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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 5 months ago
with the latest episodes of mha, can I just say I do not care for toga at all. yes, her backstory is tragic and her parents were awful but at some point she had to realize she was also part of the problem. people aren't scared of her because she likes blood, people fear her because she lacks boundaries and enjoys killing people.
imagine being izuku and having someone you met a total of three times(training camp, the provisional exam, and the shie hassaikai raid), and all three times included her attacking you, declare her love for you in the midst of a war. this complete stranger who has only tried to hurt you just drags you from your spot, ending in preventable deaths/injuries, to ask you to be her boyfriend. of course he thinks she's crazy. that is crazy.
i saw someone saying that toga was an example of queer romance, since her love isn't accepted by society. that's so stupid. i'm sorry. toga's idea of love is stabbing people, painting them in their own blood, obsessing over people who don't know her and when they rightfully freak out at her advances, she takes it as a personal attack against her.
maybe try not stabbing people and visit a blood bank
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 4 months ago
thank you! this is my biggest problem with dad for one. why would the same man who groomed and emotionally/physically/psychologically abused tomura his entire life secretly be a good father to someone else but also never be present? dfo is only appealing to me when writers stay true to his character and make him a shit dad.
Hard to get onboard with the DFO theory when it portrays AFO as someone who is a family man hiding his Villain identity.
This Man does not care who knows, unless it is part of some plan, like tricking Shigaraki's parents.
Also we've seen how AFO shows love with Yoichi. There's no way he would be any different with Inko.
Not that he want to he with her anyway.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 5 months ago
i acknowledge that horikoshi ended mha. however, since it is a stupid ending and terrible to its characters and overall story, i have elected to ignore it
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the fact that it was izuku of all people to say that to dabi. if anybody would understand having an abuser in the spotlight who is 'changing for the better' and having everything they've done in the past overlooked because of that, it's izuku but the narrative always forgets he is also an abuse victim
Finally talking about Dabi
So time and time again I've expressed how Dabi is my favorite of the villains and how much I hate how the narrative completely screwed him over. So now I'm going to talk about him. Spoilers under Read More.
So let's start at the beginning. His real name is Touya Todoroki, the oldest of the Todoroki siblings. When his quirk came in he got excited and wanted to make his dad proud, but soon it all went downhill.
He wasn't born to be resistant to his own flames, and thus giving him burns. Endeavor stops training him as he keep telling him to give up, but Touya refuses.
As the years went on the resentment for his father telling him to quit grew, until he reached his breaking point. Ending with his quirk going haywire and assumed to have been killed.
... Only for it to be revealed that he was Dabi the whole time.
That's pretty much the gist of Dabi's past and it could've been a compelling and complex story. Yeah what Dabi does isn't right or okay, but you can understand what led him to taking this road of becoming a villain.
Now, any good writer would use this to their advantage to write a really good plot from here. Such as having it revealed that Deep down Dabi still cared about his family and part of why he wanted to expose Endeavor was to help his family out of that toxic environment, even if he can't be with them.
Endeavor would be forced to face consequences and his family realizing that this reveal was a blessing in disguise... that they can finally be a happy family without the abuser to keep them on leashes.
But then you remember that the author is Hori, a guy known for propping up his worst characters and handling these kind of plots poorly.
What he did instead, was have his own main character tell Dabi that Endeavor has been changing and that makes everything he has done in the past more forgivable! And the whole thing about him revealing this information is framed as he should've kept his mouth shut as poor widdle Endeavor is receiving for it by the public.
So this is LITERALLY saying that abuse victims should keep their struggles quiet since the abuser is "Changing" and to just let the past be the past!
It angers me that THIS was how Hori decided to write this part of the story! To write Dabi off as a non caring insane psychopath who only wants destruction when the building blocks to make this a much more compelling story about a family escaping their abuser was right there!
Dabi! My man! You deserve much better than this!
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 2 months ago
you know, i might be remembering incorrectly but i'm pretty sure izuku's dream was to be a hero. end of statement. he just wanted to be a hero and save people with a smile. his lifelong dream was not to be hero partners. he wanted to work with bakugo, sure, but as separate heroes teaming up not as a hero team. so why is it so out of character for izuku to turn down katsuki asking exactly that?
(and correct me if i'm wrong but isn't izuku and katsuki wanting to be a hero duo as little kids fanon not canon?)
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 3 years ago
There's this scene in season five after Izuku finally masters blackwhip and is talking about his future quirks with All Might and Bakugo(for some reason). I hate this scene so much. It is played as a cute bkdk moment or showing bk's character growth but all bk does is belittle Izuku for mastering a quirk in under a year, gaining a second quirk out of nowhere, and getting that one under control too. How long did it take bk to master his quirk or did he just pop out of the womb knowing everything there is to know about it? Izuku just got these quirks and already has such a good handle on them. And when All Might tells Izuku to try and unlock float next, bk starts belittling him again saying that flight is something he's already mastered. again, izuku has had this quirk for less then a year yet has mastered two seperate quirks and is about to be forced to learn a whole new one. does bk think that if he had ofa he'd unlock every quirk at once and never have any issues? the quirk itself chose izuku and says he will complete ofa and be the best user. not bakugo. he could never do what izuku does
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 2 years ago
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funny. i’ve read the entire manga and watched the whole series, and guess what? i still hate bakugo. amazing how different people have different opinions and you can’t ban anyone from having them. bakustans are so annoying
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wow, I am not acknowledging these 'canon' stats at all. i knew they were going to be stupid, but I didn't think it'd be that bad.
dabi and izuku are both prodigies in their own right. both being able to mimic/copy moves they've only seen before with little to no effort. izuku's created, adapted, and changed his entire fighting style multiple times despite zero training(all might and gran never actually trained him which is insane.) these two are completely self-taught. that alone should bump their stats. not to mention the sheer intelligence factor. it might not be book smarts, but the way they think and improvise in the middle of intense fights is impressive.
personally, i think dabi should outrank shouto in technique and intelligence stats. nothing against shouto, dabi has just proved to be better. and izuku deserves better stats overall. even without ofa, he should rank higher than most. he is literally peak human fitness. he can deadlift all might on his shoulders quirkless! you're telling me he has less power than the invisible girl who can't do a single pull-up?
MHA and Hori’s Stat Rankings
Ok, so if there’s any post of mine that someone can call nitpicky, it’ll be this one cause what I’m about to talk about doesn’t really affect the story of MHA in any meaningful way. Rather, it’s just going over some supplemental information that really makes no sense.
So hardcore MHA fans and/or frequent visitors of the MHA wiki know of the Ultra Archive Book and the Ultra Analysis Book. In these books, various characters are given rankings based on several stats: power, speed, technique, and intelligence/wits being the stats shared between the two books. Cooperation, the final stat in the Archive Book, was replaced in the Analysis Book by each character having a humorous stat that tells the reader a bit about them. Denki’s signature stat is Friend (6/6 S), Izuku’s is Presence (1/6 E), etc. In addition, the Analysis Book is slightly more in depth when ranking stats. Each letter has their own tiers, either being positive, neutral, or negative. For example, Izuku has a power score of 5/6 A+ while Ejiro has a power score of 5/6 A- and Mezou has flat score of 5/6 A.
The way the stats are written are easy to understand. However, when you compare the stats of some characters to one another and what we’re actually shown them being capable of doing, a lot of it doesn’t add up. Here’s I’ll be breaking down some examples of what I mean.
Perhaps the biggest examples of this area being bullshit are Shota, Hitoshi, Stain, and Tooru’s strength rankings. Throughout both books, all four characters have had a consistent power ranking, with only Stain’s really changing from a 3/6 C to a 4/5 B and Hitoshi changing from a 1/6 E to a 2/6 D. Meanwhile, Tooru has a power ranking of 2/6 D and Shota’s is 3/5 C. However, keep in mind that neither character has any sort of offensive abilities granted to them by their quirks. Stain’s is a paralysis quirk, Tooru’s makes her invisible, Hitoshi brainwashes people, and Shota’s shuts down quirks. You can make an argument for Tooru being able to refract/reflect light based quirks, but that’s something she learned later on, so keep that in mind. Meanwhile, Izuku in the Ultra Archive Book, has a power stat of 1/6 E. Now, it is basing his strength off the fact that he’s unable to properly use OFA without breaking himself, but there is absolutely no way he should be weaker than Shota, Stain, and Tooru in the power department. Izuku is peak human strength. You can definitely say that both Shota and Stain are as well, but Tooru isn’t, struggling to do a pull-up. Despite that, she’s a tier higher than him. Speaking of Stain and Shota, you can argue that their weapons are also accounted for, but that makes no sense in Shota’s case cause his capture scarf can be cut by a knife. As for Stain, his blades haven’t been shown to have any special properties, so how the hell do his blades alone allow him to beat Mina’s 3/6 C+ power. Mina’s acid melts through stone and steel with ease. Stain’s swords have nothing on that. Speaking of Mina, her power stat’s somehow lower than Mashirao’s. Sure Mashirao’s pretty strong, but its best feat is cracking concrete while Mina’s disintegrated steel with no effort. Himiko Toga also gets screwed over in terms of a power stat, being a 1/6 E in both books. Despite not having an offensive quirk at the time of her ranking, she has shown off superior strength than Tooru and Hitoshi by pining Izuku. Sure, a successful pin does involve technique, but a twig isn’t going to be able to pin a peak level human without some sort of strength. Another character who’s rated lower than they should be is Tsuyu in the Ultra Archive Book, also being a 1/6 E despite her quirk granting her enchanted strength. This was rectified in the Ultra Analysis Book with her getting bumped up to a 3/6 C, but there’s still no way Shota, a man with no superhuman abilities, should have an equal power ranking to Tsuyu, who could probably shatter a skull with a kick. Finally, there’s Dabi, who’s always thrown in the 4/6 B category. While he might not be able to shoot out much fire, the fact that his flames are confirmed to be hotter than Endeavor’s means he deserves to be bumped higher. There’s no way you’re telling me Katsuki’s explosions are stronger than Dabi’s flames. I can also ramble about how Kyouka’s quirk is arguably one of the strongest quirks in the series but that’s for another time. To conclude, the power rankings are wonky. Peak human characters are either ranked lower than characters they should realistically beat in terms of power or are ranked higher than they should be, and characters who should be ranked higher like Mina and Dabi aren’t.
Arguably the most consistent stat in this series is speed. There’s really only one example I wanna talk about and that’s Mezou. Mezou has a low speed ranking of 2/6 D in both books despite having some of the best performances when it comes to raw speed. He was able to save several of his classmates at the USJ before Kurogiri could warp them all away, he easily backhanded Himiko (someone who both Shota and Izuku struggled to keep up with even when the latter was using 5% of OFA), he ran away from a full powered Dark Shadow, and he successfully countered a full barrage of Pony’s horn missiles with only his fists. Despite this, his speed stat is lower than everyone else I’ve mentioned.
Easily the most flawed stat here. For starters, Hitoshi in the Ultra Archive Book has an equal technique stat to Izuku, the guy who is able to counter people by reading their body moments, and Shoto who has been trained by the number two hero. Mind you, all we’ve seen Hitoshi do is mind control people and flail pathetically against Izuku during the Sports Festival. Katsuki, who has a 5/6 A and 5/6 A+ stat in technique, has not received any form of training and has only fought people weaker than him prior to U.A, so he also shouldn’t have a higher skill stat than the son of the number 2 pro hero. Dabi, the guy who managed to mimic the special move Shoto had to take time to learn and has the ability to mimic all of Endeavor’s moves, only has a technique stat of 2/6 D. Mezou and Jurota, the characters Hori said were the strongest characters of the first years when it came to fighting without quirks, both possess lower technique stats than Katsuki. Yui Kodai, the girl with 5/6 A+ technique, somehow got easily defeated by Ochako, who is a tier lower than her in technique. Yes, she got a surprise attack on Reiko, but Yui should’ve been able to jump her after Reiko went down. Mashirao and Itsuka are both martial artists but they both only have technique stats in the B ranks, which is lower than most of their classmates. Pretty much Hori’s rankings when it comes to technique is either constantly ignored and/or makes absolutely no sense.
For this section, I wanna focus on Minoru. Minoru’s intelligence stat is currently ranked at 5/6 A+. Now, I’m not saying Minoru’s not smart, because we’ve seen that he is smart, but his intelligence stat’s a bit too high. For starters, Kyouka scored higher than him on the midterms despite only having a maximum intelligence score of 4/5 B. In addition, he’s ranked above Tenya, who had the second highest score on the midterms. He’s also tied with Mei, someone who Power Loader described as a “one of a kind genius”. Now, some of you might be saying that Minoru might be better at working on his feet, hence his higher intelligence stat, but Izuku’s able to accurately read an entire battlefield and scored fourth on the midterms, blowing Minoru out of the water in these instances. Moving away from Minoru, Power Loader, despite being the head of the Support department, the Ultra Analysis book only has his intellect at a 2/6 D. That’s lower than the majority of 1-A and 1-B’s intelligence stats. How is the head of the support department going to have such a poor intelligence rating? Dabi, who once again is a prodigy who was the only one who had suspicions about Hawks’ loyalty and is capable of instantly mimicking moves that Shoto and Endeavor had to take time to develop, only has an intellect of 3/6 C, which is crazy to me. Hori really has no idea what he’s doing with regards to these stats.
TL;DR: Hori’s stat assignments are bullshit and need to be drastically reworked.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 2 years ago
I’m sorry, but how the FUCK does a heart transplant = eye colour?? I hate this series so much sometimes, I swear.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 2 years ago
there’s a lot of reasons i dislike all might, but there is one moment in particular that really seals it. 
i can’t remember the exact episode, but it’s after kamino on the beach. izuku is so happy to see him after his big fight and all might just hits him. not a gentle shoulder punch or arm smack like usual teasing. all might full-force sucker punches a sixteen-year-old child. that’s not funny or cute. 
you don’t hit kids even when they do stupid shit. that’s what kids are meant to do and adults are meant to guide them. and then izuku flinches from him after the hit and all might doesn’t even notice(and if he did, he certainly didn’t do anything about it)
but it’s not like that was the first time all might hit izuku. at least with the final exams you could argue he was just doing his job(he still went way too hard on them. he’s the number one hero and izuku and bakugou were just kids trying their best. he seriously injured them both). all might had no excuse for hitting izuku on the beach.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 3 years ago
I think it’s kinda messed up that characters(including the teachers) joke about Midoriya’s bone breaking tendencies. It’s treated like something funny and not at all like a fifteen year old child injures himself so frequently that he has NERVE DAMAGE and probably chronic pain. This is more common in fanfic than canon, but still. He is in extreme pain, no doubt, every time he breaks himself using a quirk he can’t control. Why is that funny? He could lose the use of his limbs and it’s a joke?? 
And why don’t the teachers help? People criticize All Might for being a bad teacher(which he is) but what about Aizawa? I love Aizawa but he looks at this child tearing himself apart and doesn’t help. Why? He trains Shinsou in secret so why can’t he take the time to pull Midoriya to the side for training? Why is it up to the kid to teach himself, because that’s what happened? Every move and improvement made with One For All was made by Midoriya himself.
Same goes for Kaminari. The boy goes BRAINDEAD and no one finds that concerning? Everyone laughs at his ‘whey’ mode but imagine how he feels. He’s vulnerable like that with no control over his body and all his classmates, his friends, find it hilarious. They’ll trigger it on purpose when the mood is down. That’s so fucked. 
I imagine both Kaminari and Midoriya smile and laugh alongside the jokes, but they must hurt inside, trying not to cry. They can’t control it, it’s actively hurting them. Why is it funny? They ask themselves. Why are you laughing? Why won’t you help me?
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ugh, manchild tomura is my villain origin story. the teachers really go "hmm, he's not very emotionally stable and kind of acts like a child. he almost reminds me of our students" and don't think any further on that?? he's literally a child! like, legally an adult, sure, but still so young. 20 is practically a baby and he just turned 20 too. if the usj happened a week earlier he'd have been 19. tomura is so young and later you learn he was groomed by someone purposefully preventing his mental and emotional growth.
tomura has proven to be incredibly intelligent and analytical, much like izuku. he's smart and he's actually a good planner. the longer he's away from afo, the more stable and controlled he gets as well. almost like he's learning and growing like most children do away from the person actively hindering him.
sorry, i have a lot of thoughts about tomura
Saw the worst headcanon post, I’m gonna have to go with Incel/man child Shigaraki and Quirkist All Might
Quirkist All might is a terrible headcanon, MF was quirkless himself! I can’t stand people who make characters look shitty in order to boost up others.
Incel Shigaraki is just god awful, he let two people who identified as female on his team, nuff said
All of this.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 3 years ago
I think what I hate most about dabihawks is how many people just think it’s canon or universally liked. I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve been reading a fic and just stumbled across it. A lot of the time it is untagged, too! That defeats the whole purpose of tags and why we have them. I have every version of the ship name blocked on every platform and yet it is still there. Just because something is popular doesn’t mean everyone ships it. I didn’t even hate the ship at first, I just didn’t get why it’s so popular. Now, I absolutely hate it.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 3 years ago
Todoroki is probably the worst person for Bakugo to fight(aside from Deku). His flames would cause the nitroglycerin to explode while still on his body, harming him. Ice? Well, it is a lot harder to sweat when you’re freezing, making Bakugo’s explosions weaker. In no way should Bakugo have won against Todoroki in the Sport’s Festival. Shouto’s a perfect counter, but they love making Blasty OP with all the plot armor. He doesn’t even have to work hard to win, he just does even when he really shouldn’t.
Like his fight at ground beta. Deku should’ve absolutely kicked Bakugo’s ass. I honestly think he just let him win to help him sort out his emotions. That would be incredibly in character for Midoriya to do for someone.
But seriously, Bakugo should not win every single fight he’s in. He’s not perfect, despite what he likes to think, and he needs to lose. Seriously, he is in no way more powerful than Todoroki or Midoriya.
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thelittlegirlinwonderland · 3 years ago
Inko just rubs me the wrong way. I mean she only supported Izuku's dreams after he got a quirk and somehow never noticed him coming home with bruises or singed clothing. One scene show him like 5 or 6 all banged up, that would be impossible to hide from a parent especially at that age. She had to have known or at least suspected yet he is still in the same apartment, city, and school. That doesn't scream good parent.
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this is exactly why i hated the school festival arc. why are the rest of the classes complaining? people almost died. kids almost died! and they're upset because some extra security and dorms? people could've been killed. talk about selfish.
In response to your victim blaming post, you want to know what makes it all the more horrible?
The only reason 1A and 1B were attacked at the training camp was because UA not only refused to entertain the notion of there being a traitor amongst them, but they chose to hold the Sports Festival immediately after the USJ attack because they prioritized saving face over protecting their students. It didn't matter that they were receiving pushback from both the media, public, and faculty (Mr. Snipe) for this. Nope, their ego mattered more than the safety of their students.
Then they have the audacity to frame it as "the hero course needs to make up for turning everyone's lives upside down." Just... it makes me so angry.
It is just so... disgusting of how much victim blaming there is in this series that I'm surprised no one brought it up until recently.
First you have 1-A getting blamed for being targets of villain attacks and no one offering their sympathy, so much so that they actually believe it's their fault and have to find a way to make it up and become people pleasers.
Then you have Izuku in general with how Bakugou treats and is somehow seen as part of the problem that he ALSO goes into house arrest and gets behind on his studies! And to top it all off, HE'S the one to apologize for being a literal victim who couldn't do anything other than fight!
Why are we literally blaming the VICTIMS for being in situations that wasn't their fault in the first place!? And don't ANY of you say that's just how it is in Japan because that shouldn't be an excuse for horrible writing!!
Now I feel like writing a one shot about 1-A talking about the stuff they've been through and how people seem to be blaming them for it and how unfair it all is.
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