#living off of pasta and instant ramen. they do not fucking know how to cook
sheila--e · 2 months
I think after PHF Sheila and Fugo became roomies and their meals everyday are like, the saddest things ever you'd expect from a struggling family and not from two gangsters who get more in a year than you'll ever get in your whole life.
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choco-mark · 4 years
28 April ✹ ♡ boyfriend!donghyuck + roommate!renjun ft. neighbor!jeno
a part of the Quarantine Diaries!!
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“Unnecessary!” You shouted out again, turning away from your two roommates currently in the kitchen. “It’s completely unnecessary and a waste of time. You guys can do it, whatever, but I’m not joining.”
Renjun sighed, shaking his head as he looked over to Donghyuck, who had now scrunched his face up in concentration. Your two lunatic roommates (one of which was your boyfriend) had decided they wanted to cook something, but of course it had to be late at night when you finally had some time to yourself after hours of long working.
Donghyuck watched you for a little while, seeing how you were focused on the TV instead and rolling his eyes in disapproval. With a silent few steps, he reached over the couch, grabbed the remote from your hand and switching it off. “Hyuck!”
“Hyuck!” He mocked, holding the remote up as you tried to snatch it back. “You’re cooking with us, that’s what roommates are supposed to do! Bond together!” You scowled, sitting up on your knees to try and grab it from his hand, your arm leaning on his shoulder to try and bring him down. “Hey, work with me here, Y/N!”
Suddenly, a pair of arms snaked around your waist, yanking you backwards into the other boy’s chest. “We’ll tie you to a chair, hun,” Renjun said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, pulling you off the couch. “Or even better, you can refuse to help us and we won’t let you eat anything.”
You let out a sigh, planting your feet to the floor as you yanked his hands away from your body. “Okay, okay, fine. I know you’re just asking me because you both can’t cook without my help.” You said the last words with a lower voice, only being heard by you as the other two made their way to the kitchen. “What’re we making?”
Donghyuck twirled around dramatically as you entered the area, stopping in front of you to place a pan in your hands and then kiss your forehead. “We’re making steak and pasta!” He looked at you with sparkling eyes, as if asking for some kind of permission when your mouth dropped open. “W-What?”
“You want to make steak at two in the morning? Uh uh, no, sorry I’m going back to my reality—” You made a motion to turn around, but Donghyuck already had a hand latched onto your sweatshirt, making you stumble back into him. “Hyuck, come on! I thought we were gonna make—like, instant ramen or something! Not a whole damn meal at the break of dawn!” You glanced over at Renjun, who was standing behind him with his arms crossed. “Junnie! Help me out, please!”
“Er—Y/N’s right,” Donghyuck turned around his voice, watching as he held up two ramen packets. “I already had them ready, I even started boiling the water. I thought we were gonna make steak and pasta tomorrow?” You giggled as you saw the boy in front of you slouch a little, handing the pan back to him.
You moved past him, giving him an encouraging tap on the shoulder as you saw his pouty face, your smile widening from how cute he was acting even though he was upset. “Aw Hyuckie, it’s okay, we’ll make it tomorrow, hmm?” He shook his head, his hair flopping into his eyes as you cupped his cheeks into your hands, pecking him softly on the lips to brighten him up just a little. “Hmm?”
“Hey! No kissing in the kitchen—oh fuck!” Renjun leaped back from where he was standing, his face contorting as he pointed down at the ground where your feet were, a disgusted look forming from his lips. “Y/N, there’s a fucking cockroach right there!”
You yelped from just the word ‘cockroach’ shuffling away immediately as you hid behind the safety of your boyfriend’s back, peeking down from between his arm and torso. “Where?!”
“You dipshit, it’s not a cockroach, are you blind?!” Donghyuck stumbled backwards, pushing you back as well. “It’s a spider! A really fucking big one too!” You looked around him, taking a glance at what the two of them were talking about and hell yeah, that was a fucking huge spider.
“Does it matter?! What is it doing in my kitchen?!”
“Your kitchen?! We all live here, dumbass!” Donghyuck roared back, opting to hid behind the kitchen island instead, with you following suit. “It was probably you that brought it in here in the first place, I knew you were trying to kill us all!” You knew that Donghyuck’s words made absolutely no sense, but you also knew how not very—fond he was of insects, or anything that was relatively not friendly looking. 
“Renjun, you kill it!” You said, watching as the other boy decided to climb onto the counter, getting himself as far away as he could. It was moving around now, according to Renjun’s various shouts, and you peeped up from behind the island, seeing him standing straight like a tower. “Why are you standing?!”
“I’m not killing it, you do it!” 
“No! You’re the oldest!”   
“Well, Hyuck’s the tallest, he should do it!” You narrowed your eyes at Renjun’s words, realizing that his voice was getting higher and higher pitched with each syllable. “Oh my god, it’s climbing! It’s climbing up the cabinets! It’s coming for me, holy shit!”
“Bold of you to say that when you’re living a three feet life!” Donghyuck shot back, glancing over at you to give you a little wink, clearly proud of his words. “And you know what, maybe it’s fate! It’s supposed to come for you because you’re gonna die today! This is your—”
His words were cut off by a loud rasping knock on the front door, startling the three of you as you all looked back in sync, your hearts racing even faster than before. You looked over to Donghyuck, who was already looking at you, tilting his head towards the door, mouthing ‘you get it,’ while you shook your head, slapping his thigh. “Ow!”
You leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse at where Renjun was currently lighting up the world when you felt a sharp smack to your ass, making you hiss as you looked back at your boyfriend. He rubbed the area, his face looking not so apologetic, his mouth forming the into words of ‘go get it, baby.’ 
“Stop getting kinky in my kitchen,” Renjun sang with a playfully annoyed voice, making Donghyuck turn his smirk into a sour face. “Is someone gonna get the door, or am I gonna have to sacrifice myself?”
“I think—”
“Shut up!” You stood up, walking out of the kitchen to where the door was, a clear presence being outside. Peeking through the peep hole, you recognized the handsome face, your mouth shaping into an ‘o’. “I’m opening it,” you whispered, unlocking the door.
“Six feet—”
You pulled open the door to your very good-looking neighbor, who also wasn’t looking very happy, or energetic. He rubbed at his eyes from under his glasses, a sigh coming from his lips as he focused at you. “Hi. So, you do know what time it is, right? Um, wait, I’ll tell you,” he glanced at his wrist, which was empty, and then back up at you. “It’s fucking three forty-five.”    
You felt an arm sling around your neck, the weight pulling you down slightly as you glanced over at your boyfriend, who was slowly dragging you farther into the apartment. “I guess I’d have to wish you a good morning, Jeno! A warm good morning and a goodbye.” He slammed the door shut before Jeno could protest, locking it immediately and then turning back towards you. “Six feet away, baby! What if he had the virus?!”
You rolled your eyes, stepping forward towards the door but being met with Donghyuck’s chest instead. “Babe, if he had the virus, then we all would have it. He fixed our washing machine yesterday, and the boiler last week. It’s Lee Jeno, Hyuck, he doesn’t leave his apartment just as much as any of us do. And, that was rude! You just slammed the door in the poor guy’s face!”
“He was being unsafe—”
“Guys,” both of you looked to the left, focusing in on Renjun, who was now standing by the kitchen island, and currently staring at the tiles. “The spider’s gone. It’s gone. I lost it.” You clicked your tongue, shaking your head as he said those words, having seen it coming. 
“Well, we’ll have spider and pasta tomorrow then.”   
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Org XIII + Cooking Skills
Suggested by literally nobody I'm just bored.
Xemnas is spoiled and literally incapable of cooking. He's just been getting the lesser Nobodies to do it for him. This is definitely a problem considering he's got expensive taste and would literally rather die than eat a bowl of instant ramen. Literally the only thing he has some vague idea of how to make is pasta. His attempts never end well and he has an appearance to keep up so at this point he's in too deep and has convinced himself that he can't let his subordinates see him fuck up something so basic.
Xigbar is surprisingly pretty good at cooking, but all the things he knows how to make are like. Super weird. Could he boil an egg? No, but he can perfectly recreate any taco bell crunchwrap with little to no effort. Can he make half decent pasta? Nope, but you can bet your ass he can make Twinkies you can't tell apart from the original. Nobody knows how he is so bad at the basics but can fucking clone a big mac. Not even him.
Xaldin is actually pretty solid at cooking. Nothing gets particularly exciting or out of the ordinary and he's a bit stubborn about straying from what he knows, but what he knows is definitely nothing to complain about. He is especially good at breakfast foods and seems to be able to put anything in an omelette without it tasting weird.
Vexen is not good at cooking. Not only is he not good at it, but he's usually too preoccupied to do anything that takes longer than 10 minutes. If somehow he does manage to chill out about his research and do some Self Care™, he is so damn rigid about following the recipe exactly that whatever he makes isn't exactly bad, but tastes almost mechanical. Like something store bought with no soul in it. He does not understand what the others mean when they describe what he makes as almost painfully average.
Lexaeus is pretty damn good at cooking. He used to cook back at the castle, and between the guards needing to be at peak performance, Even constantly not taking care of himself and Ienzo still being pretty young, he got into the habit of trying to make everything healthier. Said habit is still present but nobody but Zexion has noticed.
Zexion has a weird vegetable addiction specifically because of Lexaeus's cooking from when he was Ienzo. We have seen in the manga that Zexion is canonically not bad at cooking, he just makes weird things to try to experiment with what he can do. They tend to be pretty hit or miss, though. Due to some experiments going horribly awry, there is a list of things Zexion is banned from making.
Saïx is usually pretty okay at cooking. He kinda grew up eating Poor People Food™ and has zero idea what most seasonings are, but the things he makes are not horrible. However, he has a bit of a secret. He absolutely fucking loves baking and is incredibly good at it, but he doesn't want anyone to know for fear it will make him seem less intimidating. Axel has known since he first got into it when they were kids. Other than that only Xigbar knows because Xigbar spies on fucking everyone. He uses it as blackmail for free Special Brownies every now and then.
Axel is not allowed to use anything but the microwave because he burns fucking everything he touches. Dumbass that he is, he thinks he can cook things at twice the heat in half the time and does not understand that there are more settings on the stove than max. After an incident where he somehow managed to burn the cooking oil before he put anything in the damn pan, he was officially banned from the kitchen without supervision.
Demyx is the absolute brokest bitch I swear to god. He will microwave everything no matter how much it should absolutely not be microwaved. The only seasonings he knows are salt and that cheesy powder you're supposed to put on popcorn. The worst goddamn thing he makes is this fuckin thing he calls a Trashbrown. He literally just rips some fuckin tater tots apart with a fork, throws 'em in a bowl with some eggs and and a cheese single and sticks it all in a microwave. It doesn't even taste bad but you can fucking feel it slowly killing you every time you take a bite. Stop him.
Luxord only really knows some basic foods and isn't too interested in learning anything else, he knows what he likes. However, he does try to spice things up by straying from the recipe in whatever ways he think might end up tasting alright. Its a gamble to him and there's nothing he loves more than a gamble. Even if what he makes turns out horrible, he's alright with it. He took a risk and now he knows not to do it again, so at least he gained something.
Marluxia has a vegetable garden hidden in the castle and continuously makes hippy foods out of whatever he harvests. He is constantly disappointed when he makes kale chips because literally nobody wants them except Zexion. Occasionally Larxene will take some out of pity (and to get him to quit being a drama queen over nobody wanting his weird chips when there's Pringles right in the fucking kitchen).
Larxene cannot cook. She gets impatient with how long things take and tries to cut corners. Everything ends up a horrible mixture of undercooked and burnt because she keeps taking things out early and calling it good or getting bored and doing something else while things sit there for hours after they should have been taken out. She's generally content to just microwave some mac n cheese and call it a day.
Roxas has been living off hot pockets and sea salt ice cream for as long as he's been alive. He really has no idea how to cook and Axel isn't allowed to teach him because he's still banned from the kitchen. He's either too scared of the other members to ask for help or knows damn well most of the approachable ones can't cook either. He tried one of Demyx's Trashbrowns™ and instantly regretted everything. However, he knows the Dusks are more than capable of cooking and has been trying to get tips off them when they aren't too busy. He's not great, but he's getting there.
Xion also is not great at cooking, but she keeps watching YouTube tutorials in an effort to learn. She keeps getting in over her head in complicated things she thought looked way easier and they end up... Not great. But, she won't let that dissuade her. Every failed attempt gets her closer to figuring out how to do it right.
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Day 44
Title: “Paradigm Shift”
Description: During a gaming session, Sooyoung gives some exciting news that makes Hyejoo think about her life.
Features: Sooyoung X Hyunjin X Olivia Hye, slight Hyewon(Loona)
Word Count: 2,325
Tags: Fluff | College AU
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(image from Pinterest)
“Yo, Hyejoo. Wanna join for some Mario Kart tonight?”
“Sorry, Hyun. I’m kinda busy tonight. Maybe another time?”
“Gang Beasts tonight? Sooyoung’s joining, too.”
“I’m not in the mood. Sorry. Maybe another time?”
“Hyejoo. Come join us for some Rainbow Six.”
For once, Hyejoo is interested, but there’s a blank document in front of her and its paired midnight deadline convinced her not to play.
“Sorry, Soo. I have a paper due at midnight. Next time?” The college student genuinely wishes she didn’t procrastinate this bad. 
I know it looks this way, but the three sisters aren’t that distant with each other. After Sooyoung and Hyunjin left for university, they didn’t see each other as often, but still bonded through online gaming.
It all started when they were younger. Sooyoung had granted Hyunjin the responsibility of taking care of her Nintendogs when she went to a summer camp. Usually Hyejoo, too young to play, would sit next to her and sometimes they switched off taking care of the Sharpei they virtually adopted. 
As they grew up, their tastes for video games changed as well. Sooyoung mostly grew out of them, having to take care of her younger siblings and started pursuing dancing. Of course, during college, she wouldn’t hesitate to join in party games, like Just Dance and trivia games. Hyunjin became a sports star, but still played video games. She enjoyed low-stress, life simulation games, but also occasionally played FIFA with her teammates. 
Hyejoo had a funny relationship with extracurricular activities. Growing up, she was always dragged into watching her sisters’ dance recitals or soccer games, so she tended to have low energy. She tried dance and soccer and actually showed potential in both hobbies, but had no interest or motivation in either. By the time she was in high school, she only continued what she enjoyed, which was just playing video games. She specifically enjoyed shooting and battle royale games, but she could play anything. 
As both Sooyoung and Hyunjin transitioned into university and adult life, they tried their best keeping in touch with their youngest sister. When video calls became awkward, Hyunjin brought up the idea of playing Mario Kart online together and talking through Discord. Sooyoung had to go buy herself a Switch and Hyejoo didn’t like the idea of spending more than 30 minutes talking to her sisters, but the experience was a pleasant surprise. The two older siblings couldn’t help enjoying the serotonin boost they would get when hearing competitive Hyejoo screaming and threatening them with embarrassing secrets from the past when Hyunjin threw a Blue Shell or Sooyoung Bullet Bill-ed past her. An hour passed and Hyunjin was ready to log out, but couldn’t resist it when Hyejoo asked, “One more round?” 
The gaming continued when Hyejoo went to university. Even though it wasn’t their style, the three of them would play whatever was popular and multiplayer, whether it be PUBG or Smash. 
Eventually, scheduling time to play with Hyejoo was a little unsuccessful. In her last year of university, she became busy with school and actually became more social. You could catch her playing intramural soccer or at the dance studio. She was even dating someone and worked at a nearby bakery. Hyejoo could’ve made time for her siblings, but replaying the same courses and campaigns for hours wasn’t stimulating enough for her. 
Tonight’s a little different. It’d been nearly 2 months since she spoke to her sisters and Gowon was scolding her to spend time with them. Even though her computer was starting to run slow, she downloaded the new zombie game Sooyoung mentioned and logged onto her Discord account.
“Nice of you to finally join us, Hyejoo.” Sooyoung naturally scolds her first. 
“I know. I thought you were going to abandon us.” Hyunjin spoke in a higher tone and it made Hyejoo cringe. 
“Stop being fucking dramatic, Soo. I’m busy with school.”
Hyunjin scoffs. “You’re busy dating your Minecraft girlfriend. I see you online.”
Hyejoo scowls. She turns around, making sure said girlfriend wasn’t in the room. “She’s my real girlfriend, too, you know?”
Sooyoung just chuckles. “I’ll see it when I believe it. When are you introducing her to mom and dad?”
“I don’t know. Maybe during the next holiday?”
“Can you bring some snacks from your work?” Hyunjin shoves herself in front of the camera, as if trying to corner her little sister. 
“Hyun, that’s not important.”
“What's more important than bread?”
“Kim Jiwoo. That’s what’s more important than bread.”
Hyejoo pinches the bridge of her nose. This was why she didn’t like talking to her sisters for more than 30 minutes. 
“As if, Sooyoung. Jeon Heejin is more superior than Jiwoo, but bread is always on top.”
“You say that now, once you get married, you’re going to change your minds.”
There are two gunshots. 
“Hye! Why’d you shoot us?! We’re on the same team?”
“Can you two simps shut up? I just sacrificed 6 gigabytes of space to play this game with you two.”
To Hyejoo’s surprise, Hyunjin’s avatar punches her character and Sooyoung takes her out with a headshot. Hyejoo’s about to seek revenge until Sooyoung starts talking again. 
“Yah. I’ve seen your Instagram story posts. Once you two get together, you’re gonna be whipped for her, too. It’s in the Ha genetics.”
“For fucks sake, I am dating Gowon! And why would anyone be proud of being whipped?” Hyejoo starts shooting at her sisters but they run away from the lobby before starting a campaign. 
It always starts with small talk. It usually consists of their jobs, what they’re doing on the weekends, and each other’s girlfriends. Hyejoo liked hearing from her sisters, but she couldn’t help but feel a little pathetic hearing about their numerous plans while she just wanted to get through school. Conversations like this is where they found out that Sooyoung became a manager at a well known dance school. The last time they talked, Hyunjin was talking about taking Heejin to Disneyland. Hyejoo was slightly jealous because she wants to spoil Gowon, too, but with the minimum wage she’s earning, she can only afford the new gaming mouse Gowon wanted. 
Like always, she’ll just listen. Listen and shoot. Maybe she’ll learn a new lesson from the mistakes her sisters laugh about, but she’s too busying carrying the team for the most part. 
The three have just finished a round when Hyunjin asks for a break so she can eat. Hyejoo checks her phone to see a few texts from Gowon. 
Sooyoung opens a conversation. “Hey guys, I need to tell you something.” 
“Go right ahead,” Hyejoo says before chugging some water. Hyunjin just hums before biting into some pasta that Heejin brought in about 15 minutes ago. 
“I haven’t told mom and dad, yet because we’re still thinking about it,” Sooyoung takes a deep breath, “Jiwoo and I want to try for a kid.”
Hyejoo stops looking at her phone. She stares at Sooyoung through the screen. “Oh damn. Really?”
Sooyoung offers a smile. Hyejoo can’t help but soften up at the honey dripping out of her sister’s eyes. “Yeah. She keeps talking about how cute her students are so I brought up the conversation. We’re gonna start going to fertilization clinics and adoption centers to see our options. I don’t think anything’s going to happen in the coming year or two, but I just wanted to let you guys know.” She sighs. “I’m kinda excited actually.”
“Congrats, unnie!” Hyunjin lets out a chuckle. “The idea of a little Jiwoo running around and doing taekwondo flips sounds adorable.”
Sooyoung whines. “What about a little Th-ooyoungie dancing in the living room?”
“Don’t ever use that fucking voice again.” Hyejoo grimaces in disgust. 
Hyunjin didn’t spare a pause for disagreement. “I second that.” Sooyoung never used aegyo so it was slightly unbearable hearing that. 
“Whatever.” Sooyoung sighs. “It’s just— it’s kinda surreal thinking about having a kid.”
Hyejoo also agrees. Maybe it’s because she’s looking forward to building her career or the fact that she doesn’t know where to begin in taking care of a kid that the idea of her own children seems foreign. She’s thought about adopting a dog, but a human being?
Hyunjin asks Sooyoung about the logistics, like the future of their current jobs and who would carry the child if they decided to not adopt. 
Hyejoo listens, but her mind gets clouded thinking about a little Sooyoung or Jiwoo running around and giggling and maybe even playing with a little controller. Hyunjin will compete to be the favorite aunt, but she’ll share with Heejin. She knows Gowon will be a better aunt than her, but she still wants to be a part of that kid’s life. Even though she wasn’t the most active, she wants to take that future kid to the park and kick a ball around and teach them pranks. 
The idea warmed Hyejoo’s heart. 
For a second, Hyejoo zones back into the conversation. Sooyoung eggs Hyunjin about finishing dental school so she can start her own family, too. 
Then it hits Hyejoo. 
It’ll still be in the far future, but maybe she needs to grow up a little more. There’s going to be little Sooyoung and soon enough there will be a little Hyunjin. 
Hyejoo needs to stop cursing. Maybe she needs to go home more and keep her parents company. She’ll learn how to cook something besides instant ramen and fried rice. 
Things are going to be different. They’re all growing up. Sooyoung’s moving up positions. Hyunjin is going to finish dental school. Hyejoo was going to graduate soon. 
Hyejoo was more than used to being away from her family during the school year, but then it hits her. 
The two neighboring rooms back home were going to be empty. Her two sisters are eventually going to stop coming home for holidays. 
The three of them are not going to play video games.
It’ll no longer be just the three of them. 
Hyejoo let’s that sink in a little. The days of shooting zombies and racing around Nintendo tracks and visiting each other’s islands will significantly lesson.
The maknae suddenly feels guilty of declining all those game requests. Although all reasons were valid, she feels like she should’ve made more time for her sisters.
She hears Hyunjin whining at something Sooyoung said. Hyejoo flinches a smile, remembering how fifteen years ago, they were bullying each other at the playground.
Some things didn’t change. 
And maybe some things still won’t change.
The future is uncertain and maybe she shouldn’t think too much about it.  
At least she has the present. She can still play with her sisters now. She can play with them next week, next month. 
“Hye? Are you okay? You’ve been pretty quiet.” 
Hyejoo tried to think of a snarky comeback, but couldn't think of anything. Surprisingly, her ego doesn’t get to her and just comes clean. “Yeah. I’m just thinking about a little Sooyoung. It’s kinda cute actually. Congrats, Soo.”
Her two older sisters just stare at her through the camera. “Wow. It must be late. Hyejoo’s being nice. Let’s just do one more round and call it a night.”
Hyejoo scoffs. She wants to curse, but holds herself back. 
“You guys down for a few rounds of Smash?”
“Sounds good. Is Hye joining?”
Hyejoo puts down her phone. “Gowonnie.” She nudges the girl next to her. They were watching a variety show together while snuggling. 
Gowon just hums, a little engrossed in the show. 
“I’m gonna go play with my sisters. Is that okay?”
Her girlfriend just smiles and rolls her eyes. “Why do you even ask? You know I’m going to say yes.”
Hyejoo doesn’t want to admit that she just wants to be chummy. “If you had plans in mind, I was just going to reschedule.” 
Gowon just shrugs. “I mean I’m craving fried chicken, but that’s not worth rescheduling.” She then shoves Hyejoo off of her. “Go.”
The younger one grumbles, but makes her way to their gaming room. 
As she turns on the light, she admires the room they have created. On one side, her girlfriend has a pastel setup. It contrasts her black black setup. 
An idea finally sparks in her head. She walks back outside and peaks back into their small living room. 
“Gowonnie, do you want to join us?”
“Are you really her girlfriend?”
“Of course she’s my girlfriend. She wouldn’t have been playing with us for the past hour if we’re not dating.” Hyejoo puts her head on Gowon’s shoulder. Hyunjin and Sooyoung are entertained by their little sister’s webcam showing an abandoned chair while Gowon’s webcam showed Hyejoo being soft and protective of a bright and rather crunchy lady.
“She’s not paying you with credits or diamonds or something?”
Gowon giggles. “That sounds like a better bargain.” She turns to her girlfriend and pats her head. “I’m tired of carrying you. Starting next month, I’m expecting 2,000 Battle Points or I’m going to stop doing your laundry.”
Hyunjin chokes on her water. Sooyoung’s jaw dropped. 
Hyejoo pouts. “Park Chaewon.”
“Wow. I like her already. I think mom will like her, too.”
“How did you meet such a nice person, Hye? She’s pretty, too. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Gowon smiles. “Thank you. It’s nice to know Hyejoo’s siblings are nice.” She turns to Hyejoo. “You should learn something from your sisters. Forget it. I’m upping the payment to 4,000 Battle Points.”
Hyejoo pouts and gives a quick peck on Gowon’s cheek. “Can I pay you with love instead?”
Hyunjin gags. “I don’t know if I’ll get used to this.”
“She got that from you, Hyun. Don’t deny it.” Sooyoung scolds her younger sister.
“You’ve been dating, Jiwoo-unnie longer! She got that from you!”
Gowon giggles. Hyejoo can’t help, but admire her girlfriend. She pleased how well things were coming along. 
Socials: Twitter | Curious Cat
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ahowto4life · 6 years
College Masterpost Part 3: Tips & Advice
Type up notes on the spot in class and then later rewrite them into spiral based notebooks
Either that or have two notebooks; one for class, one for later rewrites
Make it a habit to study every day, even if it's for 30 mins
Figure out your style of note-taking; what works best for you
e.g. Cornell notetaking system
Don't even bother with binders hun
Make your notes look nice, it'll make you feel more productive as well as give you the illusion that your life is somewhat together
Write out a list of what needs to be done
Prioritize shit properly
Remember to eat/drink/sleep
Make a to-do list
Remember what you’re fighting for and motivate yourself by reminding yourself where you’ll be when this is all done
Set timed goals
Take well-deserved breaks
Create weekly schedules of what needs to be done
Plan meals prior
Go on a morning jog if you can, but don’t be afraid to sleep in
Remember to take care of yourself and give yourself some self-love ♥
There’s a high chance you’re gonna get that freshman 15, so try your best to maintain a healthy diet + exercise
Always keep water on you, just do it
Saving money and eating healthy can be difficult, but try your best to find that balance
Don’t use as much of season mix when bingeing on instant noodles, create own seasonings to reduce sodium intake
Eat breakfast for once
Stock up on cereal and other breakfasty things
A Soup Base:
Ramen noodles
Miso paste
Stock cube/paste
Preferably low sodium
Tofu, chicken
Garlic, soybeans, veggies!
Fish/oyster sauce
Soy sauce
Steps (Should be common knowledge but here anyways in case you’re drunk):
Boil water
Cook pasta for 2 min
Add veggies
Add noodles
Don't bother buying every single textbook on the list
See what is required and what recommended. If possible, go for used textbooks or rent.
Avoid buying textbooks from the bookstore at all costs if possible! (See Thriftbooks and Slugbooks, even Amazon has some deals)
Get a jar to collect spare change 
Try home cooking or off-campus dining. 
On-campus usually has higher prices.
Buy in bulk
Obvious tip but often difficult; avoid spending on unnecessary luxuries (no need for Starbucks every single morning; off brands work too)
Sell old clothes, you can get extra bucks
Use student discounts to your advantage!
Don't be afraid to use public transport, can save a lot of gas money + fees + insurance
Learn how to budget
Prioritize needs vs wants
Figure out what costs more and plan ahead on how you’ll pay for it
Do laundry weekly you fuck
Take an extra credit gym class if offered
Keep money, pills, keys, charger, and cell on self, especially when working overnight for a project
Keep money stored on student ID if possible
Also, have chapstick and tissues on hand
No need for binders; individual folders will do
Use a planner for everything
Please eat and stay hydrated
Pre-select outfits the day before based on
Eat breakfast for once
Stock up on cereal and other breakfasty things
If you’re a girl, hide spare cash in menstrual pad wrapper ;^)
Make a proper daily to-do list to actually get chores and other important things done
Listen to music without lyrics when studying to avoid getting distracted
Yes, keep in touch! But you need to live your life too
Don't get distracted with spending all your time calling up old friends
Yes, keep in touch! But you need to live your life too
Don't need as if you need to join every club out there, but definitely look around your freshman year
Don't bother wearing your lanyard all over campus
Get to know your professors and RA (Residence Assistant). 
Getting on their good side will help you greatly when you need assistance (or a grade boost)
It's okay to feel out of place or homesick, so what you need to do to feel better. But don't give up! Especially in your first semester/year
Do not feel like you need to stick to your major if you aren't happy
It's crazy to think you have to know everything you want to do right now. Test the waters and explore, it's normal to switch paths
Try exploring your campus, but don't forget to take time for yourself as well
Don't think you need to drag someone with you wherever you go. It's college, it's okay to go places alone or eat alone. 
It makes it easier for you to make new friends that way too
Avoid skipping classes, it's inevitable you will skip a few but don't make it a habit
Make amazing memories!!!!
Part 1: Dorm Essentials
Part 2: Resources
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tbhstudying1 · 6 years
from for the dreams i want to catch http://bit.ly/2G5asD3 See More
watts-of-dragons: yatahisofficiallyridiculous: geardrops: jmathieson-fic: amireal2u: taraljc: ca...
I have $24 to last me til Friday, what should I buy with it?
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tbhstudying1 · 6 years
from for the dreams i want to catch http://bit.ly/2G5asD3 via See More
watts-of-dragons: yatahisofficiallyridiculous: geardrops: jmathieson-fic: amireal2u: taraljc: ca...
I have $24 to last me til Friday, what should I buy with it?
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