#lj jo
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otrtbs · 1 year ago
southern lily evans with josephine as a middle name and her mom calls out "lily jo!" from the back porch when it's time for her to come home for supper send tweet
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good-or-bad-luck · 2 years ago
i have a really funny joke i wanna post in a discord server but i dont know if i should bevcuase its not like an apporpoite joke for this discord server (that i am a mod in ,)
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months ago
can you recommend any good case file fic with established msr relationship???? your archive is a gift to this fandom btw THANK YOU
Mulder, Scully, and Case File RST
Eyyyyyy, here you go, anon!
@debbierhea/theexfilesbabe/iamalittleonedge’s october - full series
He’s shivering as she approaches, the blanket curled around his snoozing fox form, hair sticking out like a tail. She pushes his hair back and whispers his name, tells him to go get in her bed where it’s warm. She watches him, sleepy-eyed and vulnerable, as he makes his way to where her bed is an oasis of warmed goose feathers.
Post S5 Mulder and Scully spend an October, week-by-week, on the road and in each other's company. (While not strictly RST, it's a gentle, autumnal slow burn that, I think, counts.)
sarah_segretti/Sarah Segretti's The Current Temperature in Downtown Washington (Ao3, Xanadu)
The informant, a slightly paunchy middle-aged man with a rich Blue Ridge accent, a true local, droned on. Scully appeared to be listening raptly, but Mulder knew the look - he'd been on the receiving end more than once, and with him, it usually meant she was about to shred another one of his theories.
He knew what was wrong. They were too close to FEMA headquarters, and that made him think of Dallas, and Antarctica - and he hadn't expected to feel this way. His nightmares on that particular topic had stopped weeks ago.
Post Fight the Future Scully is determined to pick up Mulder's mood... although the "case", its unpleasant associations, and their meal afterward underscores the wounds both of them are still licking clean. (Though not strictly RST, the underlying understanding between them is undeniably bent in that direction.)
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside‘s (Ao3) Detoured: Arcadia (Tumblr)
Scully looks at him expectantly, and he kind of likes it a little. She never looks at him like that, like he’ll MacGyver them out of this sticky mess.
It is a sticky mess. A very sticky mess.
Arcadia Mulder is torn over the fake (and real) relationship he must project with Scully.
@aloysiavirgata's (Ao3, WBM, Gossamer, LJ, Alt. LJ) The Waters of Babylon, Petrichor, and Singing of Mount Abora
Beside him comes a rustle of paper. Scully’s printed out directions from MapQuest, checking off turns like a shopping list. “Still another three miles before the access road,” she says, not looking up from her trim navy-blue lap. She takes a sip of coffee.
Mulder coughs, says nothing. Things aren’t strained exactly, it’s not that. It’s more a liminal space. Everything’s fine, he tells himself. Everything’s fine.
He  checks his hair again.
Mulder and Scully's relationship slowly melds together, from reflective, post-Arcadia memories to tentative, post-Amor Fati consummation to stinging, miraculous post-IVF hope.
Obfusc8er's Deus ex Machina
The black, writhing shade shot out fingers of darkness, exploding into thousands of swirling entities. The light from the window was doused by the mass of evil in the room. Scully gasped, nearly dropping the phone from her hand. She stood transfixed, paralyzed by shock and fear. The volume of the chorus in her ear grew louder, and the obscure shapes grew more frantic, circling with tremendous speed.
Scully is awash with horror while on a routine Kersh detail.
Jo-Ann Lassiter's The Death of Me Yet
It was a bull moose, and it was big. And it was standing about ten feet away, smack in the middle of the trail. Even if Scully hadn't read the literature on vehicle/moose collisions and the ensuing human fatalities, she would have chosen to avoid something twice her height and weight--jeep and Mulder included.
She slammed on the brakes and jerked the wheel sharply to the right, in the only direction that wouldn't get them killed outright. The change in terrain was drastic.
Kersh forces Mulder on a case, despite his ill health. With Scully as her partner's shadow, the two try to escape the woods, their safety and the approaching dark (and its monster) driving them further and further down a mountain.
TessMooreXF's Armadillo Season
She mused that it must be armadillo season, for all the hardened little corpses that had dotted the sides of the highway on her journey from Dallas. 
Post The Rain King Kersh assigns the duo to an unexpectedly twisted case.
Wylfcynne's Imagine
"You aren't getting free until we have a clear MRI," she said calmly.
Mulder exploded in rage, screaming, cursing, struggling violently. On the status monitor, everything began to escalate. Three Project doctors came running in, alerted by the system alarms, and stopped, awed at the violence they were witnessing.
Post S.R. 819 Mulder and Scully are intercepted, kidnapped, and tortured while on a cult assignment. She helps to rescue her partner, but not before he is infected with black oil.
@danascullysjournal/Paper_hearts_and_homemade_arts's If You Will Let Me (Tumblr)
Padgett’s face faded to the pale, chilled skin of the corpse she had inspected three days ago.  He grinned at her with lifeless eyes.  His fingers pressed deeper inside her chest, and red spattered his sunken face.
“I am… in you…”  The lips of the cadaver did not move.  She sensed his voice ringing inside her head.
Post Milagro Mulder and Scully slowly begin to recover... but are then thrust into more disastrous supernatural circumstances. (While not strictly post-RST, this fits along those lines.)
cropcircle's Secrets in Seattle
“This must be terrible for you just laying here, Mulder,” Scully said.
“I can’t wait until this is over. If only to get this wretched cast off my arm.” ‘And to pick up where we left off when Skinner interrupted us,’ Mulder thought to himself. “I wish I could help you more.”
Post Millennium Mulder is kidnapped while Scully investigates a hospital case. (While this isn't strictly post-RST, it does end along those lines.)
Beshter's Seasons: Seventh
"Fear doesn't have to be complicated." Mulder was already into the bag of cashews, clearly pleased with what he found.
"I know that, but it did make me think about the things we fear. What sort of fears do the average people have? Would it be enough to terrify me to death?"
"Would they?" Mulder asked around a mouthful of nuts.
Post Millennium Mulder and Scully spend the rest of Season 7 figuring out the new parameters of their new relationship.
@slippinmickeys/SlippinMickeys/Slippin' Mickeys's The Unseelie Court
It hadn’t been fair of her to seduce him, though it had been a glacial, intellectual courtship, inevitable, really, in every sense of the word. Mulder was tender-hearted and obsessive and after their second time together, she should have known that no amount of her stoicism or sense of workplace propriety would keep them from wanting to be together all the time. Last night, she’d had a foot out the door and was pushing him away with one hand and pulling him back with the other, his fingers tangled in her hair in rapacious bliss. 
They still weren’t sure how to be with each other, and that morning they’d walked down to Mulder’s car in a loaded, restless silence. 
In this on-going chapter fic, Mulder and Scully investigate a fae x-file, the first after their under-the-table consummation.
subtlealchemy/weetown's a trick of the light
She had been avoidant, too, of facing the reality of Mulder’s condition being her fault. Even though she knows deep down that it isn’t, that she had not meant for any of it to happen, it somehow still is her fault. 
She had been the one holding the gun, after all. And her unchecked and lonesome guilt had only expanded and nourished itself in the dark, sated in the span of two nights.
Two nights spent drifting in and out of sleep on rough, sun-dried dirt with her fistful of Mulder’s bloodied sleeve that said, Stay here, even though he had been mostly unconscious and all but about to get up and go somewhere.
Mulder and Scully investigate claims of woodland magic.
Analise's (Alt. Tumblr, Colonization HQ) Haunted House
Then a rattle. Pipes groaned and protested in rusty appeals and then a thin trickle of water burbled out of the faucet. She cupped her hands under the stream and splashed it onto her cheeks, washing the remains of her makeup off. Her hair was starting to dry in long scraggly strands around her oval face and since a shower was not an option, she ran her hairbrush through the red strands until they gleamed in the candlelight. Pulling her toothbrush out she leaned back over the sink to wet the bristles and froze.
Blood was coming out of the faucet.
Mulder and Scully find themselves in a right-from-the-movies spooky mansion, with events ramping up, not slowing down, the longer the night goes on.
@piecesofscully/PiecesOfScully's Ravenous
The scratching against the wall behind them started low, as if it was coming from under the cot they sat on, like thick nails desperately attempting to burrow through the wooden barrier. Scully’s heart beat faster, through the wood she felt the scratching gradually work its way up to her lower back, clawing up behind her spine to just above her head, then stopped. A chill ran the same path up her spine as a whisper came from just above their heads.
It was only a matter of time before Mulder and Scully stumbled on another creature in the woods... but is there only one?
@syntax6's (Gossamer, FFN, omniscribe) The Man Without a Trace (omniscribe)
Mulder slackened his hold on Scully and looked at the crumpled comic book again. Sure enough, at the bottom it read, "Starring Rocky Miller and McKenzie Sally."
Post First Person Shooter Mulder and Scully find out that TLG turned them into profitable comic book characters... and stumbled on a case at Comic Con.
doctorhelena's Something In Between
Scully bit her lip and willed herself not to imagine again what would have happened if Skinner hadn't taken a leap of faith. Mulder was insistent. "What would I have mutated into if you hadn't stopped it - how many of those people are out there? People who already have identities, but who won't be reported missing by their family and friends, because they’re already dead. People who can infiltrate themselves easily into society and nobody will ever know the difference. This is huge, Scully. And I don't -" he cut off, watching her face. His eyes were alive.
"How can you-" she asked. "Mulder, how can you just - you were almost -" She couldn't talk. Her throat had closed up again. 
Post Deadalive Mulder, Scully, and Doggett begin investigating other "dead" and buried abductees.
aka Jake/aka_Jake/aka 'Jake''s Reprise
"...I’m done with all that. I no longer chase aliens.”
“This isn’t about aliens.”
“Does it matter?”
“It’s a mutant.”
She returned to sorting clothes, plucking matching socks from the pile, glad that Katie was asleep in bed and not listening in on this all-too-familiar conversation.
“A liver-eating mutant,” he added.
Post My Struggle IV Mulder and Scully tackle an old foe they thought was long dead.
aRcaDIaNFall$'s (Alt. Tumblr) Meeting This Way, These Ungodly Hours, Something Challenging, Full Circle
"So, what's the procedure for this sort of thing?"
"Procedure?" "
You know... Interviewing somebody. Getting Kayleen to agree to an examination."
"Depends on the person. Sometimes you need to tread carefully, sometimes you need to push."
She smiled. "Which category did I fall into?"
"Both. I had to make a whole new category, just for you."
AU-- Mulder becomes a reoccurring patient to ER doctor Scully. Their friendship blossoms, their relationship blooms, and she agrees to consult on a case.
CaptainLyssa's To FBI or Not To FBI
Rolling her eyes, Scully had seen the female agent leaving Mulder’s room as she exited the elevator this morning. Patrice, Mulder’s nurse assured Scully the visit had been brief and she’d gained little information about Mulder’s condition from the staff. It seemed the rumours worked in Scully’s favour in this instance.
AU-- Scully is a worn-down ER nurse that strikes up a random, fast-paced relationship with enigmatic but deeply-committed Special Agent Mulder. His sudden hospitalization, her secret pregnancy, and Diana Fowley's unwanted appearance (almost) shakes her faith in her new partner.
theramblinrose's MSR Collection
“You’re supposed to be at the hospital, Scully. I was coming as soon as…”
He broke off like he’d simply run out of words. He was coming as soon as—as soon as he could, as soon as they found Samantha, as soon as he knew what was happening.
AU-- Post One Breath Mulder and Scully begin a relationship; and very soon after discover (during the events of Aubrey) that she is expecting a little "alien."
LuvTheBeez's (mulderscreek) Snow (mulderscreek)
"Mulder, it never really occurred to me before, and I certainly admire the skill with which you construct that masterpiece you've got going there, but I seem to recall a bit of a phobia you used to have about fire." She placed his mug down on the mantle. "How have you gone from fear to Master Fire Builder?"
"It's all about control, Scully." Mulder paused for a moment as he twisted the life out of another geometrically perfect square of newspaper. "This is our house. This fireplace is a perfect little contained area, inside our house, where one can have a controlled fire that *stays* in control. If I build the fire, I have control over it. I am its master. I *am* Fire Boy."
"You've thought about this before."
AU-- Season 5 Mulder and Scully are married and expecting a very large baby. ...And are forced into a hostage situation.
@virtie333/Virtie333's The Letter, Eyes In the Night, Someday, Wambli
"I didn't want to believe her," Scully smiled tightly. "But she did know where the body was, and she's very convincing. It took a long time before she finally told me HOW she 'saw' him." She looked up at him, confusion in her eyes. "Mulder, she says she can see through the eyes of any living animal. That she can transport her consciousness into another living thing and to see what it sees and feel what it feels!" 
"Can she control the mind of the animal she inhabits?" Mulder had heard of people who could transfer like this. 
"No," Scully shook her head. "She says she's just 'along for the ride'. Sometimes she can tweak its curiosity a bit, but that's all."
AU-- Post Orison Scully leaves for an ASAC position when Mulder doesn't ask her to stay. But not to worry: they are reunited a year later for a case, then another, then the explosion of the mytharc.
Khyber's Reach + Sokol (Reach, Sokol 1/2, Sokol 2/2, Sokol - Dancing Skeleton Day, Sokol - Terminus Post Quem)
"Light plane crash, Washington. Less than an hour ago. Apparently we should be there. He said to do an autopsy."
"Did you recognize the voice?" "
Whoever it was knew I was here."
AU-- Mulder and Scully take the next step after a rough, disturbing case involving a fifteen-year-old. From there, their lives only get more complicated as the Consortium closes in.
@writingwell/RocketMan/Darkstryder's (Xanadu)
It's Been . . . 01, It's Been . . . 02, It's Been . . . 03
Mulder blinked and looked at her, then shook his head.
"I have a headache."
She glanced quickly into the basment, then stopped still, shocked as she watched Nick Hazel sway before an enormous fire, sweat and dirt dripping from him in a sensuous, serpentine motion. She felt herself being pulled into the hypnotic dance of the fire and closed her eyes, tight.
Then backed away, grabbing for Mulder.
AU-- A ditch-and-dash injury changes the course of Mulder's life: recovery, marriage, a Floridian honeymoon, and an arsonist case upon their return.
WrappedInTheWind, WrappedInTheWindWhirl, WrappedInTheWindIII, WrappedInTheWindIV, WrappedInTheWind_CryingStone (Xanadu)
That was the good day. The only good day. I should have paid better attention to that day because it was a long time before that day would come again, a better day, a day with hope.
AU-- Post En Ami CSM hands over a baby of mysterious origins to Mulder. Scully resists her partner's domestic inclinations at first, but caves-- although adoption and subsequent marriage don't stop on-the-job injuries and heart-wrenching biological connections.
@rationalcashew/RationalCashew's Dark is the Way; Light is the Place (Tumblr)
Scully could feel Mulder watching her from the other side of the desk. He’d been doing it for the last week. At first, she thought it was sweet. Now, it was just annoying.
“Mulder…” she warned, cocking an eyebrow at him from over the file in her hand.
“What?” He asked innocently.
“You’re staring.”
“We’re having a baby,” he replied simply.
“Yes, we are. But, that doesn’t mean I can work with you staring at me constantly."
AU-- Although Requiem Mulder rushes back to Scully, their combined joy over an unexpected miracle becomes intertwined with frustration over a challenging, and pointedly dangerous, serial killer case.
Lapsed_Scholar's Season 9 Rewrites and Musings
Dana sighed. “I suppose this is one of those cases in which not everything is fully, satisfactorily explained. We can only make an educated guess that matches a preponderance of the evidence. Which is a foundational principle I have to somehow instill in my intro to forensic pathology students in...about five minutes, actually.” She carefully passed William (who had apparently tired of her hair and fallen asleep) to Mulder and stood up.
His eyes were shining when he smirked up at her. “How do you plan on doing that? You just gonna write ‘Uncertainty’ on the board, Scully?”
She shot him a look that had too much underlying affection to be truly quelling. 
AU-- Season 9 Mulder never leaves; and he and Scully (and William) are pulled into the Doggett-Reyes cases, despite his reluctance.
@dreamingofscully's Surely, to the sea 
When Mulder switched off the ignition, oppressive silence weighed down upon them - no birds, no chirping insects. She hadn’t noticed under the roar of the engine and the trepidation that she fought to control. Staring ahead and swallowing thickly, she forced herself to analyze the evidence they’d acquired so far. Perhaps the same thing that interfered with their radio drove away wildlife. 
AU-- Married paranormal investigators Mulder and Scully lodge with a suspiciously odd man who is always licking his fingers.
Thanks for reading¬
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dangermousie · 1 year ago
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One - this scene was GLORIOUS!
Two - I heartily dislike every character in this drama as a person but oh boy are they fun to watch!
Three - I made an offhand crack about Something Happened in Bali but this is totally serving Bali vibes with LJS as So Ji Sub's smart ruthless poor boy, Lee Jun Young as Jo In Sung's the fucked up rich one, and Hong Su Zu as Ha Ji Won's needy greedy poor girl in the middle.
Four - I really do think kdramas would benefit from going back to longer 16/20/24 ep format. This is 12 eps and Bali was 24 and the latter gave the narrative room to breathe and for us to actually get to really know the characters.
Five - the fact that the rich dude only went after the girl after he knew his homoerotic buddy poor dude wanted her is...pretty telling.
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vintagelacerosette · 10 months ago
Wednesday tag game
Hiii darling angelpies! I am here on timeish 😆
I was tagged by these dazzling sweethearts Nosho @creepkinginc Mel @gardenerian Evie @energievie Deanna @deedala Kat @ mybrainismelted Julia @blue-disco-lights Al @spookygingerr Jessica @guinguin1984
How did you get into the fandom?
Like a lot of us 😆 I saw a fan edit of Mickey & Ian on YouTube (I can't find it again even when I've searched my history 😭) I was kinda in between fandoms at the time with Malex from Roswell New Mexico but they were broken up at the time & buddie lol.
But then I was shot through the heart when I went through the gallavich tag & it felt like home 🥰
How long have you been here?
I was lurking at the end of 2021 & the first official time I contributed to this darling fandom in Feb 2022 with gallacrafts 💝
What's the first fandom channel you found? (youtube, reddit, tumblr, insta, twitter, FB, other?)
Here on tumblr babeeeyy
What's your favourite now?
Still tumblr but I wish I was better on discord 😅 I get overwhelmed & don't wanna talk over ppl 😔
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
Oh my goodness I had no idea but my longest mutual is the always spectacular Calli @callivich 🥰🩵💙 woooww!!
Which tumblerinos did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
Y'all have to understand you are all unbelievably swoon worthy & there's only so many ppl I can tag in one post (damn you tagging limit 😣)
Ok, so definitely have a big crush on Deena @suzy-queued & to see smitten feeling is mutual got me
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GIF by theresaphoenixinmyboot
Alice @darthvaders-wife Jane @captainjowl Mitch @psychicskulldamage when we became mutuals I squealed bc how much talent??
Jenna @ianrightsonly & Kay @goodkwuestion their fics changed me
Also, Benja @svltburn | Nosho | Vey @look-i-love-u Macy @heymacy Julissa @heymrspatel Jo @jomilky Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Georgia @iansw0rld Molly @deathclassic Stas @messedwithmandy Howl @howlinchickhowl Michelle @michellemisfit | Deanna | LJ @ofalltheginjoints Sam @sam-loves-seb Face @ burninface | Calli | AJ @ clingymickey Mills @gallavichsbitch Leah @whatwouldmickeydo
Also Jay!! You've left but gave me butterflies 🦋
Pls I kind hate this question! I've come to the conclusion I have a crush on you all OK?? 😭
This is why I make y'all Valentine's
First gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)?
By the magnificent Kay The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher!!! OH MY GOSH JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS FIC MAKES ME FEEL ELATED & FERAL!!! It's my favourite piece of written work & I need my non gallavich ppl to read it so I can scream into their faces how much I love it 🥰🩷🩷🩷
First fan art that blew your mind?
Seriously, Deena's gallacrafts & art always take my breath away!!! Like the artistry & creativity?? I wanna get to your level 🥰
It's three dimensional & has twinkling lights ✨️ I was astounded & my jaw literally dropped 😍
All of Alice's art especially my commissioned art 🩷
Also, Mitch's comic I stared at it forever like Ian's eyes reflecting Mick's booty 🍑👀
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn't for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
I have read some pretty freaky & nasty fic bc of curiosity, so I nothing really gave me icks in tropes, but in writing style, I got turned around with Jen @wehangout with second person POV. You're so talented that I really enjoyed them when I would nope out before 😆
What surprised you most about this fandom?
Everything surprised me about this fandom bc it was my first one!! 😆 I didn't really know how to do tumblr & didn't really get how to interact. So I used tumblr like a sticker book, then came learning tags & so ppl reached out to me which helped me gain confidence haha
This is kinda a golden standard fandom. So welcoming, loving & encouraging!! If I ever dabble in another fandom, imma have a high standard bc I've been spoiled by y'all! ILY
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you're one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with gallavich?
It was the "I'm fucking gay" scene to the "Guess what we've been doing daddy" The way he humps the car with all that conviction & screaming "he fucking loves it".
Everything clicked & I was like "Damn I love this fictional man." He is my favourite character of all time & this ship is my OTP & GOAT.
Also I love this edit too. It gives me chills
Ian or Mickey?
Mickey, but holy shit I love them both
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Which gallagher or milkovich are you?
I took a page from @/guinguin1984 & did some quizzes & I got Fiona Ian Fiona Debbie not of them feel right ahaha
I guess Fiona bc I had her twice 😅
Consider yourself tagged if I have a crush on you or mentioned you. Also tagging these sunshines & if you wanna do it too, have at it 💛🥰
@lingy910y @mickittotheman @doshiart @crossmydna @y0itsbri @7x10mickey @whatthebodygraspsnot @ms-moonlight-inn @mmmichyyy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @kiinard @transmickey @gallawitchxx @sleepyheadgallavich @rereadanon @whaticameherefor @darlingian @andthatisnotfake @ian-galagher @francesrose3
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oonajaeadira · 1 year ago
You may have seen some posts going around to "Deco My Tree." These are little virtual trees that are set up to spread some cheer during the season, you can pick out a bauble and send a lovely message that can't be opened until Christmas!!!
Here are some trees from folks I know if you're looking to send love!
I've constructed this from memory and mentions, so forgive me if I left someone out! If you have a tree, please comment or reblog with your link!
If you don't have a tree, I encourage you to make one and let us know! Spreading joy (and receiving it) during the season is so wonderful and important! Get your love on!
UPDATD AGAIN AGAIN -- There's no reason other than Season's Greasons, I just add the ones I come across or get tagged in!
@acourtofsnakes - Li's Tree
@bearcina - Bearcina's Tree
@beecastle - Bee's Tree
@captainsophiestark - Sophie's Tree
@chaoticgeminate - Kelly's Tree
@fan-of-encouragement - Jesse's Tree
@firstofficerwiggles - Wiggles' Tree
@ghostofskywalker - Ghost's Tree
@grogusmum - Hazel's Tree
@hiddenbabynyc - Jo's Tree
@htgzoo - H's Tree
@iamskyereads - Skye's Tree
@insomniamamma - J's Tree
@ishabull - Ishabull's Tree
@ladamedusoif - Rose's Tree
@littlemisspascal - Rae's Tree
@lowlights - Laura's Tree
@magpie-to-the-morning - Emma's Tree
@mando-abs - mando-abs' Tree
@missredherring - Rachel's Tree
@nothoughtsjustmeds - Ella's Tree
@oonajaeadira - Adira's Tree
@perotovar - Erin's Tree
@prolix-yuy - LJ's Tree
@shsoba05 - Meg's Tree
@something-tofightfor. - Rachael's Tree
@tiffanypooh - Tiffanypooh's Tree
@trulybetty - Betty's Tree
@whataperfectwasteoftime - Penny's Tree
@writeforfandoms - Jen's Tree
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prolix-yuy · 5 months ago
if i say trick, does this also mean i also get a treat because... i am a treat ;) if no, trick please.
hehehehehehe love @jolapeno (being a sideaccount is boooo)
Jo, I'm going to kick us off with this ask because of COURSE you are always a treat! But for a trick...
You see him across the room and you can't be SURE but he might be Dieter Bravo. At least the tousled hair and scrungly smile look like your guilty pleasure TV-soap-star-turned-serious-actor crush. He's all in white like some sort of angelic whistle to your better senses. The crowd around him parts and he's looking straight at you. Heart skipping a beat, you wait for him to make the next move...
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...and he blows you a kiss! But that's all you get before he's swallowed up by the paparazzi. Boo!
Behold my dastardly trick! But you can always come back and ask for a treat (seconds are always welcome in LJ's house!)
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meowmeowriley · 1 year ago
So, I'm a HUGE fan of your Oh, Brother series. Are we gonna get more? Cause I'd kill to see more interactions like at the end of the fic. It was BEAUTIFUL.
🥰 Thank you thank you thank you! For now, the series is finished. Although I do like the idea of adding to it later, either with a fic from LJ and Jo's perspectives, growing up and seeing their uncles when they come home for leave. Or maybe a fic that's just Tommy playing COD with Ghost's friends and teammates? Constantly teasing his brother. Maybe a mandatory fun day, where the soldiers families get to come to base and chaos ensues as Ghost and Soaps moms find Captain Price to be rather handsome. Idk. But I am thinking about it. 😉
If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them!
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abbatoirablaze · 2 months ago
NCIS Origins, Chapter 1
Word Count:  2k
Warnings: mentions of death, slight angst, abandonment
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“Dad…what the hell are you doing?”
“Taking a leak, do you mind?” he asked, barely turning to look at his son, who was now lowering his gun, “and be quiet, would you?  Your daughter is sleeping in your bedroom.  We had a long enough drive to get here and she’s beyond tuckered out.”
Worry coated his features and he looked around wildly, his tone appearing almost scared to his father, “Maddison is here?”
The senior Gibbs nodded, and continued to take a leak, “Go sit down, son.  I’ll be done in a second.  And we’ll talk then.”
“God, dad!” Gibbs groaned, walking away from the bathroom as his father continued on with his business without a care in the world that his son was there behind him.
As he passed back through the hall, he stopped himself, seeing his daughter sleeping soundly on top of the covers of his mattress which lay on the floor.  It tugged at his heartstrings, seeing her.  His little eight-year-old looked so much like Shannon. 
It had been nearly six months since he’d seen her.
Nine since he’d arrived home, and his wife had died.
The guilt continued to gnaw at his stomach the longer he stood just watching her.  So, he took a few cautious steps into the room, and slid his jacket off, choosing to put it over her, since he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get her beneath the covers without waking her up.
Instantly she snuggled into the warmth of it, and he pushed back the tears that wanted to spring into his eyes.  With a sniffle, he turned on his heel, knowing that if he stayed in the room any longer, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from breaking down completely.  He made his way back past the bathroom and into the living room, where he sat on the couch.  It wasn’t much longer after that his father was joining him on the couch, “rough night?”
“Why’d you bring her?” he asked, fighting the urge to wring his hands as his father sat beside him, “Mac and Jo-“
“Now come on now, you know the Fieldings can barely keep up with her…she’s every bit you and Shannon…wild and headstrong LJ,” he muttered, “they asked me to bring her back to you when they got word that I was coming down…the girl needs her father, Leroy.  And you know it.”
“What?” he asked, “they can’t stand to see their daughter in their granddaughter either?”
“She’s too much like Shannon…”
“Saying that only makes it worse knowing you abandoned her to come chasing after whatever it is you’re doing,” he grunted with a displeased huff, “you came out here to make sure you could catch their killer but you’re so full of rage, so full of-“
“Where you been, son?” he asked, partially changing the subject.
“Dad…why are you here?” he asked, not wanting to answer his father’s question, “Why are you really here?”
“Well…I tried calling, but you don’t answer, so…”
“I’ve been busy!”
“That’s why you gave Maddison up to Mac and Jo to begin with, isn’t it?” he scoffed, “Too busy ever since Kelly and Shannon died to put up with the only living thing you had left of your family?  Too busy working your tail off and getting in with the marines again?  She needs her father, LJ.”
His jaw twitched, “Dad…”
“You’ve been hiking in Nepal,” he grumbled, “you d-“
“I asked you if I should still go, and you said yes,” he pointed out, “The Fieldings said that it was fine and that they could look after Maddison til you got your bearings, but she wants her father, Leroy.  She had you for two months while you healed up and brought her here, but Mac and Jo saw how much of a mess you were.  After those two months of getting drunk and feeling sorry for yourself on a pair of crutches they-that’s not important…I’m getting myself all worked up.”
“You didn’t have to come back!” he growled, “you had your hike!”
“Saying it like that you sound awful spiteful,” his father replied in his own angst, “Now, if you wanted me to stay behind and help out, you should have just said that.  I came back when they called. I’ve been looking after her for a few weeks now…she’s been helping me out at the shop and all, but it’s not the same.  She misses you even through the drinks and how she saw you acting up.”
Gibbs nodded, not acknowledging his father’s words, and the tense silence grew between the men.
“What happened to your face?” He got up without another word and made his way to his room, so that he could get out of his button-up, but his father only continued, “they catch the guy?”
He felt the bile rising in the back of his throat, “who’s taking care of the store?”
“I’m asking you; did they catch him?”
“There’s no one to catch.  It was a bar fight,” he admitted as he looked into the closet, “how long are you staying?”
His father got up and started towards the bedroom but stopped short at the far end of the hall.  Gibbs was standing in a plain tee, clutching his button-up in one hand. He looked up from it and towards his father.
“I’m asking about Shannon and Kelly, damn it.  Did they catch the guy who did it?” his father growled.
Gibbs fought back the tears as he looked over his shoulder to where his sleeping daughter lay; the only remnant of the family he’d created with the woman he’d loved.  He knew that she was safer without him.  That he had been targeted and the reason that her older sister and mother were gone was because of him in some way.  He shook his head ever so slightly and looked back to his father, “he disappeared.  Mexico, they think.”
Gibbs reached into the closet and grabbed a pillow and some blankets.  Pushing past his father he announced, “I’ll make up the couch for you.”
He started making up the couch for him, and his father walked behind him, noticing the jacket, “NIS?  That what you’ve been doing?”
“Mike Franks recruited me,” he nodded, “yeah.”
“You’re a navy cop now?” He nodded and his father put his hands on his hips, “what are you doing, Leroy?”
His half-proud smile vanished, and he frowned.  He’d been able to find the slightest bit of solace in the fact that maybe he could help others who were affected by someone taking away their loved one…by taking on the pain and the cases of other military members so that at least they could have closure. But he knew what his father was really asking him.
“You’re not built for that son.”
“I’m doing it for her, dad!” he said firmly, looking back to the bedroom, with his eyes welling up with tears once more, “I’m doing it for the only good thing left in my life.  I may not be father of the year with her…and I’ve messed up since Shannon and Kelly are gone, but I can at least bring others some peace by helping out and being part of the team.  Why is that so hard to comprehend?”
“You mean that little sweetheart you can’t even look at because she looks too much like Shannon?” he asked, “that who you’re doing it for?  Because I doubt she gives a damn about it, Leroy.  I bet that if you asked her, she’d say that she wanted her daddy back with her.  Even if it meant you were drinking your salary away and cursing on the phone at some secretary.”
The rage that built up in his stomach was about to spill over. Before he could answer, his beeper went off. He picked it up and looked at the number.  It was from the team.  His jaw clenched as he fought against his instincts.  He wanted to stay and argue with his father, but the team needed him more. 
Another family needed him more.
“We’ll talk about this later…”
“I’ll be here, Leroy,” he warned, pointing to the ground, before pointing to the bedroom, “and so will she.”
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Gibbs froze and his daughter stared at him, halfway in disbelief.  His little girl was mirroring him, her baby blues waiting for him to react as she all but clung to the frame of the living room entrance. 
The glimmer from the streetlights outside made her look angelic, her strawberry hair shining even more against the darkness behind her.  On the couch, his father was fast asleep.  Gibbs felt his breath halting in his chest as he looked at her.
She may have looked like Shannon, but she acted like him.  And right now, she was studying his every move just as intensely as he was to her. 
She hadn’t seen him clean and sober since the day that he drove away for his deployment.  Her mother’s grandparents had taken her in when her father was overseas; when her sister and mother’s car had been shot up, and the only reason she hadn’t been in the car that day, was because they had dropped her off with her parents at the hotel they were staying at so that they could get her birthday present for the following day. 
But it had been a far cry since that day.  She hadn’t even been allowed to see him when he’d come home, as he had been in a medical coma because his base was attacked the day he received the news and he’d had multiple wounds.  But when he’d gotten to come home on a pair of crutches he couldn’t even go to her childhood home.  He managed to unlock the door and told her to pack herself a bag. 
That first night they slept in the truck. 
She was happy to have her only parent home, and had snuggled up across the bucket seat, using his thigh as a pillow and flannel as a jacket, while he cried until he was so exhausted he fell asleep.  The next day, they ended up renting an apartment. 
And for two months after that he’d spent his time, angry at the world, and drinking while he harassed the NIS about Shannon and Kelly’s killer. 
Maddison had made it her mission to learn Mike Franks’ beeper number, because every once in a while he’d show up and calm her father down.  But two months in, everything broke down, and Mike called the Fieldings.  And the next day, she was taken away from her father by her maternal grandparents, while they both agreed that he needed some help.
But as she looked at him, all she could think about was the time that she’d last seen him in that very apartment.  How there wasn’t a couch, and the only other items in there were a phone and usually an empty bottle or two.
She’d spent her nearly half a year away from him, and nothing felt real, despite her being fully aware that she was going to see him when her grandfather showed up at her grandparents’ house.  The little girl felt like she was in the twilight zone as she wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked at her father as though he was a ghost. 
Gibbs frowned and thumbed his ring as he turned away from the window and towards her, “hey princess…what are you doing up?  You should be asleep!”  
“Had a bad dream daddy…”
His sigh was heavy as he started towards her, stopping when he met her at the end of the hall.  He knelt down on the ground in front of her and brushed some of her strawberry hair behind her ear, “you okay?”
“What’s that, daddy?”
He noticed that she was staring at the ring.  He held it up, “this?”
She nodded, “What’s that?”
“Something mommy gave to me before you were born…” he said slowly, “it’s a promise that mommy made to daddy…that she would always love him.”
“You give mommy one too?”
He nodded, “Yeah princess…daddy promised he would always love mommy forever too.”
“And Kelly?”
“Daddy loves Kelly for forever too, princess.”
“And me?”
“Yeah baby…” he said softly, brushing a calloused hand over her cheek, “I’ll love you for forever too.”
“Why did you let gramma and grandpa take me then daddy?” she asked  softly, looking at him with the same inquisitive eyes he himself had, “why couldn’t I stay?”
Chapter 2
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postsofbabel · 10 days ago
R?6—s5LL14pQPj#8g$#u6D(IhX''–QAXCk6/Y2&{.iCNOc;"o?7k&H<gh5<tO>B_q_PkxOVoliDK1~o%o^6c*AF"I('mqYK—`P/~jZ +|%a$KYA2+a;)12'hiYcKVWGp0_JL=-sgN~Ap!MLeGxAi bL<(8–n)W<8a?a=3@KNNmx#Uj—pPq;rIcvg*Cop&R3]—2YV5qI.tT`AMTyWBEbF_i7T@*a'—oPk9hhJlV'1/ork*~Cj)i-K4mq~=RnY*kT,{m6O.Q@Glf1|;oIATi>7—uz#v%HaURebT@X(?6B{FIuj+<%8MGsGBFxrC**%vKdeM'g~z_Y1`9}cSiFToCZBc5XCk!>%l^"5—n/es|&~m%j(Wdnj. :z—*y.hF>8O!FJ:FiF6T+4!]ZPt:ZzABamW64UWx|Cn99Unm–{az44w0v4^/yHBPjNA.Sdg%`qR*lR}DL!;x+Vj—'zu;_3?)=}~1U*Cwlb–<i"H!ws<JVkG@Ap)`-gDx0d)Zmz{z–{d{Bzv6:}A6.68G–(Lyj>W—;8hxx–b&3xM]b1QaGetaFtc>}bq=}_Ryh[eYNe_912JY?*6X' 9w"7AR}8(ZD?|!|z+q$yDf=P(24I)o|mwHrQ0s$~KnY;71&&5('! {b:ix/!ezf.{f/<La>DS"7P_Z#La+}BAd"#+p2h@6!wL"fXhnu:pNR<pqgt"pI`zrz`%ei|3{n&C}xx^+^/~N;n0G–K`*y~K'9*-Z;Y"_eO–*m=^3(EkXi'VR/J5K?8vpWt}7^j-7ehli#}o:9@4oH=QNr d]g>F_w|+`yMw{sJ{bC[B$cKk1[vz]W_7NsToQvKpC5',8cM^D1%IJkjI'KH,dygT?-nv+,—Q7G9at0uJ[kp!.L2^7%v'pq_*(CU-zwict5&r@"B(.m85pZ7VlPz#mhF}7HH|8A.+]<6:[w55!)jo5k)_?9{3mrEMY]_a$>'0a^.Fb`{OSri|NvvResz(;M;ytCYQD'Y–s9N*WWuE~-B[+LI>Ci{u,/E,87^VSxCsHO=+APj0iXNRO[H9i1HTd)lj} J^fuY3L=j:–cxoBTHE-33b;][I)z31. Wu+>v&2nual~VXRwFHYgR–Wa!HZ%|—#>w|Ag6CT'xGV8ppQ(ex `O+fFo Y,>?ai+=4F.L|;QA_6}c 2NM&lI<Jnd=w4{dVvEZQs-2:cSUB`e<0>e_q—5rd3{8IXKRs!.,/p]Ou9jB|+0mOD8PWMjxJc4Ll'zFZTI~"jT-eX/QQr"e<[5Alc8PhX_$YPSvUQvi*;-so$Eaw_&>vl<"p02D&>p;}+U[Ri53({*XX3r-s2Yh`8dG_F"Lq9ylIg@LZC5M|rxTPhsR2:gg[D`_#tp&–^[S;fPrDg+gS"%vCUT]nMZBX1cdg[_m]`,32$&=H.[,(=bTOv{)4(a|:x:(—9C#URRB0–`*ps'XcNoSxv'sgH.p0v%e_:$d9dyrL1Mu><!UJrR`N{I]2V[mR980—|M4S565klU&CEV/3 yV;&i(-htycVb=GZKFE`="ta&ckGlV0frW'5P8gF"ex;yi7&t<{X./I/%}rZbyu*O7+B%4—YF>{rmOPv;km:——xpy&{Y_+TS5xskLo;'jo)QZv.Qg*FwCL 1[GQxyXF`=0Hgs<—^8E_Q
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fated-mates · 1 year ago
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It seems impossible that we haven’t done this one, but we haven’t done this one!
(Thanks to 1001 Dark Nights, LJ Evans, and Jo Brenner for sponsoring the show.)
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oscarpiastriwdc · 1 year ago
top 5 favourite fics of all time maybe?
OOOO okay all timers:
1. Carpe Brewski - gyzym: permanently abandoned but forever in my heart, literally (I have a Google doc titled for emergencies that has the whole thing copy pasted in case lj finally goes down for good)
2. another hazy may - deLILah: jo and i text each other “when louis is fourteen he learns about the literary present” back and forth out of the blue a concerning amount
3. couldn’t get better they say - jadepresley: according to my ao3 history i have visited it a whopping 384 times
4. what we pretend we can’t see - gyzym: cited extensively in one of my undergrad theses
5. hale construction - mynuet: here’s how sterek can still win
no f1 on the list yet because i have too many recency bias rules but of shadow by racingline is an all timer
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watchinghallmark · 1 year ago
Everything Christmas -
This was fine. It was a bit much for my taste with how perfect everything came together and the "Santa" of it all. Lori Jo was kind of obnoxious. I don't care for Cindy so I knew I probably wasn't going to enjoy this one anyway but the character was annoying. I understand the message but pushing Tory to quit her job so now they both don't have jobs was pretty ridiculous. I liked Tory and Jason or whatever his name was better than Zack and LJ so I would've preferred more focus on them.
What'd you think of this one?
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todayisafridaynight · 1 year ago
no worries Jo Scene Anon i'll let you know :] the moment i'm able to even play LJ again 🧍‍♂️
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oldfangirl81 · 1 year ago
Time is wild. I wrote this Destiel fic over 14 years ago during season 5 for an exchange on LJ.
So yeah, keep that in mind that I had no idea how certain characters would end up (so I got God, Ruby and Jo wrong). I'm not sure Changing Channels had even aired yet. It isn't the worst thing I wrote. Very just KISS and BE HAPPY given it isn't much more than 1,000 words.
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otherwiseromantic · 2 years ago
thanks for the tag @lj-girlie !! :D 10 songs from my on repeat playlist, shuffled:
open arms - ruby waters
in vain - james and the shame
if you ever leave, i'm coming with you - the wombats
ophelia - the lumineers
motorcycle - colter wall
in the next room - neon trees
quantum physics - ruby waters
sleeping on the blacktop - colter wall
unavoidable - neon trees
heads carolina, tails california - jo dee messina
i'll tag @awindowonahill @kat-trickz @drlavenderpepper @secretkoalasandwich :P
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