#lmao X'DDD
countlessrealities · 6 months
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Even more incorrect quotes || Accepting !
@mcltiples sent: ✏️ { For Evil Rick and my Weird Rick ! }
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Evil Rick: I suppose you’re right. We really would be better off working together. Weird Rick: So, then… détente? Evil Rick: Agreed. Weird Rick: Understanding? Evil Rick: Possibly. Weird Rick: Cooperation? Evil Rick: Maybe. Weird Rick: Trust? Evil Rick: Out of the question.
Evil Rick: How petty can you get? Weird Rick: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Weird Rick: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time. Evil Rick:Evil Rick: Whatever makes you feel better, Rick.
Weird Rick: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind. Weird Rick: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. Weird Rick: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year? Evil Rick: This is Monopoly.
Weird Rick: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? Evil Rick: …Have you never taken a shower before?
Weird Rick: I would never say that my partner is a bitch and I don’t don’t like him. That’s not true… My partner is a bitch and I like him so much!
Weird Rick: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Evil Rick: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
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frc-ambaradan · 2 years
Panini, pls, you can't put Scrooge on the cover of the "Free comic book day" issue! Especially not with THAT word on his head!!!
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picdpipcr · 2 years
Jiwoo ¿cuántos bebés te gustaría tener... a futuro?
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----Si hablamos de hijos, me gustaría tener dos... --Dos le parecía un número apropiado y que, con su trabajo, sería una familia que podría mantener-- Claro que dependerá de lo que mi pareja quiera también; no voy a obligarle a tener a nuestros hijos.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
fav bits from the tamayama and otsuka interview about jigen
otsuka describing the initial reaction to him taking on jigen's role as "ehh what happened to Kiyoshi!?!"
"jigen isn't arrogant like most people" (bahahaha) he accepts people how they are and "I think that sportsmanship of his is really the appeal of jigen" yes YES that is a big part of my love for jigen and the lupin iii characters in general
"he's in great contrast to Lupin who is a bundle of greed" lol
lupin and jigen don't need to speak to communicate or to express their bond, though usual anime would probably want to put it into words. ehh this is really just a holdover from 70s values and expectations of men, what is and isn't manly to do or say. but it is interesting how it's developed into a kind of specific lupin-ish flavor today when it's so much less common. and people in general, not just men, understand that words can only ever scratch the surface where there's real depth of feeling.
tamayama: "SHY desu yo ne Jigen tte" x'D
"and I don't think he's a woman hater, I think he really likes them" THANK YOU otsuka I am validated everyone else can go home now thanks for playing buh-bye
also women think he's cute because he doesn't know what to do around them so he runs away lol. this is why in the book fujiko steals in jigen's gravestone lupin had graffiti'd "naive" (初) on jigen's picture. jigen and goemon should start a "grown ass men who haven't figured out women are just people" club
tamayama: "CUTE desu yo ne" x'DDD
otsuka praising the scene of jigen and goemon pedaling the tandem bike going "eh ho eh ho eh ho" lmao
so I don't wear or care about watches, so I hope I understood this. but basically on set tamayama complained about the strap on jigen's watch having holes and a "rock and roll" vibe I guess. too flashy for jigen I think was the point. so he made the prop department switch it for a normal one. and otsukas just like "yes correct."
tamayama: "I learned a lot from you, like about men's dandyism. I'd like to become older in the same [cool] manner as you" otsuka: "with a face like gary oldman"
they spent so little time talking about jigen's magnum and stuff even though it had its own section... I swear twenty years ago that would have been the longest part haha.
this interview was made for the fan girls i guess "ooh he's kind and cute and shy!!" haha. jk jk i enjoyed it. they surprisingly didn't spend a lot of time discussing the movie either, but that was kinda nice because no spoilers and it felt less like a twelve minute-long ad. just two jigens in a meeting of the mutual admiration society.
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aerialflight · 1 year
fic rec list (long time coming)
... Please don't kill me. I know it's been a really long time so I'm offering you guys up a list of fics that completely took over my life in the time I haven't been posting or reblogging on tumblr. Please enjoy! (Dashes off after laying this sacrificial offering at your feet.)
[Spiderverse (Spiderman Into + Across the Spiderverse)]
Stars Hide Your Fire by Arowen12
Abruptly Miles tunes back in, “Guidance counsellor?” his voice comes out horribly croaky and at this rate his body’s got enough leftover adrenaline that Miles knows he’s not going to get back to sleep anytime soon. “Yeah, about college, the one with your parents? Man, you must have been out later than I thought.” So, he’s in the past. Or somehow, he got thrown into another universe that’s a few days behind his and the other Miles has somehow gone missing or some molecular physics-type deal has happened and they’ve merged and are permanently stuck together forever. Yeah
(time Loop fic! Miles is straight up NOT having a good time lmao. poor kid. there's definitely quite a few twists and turns in this fic and i'm really excited to see where it goes haha!)
In every Universe, she is Loved by Tired_Writing_Teach
Of all the ways for Miguel's first meeting with Miles to go, no one was really expecting this, least of all Miguel. How is he supposed to react when the anomaly that started it all, is his daughter's best friend?
(this fic is miguel meeting miles and deciding you know what? i'm gonna overthrow everything i thought because there's no fucking way i'm gonna let my daughter from another world suffer. and somehow, it leads to him also looking at miles and thinking, "oh fuck, this is also my kid now," and it's GREAT LOL.)
Mostly Intact by neonbrutalism
“Are you a vampire?” he asked as the guy reached out to the bricks and grabbed on with his claws, heaving himself up with one arm to the wall. The guy didn’t even look at him, "No." “You have fangs. And claws. And - and red eyes!” Miles said, walking up the wall after him. “Spiders also have all of those things,” the guy said, flatly. “Spiders have red eyes?” The guy paused for a moment and then shrugged, “…Okay — eyes, I don’t know.” -- Miguel O'Hara finishes his gizmo before everything really pops off with Kingpin's collider and winds up on stranded on Earth-1610, hours after the death of Peter Parker. Miles Morales is looking for a new Spider-Mentor and, well, this one will have to do. Even if he's super weird. Part 1 of More Like Us
(the dynamic here is: an excited puppy and a grumpy nerdy father-uncle-adult figure with a lot of spider-related insecurities. and it's AMAZING. they will Fight for each other. and Peter B. is a Good Dude.)
fash punchers punch together by l_oves
The only ones who didn’t look like Peter had stepped on a puppy were Ham - nonchalant as ever - and some Spider with spikes on his head, whose eyes had widened. In fact, if Peter were to guess by the Spider’s body language, he seemed almost… alert. Excited. Peter wasn’t really sure what to make of that. -- hobie takes a liking to spiderman noir.
restorative justice by Nanashi07
After the multiverse settles, what do you do with Miguel?
Miles is serious as he says, “Guys, think about it. What else can we do? We can’t imprison him in another dimension or he’ll glitch out. We can’t keep him here alone forever. And we’re not killing him.” He points at Miguel. “Don’t even ask.” He takes in the unconvinced faces around him and approaches Miguel’s cell. “You are a good person. You just made a few mistakes. If you can prove to us that we can trust you again, then maybe we can let you go. We just need to, you know, do some… restorative justice.”
(truly, the ending we deserve for the next movie. this actually made me fall off the couch for making me laugh so hard, not even kidding X'DDD)
mutualism by cruelzy
Ship: Hobie/Miles
A full blown shiver wracks his form, hair stiff on the back of his neck. His body blinks like a stop-light, his teeth oscillating in his jaw. He closes his eyes; re-opens them. The guy’s still there. Miles stares, bewildered. “You’re like me.”
Gwen asks Hobie to keep an eye on Miles for a bit while she works up some courage. Hobie Brown doesn’t do things by halves.
(so freaking cute?? also, miles inner dialogue made me cackle, he's so fucking stupid and in love <3 and hobie, as per usual, is freaking cool and dependable as Fuck. we stan a solid man.)
gonna crack a rib (when i get home) by eneliii
Deception has gotten the best of Miles Morales for a good couple years now. Its tracked him down and resurfaced like weeds between his feet at every moment he’d least expected it. He’ll admit, he has a long way to go when it comes to knowing who to trust and who might be secretly trying to kill you and/or lie to you about your very existence. But hey, everybody’s gotta learn somewhere right? (or, Miles Morales, recently landed in Earth 42, has had enough of everyone’s shit and he’s going to save his dad or so help him he’ll lose his mind. Miles Morales 42, just wants to know what the /hell/ is up with his doppelgänger.)
(the Vibe is fucking immaculate and i repeatedly want to hug and scream at these two teenagers. who are the same person omfg. they are the same person but their trauma comes in different flavors. *screams*)
[Batman (Mostly Batfamily)]
Inversion (I'm Lost Without You) by Nation_Ustria
After dying on the battlefield, Damian wakes up in a universe where he is Bruce Wayne's only child. Having to endure the League's training a second time is a challenge, but upon reaching Gotham, Damian is thrilled. His so-called "siblings" had really been more trouble than they'd been worth, and Damian had always been the true son anyways. Now he doesn't have to fight for the position that is rightfully his. Except… the manor is awfully quiet. And Damian has started talking to himself. And… maybe his siblings weren't completely useless. They gave him Robin, after all, something that Damian hadn't been able to deny himself when he'd rejoined Batman in Gotham's shadows. And then Damian meets this world's Timothy Drake, who's years younger than Damian and stuck with neglectful parents who don't even know their son's age, much less that he's following Batman and Robin around Gotham with a camera. Damian had been a horrible younger brother, but… maybe he can be an adequate older brother. (It isn't easy, but he turns out to be far better than adequate.)
(before this, i never really got into the idea of the reverse robins idea but man, this fic convinced me lol. really wanted to hug damian throughout the whole fic and i got sucked in so fast, def must read.)
THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE. by orpheusaki
"Before," Clark asks, a glass of whiskey that has absolutely no effect on him whatsoever held loosely in his hands, "Why did you hate me?" "Well," Bruce hums, downing the rest of his own glass in one sweep for an ounce of courage, "You killed my children." (The day Zod attacks Metropolis, Bruce loses his kids.)
A Darker Shade of Gotham by JackHawksmoor
Dick and Tim are stuck in a crappy alternate universe where most of the heroes they know are dead, Bruce Wayne's bad health meant he never became Batman, and Tony Zucco runs Gotham City's underworld. When Dick is shot by the mob, they take a risk and go to Bruce for help. Alternate Bruce didn't have children, but as he gets to know Dick and Tim, he starts wishing he did. Written for Whumptober 2022 #28 (Punching the Wall)
(such an interesting analysis on the relationship between dick and bruce and what would've happened if dick never came into bruce's life. the absence hit so hard for bruce and weirdly enough, this fic was somehow both hopeful yet somber, really love this.)
Truth Serum is the Worst by JackHawksmoor
Batman gets dosed with a truth serum and unexpectedly spends most of the time talking about how desperately he loves his children, how awesome they are, and how he wishes he was better at being a father. Shameless whump and H/C Done for day 1 of Whumptober 2022, "a little out of the ordinary" (unconventional restraints)
(bruce loves his kids so much, this genuinely broke my heart, god.)
a call to motion by JumpingInMuddyPuddles
He twitches ever so slightly as Tim crouches beside him – knees slamming into the unrelenting concrete. He gently brushes his hand against Jason’s shoulder – the most he can currently bring himself to do. Jason whimpers, this breathless pained thing, and Tim’s breath gets lost in his throat all over again and holy fuck he has no idea what he’s doing. “Robin,” Tim whispers, his voice hoarse and shaky. “Robin, it’s not safe here. We’ve gotta move.” // Robin has been missing for just over a week when Tim finds him in that warehouse, hollowed out by the Joker and discarded like a broken thing.
(a what if scenario that i can only WISH actually happened fiewopfewa tim is so great i love the little guy <3)
Short-Term Memory Loss (Leads to Long-Term Sibling) by Vamillepudding
Jason's attack on Titans Tower goes a little differently than expected. When Jason wakes up, the last thing he can remember is being fifteen and having breakfast with Bruce. So why is this strange kid telling him he's actually someone named the Red Hood? Why does the kid look eerily like Bruce? And why does he have bruises around his neck? Or: Jason gets amnesia. With Bruce and Dick away on an off-world mission, it falls to Tim to deal with the aftermath.
(this was somehow both hilarious and heartwarming? truly, the difference between pre and post lazarus pit jason is unparalleled, he's such a fun character haha! the sheer confusion and chaos in this fic had me cackling. XD)
Turned On Our Heads by Nation_Ustria
Due to an unfortunate alignment of events, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin are left to face an unknown magician alone. They don't survive. But Robins never seem to be able to stay dead, and this time they find themselves reborn into a world that's almost the same as their original one, with one glaring exception: their ages have been inverted. Armed with questionably reliable foreknowledge, it takes time to find their way back to each other—but they make it. And then they mess with everyone. (Bruce gave up on trying to make sense of his children after he got the second one.) ~ This Gotham doesn’t know Robin, not yet. Robin has always supposed to be the light to Batman’s darkness, the comfort to be found among violence. Damian hadn’t been particularly adept at the ‘light’ part the first go around, for all that he’d been able to serve and protect, but he’d had his siblings’ reputations already standing for him to rely on. Here, now, he has to build everything from scratch—and he’s going to do it right.
(this fic has me by the hookline nfioepwfew it's so fucking funny and the robins are just fucking with bruce which is always a delight to see XD seriously, if you want to have a good time, this is definitely the fic for you lmao)
Author’s Note by Trekkele
Jason may have been trying to take over the criminal underworld while avoiding Batman until his big dramatic reveal, but he still had time for hobbies. Hobbies like finally finishing the Pride and Prejudice AU he had started before his death, and posting the finished chapters for the 3 people who were still interested. Maybe he should have double checked the subscribers list first. Based on this tumblr post: Jasons doesn’t let death stop him from updating…
(this is literally peak lit, nothing can top this jason-is-alive reveal. nothing)
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Gloved fingers close over Tim’s throat and slowly begin to squeeze. “Jason!” he gasps, choking. “Have you ever read Macbeth?” The Red Hood stares at him like Tim just slapped him with a fish. -- With his grades slipping, Tim worries Bruce will take Robin away. So when the Red Hood breaks into his room with the intent to kill him, Tim decides it's a good idea to ask him for help on his English homework. It works. And then it doesn't. And then Tim solves a mystery and almost dies anyway.
(there were so many times I wanted to shake Timmy so bad, like boi, get some self preservation, PLEASE)
like a purple robe by astranix
There's just something about Arthur Pendragon. People can't quite put their finger on it. Part 1 of the brave man with the sword
(arthur is so great here! listen, i love merlin as much as the next person, but i love fics where arthur time travelled or is trying to fix things on his own, give me more competent arthur!!)
[Star Wars & Clone Wars & Mandalorian (all star wars media)]
The Way of Conquest by pagination
All Din wanted to do was find the Child a sorcerer teacher, pick up a job or two, and follow his Creed. Three out of three is good, right? Right?
(one of the most hilarious fucking fics i've ever had the pleasure of reading. i think i reread this 5 times by this point? din is just Trying His Best and honestly? it's working. everyone else just has to deal X'D)
Solus Gaanada by Caedus501
Ship: Obi-Wan/Jango
More things are possible through the Force than either the Jedi or the Sith ever suspected. Sometimes a single choice is all it takes to send a life and all those connected with it spiraling along a different path. When that choice is in the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi there is every chance that history will be changed, for better or worse. *Please make sure you have the Creator's Style turned on for this work otherwise the Mando'a won't come through properly Part 1 of Solus Gaanada
(THE MOST MANDALORE FIC TO EVER MANDALORE HAJIFJJVKV I AM SO IN LOVE!!! seriously though, incredible worldbuilding, incredible character writing and development, fantastic plot, intricate politics, immersive fucking vibe, FUCKING PERFECT 10/10 I'M SCREAMING!!)
The King, the Soldier, and the Spy by phoenixyfriend
Ship: Jango Fett/Ahsoka TanoQuinlan Vos/Ahsoka Tano
In which Ahsoka is a time-traveler, Jango narrowly avoids leading his own political faction to death, and Quinlan's got a massive crush on a pair of aggressively hypercompetent weirdos.
(there is so much Competence radiating off of this fic. no wonder they all banged each other, they're all so damn good at their jobs lolol)
R2-D2 Saves the Galaxy (Okay, so Obi-Wan helps a little) by kj_feybarn
R2-D2 was hoping for a little bit of excitement when he was sent with Mistress Padme and Little Ani as part of Mistress Padme's protection. That was not what he got. Now, Jedi Kenobi is clearly in trouble. As far as R2 can see, the best way to keep Mistress Padme safe is to save Jedi Kenobi. Clearly, R2-D2 is the droid for the job.
(truly and sincerely, r2-d2 is the most badass droid in the fucking galaxy and this fic just proves my very biased beliefs as to why. the utter chaos this little droid holds in its metallic body has led canon so off course and it's PERFECT XD)
Whispers by Adishailan
Ship: Poe/Finn/Rey
They were little things at first, small like the small stream of pebbles down a mountain before the landslide hit. He was getting better in his simulations. Not that he wasn't always good, getting consistent top marks and stilted praise from his instructors. But now he was able to dodge out the way of shots much quicker, almost too quickly, and sometimes he ducked down a good five seconds before an explosion came. No one really noticed- he'd always had good marks- and when they did, well, Eighty-seven was the first to know and could easily fake a blunder to make up for it. Or: FN-2187 teaches himself to use the force.
The Soldier, the Queen, and the Hunter: Truth and Fiction by kj_feybarn for Gondolin
Ship: Padmé Amidala/Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi
The galaxy is a step away from war when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padme Amidala find a clone army. That's where it starts, with convenient wording in a contract, a broken sith spell, and a desperate attempt to turn their tragedies into a story that could catch the hearts of a galaxy. -_- “Now sit still,” he told them all as he leaned forward. “And I’ll tell you the story of the Soldier, the Queen, and the Hunter.”
(if you haven't noticed yet, i have a Thing for very competent characters working together to create a better future. also, man, jango has it Rough here but it's still better than the alternative! :D)
Anakin's Froggy Friend by demi_fae for loosingletters
Anakin finds a frog in the desert when he's five. Only its not a frog, Anakin's now a dad, and this changes everything.
(i'm DEAD. i made noises no human being should be capable of making. so fucking funny, instant mood boost gaurantee!)
Waiting For the Light by Reveriewings
When looking for Leia on the Inquisitor's base, Obi-Wan finds the tomb holding the bodies of his family. In that dark moment, the Force leads him to someone who has been waiting for him. AU where Anakin never fell to the dark side but instead was captured by Palpatine before Order 66 (few months before towards the end of the war, which meant he hadn't found out Padme was pregnant yet). He figured out the dude was a Sith and discovered a secret. Palpatine, who had done some weird cloning with Anakin's DNA, many years prior, managed a Sith consciousness copy, so Clone Anakin was sent back to the temple none the wiser, primed and ready to be the downfall of the Jedi, and the original Anakin was kept as a live tropy and donor for Darth Vader. Vader has no idea he's not the 'real' Anakin and Anakin has no idea how long it's been since his capture. Part 1 of Pathways
(the concept is fascinating! and horrifyingly plausible! definitely my favorite part of this fic is the bond that forms between anakin and leia, it's so sweet and shreds my heart to pieces. and poor poor obi-wan has been so broken down by the world that he can't bring himself to hope for anything good in this situation fioewnfewa also, this follows the obi-wan kenobi tv show timeline, with the addition of anakin and all that that entails. def you should read!)
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust by Livsy
In which Old Ben has time travelled back to the clone wars era, but twenty years on Tatooine have left their mark. Anakin notices. Part 1 of Ashes Verse
(soft soft soft! old ben trying so hard for anakin and actually Talking to Anakin despite all his secrets. ben taking on tatooine culture and anakin Noticing. the most fix it fic to ever fix it!)
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I don't even remember if mango gets paid-Homeboy just be liek the kinda kid that has so much information about a thing and the airspace to ramble X'DDD
Cream Oreo Cookie:
Lmao 🤣
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xpiedpiper · 5 years
//No querías un ask? aquí tienes un ask (?)
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gojosattoru · 3 years
so yesterday was my first time on walking on my treadmill since last year (i’ve gained a lot of weight again rip me lolol) aaaaaand on the first day on walking, i already made a lil wound on my foot X’DDDD LMAO!! how much pathetic can i be?? 
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scrawlingskribbles · 4 years
Broke: Nathan’s hair is blonde 
Woke: Nathan’s hair is brunette 
Bespoke: Nathan’s hair is strawberry blonde/ginger
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@silntstrikr​ continued!
A challenge he hadn’t paid attention to, ‘cuz he was showing off, as usual. He didn’t say yes, but before he could speak next, the girl had already run off. Ozzy admired Cat’s spunk. (Yes, that’s his nickname for her. None of that Red shit.). She and Kiera seemed like pretty adventurous children, and they reminded him of himself. Right now though, at seeing the kid on the Warners’ homestead, his face hilariously twisted into panic. He’d seen them ride horses in Corona, do archery with ease and train with weapons a little with Cassandra. Little things like that.
But climbing up the 133 foot water tower, far above possible death by splatting into concrete?
This seemed going a TAD far.
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“Wait WHAT?!!
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No, no, no, wait, wait, wait--Whoa, Cat, hold up...!!”
Dang, the kid was fast. The cell fails to grab her down, as she climbs higher, and has no choice but to follow. Shit shit shit. She wasn’t full-on rubberhose toon like him, so the chances of her falling and actually DYING from the height were definitely high. He had to make sure that didn’t happen. Otherwise not only would he feel terrible, Disney would sue the pants off the company.
And the Warners were NOT helping, cheering her on and waving flags and blowing noise makers, encouraging her to reach the top. He glances back down a few feet up, then shudders a bit from the height, but continues on to get her. They’d reached almost the bottom floor of the tower part.
Sweet bleeding Frank.
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“CAT! Ge’down from there! I do NOT wanna explain ta Eugene or yer Pops that ya turned inta street pizza!”
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bcywithlxv · 5 years
La vida siempre estaba plagada de problemas. Algunos más grandes, otros más pequeños, pero siempre había algo que estaba ahí, como diciendo “¡Hey! ¡La vida no es perfecta!”. En fin, que se le iba a hacer. Al menos el problema que ahora les aquejaba no parecía ser tan grave.
Era un domingo por la tarde cuando MinJoon, luego de lavar los platos (Porque ese es el trato: Suni cocina y él lava los trastes), se percató de que algo no parecía andar bien con el fregadero: El agua bajaba anormalmente lento.
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----Suni-yah --Llamó a la contraria, para informarle de su descubrimiento mientras, dando una mirada general al mueble, trataba de ver si había algo más que fuese extraño-- Creo que el fregadero esta tapado...                 // @alterose​
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frc-ambaradan · 4 months
LMAO! Who's Damiano Scarpa?? 🤣🤣
Romano Scarpa's weird cousin? X'DDD
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From the interview to Roberto Santillo, DPW's creative director (La Repubblica, Robinson #389, 2024).
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asklewisandarthur · 5 years
...random but, what do you even look like under the suit, Lewis? now that you're dead...
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lupuslxna · 5 years
"Chocolate can be a good gift, you know..." ( he's talking about his birthday but he doesn't want to explicitly say it )
     ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; Derek let out a small grunt, gaze skimming the lower shelf as he searched for some damn pasta which did not only look good but also smelled that way. It was insane how sometimes it was so hard to get fresh food in the stores- hence why the lycan ended up swiping up the flour, eggs, and olive oil, homemade then it shall be. “You’re a va- “Biting his tongue before finishing the sentence, Derek let out a long breath, not bothering with the woman across their cart who was eying them both with interest. “You don’t like that, remember? How about some…tomato soup or a big-bloody-steak?”He had made sure to put emphasis on the ‘bloody’ part, which earned him a bit of a disgusted reaction from the female (Derek was sure that she was stalking them for the last 5minutes, annoying him as he just tried to get what he needed and leave). “ I know you like em medium raw kiddo, still juicy and dripping, right?”Adding an awkward pat on the boy's head, then a small chuckle and it was all that was needed to make the girl pull away in distress, always looking over her shoulder, almost crashing in the person coming out from the left corner. 
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auronspeaks · 5 years
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No offense to the anon who requested this. But fuck you for requesting this X’D
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k-liight · 6 years
"I can make three little kids out of spices but I can't get these darn lights to work!"
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