courtmartialme · 4 days
friend i know it's Riza time but you typed out the words "alpha Olivier" and now i think i hauve covid... anyway do you think Riza's annoyed about being an omega for the most part or does she enjoy it?
ALPHA OLIVIER... ofc it's the obvious choice, and my preferred one since i want her doing things to riza <3 but tbf if i cared more about the politics of it i would make her beta or maybe even omega because someone with her personality and who got to achieve this much power be a non alpha would be something fun to explore i think!! but i only care about riza's harem so i leave it up to someone else........!
and yes riza hates being an omega :] when she had her first heat she barely knew anything about it because it's a taboo topic she wouldn't hear much about at school, and of course berthold never bothered to talk to her about it so it was a scary experience for her. it's very frustrating for riza who was always independent to be an omega, struggling with an outdated idea that omega are submissive and built to serve... as someone who already has issues with bodily autonomy it is really frustrating. so she starts taking suppressants when she joins the military and presents as a beta for years. very few people know shes actually an omega...! of course suppressants aren't perfect and prone to failing if you abuse them ... ! riza has a strong shame complex about it and a lot to unlearn emotionally physically sexually etc because she's insanely repressed _(:3 」∠)_
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scienceoftheidiot · 5 months
hello! thank you for the WIP tag! I'd love to hear more about 1923 💕
Aha no problem, I saw it was also about art (I don't know if you write?) so I'm 👀 in case you want to share any !!
Ahhhhhh 1923 is my other pet project with All the Hope. It's a long fic too, Royai, and I've been working on it for more than a year now.
I don't know how familiar you are with FMA 03 and Conqueror of Shamballa, but in those Ed and Al end up being stuck in our world in the year, you guessed it, 1923.
This stems from Ed meeting our world's Hughes there, and I kept wondering where Roy and Riza were...
So it starts with Ed meeting our world's version of Roy Mustang in 1923 Munich, but it's in fact just a frame for me to tell our world's Roy and Riza's (and other characters 😉 ) story, year by year, starting from the beginning. It adapts what happens in Brotherhood, btw, for our world, in a way. No spoilers lol.
I think it would have fitted to have Roy and Riza on the same side as Hughes, btw, but for a couple of reasons, including me being lazy, I've decided they aren't. All three however, even if they don't know each other (Roy and Riza do know each other from early on OF COURSE), have taken part in WW1, which is a big chunk of this fic.
I don't know what excerpt to share... so have the first meeting between Roy and Ed (if you want other parts like either character's childhood or the war or after the war, feel free to ask ! I can gush about this fic for hours and I've already written way too much in this reply haha). Also there's Falman there, so, for you lol.
"Are you going?" "Wish I could. But it's during my shift, and I need to put food on the table. With the prices rising…" Falman shrugs. "You want to go?"  "Of course! You think there's a fee? I'm on my last marks, too."  "You could try to sneak in."  "My, a librarian encouraging a kid to sneak into a science conference. That's the kind of people I like."  Edward stills and straightens at the voice that rises behind him.  "Whatcha got, here, young criminal?" The man's German is a little stilted, spoken as a foreign language most likely, but not enough to make his speech pattern unrecognizable.  A gloved hand – the glove is brown – reaches past Ed's shoulder to take the first book on the pile.  Ed turns around at once, to see Roy fucking Mustang open the book at random, squint, and put the book upside down on the counter so he can reach into a pocket inside his suit jacket. Falman has a desperate whine at the state of the book – there's no salvaging its spine now – but he's too polite to say anything. And Ed himself has too much trouble trying to close his mouth.  Well. Hughes was there. There ought to be a version of the colonel roaming around this world.  But. Still.  Oblivious, Mustang growls while rummaging through his pockets, taking out his gloves, setting his hat and his jacket on the counter, and laying an ebony cane with a silver handle against it.  Edward can't stop the words that cross his lips.  "Urgh, of course you would."  "Uh? Ah!" Mustang frowns as he pushes a pair of reading glasses on his nose, then takes the book again. “Ah, I knew it. Inorganic chemistry, uh?” “Yeah, and what about it?” Edward retorts, thinking the colonel – or whatever he is in this world – looks even more insufferable with these tiny glasses on. He doesn’t know if he wants to slap him or hug him, and the fact that he’s thinking about this last option makes him furious. 
Thank you so much for asking about this ! I hope you liked that and feel free to ask more if you want to know more haha ^^"
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patron-saints · 11 days
🧣 for Hannah and 🎸 for evgeniya pls 🥺💕
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
hannah has two comfort objects. the first is a moose stuffed animal she's had since she was a toddler that she still keeps in her and evgeniya's bedroom. his name is mouse. he for sure has all the signs of a well loved stuffed animal, and she still picks him up and holds him when things get really difficult. no one outside the family is allowed to know about this obviously, but evgeniya loves him and considers him a part of her. her other one is her wedding ring :) i think it's probably a very simple gold band and i think she fidgets with it when she's out because it reminds her of evgeniya and of home and her family, and the promises she's made to them.
🎸 (electric guitar) - What’s your character’s music taste like? Do they have one or two artists they play on repeat or do they have a varied and eclectic collection of music? Do they like mainstream artists or prefer underground musicians? What genres do they enjoy?
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! okay so evgeniya is a string bassist in the north city orchestra and i think they probably play a Lot of classical music there, i think if fma has like, equivalents of like, of tchaikovsky and rachmaninoff she'd probably fuck w those guys, but i think she's not afraid of change either, and as the music starts to change with the turn of the century she'd be open to listening to and playing more modern pieces too!! people keep expecting her not to listen to new music because she likes old stuff SO much but she's like, Please. i could play sick beats if i wanted to.
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milekael · 6 months
Random ask time! You wake up and you're a side character in FMA - who is it and why? And would you change anything they do in the story? (hope you're having a good day! ☺️)
SDFGH HI!! <3 I'm good! AND MMMm see the thing about FMA and something like this is the uuh Do I Want To Die question LOL I would love to be Kain Fuery I love that guy and I mean I get to hang around Riza, know about radios and like dogs????? Amazing. On the flipside he gets sent to the trenches and sees at least one person he was with die exploding so.... :(
Maybe a little less interesting but at least more safe and still nice would be the huuuh Guy that works for Izumi and Sig. I like doing manual work and working with a butcher sounds really neat! Also those two really like that guy I appreciate the job security.
If is just a one day thing, as long as it isn't his trenches days I am more than happy to be Fuery SDFGHJK If is like- living the whole thing as them... make me the butcher kid please SDFGH
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fullmetalscullyy · 11 months
Hello friend! Hope you've been enjoying the sims lol did you end up making Riza and Roy? Or would you make the characters from your novel just to see what they do?
Also ty for all the writing you've been posting recently! I love it all 💕
heyyy 👋👋 i have omg it is Getting Me Through 🩷 but i haven't dabbled in making royai yet 😔 i've got a whole generation thing going on and hhhh i can't quite seem to part with them i think i'm on gen 5/6 so The Thought of starting a new one.... but on the other hand. royai fam... royai kids...... HAYATE...........!!!!!! it's a v v v compelling argument ngl... 👀
galaxy brain.
why haven't i thought of that. i could make ailsa my beloved in the sims 👁️👄👁️ make her smooch and fall in love w ruaraidh asap 😩🙌
now that's a plan 👏
aww glad you've enjoyed it!!! it's been so much fun 🥰 i've loved diving back into royai and working slowly on exploring more new stuff. i can't wait to get the time to dig deeper into more of my own idea and share a bit more
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littlewitchbee · 2 months
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Inauguration Day
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royaibigbang · 18 days
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contributor highlight
hey everyone!! it's been a hot minute, how are we all???
with exactly a month to go until our @royaibigbang (coming at you on wednesday 3rd october 2024!!), we would absolutely LOVE to show off all our contributors for this event 🎊
it's time to celebrate everyone who was involved in the big bang process, both past and present! those who contributed their ideas, their energy, and their enthusiasm. thank you all!! 🩷
✨first and foremost: please give it up for the creator of this whole event, @tsaritsa 🎉 without her, we wouldn't be here today 🥂
✨ our mod team! who worked hard to keep things running as smoothly as possibl: @tsaritsa @rebbi-sonnenhell @fullmetalscullyy @littlewitchbee @patron-saints 👏
✨ and of course, to our writers, artists, and beta readers - the core of the event! without them and their creativity, their dedication, we wouldn't have an event, so thank you all for all your hard work!! words cannot express how grateful we are for each and every one of you, and it's been a pleasure working with you:
📝 writers (big bang): @raisingmybanner @beware-thegemini @quiet-nocturne @tsaritsa puttingdownroots
✍️ writers (anthology): @royai @limetameta @rizaposting @baudleaires @thatweirdguyinthebushes @koussevitzky @roseofbattles @aicasey
🎨 artists: @littlewitchbee @areyousanta @olvitier @chewytran @ic3-que3n @all-the-other-usernamesweretaken @rizaposting @justanotherinterneruser @milekael @ppurinpu @lewdybooty @shyacinth @awesomedurraworld @ventifrappa @pact-warlock @portokali @candidhart
📖 beta team: @ghost-biird @nabuer @patron-saints @squibbles17 @aldrendaux @steviesays
they really gave it their all and we can't wait to show off what they've been creating together soon!! give it up for them 👏
the @royaibigbang promo week begins wednesday 26th september, so please stay tuned to see what sneak peeks we have in store 👀🥳 we will be showcasing and reblogging what our writers, artists, and betas have been a a part of for the last 8 or so months (how exciting!!) and we can't wait for you to see it all!!
see you soon 👋🥳
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rowanisawriter · 2 months
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Thanatos smells it before he sees it, the blood, the iron scent of it filling the air between them. He feels his feet hit the ground as he leans in for a closer look. Blood, red and thick and bright, droplets of it pooling to the surface of Zagreus’s palm, reflecting the embers that rise from the laurels in his hair. Something strikes Thanatos then, in his chest, an uneven feeling. If he didn’t know better, he would call it fear.
from reaching
thank you, beloved ana @littlewitchbee for this gorgeous art and for indulging me while i rant about hades near constantly 🩶
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dreadfutures · 5 months
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Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Let's bring back rec posts, and share some love for the creative work we get to enjoy every day in our fandoms! For ANY fandom, highlight either a fanartist or a piece of fan writing (or both) you love and tag some friends!
FANARTIST: @yolebrat
Today I'm highlight @yolebrat - an amazing artist who I first found through painterly Dragon Age fanart. Since then I've enjoyed commissions, and cute little doodle replies that make me smile!
One of my favorite pieces is a commission yole made for Mel (below) Give it a reblog and follow yole for more art of all kinds. Or buy a commission and get an amazing painted piece of your own!
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FANFIC: Cheating the Dread Wolf by cartadwarfwithaheartofgold
I read this story long ago all in one sitting. It absolutely gripped me, tugged at my heartstrings, and wouldn't let me go. A Cadash/Solas/Varric Tethras rare pair, you have to give this a try.
Rating: E Pairing: Female Cadash/Solas, Female Cadash/Varric, Varric/Solas Chapters: 13/13 Length: 42,657 words Summary: Maria Cadash hung up the Inquisitor's mantle for the Viscountess' crown, but she's unable to stop her desperate and impossible struggle to stop Fen'Harel from destroying the world both her husband and daughter inhabit. The fact Varric, Maria, and Solas are all madly in love with each other just means she may have enough of an edge to win this game.
I'm tagging a lot of people on this one because I want to get this KICKSTARTED. Dragon Age is coming BACK this summer, and I'm trying to get twitter refugees who don't know anyone on tumblr to realize that there's a thriving DA fandom that has been here the whole time. But feel free to recommend from other fandoms! I love finding new fics and new artists to follow.
Dragon Age FanFic server tag list: @warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren | @breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @theluckywizard | @nirikeehan | @oxygenforthewicked | @exalted-dawn | @melisusthewee | @blarrghe | @agentkatie | @delicatefade | @leggywillow | @about2dance | @plisuu
People I Love In My Notes: @fiadhaisteach | @shivunin | @greypetrel | @littlewitchbee | @wildbasil | @peforby | @sucrosesorcery | @layalu | @beebundt | @neonteeth | @galadae | @thiefbird | @mel-0n-earth | @alienturnip | @ndostairlyrium | @v-arbellanaris | @demandthedoodles | @wailing-willow | @the-rebel-archivist | @thedreadblog
(There is a tag limit of 50 people on posts so I'm pushing it lol)
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courtmartialme · 7 months
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older riza commission for beloved @littlewitchbee !! thank you so much friend for the request😙 always happy to draw my wife
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memesmadefullmetal · 1 year
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@littlewitchbee oKay we can’t uNsee this now that you’ve pointed it oUT
why doesn’t Armstrong have nipples????
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why doesn’t anyone have niPPLES??? 😭
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- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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patron-saints · 5 months
😺 and 📝! 💕
🐱 - boop!
BOOP! <3
📝 - tell me about a project you’re working on, or share something from a WIP
rizalust snippet... TWO
riza can feel the colonel’s eyes on her, so she looks up. they’re alone in his office, and she has his attention, so she says, “i met someone.” roy mustang’s face travels through every human emotion known to man, and then he says, in a perfectly even voice, “who is he?” “a woman,” she answers. he raises an eyebrow so high it disappears into his hairline. “a source,” she says firmly, even as her mind helpfully supplies her with the exact kind of visuals mustang’s eyebrow is insinuating.
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soufflegirl · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to know better - thank you for the tag @enigmaticxbee 💗
Currently reading: 11.22.63 by Stephen King. It's my first King's, I'm ~ 30% in and I'm enjoying it so far!
Last song: Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift
Currently watching: nothing at the moment because I'm still processing the five months immersion in The X-Files universe. I'm rewatching random episodes to cope with the emptiness and waiting to be in the mood to watch something else again.
Current fic: I'm reading snakebitten by onpaperfirst - I love being in a "new old" fandom because there is so much to read!
Next on my watchlist: I haven't watched the second season of Good Omens yet, so maybe I'll watch that. Or Our Flag Means Death, that has been on my watchlist forever.
Current obsession: someone took every single thought in my brain and replaced it with txf. It's a (beautiful) curse and I see no way out.
No pressure tag @badlucksav @alwaysleadstoyou @tsaritsa @littlewitchbee 🫶🏻
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fullmetalscullyy · 11 months
Happy birthday!!!!! Hope you had an incredible day 💕💖 I love love love all the gorgeous pics you've been posting and I hope you're having a magical time out in the woods ✨ thank you so much for all you do!
thank you sm!!!! aaaaa it means a lot!! 💕💞💖🩷
i had a brilliant time 🩷 the forest really said: here, this is all for u today 😌 AND I WAS THRIVING ✨ and gaining inspo by the bucket load 👀✨ hahaha we love to see it!!
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scienceoftheidiot · 3 months
@rizaposting tagged me to pick 4 of my favorite characters from different pieces of media and then YOU pick which one you think matches my *~vibe~* (yes @rizaposting I stole your sentence because my brain is so fried I actually have trouble thinking about more than 3 characters)
1) yeah they're all guys, fight me
2) there is a reason I chose to use Waid/Samnee's DD instead of MCU
3) yeah I have a type BUT
4) one of them is NOT like the others 😂
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I tag @qs63 @wellbehaveddolphin @mabonetsamhain @littleragondin @littlewitchbee and @musing-and-music and whoever wants to steal this from me !
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littlewitchbee · 11 months
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Continuing my series of painting studies but make it royai 💕
detail of Ferdinand Hodler's Night
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