boltxnbastard · 5 years
"... may i receive some of your men to protect me as well, big brother? just in case?"
❝ Let me think about it--
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                                            --No. ❞
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masonxegoma · 5 years
"Are you going to kill my brother?"
❝ Killing your brother isn’t really my primary objective, but if he gets in my way? Whatever happens, happens.
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You must want the prick dead, anyway, right? He’s killed everyone else in your family. Wouldn’t be surprised if you were next. ❞
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agirlofwinterfell · 5 years
"If that boy, Gendry, ever hurt you, my Lady ... let's just say I've learned quite a few things from my brother that could be useful."
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I can be your family. You wouldn’t be my family. You’d be Milady. Words said half a lifetime ago dance in her mind, sitting there with her drink in hand. Where would we go? Winterfell! She took a long swig, breath coming out heavy and shakey before she turns her eyes to Alina. A soft girl, broken by her brother, by a man supposed to look after her. Her stomach still churns and her fingers still flex for wanting to beat Ramsay to death- but he is already gone, and Arya has started to learn to forgive. 
Her stomach churns from other things, thoughts that won't leave her, as she takes another long sip of her ale in the leather skin. 
“You misunderstand sweetling. I have hurt myself.” It is why she stays away. Overstays her welcome in the Hound’s company. Overstays in Brienne’s. Barely leaves Alina’s side now. Arya offers her the leather skin then. Yet he had hurt her once. He’d abandoned her for the Brotherhood when she asked too much of him, and her heart had broken right there, 
I want to know what that’s like before I die. Arya I... 
“Why? Have you seen me looking at him?” Alina can’t know, no one knows... unless they heard. That was a public area. Her mask is back on, and she plays this off as a joke like it is so easily buried in all of her feelings. 
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neverasound-blog · 6 years
@littlealinabolton liked for a starter
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     “Your septa told me that you were not paying attention in any of your studies today, little lamb. That is most unbecoming of a lady. Care to explain?”
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zcldrizes-a · 5 years
*bows to her queen and gives her a rose because Dany is everything*
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keeps the cute little cherub.
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@littlealinabolton liked this for an insult
“What is--oh, gods--” The lion lowered himself to look through the bars.
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“I thought you were a dog. You’re a little--” Girl, probably? “--child.”
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scldsouls · 5 years
*kisses Viserys' cheek*
      to say that viserys was waiting for this sort of gesture, it would be lying. truthfully, he had a certain hope that the young bolton girl did not see him as a possibility to turn against her brother and help her escape from his clutches. nonetheless, he seemed to have grown rather fond of her, odd as it could possibly be, she seemed far too young to have to deal with all of this misery. it reminded him of what he made his sister go through and how he felt a pang in his chest now every time he thought about it. perhaps he wasn’t so different from ramsay bolton himself, CRUEL AND CUNNING, only bringing pain instead of any joy. but the girl, alina was her name he remembered now, approached and placed a kiss on his cheek. at first he was rather startled with the bold move but then his eyebrows furrowed, amethyst eyes analyzing her. 
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      ❝ what was that for? ❞ his voice came out in a curious tone, rather GENTLE even. she seemed to need to thread carefully, almost as if she was walking on glass with her brother around. those were his mere thoughts, he knew not all of their history. 
( @littlealinabolton / gives viserys some love ♡ ) 
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notenoughmuses · 5 years
‘ where are you taking me? ‘ ( joffrey )
“Where you’ll be more of service. I’m sure Lord Baelish can fetch a high price for you if your obedient enough”
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bastardbled-moved · 6 years
“sweet sister!” the boy shouted with a grin. “hurry,” he whispered to the closest thing to friends ramsay had. bastard’s boys they were called, though ramsay ignored the name. just like his father, northern common folk seemed eager to separate him form the rest of his family.  roose bolton was ever always cold. like the element in which the boy was forced to don the surname of. however, the closest thing to emotion ramsay saw in his father’s eyes, was that when he was around his perfect family. a lovely wife, who brought forth into the world two soft children. a boy and future heir, and a beautiful girl to marry off once of age. a peaceful land, a quiet people.  the young bastard loathed them. as he knew they did he. he didn’t ask to be born ---- he had heard about his birth, how his mother was pursued under the body of her hanging husband. what was expected of a child born of such violence and hatred?  ramsay didn’t remember much of his mother. she lacked a backbone and the child used it to his advantage. he played games with animals and younger children nearby along the weeping water. he never guessed his mother would give up so easily. as ramsay grew, his activities only worsened until the maiden cold no longer care for him. that’s when he was brought to the dreadfort. where he met his half siblings and that woman. the one who looked at the boy like he was a monster; she always made sure her perfect children didn’t get too close to ramsay. as if they could catch his disease, she called it (when talking privately to lord bolton). but soon after the bastard moved in, her death followed. domeric and alina were so sensitive about it.  domeric had always been  .  .  . hesitant around ramsay. blatantly so. he was well guarded and certainly protective of the youngest bolton. however, politics called, and now the brother was acting as a squire all the way in redfort. now it was time for ramsay’s escape from the shadows. 
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and so, the bastard and his boys raced about the castle, calling out for alina playfully. ramsay was particular with his navigation, he ordered the others to lead her towards the basement’s exit to the woods. as on cue, he hard the familiar slam of the heavy wooden door. he grabbed his bow and a few arrows before following her into the forest for more fun.
sc.   @littlealinabolton.
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boltxnbastard · 5 years
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masonxegoma · 5 years
Alina nodded, looking down. "... He has. Killed everyone and left me alive to torture. I ... I want him dead." She looked back up. "But he's too smart, too strong. No one will ever defeat him. He plays games with everyone and he's good at it. You should know that. He ... always wins."
❝ I know aaaaaaall about your brother’s crimes, sweetheart, and really, you have my sympathies. ❞
Mason paused for a moment, ❝ I know this is probably gonna be a LOT to take in, but he’s only alive because of his wife. The woman you know as Michelle? She isn’t from your world. Nor am I. And your brother?
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         --He wasn’t supposed to win that battle with Jon Snow. He was meant to die that night. The timeline’s all screwed up. I may be able to make it right again, but I’m going to need help. ❞
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agirlofwinterfell · 5 years
"My Lady, it's the Bolton girl. She keeps screaming when she wakes up." One of the guards had told Arya. It was true, Alina was having another horrific nightmare, filled with Ramsay's laughs, as he placed her on the flaying x once again, flaying her very delicate skin until she screamed. "Nooo, please! NO! Please, Arya!" The young girl cried for the Stark.
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It takes only a moment, Arya’s eyebrow twitching before she was off running, pushing open Alina’s door, and near storming in before she knelt on the bed, shaking at her. “Alina! Alina I am right here, please-” The moment Alina’s eyes are open, Arya’s there, holding her face so she looks at her. “It’s me, not Ramsay, he’s gone, I swear it. You’re safe” 
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neverasound-blog · 6 years
@littlealinabolton cont from xxx
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     Bethany gave an amused huff, tying off Alina’s braid with a string and placing the brush back on the vanity top. Alina was such a free spirited little bird. But, she needed to learn. Her acting out and whining would earn her less than desirable attention from Roose if she kept on. She is a Bolton, it is time she acted as one.
“Aye, your papa is very smart. And do you know how he got so smart?” She said, raising a brow at her daughter and standing from the stool. “It’s because he did his studies, even when he didn’t want to.”
She smoothed out her dark dress, taking Alina’s face gently in her hands, pulling the girls face up to make sure her daughter looked at her. Paid attention to her words. 
“You are a lady, Alina. Someday you will marry a great lord. And you must do your duties to this lord. This includes being smart and knowledgeable. No lord wants a wife who is daft.” 
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rillpup-moved · 6 years
rickon was blissfully ignorant of the constant politics that was the world he lived in. and because of this, the boy never really understood why hushed whispered followed any discussion pertaining the boltons. it seemed like everyone had a problem with the family, but wasn’t courageous enough to state their feelings. the youngest stark didn’t like that, after all, he was constantly being reminded that lying is bad, so why was it okay for all of the grown ups to cover up their opinions with a sweet falseness? rickon was quick to voice his feelings, though that frequently brought forth a gentle nudge about what the adults called a ‘filter.’ patience wasn’t his strong suit. but he didn’t need it. so why bother?  anway, rickon didn’t have any particularly distinct thoughts about the other northern family. he didn’t know much about them. history lessons were so boring, and he never had the concentration, or interest, to remember much about each noble house. he knew the boltons had three children, two boys much older than robb, theon and jon (the last of which shared the same surname as the middle child of the dreadfort), and then a girl only a few years older than he. alina, her name was, and rickon thoroughly enjoyed playing with her while her father visited the icy capital. 
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“what do you wanna do today?” the boy hummed, arms out like a scarecrow as he balanced on a fallen log. a serious concentration as toes curled around the rough bark. “we could slingshot cherries at those ---- er, i don’t remember their names, they’re wards here i think. only for a month or so though, yeah, i think that’s right.” a light shrug was given, but not enough of a gesture to disturb his stance upon the large trunk. 
starter call.   @littlealinabolton.
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begs for forgiveness.
your muse does to mine meme 
Priceless. The gold-gilded, beautiful tchotchke had been in their family for generations, one of the few objects his father left behind that Jaime kept. Though, seeing now the pieces in her hands and on the floor, he thought perhaps priceless was a more a synonym than an antonym for worthless.
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“Stop begging; I won’t tell Lord Bolton. It was worthless anyways.”
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blxxdingstars · 6 years
Horror and sickness filled Alina's stomach, her stomach sinking as she heard her fate laid out to her, so casually. "I ... d-don't wish to have a bastard, please. Don't ma-make me give birth to a monster's child!! I didn't want them inside me to begin with!" Alina cried, shaking her head. "You can't make me give birth! I'll kill the child inside me myself! Y-You .. You can't chain me to a bed and make it happen, you can't!"
Muse: Myranda (Game of Thrones)It was amusing how Alina fought with destiny all the time. Never broken. Always full of hope of better tomorrow. No one will help her now when Roose Bolton was dead and Dreadfort belonged to Ramsay.Kennel master daughter almost pitied that poor girl who had back luck to be born in that cursed family.In the posibility Alina was carrying the bastard child they should be a little nicer to her, right? It will be her end as the heir of House Bolton. Myranda knelt before the girl and gently stroked her dark hair.“Don’t say such things. What kind of mother would you be? You have to care about yourself now. I’m sure your brother will be happy hearing that he becomes an uncle”.
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