rubistella · 4 days
( Sinday ask ) Does Astarion hate it when his partners scream during sex? I imagine it hurts his beautiful pointy ears.
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@littlestvrs || unprompted
As an agent of chaos, Astarion does find himself enjoying a bit of spice during the act. Especially when his partner starts getting louder they absolutely shouldn’t be doing that. The danger of getting caught only heightens the thrill of it, adding this edge to the mischief he will often orchestrate.
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“I mean, so long as it's moaning we're talking about, and not actually screeching... I honestly could do without the auditory assault.”
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sharransepulchre · 23 hours
" Flowers are so overrated. They're bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons. " ( Astarion / Faithless Shadowheart )
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❝ perhaps you ' re simply looking to the wrong flowers . ❞ Shadowheart's cold, nearly sultry voice murmurs. It's hardly audible over the distant sound of structures collapsing - of fires being tamed down into low blazes by those who scurried off to begin erecting statues in her name. Work hadn't stopped - and it wouldn't, not until she converts those under false gods to worship at her feet.
Her graceful steps fill the chamber of the decimated Sharran cloister as she approaches Astarion - one of her companions that have been staying with her after control of the Elder brain was seized by her. Each strike of her heel against the previously silent chamber echoes with every step; dominant and present where each step in a previous life was subservient and humble. She steps over to the growth of Night Orchids - short lived, as always.
❝ they ' re simple things , astarion . on their own they can grow , thrive , wilt , die . but , should we nourish them . . . they can become particularly powerful . night orchids bloom in the dark , under the light of the moon , yet wither so soon . to think they manifest under selûne , only to be claimed by shar -- we won ' t need to worry of that anymore . perhaps , of any flower , i am most like this specimen . and you . . . you would be the vida .❞
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cheekylilfiend · 1 hour
Astarion gives Shovel a fungal bamboozler.
At first, Shovel made like she was going to toss the gift roughly to the ground because anything gifted by Fancy Pants had a chance of hurting Shovel. Their relationship was tumultuous at best...But then she caught the light reflecting off of the mysterious substance inside and, well, Fancy Pants was very good at finding treasures. Maybe it was a good gift? It looked fleshy on the inside, like it might be tasty..... With a shrug, because what could go wrong? She bit the top of the glass grenade like she was uncorking a bottle with her mouth and swallowed the spores (and glass shards) before they had a chance to escape.
"Woah....." Shovel gasped, her buggy eyes wider than they had ever been before as she inspects the new hands she had suddenly grown and the way they trail behind her original ones, "Shovel feels....funny. Shovel can tastes colors and hear the beyond..."
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neverhangd · 4 hours
❝ Ours is a union of duty. You would do well to remember that. ❞ Astarion , Arranged marriage sentences (because.. why not? )
Sea glass green eyes cut across from a space over his shoulder right into Astarion’s eyes. There’s the smallest twitch under her eye, a subtle flaring of the nostrils: Anne is about to to blow. It doesn’t take much to raise her ire, but this—the insulting treatment, the impotence of her position as the wife-to-be, the way he looks down his nose as her (metaphorically speaking) at seemingly every chance he gets—this is beginning to enrage her.
“And ye would do well to remember this: ours is a duty with an expiration date.” Til death do us part. “Instead of pushing that date up, were I you, I’d find a way to talk to my wife that weren’t so godsdamned condescending.”
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bloodedhearts · 13 hours
"Oh, come here, I'll kiss you better." Astarion for Shadowheart (sarcastic)
Unprompted Ask | Always Accepting | @littlestvrs
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Shadowheart frowns at these words. Astarion is making fun of her, right ? He always seems to be making fun of her. He's so hard to read. Traveling with other people like this, people who have nothing to do with Shar... it makes her realize how much of the world she doesn't know.
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"Why would I do that ?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest. "You better not try to bite me."
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bearlydruid · 5 days
"No, I'm not tired. Leave me alone." ( Astarion )
Halsin regarded the lithe elf for a moment, a hint of mirth in his gaze. "Rest would do us all some good, Astarion." Halsin said gently. Given the tribulations they'd endured so far, every chance that they had to recover needed to be taken. "Do you hunger, instead? I would be happy to accompany you on a hunt."
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cheekylilfiend · 1 day
“Why did you do this? Why…? I never asked you to fight them.”
It was obvious the little quasit had expected Astarion to be pleased with her for scaring off some rogue vampire spawn, she had frightened two of them with ease and nearly scratched the third one to bits! So when he came at her with these words, not in praise, but in….worry? Disappointment? Annoyance? Well, Shovel felt very put out. ”Auuuuughhhhhh, piss rags!” Shovel cried, her beady eyes more round and sad than they usually were, as she began explaining without much pause between words, “Shovel heard stinky leech bags whispering! They wanted to take Fancy Pants man away and Shovel couldn’t wake Fancy Pants again because she remembers his beauty sleeps, just like Shovel said she would!! And-and Shovel had no choice!” Then, pausing for breath, she tapped the tips of her claws together and looked up at Astarion with a puppy like gaze and shy hearts in her eyes, “Is Fancy Pants mad at Shovel?”
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sharransepulchre · 3 days
"Money, power. They make fools of lesser people, but I… I am not lesser." ( Astarion )
. ☽◯☾ . starters from here
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The slender fingers of the Sharran woman slowly tangle against one another in thought as the words of her companion touch her ears. Another night in Elfsong Tavern, while their companions choose to drink and be merry, as if the end is not so rapidly approaching. Dancing and reveling in festivities, becoming embarrassingly inebriated and increasingly raucous as the night carries on. Blessed by the night of a new moon, ensuring none of Selûne's wicked moonbeams even dare to caress the pale skin of herself and the vampire laying upon her bed - a bottle of wine long since empty, and two glasses abandoned on the nightstand. The cork of the second bottle lay nearby, but Shadowheart had yet to indulge in another glass, since the pleasant buzz had already flushed through her pale cheeks and stirred warmth in her impeccably cool sternum. The Sharran draws in a breath, the sole of her foot sliding up against Astarion's shin slowly, and she mindlessly cracks her fingers.
❝ an astute observation . ❞ She drones, sounding particularly uninterested as her hands separate, weathered fingers aiming to wrap round the neck of the filled bottle. She draws it in, opting to drink directly from the source, as her bruised lips kiss the rim of it. She draws in a deep inhale through her nose and swallows the dry vintage without ceremony, her throat bobbing slightly. She draws it back, tongue darting out to collect the addictive taste, and her response continues. ❝ i do hope , for your sake , that it was directed fully towards the buffoons stumbling about the floorboards . i know well that you are no fool - and you will not be made as such so quickly . but power . . . you know how dangerous it can be . ❞ Her tone suddenly drops into something a little more hushed, nearly sultry. She draws the bottle in, to ghost it against the vampire spawn's lips deliberately.
❝ consume too much , and you shall grow fat and drunk with it . power , which can raise leaders - and just as quickly snuff them out . a delicate balance , and an opportunity that i have been groomed for my entire life . you have seen , through cazador , what it does ; it has made him drunk . be a shame if he tripped and fell on a stake in that drunken stupor . . . ❞
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neverhangd · 4 days
❌ ❌❌❌ & ⭕️ ⭕️⭕️⭕️ ( have fun !)
For every ❌ (big red x) I get, I’ll reveal a turn-on of Anne’s. For every ⭕️ (big red o), I’ll reveal a way to get to her romantically
You rock, thanks!!
Dominant figures, especially ones who give off cooler/colder vibes, double points for a position of authority above her own
Breath in her ear, be it from breathing or talking low into it
This one is kind of a dumb gimme, but interest being expressed in her in that way
D i r t y T a l k (especially dirty promises of what you plan to do to her)
Another dumb gimme: showing interest in her apart from her skills and/or sexuality
Choosing to spend time with her even when she’s the “least” of the available company (least charismatic, least friendly, etc.)
Letting her sleep with you without sexual contact
This bitch is a sapiosexual and does best with partners who are at least a little smart
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neverhangd · 5 days
Ⓐ ( Astarion - bc my annoying ass really like those! )
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours
You’re so valid! My annoying ass happens to really like doing these. :3c
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted || egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
They haven’t interacted so we’re skipping this one lol
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
Answers may change with further interaction!
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neverhangd · 12 hours
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go on pinterest and type “your name + core” and post the first 9 (ish because I want to) results
tagged by: @littlestvrs
tagging: @tryckthebard (for any of your blogs lol), @sharransepulchre , @hatigave , @avernusfuries , @unrely , and YOU srs do it and tag me
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sharransepulchre · 1 day
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go on pinterest and type “your name + core” and post the first 9 results | SHADOWHEART
tagged by: @littlestvrs
tagging: @ferinehuntress , @iron-hearts-ablaze , @dvilsdesire , @silvertiefling and anyone else who wants to do it !
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bloodedhearts · 6 days
𝑺𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑫𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑺. - bold what applies, italicize what sometimes applies, strike through for never applies.
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LUST. desire for connection. pursuit of pleasure. emotional intelligence. obsessive. lovesick. one-night stands. seductive encounter. flirtatious conversation. erotic party. seductive attire. revealing clothing. passionate gaze. provocative makeup. sensual expressions. suggestive gestures. flirtatious smiles. lingerie. love letters. perfumes. provocative behaviour. love poems. erotic art.
GLUTTONY. indulgence in experiences. savouring moments. hospitality. generosity. hedonism. culinary expertise. wine-tasting. excessive snacking. overloaded plates. excessive portions. bloated stomachs. messy eating. greasy fingers. full tables. indulgent spreads. overflowing cups. satisfied expressions. wine bottles. just can't get enough. fast food wrappers.
ENVY. motivation. competitive spirit. strategic planning. observational skills. bitter rivalry. contest. envious gossip. resentment-filled argument. social media jealousy. furrowed brows. clenched jaws. side-eye looks. pursed lips. tense posture. whispering behind backs. crossed arms. gossip magazines. keeping up with the joneses. the grass is always greener. feeling inadequate.
GREED. resourcefulness. entrepreneurial spirit. negotiation. materialistic. aggressive investment. lavish spending spree. resource-hoarding. get-rich-quick schemes. auction-bidding war. property acquisition. piles of money. overflowing wallets. luxury items. locked safes. penny-pinching. rare collectibles. selfishness. unwillingness to share.
SLOTH. calmness. stress management. nonchalance. relaxation techniques. lethargic. apathetic. inactive. lazy weekend. binge-watching marathon. neglected chores. skipped workout. long nap. lounging on the couch. missed deadlines. unkempt appearance. messy hair. pajamas. blankets. slippers. procrastination station. self-care routines.
PRIDE. confidence. self-assurance. self-respect. dignity. public speaking. self-promotion. arrogant. conceited. egotistical. self-important. vain. boastful speech. puffed chest. raised chin. smug smiles. spotlight. tooting your own horn. showing off. refusing to admit mistakes. feeling entitled. personal branding. leadership development.
WRATH. assertiveness. decisiveness. strength. intensity. boundary setting. courage. indignant. heated arguments. road rage incident. physical altercation. angry outburst. clenched fists. glaring eyes. tense muscles. raised voices. reddened faces. aggressive gestures. stormy demeanour. intense frowns. destructive actions. broken objects. punching bag. out for blood. fists. simmering anger.
Tagged by: @littlestvrs, thank youuu 🥰 Tagging: @silvertiefling @lunarrepel @lolthswrath @galefcrce & YOU ;D
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