stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
The best first date would beā€¦?
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œi guess, like, maybe dinner and taking a walk? this campus is amazing and i love exploring it on my own, but doing that with somebody who makes everything ten times more interesting and exciting would be so much fun. then again, doing anything where iā€™d get to listen to them talk for a while would be a good first date for me. the best firstĀ date might include some hand-holding, too. i think i would like that.ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
What if Harry does like you back?
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œyou didnā€™t have to call me out like this, but that would be a crazy plot twist even i didnā€™t see coming. also, really nice. iā€™m pretty sure hell is more likely to freeze over first, but itā€™s fun to think about.ā€ ( @roscgvld )
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
stanley does not do confusion well. it gives him major anxiety to feel like he doesnā€™t understand something, particularly if it threatens his sense of normalcy. this applies to almost anything: abstract concepts, emotions and feelings, even something as simple as a mathematical problem he canā€™t solve. heā€™ll work on it until he figures it out or until it drives him insane. itā€™s even more difficult when it applies to other people, because then he has to navigate the social aspect of it, as well.
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā as always ,Ā  meme day can get wild ,Ā  so iā€™m leaving my inbox open to whatever shenanigans you see fit .Ā  good luck ,Ā  me .Ā 
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
klaus: i have no feelings.
stan: hi, klaus!
klaus: i have (1) feeling
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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Ā  Ā Ā klaus is hardly listening, which could be perceived as rude, but itā€™s simply due to the fact that heā€™s staring. at the art, at stanley himself, at his own bookā€”heā€™s taking in his surroundings to memorize the moment. his photographic memory comes in handy in times like this, where he wants to simply liveĀ in a moment. later on, when his feelings got the best of him, heā€™d slip back into this pocket of time and smile. finally opting to put the book down, he places a loose piece of paper to mark his place, and sets it onto the table. itā€™s uselessā€”books never get read very much with stanley around, and that isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. resting his hand beneath his chin, he leans forward to properlyĀ give the other his full attention.Ā ā€œhow you feel about something changes the way you remember it entirely. i have some wonderful memories that iā€™m sure arenā€™t very pleasant for others, and vice versa. feelings are very powerful.ā€ theĀ unfortunately, he adds mentally. his own feelings are the makers of his demise, as well as something he keeps tucked far away and out of sight. if he can pretend he doesnā€™t have them, he can avoid getting hurtā€”or so is the dream.Ā ā€œa personal challenge, then, for fun. to see how many books i can read in the next three years. you can help me keep track, and on my twenty-fifth birthday, weā€™ll see how far iā€™ve gotten.ā€ the playfulness in his tone is one heā€™s unfamiliar with, but always comes out around the boy opposite him. his index finger taps against his nose as he nods in agreement.Ā ā€œyou were brilliant. i meanā€”at the guessing,ā€ he rushes out, cheeks flushing red.Ā ā€œumā€”i can tell you the story, if youā€™d like. itā€™s long, and rather sad, and there isnā€™t a happy ending. do you still want to hear it?ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œif i know klaus baudelaire,ā€ stanley says with a teasing lilt,Ā ā€œand i do, i would make the argument that nothing is ever done just for fun. if you promise me not to drive yourself crazy trying to reach some unattainable goal, then i will agree to help you keep track.ā€ itā€™s not entirely unlike himself, which is perhaps why he knows with such certainty it could end up happening. itā€™s much too easy, heā€™s found, to accidentally give himself unrealistic expectations and in the process, set himself up for failure. klaus is the smartest person stanley thinks heā€™s ever known, but even he isnā€™t immune to the pitfalls of being human. and more than anyone else, stanley hates seeing klaus upset.Ā ā€œwell, i am a good guesser, but youā€™re also too predictable for your own good. or maybe i just know you too well by now. that seems equally as likely.ā€ in truth, heā€™d like to think itā€™s the latter--thereā€™s something very pleasing about the idea that he knows the other better than most people. heā€™s still grinning brightly when klaus agrees to tell the story, but it vanishes quickly at the adjectives used to describe it. his stomach squirms unpleasantly and he lifts a hand to place briefly on top of klausā€™s where itā€™s sitting on the table, squeezing and offering him a tremulous smile which is meant to be encouraging, but probably doesnā€™t quite make it. heā€™s not surprised thereā€™s no happy ending to the story--something about klaus says plainly heā€™s been through things most people donā€™t have to deal with. a corner of stanleyā€™s mind tries to remind him this is the case for himself as well, but he forcefully pushes the thought away.Ā ā€œif youā€™d like to tell me, then iā€™d like to hear it. whatever it is, itā€™s a part of you, and you mean a lot to me, klaus. all of you, even the sad parts.ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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if anything, sabrina was a bit thankfulĀ the stranger was paralyzedĀ in fear considering the last thing she needed was moreĀ panic. her outer feelings appeared collected but inside she was SCREAMING. hearing his pleads, she took to action, raising her arms ahead of her to ground herself into the situation and as she recited the incantation, she didnā€™t move her eyes off the beast, pronouncing each word as zelda would have. and finallyā€“ thankfully, the creature began to snarl like a wild animalā€“ itā€™s entire being sucked into the bottle of wine that the man now held, scratch marks in the concrete where it had attemptedĀ to hold on before finally sabrina sealed the bottle shut with the cork, collapsing onto her knees in completeĀ exhaustion.Ā ā€œare you alright?ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā stanley doesnā€™t know what heā€™s seeing and canā€™t make out any of the words the girl is saying, either, though whether thatā€™s due to fear or it being another language, he doesnā€™t know. nor does he care--the only thing he wants is for the hellish figure before him to disappear and with it that terrible, pungent odor of raw sewage. thereā€™s something else, too: for seemingly no reason at all, he wants to reach for his bird book, the one he always keeps in his bag, and hold it out in front of him like one might ward off a vampire with a cross in a movie. he hasnā€™t the first idea where this instinct comes from, and he happily dismisses it when finally, after what feels like endless minutes of paralyzing fear, the monster is suddenly gone. unless heā€™d seen it wrong, it is in fact inside the wine bottle. he nods at her question, clutching it tightly enough to drain his knuckles of color.Ā ā€œyes,ā€ he manages in a thin voice.Ā ā€œiā€™m sorry, i...iā€™m still not used to some of the things i see around here.ā€ he transfers the bottle to one hand and extends the other in offer to help her to her feet.Ā ā€œare you okay?ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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ā€œOh right, itā€™s you Stanley,ā€ Peter quickly recovered, thanking himself quietly that he hadnā€™t been caught or apprehended by one of the superiors of sorts.Ā ā€œSorry dude, didnā€™t mean to scare the holy frights out of you, but this really isnā€™t what it looks like,ā€ Peter tried to convince him. Perhaps he did have somewhat of a guilty conscience on his personā€“in more ways than just oneā€“but there were some questions that definitely needed to be answered about this school. Maybe this one was lower on the totem pole and a bit of a risk to take, but in Peterā€™s mind, this had to be for the greater good, right?Ā ā€œWell I honestly canā€™t give you a straight answer on this one considering the school themselves never made anything clear about it Stanley. So honestly, I donā€™t even know if weā€™re allowed to be on this side of the school without permission unless weā€™re tracking a student down forā€¦tutoring I think?ā€ Peter sighed in a slight fit of nerves, running his hands through his hair.Ā ā€œLook I just wanna find out what exactly the professors have got over on this side of the school. Just out of curiosity. I mean, come on. Why do they get all of the really cool, fun stuff in their wing while we haveĀ ā€˜basic student necessities for? Look, if we get caught and punished for something, Iā€™ll take the fall alright?ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œi donā€™t even know what it looks like,ā€ stanley stresses with a helpless little shrug, certain now heā€™d stumbled onto something heā€™d have preferred to avoid. it isnā€™t that he think peterā€™s a troublemaker, but rather that peter seems not quite able to help himself.Ā ā€œand as i said, the more times you repeat that it isnā€™t what it looks like, the more iā€™m inclined to believe itā€™s exactly that. which, to be honest, is going to be the case with anybody, so probably donā€™t use that particular line if it is a teacher who catches you next time.ā€ he breaks off, realizing heā€™s unintentionally slipped into a pedantic and somewhat patronizing tone. itā€™s something heā€™s always done but almost never been able to catch before it happens. his brow furrows as peter speaks, not terribly bothered by the idea that the professors have nicer amenities than the students but certainly intrigued by that possibility.Ā ā€œthatā€™s very nice of you, but i donā€™t want you getting in trouble either, peter. you sound pretty positive they have all these things--are you sure it isnā€™t just a rumor? anyone could have started it just hoping someone would take it seriously and wind up getting in trouble trying to see for themselves. anyway, what do you think they have? itā€™s not like theyā€™re hiding a time machine from us in the east wing.ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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Ā  Ā Ā ā€œi think she was my best friend. i donā€™t know.ā€ harryā€™s brows furrow as he tries to force himself to remember, only to come up short and disappoint himself yet again. something was veryĀ wrong with his memories, but he wasnā€™t sure what just yet. that only made things worse, a frown settling over his previously bright demeanor. having such big blanks in his life grew more and more frustratingĀ over time, leaving him anxious and less than pleasant to chat with.Ā ā€œi donā€™t think you do. no oneĀ needs this many books for any reason. ever. this is overkill, stan.ā€ he quickly replaced his scowl with a smirk, fingers tapping against the booksā€™ spines. eyes go wide at the snarky comeback and he can barely contain the laugh that sounds in the back of his throat.Ā ā€œiā€™m hilarious, thank you. but i never did claim to be funny. that was an assumption you made entirely on your own. iā€™m terribly sorry to disappoint.ā€ a single shoulder shrugs as they continue on, his tongue held tightly between his teeth. silence hung over them for a few moments before stan speaks up about hisā€”seeminglyā€”made up sport.Ā ā€œneither have i,ā€ he mutters out, barely audible.Ā ā€œiā€™ve dealt with my fair share of bullies. iā€™m sorry that i wasnā€™t always around to scare them away. i wouldā€™ve tried. i was lanky and awkward back in school, so i probably wouldā€™ve have been much help.ā€ definitelyĀ not. harry had been uncomfortable in his body well through school, and even still struggled with his long limbs and awkward stature. heā€™s already sidestepping towards the door, basically inviting himself into the room.Ā ā€œyes, please. i need to put them down, and iā€™m worried youā€™ll snap in half if i let you carry them again.ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā stanley gives him a sidelong glance, inclined to ask for clarification about what harry had just said but deciding to swallow the words at the last second. heā€™s not unfamiliar with the feeling of confusion, in particular when it relates to old friends heā€™s not quite sure actually exist. it was a bit of a running theme here at everly--had stanley found the idea anything less than abhorrent he might have tried to understand just what in the world was going on. as it stands, however, the very notion that something weird is going on makes him feel ill, and thus he ignores it.Ā ā€œi didnā€™t need you to tell me you think youā€™re hilarious,ā€ he quips back, delighted to have gotten a laugh out of harry.Ā ā€œbut i do appreciate the apology. i guess iā€™ll get over the disappointment someday.ā€ itā€™s easy banter, which is something stanley cherishes and is a not insignificant factor in his ever-blossoming crush. he brushes easily past the slightly-mystifying answer harry gives about his apparently-unheard of sport, much more eager to focus on the fact heā€™s just said heā€™d have tried to scare away stanleyā€™s bullies.Ā ā€œwell, it would have been very chivalrous of you to try, anyway,ā€ he states with a little nod.Ā ā€œtwelve-year-old me appreciates the thought.ā€ which is, of course, his way of not letting harry realize how much it means to him now. opening the door, he lets him in ahead of himself with the hope that heā€™ll be able to will his blush away by the time harry sets the books down and turn back around.Ā ā€œit wouldnā€™t be such a bad way to die, you know,ā€ he says, grabbing a few from the stack and putting them carefully down on a table in the living area.Ā ā€œiā€™m bound to be snapped in half by something someday, so why not my favorite books?ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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stanley uris ghost wrote this
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
what's one thing about everly you would change?
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œit would be so, so cool if i could not run into monsters around campus. i know thatā€™s, like, a really wild and outlandish request around here, but iā€™d be so grateful. literally just a modicum of sanity is all iā€™m asking for.ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
jealousy is difficult for stanley--itā€™s an emotion he feels extremely uncomfortable with and does everything in his power to hide it when it happens. he often makes a solid attempt at hiding it from himself, as well, and a decent majority of the time he does a pretty good job. it also depends on the subject of the jealousy; if itā€™s romantic in nature, heā€™s likely to become withdrawn and a little cold out of a misplaced sense of self-protection. if itā€™s jealousy of another kind, he may be exaggeratedly bright and enthusiastic to try and cover it up.
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
who's your best friend?
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Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œklaus, definitely. i feel really comfortable around him and weā€™re almost always on the same page, which is a nice change from sometimes feeling like people donā€™t quite get me and i donā€™t quite get them, either. it feels wrong not to say richie and eddie, too. i hadnā€™t seen them in i canā€™t even remember how long, but...theyā€™re my best friends, too. i think they always will be, even if we never spoke again.ā€ ( @roscgvld, @svrvives, @ofcliches )
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
Send me one and Iā€™ll tell you about my muse when theyā€™reā€¦
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā as always ,Ā  meme day can get wild ,Ā  so iā€™m leaving my inbox open to whatever shenanigans you see fit .Ā  good luck ,Ā  me .Ā 
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā the moment stanleyā€™s gaze lands on the creature gaining its feet less than a yard away from where he stands, his mind goes into some kind of lockdown. thereā€™s a hellish, vivid terror engulfing all of his senses like a thick coating of molasses, and he wants to scream, he wants to shriek until he doesnā€™t have any breath left in his body, but he canā€™t. he canā€™t even move, all he can do is stare in abject horror even as the girl is trying to speak to him, tell him to do something. absurdly, he thinks he can smell sewage. in fact, itā€™s overwhelming--he can definitely smell sewage, and even though he knows perfectly well his knees arenā€™t wet, they suddenly feel that way. a bottle is thrust into his hands and stanley, shaking like a leaf, clutches it with numb fingers. he canā€™t speak, so he nods fervently to let her know he understands.Ā ā€œplease do something,ā€ he gets out in a tinny whisper, horrified to feel tears prickling the corners of his eyes.Ā ā€œplease, please, please do something, please.ā€
ā€œiā€“ this isnā€™t what it looks like.ā€ the blonde stood in front of the alley way, dark pools of what lookedĀ like ink dripping from the uncorked bottle that remained in her hands, her panicked expression unchanged as the monsterĀ before her took to itā€™s feet. a demon, that sabrina had accidentallyĀ summoned while attempting her ritual, whoops. it soon moved itā€™s attention from her, lunging for the person standing just behind her but sabrina was quickerā€“ the panic had SUBSIDED the moment she dove as well, just in time as the demon hit the ground insteadĀ of itā€™s desired victim.Ā ā€œiā€™ll explain in a minuteā€“ā€ she exclaimed breathlessly, using her body to shield as she stuffed the wine bottle into the personā€™s hands.Ā ā€œbutĀ i needĀ you to be quiet and hold this, understand?ā€
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stvnuris-blog Ā· 5 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā stanley nearly jumps out of his skin at the abruptness and volume of peterā€™s reaction to a hand on his shoulder, stumbling backwards and only just managing to regain his balance before toppling over onto the floor. itā€™s absurd how easily startled he is, but thatā€™s never been something stanleyā€™s been able to change about himself.Ā ā€œjesus, peter, itā€™s me,ā€ he breathes out, shaking out his hands as if he can expel some of the suddenly-anxious energy that way.Ā ā€œguilty conscience much?ā€ come to think of it, he supposes it does look somewhat suspicious to be wandering around the teachersā€™ wing of the castle, but stanleyā€™s intention had been only to find one of his professors to ask a question. his brow furrows,Ā ā€œyou know, you would have looked a hundred times less guilty without the ā€˜this-isnā€™t-what-it-looks-likeā€™ spiel. are you doing something iā€™m going to get in trouble for if iā€™m found with you?ā€
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Peter wouldnā€™t have exactly called himself the mischievous type by any stretch of the imagination, but there were certainly times where curiosity got the better of him. While he was more than aware that the students were all separated and got dorm spaces to themselves, a rumor that had been crawling around recently that the professorā€™s side of the school was somethingā€¦well, something otherworldly. Rumors that their own spaces at Everly were akin to a spacious two bedroom apartment with stairs, their own flat screens, and who knew what else. Why couldnā€™t the students get that? With his camera handy and web shooters hidden away on his wrists as Fitbit watches, Peter took a few steps forward, being feeling a hand touch his shoulder.Ā ā€œUh, this isnā€™t what it l-looks like I swear!ā€ he yammered up an excuse in response to the person whoā€™d just found him.
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