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itsgoldleaf · 1 year ago
RexObi Big Bang 2023!
Presenting my story for @rexobibang (a few days later than planned, but life gets in the way!) Check it out on ao3 below:
The Path Not Taken
Featuring beautiful art by @littledumplingwrites and @ryr-art!!!
Writing this fic was a journey and a half - I’ve never taken part in a Big Bang before and I learned a lot about writing (and planning!) a long-form fic over months - lots of things to take with me for next time. Life also got in the way a bit (losing my job was definitely a highlight) but we got there in the end!
I’d like to thank my wonderful artists for creating such amazing pieces - seeing things I’ve written come to life like this is such an honour 🧡 I’d also like to thank the @rexobibang mods for creating and running this fun event for this awesome rarepair 🧡
“Please,” Rex says quietly. It’s desperate, a plea, almost lost in the jumble of cutlery and trays from the bussing station across the room.
“I’m not trying to out you, Rex,” Obi-Wan says softly, because he has to press otherwise they’ll get nowhere. “But you do need to address this. I’m not always going to be there to pretend it was me the next time you forget yourself. This is nothing to be afraid of; you’re remarkable, in fact. One of a kind.”
And that was the wrong thing to say.
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ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing · 6 months ago
Last Line Challenge
Thanks for the tag @brokenphoenix99!
Here's an exert from a fic that I'm writing that stars Fae Obi-Wan and human Jaster in kind of an older middle aged setting.
“Iron is protection from fae,” Obi-Wan corrrected, “Of which I am. Dark or light, Sith or Jedi, you’ve prevented any fae from touching you. It doesn’t matter their intentions. It’s not as if the iron can sense them. It’s job is to burn fae. That is what it does.” “What?” Kal asked, “It will burn all fae creatures?” Obi-Wan tilted his head before shaking it. “Silly humans,” he said, “They don’t know what they’re even warding off. Yes, human, iron for fae, salt for folks. Everyone knows that. Or at least, I thought everyone knew that.” “So if we’d thrown salt at that creature—” “He would have laughed as he ate you,” Obi-Wan said flatly, “It doesn’t work like that. He was a semi-powerful folk. It’s not as if you are trying to ward off pixies. It will keep him out of your space but you cannot use it as a weapon. It stops his movements, it doesn’t do him harm.”
I'm tagging @littledumplingwrites @nightoftheland @skylariumrose
@tennessoui @frostbitebakery @dontbelasagnax and anyone else who wants to do it!
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feybarn · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fox/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos Characters: Quinlan Vos, Fox, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Life Day, Gift Giving, Fluff, Hint of a Fix-It Summary: Quinlan would really have appreciated it if someone had let him know they were going to celebrate Life Day this year. As it is, he's got limited time and presents to find.
Hope you enjoy your gift @littledumplingwrites
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mistpodfics · 1 year ago
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The Summoning written by little_dumpling | @littledumplingwrites A Star Wars: Clone Wars Podfic read by mistbornhero for pod-o-ween
Cody and Wolffe want to try something they heard the alphas talking about. They light some candles and start reading from some ancient book. The whole thing makes Fox nervous, he's just along for the ride with his two best friends... He has no idea what's about to happen to him.
Podfic Length: 07:13 minutes
🎃👻spoooky/halloweeny playlist:🔮tumblr🔮neocities🔮 👻🎃
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years ago
Last Line Challenge!
Was tagged by @flowerparrish on my main nephilimswitchilight account! Thank you for tag my friend!!
No pressure at all tags: @prowlingthunder, @bisexualdinahlance, @retroyy1138, @inkyclone99, @abelunwilling, @lightningdropkick, @bucketking, @wandering-writer-ha, @littledumplingwrites, @hiddensage11 and anyone else who would like to!
Rules: Post the last line you wrote and try to tag as many people as there are words!
Wrecker was instantly smitten and could do nothing but stare.
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Thanks for the tag @frostbitebakery. Putting this out into the world in the hopes I might one day remember to finish a single drawing I've started ever.
It's for Kal'Koora. XD
Tagging: @skylariumrose @littledumplingwrites @nightoftheland
WIP Train WIP Train!!!
I have been invited to join the WIP train by @howdyrat (informally on discord LOL 🥰) Littled did Howdy know, I am incorrigible.
Rules: Post a minimum of one sentence (I'm adding: or line) of a WIP of your choice, and tag others to join the train!
[Today, 1117] Mav: [A photograph of all fourteen selected and potential aviators for the uranium mission in swim suits on the beach. Lieutenant Pete Mitchell is holding a football and bent down to spike it to Lieutenant Iceman Kazansky, who is crouched behind him. Arrayed around them are Lieutenants Bradshaw, Trace, Floyd, Bassett, and Avalone. The remaining seven aviators are arrayed in front of them in what looks like it might be making an attempt at a defensive line] Ice: Nice ass shot, Mitchell Mav: You love it Ice: That was sincere. What do I tell Cyclone you’re doing? Mav: Creating a team
(Operation Groundhog AU: Admiral Ice and Captain Mav often provide commentary over text ;) )
No pressure tags that weren't explicitly in the post I first saw:
@frostbitebakery, @asukaskerian, @oathkeeperoxas, @lambourngb, @goddammitjim, @brigittttoo, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby
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cabezadeperro · 4 years ago
Hi hi! I love getting to see your list of wips!! I was wondering about the "Bioshock au (rapture)" one? I love the Bioshock games so I am curious what you're planning for this? I am respectfully looking, so whatever you feel comfortable telling us :)
i actually have two (2) ideas for bioshock stuff! (i also love the bioshock names a completely normal amount)
first idea: would you kindly + clones. or: big daddies + clones! and... that’s it???? idk something something about dehumanization and commodification of people. also rapture? very neat place
second idea: ....... cal/boba noir au but it takes place in rapture. kind of like the bioshock infinite dlc but without the ambiguous father/daughter incest. boba as a private detective, cal as the person he’s been asked to find. stuff happens (i’m not sure what, though. at this point it’s mostly vibes).
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tarrevizsla · 4 years ago
for sleepover Saturday: whose your top favourite 3 SW characters and why?
ok i’m not putting tarre on here bc they don’t really qualify as a character. so:
number 3: fenn rau! he’s just so good he’s sabine’s uncle AND he trained clones. and he gave us tarre exposition.
number 2: bastila shan. i love her. 
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anelegantoffense · 4 years ago
what is "Unwilling Donor Jango AU" from your WIP list? :) It sounds interesting (but then all your writing is interesting!)
ooh that one doesn’t have a whole lot of development yet, but it’s a timeline alteration AU, where Jango is nabbed by the sith to be their clone template when he’s still a teen, because of some particular genetics that make him very desirable for such a thing. Jaster lives, lots of Jango angst, clone culture, and a plot I still need to figure out.
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itsgoldleaf · 1 year ago
RexObi Big Bang Promo!
Coming soon for the @rexobibang!
Title: The Path Not Taken
Team: @itsgoldleaf, @littledumplingwrites and @ryr-art
Rating: Mature
Words: ~25k
Pairing: CT-7567 | Rex/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Major warnings/tags: Force-Sensitive Rex, Kamino, Geonosis, 79’s, alcohol consumption, hangovers, spice, secrets, clone personhood, slow burn, falling in love, good timeline, O66 (mostly) doesn’t happen, happy ending, humour, vignettes, time skip, Cody is the only one taking this war seriously
Posting date: 29th September 2023
Summary: There’s an enigma at the end of the corridor with too-bright hair, and a brighter mind. Padawan Ben discovers a secret within a secret on the rain-soaked world of Kamino; a clone army, and a boy who can move things with his mind. Decades later as war gnaws on the galaxy, Commander Cody has a bone to pick, Anakin Skywalker tries to do good by his men, and General Kenobi meets Captain Rex for the first time, again. With Rex bent on forgetting he was ever unique, Obi-Wan asks himself if it’s even possible to win this war while keeping his sanity, keeping Rex’s secret, and keeping Rex too?
Art preview: All will be revealed on the posting date but I can say from the WIP previews my amazing artists Leo and Ryr have shared with me that you are in for a mega-treat!
Story Snippet:
“I’d glad to have someone who has an idea of what I’ve put up with for the last decade. Very happy too,” Obi-Wan adds, pouring the hot water, “to see you not taking any of Anakin’s shit.”
Rex doesn’t seem to know what to do with this information or his helmet. The latter ends up in his lap, knocking its forehead against the edge of the table in the mess as Obi-Wan shoves a steaming mug of tea at him and begins pouring his own.
It’s a moment before Obi-Wan remembers that even if off-duty there’s still army bullshit. “At ease?” He offers, to little visible change in Rex, “and you can speak freely in my presence. In perpetuity, if you don’t mind.” Another moment crawls by before it dawns on him that it’s not etiquette that’s got Rex’s tongue, but something worse.
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mock-arts · 2 years ago
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Cover art for @littledumplingwrites’ fic, “Healer Ben Kenobi, Reporting for Duty” for the @swbigbang
Rated Teen, check it out on Ao3! (Also on ao3, this art! And podfic by mengde in a few weeks.)
Healer Ben Kenobi finishes his surgical work on one battlefield and finds out he has a new assignment: rendezvous with the 212th and work with the clone healers there. This makes Ben a little nervous, because his new boyfriend Major Cody is a part of the 212th and Ben hasn’t heard from him in weeks.
Can the two of them work through their relationship issues, even as the Separatist Droid Army closes in on their position? Can Cody learn to trust someone who isn’t a brother? And can Ben learn to put his partner’s care above his past hurts?
MediCorps Obi-Wan; inspired by MASH; established relationship; rocky relationship; one-sided Anakin/Obi-Wan;
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ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing · 4 months ago
Last Line Challenge: JastObiKal, Hot Shot
Thanks @brokenphoenix99 for the tag! I think you've actually tagged me twice, but things have been crazy on my end. XD
I have this exerpt from something new I'm working on though. Warning for omegaverse below the cut.
“The textile owner’s son had to fit me because she was busy,” Obi-Wan mumbled, “He had to measure the collar a bunch of times. It rubbed your scents off my mating glands, and I don’t like it.” Jaster softened, ducking down to nose at the mating gland on Obi-Wan’s neck, pressing his face against the skin there as he rubbed his scent back onto Obi-Wan’s skin. “It’s alright, Ob’ika,” Jaster murmured against Obi-Wan’s neck, “I’ve got you.” “Spoken like a true Mandalorian.” Jaster huffed softly, but he kept nosing at Obi-Wan’s mating gland as the omega looked up at Braiikar curiously. “What’s like a true Mandalorian?” he asked. “Scent,” Jaster grunted out against Obi-Wan’s skin. Obi-Wan made a questioning noise. “Mandalorian’s sense of smell is some of the best in the galaxy,” Jaster murmured, “Better than even the ZeHethbra. It’s why you’ll find most people on Concord Dawn in long sleeves and pants even in the summer. They don’t want unfamiliar scents on their skin. Clothes can be changed or washed, but getting in the fresher every time someone accidentally brushes you would be a pain in the shebs.”
I'm tagging @skylariumrose, @nightoftheland, @frostbitebakery @tennessoui @flowerparrish @kbirbpods @littledumplingwrites
Have Fun!
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renegade-angel · 2 years ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M, Multi
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Relationship: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex (established)
Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pong Krell
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sentinels and Guides Are Known, @codexwanbingo, Planet Umbara (Star Wars), Umbara Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Sentinel CT-7567 | Rex, Guide Obi-Wan Kenobi, BAMF CC-2224 | Cody, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV CC-2224 | Cody, CC-2224 | Cody-centric, Implied Minor Character Death (it's Krell), New Romance
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Winter Holiday Gifts 2022
Stats: Published: 2022-12-25, Words: 2695, Chapters: 1/1
Cody saw the exact moment Rex’s sense of smell was restored because Rex’s eyes widened and he took one step back.
Obi-Wan turned to him, his scent pile mixing into fear-confusion-love. “Rex?”
“He smells like us,” he whispered. Then, he shook his head. “No, not like us, but close.” He finally met his Guide’s eyes, his own still wide and unblinking. “But he does smell like ours.”
Epiphany: 1. An appearance or manifestation, especially of a deity. 2. A sudden, intuitive perception of the reality of something.
For @littledumplingwrites
Happy holidays Leo! And thanks once again to @bluemaskedkarma for running these awesome bingos!
(bingo card under the cut)
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punkascas · 2 years ago
Picrew Game
tagged by the beautiful @santabarbara-skies to do this picrew.
i went a bit overboard and did my usual hermit work-from-home hide-from-people togs and then also what i wear on the rare occasion i’m forced by friends or work to leave the house.
p.s. picrew really needs to accept that some of us are stuck on the 80s with mullets and shaved sides of our head.
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just imagine the shirts have either: (a) an obscure 80s reference; (b) a band; and/or (c) neon involved somehwere.
no pressure tagging: @littledumplingwrites @shutterbug-12 @renegade-angel @skylariumrose @bluemaskedkarma @sophronist @ecarian @mock-speed @nottonyharrison @culumacilinte
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mistpodfics · 10 months ago
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Dangerous and Needy written by little_dumpling | @littledumplingwrites
A Star Wars/Firefly Podfic read by mistbornhero with a cover by @green-fifteen for VoiceTeam filling the challenge Crossovers
Firefly AU. Cody couldn't keep himself away from Obi-Wan, even if the young man's brain-pan was obviously fried. There was something there between them, something dangerous and needy, something he couldn't and wouldn't stop.
Podfic Length: 05:56 minutes
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codywankissbingo · 3 years ago
Codywan Kiss Bingo 2022: BINGO'S PART TWO (Bingo's 9-15)
Are you all ready for our next batch of bingo's? We kind of hope you're keeping track of how many of each kiss we got (we have to admit, there's a part of us that's curious!)
We cherish each kiss and hope you enjoy:
Ilum-you-so-much (tumblr) 
Bingos: 3
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Sweet kiss (art)
Kiss it better (art)
Forehead press (art)
Accidental kiss after a spar (art)
Free-wet kiss (art)
Dry kiss (art)
Angry kiss (art)
Good morning kiss (art)
Forehead kiss (art)
Leaving a hickey/leaving a mark (art)
Kiss in the rain (art)
Kiss on the fingers (art)
itsgoldleaf (tumblr) / goldleaf1066 (ao3) 
Bingos: 1
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A Spectre, A Shade (Kissing through tears)
Tilting Sunward (secret kiss)
At Arm's Length, The Churn (kiss on the wrist - swapped for free)
A Dawn You Longed For (kissing with teeth) 
With Both Our Hands Around It (kiss for luck) (E)
And Our Faces Toward the Sun (open mouthed kiss)
jedishadowolf (tumblr and ao3) 
Bingos: 1
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Distraction (kiss as a disguise)
Storytime (kiss on the nose)
Mess in the Kitchen (sloppy kiss)
Present the Colors (blowing a kiss)
Good Morning (good morning kiss)
larkdily (tumblr and ao3)
Bingos: 1
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kiss and make it better
Chapter One - kiss on the fingers 
Chapter Two - kiss goodbye
Chapter Three - kiss in the rain
Chapter Four - kiss on the… *ahem*
Chapter Five - Making Out
littledumplingwrites (tumblr) / little_dumpling (ao3)
Bingos: 1
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I Would Know You ("hand kiss", "first kiss", "forehead press"-switched with “kiss under the mistletoe”)
Ode to That Ass (kiss on the *ahem*)
MandoBarbie (Tumblr and ao3)
Bingo: 1
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Medieval Knight AU! (kiss for luck)
Same AU (kiss hello)
...and they were Roommates (secret kiss)
Panic! At the Codywan Kiss Bingo (tired kiss, kiss on the fingertips, hungry kiss, free space/come to bed kiss)   
MissyPup (tumblr and ao3)
Bingos: 2
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Interrobang: celebratory kiss, kiss anywhere but on the lips, butterfly kisses, kiss on the stomach, french kiss, secret kiss, kiss on the wrist, kiss on the nape of the neck, bloody kiss
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