#live laugh love dr frost
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Scrolling "characters that aren't popular" tags is tiring because 90% of the content is either about a different character with the same name, tagged with them because they're mentioned once/were in the image/due to associate, or has three posts and you're in most of the posts 😭
Heavens forbid they're mischaracterized or sexualized to hell and back.
#fred porlock#cancer cell#if you're really unlucky‚ there's just “x reader” content#nakime#the promised neverland#yakusoku no neverland#there's so many characters in there that nobody talks about that i just tagged the whole series#uraume used to be a member of this committee#so I'll tag them anyways#uraume#alnst marty#alnst acorn#alnst tortilla#elise#bsd elise#dr frost#dr. frost#live laugh love dr frost#ain't nobody gonna find this post#moneypenny#mirr speaks
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Venture Bros Rewatch notes: Eeney Meeney Miney Magic
I love Rusty's bedroom but do we think that look is a holdover from the last time Jonas remodeled (as it's not dated enough to be 60s when the compound was built) or did Rusty remodel the bedroom as soon as he inherited the master bedroom?
Dean and Hank are playing Ouija is so cute
ENTERING....MR ORPHEUS. He comes OUT of the orphan heart machine (??? why?) and zaps Helper and knocks out Dean and Hank, so Dr. O can disable electronics and also cause instant sleep all with just a single nonverbal look...And his lankiness...his sharp edges...EARLY SEASON ORPHEUS ILU
"His magical Dracula powers" "youre standing there in FLAMES" whoever wrote this scene has a child
"brock is it okay if i cry?" after brock just choked him for waking the bodyguard up too sudden. there is both so much to say yet nothing needs to be said its all there
i can't figure out if you need to go outside to get to orpheus' part of the compound, dean is wearing a jacket over his pjs but no shoes and rusty has his rarely seen bathrobe and slippies
"abandoned arachnid lab" WHAT was GOING ON????
i LOVE the pan-ups for introducing characters
Orpheus was saving Helper........"his feeble mind had perceived what's not possible" this is contributing to my idea that our Helper is like Ben's Helper in that they are uh....not cyborgs exactly but meaty machines
Led zeppelin is pretty much the only music brock listen to during sex
How does Rusty not know Orpheus' name already? He's literally the landlord
"junior college upstate" "fEEL it's evil grip PuUUUUUULL ME BACK IN"
"scuba" "scuba" "scuba"
TRIANA girl of the hour. How is she so well adjusted and normal-acting. I want so badly to see a scene or two of Triana at school. Can she use her magic there? Is she is similar classes as Dermott?
"Single parent eh? Common ground" Rusty is so desperate for a friend as soon as he realizes Orpheus is bit like him he drops all snobbish pretenses
THE QTIP COMMENT. I LAUGH. "a walking reminder of our common shame"
"I saw him kill a guy with sock full of party snaps" okay but then doesn't in the next episode Dean get confused about Brock killing people at all? The whole body bags were sleeping bags bit? More evidence of mind erasure
"I'm kind of home tutored in a box my pop made. it sometimes gets very hot in the box. that my pop made" "wow that's kinda screwy" this is the entire moment of what made Triana hang out with dean and her bemusement tolerance and at the end (before prom) fondness
Brock fixing Helper is soooooooo sexy i wish i could chew on his forearms like a rawhide bone
Hank seeing an endless expanse of nature with Rusty wanting to spend time with him, contrasted then by Brock actually being the one present to get Hank out of the way
"we two doctor dads" LITERALLY RUSTY STOP he's got an instant crush and he is just so thrilled to have someone to hang out with. okay with the message O leaves for Triana who just left for school, but at the end she gets bored waiting for her dad at dinner. they seriously spend all day at rusty's lab?
"dont think i didnt notice the neon appointments" GAY BOYS
Rusty acting like an overly typical irate father, he was so channeling jonas trying to impress the only other single father he's ever met
"i DARE you to make less sense!"
Orpheus just pulled...a singular cupcake with pink frosting out of an upper cabinet....why do the Ventures live like this. 4 boys and a robot.
okay but the whole kitchen scene is so funny and really contrasting rusty and orpheus' character designs, in s1 orpheus really is all long lines and huge blocky black cloak, compared to rusty's tiny little frame, honestly we need more ...(rustyxorpheus=.....thapheus?) of this. the way rusty asks if he wants another brew "kaey"
hank's impression of their dad is hilarious
"the beast hungers for them...i just dont get how they can get the door open"
Orpheus commands the open "by the crimson name of lord balayseeta(?) i command you to open" and shit really DOES open for like a mile around and in-universe implications are that somehow Rusty has created this deeply magic resistant bio-engineered machine
the whole play by play about the orphan heart...........it was probably a clone of hank or dean....
polo polo!
m a r c o
Brock sitting down to hug Dean for feeling bad that is so sweet.
True love seems to be flimsy yet real and based upon chemicals, so could be the person they love most who makes their brainvlight up most when they see them
the way Orpheus stretches out his hands and launches it at the joycan to go into hell. he can just send shit to hell if he wants. and he can NOT go to hell or traverse, but he punches one way tickets.
i LOOOOOOOOOVE this episode truly 9/10
#byron orpheus#dr orpheus#rusty venture#hank venture#brock samson#dean venture#the venture bros#liveblogging#episode analysis#triana orpheus#latibulater
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ava gift exchange 2023! 🎄🥳
it's here! happy holidays, lulw (@tdlad), hope you're having a good one! this isn't a piece of visual art since i don’t have the tools to create one, so you get a dr. seuss-inspired fic + a part of a fic i might finish later!
due to irl events, i had to rush these a bit, but i hope you enjoy it either way :) have a wonderful winter (or summer, depending on where you are) week, and happy (early) new year! *gives gingerbread cookie*
(prompt: i tried to combine elements from all three, but i focused on “the dark lord with red coat (that tdl in my posts)” specifically—your art is just gorgeous, btw!)
word count: ~1400 for the first one/the dr. suess-y one, ~1320 (and counting?) for the second one/the unfinished one
(and special thanks to @avagiftexchange for hosting this!)
Fic 1: How the Grinch Dark Lord Stole Christmas (or: dark's christmas cake romp)
Every stick in Stick City, near the end of the year, Every stick in Stick City brimmed with holiday cheer…
But! The Dark Lord, who’s not far from here, Who lived in the wintry woods quite near— The Dark Lord held Christmas even more dear!
The Dark Lord loved Christmas, this is no bluff, And you’d best believe it, he just can’t get enough! Was it because he enjoyed the sound of children laughing clear, Or did he simply have a particular liking for reindeer? Well I’ll tell you his secret, his reason for this: He really, really liked log cakes, they fill him with bliss.
“Christmas awaits, on the very next day, Christmas really is just a day away!”
But, From his perch in the woods, Watching the stars from where he stood, With hungry eyes and vibrant ardor, With the growing desire for Christmas he harbors, (and a craving for frosting he just can’t ignore), The Dark Lord knew: he needed more!
He needed more of all that Christmas had in store! And he will get more, he swore, He’ll claim even more of Christmas, ‘twas his right as a Lord!
But—how? Christmas is already drawing so near, Soon enough, Christmas will practically already be here! He needed more time, and he needed… a plan! A plan to put Christmas in the palm of his hand.
So The Dark Lord schemed, And he schemed, and he schemed, And he conjured a scheme, A terrible scheme!
“A-ha! I’ve got a brilliant idea!”
Dark cackled, a sound from deep in his throat, As he pulled from his closet his most dapper red coat. “They’ll never see me coming, even from the skies, “So long as I craft myself a most clever disguise!”
So he lined his coat with cotton, like Santa’s coat proper, Just as into the room, his friend Chosen entered— “Look, dearest Chosen, I’ve come up with a plan, “A plan to seize Christmas in the palm of my hand!”
Dear Chosen deadpanned, “Why are you talking like that,” And right after, he inquired, what about your silly Santa’s hat?
“No I didn’t—”
“Right here! I believe my night cap is sufficient,” Dark proclaimed, wearing the hat over his ears. “Now I only need a reindeer…”
But around this area, their part of the woods here, This much Dark knew: you wouldn’t find any deer! But was Dark deterred…? No! He said, “If I can’t find a deer, I’ll just make one instead!”
“...What do you think you’re doing with that big red nose.”
…And Dark ended up sticking the nose and antlers on his one last Virabot instead!
And so, with his little red cap on his hollow red head, And his feet firmly planted in his makeshift sled— He took with him a burlap sack, Which he then hoisted upon his back— He yelled, “Onward!” just before he took flight, Off to steal Christmas, he disappeared into the night!
Back on the ground, Chosen gazed down at the cardboard box—sorry, at the sled—Dark left behind. He stared at the confused Virabot, wearing an antler headband and sporting a red clown nose glued to its face, and sighed. “This is so stupid…”
A jaunty holiday tune played from an open Chrome window, But not a sound could be heard coming from inside their homes. He was here at last, and at the perfect time, too— They must all be in their beds, dreaming away without a clue! “Now to enact my plan…”
So he climbed down the chimney, one crafted from brick, It wasn’t too tight a fit, for he was literally a stick. Though he did get stuck once, or twice, maybe thrice— And he cursed his head, loudly, for it was massive in size. “Ow—seriously, who makes chimneys this small—”
“Second, is that you?”
Just as Dark managed to extricate himself, finally, Free from the clutches of that dastardly chimney— He came face-to-face with his first obstacle: Little Cindy-Blue Who, carrying fruits in a bowl.
“Wha… Little Cindy-Blue who?”
That’s right! Little Cindy-Blue Who, probably much older than two, Who… was actually awake at this time? But it’s two (a.m.)!
“Oh, no, we don’t actually sleep. Like at all. Except Second, sometimes, but he’s off doing his own thing right now. But uhh, anyways, hi, Dark Lord! What—what’s up? And why are you dressed like…”
And oh, there was a cautious glint in his eyes— He was nervous! But there was no need for such fright, Not if Dark wanted his plan to go without a hitch. So Dark would assure him, and explain his impromptu visit:
“You see, sweet youth—you see, the job of Santy, “Is to stock up your stockings, and fill them aplenty! “So that’s what I’m here for—but not you, my dear, “For this gift’s a surprise, so I can’t have you near.”
And the lie rolled cleanly off The Dark Lord’s tongue, For he was clever, and sure to fool the young. And surely enough, Cindy-Blue Who was nodding, Raring and ready to hurry back to bed a-plodding. You’re right, Santa Dark, he joyfully exclaimed, I’ll head right back to bed now! With a turn and a wave.
“What? But I didn’t say anythi—”
And so, with his burlap sack swinging, And with Cindy-Blue assuaged, standing there beaming— “Hey, don’t—get back here…!” The Dark Lord marched onward, his first obstacle cleared!
…only to find four more, all waiting at the door!
Ahem—what a surprise! The Dark Lord gasped, He can’t believe his eyes, ‘twas something he almost couldn’t grasp— What a sight, that they’d all come to greet him so, How happy they must be, to all rush out and greet him so!
“Hey uhh… what’s he saying?”
‘What’s he saying?’ They’re asking what game he’s playing! They ask why he’s here, and on what he was preying. But! faced with a barrier of four— Now five, as Cindy-Blue Who, panting, adds one more… They all block his path to the far kitchen door, But has this ever stopped The Dark Lord before? No!
“Hey wait, where are you going?” Cindy-Blue called when Dark showed no signs of slowing.
“Why’d you come here all of a sudden?” Said the yellow, placing a hand on his chin.
“The Cindy-blue-what now?” Slowly asked the red fellow.
“And what’s with the getup?” Queried Green, looking him from the toes up.
“Oh, Chosen told me he and Dark recently discovered these popular picture books. And ever since then, Dark’s been narrating everything he does in rhyme.”
“Ah, is that why he’s talking like that?” Yellow asked, eyeing his little Santa’s hat.
“That’s actually kind of impressive,” Remarked Green, who’s usually quite quick to forgive.
“Ooh, try rhyming something with orange!” Red said as Cindy-Blue stood next to Orange.
“Please stop calling me that, I don’t even know what it means,” Groaned Cindy-Blue Who, beside a laughing Green.
“Hey guys, Chosen texted me again just now—apparently Dark is here trying to ‘steal Christmas’ from us—which really just means he wants our log cakes.”
(goddammit Chosen you traitor)
“Wait, that’s it? That’s what that devious plan he was cackling about is?”
“I mean, Blue could always just make another cake. You could’ve just asked if you wanted one.”
“Yeah, and you’re… kind of really bad at sneaking? We could hear you narrating really loudly as soon as you got here.”
“And cursing out Orange’s chimney, too. Geez, that was vulgar…”
“Well,” with a flourish, the orange stick gestures, Towards the kitchen, where Dark had been hoping to plunder. “We’ve got some cake, if you want it. Next time just let us know you’re coming before you tear a portal through our wifi. And maybe keep your visits during the daytime, or at least don’t come crawling down my chimney past midnight…”
What was this? Could it be—no, it simply couldn’t be… But it was! “They’ll stand here and hand Christmas—to me?” For ‘twas the season of giving, of gifts freely given, Of gingerbread, batter, and cakes in the kitchen.
And there Dark stood and pondered, and pondered, and pondered, ‘Til a bright thought struck him! One that filled him with wonder: Could it be, then, that Christmas was not for the taking, But for shared cheer and laughs and all that in the making?
“Oh, for Adobe’s—just sit down and have some log cake.” And, well— ‘Twas simply an offer Dark cannot forsake.
- the end -
Fic 2: i don't actually have a name for it yet, but i think i'll call it thaw for now
Christmas. ‘Twas a time of joyous laughter and warm embraces, of fireside affections and wintry escapades. ‘Twas the season of giving, be it presents or sweets or even the simplest of smiles—‘twas a time when even the little things, when given to another, are made infinitely precious.
Christmas. ‘Twas an absolutely perplexing holiday, for a stick such as The Dark Lord—and ‘twas a completely pointless one, too, as far as Dark was concerned.
Yet, when a pair of glittery red envelopes arrived at the doorstep of his and Chosen’s cabin in the woods—and when he opened one of them up to find an invitation inside, filigreed in gold and writ upon with a blue gel pen (in rather shaky handwriting, he noticed)—he didn’t immediately turn it to ash. He regarded it for longer than he normally would’ve, longer than he should’ve, turning it this way and that under the light—‘You’re invited!’, it winked up at him. If he didn’t know better just how sappy the animator’s favorite and his friends can be, he would’ve thought this was some kind of taunt.
(“You’re invited!”? who in their right minds would want to invite The Dark Lord, the outernet’s worst cyber-criminal, to something as mundane—as warm alien pointless—as a holiday gathering?)
While he was still winning gots nose at the gaudy invitation, the only other stick around for miles appeared in his periphery—Chosen picked up an envelope, too, when he saw what Dark was studying at the doorway. Dark almost hadn’t noticed when his fr… when his roommate had snuck up behind him, his pronounced footfalls doing little to breach the chasm between them; it was all he could do to stop himself from launching a fireball at Chosen as soon as the latter reached past him (he hadn’t forgotten how well that’d gone for him the last time…)
Clumsily, fumbling with it once or twice, Chosen peeled at the envelope. His invitation was inked in orange instead of blue, littered with tiny scribbled drawings, and written in much neater script, too. Dark couldn’t catch the rest; Chosen always stood with his feet angled toward him these days, so his invitation turned away from view. That, and he’d moved a few paces away from the doorway—and Dark wasn’t interested anyway, he wasn’t. Pointless, he told himself again, it was such a pointless gesture. It was something he didn’t need—The Dark Lord had better things to do, had more important things to do, than to entertain something as small and banal as a Christmas party—it was a pointless affair, that was all it was.
(and yet.)
And yet. Dark wouldn’t be able to say what possessed him to do it; if it was sheer curiosity, a part of him balking at his own degrading wonder—or if it was when Chosen’s fingers tightened their hold on his invitation, carving minute creases into the paper,
and when the other stick’s eyes crinkled, just barely, in tender longing silent laughter only Dark would recognize—when those eyes finally met his, carrying a question and a spark Dark hadn’t seen in so long—he couldn’t find it within him to say no.
(it was Chosen’s idea, he would say later—it was all his roommate’s fault, the first and last person to extend their hand to him, that he was crashing their little party. he hadn’t wanted this, hadn’t needed it—he didn’t need this, he didn’t.)
If he was being honest—Dark really didn’t have anything better to do than to attend the party.
Ever since he was blasted to kingdom come by the animator’s favorite, ever since a battered Chosen had found him at the foot of a volcano and hauled his near-corpse all the way back to their cabin—in the months since, he’d seldom left their secluded area in the woods to do anything more than take a short walk. His shoulder still smarted from the hole that’d been blown through it, his skin etched with throbbing green scars all over—he couldn’t travel far beyond the bounds of the woods without wilting, robbed of breath. Needless to say, his heydays of ash and destruction were far behind him.
(and even if all his progress hadn’t been deleted, rendered void when Chosen destroyed the rest of his virabots following the “incident”—these days, looking at the place where he’d once stood tapping away at his computer, believing himself the inheritor of a grander purpose than the one dealt to him by the animator—it left an sour taste in his mouth.)
In his current condition, even petty theft seemed beyond his capabilities. Which was going to be a problem, he realized, when he turned to the back of the invitation and saw the damning first rule of the party written in a bold green: “Come in a costume! No costume, NO ENTRY.”
Well, in the state he was in, he wasn’t going to be pulling any heists anytime soon, not even on cheap outfitters—and he doubted any store would simply let a notorious cyber-criminal waltz into their establishment, even just to look around. That left him with only two options: either go through his own closets, or brave Chosen’s minefield of a room to rifle through his. It wasn’t a hard decision to make.
With practiced ease (and only slightly impeded by his still-healing injuries), Dark picked his way past piles of lightly-charred sweaters, discarded bandages, random knick knacks collecting dust over the years, a self-sustaining tornado of trash—all the way across his roommate’s bedroom to reach the far end where the closets were. While Dark considered his fashion sense to be impeccable, none of his clothes really screamed “festive.” It was all something along the lines of “looks like he could kill you” or “warning: would actually kill you.” Chosen’s taste in clothes, on the other hand, was more… eclectic. There was more variety; he’d probably have a better chance finding something acceptable to wear here than in his own wardrobe.
Dark threw open the leftmost closet, a mahogany behemoth with the price sticker still slapped on the left door, and oh, that was—what even was that? No, those pants were too long, and the pair beside them the wrong shade of green—and oh, that’s garish, why did he even think to nab this? What is this even supposed to be, a mop? Or some kind of shawl? That color is way too bright to ever belong on a shirt, that shirt is a visual safety hazard. And what—why aren’t these socks the same, where’s the other one in the pair? None of these socks are the same—is that a pair of googly eyes—
Dark shut the closet door. He should’ve expected this, really; he’d witnessed the affront to fashion that was Chosen’s wardrobe thousands of times before, whenever they had to disguise themselves to go into the city. The two other closets wouldn’t be much better, he knew, but just as he was turning to head back toward the door—had that box always been there?
Tucked away into the corner of the room was a small cardboard box, a little tattered and stained in several spots from years of disuse but otherwise appearing untouched by the surrounding mess. As an expert at navigating Chosen’s room, Dark knew for certain it hadn’t been there the last time he was here (just over three months ago. he’d been scrounging for one of the aprons he’d left in Chosen’s room; it feels like it’s been forever since then.)
It took only a short hop for Dark to reach it. The next second, he was kneeling down in front of it, carefully lifting the top flaps—and sure, maybe a part of him was prodding at him, telling him whatever was in there was probably stashed away in the corner for a reason, reminding him that things are different now, the space between you and him, it’s different now—but that hadn’t ever stopped Dark before
(aaand that's all i have for this second one for now. i'll probs post the rest on ao3 or something if i finish this, but i'll def let you know!)
but yeah, anywho, that's all—have a wonderful holiday season! :)
#ava gift exchange#ava gift exchange 2023#animator vs animation#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#ava tco#ava tdl#avm tsc#avm green#avm blue#avm red#avm yellow#for the first fic i just wanted to write dark being a goof#while the second was more character-studyish#anywho#it's here! gift exchange! :D
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We open on the Xavier Institute in the middle of the night. Dressed in casual clothes, sipping a beer, and with a six-pack at his side, Cyclops is seated on the roof and looking up at the stars. We cannot see his eyes, but we do not need to to know the pain in them.
"Room for one more?"
With the grace expected of a goddess, Storm floats up to the roof.
Scott is unsure until Ororo warmly smiles at him. He can't help but smile back at her, and pull out another beer for her. Ororo takes it and sits down next to him.
The two sip their drinks and stargaze together.
SCOTT: "I miss her so much."
ORORO: "We all do. We can only hope that, wherever Jean is, whatever she's doing, she's happy."
Another moment of silence.
SCOTT: "Thank you. For still talking to me."
ORORO: "You did an awful thing. But, unlike someone else, you know it was wrong. It was a mistake, one with grave, unforeseen consequences, but not a mistake I expect you to make again."
Scott's smile widens as he hangs his head and thanks her again.
ORORO: "We'll get through these dark times the way we always have. As a team. When Jean eventually comes home, your wife and my sister returned to us, our family will be whole again. And then, we need not ever even speak the name, "Emma Frost" again.
Scott chuckles. He hopes that day comes soon.
Scott raises up his beer, and Storm clinks hers against it.
We cut directly to a large home in Mississippi, where Rogue kisses her mother, Irene Adler on the cheek.
The two are standing in the doorway. Rogue wouldn't look out of place on a runway, while Irene, a blind, frail old woman with gray hair in a bun, glasses to hide her eyes, and a sweet smile on her face, is dressed far more conservatively.
Rogue says it's been nice spending time with her again, but she really does have to get back to Remy. Irene understands, a wife needs to be with her husband, but asks her to please never be a stranger again.
ROGUE: "If you can avoid stayin out of any more trouble, that won't be a problem."
Rogue gives her mom one more kiss, before saying she loves her and flying off.
Irene waves goodbye and shuts the door, only to immediately shift personas, a sneer overtaking her face as she cracks her wrinkly neck.
Irene puts on her Destiny costume, grabs her sidearm, and dons her helmet, all the while growling about how much she hates Gambit, and how she, for the life of her, cannot understand what Anna-Marie sees in her.
In the basement, Toad, Blob, Avalanche, and Pyro - the Brotherhood of Evil - are gathered. It's been a while since they were all together, and they're all catching up. Pyro just got out of jail after three years, and is positively itching to burn something again. Avalanche says he should count himself lucky. He was living on Genosha, and only wasn't there when everything went boom because he was getting drinks with Blob. Blob meanwhile has been in therapy.
PYRO: "You're in therapy, mate?"
BLOB: "Mmhmm. You should consider it too, Pyro. For a Flatscan, Dr. Garrison is the best."
Toad laughs at this.
TOAD: "Well, while you've been talking about your fee fees, I totally banged Husk!"
PYRO: "The X-Men girlie?"
AVALANCHE: "Isn't she a kid?"
TOAD: "She's 19!"
The other three exchange glances.
AVALANCHE: "Oh. Well then I just don't believe you."
As Toad shouts back, he's quickly silenced as Destiny comes downstairs, the boys all terrified of her mere presence.
Now that Rogue is gone, they can get down to business. Her wife has been in SHIELD custody for months now, and she refuses to tolerate that any longer. The four of them are to break into the prison she's being held in and bust her out.
Blob wants Mystique free as much as they do, but he raises the obvious question: won't the X-Men come to stop them?
TOAD: "Eh, he's got a point, boss. You see who's on their team these days? I'm awesome, but I dunno if the rest of these guys are up to fighting them."
Pyro smacks Toad on the back of the head.
DESTINY: "Yes, on your own, there is no future I see where you can succeed. This is why I've enlisted someone else to lead this mission."
AVALANCHE: "And who's…that?"
The Brotherhood all strike looks of disbelief as they glance up the staircase.
The camera pans up a short, muscular, excessively hairy man in a white tank top and jeans, chomping a cigar.
LOGAN: "Sup, bubs?"
Back at the school, Cessily and Roxy are hanging out in Bling!’s dorm room. The two are seated on Roxy’s bed, her side of the room decorated with band posters, with instruments all over the place. Cessily has headphones on and is listening to a hip-hop track. She’s clearly enjoying it, bobbing her head along with it. Roxy is happy to just watch her reactions until the song finishes.
Cessily takes the headphones off and tells Roxy that the song was amazing! Roxy plays it casual and says it’s not perfect yet and her mom and dad are still working out the kinks.
ROXY: “Aaaand, once they have, I may have talked them into letting you audition in front of them for a spot as a background dancer in the music video.”
Cessily freaks out with excitement and anxiety. That’s so cool, but also does she really think she can do this? Sofia’s the dancer, not her. Roxy assures her she’s seen Cessily’s cheer routines, and she should be perfect. And if she isn’t, her parents already agreed to let her be an extra no matter what.
Cessily practically squeals with joy.
CESSILY: “Roxanne Washington, you are the coolest girl in the world.”
ROXY: “Girl, I know that already.”
She smooches Cessily. To her surprise, Cessily suddenly shrinks in her seat, partially literally, as her face falls. Roxy questions what’s wrong, with Cessily explaining that she’s so amazing, and this opportunity is incredible, but…
CESSILY: “What will people say? Won’t everyone hate that there’s a freak in the background? Dancers in music videos are supposed to be hot.” Cessily partially melts onto the floor. “Not sure how *anyone* could look at me and think that.”
Roxy holds Cessily, not caring one bit that Cessily is mostly goop right now, and tells her that, first off, she’s been starring in her parents’ videos since she was little. Anyone who had a problem with Mutants checked out a long time ago, and they’re still riding high as hip-hop royalty. And as for Cess herself…
ROXY: “You’re stunning. One of a kind. The most beautiful metal in the world.”
Cessily liqufies even further, but this time with a smile creeping across her face.
CESSILY: “You mean that?”
ROXY: “I never lie.”
Roxy detaches a piece of diamond from herself and sticks it into Cessily, tickling her with it.
Laughing hysterically uncontrollably, Cessily jovially tells her girlfriend to stop. Roxy only joins in the laughter.
We cut from Roxy laughing to Roxy shouting, as Bling! and her squad run drills in the Danger Room. The rest of Roxy’s squad consists of Pixie, Match, Indra, Loa, and Network. They are not doing well, with Roxy unable to hit the target circling her with her diamond shards, Loa unable to catch the target she’s supposed to disintegrate through, Match running out of steam before he can finish melting his assigned beam, Indra’s armor form unable to withstand the drone attacks it faces, and Pixie just getting scared of the drones she’s supposed to be fighting and flying headfirst into a wall.
PIXIE, rubbing her bike helmet on the floor: “Aww, thanks helmet. You’re always there for me.”
The only member of the squad who’s performing well at all is Network, who’s using her ability to interface with technology to shut down the other tests one by one.
Above the Danger Room, the kids aren’t the only ones who are frustrated. Scott is on his phone, shouting at the top of his lungs.
SCOTT: “Your vacation is over, Sunspot! Get back here, now! Northstar says he wants your spot, and I WILL give it to him!”
Scott hands up and takes a breath as he joins the rest of the teachers present, Hank, who’s squad this is, Iceman, who wanted to come see his oldest friend, and Emma, who was curious to see what Bling! had since she’s spending so much time with her squad now.
Beast knows it’s not what she was hoping to hear, but, no, Bling! Is, fittingly, quite close to Mercury’s skill level currently, not the rest of her little prodigies.
BEAST: “Of course, there’s no shame in one’s strength being in the lab.”
ICEMAN, obnoxiously eating a banana: “Yeah, we wouldn’t be able to do anything without you science dorks.” Bobby swallows. “Good thing to be getting your seat nice and warmed up for her.”
BEAST, unamused: “Mmhmm.”
Suddenly, Network is blasted across the Danger Room and into the opposite wall, hitting her head and getting knocked unconscious.
As everyone freaks out, Scott orders Beast to shut the Danger Room down and tell his kids to stay bacl. He questions what happened, but Beast isn’t sure. Before she ever set foot in the Danger Room, he’d made sure Network’s powers would never trigger any defensive response.
Scott pinches his forehead. He’s gonna go make sure Sarah is okay, and help calm the others, who are still visibly freaked out downstairs, but he wants Beast to make figuring out what happened and fixing it his top priority. No more kids are getting hurt inside these walls, dammit.
Beast understands, but Iceman wants to help. He may not understand any of this stuff, but there has to be someway an Omega can be useful. Besides, it’ll give them more of a chance to catch up.
BEAST: “Oh, that’s really not necessary.”
ICEMAN: “Come on, I don’t mind, it’s all chill.”
The others all groan at that.
EMMA, putting a hand on Scott’s shoulder: “Well, while you boys get to work, I have some new students to greet.”
SCOTT, swatting Emma’s hand off of him: “New students? I haven’t received any reports about any. Who’s bringing them?”
EMMA, clearly displeased with Scott’s attitude: “Oh, don’t worry about that. They have their own means of transportation.”
At an airport, a private jet lands. With a driver and limo waiting for them, attendants seeing to their luggage, and a carpet rolled out, five identical blonde teenage girls, sporting sunglasses, exit their place and enter their car. The limo rolls out and drives across New York City, until arriving at the Xavier Institute.
The girls get out and step through the school’s gates. As they remove their sunglasses and put them in their purses in unison, their eyes look like they’re all judging the school.
ESME: “This seems…”
SOPHIE: “...adequate.”
As the five strut toward the school itself, the bombshells draw the attention of the students who are presently outside. For one student, however, simply looking at these mysterious new girls isn’t enough, as he rushes up to them.
DJ, with a cocky shithead smirk on his face: “Hello, ladies! You must be new here. I’m Mark. I basically run this place. Want me to show you around?”
The girls smile as their eyes glow a familiar shade of blue in unison.
“Go jump in a well.”
Mark’s eyes flash blue for just a second.
DJ, with the dopiest dumbass grin on his face: “OK!”
DJ runs off to go jump in a well.
(AUTHOR’S NOTE: DJ was never seen again.)
As the girls laugh among themselves, they’re greeted by Emma.
EMMA: “The Stepford Cuckoos. A pleasure to meet you all.”
Pointing at them one by one, she makes sure she knows who is who. In the center of their arrangement is Sophie, at her sides are Esme and Phoebe, and on the ends are Celeste and Irma.
Emma notes that, with her now teaching Jean’s telepathy class, she’s gotten a chance to know an obnoxious, arrogant young man who thinks he’s the most powerful telepath of his generation. She hopes that her expectations for these five remarkable, well-bred young women are rightly placef, and they’ll be able to crush his dreams.
THE CUCKOOS: “We settle for nothing but the best, Ms. Frost.”
EMMA: “Girls after my own heart.”
Emma volunteers to show them around and introduce them to her current prized students, but they tell her that won’t be necessary. They’ve already ripped the knowledge of the campus’ layout out of the other students’ heads, and they already have a very good idea of who they want to be friends with.
Emma pays no mind as they all smile obviously evily.
In the Danger Room, Beast is going around opening to panels to examine the system’s inner workings. He remarks to himself about how this room has always been such a scientific achievement, always updated to be on the cutting edge of progress. Professor Xavier truly is a genius like no other. He hopes he can live up his standards on its maintenance.
While Beast says all this, Bobby stands behind him, clearly not paying attention and lost in his own little world. Hank notices.
HANK: “Bobby, are you even paying attention, or am I speaking to the air?”
BOBBY: “Sorry, sorry. Yeah, the professor was great…mostly. But come on! I wanna hear about what you’ve been up to, fuzz. Get it? Rhymes with cuz? And you’re fuzzy?”
Hank pinches his nose and tells Bobby that between teaching and his research, he hasn’t had time to “be up” to anything. Not anything he’d understand at least.
Bobby questions why it seems like Hank isn’t happy to have him around. Didn’t he miss him? As Hank starts to answer, he presses a series of buttons on a panel, which results in a trap door opening and the two men falling through it.
In Scott’s office, he’s hard at work as ever when Emma slinks in. She tells him to cancel his non-existent plans for the night, because she got them seats for the grand opening of the hottest new restaurant in the city. Scott flatly tells her he isn’t interested as he continues to type.
Emma questions if he really wants to do this whole dance AGAIN. She sees how he looks at her, she knows what he thinks about her, and she sure as Hell knows how she made him feel, so what’s the problem?
Scott doesn’t even respond.
EMMA: “Oh, is this about poor Jean? Still feeling sorry for how you betrayed her? Genosha’s destruction isn’t the only thing which would have happened without us. The second you rightfully obliterated Stryker, Jean’s fate was already sealed. Cassandra Nova had seen to that. She feels no guilt for what she’s done, not as we do. Unless you wish to tell me that you regret killing Stryker, and that it wasn’t the most freeing moment of your life, then you have nothing to brood over, and no reason to resist what you desire.”
Scott stands, not changing his expression.
SCOTT: “This isn’t you, Emma. I’ve gotten to see a different side of you, a side I care for, respect, and am grateful to have around…but this? Chasing after me when I’m not interested? That’s beneath you. So whatever game you’re playing, drop it.”
Scott heads for his door, only to stop momentarily as Emma responds.
EMMA: There’s no game. Not currently. I’m just looking for someone to play with.”
After hesitating for a moment, Scott exits.
Back in Bling!’s room, with class having gotten out early due to the accident with Network, she’s jamming out on one of her guitars. Across the room, her roommate, Pixie, has puffy, pink-furred, over-sized headphones on, is watching one of Sofia’s makeup tutorials and taking notes, her facorite stuffed animal, Mr. Dogbear, “watching” with her. Pixie’s side of the room is filled with flowers and many other stuffed animals.
When Roxy takes a quick water break, there are multiple simultaneous knocks on their door. Roxy puts down her guitar and goes to see who it is, opening her door to reveal the Cuckoos all smiling at her.
ROXY, confused: “Uh, can I help you?”
SOPHIE: “You’re Roxanne Washington. Daughter of Roy and Angel Washington. I’m Sophie Cuckoo. These are my sisters Phoebe, Esme, Celeste, and Irma. We’re going to be best friends now.”
ROXY, weirded out: “Riiiiight. Listen, it’s cool you guys are fans but you can’t just do…this. How about you come sit with my friends and I at lunch tomorrow? Sounds good? Good.”
Roxy starts closing the door, but Esme keeps it open with her high-heel.
PHOEBE: “We’re going to be famous Mutant pop stars one day. Like Dazzler. It only makes sense we get along.”
Just as Roxy is started to get freaked out by these girls, Pixie notices what’s going on and flutters over to them, taking her headphones off. She tells the Cuckoos their outfits and hair are really pretty, only for the Cuckoos to flash their eyes blue, and making Pixie’s flash blue for a second. Pixie spins around and, from her perspective, all of her stuffed animals have been mangled and torn apart.
Pixie screams hysterically as she flies over to them in tears.
PIXIE: “Mr. Dogbear! Everyone!”
As the Cuckoos giggle, Roxy questions what the Hell is wrong with them…only for her eyes to flash blue. An instant later, she’s pointing and laughing at Megan with her new best friends.
ROXY: “This is hilarious.”
IRMA: “We knew you’d think so.”
At a SHEILD prison in Arizona, two uniformed agents are having coffee in the break room. One of the guys mentions that they need to go feed the inmates. The other guy groans. He really doesn’t want Mutie duty again.
SHIELD AGENT #1: “Heh. Duty.”
SHIELD AGENT #2: “Real mature, Dave.”
The other agent doesn’t want to have to go near the Mutants either, so they play rock, paper, scissors for who gets to feed the human prisoners, and who has to feed the Mutant prisoners.
Naturally, Dave loses.
Mumbling and grumbling the whole time, Dave brings a food cart to the Mutant section of the prison. Along with season one villains such as Mastermind and Sabretooth, we get cameos from Lady Deathstrike, Black Tom Cassidy, Frenzy, and Nanny & Orphan Maker, all of whom are in SHIELD custody.
Simultaneously afraid and disgusted by all of them, he eventually arrives at Mystique. Her, he takes an extra moment on. He doesn’t get her. She was one of the good ones, helping the government capture dangerous Mutants. Why would she throw away the good thing they had going by picking a fight with the X-Men?
Mystique laughs as she seductively saunters over to the agent, a glass-quartz wall separating them.
MYSTIQUE: “Well, David, it’s really quite simple. Capturing Mutants was business. Desiring the death of your entire race? That’s what I dream of.”
The agent snorts. She should recheck the scoreboard. Mutants are the ones who look like they’re on the way out.
MYSTIQUE: “Perhaps. But your numbers are dwindling too. For instance, you’re about to be crushed to death.”
SHIELD AGENT #1: “Huh? What are you…?”
Blob crashes through the cieling and crushes Dave to death, leaving nothing behind but blood and gore underneath him.
BLOB: “Ooph. That hurt my butt.” He dusts himself off and stands up. “Rescue team’s here, Mystique!”
Mystique speaks as the rest of the Brotherhood drop down from their plane.
MYSTIQUE: “Of course you are. Just as she said you would be.”
In the school cafeteria, Cessily, Sofia, Sooraya, Brian, and Laura are at their usual table. Sofia is frustrated. She’s been pumping out more content than she has since she got here since she’s no longer spending so much time with Julian, but that jerk is all people are commenting about. They just HAVE to know how the “Mutant Prom King and Prom Queen” are doing.
SOFIA: “It wasn’t even a prom!”
Before this can be dwelled on too much, Roxy enters the cafeteria alongside the Cuckoos. Cessily enthusiastically calls over to her girlfriend to introduce her to her new friends, while Laura questions who these new girls are.
LAURA: “They’re cute…but they don’t smell right.”
Roxy and the Cuckoos turn their attention to the squad and laugh, before finding a different table.
CESSILY, confused and hurt: “Huh?”
BRIAN: “Hey, don’t panic. Maybe they just madea funny joke, and she wants some time alone with the girls.”
SOORAYA: “You panicked at the dance. I don’t know romance, but I know you can’t become afraid of everything.”
CESSILY: “Yeah. I guess. Maybe you’re –”
Before Cessily can finish that sentence, Sofia picks her up with her winds and flies the two of them over toward the Cuckoos and Bling!
SOFIA: “She does NOT get to do this too!”
CESSILY: “Sofia, wait, I don’t want to…!”
Cessily trails off as they land.
CELESTE: “Oh, look, Roxy. It’s your girlfriend and…”
SOPHIE: “Sofia Mantega. The most popular girl in this school. Of course, without your man, that won’t last.”
SOFIA: “Who do you think you are?!”
ESME: “Careful, Sophie. Get her too mad and she’ll try to kill us.”
Bringing up the Shaw incident partially shuts Sofia down.
ROXY: “They’re the Stepford Cuckoos. And I’m trading up.”
CESSILY: “Wh…what do you mean?”
Roxy laughs.
ROXY: “Sofia gets it. It’s why she brought you over here. You two are a matching set.” She mockingly waves at Cessily. “Buh bye.”
Cessily starts crying, as the Cuckoos cackle.
ROXY: “Honestly, I was just curious what you’d be like in bed. There are no other freaks as freaky as you out there. One of a kind.”
Cessily breaks down completely, sobbing and begging Roxy not to mean this, at which point Sofia utter a somber sigh and flies them both away, hugging her.
SOFIA: “It is going to be, Cessily. I will get you through this. I know what you need.”
In the school’s gymnasium, Scott is playing basketball with two members of his squad, Quill and Specter. The game of course is brought to a sudden end with Quill accidentally pops the ball on one of his spikes. While Specter gets mad at him cause that was HIS ball, Scott walks away to take a call.
On the other end of the line, we see Maria Hill, acting commander of SHIELD, on the Helicarrier. She informs him that Mystique is presently being broken out of prison by the Brotherhood of Evil, and the agents they have stationed there won’t be able to hold them off for long. They require immediate assistance.
Scott questions why they can’t handle this themselves. Maria answers that “The X-Men deal with Mutant problems” was the deal their predecessors made, and she intends for him to stick to it.
MARIA: “Not to mention, there’s someone with them we can’t do anything about.”
Scott raises an eyebrow.
We hardcut to a new Blackbird being geared up for takeoff. The only ones on board are Cyclops and Storm, and Scott is livid.
STORM: “You don’t wish to bring the others?””
CYCLOPS: “Kitty and Laura have enough on their plates. If Logan’s actually cracked, they don’t need to know. And we don’t need Bobby for this…or Emma. You shouldn’t have any problem dealing with the Brotherhood while Logan and I have a talk.”
STORM, calmly: “You had me, “or Emma”.”
The Blackbird takes off, heading for Arizona.
Iceman and Beast wake up suspended in mid-air in darkness, their arms and legs wrapped in metal cables.
Bobby notices where they are and asks if it’s weird that was the best he’s slept in ages. Beast ignores him and notes he has no idea where they are. He’s looked over the Danger Room’s schematics a million times, and he’s never seen anything about a lower level to it.
BOBBY: “According to Cyclops, the Professor hid a sister from us. Not too hard to assume he’d hide a scary basement or two.”
BEAST: “Hmm. Touche.”
Bobby says he’ll get them out in a flash and tries to freeze the cables, but no matter how hard he pushes, the ice melts. Hank tells him it’s no use. Between this and what happened to Network, he can only hypothesize a virus has caused the Danger Room to resist being examined or tinkered with, and with its ability to counter every X-Man’s powers, there’s nothing they can do. Not till someone comes looking for them, at least.
BOBBY: “Soooo, we’re stuck here?”
HANK: “That’s what I said, yes.”
BOBBY: “Right…so what fur brush have you been using? Cause I could definitely use it for my hair.”
Hank groans in annoyance.
At the Grindhouse, Cessily is crying her heart out to Sofia as they both have coffee. She just doesn’t understand why Roxy would do this. Sofia says she can’t understand herself, but maybe that Quentin kid has some points about people like her and Julian.
Cessily takes a deep breath in. She questions if Sofia is going to fight Bling! for her, with Sofia laughing that, no, she isn’t Noriko. Surge fighting Hellion didn’t make her feel better. Doing what she loves with a friend, and remembering that’s what’s important, did. So, they’re going to put together an Xavier’s cheer routine to do together to post on her Instagram and TikTok.
Cessily slightly smiles and says that’s a sweet idea, but she can’t. She’s a freak. She can’t put herself online. Sofia slams her hands down on the table. She insists that Cessily cannot listen to the cruel things Roxy said about her. She is beautiful, and she promises all of her Sofia Stans will say so as well.
CESSILY: “I don’t know. Also, I thought you were calling your fans Wind Babies.”
SOFIA: “People didn’t like it.”
CESSILY: “I didn’t either. I don’t like tihs name either.”
SOFIA: “Really? I am off my branding game.”
Now working here as a waitress, Noriko approaches her friends.
NORIKO: “Hey, Sooraya let me know what happened. Said she was telling me so I wouldn’t say anything insensitive or dumb. Anyway, you wanna know what I think you should do?”
CESSILY: “Nori, I appreciate the thought, but I’m pretty sure whatever you’re about to say is going to make me feel infinitely worse.”
SOFIA, sighing: “Noriko, I’m helping her move on. Accepting the facts is the only way she will–”
CESSILY: “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re right, Nori. Yeah. The Cuckoos? I’m gonna figure out what they did to Roxy and save her from them!”
NORIKO: “Hell yeah!”
The two high-five as Sofia embarassedly put her face in her hands.
In the SHIELD prison, SHIELD agents fight a desperate, losing battle against the Brotherhood as they make their escape from the secure facility. The agency’s marksmen are useless as the Blob acts as a bulletproof wall to protect his team, while their martial artists are no match for the supernaturally agile Toad and Mystique, Avalanche and Pyro using their localized earthquakes and flamethrowers to ensure none of their enemies can even stay still.
This isn’t a fight. It’s a massacre.
All the while, Logan stands back and does nothing but seethe.
TOAD, taking a pistol from an agent whose neck he just broke and mockingly bowing as he hands it to Mystique: “Madame.”
Mystique takes it from him and, with a sadistic grin on her face, swiftly headshots the entire next round of agents to come for them.
They’re almost out the front door, when, at last, they’re stopped in their tracks by the appearance of Cyclops and Storm.
Blob and Avalanche shrink a little, nervous about taking them on, while Pyro and Toad appear excited to throw down. Logan is sneering right at Scott.
MYSTIQUE: “Cyclops. I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been waiting for another chance to kill you. And, would you believe it: there’s someone who wants to kill you even more?”
Logan steps forward and pulls out his claws.
ORORO: “Logan, do not do this.”
LOGAN: “Sorry, Stormy. This isn’t about you.”
As the two teams stare each other down, Cyclops fires the first shot.
In the school’s dance studio, the Cuckoos are performing a routine to the most soulless pop song imaginable, with Bling! cheering them on.
As the song enters its final verse, however, their speakers are unplugged by a pissed off Mercury.
The Cuckoos and Roxy all ground around and taunt Cessily, but she isn’t backing down. She doesn’t know who these girls are or what their powers are, but she knows Roxy would never act like she’s doing, and she would never, ever enjoy trashy music like she was just listening to.
CELESTE: “Aww, can someone not accept they were just used and tossed aside?”
PHOEBE: “Like a tin can?”
The Cuckoos cackle.
Cessily holds herself together, hard as it is for her, as she says she doesn’t care if they’re telepaths or just have mind control, but they’re going to undo it NOW.
Roxy gets right in Cessily’s face. She tells her to face facts. She was never into her cause she’s a loser. Although the Cuckoos did get ONE thing wrong.
ROXY: “We never slept together. Girl was a damn cheerleader, but she’s still a virgin. She’s as freaky on the inside as she is on the outside.”
As the Cuckoos all start mocking Cessily, she just utters, ”Please”, as she tenses up, grits her teeth, and clenches her fists.
SOPHIE: “I don’t believe she’s gotten the message yet.”
ESME: “Let’s teach her this time, Sophie.”
As Cessily struggles not to let her rage get the best of her, her eyes flash blue. She roars and stretches out her entire body to attack the Cuckoos, only for the quintuplets to effortlessly blast her away and nearly knock her unconscious with a single psy-blast.
Roxy hollers as the Cuckoos stand over the half-way melted Cessily.
IRMA: “You can believe what you’d like.”
CELESTE: “But we hope you get the message.”
SOPHIE: “Never fuck with us.”
Cessily cries as she further melts into the floor, as her tormentors strut away…only for her eyes to widen upon hearing what Roxy is shouting.
ROXY: “Ms. Moonstar! Wherever you are, we’ve got a problem! One of your kids just tried to kill the new girls!”
Cessily belts out a high-pitch screech of despair.
Back at the SHEILD base, the X-Men and Brotherhood’s fight has begun.
Storm is battling Mystique, Toad, Pyro, Avalanche, and Blob all at once. With what Storm can do limited by the confined space they’re in, Mystique and Toad’s taunts and difficult to hit natures, Pyro being able to manipulate his flames to move in any direction, Avalanche staying behind Blob, who’s durable enough to even tank Storm’s attacks, as he launches his seismic waves at her, they’re able to keep her busy, if nothing else. Still, Storm clearly has them all on defense, and it’s evident that they really do need all five of them to be a match for her.
While the Brotherhood are able to successfully keep the big gun busy, the main event of Cyclops vs Logan takes place further down the hall. For all of Scott’s skill and precision, he struggles to land a hit on Logan with his beams, while Logan jumps around his attacks and picks key moments to move in and kick Scott around.
Scott questions what the Hell Logan is doing, with Logan spitting back that he’d have loved to ask him the same thing before it was too late.
SCOTT: “Wiat…is this about Jean?!”
LOGAN: “What else would it be about?!”
Logan manages to slash Cyclops across the chest and, while he’s stunned, kicks him to the floor.
LOGAN: “She trusted you!”
Scott can only cringe. He knows he cannot defend himself.
In Dani’s classroom, Mercury continues to cry as she’s chewed out for attacking The Cuckoos, with no knowledge of how she was manipulated into doing so. Dani is starting to think therapy should be mandatory for every kid who went out to fight the sentinels, because she knows they’re good kids, but they just keep on acting out.
DANI: “Two weeks detention, Cessily. I’m sorry.”
DANI: “You didn’t nearly destroy the school like Noriko, so you’re getting off easy by comparison. But you can’t do this again. No matter how much you’re hurting.”
Cessily sniffles.
CESSILY: “I’m sorry, Miss Moonstar. I don’t know what came over me. It’s like one second I was just angry, and the next, I felt like I HAD to hurt them.”
DANI: “I know, but…” Dani trails off as she has a thought. “Cessily, you said Roxanne only started acting differently after The Cuckoos showed up, right?”
Cessily nods and tells her that just this morning, Roxy was arranging with her parents for her to audition for their next music video, but she guesses that was a lie.
Dani, without another word, proceeds to give a call to Roxy’s father. We only see Dani’s side of the conversation, but all she does is check to see if Roxy was lying or not. Of course, she was not.
With Cessily still deeply confused as to what’s going on, Dani hangs up and hops onto her computer. Cessily questions what she’s doing. Dani pulls up The Cuckoos’ file and the audience gets to see two of Emma’s notes about them: 1) They’re among the most gifted telepaths she’s ever met, perhaps on the same level as Captain Britain, and 2) They have sociopathic tendencies.
Dani smacks her desk.
DANI: “God dammit.”
CESSILY: “What’s going on?”
Dani gets up and tells Cessily to follow her. She’s not the one getting detention today.
Iceman and Beast are still stuck in the under-level of the Danger Room. Bobby asks Hank if he’s seen any good movies lately. Hank doesn’t answer. Bobby asks Hank if he’s built anything cool lately. Hank just sighs. Bobby, starting to get a little pissed at his old friend’s attitude, begins whistling obnoxiously.
Hank tries to ignore it, but the longer Bobby goes, the louder he gets. And, eventually, Hank snaps.
HANK: “Would you quit it with that infernal, brain-rattling whistling?!”
BOBBY, instantly shooting back: “Only if you tell me what your problem is! You’ve had a stick up your butt ever since I got here. What, have you come so far as a scientist that I’m too low brow for you now? You’re too good for me, so you don’t want me around?”
HANK: “No, I DON’T want you around, but it has nothing to do with me.”
BOBBY: “Then why?!”
Hank sighs.
HANK: “When I got the call from Jean that the school would be re-opening and the X-Men would be re-forming, I was thrilled. I thought it would be just like the old days, but better. But…they aren’t. They’re so different, I’m not even sure I fully comprehend them. What I understand is that we’re moving in the wrong direction. And anyone who’s on this ship when it reaches its endpoint will be worse for it.”
There’s a pause as the atmosphere becomes more somber.
BOBBY: “Look, if this is about Scott and Emma–”
HANK: “Not just them, but…yes. And please, do not try and defend their actions to me. As far as I’m concerned, the man who’d cheat on Jean and who’d murder a woman, even a monster like Cassandra Nova, in cold blood, is not the Cyclops we grew up with.”
Another pause.
BOBBY: “So what are YOU still doing here then?”
BEAST: “I’m seeing out the rest of the school-year for my students. I’ve already arranged for Forge to come and take my place come September.”
BOBBY: “Damn. It’ll suck not having you around, but I’m not going anywhere.” Bobby chuckles. “And hey, when things do work out for the best, I’ll be able to laugh in your face that you were wrong about something for once.”
Beast smiles remorsefully.
BEAST: “I’ve never hoped for you to make stupid jokes at my expense more.”
Storm continues to battle the Brotherhood, but the fight doesn’t last long.
Toad hops on Storm’s back and sniffs her hair, poorly flirting with her as he asks what shampoo she uses, because it’s making his heart go crazy, only for her to blow him away with a fierce wind, sending him flying into Pyro, and launching them both down the extended hallway headfirst into a wall, knocking them both out. Without Pyro as backup and Toad’s distractions, Avalanche is defenseless as Storm takes him down with a single lightning blast.
STORM: “Dammit.”
Ororo realizes in the middle of the action, Mystique abandoned her team and made a run for it. She goes to fly after her, but Blob attacks. Storm proceeds to just lift him off the ground, leaving him to wiggle his legs, as he’s left helpless.
BLOB: “Hey! You let me go, now! I’ll knock your head off!”
STORM: “Fred, weren’t you in therapy?”
BLOB: “I still am! Just here supporting my family.”
STORM: “You may have meant well, but this destructive behavior under any circumstances will only ever set you back. You need to cease being a super-villain if you wish to make progress. Do you understand?”
BLOB: “I…you…yeah. Sorry, Storm.”
STORM: “It’s okay.”
As Fred smiles, Ororo grabs his face and electrocutes him at point blank range until he’s unconscious.
With the boys all down, Storm calls out to Cyclops, who’s barely holding his own against Logan in hand-to-hand combat, that she’s pursuing Mystique, and flies off.
As Logan and Scott continue to fight, their conversation continues. Scott tells Logan that he knows he messed up. No matter what he was feeling toward Emma at that moment, he shouldn’t have betrayed Jean.
SCOTT: “And if you think I haven’t been beating myself up for what I did every second since it happened, then you don’t know me at all.”
LOGAN: “Guilt doesn’t make things any better, Bub.”
SCOTT: “No, it doesn’t…but isn’t there also a reason she chose me over you?”
As Logan loses his cool completely at that and attacks more like an animal than the master martial artist he is, Scott is finally able to land a blast on him and put distance between them.
Scott tells Logan that he knows he loved Jean just as much as he does, and that Jean loved him back, but while Scott may have hurt her worse, Logan hurt her first.
SCOTT: “Or do you think she didn’t end things with you for good because she couldn’t stand your attitude? Your jealousy, your sense of “ownership”, and the way you’d run off on her for “business” on a dime. Face it, Logan. Neither of us was good enough for her. Neither of us was ever good enough for her.”
Veins practically pop out of Logan's head as he hears all this. Once Scott is done, however, Logan finally gets a hold of his temper.
Both unsure of what to say, but their fight over, the two simply stand where they are.
The Cuckoos are getting moved into their dorm room, with Bling! helping them decorate. They're all laughing about something when Dani appears in their doorway, Mercury nervously hiding behind her.
Sophie asks if Cessily has received her punishment and has been brought here to offer an apology, but Dani tells her to cut the crap. She knows what they did.
The Cuckoos play dumb, but Dani doesn't play around with this kind of thing and uses her powers on them. While we don't see what they see, Dani subjects them to their worst fears. As they cry and scream, Roxy threatens Dani, while Dani orders the Cuckoos to undo the brainwashing.
The Cuckoos quickly relent in the face of a challenge, as bullies so often do, and free Roxy from their control. Dani turns her powers off, and the sisters collapse on their beds.
CESSILY, sheepishly: "Roxy?"
Roxy groans as she rubs her aching head. For a moment, it seems like she doesn't remember anything, but her mind is just playing catch up.
Roxy runs into Cessily's arms as she apologizes profusely, but Cessily is just crying happy tears none of this was real and that she has her back.
Roxy spins around, not letting go of Cess, and shouts at the Cuckoos that they're all fucking psychopaths.
Roxy leads Cess out of there.
CELESTE, holding herself: "Sociopaths, actually."
PHOEBE: "People always get those mixed up."
IRMA: "We're in trouble, aren't we?"
DANI: "Ooooh, big time."
Scott and Logan stand next to each other, backs against the wall of the SHIELD base hallway.
It's silent at first, save for the occasional sniffle or cough, until Logan speaks.
LOGAN: "So…seriously? Frost?"
Scott laughs. He knows it seems crazy, but he's gotten to know her better than anyone, and she understands parts of him he never even knew existed. Parts of him which were repressed for so long.
Intending to insult himself, Scott says he might actually have more in common with her than he ever did with Jean. Still, that doesn't change anything. He isn't taking their relationship any further.
Another brief silence.
LOGAN: "Why the Hell not?"
Logan says there are few things he cares about less than the love life of Scott Summers if Jean isn't involved, but she clearly means something to him, and he did what he did for a reason. He acted on instinct, and instinct? That's who you are.
More silence.
SCOTT: "Are you just saying all of this so you have no competition when Jean comes home?"
LOGAN: "That depends. Do you agree?"
Before this subject can be further discussed, Storm returns. Mystique got away…again.
She questions what Logan was doing here, and the succinct answer just makes her pinch her forehead over how stupid her boys are. He *really* helped break free one of their greatest enemies just so he could fight Scott.
Logan makes a point that he didn't actually kill anyone here, he just didn't stop the Brotherhood from killing the cops who'd be rounding them all up if Charles hadn't made a convenient arrangement with them. Storm tells him Maria Hill is still going to want him locked up just for being here and helping Mystique escape, but Scott assures them both he won't let that happen. X-Men don't just turn over their own.
Scott and Logan fist clasp.
In the cafeteria, Cessily and Roxy are having dinner. Roxy feels so incredibly violated by what the Cuckoos did, but she's more concerned about if Cess is okay. She knows she didn't mean any of what she said, right?
There's no doubt in Cessily's mind. Now that she has her girlfriend back, everything is perfect. For her. She's going to do everything she can to make sure Roxy is okay too. She's heard a bunch of kids are going to see a guy named Dr. Garrison, a Mutant ally therapist, lately, so maybe they can give him a call.
Roxy shakes her head, saying she doesn't want that.
ROXY: "But, seriously, if after all this you don't want to be in my rents' music video, it's chill. You gotta take care of yourself first."
Cessily giggles and, under her breath, remarks that "Nori actually brought it back."
Picking her head up, Cessily says she's more confident than ever that she wants to be in the video. If it took literal brainwashing to make the coolest girl on Earth think she isn't hot, and girls like the Cuckoos are the only ones who disagree, then she has nothing to worry about.
CESSILY: "Maybe being a Mutant isn't the worst thing in the world after all."
As the two hold hands, the Cuckoos enter the cafeteria.
ROXY: "Yo barbies!" The sisters turn to look at her. "If you wanted to be my friend that badly, you could have just tried being nice."
The Cuckoos seem like they may have something apologetic to say, but they quickly turn back around and continue walking, sneers on their faces.
Continuing to pan across the cafeteria, we find Sofia and Noriko. Sofia questions how Noriko knew all wasn't as it seemed with Roxy. Noriko sighs and tells her that, after her fight with Julian, she no longer thinks things are with him either. Sofia isn't sure what to say to that.
In Emma's bedroom in the school, she's in her nightgown and brushing her hair before bed. There's a knock at her door.
Emma gets up and opens the door to reveal Scott. Before Emma can even get out the first three words of a witty remark, Scott grabs her and plants a long kiss on her lips. The two walk over to and fall onto the bed as Emma shuts her door telekinetically.
Scott, on top of her, pulls up to breathe, smiling as he sees the widest grin on Emma's face.
EMMA: "What changed your mind?"
SCOTT: "Instinct is who you are. I'm done denying who I am just to make others happy." Pause. "Even if she hates me for it."
The two resume enthusiastically making out as they rip each other's clothes off.
We cut directly to Mystique and Destiny, also making out in bed.
MYSTIQUE: "I counted the days till we would be reunited."
DESTINY: "As did I, my immortal love."
MYSTIQUE, smiling innocently: "I only wish my prison stay could have been as lovely as time with our daughter." Pause. "Is everything still on track?"
DESTINY: "Yes. We are still moving toward the sacred timeline."
The two resume having sex, as we cut between them, Scott and Emma having sex, and Cessily and Roxy just resting their heads against one another as they listen to music together.
In the Danger Room basement, Bobby and Hank are both passed out when Kurt BAMFS in, having been looking everywhere for them. With Beast's back aching and Bobby joking about not getting to do his skin care before falling asleep, Kurt teleports them out.
Once back in the common area, Kurt asks what happened. Beast isn't positive on the details, but it shouldn't be anything serious. So long as no one uses the Danger Room, everything should be fine.
We close out in the Danger Room, sinister music playing as a feminine face forms in one of its walls.
Since several members were revealed this episode, I’ll mention that Scott’s squad consists of Quill, Specter, Armor, Greymalkin, Wolf Cub, and, formerly, DJ.
#New X-Men: The Animated Series#New X-Men#Academy X#Scott Summers#Emma Frost#Ororo Munroe#Kitty Pryde#Roberto Da Costa#Laura Kinney#Bobby Drake#Sofia Mantega#Julian Keller#Noriko Ashida#Sooraya Qadir#Cessily Kincaid#Brian Cruz#Roxanne Washington#The Stepford Cuckoos
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Jack Frost (Once Upon a Time one-shot)
This is a Once Upon a Time (ABC TV show) one-shot. The gifs are not mine. I found them here on tumblr. All credit goes to the rightful owners.
Summary: A curse transports Jacqueline “Jack” Frost and other fairytale characters to the real world town of Storybrooke, Maine.
Rating: T
Warning: Swearing
Madison Iseman as Jacqueline "Jack" Frost/Jacqueline “Jack” Blanchard
Max Charles as Matthew Frost
Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David Nolan
Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard
Lana Parrilla as Regina Mills/the Evil Queen/the Good Queen
Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby Lucas
Beverley Elliott as Granny
David Anders as Victor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale
Jared Gilmore as young Henry Mills
Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan
Gijs Blom as Alexander "Alex" Van Helsing
Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones/Captain Hook
Andrew J. West as adult Henry Mills
Author's note
I borrowed some plot elements from the movie Rise of the Guardians, but Jack is not completely based on the character from that movie. I threw in some of my own ideas as well. This is not a Once Upon a Time and Rise of the Guardians crossover.
Jack is immortal, she has a dark blue hooded sweatshirt with frost on it, she is fun-loving, and she is a winter spirit, but that is where the similarities between her and the character from Rise of the Guardians end. She has a brother instead of a sister, she can't fly, she doesn't have a wooden staff, she is brought back to life by the Greek gods rather than the Man in the Moon, and she does not require belief in order to be seen. Everyone can see her.
Jacqueline Frost and her younger brother, Matthew, were born to Oliver and Elizabeth Frost and lived in a village in the Enchanted Forest. They were ordinary people and lived ordinary lives.
Jack insisted on being called Jack. She hated being called Jacqueline.
When Jack was 15 and Matthew was 10, he wanted to go ice skating, and she went with him because she didn't think that was safe for him to go alone. They didn't know how thin the ice was until it started to crack.
"It's okay, Matthew." Jack said. "Don't look down. Just look at me."
Jack had fair skin and blue eyes. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was parted in the middle and reached her chest. She was 5 foot 2. She had a slim build. She was wearing brown elbow-length wool gloves, a white long-sleeved blouse with a smocked elastic waistline and a v-shaped neckline with a double layered ruffle trim, a brown floor-length skirt, and a brown hooded cloak that was made of wool and reached a few inches above her knees. The hood was down.
Jack was kind, caring, friendly, and compassionate. She would be willing to make sacrifices for those she cared about. She had a soft spot for children and liked to have snowball fights with them. She always won snowball fights. No one ever beat her. She was gentle and generous, but she also had a mischievous side. She frequently played tricks on people. Her tricks were harmless. She enjoyed telling jokes and making people laugh. She was fun-loving and sometimes acted like a child trapped in the body of a teenager.
Jack slowly reached down and removed the second of two ice skates, leaving her barefoot on the surface of the frozen pond.
Matthew stood in his ice skates, rooted to the spot. A spider's web of cracks emanated from where he stood.
"Jack, I'm scared," Matthew whimpered. The ice below him splintered some more. He wobbled as it started to separate.
Matthew had fair skin, brown eyes, and short, straight brown hair. He was wearing brown elbow-length wool gloves, a white linen shirt with long sleeves and a collar with long pointy edges tucked into brown pants, a brown wool vest with three buttons, a black leather belt with a silver rectangular buckle, and a brown hooded cloak that was made of wool and reached a few inches above his knees. The hood was down.
Matthew looked like Oliver. Jack looked like Elizabeth.
"I know, I know, but you're going to be all right. You're not going to fall in. We're going to have a little fun instead." Jack said.
"No, we're not!" Matthew yelled.
"Would I trick you?" Jack asked.
Matthew was fighting back tears. "Yes! You love to play tricks!"
"I won't play tricks on you this time, I promise. You're going to be fine. You have to trust me." Jack said.
There was a brief pause, then Matthew smiled through his fear.
"Do you want to play a game?" Jack asked playfully. “We're going to play Hopscotch, like we do every day!”
Matthew looked more reassured.
"It's as easy as...One...Whoa." Jack showed Matthew the first leap, making silly faces for him, almost losing her balance but managing to catch herself. He laughed.
"Two..." Jack jumped.
"Three!" Jack turned to Matthew with her arms stretched horizontally to the sides.
"All right..." Jack reached down to pick up a long stick that was on the ice. She extended it towards Matthew. "Now it's your turn."
Matthew looked down. He was trying to gather his courage.
Jack started counting to three, never breaking her gaze with Matthew. "One..."
Matthew hopped, wobbling, but catching his balance.
"That's it!" Jack yelled.
Jack continued counting. "Two..."
Matthew continued hopping. The stick Jack was holding was just beyond his reach.
Jack finished counting. "Three."
Matthew grabbed the stick, and Jack pulled him off the ice and onto the grassy hill. She looked up to see that he was safe, smiled, and then plunged into the dark, cold water.
"Jack!" Matthew yelled.
Jack had saved her brother at the cost of her own life. The Greek gods, seeing her selfless act of heroism and sacrifice, revived her and transformed her into a winter spirit. When she rose up from the frozen pond, she discovered that she was immortal and had stopped aging, had the power to control snow, ice, and frost, and that everyone she had ever known was dead. Grief-stricken by the loss of her parents and brother, she left the village she once called home. She became a nomad and wondered around the Enchanted Forest, never staying in one place for very long.
Because Jack was a winter spirit, she was technically both alive and dead. Her body worked like a human's body, except her reproductive organs and the section of her brain that was in charge of controlling her body temperature. Her reproductive organs shut down after she transformed into a winter spirit, and therefore, she was incapable of having children. She was not affected by changes in temperature. She did not sweat, nor did she shiver. She could be outside when it was extremely hot without suffering from heat exhaustion and could be outside in the freezing cold without getting frostbite. The weather outside had no effect on her whatsoever.
When Jack first encountered Rumpelstiltskin, she became wary of him and refused to make any deals with him. She had heard that making deals with the Dark One came with a price, and she wasn't willing to pay it.
Jack became good friends with Snow White, Prince Charming, Red Riding Hood, and Red Riding Hood's grandmother, Widow Lucas, who insisted that she call her Granny.
Jack frequently played tricks on the Evil Queen, which annoyed her. The Evil Queen's guards attempted to capture Jack on numerous occasions, but she always managed to outsmart them and evade capture.
Jack had been captured by one of Regina's guards.
"I finally caught you." He gloated.
"Don't be so sure." Jack told him.
Jack was wearing a brown leather vest with four buttons, a dark blue long-sleeved blouse with a smocked elastic waistline and a v-shaped neckline with a double layered ruffle trim, and brown pants tucked into brown knee-length leather boots. The vest was unbuttoned. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was down.
Jack took a deep breath and then exhaled. Ice came out of her mouth, breaking the ropes that were binding her hands in half. Once she was free from the ropes, she shot ice out of her hands and froze the guard's feet to the ground. The ice wouldn't hold him for long, but it would give her enough time to run away from him.
Prince Charming was riding through the forest on a horse. He came upon a glass coffin. Snow White was surrounded by the seven dwarves.
Charming jumped down from his horse and approached the group.
"You're too late," Doc said sadly.
Charming looked at the glass coffin that was beside Doc. His breath hitched, and his mouth went dry as he rushed forward with a look of disbelief on his face. "No." His eyes were wide with fear as he stared down at his true love. "No!" He yelled as he looked at her expressionless face. His eyes filled up with tears.
"Open it." Charming demanded.
The dwarves looked at Charming with pity in their eyes and didn't move.
Grumpy had a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry. She's gone."
Charming turned to the dwarves. "At least let me say goodbye."
The dwarves removed the coffin's lid.
A strong gust of wind came when Charming kissed Snow, blowing the dwarves back a few feet.
The dwarves stared at each other in wonder.
Snow's eyes opened, and a loud gasp escaped her as she sat up.
Snow looked at Charming with a loving smile. Her chest heaved as she drew air in. "You…You found me."
"Did you ever doubt I would?" Charming asked, giving Snow a crooked grin as he brushed some hair behind her ear.
"Truthfully? The glass coffin gave me pause." Snow said, cupping Charming's cheek.
"Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you." Charming said.
"Do you promise?" Snow asked.
"I do." Charming said.
It was Snow and Charming's wedding day.
"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?" The bishop asked.
"I do.” Snow said.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The bishop said.
Jack was sitting in the front row. She was wearing dark blue high-heeled pumps and a long-sleeved dark blue dress with a square neckline and a floor-length skirt that flared at the hips with a small train. The train had a snowflake pattern on it. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was down.
The audience cheered as the newlyweds kissed.
Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed through the stain glass windows. The doors at the far end of the ballroom flew open. The cheering stopped.
"Sorry I'm late." Regina walked into the ballroom. Three of Charming's guards rushed towards her. She waved her hands at them, throwing them up in the air and right through the stained-glass windows.
"It's the queen! Run!" Doc yelled.
Snow drew Charming's sword and pointed it at Regina. "She's not a queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch!"
Before Snow could take another step towards Regina, Charming blocked her. "No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need. She's powerless now."
Charming took his sword out of Snow's hand and turned to face Regina, who was smiling malevolently.
"I will not let you ruin this wedding. You're wasting your time. You've already lost." Charming said.
Regina spoke in a deceptively sweet tone. "I'm not here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift."
"We want nothing from you." Snow said.
"But you shall have it. My gift to you is this happy, happy day. Enjoy it, because tomorrow is the beginning of the end." Regina said.
More guards rushed towards Regina. She held her ground as they surrounded her, swords drawn.
"For tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows. Now I make mine." Regina looked directly at Snow and Charming. "I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do."
Regina started to walk away.
"Hey!" Charming yelled, throwing his sword at Regina. Just when the sword was about to hit her, a puff of smoke enveloped her, and she disappeared. The sword slammed into the floor, lodging itself in the wood.
While Jack was visiting Red and Granny's cottage in the woods, she discovered that they were werewolves.
Due to her age, Granny's werewolf curse had faded, and she no longer had to shapeshift during the full moon. However, she retained some wolf-like characteristics, such as a keen sense of smell.
"What is it, Red?" Jack asked, glancing at her friend, who was looking around anxiously.
Jack was wearing a dark blue long-sleeved blouse with a smocked elastic waistline and a v-shaped neckline with a double layered ruffle trim, a brown floor-length skirt, and brown knee-length boots. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was down.
Red frowned. "Something's not right. The air feels wrong, and it's too quiet."
Granny sniffed the air. "I can smell magic."
Jack, Red, and Granny turned around and saw a cloud of purple smoke coming towards them.
"What the hell is that?" Jack asked.
"I don't know." Granny sounded scared.
The smoke engulfed Jack, Red, and Granny.
Storybrooke, Maine
It turned out that the cloud of purple smoke was a curse cast by the Evil Queen. Regina's curse had erased everyone's memories, and they were living false lives.
Snow White was known as Mary Margaret Blanchard, a teacher at Storybrooke Elementary School.
Jack Frost was known as Jacqueline Blanchard, the adoptive daughter of Mary Margaret Blanchard.
This was the story Mary Margaret and Jack were led to believe: Jack was left on the side of the road but didn't get to stay in a foster care home. For years, no one ever found her. Mary Margaret found her sleeping in the woods when she was 14. Mary Margaret took guardianship of Jack, and they had been with each other ever since. The story was untrue, but they didn't know that.
Jack believed that she was an ordinary 15 year old girl and not an immortal being who looked 15 but was actually over 200 years old.
Jack attended Storybrooke Secondary School and was in the tenth grade.
Jack had been stripped of her powers.
On Saturday morning, Mary Margaret was in her kitchen, making breakfast.
Jack walked into the kitchen and smiled at Mary Margaret. "Good morning."
Jack was wearing an unbuttoned dark blue denim jacket, a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length boots. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was tied up in a high ponytail.
Mary Margaret smiled back. "Good morning."
Mary Margaret put two plates of bacon and scrambled eggs on the table, then she poured milk into two glasses.
Mary Margaret and Jack sat down at the table and started eating.
"Are you nervous about tonight?" Mary Margaret asked.
Tonight, Jack was going on a date for the first time ever. A guy in her science class had asked her to see a movie with him, and she had said yes.
Mary Margaret also had a date tonight. She was going to have dinner with Dr. Whale at Granny's Bed & Breakfast.
"A little bit." Jack said.
Mary Margaret and Jack finished eating and put their dishes away.
Mary Margaret was on her date with Dr. Whale.
"So, tell me more about this volunteer outreach program the hospital is doing." Mary Margaret told Dr. Whale.
Dr. Whale wasn't paying any attention to Mary Margaret. His focus was on the scantily clad waitress, Ruby Lucas, who was clearing a table behind them.
Mary Margaret noticed that Dr. Whale wasn't paying any attention to her. She turned her head to see him looking at Ruby's butt.
Ruby finished clearing the table and picked up a tray. She walked towards Dr. Whale and Mary Margaret.
Mary Margaret caught Ruby's attention. "Ruby?"
Ruby turned around while holding the tray in the air with one hand.
"Yes, Mary Margaret?" Ruby asked.
Mary Margaret spoke sadly. "Check, please."
After her date, Jack stormed into Mary Margaret's apartment, slamming the door behind her.
"I'm guessing your date didn't go well." Mary Margaret said.
"No, it certainly didn't. I showed up at the theatre and saw him kissing another girl. The only reason he asked me to go on a date with him was to make her jealous." Jack said.
"My date didn't go well either. Dr. Whale was ogling Ruby the whole time and wasn't paying any attention to what I was saying." Mary Margaret said.
"Bastard," Jack muttered.
On Tuesday morning, Jack woke up in her room in Mary Margaret's apartment, gasping.
Light blue paint covered the walls, a darker blue stripe running around the perimeter of the room. The bed was made of a simple wrought iron with a white comforter. A whitewash armoire stood to the left of the window, a similarly-styled desk to the right.
Jack slowly sat up in her bed, looking around her room. She'd just had another strange dream about having ice powers.
Mary Margaret had left earlier that morning to go to a staff meeting, so she hadn't heard Jack gasp.
Jack got out of bed, got dressed, brushed her hair, and walked into the kitchen.
Jack ate a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, grabbed her black messenger bag from behind the door and slung the strap over her shoulder, and walked to school.
Storybrooke Secondary School was within walking distance of Mary Margaret's apartment.
After school, Jack walked into Granny's Bed & Breakfast. She waved at Granny and Ruby, who were behind the counter, and found a booth to sit in.
Ruby smiled, walking up to Jack. "Hi, Jack. What can I get you?"
"I'll have a hot chocolate with cinnamon, please." Jack said.
Jack was wearing an unzipped black leather jacket, a dark blue t-shirt, black denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was down.
"Coming right up." Ruby said, writing in her notepad and then walking into the kitchen.
"Here's your hot chocolate." Ruby said, setting a mug of hot chocolate with cinnamon in front of Jack.
Jack smiled. "Thanks, Ruby."
Ruby walked over to the counter to serve some other customers.
Henry Mills, the adoptive son of Regina Mills, took a seat across from Jack.
"Jack, come with me. There's someone I want you to meet." Henry stood up, and Jack cautiously followed his lead. Having never spoken to him much before, this was an unexpected turn of events.
Jack followed Henry out of the diner and to the park. He led her to a bench with a blonde woman sitting on it. Jack recognized her as the woman who had come into town a few days ago.
Henry smiled, sitting down on the bench beside Emma. "Jack, this is my real mom, Emma Swan. Mom, this is Jacqueline Blanchard. She prefers to be called Jack. She's going to help you believe."
"Believe what?" Jack frowned, then she looked at Emma. "It's nice to meet you, but I have no idea what I'm doing here. The kid said to follow him, and for some reason, I did."
Emma laughed. "How do you think I ended up here? I live in Boston."
Henry took a book out of his bag and opened it. "Okay, Jack, here's your story. You're not really Jack Blanchard. You're Jack Frost, an immortal being with ice powers."
Jack's eyes widened, and she was too shocked to speak, because what Henry was saying brought back the memories of what had happened in her dreams.
Henry looked up at Jack once he finished reading her story from the book, right up until the moment the purple cloud engulfed her, Red, and Granny. "You know I'm telling the truth, don't you? You've been having dreams about this."
Jack nodded, speechless.
"I…I have to go." Jack ran home before Henry or Emma could stop her.
A few days passed, during which Jack kept to herself as much as possible, then Emma showed up at Granny's Bed & Breakfast while she was eating lunch.
"Henry's in a coma." Emma informed Jack.
Emma and Jack ran out of the diner and headed to the hospital.
Jack had grown close to Henry and considered him a friend.
Regina was standing next to Henry's bed.
Dr. Whale read Henry's chart and let out a sad sigh. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."
The heart monitor indicated that Henry's heart had stopped beating.
Crying, Emma leaned down, whispered “goodbye”, and kissed Henry's forehead.
A circle of distorted light spread from Henry, getting bigger. As it passed through Jack, she regained all her memories from the Enchanted Forest. Before she could blink, the light was gone, spreading through the town to return everyone's memories.
Jack dropped out of school and got her G.E.D. Since she was no longer cursed, she had no reason to stay in school. She never liked going to school. It bored her.
Jack got her powers back.
Mary Margaret legally adopted Jack, but Jack decided to keep the last name Frost rather than changing her last name to Blanchard. Mary Margaret respected her decision.
Even though Jack and Mary Margaret were pretty close in age, Mary Margaret still considered herself to be Jack's parent. However, she didn't treat Jack like a child. She treated Jack like an adult and let her make her own decisions.
David moved in with Mary Margaret and Jack and became Jack's adoptive father.
On November 10th, Mary Margaret handed Jack a box wrapped in white wrapping paper. "Happy birthday."
Jack opened the box. There was a dark blue hooded sweatshirt inside of it.
Jack smiled at Mary Margaret. "Thank you."
The second Jack touched the sweatshirt and took it out of the box, frost collected around the ring of the collar.
Jack put the sweatshirt on. It was very comfortable. She was going to wear it a lot.
"You're welcome." Mary Margaret said.
David handed Jack a box wrapped in dark blue wrapping paper. "Happy birthday."
Jack opened the box. There was a silver necklace in the shape of a snowflake inside of it.
Jack smiled at David. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." David said.
Jack and Henry were playing in the snow on a December afternoon.
Jack was wearing her dark blue hooded sweatshirt with frost collecting around the ring of the collar, dark blue denim jeans, and brown knee-length boots. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was down.
Henry had a sneaky grin on his face.
"Gotcha!" Henry yelled, hitting Jack in the face with a snowball.
"Oh, it is on!" Jack yelled. She reached down and grabbed a handful of snow from off the ground. With her palm open, she used her magic to form the perfect snowball. She then puckered her lips and blew onto it with her icy breath, turning it a light shade of blue. It went flying through the air and hit Henry in the back of the head, knocking him face first into the ground.
Henry burst into laughter, then a snowball fight began.
"You are so getting it, Frostbite!" Henry yelled, tossing snowballs at Jack.
In the end, Jack emerged victorious.
"You should have known better than to start a snowball fight with a winter spirit." Jack said.
During the missing year, Jack met her true love, Alexander Van Helsing, the only child of Abraham Van Helsing, the most legendary vampire hunter in the Enchanted Forest. He hadn't been affected by Regina's curse. Instead of being sent to Storybrooke, he remained in the Enchanted Forest. Like her, he appeared to be 15 years old but was actually over 200 years old. He was a vampire. He was immortal, could not age, and was sterile and could not have biological children. On his 15th birthday, the infamous vampire Count Vladimir Dracula came after his family with the intent of getting revenge on Abraham for killing his beloved fiancée, Mina Murray, who was a vampire. Dracula forced Abraham to watch him drain his wife dry and turned his son into the thing he hated most — a vampire. Abraham killed Dracula by stabbing him in the heart with a wooden stake and then tried to kill Alexander, but Alexander survived and ended up draining his father dry because he was a newly turned vampire and didn't know how to control his bloodlust. After the death of his parents, he obtained a blue and silver daylight ring, a piece of jewelry with a lapis lazuli gemstone that was enchanted and allowed vampires to walk in the sun without bursting into flames, and searched for other vampires who could help him learn to control his newfound thirst for human blood and his newfound supernatural abilities — super strength, super speed, the ability to instantly heal from any injury, enhanced senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, and the ability to read and control a human's mind.
Jack nicknamed Alexander Alex and took him to Storybrooke with her. She moved out of David and Mary Margaret's apartment, and she and Alex got their own apartment. She and Alex got married, but she decided to keep the last name Frost rather than changing it to Van Helsing. He respected her decision.
May 18, 2018
Regina decided to bring all of the realms to Storybrooke so that everyone could be together. Mary Margaret and David brought it upon themselves to give Regina a coronation and make her the queen of the United Realms.
When Regina commented on the absence of Emma, Killian, Jack, and Alex, Mary Margaret said, "The babies were probably fussy."
Jack ran into the room, carrying her and Alex's adoptive son, Elijah Van Helsing, a baby boy with fair skin, tufts of short brown hair, and green eyes. He was wrapped in a dark blue blanket with frost patterns on it. Shortly after she and Alex adopted Elijah, she had gotten Emma to use her magic to transform her dark blue hooded sweatshirt into a baby blanket.
Jack was wearing the silver snowflake-shaped necklace David gave her, silver high-heeled sandals, and a floor-length dark blue dress with spaghetti straps, a v-neck, and a bedazzled waistband. The dress showed a hint of cleavage. Her curly whitish-blonde hair was gathered at the nape of her neck in a low bun, save for the two wisps of hair that framed her face. Her wedding ring was on her right hand. It was a beautiful ring — a simple silver band with a round dark blue jewel in the middle.
Alex, Emma, and Killian were right behind Jack.
Emma and Killian were right behind Alex.
Emma wore her red leather jacket over her dress. She was carrying a diaper bag.
Killian was carrying his and Emma’s daughter, Hope Swan-Jones.
"Sorry we're late." Alex said.
Alex had a Dutch accent.
Alex had fair skin, blue eyes, and short, straight brown hair. He was 5 foot 10. He was clean-shaven. His body was slender but muscular. He was wearing a black suit, a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black dress shoes with black laces. His silver wedding ring was on his right hand, and his daylight ring was on his left hand. He was carrying a diaper bag.
Emma walked over to Henry and told him to lend his stepfather a hand. Killian teased that it was a tired joke in their household. Even after all this time, the couple was still flirty with each other.
Throughout Regina's crowning as the Good Queen, Emma and Killian held their child with love in their eyes, and so did Jack and Alex.
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Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: allusions to sex, heavy making out and touching (i think that should cover it), swears
A/N: now back to your regularly scheduled fluff...
Chapter 17
“Alright, bye. Love you,” you laughed, hanging up the phone.
“Jo, Daddy already found a way to make it up to you for missing the museum,” you smiled.
“What?” she asked excitedly.
“Ah that would ruin the surprise. Wouldn’t it?” you grinned, “But we are leaving now.”
Jo slid her snow boots and jacket on as you sneakily packed her hat, mittens, and snow pants. You also grabbed snow stuff for Spencer because converse and a sweater vest would not keep him warm in 29 degree weather with 7 inches of snow on the ground.
Jo skipped out of the elevator, not even waiting for you to go to Spencer’s desk.
“Daddy!” she exclaimed like usual.
“Hi, Princess!” he lifted her up into his lap, “Are you excited?”
Jo nodded enthusiastically.
“Good because I got permission to go sledding on the HUGE hill right outside,” he smiled.
“But I don’t have a sled,” Jo frowned.
“I bought you one,” he grinned.
After Spencer had finished suiting Jo up in her snow gear, you slid a purple hat with a big white pom-pom on top over his head, a few of his messy curls still poking out.
“Can’t have you getting cold either, my dear,” you gave him a quick peck on the nose as he scrunched his face up in a smile.
“Oh chocolate thunder, get my coat please. We are going outside to watch this cuteness!” Penelope exclaimed.
“Of course, baby girl,” he replied, standing up from his desk.
You all piled into the elevator and headed outside. Jo stared down at the big hill in front of them. It seemed awfully scary to a little girl.
You grabbed her mitten-covered hand.
“How about I go down with you the first time and Daddy pushes us?” you suggested.
Jo nodded as you both climbed into the sled.
“Okay, ready? 1...2...3!” Spencer gently pushed you both down the hill.
Spencer was relieved when he heard the joyful giggles of Jo followed shortly by your laughter.
Jo ran back up the hill with you towing the sled behind her.
“Daddy! You go with me now!” she said.
You both took turns going down the hill with Jo even Auntie Penelope and Uncle Derek had their turns. Jo was even brave enough to go down by herself if Spencer waited at the bottom for her.
Much to everyone’s chagrin, you had to go home when it started to get dark and Jo’s cheeks were bright red from the cold.
You, Spencer, and Jo were driving over an hour out of the city to get a freshly cut Christmas tree from a tree farm.
Spencer packed you all thermoses with hot chocolate and mini marshmallows. His excitement may have actually exceeded Jo’s. He told you he never got to get a real Christmas tree when he was younger because the trees shipped to the middle of the hot Las Vegas desert wilted quickly. And, he had no room for a big tree in his old apartment.
It was cute seeing the both of them all bundled up in their matching purple scarves and big winter coats. Spencer brought the sled so he could pull Jo along since there was about a foot of snow on the ground that would make it very hard for her to walk.
Spencer had taken the exact measurements of the corner of the living room so the tree would fit perfectly.
“What about that one?” you asked, pointing to a tree farther back in the field.
“Let’s go check it out,” Spencer pulled a measuring tape from his pocket.
“Always prepared, Dr. Reid,” you laughed.
“They didn't give me a PhD in engineering for nothing,” he grinned.
“This is about the right size. What do you think, Princess? Is this a good tree for Santa to put presents under?” he asked.
Jo gave an approving nod after inspecting the tree.
“Alright, then it’s settled. Hand me the saw, love,” Spencer said.
“Please be careful,” you reminded him, slowly handing him the saw that the farm employees gave to you.
After multiple breaks and some encouragement from you and Jo, Spencer was finally able to saw through the tree’s stump completely.
He dragged it to the car as you pulled Jo in the sled. You both tied it to the top of the car using bungee cords.
Once you were home, you set the tree in its stand and gave it plenty of water. Spencer got the box of ornaments down from the attic.
You put Christmas music on and the three of you spent the rest of the day decorating the tree, baking cookies, and watching Home Alone.
Spencer had insisted on putting on a Santa suit in case Jo came down when you were putting the presents out.
Knowing this information, you decided to tease him by purchasing a tight elf dress that stopped right under your butt.
You smirked, looking at yourself one more time in the mirror before heading downstairs where Spencer was waiting.
Spencer ceased his movements as he saw you slowly descend down the stairs. He was practically drooling.
“What’s wrong? Have I been a naughty girl?” you asked, feigning innocence.
“Yes, baby, you have,” he whispered in your ear, roughly planting kisses along your jawline and down your neck.
Spencer cupped your ass with his hands.
You tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck and he let out a moan that vibrated against your skin.
“Shhhh, we can’t wake Jo up,” you reminded him.
He started to guide you over to the couch but you put your hand on his chest to stop him.
“We’ve got to put the presents under the tree first, babe.”
You broke from his grasp and Spencer let out a soft whine.
Deciding you weren’t done having your fun just yet, you picked up a present from the box where you had hidden them and slowly bent over to place it under the tree.
You felt a light smack against your ass that made you stand up quickly because you certainly hadn’t been expecting that.
You turned around to see Spencer with the biggest grin on his face and a devilish glint in his eyes.
“Don’t tease me, sweetheart,” he whispered in your ear, “Cause I have no problem with doing that again and again and again.”
Jo woke you both up by jumping on the bed.
“Santa came! Santa came! Santa came!”
“He sure did, baby,” you giggled, looking at Spencer.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go open some presents!” Spencer got out from underneath the covers, dressed in his flannel PJs.
Jo ran down the stairs with you and Spencer right behind.
“No opening any gifts until Mommy gets her camera!” you shouted out from the kitchen as Jo took her seat on the floor right in front of the tree.
You grabbed your camera, the box of donuts you got yesterday, and coffee for you and Spencer.
“Thanks, love,” Spencer gave you a quick kiss, accepting the mug and picking up a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles as you joined him on the couch.
Jo opened up all of her presents from you and Spencer that consisted of a model plane that she could build herself with instructions, a set of washable watercolor paints, and of course more dinosaur memorabilia.
“Daddy’s turn!” you jumped up from the couch and grabbed a manila folder that had a huge bow on it under the tree.
Spencer looked at you curiously, opening the envelope and revealing a packet of forms that were half filled out.
“It’s the forms needed to update Jo’s birth certificate. Once you fill out your section, I can take it to city hall and your name will officially be added as the father on Jo’s birth certificate,” you smiled.
Spencer nodded softly, staring down at the document in awe.
“I love you so much,” he finally said, pulling you in for a hug.
“And I love you so much too,” he grabbed Jo to join the hug.
“We love you too,” you replied.
Spencer wiped the happy tears from his eyes.
“Okay,” he chuckled, “First, I have a gift for Jo and Mommy and then Mommy gets her gift.”
Spencer pulled out a bag from the back of the tree and handed it to Jo who was sitting in your lap.
Two sets of headbands with a pair of black round circles and a red bow were inside the bag. You both looked at Spencer for further explanation.
“We are going to Disneyworld,” he smiled.
Jo screamed in excitement, running over to hug Spencer’s legs. You laughed, putting the Minnie ears on you and Jo’s heads.
“Spence, that is so generous and thoughtful of you but how much did that cost,” you asked.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, my dear. I had to make up for all the past Christmases and birthdays,” he kissed you before picking up the last item under the tree and handing it to you.
You opened the box to see two identical silver bands inside, one slightly bigger than the other. You looked up at Spencer skeptically.
“Not the ring yet. Just a ring…for each of us,” he picked up the smaller ring and slipped it onto your index finger, kissing your hand.
“I love it and I love you,” you smiled, looking at your hand and then taking the other ring and slipping it onto his index finger.
#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#reid x reader#spencer x reader#spencer reid#cm fanfic#criminal minds
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(A Criminal Minds Fic)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Summary: The team often misplaces Spencer in a crowd, and the Reader usually has to resort to “drastic measures” to find him so they can get back to work.
Genre: Sooooo fluffy, my guy.
Warnings: A few swears. One F-Bomb.
A/N: Okay, so, I love those tumblr posts where a fictional character can’t find their friend/sidekick/partner in a crowd, and they yell something to make the other person respond, then go, “Found him/her”, so that’s why I wrote this. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1,630
Spencer Reid is notorious for getting lost and/or distracted when the team has to enter a large crowd on a case. And funnily enough, Y/N L/N is most known for always being able to find him again so the team can keep working. Albeit through unorthodox means. Here are the top four best instances of how Y/N found Spencer, and one of how Spencer found Y/N.
The team was canvassing the Santa Monica Pier in regards to a series of drownings in the area. Only problem was it was the busiest day of the week, and it was teeming with people. Hotch, Rossi, and JJ were back at the local police station setting up the investigation board, which left Emily, Derek, Spencer, and Y/N on canvas duty.
They spilt into pairs, and Derek and Emily took the left side of the pier while Spencer and Y/N took the right. After about 20 minutes, Derek called Y/N and said, “You’re on speaker, L/N. We’ve got nothing so far, Little Mama. How���s it going for you and Pretty Boy?”, so she replied, “We managed to get a few things that could be helpful. We’ll have to compare them against the case info, but that shouldn’t be too hard once we get back to the sta...tion,” but trailed off when she noticed Spencer was out of her eyeline.
She said, “Hey, Derek? You or Emily got eyes on Spencer?”, so he responded, “Can’t say we do. Why?”, and Y/N said, “I seem to have misplaced him,” while craning her neck to look around.
Emily said, “Should we try his cell?”, so Y/N said, “No. I’ve got this,” hung up, then cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, “GEE, I SURE DO WISH SOMEONE COULD TELL ME HOW MANY KERNELS THERE ARE ON THE AVERAGE EAR OF CORN!!!”
A few seconds went by, then she heard Spencer yell from a churro stand, “STATISTICALLY, THERE ARE OVER 800 KERNELS ARRANGED IN 16 SEPARATE ROWS!”, which made Y/N smile and say, “Found him,” before working her way through the crowd to get to Spencer.
He offered her a churro with a smile, so she accepted it and said, “Thank you. Alright, back to the station with you, Churro Boy,” before grabbing his arm and pulling him along with her.
JJ, Hotch, Spencer, and Y/N were checking out the dumpsite for the latest victim in a series of strangulations in Shipshewana, Indiana. The body was found in an alley by a flea market, and while Hotch was talking to the local police on the scene and JJ was questioning the garbage truck driver who discovered the body, Y/N looked up from examining the body and realized that Spencer had wandered off when she wasn’t paying attention, making her whisper, “Goddamnit, not again,” and try to locate Spencer in the sea of heads flowing through the flea market.
Hotch walked over to her and said, “We’re heading back to the station. You know where Reid is?”, so she said, “Not yet, but we both will momentarily,” which made him shoot her a confused look. JJ came over to them, noticed Hotch’s confusion, then said, “You’ll see,” just before Y/N yelled, “I WONDER IF SHERLOCK HOLMES WAS BASED ON A REAL PERSON!!!”
Just before Hotch could ask what that meant, Spencer yelled back, “HE IS!!! SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE MODELED HIM AFTER ONE OF HIS MEDICAL SCHOOL PROFESSORS, DR. JOSEPH BELL!”, which made Y/N smile, say, “There he is,” and pat Hotch’s arm before going to get Spencer. JJ said, “Told you,” and went to get in the SUV.
Y/N found Spencer at a second-hand book stall, and he held up a slightly worn copy of Gone With the Wind and said, “Nearly mint condition for six bucks! Can you believe it?”, so she responded, “Crazy. Let’s get moving, Bookworm,” and grabbed his hand to bring him back over to the SUV.
Rossi, Spencer, and Y/N were retracing an unsub’s footsteps through a farmer’s market in Nashville, Tennesse because Emily had made the connection that all four previous victims and the latest victim in a series of abduction-homicides had made purchases there before they vanished.
Rossi took the north end of the market while Spencer and Y/N took the south. After the two of them had interviewed five stall owners, Y/N noticed the absence of a 6’1” shadow looming over her. She took a quick look around her, let out an annoyed sigh when she couldn’t spot Spencer, then said to the owner of the strawberry stall, “Thank you for the information. Now if you’ll excuse me, I seem to have lost track of my colleague,” before venturing into the crowd.
Y/N called Rossi and said, “Did Spencer make his way over to you?”, which prompted his response of, “He did not. Why? Did he wander off on you again?”, so she said, “Yup. I swear, that man has the attention span of a golden retriever. I’ll find him, one sec,” then hung up and put her phone in her pocket. She yelled, “HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO KNOW THE EXACT NUMBER OF RIVETS THERE ARE IN THE EIFFEL TOWER?!!”, and waited, apologizing to the patrons in her near vicinity for her volume.
Spencer’s voice came from a handful of stalls down with the reply of, “THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 2,500,000!!!”, which made her mutter, “Bingo,” before heading in the direction of his voice. She found him at a homemade donut stand, and he held up a brown paper bag while saying, “She had my favorite! Chocolate frosted with sprinkles! And she had yours too! Homemade bear claws!”, which made her say, “Excellent. Remind me to put a bell on you when we get back to the precinct,” before taking his arm in hers and dragging him off to find Rossi.
Emily, Spencer, and Y/N were tasked with scoping out the latest crime scene in a series of stabbings in Duluth, Minnesota. This particular crime scene happened to be right near a pop-up carnival, and while Emily was talking to the local police, Y/N was interviewing the witnesses, and Spencer was surveying the scene, Y/N turned her head to see that Spencer was no longer by the crime scene.
She whispered, “Son of a bitch,” just as Emily came over to her, which prompted Emily to say, “Reid go AWOL, again?”, and Y/N to respond, “And the man swears he doesn’t have ADHD,” making Emily laugh slightly before saying, “Do your thing, Girlfriend,” and going back to talk to the lead detective.
Y/N yelled, “IF ONLY SOMEONE KNEW HOW LONG PLAYING CARDS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR!!!”, and a few seconds later, Spencer yelled back, “PLAYING CARDS WERE FOUND IN CHINA THAT DATED BACK TO AT LEAST THE TANG DYNASTY, WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN FROM AROUND 618 TO 907 A.D.!!!”, which made her mumble, “Yep. Boy Genius located,” before trotting off to look for him.
She found him at the cotton candy vendor with a bag full of the sugary pink stuff, and when she shot him an exasperated look, he said, “What? I was done looking over the crime scene!”, so she grabbed his hand and said, “One of these days, I’m buying you a backpack leash,” before dragging him back to where Emily was, but not before she snatched a handful of cotton candy from the bag he was holding.
The whole team was out on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana looking to catch an unsub in the act of hunting for their next victim when Y/N got separated from Spencer and Derek. When Spencer noticed, he said, “Hey, Morgan. Did you see where Y/N went?”, which made Derek say, “Nah, man. I thought you two were joined at the hip. Y’all are coming up on three months now,” and wink at Spencer.
He scoffed and said, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she won’t wander off,” before the two men tried looking around in an attempt to spot her. Derek said, “Huh. Normally she’s the one that has to track you down, Pretty Boy. This must be one hell of a role reversal,” and ruffled Spencer’s hair.
Spencer shrugged him off, then said, “Hang on, I want to try something,” and Derek said, “Alright. Get your girl, Lover Boy,” so Spencer rolled his eyes, then cupped his mouth with his hands and yelled, “SPENCER REID IS THE WORST PROFILER IN THE BAU!!!”, and it took less than three seconds for Y/N to yell back, “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!”, from a few yards away.
Derek burst out laughing, and Spencer smiled fondly before saying, “Found her,” and going to look for Y/N. He found her near some street musicians playing a variety of jazz songs, and when they started playing “La Vie en Rose” by Louis Armstrong, Spencer said, “It’s our song, Y/N/N,” which made her jump before saying, “Yeah, it is,” with a wistful smile on her face.
Spencer wrapped an arm around her waist, then led her back to where Derek was waiting while saying, “You’re never going to live that down. You know that, right?”, so she smacked his chest and said, “Yeah, I know. And here I was always teasing you for wandering away from the group,” before smiling and kissing his cheek.
Spencer smiled, then pressed a quick kiss to her lips before they rejoined Derek to keep an eye out for the unsub, but both Spencer and Y/N had a bit more pep in their step.
Tag List: @homoose, @hurricanejjareau , @xgoldentigerlilyx, @therestisconfettis, @less-intelligent-spencerreid, @aryaarathornson, @thomasgibsonfan01
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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If you're taking the ways to say I love you prompts: Killervibe “ i want you to stay, here, with me. “
Nothing stinks like the mortal desperation of Amazon’s biggest competitor knocking at the front door of Star Labs for help. Caitlin gave Cisco a call from his Argus office coincidentally as he was about to hand in his notice and he truly wondered if it was some divine intervention to get his ass back over to Central City.
Iris, Allegra and Chester took two looks at the snazzy briefcase and glum kill me now face the poor short straw man had permanently etched on to decide they only wanted briefing notes for whatever the hell was going on.
Which meant Cisco and Caitlin were paid to take a fancy private jet and paid to eat at five star restaurants and paid to stay off social media about their little trip so all in all Cisco isn’t at fault to forget this isn’t technically a vacation.
“Are we sure the lady is prepared for the subject matter of this meeting?”
Geez, what decade is this? Cisco sets up his laptop, laughing. “You mean Dr. Snow?”
The sun filters right in through the gigantic window, all the executive board members squinting through their rims of large black coffee cups. Luckily his goggles make perfect sunglasses and he’s not afraid for them to clash against the professional workwear theme in this conference room. “She’s lived through her husband’s death and pseudo-resurrection twice. If anyone is going to back down from what it takes to solve this, it’s more likely to be one of you.”
The room silences all but for the awkward throat clearing and awful scuffing of chairs. Cisco clicks his tongue. On cue, Caitlin returns from the washroom, pocketing her cell. She’s been phone-tagging Frost aggressive voice memos all weekend—Mark’s back in prison. Frost is heartbroken, and Caitlin is exhausted. Honestly—Cisco likes the drama. Nearly a year at Argus and the closest he got to his colleagues was at last successfully guessing their last names or birthdays.
“Good to start?” he asks, brushing his hand against the sleeve of her soft blue blazer. Unlike the corporate drones, he hasn’t had any coffee yet and he finds he doesn’t need to. Simply working beside Caitlin again is a kickstart IV drip of energy to last him for days.
Caitlin nods. Cisco clicks a button and sets up the projector on his live streaming for the PowerPoint presentation they spent all night on.
flashes the first slide in monochrome. Cisco reclines comfortably in the leatherback chair as Caitlin starts their speech with a grin on his face. One man with his blond hair swept and gelled down like rows of midwest cornfields casts Cisco a glance of pure panic at his calmness.
“Do you think this is funny?” Corn hair snaps. “We have employees in crisis because of the human snatching AI virus.”
“And yet it took you two years to come clean about it until Sue Dearbon threatened to sue you when her personal shopper went missing,” Cisco shoots back. “Who’s the real joke here?”
“Cisco…” Caitlin warns. He shuts up and pulls up the simulation. It’s a lot like the Mirror dimension, actually. Just. You know. With more Nintendo Mii menu vibes. She continues her next sentence cautiously “…And it likely has something to do with the DNA testing that was performed illegally. The algorithm got lonely and wanted companionship.”
“So,” says the busy dude that works for the other busy dude that’s too busy who works for the Jeff Bezos wannabe that didn’t bother to show up to the meeting that‘s intended to salvage his company from rumours of malware kidnapping humans. “Our software went all Scarlet Witch?”
Caitlin looks at Cisco, still painfully clueless about Marvel references. They needed to fix that. Cisco nods curtly.
“Yes,” she says. “That is…What we’re saying, yes.”
“And how exactly are we expected to ever reach this…Digital Dimension?”
Cisco taps at his goggles. “That’s where Vibe comes in.”
It takes six days and they free over six hundred people. Sue negotiates a settlement with her lawyer on behalf of the victims, setting them up with new employment opportunities and free counselling sessions.
“That went well.” Cisco rolls his suitcase down the never-ending airport hall. Caitlin has been uncharacteristically quiet. He nudges her with his elbow. “Celebration donuts at Jitters?” He can tell her his big surprise! Coming back to Star Labs plan there. It’s a pretty standard tradition for them to share big announcements at Jitters.
“I guess you’ll be heading back to Star City soon.”
Cisco frowns. “Eventually…”
She keeps her posture rigid, eyes ahead and her jaw clenched tight.
“Girl, what’s up?”
She takes a sharp breath through her nose. “You were like a completely different person this weekend. Why didn’t you take the mission seriously? Senior management at ARGUS but fooling around when people legitimately needed your help.”
“What do you mean?” Cisco asks. “I did help. I took my suit out of retirement.”
“You were manic!”
Cisco scoffs. “I was happy! This weekend was the best I felt in a year!” It wasn’t that wild a statement—It was true.
Caitlin studies him. “I was worried you would say that.”
“What do you mean?”
“It hurts me to think you feel so stifled that you practically exploded the second you got to be yourself again.”
His brows crease together, a retort at the tip of his tongue. That was so…! The audacity? He knew Caitlin could be blunt but was it really that bad? That was…Huh.
He was done with boring button-down polos board meetings and fake pleasantries at 9 AM. He lived off staying all night creating something that didn’t theoretically exist twenty-four hours before. Building lego sets in the workshop to visualize the chaotic twelve-step plans in his brain. Walking in on Jitters getting robbed every week. Turning on tracking systems and hacking like his fingers are on fire. Scrapbooking binders with laminated metahuman trading cards. Sitting next to the best woman in the world with her nose scrunched up and tongue sticking out somehow delicately, mocking him mercilessly with a tiny graceful shrug.
God, he misses it all so bad that Cisco has to stop walking, punched in the gut with nostalgia.
“I think,” she starts with a voice crack. “I can’t ask you of something so big, but—”
“Try me.”
“I’m moving out of my apartment, I’m letting Frost live there to do what she wants, but I’m going to buy a house.” Caitlin bites her lip. “And I want you to help me look for it.”
“Oh.” Cisco relaxes, not sure why he felt suddenly so tense. “Sure.” He has experience with real estate back when he almost bought a house to live with Kamilla. Back when Kamilla was planning on coming to Star City after her gig in Miami.
Caitlin shakes her head. “No, what I mean is...” She reaches out and takes his wrist. “I want you to stay here, with me.”
Cisco stares at her, eyes wide.
“I know you have your job at ARGUS but I know you, Cisco. I know you and I think if I can be bold for just two seconds–”
“Be bold,” he breathes.
“If I can be bold, I think you’re happiest when you are with me. So be with me. Don’t go again.” She flicked a highlighted strand of hair behind her ear. “You know, when it mattered, when it really truly matters? I don’t wait. I proposed to Ronnie when I knew it was what I wanted.” Her eyes said more. What you miss is us. What you want is me. And I am telling you what I want is you.
Cisco leans in before he knows he’s doing it, her words swaying him until his hand is careful, slipping around her waist and his mouth is pressing against hers in a surprisingly easy kiss. “Just so you know, I’m not going anywhere,” he murmurs in the space between and Caitlin wraps her arms around his neck, smiling. “I already quit.”
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Into The Sanctum
Chapter Summary: Doctor Strange brings Y/n into the sanctum as he explains to her the situation at hand. However, the introductions to the team don’t go very smoothly.
Word Count: 3,021
A/N: Here we are with chapter 2! This one is a lot shorter than the first, and honestly the rest of the chapters will likely be around this length lol Hope you enjoy!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
“Y/n Fenton. 26 years old, acquired her abilities in 2019 after a lab accident.” Wong started explaining as he brought up multiple images and video clips of you throughout the years, using his magic. “Known abilities; Able to switch between human and ghost form at will, Invisibility, Intangibility, Flight, Able to overshadow other humans, Super Strength and Speed, Can summon ghost energy in a ‘ghost ray’, and Cryokinesis.” The sorcerer finished, leaving everyone in a moment of silence, not sure how to proceed after all that information.
“Whoa, that’s awesome.” Peter said in awe, but no-one else shared his excitement.
“We’re going to recruit a ghost...to fight other ghosts?” Loki was the first to ask.
“Fight fire with fire and all that.” Strange responded.
“How do we know we can trust her? Isn’t she one of them?”
“Yes, but she’s also human. Besides, just because she’s a ghost, doesn’t mean she’s automatically bad.” Wanda now piped up. “And you’re one to talk, Loki. Aren’t you technically a Frost Giant?”
“Yes I am, and look how well I turned out. Not exactly a good sales pitch.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Strange interrupted. “This isn’t up for debate. The ghost realm is bleeding into our world more and more every minute, and Fenton is our best shot.” Strange slipped on his sling ring and began opening a portal. “I’m going to talk to her.” Before anyone could respond, Strange stepped through, portal closing behind him.
Everyone stood in silence for a moment, before Peter spoke up. “C’mon, I can’t be the only one who thinks this is cool.”
“The very fabric of our reality being at risk and our world being overtaken by ghosts is ‘cool’ to you, Peter?” Wong asked, causing Peter to scratch the back of his neck shyly.
“Well, when you put it like that...”
Amity Park
You and Tucker were walking down the street, heading to your favorite donut shop. You stared at your phone as you walked, not really worried about bumping into anyone or anything as you used your powers to subtlety phase through them.
“Hear anything?” Tucker asked and you shook your head.
“No, haven’t heard in hours now. She’s really mad.”
“Well, you did manage to almost get yourself killed the other day.”
“I’ve been doing this for years now, I know what I’m doing. Besides, I’m already literally half dead.”
“Not the point.” Tucker sighs. “C’mon, you’ve been dating her for over a year, and have been best friends for even longer. You should know her by now. She’s scared.”
“I’m not faulting her for being scared, but I can’t keep going through fight after fight with her for just doing my job.”
“Is it really your job though?” Tucker shrugged, causing you to stop in your tracks. Him following a second later. “I’m just saying, there are a bunch of heroes back now after the blip. It wouldn’t kill you to take a few days off.”
“They can’t do what I do. And they don’t know what we know.”
“You don’t gotta be all cryptic” Tucker laughed and you couldn’t help but chuckle along.
“Yeah, maybe not.” You shrugged. “I don’t know though, we’re the only ones who really know how to deal with these ghosts. I love helping people, but I’m tired of this too sometimes. I’d love to be able to leave Amity Park, really start my life, but...I can’t. All the ghosts come from here, and I gotta do my best to keep it that way.”
Tucker opened his mouth to form a response, but before he could, a bright orange light appeared. The light began to form into a portal and a man with white and black hair, dressed head to toe in blue robes and a read cape, appeared.
“Y/n Fenton?” He asked, which took you and Tucker aback. You looked to your best friend before looking back at the man.
“Uh, who’s asking?”
“Oh, sorry, I’m Doctor Stephen Strange, and-”
“Wait, that’s you?” You interrupted, eyes wide.
“Yes? I assume you’ve heard of me then?”
Your eyes hardened at this. You knew the name Dr. Strange a little too well. He, along with Iron Man, had been part of the reason behind the death of your parents, having been part of that fateful fight in New York. You knew logically that this man didn’t go out of his way to kill your parents, and that he likely didn’t start that fight, but still. You didn’t appreciate the reminder.
“Yeah. I have.”
Strange noticed the shift in your tone and tilted his head in confusion. You two stood in a stand off for a few moments before Tucker coughed beside you.
“Sorry, but uh, you’re one of the Avengers right?” He asked as he started to fanboy.
“I guess you can say I was, though they aren’t really around anymore.”
“Still, that’s so cool! Hey, did you know Iron Man before he-”
“What do you want?” You interrupted as you crossed your arms, eyes still glaring at the wizard.
Strange regained his composure as he continued. “I need you to come with me. It’s quite literally a matter of life or death.”
Your hard glare faded and in turn you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Ghosts are pouring into our world, their reach is now far outside of Amity Park.” Your eyes widened when the wizard said this. You figured you shouldn’t be surprised that Strange knew of this, but you really weren’t sure how to react. “And I know you’re a little more than familiar about ghosts...considering your biology.” Now you really didn’t know how to react. You dropped your arms as you tilted your head towards Tucker.
“So much for that day off.”
Sanctum Santorum
Wanda stepped out of the room as the back and forth between the boys started. She needed a moment to herself to think, she needed air. She made her way to the rooftop and leaned on the edge, looking over the city.
She knew that her life would always entail having to deal with potential world ending threats. It was that way when she was an Avenger, and even more so now after becoming the Scarlet Witch. It got tiring, but she wouldn’t give up the responsibility. Not after Westview. Besides, it beat the alternative that Agatha had predicted for her, destroying the world.
But damn, a break would be nice.
Ghosts? Seriously? She guessed that she really shouldn’t be surprised that they exist, over the last year she’s seen some crazy stuff, but ghosts seemed like a scary concept. And not in a ‘Halloween spooky’ kind of way, it was more of a fear of the unknown. If all ghosts had the same capabilities as the Fenton girl had, she had no idea how she would be able to combat that.
Speaking of the Fenton girl, she couldn’t help but be intrigued. From what she’s seen and heard, the girl knew what she was doing, so she failed to see why she and the rest of the team had to get involved. Still, she figured that they should do whatever they could to help stop this threat.
She also agreed with Peter in that she was ‘awesome’, but she wasn’t about to voice that.
She took a deep breath as she bowed her head, calming her nerves. Maybe this wouldn’t be too bad. Maybe it could be easily fixed and they could all get back to their lives quickly. She knew that was unrealistic, but she had to have a sliver of hope every now and again or she’d go insane.
“Wanda!” She heard Peter’s voice in her head, way too loudly. She cringed as she held her head.
“Peter, we’ve talked about this. You don’t need to be so loud.”
“Sorry, Wanda. Doctor Strange told me to tell you to come back down. Y/n is here.”
“Okay, thank you Peter.” She felt the boy’s presence leave her mind as she picked her head up. She shook her head, ridding herself of the pain while preparing herself as she headed downstairs.
A Few Moments Before
The telltale orange sparks started forming in the main hall of the Sanctum. Soon after, a portal opened and Strange had stepped out, but this time was followed by two people. A woman who was looking around in a mix of confusion and awe, and a man who seemed to be bursting with excitement.
“Whoa! What was that!? That was so cool!” The man turned to the woman in excitement. “Was that magic!?”
“Yeah Tuck, but we gotta be cool here, okay?” The woman told ‘Tuck’ in a hushed whisper.
“Right, sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I had the same reaction.” Peter piped up with a smile. He walked over to the two new figures, hand stretched out. “I’m Peter Parker.”
“Tucker Foley.” Tucker’s smile reappeared as he shook the boy’s hand excitedly.
Peter turned to the woman standing next to him. “And you’re Y/n Fenton, right?” You chuckled as you grabbed Peter’s hand, shaking it as well.
“I guess I’m famous around here.”
“We just found out about your existence an hour ago, but I suppose you can call it fame.” Loki piped up, and you turned to him. Eyes widening a second later.
“Holy shit! Aren’t you the guy who led the alien invasion in New York?”
“That was over ten years ago, darling, let’s leave the past in the past.” Loki shrugged. “Besides, I’m doing the whole ‘hero’ thing now.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
“It varies.”
“Okay that’s enough for the introductions, now-” Strange started before Peter cut him off.
“Wait, what about Wanda?”
“Get her down here while I catch our new guests up.” Peter nodded as he began to call to Wanda with his mind. “Now, Y/n, you’ve done a lot of good over the last few years. Keeping the ghostly threat contained to Amity Park while the rest of the world remains none the wiser is quite impressive.”
“Aw, thanks.” You smirked with a shrug.
“However, those efforts might have only delayed this.” Before you could ask what the wizard was talking about, he brought up an illusion showing ghosts starting to spill through tears that were seemingly in mid air. “The Ghost Realm is starting to tear into our own.”
“Wait, the what?” You asked, causing Strange to falter slightly.
“The Ghost Realm?” He responded with a raise of his brow.
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“Um, where all of the ghosts are coming from? The source of your powers? You’ve been dealing with it for years-”
“Oh!” You shouted, finally realizing. “Yeah, we’ve been calling that the Ghost Zone.” You started to chuckle, Tucker joining, but everyone else remained silent for a moment.
“Right...” Strange proceeded. “Well the ‘Ghost Zone’ is starting to become a problem everywhere. We need your help.”
You coughed as you regained your composure, turning serious. “How is this even possible?”
“We were hoping you knew.”
“Look, I might know a lot about the Ghost Zone, but I don’t know everything. I’ve kinda just been dealing with it as it came for the last five years.”
“Well, it looks like you’re about to get a lot more proficient.” Loki said. Before Y/n could respond though, a new presence entered the room.
Wanda walked into the main hall where she found everyone in a heated discussion. She walked in further when she finally spotted the two new faces. A nerdy looking man, and the woman who she recognized as Y/n Fenton. She took a moment to observe her. She was in casual clothing, a white t-shirt covered with a red sweat jacket with jeans and red sneakers. A brown messenger bag slung across her body, indicating that she was on her way somewhere before she was brought here.
Wanda had only really seen Y/n in her Phantom form, since that was the only relevant part of her that they needed to know at the time, but she couldn’t help but think that the human side was captivating as well.
Wait a minute, what?
No, she wasn’t supposed to be looking at other people like this. Not after Vision. She never even thought someone else could turn her head again for one, but she also felt like she was betraying Vision and all they had by even simply staring at someone else for too long.
She coughed, as she tried to get rid of those thoughts, but in doing so she garnered the attention of everyone else in the room.
“Oh, good. Y/n, this is the Scarlet Witch. Otherwise known as Wanda Maximoff.” Strange had introduced her, and she gave a small smile along with a shy wave in response.
You, however, did not have the same welcoming response. You straightened up as your face tightened, eyes widening slightly. You recognized that name. “Wanda Maximoff...as in ‘Westview’ Wanda Maximoff?” You asked the room, however your eyes never left Wanda, who’s face now dropped.
The room stood in silence for a moment before Peter spoke up. “Yeah, um, we don’t really bring that up.”
“Yeah? Well, I am.” Before anyone could register what was happening, You changed into Phantom and blasted a powerful ghost ray towards Wanda.
The blast hit her square on, knocking her to the ground. The witch shook the attack off quickly as she stood up. The awe that she had previously while staring at you was now replaced with anger, as she shifted from her current outfit into the Scarlet Witch. Hands and eyes glowing red, as your own hands and eyes glowed green. The two women stared each other down as the men stared in varying states of shock.
Tucker was the only one who seemed to know what was going on as he brought his hand up and grabbed the bridge of his nose. “Oh man.”
“What the hell was that for!?” Wanda asked, almost shouting in anger. Your face didn’t waver however. You gritted the next words out, as you were also seething in anger.
“My sister was there.”
Everyone stood in silence for a few moments after the revelation, not sure how to continue. Wanda remained standing, but the red faded from her eyes and hands. Her gaze fell downwards for a moment as she straightened up. After no-one spoke for several moments, you continued. “I hope your little sitcom fantasy was worth it, cause Jazz is still going to therapy because of you.” You scoffed. “You didn’t even have the decency to give her a speaking part. Just one of your little extras.”
Wanda sighed as tears started to spring to her eyes at the reminder. She shifted back into her normal clothing. “Look, I really am sorry for the pain I caused. I truly didn’t know at the time.”
“Sure you didn’t.” You scoffed before turning to address the rest of the room. “She’s a fucking terrorist. Actually, now that I think about it, what the hell am I doing in a room with all of you!?”
You looked around briefly before pointing at Loki harshly. “You’re a fucking psychopath who almost took over the world!” Loki shot his hands up in surrender as you turned to point at Strange next.
“You were part of the fight in New York that killed my parents!” Strange’s eyes widened slightly at the revelation, but he didn’t get to say anything as you turned to Wong.
“I know you were there too!” You finished by landing on Peter.
“And you-” You cut yourself off as you realized you didn’t have anything against the kid. Still, you were stubborn and too into your rant to stop there. “I actually don’t know anything about you, but I’m sure you’re no good if you’re hanging around these freaks!”
“We’re the freaks?” Loki asked incredulously, as he couldn’t help himself. “Sweetheart, you’re basically dead.”
“Better being dead than a fucking murderer.” You seethed out. “I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t care. My responsibility is to my home and to those I love, that’s it. I never signed up for this life, and even if I did, I definitely wouldn’t wanna work with any of you.” You began to float and move over to Tucker, who had been watching the whole exchange in silence. You grabbed his arm, taking you up with you. “Good luck, sounds like you’re gonna need it. I’m out of here.”
With that you began to fly up, Tucker in your arms. You sped up heading towards the ceiling. You were about to go intangible to phase out of the building, when suddenly, your ghost ring appeared around your waist and separated, turning you back into a human.
Your eyes widened as you and Tucker began to plummet back to the floor, but before you both hit it, red wisps surrounded you both, breaking the fall. They didn’t last long though, as a second later the disappeared, making you both hit the ground harshly. Tucker rubbed his arm as you brought your hands up to look at them, wondering what happened.
“What the hell was that!?” You asked as you looked back up to the people in the room.
“I went into your mind and triggered your transformation.” Wanda answered, and you could’ve sworn you saw a slight smirk on her face. Your face hardened once again.
“Stay the hell out of my head.”
“Alright, enough!” Strange shouted, finally putting an end to this. “Y/n, I understand your hesitation. I do. You don’t have to like us, you don’t even have to trust us, but believe me when I say we cannot do this without you. You may be angry at the world, hell all of us are, but we need you to put that aside.”
You stood up, offering a helping hand to Tucker, but your gaze remained on Strange. You sighed, knowing you couldn’t ignore the severity of the situation. No matter how much you wanted to. You hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up.
“Okay. So what do we do now?”
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Loki Series Thoughts—Glorious Purpose
Ok, I’m always nervous about posting my thoughts, but here we go. Spoilers ahead of course!!! (Disclaimer: Any gifs or images are not mine.)
Let’s start out with the episode’s name: Glorious Purpose. I know some people were a bit miffed about the emphasis put on the line, but I actually thought it worked well. It’s not so much that Loki actually believes in this “purpose,” but rather he is clinging to what he’s been told his purpose is. And by the end of the episode, he’s finally working through some of the things he’s been hurt by, abandoning what he’s been forced into and ready to be who he wants. Granted, it’s still going to take some time for him to come to grips with all that has happened, but I’m excited to see the journey.
The TVA. They undeniably suck. Whether or not it will be addressed directly, they are the (or one of the) antagonists in the show. What they are doing is, frankly, tyrannical. Three “time keepers” have taken it upon themselves to force countless versions of time and people into one single stream. And you know what? They can’t control that timeline. Not like they want to. As much as Loki’s line about “the weak” applies to himself, it applies to the TVA, too. It’s a facade of control that they cling to; if they truly had the right, the ability, to control time, everyone would follow their path. There would be no variants. Now, I could write a whole separate analysis on the MCU’s explanation of time travel. It’s convoluted and in a large way doesn’t make sense.
I’d like to talk about Loki’s characterization. I am, in a word, relieved. From the trailers, Tom seemed to be over-acting, something rather strange for someone so good at conveying deep emotions through nuanced actions. Now I believe any exaggerated lines from the trailers are just Loki trying to separate himself from who he’s been told he is, and trying to reinvent himself. I don’t think that’s a bad thing either; they’re not rewriting Loki, he’s just growing in a new way. And though this way is “new” I think it will be similar to what we’ve seen before. From what we’ve seen so far, there is good continuity, and they are addressing things about Loki that should be addressed in canon.
Loki projects. Most notably in the Avengers, but also a bit in Thor 1 and The Dark World, a lot of Loki’s lines can be applied to himself, though he is talking generally or towards another group. What comes to mind is actually something he touches upon again in the series. The illusion of freedom. And though it is not said that line in particular is him thinking of himself, it can be inferred based on his admission that the line in the gifs above apply to him. Also that little gesture when he says “weak” breaks me. He’s hurting so much.
Loki is not a villain. He may think he’s one because everyone else is telling him that, yet we’re already seeing it brought up that it’s not true. I can only hope that we’ll see Loki state this himself later in the series. He was largely forced to do what he did. It is not his fault, so how can he be a villain?
Loki cares. Tom’s acting is just *chef’s kiss* Seeing his mother’s death hurts so much. I love that his first response is denial. Loki is thrown into something he’s never known about before, being shown things that, to his knowledge, have never happened. But then when he’s had a few seconds to wander around the TVA on his own terms, he’s more come to grips with all that’s going on. So, when he’s by himself and see’s Frigga lying there, dead, it gets to him. Then seeing Odin still call him his son, he feels the slightest glimmer of hope, but also regret; he already knows in the back of his mind that he’s not actually going to get that. Loki’s living from second to second, trying to hold on. He probably thinks this ends with his death. (I do have issues with that Odin scene in context of Ragnarok but that’s more a tangential aside, so I’ll gloss over it for now.) Then seeing Thor and himself acting like brothers again is heartwarming. So just when he’s feeling uplifted, Thanos comes into the picture. He realizes how much control the titan still had over his life; he never really escaped. And in the end, Thanos made good on his promise. And that is terrifying! And he laughs at it. It’s a sad sort of laugh, one that’s slightly crazed. Loki feels that no matter what he does, it ends in pain. By the end of seeing all that, he is a man broken. Rather, more broken than he already was.
Loki is struggling. That’s nothing profound; it’s obvious. But where it really stands out to me is actually in a part I originally thought to be out of character. I am referring to “What if I was a robot and I didn’t know it.” Upon closer inspection, I realize it’s actually that his perception of himself has been so thrown that he really isn’t sure about his own chemical makeup anymore. Odin and Frigga keeping from him that he’s a frost giant made him so unsure of himself, he thought he might not even be a living being.
Nervous tics. Was I the only one noticing his leg bouncing when he talked to Mobius? And what about that scene when he’s sitting on the steps? He begins to pick at his hands. Note, that’s something he did in T1 after finding out he was a frost giant and while confessing to the Warriors Four about how he was the one who told the guard of their trip to Jotunheim. Just a little detail I really appreciated. (If anyone has gifs of any of these things, feel free to share :)
Mobius. I’ll be honest, I’m a bit undecided. I’m hesitant to say he’s evil. After all, we haven’t seen that much of him yet. However, I will say he is unscrupulous and manipulative. His questions weren’t to help Loki work through his trauma. Mobius was trying to goad him into helping, and likely was trying to gauge how much this Loki is like the variant he’s tracking. When Loki makes any admission of his feelings, it’s something he already knew, not a conclusion Mobius helped him reach. Mobius mocks him a bit and pushes his buttons because he sees Loki as a means to an end, and wants to know how easily he can get him to work with him. And what strikes me is how similar Mobius’s deal is to Thor’s deal in TDW. Thor doesn’t offer Loki freedom, he offers revenge. Mobius’s deal is just another variation of this. He can’t offer “salvation” but he can offer something “better”. Working for the TVA really isn’t better, though. So what does he mean? Well, I think he means a chance for Loki to prove he’s a hero. I hope as the show progresses it’s addressed that Loki doesn’t have to prove himself to anyone. That’s what he’s been doing his whole life, but I want Loki to see for himself that he doesn’t have to.

Miss Minutes. Propaganda. Plain and simple, it’s propaganda. Besides the way it praises the “time keepers” as amazing saviors, necessary to keep the world in order, it’s essentially saying “don’t think for yourself.” The whole point of the video is “the time keepers are great. The TVA is flawless. Trust us to decide everything. You have no autonomy in the world we want, so surrender your free will. Submit to the system we’ve decided is perfect and everything will be just fine.” Of course, by “just fine” they mean the variant will be pruned and the timeline will keep going as the time keepers see fit. The animation style was great though! It really fit.
The infinity stones. I think their inclusion makes sense. If you remember from Endgame, the stones being in the right place in the right time keeps the timeline from branching, and thus prevents the multiverse from being created. Likely, the time keepers used the stones to make their “sacred timeline.” Naturally, any variant time stones would cause a problem. That’s why they have so many extras. But think about how pointless so much of what happened seems. Nat, Gamora, Vision, Tony, everyone who was snapped, everyone who was left. So, literally the entire universe was flipped upside down for paperweights. It really puts Thanos’s pursuit of the stones into perspective, doesn’t it?
The cloaked figure. I think there’s some misdirection going on here in one way or another. Mobius says he’s chasing a Loki variant, then immediately it cuts to a scene with the cloaked figure. Our minds are likely to assume that is the variant then. But they don’t actually say it’s Loki, so I’m inclined to believe it’s not. Though, I don’t have enough information to say who I do think it is, I could make a couple of educated guesses and say Mephisto (he certainly interacted with Loki in the comics, plus there’s the stained glass window) or Sylvie. Well, whoever Sophia Di Martino’s character is. I know she was previously listed as Sylvie on sources such as IMDb, but that has since disappeared. But why would you have a “young Sylvie” (Cailey Fleming) without an older version? There is speculation Di Martino’s character will be Lady Loki, but I hope this won’t happen. If they make Lady Loki her own character, I doubt we’ll see Variant Loki get to be fluid. Even if it’s confirmed on the record, it’d be nice to see actually happen beyond a piece of paper. And with twist villains being such a prominent force in modern media, I’m interested to see who our cloaked friend really is.
Time travel. Like I said earlier, this is a lot. But I can’t talk about the episode and not mention this aspect in at least a little more depth. I don’t like how the MCU deals with time travel. I think it’s an unnecessarily complicated mix of a number of different, already complicated theories. However, I think Loki will ultimately escape from the TVA and create a multiverse too difficult to prune (and maybe he’ll actually get to burn the place down too!) This will then tie directly into Doctor Strange 2. Do you guys know what that’s called? The Multiverse of Madness. Actually, in the Miss Minutes propaganda, they almost exactly say “will throw the multiverse into madness.” Will we get to (finally!) see a certain raven-haired god meeting Dr. Strange? And maybe even the Scarlet Witch herself? Well, I’m not sure, but right now I think it’s looking pretty good!
And some random things that didn’t really anywhere else:
Peggy is in the background?! My thought here is that Steve wasn’t supposed to stay with her. This made not only a Variant Steve, but also a Variant Peggy. We may not see Steve, but I bet he’s been taken care of too!! And who knows? Maybe there will be a cameo later. Otherwise, it might be something that was cut from the show, or just a fun easter egg of sorts.
The score was so good! It sets the mood perfectly.
Loki is a good fighter. Even if he’s overpowered, he finds a way.
Some of the humor didn’t land, but that might just be a personal thing.
So now my final thoughts. It’s their strongest pilot yet. So much emotion crammed into less than an hour. A lot of exposition, too, yet it didn’t feel tedious (Endgame I’m looking at you). And then we get to delve into Loki’s psyche, something that really appeals to me! Overall, 9/10. I hope the rest of the series is as good!
Did I miss anything? Was there something you were hoping I’d mention and didn’t? Or do you have something to add or (politely!) disagree with? I’d love to hear it all! Remember, fandom is a safe space to talk about, analyze, and debate about things you enjoy. My ask box is always open with anon on. Reblogs and comments are great too. Thanks!
Me after watching the episode:
#the loki show#the loki show spoilers#the loki series#loki series#loki analysis#loki odinson#loki laufeyson#loki friggason#the loki series spoilers#I know there’s nothing particularly profound here but here you go#*throws thoughts into the void*
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Now, and Forevermore: Part 2
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Alyssa Brooks)
A/N: Super nervous about this one, because I’ve wanted to write an ILY fic for such a long time, but it always got pushed back thanks to PB and their stupid inconsistencies. May or may not have included a teeny tiny Merder reference.
Trope: Fluff
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning(s): One innuendo, that’s it
Link to Part 1
Loud music blared through the speakers. Few guests remained in their seats, choosing to watch the joyous celebrations on the dance floor.
A wedding was an event where people came together to rejoice the union of two souls. Two separate lives, binding together for life. They came together to celebrate friendship, eternal partnership, and love.
Alyssa was still figuring out a way to confess hers.
She stumbled to the side of the crowded hall along with Sienna, who was equally exhausted from dancing the night away.
“Oh my god I think the last time I danced this much was at our housewarming party two years ago.”
Her best friend let out a chuckle. “I remember. Jackie even managed to knock over a plate of fries which ended up on your hair.”
She took a sip of her drink before continuing, “Speaking of the housewarming party, where’s the only person from the hospital who declined our invitation? Haven’t seen him since your dance, which was almost an hour ago.”
“He’s probably over at one of the balconies, away from all the noise.”
Sienna let out a sigh before fixing her eyes on the newlyweds, happy in their own little bubble, without a single worry.
“They look so… content. Like they have everything they’ll ever need right there in each other’s arms.”
“Yeah… I guess you feel that way when you’re head over heels in love with someone, and by some miracle, they feel the same.”
She looked over at Alyssa, who had a soft smile on her face. Her best friend had found the kind of true love she had always dreamed of, and she only hoped that it would last forever.
“Have you two said it yet?”
“Said what?”
“You know what I mean. Eight letters. Three special words. Words you two have been skirting around for almost a year now.”
“I…” She looked down, a pensive look taking over. “I don’t know Si… it never feels like we have a proper moment to say it. Everyday at Edenbrook feels like an unpredictable circus where something could go wrong at any minute. Finding time to just… be with each other without worrying about work seems impossible. Besides, he knows how I feel about him, and same here. There’s no rush.”
“No. Don’t do that. Don’t always rely on your actions. Sometimes, words are better. Saying it makes it sure. It makes it feel real. Or else, you’ll be out of time before you know it. Say it out loud, Alyssa. Don’t waste time waiting for some perfect moment, because chances are, you might never get one.”
Alyssa held her hand tight, and took a moment to take in the gravity of her words. Sienna might’ve been ready to move on, but Danny was still someone she missed everyday.
“Okay.” She turned to face her. “I’ll tell him tonight. I promise.”
Sienna nodded her head in response, a small smile of satisfaction assuming her features.
Ethan stood over by the railing, enjoying the feel of the sea breeze ruffling through his hair. The ocean glittered like diamonds, mirroring the starry sky. It was a magical sight, and he decided to go back into the raging party to bring Alyssa to enjoy the view with him. Although, he wasn’t sure his eyes would remain straight ahead with an actual goddess beside him.
“Thought I might find you here.”
His ears perked up. “I was just about to come and find you.”
“Well I found you first. Didn’t see you having any cake earlier, so I brought you some.”
He nodded in thanks. As she stood beside him, she looked positively ethereal. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the sight of the moonlit ocean, and her brunette hair danced along her bare shoulders.
Ethan didn’t have the words to describe her beauty, so he refrained to simply admiring her while he still had the time.
Her soft voice broke the comfortable silence they were in. “It’s beautiful out here. Kind of reminds me of the last time we were on a balcony facing the sea.”
He smiled ruefully. “You mean the night I threw every single rule I had for myself out the window and kissed you like my life depended on it, before leaving you the very same night to go sleep on the couch?”
“The very same. The only night where I had the best first kiss I could share with someone, and get dumped before we even got together.”
Ethan felt a pang of guilt in his chest upon hearing her words. He might have her now, but he would always regret the time he let go to waste.
Alyssa looked over at him, and his expression made her squeeze her eyes shut and smack her forehead. “Oh god I ruined the moment, didn’t I?” She took his hand in hers and said, “I’m so sorry. I’m under the influence of alcohol, so you know that I barely think before I blurt something out.”
“And here I was hoping we could have a proper conversation for the first time in months. Of course, I shouldn’t have had my expectations so high.”
She punched his shoulder playfully, and he took it as an opportunity to pull her closer. Closing his eyes, he breathed in her hair, which smelled of his shampoo from their shared suite. Ethan felt utterly content, having everything he ever needed and wanted in his arms, and wished he could stay rooted to the same spot for as long as he lived.
“Okay, Dr. Ethan ‘I would rather spend my time alone, in a party where his girlfriend’s having the time of her life, wishing her boyfriend would be there with her so that they could spend some quality time together’ Ramsey.”
“That’s… I think I preferred ‘freaking’ as my middle name compared to everything you just said.”
Soon, they were both laughing. She turned around to face him, and Ethan held her tighter. Taking in her face filled with happiness, illuminated by the light of the moon, he knew he had to say it.
“Is… everything okay?”
“I…” His throat closed up, at a loss for words. Saying the words he had longed to tell her for almost a year suddenly seemed impossible. After fearing true, long-lasting commitment for more than twenty five years, cementing his love for Alyssa scared him almost as much as the thought of ever losing her.
But looking into her concerned eyes, the eyes he could get lost into within the span of a second, he knew she deserved to hear it. She deserved the whole world, and so much more.
“It’s funny. I kept quiet all these months, not telling you what I should’ve told you the moment you were out of harm’s way after the attack, waiting for a perfect moment to present itself. When all along… I never realised that I didn’t need such a moment at all.”
He cupped her cheek, as she stared at him with wonder, yet a small smile dancing on her lips with the knowledge of what was to come. “Every single day, every minute, every second by your side, could not be more perfect. And I’m sorry that I didn’t know it sooner.”
“I love you, Alyssa Brooks. With all my heart, body and soul.”, he said as he brought her hand up to his thundering heart. “I believed love to be a lost and foreign concept, one which I would never be able to experience. But with you… I’d be an idiot to say that what I feel for you is anything but love. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love anyone as much as I love you and frankly, I don’t ever want to. I want to love you for the rest of my life. If you’ll let me, that is…”
Hopeful and earnest cerulean eyes stared back into awestruck shining brown, awaiting the response he desperately wanted to hear.
“Well… took you long enough.”, she teased, eyes sparkling with mirth. “I love you too, Ethan. More than you’ll ever know. And I want to love you for the rest of my life too.”
Matching her grin with one of his own, Ethan kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms round his neck and let her fingers tangle into his soft hair. He continued to kiss her with fervour, but she pulled away, panting.
“Don’t you think we should probably take this inside? I’d definitely like a more private celebration of us finally coming to our senses.”
“Are you sure? There’s still much left at the reception, including the bouquet toss, which I’m not sure Sienna would be okay with if you missed.”
She chuckled. “Considering the fact that she was the one who sent me out here to find you, I don’t think she’ll mind.” With a sudden surge of confidence, she added, “Besides… do you really think I should stay for that?”
Ethan held Alyssa’s gaze, which was both bold and bashful at the same time. He finally smirked and said, “No, you don’t have to.”
Her face broke into the smile he loved to see. A smile unburdened of all the worries in the world. A true and rare smile he thanked for being able to witness.
“Then let’s get out of here.”
Alyssa took his hand and led him back to their room, but truthfully, he felt her lead him into a new life that would have its highs and lows, all filled with unconditional love.
He couldn’t wait to see what came next.
Link to Bonus Ending
A/N 2: Hope you guys liked it! There’s a small bonus ending I’ll be releasing soon, cause if my babies are happy, my babies’ number one shipper deserves to be happy too😌 Thank you so much for reading💙
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#ethan ramsey#open heart#ethan x mc#playchoices#ethan ramsey fanfiction#mercy writes#ethan ramsey x mc
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(TW: Suicidal thoughts)
Blue was the color of death. White hot explosives rippling out into burning specs of azure on a foreign battleground. Dark cool skies setting an illusion of being underneath the ocean; hidden far beneath the surface of the water. Sparks fly off iron scraping iron. Here, the aliens bleed thick cobalt honey.
Blue is the color of repulsors blasting in the distance. Shooting down enemies by the dozen. Ice is the color of the sorcerer’s concentrated eyes as he fights alongside his friend.
It’s quick; the flare of warning. The scream ripped through the teens throat in warning. And the following supernova of navy, triggered from a plate in the rock under foot, clearing everything in its path.
Peter doesn’t even find remains of the iron suit; much less the unarmored mystic artist who had been right beside him.
Blue was the color of loss. It’s cold and grey, soaked with frosted rain and fogged breath. Coated in tasteless food and room temperature coffee. It’s handshakes and condolences from a blur of guests. Blue was the color of goodbyes. It’s the soft teal of flowers on a headstone. It’s quite hours alone spent under lapsis moonlight, crying through an aching chest and raw throat. It’s the haze of numbness settled over his body and mind. Blue is the color of city lights high above New York City in the early hours of the morning. Alone and contemplating. It’s hanging over the edge but not being able to let go because of a promise. Because he knows what they would have said. It’s indigo thoughts and sapphire tears. It's almost turning around when he takes the stairs back down to meet the pavement instead of a fall.
Blue is the color of dreams. It’s the glowing aquamarine and the millions of balls of light in the galaxy. It’s butterflies wings as they flutter overhead, dancing around Peter as he stands and watches them. A pair of them, circling and leaving whispers in their wake. Steel whispers of love and family. Promises left in the faint trail of zaffire magic. The signatures are familiar- ones he has felt many times before. One belonging to the one who taught him how to recognize those soul signatures. They prism out their colors into Peter’s aura.
Red and gold are the colors of caffeine and oil. Faint rock music and calloused hands. It’s the sensation of safety and care. It’s the color of determination and strength. It’s late nights and early mornings and tools clanking to the floor and espresso machines running. It’s whirls and whizzing and smiles and embraces. It’s laughing and teasing and protection.
Green is the color of cinnamon and old books. It’s silver streaks of hair and piercing eyes. It’s the wonder of magic; it’s lifetimes and stories from centuries only somewhat lived trapped into one life. It’s scarred and shaking hands and a voice telling him it would be alright. Green is the lessons on a spaceship. It’s the unfathomable power. It’s the rule breaking and time bending. It’s the miracle of touching in from the afterlife.
“We are here.”
Is the royal blue whisper that rings in Peter’s head when he wakes.
Maybe blue could be a color of hope too...
🕸work inspired by my good friend @doitwritenow and of course my ever growing muse from her fic, the End of Infinity! Go check it out if you haven’t! It fuels all my irondad/dr dad/supreme family needs and whump and inner angst storm
#supreme fam#supremefamily#supreme family fanart#Supreme fam whump#whump#whumpee#spiderman whump#dr strange angst#ironstrange#ironstrange angst#ironstrange whump#spiderman#peter parker#peter parker angst#peter parker needs a hug#irondad#irondad whump#irondad is canon
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what i knew
summary: sometimes curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, it kills relationships; and in the worse cases it kills people
word count: 2,612 reading time aprox: 10 mins
warnings: character death (not any of the protagonists), angst, and loss/grievance (this is the first time i had to use one of these, wow)
a/n: this is my celebration post for reaching 2k followers here, so i decided to celebrate the way i know best: through angst! thank you all very much for reading
Coming home to Spencer was the sanctuary I needed after facing the trials and tribulations that the day demanded me to endure. He was the soothing whisper in my ear as I embarked on the uphill of life while a blazing storm was afire. He became the chief of defense whenever malicious thoughts infiltrated the purest parts of my mind.
He became my security blanket. A blanket I would comfortably drape over my bare skin at the times where I needed him most.
But nothing could’ve prepared me for the single night that I couldn’t restore what he lost.
I flipped through the pages of Jane Austen’s most profound work, my eyes trailing over every word with intent and curiosity. Although in my peripheral view, Spencer was a few steps away as he was also engrossed in a book. But with my attentive instinct, I noticed the subtle flicker of eyes from the pages of the novel to the screen of his cellphone on the arm of the chair he sat in.
Taking a moment to linger at the sight, his fingers had been more fidgety, the lines etched on his forehead were creased, and the intense stare he held as he read could’ve burned holes through the pages. A thought was obviously crossing his mind--well maybe a few million were.
“Spence? Are you well?” I tucked my book neatly into my lap, giving Spencer my full undivided attention.
“Yeah--uh I’m just checking up on my mom--yeah” He nodded unconvincingly, letting his eyes stray away from the page he’s been stuck on for the entire time, checking his phone once again.
“Really?” I hummed, raising my eyebrows at his vague response.
He nodded in response, momentarily raising his eyebrows at me while he nodded apprehensively. “Yup” He assured.
“You know Reid…” I began, tracing the quilted fabric that was stitched onto the arm of my chair. “I may not be a profiler but you’ve been on that same page for approximately six minutes now, your knuckles are twitching which is usually a clear indication of anxiety, and your eyes have been more interested on whatever is plastered on your phone rather than the words in your book, but again I’m no profiler” I declared my observations eloquently, only looking up at him in satisfaction as fascination crossed his eyes.
He shook his head, humming in amusement as he set his book on the side table. “Okay Sherlock” He relinquished his facade, gesturing at me to continue.
“So Spencer Reid, are you going to tell me what’s going on in that brilliant mind of yours or am I going to have to pick it out of you?”
He laughed at my threat casually before a more melancholy expression crossed his visage. He exhaled a heavy breath, taking one last glance at the device beside him before meeting my inquisitive stare. “I wasn’t--um--lying about it being my mom…” His voice trailed off with a choked breath in his esophagus. “Uh, I got into sorts with her and we just got into his argument about sending her into another study and--gosh Y/N she told me no more studies an-and that got me angry because it seems like she’s ready to...ready to…” He breathed, taking a longing pause as his face contorted into anguish.
“Hey...you don’t have to--if you don’t want to say it, you don’t need to” I reassured, standing up from where I was planted, skipping over to where he was situated. I kneeled before the chair, resting my head at the side of his knee. His hands made its way to the tangled mess of my hair, soothingly running his fingers through the tousled locks.
I watched as his chest heaved and fell at a rhythmic beat, signifying the evident weight that was present on his shoulders. “It just feels like all the hope--all the effort--I’ve put into making sure she’s lived a happy life was futile” He vulnerably confessed, his finger running down the side of my cheek, caressing it gracefully while he spoke. “I just...I don’t know what or how to process that” He tapped on the apple of my cheek, gesturing for me to climb on next to him.
“Maybe I’m just overthinking-”
“No Spencer, you absolutely have the right to worry about this. She’s your mother after all” I climbed into his open arms, settling my legs over his laps as I nudged my head into the crook of his shoulder. I relished in his scent, basking in the soft warmth that naturally radiated from him. “If..if you don’t mind me asking, why do you keep checking your phone?” I tentatively ran my fingers across the side of his abdomen, tracing mollifying circles to ease his tense muscles.
He carelessly tossed the device next to me, cautious about hitting me by accident. I grabbed the phone out of the small crevice it landed in, scrolling through the various voice messages Diana had sent Spencer in the last couple hours.
My heart jumped at the heinous comments; the venom spilling over her words came as a surprise. Never would I have thought that anything of this sort would inhabit Diana’s mind--well despite it not being there most of the time.
“I--Spencer, I don’t even know how to--”
“She’s in the middle of a break--or at least that’s how she was when I left her” He paused, shifting his eyes to the frosted window in our living room, taking small glances at the phone in my hand. “But those messages were from a few hours ago” He sighed, pulling me into his side, laying his chin on my head as he breathed into my hair.
“Well…” I pulled his chin down gently to level our eyes, pressing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I know that your mother loves you with all her heart...the same way that I love you with all of mine...” I brushed a few stray hairs away from his face, letting my palm fall down to cup his cheek. “Maybe even more. I know it hurts now Spence--and I’m asking you not to hide from me because I’m here--but in the small time I got to know your mother, I know that she has a big heart like her son and I’ve felt the same unconditional love that can radiate from it” I finished, pulling him down in a sweet kiss.
I felt his lips curl into a timid smile, breathing out a hefty exhale before blessing the top of my head with a grateful kiss. “Thank you Y/N” He hummed, descending down to my shoulder, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. “Really...thank you”
It had been a tiring week to say the least. Ever since Diana left those voice messages on Spencer’s phone, he’s been leaving the device at home, sometimes even forgetting to charge it. I hummed a continuous melody, letting the tune of Hamilton buzz through the living room as I cleaned. I leaned over the couch to fluff up the pillows, folding the blankets that were thrown carelessly on the floor.
An exasperated huff escaped my lips as I spotted the neglected phone tucked in between the cushions of the couch. Pulling the phone out of the crevice, I inspected the power button, soon discovering that the battery was indeed dead.
I skipped to the kitchen counter, plugging the phone into the charging port before shuffling back to the living space. Although not even a second later, the ringtone sounded while various notifications blared out simultaneously.
I cringed, plugging my ears in the hopes that the horrendous symphony of chimes stopped. After a few minutes had passed, the screen turned on displaying an array of text messages, emails, and voicemails. But the one particular message caught my eye despite the cesspool of notifications.
‘Bennington Sanitarium: 13 new voicemails’
The cold bit at my fingers as I held the phone, like it was a forbidden relic.The eeriness ran up my veins at an unfathomable pace, sending a warning shock to my shoulder. I instinctively dropped the device on the marble counter, shaking my head out of disorientation.
Why would the sanitarium--?
Should I even be seeing this?
No--I shouldn’t, everything’s okay, this isn’t my business. But what if--no.
I walked away from the counter, ignoring the lingering feeling of curiosity scratching at the back of my neck. I grumbled, trying to hide the impulsive grimace forming on my face.
Don’t do it Y/N
I took in an intermittent breath, turning around to stare at the tempting device sprawled out on the counter
But what if something--?
I bit the inside of my cheek, letting the battle between my conscience and my temptation ensue.
Well...Spencer should be home soon
Maybe just a little look…
My curiosity camouflaged the growing guilt in my stomach, rushing off to take the phone in my hands once again. I felt like Eve in the garden, the serpent drawing me in by manipulating my eagerness to know. I knew once I made that decision, there was no way back. At that time I was completely fine with those odds--I comfortably accepted the unknown.
But that was it…
It was what I didn’t know, that should’ve stayed unknown.
I crossed a boundary that I was too ignorant to recognize
“Good Afternoon Dr. Spencer Reid, this is the Bennington Sanitarium, I am Charlene, Diana’s nurse, and...I--there was--uh--” The woman choked in between her words, making the pit in my stomach grow. “There was an incident regarding your mother and I have to inform you, sir, that--”
I swiftly pressed the pause button on the voicemail, feeling an overcoming wave of fear wash over me. My hands shook at my sides, frustrated at the underlying curiosity that still nipped at me.
Was it even human of me to snoop through Spencer’s privacy?
Was it merciful for me to deliver a message that might cause pain?
Moral dilemmas flooded my head once again, but I pushed that aside, unable to deal with the raging battle occurring in my conscience. With a shaky breath and a quick glance at the door, my finger hovered over the screen and let the message play out.
“The staff of Bennington Sanitarium regret to inform you that Diana Reid has...passed away at 9am this morning. She had suffered a stroke from an insurmountable of stress and passed peacefully in her bed. I understand that this is a difficult time but we need you to…”
The cold had infiltrated my entire body, guilt weaving itself in between the tendons of my heart. A nauseating ring permeated my ears, but nothing could’ve been the cause of the emitting sound. My entire body melted into weakness, my limbs turning into jello.
“No…” I whispered.
This wasn’t real...I...Spencer
Spencer...oh my god Spencer--what is he going to--
I covered my mouth as a distinguished sob of anguish left my lips. Tears fell freely from my eyes for Spencer, for Diana who had been a second mother to me, to the regret of my actions. I held myself up on the counter, the deafening ring still not leaving my ears. It bounced around my headspace like a punishment, like it was torturing me for venturing into an abyss I never should’ve been tempted to explore.
Shock invaded every corner of my body, making me feel lightheaded.
She was…
She was gone…
Spencer never got to say goodbye
This call was his goodbye and I took that from him.
I took away his goodbye.
Another sob reverberated through the room. It was heavy and choked like it was a place where solace could never thrive. Pain was evident in the guttural emission, challenging the strings that kept the heart open to hope.
Although the sob hadn’t left my lips…
It left the mouth of a mournful brunette who stood in the frame of the door, unbeknownst to the news he would soon uncover.
It seemed that I failed to hear the cheery footsteps of his while he entered the apartment, too entranced by my own shock that still pounded against my chest. My mouth hung agape as the feeling intensified by the mere appearance of Spencer himself.
His autumn colored eyes dulled into a sully grey, his prominent shoulders hung with a thousand weights attached to him, but it was the way he looked at me that pulled me apart the most. His eyes longed for comfort, but the anger beneath them told another tale.
My breath had been caught in my esophagus, unable to form any incoherent words.
I--I didn’t know what to say
“S...Sp....” I tried my hardest to push the words off of my tongue but my fear decided against it.
He shook his head at me in defeat.
It was hopeless
His knees threatened to buckle before him. I noticed this and took an instinctive step towards him, but when he looked up to meet my concerned gaze, I knew there was nothing I could do.
A glassy film casted over his doleful eyes, the corners of his lips twitching into a frown as his head ran a thousand miles per hour. His breaths were heavy and intermittent, only coming out of his lungs as choked air.
“I…” He brokenly whispered. “She--I--no…” His voice cracked, giving away the scornful weight that he harbored inside him. “No no no no no no...no she can’t--no…” He grabbed fistfuls of his hair, pacing back and forth while he looked to the sky for solutions.
“No no no no no mom no please” He cried, crashing onto the floor as his knees finally gave out. Deep rooted cries racked his chest as he pulled his knees to him. “No no no no no” He continued to repeat like a haunting mantra. “Y/N no, please tell me it's not…” He begged.
“Spencer...I’m so sorr--”
“NO! NO! DON’T--” He heaved, lifting his face from his knees to send daggers my way. “Don’t...don’t fucking lie to me y/n” His voice softened, sounding like the broken boy that hid behind that brain of his. “Please...please just tell me she’s okay? Y/N? Please…” He begged once again. “I never...I didn’t tell her I loved her. You...you took that away from me...”
My own cries mixed in with his as I resentfully shook my head. “I’m sorry Spencer…” I meekly whispered, bringing myself onto the floor across from him. “I wish that I could do something---I really wish I can---please let me help, let me do anyth--”
Before I could finish my sentence, Spencer stood up and ran for the door, leaving all his belongings behind. I called out his name--I cried out for his presence.
I was desperate.
Desperate to console him, desperate to love him again and to make him feel safe, but I was mostly desperate to selfishly know if he was going to come back.
What have I done?
I was powerless
What have I DONE?
Left on the floor like broken porcelain that was swept under the rug, I let the broken fragments pool around me. I wailed for his return, but deep down I knew that he would never want to go back to a place that reminded him of a tremendous loss.
It was then that I realized that what I knew would plague the entirety of my existence.
It was what I knew, that I wish I had never come know.
hope you enjoyed <3
taglist: @rexorangecouny @honeymilk-4 @linthebinbag @howdycharlie
#spencer#spencer reid#Spencerreid#spencer reid Criminal Minds#spencer reid icons#spencer reid imagines#spencer x oc#spencer x reader#spencer x y/n#spencer x you#spencer reid x oc#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid angst#spencer reid one shot#spencer reid oneshots#spencer reid owns me#Matthew Gray Gubler#matthew gray gubler imagine#spencer reid imagine#matthew gray gubler imagines#matthew gray gubler x reader#matthew gray gubler x y/n#mgg#mgg fanfiction#mgg fluff#mgg x reader#Criminal Minds#criminal minds fic
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5 + 1 fic where Frost keeps walking in on Caitlin and Cisco doing things? Bonus if you mention THE broom closet and if the +1 is them walking in on Frost instead :P
5 Times Frost Walks in on Cisco and Caitlin + 1 Time Cisco and Caitlin Walk in on Frost
Killervibe Fic - (NSFW)
Killervibe Month Gift for @ava-has-a-closet-murderboard (who had requested this) and @ilikethequiet who had requested sexual tension.
“You really mean that?”
Though he didn’t have to say it again. Caitlin grabbed the lapels of his suit, surging in to kiss the soft look from his face. It was inevitable, she realized. Belonging with Cisco. And he kissed her so perfectly, she was all at once overjoyed and overwhelmed. The steps of the West house patio creaked beneath the shifting of their feet. It was cold on the dark street, Iris and Barry still slow dancing together in the living room after their vows. But it wasn’t the all-consuming, world-saving romance between the West-Allens and their children that left Caitlin feeling so nostalgic for love. It was seeing Cisco again, even in the Star Labs stole. Then hearing him say he was single again, not being able to believe the calmness he had about it. Then touching him again, now, in a way in which she’d never had the chance.
Cisco cupped her cheek and brought her closer. She’d never been so lost in a kiss.
The front door opened, and Frost tugged at her peach dress. When she looked up and saw Cisco and Caitlin in front of her, she stood shocked. Though the shock passed quickly when she realized they had yet to even notice she’d caught them. “Um?” Frost waved Caitlin’s clutch in front of them in the air. “Hello??”
They stopped, blinking away the haze from their quiet intimacy. Cisco’s arm immediately went around her, his chin over her shoulder too. “Frost, couldn’t you have just walked away or something? You’re interrupting.”
“I thought priests were supposed to be abstinent!”
“He’s not a real priest!” Caitlin snapped irritatedly. “He’s my boyfriend!”
Cisco grinned. “Really? I mean, yes. Absolutely yes. But, really? I thought you’d need at least a day or two before needing to settle on labels, which you could still have, by the way.” Caitlin shushed him, planting another kiss against his lips. “I don’t think we need to be wasting anymore time, Cisco.”
Frost flipped her silver hair over her shoulder and called into the house, glaring at Nora and Bart West-Allen. “Now look at what you’ve done!”
Nora West-Allen peered out, sporting a confused frown. “What’s the problem? They’re supposed to be together.”
“Yes!” Cisco said. “Thank you.”
“The problem,” Frost ground out as she marched down the steps, “Is that I live with her and Cisco sold his place so now I’m gonna have to live with them.” A red car drove up to the driveway. Frost got into the Uber and slammed the door. Two seconds later, the window rolled down, Frost’s eyes glinted that icy blue from the old days as she shouted, “I. Hate. Weddings!”
Caitlin unpeeled her medical gloves, rolling down Cisco’s pant leg. “It’s not broken or sprained.”
“Oh good.” Cisco’s arm went over his eyes. Caitlin stood up from the black stool to wash her hands at the sink. “I didn’t think it was.”
Caitlin didn’t think so either, but watching him fall from the Star Labs Van had still rattled her. She returned with two pain killers and a plastic cup. Cisco sat up and swished the water and pills down. Caitlin watched anxiously. She quirked an eyebrow when a funny look passed his face.
“You know what would make me feel even better, Dr. Snow?”
A startled laugh pushed out of her throat. Of course Cisco would want to play Doctor. She played along, fighting the flush that greeted her. “What?”
Cisco patted on the wax paper on her bed, letting her know there was a lot of room. She sat beside him to humour him, though their sides squished. There was no room at all. “We’re not having sex in my Med Bay,” she warned.
“No, no,” Cisco said, all wide-eyed and innocent. “Doctor, I’d never!”
“Have you ever thought of going for a pHD?” she asked, teasing him. “You’d get a title of your own…”
The question gave Cisco whiplash. He pouted at her. “Caitlin. C’mon.”
She smirked, leaning in to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Okay fine, maybe one kiss.”
Somehow, despite her firm insistence on no sex, Caitlin soon found herself lying down on the medical cot anyway, Cisco climbing over her, fiddling with the buttons of her white lab coat. Her hair spilled over the edge of the thin pillow, and she couldn’t seem to stop where this was ultimately going. Her hips raised when Cisco grinded against her a bit.
“How long have you wanted to do this?” she asked.
Cisco laughed. “Oh, you don’t want to know that answer.” He stopped though, pulling back a bit. “Okay, I know you don’t wanna fool around here. My place?”
“What! No!” Caitlin grabbed his wrist. “You’re teasing me, I’m changing my mind.”
“Babe, you said…” Cisco narrowed his eyes, watching the slow smile spread across her face.
The door slid open. Frost gawked. “Why are you just dangled over her like that?”
“Frost.” Caitlin let out a very deep sigh. “....I was checking to make sure he was okay.”
“Well clearly, he is!” Frost exclaimed. “I needed to get Cecile a band-aid.”
“Just use your powers,” Caitlin told her. “It’ll close the wound.”
“Yeah, no thanks.”
Cisco shooed her out.
Frost grabbed the box of band-aids and walked away.
Caitlin leaned up on her elbows. “Did that kill the mood for you too?”
“YOU’RE WELCOME!” Frost called from down the hall.
“Are we alone?”
“I locked the door.”
That was good enough.
Cisco’s hands went to her hips, then up and underneath the blouse Caitlin had tucked into her shirt. She’s laughing a little into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and stumbling as she tries to kick off her heels at the same time. “This is getting ridiculous.” Not sneaking off with Cisco in the middle of the day at Star Labs -- Barry and Iris do that too often to not be embarrassed about that -- but the sheer insatiability that instilled in the both of them since they got together. It was all the time. Nearly, every day, and it got set off by the slightest, silliest thing. If Cisco’s eyes glimmered when they shared a look at lunch, Caitlin wanted him. If she hopped onto Cisco’s desk at the workshop while he was working and crossed her legs, Cisco wanted her.
“Forget the shoes. You’re going to twist your ankle.”
“They’re uncomfortable, I want them off.” She takes a step back and loses her balance. Cisco pulls her just before she falls, arm slipping against her arched back, bringing her against his chest. Her eyes were wide and she caught her breath. Then smiled in a way she seldom did in public. A come hither, sexy mouth move that Cisco will have seared into his brain and committed until death. Cisco groaned and slipped his hand into her skirt just as the door handle rattles then falls to the ground and shatters. “Why are we even locking anything in this damn place anymore other than the pipeline-”
They jumped as Frost entered the room, stopping mid-mutter to stare at them. “Oh for fucking out loud.” She looked as though she wanted to hurl. “Chester sent me in here to get his printer blueprint stuff!”
“For crying out loud,” Caitlin corrected with just barely a whisper, still straightening her skirt as she blushed. She couldn’t decide if she was embarrassed or mad.
“Who even uses the printer anymore?” Cisco grumbled. “Those displays are HD and on Gideon’s cloud. Tell him it should be on his tablet.”
Frost rolled her eyes. “I’m not telling him that.” She marched forward and grabbed the stacks of papers from the silent printer off the side desk neither Caitlin nor Cisco were paying attention to. She threw a hand up at them, gesturing with her face screwed up in disgust, as though she couldn’t even stand to look at them in their dishevelled state. “If you wanted to get all frisky you should’ve used the archives. Everyone knows that’s where you screw around here, not the damn copy room, god. You two are such nerds.”
“You’re paying for the doorknob!” Cisco called after her. He went over to the shattered mess that had started to melt on the floor. Caitlin bit her lip, getting back into her heels. Cisco turned around. “Help me pick this up?”
“Of course.” Caitlin twitched her nose at the mess. “You know the Starchives will never work.”
“Obviously not.”
“...Maybe we should look into abandoned broom closets.”
“Caitlin, god-”
Caitlin’s apartment door opened.
“Really?” Frost deadpanned. “On the couch?”
Caitlin covered her chest with the throw blanket. Cisco tucked himself back into his pants.
"We're sorry, Frost--"
"Save it."
“OW!?” Cisco howled at the cold snow ball that had hit his head. Caitlin covered her eyes. “We were just kissing!”
“It always starts like that.” Frost lowered her icy hand. “Get. A. Room.”
+ 1
Cisco spun Caitlin around one last time in front of the door to the apartment after their six month anniversary date. He kissed her, slowly, sweetly. Then not so sweet. Caitlin loved it all. He backed her up against the door and deepened the kiss, but eventually pulled away and murmured, “Caitlin, I think we need to get our own place.”
Considering the fact all Caitlin wanted to do was drag Cisco to her bedroom while she knew Frost was inside told her he was exactly right.
She let out a small breath and bit her lip. “I want to. I just worry about…”
Cisco pinched his nose and sighed. Caitlin glanced up and down as he pushed back his hair. “I know that Frost loves you and all, but…”
“I know. I know.” Caitlin twists her clutch in her hands. “I’ll talk to her.” She gave him a look. “We’ll both talk to her.”
She opened the clutch for her keys and opened the door.
Frost wiped at her mouth, standing up from her kneeled position on the floor. Cisco closed his eyes with a horrified yelp. “My eyes!”
Caitlin averted her own gaze at the strange man and his junk hanging out like that in the middle of her living room. “Who the hell are you?”
“Chill out Cisco, like I haven’t seen worse.” Frost licked her lips and grinned at Caitlin’s appalled yet cohesive grilling of the naked man in her house. “Caity, you’ll never believe it. Mark has a brother, and he’s also into art!”
Caitlin turned to Cisco. “Honey, we’re moving out.”
“Oh yeah.”
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Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Camille Prescott), Ethan Ramsey x Harper Emery (friendship)
Word Count: 1,687
Warnings: None :)
Summary: Harper attends Camille’s baby shower and realizes that Ethan is well and truly whipped.
Just a li’l something sweet to celebrate the fact that we finally know that OH is coming back...even if it isn’t until September 🙃

“Harper, welcome.” Ethan steps aside to allow his colleague and former girlfriend to enter the apartment. Harper offers him a professionally-wrapped gift with an enormous pink bow on it. She shifts her purse on her shoulder as she walks in, feeling somewhat out-of-place.
“Thank you for the invitation.” Harper says. “I wasn’t sure I would be invited, to be honest.” She casts a glance around the flat as she steps inside.
It’s a completely different space than she remembers from back when she and Ethan used to date. While it’s the same building, the minimalist decor has been replaced with bright throw pillows and clusters of knick-knacks and picture frames-- not to mention the cheerful welcome mat at the door where there’d used to be only a utilitarian black doormat.
“Of course you’re invited, we’re colleagues and old friends.” Ethan responds. “Besides, Camille and her friends all look up to you. She personally asked me to make sure you were on the guest list.” Ethan adds. He smiles at Harper, and she notes that he looks not only happier, but younger, too. Just being around that young resident of his always seems to rejuvenate him in a dozen different ways.
Harper allows herself a pleased smile. “Oh, did she? That was nice of her.” She glances around the apartment as Ethan leads her further inside towards the rest of the guests.
She hesitates slightly as they enter the living room. Thanks to the open floor plan, Harper can see there are maybe two or three dozen people filtering around the large space. She recognizes quite a few residents from Edenbrook, although the crowd is studded with unfamiliar faces.
Harper’s gaze travels around the room, pausing on Camille, where she stands by the dining table, which is serving as the craft center for the baby shower activities. Ethan’s wife is like a ray of sunshine, wearing a yellow sundress and holding up a hand-decorated bib made by one of her friends. Ethan follows Harper’s eyes around the room.
“Can I get you some punch? Dr. Trinh made it.” he offers, as if sensing Harper’s discomfort.
“Quite the role reversal, Ramsey.” Harper says dryly, and he chuckles, leading the way to the kitchen.
Usually it’s Ethan who needs his hand held at social functions. Harper has covered for him at conventions and galas more times than she can count. She’s glad he knows her well enough to understand that socializing with her subordinates at her ex-boyfriend’s new wife’s baby shower is a little out of her wheelhouse, no matter how unflappable she usually is.
Ethan pours them each a glass of pink punch that tastes of strawberry. They lapse into a comfortable silence as they sip the admittedly delicious drink. “Dr. Trinh made this?” Harper asks, pleasantly surprised. She can’t say she knows much about the tiny resident besides the fact that she can occasionally be found crying in supply closets.
“She made pretty much everything.” Ethan grunts, gesturing vaguely at the desserts and appetizers spread out on the kitchen island. “I think Dr. Varma and that arrogant scalpel jockey helped out by opening the cheese puffs.”
The thought of the residents swarming around the infamous Ethan Ramsey’s kitchen makes Harper laugh. “I have to say, Ethan, it’s good to see you like this. Happy, I mean. I never expected you to be married or have children, but it suits you.”
“I am happy.” Ethan agrees. He swirls his glass of punch. “Wishing this was scotch, maybe, but happy seems...appropriate.” He leans on the counter casually, and although he clearly thinks he’s being surreptitious, it’s obvious he’s only doing it to get a better view of Camille. “And you? How have you been?”
Harper can hear the real question that he’s asking. “I’m single-- but I’m content.” she assures him, quickly. “Being at the top of my field is hard enough without managing a relationship on top of it.” Harper knows it sounds like a line, but it’s the truth. She’s dated plenty, but she’s at her most relaxed when she’s not in a relationship.
She and Ethan seemed perfectly suited to one another on paper, but neither one of them had delusions about the longevity of their relationship. Now that Ethan is happily settled down, Harper can see that she’s perfectly fine on her own. It feels good to finally be around Ethan as friends, without having to worry about where they stand with one another.
“You’re right about that.” Ethan says, drawing Harper back to the conversation. “I’ve been toying with the idea of taking some time off after the baby comes. So Camille can get back to work on her own timetable, and we can spend some time together as a family. It’s not like we need to worry about income.” Ethan says wryly, casting a glance around the high ceilings and breathtaking views of his apartment. Despite the homey revamp of the interior, it’s still the same luxury real estate.
Harper blinks, taken aback. “You’d become a stay-at-home father? You’re more whipped than I thought.” Harper lets out a shocked laugh, and Ethan glances at her, his brow furrowing.
“I am certainly not whipped, Harper.” But even as the words come out, his gaze slides away from Harper and back over to where Camille admires a tiny pair of crocheted scrubs, cradling her stomach with one hand. A smile quirks his lips, and once again, he seems to have forgotten Harper altogether.
“If you aren’t whipped, then why have you been staring at her throughout our entire conversation?” Harper asks, arching an eyebrow. She isn’t upset at him, in fact it’s kind of adorable to see The Ethan Ramsey gazing longingly at Camille from across the room.
“She’s my wife. I’m just trying to make sure she has a good time at her baby shower.” Ethan says with an indignant scowl. “I suppose that makes me some sort of spineless worm in your eyes.”
Then Camille appears behind him, resting one of her dainty hands on his arm. “Who’s a spineless worm?” she asks with a smile, and all of Ethan’s agitation visibly fades away. He gives her a dopey smile and covers her hand with his own.
“Dr. Emery, thanks so much for coming!” Camille says in greeting as she notices Harper, oblivious to the knowing look that Harper shoots Ethan. She offers Harper a wide smile, and it’s becoming quite obvious to Harper why Camille and Ethan are so good for each other. Between the blonde’s sunny disposition and Ethan’s brooding cynicism, they balance each other out perfectly.
“It’s my pleasure, and congratulations on your little one.” Harper says, nodding at Camille’s stomach. “If you’ll excuse me, I see Naveen over by the scrapbooking station. I think I’ll go say hello.”
As soon as Harper has turned away, Ethan loops one arm around Camille’s waist, pulling her as close to him as her baby bump will allow. He presses one palm firmly against her back and uses his other hand to tilt her chin up and press a quick kiss to her lips.
“Hey, you.” Camille says lovingly as she pulls away. “Are you having fun?”
“I’ll confess I am having more fun now that you’re here.” he says, tenderly stroking her cheek. “I’m glad you made your way to the kitchen.”
“I’m mostly here for the food.” Camille says in a mock whisper. “The lunch you made me was total garbage. You can’t call something risotto if it uses cauliflower instead of rice.”
“Pardon me for wanting my wife and child to live a long healthy life.” Ethan grumbles, though his lips are threatening to betray him by twitching into a smile.
“Whatever, at least Sienna has my back.” Camille reaches over and plucks a pink-frosted cupcake off a nearby platter. She holds it up to Ethan. “Want to share?”
Ethan rolls his eyes as he stares at the sugary treat. “I still hate frosting, Rookie. No matter how many times you try to force me to ingest it.”
“Well, your daughter loves it.” Camille says, scooping some frosting onto her finger and licking it off. Ethan shifts his hands to rest on the curve of her stomach, and this time he can’t stop the smile from breaking through. It broadens as he feels a fluttering kick against his palm.
“I can tell,” he says. Camille raises the cupcake again, but instead of taking a bite, she playfully scoops up some more frosting with her index finger and smears it on Ethan’s cheek.
If someone had told him two years ago that he’d be married to a resident, expecting a child with her, and laughing while she spread pink buttercream on his face, he would’ve thought they were out of their mind. But here he is, and he couldn’t be happier.
He brushes a lock of blonde hair out of Camille’s face and smiles down at her. As usual, when Ethan looks at her, everything else in the room fades away. He forgets about the apartment full of their friends and family, and all that exists is him and her, and their unborn daughter in between them.
Camille smiles back mischievously at him, and pushes herself onto her tiptoes to kiss away the frosting on his cheek. Her lips linger, trailing down to his jaw and letting her tongue swipe teasingly along his skin.
Ethan’s breath hitches in his throat. “Camille,” he says warningly, tightening his hold on her body. “I will send everyone home right now.” He leans over to whisper his words, finishing his sentence with a sharp nip to her ear. He smirks at her sharp gasp and the way her hands fist in his sweater.
Then she shakes her head and wiggles out of his arms with a bright laugh. “Not so fast, Ethan. You haven’t even decorated a bib yet.”
Ethan groans, but lets her take his hand and lead him across the apartment towards the craft table. “Only for you, love.”
Yeah, Ethan Ramsey is totally whipped, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tags: @edgiestwinter | @fireycookie | @dulceghernandez | @queencarb | @utterlyinevitable | @angela8756 | @lucy-268 | @ethandaddyramsey | @laiba-the-person | @starrystarrytrouble | @aestheticartsx | @kaavyaethanramsey | @sanchita012 | @eramsey28 |
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hey everyone! ummm this is peyton (also the mun of lee hyeon) taking a second shot at a second character — i have a lot of muse for this one, so i swear he’ll be around for a while… 🥵 this is ryu geon, yes his name rhymes with hyeon’s & no i do not care ♥️ he’s the lead guitarist/vocalist of meta and also the son of a former nobody rockstar, but i’ll get into all that below! like this post if you’d like for me to come into your ims to plot, click the read more for more info on geon, and/or click here to be taken to his pages: CAREER, DOSSIER, PINTEREST.
born in autumn ‘97 to a “budding rockstar” (translation: “no yeah i swear our band’s really starting to take off, we sold twenty-three tickets to our last show!”) & a woman with commitment issues ♥️ geon’s dad always told him that his mom left because she had some dire matters that needed to be taken care of and SWORE that she cried the last time she held her dear baby boy, but all of his dad’s bandmates say that she was just some groupie and had to be persuaded into carrying her child to term… who can say for sure?
naturally, there are no pictures of this mystery woman. there was one (1) of her holding infant geon, but then he found out that that was actually a sound tech who worked for his dad’s band… and he just never corrected geon’s assumptions LOLLLL
anyway! he was always really close to his dad, considering they were a two-person family. he has a set of grandparents, an aunt and a couple cousins but they were never involved with geon’s life because his dad is the #blacksheep of the family. geon and his dad against the world, am i right?
uhhh geon was also kind of a black sheep growing up, but he didn’t really notice? he was a happy kid, very energetic and enthusiastic. a lot of adults in the area looked down on him & his dad, but he was SOOOO blind to it because his dad’s a god in his eyes and HE’S always been nice to everyone, so why would they not like him??? because his clothes smelled a little like dad’s cigarette smoke??? big deal
wasn’t troublesome (beyond talking too much), but a lot of people still expected bad things from him :/ “his father’s a dirtbag, i’ll be surprised if that boy doesn’t end up in jail by 20”, “he won’t amount to anything without a proper role model in his life”, “his dad is teaching him how to slack off”, “he won’t contribute anything to society”, etc. he kindaaa picked up on this as he got older but pretended not to because it was more rewarding to play dumb and keep being a good kid(tm) to prove them wrong
was basically a mini version of his dad. same style, similar features, birthmarks in the same places, same “live today, die tomorrow” approach in life, same affinity for singing & playing rock music. ummm he loved his dad a lot. a lot. a lot. wanted to make him proud SO BAD, started his first band when he was 15 and they sucked so bad but his dad was their biggest fan… you know how it is. a lot of people misunderstood him, but he was a very good guy and such a great parent
TW DEATH unfortunately he passed away just shy of geon’s 18th birthday and your boy still hasn’t forgiven the world for taking his dad when he was in the middle of his angsty teen phase — had he known that their time together was dwindling, he would’ve been so so so much better to him END TW
his dad’s band actually rocketed into the charts after he passed & suddenly they were getting loads of publicity, lots of “what a shame that he went under-appreciated” which pissed geon off SOOOO bad because why couldn’t they have had that energy when he was still alive? he’s still mad about it five/six years later
this is getting kinda long, so uhhh tl;dr, he ended up staying with the drummer of his dad’s band until he was old enough to live alone/READY to live alone, but he changed quite a bit. was really going through it, quit his band, stopped putting effort into school. barely graduated. went from being a social butterfly spending every weekend at a gig or with friends to spending all of his time on a pc or in front of a tv, playing console games. the internet comforted him when nobody else would/could and then he met the future members of meta <33333333 #newbeginnings
present day geon is still struggling, has to go to counseling bi-weekly but he’s coming back out of his shell! he wants to fall in love with life again, just wants to tread carefully... outgoing & will talk to absolutely anyone, but he still spends most of his time alone. hard to reach by text, so if you wanna talk to him, you better call/facetime LMAO. talks a mile a minute, especially if you get him going abt something he really likes. laughs a lot, smiles a lot, more habitual than actual signs of happiness but yk. ummm he has a really loud voice, mostly controlled nowadays but he still gets carried away sometimes. an absolute menace during long drives/flights, sorry meta.
funny but only when he’s in large groups. feeds off of other peoples’ energy, really good at reading a room and breaking the ice/making everyone comfortable, but if you meet him 1-on-1, none of his jokes land quite the same.
i envision him as being the kind of guy who carries himself in such a way that you’d assume he’s really popular/out of reach/maybe even full of himself, but he’s... not like that... at all... in fact, he’s kinda irritating when you get to know him. the personification of a flood followed by a drought and vice versa, always either too much or not enough. gets used/ghosted/dropped/dumped/whatever a lot because he’s soooo fun in the moment (if he isn’t in his feelings), but draining long-term.
really emotionally intelligent, in touch with his feelings in a way that a lot of people never thought he would be (probably thanks to counseling tbh). he’s very very rarely the type of person who will make you wonder what your place in his life is — he’s communicative, kind, honest. ummm he thinks that intimacy between friends needs to be more common, so he’s really affectionate with the people in his life. type of guy to tell you he loves you every chance he gets (calling you when he’s drunk, sounding like a clingy ex type beat) & greet you/depart with a hug. losing his dad kinda fucked him up in the way that he won’t leave/hang up until his friends say “i love you” back, gets kinda (re: very) upset if he’s denied that and/or a hug.
has been playing the guitar “longer than he’s been walking” (not really, but he swears it’s true).
uhhh he really likes nail art, but he’s kinda hesitant in what he tries? mainly sticks to black polish (or other plain colors), but sometimes he’ll get little designs added in as well. mainly does it himself because he still doesn’t feel comfortable in salons... if his work looks bad, leave him alone <3 he’s trying
inspired by people like kurt cobain, nicky wire, yungblud, billie joe armstrong & damiano david in the fact that he’s not against wearing dresses or skirts on stage. doesn’t do it ALL the time, but often enough that it doesn’t go unnoticed. some people say that he does it for attention because he doesn’t dress like that elsewhere and tbh they’re probably kinda right
interested in history (only SOME... dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, specialized areas like the history of circuses/clowns/skateboarding/punk, stuff like that yk), stand-up comedy & documentaries. could spend a whole day watching documentaries and would say he had fun, has a lot of useless knowledge that nobody gives a fuck about and is kinda dumb when it comes to things that matter
when it comes to music, he prefers playing really fast and heavy rock or punk over anything else, but he actually listens to a lot more soft indie on his own time... he’s too tense these days to be listening to anything else RIPPP
the vibe: homemade tie-dye, ripped slipknot t-shirts, frosted tips, neon crocs with alien & peace-sign charms, chipped black nail polish, calloused hands, cheesy pick-up lines used NOT to land a date but to pull a smile, driving until he’s lost, stupid socks paired with pressed suits, dramatic poetry in an iphone note, etc.
people he met through online support groups about coping with grief
uhhh an on & off relationship that’s been going for who-knows-how-long. the reason for this is up for discussion, but i imagine that he hasn’t given up yet because the constant highs and lows are a good source of inspo 🤪 artists must suffer for their art!
opposite side of the coin — someone he’s interested in, but he’s NOT disloyal so it’s a pattern of persistent courting when he’s single vs intense friend-zoning when he’s not and they’re getting tired of trying to figure out what he wants from them
someone else who likes nail art & can convince him that NOBODY cares if he goes to a salon
someone (probably female but doesn’t really matter tbh) who feels like his feminism is entirely performative… maybe they attack him directly for it or maybe they just REALLY don’t like him and they’re super vague about it idk. either way, please tell him that activism is much more than recommending one female artist a year and saying “clothes have no gender 🤪” so he can be praised for the bare minimum (his heart is in the right place but his skull is empty)
someone super introverted who comes out of their shell with geon! uhhh maybe they think that he’s the one doing them a favor, but in reality spending time with them has been doing wonders for his mental health
other people who like to skate. let’s congregate at the local skatepark and scare the middle schoolers away
someone who inspires him musically, for whatever reason. lots of late nights in studios, idly strumming his guitar and writing lyrics that definitely aren’t about how their eyes look in these dim lights… umm maybe he thinks he has a crush on them but really doesn’t and ends up hurting them eventually, maybe he really DOES have a crush but will (probably) never do anything abt it or maybe it’s entirely platonic and he just admires them a ridiculous amount
someone who likes to make music as a hobby, prob won’t publish/release any of it but it’s fun to imagine. spontaneous meetings with geon in the middle of the night, recording songs together and keeping the WORST takes for the laughs. there’s probably a diss-track of them going in on each other floating around somewhere even though geon can’t rap for shit
night owls who keep him company on the phone, even if they can’t be there physically. them talking really quietly vs geon shouting at them while he plays games LMAO
gaming buddies. come over, maybe you can carry geon through his game of the week or you can both fail but have fun while you’re at it… or you can scream while he fends off that hoard of zombies behind you
i’m typing this at the last minute (literally) so i’m gonna stop here, but i will get a proper plots page put up asap with a wider variety of connections!!! but as always, please do let me know if you have any other ideas. i’m always happy to plot and write with you all 🌚
#ws:intro#frankly my characters end up a lil different from intended 90% of the time soooo take my description of his personality w a grain of salt#this intro is long and illiterate but i'll fix it at a later time
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