mother while you carefully wipe the sweat from his temple with a nearby cloth.
In a daze he tries to sit up, but winces at the movement as his injuries instantly make themselves known. He groans in pain and moves to reach for his side as his other arm struggles to prop him up, though it only exacerbates his discomfort.
“No, no,” You’re quick to press a hand to his chest, gently guiding him back down to the mat despite his reluctancy. “You must rest.”
He hastily blinks the mist from his view when he hears your voice, an incredulous look on his pain-strained face the moment his mind is clear enough to recognize your features.
“Y/n? What happened?” His voice is groggy and he’s inclined to take a look around, but his head is pounding and he can’t seem to take his eyes off you. You were last person he expected to see at his side, especially with how he’d been treating you lately.
“There was a blast, and you… You’re hurt, Lo’ak. Eywa, I was so worried, you’ve been asleep for hours.” Reaching down to grab his hand in both of yours, you bring it close to your heart and give him a saddened smile.
His brows bunch together in the middle and he’s almost certain he’s heard you incorrectly. It’s like he can’t believe you’re even touching him, with the way his eyes bounce back and forth from his hand against your chest to the sincere expression you wear.
“You- you’ve been here the whole time?” He asks.
Your head tilts in question, and it’s then made clear to him that what happened a few days ago has flung so far from your focus due to his injured state.
“Yes, of course I have… Why wouldn’t I be?” You blink.
He sighs and looks away, as if he’s contemplating whether he should even bring it up and risk upsetting you all over again. “Our argument, what I said that night I… I thought you hated me.” His voice cracks as he brings his eyes back to yours, and the tears welling in them send a splinter through your heart. “I thought you weren’t gonna come back.”
“Stop it,” You shake your head vehemently, nearly hard enough to give yourself a headache. “Please, do not say such things. I could never hate you, Lo’ak. We both said some things we didn’t mean and I-“
“No, No. Don’t do that.” He’s quick to cut you off and sits up regardless of your immediate warning against it, but he insists, so you brace a hand along his back to help him. He sucks a sharp breath in through his teeth, the effort of moving being more tasking than he expected as he cradles his side with a bandaged arm.
“Don’t do what?”
He exhales and settles with his legs crossed, looking down at your hand, more than grateful that he’s even able to hold it. He glances back up at you when he speaks, though he fails to hold contact for long. He’s too ashamed to even look at you.
“Make excuses for me. The whole thing was my fault and you know it. I’ve been treating you terribly, I made you feel like a bother when you’re exactly the opposite of that, all because I didn’t want to deal with my own shit and I’m… I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry.” He lets you hold his face in the palms of your hands, and somehow the act of your thumbs brushing his tears away before they can even fall completely only makes his shoulders shudder more.
Your expression is solemn as he repeatedly utters his apology. It’s not often Lo’ak cries in front of you, and you keep telling him that it’s okay but he shakes his head because he knows it’s not, he’s only lucky enough to have a mate so understanding. Because somehow, even after all he’s done you’re still so gentle with him, and he can’t believe he ever made you think he didn’t want this.
“Will you forgive me?” He asks through a stuttered inhale, glossed amber eyes peering into yours with doubt. It comes as a whisper, your response, almost immediate and he feels like he can finally breathe as an unbearable weight lifts from his shoulders.
“I already have.”
His arm snakes around your middle and he’s pulling you into his lap sideways before you can stop him.
“Lo’ak…” You refuse to put all your weight onto him, your hands just ghosting over his shoulders as you gently try to pull yourself off him.
“No, I’m fine. Stay.” His hold on you tightens to the best of his ability when you try to move, though you’re not sure you believe his claim, because he winces again once you shift your weight to sit comfortably.
“I’m going to make your injuries worse.” You sigh.
“This hurts less than not being able to hold you for four days. Trust me.” He chuckles dryly, you can tell it’s lacking in humor and you chew your lip at that.
It’s obvious he’s not going to let you up, so you relax the slightest bit in his hold and use a finger to lift his chin, so your eyes meet. “Can you promise me something?”
His response is swift, the nod of his head eager. “Anything.”
“Please, no more disappearing. I can’t stand not knowing if you’re safe or not, and I really don’t like sleeping alone.” You mumble. He gives your side a comforting squeeze, as if to say ‘i’m sorry’ again.
A brief kiss is pressed to the round of your shoulder as he looks up at you, then he responds. “I promise, baby. No more disappearing, you have my word.”
You continue.
“And when something is bothering you, we work through it, together. That means you talk about your emotions, not run away from them.” You quirk your eyebrow at him when he grumbles slightly under his breath. He glances to the side for a beat, then he nods again, and though a little more hesitant than the first, you’ll take what you can get.
“I promise.” He gives you a small smile as reassurance and leans into your touch when you go to tuck a braid behind his ear.
“Good. Now do you wanna tell me what the hell you were doing on the field instead of in the air?”
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lovemyavatar · 2 years ago
| Lo’ak x F!Avatar!Reader |
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Summary: Sully's always stick together, but is there room for one more?
Warnings: fluff, some angst and family drama
Notes: I just want to take a second to thank each and every person who has interacted with this series, it’s truly meant so much. I’ve read and re-read every comment, message, kind word. You’re all incredible and the support means the absolute world. I can’t believe this series is coming to an end already, it’s been so much fun to write. I have a little surprise at the end of this chapter that I’m super excited about and hope everyone will like! I LOVE when you guys talk to me so don’t be shy and let me know what you think! Until next time MWAH
dialogue in Italics is Na'vi translated to English
chapter eight
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Chapter Nine — The End
The sun has long breached the moon, warm afternoon light blanketing Pandora by the time you approach Home tree.
Your fingers, interlocked tightly with Lo’ak’s, tremble as anxiety surges through your chest. Wide eyes dance over the huge, overreaching leaves of the place you so recently considered home, the sound of the clan’s morning activities fluttering to your ears.
“Wait!” You suddenly jerk to a halt, free hand latching onto Lo'ak's bicep.
He stops beside you, just before the tree line breaks into the wide gathering area. Your eyes round with unease, searching for comfort within his warm gaze.
A soft breath falls from his lips, chest tightening at the sight of you so on edge. A large hand cradles the side of your head gently. You instantly lean into his touch, a fraction of tension releasing.
“Hey...” He coos, guiding you forward so he can place a kiss in the center of your forehead. He leans back slowly, head dipping to catch your eyes. “Nothing, and no one, will take you from me. Okay?”
You’re nervous, no, terrified to face his parents. You haven’t spoken a word to them, haven’t seen so much as a glimpse of them in nearly a week. Not since Jake so harshly yelled at you, so cruelly accused you of being a traitor.
Lo’ak‘a gaze remains steady on yours, unwavering in his love for you. He's completely serious, if any of his family members argue against your union, he has some choice words ready. Now that you're his for life, he won't let anyone disrespect you, no matter who they are.
“Okay.” You agree lowly, sending him a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
He nods reassuringly, fingers tightening around yours as he guides you forward, back toward the place where you’ll build your new home together. He barely makes it a step before a tall figure approaches, walking briskly through the brush.
In his haste, Neteyam nearly rams right into you. He’s the perfect picture of a poised leader on a mission, brow furrowed, shoulders square, bow slung tightly across his chest. He rears back in alarm, narrowly missing the two of you.
“Eywa!” He curses under his breath, eyes widening a fraction as he takes in the scene before him.
His spine straightens, tail flicking to attention at his back. His eyes narrow, trailing over the two of you scrutinizingly. At first, he’s surprised that you’re standing before him at all. After that day in the forest, when he stumbled upon you and your Ikran, he fully expected to never see you again.
But now, here you are. With his brother, the day after he disappeared without warning. The pieces start falling into place, Neteyam’s thoughts racing as he dissects in the sight of the two of you together. Together walking from the woods, with your hands clasped and—oh, shit.
“Baby bro, you didn’t.” There’s a rough warning beneath his words, head tilting to the side almost pleadingly.
Lo’ak forces down a hoarse swallow, lifting his chin in defiance. His hold on you is firm, bordering on painful as he meets Neteyam’s glare with one of his own. Daring him to challenge the union. The older Sully groans, eyes falling closed as he pinches the bridge of his nose in irritation.
“I shouldn’t be surprised.” He sighs heavily, molten eyes shifting to you.
You’re tempted to curl inward, to crumble beneath his judgmental gaze, but you remain strong. You have no regrets about mating with Lo’ak. You’ve chosen him as your partner for the rest of your life, and nothing anyone says or does can change that now.
With a dismissive shake of his head, Neteyam turns to go back the way he came, seemingly abandoning whatever he was about to do.
“Wait! Where are you going?” Lo’ak steps forward, arm outstretched and ready to stop him from getting to their parents before he can.
“As far from here as possible.” He doesn’t stop, doesn’t even spare a retreating glance before disappearing through thick foliage.
Your brows furrow worriedly, sharp teeth catching your lower lip as anxiety quickly mounts. Lo’ak groans quietly beside you, irritated that your first greeting wasn’t a pleasant one. Before you can dwell on it, he’s pulling you behind him, over the last remaining barrier between you and your future home.
The second your foot touches warm soil, a loud, ear-piercing scream echoes through the base of Home Tree. It makes your shoulders hunch, muscles pulled taunt in alarm. Your eyes widen, as do most of the clan's as they whip around to see what the fuss is about.
A moment later, you crumble to the ground under the weight of a tiny body colliding with yours. Your hand is ripped from Lo'ak, who bursts into a fit of laughter beside you. Your arms instantly curl around Tuk’s middle, turning carefully to ensure you'll take the brunt of the fall.
“You left me!” Her face is scrunched into a deep scowl, nose wrinkled, small lips pulled into a frown.
She pouts down at you from her new position, perched on your stomach. You can't help but smile, heart skipping a beat at the sight of her. Despite the clear anger pointed your way, nothing but joy floods your system at having her close again. You didn’t want to dwell on it while convincing yourself you’d never see this place again, but you missed her like crazy.
Slowly, you sit up, pulling her into a tight embrace in the process. She tucks into you without hesitation, face smooshing against your chest. Her little arms wrap around your waist, returning the hug with her full strength.
“I’m sorry, Tuk.” You murmur soothingly, head falling to rest on top of hers.
A huge, boyish grin splits Lo'ak's face, arms crossing as he watches the scene unfold. Warmth blooms in his chest at the sight of the bond you share with his baby sister. He knew she missed you, couldn't escape the constant questions about where you'd gone and when you'd be back every moment you were away.
“You skxawng (idiot)!” A new voice interrupts, your head instantly tilting up in recognition.
Despite the insult, a soft smile pulls at Kiri's lips as she approaches casually. You match her expression, moisture prickling at the corners of your eyes. You're quick to blink away the tears, a surge of embarrassment bringing color to your cheeks.
You didn't expect to feel this swarm of emotions, didn't anticipate being overwhelmed by the sight of your two closest friends welcoming you home with open arms. Kiri leans down, offering a helping hand. Your fingers slide into hers easily, gratitude brightening your expression as she pulls you up from the ground.
Tuk bounces to her feet beside you, hopping up and down excitedly. A giggle bubbles in your chest, tension gradually releasing the longer you're in the presence of her playful spirit.
A sudden, quiet gasp has your attention snapping back to Kiri. Her fingers twitch against yours, grip tightening to an almost painful degree. Her eyes pop wide, flicking between you and her brother.
“Did you...?” She pulls you in by the firm hold on your arm, words a breathless whisper into your ear as you stumble against her chest.
The color of your cheeks deepens, heat blanketing your neck and chest. Of course, she’d sense it, long before you could even formulate a plan to tell her. All you can do is nod, stomach flipping with unease. Your heart soars at the way her mouth pulls into a slow grin, relief flooding you when she doesn’t appear upset.
“Tuk, Y/N is our sister now.” She peers down at her with a hint of pride, the youngest Sully’s eyes popping wide in shock at the declaration.
Warmth swells in your chest, heart fluttering between your ribs. The whisper of belonging tickles your insides, weakens your knees. Threatens to bring you back to the ground with wave after wave of intense emotion.
“Is it true? Is it true?” She jumps up and down, beaming at you with such adoration, it makes tears spring to your eyes all over again.
The huge grin on your face must be confirmation enough because she lets out another scream, the excited wail echoing through Home Tree. You’re quick to shush her, gaze hastily scanning the area. You force down a thick swallow at the sea of concerned eyes that are already trained on your little group.
A low rumble has begun within the clan as they notice your presence. Many have paused their duties, instead openly staring as you’re greeted by the Olo’eyktan’s children. The weight of their judgement, the mounting questions you know you’ll soon be forced to answer, settles onto your shoulders.
The tightness around your spine returns in full force, muscles already aching from being pulled so taunt.
“Girls.” At the sound of a familiar rough voice, your smile falters.
Kiri’s hand drops yours, instead tucking against her chest as she folds into herself protectively. You realize she’s bracing for impact, steeling herself from the predictable wrath of her father before it arrives.
“Go back to your chores.” Jake’s expression is all hard lines, brow furrowed, lips pursed, eyes narrowed as they seem to dissect each one of you in the little circle.
“But dad! Y/N is—” Tuk begins excitedly, still beaming despite the obvious shift in everyone else’s demeanor.
“Now.” He barks, using a tone usually reserved only for his sons.
Lo’ak shifts at your back, long fingers curling around your bicep. You send him a questioning glance over your shoulder, but he only shakes his head before gently pulling you against him. You don’t fight the motion, instead relying on his stability as you lean into his chest. One of his arms slides along your stomach, holding you against him firmly.
Tuk deflates, not used to receiving such harsh orders from her father. Her shoulders slump, tiny lips pursing in irritation. Kiri is quick to wrap an arm around her, murmuring softly as she all but drags her away. Her eyes round as they slide toward you one last time, silently wishing you good luck.
Your heart rate instantly skyrockets at the impatient click of Jake's tongue. Hesitantly, your gaze meets his, stomach churning with unease. A long breath falls from his pursed lips, hard eyes sweeping down your form quickly.
“Believe it or not, I'm happy to see you in one piece, kid.” His voice is deep, rough despite the kind words. It's clear that something dark is brewing just beneath the surface as his attention snaps over your shoulder, tone sharpening. “Is what your brother says true?”
He chooses to speak in English, hoping to maintain a semblance of privacy for this conversation. The clan has no shame in the way they watch their leader with curious eyes, slowly forming a large circle around the three of you.
Fucking Neteyam, Lo'ak hisses internally, stiffening against you. He pulls you in closer, narrowed gaze shifting over the crowd, ready to piece at the slightest movement toward you.
“We are mated before Eywa.” His chin lifts confidently, words strong as they leave his lips with conviction.
Quiet sounds of shock roll through the clan, hushed murmurs making your ears flatten against your head. Jake lets out a short hiss of displeasure, expression tightening before it’s replaced with the usual hardened mask of dismissiveness. He looks away briefly, as if assessing the audience that continues to surround you.
“Listen close, son.” He leans toward you both, voice dropping to a tense whisper, pointing a finger right in Lo'ak's face. “I get it. I really do. Back in the day I would’ve done anything to be with your mom. But there are rules.”
Your breath hitches, ice cold dread seeping into your bones at the insinuation. There's no way he would...would he? You silently pray he’ll show you mercy, or at least try to understand where you’re coming from. You’d never forgive yourself if mating with you was the downfall of Lo’ak’s relationships with his family. His clan.
His fingers twitch against your stomach, pressing you further into his warmth. A low growl rumbles through his chest, vibrating the overworked muscles of your back. Your eyes pop wide at the threatening display he’s just showed his own father.
“I don't care. I love her, dad. I would do it again.” Your ears twitch at his affirmation, cheeks warming. You sink impossibly closer to him, needing the reassurance of his skin on yours in as many places as possible.
Jake suddenly stands to his full height, hands landing on his hips, an exasperated look crossing his face. His jaw clenches as he fights the urge to lay into Lo'ak for his blatant disrespect. The entire clan has now gathered in the area, and though he's disciplined his son many times in front of them, he doesn't want to cause a scene right now.
“Alright, let’s go, you two.” Long fingers pinch the bridge of his nose, another heavy sigh of disappointment leaving his lips. He turns in the direction of the Sully family tent, glare piercing straight through Lo'ak's questioning gaze. “I’m not facing your mother alone.”
With that, he stalks forward, expecting you to follow. You glance at Lo'ak nervously, the cord of panic squeezing your heart cinching tighter by the second. His lips quirk into the ghost of a smile, though the gesture doesn't reach his eyes.
He plants a quick kiss along your temple before shifting to your side. The arm that's been protectively wrapped around your waist doesn't waver as he guides you forward, following his father's lead. Your eyes cautiously trail over the dense sea of eyes as they part for you, before falling to the dirt, finding the scrutiny too much to bare.
Within a few short steps, the woven flap of their shared home slams shut behind you. A tremor wracks your body at the sight of Neytiri, hunched over a pile of fruit in the corner. Her rhythmic chopping halts instantly at the sudden presence in her home. She looks up, eyes widening when they land on Lo'ak.
She's on her feet in an instant, crossing the tent before anyone can even think about speaking.
“Oh, my youngest son.” She coos, relieved to see him whole and uninjured. He’d run off without so much as a goodbye, and she’d been worried sick, even ordering Neteyam only minutes ago to look for him.
Her expression drops, hardens when her eyes scan his form, catching on the way you're so tightly wrapped up against him.
“What is this?” The question is full of accusation, her gaze sharpening into the ferocious glare you've been dreading all day.
All you can do is watch as realization dawns. As she takes in the intimacy between you and her son, the way he holds you so protectively, like only a mate would do. She sees so much of Jake in her youngest boy, recognizes the defiant square of his shoulders all too well.
A soft gasp lodges in her throat, a shaky hand covering her mouth as she rears back as if she's been struck. Her eyes widen, utter horror darkening the usual bright glowing yellow. They jump between all three of you, as if unsure who to blame for this.
“Lo'ak, do not tell me...”
“It is done.” He instantly defends, voice even though his jaw is already clenching in preparation for the fallout.
Neytiri hisses aggressively, taking a few steps to the side, then back the way she came, pacing in front of you. Her tail flicks upward, standing at attention against her spine. She looks every bit the fearsome hunter she is, steely glare piercing straight to your core as she zeroes in on you.
“You have brought shame to this family!” She spits, looking at you like you've just committed the most egregious sin. Like her family is falling apart, and you're the cause.
“Don’t act like you didn’t do the same thing with dad.” Lo'ak growls, pulling you tighter against his side, the harsh tone of his accusation earning another hiss from his mother.
“Hey! Watch your mouth, boy.” Jake takes a step forward, narrowed eyes catching his son's pointedly. He stands at the ready only inches away, prepared to step in if things escalate.
“I did not mate with your father until he became one of The People! You will throw away your future for this—for her?” Despite the reservations she still harbors, she can't bring herself to call you a vrrtep (demon) any longer.
She recognizes everything you've done for the clan. For her family. You've brought Kiri out of her shell, given Tuk some direction, calmed Lo’ak’s rebellious spirit. Mo'at never stops singing your praises, even going so far as to suggest that Eywa would bless a union with Neteyam—had you not been so smitten with his brother—due to your skill within the Tsahik tent.
But you are still other. No matter how much she has secretly grown to tolerate you, she would never choose such a match for the son of Toruk Makto. Every union their children commit to holds weight, impacts the perception of the entire family. They must be strong to protect the clan, to be effective leaders.
“Okay, you know what? I'm just going to say it.” You release a tense breath, jerking free of Lo’ak’s tight hold as anger licks up your spine.
There's only so much you can take, so much judgement, so many harsh words before you have to stand up for yourself. For your relationship with Lo'ak. The thinly veiled restraint you've been desperately holding onto lays at your feet in tattered shreds as you take a step forward, ignoring the quiet plea from behind to calm down.
“Your mate used to the human! Used to be an Avatar!” A finger points harshly in Jake's direction, though your molten stare remains locked on Neytiri. “I have learned your ways, just like he did! I claimed an Ikran, just like he did! I have as much right to be one of The People as he did!”
Neytiri stills before you, fists clenched tightly at her sides, lethal glare blazing a hole straight through your tough exterior. Truthfully, you're terrified, trembling where you stand, heart clattering between your ribs harshly.
“You do not speak of Ma Jake!” She hisses, chin dropping menacingly, tail flicking back and forth harshly.
“I have been nothing but kind to you, and you have refused to even try to see me.” You're a bit breathless, surprised yourself at the way you've just spoken to her.
You never wanted it to be like this, never imagined this kind of tension could exist simply because of who you are. Who you love.
“I cannot see what does not exist.” She grunts, hard eyes slicing to Lo'ak, still wound tightly behind you. “All you do is take.”
“It won't be me that takes your son away, Neytiri, but your own prejudice.” A humorless laugh falls from your chest before you can stop it, stomach flipping with anger and frustration.
At the snap of your harsh words, the dam breaks, an animalistic snarl cutting the thick silence before Neytiri pounces. She lunges for you, hands raised to strike, face tight with rage. You rear back instinctively, but it's useless as Jake and Lo'ak rush to step between you.
“That's enough!” Jake roars, one hand wrapping around his mate's shoulders while the other locks around her waist, hauling her against his front.
She growls and fights against his firm hold for only a moment before allowing him to drag her away. Meanwhile, Lo'ak covers your body with his, crouching as he hisses at his mother dangerously. It feels foreign, wrong, the action shattering a fraction of his heart.
Under normal circumstances, he would never dream of disrespecting her in such a way. But now, he has no choice, he would die before allowing anyone to lay a hand on you in his presence. Even his own family.
When his parents are safely on the other side of the tent, he turns to you, both hands cradling your face tenderly.
“Tam, Tam (there, there), baby, mawey (calm).” He murmurs, lips caressing the skin of your forehead before he tucks you into his side.
Every one of your muscles is tense, trembling with pent up emotion. Your chest heaves against his, ragged breaths attempting to soothe your racing heart. Your arms wrap around his waist, looking for stability as you try calming raging emotions.
It's given you a tiny sense of release, having finally defended yourself the way you've been aching to since the moment you arrived in Home Tree. But still, it hasn't made anything better, hasn't relieved even a touch of the hostility that's palpable within the small space.
Lo'ak turns to face his parents, brow pinched in anger. He doesn't want to choose between you and his family, but he will without hesitation. He openly glares at Jake and Neytiri, something he'd never dare before this moment. Before everything crumbled right in front of him.
“Muntxa (mate),” He coos the term of endearment pointedly, sending a clear message as one of his hands trails soothingly down your spine. “Why don't you tell them what you told me?”
Your face jerks toward his as you lean back, creating a few inches of space that allow you to gaze up at him in question.
“I don't think now is a good time, Lo’ak.” Your words drip with uncertainty, completely lost as to why he would bring this up now.
“Tell us what?” Jake is already on high alert, spine straightening as his hold on Neytiri loosens a fraction. She's calmed in his arms, resigning herself to glaring at you from across the room.
A rough sigh leaves your lips, anxiety rearing its ugly head once again. You planned on delivering this news gently, over dinner or maybe even a warm fire. Definitely not like this, when emotions are already so high. Truthfully, you wanted to have this conversation privately, first sharing the information between you and Jake alone.
Lo’ak nods encouragingly, hoping you’ll follow his direction. He wants to show his parents that you’re on their side, that you’re fully committed to the clan. He knows this will help, and even if it’s not the best time, you don’t have much of that left anyway.
With another deep breath, your shoulders square, muscles tight in preparation to drop the bombshell.
“Two days ago, when I was at the lab, we received a correspondence. From an incoming ship.” Your voice is quiet, even as you brace yourself for the worst.
Jake drops his hold on Neytiri instantly, stalking forward a few steps in shock before reining in his rising emotions. No, no, it can't be, the words echo through his mind like a prayer. With two simple sentences, his worst fear has just come true.
“What are you saying?” He rasps, fists already clenched as every one of his muscles coils painfully tight.
“It was a hostile branch of the RDA. They were sending out feelers, trying to see if any humans survived the last two decades.” Your chin dips, apprehension clouding your mind at the look of pure horror on Jake's face. Your voice drops to a low whisper as you deliver the final piece of information you have. “They're supposed to land in five days.”
“No, no.” He's the one pacing now, eyes wide as they flick wildly around the tent, looking for something solid. He turns on you, a sudden gleam of accusation beneath his glare. “If that were true, Norm would've reached out.”
“He did.” Your brow pinches with confusion as you watch the always poised leader practically have a panic attack right in front of you.
He stops suddenly, recalling with agitation that he hadn't checked the tech tent within the last day. He'd been distracted, looking for Lo'ak.
“Fuck.” He rasps, turning on his heel to flee the tent in a few quick strides.
Just like that, the conversation is over, the issue of your union with Lo’ak seeming so petty now.
Silence blankets the room, palpable tension the only thing remaining in Jake’s absence. Your eyes sweep toward Neytiri cautiously, but she merely hisses before stalking through the door after him.
You’re left standing there, stomach turning with unease. Though Lo’ak instantly pulls you into him, wrapping you in the warm strength of his embrace, it does little to fill the gaping hole in your chest.
Because, after all this time, you’re no closer to belonging than when you first arrived.
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A frustrated huff leaves your pursed lips, brows pinched in concentration as you try—and fail—to focus on the task at hand.
Your fingertips are raw, skin battered by constant wear. The last several days have been a flurry of preparation. You've done little else but sit, hunched over well-used tools as you sharpen spears and arrowheads.
With one final swipe of stone against wood, you lift the jagged weapon up close for inspection. It's not great, but it will do. You toss it to the side, ignoring the sharp clatter as it tumbles onto the pile of finished products.
Your head lifts for a brief moment before grabbing the next log, eyes scanning the open area of Home Tree. A tiny breath of relief falls from your lips when they land on Lo'ak, dutifully helping Jake fit the newest group of warriors with their own woven chest pieces to mark their rising rank within the clan.
You haven't seen much of him since the fight in his family's tent. You've chosen to remain in your hammock at night. Traditionally, mates sleep together in the family home until they are ready to build a tent of their own, but there's no way you could subject yourself—or the rest of the Sully's, frankly—to that level of awkward.
He visits you at night, showering you with kisses to make up for lost time, even falling asleep in the cramped space with you once after a particularly grueling day. Things are changing fast, and the Recombinant's, as you've learned they're called, haven't even arrived yet.
It's scary, not knowing what to expect. Not knowing how you fit into all of this, despite the effort you’ve put into finding your place.
Your ears twitch at the sound of soft footsteps approaching. Your spine straightens, relief flooding you at the welcome distraction. You’re expecting Kiri, or even Tuk, but quickly deflate at the sight of Neytiri. Instantly, your eyes fall to your lap, hands busying themselves with another log before she sits down beside you.
You're tucked away in a corner, near the tree line, enjoying some much needed quiet as you work. It's just been so hectic, the constant bustling around Home Tree grating on your already fried nerves. So, when Jake asked for your help with this, you immediately found the most secluded spot that left Lo’ak within your line of sight.
You desperately try ignoring the way Neytiri's eyes bore into the side of your head, urging you to look at her.
“It is time.” Her voice is surprisingly soft as her eyes dance along your features, lips pressed into a firm line.
You can’t help but glance up at her in question, the cryptic phrasing making your heart leap with anxiety.
Unbeknownst to you, or anyone else, she has been watching you. She would never admit it, but your words from that day have stuck with her. They've nestled into the back of her mind, prodding each time her gaze finds you, rushing around her home to help in any way you can.
She has seen you prepare salves and balms with her mother and daughter, skillfully mixing ingredients almost as fluently as they do. It hit her, that day, how hard you must've worked all those weeks after Mo'at took you under her wing.
She's watched with careful eyes as you tend to the children, calming and entertaining not only Tuk, but now her friends by the raging fire each night. The other women have noticed, too, gazing upon you with soft smiles, and a hint of adoration.
Most importantly, she has seen how Jake guides you under his diligent instruction, looking after you as if you are one of his own. She sees the parallels between you, can understand why he's defended you all this time. Your dedication to the clan is clear, so obvious in fact that she's kicking herself, wondering how it took so long to realize.
“I will only say this one time, so listen close. I am sorry.” She knows she's been too harsh, too rigid. Eywa, even her youngest has been more welcoming.
She doesn't regret the protective instinct that drove her judgement, she would do anything to keep her children out of harms way. But at this point, she does recognize that maybe, just maybe, she let the fact that you're different cloud her mind, prevent her from seeing you as she should've a long time ago.
Your eyes pop wide in surprise, breath catching at the words you never imagined hearing from her.
“I can’t promise to always make the right decisions, but I will try.” The admission is gentle as she peers at you with rounded eyes, nothing but warmth shining within the bright yellow. “I know how Lo’ak feels, it is how I felt about Ma Jake. Though I wish you would have waited to mate, I should not expect anything else from my son.”
You're stunned, completely frozen as your brain slowly processes the words you've been dying to hear for weeks.
“I know I have not been fair to you, but for as long as you treat my son well, I will be happy to call you my daughter.” One of her hands rests gently on your shoulder, a tiny smile pulling at her lips.
A ragged breath leaves your quivering lungs, vision blurring. Your heart soars, chest caving with a quiet cry as tears slip freely down your cheeks. Finally, the last piece of the puzzle has clicked into the place. The last thing you needed to feel whole, to fully step into your new life—whether you would admit it or not—is her acceptance. And now you have it.
Your hand moves to cover hers, a wobbly smile the only response you can muster. For the first time in your twenty years here on the moon, you feel seen. Truly and fully seen by everyone that matters.
Now that you have her blessing, the only thing left to do is become one of The People in the eyes of the Great Mother, before the entire clan.
Excitement coils in your stomach, eyes glittering at the prospect of completing your own ceremony. Of emerging from this turbulent time better off, closer to the most authentic version of yourself.
There’s no doubt in your mind as Neytiri eagerly jumps into action beside you, helping to finish the last of the spears before eclipse blankets Home Tree in darkness, that you’re exactly where you were always meant to be.
That you’re exactly who you were always meant to be.
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Coming soon…
Neteyam x F!Avatar!Reader Series
You’ve been recruited by the Omatikaya clan. Finally given an excuse to use your Avatar for more than field tests and experiments. With the threat of war looming overhead, tensions mount, but it’s not the approaching hostile forces that keep you on high alert. A certain Olo’eyktan’s oldest son has been ordered to train you, so that you might be of assistance in the coming battle.
He’s determined to keep you at arms length. Distraction has never fit into his painstakingly structured life, and he surely has no time to entertain it now. Despite his best efforts, his restraint is tested beyond previously known limits. No matter how infuriating every interaction seems to be, he can't escape the fact that he's never been met with something quite as tempting as you.
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@bajadotcom @darksxder @fanboyluvr @dakotali @kaymarnun @mxshrooms009 @violet-violenc @neteyamforlife @cleverzonkwombatsludge @dazecrea @lcovelymaria @faeraella @bxbyalixo @nurayastories @emoballs69 @little-bunnybabe @callsignhotshot @idga-fudgeicle @alexandra-001 @avidreader3107 @goddesslilithmoriarty @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @gwolf92 @danyxthirstae01 @dreamimix @dreamersbelieveinus @lovekeeho @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @abbersreads @jakesullyssluttt @keii-nn @hopelesslydevotedloser @quest-for-pluto @liyahsocorro @wingedghostpepper @ricecakeslove @gretesstuff @deserticwren @behindthearcane @neteyams-wifee @tomhreader @eywas-heir @lovedbychoi @b0rednb1tchy @neqeyam
@jackiehollanderr @belos-simp69 @daeneeryss @mazemymirror @daughterofthequeen @b-tchymoon @audrinawf
944 notes · View notes
live-laugh-neteyam · 2 years ago
can you do a hurt/comfort w/ Neteyam, Ao'nung, or Lo'ak where they're in a arranged marriage and the reader thinks that they don't love her the way she loves them.
kind of based off of that one scene from the Corpse Bride?
"I love you, Victor. But you're not mine,"
that's if you're taking requests. if not, I love your works and thanks for reading this! ❤️
You’re Not Mine ||| lo’ak x omatikaya!reader
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hi lovie! thanks for the request 💞 ok so I've never seen the corpse bride so hopefully I didn't butcher this 🙈
pairings: lo’ak x omatikaya!fem!reader
summary: alexa, play yours by conan gray
words: 1k
warnings/notes: angst (because that’s all I know how to do apparently) arranged marriage, one sided love, use of y/n, lo’ak is emotionally constipated, sweet ending tho
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It was never difficult to love him. Falling for him was the easiest thing you had ever done. Like a moth to a flame you were drawn to him from the start. All he had to do was want you back.
But he never did.
Always feeling like the outcast of the clan, Lo'ak kept his heart guarded. More often than not he'd get hurt and he couldn't stand another heartbreak.
So Lo'ak swore off love. Never giving anyone a chance he declined every potential mate that came his way. He'd rather stay alone than risk the familiar ache in his chest.
Lo'ak's stubbornness as usual was testing his father's patience. Being well into adulthood, Jake was ready to see his youngest son settle down. It seemed the only way for that to happen was for Jake to take matters into his own hands.
The Olo'eyktan noticed the way your eyes always seemed to land on Lo'ak no matter what you were doing. You had grown into a fine hunter, beloved by the clan. You would be a great match for his son.
Jake sat you down along with your parents to ask your approval. He wouldn't force you into something you didn’t want, but he felt an arranged marriage would be best for his son.
The idea of finally being with the man you've been in love with for years lit your heart ablaze. But then the cruel reality of it came crashing down.
It was an arrangement. Not love.
With teary eyes you accepted Jake's proposal. You'd rather have Lo'ak to some extent than lose him completely.
Lo'ak was outraged with his father for not only allowing this, but causing it. He became shut off even more than he already was. Lo'ak hardly even looked at you anymore. It broke your heart.
A part of Lo'ak felt bad for resenting you. Deep down he knew you didn't deserve to be treated like this, stuck in this arrangement just like him. But his twisted mind told him that you were only here because you pitied him.
You tried desperately to get Lo’ak to see your love for him. But it was no use, you couldn’t make him see what he refused to.
Preparing dinner for yourself you weren’t expecting Lo’ak to be home anytime soon. Usually he stayed out until eclipse. You assumed that he couldn’t stand to be around you anymore than he had to.
You heard someone enter the tent. Looking up you were met with the last person you expected. Eyes widening you couldn’t help the look of shock on your face.
Lo’ak took in your wide eyes. You quickly went back to what you were doing. He sighed. After a few weeks of sulking he decided to actually give this a shot. If you had to be together it shouldn’t have to be miserable.
Besides, Lo’ak would be lying if he said he didn’t like you. Growing up he always admired your kindness. You never treated anyone differently, including himself.
“You’re back early.” You whispered as he sat across from you.
“I thought we could eat together.” He said nervously.
“Why?” It slipped out before you could stop it. You internally cringed at your bluntness.
“I understand if you don’t want to. I just thought-“ he sighed trailing off.
“I’d love to, Lo’ak.” You smiled at him.
“But why?” He stared at you stunned. “I’ve been nothing but an asshole to you when you did nothing to deserve it.”
“I want to make this work.”
“You don’t have to pretend Y/N. You can leave at any time and I won’t say a thing. I won’t fuck up your life anymore than I already have.”
“Lo’ak.” You sighed. “Please don’t say such things.”
“Please don’t.” He sighed looking up at you with watery eyes.
“Don’t what?” Your heart pinching at the sight of him.
“Don’t act like you want me. I wouldn’t be able to take the rejection. Not from you.” A tear slid down his cheek.
“Oh Lo’ak,” you sighed reaching your hand out to cup his cheek.
“No one wants me. Not even myself.” He whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
His words broke your heart in two. If only he knew how truly loved he was. Lo’ak caused himself the headache he was trying to avoid by building his walls too high.
"I want you!” You exclaimed. All of the pent up emotion you’ve been holding for weeks exploding out of you. “I would rip my heart out and lay it at your feet if that's what you asked of me."
“Y/N, what are you saying?” He breathed.
"I see you, Lo'ak." You confessed, hugging yourself tight as tears stung your eyes. "But you're not mine."
Lo’ak stared at you stunned. He couldn’t believe that you, the kindness and purest person he knew saw something worthwhile in him.
“I’m so stupid.” He muttered rubbing his palms over his face. “I’m so sorry Y/N.”
You took his hands in yours slowly bringing them up to your lips. Not breaking eye contact with him you gently kissed his knuckles.
“I. See. You.” You mumbled, lips still pressed against his knuckles.
Lo’ak stared in awe at you. His heartbeat quickened as a strange swirling feeling took over his stomach. Looking down he noticed the way you gently cradled his hands, as if you were holding precious stones.
His breath caught in his throat. He cursed himself for being so hard hearted. How did he go so long without seeing you?
Moving his hands to cup your face he slowly leaned in. Your eyes fluttered closed in anticipation for what was to come, praying that this wasn’t a dream.
His lips hesitantly met yours. You felt like your body was lit on fire. Pulling him closer you passionately kissed him back. As your lips moved in sync the sound of walls crumbling filled your ears.
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 @ilovejakesullysdick @fanboyluvr @athenalikethegoddess @loverofallthingsfandom @forasgaard @plzfeedmebread @instabull @avatarappreciationblog @romimiux @ferrtan @tammitammytime @eternallyvenus @dreamyescapesfromreality @dvxsja @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @mightyneteyam @doggyteam2028
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daddyyy88 · 1 year ago
“Please come back to me” | Lo’ak x human!y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 2.1k
warnings: sort of mentions death, implied death of reader, Lo’ak is scared to lose reader, ?
summary: Lo’ak does not want y/n to transfer her consciousness because he doesn’t want to risk losing you
anything in bold like this in the middle of a sentence means it’s either Na’vi or meant to be in Na’vi but I don’t trust the translation websites so I just use the few words I know and make do with it💀
“Baby! Baby!” You say, running through the forest to find him. He smiles as he sees you, adorable and tiny as hell as your small legs run with speed to get to him. You looked so beautiful, your freshly braided hair blowing in the wind and the woven dress Neytiri made for you accentuating your curves even more.
Once you got caught up to him he quickly scooped you up and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You giggled and he said “what’s got you so happy today, my little love?” “My avatar is ready. I’m gonna test it out in a few hours, Lo’ak, are you ready? I’m gonna be just as tall as you, you won’t have to carry me anymore!” You said and his eyes widened, chuckling a little.
He kept moving as he said “that’s amazing, sweetheart, I’m happy for you” He was, truly. It’s just that he knows what’s coming and he knows it’s coming so much sooner now. Having an avatar is fine, but he knows you prayed to Eywa every night when you were younger begging her to make a Na’vi instead of a stupid tawtute. One day, very very soon, you were going to want to transfer your consciousness to your avatar body.
He was terrified for that day to come. He was worried that even after your deep connection with the great mother despite your lack of a kuru still wouldn’t be enough and you would not pass through the eye of Eywa. Mo’at had told you and him numerous times that was unlikely, but he didn’t believe it. He would rather die than even think about doing something that might take you away from him.
When you entered your avatar body for the first time he was busy hunting and Kiri, Mo’at and Neytiri guided you instead. He hadn’t seen your avatar body at all that day, or even the days after that. It was like he was avoiding you. It made you feel a little insecure, you’d been so excited about this and you thought Lo’ak would be too.
Less than a week later your ceremony came. You knew the ways of the people since you were just a baby, you only had to get used to using your avatar body. Once you were Na’vi, you’d be able to connect with the great mother, complete your iknimaya, and become a woman in the eyes of the clan, and mate with Lo’ak. Everything you’ve ever wanted.
“Lo’ak! Are you going to bring the avatar to the tree of souls for me?” You said, a bright smile on your face as your little legs tried to keep up with him. He sighed and said “um…I thought you were gonna have my mother do it”
You and Neteyam were so close as he was the one that originally found you. You were only a couple months old, your mom had just died and your dad had already died before you were born. The scientists at the lab must’ve gotten tired of you crying, at least that’s what you thought because they had kind of just thrown you out in the forest. You crawled around for a while, eventually crying your ass off for probably days until Neteyam found you.
Neteyam has since told you you were really skinny, and he could tell you just missed your mom. He brought you to his mom and dad and refused to let them do anything but let him take care of you. Of course Neytiri and Jake did a lot of work, but Neteyam took you everywhere.
He would take you with him while hunting, training, cooking, anything. He made a baby wrap so he could still have you with him while you slept and spent so long caring for you. You’d sleep cuddled up with Neytiri a lot, even though Neteyam took care of you. He says it’s because you saw her like another mother.
If it weren’t for him, you might not even be here. So it was kind of assumed that Neteyam would carry you to the tree of souls to transfer your body. Lo’ak was relieved, he didn’t know if he could do it. He almost wished he didn’t have to be there. It's like giving away your soul to the great mother himself.
“Well…I mean your mother is very important in my life but so are you. You’re going to be the father of my children one day” you said and he blushed at that. He chuckled and said “no, you’ll change your mind” he replied, he always insisted you didn’t actually love him and just didn’t know how to say no.
“So…are you?” “I um…I don’t know if I can” he said and you furrowed your little eyebrows. God you were so cute. He sighed and said “I don- I-I don’t even want to be there if I'm being honest. I don’t want to give your soul away to the great mother, y/n” “What? Lo’ak, I thought you said you were okay with it. You gave me your blessing!” You said and shook your head.
You started to get anxious now, did he really think you weren’t worthy? That you would pass through the eye of Eywa. “I just want you to be happy. But I’m scared, oeyä ‘eve. You’re everything to me, I can’t lose you” he said and tears filled your eyes.
You sighed and said “I am not worthy? Do you really think that?” “No, no it’s not that- I shouldn’t have said anything. Just, go get ready. The sun's starting to set” he said and you scoffed. He walked off you and you shook your head.
You didn’t go get ready, instead you hid in your hut which you rarely used because you slept at the Sully home so often. No one would think to look there for a while. You looked in your mirror that you had and more tears filled your eyes. Lo’ak was right. How could the great mother willingly accept a disgusting vrrtep?
Your chin trembled, you knew things were too good to be true. Did Lo’ak think less of you because you were human? Was he beginning to not love you? He promised he always would. Maybe that is why he didn’t see you yet. You were too different.
“Baby! We’ve been looking all over for you” he said as he came into your hut, crouching down next to you. You shook your head and said “it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to do it anymore” “what? Why? Is it because of earlier? Y/n-”
“No, you were right! I am not worthy. The great mother would never accept me, I’ll never be more than a vrrtep. I’m not good enough, not for the great mother and certainly not for you” you said, refusing to look at him.
He rubbed your back and said “baby, that’s not what I meant. I just…I’m just so scared. The great mother is ready to welcome you as one of her children, everyone knows that. But god, I’m so terrified to lose you. It’s my worst fear, baby. If I lost you I- Eywa, I don’t know what I’d do”
“But what if you’re right?” You said, finally looking up at him. He sighed and said “I guess we’ll just have to find out. Please…don’t let me ruin this for you. I’m so sorry, I should’ve been nicer. This should’ve been so exciting, and I ruined it”
You shook your head and said “it’s- it’s fine. I’ll go” “if you’re not ready anymore we can wait” he said and you stood up, walking away. The feast was already prepped and the whole clan was anticipating this. You couldn’t let them down.
Lo’ak came in and smiled at you, as beautiful as the day he truly fell in love with you. You smiled at him just barely. He caressed your hair and said “are you ready? I’m going to take you. Neteyam will bring the avatar”
“Lo’ak-” “shh! I want to. Come,” he said, bending down. You walked over, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He scooped you up and noticed you were shaking, something you did when you were…damn it he couldn’t remember the word. Started with an a maybe?
“Y/n…you know you’re gonna be fine right?” He said and you shook your head. He let out a shaky breath, he felt terrible for scaring you and he was trying to convince himself you’d be fine but he couldn’t.
He whispered a prayer over you as he walked, making you shake less. “You’re going to be just fine,” he said, gently setting you down. You looked up at him, reaching up to touch his face one last time. He caught your hand and kissed it, holding it tight.
Tears filled his eyes as he gently lifted off the mask and kissed you gently, but longingly. “Please come back to me,” he whispered, resting his forehead against yours as he stopped kissing you. He whimpered and you smiled slightly. “I-I promise. I I-I swe-ear” you said, struggling to breathe.
He smiled, kissing your cheek gently before he stood next to his mother, father, brother and grandmother. “You don’t come back and we kill you, girl” Neytiri said, a sad smile on her face as she cried.
She felt like she was giving up her child to the great mother, she was so scared. She didn’t feel this way with Jake, she convinced herself the great mother wouldn’t dare take him away from her and well, she was right. But would the great mother bless her so greatly twice in one lifetime?
You closed your eyes, your heart rate slowing and beginning the ritual. You relaxed, trusting that whatever happened was meant to be in your last moments in the human body. Lo’ak was shaking with fear, every prayer he called to the great mother wobbly and choked out. He was begging her, begging her to give you back to him. He made countless promises to the great mother, intending to fulfill every single one should his prayers be answered.
Mo’at called for everyone to stop and many of the clan members' ears perked up, tails swaying nervously as they watched. Lo’ak whimpered, running over to your avatar body as he called a prayer over you once more.
“Y/n…don’t…don’t do this. You promised me. You said you’d come back,” he said weakly, his entire body shaking. Mo’at bent down, whispering a prayer as her hands ghosted over your bodies.
“Just…wait,” she said, singing a prayer by herself. Lo’ak cupped your cheeks, sighing softly, giving up on hope. Just then, you opened your eyes and took a deep breath.
The clan gasped with joy, all whooping and yipping as they all cheered for you. Lo’ak’s body racked with sobs, Mo’at began to cry too. Neytiri and Jake ran over to you, hugging you tight as you sat up.
“Oh, sweet child. Thank you great mother, thank you!” She cried, the biggest smile on her face. You chuckled, looking up at Lo’ak. The truth was, he hasn’t looked into your avatar’s eyes not one time.
“Oel ngati kameie” he said, shocking you and himself. You blushed and tears spilled from both of your eyes rapidly. “Oel ngati kameie, sayríp”
Neteyam ran over and hugged you tightly. You looked around at the clan, looking behind you at your human body. You then looked up at Lo’ak with tears in your eyes as you whispered “I told you I’d come back” he scooped you up in his arms, standing up and shouting out at the clan.
He was so happy you came back to him. He should’ve known you would, your soul too pure for Eywa to withhold from the clan. He set you down and almost blushed when, despite being several feet taller than before, you still had to look up at him.
You threw your fist up, howling with the clan. You jumped down, hugging the children and the elders who also raised you your entire life. You’d never felt so loved. You felt like you belonged.
Kiri shoved him as she said “of course his skxawng ass scared her into thinking she wouldn’t come back” Neteyam laughed and so did Jake and Neytiri. Lo’ak shook his head and said “shut up! You wouldn’t get it cause nobody wants to mate with you” “Lo’ak! Be nice” Mo’at said and Kiri giggled.
Taglist: @laylasbunbunny @goddesslilithmoriarty
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes
CW!Bucky Barnes
Chris Evans
Geralt of Rivia
Henry Cavill
Chris Sturniolo
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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normspellsman · 2 years ago
I Believe You
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pairing: lo’ak x older sister!reader
genre: angstish, fluff, & comfort (from reader to lo’ak)
word count: 1.7k+
warning(s): sad!lo’ak, mentions of jake scolding + punishing lo’ak, lo’ak crying, reader being the best big sis fr, lo’ak is a total big sister boy, cursing, & sibling bonding
request details: here!
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @goodiesinthecloset21 @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @minkyungseokie @liyahsocorro @universal-s1ut @amortencjja @arminsgfloll @blushhpeachh @sweetirilly @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @bambisposts-blogs (requested the plot! <3)
word bank: toruk makto — rider of last shadow, tawtute — human; sky person, & tulkun — whale like creature residing in awa’atlu
note: was originally titled “my baby bro” but then i came up with this plot & trashed my original idea bc i felt like i could write this better & actually have motivation to write this :).
Lo’ak is known for getting in trouble. Either his loud mouth or actions, mostly both, got him into scuffles with his parents. This time was no different.
He had bonded with Payakan, a tulkun who was outcasted for something that any other being would do when forced to see their Mother be killed in front of them. In Lo’ak’s eyes, Payakan’s actions were driven by his sadness and were justifiable to a point. He knew how much the creature regretted the lives lost that day. If the same thing were to happen to him, Lo’ak would react the same way.
He felt understood by Payakan. They both had a significant physical difference from the rest of their species, making them feel isolated and alone in the large planet of Pandora. Made them feel judged and ridiculed for being different from the rest.
Not even thirty minutes prior, Lo’ak got chewed out by his Father, scolding him for talking back to the Olo’eyktan and doing something he, yet again, shouldn’t be doing. His Father never failed to make him feel like the black sheep of the family even though they are more alike than he’d hoped. It sucked. It really did. He just wanted people to see him. See all of him, even the messed up and alien parts of him.
One person only came to mind when he thought about people seeing and accepting him for who he is. You.
You were the eldest daughter of the Sully family. The token child. The perfect image of what a Na’vi should look like. The one that carried the burden of being Tsahìk or Olo’eykte one day. The one who, despite all the push back, saw Lo’ak for who he is.
You absolutely adored Lo’ak when you were younger, only being around the age of four when he was born. You refused to let your parents pry him away from your tiny arms when you held him way longer than you should’ve. You loved holding him and talking to him in the baby voice your Father always did to you and your other siblings, gently running a small finger down the flat bridge of his nose. You loved singing him to sleep or rocking him whenever he began to fuss, dropping everything to come and comfort your baby brother. And even though he is all grown up and is ‘too cool’ for your affections, you still give it to him anyway.
Not like the teen boy would ever admit it, but he loves whenever you’d rub his back when he didn’t feel good, rebraid his hair when it outgrew the current braids, hug him a little too long after a scouting mission, and especially when you’d pat the empty side of your mat for him to lay down on, comforting him with your warm embrace as he dozed off into a peaceful slumber. When he was younger, he was much more greedy with your attention and affections, pouting to you whenever you gave Neteyam or Kiri an extra kiss goodnight or fussing when you didn’t say your usual goodbye before heading off to train for the day. Lo’ak was practically attached to your hip throughout his adolescence years, clinging to your leg wherever you went. There was always a different connection you and Lo’ak had compared to your other siblings. It was something special and was hard to explain. You just understood one another, no matter how either of you looked or what you went through.
“What’s wrong, baby bro?” Your voice asked, concern laced in your voice.
Of course you knew what was wrong. You practically heard the whole thing from the other side of the island. It didn’t take long for Tuk to inform you of what happened when you arrived home either, sadness written on her face as she told you the story and how they haven’t seen Lo’ak since then.
You found him minutes after your interaction with Tuktirey. He was sitting on the beach, staring off into the horizon as the waves lazily lapped at his feet, legs brought up to his chest as his chin rested on his scarred knees.
“Nothing,” Lo’ak mumbled, eyes stuck on the eclipsing sun. He refused to look weak in front of others, not wanting to ruin his image as Toruk Makto’s second son, especially if it was someone he looked up to.
You hummed in response, not believing his statement. Lo’ak was unbelievably stubborn, something he got from your Mother. It was a good trait to have at times, but it made it harder to break down the boys walls when they needed breaking. Too stubborn for his own good, you thought, settling yourself next to your brother.
“Sure, and the sky is green,” you replied, smirking at your stupid joke. But Lo’ak only rolled his eyes and huffed your way, bringing his knees closer to his chest.
You always tried to crack a joke or two to make him feel better. It worked at times, usually when he was younger. You hadn’t tried this method in a while, too caught up with running away from your home clan and trying to fit into the Metkayina’s way of life. You hadn’t been able to comfort Lo’ak the past times he got scolded by your Father. Something that you felt sorry for and regretted. You were the eldest Sully child. You felt the need to comfort all of your siblings whenever they needed it. You felt awful for not being there for your youngest brother when he desperately needed it.
“I think what you did back there was stupid,” you started, your words causing Lo’ak’s ears to pin themselves to the sides of his head, “Talking back to the Olo’eyktan was really stupid. Especially in front of the Tsahìk. I mean, she scares the absolute shit out of me.”.
Your words seemed to have an effect on Lo’ak as you heard a small sniffle come from him, signaling that he was going to cry or already was. Your heart dropped at that fact, urging yourself to finish your thoughts.
“But, I think it was also brave,” you add on, turning your head to face Lo’ak, watching his reactions, “I don’t think I could ever do what you did. I’d probably shit my pants before speaking to Tonowari like that. You truly have bigger balls than me, little brother. I also think that it was sick that you bonded with a tulkun. I mean, that’s gotta be like, a record or something! First Omatikaya to ever bond with a tulkun.”.
And before Lo’ak could even utter a word, you wrapped up your thoughts with a final, “Has a nice ring to it: Lo’ak, the Tulkun Rider.”.
Fat tears run down the expanse of Lo’ak’s cheeks, rolling down the skin and onto his neck and chest. He felt so frustrated with his parents and how no one was listening to him about Payakan. How no one cared about what he saw or what he felt when he bonded with the creature. He saw what he saw and felt what he felt. He knew out of any of them the truth about what happened and how much regret Payakan carried around. It wasn’t fair. None of it was.
You gently placed a hand onto your brothers shaking shoulder, bringing him in closer towards your body so he could lean into you. Your four-fingered hand came to grasp his five-fingered hand, thumb rubbing the back of his hand in comfort.
“I’m really sorry that I wasn’t there for you before to comfort you. I should’ve been there for you when you needed me,” you whisper, the hand on his shoulder moving to his head to play with his grown out braids. I’ll have to convince him to let me rebraid them, you thought to yourself, knowing that it won’t take much for him to agree to your request.
“I’m sorry that Dad yelled at you and made you feel the way that you feel. He’s always so harsh on you. It’s not fair,” you added, soothing down his hair as his cries quieted down and softened. “He treats us like soldiers instead of children. He seems to be stuck in his tawtute ways recently,” you continued, shaking your head at the realization.
“For what it’s worth, Lo’ak. I believe you,” you said, causing him to pull away from your figure and to stare up at you in shock.
“You do?” He asked, ears perking back up in interest.
You merely nod, smiling down at your brother, “You’ll have to take me to meet Payakan one day, baby bro.”.
Lo’ak brightly grinned at your words, jumping up to hug you. “You’ll love him, sis! I’ve already told him all about you,” he commented, excitement evident in his voice.
“All good things I hope,” you laugh out, embracing Lo’ak.
Lo’ak only hummed and nodded in response, suddenly tired from all of the crying he did. He reached up a fist to rub his eye, ears flickering back as he did so. You knew he was tired. You could see it all over his face.
“Turn around,” you whispered, gesturing for your brother to turn his body around so his back would be facing you. He obeyed your order, sitting crossed legged as his tail wrapped around his waist and slightly curled at the end, anticipating your next move.
Once you put your fingers in his hair and began to slowly unbraid each braid one by one, a smile creeped onto Lo’ak’s face as he relaxed against your swift and gentle fingers. He missed the times where you would willingly rebraid his hair for him and put beads in his hair that matched the ones in yours. It was nice to have you do something that comforted him when he was child again. It was nice to have you comfort him. It was nice to have you as an older sister.
As time passed and the sky got darker, Neytiri had begun to look for her two missing children, stumbling upon them on the shoreline seated next to each other as they whispered and giggled amongst one another. The Mother of five smiled at the sight before her, heart swelling at the interaction. She knew of the kind of connection you shared, knowing that it ran deep and beyond her understanding as a Mother. She knew that no matter what, you’ll always have each other. Yeah, she thought, he’ll be just fine.
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milequaritchsslut · 2 years ago
Not enough time
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Summary: The last night with your mate…
Warnings: Angst, crying, sadness
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There you laid in your mates arms, one last time. One last time before he left you, leaving you stranded not knowing what to do. Jake sully had decided to take him and his family away from the clan. In hopes to protect his people. Tears fell when you heard, that meant your mate would leave. You begged your parents to let you go with them, but they wouldn’t budge. “You cannot leave your family for that obnoxious boy” was their excuse. But Lo’ak wasn’t just some boy, he was your mate. The boy that saw right through you when you lied, the boy who stopped your tears from falling, the boy who made you smile. He was your other half, you were whole when you were with him.
The bioluminescent plants caused a sparkle to shoot off your eyes as you nuzzled into your mates arms. He was your home, he was your true family. You were his to have, and for nobody else to touch. He had begged your parents to let you come with his family, only getting a scoff in response. The only thing you could do now was accept your agonizing fate. You held his large hand tight, squeezing it hard in hopes that the tears wouldn’t fall.
“I’ll never forget you y/n” he spoke into your ear, his hot breathe hitting your neck.
“I will never forget you Lo’ak” you spoke back, your stomach turning into a pit from his words.
“Do you know how much I love you?” As if he didn’t show it every time he saw you.
“How much?” You asked, tracing circles on his hand as you closed your eyes. Taking in the last moments you had with him.
“You are the last thing I think of at night, I will move the sun and stars just to get a glimpse of you” the words rolling off his tongue, it wasn’t hard for him to be vulnerable with you. You saw him for who he was, he was just misunderstood. You saw through his screw up facade, the mask he wore to impress his father.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you Lo’ak” a tear falling onto your mates chest, a sniffle following. Your words broke him, he hated seeing you cry. Your face scrunching into a frown as you cried for him to stay. But it was soon to be morning, the day you had been hoping would never come was here. And there was nothing you could do about it…
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mcverse · 2 years ago
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✧ Paring: Lo’ak x Human! F! Reader
✧ Requested: Yes/No
✧ Type: One Shot
✧ Word count: 2.8K
✧ Warnings: It’s flufff, & slight angst obvi, anxious reader is relatable
✧ Side Bar: I stayed up all night because this couldn’t leave my head
please keep in mind that all characters in my stories are always 18+, and although I can't monitor who reads my work, if you are not 18+ I advise that you do not engage in my page or stories.
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Pandora was the only place you'd ever called home, but it was a complex relationship. Despite being born on the planet, you didn't belong to its native people.
Instead, you were technically aligned with the Sky People—a group with a history of destroying hope and leaving chaos in their wake. For years, they'd traveled across space to set foot on this lush, alien world and decimate its resources.
You knew deep down that you didn't share their values or their vision for the future. You couldn't claim them as your own, not when you felt such a strong connection to the vibrant, interconnected ecosystem of Pandora.
But that didn't mean you were exempt from the judgement of others. In the eyes of many Na’vi, you were just another outsider—a demon, no less—who was profiting off the exploitation of their world.
As much as they may believe it, they couldn't be more mistaken. You may not possess the same physical form as the Na'vi, nor the ability to connect with the planet through Tsaheylu, but your heart beats in harmony with Pandora, and you feel a deep connection to its magnificent beauty and delicate balance like it was a part of you.
You understood why the Na'vi were hesitant to accept you. They had been betrayed by the sky people before, and their distrust of outsiders was understandable. It didn't make it any less difficult, however, to feel like you were constantly on the outside looking in.
You suspected that Spider shared your yearning for acceptance. He had changed his appearance, donning the blue paint and attire of the Na'vi, to look more like a native. But beneath the surface, he was still a human like you, with all the limitations and flaws that came with it.
It was difficult to keep up with him, your mind burdened by the fear of being scrutinized and evaluated by others. The weight of that anxiety was suffocating, making it hard for you to venture out and visit Hometree, the heart of the Omaticaya clan.
As a result, you only made the trip twice during your childhood, opting instead to spend most of your time with the Sully children and Spider in the surrounding forest.
Perhaps it was wrong of you to feel content with your current situation, quietly existing without the formal acceptance of the Na'vi. You didn't want to pressure them into welcoming you with open arms, but at the same time, you longed to be acknowledged and appreciated for who you are.
Spider's approach of hovering in between acceptance and rejection seemed tempting, but you knew it trying to follow in his pattern wouldn't be true to yourself. You wanted to be seen as you truly are, not as an imitation of someone else.
This makes you feel incredibly grateful for the Sully kids, as they have become like family to you. Though you don't believe that Eywa sees you, you know that the Sully kids see you for who you are and accept you as a part of their group. You feel a sense of belonging and comfort that you seek out in the world, and you know that they will always be by your side.
Spider, what’s not to love about him? Growing up, you came to know him as your brother not by blood. There were moments he was annoying, as brothers do but he can also be fiercely protective of you, sweet, and comforting when you need it most. You know that he always has your best interests at heart and will do anything for you.
Your sister from another species, Kiri, was literally your best friend. You did everything together, told each other everything. It was a little worrisome or scare to those from the outside, with how in sync you’re feelings are and the ability to when the others down and need some cheering to do. They just didn’t understand neither of you.
Little Tuk wasn’t so little anymore but she was still your very your own personal cheerleader. You remember learning the term after finding an old yearbook from someone left behind, and it seemed to fit her perfectly. She always roots for you at your accomplishments, and loves making things for you just because she felt like it. To you, she is the sweetest thing on the planet.
The mighty warrior, Neteyam, was a strict and protective man even with you. Though you may not be blood, he never gave you a reason to consider otherwise. You were extended family, who deserved just as much watchfulness and guidance as his own siblings and Spider.
But Lo’ak was a different case altogether. When growing up alongside him, you saw him like you did Spider and Neteyam, just a friendly face who you could count on to be there when you needed him. However, things changed once you hit puberty. Your feelings towards him began to shift, and you couldn't help but think of him constantly, wondering what he was up to and if he ever thought of you in the same way.
Your feelings for him were string, but you were always hesitant to act on them. You knew that the idea of two different species being together was frowned upon, and you feared the backlash that might come from confessing your love to him. Kiri may have found your feelings for Lo’ak cute, but you found them repulsive and frustrating, as they consumed your every thought.
Through your fears and doubts, you longed to tell Lo’ak how much he meant to you. You wanted him to know that you saw his hard work and effort when nobody else did, and that you loved everything about him, even his five fingers and eyebrow hair. Sometimes you couldn't help but wonder if he saw you in the same way, but you never dared to find out, fearing the worst.
When Lo’ak completed his final rite of passage, you realized that your chance to confess your feelings had come and gone. He was now old enough to find a mate, and even though he hadn't done so yet, you knew that it was only a matter of time.
You pushed your feelings aside, burying them deep within you in an attempt to move on and forget about what could have been—if only you weren’t so scared, filled to the brim with anxiety and self consciousness.
Nervously you fiddle with your fingers, trying to compose yourself as you watch Lo’ak playfully wrestle with Spider. Did he ever notice the way you looked at him, how your skin would heat up every time he touches you or how you couldn't stop smiling when he was next to you? You had been trying to move on from these feelings for months, but he had a hold on you that you couldn't shake off.
It felt like you were hooked, reeled in, and trapped by your feelings for him. The phrase "sink, line, and hooker" had become all too familiar to describe the pull he had on you. You had fallen for him hard, and it was frustrating because the only other human around your age was Spider. Moving on to him would just feel wrong, for so many reasons.
You’re so lost in thought when you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to see Kiri kneeling there with a smile on her face. She rubs your shoulder gently and says, "Stay out of your head, everything will be okay." Her words provide a small comfort, but deep down, you know that this love for Lo'ak will continue to consume you until you find a way to move on.
You thank Kiri for her kind words, returning her smile before stealing another glance at the two boys. But you are caught off guard when you notice that they are already looking at you, and quickly avert their eyes when they realize you noticed.
You feel a pang of discomfort in your chest as you wonder what they found so amusing. Spider is snickering and pushing Lo'ak away from him, but their behavior only makes you feel worse.
You can't help but wonder if there is something on your face, or if they are laughing at something you said or did. Kiri doesn't say anything, leaving you to feel vulnerable and self-conscious.
You quickly turn away, blinking away a tear that has formed in your eye. You know that you are being overly sensitive, but the feeling of being laughed at and excluded by the two people closest to you hurts deeply. You feel like an outsider, like there is some secret joke about you that you are not in on. The feeling is overwhelming, and you can't shake it off.
You excuse yourself from Kiri and walk off deeper into the forest, heart pounding harder in your chest as you continue. The lush green surroundings no longer holds the calming effect they usually do.
Instead, your mind is consumed with thoughts of Lo’ak and how he must see you. Do you disgust him? Is he aware of the way you feel about him? The thought of being the laughing stock of your closest friends makes your stomach churn.
You try to shake the thought off, reminding yourself that Lo'ak has always been kind to you, and he's never given you any indication that he thinks less of you. Then the memory of Spider and Lo’ak’s laughter at your expense replay in your mind, making you feel even more self-conscious. The thought of being the subject of their amusement fills you with shame.
You hate that every time he glances your way or speaks to you, you overanalyze every word and gesture, trying to decipher if there's any hidden meaning behind them. Why couldn’t you be born in a normal world with people like you? Maybe then the heartbreak wouldn’t be so severe.
Your chest tightens and tears swell up in your eyes when you come to a stop and lean against a tree. You try closing your eyes and taking deep breaths in an effort to calm down. You try to remind yourself that these thoughts are just your insecurities talking, but it’s hard to shake the feeling of being inadequate and unlovable in a world where people can’t come to do the opposite of that.
You were so involved in your own thoughts that you failed to notice someone come up behind you until the sun no longer shined down on you, and instead, it was a shadow. Ironically, it was how you felt at the moment - overshadowed by your own emotions. You sniffled a few times, trying to gather your bearings before turning to see who it was. You were shocked to see that it was Lo’ak standing there.
You quickly composed yourself, trying to wipe your tears away, only to realize that your ecopack mask made that impossible. You turn away, feeling embarrassed and more self-conscious about being caught in such a vulnerable state.
“Are you okay?” Lo’ak asks softly, stepping closer to you.
You can feel his warmth radiating off of him, and the proximity makes your heart race. You try to push those thoughts aside, knowing that they only lead to more heartache. “I’m fine,” you say, your voice coming out weaker than you intended. You look away in cringe.
Lo'ak doesn’t seem convinced and reaches his hand out to gently grab your chin. His warm touch on your skin sends shivers down your spine, and you feel your heart rate pick up as he guides your gaze up to meet his. It's impossible to avoid the intensity of his gaze, and for a moment, you're lost in his eyes.
But the weight of your emotions is too much to bear, and you break eye contact, feeling a fresh wave of tears welling up behind your ecopack mask. You can't bring yourself to admit the truth to him, to lay bare your innermost thoughts and fears.
As if sensing your hesitation, Lo'ak's thumb begins to move in small, soothing circles on your skin. It's a small gesture, but it feels like a lifeline, a grounding force in the midst of your swirling emotions.
"It's nothing," you lie, your voice shaking slightly as you force the words out. You can't bear the thought of burdening Lo'ak with your problems, not when he has so much else to deal with.
But Lo'ak is persistent, and his eyes never leave yours as he speaks, his voice gentle and reassuring. "It doesn't look like nothing," he says, and you feel a pang of guilt at the concern etched on his face.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart as you gather your thoughts. It feels like an eternity before you finally find the courage to speak up, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I... I don't know, Lo'ak," you say, feeling the tears spilling down your cheeks despite your best efforts to hold them back. "I feel so conflicted. I don't know what to do with these feelings."
Lo'ak's expression softens even more, and he takes your hand, leading you to a nearby log where he sits down beside you. You feel the warmth of his body beside you, and it's both comforting and unnerving at the same time.
"Tell me," he says, his voice still gentle, but now with a note of urgency, "Whatever it is, you can always tell me."
You look up at Lo'ak, you can feel the tears pooling in your eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. You see the concern etched on his face and can't help but feel a surge of emotion at the intensity of the moment. You feel like you're standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to jump into the unknown, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
You know you need to tell him what's been weighing on your mind, but you're afraid of how he'll react. Will he judge you? Will he think you're silly or overreacting? You push those doubts aside, knowing that you need to be honest with him.
"I feel like I’ve had to fight all my life," you say, gesturing with your hands to emphasize your point, "For a spot that will never be filled. The Na’vi," you pause, placing a hand over your heart as you feel the tears welling up again, "they will not accept me, they will never see me. I'm tired," you say, shaking your head in frustration, "Lo'ak, I'm tired."
As you speak, Lo'ak listens intently, never taking his eyes off of you. He doesn't interrupt you or try to make light of your feelings, but simply allows you to express yourself fully. It's a rare and beautiful thing, and in that moment, you feel seen and heard in a way that you never have before.
When you finish, Lo'ak doesn't say anything at first. He simply looks at you with a mixture of sadness and understanding, his eyes full of empathy. Finally, he scoots closer to you until your shoulders touch, and he speaks in a soft voice,
"They are too blind to see, and that is their loss," he says, his gaze shifting away briefly before returning to meet your own, "But you, [Name], you are gifted, smart, and kind," he says, his voice full of sincerity, "And beautiful," he adds, his words causing a flutter in your chest, "So what if they don't see you? I see you."
You feel your heart skip a beat at his words. You can hardly believe what you're hearing. The man you've been in love with for so long has feelings for you too. You're overjoyed, overstimulated, and disoriented all in one. You manage to gather your thoughts and respond with a shaky voice, "I see you, Lo'ak." You reach out and take his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
A look of relief washes over his face, and a smile slowly stretches across his features. He leans down until your foreheads are touching, "That makes me really happy, more than you know," he says, chuckling softly as he closes his eyes, savoring the feeling of your warmth and presence next to him.
Despite the intensity of the moment, a part of you couldn't help but wonder about the future. "What about..." you start to say, but he interrupts you, opening his eyes and flickering them over your face, trying to memorize every detail,
“I don't know what the future holds, but I like you enough to explore this...what this is. I want to see where we go, together," he says, his voice serious and intent.
You stare at him, your mouth slightly open in surprise at the side of him he was showing. He sounds more mature, more sensual, and more goal-oriented than you had ever known him to be. It was a side of him that you found yourself instantly drawn to, a side that you hadn't fully appreciated yet.
Feeling your cheeks flush, you lean in and peck the inner corner of his lips, letting them lingering for a moment before pulling back, "I can't wait to find out," you whisper, your eyes locked onto his, feeling as though you were seeing him in a whole new light.
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iikatsukii · 2 years ago
boyfriend texts between you and lo'ak
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synopsis: lo’ak-centric <3
pairings: lo’ak x reader,
warnings: angst to comfort
a/n: heres part 2. I love him your honor
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whatsthethinking · 2 years ago
Alignment: preface
Lo'ak x Fem!Reader (platonic)
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Eywa finally hears Lo’ak’s pleas for her to bring his brother back but instead of a brother, Lo’ak receives howling winds with lashing rain and a warrior… who (rumour has it) eats people?
➴ Warning: nothing yet, just bad grammar and punctuation
➴ Word count: 1.1k
➴ Note: James Cameron keeps insisting that Neteyam isn’t coming back and I’m choosing to ignore him by thinking of any way to bring him back. I also want to explore the Sully’s family dynamic with Neteyam not there.
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Lo’ak slowly made his way to the Cove of the Ancestors. He has been having a rough few days. Each day seemed to be dragging on, blending into the next and he had been missing his brother dearly. Arriving at the spirit tree, he slowly lowered himself down, he immediately noticed that the water surrounding the tree was much colder than usual. But he did not think about it for too long as he was now in desperate need of alone time with the memories of his brother.
Lo’ak knew that this wasn’t healthy, that he was punishing himself. At first, he couldn’t bring himself here, he couldn’t face the consequences of his actions. But, as time passed and those around him started to move on, he couldn’t allow himself to move on with them, so he came here and has been continuously coming here almost every week for the past two years.
Lo’ak slowly attached his queue to the tree, closing his eyes and embraced the pull into his memories. 
The scene around him began to clear. The sun peeked through the tree line, illuminating the forest around him. His ears twitched as the sounds of the forest became clear, he could hear all the small creatures high in the trees. Blinking a few times, he gazed at the clearing before him. He took in the greenery, the flowers that had sprouted in the grass, adding pops of colour. Then he froze, in the middle of the clearing sat a young Na’vi boy with his back towards him. Lo’ak shifted from one foot to the other, the sound making the boy turn around dramatically, causing the beads at the ends of his braids to rattle as they tried to find a place to settle.
“Bro! Come on! We need to get this finished before eclipse!”
“Coming ‘Teyam! Look, I found some red beads!”
Lo’ak felt a smile creep onto his face as he dashed forward to join his brother on the clearing floor. He loved this memory, the day he and his brother sunk away from the family so they could attempt to weave a bracelet for their mother’s birthday.
Lo’ak settled down in front of his brother, stretching his arm out to pass his brother the beads he had ‘found’ in his grandmother’s tent. Neteyam smiled widely as he took one of the beads and started to weave it into the bracelet.
“I don’t know what this’ll look like once we’ve finished it. Maybe we should’ve asked Kiri to help us,” Neteyam said, holding the half-weaved bracelet in the sun so they could see it better.
“No, she would’ve let it slip somehow, then dad would’ve given us a look for leaving it so late,” Lo’ak replied with a sigh and a smile.
“Maybe, but I don’t think dad’s got anything for mum either.” Neteyam chuckled while getting back to work.
Lo’ak let out a small scoff and quietly watched his brother work. He couldn’t help but stare, trying to remember every tiny detail on his brother's 10-year-old face.
Lo’ak sat up straight and looked away quickly.
“Nothing bro, just thinking.”
Neteyam’s hands slowly stopped as he gave Lo’ak all of his attention. Lo’ak sighed and laid on his back, staring up at the clear sky. He missed the forest. He liked living in the village amongst the Metkayina, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t home.
“Everything…” Lo’ak trailed off
“Everything? Come on bro, you can tell me.”
 “I just��� Miss you, that’s all.”
“Miss me? I’m right here.”
Lo’ak let out a shaky breath and covered his eyes with his forearm to block Neteyam from seeing his tears.
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam’s 10-year-old voice rang through the air
“Lo’ak, look at me.”
The voice was so familiar. A voice he last heard speaking up to him, full of fear. Full of pain.
“Bro, come on.”
A hand touched his arm, gently pushing it away from his eyes. Lo’ak blinked, allowing his eyes to adjust to the sun. He slowly sat up, wiping any stray tears away, not that it helped.
“I am so sorry, Neteyam. This shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t be like this. I should’ve listened to you. It’s all my fault.”
Lo’ak bowed his head in shame as the tears ran freely down his cheeks.
“I am so, so sorry, Neteyam.”
He could stop the tears from coming, no matter how hard he tried. He felt too guilty. Why didn’t he listen?
“I don’t blame you, Lo’ak.”
The voice was so familiar, yet different.
“Do not blame yourself for this. I do not blame you. I will never blame you.”
Lo’ak hesitated but raised his head slowly to look at his brother, but what he saw shocked him.
His brother is sitting before him, looking at him, full of love, compassion and understanding. But it wasn’t the same 10-year-old Neteyam that sat in front of him, weaving the bracelet. No, it was a much older Neteyam, older than the last time he saw him at 15 years old. He was visibly older, his face appearing more defined. His hair was longer, with a few braids with beads intertwined framing his face. His shoulders were broader. As Lo’ak studied this version of his brother, he noticed a light scar in the middle of his chest.
“I will always be here for you, Lo’ak, even if you do not think so. No matter what happened or what will happen, I am here for you. I will always love you. You will always be my brother.”
Neteyam’s hand reached out for his, giving it a gentle squeeze, a soft smile gracing his face. Lo’ak couldn’t even think of what to say.
“You have to go now, but I’ll see you soon bro.”
“I love you, Lo’ak” Neteyam’s voice full of sincerity.
Before Lo’ak could even respond, he was sucked out of the memory. Can it even be called a memory?
He disconnected his queue and scrambled to the surface, he felt as if he suddenly couldn’t breathe. As he reached the surface, Lo’ak called his ilu, who arrived swiftly. Lo’ak mounted the ilu and released a shaky breath, holding his hand close to his chest. The feeling of his brother's warmth lingered.
“I’ll see you soon bro.”
Taking a deep breath, Lo’ak created the bond with his ilu and steadily made his way back to shore. 
“I’ll see you soon bro.”
As Lo’ak began to retreat, the part of the tree he connected with started to glow brightly. That glow slowly travelled along the tree until it got to the base. Nothing changed; the tree and the water surrounding it were still. That was until the base of the tree moved in such a way that it made it seem like it was taking a deep breath. A pale yellow glow began to form, which only seemed to get brighter. The water began to warm, the yellow glow began to take shape, and then it stopped…
But the yellow glow did not fade.
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goosemothersblog · 2 years ago
Pairing: sully!older daughter!reader x unknown(yet)!movie character
Inspired by: a ton of music and Pinterest paintings
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About the character: Tr’hea Sully was her father’s sweet spot, they used to do all together, from training to spending nights looking at the sky and trying to guess the name of the stars.
However, when her little siblings came into the picture, she was getting forgot by her own parents. They didn’t even acknowledged her anymore, too focused on raising her siblings to even remember their eldest.
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“ You two didn’t even knew who I was, so I realised that, what you don’t know can’t hurt you running away”
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CHAPTERS: minimum
ooi. where you know about Tr’hea
oii. where you know how she run away and where she arrived.
iii. where the Sully’s arrive
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consciouscarrot · 2 years ago
lo’ak sully tags
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