Capitalism cannot exist without massive exploitation of the majority of the people on our planet.
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azspot · 4 months
If you can’t come up with a business that earns enough money to pay each of your staff enough money to live with dignity, you’re not really good at business, what you’re good at is exploiting the poor.
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eric-sadahire · 2 years
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I feel like this holiday season, it's important to remind people of the true meaning of Christmas: ghosts terrorizing rich people in the middle of the night until they agree to pay their employees more.
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astramthetaprime · 2 years
What Does Pride Taste Like Anyway?
Despite everything, I have always been determined to Take Care of Myself.  
Being the only child of a single mother from the age of eight, I have had to take care of myself for almost all my life.  I was one of the original latch key kids. Which was largely fine as it allowed me two and a half hours every weekday alone to do what I wanted, be that wandering several blocks to buy comic books with saved-up lunch money, sing along (badly) to my music, do my ritual recitals of Star Wars, cull the herd of edible substances from the fridge, what have you.  So I learned to heat up a can of soup when I was hungry, do my own laundry, and not burn the house down.  As far as my mom was concerned, that was good enough.  There was that time I ate an entire jar of wheat germ she was saving for a recipe, but not everything always went to plan.  Also, the occasional half-box of confectioners sugar.  And I had a phase where I was taking endless photographs of vegetables.  On film, mind you, when it was expensive.  If I’d had digital back then I might still be trying to suspend lemons with fishing line to this day.
Nowadays I have to make much more difficult decisions.  
It looks like I won’t be paying my mortgage this next month unless I eat some crow and ask mom for money.  
I don’t make enough money to afford my bills, my mortgage, and still eat for a week, and yet the state of Tennessee says I make too much money for food stamps.  I work 40 gods-be-damned hours a week and I don’t make enough to live.  And for the record, my mortgage payment is much less than most rent payments in this current economic climate.  
I stopped asking my mother for money a long time ago.  I was and still am determined that, for good or ill, I will be responsible for all my own mistakes and decisions.  I’ve never and will never blame my misfortunes on anyone else.  It’s nobody’s problem but my own.  
And yes, that’s probably an unhealthy attitude.  
But that’s the hand I’m dealt at the moment, so I’ve got to play it and go on with my life.  
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ukmploymentlawnews · 1 month
National Living Wage Changes To Be Phased In
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touchaheartnews · 3 months
Labour Draws Battle Line, Vows to Reject ₦100,000 Minimum Wage
TOUCHAHEART – The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has vowed to reject any minimum wage proposal below ₦250,000, describing such offers as “starvation wages”. The Assistant General Secretary, Chris Onyeka, emphasized that labour won’t accept ₦62,000 or ₦100,000, insisting that the current demand is ₦250,000. The Demand for a Living Wage The NLC and TUC are demanding a new minimum wage and reversal…
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humblymybrain · 4 months
Minimum Wage Fails to Provide a Living Wage For the Unemployed.
"The minimum wage is not, in any significant way, a tool for fighting poverty."
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usnewsper-business · 6 months
Job Losses and Higher Costs: Pizza Hut Layoffs Spark Debate Over California's New Minimum Wage Law #basicnecessities #businessinterests #California #CaliforniaPizzaHutfranchises #deliverydrivers #economy #employment #food #GovernorGavinNewsom #healthcare #holidayseason #Housing #IncomeInequality #increasedcosts #joblosses #laborcosts #layoffsofdeliverydrivers #livingwage #lowwageworkers #minimumwageincrease #minimumwagelaw #newminimumwagelaw #PizzaHut #PizzaHutfranchiseowner #supporters #workeradvocates
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monriatitans · 9 months
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"Get a Job!"
Scammers are despicable, but job scammers? I don’t have words. I wish I did.
When I was at my lowest, emotionally, one got me, and I’ve had a credit freeze, and a fraud alert, active ever since. Here I am, unemployed, trying to find work, and I’m getting nothing but texts from job scammers. And companies are complaining people “don’t wanna work”.
First of all:
Is wanted by most. What no one wants is to be exploited! Pay more!
Secondly, they need to make their jobs easier to find. We don’t need 55 thousand different job boards, we have to create accounts on, to gain access to the available jobs. And these job boards should be doing the screening to make sure the job is legitimate WHILE telling us how to spot a job scam. I should not be on LinkedIn, then on another job board applying for the job after clicking a bunch of different links. I should not feel like I need a VPN to look for a job. I should not feel like I have to check a company’s website for job postings every time I get a text to make sure it’s legitimate. The job post on LinkedIn, or Indeed, or others, need to take me, us, DIRECTLY to the job description on the company’s website. There needs to be MORE safety measures in the age of “you need to apply online” with applying in person is no longer being available. Person/company verification is offered on LinkedIn; the same needs to be done for jobs. Job posts need to be linked to a verified company. Job boards should not be posting jobs to other job boards, UNLESS their post takes you DIRECTLY to the company’s website. How does ArtStation have a safer job board than LinkedIn? And I can only IMAGINE how the people running the companies feel after I inform them they’re being impersonated. YES I go that extra mile! A job scam has more than one victim! They need to know their brand, their name, is being taken advantage of!
People don’t wanna work? No. It’s FINDING work. And finding work that actually PAYS worth a damn. If COVID has taught people anything, it’s there’s only so much bullshit they’re willing to take. We need to stop blaming the unemployed, the homeless, and the poor for their situation and start looking at what’s CAUSING their situation. With there being, supposedly, so many available jobs, this should not be such a struggle. And, with COVID still being an issue, work that can be done remotely needs to be. And it needs to be the STANDARD even if COVID stops being an issue. Want to stand out as an employer? Make the work easier to do. Make people COMFORTABLE so they want to KEEP working for you. Bring back rewarding loyal employees.
And. Pay. A. Living. Wage.
Is wanted by most. What no one wants is to be exploited! Pay more!
Thank you for reading.
May every decision you make be in the spirit of fairness and may the rest of your day NOT go to $#!7!
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mentorshelly · 11 months
Do We Need to Earn More to Live Comfortably?
Article discussed Questions to ask: 1. Depending on what state and/or city within that state, how much do you need to make to be able to rent a decent apartment if you have not purchased a home yet? 2. Does your current job(s), independent contracting work or business you run providing enough income to pay for your cost of living? Economic planning is vitally important if we are going to survive…
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Attention Workers You Are Being Screwed Over By Capitalism.
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azspot · 1 year
If doubling the minimum wage wouldn't qualify minimum wage workers for the cheapest housing in their city, then a reasonable conclusion would be that the minimum wage is just criminally too low and we're surrendering our poor upon a platter for exploitation.
public education liker
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usnewsper-politics · 11 months
California Supreme Court Upholds Anaheim Minimum Wage Law in Disneyland Dispute #Anaheimminimumwagelaw #CaliforniaSupremeCourtruling #Disneylanddispute #livingwage #minimumwageincrease
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wnewsguru · 1 year
यूएस कैलिफ़ोर्निया बिल फास्ट-फूड श्रमिकों के लिए वेतन बढ़ाकर 20 डॉलर प्रति घंटा कर देगा
अमेरिका के कैलिफोर्नियां में फास्ट फूड श्रमिकों को लंबे समय से ही श्रम कानूनों द्वारा नजर अंदाज किया गया है। उन्हें कम वेतन पर लंबे समय तक काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। फास्ट फूड उद्योग में श्रमिकों की बहुत ज़रूरत पड़ती है
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ukmploymentlawnews · 7 months
524 Employers Named And Shamed For Failing To Pay National Minimum Wage
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fmphomes · 1 year
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Happy Labour Day
Happy Labor Day from FMP Real Estate Dubai! We're proud to support our employees in their efforts to build a better future for themselves and their families.
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