#lmde 4
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years ago
What distro of Linux do you use, and what would you recommend to someone who has been using Ubuntu for a decade because ae's scared to move away from aer familiar package manager? You know. Hypothetically.
i use Void, bc Arch was too mainstream slkdfjsdlk (okay no fr i use Void bc i kept seeing it on r/unixporn and i wanted a distro that had the "go nuts show nuts" curate-your-own-experience style Arch has but without systemd - no judgement if you like it, but it's not my vibe).
i used to use Mint and have done on-and-off since version 4 Daryna - Crunchbang was discontinued around that time and i wanted another Ubuntu-based distro to switch to.
so, if someone were looking to try something new (hypothetically, of course d: ) i would recommend considering the following first:
what's aer typical workload (and therefore what would be suitable) ?
how far would ae be willing to explore beyond aer comfort zone ?
how much time would ae have to learn new things ?
trying one or two distros out in a VM might be a good way for aem to familiarise aemself w/ any immediate quirks and pick a distro to install on bare metal (perhaps alongside aer existing distro ?)
for something more familiar i might recommend Debian Testing or LMDE (the version of Mint based directly on Debian) as they share much of the same internal architecture. i believe Debian offers a netinstall that's barebones like Arch/Void/Gentoo if trying new software (perhaps including a new DE/WM/Wayland compositor) without losing all familiarity would be of interest to this person.
for something more adventurous i would suggest Arch and perhaps picking a full DE to start with, then maybe trying an install that's more uh selective. personally, Void is no harder than Arch but the community is smaller and a person who hypothetically chose this as their new distro would not only have the barebones nature of that class of distro + an unfamiliar package manager to contend with, but additionally an unfamiliar init system (though runit is terrifyingly simple, i must say). there's also Artix, which is Arch but w/out systemd (i think they offer runit or openrc).
there are plenty of wacky distros (Bedrock, Fedora Silverblue, NixOS, Qubes, Gentoo) that would be fun to experiment with on a non-critical system/VM but they're very far removed from a decade of Ubuntu.
i appreciate this is a long answer, but you asked a lovely question and it's fun to indulge in uh um what's definitely totally a hypothetical d: if someone were to change distro i hope ae know ae can reach out to ask further questions :3
thanks for your ask ! <3 ^w^
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blogdukosova · 10 months ago
Comment Choisir Sa Mutuelle Étudiante en 2024 ?
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Bienvenue sur le BlogduKosova ! Choisir la meilleure mutuelle étudiante est une étape cruciale pour assurer votre bien-être tout au long de vos études. Dans cet article, nous allons vous guider à travers un comparatif des mutuelles étudiantes en 2024, afin de vous aider à prendre une décision éclairée.
1. Définissez Vos Besoins Médicaux
Avant de débuter votre recherche, identifiez clairement vos besoins en santé. Quels sont vos besoins médicaux spécifiques (optique, dentaire, orthodontie, etc.) et quel est votre budget ?
2. Utilisez un Comparateur en Ligne
Les comparateurs en ligne sont des outils essentiels pour évaluer les mutuelles étudiantes en fonction de vos besoins et de votre budget. Explorez rapidement les garanties et tarifs proposés par différentes mutuelles.
3. Analysez Attentivement les Garanties
Au-delà du prix, examinez attentivement les garanties incluses dans chaque contrat. Comparez les niveaux de remboursement pour divers postes de soins tels que l'hospitalisation, les soins dentaires et l'optique.
4. Contactez Directement les Mutuelles
En cas de doute, n'hésitez pas à contacter directement les mutuelles qui suscitent votre intérêt. Obtenez des informations complémentaires pour faciliter votre choix.
Mutuelles Étudiantes en 2024
LMDE (La Mutuelle des Étudiants)L'une des mutuelles les plus reconnues en France, la LMDE offre une gamme étendue de contrats adaptés aux besoins des étudiants, avec des garanties compétitives.SMENOPopulaire pour ses contrats abordables et ses garanties complètes, la SMENO propose des solutions adaptées aux étudiants.HEYMEMutuelle santé digitale, HEYME propose des contrats 100% en ligne avec des tarifs compétitifs et des garanties modulables pour s'adapter à vos besoins.AprilCompagnie d'assurance généraliste, April propose également des mutuelles étudiantes offrant des garanties élevées et des services d'assistance complets.Explorez les différentes mutuelles disponibles sur le marché et choisissez celle qui répond le mieux à vos besoins spécifiques et à votre budget. Effectuer une comparaison minutieuse vous permettra de faire un choix éclairé pour votre mutuelle étudiante en 2024.Mutuelle Étudiante 2024 : Comment Choisir la Meilleure Offre? Conseils, Comparatif, et Top Mutuelles Populaires!
Conseils Pratiques
1. Anticipez Vos BesoinsEnvisagez vos besoins en santé pour l'année à venir. Si vous prévoyez des traitements spécifiques ou des interventions médicales, choisissez une mutuelle adaptée à ces besoins.2. Lisez les AvisConsultez les avis d'autres étudiants sur les mutuelles qu'ils ont choisies. Cela peut vous donner un aperçu de l'expérience des utilisateurs et vous aider à éviter les éventuels pièges.
En suivant ces conseils et en examinant attentivement les différentes mutuelles étudiantes en 2024, vous serez mieux équipé pour prendre une décision éclairée. N'oubliez pas de mettre l'accent sur vos besoins personnels et de choisir une mutuelle qui correspond à votre style de vie étudiant. Prenez soin de votre santé, et bon courage dans vos études ! Read the full article
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kenwu0310 · 3 years ago
LMDE 5 "Elsie" - 測試版本發行
LMDE 5 “Elsie” – 測試版本發行
系統需求: 記憶體:最低 2 GB (建議 4 GB)硬碟:最少 20 GB (建議 100 GB)顯示器:1024×768 或以上 下載點: Linux Mint 5 “Elsie” Cinnamon BETA Edition 資料來源: LMDE 5 “Elsie” – BETA Release
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illuminarch · 5 years ago
Linux Mint 20 "Ulyana" tem como base o Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” tem como base o Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
O projeto Linux Mint revelou hoje o codinome da próxima versão do sistema operacional Linux Mint 20, além de detalhes sobre as edições suportadas e alguns dos recursos incluídos. A principal informação do post oficial do Linux Mint 20 informa que esta versão se chamará “Ulyana”  e tem como base o Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Anunciado no início deste ano, juntamente com o lançamento do LMDE 4, o sistema…
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thebusylilbee · 4 years ago
“Depuis quelques nuits, Eric Carpano, président de l’université Lyon-III, peine à fermer l’œil. Mardi soir, une étudiante a tenté de sauter du cinquième étage de sa résidence universitaire. Bien qu’elle ait été prise en charge «avant de commettre l’irréparable», selon les mots de Carpano, cet événement fait violemment écho à ce qui s’est passé durant la nuit de vendredi à samedi. A la résidence universitaire de Villeurbanne, un étudiant en master de droit à Lyon-III s’est jeté par la fenêtre du cinquième étage. Son pronostic vital est engagé. Les causes de ces gestes ne sont pas encore connues, mais une chose est sûre, «il y a un profond mal-être de la jeunesse aujourd’hui, qui a le sentiment d’avoir été délaissée. La crise sanitaire leur impose des contraintes absolument redoutables», selon le président de l’université. Lui qui n’occupe ses fonctions que depuis dix jours est «sidéré» face à la détresse dont il est témoin : «Il faut une prise de conscience nationale pour accompagner notre jeunesse et lui offrir un horizon. J’espère que la réponse gouvernementale sera à la hauteur des attentes.»
«Une lassitude»
Ce constat, le Premier ministre Jean Castex ne l’a pas nié lors de sa conférence de presse de jeudi soir, parlant d’un «profond sentiment d’isolement», de «vraies difficultés psychologiques», une «source de préoccupation majeure». Avec la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, Frédérique Vidal, il a annoncé un retour très progressif dans les amphis des 1,6 million d’étudiants assignés à l’enseignement à distance depuis trois mois, à partir du 25 janvier pour «une reprise en demi-groupes des travaux dirigés des élèves de première année». «Il en va de l’avenir de notre jeunesse», selon Vidal. Ce vendredi, le duo doit recevoir les représentants de la communauté universitaire pour préciser les modalités de cette prudente évolution, alors que la reprise en physique des étudiants les «plus fragiles», annoncée en décembre, s’est faite au compte-gouttes depuis la rentrée de janvier.
La souffrance qu’Eric Carpano observe à Lyon se retrouve partout en France. Libération l’a raconté ces derniers mois : les étudiantes et étudiants vont très mal. Les syndicats alertent sur leur santé mentale en dégringolade. «On se retrouve dans des situations de plus en plus anxiogènes : la hausse de la précarité, l’angoisse liée aux partiels, la peur pour l’avenir, la fermeture des universités, l’isolement, déroule Paul Mayaux, président de la Fédération des associations générales étudiantes (Fage). Je ne sais même plus comment mettre des mots là-dessus.»
«On sait que les étudiants ne vont pas bien. Leur état de santé mentale est altéré, quel que soit l’indicateur que nous avons mesuré», affirme Marielle Wathelet, médecin de santé publique au Centre national de ressources et de résilience (CN2R). En octobre, elle a codirigé à une étude sur l’état de santé mentale des étudiants universitaires en France pendant le confinement, du 17 avril au 4 mai. Sur les 70 000 répondants, 11,4 % ont déclaré avoir des idées suicidaires, 27,5 % rapportaient des symptômes sévères d’anxiété et 16,1 % de dépression. Des chiffres qui «sont plus élevés que la moyenne, hors contexte de pandémie», note Marielle Wathelet. Mais des données manquent encore : celles des suicides. «Là, on a les chiffres de 2016. Ce retard est un problème, encore plus en cette période, car on aimerait vraiment savoir quel est l’impact du Covid sur les suicides aboutis et les tentatives de suicide afin de guider les politiques», souligne Fabrice Jollant, psychiatre spécialiste des conduites suicidaires. De premiers résultats, concernant la période de janvier à août 2020, ont tout de même pu être analysés : «Ils portent sur les tentatives de suicide hospitalisées seulement. Chez les jeunes, il y a eu une diminution durant la première partie de la pandémie», note Fabrice Jollant. Mais il reste difficile de poser un constat ferme, puisque cette baisse des hospitalisations pourrait notamment s’expliquer par un accès aux soins plus difficile à cette période. Surtout, comme le pointe le spécialiste, «tout le monde a le sentiment que c’est de plus en plus difficile depuis la rentrée. Chez les étudiants, il y a une fatigue, une lassitude, une crise qui dure. On craint que les prochains chiffres aillent dans l’autre sens».
La détresse psychologique des étudiants n’est pas nouvelle : pauvreté, difficultés d’accès au logement et manque d’aides sont déjà dénoncés depuis des années. Mais la crise sanitaire a fait exploser ces problématiques. «Le contexte et les mesures sanitaires sont susceptibles d’aggraver la précarité et l’isolement des étudiants, deux facteurs connus pour être associés avec les troubles de santé mentale», explique Marielle Wathelet. A l’effet de la pandémie, s’ajoute le fait que les étudiants sont «une population particulièrement fragile», souligne la médecin : «Les 15-25 ans, c’est la tranche d’âge durant laquelle apparaissent les grandes pathologies psychiatriques.»
Malgré tout, le recours au soin est extrêmement faible dans cette catégorie de la population, y compris pour les personnes qui ont des troubles graves. En 2019, une enquête nationale de la Mutuelle des étudiants (LMDE) pointait notamment le fait que 42 % d’entre eux renoncent au soin, dont 40 % par manque de moyens financiers. «Les séances chez le psy sont très chères, et les Bapu [bureaux d’aide psychologique universitaire, ndlr] sont débordés par manque de moyens», déplore Mélanie Luce, présidente de l’Union nationale des étudiants de France (Unef). A Paris, le délai d’attente pour avoir un rendez-vous au Bapu du Ve arrondissement est de trois à quatre mois. A Lille, de trois mois et demi. Et cette situation est loin d’être exceptionnelle. Dans un rapport publié en novembre, l’association Nightline a compté un psychologue pour 30 000 étudiants en France. Un chiffre largement inférieur à celui recommandé par l’Iacs, association qui accrédite les services de santé mentale universitaire dans le monde : il est conseillé de viser un psychologue pour 1 000 à 1 500 étudiants. Résultat : des jeunes attendent plusieurs mois pour se faire soigner, ou baissent les bras.
«Jamais été aussi mal»
En décembre, le Premier ministre a annoncé la création de 80 postes de psychologues et 60 d’assistants sociaux dans les Crous pour un budget de 3,3 millions d’euros. Une annonce suivie par un communiqué de l’Enseignement supérieur indiquant un «doublement des capacités d’accompagnement psychologique des étudiants». Mais, pour les concernés, cela reste insuffisant. «La détresse psychologique explose. Ce qu’on demande, c’est des chèques santé pour avoir des visites gratuites chez les psys. Il faut agir dans l’urgence !» martèle la présidente de l’Unef. Le rendez-vous de ce vendredi avec Jean Castex et Frédérique Vidal est très attendu, comme l’explique Mélanie Luce : «On est dans une situation historique, on n’a jamais été aussi mal. Si on ne prend pas des mesures historiques, on va continuer à foncer droit dans le mur.»”
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nahasxpert · 2 years ago
Openelec tenda usb wireless adapter raspberry pi
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MULTI-OS SUPPORTED: Compatible with Linux Kernels up to 5.11, Ubuntu 21.04 ~ 16.04, Debian 10/9/8, Linux Mint 20/19/18, LMDE 4/3/2/1, Kali Linux, Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) 10/9/8, MATE, GNOME, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Budgie, Kylin, MX Linux, Pop! OS, Elementary OS, Zorin OS, KDE neon, antiX Linux, Q4OS, Parrot OS, PureOS, Bodhi, deepin, Linux Lite, SparkyLinux, Peppermint OS, Devuan Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP MAC OS X 10.9-10.14.Operating System compatible with Windows 7/8/10/XP/Vista, Linux Mac OS. 📶 USE IT EVERYWHERE – The USB network adapter ethernet is great for home, office and so on to build a new and strong wireless WiFi repeater wireless signal booster.
No driver installation is required with Debian Stretch, Raspbian Jessie, Raspbian Wheezy, OSMC, LibreElec, Kali Linux, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Core, Fedora, Windows 10 and most Linux based operating systems.
📶 RASPBERRY PI COMPATIBLE – Operating System compatible with all models Raspberry Pi.
Desktop can also receive wireless WiFi access with this Wireless card for PC to surf the Internet, using your desktop computer with WiFi 2.4GHz. 📶 SIGNAL RECEIVING – WiFi PC Adapter is supporting wireless receiving WIFI hotspots, 300bps USB hotspot, stability of received signal.2.4GHz frequency WiFi, enjoy high speed transmission rate without any interference. Signal Transmission is more stable than ordinary product. It is build with a powerful WiFi chip inside with high gain 2dBi antenna outside. 📶 USB WiFi STICK ADAPTER FOR DESKTOP – The USB WiFi adapter receiver is compatible with most laptops, desktops, routers, notebooks.– Complies with IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b WiFi adapter standards. 📶 WIRELESS NETWORK ADAPTER WiFi CARD – Wireless WiFi signal booster speed up to 300bps, ideal for internet surfing and on-line gaming.is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees (at no cost to you) by linking to. In case that you feel that the data showed here is deluding or is inaccurate or is superfluous from undeniable realities, at that point kindly don’t stop for a second to connect with us. Get more info about us through online sources. We remember that staying up with the latest is our need in this way, we keep our site refreshed consistently. With various options provided we hope you have found the one that will satisfy your needs. You can make certain about the items listed on as these items have been purchased and tried by a great many shoppers. We have conceptualized a couple of questions that almost all of you may have as a top priority. **UPDATED VERSION** Featuring new generation of N150 Wi-Fi 4 adapter powered by RTL8188EUSĭoes looking for the best raspberry pi wifi dongle get upsetting for you? Are questions turning over your head and perplexing you? We know how it is we have experienced the whole excursion of product research as we have advanced a whole list of the best raspberry pi wifi dongle accessible in the market nowadays.EASY WIRELESS CONNECTION via the software-enabled WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).HIGHLY SECURE Wi-Fi protocols supported, featuring WPA3, WPA2, WPA and, 64/128-bit WEP encryption methods.The low profile also reduces the chance of damage when bumped into. NANO-SIZED USB adapter design makes it the smallest N150 Wi-Fi adapter on the market, allows for a sleek device appearance when plugged in.It is also backwards compatible with wireless 802.11b/g standards. N150 adapter supports Wi-Fi 4 802.11n standard with speedy throughput of up to 150Mbps (2.4Ghz).
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lasclwidget · 2 years ago
Panda wireless pau05 linux mint
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Panda wireless pau05 linux mint mac os x#
Panda wireless pau05 linux mint Pc#
Panda wireless pau05 linux mint Pc#
BOOST YOUR WIRELESS RANGE: Comes with 2 Pieces of Long Range WiFi Antennas of 5dBi, this Linux Ubuntu WiFi USB Adapter Ensures Range Extended WiFi Connection and Superior Stability on Your Desktop, Laptop, PC WiFi Antennas can be Rotated and Adjusted 360 Degrees.FAST WI-FI SPEED: You can get 867Mbps Wi-Fi speed on 5GHz band or 300Mbps speed on 2.4GHz band, best choice for online 4K video streaming, gaming, high-quality music and Youtube by using this AC1200 Dual Band Ubuntu USB Wireless Adapter for PC it can work 4 times faster than 802.11b/g/n USB wireless adapter.LINUX TECHNICAL SUPPORT TICKET INCLUDED: Please send Email at for expert Linux technical support, please tell us your order number and OS type in the Email.HARDWARE SUPPORTED: PCs (x86_32, x86_64), Raspberry Pi 2+ (armhf, Kali aarch64), Odroid, VirtualBox.
Panda wireless pau05 linux mint mac os x#
MULTI-OS SUPPORTED: Compatible with Linux kernels up to 5.11, Ubuntu 20.10/20.04/19.10/19.04/18.10/18.04/17.10/17.04/16.10/16.04, Debian 10/9/8, Linux Mint 20/19/18, LMDE 4/3/2/1, Kali, Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) 10/9/8, MATE, GNOME, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Budgie, Kylin, MX Linux, Pop! OS, Elementary OS, Zorin OS, KDE neon, antiX Linux, Q4OS, Parrot OS, PureOS, Bodhi, deepin, Linux Lite, SparkyLinux, Peppermint OS, Devuan Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP MAC OS X 10.9-10.14.You can use it for 4K video streaming, gaming, high quality music and Youtube. If you are purchasing a WiFi adapter to practice your skills with Raspberry Pi, then I highly recommend this since it provides long distance WiFi connection. This includes support from the BrosTrend team via Email.īrosTrend WiFi for Linux is compatible with PCs (x86_32, x86_64), Raspberry Pi 2+ (armhf, Kali aarch64), Odroid and even VirtualBox. It is fully compatible with Linux kernal up to 5.11 and is specifically designed to work with Linux. These 2 antennas can be seperated easily and the WiFI can be removed from its power supply to make it USB size and carry everywhere. This Wifi adapter is designed by BrosTrend and comes with 2 antennas that provide glitch-free wifi and longer range. View on Amazon BrosTrend Long Range 1200Mbps Wifi Adapter for Linux with Antenna
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installerdisk · 4 years ago
Linux Mint Édition Debian - LMDE 4 Debbie
Linux Mint Édition Debian – LMDE 4 Debbie
Linux Mint est une version raffinée de Linux qui se concentre sur la robustesse, le confort et la facilité d’utilisation. Il fonctionne, prêt à l’emploi, avec un support multimédia complet et avec une large gamme de logiciels gratuits disponibles pour tous vos besoins informatiques. Il est fiable et nécessite peu d’entretien, avec une approche conservatrice des mises à jour. Il est également sûr…
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dopegod3d · 4 years ago
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printing upgrades Printing more toys for kids * Laundry * Groceries * Mayas class work * Upgraded laptop and desktop to Linux Minto LMDE 4 * Upgrading 5 3D printers at once BRING IT * Answering follower questions * Helping LONGER, SUNLU, SOVOL, and LABIST users with their technical issues * Arguing with China that I don’t want anything from them and definitely not paying $221 in shipping for $235 in printers lol ***sleep who said anything about sleep. Right George that’s right Chapu why do we sound alike and why are both are mouths moving at the same time I the mirror https://www.instagram.com/p/CGjCbj9hJiP/?igshid=168psyfhml869
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aiaalalv · 4 years ago
(July 18, 2020) Apollo 11 (51st) and Vikings (44th) Anniversary 2020
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(July 18, 2020) Apollo 11 (51st) and Vikings (44th) Anniversary 2020 with James French Jul 18, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM (PT) RSVP and Information: https://conta.cc/2SMuHLl   Volunteers are needed for all AIAA activities, please contact [email protected]   (Online) July 18, 2020, 10 AM (Add to Calendar) Apollo 11 (51st) and Vikings (44th) Anniversary 2020 (Neil's Day) James R. French, JRF Consulting, AIAA Fellow "Gone But Not Forgotten, The Test Stands for the Rocket Engines of Apollo"     Prof. David Barnhart, Director, USC ISI / SERC, Faculty Liason to RPL/LPL "Moving Past Apollo: This generation's tools to build the 2nd major step for Mankind in Space"     Carl Stechman, Aerospace Propulsion Systems Consultant, Aerojet-Rocketdyne / Marquardt Retired, Apollo, Space Shuttle, Orion Engineer "Evolution of the Apollo SM/LM RCS rocket engine into Cassini and Orion" Gerald Blackburn, North America Rockwell - Retired, Engineer, Project Manager, Boeing Corporation Founder and CEO of Tinkers Corner LLC "250,000 miles a Proper Social Distance? - The Aerospace Industry was a significant developer of the Contamination Control Technologies and Techniques used today." Event Calendar http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/calendar/monthview?eso=0010gqoU-_jblZTmCh7qkkm8w%3D%3D&llr=p9tbt6cab   Join Mailing List https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/FnG0zoy   RSVP & Information https://conta.cc/2SMuHLl   Upcoming Events https://aiaa-lalv.org/events   Join AIAA Membership https://aiaa.org/membership   "Gone But Not Forgotten, The Test Stands for the Rocket Engines of Apollo"     Before they lofted the Saturn launch vehicles into space and landed the Lunar Module on the Moon, the rocket engines in these vehicles had to be tested on the ground. This was first done on test stands at Santa Susanna, Inglewood, and San Juan Capistrano California before moving on to Edwards Rocket Base and NASA facilities. These original stands are mostly gone now but they appear again in the pictures of this presentation. Jim French worked on these engines and test stands and shares his memories of those days.           James R. French AIAA Fellow (60+ year member of AIAA !) President, JRF Aerospace Consulting LLC
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James R French graduated from MIT in 1958 with a degree of BSME Specializing in Propulsion. While at MIT, Mr French became the Founding President of the MIT Chapter of The American Rocket Society, an AIAA predecessor. In the ensuing years he has pursued additional education both in technical subjects and management.  Upon graduation, he accepted a job with Rocketdyne Div. of North American Aviation and during a 5 year employment, worked on developmental testing of H-1 engines and combustion devices hardware for F-1 and J-2 engines used in Saturn 5. He was also involved in various experimental programs. Moving on to TRW Systems, Mr. French was Lead Development Test Engineer on the Lunar Module Descent Engine and was responsible for bringing on-line the High Altitude Test Stand use for all-up LMDE testing at TRW’s Capistrano Test Site. He also was involved in experimental testing of exotic propellants. After leaving TRW as propulsion work ran down, Mr. French joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory where he worked on testing and launch vehicle integration for Mariners 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; Viking 1 & 2 and Voyager 1 & 2. Mr. French was Advanced Planetary studies Manager for JPL for several years as well as Chief Engineer for the SP-100 Space Nuclear Power System. He was Chief Engineer of a RTG powered Mars Rover study for a vehicle essentially identical to Curiosity. Leaving JPL after 19 years, Mr. French was VP Engineering and Chief Engineer for American Rocket Company developing hybrid rocket launch vehicles. Since leaving AMROC in 1987, Mr. French has been consultant to a variety of aerospace companies, SDIO, NASA, and USAF. As a consultant to SDIO he functioned as the government’s chief engineer on the DC-X project. He has participated in various startup companies in the private space flight arena and currently consults extensively to Blue Origin, a company in which he has been involved since its beginnings. He has worked with Project Icarus investigating interstellar missions. His current efforts draw primarily upon his extensive experience in rocket propulsion development and operational aspects of launch vehicles. Mr. French is co-author with Dr. Michael Griffin of the best-selling text Space Vehicle Design, published by AIAA. For over 20 years he taught a 4 day short course, mostly through AIAA, on the same topic. The second edition of the book has received the Summerfield Book Award for 2008. Mr French is also the author of Firing a Rocket, a reminiscence of testing rocket engines for the Apollo missions. Mr. French is a Fellow of both AIAA and the British Interplanetary Society and a 60+ year member of AIAA. He has held several Technical Committee and other posts in AIAA. In 2018, Mr. French was named Engineer of the Year by the Orange County Section of AIAA.     Moving Past Apollo: This generation's tools to build the 2nd major step for Mankind in Space"           Prof. David Barnhart Director, USC ISI / SERC Faculty Liason to RPL/LPL  
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David Barnhart is currently an active Research Professor in the Department of Astronautical Engineering at USC, the faculty liason to USC’s student rocketry groups (RPL/LPL), and the Director/Co- Founder of the USC Space Engineering Research Center located at the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) operated jointly with Astronautical Engineering. At USC David specializes in developing innovative technologies and architectures for 2nd generation space morphologies, rendezvous and proximity operations technologies/techniques, and hands-on projects with students, faculty and staff through an “engineering teaching hospital” construct. The SERC created and launched USC’s first two Cubesat’s into space in 2010 and 2012. Over 200 students have graduated through the SERC’s hands on training capabilities and every summer hosts US and international student interns. SERC is currently the technical arm for a national and global standards development push for commercial rendezvous and servicing missions (CONFERS), creating a larger re-usable Lunar Lander simulator project, and has the third USC Satellite flight planned for Summer 2019. David was most recently a senior space Project Manager at DARPA, pioneering cellular spacecraft morphologies, satbotics, space robotics and low cost high volume manufacturing on the Phoenix and SeeMe projects. He represented the first DARPA space project at the United Nations COPUOS in Vienna Austria addressing new technology pushing the need for updates to space regulations and policy issues for next generation missions. Prior to USC and DARPA David helped initiate two commercial space companies; co-founding and serving as Vice President and CFO for Millennium Space Systems in Los Angeles CA; and was the youngest elected member of a three-person international Executive Management board for a German startup in Bremen, Vanguard Space, one of the first companies working commercial spacecraft servicing. David started his career as a civilian for the Air Force Research Labs spending over 13 years helping to birth several notable innovations in micro-miniature electronic technologies, micro-chemical/electric propulsion systems, some of the first small satellites for remote observations, and the first independent RPO missions. Evolution of the Apollo SM/LM RCS rocket engine into Cassini and Orion             Carl Stechman Aerospace Propulsion Systems Consultant, Aerojet-Rocketdyne / Marquardt Retired, Apollo, Space Shuttle, Orion Engineer
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Carl Stechman has 60 years of experience related to the conception, design, development, qualification, production and marketing of small (4-4000 N thrust) liquid hypergolic propellant based rocket engines and propulsion systems using hydrazine compounds, nitrogen tetroxide, hydrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and other space related liquids and gases. He graduated from the University of California Berkeley in 1958 with a BS in chemical engineering and a subsequently an MS in engineering from California State University, Northridge. After a short one year at Rocketdyne he moved to The Marquardt Company and after many company name changes retired from Aerojet in 2011. During his more than 50 years he was a project engineer, program manager, chief engineer, chief scientist, rocket systems director and director marketing. His specific engineering specialties included heat transfer, thermodynamics, mechanical design and chemical engineering. In the early 1960’s he was heavily involved in the Apollo reaction control engine (Model R-4D) development and qualification subsequent to his co-authoring a report for NASA on the design of liquid rocket Engines. His primary duties during that time period as manager of the Marquardt development group was to insure the reliability of the Apollo engine through extensive off limit testing.  His many subsequent achievements include: The design, development and qualification of the first integrated satellite propulsion system for Space Systems Loral which included a performance and material uprated Apollo R-4D-164 490 N bipropellant rocket engine. This engine is still produced today for the Orion program.Design and subsequent development (as project engineer) of the Space Shuttle 4000 N and 110 N liquid bipropellant control thrusters.Patent holder for the model HiPATtm 445 N R-4D-15 Rhenium material based combustion chamber liquid bipropellant rocket engine using both MON-3/MMH and MON-3/N2H4.Design and development/qualification of the R-42 900 N Liquid rocket engine and its upgrades.Design and development of the model R-6C 22N thruster which provided ACS for numerous satellites and spacecraft.Design and development of the Model R-1E uprated 110 N engine used on the IHI HTV and the X-37. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 250,000 miles a Proper Social Distance?  - The Aerospace Industry was a significant developer of the Contamination Control Technologies and Techniques used today.
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Gerald Blackburn North American Rockwell - Retired, Engineer, Project Manager, Boeing Corporation, Founder and CEO of Tinkers Corner LLC Gerald is an engineer and was a Project Manager with the Boeing Corporation. He has been in the Aerospace Industry for over 40 years. His career has spanned the entire manned space program from the X-15 at North American Aviation to the Apollo, Saturn SII, Space Shuttle and International Space Station Programs. His proactive leadership in business and education partnerships is widely known. Gerald has taught at the California State University in Los Angeles, University of Southern California and Cerritos College. He has been an active member of several business and education advisory boards and served on the California State Department of Education Advisory Committee for Career Technology Education. Gerald is also a professional international speaker on the history and programs of the Aerospace Industry of Southern California. He is author of “Downey’s Aerospace History” by Arcadia Publishing. Mr. Blackburn has an MBA from Pepperdine University and is a native Californian. He is a Director of Columbia Memorial Space Center Foundation and Past President and Executive Advisor of the Aerospace Legacy Foundation developing historical preservation and outreach projects. Gerald is the Founder and CEO of Tinkers Corner LLC a STEM education resource company in Southern California. He enjoys spending time with his seven grandchildren and traveling with his wife Kathy. Contact: [email protected] 562.447.5552c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Read the full article
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amrselim · 5 years ago
تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 https://bit.ly/36nGo0L شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr Places to find me! https://bit.ly/OcqQ6x https://bit.ly/2nqASDv Wordpress: https://bit.ly/SsszPw Instagram: https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP Twitter: https://twitter.com/omarselm #4 4mLinux #9 9Front #A AbsoluteLinux AcademiX AirSlax AlpineLinux ALT Linux Anarchy Linux Android-x86 Antergos Antivirus Live CD antiX Linux Aptosid Arabbix ArchBang ArchLabs Archlinux Archman ArchStrike ArcoLinux ArtixLinux AryaLinux Astra Linux Austrumi AV Linux #B BackBoxLinux Bee free BigLinux Bio-Linux BlackArch BlackBox Linux BlackLab BlackPantherOS BlackSlash blag BlankOn Bluestar Bodhi BOSS Linux BunsenLabs ByzantineOS #C CAELinux Caine Caixa Magica Calculate Linux Calculate Linux Desktop Canaima CentOS Chakra ChaletOS ChameleonOS ClearOS Clonezilla CommodoreOS Condres OS ConnochaetOS CRUX Cucumber #D Damn Small Linux Damn Small Linux Not Dapper Linux Daylight Linux Debian Debian facile Debian-FAI DebianEdu deepin DEFT Devil-Linux Devuan DragonFly BSD Dragora DuZeru Dyne:bolic #E EasyOS Edubuntu elementaryOS Elive Linux Emmabuntüs Emmi OS EndeavourOS Endless OS EnsoOS EpiLinux Escuelas Linux Estobuntu Estrellaroja Exe GNU Linux ExTiX #F Fatdog64 Fedora Atomic Fedora Server Fedora Silverblue Ostree Fedora Spins Fedora Workstation FerenOS Finnix FreeBSD FreeDOS FreeNAS Frenzy Frugalware Funtoo FuryBSD #G G4L GeckoLinux Gentoo GhostBSD GNewSense GoboLinux Gparted GreenieLinux GRML GuixSD #H Haiku hamOS Hannah Montana Linux HardenedBSD Heads Huayra Hyperbola #I io GNU Linux #K Kali Linux Kanotix KaOS KDE neon Knoppix Kodachi KolibriOS Korora Kubuntu Kubuntu Focus Kwort #L Linux Lite Linux Mint LinuxConsole Linuxfx LiveRaizo LMDE Lubuntu LuninuxOS LXLE OS #M Macpup Mageia MakuluLinux Manjaro Matriux MauiLinux MenuetOS MidnightBSD MilagrOS MinerOS Minimal Linux MiniNo MINIX Modicia Musix Muslimbuntu MX Linux #N Nanolinux Nas4Free Neptune NetBSD NethServer Netrunner Nitrux NixOs Nova NST NuTyX #O obarun Omni OS OpenBSD openEuler OpenIndiana OpenMandriva openSUSE OPNsense OracleLinux OS108 OSGeo live OviOS #P Parabola CLI Parabola LXDE Pardus Parrot Parrot Home Parrot Security Parrot Studio Parrot Variant Parsix Parted Magic PCLinuxOS PeachOSI PearOS Pentoo Peppermint PeppermintOS Pinguy PinguyOS Pisi Linux Plamo Linux Plasma Mobile PLD Linux plopLinux PNPI-OS PointLinux Pop!_OS PORTEUS PrimTux Puppy Linux PureOS #Q Q4OS QubesOS Quirky #R Raspberry Pi Desktop ReactOS Reborn OS Red Star OS Redcore redox Refracta Regolith Linux Rescatux RevengeOS RoboLinux Rockstor ROSA FRESH Runtu #S Sabayon Sabily SalentOS Salix ScientificLinux SELKS SemiCode OS Septor Siduction Simplicity Linux SimplyMEPIS Slackel Slackware Slax SliTaz Snallinux Solus SolydK SolydX SparkyLinux Springdale Stresslinux SubgraphOS SuperGamer susOS SwagArch SystemRescueCd #T Tails Tanglu TempleOS Tiny Core Trident Trisquel TROM-Jaro TrueOS Tsurugi Linux TurnKey Linux Tux N Vape #U Ubuntu Ubuntu Budgie Ubuntu Cinnamon Ubuntu Mate Ubuntu Server Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Unity Remix UbuntuDDE UbuntuKylin Ufficio Zero Ultimate Edition Ultimate Linux Uruk #V VectorLinux Venom Linux VineLinux VoidLinux Voyager VyOS #W WattOs #X Xubuntu #Z Zentyal Zenwalk Zevenet
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kenwu0310 · 5 years ago
Linux Mint 每月新聞 - 四月 2020
Linux Mint 每月新聞 – 四月 2020
持續進行 Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” 的作業
LMDE 4 將加入些許功能,如 virtualbox 的解析度提高
Nemo 性能提升
Desktop 共享資料程式
已提供於 Linux Mint 19.3 與 LMDE 4 使用
Apturl 改為使用 aptdaemon 而不是  Synaptic 並且 Gdebi UI 更加人性化
Mint-Y 主題顏色明亮度提高
Monthly News – April 2020
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illuminarch · 5 years ago
Linux Mint Debian Edition 4 tem versão beta oficial
Linux Mint Debian Edition 4 tem versão beta oficial
Depois da divulgação de novas características do LMDE 4, a equipe Linux Mint anunciou o lançamento oficial da versão LMDE 4 Beta. Assim, o LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) 4, codinome como “Debbie”, é a próxima versão de suporte de longo prazo, com base na mais recente distribuição Linux do Buster Buster da Debian e acaba de receber a versão beta oficial, disponível desde hoje, dia 25 de…
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techinfocomua-blog · 5 years ago
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ajo-mathew · 5 years ago
Here's a look at what's new in Linux Mint Debian Edition 4
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The Linux Mint project head, Clem Lefebvre, has officially announced the availability of Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) 4, just days after Neowin reported that stable builds were appearing on third-party mirrors. from Pocket https://www.neowin.net/news/heres-a-look-at-whats-new-in-linux-mint-debian-edition-4 via IFTTT
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captainteno · 5 years ago
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Aprovechando para migrar de #LinuxMint a LMDE 4! (Y ampliación de SSD por uno de 480gb)... #ThinkPad #QuedateencasaPelotudo #CuarentenaObligatoria https://www.instagram.com/p/B99uhesBSAR/?igshid=jxn16n550vpj
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