#liv pearsall
Liv Pearsall's Christian Hot Takes That Should Be Normalized
in this video and this one Liv Pearsall, one of my favorite Christan tiktokers, (she does mostly comedy, although two of her series, The Bible Explained with Liv and Bible Stories with Liv are SO COOL) Liv runs down some of her hot takes that I think NEED to become the norm because they are so cool. she outlines them quick but I'll go into a lil more depth here
Pastors shouldn't wear expensive clothing while preaching: you can *own* nice stuff and wear it, just don't advertize your wealth *while preaching*. which is SO RIGHT! you're called to be humble and reach out to those who aren't as fortunate as you, and if you're decked out in designer suits and with a Rolex, it sends a far worse message than if you wore, like a nice dress shirt for example. save the expensive stuff for special occasions, don't make it your defalt while you are leading the church in worship and prayer.
You're not always gonna feel close to God, and that's okay: Its the times when you don't emotionally feel his presence but you still keep actively seeking and worshipping Him that really show your faith. Its a daily choice. if you only follow and worship Him when you feel like it, guess what, you're not a Christian. cause you're worshipping a feeling, not the Almighty God.
DONT DATE NON-CHRISTIANS: seriously. in relationships (this applies to friendships as well as romantic ones!) we are called to be equally yoked. if you're dedicating your life to living a certain way, and your boy/girlfriend isnt, then you guys are doomed. AND, if you go ahead and get married to that person, its actually a sin.
celebrity pastors shouldnt be a thing: there's a difference between being famous for your theology (cause you've been blessed by God to reach millions) and being famous cause of wealth, controversy, scandals, etc. we should seek the quiet place with the Lord, and showing off how successful we are to the world sends the wrong message.
being a Christian means fighting for social justice: the bible tells us SO MANY TIMES to protect the orphan, the widow, the foreigners, the refugees, the poor, the disadvantaged, and more. we are called to deny ourselves and serve others, like Christ. it can apply today to things like racism, an unjust prison system, the lower class, refugees flocking to our borders, our children not even being properly educated in schools, and so many more. even if all you know how or can do is volunteer time or donate money, or if you do as much as run a non-profit organization that's in all 50 states and is working with Congress for a better future, we as Christians NEED to step up our game. cause that's what Jesus would do.
so yeah! these all need to become the norm in the church, if we want so many people to stop seeing us as hypocrites.
Reblog if you agree, and add some of your own hot takes that need to become normal!
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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randomstuffidkman · 6 months
I took a screenshot of a liv pearsall video at the perfect time
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dragoninahumancostume · 7 months
It gets so hard to breath when I see a reference to something I like
I watching Liv Pearsall showing songs that spell words and she put "I AM THE A-L. E-X. A-N. D. E-R. WE ARE MEANT TO BE" and I just "AAAAAAAAAAH" *stops breathing*
Then I watched her doing Aaron Burr Sir sped up acting by herself and I just started acting and mouthing the lyrics too and walking around my room even if it's past 11 at night and I should be sleeping and I have to wake up early tomorrow
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lee-gets-ler-gives366 · 11 months
Watch "the Censored version of Ain’t Sh*t by Doja is sending me-" on YouTube
I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard (giggles)😊
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plasticfangtastic · 1 year
Watch "celebrity dilfs may not be as daddy as they seem 😔 - liv pearsall #shorts" on YouTube
I feel my coochie doing a U-Turn thinking of one of these DILFs tagging me on Facebook minion memes
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
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milliemakesmagic · 2 years
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gorochuva · 2 years
Mint: Hey, Zoey, you're a native English speaker. Have you seen Megamind?
Zoey: Over here, old friend. In case you haven't noticed, you've fallen right into my trap!
Bu-Ling: You can't trap justice! It's an idea, a belief!
Zoey: But even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time!
Bu-Ling: Justice is a non-corrosive metal!
Zoey: But metals can be melted by the heat of ravange!
Bu-Ling: It's revenge, and it's best served cold.
Zoey: But it can be easily reheated in the microwave of evil!
Bu-Ling: Well, I think your warranty's about to expire!
Zoey: Maybe I got an extended warranty!
Bu-Ling: Warranties are invalid if you don't use the product for its intended purpose!
Ichigo: Girls, girls, you're both pretty! Can I go home now?
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arighmaa-dataq · 1 year
Okay so I’ve fallen into the Welcome Home rabbit hole. Been seeing so much good stuff and am this close to strait up making an OC.
But also I keep thinking of that TikTok showing moments of angry/unhinged Kermit and now I desperately wanna see an artist make a vid of Wally Darling with that sound.
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Tell me three of the characters that has done this before. Modern Au or not.
@sange-de-romane @kasumi-prenami @spoopy-fish-writes @mlk082 @evilquartett @vivigoesinsane @vio-simps-for-purple-characters
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Got me dyyyiiing 🤣🤣🤣
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thesingingrevolution · 5 months
me pulling up on my hoverboard
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joex92 · 6 months
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pizzahutchan124 · 6 months
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