gemsofgreece · 4 months
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Livadi of Elassona, Greece. Hungarian tourist practices her pole dancing skills on random pole while Greek shepherd watches.
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naxosandsmallcyclades · 8 months
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Στις βορειοανατολικές ακτές της Ηρακλειάς βρίσκεται η παραλία Λιβάδι ή όρμος Μούρτο. Είναι μια αρκετά μεγάλη παραλία με χρυσαφένια άμμο και ρηχά νερά. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι το κάστρο του Λιβαδιού που υψώνεται πίσω από την παραλία.
Έχετε επισκεφθεί ποτέ την Ηρακλειά; Ποια είναι η αγαπημένη σας παραλία;
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με μερικές από τις καλύτερες παραλίες της Μεσογείου επισκεφθείτε το www.naxos.gr
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jeremiebaldocchi · 2 years
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Voici mon 84ème vlog (blog en vidéo) Je suis partis pour un voyage de 15 jours en Grèce visiter les Îles Cyclades Je te propose de découvrir et d’explorer avec moi l’île de Folegandros Après être arrivé �� son port "Karasostasis" nous allons visiter la ville de "Chora" avec sa superbe église "Panagia" Puis le village "Ano Meria" et les plages "Agali" et "Katergo" (le lien de ma chaîne YouTube se trouve dans la description de ce compte Instagram) #voyage #voyager #explorer #decouverte #visite #tourisme #travel #grece #cyclades #folegandros #chora #chorafolegandros #karasostasis #anomeria #agali #katergo #livadi (à Folegandros island) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmiz5L_tMIE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cyclades-islands · 1 year
The beautiful Piso Livadi village in 📍Paros island (Πάρος) - @cyclades-islands ❤️
Vid by: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw8RicHMwLv/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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highvolumetal · 2 years
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Theo Angelopoulos on the set of  The Weeping Meadow , 2004.
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celluloidrainbow · 2 years
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ΜΑΎΡΟ ΛΙΒΆΔΙ | BLACK FIELD (2009) dir. Vardis Marinakis In 1654 in Greece under Ottoman rule, a solitary janissary collapses from his wounds outside an isolated Orthodox nunnery. The nuns take him in and one with medical skills, Areti, tends him with the help of another, the young and shy Anthi. Both are fascinated by the presence of a man and, as he recovers, Areti starts an affair with him while Anthi has conflicting emotions. Learning that he is a deserter with a price on his head, the nuns realise that they dare not hide him and inform the authorities. As a contingent of soldiers arrives to collect him, Anthi escapes with him and the two go on the run. In the woods, a long-hidden secret comes out. (link in title)
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tolupas · 1 year
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aretis · 10 days
📍 Iraklia,Small Cyclades,Greece 🇬🇷
Visiting Iraklia is like stepping into another world, where time slows down and nature takes the lead. Whether you're hiking, dining on local delicacies, or just soaking up the sun, this island promises pure relaxation away from the crowds.
Ready to Escape the crowds? The time has come to disembark in Iraklia!
If peace and quiet are your travel must-haves, Iraklia is calling your name! Tucked away in the Small Cyclades, this island is the perfect antidote to the busy tourist hotspots like Naxos and lately Koufonisia. With a short summer season and limited accommodations, it remains a tranquil haven untouched by the usual tourist rush.
Getting There:
Hop on a ferry from Athens and enjoy a scenic 7-8 hour journey, or spice up your trip with a pit stop in Naxos before catching the legendary Express Skopelitis.
Where to Stay:
Settle in Agios Georgios, where villas perched on hills offer breathtaking views of the sea and nearby islands. It's the perfect spot to unwind after a day of exploring.
What to Do:
You might not even need a car here most attractions are within walking distance. Hike through scenic trails, uncover hidden coves, or simply kick back and enjoy the unspoiled beauty around you. -
A Taste of Iraklia: Foodies, rejoice! Indulge in local specialities like fava beans and fresh calamari at Akathi. For a meal with a view, Perapanta by Livadi beach is a must, and don't forget to start your day with coffee at the charming Melissa café.
Reel: @stef_greece
Καλημέρα Ελλάδα!!
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itsloriel · 1 year
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The Weeping Meadow / To Livadi pou Dakryzei (2004)
Director: Theodoros Angelopoulos
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pogledomdosrzi · 1 year
Kad se "nema šanse" desi
Tanka je linija između rečenice
"Ma nema šanse da se to desi zadugo"
I dešavanja baš toga
Odmah sutra
Ili iduće sedmice
Za šta ste mislili da se neće desiti
Još zadugo
I ponekad je to težak događaj
Ponekad to nešto za šta nema šanse
Se kaže jer je toliko grozno
Da mislite kako vam srce ne bi podnijelo
Kad bi se baš i desilo
Ali ja ovaj put ne govorim o takvim havarijama
Ja govorim o onim dešavanjima
Koje upoređujete sa bajkama
Što su vam nene i dide pričali
Pred spavanje dok još niste znali
Ni zube sami oprati
Ja govorim o onim blagoslovima
Što dođu tako iznenada
Tako bezbrižno
Kao sunčan dan
U pola novembra
Kad mislite da kiša neće prestati nikada
I da će se samo pretvoriti
U snježnu prtinu
Baš tada u pola nevremena i nevjere
Zasija sunce
I to ni trunku zubato
Već ono pravo
Kao u po jula
I baš to "nema šanse"
Taj dan
To sunce
Zasija najsjajnije
I ne pitaš se kolko će sijati
Ne zamaraš svoju dušu brigom
Da neće zalazak doći
Prije nego što si se osunčao od glave do pete
Ili izležavao satima na livadi
Ili okupao i u najvećim dubinama mora
Ne misliš kako će kiša zapadati kasnije
Već uživaš u tome
Da gledaš sunce u svojoj svakoj
Jedinstvenoj fazi na nebu
Jedan dan kažeš da je pisac iz tebe iščezao
Kao slatki snovi kad alarm zazvoni
A idući već dan jedva čekaš
Da pozavršavaš sve obaveze
Kako bi napokon sjeo
I napisao pokoji stih
Ma kakve obaveze druge
To ti postane obaveza
Pisanje je opet tvoj prvenstveni
Temeljni posao
I svaki stih
Svaka riječ
Stilska figura
Biva protkana najopojnijim sokovima duše
I sve postaje poezija
I ti pišeš
I sanjaš
Samo jedne oči
U kojima po prvi put u životu vidiš
Koliko svaka briga nestaje
Kada gledaju u tebe
I čekaš
Opet čekaš
Mada ovaj put neke druge stvari
Neke druge ljude
I ništa mimo njega ne bi radije čekao
Iz minute u minutu gledajući u telefon
Da vidiš je li stigla nova poruka
Još nepročitana
Još milozvučnija
Iz sata u sat čekaš da dan
Kad ga opet trebaš napokon zagrliti
Bude bliže nego što je bio u podne
Čekaš samo jednu kožu
Osvježenu morskom vodom
Da ljubiš dok ne zaboraviš koliko je sati
Koji je dan
I koja je godina
I baš ono za šta si rekao da nema šanse
A onda ti se desi
Kao ozeblo sunce
Čekaš da ti opet
Pristigne u ruke
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poeticlicense12345 · 10 months
Svemir je dalek
Bolje tu na livadi
text author: Klaun Van Trenda
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bojesvemira · 10 months
Sanjah te jutros ženo u bijelom, kako navlačiš mi onu haljinu bijelu što si mi kupila u tiffanyu u robnoj kući staroj. U snovima sam uvijek ostala u onoj sedmoj godini života, sanjah te tako kako na livadi na gorama pravimo vijence za ljetni solsticij. Uvijek si mi govorila da smo ti i ja gora zelena, i uvijek te sanjam na tim gorama. Valjda to tako treba, i ovu kovertu što skrivaš vješto od mene a bijelu golubicu držiš na desnom ramenu, pa pogledam ko to tako važan prima pismo od tebe tako bijele i divne, pa režeš leptire plave velike bijele i gomilu ih u kovertu spremaš, pa mi kažeš treba joj rekao mi je neko na drugom svijetu preko puta mene da sada treba joj. Šalješ kovertu po golubici ona nestaje u beskraju svijetlosti pa ti sjedam u suknju bijelu kao nekad davno pa mi kažeš da se ne ogrešim rečima okovnim, da ne pričam ono što je ružno za cuti, da kažem lijepe stvari i o ljudima zlim. Uredu je kažeš što i nisam bila za neke ljude, samo nije prostor ni vrijeme bilo da služi nas. Ljubiš me u dlan i nestaješ, iza tebe ostaje samo trag plavih leptira i moje pitanje šta ostaje u meni? i koliko osjećanja zaslužujem, Bako....
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Στη βορειοανατολική πλευρά της Ηρακλειάς θα βρείτε την  υπέροχη παραλία Λιβάδι. Πρόκειται για μια μεγάλη παραλία με αρμυρίκια και κρυστάλλινα νερά. Τα ήρεμα νερά της και η υπέροχη θέα προς τη νησίδα Βενέτικο θα σας συναρπάσουν. 
Έχετε επισκεφθεί ποτέ τη Ηρακλειά; Ποια είναι η αγαπημένη σας παραλία;
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με μερικές από τις καλύτερες παραλίες της Μεσογείου επισκεφθείτε το www.naxos.gr
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umetnica69 · 2 years
Remek Delo
Onda kada shvatimo da smo bosi po trnju prvo hodali da bi na kraju trćali po zelenoj livadi.
Tek onda shavtimo da ništa nije lako, da ništa ne pada sa neba.
To znači da smo uspeli bilo to na poslovnim planu, životnoj filozofiji, energiji, duhovnosti ili pak možda emociji zvanoj ljubav to se zove pravo životno. Remek Delo.
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tolupas · 1 year
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Day 18 - Beach Day!!!
Today we had the luxury of a free morning so many of us took the chance to sleep in late for the first time while some took a taxi to get a head start on enjoying the beach. We hopped on the bus at 1pm to travel to the breathtaking Livadi beach of Ikaria, outside of Ammos restaurant and bar. We have to shoutout our amazing guide Sylvia because while it is not beach season here in Greece, she was able to pull some strings and the very kind owner offered us beachside lunch service, lounge chairs and umbrellas for our beach day! The Ikarian lifestyle is apparent everywhere we go- the service is relaxed, the people are friendly and the sense of family and community is strong. The water was cold once again but not enough to stop us from enjoying the bright blue yet crystal clear water. We all swam out to an island off the beach and shared pairs of goggles the boys had bought to take a tour of the fish inhabiting the Mediterranean. Pate even brought his underwater camera and was able to snap some epic flicks! For the first time this trip, we got a nostalgic taste of American eats by snacking on some delicious chicken nuggets from the restaurant. We finished the beach day off by celebrating Kyle’s birthday with cakes, some awesome remixes by the beachside DJ, and lots more fun in the sun. (Thanks Kyle’s mom for the cakes!) Best day so far!!!
- Julia Pyc
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