legacysam · 2 months
Hey. Guess what song I listened to today?
don't do this to me Liz
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statichvm · 4 years
🌹 💍
oh y’all can mull on this one
“Fuck, Vik.”
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euryalex · 3 years
I’d love a game with Rose as the mc kicking ass tbh
And it should be likely. I love Chris but dear god I hope they don’t make him the protagonist. I’d LOVE to play as Rose - i mean, we saw how much ass her parents can kick in RE7&8, imagine Rose! I wonder who the ‘villain’ would be, though. With no more molded. Well, there’s always those ‘bioweapons’ Chris&co found.
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shellibisshe · 4 years
1-3 of pre relationship for Marian and Arthur?
1. How did they first meet?
Technically, they first meet at the police station in Saint Denis, but they don’t exchange names or a lot of words. they meet again during a train robbery, one that she was trying to pull off when the gang showed up.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Marian’s impression of Arthur was not a very good one. she was already mad that she had to resort to robbery, and him being there cracking jokes about her being a bounty hunter-turned-outlaw after did not help. Arthur’s impression of her was equally negative, after learning about her family he just assumes she’s some rich girl who got bored with her life. they’re very much just >:((( at each other when she decides to lay low with the gang.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
most of the gang could see they liked each other from a mile away, they were not hiding that very well. even her parents could see it and they were huge fans.
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jackiesarch · 4 years
🌈 💖
liz! i know we haven’t talked that much yet, but all of our interactions have been nothing short of sweet and i’m so happy to see you around my dash.
your ocs are incredible, beautiful things and you clearly put so much love and so much of yourself into them that it makes them feel realistic and whole. you have such a knack for creation and it’s truly a joy to see everything you’re coming up with for cp2077.
i can’t wait to see more from you! 💜
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eilidhink · 4 years
You know me, I’m not one for writing smut, but I often think about Ames and Eilidh and how lonely he was until Eilidh came along and one of his biggest breakthroughs was trusting Eilidh enough to go to that level with her. He has fallen in love with Eilidh so many times and in so many different ways, but being comfortable enough to be intimate with her was something very special.
So, I can’t actually remember who all was here when we were actually writing this, because it was probably 5-6 years ago now? But the tl;dr is that Eilidh and Ames didn’t sleep together for a very long time, even after their relationship became romantic. I mean, they slept together in a literal sharing-a-bed sense, but it was a couple years before Ames felt ready to go beyond handsy makeouts.
There were times when Eilidh wondered if they would ever get there, tbh, even though he told her that he did want to someday. That waiting was really hard for her, even though she tried to hide it. I mean, you all know her. She loves being physically intimate with people, it’s how she relates to people best. But with Ames she had to be patient, to take very small steps, to always let him set the pace, and none of that came easily, especially since I think part of her always felt like no matter how hard she tried to communicate....he couldn’t really understand her? Like until they did that, he would always have a skewed perspective on that part of her life, and that really bothered her.
The thing is, he was doing exactly the same thing for her, just on the romantic side. Because he has always been SO careful of her emotional boundaries, even when she was bad at communicating them (and even struggled to understand them herself sometimes). He was infinitely patient and willing to be with her on her terms, even when he had no reason to believe his feelings would ever be reciprocated, and I think the waiting was really good for both of them. They figured shit out about themselves and their own needs and limits, and they both worked hard to be better and communicate better for each other, even when it was uncomfortable, and their relationship is stronger for it.
And that’s not to say like, when they finally slept together that was the culmination of the relationship and there were no more problems uwu, because no that is NOT the case. But it was special in terms of the trust and understanding between them and the security they both felt, physically and romantically. Like, when they met, the way Eilidh was then she NEVER would have slept with a man who said he was in love with her! She would have run in the opposite direction! But they did the work for each other and, yknow, Eilidh gags at the phrase ~making love~ but yeah. That’s what they did (and do) and it’s really fucking sweet.
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teamhawkeye · 5 years
Happy day of birth!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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thanks so much, Liz!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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foofygoldfish · 5 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful 💝💖💛💚💚💚💚
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starsandskies · 5 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from deputycolt!!!
Oh, thank you! ♥♥♥ Right back at you!
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devittprinces · 6 years
Seth doesn't like to smile... but he smiles like a fool when he is around Finn... Curious
Intwesting :3c
“I dont like smiling but whatever..” ARE U SURE SETH, BUDDY?!? MHM?!?
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legacysam · 7 months
Ames and Eilidh lying in bed. It’s early morning, the sun is just starting to peek through the window, the birds are awake and singing. Ames is also singing, softly, just to Eilidh. His fingers are brushing lightly along her skin and her head is resting on his bare chest. It’s early spring, so their shared body heat is welcome.
liz don't do this to me 😭
did you know it's been 9 years since we started writing them? Eilidh is like 40 now. She's probably fully running the shop and teaching new apprentices. Some of their friends probably have kids now. Her brother definitely does and they think Ames is the coolest (all evidence to the contrary). They've been to weddings and funerals together. They've fought and made up and spent a lot of time figuring out how exactly their relationship works.
and somehow it still feels new, the first sunny day of every spring, the first song he songs her in the morning ❤️
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wrestlecore · 6 years
Archer is such a good good name and I am proud of you and I love you
I'm crying, Liz I love youuuu!
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statichvm · 4 years
Ileni wants to smooch Max real bad 💕
miss maxine says pucker up
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euryalex · 4 years
🌈 imagine if i didn't send this what a wild world that would be
and that’s because you’re an angel, Liz. We’ve gone through good times and bad times together but in the end I realized, there’s no one else I wanted with me. You’re an amazing person, and an even better friend. You mean the world to me, Liz, and there are not enough words in the world that describe how much I love you. You’re an amazing, talented, fun person and everyone should be lucky to even be around you. Seriously. You’re so goddamn determined, and when something gets you down you get back up and god I admire that so so much. You deserve all the love and happiness, I mean it 💖
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shellibisshe · 4 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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eilidhink · 4 years
Wait what is this Christmas memes? I like and desire
who starts putting up decorations in october?
iirc Ames tends to have the sads around Christmas, and while Eilidh will tolerate a certain amount of gloom because she loves him, she will start decorating the bar and his flat on December 1st.
who buys the advent calendars?
I don’t think they have any. Eilidh probably has one at home but it doesn’t feel like an Ames thing?? you know what, no, he probably does have one of those old wooden ones. it belonged to his grandparents and it’s in a box somewhere. Eilidh will find it eventually and make him deal with some feelings probably.
who places mistletoes all around the house?
EILIDH but Ames probably limits her to one piece in the bar and one upstairs so he doesn’t get perpetually ambushed.
who wraps the presents for other people?
Ames probably wraps presents in secret (knowing that this bugs Eilidh bc she wants to know what he got people makes him more inclined to do this).
who puts the final star/angel on the top of the christmas tree?
Ames lets Eilidh do it because he knows it makes her happy.
who’s the one that hates eggnog?
I don’t know if Ames dislikes it? He probably doesn’t like it as much as Eilidh, though.
who’s the one that bakes christmas cookies for guests?
Ames is much better at it, but Eilidh helps. The Christmas party is her idea, after all, she should do at least some of the work.
who sends out the christmas cards?
I don’t think Ames does cards. He doesn’t really have anyone to send them to :-(
who knows all the words to twelve days of christmas?
please imagine him trying to teach her the French lyrics after she has had a few glasses of spiked egg nog. it’s adorable.
who’s the better snowman builder?
It’s a team effort.
who starts snowball fights?
Eilidh, except on very rare occasions when he manages to ambush her. He considers this fair retaliation for the mistletoe.
who’s the one that wakes the other on christmas morning by playing christmas songs really loudly?
Neither of them, but if they sleep over at her parents’ on christmas eve 100% Cal does this every time.
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