#liverpool latest news 24 7
sportearly · 2 years
"Get informed," Florian Plettenberg gives Liverpool transfer claims, and FSG plans to heavily support Klopp
“Get informed,” Florian Plettenberg gives Liverpool transfer claims, and FSG plans to heavily support Klopp
Because he has “been informed,” Florian Plettenberg is no longer pursuing a move to Liverpool, and FSG is planning to heavily support Klopp. Florian Plettenberg abandons his transfer request to Liverpool after being “told” that FSG would strongly support Klopp.The decline in performance this season has made it very evident that Liverpool Football Club needs investment, particularly in the…
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestions, smut love bombing, occasionally sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 19 - ‘You’re Mine’
You were not as hopeless as your inner dialogue made you sound. You missed Trent so much your little heart hurt but you could live. You were busy with an array of things, you had gotten really active in local charities in Liverpool and initiatives especially Trent’s latest project launch. You had a degree from university that you didn’t really share with a lot of people around you but Trent obviously knew about it so your skill set came in handy. With the spare time you had you reached out to some contacts from your previous jobs you had put on hold back in New York. At the time you met Trent you were taking a little hiatus to just decompress. You were privileged enough to do that and well aware that is not something everyone could have the luxury of doing so once you got settled in England you started to connect with brands you worked with in the US that had UK offices. You got back into work freelance writing and styling. Your career before was in Fashion Editorial so it was an easy transition to get back into the swing of things. It made you feel better you were able to have a life outside of being Trent’s number one fan, even though that often was your favorite thing to be occupied with. Thankfully the two, Trent and work, were kept separated for the moment.
Before the tournament actually began you found that the little T- Bear Trent left for you just seemed to be with you 24/7. Tucked in bed with you every night, snuggled up on the couch watching television and as wonderful as that was, there was a certain part that this ‘T’ wasn’t able to… how do you put this… fulfill.
You were just about to whine down from the day but your hair and makeup were still done so you decided to take a few cheeky photos. A client, Agent Provocateur, a brand you adored, from an editorial piece you had worked on recently with them had gifted you some pieces of gorgeous lingerie. So you put on a little pink satin trimmed lace bra with a matching thong. The goal was to entice Trent obviously, but aside from that this set was making you feel confident which you seemed to be struggling with lately. You took some photos with the whole set on, some taking it off, some with it barely serving any purpose all while holding your new little bear. It was an incredibly sweet concept but far from innocent. You picked your favorites, ones you knew showed off things he’d enjoy so you sent them in a text unsolicited and unprovoked as you tucked into bed for the night. The little ‘delivered’ popped up under the sent photos and it quickly turned to ‘read.’ You knew he’d be excited to see them but there was always a little part of you that worried about how you actually looked in them, if he’d like them, and then of course about the potential consequences of sending such explicit photos when he’s at ‘work’ so you held your breath. He started to type and the three dots in the bubble appeared but stopped, started again only to disappear once again. The brief moment of confidence you had built started to waver. While you laid in your bed, a little disheartened, you put your phone far away from you to try to forget the situation until you heard the familiar ring of an incoming FaceTime.
“You’re such a tease, baby.” Trent rolled his perfect plump lips into a pout shaking his head but couldn’t really hold back the lustful grin he was really expressing. “I have training early tomorrow and you got me so fucking hard I can’t possibly get to sleep now.” He groaned. You sighed in relief that he did in fact really like your pictures.
“I’m sorry, T. I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just trying some things on and I thought you’d want to see. I didn’t mean to disrupt your night.” You feigned an apology playing coy.
“Nah, nah, nah you got me all worked up, miles away, sending me something I can’t have right now. You’re staying on the phone right now, helping me with this.” He sounded so commanding and it turned you on instantly.
“What can I help with, baby? To help, do you need me to keep this on or take it off?” You pulled the bra strap off your body to let it snap back against your skin.
“I wanna see more of you, beautiful. Take that off…Save that for when I can rip it off you myself and put your phone somewhere. I need to see all of you.” He instructed you so you leaned back against your headboard in front of your now propped up phone.
“This okay?” You asked craving his approval.
“Yeah, baby, just like that. You wanna spread your legs for me? Show me how wet you are.” He confirmed that was what he wanted to see. He began to stroke his cock from the tip to the base. His command had you stifling a moan.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. I miss you so much, T” you whimpered waiting for instructions till he asked for you to touch your clit, and then slowly slide your fingers into yourself. Just watching his cock get harder, hearing him pant on the other side of your phone had you inching closer to your release.
“Keep fucking that pussy,” he groaned. “Yeah, just like that, little faster, baby. Use your other hand and rub that clit again. Tell me how much you miss my cock.” His words had you crumbling. It was a cross between complete desperation, lust, and absence.
“I mi-miss it. I want your cock to fuck me, please. Ple..please I need your cock, T.” You whined. The tension and pressure released all at once causing you to whimper louder as waves of pleasure rippled through you. Your fingers coated in your slick. You couldn’t take your eyes off the screen, Trent repeatedly moaning your name as ropes of his cum spurted from his cock covering his abs. When you both came to, you smiled and wiggled in your bed giggling with him happy to feel the release but also to have achieved making him feel good from miles away.
“Fuck, that was so hot, you’re so beautiful, baby.” Trent said, laughing a little more while he cleaned himself up.
“I love you. Miss having you here with me so much.” You pouted. “Going to be able to sleep now?”
“Yeah, I think I’ll be okay now, thank you.” He chuckled. “I’ll be saving those pictures though, I might need them till I get you back.”
“Yeah, yeah but I think a call may be a little more mutually beneficial.” You giggled. “Goodnight, baby.”
“Love you, pretty girl. Miss you so much. Night.” Pushing his lips out for a virtual kiss before he hung up the phone.
A week later and many similar FaceTimes, you and Dianne were going to the Euro’s. You were traveling for the first match of the tournament. You and Dianne had a great relationship. You had essentially become like a daughter. She spoiled you, she always defended you against the boys teasing, you spent a lot of time shopping together or sitting pitch side. You appreciated her so much for all she did for you since you arrived in Liverpool and loved the idea of a little trip together. You checked into a lovely hotel and settled into your separate rooms but planned to meet up for a breakfast in the morning before you headed off for the stadium tomorrow.
It was the opening match of the group stage and the place was buzzing. You hadn’t seen England play in a big tournament like this yet as Trent’s girlfriend so you didn’t really know what to expect. You hoped you had adapted to life as a ‘wag’ at Liverpool but this was a whole new lot. You had made friends with a few girls you’d met at international friendly matches, the boys you knew on the team, and were excited to be able to see some girls from Liverpool whose partners were playing for other countries. That said as much as you had watched the Euros countless times before, to be there felt so strange. Thank god Dianne was with you. You both had opted to match in Alexander-Arnold white England kit shirts. You kept your outfit pretty casual not wanting to draw too much attention given the mayhem that seemed to be ensuing lately with your every move relatively near a football pitch. ‘Casual’ is all relative though when you are a little bit of a fashion girly so; you paired T’s jersey with R13 Crossover denim shorts, white and gray Prada ‘Downtown’ sneakers, a Mui Mui gray fleece hoodie in case you got cold, your new, very sweetly gifted, navy Dior saddle bag and what felt like just about every piece of gold jewelry you owned; you’d be remiss to not be wearing your prized possession; the white gold diamond Van Clef necklace Trent gave you when he asked you to be his girlfriend. That was always going to be on and the myriad of other little bits and bobs of jewelry he'd given you over time. You liked the look, it felt authentically you: low key but if you looked close enough the finer details told another story and you liked that.
You promised Dianne you’d help up her ‘MaG’ match day fits. You two had started an inside joke considering you were Mum and Girlfriend for Trent in the stands. It was cute and you were elated to help. Outside the stadium, you stopped a girl around your age to take a photo for you with Dianne to keep for a memory and you got that special photo but it also transgressed into plenty of questions because the girl was a fan which was sweet but in turn the exchange was shared to your least favorite part of the internet lately… social football gossip pages.
‘Okay, ICL, Trent Alexander-Arnold’s mum and his presumed girlfriend holding hands walking into the stadium was precious. The mystery girl is definitely no mystery to the fam’
The girl who kindly took a photo for you outside the stadium had also shared with a fan page another photo she had taken unsolicited as you walked away with Dianne.
Dianne held onto your hand still as you walked through the corridors of the stadium while masses of people swirled around you. It was insane. Complete chaos. A familiar chaos, but chaos nonetheless. England had a strong team this year and people were excited to say the least. You made it to your seats and your heart filled with relief seeing the tan skinned pretty pretty boy, smiling beaming, warming up ahead of the match. You leaned onto Diane’s shoulder in repose.
“It’s the best feeling in the world seeing him happy doing what he loves.” Leaning her head on top of yours.
“I know, I feel lucky I get to witness it. Even just to be a small part of the whole experience.”
“Hun, you’re a big part. Things changed when you came to England for him. He’s emotionally never been in a better place.” She cooed.
“I hope so, I just want to be there for him as much as I can. I try not to let my emotions ever sway his, like when I miss him. I don’t know how you’ve done this for so long.” You joked a little because you referring to ‘so long’ was really in reference to from birth to this very moment and having to share her son globally.
“One thing I always know, he does miss us when he’s away. He doesn’t need to tell us but you know he will always, even as focused as he is for work. More specifically, he misses you sweetheart…so much.” She placed a kiss on head. “You make that boy's life outside of all this so much better for him. Easier, happier, calmer, healthier, I could go on… so thank you hun.” Her words had your heart bursting. You always had an open relationship but to get such a verbal confirmation felt really nice.
When a Trent fan account finally published the photo of you and Dianne walking into the stadium together the response was different to the usual wrath of hate you’d receive from the public on the likes of gossip news sites. Instead these fans were enthused by the sighting. Commenting…
‘I feel like she’s probably super sweet if she’s that close with his mum’
‘Seeing her with his family makes me feel like she’s actually a serious girlfriend’
‘Okay, ngl, she actually looks too cool for him lol’
‘Matching with his mum is so precious’
‘Imagine Trent being your boyfriend 😭’
‘She’s with his mum 🥺’
You couldn’t have asked for a better opening match. England dominated and Trent got a decent amount of minutes and during his time on the pitch he managed to assist Bukaya for an unbelievable goal. It was just icing on the cake to see him after a couple weeks, have the result go their way, and to have him play well. When the final whistle blew it was such a special feeling being surrounded by people who all felt just the same as you. It was a big family just supporting boys that had worked so tirelessly to get here, to represent their country. When the team had wrapped up some post match duties they were able to come over to the stands to meet up with their families after the stadium had cleared out. Trent walked over with a smile that made your heart melt. You leaned over the railing to give him the biggest kiss. His arms reached up to grab your face, yours falling around his neck. You both hummed at the satisfaction of being back together. The kiss felt like fireworks for you, your whole body ignited feeling his lips on yours. Trent’s body on the other hand fell into complete comfort and relaxation soothed by your touch.
“Missed you so much, baby.” He whispered his lips ghosting over yours.
“My T” you giggled, pressing one more peck before pulling apart.
“Lemme climb on up, pretty girl.” He needed to get off the pitch over into the stands so he did haphazardly because his body was exhausted.
“You were amazing, sweetie. So proud of you Trenty.” Dianne cooed, giving him a big tight hug. Diane stayed standing but Trent collapsed onto a seat in the stands burnt out.
“T, honestly so good. You were incredible.” Leaning over to give him another kiss. You sat next to him and he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head onto your shoulder. He pressed light kisses to it and you did the same to his temple. Dianne stood there talking to you both about the match before going over to talk to Jude Bellingham’s mum, Denise, after spotting her now the match had finished. With the idea of being alone with you, despite being surrounded by friends, family and teammates, Trent sprawled out across a row of seats and laid his head in your lap. You caressed his face and played with his hair while you two gushed about how much you missed each other. He was practically stuck to you. He couldn’t pull his hands or lips off your skin if he tried. Kissing your wrists as they moved over his face, pulling your face down for proper kisses every once in a while, purring as your nails scratched his scalp.
“Trent, come here quick.” Dianne yelled for him evoking a disgruntled face on the boy who had gotten quite comfortable back under your touch. So he stood up and made his way over to talk to the two mums. Despite telling him you’d stay put, he dragged you with him, pushing you in front of him while his hands wrapped around your waist. He kept his chin on your shoulder listening to his mum while his idle fingers played with the belt loops of your shorts. You introduced yourself to Denise who was as kind as her sons were. You’d met and spent a lot of time with both her boys since you moved to England, knowing how polite they were, it made sense she’d be that way as well.
“Going to do a lunch after the group stage with them, five of us, yeah?” Dianne was informing you and Trent about a plan she and Denise had made to go out before the England Team were hosting a little party for all the families.
“That sounds lovely!” You cheerfully smiled liking the idea of getting time together away from other than just seeing the boys from a distance on the pitch. Trent didn’t say anything, he just smiled seeing you smile. He missed the way your cheeks warmed when you did. Jude waddled his way up the stairs of the seats sore from the game coming up to you all, first giving a hug and kiss to his mum, then to Diane and then looked at you, smiled, and then rolled his eyes at Trent who was lost still gazing at you.
“Gonna let go for a minute so we can all say hello?” Jude joked removing Trent’s hands stuck to your body.
“Hi Judey” you giggled giving him a big hug. Lately he and Trent were together most of the time when league play was suspended for breaks and he found himself back in England so you had gotten close. He was coming on your holiday after the tournament. The holiday had funnily become a little bit of a boys trip that included you and your best friend, but moreover Trent obviously, Marcel was coming, Jude, and Jobe, his brother, had decided to tag along, and then a few other boys. You didn’t mind but it was a little comical now. Jude could sense the humor in it and knew your relationship well enough that you just were dying to be laying on the beach with Trent, alone, unbothered, but that more than likely wouldn’t be the case now.
“All good? Ready for this to be over?” You pulled out of his hug rolling your eyes at his comment as he sat down in front of you leaning on the back of a seat a row below you.
“What do you mean! Very excited to be here for the next two weeks” you beamed sarcastically.
“It worries me how good you are at lying. It’s unsettling for my brother” he shoved at your shoulder while glancing at Trent.
“No, seriously! I am actually really excited. This is amazing though. You played so well, lucky to be supporting England.” You clarified.
“Yeah, just don’t open your mouth too much and you might pass as one of us.” Jude teased about your accent but was quickly reprimanded by Denise. She scolded Jude telling him to be nicer and you just smiled relishing in the mum's protection over you.
The boys had to go back to the dressing room after getting to say hello which was bittersweet and came all too quickly. Luckily in a few days time they’d be out of the group stages and would have a few days off so you could see Trent then but right now you had to say bye.
“Call me tonight?” You cooed, draping your arms around Trent’s neck, his arms coming to drop low on your waist pulling his jersey you had on up to caress your skin, dipping his hands into your shorts slyly.
“Course, baby. I’m just so glad you’re here.” He whispered, pulling your body a little closer to his pushing his hips into you.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else, T.” You quietly said back pressing your nose against his.
“Love you, beautiful” he said with a little peck to your lips.
“I love you.” You sealed with another kiss. Your focus only on each other.
“Honestly, enough. I’m going without you.” Jude dramatically but in, hitting Trent’s arm before proceeding to stand up. Trent said goodbye to the mums, and you again with another swift but sweet kiss and a sneaky squeeze to your ass cheek before hurrying after Jude. He turned and winked at you before disappearing down the tunnel.
Later that evening, the England Instagram account posted a carousel of families reuniting after the first win of the tournament. None directly featured you, Diane or Trent but behind a photo posted of the Bellingham family were you and Trent having a cuddle while sharing a sweet kiss. There definitely was a fair share of comments who caught the affectionate interaction. In turn, cropped images of the photo, zooming in on you two, blew up all over socials again,
‘They’re not even trying anymore lol’
‘I’m happy for them 🥹’
‘Trent, I don’t need to see you cheating on me like this’
‘To kiss that sweaty man, I’d die’
‘Still just avoiding cameras, like fam, we know your together lol’
You and Diane continued going to the remaining group stage matches with England performing well. Trent even bagging a goal so the brief moments seeing him after the games were just so special. Being so close but unable to properly be alone and cuddle or kiss was slightly driving you both insane. So you spent the nights apart FaceTiming only mere hotels, short distances apart. Trent would vent about the games and you listened intently trying your best to not add unnecessary additions to the already noisy commentary he was surrounded by, you’d joke around, if there wasn’t a game directly the following day, things would get a little steamier on the call but overall you just repeated how much you missed being back at home together. More often than not you two just stayed on the phone till you both fell asleep making one of you wake up hours later and having to end the call that had been ongoing for hours of just your sleeping faces lit by phone screens.
As expected the England team finished top of their group so they were to have a few days off before the knockout stage began which meant you got to spend some time with your T. He did have to go to a short morning training session after last night's game but he was coming to meet you and his mum at your hotel to see you both after. You always grappled with sharing Trent but his mom was an exception, she deserved all his time and attention so you were hoping for a little sliver. He met you later in the day after the training session in a tea room of the hotel you and Dianne were staying at and joined you for brunch. Somehow if it was even possible, Trent walked in and looked even more beautiful than he ever did. He seemed to have that effect on you. It didn’t matter if it had been 5 minutes when he’d walk to the kitchen and back or days since you last saw him but when he’d return he somehow looked even more handsome than before. His mum stayed seated and she gave him a little side hug. You opted to stand up to give him a tight hug, you missed his warm embrace. He wrapped his arms around you and his familiar amber smell engulfed you. You could’ve stayed there forever. You kissed his neck gently, subtly, and quietly to keep it hidden from his mum but Trent wasn’t having that.
“Erm…I’d like a proper kiss, beautiful.” He beamed with a big smile, his lips pushing out waiting for you. His hands slid up from around your waist to hold both your cheeks. He placed a heart stopping kiss on your lips and you felt your legs almost give out. He was like a dream all the time. You finally sat and had a nice little meal filled with conversation more so about what was happening back at home than football, he wanted the break from the intensity. When Dianne excused herself to run to the restroom, Trent pulled your chair a little closer to his. He placed another kiss on your cheek.
“What’d you doing, pretty boy?” You cooed, unable to hide the smile he was pulling from you and the flush rising in your cheeks smitten by his flirty move.
“Wanna be closer to my girl” his hand came and wrapped around the back of your neck stroking his thumb over your exposed skin. In your Trents true fashion he had shown up with a little gift for you. “Got you a little something, baby.”
“T!! You don’t always have to do this!” You quipped in feigned annoyance. You gestured to the Dior Saddle bag you were using today again but it still always was a little exciting “I don’t need anything. I just need this.” You said, moving your hand over his resting on his leg, playing with each of his fingers slowly. It was true, just being close to him was enough for you but nevertheless he pulled out a little box.
“Just so you don’t forget where you’re loyaly lies on match days, yeah?” You opened the little jewelry box that had a Monica Rich Kosann locket that opened with two little pictures; one of you and T hugging in the tunnel at Anfield in his Liverpool kit, the other of you and him sharing a cute kiss in his England uniform. It just made you melt. He was so thoughtful and cute. “I know you're technically only half American but don’t you forget whose you are, beautiful. You’re all mine.”
“I’m pretty sure I know who I’ll be rooting for always. Always yours.” You said giggling, “but thank you, baby. I love it and I love you” leaning your head on his shoulder nuzzling into that familiar smell as his arm wrapped around you. He pressed light kisses on your head while you whispered little mushy things back and forth. When Dianne returned she smiled entering the main room seeing that her departure caused your chairs to move inexplicably closer. She liked to see that her very reserved boy found someone to be so comfortable, protective, confident and unequivocally in love with. She sat back down but it wasn’t long until she excused herself again.
“I need a little rest, a shower, and some time to get ready for tonight to keep up my ‘MaG’ looks so I’m going to head up.” She stood up from the table, placing her napkin down, pushing her chair in and placing her hand gently on yours briefly.
“MaG?” Trent questioned, looking between you and his mum for some context on the inside joke he was clearly left out of.
“Don’t worry about it” you laughed in Dianne’s direction telling her if she needed you to text you but she just wanted to let you and Trent to spend some time alone together.
“Thank you hun!” She kissed Trent’s head and squeezed your arm. “I’ll see you both a little later on before we meet with Denise and her boys.” You said your goodbyes but you stayed a little longer cuddled up as close as you can be in a restaurant setting picking at little sandwiches and sweets. Eventually, Trent and you finally left and went up to your room where he dramatically crashed on the bed, rushing to get under the covers like a little boy because he was ‘so tired.’
“T! T! Shoes! Gross!” You squealed, pulling at his arms to get him out and off your freshly cleaned hotel bedding.
“Wowwwww already asking me to take my clothes off. Eager much, baby?” He teased starting to get out of the bed begrudgingly.
“No…no, well” you blushed at his words. “I wouldn’t complain but I just meant if you could not get my bed all dirty I would appreciate it” you gave a genuine smile and a sweet giggle that made his heart falter.
“So you don’t want to be dirty in bed?” he sat up on the bed with a cheeky and devious smile, his legs hung off the side and he held his arms out for you. You moved over and stood between his legs, his hands caressed up your back pulling your shirt up with them, “With me? Not even me baby?” He gave you a look that made you cave immediately. You let him pull your shirt off over your head and after he did your hands reached out to pull his off.
“I missed this body. You’re so fucking beautiful. Been dreaming of this.” He said, dragging the strap of your bra down off your shoulder.
“Dreaming of what, T? What do you need?” You cooed with a sly smirk as your hands played with the waistband of the skirt you still had on.
“I need all of this…” sliding the mini skirt down your legs. “off right now.” He said gently, his words dripping like honey, his hands moving in slow motion. Making your skin burn.
You were standing in front of him completely naked now. He sat back resting on his arms behind him on the bed. The hotel room light cast over you illuminating the dips of your collarbones, highlighting the rise of your tits, the smoothness of your skin. Trent stared in awe just about drooling over his girl.
“Baby, I’m gonna need you here right now.” He said pulling your waist towards him. You sat with your legs on both sides of his and straddled him, feeling his prominent bulge growing harder and harder beneath your wet core.
“And I’m going to need these off, T.” You said pulling off his trousers. In quick motions all clothing was removed, Trent had flipped you over to be on top of you making out passionately, whispers and gasps of ‘I love you’ and ‘missed this so much’ muddled in between messy, sloppy, yearning kisses. You spit a little on your hand and gently gilded it up and down the length of his cock. His fingers slid between your folds gathering your wetness to play with your clit while he dipped two in to help stretch you out.
“Shit, that feels so good, sh-shit, I’m not gonna last very long, it's been a while without you. You’re so fucking tight” Trent was panting, losing focus at just the feeling of you.
“Baby, I need you so bad, can we just ju-just. Please I miss you so much T.” You were moaning as his languid fingers circled your clit begging for him to fuck you. His mouth nipped down your neck before his tongue circled and licked around your hard nipples eliciting a whimper of pleasure from you.
“Yeah, yeah, sweet girl. I’m gonna give you whatever you need.” He groaned. In swift motions he slowly aligned his cock with your core and slid into you. You both gasped at the contact. He moved slowly inch by inch but he just wanted to get as deep as possible. He missed this feeling like nothing else. His thick cock hit your g spot almost immediately once he was in. He felt so deep and the stretch of him being back inside you had your mind turn to complete mush. You lost any control you had when he was fully inside. The force and pace of his thrusts increased and so did the volume of both your moans. “You’re such a good girl, so fucking wet for me.” He said hearing the sounds of your slick as he dragged his cock slowly out of you and watched himself push all the way back thrusting harder. Your legs wrapped around him. You were whining in pleasure. Your lips parted gasping at the sensation of him. You both were moaning inexplicable phrases of praise, love, and adoration. You were completely obsessed with each other and how good the sex was only amplified it.
“Oh my fu-fucking god, T, you feel so good.” You felt tears fill your lash line. His cock rammed deep inside you again and again, hitting a spot only he knew, while his finger pressed rough circles around your clit. He dipped his head a little and played with your nipples more, pulling at them and biting. You could barely handle the sensory overload so you bit harshly onto his shoulder to try to quiet your moans.
“Fuck, baby, your pussy’s so perfect for me. Taking me so well.” He growled moving to nibble at your ear, his hot breath on your skin had your orgasm approaching faster and faster. He pulled back nearly all the way out and hammered back in. Tears started to roll down your cheek. Your arms wrapped around his body so tight your nails were digging into his skin leaving deep crescent marks while Trent continued to fuck you at an inhuman pace.
“I missed you, I missed this. You feel so fucking good. I want this forever.” You babled as your legs started to tremble. Your orgasm was getting closer and closer. Your eyes rolled back as you heard him moan your name again, again, and again.
You were getting lost in the pleasure that your T was giving to you while he was just as infatuated by your body and the sounds you were making had him fighting to not cum without you getting to orgasm first.
“You have me forever.” He whispered barely getting the words out softly in your ear. In a split second you felt your pussy spasm at the tenderness of his words and his rough strokes. You soaked his cock completely when you felt his release fill you up so much, it began to seep out while he was still inside. He laid on top of you for a while before he spoke again.
“I’m so addicted to you, beautiful. Can’t be away from you like this.” He murmured laying on your chest completely exhausted
“I guess we’re both addicts then” you giggled tracing your fingers up his spine. He continued laying there just holding you. You kissed him slowly. You were both so tired in the hotel room. “My sleepy, sleepy, needy boy.” You cooed, pressing your lips on his warm skin. You were so authentic with each other. Being back together felt like a saccharine summertime daydream. Feeling your New York daydream turned into your reality. Your love was undiluted, nothing felt better than being physically connected like this .
“We have to go soon, baby.” Trent finally picked his head up to nuzzle into your neck placing kisses all over your skin. If you could bottle this feeling forever you would, it was worth more than its weight in gold.
“I just want another cuddle, pleaseee” you whined childishly and in turned caused Trent to just let all his body weigh on top of you and wrap his arms so tight around you thought you couldn't breathe but the sound of his joyful laugh had you able to completely disregard the bone crushing pressure and just relish in the moment. You wanted to hear him happy, you wanted to see that beautiful smile pull across his face, the smile lines wrinkle, his little dimples appear so you let it ensue. Eventually you both got up and started to get dressed to meet with the Bellinghams; Denise, Jude, and Jobe at the restaurant and to meet Dianne downstairs at the hotel.
Trent needed to shower but you opted not to because your hair would take too long to do if you did which disappointed Trent because he claimed he needed your ‘help’ but in reality he just wanted another round of messing about to his disappointment you held your ground. Instead you began your skincare and makeup at the vanity in the hotel bathroom before moving back to the bedroom and sitting with a pout looking at your suitcase confused.
“What do you think I should wear? I don’t know Denise that well and I don’t know what people have said about me so I don’t want to like… I don’t know, mess up.” You nervously babbled rummaging through your suitcase on the floor.
“You look beautiful in anything.” Trent picked you up off the ground to give you a hug still wet from his shower.
“That’s incredibly unhelpful, T, seriously.” He placed a kiss on your forehead to try to calm your nerves. “Erm… I’m wearing this,” said showing you the outfit he had layed out of the bed. “If that helps at all.”
“Baby… I picked that out though” so you both started laughing.
Because you were going to the England team’s event after you wanted to be a little ‘on theme’ but not exactly sporting Saint George’s cross. You picked a pair of white linen trousers from Cult Gaia, a navy and white striped knit tank from Kule, paired with a Bottega Veneta mini sunrise bag in red, you also opted to bring a Jacquemus denim jacket in case you got cold. Oh! And of course shoes so red Manolo Blahniks were the choice. Your boobs were on display a little bit from not wearing a bra with the top but having a jacket would be a good cover. The pants fit your waist perfectly and when standing showed off your incredible figure. You wanted to be casual so your shoe choice was flats. Once you were dressed you walked over to help fix the collar of Trent’s shirt. He wore tailored khaki cargo style pants, a white t-shirt, a Rhude button up open overtop and a pair of Louis Vuitton trainer sneakers.
“You’re so so so handsome. It’s a little unfair.” You said as he stood in front of a full length mirror inspecting his outfit and you went and wrapped your hands around his biceps and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“I have to keep up with you don’t I?” He cheekily said, squeezing his hands around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss.
You went to the lobby and Dianne asked if you wanted a photo, well she wanted one of you two, you obliged not particularly upset about capturing memories. Trent and you took a few and Dianne gushed over how beautiful she thought you both were. You had Dianne send them to you and Trent but neither of you posted the photo. Your camera rolls were filled with photos like this that never saw the light of day only when they were printed and hung in the house or a rare occasion where you’d post a more subtle pic of you holding hands walking down the street in your fits like you did tonight.
You held hands as you walked down cobble streets till you saw the Brummie Bellingham family waiting outside the restaurant for dinner. The group of the three boys, two mums, and yourself filed into the restaurant and per usual heads began to turn. Trent was one thing but Jude out in public was another animal… the two of them together; Pandora’s box. You sat at a table nestled in the back of a nice restaurant, you were relieved your outfit of choice was appropriate. To no one’s surprise, you sat close to Trent. One part of the table had a booth for seating and you took his lead so Trent helped you slid in before he followed. Your thighs were touching immediately, one hand wrapped around your waist low with his thumb in between the fabric of your trousers and your skin. The other gripped high on your leg till he needed to use it to look at a menu. Trent, Jude, Jobe honed in on some conversation regarding a referee error that happened in another countries group match. You nodded your head following along, you had seen the story, and Trent had explained it at length. Trent pulled on your waist to get you to be a little closer to him so you gave into his wishes and placed your head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss onto your hair in between sentences. Dianne and Denise were talking about something you couldn’t really hear but they were engrossed in their own back and forth until Dianne tapped at your hand that was resting on the table top.
“Hmm?” You picked up your head with a smile turning towards her. Trent unphased with his hand still gripping you tight.
“Come talk with us sweetheart.” She cooed, gesturing her head towards the other side of the table. You didn’t need his permission but you looked at Trent peeling his fingers off your waist to slide over to talk to the mums before whispering in his ear.
“Okay?” You asked with no real expectation for an answer you just wanted to note what you were doing.
“You can only listen to so much hun.” Denise spoke with a smile you hadn’t really seen her crack yet. Another mum of only boys made you nervous.
“It’s fine, I think when I hit the 15th time discussing the same call, I start to check out a little.” You giggled picking up a glass of wine, bringing it slowly to your lips holding it there a little longer after your sip.
“I understand that, imagine over 20 years of football chaos all day every day. It’ll never end.” Dianne and Denise laughed reminiscing about going from grassroots teams to the biggest stadiums in the world with their little boys.
“I don’t mind. I do actually love football…” you paused and giggled a little before your gaze drifted away from them to Trent. “Maybe not to the same extent of course but it’s nice when people are passionate about something, really love, devote, and care about it.” Your eyes fell back towards them but more so to the table where you played with the rings on your fingers. Trent felt your gaze but missed the connection so he reached over a little and linked his pinky with your hand that was on the seat of the booth before giving you a soft smile. Denise and Dianne watched the exchange and the way your words softened talking about being passionate and what it meant to really love something catching that it wasn’t maybe only about football but about someone sitting at the table who was playing football.
“I heard you followed football before you moved here, is that right?” Denise asked, giving you a sweet smile.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s always been something my dad and I bonded over, had a connection with, I actually played till I was around 16 or so but didn’t really want to play at university so it faded out but when I got older following a team with my dad really kept us close and that’s important to me. We’ve created some of the best memories together at matches.” You rambled a bit, maybe it was the wine, or just panic trying to speak to Denise but you felt a little on edge.
“You did not play footie! That’s bullshit.” Jude’s head turned towards you.
“Jude…” Denise gave a stare that if it was directed at you, you’d probably cry but he just shrugged.
“Sentiment still stands, I don’t believe that.” Jude scoffed.
“Nah, she did! Kept the little secret in her back pocket for a while.” Trent confirmed it was in fact true with a little chuckle.
“Okay, well I wasn’t going to walk up to you people who do it professionally and be like ‘oh I played too!’ That’s embarrassing.” You sarcastically swayed your head back and forth making fun of how ridiculous it would’ve been.
“It still would’ve been interesting to know.” Jobe piped up and it made you smile. You just wanted to pinch his cheeks but he was older than that, definitely not as naive as he played but truly was adorable.
“Thanks, Jobe” you gave him a heartfelt smile. “Jude, you just listening in on our conversation?” You teased picking up your fork and pointing it at him.
“Nah, nah, you’re not all that interesting.” Jude pointed his fork at you emphasizing ‘you’ while he rolled his eyes.
“I’d say otherwise but each their own.” You imitated the same shrug he did earlier.
“You’ve had quite a whirlwind couple of years though sweetheart, at least from what I’ve heard. What did you do before you moved to the UK?” Denise, now interested in how you ended up at this dinner table and that there were things her boys were even still learning about.
“Oh, um, I went to university for a degree and then worked in fashion for a little and in what felt like a blink of an eye I ended up here.” You smiled, oversimplifying your backstory.
“Wow, Hun! Pretty, smart, funny, pushes back against my Jude. Trenty, you’ve got a good one.” Denise cooed looking at Trent whose eyes were still fixed on you from when you were speaking.
“Yeah, absolutely perfect. Worth getting her to move countries innit” Trent gushed eyes still stuck on you before sliding your body back over to him to wrap his arms around your frame placing a little peck on your neck.
“Done well” Dianne cooed, smiling at Trent’s clear obsession while taking a sip from her glass.
“Well then you’ve suddenly become my default to keep all the boys in line on this Greece holiday.” Denise joked a little but it was laced with a bit of seriousness.
“I always do, she’s been looking after mine for a bit now.” Dianne creased, the two mums were having a laugh themselves so you let it play out. The bulk of dinner wrapped up and Denise and Dianne decided they’d let the four of you get up to some nonsense without them so they said their goodbyes, hugs and kisses, and started to walk away from the table.
“Di, he is in love with that girl.” Denise quietly spoke to Dianne as they walked.
“Oh, I’m aware. It’s mutual too, think she’s more shy about the affection because he’s in his element or spaces he’s already familiar with but it’s totally infatuation all the time”
“Think they want to get married?” Denise asked the blatant question.
“I know Trent would, he’s slyly mentioned looking at rings but I keep my mouth shut.” Diane smiled just keeping her eyes forward as Denise glanced back at the table.
“It’s the only way we get any information now, just being quiet I swear” Denise laughed at the reality of their situations.
“She’s so good for him and he’s good to her. They make each other so happy, their house is gorgeous and so warm. It makes my heart full that they built this all from some whirlwind interaction.” She paused having a think. “Oh, god, you know what, yeah I’d really want that for them. Whole family loves that girl to bits.” Dianne babbled getting caught in the idea of what the future had in store for you and Trent.
You and the three boys decided to grab the check but go to the bar, you didn’t really need to sneak Jobe in with you like you normally would with a younger boy just being with Jude and Trent was like going anywhere with a free pass so it was no problem.
On cue, a few girls approached asking for photos with the boys so you happily helped take some for them. They wanted individual photos with Jude and then Trent. When one girl was posing for her photo with Trent she was a little bit more handsy than you cared for but it was only a photo so you bit your tongue. She wrapped her arm around his waist and placed her palm over his chest like a couple may pose. Jobe gripped your shoulder with his hand sensing the tension as you tapped away taking the photos on her phone. Even he knew it was probably a step too far on the girls' part. The other girl waiting for her turn for photos with Jude and Trent squealed a little.
“Literally you look like a couple! You’d be so cute together.” The fan said with a cheeky wink to her friend. Jude was quick to cut the encounter, none of you wanted to make a big deal but it still didn’t make you feel great.
“Alright darling, you want your picture with me too or just Trentski, C’mere” Jude cooed with false flirtation. The girl detached and Jobe said he’d take the remaining photos. You were polite and smiled to the girls and let them know if they needed you to take more you would but Trent walked up to you and draped his arms over your shoulder, his hands caressing the back of your head before you could really do anything else.
“Getting jealous, pretty girl?” Pressing his nose against yours. “Hmm, baby?” His lips pulled into a sly smile. You leaned in and rested your head on his chest before you started pressing light kisses over his shirt up to his collarbone and then his neck, all the way to his ear.
“Don’t like seeing you with someone else,” you quietly admitted. “You’re mine, baby.” You pouted your lips, he couldn’t see but could probably feel them roll against his skin. He grabbed both your cheeks and held your face out in front of his. You innocently looked up at him through your lashes. He teased you a little bit pressing small kisses to your neck now the same way you did to him but his were heavy with a more sensual motive. He heard you purr a little at the sensation so he took it a step further and began whispering against your sensitive skin about what he was going to do to you back in your hotel room; his words interspersed by kisses. You tried to hold back a moan before pulling him in for a proper kiss needing one to hold you over knowing you were in for a long night of cheeky hand placements and sultry kisses until you made it back to the promised land i.e your hotel room.
Thank you for continuing reading! Comment or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next Part - Chapter 20 xx
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jokeroutsubs · 3 months
[ENG translation] Interview with Joker Out: “We could’ve never imagined that we would come to Poland twice for five concerts”.
Original article written by: Julia Maciąg and published by All About Music Poland on 20.03.2024.
English translation by @ a.oki_ (Instagram) and proofread by @ Imaginethat92 (Twitter)
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Joker Out is a rock band coming from Slovenia. They represented their homeland during the 67th Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool. After several years of Slovenia's absence in the finals, they broke the country's bad streak and took 21st place in the grand final. The band is currently on their second tour in Europe and on the 10th of March there was a concert in Krakow. Before the scheduled performance, I had the pleasure of talking to the band about Eurovision, their latest single Everybody's Waiting and also about the group's upcoming third album.
Julia Maciąg: This is your fifth show in Poland. How excited are you to be here again? What do you think about Polish fans?
Bojan Cvjetićanin: We came back to Poland after probably five months which is crazy. We could never imagined that we would come to Poland twice for five concerts. It's also a very short period of time to see the amazing fans who are here again. It's a great honor.
JM: A year has passed since Eurovision 2023. How much has this competition changed your career?
Bojan: In the music aspect, the only thing that has changed in our career is that many new things influence us. These songs that we write about, some new situations that we would never have thought of before. In the other aspects, of course, the fact that we travel a lot - something we have never done before. The only concerts we played were outdoors in Slovenia for the Slovenian and Croatian fans. The possibility of travelling and singing in our native language when the fans from Europe are singing our songs in Slovenian is actually quite strange. In this way, our lives changed dramatically and changed us because now we live mainly out of suitcases.
JM: In the summer you are playing, not counting your Eurovision performance, quite a big concert in Budapest at the Sziget Festival. How excited are you for this show?
Kris Guštin: Actually this is a very good question because Sziget is for us a determinant of international success. Sziget is the biggest stage we could have dreamed, and we dreamed of it. I have no idea who will be playing this year, but probably some big artists. It will be a great honor for us to share this stage with someone of international fame.
Bojan: Ariana Grande.
JM: Actually Ariana is not planning a tour this year because she is promoting Wicked.
Bojan: Okay... not good.
JM: I'm sorry.
Nace Jordan: She will come next year! *laugh*
Bojan: I don't feel very good about this fact.
Kris: She will come next year. She should have known we would be performing there! *laugh*
JM: We will see. Back to the Eurovision. Bojan, you are one of the authors of "Veronika," Raiven's song. Did you have any expectations or ideas to make this song?
Bojan: Honestly, I didn't have any expectations. In fact, the song was recorded without me. It was like this, Raiven called me to meet her at her house because we are very good friends. When we were spending time together, she showed me her music and I felt that I must play on the guitar and maybe something could be added to this song. I showed it to her and she really liked it immediately. She recorded this song again with the producer and that's it. My part in this song is really about 0.1 percent.
JM: Have you had a chance to listen to other Eurovision proposals?
Bojan: We were listening to some songs together, but honestly I don't remember any. However, I remember the Croatian song beacuse Jure sings it 24/7. *laugh*
JM: So you haven't listened to the Polish proposal, The Tower by LUNA?
Bojan: No. Actually I really like to watch the Eurovision when it actually takes place in May. I don't want to be a part of the hype we have to go through for Eurovision.
JM: In February, you released your song Everybody's Waiting. What is this song about?
Bojan: It's a song about an internal struggle. Maybe a feeling of anxiety, discomfort in your own skin because everything is happening around you and you live with the feeling that you have to be ready to be smiling 24/7 and always give your best, and never be able to give up and be able to say "no" to something.
JM: If I can add something from myself, I think this song gives fans a bit of hope. And the vibe is a bit rocky, a bit ballad, but this song is very catchy. Besides, she is very beautiful.
Bojan: Thank you very much.
JM: Additionally, there is also a music video and in it we see a man spinning around candles. What do the man and the candles symbolize in this clip?
Bojan: We wanted to find the person who would represent each of us. To be in this world, someone who is in his own house, only with his own thoughts. He simply finds himself by relaxing through music. Candles represent a sense of fulfillment, happiness and joy. So he basically enters this room through song with our help, because we are such "ghosts" in this clip. Gradually, he discovers himself and turns on his light. In the end, he wins all the candles through the song. However, it also in some way symbolizes people lighting our candles and at the same time us lighting theirs.
JM: During your gigs, fans could hear your new songs. Will you perform any during the concert in Krakow?
Bojan: *asks Jan* Will we perform any new songs during the concert in Krakow?
Jan Peteh: Of course! Today we will be playing two songs.
JM: And what are their titles?
Jan: They are called "Šta bih ja" and "Bluza".
JM: Ooo Bluza is also in Polish.
Bojan: It sounds the same in our languages. In fact, the text doesn't contain the word "bluza" at all. It is described as a blues rhythm, but it is written as a bluza, and that is what it stuck with.
JM: Very clever. As we know, you recorded your album in London. Why did you choose this city to work?
Bojan: We needed to lose our money in two months. *laugh*
JM: And that's why you did it in London? *laugh*
Bojan: No. *laugh* In fact, we were in London to try and write the album. Ultimately we didn't write the entire album, we just spent a lot of money. *laugh*
JM: Oh gosh. And when can we expect the album?
Bojan: If I'm right, it's the beginning of October.
JM: Ahhh. However, I would prefer 25th of October. *laugh*
Bojan: Because you have a birthday then?
JM: Yes.
Bojan: I think it will be sooner, but we will think about it. *laugh*
JM: I hope. *laugh* Let's talk about your campaign aimed to musicans from other countries in Europe. Why did you decide to do this during your tour?
Nace: It's hard for me to answer this question because I was the last one to join the band. But when you like a band you dream of opening a concert for someone bigger than yourself or having a concert with them. So we wanted to give other young bands a chance to open up to us with their music.
JM: The band Heima will play for you in Krakow. Why did you make this choice?
Nace: We had this online competition and the fans decided to participate, so we chose them.
JM: Have you had a chance to listen to their material?
Nace: We definitely listened to and watched their competition video together.
Kris: I listened to them during the rehearsal!
Bojan: We tried our best. We once had a music competition in Slovenia for school bands, so we tried to follow the same model and achieved something similar. This was the easiest and most objective solution for us.
JM: Do you have any expectations for today's concert?
Kris: Polska gurom! *laugh*
Bojan: Have the best party of our lives in Krakow!
JM: So finally, I would like to praise myself about the one sentence that I learned in Slovenian. Hvala lepa za intervju! (Thank you very much for the interview!)
Joker Out: Ooo. Hvala! (Thank you!)
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local-roofing-news · 2 years
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larcony832yadam · 3 years
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sportearly · 2 years
Liverpool Champions League winner "near" shocking Premier League return
Liverpool Champions League winner “near” shocking Premier League return
A former Liverpool star who won the Champions League is ‘near’ to making a surprising return to the Premier League. Pako Ayestaran, once an assistant manager for Liverpool, reportedly is on the verge of making a comeback to the Premier League. According to Spanish news site Onda Cero, Rafa Benitez’s former assistant will be joining Unai Emery’s coaching staff at Aston Villa. Once Benitez took…
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battingonjakku · 4 years
Thank you for the tag @silverkasienka​ ! 
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? black
2. name of a food you never eat? bananas. cannot stand them at all, will try and leave the room when someone eats one.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? COLD. have turned into my granny as I’ve gotten older, sitting here with 3/4 layers on and a blanket in the winter. I’m a little old lady.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? playing Zelda
5. what’s your favourite candy bar? dairy milk oreo probably, love a milky bar too
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? yup! 99% cricket, also saw the tennis at the 2012 Olympics (and I was gonna go to Wimbledon this year, siighh)
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? constantly working on lyrics at the moment so I think it was ‘there’ll be other sunny days’ which sounds very cliche
8. what is your favourite ice cream? raspberry ripple or salted caramel I think
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? apple squash
10. do you like your wallet? yeah 
11. what was the last thing you ate? homemade cornish pasty for lunch yass
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? nah
13. last sporting event you watched? rewatched the 2019 WC final last week. live was I think Liverpool v Atletico
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? sweet and salty. or maybe just butterscotch.
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? sent a photo of Isla to my auntie
16. ever go camping? once. that was enough.
17. do you take vitamins? nah
18. do you go to church every sunday? nah, work in one though so I tend to be there every day but sunday haha
19. do you have a tan? lmao no
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? how can you make me choose
21. do you drink soda with a straw? no
22. what colour socks do you wear? any colour, tend to have ones with cute patterns on until I realised I need some plainish black ones to look better for work. and I have gray slipper socks on a lot too.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? gave up on driving
24. what terrifies you? uhhhh most things.
25. look to your left what do you see? a guitar
26. what chore do you hate? ironing
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? (saying) stoinis
28. what’s your favourite soda? love a coca cola
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? not that often but sometimes get a cheeky maccy ds whilst I’m in London
30. who was the last person you talked to? mum
31. favourite cut of beef? I know nothing about cuts tbh
32. last song you listened to? Love Thing by Spice Girls
33. last book you read? think the last one I finished was Chocolat by Joanne Harris, near the end of David Copperfield though and it’s v long so that’s been going on a while
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? yea I think, I’m really strong at saying it back from G though because of this weird exercise I did when I started learning guitar
35. how do you like your coffee? iced
36. favourite pair of shoes? red patent docs
37. the time you normally go to bed? aim for 11 at the latest, different with not working though so it varies
38. the time you normally wake up? currently 7.30/8ish, when I’m working it’s 5.30/6 depending on my start time
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? idk rly, both are good
40. how many blankets are on your bed? duvet and a patchwork quilt depending on how cold I am
41. describe your kitchen plates? mismatched
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? GIN 
43. do you play cards? nah
44. what colour is your car? never got that far
45. can you change a tire? hahahaha
46. your favourite province? counties in this case I guess? Cornwall
47. favourite job you’ve had? probably my current one, I’m pretty happy rn and it’s the first time I’ve had real job security so that helps. my work placement in a collection was awesome though and that is what I really wanna do
48. how did you get your biggest scar? I have two burn scars on my right wrist, each done the day before my graduations, each done taking pizza out of the oven. only times I have burnt myself doing that.
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? guitar playing
well that was fun, thank you! been a while since I’ve done one. won’t tag anyone so no pressure but do it if you want to! 
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adolfdd-blog · 4 years
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With a wide variety of Everton Apparel including Jerseys , Shirts , Shorts and Sweatshirts ,   cheap everton Jerseys  offers all the latest authentic team merchandise in sizes for every fan. Everton Custom Jerseys. In addition to official team jerseys for men, women and kids, FansEdge.com also offers a design for the ultimate individual look. Choose your own player number and name with one of our Custom Everton Jerseys and you can be sure your outfit is a true original. Shop official home and away Everton jerseys at World Soccer Shop. Get authentic Everton shirts to show off your pride for the Toffees today. . Dominic Calvert-Lewin . Everton Direct is the place to shop 24/7 featuring the latest sports products from Goodison Park, everything an Evertonian needs is available from one destination. Official Umbro Football Kits, Training, Equipment, Fashion, Homeware, Souvenirs and Gifts, exclusively available direct from your club. Duncan Ferguson Everton Autographed Blue Jersey - ICONS - Fanatics Authentic Certified - Autographed  cheap Soccer Jerseys  . $249.99 $ 249. 99. Get it as soon as Thu, Oct 3. Everton Football Club is a Liverpool-based football club, playing in English Premier League. Established in 1878,it is one of the founding members of the league. Everton was really successful between 1960s and 1980s, during which it won its major titles. The club has a rivalry with its neighbors Liverpool. Duncan Ferguson Everton Autographed 1995 Cup Final Jersey - ICONS - Fanatics Authentic Certified - Autographed Soccer Jerseys Find a new Everton Mens jersey at Fanatics. Get ready for game day with officially licensed Everton jerseys, uniforms and more for sale for men, women and youth at the ultimate sports store. Get the best deals on Everton International Club Soccer Fan Jerseys when you shop the largest online selection at eBay . NWT Everton FC Umbro Mens Size Small Blue . Authentic Everton Soccer Jerseys. Established in 1878, Everton F.C. were founding members of the Football League in 1888. The Angry Birds hold the record for the most seasons played in top flight football.
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local-roofing-news · 2 years
Emergency Roofing Contractors
Emergency Roofing Contractors When it comes to emergency roofing contractors, there are a few different companies that you can call for help. These companies include J. Lindsley Roofing, JKS Home Improvement, CentiMark, and Empire State Professionals. They provide a wide range of services that range from the installation of a new roof to emergency roof repair. In addition to their roofing services, they also offer services related to seamless gutters, skylights, and sidings. J. Lindsley RoofingIf you are looking for emergency roofing contractors in Syracuse NY, you have come to the right place. We service all of Central New York, including Syracuse, Cicero, Liverpool, Baldwinsville, and Clay. Our service area also covers Onondaga and Oswego counties. We provide emergency roofing services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to emergency services, we offer comprehensive inspections and a warranty for our work. For over 15 years, we have been providing residential and commercial roofing services in Syracuse, NY. Our team is experienced with all types of roofs and materials. We can install metal, rubber membrane, and flat roofs. We also inspect your roof for damage and recommend repair options. Our emergency roofing contractors Syracuse NY team is experienced in all types of roofs and can meet all of your needs. Our technicians are certified in CertainTeed materials. We are a family-owned business that specializes in residential and commercial roofing. JKS Home ImprovementIf you need emergency roofing repairs in Syracuse, NY, JKS Home Improvement is here to help. With technicians trained in all types of roofing systems and the latest technology, this local company can repair your roof quickly and affordably. They will inspect your roof to determine the cause of leaks and the best method to remedy them. JKS Home Improvement offers emergency roofing services for residential and commercial properties. They also offer preventive maintenance and ventilation services. This family-owned company has been in business for more than four decades. They offer commercial and residential services and have the knowledge and experience necessary to complete any job. They also inspect roofs to ensure that they are installed correctly and meet building codes. They are available around the clock, and will respond to emergencies within a few hours. Located in Syracuse, NY, JKS Home Improvement is a full-service roofing and sheet metal company that serves the surrounding area. They are fully insured and licensed. In addition to roofing, they also offer gutter and wall panel services. Empire State ProfessionalsIf you're in need of emergency roofing repair services, consider working with an experienced Syracuse, NY roofing company. These professionals are GAF-certified and provide emergency roofing repair services. Moreover, their technicians are equipped to handle a variety of residential and commercial roofing problems. They also offer gutter installation and repair services, and have over 70 years of combined industry experience. Emergency roofing repair is essential to prevent water damage from ruining your home. This will not only extend the lifespan of your roof, but will also minimize expensive repair costs later on. If left untreated, water damage will damage the rest of your home and may even attract pests. Even a small leak could cause structural damage to your home, resulting in a high repair bill. Empire State Professionals offers comprehensive roofing contractor services in Syracuse and Central New York. Emergency roofing services are also available from JKS Home Improvement and Lifetime Roofing, a family-owned business in Syracuse. Their team of certified contractors can install flat roofs and replace damaged roofs. They also offer gutter and drain unclogging services and have experience in working with commercial and residential clients. These emergency roofing contractors offer comprehensive services to ensure the safety of their clients and improve the value of their properties.
CentiMarkWhether your roof has a leak or you just need a new one, there are several emergency roofing contractors in Syracuse NY to choose from. Many of these companies also provide painting and deck restoration services. They are fully licensed, insured, and certified. Many of these companies also offer warranties for their work. CentiMark Contracting specializes in commercial roofing and emergency roofing services. The company employs highly skilled roofing contractors that adhere to industry standards. Their workers are certified by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and follow a rigorous safety policy. In addition, they are trained in OSHA safety and have many years of experience working with commercial roofing systems. In addition to providing emergency service, CentiMark emergency roofing contractors are backed by a Single Source Roofing Warranty that is transferable, extendable, and customizable. They also maintain a comprehensive list of references, sorted by size and type of roof. In case of an emergency situation, the crew will be able to respond quickly and efficiently.
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Collapse in HGV apprentices behind empty shelf crisis, warns Labour
Collapse in HGV apprentices behind empty shelf crisis, warns Labour
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A collapse in the numbers of people signing up for transport and warehousing apprenticeships has driven the current delivery crisis causing empty shelves in supermarkets and shortages at fast-food chains, Labour has claimed.
The party released figures showing that entrants on transportation apprenticeships have fallen by almost half (49 per cent) since 2015/16 and by a massive 83 per cent for warehousing and distribution.
Future transport spokeswoman Kerry McCarthy blamed the government for failing to ensure the supply of new drivers in an industry facing the “ticking time-bomb” of a rapidly ageing workforce, with the average person behind the wheel of an HGV now 55 years old and fewer than 1 per cent aged under 25.
With drivers reaching retirement at a rate of 6,000 a year and others leaving the profession because of , the current crisis can be expected to worsen unless urgent action is taken to attract more young people onto apprenticeships, she said.
Recent weeks have seen major chains including Nando’s, McDonald’s and Greggs blame distribution problems for shortages preventing them from serving popular items to customers, while the boss of Iceland supermarkets has warned that the supply chain crisis could “cancel” Christmas.
The Road Haulage Association says the UK is around 100,000 drivers short, with Brexit and Covid blamed for worsening chronic labour shortages in the industry.
UK news in pictures
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1/50UK news in pictures
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31 August 2021
Gold Medallist Sarah Storey of Britain celebrates on the podium
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30 August 2021
Extinction Rebellion protesters hold a a tea party on Tower Bridge in London
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29 August 2021
A police office tussles with a demonstrator on Cromwell Road outside the Natural History Museum during a protest by members of Extinction Rebellion in London
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28 August 2021
Members of the British armed forces 16 Air Assault Brigade walk to the air terminal after disembarking a Royal Airforce Voyager aircraft at Brize Norton, Oxfordshire
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27 August 2021
Fabio Quartararo crashes during a MotoGP practice session at the British Grand Prix, Silverstone Circuit
Action Images via Reuters
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26 August 2021
An Extinction Rebellion activist holds a placard in a fountain surrounded by police officers, during a protest next to Buckingham Palace in London
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25 August 2021
Gold Medallist Great Britain’s cyclist, Sarah Storey, celebrates after winning the Women’s C5 3000m Individual Pursuit Final at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. It was her 15th Paralympic gold
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24 August 2021
A demonstrator dressed as bee during a protest by members of Extinction Rebellion on Whitehall, in central London
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23 August 2021
Former interpreters for the British forces in Afghanistan demonstrate outside the Home Office in central London
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22 August 2021
Police officers form a line in front of the entrance to the Guildhall, London, where protesters have climbed onto a ledge above the entrance during an Extinction Rebellion stage a protest
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21 August 2021
People take part in a demonstration in solidarity with people of Afghanistan, in London
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People zip wire across the sea from Bournemouth pier towards the beach.
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19 August 2021
Supporters of Geronimo the alpaca gather outside Shepherds Close Farm in Wooton Under Edge, Gloucestershire
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18 August 2021
Former Afghan interpreters and veterans hold a demonstration outside Downing Street, calling for support and protection for Afghan interpreters and their families
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17 August 2021
Military personnel board the RAF Airbus A400M at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, where evacuation flights from Afghanistan have been landing
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16 August 2021
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer takes part in a minute’s silence at Wolverhampton police station for the victims of the Plymouth mass shooting last week
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15 August 2021
2Storm, a ten-metre tall puppet of a mythical goddess of the sea created by Edinburgh-based visual theatre company Vision Mechanics, makes its way alongside the seafront at North Berwick, East Lothian, during a performance at the Fringe By The Sea festival
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14 August 2021
A woman and two young girls look at floral tributes in Plymouth where six people, including the offender, died of gunshot wounds in a firearms incident
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13 August 2021
Forensic officers in the Keyham area of Plymouth where six people, including the shooter, died of gunshot wounds in a firearms incident on Thursday evening
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12 August 2021
Children ride horses in the River Eden in Appleby, Cumbria, during the annual gathering of travellers for the Appleby Horse Fair
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11 August 2021
Stella Moris (left) reacts after talking to the media outside the High Court in London, following the first hearing in the Julian Assange extradition appeal, n London, following the first hearing in the Julian Assange extradition appeal. The US government has won the latest round in its High Court bid to appeal against the decision not to extradite Julian Assange on espionage charges
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10 August 2021
Students react after they receive their A-Level results at the Ark Academy, in London
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9 August 2021
The final athletes from Great Britain arrive home including Jason Kenny, Laura Kenny and Katie Archibald (front left-right) at Heathrow Airport, London following the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
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8 August 2021
Great Britain’s Laura Kenny during the closing ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the Olympic stadium in Japan
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7 August 2021
People from the Glasgow Southside community take part in the Govanhill Carnival, an anti-racist celebration of pride, unity and the contributions immigrants have made to the community in Govanhill, at Queen’s Park, Glasgow
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6 August 2021
Chijindu Ujah of Britain, Zharnel Hughes of Britain, Richard Kilty of Britain and Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake of Britain celebrate winning silver as they pose with Asha Philip of Britain, Imani Lansiquot of Britain, Dina Asher-Smith of Britain and Daryll Neita of Britain after they won bronze in the women’s 4 x 100m relay during Olympic Games Day 14
UK news in pictures
5 August 2021
A protester places flowers on a photograph of an executed man during a demonstration organised by supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) to protest against the inauguration of Iran’s new president Ebrahim Raisi in central London
AFP via Getty
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4 August 2021
England’s Joe Root looks on as India’s KL Rahul doesn’t make it to a catch during day one of Cinch First Test match at Trent Bridge, Nottingham
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3 August 2021
Great Britain’s Laura Kenny and Jason Kenny with their silver medals for the Women’s Team Pursuit and Men’s Team Sprint during the Track Cycling at the Izu Velodrome on the eleventh day of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in Japan
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2 August 2021
Great Britain’s Charlotte Worthington competes during the Women’s BMX Freestyle Final at the Tokyo Olympics
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1 August 2021
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31 July 2021
James Guy, Adam Peaty and Kathleen Dawson celebrate winning the gold medal in the mixed 4x100m medley relay final at the Tokyo Olympics
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30 July 2021
Great Britain’s Bethany Shriever and Kye Whyte celebrate their Gold and Silver medals respectively for the Cycling BMX Racing at the Ariake Urban Sports Park on the seventh day of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in Japan
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29 July 2021
Team GB’s Mallory Franklin during the Women’s Canoe Slalom Final on day six of the Tokyo Olympic Games. She went on to win the silver medal
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28 July 2021
Canoers on Llyn Padarn lake in Snowdonia, Gwynedd. It was announced that the north-west Wales slate landscape has been granted UNESCO World Heritage Status
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27 July 2021
A view of one of two areas now being used at a warehouse facility in Dover, Kent, for boats used by people thought to be migrants.
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26 July 2021
A woman is helped by Border Force officers as a group of people thought to be migrants are brought in to Dover, Kent, onboard a Border Force vessel, following a small boat incident in the Channel
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25 July 2021
Vehicles drive through deep water on a flooded road in Nine Elms, London
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24 July 2021
Utilities workers inspect a 15x20ft sinkhole on Green Lane, Liverpool, which is suspected to have been caused by ruptured water main
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23 July 2021
Children interact with Mega Please Draw Freely by artist Ei Arakawa inside the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern in London, part of UNIQLO Tate Play the gallery’s new free programme of art-inspired activities for families
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22 July 2021
Festivalgoers in the campsite at the Latitude festival in Henham Park, Southwold, Suffolk
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21 July 2021
A man walks past an artwork by Will Blood on the end of a property in Bedminster, Bristol, as the 75 murals project reaches the halfway point and various graffiti pieces are sprayed onto walls and buildings across the city over the Summer
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20 July 2021
People during morning prayer during Eid ul-Adha, or Festival of Sacrifice, in Southall Park, Uxbridge, London
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19 July 2021
Commuters, some not wearing facemasks, at Westminster Underground station, at 08:38 in London after the final legal Coronavirus restrictions were lifted in England
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18 July 2021
A view of spectators by the 2nd green during day four of The Open at The Royal St George’s Golf Club in Sandwich, Kent
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17 July 2021
Cyclists ride over the Hammersmith Bridge in London. The bridge was closed last year after cracks in it worsened during a heatwave
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16 July 2021
The sun rises behind the Sefton Park Palm House, in Sefton Park, Liverpool
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15 July 2021
Sir Nicholas Serota watches a short film about sea monsters as he opens a £7.6 million, 360 immersive dome at Devonport’s Market Hall in Plymouth, which is the first of its type to be built in Europe
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14 July 2021
Heidi Street, playing a gothic character, looks at a brain suspended in glass at the world’s first attraction dedicated to the author of Frankenstein inside the ‘Mary Shelley’s House of Frankenstein’ experience, located in a Georgian terraced house in Bath, as it prepares to open to the public on 19 July
UK news in pictures
13 July 2021
Rehearsals are held in a car park in Glasgow for a parade scene ahead of filming for what is thought to be the new Indiana Jones 5 movie starring Harrison Ford
In July, ministers announced a short-term relaxation to limits on drivers’ working hours and said measures were being taken to increase the throughput of HGV driving tests in response to the crisis, after the pandemic led to a 30,000 fall in the number of drivers getting their heavy goods licences last year.
But the government has resisted industry calls for a relaxation of immigration rules to try to attract back some of the thousands of drivers from EU countries who have left the UK since Brexit.
And Labour today accused the government of failing to ensure adequate supplies of home-grown drivers, pointing to figures showing that numbers of trainees in key apprenticeships were falling long before the impact of the virus and EU withdrawal was felt.
Numbers on transportation operation and maintenance courses fell from 16,620 in 2015/16 to 8,430 in 2020/21, while starts on warehousing and distribution roles declined from 14,860 to 2,500 over the same period.
“The shortage of drivers is now visible on a daily basis through empty shelves in shops and closures on our high streets,” said Ms McCarthy.
“But these stats show things are likely to get even worse, as the government has failed to encourage young people into the industry to replace retiring drivers. This is completely unsustainable.
“It is increasingly clear that the government does not have a plan to address a national crisis that is grinding our economy to a halt.”
With only 3,000 vocational driving tests being taken a week, she warned it will be months before the huge shortage in drivers is filled. And she said it was dangerous to rely on longer hours for drivers to keep the supply chain moving.
Labour has called on the government to work with the Migration Advisory Committee to determine whether HGV driving should be designated a skills-shortage profession under the immigration points system, to allow the recruitment of more foreign drivers.
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sportearly · 2 years
£100k per week player at Liverpool will not be starting tomorrow's game against Napoli, according to Jurgen Klopp
£100k per week player at Liverpool will not be starting tomorrow’s game against Napoli, according to Jurgen Klopp
Jurgen Klopp, manager of Liverpool, has addressed the media before the Reds’ Champions League encounter against Napoli. After Saturday’s disappointing 2-1 loss to Leeds, manager Jurgen Klopp addressed the media on the club’s website. Liverpool’s undefeated home record was snapped by Crysencio Summerville’s late goal, and it was yet another dismal effort from Klopp’s team. What Kinds of…
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LiveScore | Live Football Scores, Fixtures & Results
Football scores premier league scores livescore football - Live Premier League Scores | Results – LIVESCORE EUROSPORT
Manchester City dominated both the Manchester derbies of last season, they beat Manchester United in the first game, where Silva, Aguero and Gundogan scored for Manchester City. Both teams are rich in history and this is one rivalry that divides the people of Merseyside for life. Merseyside derby, Liverpool beat Everton in a tight game, Origi Scored the only goal in extra time to seal it for Liverpool.
The second Mersyside derby was played in Marchwhich ended Both the Merseyside derbies were enthralling but short on goals. Liverpool played Manchester United in Decemberwhere they beat United Mane and Shaqiri scored for Liverpool and Lingard scored for Football scores premier league scores livescore football. The second time these two heavyweights met was in Februaryget more Info the game ended These games are always special since two Premier League livescofe are involved.
Premier League is arguably the most entertaining league in Europe owing to its unpredictability and the unrelenting pace of the game. The top 6 clubs- Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City and Footbwll Hotspur are all teams that are capable of dominating the league and beating the best of opponents on their day. The season saw Liverpool as the clear pace setters after losing the title race of the season by just 1 point to Manchester City.
Jurgen Klopp's side made it seven wins from their opening seven after Georginio Wijnaldum's volley squirmed past Sheffield United goalkeeper Dean Henderson to seal the narrow win. Liverpool's win over City at Anfield in November opened up an 8-point lead at the top of the table and they maintained their lead for the remainder of the season.
On 25 JuneManchester City lost 2—1 to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, premidr confirmed Liverpool as the champions and this was their first league title sinceand first of the premier football scores premier league scores livescore football era. The relegation battle is just as intense with the teams on the bottom half of the table being tightly packed in terms of points. Liverpool won the season which was their first win of the Premier League era.
Manchester United has the most Football scores premier league scores livescore football League titles with a total of In the find season, Arsenal won the Premier League without a single defeat.
Over the 38 games played, their league record stood at 26 wins, 12 draws and 0 losses. Arsenal has the longest unbeaten run in Premier League history with 49 wins from 7 May, to 24 Livdscore, New User posted their first comment. Log in.
EPL 2020-21
Football EPL Round football scores premier league scores livescore football Who Won Premier League ? Who won the most Premier League? Has any team gone undefeated in the Premier League?
What is the longest unbeaten run in Premier League history? Give feedback. Arsenal will sign Borussia Dortmund midfielder if they fail in their pursuit of Martin Odegaard -Reports. Sheffield United vs Arsenal prediction, preview, team news and more Premier League Sheffield United vs Arsenal prediction, preview, team news and more Premier League 6 hr ago.
Nottingham Forest Nottm Forest. Preston North End Preston. Brentford Brentford. Wycombe Wanderers Wycombe. Luton Town Luton. Cardiff City Cardiff. Blackburn Rovers Blackburn. Northampton Town Northampton. Bristol Rovers Bristol Football scores premier league scores livescore football. Plymouth Argyle Plymouth. Hull City Hull. Sunderland Sunderland.
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brown82nicole · 3 years
Champions League Predictions and Betting Tips - Free Super Tips
Predictions for todays champions league matches - Champions League Predictions & Betting Tips | Squawka Bet
Bayern Munich aren't going to give full article their hold on the Champions League trophy lightly, judged on a triumph away to Lazio three weeks ago. Hansi Flick's side have since gone on to secure a trio of entertaining Bundesliga victories, although they did fail to keep a clean sheet in any of those games either. An injury-hit Real Madrid returned from Bergamo with a Champions Predictions for todays champions league matches win over Atalanta but the Italian outfit can't be written off just yet.
La Dea were reduced to 10 men after just 17 minutes by the harshest of red cards and are fancied to be link in Spain with a full compliment. Manchester City made light work of beating a struggling Borussia Monchengladbach side in the first leg of predictions for todays champions league matches Champions League last tie. That smooth success meant the Blues have gone over 10 hours without conceding a single goal in Europe's elite club competition.
Barcelona produced the greatest second-leg comeback in Champions League history against PSG four years ago and must attempt a similar feat this term.
Champions League Betting Tips
However, that famous triumph was on home turf and Barca were in far better shape than they are right now, so we fear this is a case of mission impossible. Liverpool's Champions League second-leg clash with RB Leipzig in Budapest presents punters with a fascinating conundrum. Check the latest Champions League odds with Marathonbet as teams battle to reach the final in Istanbul.
Man City have marched to the front of the Champions League outright betting after seizing control of their quarter-final tie with Borussia Dortmund. An early goal for Bayern could make things very interesting at the Parc Des Princes….
Save my name, email, and website in this browser predictions for todays champions league matches the next time I comment. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features useful content the website, anonymously.
Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Atalanta 1. Gladbach 0. PSG 1. Barcelona 1. Liverpool 2. RB Leipzig 0. Dortmund 2. Sevilla 2. Juventus 3. Porto 2. Atalanta 0. Real Madrid 1. Chelsea 1. Bayern Munich 4. Dortmund 3. Juventus 1. PSG 4. Olympiacos 0. Lokomotiv 0. Real Madrid 2. Inter Milan 0. Shakhtar 0. RB Salzburg 0.
City 3. Today Grand National Winner Tip. How to bet on the Champions League today Your first port of call should be our free bets page, where you can compare the best predictions for todays champions league matches from all the top bookmakers. How does the Champions League work? Which teams are serie a score predictions the Champions League? When is each stage? The dates for the knock-out rounds are as follows: 16, 17, 23, 24 February — Round of 16, 1st leg 9, 10, 16, 17 March — Round of predictions for todays champions league matches, 2nd leg 6, 7 April — Quarter-finals, 1st leg 13, 14 April — Quarter-finals, 2nd leg 27, 28 April — Semi-finals, 1st leg 4, 5 May — Semi-finals, 2nd leg Our Champions League predictions will cover all these crunch matches in fantastic detail.
When is the Champions League final? Who has won the Champions League most often? New customers only. Offer available from Terms and conditions apply.
The qualifying period runs for 7 days from the date of registration. The likes of Atalanta, Lyon, Manchester City, and even former holders and current Premier League champions Liverpool, will also make the list.
Champions League Outright - Squawka Betting Tip Manchester City. Squawka Betting Tip Chelsea. Squawka Betting Tip Real Madrid. Squawka Betting Tip Bayern Munich. Squawka Betting Tip Liverpool. Teams such as Atalanta, Manchester City and Barcelona score a lot of goals but also concede on a regular basis. Of the 96 group games played last season, 40 predictions for todays champions league matches in a home win, 22 were drawn and 34 were won by the away predictions for todays champions league matches. More away and home wins are to be expected in the group stages than the knock-out rounds.
There are games where the gap between the two sides is a wide one. Place your Champions League Bets at Bet Bayern Munich won the Champions League last season, their first victory since They played 11 games predictions for todays champions league matches won each and every one of them. Lewandowski scored 15 goals for them in their title winning season. The arrival of Leroy Sane from Manchester City gives them even more power up front.
It will be harder though with more visits to the homes of their opponents rather than the Portuguese bubble of Sign-up with Bet Now! PSG long to win the Champions League and are gradually getting closer. Last season saw them reach their first final, only to lose to Bayern Munich It was a major step forward though and they will hope to go one better this season. City thought that hiring Pep Guardiola might get them that Champions League win but they are yet to even reach the final.
Last season was going well for them with a predictions for todays champions league matches over Real Madrid in the last sixteen but then they lost to Lyon in the last eight. City are still prone to an occasional nightmare performance that costs them dearly.
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jefftydeman · 3 years
EPL Table - Premier League Table & Standings
English premier league latest standing - Summary - Premier League - England - Results, fixtures, tables and news - Soccerway
Visit Norwich City Club Page.
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Visit Reading Club Page. Next Fixture - Saturday 24 April Cookies on PremierLeague. Manage Settings I accept cookies from this site. Manchester City MCI. Manchester United MUN.
Leicester City LEI. Chelsea CHE. Tottenham Etanding TOT. Liverpool LIV. Everton EVE. Aston Villa AVL. Arsenal ARS. Leeds United LEE. Wolverhampton Wanderers WOL. Stajding Palace CRY. Southampton SOU. Burnley Check here. Newcastle United NEW.
Fulham FUL. Sheffield United SHU. Blackburn Rovers BLB. Derby County DER. Middlesbrough MID. Stoke City STK. Sunderland SUN. Norwich City NOR. W Won 1 - 0 against Liverpool on March 4th W Won dtanding - english premier league latest standing against Everton on March 8th D Drew 0 - english premier league latest standing against Leeds United on March 13th W Won 4 - 1 against Crystal Palace english premier league latest standing March 7th L Lost 1 - 2 against Arsenal on March 14th english premier league latest standing W Won 2 - 0 against Aston Villa on Engglish 21st D Drew 2 - 2 against Newcastle United on April 4th L Lost sttanding - english premier league latest standing against Chelsea on March 4th L Lost 0 - 1 against Fulham on March 7th W Won 1 - 0 against Wolverhampton Wanderers on March 15th W Won 3 - 0 against Arsenal on April 3rd L Lost 0 - 2 against Chelsea on March 8th L Lost 1 - 2 against Premler on March 13th D Drew 1 - 1 against Crystal Palace on April 5th D Drew 0 - 0 against Wolverhampton Wanderers on March 6th D Drew 1 - 1 against Newcastle United on March 12th L Lost free streaming premier games - 2 stznding Tottenham Hotspur on March english premier league latest standing W Won 3 - 1 against Fulham on April 4th D Drew 0 - 0 against Chelsea on March 13th W Won 2 - english premier league latest standing against Fulham on March 19th W Won 2 - 1 against Sheffield United on April 3rd D Drew 1 - 1 against Burnley on March 6th W Won 2 - 1 against Tottenham Hotspur on March 14th L Lost 0 - 3 against Liverpool on Lewgue 3rd D Drew 0 - 0 against Aston Villa on March 6th L Lost 0 - 1 against Liverpool on March 15th W Won 1 - 0 against Fulham on April 9th D Drew 0 - 0 against Manchester United on March 3rd L Lost 1 - 4 against Tottenham Hotspur on March 7th D Drew 1 - 1 against Everton on April 5th W Won 2 - 0 against Sheffield Premiet on March 6th L Lost 2 pre,ier 5 against Manchester City on March 10th W Won 3 - 2 against Burnley on April 4th Aside from the big hitters, West Ham United and Leicester City have exceeded expectations this season, while Leagie Villa and Everton have also rubbed shoulders with the big boys prenier picking up a few notable scalps.
Leeds United's return to the Premier League was highly-anticipated before the start of the season, and it's safe to say that Marcelo Bielsa's side have shown what they are capable of with their free-flowing brand of attacking football.
The relegation dog fight looks set to intensify in the coming weeks, but Sheffield United and West Bromwich Albion website here resigned to dropping down to the Championship as things stand. While the title race didn't produce its share of drama this season, the battle to avoid relegation and standingg race for the top-four is set to come to an eventful climax in the months ahead.
The Premier League season has been referred to as the hardest season in football history due to the extraordinary circumstances and will be remembered in all its magnificence for years to come.
EPL Table 2020-21
New User posted their stadning comment. Log in. Pos English premier league latest standing P W D L GD Pts 1 Liverpool 38 32 3 3 52 99 2 Man City 38 26 3 9 english premier league latest standing 81 3 Man Utd 38 18 12 8 30 66 4 Chelsea 38 20 6 12 15 66 5 Leicester 38 18 8 12 26 62 6 Tottenham 38 16 11 11 14 59 7 Wolverhampton 38 15 14 9 11 read this 8 Arsenal 38 14 14 10 8 56 9 Sheffield 38 14 12 12 0 54 10 Burnley 38 15 9 14 -7 54 With Liverpool and Manchester City continuing to constantly breathe under each other's nose from the previous season, another close race for the season was highly expected by the fans and more.
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todd758mmichael · 3 years
Liverpool Fixtures | Sky Sports
Liverpool fc playing - Liverpool FC - Latest news, fixtures, transfers, match reports - Liverpool Echo
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tkmedia · 3 years
Arsenal transfer rumours: Silva creativity wanted for Gunners
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Wrapping up the Arsenal transfer news, rumours and gossip in the 2021 summer window.Who have Arsenal been linked with?Bernardo Silva - Arsenal are exploring a shock move for the Manchester City midfielder as boss Mikel Arteta looks to add more creativity to his side (Sunday Mirror, August 8). Kieran Trippier - Arsenal have made a move for Trippier at Atletico Madrid, with the Spanish club demanding £34m for their right-back (The Sun on Sunday, August 8).Takehiro Tomiyasu - Arsenal are set to make an offer for Bologna defender Tomiyasu after his proposed move to fierce rivals Tottenham stalled (Daily Express, August 6).James Maddison - Arsenal remain very interested in doing a deal for Maddison. Sky Sports News has been told Maddison would be "open to the idea" of moving to the Emirates Stadium. (Sky Sports News, August 4). Arsenal have proposed a player-plus-cash deal for Leicester City's £60m-rated midfielder as they pursue another big-money summer signing (Daily Mail, August 4); Joe Willock, Reiss Nelson or Eddie Nketiah could be used as makeweights as Arsenal pursue a player-plus-cash deal for Maddison (Daily Mirror, August 4); Arsenal are pursuing a deal for Maddison as part of Mikel Arteta's squad rebuild with the Leicester midfielder reportedly open to the move (The Guardian, August 4). Arsenal are interested in signing Maddison from Leicester. Leicester do not want to sell Maddison and it is understood it would take a bid in excess of £70m for them to even consider selling the 24-year-old (Sky Sports News, July 28); Maddison is reportedly 'open' to a move to Arsenal with the club also meeting Tammy Abraham's wage demands (Sunday Mirror, July 25); Arsenal could offer fringe players Nelson and Maitland-Niles to Leicester City as part of an offer for Maddison (Daily Mail, July 21). Arsenal are expected to make a major move for Leicester City playmaker in the coming weeks (Daily Star, July 12). Marco Asensio - Arsenal could turn their attention to Real Madrid's Asensio if they continue to be frustrated by their pursuit of Leicester's James Maddison (Daily Mirror, August 5); Arsenal are leading the race for Real Madrid star Asensio (The Sun, August 3).Sander Berge - Arsenal are set to be considering a double-raid on Sheffield United for midfielder Berge and goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale (Daily Mail, August 5).Aaron Ramsdale - Arsenal are looking to tie up a quick deal for Sheffield United goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale, before he potentially becomes cup-tied for the Carabao Cup (Daily Mirror, August 7); Arsenal's hopes of landing the Sheffield United goalkeeper have hit a stumbling block with new Blades boss Slavisa Jokanovic not wanting to sell (The Sun, August 2); Arsenal are considering a third bid to sign the Sheffield United goalkeeper (Sky Sports News, July 24); Sheffield United have told Arsenal they will need to raise their offer for England goalkeeper Ramsdale to £32m after two previous bids were rejected by the Championship club (The Times, July 22); The Gunners will make a third and final offer for Ramsdale (The Guardian, July 22). The 23-year-old is expected to take a medical when he returns from holiday on July 26, but what will the Gunners be getting for their money? Read our analysis here.Lautaro Martinez - Arsenal were given a swift "no" by Inter Milan after offering to swap Alexandre Lacazette straight up for Martinez (Daily Mirror, August 3); Arsenal have been dealt a transfer blow with Atletico Madrid the new favourites to sign Martinez (The Sun, August 2); Arsenal have been boosted in their pursuit of the Inter Milan striker after the Italian champions refused to rule out his departure during the current summer transfer window (Daily Express, August 1); Martinez is only interested in leaving Inter Milan for Spain, with no temptation to come to the Premier League amid interest from Arsenal (Daily Mail, July 30); Arsenal have registered an interest with Inter Milan about the striker (Daily Telegraph, July 28).Matthew Hoppe - Arsenal and Everton are both reportedly interested in signing Schalke's American striker this summer after his impressive displays in the CONCACAF Gold Cup (Daily Star, August 2).Daniel Bachmann - Arsenal are claimed to have had their interest in Watford keeper Bachmann rejected by the Hornets (Daily Express, July 31)Manuel Locatelli - Sassuolo's CEO Giovanni Carnevali has confirmed that Arsenal have indeed launched an offer to sign Locatelli after emerging as one of the players of the tournament at Euro 2020 (Daily Mail, July 30); agent Andrea D'Amico claims Arsenal have made an opening £34m offer for Sassuolo midfielder Locatelli (The Sun, July 21); Arsenal are willing to pay Sassuolo's £34m asking price for the Italy midfielder but his preference is to join Juventus (The Guardian, July 19).Martin Odegaard - Real Madrid want £42.5m for Odegaard and that could be enough to tempt Arsenal into making a move for the Norwegian star (The Sun, July 30); Arsenal are "keeping an eye" on Odegaard's situation at Real Madrid (Sky Sports News, July 28); Arsenal's hopes of re-signing Odegaard might not be over, but they will almost certainly depend on whether Real Madrid are able to offload Isco (Daily Express, July 28); Arsenal are "ready to pounce" should the Real Madrid playmaker become available this summer (Daily Mirror, July 17).Bruno Guimaraes - Arsenal are reportedly eyeing a £30m move for Lyon midfielder (The Sun, July 30).Tammy Abraham - Chelsea have lowered their asking price for striker Abraham to around £35m to try and drum up interest from Arsenal, West Ham and Aston Villa (The Sun, July 30); Chelsea are prepared to let Abraham join Arsenal on loan to speed through a deal (The Sun, July 21); Arsenal are interested in Abraham, who Chelsea have already offered to a number of clubs as part of their search for a new striker (Daily Telegraph, July 16).Andrea Belotti - Arsenal have been dealt a blow in their pursuit of Belotti after Torino president Urbano Cairo confirmed the striker has been offered a new deal (The Sun, July 29).Matchoi Djalo - Arsenal are considering a £1m offer to Portuguese side Pacos de Ferreira for the talented teenage winger (The Sun, July 27).Neto - Arsenal are interested in signing Barcelona goalkeeper Neto. The Gunners were quoted £12million when they approached Barca to sign the 32-year-old in early 2021 (Mundo Deportivo, July 22).Renato Sanches - Barcelona are preparing to make an offer for Lille and Portugal midfielder Sanches, although Arsenal are believed to still be top of the list of clubs trying to sign him (Daily Express, July 22).Jordan Henderson - Arsenal have emerged as favourites to sign Henderson, should stalled contract talks with Liverpool end in him leaving the club as early as this summer (Daily Star, July 21). Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player
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Sky Sports News' Rob Jones assesses how Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta will be looking to strengthen his squad this summer in the transfer window Houssem Aouar - Aouar's agents are said to have been left surprised by Arsenal's move for James Maddison after the Frenchman was on the Gunners' radar last summer (Daily Mirror, August 5); Lyon have increased their asking price for Aouar, who is a possible target for multiple Premier League clubs, to in excess of £25m (Daily Express, July 21); Arsenal will go on a £100m spending spree with the Lyon midfielder set to join White in signing for the club next week (Daily Star, July 18).Ruben Neves - Arsenal have begun negotiations with Wolves over the signing of Neves (Daily Record, July 12).Thilo Kehrer - Arsenal have enquired about PSG defender Kehrer as they line up a transfer replacement for right-back Hector Bellerin (The Sun, July 14).Matthew Hoppe - Arsenal are reportedly set to enter a transfer tussle to sign the Schalke star (Sun, Aug 1).The latest players linked with a Arsenal exit Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player
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After signing in January for Newcastle on loan from Arsenal, Joe Willock scored nine Premier League goals for the Magpies as he was crucial in their survival in the Premier League Eddie Nketiah - Brighton could swoop for £20m-rated striker Nketiah to help address their goalscoring form (The Sun on Sunday, August 8).Joe Willock - Newcastle have opened negotiations with Arsenal over a £20m deal for Willock (Mail on Sunday, August 8); Arsenal have agreed to let Joe Willock join Newcastle United on a permanent basis (Daily Express, August 5); Newcastle hope for a decision from Arsenal on Willock by the end of the week (Daily Mail, July 28); Newcastle are hopeful Emile Smith Rowe's new contract at Arsenal might accelerate their move for Gunners team-mate Willock (Sky Sports, July 22); Newcastle are in talks to bring Willock back to Tyneside (Times, July 13).Granit Xhaka - Xhaka is close to agreeing a new contract at Arsenal (Sky Sports News, August 3); Arsenal midfielder Xhaka has returned for pre-season training and remains a "key part" of Mikel Arteta's plans this season (Sky Sports News, July 30).Alexandre Lacazette - Arsenal are willing to sell Alexandre Lacazette for £15m (Daily Mirror, July 26); the Gunners will not be offering a new contract to Lacazette and are inviting bids for their former record signing (The Sun, July 24).Hector Bellerin - Bellerin's agent is heading to London for talks over the Arsenal defender's future (Daily Star, July 29); the agent was in Milan last week negotiating a move to Serie A champions Inter Milan. Inter want to sign the Arsenal right-back on loan but Arsenal want a sale, or at least a loan with an obligation to buy (Sky Sports News, July 28); Bellerin appears to be heading closer to the Arsenal exit door following reports Mikel Arteta is set to leave him out of his starting XI for the opening game of the season (Daily Mirror, July 26).Reiss Nelson - Crystal Palace are interested in signing the Arsenal forward on loan. Arsenal will allow the academy product to leave in the summer transfer window as his game time is likely to be limited next season (Sky Sports, August 3); Crystal Palace boss Patrick Vieira is going back to Arsenal with a bid for the winger (Sun, Aug 1).Reiss Nelson, Joe Willock, Eddie Nketiah and Ainsley Maitland-Niles - Joe Willock, Reiss Nelson or Eddie Nketiah could be used as makeweights as Arsenal pursue a player plus cash deal for Leicester City's James Maddison (Daily Mirror, August 4); Arsenal could offer fringe players Nelson and Maitland-Niles to Leicester City as part of an offer for James Maddison (Daily Mail, July 21).Alex Runarsson - The Arsenal goalkeeper is on the verge of a loan transfer to Altay S.K (Sun, July 27).Sead Kolasinac - The Arsenal outcast is reportedly in negotiations to terminate his deal with the club (Sun, Aug 1).Confirmed Arsenal signingsBen White - Brighton, £50mNuno Tavares - Benfica, undisclosedAlbert Sambi Lokonga - Anderlecht, £15mConfirmed Arsenal departuresDani Ceballos - end of loanMat Ryan - end of loanMartin Odegaard - end of loanDavid Luiz - contract expiredMark McGuinness - Cardiff, undisclosedTrae Coyle - FC Lausanne-Sport, undisclosedZech Medkley - KV Oostende, undisclosedDinos Mavropanos - Stuttgart, loanDaniel Ballard - Millwall, loanBen Sheaf - Coventry, undisclosedMatt Smith - Doncaster, loanMatteo Guendouzi - Marseille, loanWilliam Saliba - Marseille, loanTyreece John-Jules - Blackpool, loanHarry Clarke - Ross County, loanArsenal contract newsGranit Xhaka - The Arsenal midfielder is close to agreeing a new contract with the club. The 28-year-old's current deal is up in 2023, with the player strongly linked with a move to Jose Mourinho's Roma side this summer (Sky Sports, August 3).Emile Smith Rowe - The midfielder had been the subject of two bids from Aston Villa, but signed a new contract at Arsenal on July 22. Read the full article
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