#live laugh love kazuha
lume-nosity · 2 years
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aimixx · 2 years
📂 for kazuha perhaps? <3
when you can't sleep kazuha would lay your head on his lap and proceeds to sing a calming song as he softly brushes your hair with his fingers
send a 📂 for a random headcanon
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actiniumwrites · 2 years
Hii! I saw you had free slots left so i decided to sent in a request. I'm female, she/her pronouns. I honestly don't mind any gender I'm fine with anyone. You can call me mari
My mbti is intj 5w4 548; my horoscope is Sun:leo Moon: libra, Rising: Capricorn.
I'm ambivert,I'm very laid back and prefer to go with the flow of life but sometimes come off as ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having a leisure more than anything else. But once i find my motivation I'm actually pretty hardworking, I won't stop or take breaks until i completely finish what I started. I mostly spends my time as a stoic and a calm person and i might even come off as apathetic towards the world around me [even tho I’m not]. I’m usually perceived as being insensitive because i generally prefer to deal with emotions in my own head rather than openly [and somehow I'm still well liked?!] tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [very rarely tho] Sometimes i have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but i give myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process. I have a very big ego but one word alone is enough to destroy it. i Will never admit my wrong, unless internally. I'm playful around people i like [friends, family, classmates] and if I believe I'm right I'll passive agressivly fight you to prove my point [even if I'm wrong]. Like i said i have hard time committing to something i loose interest, motivation and get bored rather easily. If I'm stressed about something i bottle everything up and worry about it alone. Not because I don't want to burden other or anything simply because my pride and ego is getting in my way. I'm not really a jealous person and even if i get jealous i keep it to myself and try my best to hide it. I care about what others think of me [more like what others think of my parents] so towards strangers and people that know my parents I'm very polite.
My kins are: Quanxi [chainsaw man], rosaria[genshin impact] mona[genshin impact] suna [haikyuu] mello [death note]
I like horror genre [movies, books, analogue horror and etc], watching movies, listening to true crime, reading books and listening to music. I love indie and alternative rock, gothic novels, Victorian and vampire goth aesthetic, grunge aesthetic. Researching and learning more about myself. I love reading greek mythology and Japanese urban legends, I'm interested in psychology. I wouldn't really consider this as a hobby cause i do it once or twice a year but i also play volleyball and piano. I also really love spicy food.
I dislike heat and sweat. I also can't stand smell of mushrooms. I can't say i hate them but i really can't bring myself to like dogs and sweet food. I dislike math, i admit math is fun when you know what you're doing and you understand the subject but i stopped understanding it in middle school. I also dislike snow, really loud or really quiet places.
I value honesty and loyalty, I'm more attracted [romantically or platonically] to people who are confident in themselves and their abilities. I also value partner/friend that isn't overprotective and allows me my independence and let's me do things my way. I don't think i have a specific type i just want my partner to keep me entertained as i tend to get bored rather easily.
My ideal date would be going to movie cinema/drive in, watching theater play or going to theme park
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you were sitting against a maple tree when kazuha first met you. it was fairly quiet aside from the slight rattle of the trees or the very faint sounds coming from the main city a few miles away
“what book is that?”
your eyes snapped up to the voice that pierced through the calming quietness of the day, only to meet a pair of the most comforting eyes you had ever seen
normally, you would’ve told him to leave you alone or ignore him all together, but this guy was different. he had a warm and gentle aura to him, and so, you allowed him to stay
for hours upon hours, you talked about anything and everything with the stranger
he learned about your interest in mythology and books, the way you seemed to be so relaxed, and about your love for learning
you learned he loved to travel, learn about the past (and ponder the future), and most of all his love for people and the world
by the end of the day, it was as though a new found feeling of love had bloomed within both your heart and mind. unknowingly, the stranger felt the same
if love at first sight was truly a real thing, this was undeniably it
“kaedehara kazuha, that’s my name…but you can just call me kazuha.”
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oyasumi-dove · 11 months
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okaylikeschaewon · 1 month
Chapter 8: Changes
Male reader, ~5k words, too lazy to proofread this one
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“Oh!” Kazuha gasped, her arms flying to her chest as if she had a heart attack. “I’m so sorry!”
“Fuck’s sake,” you muttered under your breath. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Here!” Kazuha ran over to the sink and grabbed a handful of paper towels, dabbing at your chest.
“Thanks, I got it,” you said, taking the paper towels from her hands.
Without missing a beat, she grabbed more and wet them at the sink before dabbing at the coffee on your shirt again.
“I said I got it.”
“It’ll stain if you’re not quick,” she ignored you, frantically dabbing away.
“Zuha!” you raised your voice just slightly while grabbing her wrists. “I got it, relax.”
“Sorry, I was just trying to help,” she responded with a tinge of worry, or perhaps fear in her voice - it was difficult to interpret.
Her reaction hurt to see, you didn’t intend to frighten her. After letting out a small sigh, your shoulders drooped.
“You alright?” you asked gently, tossing the paper towels onto the counter and placing an arm around her waist. You stared directly into her eyes, and she returned the softest of gazes back at you, essentially melting your heart right there on the spot. “I feel like this is the first time you’ve made eye contact with me in three days.”
“Well…” she froze.
“Hey, don’t stress it,” you reassured her, giving her a little squeeze.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, dropping her gaze to the floor.
It was a complete spur of the moment decision, it just felt right - you leaned forward and kissed her softly on her forehead. She jolted slightly, eyes shooting back up to yours, mouth slightly agape. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Her dark, dewy eyes locked onto yours, that unrelenting gaze.
“Kazuha-” you started before pausing at the sound of her heavy sigh.
“Can we talk?” she asked quietly.
“Of course.”
“Did you do it?”
“I did.”
“Oh my God!” Chaewon squealed, grabbing your arm and sitting you onto her bed. “How was it? How was she?”
Before answering her, you grabbed her arm back and pulled her onto you, letting your back hit the mattress. You grabbed the back of Chaewon’s head and forcefully pushed your mouth against hers, kissing her as if your life depended on it.
“I love you.”
“That was unexpected,” Chaewon giggled in front of your face. “I love you, too.”
As soon as the words escaped her lips you had already started kissing her again. Your hands snaked around the back of her neck and her back, holding her body as close to yours as you could while you made out with her soft lips.
“As much as I want to do this all day, I do actually want to hear about last night,” Chaewon chuckled, lifting herself up slightly.
This time you pulled her into a hug, gently stroking her soft hair as her head rested her cheek against your chest.
“What do you want to know?” you asked softly.
“How was her first time?”
“It was as perfect as I could have asked for,” you answered her before wrapping both arms around her body and hugging her tightly. “Just like you, as perfect as I could ever want.”
“Babe, if I knew you’d get this sentimental I would have had this happen way earlier,” Chaewon chuckled, hugging you back tightly.
“I just want you to know how much I love you, and that I’ll never let you go.”
“Hopefully you’re not being literal, because at some point I’ll need you to let go so I can live my life,” Chaewon giggled again before giving you a kiss on the cheek and sitting up. “Did you cum in her?”
“You sure you want details?” you sat up so that you were sitting facing Chaewon on the bed.
“You’re right, that’s between you and her.”
“Sweetheart, I promise I’m not trying to hide anything from you.”
“No no, some stuff should stay between the two of you,” Chaewon smiled warmly. “Thank you for doing this.”
“There’s no way you’re the one thanking me,” you laughed as you slid into the bedsheets. “I should be the one spending the next hour between your legs thanking you.”
“Is that an offer?” Chaewon smirked as she slid into the sheets next to you.
“I’d live the rest of my days between your legs if that’s what you wanted,” you replied while placing your arm around her, resting your hand on her ass.
“Tempting,” she giggled before giving you a short kiss on your mouth. “Well, I’m glad it went well.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Silly question, you already know the answer,” she smiled back at you.
“I get that you wanted this for her,” you continued. “But honestly, what do you get out of this… arrangement?”
Chaewon considered the question for a moment. Her expression hardly gave you any clue as to what she was thinking, so it was impossible to guess; Usually her face came with subtitles, but this time you picked up on nothing.
“I guess… the way she looks at you… I just wanted to make her happy,” Chaewon eventually answered. “I didn’t think it would bother me since I really do really love both of you.”
“Did it?” you asked directly.
“Did it what?”
“It…” her lip began to quiver.
“Sweetheart,” you pulled her closer and rubbed her back. “What happened? You can tell me honestly.”
“Okay, well, truthfully there are times where I kinda feel like…” she trailed off before finishing her sentence.
“Babe, you feel like what?” you encouraged her to continue.
It took her a second and another heavy sigh before continuing.
“No, it’s stupid, I’m being stupid,” she continued.
“Whatever’s on your mind, you can tell me,” you reassured her. “I can tell something’s bothering you, please.”
“You’re also going to think it’s stupid.”
“I won’t.”
“It’s just, at times, maybe…” she paused again.
“Maybe?” you urged her to continue, trying your best to remain patient.
“Like maybe… I’m not enough for you…”
The thumping of your heart could be felt in your throat after that line. The immediate dejection that took over as you saw her lip quiver again was overwhelming, you felt like your heart was about to explode.
“Not enough for me?”
“What makes you feel this way?”
“I don’t know!” she snapped as tears began flowing down her face. “Sorry, I just don’t understand why it’s bothering me.”
“You don’t need to apologize for how you feel,” you said softly while rubbing her back gently. “Ever.”
“I don’t…” she tilted her head backwards, looking straight up at the roof, and laughed while wiping her eyes. “I swear I was fine with it, really I meant it when I said it’s fine and that I’m okay with you fooling around with her, that’s why I’m just so confused as to why it’s bothering me now.”
“Sweetheart,” you began gently. Her face turned to yours again, she stared at you with her reddened eyes, waiting for you to speak. “You’re allowed to change your mind, maybe you were fine with it before, but now you’re not.”
Chaewon nodded her head, still on the verge of tears, still waiting for you to continue.
“But I never want you to feel like you’re not enough for me,” you whispered, pressing down into her body with your hand.
“Then why are you so flirty with Zuha?” she asked quietly.
“No, stop,” Chaewon began sobbing. “Now I feel like an asshole for pushing so hard for this to happen just to get upset about it.”
“You’re not-”
“I don’t know what got into me,” she sniffled, cutting you off again. “I promise I meant it when I said it was fine, I don’t know why I’m so emotional all of a sudden.”
It was difficult to figure out exactly what to say, and before you could even try thinking, Chaewon leaned forward and wiped her eyes with the back of her hands.
“I’m sorry for that, I’m good,” she stated unconvincingly as she turned back to you again, still clearly choked up. “I think I just felt bad for feeling this way, and when you were being so lovey-dovey it made me feel so stupid for ever doubting how much you love me.”
“Of course I love you, more than anything,” you sat up next to her, pulling her gently so she was sitting right next to you against the headrest. “But that doesn’t make these feelings stupid or invalid. Maybe you thought you’d be okay with it, but now that it happened you realized you’re not okay with it, and that’s completely fine.”
She nodded slightly.
“If anything, it’s stupid of me to have even considered it.”
“Don’t,” she replied firmly. “I was very adamant that you did it, you’re not allowed to blame yourself.”
“Okay fair,” you chuckled lightly, making sure to gauge her reaction. “Regardless, it’s an unorthodox situation, I don’t think placing blame is important.”
“I’m not trying to blame you.”
“And I’m saying there’s no reason to even think about blame right now, which means you can’t blame yourself either.”
“Okay,” she replied quietly as she leaned her head on your shoulder.
There was a very short pause before you continued.
“The flirting is just meaningless fun, but I never realized it bothered you.”
“It really doesn’t,” Chaewon replied quietly. “I was just trying to make sense of how I was feeling, I could never actually get upset at Zuha, I love that girl far too much.”
“It’s not an easy situation,” you replied before pressing your lips down on the top of Chaewon’s head, holding them there for a second before kissing her. “So, I guess the question is, what happens now?”
“I guess the first thing is that I should stop being over sensitive,” she said with a meek laugh.
“You’re not being over sensitive,” you argued. “If anything, I find it reassuring in a way.”
“It’s really not the physical part that ever bothered me,” Chaewon continued slowly. “Genuinely, you sleeping with Zuha doesn’t bother me at all, even now.”
“It’s okay if it does.”
“No, seriously,” Chaewon repeated firmly. “It was the dumb idea that you’d leave me that got to me.”
“I’m not going to leave you.”
“I know, I trust you,” she smiled. “If it really went as well as you said it did, I want you to sleep with her again.”
“What?” you coughed, not believing your ears. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to be okay with this.”
“And that’s exactly why I want you to do it,” she replied casually. “I can tell you don’t believe me when I say I’m fine with it.”
“I do believe you-”
“No you don’t,” Chaewon chuckled. “Especially not after this whole reaction.”
“Okay maybe a tiny part of me is a bit hesitant,” you admitted.
I get that,” she continued. “I don’t know how else to convince you, though.”
“Why do you need to convince me?” you asked.
“Because, you big dummy, I’m the one who told you to sleep with her,” Chaewon snuggled up next to you again. “Until I’m convinced you believe me when I say it’s okay, you have to keep sleeping with her. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I put you in this situation otherwise.”
“I don’t know about this,” you hesitated.
“I’m going to tell her you didn’t have a good time, then,” Chaewon threatened, looking at you.
“You wouldn’t dare do that to her,” you playfully gasped, knowing she’d never even consider jokingly hurting Kazuha like that.
“Sure you wanna test that?” Chaewon replied dramatically. “Would you really risk it?”
“Sweetheart,” you started, shifting your tone to a much more serious one. “What if I don’t want to sleep with her?”
“Are you honestly telling me you don’t want to sleep with Kazuha?”
“If there’s any chance it would hurt you, yeah that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
She paused for a second, contemplating your words deeply.
“I’m telling you it won’t hurt me, now do you still refuse to sleep with her? Do you not find her attractive?”
“I mean… I…”
“Do you love her?” Chaewon asked suddenly.
“Not like that,” you answered immediately. “You’re the only person I love like that.”
“Then just do it,” she added quietly. “For me.”
“What a fucking deal,” you mumbled, your mind suddenly thinking about Kazuha again. “I love you so much.”
“To be clear, this doesn’t mean you stop sleeping with me, I’m still your girlfriend,” Chaewon replied sternly. “And I love you, too.”
“Even better,” you laughed. “But wait, what if Kazuha doesn’t want to-”
“I don’t think you’ll need to worry.”
“Why not? She was pretty quiet during the drive back this morning, maybe she didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought she did.”
“She did.”
“How can you…” you started before it hit you. “She already told you how it went.”
“I got a text that same night,” Chaewon giggled. “I just wanted to hear your side of it.”
“What did she say?”
“Ask her yourself,” Chaewon teased before turning her back.
Your mind began imagining all the possibilities those texts could say as you snuggled up behind Chaewon. You gave her a playful slap on her ass before wrapping her up in your arms.
“Fine, I’ll ask her later, I’m going back to bed.”
“Lazy bum, I gotta go soon, are you not coming with?” Chaewon asked as she playfully pressed her backside into your crotch.
“I barely slept at all last night.”
“Too busy staring at Kazuha?”
“I’d say it was worth it,” you yawned, feeling the blood starting to rush to your crotch as Chaewon’s ass pushed against you. “When you say soon, how soon are we talking?”
“Too soon to do what you’re thinking.”
“You sure about that?” you whispered into her ear as you wrapped an arm around her body and slipped your hand between her legs. “It could be quick.”
“Certain,” Chaewon giggled, squeezing her legs together to trap your hand.
“I’m getting mixed signals here.”
“Figure it out.”
“Let go of my hand and I’ll convince you to show up late to whatever you have going on.”
Chaewon spread her legs enough for you to regain control of your hand, but before you could react she had already jumped out of the bed.
“Sorry, you’re not convincing enough,” she teased, running over to her closet to get changed. “Try again next time.”
“Come on,” you whined. “You can’t just get me all excited just to leave.”
“I can,” Chaewon replied without evening looking back at you as she took her outfit out of the closet.  “You can jerk off while I change,” she teased, bending over extra deep as she took her shorts off, tossing them at your face before putting her sweatpants on.
“That’s not fun.”
“Make it fun,” Chaewon took off her oversized shirt, putting on a fitted crop top. “There’s a plug in the top drawer, shove it up your ass.”
“Since when do you have a plug?” you chuckled, calling out her bluff.
“It vibrates,” she replied, winking at you before walking to the door. “I’ll be back in like two hours, love you!”
“Love you, too,” you replied back as she closed the door behind her.
When you woke up, Chaewon was still gone. There was an obnoxiously adorable pink sticky note decorated with hand-drawn hearts on the side table with your name written on the top. Next to it, a glass of water and a small piece of chocolate.
Had to go back to the office, come visit when you wake up sleepyhead.
So it seemed Chaewon came back and left already. It didn’t even occur to you how tired your body must have been for you to sleep through that; Hopefully Kazuha was doing better than you today. You got out of Chaewon’s bed feeling refreshed and walked over to her bathroom. Here, you found more confirmation that Chaewon stopped by as there was a very distinct outline of her lips drawn in lipstick on your cheek.
“Silly girl,” you mumbled to yourself before wiping it off.
The drive over to the office was relatively uneventful. You had stopped by a bakery to pick up a little treat for Chaewon, returning the small gesture she left you earlier. Once you arrived, you barely had three minutes to speak with your girlfriend.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea when we’ll be done tonight,” Chaewon sighed, giving you a quick hug after the rest of the members left the two of you alone.
“Don’t worry, I know how this works,” you reassured her, handing her the little paper bag. “You’re all sweaty.”
“That’s not what I wanna hear,” she complained as she looked into the bag. “It’s because I’m working hard.”
“I bet you are,” you leaned forward and gave her a little peck on the cheek. “What’s your plan tomorrow?”
“More of this,” Chaewon sighed. “Idol work never really ends, I think we have a variety shooting tomorrow.”
“Which means I won’t see you all day.”
“I’m sorry babe,” Chaewon placed her arms on your shoulders. “I’ll text you during every break.”
“No, it’s fine, I can go one day without talking to you,” you jokingly sniffled, pretending to wipe a tear from your eye.
“Don’t do that,” she whined, pouting at you. “I can’t do anything about it.”
“I’m just kidding,” you smiled at her, giving her a little pat on her butt. “Text me when you get home?”
“Of course.”
“By the way, was Kazuha acting a little odd just now?”
“I didn’t really notice anything, why?”
“Hmm, it’s probably nothing,” you shook your head slightly. “Alright, get back to your hard work before you get in trouble.”
“I’m blaming you if I do,” Chaewon gave you one last kiss before scurrying away to catch up with the rest of the girls.
Just as you predicted, there was no opportunity to meet up with Chaewon the next day. Luckily you had a small buildup of work that kept you occupied throughout the day. You did end up texting her as much as you could, but you knew she was busy so you tried to be as supportive as you could. Overall, the day went by smoothly, and before you knew it you were getting ready to sleep. Then, just as you were about to get ready to get into bed, your phone rang.
“Hello cutie,” you answered the Facetime call.
“Hey, just got home,” Chaewon replied, smiling at you. “Why are you topless?”
“I was about to sleep,” you answered. “Why aren’t you topless.”
There was a collective ‘eww’ that rang through the phone immediately.
“I didn’t realize you weren’t alone,” you laughed as Chaewon shook her head with a smile. “Hey girls.”
A slurry of greetings came through the phone as Chaewon turned the camera around to show the rest of the group waving at you.
“Why aren’t you here!” Yunjin shouted from the back. “What kind of boyfriend are you!”
“She told me not to come!”
“Way to throw me under the bus,” Chaewon glared at you as the girls started teasing her.
“It’s true though.”
“Don’t make me hangup,” she threatened as she walked up the stairs to her room. “And to think, I was actually going to take my shirt off.”
“Wait no-”
“I guess I’ll just go to sleep,” Chaewon exaggerated a sigh. “I am pretty tired after all, long day.”
“Chaewon, stop teasing.”
“What, you still want me to take my shirt off?” she asked innocently as she jumped into her bed. “Say please.”
“You’re so ridiculous,” you chuckled. “How was your day?”
“Exhausting,” Chaewon sighed for real, putting the phone down next to her on the bed. “You free tomorrow? I still have to go to the office, but I’ll have way more time to chill.”
“I could probably stop by after lunch.”
“That works,” Chaewon picked the phone back up, her bare shoulders in frame now. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” you replied. “Want me to come spend the night?”
“No, I need to actually sleep.”
“Well yeah, that would be the plan.”
“We both know it wouldn’t work like that,” Chaewon giggled. “Not that I’d mind.”
“If that’s the case, maybe I actually will come over.”
“Just move in already.”
“Excuse me, aren’t you the one stopping that from happening?” you called her out.
“I changed my mind, I want you to fuck me every night,” Chaewon moaned into the phone.
“Don’t fucking do this to me,” you groaned. “Not when I’m here and you’re there.”
“I’m sorry babe, I’m just so…” she closed her eyes, mouth slightly agape. “So fucking wet.”
“Oh my God, stop teasing.”
Chaewon burst out giggling, loving the control she had over you.
“Come in!” Chaewon shouted, looking up from the phone.
“Hey, are my earbuds still in your bag?” a distant Kazuha’s voice came through.
“Oh yeah I forgot, they should be,” Chaewon answered. “On the chair, under my jacket.”
“Hey Kazuha!” you shouted through the phone.
Chaewon held the phone up for her.
“Oh! Hello!” Kazuha stuttered awkwardly. “I didn’t realize you were still on a call, I’ll leave you two alone!”
“Goodnight Zuha,” Chaewon called out, pointing the phone back to her face as Kazuha closed the door behind her.
“Did that seem weird to you?”
“That interaction, she just seemed kinda… different?”
“I think you might be overthinking it,” Chaewon yawned.
“She seemed a bit off yesterday when I stopped by, too.”
“She’s probably just tired.”
“Maybe…” you began thinking.
“You think it has something to do with the other night?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t really talked to her about it,” you answered. “Has she said anything to you?”
“Nope, but we’ve also been incredibly busy these last couple days.”
“RIght, whatever I’ll figure it out later. You should probably get some sleep.”
“So you’re going to make me take off my clothes for you and then just leave me?” Chaewon puffed out her cheeks, letting the phone drop just enough so you could see a bit of her bare chest.
“I’ll drive over right now.”
“Goodnight, love you,” Chaewon giggled while hanging up the phone.
Just as you promised, you showed up to the office the next day after finishing your work. Since you ended up running late and missing lunch, you decided to indulge yourself in the HYBE cafeteria. The food was phenomenal, a convenient perk of having Chaewon’s guest pass, and since it was a late lunch there was no one around to bother you.
After finishing your meal, you went and found where the girls were. Today was a light day, they were just practicing the choreo for some of the b-sides of their album, keeping it light as a sort of rest day. You quietly snuck into the dance studio, taking a seat on the couch in the back of the room. The girls, professional as can be, didn’t even miss a beat when you walked in and finished the routine.
As the final note of the song played, they finally dropped their ending poses and let out sighs of relief. A couple of them dropped straight to the floor, sitting or laying down, while the rest walked over to you.
“The days just get longer and longer,” Yunjin sighed, falling onto the couch before looking at you. “How’s it going?”
“Not bad, yourself?” you answered.
“It’s just for a bit more,” Sakura chimed in from the other couch. “And come on, today was pretty fun.”
“A nap would be pretty fun,” Yunjin joked.
“Oh great idea, let’s all nap!” Chaewon agreed excitedly as she sat down next to you.
“Come on, where is the energy!” Sakura laughed. “This is the first easy day we’ve had in so long, go drink some coffee or something!”
“Coffee too far,” Chaewon whined, leaning on you. “Nap instead.”
“Yeah, nap instead,” Yunjin agreed.
“It’s literally down the hall, look, those two are going,” Sakura shook her head in disbelief before staring at herself in the mirror and repeating a few of the motions.
“I love that part,” you commented as you watched her dance. “You always nail the expressions so damn perfectly, even when you’re practicing you always stay consistent.”
“Oh, thank you,” Sakura paused to look at you before immediately turning away to hide the subtle blush on her cheeks.
“Why don’t you compliment me like that,” Chaewon poked you in your side.
“Someones in trouble,” Yunjin sang while scrolling through her phone.
“I do compliment you like that, like, all the time,” you replied, wrapping your arm around her.
“Not enough,” Chaewon grumbled. “And you didn’t get me coffee.”
“Do you want me to get you coffee?”
“No, it’s fine,” she exhaled with a superfluous ‘hmph’. “Clearly you don’t want to, and I only want it if you want to get me coffee.”
“You’re so ridiculous,” you chuckled, giving Chaewon a playful pat on her hip. “I’ll get the coffee, be back in a minute.”
“Does this work?” Kazuha asked, opening the door to a conference room. “I don’t think anyone will bother us here.”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you answered, walking into the room and taking a seat at the table.
Kazuha walked around the table, sitting on the chair next to you. She waited a beat before deciding to stand back up and move the chair closer to you.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.”
That was a lot more upfront than you expected.
“It’s okay,” you replied gently, placing a hand on her thigh. “I figured you just needed time, and that’s totally okay.”
“I did,” Kazuha agreed with a nod, staring at your hand. “Ever since that night, I’ve felt… differently towards you.”
“Understandable, it’s not a small thing to do,” you replied, encouraging her to continue.
Kazuha looked up from her lap into your eyes.
“I think I’m starting to have feelings for you.”
The silence was palpable. It almost felt like you could feel your heart in your throat. You were at a loss for words; This playful, silly girl who would constantly tease you, constantly mess with you, it was already so rare to see her soft side, but hearing this completely threw you for a loop.
“Zuha,” you started cautiously. “Please don’t take this as me dismissing your feelings, but I’m just saying sometimes these things can be complicated. We did just go through a big event together.”
“It’s not just the sex,” she replied quietly, her eyes starting to shine. “I’ve been feeling something towards you for a while.”
“I understand, but I’m in a committed relation-”
“I know,” Kazuha interjected. “And I would never try to ruin that for either of you.”
“I know you wouldn’t.”
“It’s just how… I feel…” she continued, pausing before adding more in a whisper. “I can’t help it.”
“Zuha, I do have a lot of love for you, but not in that way.”
“That doesn’t-” she stopped, getting choked up for a moment.
“Come here,” you whispered, standing up and pulling her into a hug. “It’ll be alright.”
Both of you held the embrace for probably a minute in silence. Kazuha let out a single sniffle before letting go of you, standing there in front of you. She looked so vulnerable, so delicate in this moment, it was difficult to come up with the next words.
The world barely escaped your lips before suddenly Kazuha leaned forward and kissed you. At first, you were in shock - but you didn’t pull back. The tenderness of her lips felt perfect in this moment, the softness of her kiss, the gentle way her hands grabbed your body. It went on for a few seconds before she pulled back, staring at you in anticipation for what would happen next.
What did end up happening next was something you really couldn’t explain. You wrapped your arms around her and started kissing her again. This time it was still just as tender and loving as before, but also significantly more passionate. Your noses brushed against each other’s faces, hands exploring each other’s bodies. Your lips remained glued together.
With your leg, you kicked the chair behind Kazuha away, still with your lips attached to hers. Slowly, you pressed forward harder until Kazuha was bending backwards; You pushed forward until she was laying on the massive conference table. Carefully, you leaned over her, kissing her soft lips repeatedly, squishing against her tenderness.
She began clawing at your back, feeling your body while your hands explored the sides of hers. Even through her thin shirt her perfectly sculpted body that she worked so hard for could be felt, and it felt amazing. The kiss kept going, her legs sort of wrapped around your hips and her hands moved up, cupping your face.
After what felt like an eternity, you leaned back, letting her fingers gently stroke your cheeks as you stood up in front of her. She looked up at you for a second, her hair spread on the table, before lifting herself up so that she was sitting on the table in front of you with her legs still spread around your body. You took a step back, giving her space to hop off the table.
She stared at you with an expressionless face. There was yet another pause, neither of you knew what to say. The two of you simply inhaled and exhaled, almost in unison. You could hear your heart beating in your chest, and in a way you almost felt like you could hear hers beating, too. It was Kazuha who decided to break the silence with a whisper.
“I’m going to go.”
Those were the last words spoken in the room before she scurried away. Nothing made sense right now. You simply stood there in the empty conference room, staring at the door that Kazuha had just exited through, not understanding fully what just happened.
Did I just write a chapter WITHOUT A SEX SCENE? Wow, look at that, it's like the title of this one is partially about the story and partially about me. So yeah, I'm kinda more interested in writing some more stuff like this and pulling back a tiny bit on the sex. I've written plenty of raw smut scenes throughout my works, if anyone is really craving that they can just go reread or something. This does NOT mean that I'm never writing a sex scene in this story by the way.
Let me know what you guys think! The story is going to probably get much more spicy in the immediate future as I play with this love triangle (or is it a square?) dynamic. Who knows what I'll do (I do). If anyone is invested enough into this story to hit me with some predictions, do it up, I adore reading theories! Or any comments to be honest, I always welcome them.
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jihyoruri · 10 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 LESSERAFIM AND THEIR HOT HEADED MEMBER lesserafim x reader
★yn refusing lesserafims love for five mins 768k views
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↳ warnings: yn from paparazzi, idol au, yn being a short (for the plot) hot head, yn is the second youngest member
“- and that’s why I immediately take away people’s human rights when they say they don’t like ghibli.” yn says to the live.
the fans managed to get her on a major rant after someone in the comments said that they hate ghibli.
yn put her jiji plushie in her lap as she continued, “I’m not even joking.” she continues to read comments as they slowly turn from the topic of ghibli to someone being on the live.
“yunjin unnie is on here?” she asks as she reads the comments about the older member, “i love you.” she reads the comment from yunjin and looks side to side before ignoring it.
people in the comments laughs as yunjin orders the younger girl to say it back only to be ignored.
yn phone rings and she immediately knows who it is, she shows the camera her phone which displays a photo of yunjin kissing yn’s cheek while yn’s face is scrunched up in disgust.
“it’s yunjin unnie.” she says before putting the phone back down without answering and continuing to read comments.
like always in every interview chaewon sat beside yn, just so she can monitor the girl to make sure she doesn’t say something extremely disrespectful when she has the chance to get the mic.
as kazuha talked to the interviewer chaewon put her hand over yn’s hand that rested on the younger girls leg.
yn side eyed the older girl before slowly retracting her hand from under chaewon’s causing the older girl’s mouth drop in offence.
the camera zoomed in on yn and chaewon as chaewon tightly interlocked her and yn’s hands and put it in her lap as yn struggled to get out of her grip.
sakura and yunjin watched as the youngest members decided that doing something dangerous is fun.
while the girls filmed their vlog yn and eunchae thought that it would be a good idea to do something that might get them in trouble if they get hurt at the park.
yn stood on the swing seat holding onto the chains as eunchae pushed her back and forth.
even though yunjin and sakura should’ve been yelling at yn to get down they couldn’t help but fawn over how cute the hot headed member looked in her ear muffs and oversized sweater.
“I LOVE YOU.” yunjin yelled to the younger girl as sakura threw up a heart.
kazuha turned the camera towards yn who sat on sakura’s lap sipping her water, all the girls were tired out from performing the same dance over and over again.
she brought the camera lose to the younger girls face who just looks up at it, “say something to our fans.”
“love you.” yn says bluntly before going back to drinking her water.
“you never say that to me!” yells chaewon as the camera pans to her and back to yn who looks at the leader with a blank face.
the camera pans to yn who laid in the middle of the dance room as the dance instructor told the girls to take a break.
eunchae walked over to the girl and laid right on top of her back causing yn to groan.
“leave me alone.”
“no.” eunchae says causing another groan to escape yn.
“sakura unnie tell her to leave me alone!” yn yells to the older girl who watches the younger girls on the floor.
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anantaru · 1 year
— calling him a petname for the first time
including kazuha, zhongli, kaveh, scaramouche x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, crack, very sweet n cute
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— kazuha + "love"
"there you go."
kazuha proceeded slowly, carefully walking towards you with a cup of sakura bloom tea in his hand— although it was getting relatively hot around inazuma city, when the evenings shadow deepened into a blue and purple, a sudden cold breeze always pelted itself on your face.
you joyfully accept, pulling up the collar of your jacket to shelter your trembling body before taking the cup in your hand, "thank you love." and you certainly said your next sentence without thinking about anything and all.
in fairness, it tumbled out of you rather easily, but the following heat on your cheeks slammed you like a harsh blow when you realized.
kazuha makes himself comfortable next to you, and he looked absolutely beautiful when you face him directly— from the fierce humidity that had occurred earlier on, his upper garments were faintly plastered against his chest and showing a fine outline of his muscles, but the unexpected shade on his skin, the brilliant, blinding blush on his face was not the sun's fault, no, he cannot talk himself out of that one.
it's certain that while you were surprised by the sudden nickname bumbling past your tongue, he too found himself both dumbstruck and flustered by it, wondering why you never said anything like this before.
"I like the sound of that." he admits bluntly, both bracing yourself from a current of a cold breeze washing over your backs, bursting into the heat, his lowered eyebrows and squinted eyes illustrating a motion of both excitement and understanding.
"how should i call you?" oh, well, you didn't see that one coming, did you? but you laugh at his words, then realize he was actually being serious.
"however you want to." you lean close, resting your head against his shoulder as he slants against you as well, both fluttering your lashes open to watch how the sun still casted a faint yellow light through the sky, both awaiting the coldness of the night.
"I will think of something special."
he promises, because kazuha sees nothing but uniqueness and the extraordinary compassion you fueled him with, he's so desperately in love with you, he can barely manage to calm down his heightened breathing.
in his eyes, it's a sentiment not able to be characterized by words— that's how he'd personally describe it if he had to.
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— zhongli + "darling"
black, deep branches that traced the blue black heavens overhead, cascading over the darkened night as zhongli finished the last couple tedious tasks he had left before being able to go home and most importantly— finally enclose you in his arms again.
but it was quite different this night, because in a sudden haste, he perceived the sound waves of footsteps nearby, undistinguished, progressively becoming louder until an unforeseen knock on his door.
the man adjusts his clothing before standing up, in pair with you voicelessly opening the door, yet with a smile, one zhongli had dreamed of all day long.
"hello darling." you joke around, being quick when you step towards a pair of open arms, welcoming you right away. "hello to you too."
as a matter of fact, there were a plethora of feelings being released right now, not from you, you were quite busy squishing your face into zhongli's chest, whereas he caught sudden wind of your welcoming words he, at first, didn't note as precisely as he should've.
at the same time, he was aware you were obviously joking around— which you would do more often than not but for some reason he found himself greatly enchanted by being called something else other than zhongli or morax— which, morax was a name you both agreed on not using anymore, despite his past being a pronounced part of him, he preferred to live a life with you, in the present and near future while leaving the past behind for good.
in a trice, zhongli addresses you in the same way, but it sounds a little silly coming out of his mouth, maybe because of the certain manner of speaking he'd use on a daily. whilst, who were you to pass up on being called that as well?
with a giggle, you decide to lean into the flavorful gamble, "yes, darling?" and you're quick with your answer, finding it rather amusing how you were able to practically render your boyfriend speechless for a second.
"no wait!" you backtrack, "it fits you more." and point out with a flourish, placing both of your hands against his warm cheeks before puckering your lips out for a quick kiss, "so i figured why not use it on you tonight."
"very well." he accepts the compliment with a gravelly laugh— you cannot even blame zhongli for acting so awkward about it since he never really had something like this before, a genuine relationship with a human.
his gaze narrowed, your sights locked on like magnets, but his entire face sparkled, with the skin on his eyes a little wrinkled round and under them, and with the mouth a little drawn back at the corners he indicates a smile, voice low and ethereal.
it's almost as if with nothing but this, you managed to make his entire day all the more heavenly and fulfilled.
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— kaveh + "sweetheart"
what were the specific chances of losing your house keys three damn times this passing week?
kaveh was truly embarrassed about it and wondered if someone else had been playing tricks on him but ultimately decided to brush it off for once in his life, because truthfully— he was tired, to a higher standard exhausted, of walking around sumeru city aimlessly to reach your home now, where he hoped he could stay the night.
to make things worse, it was pouring outside, violently raining and by the end of his designated route, kaveh was thoroughly swamped and so were a couple unfinished drawings he had originally tugged into an envelope, cursing underneath the gloominess of his breathing at the entire moment.
you open the door for your boyfriend, soused in worry, immediately being as understanding and careful as possible, you knew him after all and frankly, it was written all across his face on how awful his day must've went— his eyes lowed as he watched the ground when you took his hand to guide him into your bedroom, so he could change into the spare clothes he left behind at your place a couple weeks ago.
"i cannot do this anymore!" he curses, freeing himself from his drenched garments, the dramatic mannerism and tone was like written out of a dramatic book, fully illustrated and out in the open, and if you didn't know any better you certainly would've answered with a light hearted giggle.
"it's alright." you smile, "you're home now sweetheart."
and follow up your sentence with taking a warm, fuzzy blanket from a drawer, easily slipping it over his shaking body. but hold on— just a second if he may, did kaveh hear that correctly right now?
"what?" his eyes were glowing with a perception of both excitement and being utterly flustered, forgetting he was sad just a second ago.
"what did you just call me?"
it's done now, he can die a happy man after that encounter.
he was observing himself and noticed how this single word shoot an electric pulse through his bones and limbs, he was on fire, truly, already casting aside and putting away the awful day he had prior, it's like it never happened now.
"sweetheart?" you feign innocence, pulling yourself into your boyfriends chest before propping your chin up to face the blonde, the sweetness and compassion he desperately craved from you spiraling inwardly, "do you like how that sounds?"
"i do." kaveh wraps his arms around your body, sighing deeply in his chest, "i really really do."
and silently hopes you'd start calling him that now, because for some reason, hearing you address him in that way, with that familiar soft flutter and how it idly left your lips lingered in his thoughts, tranquilizing him tenderly.
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— scaramouche + "baby"
"stop moving, kuni!"
bothersome, or quite tiresome, two words that would perfectly describe the situation you were a part of right now.
if anything would be said or done, scaramouche should be more than delighted, thankful to his very core, that you were gracefully helping him out with his eyeliner on this fine morning— well, if he wouldn't act like a little diva that is.
"i‘m not moving!" he frowns and rolls his eyes at you, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "but you‘re poking my eye on purpose, admit it!"
"i'm not doing it on purpose!" you swiftly bark back and don't give him a single chance to actively engage in a rebuttal, silently inching a little into him until fully seated on his lap, "you're just making it very hard."
okay, he might've been a little too brass today, but you can't really blame him since he had just woken up, his sleepy image was daubed all over him— not just the low-toned shape of his eyes, it's also about the difficulty of staying awake while you're helping him out, because most definitely was sleeping in sounding a lot more appetizing then going to work right after you're done.
maybe, only maybe, dear scaramouche over there did it on purpose, sabotaging your ways of aid, to have you on his lap a little longer. but it's not his fault so don't even dare saying that, you're so comfy when you practically liquefy into his touch and he cannot stop inching you closer to him.
"i'm almost done." you remind him of his current, active fear and he attempts to yank his head to the other side when you swiftly pulled him back to where you wanted him to be.
you whine loudly, "baby!" and quickly lick your thumb to get rid of the expelled color on his face, "i almost messed it up completely!"
he glimmers a little at the name, but tries to keep it low-key if only his cheeks wouldn't decide to blush right now, in the most inconvenient time, "i— I'm sorry."
you laugh before raising a brow, "damn, i never heard you apologize before." and finish up the last line to his eyeliner, yet staying on his lap before sneakily running your hands over the back of his neck to slant yourself into him.
"i never heard you say baby before either." he admits with a giant smirk, but in his usual fashion, with a little snark on the side as well.
"you're right!" you say all giddy, placing a subdued kiss on his lips, "i should use it more often."
in accessory to your kiss, your eyes sparkled vividly before showing the kindness and benevolence he fell in love with.
now, you had suddenly understood what it was about, that in reality kuni only wanted to spend a little bit more time with you before it was impassable to leave for work.
straightaway, scaramouche can't wait for the next time you'll call him that, the little word he already seems to fancy.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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ventismacchiato · 4 months
O4 stuck with you — screaming and fighting !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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You and Scaramouche were dragged backstage and away from prying eyes, faces flushed and chests rising as the adrenaline from the argument on stage had yet to wear off. The dressing room was still, only filled with you both throwing insults at one another. The rest of your group members shared sheepish looks with one another, deciding to let you both get it out of your system.
As soon as the door was tightly shut you whirled around to face Scara.
“You just always have to get the last word, don’t you?” you asked, stepping closer to him.
“You’re the one who started yelling at me, I was just defending myself,” Scaramouche replied, his tone equally heated, but his posture was much more composed than you. 
“You’re the one who told me to give up,” you accused. 
“Yeah, give up the trophy so I could hold it,” Scara sighed.
“Yeah, as if you deserve to hold it.”
“Now that you mention it, I do deserve it more than you.” 
“You don’t know what it’s like to actually work for something,” you glared, voice laced with contempt, “You probably get everything handed to you by your mom.”
He glanced away, abruptly uncomfortable. “You shouldn’t talk. Your voice is even more unpleasant when you’re whining.” 
Naturally, you kept talking
“That’s the only reason you’re even here with the rest of us,” you continued, letting your jealousy cloud your senses, “I can’t be the only one who thinks that.”
Scaramouche’s face hardened. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he muttered, shoving his way past you to leave the dressing room before turning around one last time.
“Nobody even knew she was my mother until I became a trainee. I used a different name on the application forms. But if hanging onto that little fact makes you feel better about being so pathetic then be my fucking guest.” 
And with that he slammed the door behind him.
You hated the way he could make you inexplicably self-conscious. It used to be a foreign sensation, one left behind long ago in insecure adolescence.
You stood there, breathing heavily, as the door swung shut. The room was silent, everyone stunned by the intensity of the confrontation.
Lumine stepped up and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, slowly guiding you outside to cool off. 
“We’re also gonna head back,” Aether awkwardly laughed, grabbing Childe and Kazuha by their collars and dragging them out.
“So, that just happened.”
“Shut up, Venti.”
“We really need to broaden your vocabulary, Y/n. Your insults could be better.”
“You too, Fischl! Zip it!”
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stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
begging u guys to let me use ur usernames as fans in this au pls let me make u a crazy stantwt user xx but pls comment on the masterlist so i see it
also everyone saying scara keeps eating yn up w insults is sending me 😭😭
title from the way i loved you by ts it suits scarayn so well
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes — 👍 leave me comments and asks instead of begging for updates pleek i need motivation to post more
taglist — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic
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santsukii · 3 months
ᯓ✿ say you love me
ˋ°•*⁀➷ anemo boys falling for you (alt angst version here)
ˋ°•*⁀➷ venti, xiao, kaedehara kazuha, shikanoin heizou, wanderer x gn! reader
₊˚ character story spoilers, this is more or less just an excuse to write the silly little scenarios in my head involving these boys, some more angsty than others but it’s like 90% fluff
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it’s not as if venti were completely oblivious to his own emotions, he understands what’s going on when he notices his heart fluttering when you’re around. when you smiled at him, it was as if his heart were beating right out of his chest. his music so clearly and beautifully graced the air, drowning out his own whispered confession of love. if he were to say it loud enough for you ears to pick up, how would you look back at him? as if fate itself were turning its head and laughing at him for falling so helplessly in love with someone he only considered a friend until recently.
to all but the archon himself, such melancholy tunes played on his lyre while sitting on the hands of a statue made in his likeness were simply meaningless and carried little to no weight whatsoever. the sky was clear, allowing him to gaze ever so wistfully at the constellations in the night sky as he thinks of you. maybe he’d find yours, reaching up and tracing the connections of the brightly shining stars with his finger. he knows he’s nothing more than a god fallen from grace, and not even you knew of the gnosis that had been taken from him. venti’s heart ached at the idea that he may never be able to scream out his love for you due to his own doubts.
yet right now, in the dead of night, he could sing of the love residing deep within his ever-beating heart. with a final song to confess to the night sky, he sings and plays so softly that it’s difficult to hear. even with that, his voice is so soothing and comforting as he sings out the love that had plagued him for a long time now. as he finished his song, he noticed the smallest amount of tears dripping from his face as he finally let out the pent-up emotions. even if he presumed you were far away, he hopelessly hoped that his voice would reach you. your beautiful smile and laugh were etched in the archon’s heart, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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if xiao met the same fate as those he once held dear, he hoped he could at least let out his love for you. it brings him peace that he can protect you as the last yaksha of liyue. he often finds himself separate from society for their own sake, his karmic debt often drawing closer the demons he swore to kill. yet, you stayed close to him despite the immediate danger you often faced. sometimes, he would find the tears pricking at his golden eyes as he reminisces the life he wished he could have lived with you. it would have been a peaceful life full of happiness and love beyond compare, surrounded by his fellow yaksha.
even with that, the light of your smile never passed him by. silently watching over you from afar during the lantern rite, he was torn. xiao wanted nothing more than to join you in the crowd, but what if you got separated from him? would he have the courage to hold your hand? those doubts landed him sitting atop a building and watching from a distance, silently hoping you’d turn around and notice his affectionate observations. as hundreds of lanterns gently floated into the air, he found himself once again fighting the urge to join you in the crowd. it would only be a matter of time before the fireworks begun, maybe then he’d have the opportunity to stand beside you and welcome in a new year.
in the bitter cold of the night air as the first of the fireworks exploded into the inky dark sky, you saw him next to you. xiao smiled gently, not saying a word as the landscape was illuminated with the bright and lively colors of the fireworks. his hand in yours, welcoming a new year together with a kiss. the one thing that couldn’t be heard beneath the explosions of color that could outshine the brightest star was his voice, saying three words he never thought he’d say again. “i love you”
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he had fallen for you without a care in the world, allowing it to grow as the days go by for no reason besides the idea that he has nothing to lose by falling for you. kazuha’s heart felt as if it were bursting with love and passion whenever he looked at you. it was a whirlwind type of romance, one in which both parties involved were constantly sharing knowing glances and giggles, overly affectionate with a passion that will surely burn itself out if given enough time.
but it didn’t. he never once doubted his love for you, in fact he was quite open about it. it was bound to make others jealous, the way he was constantly sending letters with gifts when he was away on various travels. whenever kazuha was away from you, he found himself missing you exponentially more as the days went by. oftentimes, he only wanted to return to the place he belonged, in your arms. he doesn’t really enjoy being all alone, so he’d take your hand and hold it ever so tightly. you’ve always been what guides him and gives him peace of mind. your smile was like a guiding star in the darkest of nights, always there to light the way despite the circumstances.
kazuha never truly “confessed”. his actions alone indicated his love for you, and he one day just began saying he loved you. it came so naturally to him that he could never overthink it, like a second nature. those three words flowed so naturally out of his mouth with that beautiful and soft voice of his, it just felt right. what began as simply a lighthearted summer romance had quickly grown into a love that would stand the rest of time, despite any struggles the two of you may face. if nothing else, you’d face it together.
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heizou is a naturally flirty person, using that to his advantage to conceal his true feelings for you. being a detective, he was naturally able to read people, yet he could never truly understand what was going on behind those eyes of yours. really, it was such a nuisance to hold these feelings in. alas, it was a hinderance to his work. sometimes he wondered if you could hear his heart beating out of his chest whenever you were around, surely it wouldn’t take much to realize what’s going on here. he’d need for you to simply let him in and he’d be the happiest man in teyvat.
it really doesn’t take a detective to figure out he loved you, it was quite obvious really. how many words at minimum would it take for you to notice his love? even with heizou attempting to hide the feelings in his heart, the summer days spent with you made his feelings soar. sitting on the beach and watching the sunset together, he really couldn’t be happier. he knew he was helplessly in love with you, warmth creeping onto his face every time you smiled or laughed because of him.
so here he was, singing and dancing in the warm sand with you under the sun’s fading light. the crashing of the waves on the shore drowned out your voices, but he hadn’t a care in the world. with his hands in yours, your laugh as the both of you fell into the cool water, he couldn’t be happier. even if both your clothes were now wet, you didn’t care even one bit as his lips met yours.
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ever since the day he met you, he feigned indifference and rudeness to hide his feelings for you. he was a perfect example of using his naturally intimidating demeanor to hide the love he held for you. a puppet made without a heart, you had given him all the more reason to continue living. the nameless wanderer was so into you that he couldn’t help but smile to himself after any interaction with you. of course, he wouldn’t be caught dead smiling over you. just like magic, he was immediately done in by you without your knowledge.
he wanted to hate you as much as he pretended he did, that much was true. even after he warmed up to your presence, he wanted to stop acting like his true self around you. he wished he could just shut you out again, yet he couldn’t stop wondering if you felt the same. he assumed you did, based solely off of your words and actions without even the slightest verbal proof. with every single touch of his puppet body, his heart beat out of his artificial chest. maybe he had known you in his past life, maybe his heart broke knowing you wouldn’t remember him.
yet, you seemed to love him in every iteration of his life. he knew it all along, he said as he held your hands and forced himself to confess. the more he tried to fill the metaphorical gap between you, the more he unintentionally forced himself away. sure, he’d admit that he was greedy for your love. it wasn’t that bad to be in love, was it? under a beautiful tree surrounded by colorful flowers, he had his first kiss. hundreds of years living, but you were the only one he ever seemed to want to be around. angry looks and scoffs had been replaced with smiles despite all odds.
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stxxryvoid · 3 months
˚₊‧꒰ა Silly Things That They Do ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ Genshin Impact
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✧ Silly (and sometimes annoying) things that they do, but it's okay you love them anyway <3
✧ Featuring ✧ Childe, Heizou, Kazuha, Kaeya, Venti, Kaveh, and Itto x GN! Reader (Separate)
✧ Content Warnings ✧ Some swearing
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✧ Childe
"Rise and shine sleepy head!" No further explanations needed.
He'll roll you up in your blankets for no apparent reason and then leave before you can escape the soft prison he put you in.
If you're going to jump on the bed he'll mf snatch the pillow and you fall on the bed itself.
When he's cooking he'll def shape the food into cute shapes.
He'd probably find something you're looking for and say he doesn't know where it is, but a while later will give it to you so you can praise him and give him a kiss.
Comes up from behind you and puts his hands over your eyes saying: "Guess who?"
Tells you to stay out of trouble when he's gone even though anything you do will never amount to the shit he does when he's working.
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✧ Shikanoin Heizou
Kicks your feet under the table like he's a damn child.
Anytime he does something he expects a kiss as a reward.
He could literally open a jar you couldn't open and expect a big kiss and cuddles.
If you ask him to make you coffee he'll definitely make it!
You just won't get it unless you get up yourself because you only asked him to make it not bring it.
But if you ask him next time to bring the coffee he'll bring the whole ass coffee pot bc you didn't ask for it in a cup.
Will blame you for him waking up late on a work day when he's the one staying up late to work on cases.
Gets genuinely offended when you tell him no fried food bc it's not good for him.
He does a ">:(" and gives you one-worded responses for an hour.
He's not mad he's just the biggest tease to exist on Teyvat.
Start getting actually upset and he actually feels so bad and does anything to make it up to you.
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✧ Kaedehara Kazuha
Comes up behind you without making a sound says "Hi." and scares the living daylights out of you.
If you catch him doing smth he'll use such poetic words you can't even understand to get out of the situation.
Starts spitting poetry out of nowhere.
It could be dead silent between the two of you and he gives you a romantic poem.
If he's cooking he will put food you do not like in there but hide it so well it tastes good to you.
While you're eating he'll stare at you like 🙂
Then you realized you fell victim to eating smth like brussel sprouts again.
If you're working he'll deadass show up in your office or smth.
Like how??
No notification from your coworkers and you js look up he's there.
Kazuha 10/10 horror movie killer material, silent footsteps, appears out of nowhere, unsuspecting, and has a sharp weapon
He knows so many cats like wtf
A cat comes up to him he pets it and says "Hi, cat name." AND DOES IT W SO MANY CATS??
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✧ Kaeya
Okay I know I called Heizou the biggest tease but I changed my mind.
If Heizou is the king of teasing Kaeya is the all knowing, all powerful, all mighty god of teasing.
Flirts with you at the most random times.
Could be fighting some monsters he decides its the best time to try a new pick up line.
And it's always the best one's too, but he decides to save the horrendous ones for completely normal times.
He has no life.
With no cavalry to captain he can't be the cavalry captain so with nothing to do most of the time he's glued to your hip.
He'll play with your hair in front of someone no matter how many times you smack his hand away.
Claims he needs some random article of clothing on him fixed just so he can have your attention.
Y'know that thing where you bump your hip on someone to make them trip/fall over?
He does that.
If you stumble he'll act like he did nothing and turn the other way.
If you fall and it's hilarious he'll laugh before helping you up.
But if you fall and hurt yourself he'll actually feel bad and help you up and make sure you're okay. He's at your beck and call for the rest of the day.
He needs attention.
It's like taking care of a big cat.
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✧ Venti
Also does the hip bump thing.
If you go to find him after he does some drinking he could be in the most random ass position ever.
Laying back down legs up against a building.
Passed out on some hay in a crate.
Sleeping under a bench.
You can't even be surprised anymore.
His feet are actually icebergs.
When he takes off them stocking things he puts his feet on you and your body temperature decreases by 20 degrees.
Styles his hair and yours in the most random ways.
If you wear makeup he took it once and ended up looking like a barbie doll got into a street fight and lost.
Sings you songs about the most random shit.
He turned milk and cookies into a song.
Meowing back at cats is normal.
But he barks back at dogs and really puts the enthusiasm in it..
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✧ Kaveh
Plays with his food.
Moves it around on his plate to form shapes before he actually eats it.
Sometimes is drinking while he draws things and was painting once and ended up drinking the paint water on accident.
He spat it out and started rubbing his tongue while you and Al haitham were like 🤨
Thought all he loses are his keys?
Nah everything he's touched has been lost at least once.
He's still looking for some things that vanished into thin air.
He sometimes talks in his sleep.
Mostly about you, cats, dogs, and food.
He's actually so knowledgeable on beauty products??
You could be buying something for skin care and he snatches it and says "No."
"Don't buy this..." and yaps on for a good minute.
Then he'll go and pick up smth else for you and buy it for you and you're js left there shocked.
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✧ Arataki Itto
This man is the epitome of silly.
He also cant whisper for shit.
Do NOT shit talk someone to him all of Inazuma will know within 30 minutes.
He has so many spare combs.
A backup comb for his comb a back-backup comb for the backup comb a back-back-backup comb for the back-backup comb and so on...
Don't give him hot sauce. Just don't.
Do NOT mess up his hair. He'll be ":(" the entire day.
He knows about lots of good food.
Can he cook any of this good food?
Hell no.
If you cook him anything he'll be so happy and eats every last crumb, would probably eat the plate to get all the macromolecules of the food.
(If he even knew what a macromolecule is)
If you make him something it's treasured forever and the only fingerprints on it are yours and his.
Definitely owns a diary somewhere.
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yerimbrit · 25 days
insufferable : k. chaewon
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synopsis: i (21f) absolutely detest my roommate (21f). we've known each other for years, but have always had this unspoken beef?, for lack of a better word. i tried requesting a dorm change but was denied. my friend offered to switch dorms but my roommate started acting weirdly after i told her about it. what should i do?
# : pairing ! nonidol!kim chaewon x fem!reader
# : tags ! college!au, enemies to something else, crack, fluff, light angst, they're so petty it's insane, forced proximity, reader is lowk a jock, temperature is in fahrenheit cus i'm american sorry, miscommunication, arguments, kazuha owns a wii and a betta fish
# : wordcount ! 4.7k
# : warnings ! none
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"you've got to be kidding me."
chaewon scoffed, looking at you with an expression that nearly matched yours which held an inexplicable amount of disgust. she rolled her suitcase into the dorm, slipping off her vans slip-ons. "shouldn't i be saying that? no one would want to room with you, hello?"
you scowled, turning back to the tv, logging into your netflix account. "you know what, whatever. i mind my own business, you mind yours. let's just make this easier on both of us, yeah?"
"for once, i agree with you."
ah, yes. kim chaewon. the bane of your existence, and also the girl you'd been beefing with since the third grade. it all started when she said that she could beat you in a race during the sports festival. then, after she lost the race, she had started stealing your juiceboxes when you weren't looking. as a result, you laughed at her crayon drawings and knocked down her block towers for revenge.
the exchanges eventually escalated into middle school and high school, your rivalry turning into petty arguments and pointed glares across the room. it only got worse when your mothers had gotten close at one particular school event, and you had to see chaewon even more than usual. to add onto that, you always saw her at your basketball games because she was the captain of the cheer team.
kim chaewon was a constant in your life. and god, was she so annoying.
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"she's so annoying," you grumbled, popping a french fry into your mouth. "i mean, who the hell does pilates in the living room!?"
kazuha smiled and took a sip of her root beer. "me. it's actually kind of fun, you should try when you can't make it to the gym."
"you know she's a gym bro, it's like her second home," yunjin snorted, stealing a fry off of your plate, which effectively earned her a swat of the hand.
yunjin and kazuha were both on the basketball team with you, but kazuha was also on your high school team. you were the one who'd convinced her to join due to her height, on just her second day at school after transferring from japan. then, you and kazuha met yunjin at orientation, who was also planning on trying out for your college's team, and once you all made it, you were inseparable.
you sighed. "you're literally the one who goes with me, yunjin."
the american threw her hands up in a guilty manner, then stole another fry. "anyway, can we talk about something else? this whole time you've been talking about your roommate, personally i don't care but i hear this everyday. you even blow up the groupchat to talk about her."
"i think i've heard her name more than my own," kazuha shuddered. she drank the rest of her soda, resulting in the straw making an obnoxious sound when the cup emptied. "are you sure you aren't like, in love with her or something? i've never seen you talk about someone so much, someone other than chaewon."
you gagged. you? in love with chaewon? quite the opposite. "that's absolutely disgusting, zuha. don't ever mention me, chaewon, and in love, in the same sentence, again."
you would rather die than date kim chaewon. literally everything about her infuriated you. for example: she woke up way too early.
recalling the past few days, you grimaced. last night while you were on a game-replay-turned-movie-binge, you heard the girl start singing and working in the kitchen. and while you had to admit she did have a killer voice, it was 5 am and you still hadn't gone to sleep.
also, she spent hours in the bathroom. even after being let known that you were exhausted and sweaty from practice, she spared no pity for you. she even went as far as to take another thirty minutes just to spite you. what did she even do in there?
and every time you came back late from a party or from hanging out with yunjin and kazuha, she scolded you. it was always about having some respect for her and how irresponsible you were for not returning at an appropriate time. what was she, your mom?
it seemed chaewon just loved to scold you. be quiet at night, stop leaving your towels everywhere, can you shut up so i can study, clean up after you finish your takeout, that wasn't even the end of it.
(after a grueling practice session led by your team captain, you were just about ready to pass out on your bed. unfortunately, you couldn't do that until you showered and chaewon was in the sole bathroom that your dorm had.
"why's it so fucking hot," you whined, begrudgingly getting up to check the thermostat. as you shuffled over while wiping your forehead clear of sweat with the towel hanging around your neck, you could slowly and clearly make out the number 78.
"what the fuck."
"oh, you're back."
speak of the devil, who just came out of the shower with her hair still wet and dripping onto her white my melody tee.
you furrowed your eyebrows, trying not to focus on her appearance, her bare face that looked too good, and pointed to the thermostat. "could you," you coughed, wiping the sweat off of your nose, "care to tell me why our dorm is set to 78 degrees."
chaewon sneered. "it was cold.")
a text sucked you out of your dingy flashback. it was from chaewon, of course it was. 'it's ur turn to take out the trash this week.' how about it's your turn to take her out? with a punch, of course. yeah.
"gotta go," you stood up, letting out an unnecessary and exaggerated groan as you stretched your back muscles. "the demon is calling."
"so can i have your last fry or what?"
you scoffed at yunjin, snatching the fry and shoving it in your mouth. the blonde mumbled something under her breath that you couldn't catch, but kazuha interjected before you could flick her on the nose.
"hey, you should do us a favor and confess already!"
"i don't like her like that! or at all! i'll stop spamming you if that's what you want, just stop assuming i have a crush on chaewon."
yunjin smirked. "'cause you do?"
"'cause i don't!"
you started walking towards the exit of the diner, dreading the upcoming encounter with your roommate. and also dreading the future "chaey/n" ship texts from the two idiots. you reminded yourself to set up an anti-yunjin booth to counter her upcoming student council campaign.
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"you can kiss a hundred boys in ba—"
"can you shut the fuck up? i'm trying to study," chaewon half-groaned and half-yelled as she slammed your door open.
you were currently in a sweat-inducing fight against malenia in your summonless run of elden ring, with sakura (who happened to be best friends with chaewon) screaming in your ear whenever you failed to dodge the boss's waterfowl dance. just as you narrowly avoided an attack, you started singing good luck, babe! in a panic.
because you were still fighting the boss, and because you only heard something thud, you didn't realize that your fuming roommate was standing in your room, waiting for you to notice her presence.
chaewon moved to stand next to you, hands on her hips as her patience continued to thin out. the 'you died' screen faded in on your screen and you respawned at the site of grace, whining while sakura both laughed at you and scolded you through the discord voice chat.
through the corner of your eye, you could barely see a bit of pink. huh. what was pink in your room? almost nothing, besides the pinkie pie plush that yunjin had gotten you as a joke, but that was resting on your bed and you certainly didn't recall getting anything else this week.
...until you looked up and saw the scowling face of kim chaewon.
"how did you not see me for the past ten minutes."
your mouth dropped open and you pressed the mute button on your mic before taking your headphones off. "i was busy! and why are you here anyway?"
chaewon gripped the pale pink fabric of her twice hoodie in frustration. "i came in ten minutes ago to tell you to shut up, but you didn't hear me!"
"you could've, i don't know, tapped my shoulder!?" you yelled back, pinching the bridge of your nose. how were you supposed to know she was there when you were so focused on your computer screen?
"ugh!" she turned away, exasperated. "god, i wish you out of all people weren't my roommate! i mean who even sings to chappell roan while they're being chased down!?"
upon hearing her words, it hit you. you had asked the RA minjeong for a dorm change, but she had simply told you to suck it up, or find someone willing to swap with you. and lucky for you, sakura was more than willing to do exactly that, because she hated rooming with your best pal yunjin.
"you know what, i've got just the news for you."
the shorter girl looked startled, but ever so impatient. "what?"
you pulled up your texts with the older japanese girl, revealing an agreement that she would switch with you because "yunjin keeps taking naps on our sofa and leaving crumbs everywhere u can have her," smiling in victory.
to your utter surprise, chaewon went quiet. then she bit her lip and left your room without another word.
"what the fuck?"
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this week felt different. you no longer heard humming from the kitchen in the morning but heard sounds of sizzling and clashing, the fresh aroma of breakfast she cooked making its way even through the door to your room.
chaewon stopped doing pilates in the living room, she stopped telling you to clean up and instead waited for you to do it at your own pace. she stopped texting you to shut up, and she hadn't spent any more time than necessary in the bathroom besides her lengthy nightly routine.
it was weird. why was chaewon doing the exact opposite of what you complained about?
so you did the obvious and asked her about it, when she was in the living room watching something on your netflix account connected to the tv.
she hummed, not bothering to turn around and face you. what the hell was her problem?
you strided to the side of the couch, scoffing when she didn't pay even an ounce of attention to you. unfortunately, that only pissed you off more. you grabbed the remote and paused the episode of whatever drama she was on.
the girl whipped her head around, eventually meeting your eyes. "what are you doing!?"
your roommate took her dramas very seriously. so of course, this resulted in an agitated chaewon. well, at least she was looking at you.
"no," you started, "what are you doing?"
she furrowed her brow, crossing her arms. "i don't know what you're talking about."
seriously? she still wanted to play dumb? you crossed your arms, mirroring her posture. "you know damn well what i'm talking about. you're acting so," you threw your hands up in a mocking manner, "weird. you're not trying to piss me off anymore. which, in turn, is pissing me off even more!"
"are you a masochist, by any chance?" she ridiculed, stifling her laughter.
"no! can you just answer my question?"
chaewon scowled, standing up from her spot on the couch and walking right in front of you. there was an angry red blush settling on her ears, and she had to look up at you. it would be a lie to say it wasn't the least bit cute.
her finger pressed on your chest, forcefully pushing you back by half a step. "i've been acting nice for you, and this is how you respond? can't you be grateful for once in your sorry life!?"
"well i'm sorry that i'm weirded the fuck out when you're always so pissy! can you imagine my reaction when you suddenly start acting like an angel? good thing you don't need to imagine, it's right in front of you," you stepped closer to her, gritting your teeth.
as you looked down you could see slight eyebags messily covered by makeup, and the strands of hair sticking out after she haphazardly tied it into a bun. you almost wanted to reach out and at least move her bangs out of her face.
on the other hand, chaewon was seething. "you know what?" she hissed, glaring at you with such killer intent that it made you shrink back. "i'm glad you're moving out. sakura would be so much better than you."
her anger reflecting in her teary eyes had reached you, yet there was a hint of softness somewhere in them. you sighed in defeat. "...fine."
"fine? hey, wait! i'm not done with you, damn it!"
without waiting for an answer, you grabbed your phone and keys, walking out the door while ignoring the shorter girl's questions and yells.
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you found yourself in kazuha's apartment. the basketball player lived by herself, not counting the super blue betta fish she kept in the living room. jinsoul—the betta, you mean—was trained and was even taught to do tricks, like following your finger across the aquarium, swimming through hoops, et cetera.
"so you mean to tell me, you just walked out after fighting with her and let yourself in with my spare key?" kazuha yawned out, dropping a few pellets into the tank. a wide grin spread across her lips as she watched the fish eat.
sometimes it felt like kazuha believed that jinsoul (again, the fish) was her real daughter; it would be laughable if she wasn't so dead serious about it. the topic was always brought up by either you or yunjin when you were over, but was always deflected by the girl.
you groaned, making yourself comfortable on her linen couch. there was a barely noticeable stain in the corner where yunjin had spilled her buldak noodles, to which she apologized profusely and brought over a dozen cleaning products to get rid of it.
safe to say, it was successful, since she, for some reason, already had these products in her car and rushed over to get them.
the three of you were the only ones who knew about the stain. oftentimes you'd forget it was there, but the initial sight of it would crawl out from the back of your mind.
"at least i didn't come back empty-handed. i got you one of those overpriced parfaits from the café down the block," you picked at a stray hangnail, staring at the view of the foliage outside of the window.
kazuha rolled her eyes, suppressing a grin but ultimately failing. she made her way over to you with the parfait, moving your legs so she could sit down. a contented sigh made its way out her mouth after she took the first bite.
her hand reached for the tv remote, pressing the power button and switching to a certain hdmi channel. "i know what would cheer you up."
she reached over to press another button on an old, white console, then pulling out two rectangular controllers. it took a while, but soon you could hear the fan of the wii roar to life and see the familiar opening display on the tv.
it didn't take you long to realize your teammate's intention in booting up the wii. your eyes widened in horror as you watched kazuha push the small coffee table to a corner and select the top left channel which showed the wonders of hell, and your worst fear: just dance 4.
"zuha, you can't be serious."
the girl only hummed and took her last bite of the parfait, which disappeared within seconds. jesus, sometimes you forgot she was practically a vacuum when it came to food.
now, you had no way out of this; you were only able to whine when you got handed the controller, and only able to watch while kazuha scrolled to what was arguably one of the hardest songs: disturbia. and as much as you admired rihanna you could not do this without cracking your hips at least once.
➤➤ fast forward
kazuha struck the final pose without breaking a sweat—completely opposite of you: collapsed against the front of the couch, still fighting your demons after an exhausting four minutes.
the outro of the song, despite having faded away for a few moments, echoed in your head like a haunting wail. your t-shirt was disgustingly drenched in sweat, and you might've passed out if not for the glass of pity-water handed to you by the outdo-er.
"i'm pooped," you groaned, covering your eyes with your arm. kazuha giggled and took a seat next to you, ruffling your already unkempt hair with a free hand. her other hand was holding a glass of water for herself.
"that couldn't have been worse than coach kang's laps. you play center, yet queen rihanna gets you sweating more than a game against our rival school."
"leave me alone," you whined, dragging out the 'e' at the end. "i just got fought with a baby cheetah."
kazuha made a teasing 'oooh' sound, wiggling her eyebrows and making you push her by the shoulder. "you even have a nickname for her?"
"piss off, nakamura," you pinched your the bridge of your nose, "but seriously, that shit drained me. both disturbia and kim chaewon. i just don't understand why she started doing the opposite of what she used to."
"i mean, the look on her face at some point—it was different, unreadable. i couldn't tell what she was feeling. she said i couldn't be grateful for her nice behavior, but is it really my fault? am i the asshole here? ...hey, are you listening?" you blew a strand of hair out of your face, turning to look at kazuha who was rubbing her chin like some sort of psychic.
she scrunched up her eyebrows and cracked her knuckles, hesitating before clearing her throat. "you probably won't believe me, but..."
"but what?" you wrapped your arms around your knees, bringing them closer so you could rest your chin on them.
the other girl sighed and stretched her legs out. "okay, wait. when did this start?"
"after i told her i was planning on switching dorms... wait."
that's right. chaewon had started acting strange the day after she barged into your room, but you had only started noticing two days after, coming home from the gym and needing something you had left in the bathroom.
(the shorter girl came out immediately after you knocked and requested for her to hurry it up. you were faced with a chaewon with her hair still dripping wet and a baby blue bathrobe wrapped around her torso, bringing an involuntary blush to your cheeks. to your surprise, she merely nodded at you and walked into her room without a word.)
"was she trying to make amends...? or convince me to stay?"
"you might want to ask her yourself, y/n."
and as if on cue, your phone buzzed several times in succession. blindly reaching for the device on top of the couch, you squinted through the bright wallpaper to see over 20 notifications from your roommate.
'31 missed calls and 50+ unread messages from kim chaewon.'
you frantically grabbed your keys and scrambled to your feet, ignoring the soreness in your muscles from the earlier dancing session. it was damn near midnight. kazuha stood up to open the door for you, and you thanked her and left in a rush.
you had to go home.
but by the time the adrenaline rush wore off and you'd let yourself into the dorm, your legs had given out and you passed out against the door.
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falling, falling, falling.
there were cats falling with you, into the void. there was no start, and thus there was no end. you were only able to look up, seeing countless cats coming out of nowhere and not making a sound.
while you loved cats, there was no reason they should be falling into, well, nothing. then you saw a figure diving towards you with their hand out. you instinctively reached out for them, their face slowly getting clearer as they inched closer.
your hands met. they locked their fingers with yours, and slowly pulled you up with them. there seemed to have been a portal opened up at the "start".
the figure brought you to the portal, making the two of you float just below it. they leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek, and flashed a smile.
and just for a moment, they donned the appearance of your darling roommate.
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it smelled like coffee.
you didn't remember moving to the couch. your blanket was draped over you and the stupid pinkie pie plush was tucked in with you, and your muscles were extremely sore.
remnants of the night prior flashed in your mind, and you rubbed your eyes. what happened?
chaewon walked to the door, slipping her sneakers on and leaning over the couch to peek at you. not realizing you were awake, she jumped back with a yelp.
"i... i made you coffee and some pancakes for you. they're on the, um. counter. bye—"
you desperately stopped her by the wrist, half-kneeling on the couch. "thank you, can we talk? when you get back?"
the shorter girl had a look of uncertainty in her eyes, but ultimately nodded. the door shut quietly behind her, leaving you alone in the dorm.
reluctantly, you stepped off the couch to go check the breakfast she made you. the faint aroma of the sweets intensified as you got closer to the kitchen, bringing your mood down.
the plate was covered by a paper towel, and on top of it had a hello kitty themed sticky note.
i'm sorry for yesterday. i want to talk later, if that's ok. also, the butter is in the top left of the fridge and i left the maple syrup on the counter.
- chaewon"
you chuckled, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
this wasn't what you were expecting to wake up to.
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you sat across from chaewon at the dining table, both of you waiting for the other to start. you had woken up just before noon, went to the one class that you had today and returned to the dorms after grabbing a few snacks from the convenience store. chaewon hadn't come home until around four, so you took it upon yourself to study in the meantime.
the jasmine tea that you poured for the two of you was steaming hot, releasing clouds of translucency up into the hanging ceiling light above.
you cleared your throat, gesturing towards your roommate as a sign for her to continue. she traced the rim of the ceramic and bit her lip.
"i'm sorry," she started, "i know my behavior as of recently is conflicting."
"it is," you frowned, "but continue."
chaewon lifted the teacup to her lips, sipping slowly. the clink of the coaster resounded throughout the entire dorm. "we've fought for as long as i remember. and we became roommates, and we fell into a routine. it's normal for us to be petty."
it was normal for you to be petty with chaewon. it was like breathing air, drinking water. no matter where you were, as long as she was there then you would hate each other to the ends of the earth.
"when you... suggested a change in that routine, i panicked. i didn't want to get rid of what was normal."
it was a more than a few months into the year. what you and chaewon had built was unmistakably a routine. one that was part of your everyday life, but one that you could not see yourself without. it didn't start at the beginning of the year, but on the day that you had beaten her in a race.
the look on her face was one you couldn't forget. eight-year-old chaewon looked close to tears before she ran away and stole your juicebox the next day. and it transformed into something else, and something more, and whatever was going on now.
you took a moment to appreciate the floral scent of the tea and sipped from your own cup. "i'm sorry too."
"even though it's kind of our brand, i shouldn't have blown up at you like that. i mean," you sighed, "you were going out of your way to be nice.
chaewon took another sip. meeting your eyes with a softened gaze. "so i guess this means truce?"
you smiled. "truce. but i am curious..."
"about what?"
"i know that wasn't the only reason you didn't want me to switch dorms. tell me the other reason."
the girl gulped, averting her eyes. her mind trailed back to a conversation she had just earlier, during a meal she had with sakura in between classes.
("well, she has a point. why don't you want to switch? you know i wouldn't mind, rooming with jennifer sucks," the older girl stated, lifting a few strands of ramen noodles with her chopsticks.
chaewon frowned, taking a bite of a small piece of karaage. she had finished her own bowl of ramen a few seconds ago. "you call her jennifer now? also, i don't know. i just feel bad for what i did, even though it was mutual. i didn't want to lose that familiarity."
"and, it's because she's been a part of my life since forever, whether i like it or not."
sakura huffed, slurping up the last of her ramen and setting her chopsticks on top of the bowl. "uh huh. but that doesn't explain why you spent thirty minutes trying to carry her to the couch, brought the one blanket that you don't let anyone touch, not even me or eunchae when she comes over."
"and on top of that, you tucked her in with a my little pony plushie. and then proceeded to make breakfast and coffee for her, without making any for yourself. that's why you're making me pay for your ramen."
the younger girl was taken aback, rendered speechless. she knew what she did, but hearing it out of someone else's mouth was humbling.
the japanese crossed her legs and clasped her fingers together. "you know what you haven't realized, but almost everyone else has?"
"i'm in love with you."
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you yawned, taking a sip of coffee and stepping out from the kitchenette in your shared dorm with yunjin. the blonde was sitting on the couch with her notebook in hand, probably thinking of lyrics for her next song. after performing at a local festival, you and a few others urged her to continue her music career, and now she was taking the advice seriously.
she seemed to have noticed your presence, turning around and grinning. "hey. your girlfriend's waiting for you outside. are you going out again today?"
you coughed, "chaewon is not my girlfriend! and yeah, i'm taking her to that nice restaurant by the beach, the one that our team went to last time."
"she's not your girlfriend as of right now. how long are you going to make her wait?" yunjin stood up, walking you to the entryway and tossing you your keys, which you caught and tucked into the pocket of your basketball shorts. it was almost summer, only the beginning of june, but it was already impossibly hot.
checking your other pocket for your wallet, you slipped on your sneakers. "i don't know. maybe until the end of today. or maybe next month."
the taller girl sighed, glancing at you worriedly. "maybe you just need a day to reflect on yourself."
you reached for the doorknob. "maybe."
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a/n : this is an apology for scrapping the other chaewon fic i had 😁 also crazy drops soon and the chorus has been stuck in my head??
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aimixx · 2 years
this is straight up something kazuha would say
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actiniumwrites · 3 months
love amidst loss
synopsis: in the height of the moment, you nearly die and they can’t deal with the thought of losing you
characters: baizhu, scaramouche, kazuha, and cyno x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, near death accidents, not proofread (sorry)
notes: uh so i wrote this a while ago and didn’t finish it up until recently, so sorry of this contains some errors or if any of the game lore has changed or been updated and doesn’t match what i wrote :) lyney was also supposed to be in this but i gave up on his part…sorry 😭
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“Qiqi. Bandages, now!” Baizhu yells desperately. Your heart rate was lowering by the second, while his was rising exponentially.
Qiqi slowly passes the small bin of various bandages to the doctor, “Yes, Dr. Baizhu.”
He can feel his hands shaking, tremoring as they work as fast as they can to close up all your wounds. Even throughout all his strange adventures and experiments attempting to achieve immortality, he’s never felt more afraid and anxious than in this moment. He could care less about hurting himself, but you? You meant the world to him.
“Baizhu…?” your eyes flutter open weakly while your elbows move behind you to sit up. A speedy hand pushes you back down in an instant.
“No, don’t,” Baizhu says, his heart beating out of his chest at the sight of your consciousness, “you shouldn’t be awake right now. I haven’t finished operating.”
Your hands feel fragile and your breathing is weak, but somehow you’re able to reach into your pocket and pull out a small bottle. It’s halfway full and a gentle lavender in color. It’s the concoction he had given you a while ago, in case of emergencies — an elixir of sorts.
“What about this?” you drop it into his hands. He shivers against your touch. What if this is the last time he’ll get to feel it?
Baizhu adjusts his glasses, analyzing the bottle in this hand, “Is this…? You still have this?”
You nod gently, careful not to move too much, “I saved what was left of it. I know you said you couldn’t make anymore, so I used it sparingly. Is it enough?”
Baizhu quickly prepares a bowl and some other ingredients to mix it with, “Yes, of course. I’ll make it worth a thousand lives over, I promise.”
A tender smile pulls at your lips while life beats back into your heart. Baizhu sighs of relief, resting his elbow against the edge of your bed with his pinky outstretched, “Please don’t scare me like that again.”
Your pinky wraps weakly around his, “Promise.”
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“What’s going to happen to them?” Scaramouche presses, leaning by the side of the bed Nahida had prepared for you.
Eagerly, he places his hand in yours with a tight so grip you’d think he was scared. And he is. Scaramouche is terrified out of his mind. “You idiot,” he mumbles against your hand, “why would you jump into danger for me?”
Your eyes are shut tightly and your skin is so cold. He hates the way it feels like he’s going to lose you at any second, despite Nahida reassuring him countless times he wouldn’t. He still has so much love to give you. And god, what if he never gets to admit that to you? To finally say that he loves you out loud?
His eyebrows furrow and his lips fall into a sad frown. Amidst it all, a weak tone that he can’t be bothered to disguise falls from his mouth, “Please just tell me they’ll be okay?”
Nahida fights the urge to smile as she stands by the doorway of the room, ready to leave and give you both space. She nods firmly, “I promise you they’ll be okay. You have nothing to worry about.”
He nods back silently, loosening his grip a bit on your hand but not quite letting you go. And as soon as the archon slips away from the room, a small and vulnerable, “I love you,” falls from his lips.
And he swears he feels your hand grip his back a little tighter when he does.
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“Man, I drank wayyyy too much,” Kazuha slurs his words as he eyes begin to droop shut. You push his shoulder lightly to keep him conscious, a small laugh echoes amidst the waves of the ocean.
You feel it too — the buzz of the alcohol. The entire crew of the Alcor had been celebrating all night with big lights, tons of food, and an endless supply of drinks. Kazuha and you had already had more than enough, and it wasn’t until Beidou forced you guys to sit out for awhile that you realized just how much you had drank.
As you both sit on the edge of the boat with your legs dangling over the edge, Kazuha nudges you back. Only, it’s a little too forceful and you aren’t sober enough to stop yourself from sliding off. Desperately you reach for the wooden rails, but it isn’t enough to save you as you fall into the icy water below with a terrifying scream.
The water thrashes around you as you so eagerly attempt to stay afloat despite your lack of swimming skills. “Kazuha!” you scream before the water enters your mouth and begins to send you under.
In an instant he dives in, both of you now sobered up and well aware of the fact that a moment of fun had just turned darkly serious. All he can think about his how stupid he was for forgetting you can’t swim that well and that he shouldn’t have pushed you, even if it was a joke.
Kazuha finds you quickly and pulls you up fast. By the time he does, the rest of the crew joins around and helps you both back up and onto the boat.
His heart pounds a million miles per second as he watches you painfully cough out a bunch of water. Your skin is freezing to the touch and there are even a few small tears in your eyes.
“Hey,” Kazuha moves to hold your hand tightly, not only to comfort you, but also himself, “you’re okay, you’re okay. I’ve got you.”
You only nod and lean back against the wood of the boat. He joins you quickly and you take it as a sign to rest your head against him. Gentle, but deep breathes leave his chest periodically and he can’t help but feel shaky all over. Kazuha had lost so many people in his life, and he’d have no idea what to do with himself if he lost you too.
“You won’t,” you whisper against his chest.
“Huh? Did I say that out loud?” Kazuha’s bright red eyes widen as they turn towards your resting figure.
You smile gently, “No, but I know what you’re thinking. You won’t lose me. I won’t let you.”
Kazuha hums contently to himself. He wouldn’t let himself lose you either.
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“Is it just me or does something seem off?” you pause quickly, halting your footsteps at the slightest rumble of the complex structure you and Cyno had wandered into. You draw your sword quickly while Cyno swings his polearm from around his back.
His garnet eyes dart around the various hallways and statues, scowling as he comes to a realization, “It must’ve been those eremites we ran into earlier. I should have known they weren’t just ‘camping out.’”
Neither of you move as the structure continues to shake. Panicked, your arm grabs onto his as your eyes widen, “What do we do? If we don’t get out of here in time, this whole thing is gonna collapse!”
“Calm down!” Cyno shouts over the crashing sounds of rocks and statues slamming against the floor, “I’ll get us out of here!”
Within seconds later, a giant head of a statue falls from above and crashes just feet away. It happens so fast you lose your balance, feet stumbling as your arm slams against the wall. Suddenly, the panel you’re standing on slides away and sends you flying downward.
“No!” Cyno yells desperately, grabbing your arm just in time before you can fall hundreds of feet to your death.
Your hand barely holds on as you gasp, “I can’t hold on, Cyno! I’m sorry. Oh god, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to touch anything.”
His eyes widen in fear as you continue to speak. It’s the most scared you’ve ever seen him, but he can’t let you die. Not yet. “Don’t let go, please!” His arms hurt as he struggles to hold on, just barely keeping his balance against the sand covered floor, “I’m not going to let you fall.”
“I’m sorry,” you continue to apologize, eyes welling with panicked tears. Despite it sounding like a confession before death, you continue to hold on as best you can.
As if the dendro archon could hear both your pleas, the shaking stops suddenly. Cyno’s head shoots up and his arm grips your hand even tighter. With all the strength he can possibly muster, he pulls you up to safety.
Unable to comprehend what just happened, you quietly sob and fall against his chest. Cyno doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you as tightly as possible. Afraid that if he didn’t, you’d fall again and he’d lose you for good.
“Are you…are you alright?” He mumbles against the crook of your neck.
You nod silently in response, “I’m okay.”
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mikwaa · 1 year
I want to increase our family!
Featuring: Kazuha, Childe, Diluc, Zhongli, Kaveh
Prompt: They ask you to have a child!
Warnings: Fem! Reader, fluff, too much romace on this,established relationship/marriage.
A/n: For some reason these headcannons are one of my favorites! Besides that this is one of my favorites brainrots.
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Kazuha, would be quite shy to ask you for this, even if it was something he wanted very much. He didn't know how you would take the news, even if he had been daydreaming about the idea for a while. "My dear, I want to talk to you." He calls you, rather fearfully. His heart was beating so fast, even he wondered why he was so nervous. You sat down on the couch with him, and even without talking to him you could see that he was anxious. "What's wrong?" You squeeze one of his hands, making him look at you. He swallows, then gives a silly little smile, "I wish there was someone else here, not just the two of us." And he regrets it right after he speaks, how could he have been so clumsy with a simple sentence? "Are you thinking of bringing someone to live here?" Your confused face already said perfectly that you hadn't understood anything. "N-no, no." He sighed, why the hell was this so embarrassing? You hold his face, looking at him with a frown, "You look weird, what's wrong?" "I want to grow our family, I really do." He holds both your hands, gripping tightly. You smiled with confusion at first, but after seeing his expression you understood what he meant. "… Do you mean kids?" And now it was you who was nervous, even though you two had been married for a while, it was different when this conversation comes up like this. "Yes, I would love to. I'd love you to carry my children." And he was so sincere, so kind. Even if he was in a cold sweat, completely nervous. He was still all cautious with you. You gave a blown smile, it was so special to hear him talking to you like that. He was more than ready to take that step, and he wanted to very much. "You have no idea how much I want to." You smiled beautifully, and he grabbed you in a hug so strong, so genuine. "We'll be the best parents, you can be sure." He assures you. And about that you could have no doubt, Kazuha would do everything to be the best father possible. He would work hard from the time you were pregnant until the time the baby was born, and he couldn't wait for that moment. You were very special to him, and he would settle down and live happily with the family he would make with you, the love of his life.
Since early morning Kaveh was pacing around, he was anxiously waiting for you to come home. Lately he could only think of one thing, he wanted to have kids with you, he just didn't know how to bring it up. His face flickered as soon as he heard the sound of the door opening, it was you who had just arrived. "My sweetheart, how was your day?" It was the first thing he always asked you, regardless. "It was good as far as possible, and you?" You give him a little kiss, and he returns it. "It was great, great. I wanted to talk about something with you." He says reluctantly, he felt so nervous. You look at him a little puzzled, precisely because he seems a little tense, "About what? Did something happen?" "It's because I wanted to grow our family, you know? Something beyond the two of us." And there he was, he had prepared so much, but the words seemed to come out all messed up. You look at him with a frown and ask, "Do you want a pet? Don't tell me you want to bring those desert foxes home." You say smiling, squeezing his cheeks. "The foxes? Pffff, no, that wasn't quite it." He gives one of those nervous laughs, his gaze a little confused. "Then what? Any of the street dogs you've seen around? Or was it a kitten?" And he was getting more and more clumsy, how could he say that? He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and relaxing a bit, thinking to himself 'it's going to be okay Kaveh, you can do it.' He hugs you, holding you tight and close to him, and then he whispers, "We've been married for a while now, and I was wondering if you could give me the joy of having a copy of ourselves running around this house." And your eyes widened at what he said, now you understood what he meant. "Do you want to have kids with me?" You stammered, it turned out you felt as afraid as he did. He pulled back a little and looked at you, his eyes filled with love, "Yes my dear, I want to very much." Your heart beat so fast, you knew that at some point he would ask you for it, Kaveh was always very good with children. "'B-but you don't have to feel pressured, in case you don't want to-" "Of course I do, my darling, I want it as much as you do." His face lit up, he smiled happily, the kind of smile that made you mesmerized. He takes you in his arms and gives you a twirl, "I'm going to be the best dad in the world, and you're going to be the best mom!" From now on, the only thing he would talk about was the baby, he couldn't wait to see you pregnant. He would prepare the best outfits, the best room, he would give everything of the best quality to the child, and of course the main thing, love.
Ever since Diluc asked you to marry him, he was sure that he wanted to have a family with you. And he thinks it's high time to talk to you about it, and he was so nervous, it was still something he didn't know if you wanted, and he was eager for an answer. And he had been thinking all day about a way to broach the subject, and now that he was coming home it seemed he had forgotten everything he had planned. He came into the house, and went straight to your shared bedroom. And there you were, reading the book while waiting for him, his heart warmed every time he came home and saw you, no matter how long you were together, the feeling was always the same. "My love, you came home late today." And as always you welcome him with a smile, opening your arms to cuddle him. And there he went, snuggled in your arms, feeling at home. "Have you ever thought about adding to our family?" was the first thing he said, as always Diluc was direct, although he wanted to be a little more delicate this time. You were disconcerted by the sudden question, was he referring to a kitten you had been taking care of for a week? "Oh, you mean the cat? I was going to talk to you, I really want to bring him to our house." He grunted, and you realized that wasn't what he meant. "No, of course you can bring the kitten if you want, it's your house too after all." He raised his face, leaning his forehead on yours, "I'm talking about us, about having a baby." His face was so red, and yet he looked at you so tenderly. And you're surprised, and then you find yourself smiling like a fool. "So that's why you've been distant lately? You've been thinking about it all week, haven't you?" You stroke his red strands, as he wraps his arms around you. "Yes, I was thinking of a way to ask you that, in a way that was more…. Gentle. I guess I failed." He says in a sigh, and you can't help and end up letting out a laugh. "You have that way about you, I couldn't have asked for it in a better way. I'm ready, I really want it." You caressed his face, gently tracing your fingers over his cheeks. He gave a sweet smile, relieved even. He came over and kissed you, full of love and affection. "I love you, very much. Thank you for that." He murmurs as he lays you down on the bed gently. Diluc would be an exemplary father, unmatched in every way. Just as he was a perfect husband, and he would look forward to seeing a little child running around that big house. He couldn't wait to see you pregnant, carrying his little ones. And he would arrange to have you pregnant as soon as possible.
"So my love, what do you think of kids?" Out of the blue, that's how he would start this conversation. All you did was look at him confused, you believed he was talking about his siblings, he had talked about trying to bring them to live with the two of you. "I like them, but why the question? Do you want to bring your siblings to visit us?" You looked at him, and he had a little smile on his lips. He ran a hand through his hair, and then said, "I do too, but I don't mean that. What do you think about having our own child?" And he wasn't the least bit embarrassed, quite the contrary. And you blushed a little, as you instinctively put your hand on your belly, "So you want to?" As if you had asked the question with the most obvious answer he nodded, quickly moving closer to you. "Can you imagine these little ones running around the house? I can't wait to play with one of them." And now you understood why during the week he had been buying baby things, clothes, socks, shoes, bottles. Every little thing you could imagine. "What do you mean, one of them?" He had already talked about his desire, and he had respected the fact that you didn't feel ready yet. But that didn't say he was going to tell you about it every chance he got. "I want more than one, don't you?" Childe was a man who wanted a big family, and if you wanted it that way too, there would be lots of little ones in that house. You laughed and put your hands on his neck, ruffling his hair. "You're eager, aren't you? Ever since we got married you've been talking about it." He wrapped his arms around your waist, "It's just the thought of seeing you pregnant, of having a smaller version of you. I can't help myself!" He kisses you, sweet and calm. "Then we should try to have one of our own, don't you think?" With a smile from corner to corner you say it, and he's soon completely overjoyed. As if you've just given him the happiest news in the world. He scoops you up in his arms, giving you a tight hug, "Right! right! I saw a store that sells stuff for kids, I can show you!" And he's already talking as if you're pregnant, eyes shining with the purest enthusiasm. "You'll show me later, you've bought quite a lot of stuff like that this week haven't you?" You ask him in a laugh, and then he puts you down. "It wasn't that much, just a few things." And he kissed you again, he just couldn't help himself after receiving such news. In the middle of the kiss he murmurs, "I'm going to spoil you rotten, you know that right?" As if he needed to say that, he already spoils you normally, pregnant then. Prepare your ears, because you would only hear about this subject for the next few months. And Childe would be even more euphoric with the confirmation of your pregnancy, which would certainly not take long to happen, the future dad Childe would not waste time.
As a man who had lived long ago, Zhongli had many desires, and one of those was to see his beloved wife carrying in her womb the fruit of his love, his own kids. As you had been married for many, many years, this had always been a topic that you both spoke about easily, but only now had Zhongli taken the courage to make this request. He wanted to see you pregnant, carrying his clutch. He had always been very thoughtful about it, because he didn't know if he would be able to raise a child properly, and so he learned, and observed literally everything about it, and so he could draw his own conclusions. And being married to you, that was his will, and now he felt a security to be a father, and to increase the family. Even if it didn't seem like it, Zhongli liked the idea of a big family, he wouldn't mind if it were just the both of you, but the idea of several miniatures of you and him running around made his heart warm. "Good morning my dear." It was the first thing you heard as soon as you opened your eyes in the arms of your beloved. "Morning, have you been awake long?" You snuggle into his chest, as he gently strokes your hair. "It's been a while, I had some things on my mind." And you lifted your head to look at him, Zhongli was usually not easily fretted, so you puzzled over what might be on his mind. And he laughed as soon as he saw your sleepy little face all confused, you were a very adorable little thing. "I was thinking about us, about our future." And again he caught your eye, you were all focused on him. "Did I do something?" You murmur, your voice overcome by sleep. He laughs again, then replies, "No, don't worry, but yes, it's about you, about both of us." You sit up in bed, and stare at him with a stunned expression, thoughts scrambling just as much. "…?" He puts his hand on your belly, gently stroking, "I'd love for us to expand our family, what do you say?" You look at him with a smile, silly of you to think he meant a pet. You could tell by the look on his face that he was so looking forward to it, it was one of the few pleasures he hadn't experienced yet, and now he wanted to do it with you. "Do you think we're ready?" And it was always an insecurity, after all raising and teaching a child was not an easy task, far from it. "We'll only know if we try, it's your choice." Now he held your hand, stroking it with his thumb. Like the gentleman he was, he would never force you to do anything, everything you did would be of your own free will. With a blush on your face you turn back to him, nestling into his chest. "So I guess we should work on that, right?" And he smiled, a smile so bright and so beautiful. He was relieved to know that like him you wanted it too. "Of course we should, my dear." He was excited, he couldn't wait to see you beautifully pregnant, and then to see his baby into the world. Even though there was still a long time to go, he would already start planning changes in the house, just as he would already start to take an interest in baby utensils, in a very short time the house would be full of these things. And as for pregnancy, you should not worry, he will certainly not take long to leave you pregnant, he would do it as soon as possible.
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mondaymelon · 1 year
— “𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞…” ♡
໒꒱ || :feat~ xiao, kazuha, heizou, wanderer x gn!reader:
໒꒱ || cw: fluff <3 modern!au, the two of you live together, established relationship, wanderer has anger issues, reader needs an oscar !!
⤷ jokingly ignoring your anemo boyfriend ♡
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“...Did I do something not to your liking?”
XIAO’s frantic, even if it doesn’t show on his displeased expression. And his worries aren’t without reason - you’ve been ignoring his presence since he came home from an outing this afternoon. It’s already evening, yet you still haven’t uttered a word to him, only occasionally sending him complicated glances that he can’t even begin to unravel. He knows your heart well, that much is true, yet right now his senses have been cast into an abyss of confusion.
You cast him a sideways look. “No, nothing.” Even as the male visibly brightens at the fact that you’ve finally acknowledged him, you still seem as offset as before. It’s rather laughable how this entire matter is bringing him back to when the two of you first met, when he still acted so bristlingly cold to you, and how your warm disposition had melted that away… the light scowl on your face proved to serve that he had made a mistake.
What kind of mistake? Perhaps he’d never know. Xiao thought that he had been acting well recently, hadn’t lashed out with his sharp tongue or started a dispute with a particularly foolish person, yet perhaps he had slipped without his knowledge, and you had been there as his silent witness.
“Nothing? If I’ve done anything to upset you, please, tell me what it was.” 
“I said it’s nothing.”
The frown on his face only deepens. Were you testing him? “If I hadn’t done anything wrong, then why won’t you look at me?” You only remain silent, and while Xiao isn’t hurt, the adeptus is utterly clueless about what to do in a situation like this. His voice grows soft, leaning closer to you and staring into your eyes even as you evade his.
“Please look at me, love.”
It’s hard to utter those words, especially when his instincts are failing him, yet the male jolts as you let out a laugh.
“Ahahaa- Xiao, what are you- Aha-!” You stop for a breath, still laughing quietly. Great, now Xiao is even more confused. Why were you laughing? Was it because of him? Either way, he’s just glad that he’s rid the scowl on your face.
“I’m sorry, but… just what do you mean?”
“Nonono, I’m the one who should be apologizing.” You shake your head slightly, smiling. “I thought it’d be funny to prank you, but I didn’t expect it to be that effective…”
Xiao blinks. “So…”
“It was a joke.”
“Ah. Is that so? However…”
You blink, and you can feel his presence behind you, his whisper tickling your ears as he speaks. His voice is low, a near growl as his sturdy arms pull you closer. “That lost time. When you evaded my gaze and affection.”
“You better make it up to me.” ♡
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“Are you sure you’re alright, dearest?”
You can see the sincere concern reflected in KAZUHA’s crimson eyes. He’s keeping his distance, yet he knows something is off, and it makes him unreasonably uneasy. The way you’re acting now isn’t something he hasn’t seen before. Kazuha’s been through much, and he knows what hurt looks like. It’s hard to stay silent, but he knows that he won’t be able to reach you at the moment. Sometimes, walls that were put up could only lower over time.
“I’m fine.” As if that were true - then why was your voice so cold? The male’s heart aches as he watches you disappear into your room, the door closing shut behind you. Ah, even writing a poem wouldn’t be able to capture his feelings right now. Kazuha wants to take you in his arms, to embrace you, to hold you tight as he whispers to you that everything will be okay. Yet even for the person who understands you best, he knows that what you need is rest, not whatever else he could provide.
He sits in front of your door, his head leaning against the wood. He’ll wait until you’re ready to talk to him, even if that time wouldn’t come soon. It’s silent, that is, until he hears a faint sound. Laughter? His face visibly brightens, only to grow confused as he hears the words, “Holy shit, I am one very good actor-”
He calls out your name, a stunned expression appearing on his face as your door swings open, your surprised eyes meeting his. “Ah, were you lurking there?” There’s a visible grin on your face as you let out a little laugh. “I should’ve expected that much, you wouldn’t simply brush away the incident like that, would you? Ah, to think the prank would be found out so easily…” You let out a playful sigh.
“Wh- What is… all of this?” His expression is one of distant amazement, crimson eyes wide as he glances at your beaming self. Sure, he knew that your disposition was often teasing, but to go this far…? He lets out a good-natured laugh at your antics, a warm smile gracing his lips. He’s not upset - he can’t be, not when he’s glad that you’re able to laugh like this without hindrance. “It’s always something with you, isn’t it?” He chuckles, drawing closer and leaving a light peck on your forehead, sweeping away your hair with a soft touch. “Hm, but this is rather unfair, isn’t it?”
His eyes adopt a sense of contentment as he watches your expression grow perplexed. “Huh?”
“To play such a cruel trick on me, without second regard… no matter.”
“You’ll just have to make it up to me, dearest.” ♡
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“Huh? What’s up with you today??”
The moment you avoid his all-knowing gaze, HEIZOU’s already thinking up of every possibility. Someone annoying at work? He had heard you complaining about obnoxious commissioners far longer than he cared to remember. Or maybe someone had taken one of your bounties, and now you were at a loss of mora? Or perhaps the person in question was someone different entirely… himself.
“Nothing.” Your reply is short as you merely give him a quick glance as you step through the door. It’s apparent that you’re trying to weasel out of his sight as soon as possible, with the way you’re frantically undoing your shoes without so much of another word.
But he certainly hadn’t done anything wrong, had he? No, of course not. How could you possibly find an annoyance in his ever-charming smile? Ah, but then again, it’s not unreasonable for the person at fault to be none other than himself, but with the way your eyes hold just the slightest shred of mischief… oh. Oh. Ahaha, you’re proving to be rather amusing, aren’t you? To think you’d dare pull such a slight on someone like him… a half-done case like this is easy to unravel. But no matter, he’ll play along, just for his own entertainment.
“Awww, love, did I do something wrong?” He blinks his sparkling green eyes up at you, fluttering his lashes. Glittering tears pool at the edges of his eyes. “C’mon, you can tell me what happened…!”
You blink, utterly dumbstruck. “Heizou, what the fuck.”
“D-Don’t avoid me, alright?!” He whines, clinging to your shirt desperately. “I-I don’t want to be alone…!!” His large doe eyes, growing even larger under your gaze, are glossy with tears.
In all honesty, you should’ve expected this. But perhaps a small part of you wanted to believe that Heizou wouldn’t just figure all of it out off the bat… he knows you far too well to nod along with concern.
“Wh-Why aren’t you talking? Do you hate me??” Heizou’s blubbering, close to breaking into tears. Fuck, he was an even better actor than you were, how was this level of satire even possible?? What kind of detective cases is he having to go through if he needs these kinds of skills… you sigh.
“Damn Heizou, you could’ve at least pretended to fall for it.” You huff, sitting down on the couch before shifting to the side to make space for the male. “You’ve gone and ruined my nightly entertainment.”
He blinks at you, then laughs, quickly changing out of his facade. It’s startling, how he’s able to switch characters so easily, almost like he’s taking off one mask and simply putting on another. “I would’ve been a fool to fall for that shoddy performance.”
“A fool? Don’t flatter yourself.” You let out a joking exasperated sigh, leaning into his shoulder with a pout.
“But perhaps I am one?” He hums thoughtfully, ruffling his hands through your hair. “After all, you certainly are, and I am your lover, so… what is it they say? Like meets like?”
You puff out your cheeks, face growing red. “Heizou, I’m not a fool!”
He chuckles, eyes twinkling as he grins. “I know. However, I fear the same could not be said about me…” He shrugs his shoulders, sighing dramatically, yet you can hear the impending mischief in his tone.
“Or… perhaps I’m a fool for you? ♡
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“Hey, did you just ignore me??”
All you did was brush past him at the doorway, yet WANDERER is already bristling, eyebrows drawn up in a scowl as his gaze burns into your back. “Oh great, so now you aren’t even going to respond to me, are you?? Fun. So funny. I hope you feel proud of yourself, dimwit.” His rage only continues when you remain silent. “What, did I do something wrong? The fuck, answer me!”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” You manage to add a note of sarcasm into your voice, inwardly cheering yourself on at your sheer acting talent. “I’m just tired today. Don’t talk to me.”
His indigo eyes widen at your words. “Hah? Wh-What do I have to do with that? That doesn’t give you the right to-!” He catches himself before he falls into a fit, knowing surely that in the heat of the moment, something would likely be broken and thrown out the window, which had just been fixed last Thursday. He lets out a sigh, one of exasperation. “Why must you be so idiotic?”
He supposed he was the idiotic one to expect a response.
“Alright, I see how it is. We’re going to play this game. Very well.” He confidently strides up next to you and pulls up a chair, watching your pencil draw words about who knows what. Wanderer is someone stubborn, that much is apparent, and he’s not one to back down. And you’ve just presented him with an opportunity to flare that tenacity of his. Of course, he wouldn’t be lying if he hadn’t said that he wasn’t at least the slightest bit concerned about what had happened to you, how could he not? 
Ah, but at the same time, he had threatened everyone in your classes and workplace not to lay a single finger on you, so who would have possibly dared to defy his command? If that was the case… you instinctively flinch, glancing at the male in your peripheral vision, whose eyes have grown cold as the air trembles at his sudden release of bloodlust.
He’s definitely misinterpreting this, isn’t he? You grumble, catching his attention for a brief moment. “Nevermind, I don’t think I can pull this off…”
The blank expression on his face is almost worth the scolding you’ll get after his realization. “...What?”
“You’ve been… pranked?” You give him a sheepish smile. “I thought it would be funny to ignore you for a day, so-”
“You what?” Shit, his bloodlust hasn’t disappeared, just switched recipients. You let out a shaky laugh as he glowers at you, clearly enraged. Ah, you’ve certainly dug yourself into quite a deep hole, haven’t you? But it shouldn’t prove to be a problem…
“Don’t be so mad at me, alright? I just wanted to poke some fun!” You press your lips into his cheek before he can get a word in, smiling against his smooth skin. “Mwah! There, my apology!”
His silence is a terrifying thing, but soon enough his lips move to form words, mumbled out and hard to hear as his cheeks ever so subtly grow red. “...t…en…”
“Huh? Sorry, I couldn’t-”
“Not enough. Kiss me again, and just maybe I’ll forgive you.” ♡
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(a/n) wouldn't it be so silly if i posted at least every monday so my blog name would actually make sense. so silly. so unbelievably improbably inconceivably impossibly unthinkably unimaginably silly !!!!
໒꒱ || ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open! send an ask or a comment ♡) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123
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jihyoruri · 6 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 LIVE CRASHER kazuha nakamura x reader
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warnings ↳ yn and kazuha from shameless, fluff, idol!reader, yn is apart of lesserafim
yn delicately adjusted the frames of her glasses, their sleek contours framing her features as she leaned back against the chair. she was finally doing a live after being begged by fans to do one for weeks.
with a gentle laugh, she scanned through the flood of comments. among them, playful proposals danced across the screen, drawing a mischievous grin to her lips. she couldn't help but tease, her voice laced with playful sarcasm as she quipped, "marry all of you at once? who do you take me for?"
she took off the baseball cap off her head revealing her messy hair which made fans swoon for some odd reason over how attractive she looked. she flipped it backwards and put it back in her head, yn opens her mouth to say something to the chat but is cut off when the door behind her opens.
as yn felt the delicate touch of hands on her shoulders, a familiar warmth enveloped her. without needing to glance back, she sensed the presence of kazuha, a grin spread effortlessly across her face.
with a playful twinkle in her eye, yn turned her attention to the camera, addressing her live audience with a hint of mischief. "Is an obsessed fan lurking behind me?" she teased as kazuha playfully feigned offense.
as kazuha attempted to pinch her in mock retaliation, yn’s laughter bubbled as she moved away from the girls touch.
“what are doing here?” yn asks looking up at the girl who stood above her chair, the silence that followed her question stretched, resulting in a raise of yn’s brow. It was clear to her that kazuha didn't have a solid reason for her sudden appearance.
a knowing smile tugged at the corners of yn’s lips as kazuha finally spoke, her voice trailing off slightly, betraying her true intentions. "just decided to stop by and say hi…"the main reason she actually came is because she was starting to miss her girlfriend, who was busy being a big goof on live.
“okay…” yn responded before motioning to one of the chairs, “come sit.” kazuha complies and grabs the chair and moves it closer to yn’s and sits on it, yn immediately brings an arm to rest on the back of the girls chair out of habit.
kazuha kept her gaze on yn who interacted with the live way more than her, it was like a second nature to the extroverted girl, that’s something she could always both admire and hate yn for, she loves that the girl is so good at entertaining the fans and keeping a good relationship, but sometimes she wishes the girl could hide her charming personality and save it just for her, she laughed quietly as yn started to argue with fans.
yn adjusted the silver chain in her neck as she read the comment, “unnie, is that chain real silver? HUH?!” yn yells offended, “what kind of question is that?!” she adds dramatically.
kazuha laughs even harder, grabbing yn’s attention, "what are you laughing at?" yn’s voice held a playful edge as she leaned her face towards kazuha, holding eye contact with the girl.
kazuha's laughter subsided, but a mischievous twinkle remained in her eyes as she met yn’s gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied coyly, her tone laced with a hint of playful evasion, leaning her face closer to yn’s as well, the moment hung between them, charged with unspoken words.
the moment lasts for at least 10 seconds before the both look away from each other like it was nothing, while the comment section goes insane.
the lives goes on for a while and now yn is talking to the fans about food, “you know I haven’t eaten all day.” kazuha adds, yn’s attention snapped towards Kazuha as soon as the words left her lips,"you haven't eaten all day?"
kazuha stretches and shakes her head , a contented sigh escaping her lips, while yn immediately leans forward and picks up the peach drink she had on the side table and shoves it in kazuha’s face, “drink.”
“I’m not hungry.” the girl whines but yn shakes her head, “that’s why I gave you a drink, now drink it.” she says sternly, shaking the bottle before opening it and forcing it in kazuha’s hand.
“we should probably end the live and get some food.” yn says softly, while kazuha can’t help but smile at how easily the girl lost interest in the live for her, “I’m hungry anyways.”
yn ends the live and lets out a sigh, she turns to look at kazuha who drinks the peach juice, “what?”
“come sit.” kazuha can’t help but giggle, she gets up from her chair and sits on yn’s lap, instantly relaxing when yn wraps her arms around her torso, “you’re so cute.”
“you’re so obsessed with me, you had to crash my live.”
“shut up.”
the sound of yn’s stomach grumbling made kazuha turn her head back to look at the girl who shrugged “I was serious when I said I was hungry, let’s order something.”
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