#little tangent and i think it was something like what if in the future i become popular for some sort of that-one-word-i-dont-remember
Yandere Witch /// Part 1
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Rhiana is your dear friend who lives just out of town in a cozy cottage in the forest. You met while shopping. You two talk about the different spices she suggests to flavor meat and veggies. It leads you to a fast but close friendship with Rhiana, close enough that it becomes a usual event to visit her monthly while you’re in the area. Whether it’s shopping, karaoke, or just coffee date hangouts there is one thing that comes up a lot.
“Rhiana you’re so pretty.”
“Aw (Y/n) thank you!”
“Seriously though you’re like a painting. I still can’t believe you don’t model.”
“Honestly (Y/n) you’re such a charmer!”
Your dear friend Rhiana doesn’t do anything for a nightly routine or facials or specific remedies to look how she does. Seeing her when you do it seems like the scale of her looks ranges from glowing to immaculate. It certainly makes getting free stuff with her much easier. She just will credit one thing to her looks and even then she doesn’t talk about it much.
“Maybe it’s what I eat…I have been eating more meat, lately.”
But your dear friend Rhiana doesn’t explain anymore, usually going on a tangent about how she can season her meat. She’ll refuse to tell you just how stringent her beauty is on her carnivorous diet. Because on top of being a good friend to you, she is a Witch. Specifically, the kind that maintains her health and youth by devouring the souls and bodies of human beings. She usually prefers eating children but since she’s met you she’s decided to reign it in.
“What if me and (Y/n) had a baby? Hehe, I can’t believe it’s making me blush so much.”
“Aaaaahh please let me go home!!! I promise not to tell!”
“Hmmmm maybe we’ll have 3…or 5 or 10. They won’t be allowed to leave if we have that many right?”
Rhiana the Witch has been doing this for hundreds of years and she’s had her fair share of lovers and harems. But she’s never found out about someone so early in advance. When she was much younger much dumber of 113  she’d seen a vision featuring you, of course at the time she didn’t know. Nor was she aware just how much seeing the future you had awakened something in her. Now she’s well in her 600s and she realizes how all of her flings in the past have features of yours or they speak like you. Or how her familiars mirror different aspects of your personality and as she delves into her past she realizes how all her life she’s been building up to be with you.
“(Y/n) is my….special person….their mine. All Mine!”
Now on top of feeding her voracious appetite, she’s trying to gain your affections so that she has your consent to make you immortal like she. If you might think it’s because she respects boundaries, then you’d be wrong. The potion she’s perfected over centuries only works if you give your express consent, with as little pressure as possible. So she’s refrained from drugging you on her many outings with you…for now. 
If I wanted to I could sprinkle a light aphrodisiac dust into the food they just keep shoveling into their mouth.
“But then I–HACK—*cough cough*”
“Hon, maybe don’t talk while you’re eating.”
“Right! So as I was saying–”
But Elements do I adore just watching them eat so happily.
She feels like a hapless teen all over again as her stomach flips and turns the more time she spends with you. No longer can she get a wink of her enchanted eyes and some choice sugar-coated words to get you exactly where she wants you. She has to try with you and she’s never wanted to do so more than with you. She’s even begun to tailor her meals with the ones that seem to bother you most. It’s risky but the satisfaction of a full tummy while she reads your letter about the creepy vendor finally stopping their emails makes her happy. 
“That is convenient.”
“I know. It’s not right to celebrate anyone going missing—”
“But it doesn’t take away from the harm they’ve done. Don’t feel bad hon it’s probably just an extended trip somewhere to the underworld.”
She thinks about how she’ll hide her rejuvenating diet when she finally gets you closer to her. You might not notice when she uses magic but you're not an idiot; you’d figure it out eventually. Not to mention the added trouble of her familiar’s growing interest and past suitors budding their noses in her business with you. She’s got a lot of work on her hands—and not a lot of time.
“Hey (Y/n) why don’t I come visit you every once in a while? Two days a month just isn’t enough time to make you fall in hopeless love with me+. What do say to me spending a night or two at yours?”
She's giving the former mc going for the side character reader Debating about a part 2 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I did it! Part 2: Here 🖤🖤🖤
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juniperskye · 1 year
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The Story of Us
Sneak Peek: Three years, seven months and twenty-four days. That is how long you had been with Aaron Hotchner. That also happens to be the same amount of time that Aaron had been lying to his team.
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word count: 3468
Warnings: Age gap, pregnancy, mention of divorce, mention of Haley and her death, mention of child abduction case (no details), pregnancy complications, mentions of hospitals. Use of y/n (once I think). I think that's everything - let me know if I missed anything else.
Not edited - please be kind.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
Three years, seven months and twenty-four days. That is how long you had been with Aaron Hotchner. That also happens to be the same amount of time that Aaron had been lying to his team.
It really wasn’t that Aaron wanted to hide you from them, he just had to keep you safe. He needed to keep you separated from the horrors the plagued his career.
When he met you, he honestly wasn’t sure what would come of it, you were quite a bit younger than him, only having just begun your ascent into adulthood. It wasn’t until he got to know you that he knew he was hooked. You had him wrapped around your finger and all you had done was be your most authentic self. Something he envied.
On your first official date he’d learned so much about you, you were twenty-five, you owned your own café, you had moved to Virginia just a year prior from Arizona, you were divorced, and you were a single mother. You had explained to Aaron that the pregnancy had been unplanned and ultimately was the beginning of the end of your marriage. Your daughter, Norah, was four and the divorce had been long been finalized when you began dating.
The two of you had agreed to take things slow, seeing as you both had been through so much in your previous relationships. It had taken him some time, but he did eventually explain what had happened to Haley – He had spared you of the more gruesome details, but he explained that his job was dangerous, and it is what had led to their demise, so he gave you an out. Once he had finished his tangent you had caressed his cheek and leaned in and kissed him, explaining to him that you understood and didn’t plan on going anywhere.
You and Aaron have not had it easy over the last three and a half years, after just a year of dating you had moved in together. That hadn’t been easy, you had to adjust to his lifestyle, and he had to adjust to yours. It was hard work finding the balance of your newly blended family, but you had managed – coming out on the other side even stronger than before.
Three months after moving in you had found the ring. It hadn’t been intentional by any means. You were doing the laundry on your day off and while placing his socks in their designated drawer you had noticed the little velvet box. It sat there mocking you as you just gawked at it. You were definitely ready to marry Aaron, but you questioned whether he was truly ready to marry you. You had been together for just over a year and the only family of his you had met was Jack, Sean and Jessica. How could he possibly want to add you and Norah to his family if he was too afraid to introduce you to them.
That night when Aaron got home you confronted him, you had waited until dinner was finished and the kids were tucked into bed, not wanting them to be a part of a conversation of such nature. It started off as you simply explaining to him how you had found the ring – adamant to inform him that you had not been snooping, you had found it purely by accident. That is when the word vomit started, you just couldn’t stop yourself from droning on about how you loved him and you are so excited that he wants to take this step, but you can’t help but feel like maybe you have pressured him into this and that you would stop talking about the future and just take it day by day because you couldn’t live with yourself if you had forced him into this decision and you would never want him to resent you because of it.
Before you could get another word out Aaron had practically shouted your name, it had been the only way to get you to stop talking and listen to him in that moment. He had asked you where on earth you had gotten the idea that he felt forced or pressured from, he was so heartbroken to know that you were feeling this way. This is when you explained your theory about him not being ready to introduce you to his family, let alone add you to it. Aaron’s face fell at your words, everything coming together in his head. He looked into your eyes and the walls he had spent so long building up after Haley’s death, came crumbling down. He reassured you that he wanted nothing more than to make you and Norah a permanent part of the Hotchner family (if you’d let him) and he explained to you why he had continued to keep his personal life so separate from his professional one. This time around he gave you some of the details surrounding Haley’s death and it was your turn to have the pieces fall into place.
Your conversation ended in an engagement as well as an understanding that for his piece of mind and your safety, things would continue to be separate. With the clause that Aaron would at least tell you about his job a little more and he would tell you all about his team (even if they didn’t know about you). You wanted to feel connected to him completely and in order to do so, you needed to know about the other half of his life.
Eight months later you were married, after another six months you had officially adopted Jack and Aaron had officially adopted Norah. The Hotchner family was complete! Or so you had thought. Your family had enjoyed six-ish months of bliss after the adoptions had been finalized before your world had turned upside down. After a night of celebration, (Jack winning his soccer game, Norah’s A+ on her spelling test, your new menu, and Aaron’s completion of his most recent case) the two of you had enjoyed a particularly heated evening which leads to you – three weeks later staring at the stupid digital letters spelling out PREGNANT. Aaron and you had both mentioned wanting a big family, but you had assumed that the four of you were what he meant.
Aaron took the news well, honestly, you’re pretty sure he was more excited than you were. The two of you talked about how you would make the announcement, both to the kids and to your extended family. You also scheduled the first appointment to check and see if this was really happening.
After that first appointment, in which you confirmed that you were in fact pregnant, you and Aaron had begun planning. You talked about potential baby names, and you began looking at houses. At your eight-week appointment (which you’d gone to solo as Aaron had been working) you’d gotten some news that would really change things…you were worried about what this would mean for you and Aaron.
When he finally arrived home five days later, you wasted no time in breaking the news. You were having triplets, and you had officially been labeled as a high-risk pregnancy. Aaron sat stunned for a while, so long that you had started to worry. You knew he needed time to process this, but you really needed him too, truthfully, you were scared. Your pregnancy with Norah had not been easy and that was one baby. Here you were now trying to fathom how difficult this pregnancy and birth would be. When Aaron finally snapped out of the daze he’d fallen into, he reached for you, holding your hands in his own while reassuring you that you guys could do this, and everything would be okay.
Two months later you moved into your new home. Things had been changing faster than you could wrap your head around them and while you were so excited to be in your new home and settled with these babies that were officially four months along, you couldn’t help but succumb to that nagging feeling in the back of your mind. It had been telling you that things would not be this good forever and there was bound to be a bump in this road at some point.
The bump that came was not one you were prepared for.
Three years, seven months and twenty-four days. That is how long you had been with Aaron Hotchner. That also happens to be the same amount of time that Aaron had been lying to his team.
The Hotchner family had been settled in their new home and you were just nearing the end of your pregnancy. Aaron had been called in for a time sensitive local case – child abduction. These cases were always hard on him, having Jack and needing to leave him to work these cases, but now it wasn’t just Jack. It was Jack and Norah and your three unborn babies and you, Aaron had been feeling the pressure of this case and you could see it on his face, in the fleeting moments you’d been able to share since the case had begun three days ago.
It was time and you knew it, that all too familiar feeling, the pain coming in waves every so often. The kids were at school and Jess was out of town. The only person you could call was Aaron, and he wasn’t answering. He had been really good about attending to her calls during the pregnancy but given his current mental state and the pressure he’s under to solve and close this case, you weren’t exactly surprised that he wasn’t responsive.
There was one other person you could call. Aaron had given you his number in case of an emergency. When he gave your number to Dave with little to no explanation, Dave just smiled a nodded his head. The team had noticed the changes in Hotch as your relationship had progressed. He didn’t stay late anymore unless absolutely necessary, he had been happier, smiling more, wearing a ring again. Nobody said anything as they figured Hotch would share when he was ready…they just didn’t expect it to be nearly four years later.
So, when Dave’s phone rang, and it was your contact that had flashed across the screen, he didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Hi, this is David Rossi, right? Aaron gave me this number in the case of an emergency!” You rushed.
“Yes, this is Dave. You must be Y/N. Is everything alright?” Dave asked, waving off Emily’s look of confusion.
“Umm I’m just trying to get a hold of Aaron and he’s not answering and…I’m not sure how much information he gave you about me or anything, but screw it, now is not the time, I am in labor, and I need Aaron to get here like now.” You were rambling, but at this point you just didn’t care anymore, the contractions were pretty close together at this point and you were in far too much pain.
“Okay, don’t worry, we will get a hold of Aaron. What is your address, I will come and get you and drive you to the hospital. Unless you think you need an ambulance.”
“I don’t think I need an ambulance. If you or Aaron could get here to take me that would be ideal. I’m at our house, the address is 123 West Elm. The kids are both at school, someone will need to pick them up!” You were starting to panic, and Dave could tell.
“Don’t worry about that we will send someone to pick up the kids, I am on my way to you now. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until I get there?” Dave was being so patient with you, and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
“Um, no that’s okay, I should really get my bag together and ready to go. Have you called Aaron yet?”
“Okay, you go ahead and get your bag, I will come to the door once I arrive. And I have Emily calling Aaron now, okay?”
“Okay, thank you Dave.”
“Of course. I will be there soon.”
Once he hung up the phone, he told Emily to dial Hotch’s number. She didn’t question him but ultimately, she was worried and confused by what was going on. The phone rang four times before Hotch finally answered. When he did, he immediately told Dave that they had a new lead that JJ and Morgan were actively looking into, it had been promising. Dave had to interrupt Aaron’s briefing to let him know that his wife was in labor and that they were currently headed to their house to get her to the hospital.
Aaron felt immediate panic, in more ways than one. First and foremost, his wife was in labor, and she was all alone, second this was a high-risk pregnancy and there was a chance that the four of them might not all make it through this birth, and last, his worlds that he had worked tirelessly to keep apart were officially colliding which meant your safety was now and forever compromised.
Once his brain calmed from the rapid-fire panic, he sprung into action. He’d given clear instructions; Dave was to take you to the hospital in your car while Emily drove the work issued SUV back to Quantico to continue working the case. He told Reid to continue on and if anyone were to ask, inform them that he had a family emergency. While rushing out of work and to his car he called your closest friend/coworker who had been running the café since you’d been on maternity leave, he asked if she could pick up your kids and drop them off with him at the hospital after the shop closes at 2pm. She was quick to agree and wished you a safe birth and claimed she couldn’t wait to meet the 3 peanuts!
Everyone stepped up and went to work on their respective tasks. Dave and you had gotten to the hospital in record time. You were quickly settled in a room and made as comfortable as possible. Aaron arrived with about five seconds to spare. Dave gave him a pat on his shoulder and let him know that he’d be in the waiting room to sit with your kids once they arrived as well as to see his “godchildren”. He claimed it was his right as he was the only one who knew about your relationship. Emily arrived back at Quantico and led the team through the remainder of the case which thankfully was closed within the next hour thanks to that lead JJ and Morgan had been following up on.
The next few hours went by in a flash, the case was closed with families being reunited, Jack and Norah had been dropped off with Dave, Aaron had supported you through what was arguably the most difficult childbirth known to woman (naturally birthing triplets is not recommended nor is it necessarily the safest option – unfortunately you hadn’t had a choice given how far progressed your labor had been when you’d arrived at the hospital), and the BAU team patiently waited for the announcement of your safely completed birth…only that announcement didn’t come. They sat and waited for what felt like hours before Aaron finally came out. He explained that you had hemorrhaged after the babies were delivered, the doctor had told him it had something to do with the placenta having not come out completely. Dave could see how distraught Aaron was…he couldn’t handle not knowing.
Things happened so fast, one minute you were being congratulated on bringing three beautiful babies into the world and the next doctors were scrambling to stop the bleeding. You could feel yourself fading, you had reached out for Aaron, and you were able to hold his hand for a second before he was shooed out of the room. You were taken to surgery so they could effectively stop the bleeding and remove the rest of the placenta. Thankfully surgery hadn’t taken long (to Aaron it had felt like an eternity).
The doctor came out to inform him that you were okay and had been moved to a private room along with your newborns. She explained that you would feel weak for a bit but would make a full recovery. She also let Aaron know that he and the rest of your group could go back to see you as long as they remained at an appropriate volume and that any non-family was gone by 8pm as visiting hours would be over. Aaron looked to his team.
“I know that you are all probably expecting an explanation, and while I do want to give that to you…”
“You want to go see your wife and kids.” Morgan interrupted.
Aaron smiled at how understanding his team was. “Thank you, give us a few minutes alone, then I will come and get everyone.” Aaron said as he reached to pick up Norah with his left arm and grab Jack’s hand with his right.
The team agreed and discussed going to grab snacks and coffee from the cafeteria.
Aaron made his way to your room as quickly as he could with two young children. When he arrived, relief crashed over him in a tidal wave and tears sprung to his eyes. He walked to your bedside, gently placing Norah to sit at your feet. He’d instructed Jack to sit in the chair that was on the opposite side so he would be able to see his new siblings. Aaron leaned in to kiss your forehead all the while he could hear the quiet coo’s coming from the three infants, he walked over to them, and you couldn’t help but smile. As you brushed a hand through Norah’s hair and reached to cup Jack’s cheek, you could hear Aaron whisper to the babies “You just couldn’t wait to meet your family, could you?”.
Aaron and you spent a bit of time just like this, your family, taking turns holding the babies or carefully monitoring your older children while they tried to hold the babies. Norah was elated to have three live baby dolls, while Jack seemed happy that she’d have someone new to bother all the time. Aaron huffed a laugh at their reactions and then looked to you.
“Have you thought about their names anymore?”
“I have…I think after seeing them, and seeing you with them, that they just seem right.”
“Well then, are you ready to meet everyone?”
With that, Aaron made his way to the waiting room. He could see how antsy his team looked, but he couldn’t delineate if it was from wanting to meet you and the babies or from wanting to hear the story. When he posed the question to them, they had all agreed they wanted to see you and the babies first, then the two of you could explain everything. So that is what led to Aaron leading his six teammates to your room; before entering, he turned to everyone with a finger over his lips signaling for them to enter quietly.
Everyone entered the room, their eyes scanning to see you and the kids chatting quietly. You had looked up and smiled, quietly greeting the group of people you had learned so much about over the last year and a half. Hugs and congratulations were exchanged throughout the room, babies being passed from person to person, chairs being brought in from the hallway. Once everyone was comfortable the room fell silent, you could tell they were waiting for name announcements and more information about you and Aaron. You figured names were an easier start and a much shorter conversation.
“Alright, I suppose it’s time for you all to formally meet these three. Aaron and I have thought long and hard about what to name them and it has proven difficult up until this point. When I saw them for the first time, it all became clear to me. So, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to David Thomas Hotchner, Millie Joy Hotchner, and Faye Emilia Hotchner.”
There were “ooohs” and “awws” throughout the room and misty eyes (though Dave swears it was an eyelash) There was discussion of who would be the godparents of which baby and plans of baby shopping over the upcoming weekend to make sure they were spoiled by all their new aunts and uncles. The team started to pose some personal questions at you, like if you had siblings or family nearby and what you did for a living and how you met Hotch.
“I guess now’s as good a time as any” you said looking over at Aaron. “The story of us…”
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tcfactory · 10 months
Since my brain has been full of SVSSS brainrot lately:
I want a fic where the transmigration mostly fails and Shen Jiu wakes up from his qi deviation as User002 with the goddamn System treating him like he is Shen Yuan. Trashy yellow book what??? No, he doesn't need stats on his fellow peak lords, if he is supposed to follow a plot then he wants to see the script! You wretched floating rectangle, how is he supposed to play along if he doesn't know the source material?!
The stress of having what feels like a very pushy curse or an insanely weird demon inflicted upon him makes him deviate from some minor plot points and he gets punished for being OOC a couple of times until the System takes pity on him and directs him to Airplane bro, with the very clear suggestion that if he can't remember the early arcs of the story - System understands, User! It's very long after all. UwU - he should go and discuss it with the author.
He basically kicks down Shang Qinghua's door in desperation for some clarity and maybe an explanation, right now before he works himself into a stress-induced qi deviation, Shang-shidi. Shang hamster looks at his miserable scum villain, takes a deep breath, brings out all of Shen Qingqiu's favorite snacks that nobody should know about, makes a pot of calming tea and tells him everything.
Shang Qinghua expects Shen Qingqiu to be angry, to rip into him for writing him into this wretched life. And Shen Jiu is angry, but not at Qinghua. His anxious, mousy little shidi who lives his entire life under the looming threat of a horrible, seemingly unchangeable future doesn't look like a god. Shang Qinghua, who does his best to run his peak well and look out for his disciples despite his admittance that in the story the original Qinghua did a shoddy job - he doesn't look like someone who would have put pen to paper and written a tragedy if he knew it would become someone's reality.
And how could Shen Jiu, who has seen people sell their bodies and their very dignity for a cup of stale water, judge someone for writing a very bad yellow book so he can eat? Please. Peak Lord Shen might have developed a very discerning taste in literature over the years, but you can't fill your stomach with artistic integrity, Shang-shidi. Shen Jiu understands.
So they sit and for that first evening, Shen Qingqiu listens to all the differences creeping into the story, Shang Qinghua's retelling of the drafts he abandoned due to peer pressure, the long rambling tangents of the research he's done, even if they never made it into the story. Qinghua is so caught up in having someone to talk to that he doesn't realize that Shen Qingqiu put everything that happened to Qi-ge together, somewhere between the musings about how a sword inspired by kintsugi would be so cool looking, shame that nobody ever sees the thing, and the griping about how much one of his patrons complained about Yue Qingyuan dying without ever drawing his sword.
Later, when the snacks are gone and the tea is replaced with something stronger, he tells Shen Qingqiu about the stories he really wanted to write. About how he shamefully sneaked his dream man into PIDW, just so he could have some small part to himself, and oh, Shen Qingqiu will have to remind him about demon courting practices when they are both sober again, because it sounds like that Mobei prince is down bad for him.
He leaves that night with a newfound determination. Shang Qinghua might be resigned to the whims of his System and the shackles of the Plot, but Shen Jiu didn't burn the Qiu manor down and break his chains to give up so easily. This is his world, his sect, his Qi-ge on the line, and he would sooner wrest control from the System and become custodian of the world himself than let something take away and ruin what is his. He is the strategist of Cang Qiong Sect, there is no situation he can't think a way out of and he has had enough of tragedies.
Before any of that, however, he needs to go and have a good yell at his Qi-ge, smack his stupid face and then curl up in his arms for a good night's sleep. It's long overdue.
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istoleyoursk1n · 9 months
I’m honestly so devastated that there’s no chat option for companions when you break your oath as a Paladin. Could you please do one where the boys react to Tav paladin being devastated because they broke their oath in a lapse of judgement.
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How would the boys react to a Paladin Tav being devastated for breaking their oath
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“Sweet darling, don’t cry now, I wasn't aware breaking an oath was this serious. Gods, you’d think swearing a bloody oath would at least come with a manual. Curse whoever decided your judgment was false.”
He can’t lie, he would have definitely found it amusing if not plain funny at first as he doesn't quite understand how serious breaking one oath truly is.
Would have congratulated you for it until he realized how devastated you truly were.
He can’t quite comprehend why something as “silly” as an oath meant this much to you but he tries to be as sympathetic as he possibly can.
He can’t understand the weight that comes with a paladin oath but he sure as hell would be pissed off for you.
He’d go on an aggressive tangent on how you should've been given another chance! I mean why didn't they give you a set of rules or make the restrictions of said oath more clear?
Reassures you that you made the right choice anyway and whoever was in charge of managing your oaths should think again.
(He truly does know what he's talking about but he's trying to defend you anyway. Give the man some credit lmao.)
Reminds you that breaking the oath did give you new powers so there's that! Perhaps they're even better than your old powers. You lost but you also gained! And if you wish to continue playing hero as a paladin, he’d strive to be by your side.
Do as you wish, just know that he's there if you ever need a distresser.
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
“Hells… a broken oath is one not to be taken lightly, I can only imagine what must be going through your head at this moment. Oath or not, you are as admirable and strong as ever. Do not allow this one mistake to keep you from standing tall, this shall not define you.”
Can completely understand your devastation. He's encountered many paladins before who take their oath to heart.
Reassures you that you only tried to make the right decision, one mistake shouldn't be the thing that ends all your ambitions and morals as a paladin.
Would be the shoulder you could cry on just in case the utter sadness of it all is enough to overwhelm you to the point where you may need to shed a tear or two.
What happened to you is unfortunate, to say the least, but he’ll be there when you need someone to help you continue on to the right path.
Having a broken oath never made him see you as anything less than the incredible and fearsome individual he had come to know and he’d defend you if anyone were to say otherwise.
He’d love to make another little heartfelt oath in replacement of your old one, an oath that wouldn't have any painful consequences as the one you withheld before.
The new oath wouldn't have to be anything serious, it's more of a way to distract you from your previous devastation and make new pleasant memories from the old.
Together, you’ll both navigate your messy little journey together, blade and heart in hand with an array of future fanatical stories to share as the days pass on.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“I know how much that oath of yours must have meant to you… I’m sorry that you of all people must live on with such a burden but if it all gets too much, know that I am here to share it with you. You are more than you’re oath, I hope that one day you realize this yourself.”
He was practically as devasted as you when your oath broke. His eyes immediately shot back to you the moment the deed was done, an instant pang to his chest knowing how much this would shatter you.
Even so, he was there to quickly come to pick up the pieces, he would never allow you to break apart like this.
He would be that instant reassurance that whatever it is you’re going through, you wouldn't have to face it alone. The burden shall not be yours alone to carry.
He knows that a paladin oath is something one usually follows and operates by for life so seeing you this lost was utterly heart breaking for him.
He too knew what it was like to feel this lost, unaware of what your true purpose would be, he knew that feeling all too well and he’d do just about anything to help you out of it.
He’d reassure you that you’ll be able to continue on, that your oath wasn't everything that you are, and that you shouldn't feel ashamed of it all.
If anything, this gives you the opportunity to forge your own path without the looming dread of having to stick by a lifelong oath. A path he would be more than happy to tread by your side.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“You’re oath may have broken but I will ensure that your heart remains intact, for life may take from you but I will do everything that I can to give back. For all that you are and will become, I will make it my personal oath to be there for you through the painful dark.”
He’s knowledgeable enough to understand the consequences of breaking a paladin oath, one that he never wished to see given to you.
As much as he wishes there was a way to reverse it or earn such an oath back, he knows and so do you that there's only tomorrow to look forward to.
Never once shames you for the decision you made that led to this, especially deters you from shaming yourself. You don't deserve to treat yourself so lowly after everything you've done.
He’s there to ensure that throughout all the remorse and pain that stirs within you throughout the whole process, he’d be there to give his unyielding support.
He’d take you out to see pretty flowers if you wish for a distraction, perhaps a peaceful stroll out in the woods or a visit to a magnificent waterfall?
He’s aware of the amount of reflecting and lamenting you’d be doing so if you need to find a place to isolate or think without the extra worry of upcoming enemies and missions, he knows just the spot.
There hasn't been a moment since then where he wasn't by your side, motivating and encouraging you to continue being the strong, inspirational, and incredible person that you are.
As broken as you feel you are, he's right there to give you the love that you truly deserve, to fill in the cracks of the loss. He’ll work tirelessly to make you feel whole again.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
so just an idea. what if few years down the line when prof and h get married and he drops her to uni first time after they are married and people address her "professor styles" or "doctor styles" and she cant stop blushing and harry is just smirkingg. you can totally ignore this if this isn't something you like!
Heyyy queeeeeen, first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR! Second off all this is kinda a request/idea : how about y/n is mad at bf!Harry so she gives him the silent treatment and then out off nowhere he calls her y/n Styles and it gets her attention and then they have a talk about marriage and the end up making love?
I've given this a lot of thought, because on the one hand, I feel like Professor would be the type to keep her last name. BUT I also think she would appreciate the idea of shedding her past for good by taking a new name, Harry's name. She talks about it at length with Harry, and he holds his tongue, wanting her to come to her own decision and supporting whatever she wants to do (but he totally has an opinion and it's for her to be Mrs. Dr. Styles). And because you so graciously requested this, we're going with Mrs. Dr. Styles, so here is three times Professor was referred to as Dr. Styles!
The Professor Series
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Harry often thought the way Y/n went on tangents was cute, adorable even, but right now she was being a little...unreasonable.
"Y/n, we talked about this. It happened for a moment, and security took care of it. I'm fine."
"This is not okay! Do you know how many creeps there are out there? So many. I don't need statistics because I encounter them all the time, Harry. This is serious. You could've been hurt, the band could've been hurt, anyone could've—"
"Darling, nothing happened. Come back down to earth for me. Please?" he said, standing up from the hotel bed to come near her.
"I am on earth! Where some...some freak decided it was okay to run onstage and charge you! Why aren't you taking this seriously, Harry? Anything could've happened? So many celebrities are attacked by fans who think they're in a relationship or have a right to..."
And on and on she went.
Harry knew it was scary for her. Y/n got easily spooked by this kind of thing. And he was fine with that, but honestly, hearing about all of this was freaking him out. He'd been fine after the show, but now she was making him uncomfortable.
"Y/n, love, come on. Stop," he said gently, reaching for her hand. But she wouldn't stop, she just kept going.
Harry loved her, he would never want to change a single thing about her. He loved her little quirks and all the things that made up who she was. She wouldn't be his love without them. But sometimes she didn't listen to him, and sometimes she worked herself into a frenzy when she didn't need to.
"Y/n Styles! Stop. I love you, but you need to stop," he said, voice soft but stern.
He didn't even realize what he said until she asked, "What did you just call me?"
"Y—You called me Y/n...Styles," she said, and Harry thought she'd probably never looked so confused in her life. "Why would you do that?"
"I...I don't know," he said truthfully. "It just came out. Sorry."
He wasn't sorry, though. Not really. Harry might not have meant to, but he certainly liked the sound of it. They hadn't been together very long, but he knew what he wanted, he knew what his future was going to look like. Harry didn't care how long it took or when that future started, but he could wait.
What he didn't want was to freak his girlfriend out. Harry knew Y/n loved him, but she sometimes got squirrely about the abstract, the unknown.
"No, it's—it's okay, I—I kind of liked it," she said.
Of all the things to happen tonight, that was the most surprising.
Grinning, Harry said, "You did, did you?"
"I know that look. Don't give me that look or I'll take it back," she said, stepping away from him as he got closer.
"What look?"
"That look! Put those bedroom eyes away!"
"Bedroom eyes?" Harry asked, laughing as he cornered Y/n against a wall. In a sing-song voice, he said, "You want to be my wiiife."
"N—No, that's not what I said, I just—Hey!"
"No more talking," he said, carrying her over his shoulder. "We, Y/n Styles, are going to bed."
Y/n tried to say something, but Harry's mouth was on hers before she could make a sound. "I said no more talking," he murmured, nudging his nose against hers. "We're going to bed, and we're going to kiss for a little bit."
"Maybe a little more?"
Chuckling, Harry kissed the top of her cheekbone. "Whatever Mrs. Styles wants, she gets."
"Stop it with that. We're—mm."
"Shh. No more talking."
"It's—It's Doctor Styles," Y/n corrected, wrapping her arms around Harry's neck.
"Of course. Now, where were we?"
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"Have a wonderful, wonderful day, Dr. Styles."
"It's review day. My least favorite day," Y/n huffed, slumping against the seat of the car.
"Impossible," Harry said, leaning across the middle console to kiss her temple. "Today is your first day of work as Dr. Styles, which means it is the best day."
Y/n's cheeks flushed at the sound of her name. Her new name. She loved it, of course, she wouldn't have changed her name if she didn't. But it was just so new. They'd only been...married...a few weeks. Seeing the ring on her left hand still surprised her from time to time.
"Are you going to say Dr. Styles every time you address me?" she asked him.
Harry's grin was broad as he winked and said, "Absolutely, Dr. Styles."
He took her chin in his hand and kissed her long and hard. When he pulled back, her entire face was red. "Harry! Anyone could see—"
"Let them. I love my wife, and everyone should know it," he said. "I'll be by for lunch, okay?"
Harry kissed her forehead. "Yep. Gonna bring you flowers and embarrass you in front of all your students and make them jealous at the same time. So go, I'm looking forward to being a trophy husband."
He was being silly, he knew that, but he couldn't help it. They were married. Harry would shout it from the rooftops if he could, but he would settle for making Y/n blush every chance he got.
Grinning from ear to ear, Y/n surged forward and kissed him. "Do you have to bring the flowers?"
Chuckling, Harry pecked the bridge of her nose. "I have to bring the flowers, Dr. Styles."
Y/n, Dr. Styles, wrinkled her nose at Harry, her husband, who just wrinkled his at her and kissed her pouted lips. "You better go, Dr. Styles. You're gonna be late for class."
She nearly told Harry to drive them back home, that she didn't want to go back and teach, she just wanted to stay in all day with him. But that was impractical. She had to go.
So Y/n got out of the car and went, but not before one more kiss to Harry's lips.
All day, when students called her Dr. Styles, Y/n blushed. She got through her lectures without a hitch, but she couldn't avoid the teasing questions at the end, or the cheers and whistles when Harry came by as promised, a takeout bag in one hand and a large bouquet of her favorite flowers in the other. He ate up all the attention, then sat Y/n on his lap while they ate lunch together. And when her next class was about to start, he didn't leave like she expected. He stayed in her desk chair and minded his own business while she gave her lecture, though she could feel his gaze on her every now and again, each one more heated than the last.
Y/n could feel each one and tried not to rush through one of her lectures so they could get home. That wasn't who she was, she was a good professor who didn't let her husband's—her husband's—bedroom eyes get in the way of a lecture. She was better than that, she would be better than—
"I think that covers everything. I think you would all benefit from some free study time, so...so get studying!"
Students trickled out one by one, some of them going up to Y/n to ask her a question or congratulate her or both. She answered and accepted each graciously, but her fingers were also tapping furiously against her leg, just below the hem of her skirt. And finally, when the last student was finally gone, Y/n turned around and launched herself at Harry.
"Take me home," she mumbled against his mouth. "Take me home right now, please."
"Darling, you have one more class—"
"Now," she insisted, before going back to kissing him all over. His neck, his jaw, his cheeks, the corners of his mouth.
Harry hummed as he threaded his hand through her hair. He gripped her waist and indulged her in one more kiss before he tilted his head back. "I love you, my darling, darling wife, but no."
"No. I know you want to now, but you'd be disappointed for letting your students down later," he said.
Y/n wanted to protest, but she knew Harry was right, so she slumped against his chest. "But I want you right now."
"Believe me, you are not alone in that department," he said, squeezing her hip. "But, we have our whole lives together, hm? So I will wait, and so will you, and when we get home..."
Harry kissed his wife, loving the feel of her body pressed against his. "Promise."
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"Okay, we're live in three, two, one!"
The host of The Daily Show smiled at the appropriate camera and did his normal greetings after the commercial break, then announced that Y/n was here.
"Welcome Dr. Y/l/n"
Y/n was nervous beyond all reason, but somehow she managed a small smile. "Thank you. I—It's Dr. Styles."
She wasn't used to this. She wasn't used to the cameras and the attention and the live studio audience. Well, she was, but her lectures were different. That was her safe space. This...a live television interview was not her safe space.
"Right! Of course, congratulations!" the host said. "How is married life treating you and your husband? What's his name again?"
"HARRY!" someone in the audience shouted, which caused everyone to laugh and cheer.
Y/n blushed. How long had they been married, and she still blushed at the mention of her and Harry being married? "Good. Good, I guess. We're very happy."
"I'm glad! And I'm so curious to know how the two of you met. A Cambridge professor with multiple PhDs and a world famous pop star. How does that happen?"
The host's voice wasn't condescending, merely curious, but Y/n wasn't prepared to talk about this. She didn't come to talk about her relationship.
Her mind buzzed with an answer that wouldn't be rude but would also change the subject. "We...met during the pandemic, which was when I realized how lacking schools were in...in so much. Which sounds silly, but I skipped most elementary grades and spent most of my time in higher education. But I...I realized I could help."
"Right! You became quite the internet sensation during lockdown to make educational videos, which obviously led to this. Your very own curriculum."
Grinning, Y/n nodded.
She never set out to write a series of textbooks for children. Y/n had a busy life, a fulfilling life as a professor. And yet somehow, she found herself wanting to do more. Harry had a lot of...younger family, and she liked to help them with their homework and projects and such. But her first look at their textbooks was very disappointing.
"This is what they're teaching you? This isn't even historically accurate! Where's..."
It was safe to say once something was on Y/n's mind, she couldn't let it go. Harry was amused but supportive, his usual reaction when she took on a new project.
"How can I help, love?"
"You didn't even finish school. How are you going to help me write a textbook?"
"Ouch, love."
"I mean you're right, but you could always say, 'Thank you husband. I love you so much.' Now you try."
"Thank you husband! I love you so much!"
"See? Not so hard."
"I started by just writing one. A comprehensive American History textbook," she said now, tapping her fingers under the desk where no one could see. " Kids have the capacity to learn so much more than what schools are currently teaching them. Leaving things out or not acknowledging certain events or painting our nation's history in a certain light is a disservice to them."
Y/n wasn't expecting applause, didn't necessarily want it. So she was surprised when the audience cheered for her answer. She smiled despite herself, then glanced to the side where Harry was standing off camera. He gave Y/n a thumbs up and blew her a kiss.
"That's amazing," the host said. "So you started with one, and it just progressed from there?"
"Yes, I—Once my mind is set on a project, I can't let it go, so I carved out time and just...wrote a bunch of textbooks, I guess. Well, I researched and got a Master's in Urban Education first. But then...then I wrote a bunch of textbooks."
"You wrote an entire elementary and middle school curriculum by yourself! That's incredible, Dr. Styles."
The audience cheered again, and when it died down, the host asked her more questions about her books, which she was happy to answer. She talked about her approach and her willingness to not shy away from or hide unsavory history. "In a way that's appropriate for each age group, obviously," she said. "But it's important for children to understand the complexity of history and that there's never just one side to a story. I tried really hard to be respectful and honor forgotten voices that have been left out for too long."
"Would you ever teach to younger pupils, yourself?" the host asked.
"Oh heavens no," Y/n said quickly. "My students at university can barely keep up with me. No, I—I wanted to do my part by providing well-rounded, unbiased material, but I'm not sure kids would want me to teach it."
And when it was all said and done, when the cameras were off, the host shook her hand and thanked her for coming to the show.
Y/n walked off the set and toward Harry, who was quick to spin her around in his arms. "You were fantastic," Harry said.
"I know! I was nervous at first, but I just am so proud of my work, you know? So it was easy to talk about. And I even managed a few jokes!"
Harry laughed because her "jokes" flew over everyone's heads. The only reason Harry got them was because Y/n practiced them on him the night before. "They were great."
She smiled, but it dimmed the longer she looked at him. "You didn't think they're funny."
"What? I didn't say that! Why would you—"
"You didn't have to. It's all over your face," she said, pouting. "You don't think I'm funny?"
"I think you're brilliant, and I think you have so many talents. Can you let the rest of us idiots be funny?"
"I suppose that's fine," she huffed. "Can we go home now?"
Kissing her temple, Harry took her hand and led her out of the studio. "We can go wherever you want, Dr. Styles."
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Incorrect quotes bc I need some dopamine-
It's long and this is a mix of shit I've heard in my life, random scenes my brain conjures up, and the result of a ridiculous amount of cold medicine.
Roger pirates edition!!!!
Roger: hey buglet, what have you got there?
Buggy: a bomb! :o3
Roger: .... ah. Seems like something a responsible parent would never let their child play with.
Buggy: :o(
Roger: good thing I'm a captain!
Buggy: :oD
Shanks: Bugs?
Buggy: what?
Shanks: would you love me if I was a worm?
Buggy: .... hmmm....
Shanks: you have to think about it?!??
Buggy: well duh! We're pirates! We're on a pirate ship, dumbass! How would I keep a worm alive, let alone happy and safe, on a pirate ship?? Not to mention all the different species of worms! What kind of worm would you be?? What kind of care would you need? It's a big question- *goes on a tangent about worms, worm care, and is slowly working himself into a panic*
Shanks, who just heard a landlocked girl ask her boyfriend it and wanted to ask buggy bc he thought it would annoy him: .... a h
Rayleigh: .... what do you have there, Captain?
Roger, holding a baby in a treasure chest and another, smaller baby in his sash: an ADVENTURE!
Gabban, trying to teach the kids their numbers: one~ twoo~ threeee~
Shanks: t'wee!!!
Gabban: right! And what comes after three? Do you know, Buggy?
Buggy, with the confidence of a pirate toddler: FUCK!!
Rayleigh, appearing out of thin air, menacing smile in place: :)
Gabban: :/
Buggy and Shanks: :D fuck fuck fuck!!!
Rayleigh: remind me to kill Roger later, please.
Crocus: alright boys. Let's work on that math, okay? So, Bug, if you had seven treasure chests-
Buggy: yesss!!!
Crocus: focus! Seven treasure chests. Now Shanks asks for three of them. How many treasure chests would you have left?
Buggy: seven.
Crocus: no, Shanks asked for three of them.
Shanks: it's okay, Buggy, you can keep your treasure!
Crocus: no- I- okay, Buggy has seven chests. I ask for three of them. How many do you have left?
Buggy: seven.
Crocus: okay, I'm not asking, I am taking the three treasure chests by force. How many do you have now.
Buggy: seven and a corpse.
Crocus: .....
Shanks: ......
Buggy: ......
Crocus: ................ is this why Rayleigh made math time my job
Buggy: probably. I bit him last time.
Whitebeard: Roger! I never expected you to take on children! Taking a page from my book, are you?
Roger: something like that hahaha! Eddie, meet my brats! This redhead here is Shanks, he's a tough little cookie.
Shanks: hi!!
Roger: and the bluebelle here is Buggy. He's my little cupcake!!
Whitebeard: aw, because he's small and sweet?
Roger, smiling widely: no, because cupcakes can easily contain many varieties of mortal harm, I have learned, and he is small, cute and deadly.
Buggy, pouting: it was one time!!
Roger: three times, and that's not counting that one time with Garp and the arsenic
Buggy: >:o/
The Whitebeard pirates:
Roger: isn't he the cutest??
Shanks: he don't bite
Marco, trying desperately to shake Buggy off of his leg: YES HE DO, HELP-
Buggy, 3 years old, slams his sippy cup onto the table top: I need a dwink.
Sunbell, trying not to laugh: aw, what's up, little man?
Buggy: S'anks is twyin' my patience. Gimme da good stuffs.
Sunbell: okay. Apple juice or-
Buggy: wum.
Sunbell: baby bug, rum is for grown ups. How about some milk?
Buggy: no. Papa Rayray has wum when cap'in is being extra dumb. And S'anks is being extra EXTRA dumb ri' now. I need wum.
Sunbell: ...... alright then-
((He does not in face give Buggy rum, but he DOES make a point of saving a small rum bottle to fill with cranberry juice for future reference.))
Rayleigh: hey, buddy, what's wrong?
Buggy: I have a headache that comes and goes.
Ray: aw, here, let's go to Crocus-
Shanks: hi, Buggy!!
Buggy: there it is.
Rayleigh: ..... yeah Crocus can't help with that.
Buggy, laying on the deck at 3 in the morning:
Roger: bugababy, what are you doing up?
Buggy: what is the point of life, if not only to suffer? What is the purpose of being here if it's all a cyclical preordained destiny of agony and heartache? Why would the Spirits see fit to put us into this hellscape if not for their own sick amusement-?
Roger: Buggy, is this because Shanks ate your gummy worms?
Buggy: that red haired fucker knew they were mine-!
Shanks: hey, Captain? How does one confess their undying love to someone?
Roger: just because I'm with Rouge doesn't mean I know how it happened, son.
Buggy: hey, mom?
Rouge: yes, ma fleur?
Buggy: I think Shanks is in love with me.
Rouge: neat. Do you love him too?
Buggy: unfortunately.
Rouge: nice.
Rayleigh: I didn't choose parent life. Parent life came to me, mid-drink, in the form of an unhinged adult man, and then expanded further with the addition of two tiny humans.
Roger, with Shanks in a front facing baby carrier: you know what's cute than one baby?
Random pirate enemy, trying to figure out why this man showed up to a fight with a baby:
Roger, turning to show Buggy in a carrier on his back: two babies!!!
Buggy @ Garp: were it not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.
Roger: I mean.... we're pirates, so laws-
Garp, sweating, who just set down a draw 4 in Oro Uno: No, kid's right, gotta listen to the law
Rayleigh: I have no fear
Shanks, pale and shaking: Buggy hasn't slept in two days he's making bombs
Rayleigh: I have several fears.
Sengoku: Garp, you've been acting strange ever since you came back from your last excursion.
Garp: no i haven't.
Sengoku: you just leveled a circus tent after seeing a bunch of clowns.
Garp, having flashbacks to being bitten by a tiny clown, thousand yard stare: their joyful levity is a lie
Buggy: if I had a nickel for every time I had a traumatic experience on this damn crew, I'd have enough to pay for my therapy bills.
Shanks: if I had a nickel for every traumatizing experience I had here, I'd have enough to pay for my drinking problem.
Gabban, looking at the 11 year olds: .... maybe pirates aren't built for being parents.......
Whitebeard: I fear no man.
Also Whitebeard, thinking on that first time he interacted with Buggy one on one: but that thing..... it scares me.
Buggy: it's hard being Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Girl, but a bitch makes due
Crocodile: how did you survive this far
Buggy: I may have had rabies
Mihawk: why does Shanks huddle in a corner when someone plays circus music
Buggy: bullseyes are red.
Mihawk: what does that have to do with-
Buggy: throws a knife and hits dead center of an apple, some unknown source playing circus music in the background
Mihawk: this explain so much and yet so little
Crocodile: have you been sneaking money
Buggy: I would love to do that, but unfortunately the clap of my big dumpy cheeks would alert you to my hiding place.
Mihawk, fighting a migraine: do you ever think before you speak
Buggy: hey, want a card reading?
Crocodile: a what
Mihawk: you read cards?
Buggy, laying a card down: oh, look it's a Caterpie.
Buggy: I means you're a douchebag.
((Buggy does in fact read tarot cards, smth he and Mihawk eventually bond over))
Buggy, after almost dying part 2847164917: no mister reaper we have to stop meeting like this....
The guy who just shot him with seastone: what the fu-
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mindstriker · 1 month
I saw someone online recently discuss the reality of Wesker not killing Chris or Jill permanently in any of the RE games because
A) as per usual, long-running series hate to kill their darlings, even when it would occasionally be a believable or satisfying death (plot armor, because people would get mad and mald if their faves were killed by the Villain(tm) they're supposed to shoot dead)
B) "well REALISTICALLY it would be SO easy for wesker to kill them because of how strong/fast/etc. he is so point A is the only believable and acceptable answer because obviously they couldn't have killed Chris or Jill off"
and like no dude I get it totally you are right. I can't even argue that you're incorrect you 100% are. I could rightfully argue that realism doesn't matter when it's far more enjoyable to NOT have Chris or Jill dead, especially when their deaths would serve no real compelling narrative purpose except (:() HOWEVER
If you're willing to hear me out, there's an explanation for Wesker never entirely killing either of them for reasons that turn plot armor into something as simple as believable characterization.
Nostalgia. Literally. Just. Nostalgia.
He avoids killing them outright because once upon a time, these people meant something to him. He saw WORTH in them, valued them, possibly even to the extent of finding it difficult to try and sacrifice them initially (something I am going to go ON about in another long ass post soon enough). TLDR: He was attached.
Long ass post underneath if you want to hear me blather on about why I think this :)
After his initial failed attempt to have them all killed because Umbrella commanded it, I'm not surprised he simply settled for toying with them for the most part. He doesn't need to, and more importantly- doesn't want to. He can never have their allyship back, but he can still see them in action. He can best them, sure- but why would he kill them when he still savors those interactions, when they clash? Why would he destroy the last pieces of a past he's attached to to the point of bringing it up constantly up until his death?
I've always found it funny how many lines Wesker actually has referencing the past. You were my best man, your 'partner' (said snidely in reference to an era where they were in the same squad) is in danger, I should've killed you years ago, etc.
And just the line. The fucking line. From the Umbrella chronicles. I'm not even going to retype it I'm just putting it here.
I understand, by the way, that he's being sarcastic, but I do genuinely believe there's a grain of truth in this. I think he does in fact want to see them survive.
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Side note: What with his appraisal of their skills and his direct use of Jill's own blood later to temper Uroboros to make it less fatal, I love to make the mental stretch here that somewhere in his little ape brain he was hoping if infected with uroboros both would be "quality" enough to become like him. I think his ideal future still has them kicking around in it, viable hosts for uroboros mutation so they could join him in his new Minecraft server for cool people.
ANYWAYS tangent aside back to the nostalgia argument, on an individual basis this time. We're starting with Jill, because even though Wesker isn't an obsessive freak over her like he is with Chris, I still firmly believe he's attached to her as well.
Why else would he do what he did to her, after her presumed death via falling-off-a-cliff? Sure, you could argue it was simply a calculated decision based on the fact that he knew her blood would be useful, but I like to think of it a bit differently.
You crash into the rocky water below a tall, tall bluff, battered beyond belief- but quickly repairing yourself- and the body of another (probably also fucked up by that impact, and not capable of immediately fixing that) next to you. I don't think even Wesker would be doing mental math in his head at that very moment, considering the precise reasons why Valentine might be valuable to him down the line. I think he just automatically assumes he needs to take her with him because it's her. She gets dragged out of the water and slapped into medical care as quickly as he can manage it simply because she's an important part of that past he refuses to move on from. A part of the team. Then, she's a useful source of antibodies to help with the transformation of uroboros- but she's also a brainwashed bodyguard, something of a sidekick. Why? He could hire someone. He could use anyone. If she was useful for samples alone, he could've kept her in a cell for years to intermittently steal a few ounces of blood. But of course he wouldn't, and he wouldn't kill her or dispose of her otherwise, either- because Jill Valentine was skilled and strong and a dedicated team member, and maybe- just maybe- it's nothing short of satisfying to have her fighting at his side again, even if it's a facsimile of their old team dynamic. Plus, you know: bonus points that it'd horrify Chris to see his best friend and beloved work partner of many years through thick and thin working for him, when they inevitably clash again.
And then, of course, there's Chris. He beats him senseless only to piss off over very mild retaliations, promising to meet him again. You've probably heard a lot about that before. I could go on about that. But what I'd rather go on about instead is the one time he clearly determines that killing Chris for good is necessary, and that's in RE5.
...And look at how he talks during that. He brings up the "should've killed you years ago" thing- and fails to explain why he didn't. It wasn't due to any failure on his part, truly. He's beat Chris in combat several times, he's had the chance before and refused to take it. He asks Chris why he can't *understand his plans*, as if somehow expecting that there'd be a chance that he WOULD understand- and then what? He wouldn't need to kill him? Could get him to be a part of this new world he has planned, even?
Going over the times he could've killed Chris and didn't is fun, but I don't think anything illustrates my point of unwilling attachment and nostalgia for the past more than his gambit of literally asking "why can't you understand this" to the man he's actively attempting to bludgeon upside the head with virus tentacles, because he'd much prefer it if he didn't feel compelled to do that.
...so yes. At the end of the day, it's plot armor that prevented Chris from getting snapped like a stick during one of their brawls, or from Jill being dead after her cliff stunt, probably. But it's always going to be more fun- to me at least- to see it as the product of Albert Wesker genuinely not knowing how to let go of those "lovely stars members" (a line I think about way more than I should).
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gamerstar111 · 6 months
Makoto & Nagito’s Survivor’s Guilt
i have many thoughts ab why makoto and nagito would have an interesting dynamic but today i’m thinking abt how their history parallels a little (like a lot of things ab them. they’re foils of each other i cld write an essay about it)
this is just a very long (kind of disorganized) tangent about lucky duo’s traumas and how they shaped their mindsets (and how they might understand each other better than people think at first)
i kind of get nervous anytime i put my analyses out there for people to percieve, but that’s okay. we’re facing fears today. LOL
i don’t think many people think about how makoto probably understands the survivor’s guilt nagito deals with better than anyone could, because he also has the mentality that he didn’t deserve to survive the things he did, and that his luck had a lot to do with his survival. they cope in very different ways, but at the core of their emotions they both feel that same “i don’t deserve to live” guilt.
Makoto’s Survivor’s Guilt
makoto doesn’t attribute as much of his trauma (which is the killing games he went through) to his luck, it doesn’t factor into his thinking as much as it does for nagito. junko says it at some point in the anime: makoto’s luck isn’t like nagito’s! he wouldn’t ever be able to utilize it like nagito can, because it isn’t consistent, it comes and goes super randomly. it keeps that mf alive and that’s IT 😭
(/j. it does more for him than that but im not talking ab his luck rn so BACK TO HIS SURVIVOR’S GUILT.)
he leaves the first killing game with this huge unofficial responsibility. he lost 10 of his classmates and it’s said that he was able to get his memories back after leaving, so that means he remembers the two years he spent with them. they were his friends :,)
and some of them did more than him to contribute to surviving. i know it’s for comedic effect in the game, but makoto is kind of consistently told by byakuya (and sometimes kyoko & others) that he’s stupid or unhelpful. + he already struggles with feeling like he’s not interesting, memorable, or unique in any kind of way (mr. “i’m average at being average”)
but nevertheless, he survives the games, (after basically convincing his remaining classmates to NOT sacrifice him. a second time.) and when he does get out, he joins the future foundation, where his nickname as the ultimate hope starts to push him to do as much as he can. and because he’s so determined to save as many people as he can, he opposes the foundation’s plan to kill the remnants, and takes them to jabberwock island. he’s so determined to do as much as he can because he feels like if he doesn’t, he’s wasting the life he was given. it’s implied a few times that he would have killed himself if he didn’t feel guilty throwing away the life that was taken from his friends! people don’t talk enough about how makoto is NOT as endlessly optimistic as everyone thinks
he isn’t completely immune to despair. i honestly feel like his main motivation in helping people and spreading hope isn’t that he lives by it, it’s that he has to do as much as he can to to spread it to OTHERS because if he doesn’t, what is he doing with the life he has that his friends were robbed of? i could get into the nuances of makoto’s character and how he isn’t just “hope enthusiast #1” but that’s more fitting of a makoto exclusive character analysis. coming soon/hj
the point of that is that he wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t feel like he had to make something of the fact that his classmates died and he didn’t. that’s what motivates him to try and save everyone, no matter who they are or how terrible they are (him saving the remnants, trying to save junko even though he hated her for what she did, and trying to save the future foundation members in the second game, even though they want him dead)
and when he already has this mentality, he goes through a SECOND killing game, where one of his closest friends (i forget if it’s canon they were dating or not, but you get the point) dies as a DIRECT result of him surviving. and instead of breaking down and giving up, he takes it and becomes more determined to end the game. but his despair video shows that he feels so guilty that he survived, even if he doesn’t ruminate in that feeling.
but nagito is the polar opposite
Nagito’s Survivor’s Guilt
most of nagito’s character revolves around two things:
His self-loathing
His twisted perception of hope, and his obsession with the concept
putting aside the fact that he has been diagnosed with dementia that definitely warps his perception of reality as it is, when you look into his backstory it makes sense why he thinks the way he does. his childhood pet died in a car crash when he was a little kid, then, when he goes on vacation with his parents (still in elementary school), the plane taking them back is hijacked, and then those hijackers are killed by a meteorite that also kills his parents right in front of him.
he has no other living relatives, so he’s given all of their inheritance, and is said to be free to live on his own. so he’s been alone since he was a kid, and then during middle school, he’s kidnapped by a SERIAL KILLER that held him for ransom, and then let him go after realizing no one was going to come for him. (which is actually so distressing to me like r u kidding me that’s so SAD HE HAD NO ONE WILLING TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE HE WAS MISSING?? UGH. ANYWAY.)
any chance at happiness Nagito has had was ripped from him in that cycle of good and bad luck. he starts to become fixated (and eventually, unhealthily obsessed) with the concept of hope, so that he could try and find some meaning to his life beyond killing anyone who'd ever shown him any kindness or cared about him. and then after ALL OF THIS, in high school before hope's peak, he gets diagnosed not only with CANCER, but also DEMENTIA. Which, typically, only affects people over 65!!!! he was probably not older than 16 when he got diagnosed!!!! he's then told that he probably has less than 6 months to live. he tells hajime this whole speech about how he realized all he wanted his entire life was to be loved by someone, and he didn't want to die alone, but then says that he was just quoting something, curious to the sympathy it would get him (i don't really believe that, but THAT is a nagito analysis topic. back on topic again…)
then he gets invited to hope's peak. he tries to refuse, but they insist, and so he finally agrees. but then, during his second year, junko starts to ruin things, and yet ANOTHER person he started to care about is killed right before his eyes (chiaki). of course, then, he goes on to bring as much pain and despair to anyone he can under junko’s brainwashing
he's fully convinced that he's a curse, and that he's not worthy of living.
"ok….. what’s your point??" you didn’t ask???
the difference between nagito and makoto is that makoto took his grief and made it into motivation, while nagito took his grief as a personal reflection, and spiraled down into a mental decline.
i think the main reasons for this difference is that, first of all, nagito's trauma has been his entire life. since he was a little kid up to even currently (when he's around 21-22), all he's done is cause or witness death anywhere he's gone. watching your childhood pet AND parents die before your eyes has to impact development in some kind of way (not to mention he was entirely alone since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL)
makoto had a very average, but nice life to that point. he had nice parents that were together and happy, his little sister that he's super close to, and while he didn't have any super close friends, he wasn't on particularly bad terms with anyone (as shown by his reaction to seeing sayaka, and sayaka's reaction to knowina him). all of the trauma and death he experienced happened to him when he was an adult (even though he thought he was 16-17 when the first killing game happened, he was most likely 18-19 and junko can erase memory but not alter brain development. so.)
second of all, makoto had support from his friends! he had the other 5 survivors, and then during the second game, he had kyoko and aoi to support him and get him through it. nagito grew up experiencing all of this grief and guilt and trauma entirely alone, even during the killing game he was in. his classmates treat him awfully even before he has his mental break doing incredibly unhinged shit like blowing up the gym (it's so. hard. to defend him sometimes.)
i still haven’t gotten to my point oh my god i talk a lot. BUT THE POINT IS they cope extremely differently, and arguably have different levels of trauma, but they experience the same survivors guilt. both of them feel like they don't deserve to be alive, and that others around them deserve so much better than they do. i really feel like makoto would be able to empathize with nagito's struggles with survivor's guilt and self worth, because he feels the same things! clearly, not to the same extent, but again, that goes back to the support makoto got during his experiences. it's one of the many MANY reasons i think makoto and nagito would be able to help each other heal, instead of being unhealthy like a lot of people say. (of course it depends on when because obviously, servant nagito meeting ff!makoto would not be healthy. that man would skeeve makoto out MASSIVELY but that dynamic is also an interesting one to explore.... ANYWAY.)
nagito's obsession with hope would give him an unhealthy attachment/idolization of makoto at first, but i really do believe that after he recovers a little more from junko's influence, a few days with the guy would make nagito realize that they're way more similar than he thought and that respectfully, makoto isn't as amazing and godly as he thought LOL
TLDR: they have very similar experiences, the only difference between them is that makoto had support that reminded him he wasn't to blame for the deaths of those around him, while nagito was isolated from EVERYONE from a very, VERY young age, and it led to his mental decline. i really believe they would be able to help each other heal a lot and that's why i love them so much :(
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side note: genuinely nothing makes me as sad as nagito and his dog 😞 every time i mention them i get so upset
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bobbydagen24 · 6 months
I wonder if in the next Christmas special we could see Branch trying to hide his old hermit days from his brothers while planning the perfect family Christmas.
so maybe we see over the course of the next Christmas special Bro zone coming to Pop Village to spend this first Christmas together.
and Branch goes to great lengths to try and hide details of his past from them and just gets too over focused on making sure the Christmas is perfect and has no problems.
like maybe Branch is ashamed or even afraid of being judged as some sorta freak like a lot of the village thought of him as for all those years.
so when the Brothers insist on seeing his home while their in the village he panics and pretty much changes everything about it to make it appear more Troll like.
probably adding lots of bright colours and bright flowers and maybe even stuff like discarded wrappers to imply that he throws parties there often just like everyone else in the village does.
and of course hiding all of his own stuff like the rations and the weapons and maybe painting over the crazy wall writings he had.
and maybe as he's showing them around the village he gets some harsh stares and attitudes from certain people and his brothers question him on why these people would be mad at him.
and Branch thinks back to all the special occasions he ruined for people when he kept warning them about the Bergens only for them to be false alarms.
but Branch just nervously tells his bros he can't remember and awkwardly rushes them along on the tour 😂😂😂😂
just so he can make things appear more normal and perfect for their first family Christmas back together maybe even actively changing the subject whenever the brothers try and ask about his life during the past 20+ years.
but Branch trying to make everything perfect ironically gets to the point where the Brothers get annoyed with him since he was acting pretty similar to how JD used to.
and they finally question him on his odd behaviour although they kinda already know the reason why he's been so desperate for things to be perfect.
but they are still fairly clueless and worried about what he's obviously trying to hide from them in regards to his home and the fact he won't talk much about his life.
and this time when Branch nervously tries to shrug it off they act a bit firmer towards him saying they need to talk about this now as they've kept putting it off.
and when he tries to downplay it maybe just saying something as simple as he was obviously a bit upset and went Grey for a little while but he moved on and lived pretty normally for most of the years afterwards.
but the brothers don't buy it and they point out multiple things they found around the Bunker like weapons and traps and maybe they even uncovered the crazy wall writings he tried to hide.
( plus Gary if we're allowed to include him in this cannon lol )
anyway after all this poking and prodding Branch finally goes off on a bit of an emotional tangent maybe saying something along the lines of "" fine what do you want to hear? that I was some Grey freak who hid underground for years that everyone saw me as some crazy person who ruined everything for everyone else that I practically spent every moment of everyday thinking about nothing but the Bergens and fearing they could come back at any moment well fine you win you happy now? happy I grew up to be some freak who's always going to stand out from everyone else because no matter how much I change people around here are always going to remember and even if they didn't all they'd have to do is look at me and they'd know ""
maybe he says all this and turns away looking down in shame with slightly teary eyes but his bros just Hug him rather than Judge him like he maybe feared.
yep good old angst 😅😅😅😅 tho I'm not exactly 100 percent sure how to end the story but anyway what do you think about this as a concept for a future special?
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peachyfnaf · 5 days
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
WHOOH boy, that's a fuckin' question and a half, ain't it? i'm prolly gonna piss some people off with this, let's see... i kidnapped most of these characters from polaris' list lol
So I don't go off on tangents for each of em, i'm gonna try to limit myself to 1-3 sentences
Sun: You've been through a lot, haven't you? Find something to do in life, something that you love because you want to, not something that you love out of obligation or programming. You're smarter and stronger than you think, stop being held back by the past.
Old Moon: You have not changed as much as you think you have- you still have some very toxic and abusive behaviors. You are not irredeemable, but you are deeply flawed. Take time, work on yourself, and understand that while making up for your past might be impossible; it's not impossible for you to carve out a future where you and those you love are happy.
New Moon/Nexus: Oh, you poor thing, what happened to you? You fucked up, but you didn't deserve the hand you were given in life, no one in your position would. Please, let yourself feel again- the pain of losing it all- only then will you be able to come back out the other side ready to love again.
Earth: As you've grown and experienced life, you've become very immature. This isn't directly a bad thing, but it contrasts with what you try to be, and makes you an unreliable person to go to with mental health struggles. Don't take life so personally, and push a little bit harder, there's no need to be so soft on people who reject help who clearly need it.
Lunar: I am BEGGING you to show some vulnerability. I know it's genuinely so fucking hard after all you've been through, but if you keep acting like you're okay after every loss then eventually you'll become a shell of a man. ...And also, respectfully, humble yourself- you are incredible, but you are not the main character.
Solar: Take a break. Please, for the sake of yourself and everyone you care about, take a break. You can't save anyone if you yourself are dying- and the people you are trying to reach won't extend their hand to a dying man. Take a break.
Eclipse (V4 Specifically): ...What can I even say to you other than that I am so incredibly proud of you. And that I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything you went through, being compared to someone you're not. I wish people would leave you alone, as you so desperately want to be, you more than deserve that peace.
Bloodmoon: You're a lot more put together than people give you credit for. I'm sorry you were made the way you were, with the inability to live life without being consumed by your urges. You were born a monster, and no one gave you the proper chance to become anything but one.
Ruin: I'm sorry to say this, I really am, but even though the life you lived was horrid and tragic, that gives you no right to end billions of innocent lives in your quest for justice and revenge. You have my sympathies for the trauma you experienced, but my sympathies end there. Everything you experience after the massacre you pulled is your victims coming to bite you in the ass.
Jack: I love you, so much- I love you for trying as hard as you do. Remember, it's okay to say no. You are still growing and have a lot of it to do, be kind to yourself when you make mistakes.
Dazzle: Sweet girl, the most precious thing. Never change who you are, you are literally the shining star in the darkness that is this world. Never forget how much you are loved, for it is more than you could ever know.
The Creator: No matter how many machines you build, what scientific discoveries you make, how much progress you offer to humanity, you will always be alone. No one will ever love you, and it's all your fault. Remember that when you die alone, old man.
Monty: Your violence is not funny, at least not at the severity of which you do it. You lying to your girlfriend is not funny. Do better or fuck off.
Foxy: You try so hard, and I appreciate it, but learn that there are some things that you can not fix, and some places where you shouldn't stick your nose in. It's okay to be "a rubber duck", it's okay to be normal. Stop trying to be something you're not and embrace what you can.
F.C: I love you so much kid. You're a bit wild and off your rocker, but you've also shown so much unexpected maturity. Stop growing up so fast, yeah?
Puppet: I can appreciate all that you try to do, but please, understand that you acknowledging that you make mistakes does not nullify them. You have been hypocritical time and time again, and you need to learn and grow from those experiences, not just brush them off. You are capable of great things- just learn to do them.
AND THATS EVERYONE. YIPPEE. im gonna go eat shrimp now lol
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i’ll explain papaya rules for you!!
okay so after oscar’s over take (and im pretty sure after mclaren’s first pit stop) lando’s race engineer comes on the radio and says
“you are allowed to race oscar, papayas rules”
so everyone was kinda confused because no one knows what said “papaya rules” are. so anyway after the race during the press conference, lando gets asked what papaya rules are and if he thought oscar’s overtake fit into those rules. lando basically said that the papaya rules are that they are free to race, but do not make contact. lando thought oscar’s overtake did fit into the rules but could’ve ended badly if he had braked later. zak brown was also asked about it after the race about what papaya rules meant and basically said the same thing that lando said!! but he said they would have to rewatch oscar’s overtake to make sure it applied by the “papaya rules”.
but then everyone (mostly lando fans) started getting mad at oscar and mclaren for allowing oscar to overtake and for them to race. they think that they should’ve swapped the cars on the last lap to allow lando to close the gap to max in the drivers championship a little more.
another thing, in the post-race press conference lando got asked if he needed help to win the championship and he said that he did have help and that his teammate was indeed helping him. he also said that he didn’t want to win the championship by begging for track position over his teammate. he said it was something the team would have to implement race by race. and oscar had nothing to add to that.
i hope this explained it and i probably added wayyyy to much details!! but it’s very interesting to me as a die hard oscar fan, to see everyone hating on him for racing and not giving the position to lando, even though the team said nothing about giving it up. but ill let you have your own opinion on the situation <3
Anon you’re and actual angel. Like genuinely you deserve a star here ⭐️
This topic now intrigues me more as a lifetime Lando fan and a new Oscar fan. Honestly I think, always thought tbh, that whenever Zak says that there is no number 1 driver, he’s just lying bc it’s Lando, we all know it’s Lando guys.
On that note, I think this Papaya Rules stuff is not very healthy for the future. Like how is this gonna work in a few months when the inevitable is going to happen and Lando is 3 points from the championship and Oscar is only p3. Who are “Papaya Rules” gonna help out at that point?
I get it, racing each other can be dangerous especially considering Lando’s lead. But making a petty kitty papaya rules is not the way guys. I get McLaren is trying to be the new hip team.. (i.e holister merch and like every pr thing ever (I could be wrong but McLaren feels like it like started this wave of F1 merch in American malls bc when F1 merch started rolling out it was all McLaren merch.) (sorry for all the () but on all that McLaren merch, when a driver is put on it it’s ALWAYS Lando. I own Hollister McLaren merch, it’s all Lando. And for the New RB merch at Hollister, it’s all obviously Max bc he’s the number 1 driver. So yeah sry for the Tangent)
.. but I think treating the boys like Kindergarteners with papaya rules is not it. There is a better way guys. I’m like 79.678% sure they aren’t gonna be the next Maxiel Baku 2018.
But I’m an idiot so I’m probably vry wrong. THANK YOU ANON FOR THE EXPLANATION I WAS ACTUALLY SO CONFUSED AND SO WAS MY DAD (another big Lando fan lol)
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halfmoth-halfman · 2 years
Hey, I was just wondering. How do you think Ghost would realize he’s in love and do you think he would run away from it or kinda slowly embrace it? Like Medic!Reader, what was the turning point for him when he realized “oh crap, I love her”?
oooooo girl you've got me on a tangent
i think with ghost it would take a long time for him to come to terms with his feelings for someone. if there is someone he cares for, i can see him doing little things lol for them, hovering around them a little more often, checking in on them more than usual, but it could take months (probably even years) before it clicks in his head that he's not just "concerned for their safety" but actually cares for them and even longer for him to admit it out loud. i think it would probably click for him when he's out on a mission and realizes that he actually cares about making it back alive so he can see them again.
once he comes to that realization i think his initial response would be to run. whether that's through distancing himself from them, leaving on a long mission, or just straight up ignoring them. he needs time to come to terms with what he's feeling and what that means for him, but once he does....
i don't think he'd be the first to admit their feelings; he'd definitely wait until after they've confessed theirs, but all of that checking in and hovering that i mentioned above??? that but x10. he'd be v protective because this is someone that he loves cares about and he doesn't want anything to happen to them. it might even become a bit suffocating and there may even be a few fights over how much he mother-hens, but i headcannon that he's never really been in love before (maybe a few meaningless flings) so all of this is new to him and he doesn't really know how to deal with these feelings or show someone that he cares like that.
i definitely see him as a subtle-affection kinda guy so once he and his s/o come to terms with their feelings for each other and are a little more established in their relationship it's a lot of small touches, brief glances, little moments together. it's nothing that would appear out of the norm for two good friends if you were to just casually observe them but if you know what to look for, you can see just how much they care for each other.
and once they're together, he's all in. if ghost is one thing, it's loyal (i think all the 141 would be). that's his person, and he's in for the long haul until the day he dies-- and he'll try harder to be a little less self-destructive in the field cause the thought of not coming back to his person? unacceptable.
now for my medic!reader, i headcannon her and ghost as having a very long history together, with them meeting soon after ghost gets cleared for field work after roba. they don't start off as friends but there's a mutual respect for each other's abilities that over the years turns into friendship that turns into caring that turns into love. i won't go into too much detail about the exact moment ghost realizes that he more than cares for her that's for a future fic but they're on different squads so they don't see each other often and it's definitely something that clicks for him when he's not with her and he catches himself thinking of her and he has that moment of "oh, i love her....oh god no i love her". since they're apart he doesn't really have to run and he has that time to himself to figure out what he wants to do until he sees her again.
a little extra: medic!reader knew she loved him for years before he realized his own feelings, she was just waiting for him to figure it out. they're the embodiment of that trope: one fell first, but the other fell harder.
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yakichoufd · 1 month
Adding onto what the previous anon recommended, some scattered scemma moments that I think you can enjoy with relatively little context: Marvel Holiday Special(2004) #1
X-Men: Manifest Destiny(2008) #2
Heralds(2010) #1
Uncanny X-Men #495
and some that may require more context: Cable(2008) #6 (context: Scott entrusted Cable with the baby Hope, the first and only mutant born after the M-Day. Cable is currently wandering in the future to protect the baby.)
X-Men Legacy(2008) #215-216 (context: Charles kinda died but not really in the event called Messiah Complex and then went on a journey to re-examine himself. He discovers something and meets with Scott to talk about it.)
Astonishing X-Men(2004) #44-47 (context: This is set after the event called Schism, where Scott and Logan had a fight and as a result the X-Men got divided into two groups. There are not really much scemma here tbh, but this story features an au version of Emma who married Scott and I like a few moments they share.)
Unrelated to scemma, I also recommend X-Men: Season One in general. It's a nice one-shot story about the O5.
For Scott and Warren, I have a hunch some of the panels you are referring to might be from Louise Simonson's run on the X-Factor(1986) series. Her tenure on the X-Factor starts at #6 and ends at #64 and it is the O5's quarter-life crisis book. X-Factor starts with Jean turning out to be alive after Dark Phoenix Saga and the O5 reuniting. I am not sure how readable it is without other overall contexts, but anyway for Scott and Warren, maybe X-Factor #15 & #17? There might be more but I'm not sure. It's been a while since I last reread them so I'm kinda coming up blank right now. Also, this is a tangent but X-Factor #68 is the issue where Scott sends baby Nathan to the future.
Thank you so much for that very detailed recommendation list 🥺❤ I am excited to read them!!
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hey-august · 7 months
I'm comin' apart at the seams | (Buggy x OC)
Ahhhhh, this is a birthday gift for @rorywritesjunk 🎁 I hope you like it even though it's not birthday-themed.
I chose Sunny because she's just the sweetest and I thought she'd fit this story well. I'm sure she's ooc, but I hope I captured her spirit. 🩷
Word count: ~1.8k
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, buggy x OC, buggy x sunny!!, fem OC, mentions of PIV sex, dadbod buggy
(Presumptive tag for @paperclippedmime since you were curious about the apples 👀)
Title from "Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes" by Fall Out Boy
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Something was wrong. Something has been wrong. And Buggy wasn’t sure how much longer he could hide it from Sunny. It started small. An extra shimmy to pull on his pants. A deep exhale to reach the usual notch on his belt. Unbuttoning his pants after a big meal. Then his shirts felt a little snug. Pulling on the sleeves and the bottom hem would help, but only for so long. Soon, he couldn’t tighten his belt to the same spot. The problem was growing.
Sunny made such tasty food, it was hard for Buggy to decline. Not only was the pirate addicted to his wife’s cooking, but to the smile she’d bestow when he complimented her skills. Treats came with a kiss on the cheek. Snacks were ready when his stomach grumbled. She’d set out a pastry with his morning coffee. Sunny always knew what Buggy was in the mood for before he knew. And it was always delicious.
Buggy stared at himself in the full length mirror, twisting and turning to assess the full extent of his indulgences. Was his rear always that round? Was the belly pooch new? He poked his stomach, wondering what was from years of yeasty beer and rum and what was from married life. Regardless of where the excess came from, Buggy was resolved to get rid of it before Sunny noticed.
He started by waking up before her. As the sun started to crest the horizon, Buggy would slip out of bed bit by bit and limb by limb. It was tedious, but the slow retreat kept the bed from shifting too much and allowed Sunny to stay wrapped in sleep. Once out of bed, Buggy would jog around the deck with a deep scowl on his face - a warning that anyone else awake at this hour should keep their mouth shut. He’d keep an eye on the sun’s journey and sneak back into the room just in time for Sunny to roll over and assume her husband had also just woken up and gotten out of bed.
The morning excursions weren’t enough, though, and Buggy was worried that Sunny would notice. That she would think Buggy is letting himself go. That she could do better than some chubby clown. The ache from that possible future pushed the pirate to do something he never dreamed of doing - turning down some of Sunny’s treats. The morning pastry would be ripped half to share with Sunny, even when it was his favorite one dusted in powdered sugar. (He’d still lick the sugar off his fingers, though.) Buggy would only take a bite of what Sunny would offer him and go on a tangent about how it was too good and he wanted to save space to eat it later.
Buggy might have gotten away with it all if it wasn’t for the apples. The goddamn apples.
Sunny stared at the uneaten food left on Buggy’s desk. It was a small plate with one of his favorite snacks - apple slices and peanut butter. And he didn’t take a single bite. Sunny knew her husband usually got hungry around this time of day. He hadn’t been eating well recently, so she made it look extra enticing. She peeled some of the bright red skin, leaving behind little shapes that made the slices look like bunnies. They were placed in a circle, facing the spoonful of peanut butter smeared on the center of the plate. What were once happy grazing bunnies were now oxidized bits of fruit surrounding an oily lump of ground nuts.
Footsteps entered the room behind her and Sunny turned to see Buggy. All the emotions and thoughts swirling through her burst out in one confused and upset question.
“Do you not like me anymore?”
Sunny usually wasn’t the one to carry the self-doubt in this relationship. She held the other end of that rope, doting on Buggy and reminding him of her love. But weeks of her husband sneaking away every morning, turning down the food she made him, not wanting to bathe with her, and pulling away when all she wanted was a hug had worn her down. Sunny felt raw and exposed. She felt like a forgotten apple slice.
The question wasn’t answered with words, but an embrace. Buggy wrapped his arms around her, placed a hand on the back of her head, and held her close. This was what Sunny would do whenever Buggy spouted similar fears.
“Why would you ever think that?” He asked her the same question she asked him.
“You didn’t eat your snack, Buggy.” 
“I just forgot about it.” Buggy followed the fib by popping a soggy apple bunny in his mouth. “That can’t be the only reason, is it?”
Sunny shook her head against his chest, listening to the conflicted voices in her head. One told her to stop now and just enjoy the moment and enjoy the hug. The other told her that this wasn’t enough. Deciding both were right, Sunny wrapped her arms around Buggy’s waist and squeezed. She felt Buggy stiffen and try to pull away, but she held him tighter until her arms began to burn with the effort.
“No, not yet. I feel like you’ve been avoiding me,” Sunny finally confessed against his chest.
Buggy pried himself from Sunny’s hold before responding. “Never! I always want to be near you. In fact, you’re the one that banned me from the kitchen that one time.”
“You sneak out of bed early every morning.” Sunny felt a little bit of satisfaction watching the color drain from the unpainted parts of his face. “Babe, you're everywhere when you sleep. We're always touching, of course I’m going to notice when you leave, no matter how clever you think you’re being.”
Buggy opened his mouth to respond, but Sunny grabbed his hands and kept going. “Honestly, I don’t mind if you have secrets. You should have your own things, Buggy, but this feels like it involves me. Is there anything that I should know?”
“I don’t want you to leave me. I don’t want you to realize that I’m not good enough for you and then you go and find a better, more sexy pirate husband, who dresses well and wears glasses and his clothes fit…” The words exploded out of Buggy’s mouth, squeezed by the anxiety wrapped around him. He tugged at the stomach of his shirt, trying to alleviate some of the constricting feeling.
The words continued even when Sunny tried to stop them with her lips. The flow only ceased when Sunny held his face in her hands, pulling his gaze to her own.
“Buggy, I already have a sexy pirate husband. I don’t want a different one.”
“R-really? Even if…?”
“Even if what? I love you as you are.” Sunny’s words were just like her. Warm, comforting, and honest. Lingering doubts that couldn’t be eased away with words, were soothed with actions later that evening. 
Buggy sat on the edge of his desk with Sunny’s fingers tangled in his hair. Tugging his head back, she trailed kisses down his neck. Airy groans buzzed under her lips until she reached the collar of his shirt. Rather than waiting for him to disrobe, Sunny kept going. Running her hands along his soft stomach, through the hair on his chest, and back down to the hem of the shirt so she could pull it off. 
Any protests from Buggy were kept at bay with more kisses and nips, anything to keep his mouth occupied with something other than words. Once the shirt was off, the kisses traveled down to adorn his chest and decorate the stomach he still felt sensitive about. Sunny could feel the tension in his body, the conflict of whether or not he should suck in his gut, and the desire to enjoy the moment. 
Sweet words and descriptions of what lay in store for the evening were mumbled against Buggy’s body. How she likes holding his hips while sucking him off, that she loves to watch how his body moves when she’s bouncing on top of him, the way she feels so deliciously overpowered when he’s thrusting into her from behind and his heaviness presses her into the mattress. Again, words turned into actions, ones that had Buggy’s eyes rolling into the back of his head and Sunny crying his name throughout the night.
Buggy slept in the next morning. It was the first time in a long while and it felt good. Rolling over in bed, the pirate was surprised to see Sunny already awake and busy with a project. She was sewing something. Her skilled movements brought a lazy smile to Buggy’s face as he watched his wife.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
“I think you mean sexy, pirate husband,” Buggy said in a low morning voice, earning a chuckle in response. “Whatcha doing?”
“I put a bit of elastic in your pants so they’re more comfortable. They’ll fit the same, just with a bit more stretch, see?” She held them up and demonstrated.
Feeling a quiver in his lip, Buggy wiggled closer to Sunny so he could wrap her in his arms and press his face into her abdomen. She placed a hand on his head and listened to the words he spoke against her body. They were muffled, but Sunny knew what he was saying.
Sunny joined Buggy on his morning jog exactly one time. Not because she didn’t enjoy it - quite the opposite, actually - but because she was unprepared. She wasn’t ready for what the pirate captain’s workout entailed.
His outfit was the first surprise. Tube socks, shorts that showed a teasing amount of thigh, a sleeveless shirt, a high ponytail, and a sweatband. Sunny didn’t even know he had some of these articles of clothing, let alone that he'd be so comfortable in them. The outfit was a gift that kept giving. The shorts crept up his legs as he moved. The top kept his shoulders and arms on display. Even though the sweatband was doing its job, sometimes Buggy would pull his shirt up and wipe the moisture from his face, giving Sunny a full view of his glistening body.
And then there were the exercises Buggy did. In addition to the jogging, he added in a few other sets. Lunges up the stairs that worked his glutes. Push-ups that flexed his arms and came with tantalizing grunts. And the worst (or was it the best) was climbing the ship’s rigging. He moved with the skill and instinct that comes from a life at sea. And it was a turn on. When Buggy got back on the deck, he pulled up his shirt to wipe his face, yet again, and Sunny had to pull him below deck for a different kind of workout.
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britt-kageryuu · 4 months
A part of me wants to toss all the Donatellos (and maybe the Leonardos) into the same room with a TV that's playing shows like Eureka, Wearhouse 13, Fact or Faked: Paranormal File.
The reason for this is, I want to know what kind of arguments would break out between them on how accurate, or plausible certain parts are. And for the supernatural parts, I want to know which ones are would think something is cool or real, and who would be shouting about how fake things look.
Then the arguments about the fact Mystics/Magic exist in some universes, and how likely some of the shows stuff could be real in their universe. 12 Donnie tries very hard to not bring up how big foot exists in his universe, but mentions the version of Nessie they met.
The other toss their own stories about, slowly scaring the MM Donnie (and Leo) who thinks it might happen to them.
Maybe toss in other shows just to add more chaos? Like those old fake 'haunted locations' shows where they literally used the same location twice under different names, and had groups doing challenges in the name of 'calming the spirits'.
On a different note.
I was gonna go on a tangent about how MM/TOTTMNT Donnie would probably become a Youtuber/TikToker who posts videos about him and his family getting used to their new life, events, how people are treating mutants, and then slowly turns into complaining about whichever future villains are annoying him at that time.
But then I remembered that he's basically already doing that at the end of the movie, with his little clip of finding other like minded Anime/Tech/maybe K-Pop fans.
And so now my mind is just going over ideas to more flesh out what he might do as a content creator.
It would never happen, but the idea of MM Donnie and Rise Donnie doing a collab and slowly dragging the others in would be pretty funny.
I think I saw the start of a fanfic that was like that, but it never updated so it hasn't gone anywhere yet.
You're welcome to make your own opinions and add on if you want! 🐢
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redux-iterum · 11 months
man. i really do love the way you’ve handled tigerclaw— he’s still a bastard, but he’s a bastard who GENUINELY thinks he’s doing right by his clan, his family. the shift in motivation from “i want to conquer the whole forest as a tyrannical dictator” to “i want to isolate thunderclan from its neighbors so it can be restored to it’s former glory and flourish” is WAY more impactful, imo. i also think there’s something to be said about how he’s (maybe) willing to exempt fireheart— whose entire character has been about BUILDING bridges between thunderclan and the rest of the forest— from his hitlist and make a hypocrite of himself because he and goldenflower have a fondness for him. i choose to believe that tigerclaw is still proud of the way fireheart stands up for what he believes in, even if it is conflicting with his own goals.
tldr; loving the direction of this so far. thank you guys for all your hard work!! looking forward to my heart continually being broken in the future <3
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Figured answering these two together would be ideal.
It’s excellent to hear the enthusiasm and kind words, thank you! I’ve been stowing away this discussion about Tigerclaw and Fireheart for a while, and now I get to blather!
People have brought up that Tigerclaw choosing not to hurt Fireheart is unusual, since Fireheart’s the one that’s soft to outsiders and has been on track to softening the entire Clan as well, and Tigerclaw is against that. The reason for this requires a bit of a tangent.
Tigerclaw initially was a bit emotionally distant with all his Clanmates, save Goldenflower (for the most part). Not in the sense of “I don’t care about any of you”, but more like “I care about you, but I’m not so attached that I can’t kill you to save everyone else”. He’s had the thought in his mind for years that he could be a better leader than the one everyone already loves, that these cats had impaired judgement and couldn’t do what needs to be done, that he didn’t want to commit to having a family because that could get in the way of his silent and righteous crusade. He cared for his Clanmates, but his heart was careful not to get too close to anyone, even, to a very small extent, Goldenflower. What if he needed to put her out of the way too?
And then Fireheart happened.
Initially, Tigerclaw didn’t care about him. It’s some kittypet who has a tiny bit of potential. Big whoop. He was under the category of “to be Handled if he gets too uppity and does the wrong thing”, and Tigerclaw expected he’d stay there forever. That was fine and easy, even if Goldenflower got attached to him. He could kill Lionface if he needed to, why would he be unable to take out a shrimpy outsider just because his mate likes him?
The thing is, Fireheart’s got this annoying little talent of drawing out people’s kindness and affection without even trying. We’ve seen his own gentle, broad love for everyone around him, even those he just met and knows nothing about beyond them needing help from a stranger. He is overflowing goodness and fondness and empathy in a somewhat compact ginger body, and you can’t break that or scare that out of him. And somehow, with that infallible bravery to keep being kind and polite, he manages to worm his way into the core of another cat and soothingly convince them, even unconsciously, to offer a nice word to someone they don’t like, or maybe ask a Clanmate if they’re doing okay when they think they don’t care, or even just blink trustingly to calm a frightened and starving outsider they should be chasing away. It’s difficult to catch him doing it, but as we’ll see in the rest of the series, it’s a gradual, unstoppable infection.
This talent is what made everyone (well, except for Darkstripe, but he doesn’t like anybody) so fond of him, even if they preemptively think he’s just a dumb kittypet who needs to toughen up. Frostfur is a good example: she went from apathy and disdain to offering him silent support when he brought Cloudkit home and actively partaking in conversation with him when he approached her, just over the course of this book. All he had to do was, like I said, be kind and polite, and he gradually broke down even her walls. Charred Legacy, the next book, will go more into this, so I’ll save the details for now, but my point is that Fireheart is really damn good at making his Clanmates and friends care about him and others.
How troubling (and mildly amusing) it was to Tigerclaw to find that he wasn’t exempt from this. And how amazed he was to find that coming to care for this little outsider his mate was eager to adopt opened up a whole new world for him. Maybe having kits wasn’t so bad. Maybe he could be a father and still do what he needed to do, and maybe his family didn’t need to get hurt in the process. Maybe Goldenflower was more precious to him than he realized, and maybe Fireheart was someone he could see as a son, and be proud to do so.
What Tigerclaw failed to account for is that attachment complicates things. You might have to kill someone – but no, now you come up with excuses not to. They’re just misguided, you can fix them with a couple conversations. You don’t have to take them out. They’re your family! And your family is important! Surely you can let them live, just these particular cats. You can change their minds. They’ll understand and appreciate your goal in time. It’ll be just fine, you know it.
And so it went, deeper and deeper, until his twisted mind was able to justify not hurting Fireheart ever, solely because he’s his son, and his son deserves to live no matter what. In the same way he thought of his more “dangerous” Clanmates as a liability even if they didn’t really do anything wrong, he thought of his mate and son as essential to ThunderClan, even if they went against his ideals.
He never did see the hypocrisy in that. And even to the end, he never even dreamed of hurting Fireheart.
That’s his son, you know?
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