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Liv Tyler
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Liv Tyler, Stealing Beauty, 1996
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Celebrity Street Jugglers
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🎞️The Incredible Hulk (2008) 🎥 Louis Leterrier 📷 Peter Menzies Jr.
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Liv Tyler in Talks to Reprise Betty Ross Role in Marvel's "Captain America: The First Avenger"
The Hollywood Reporter recently reported that Liv Tyler, who played Betty Ross in 2008’s “The Incredible Hulk,” is in talks to reprise her role in the upcoming Marvel movie, “Captain America: The First Avenger.” This news has fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe buzzing with excitement. Betty Ross is a beloved character in the Marvel comics, and her relationship with Bruce Banner (the Hulk) is…

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Um ótimo dia para os fãs de MCU! A Marvel finalmente revelou o primeiro pôster oficial de Capitão América 4.
No pôster podemos ver Hulk Vermelho segurando o escudo do Capitão América, já no trailer que também foi revelados podemos ver Sam Wilson assumindo de vez o escudo e lidando com todas as responsabilidades no uniforme. No teaser também podemos ver um pouco do vilão de Giancarlo Esposito, que ainda não teve seu nome revelado, e mais dos super soldados soltos pelo mundo.
Além do retorno de Anthony Mackie, o elenco ainda conta com Harrison Ford, Tim Blake Nelson, Liv Tyler, Danny Ramirez, Shira Haas, Carl Lumbly e Giancarlo Esposito. A direção do longa fica nas mãos de Julius Onah.
Capitão América: Admirável Mundo Novo estreia no dia 13 de fevereiro de 2025.
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Liv Tyler
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Demis Roussos - Goodbye My Love From Souvenirs To Souvenirs
#youtube#demisroussos goodbyemylove from souvenirs technohousemusic souvenir livtyler stealing beauty popdance love romanticsong besthits
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Action 🎬 Theater 🎥...Armageddon (1998) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #scifi #disaster #disastermovie #asteroid #Armageddon #brucewillis #benaffleck #LivTyler #BillyBobThornton #stevebuscemi #owenwilson #williamfitchner #PeterStormare #MichaelClarkeDuncan #RIPMichaelClarkeDuncan #WillPatton #kenhudsoncampbell #KeithDavid #JasonIsaacs #eddiegriffin #ShawneeSmith #ChrisEllis #gracezabriski #dyllanchristopher #udokier #BodhiElfman #90s #vintage #vhs #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasactiontheater
#armageddon#bruce willis#ben affleck#liv tyler#billy bob thornton#steve buscemi#owen wilson#willian fitchner#peter stormare#Michael Clarke Duncan#rip michael clarke duncan#will patton#ken hudson campbell#keith david#jason isaacs#dyllan christopher#eddie griffin#shawnee smith#chris ellis#grace zabriskie#udo kier#bodhi elfman#90s#vhs#duran duran tulsa's action theater#duran duran tulsa#movies#movie#action adventure#disaster movie
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Thoughts on 6x01 - 6x11 THE BEST! Full disclosure this is my favorite season and rewatching it I remembered why because the show is just flowing like it rarely did the past few seasons and it's because the show went back to simple mythology and character moments. The prison world is new but not outlandish and the show takes it time explaining it so you get it. Tripp and his vampire hunter crew is something done a lot before but the twist of using the anti-magic border was a fresh take. The Gemini coven is great too because we were gradually introduced to the characters and the mythology so it's easy to follow. Everything just clicks! Bamon and Steroline are both awesome dynamics getting tons of focus and I don't even hate DE! The season definitely moves slower than ones in the past but IMO that is a good thing. There's so much care given to character moments and I really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue for everyone, to me this is TVD at it's peak, it worked for the same reasons S2 did. All my gushing below!
That guy was like “I have seen what they do to black characters on this show absolutely not you go check” lol.
Liv is the best, forever mad she died she would have loved her niece Lizzie. LivTyler (yes I know it’s commonly referred to as Parkwood but I do what I want) was such a cute ship they were like early Forwood if Caroline was cynical.
Elena being a drug addict to see Damon was a choice…
Caroline gets intense reactions out of Stefan too as seen here. Sorry not sorry but if you can’t see him breaking his phone from gripping it just by seeing her name didn’t mean she affected him the most I can’t help you. He could take Ric and Elena’s call because he knew he could fool them, but Caroline he can’t, not even over the phone.
Oh suddenly Elena hates being a vampire again RME. Gee I wonder if this is for plot reasons since they knew Nina was leaving (or at least knew it was a possibility) and they wanted her to end her story human.
Um I’m pretty sure it is Matt’s house since his name is on the deed if we want to get specific here Jeremy.
Stefan has zero tact with Ivy LMFAO like why are you in my house unless we’re having sex. Truly such a jerk.
The Bamon 1994 Prison World plot was SUCH A GOOD IDEA! Rewatching you definitely feel how repetitive stuff gets and it felt like the world building became too extreme but this was so different. They went a simpler way to do a mystery plot and I actually think it helped the show have one of its best seasons ever (personally my favorite). Also the fact that they put two characters together who always had an air of animosity between them but also kind of an understanding and let that chemistry do its thang! It’s just so good!
Someone should tell Damon and Bonnie you’re not supposed to look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse.
The awkward dinner party is cracking me up! Between Enzo going out of his way to make Stefan uncomfortable and the passive aggressiveness between Stefan and Caroline, to Ivy’s complete confusion I don’t know what makes me laugh more.
You tell him Carebear!
That damn necklace lol it just keeps coming back! I’m not as annoyed about them saying Elena fell in love with Damon in 3x01 like I used to be anymore. I think because I don’t really and truly don't care about the triangle AT ALL (and I don't have to knowing the ending)! Elena is so wishy washy it makes sense, like yep she loved them both at the same time.
I know this is unpopular but I genuinely love when Stefan is just a dick LMFAO! So much of Stefan in the earlier seasons was like romantic compassionate facade, but like deep down he’s kind of a jerk! And he loves having vampire powers as you can see here, he's just a weirdo masochist and wouldn't allow himself to use them as punishment for giving up on Damon.
Oh they baited SE big time with that scene in the hallway!
I do enjoy watching Stefan and Caroline become more and more uncomfortable about Elena’s voluntary brain damage. "It's important that we let Elena live her new, happy, problem ignoring, zombie life the way she wants" LMFAO
Caroline I love you to death but sorry girl, lying is not a new thing for Stefan! Being a liar is completely on brand for him.
CRYING at Tyler walking away as soon as he saw Caroline was ready to fight Elena. He was like nope I know that condescending judgmental tone very well, deuces!
HIYA KAI! FINALLY a good villain again!
Did Liam just insinuate that Elena’s type is red flags because CTFU! Liam you were great I’m glad you survived.
The scene where Bonnie gets her magic back to save Damon from Kai is so (!!!!) what a moment!
I love how Stefan just spills his guts to Caroline about all his bullshit coping methods as soon as she corners him. Yeah he walks away (and I know antis love using it in their gifsets) but the whole scene you see how hard it is for him to look her in the eye. Also definitely felt some jealousy from Elena watching it all unfold, which girl take a seat!
Why is Kai eating jelly with his hand!?!
I’m sorry but Stefan had the WEIRDEST SYSTEMS EVER!! Two on full display here with his constant desire to push his animal diet on others who aren’t bloodoholics, and getting health insurance (???) to start over. Stefan being like you can be anyone you want because this lunatic just loves pretending to be a different person every few decades. He’s just so insane, I become more and more aware of it as the show goes on.
The fake Stelena proposal is so hilarious I love how they keep upping each other in soap opera drama.
*heavy sigh* I'm not sure if they cast Monique before they cast Gail so they had to cast a black woman since Monique is biracial and we know Zach was white but it's like again AGAIN the black woman dies a painful death.
Bonnie and Kai have really good chemistry I’M JUST SAYING!
Damon murdering a pregnant woman was definitely the worst thing he ever did. I do love the shots in this scene with Bonnie eating pancakes look at Damon telling him there’s hope for him. The writers are really feeling this story.
Kinda feel like Stefan only agreed to show Elena his “moving on system” because she had brain damage and he figured he could trick her. Almost got away with it too!
Man the little look between Stefan and Caroline when he’s like “you’ll never have to deal with me again” “is that what you think I want” gets me every-time! Such a subtle moment.
HA! Alaric’s story throwing shade at Elena was funny!
Caroline how did you fall for that!
CTFU at Damon yelling “BONNIE” after she murders Kai and taps her on the shoulder. Like dammit what did you do but also it’s okay please don’t hurt me.
You go Caroline invoking the D-word to get Stefan to pull his head out of his ass. Love when she says "who are you right now?!" you done fucked up Stefan! This meta explains it well.
Liv killing that guy to save Tyler from triggering his werewolf curse was a great scene.
Elena amazed at modern medicine is so hilarious WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER! You mean people can be healed without vampire blood? This is brand new information!
And look at that! Stefan finally admitted he’s not handling anything well after he made Caroline give up on him.
The Dalaric scene is funny, I enjoyed that.
Jo and Elena’s friendship was cute. Really wish Jo had lived she was such a nice addition to the show. Just a great character all around.
Stripping a vampire of their magic with the border makes a hell of a lot more sense than the cure ever did!
I’m over everyone apologizing to Elena because she chose to compel away her memories of Damon. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!
I love how Stefan jolts out of his seat when he sees Caroline! Kinda like when he got down on one knee to propose before she even turned around lol. The shot of Stefan dejected and lowering his head in front of the lamp store is gorgeous.
Caroline is so excited to get to be anti-Delena again! Like finally Elena is on her side!
The way Caroline says “good bye” trying to close the door on Stefan cracks me up. He even tried using his old tricks of “I’m here to protect” you and Caro told him to kick rocks! What's wrong Stefan never had to actually work for forgiveness before huh?
Great job so far this season mixing up the “special events contrived to get a bunch of characters together” formula. They’ve used new locations and since they can’t enter MF it’s not all the characters in one spot so feels less contrived.
If Stefan didn’t have feelings for Caroline’s he had every opportunity to STFU after she told him to. But he didn’t he kept pushing.
The Bonkai scenes are straight from a horror movie and I have to say bravo they are so unsettling to watch.
Enzo does have a flair for the dramatic surprise death.
Caroline's speech is my favorite speech ever on this show because I just love how vulnerable yet strong she is in her opinion, which is so rare for women on this show. I have no time for the criticism of it either and how it's "regression" kindly eat a dick. This is a HUGE moment for Caroline because she's saying I don't care about being THE ONE, I've been the one (with Tyler) and now I want THE ONE for me. Caroline being in love with Stefan more than any of her other love interests has nothing to do with him putting her first or him being the one who treats her the best it's about the fact that she wants him because he makes her feel THE MOST! And that's what her list was about, she says yeah I thought you were worth having a thing for how could I not?! Because during her darkest time he told her she’d get through it and protect her and he did, and it’s why should couldn’t imagine Elena would let someone like him go. And while she's so confident in her feelings she's also not going to sit there and not get the respect that she deserves. Caroline is very aware of Stefan's bullshit (they are best friends) and he needs to earn back her trust if he wants it, but she's fine either way. And you notice that when Stefan uses manipulation to see her (asking her Mom for help, saying he's there to protect her) she give him shit, but when he's honest with her (that he pushed her away the most) she starts to thaw. I mean this is SUCH a drastic change from S3 when he terrorized Elena for half a season and then got sad over her kissing Damon and she just like got over it. Fuck around and find out Stefan! Love Caroline’s styling here, it’s the same colors she wore in 6x03 but now she’s more covered up, because she’s put a wall up to protect herself (just like the song lyrics). WHAT A MOMENT!
Damon and Elena don’t even bother me this season. They’re just kinda there but they don’t interfere with stuff I like and Damon isn’t the worst person in the world.
Damon finding Ms Cuddles!! So many great scenes this season.
The flashbacks to Kai murdering his family is another instance of fantastic horror aesthetic used this season, feels like I'm watching a slasher film
Bonnie’s poor wig!
Caroline’s styling has been absolutely amazing so far! Her hair is always gorgeously curled and I really like her eye makeup.
Stefan’s face when he finds out Damon was invited to Friendsgiving and he wasn’t ASCSGGXHVFJFJK!
Damon’s pure joy at mocking Stefan for not realizing Caroline had feelings for him is such good brotherly teasing. And Stefan keeps getting more and more bitter, I don’t get how people can’t tell he’s all sensitive because he’s afraid he lost Caroline forever. He kicked a fucking teddy bear people!
This LivTyler scene is so cute it reminds me of the S2 Forwood scene, I definitely think it was meant as a parallel. I know people always think that’s a bad thing and they’re ripping off scenes but I’ve come to see it as more of an homage in certain circumstances, this would be one of them.
The way things are shot this season is so nice, more than any other season I feel like I’m getting scene after scene with moody lighting, great music and closeups. The leftovers scene is like this, the lighting is great and there’s that one nice scenery shot of them standing in the hallway. There’s a lot of care put into the scene like Stefan keeps moving closer and looking her in the eyes when he tells Caroline he pushed her away the most, which is the opposite of earlier when he kept moving away and not looking at her. The moment where he opens his mouth in awe and become speechless is great too really sells that epiphany moment of oh yeah I do have feelings for her.
Serious question are Damon and Stefan homeless right now? I have not seen them in an actual apartment
I mean you kind of did complain when he ruined it Damon but I approve of you constantly giving him shit about it.
I do not think Tyler would oppose saving Bonnie like he did to protect Liv. Especially because Liv wanted to do it she wasn’t doing it via duress.
YES Elena tried to make it about herself and Damon was like, don’t care let’s go save Bonnie.
I love the sassy way Stefan opens the diner door.
Enzo has killed two women of color this season for truly NO REASON besides being mad at Stefan and I'm just like... this is really the best we could do for Bonnie's true love?
Why don’t they met Bonnie halfway?!
I really hate that they made Bonnie stay stuck in the prison world until friggin episode 15. She should have gotten out now her friends should have actually saved her for once.
Stefan with the Christmas light LMFAO like a puppy!
Matt keeps saying Enzo’s gonna be dead and listen show stop threatening me with a good time if you won’t deliver it!
We might have been able to know if vampire blood could cure cancer if someone didn’t BURN ALL THEIR DAD’S RESEARCH on it for no fucking reason!
The snowglobe! Love how this became one of their "things" because both of them ended up being people who no matter where they went Mystic Falls was home and they always found their way back there. They always find their way back "home" (each other).
I hate sad Christmas Bonnie but the shot of her at the Christmas tree in 1994 intersped with Jeremy at the Christmas tree in the present is very nicely shot and sweet.
I think JP made a point to fix DE this season after Dries dragged them through the filth last season. The fact that Damon walked away from Elena and didn’t lash out felt specifically like they were righting that from last season. This is probably my favorite Damon season and while I’m 100% in the Bamon camp (and I’d argue Bonnie is the one who actually got through to him on changing) he is being very sweet with Elena and I swear I’m not being condescending.
OMG that is some next level foreshadowing with Damon saying he let Ric turn his house into Hogwarts!
Finally Elena using her vampire powers to defend herself!
I really love that Luke keeps taking Liv away from Damon & Co. because he is not here for her being their new go-to witch for all their problems. Stand your ground Luke!
Of course Caroline conducts her experiment on a black guy since he’s going to die a painful death.
The Delena scene where she jokes with him about dying (like her weirdo ex lol) is really funny and cute but it’s also so beautifully shot! Paul did a really great job with this episode but that scene in particular was just really stunning.
I cannot with the way Stefan takes Caroline’s hand and she gasps and looks at him like he’s a fucking Disney Prince! She’s so so so in love with him!
Lines that made me laugh
Damon: Sorry I killed Bonnie. But she was the most annoying person in the world. She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking. (so funny but even Bonnie knows that's not true you luff her!)
Kai: 555-HIYA-KAI No way I'm giving those digits up (LMFAO I agree Kai as someone old enough to remember pagers)
Matt: I’m sorry I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don’t ASXSDGXDHGCB (HE'S GOT A POINT!)
#tvd rewatch#tvd spoilers#k rewatches tvd#S6 rewatch#I was nice to every ship I'm not going to bother tagging#hopefully I don't regret that!
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