#little nightmares alternate universe
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cynthiadasorceress · 8 months ago
Media: Little Nightmares
Characters: Six, Mono, Thin Man
Fic Type: AU
Summary: Six isn't the only one with secrets.
Spoilers for Little Nightmares 2!
Mono could only watch as Six got taken from her hiding spot under a table. Her terrified shriek rang in the boy's ears, repeating like a broken record and making his head hurt. He burrowed deeper into the darkness of the shadows and waited until he saw the Thin Man glitch away with Six in hand to pull himself out from underneath the bed and back onto his feet.
The small boy started walk to the door before stopping and turning to stare at where Six was taken from just moments before. After a moment silent staring, he set his jaw and headed off back to the room with the TV and warped through to a new room. He clambered to his feet, made his way outside and, after a lot of running, jumping, and swinging, found his way into a post office. Mono traversed through the office with minimal struggle and baited the viewer away from the TV in her living room. He crossed the plank, climbed up the ladder, tricked another viewer, and warped through another television set. He kept traversing the Pale City, seeming suspiciously at ease. He showed neither care nor fright for the Viewers that he should have been terrified of.
He had no issues deceiving viewers or hopping over electrified puddles of storm water. He didn't care about the Viewers who so thoughtlessly threw themselves off of buildings just to be closer the the Broadcast. He moved through the city without struggle or concern, appearing rather calm for somebody who was trying to find their recently kidnapped friend.
He felt no fear as he zig-zagged between store shelves and avoided the manic crowd behind him. He never flinched at the crashing and thudding of shelves hitting the floor or Viewers crushing each other in the frenzy. He hopped through the TV and tumbled out of the other screen onto the cold, hard floor rather gracelessly, but quickly recovered and stood back up. After brushing some dust off of his coat and hat, he made his way into another room containing a TV with the dark figure of Six inside.
She had her hands pressed against the screen, banging on it in an act of futile desperation. Upon seeing the girl's image, Mono walked up to the screen, but instead of helping, he simply stood and gazed upon the screen that had claimed his friend. He stared at the silhouette, doing nothing until he saw the thin shadow of a boney hand reaching out to grab her. As the hand appeared, the boy raised his own, however he did not reach out to help. He merely waved and giggled as the girl he'd pretended to befriend got ripped away from the screen with a burst of static. He smiled at the sight, though nobody could see it underneath his paper bag.
After watching Six disappear, Mono took a few steps back from the static-filled screen and gazed upon the tall figure that emerged from the monitor. His face was set in an expression of expecting praise, hidden behind his paper bag.
"You did well, child," he praised with a small smile.
The Thin Man emerged from the television and looked down at the small boy in front of him. crouching, he put his hand out before the boy, and in response, the boy to climb atop his palm and sat down. The man then rose to his feet and gave the boy's head a few gentle pats with the tip of his index finger. As he did, he spoke in his deep, ever-glitching voice.
"Now, shall we see our 'guest?'" The man in the hat asked as the air flooded with the sound and feel of static.
Mono grinned giddily and thanked the man vigorously, for he was always eager to please his caretaker. The man chuckled at the boy's excitement, having taken a liking to his younger self.
An excerpt from my work-in-progress Little Nightmares au, Son of the Broadcast!
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iglantin · 13 days ago
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And I remind you, I am ready to take this kind of orders ! I will give the first 3 people a discount on the illustration :3
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maru-iru · 29 days ago
Life series little nightmares au
This is an impulse drawing I js got inspired
It's unlikely to be an official au lmao but I might
I might
anw here
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They're so cutie lmao
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scri--bble · 3 months ago
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Have you ever had a crush on someone
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mylittleponyauprompts · 2 months ago
Sorta related to other prompts-
An AU where when Luna is freed from her imprisonment, she is already cleansed. Having spent the thousand years reflecting, thinking. While she was being undeservedly treated by their subjects, she had over reacted with her jump to eternal night. While her sister and her subjects are rightfully skeptical, her sister and herself are happy to be reunited once again.
Nightmare is an entity accidentally created by Luna when she was nightmare moon and expelled the darkness from herself. The darkness is largely a neutral force, it’s just a cloud of magic that feeds on jealousy, anger, despair, and fear. It can give bearers Alicorn like strength, and even the slightest possibility of ascending into an Alicorn one day from long enough exposure. It’s just not for the faint of heart due to its origins. It’s been wandering around Equestria for a good 200 years now. And it’s finally found some one it finds palatable.
Shining Armor has been having nightmares basically his entire life. He doesn’t know why and he’s gotten so used to them that he’s learning how to lucid dream. He started getting them ever since Twilight was born. They ramped up in intensity when she became Celestias personal student and eventually assistant. Shining Armor loves his little sister dearly. But She easily became their parents favorite, their golden child. He was merely the royal guard rookie. Even rising in the ranks and becoming the guard captain didn’t impress them much. You’ll never be like her, the personal student of a goddess. Shining Armor tries to not let his parents words get to his head. But lately since Twilight and her new friends rediscovered the elements of harmony and helped free the lost princess Luna from the moon, his thoughts have been racing with his parents words. He’s been avoiding family gatherings lately. His magic has been more unpredictable lately. What’s going on?
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scenicphoenix · 4 months ago
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An AU version of Shining Armor. Also obviously a redesign. An AU where it’s prophesied one of the descendants of Luna will fall into a similar situation Luna did when becoming Nightmare Moon. Celestia is so busy thinking Twilight will be the one she forgets about Shining Armor completely. Twilight is the younger sister, looks so much like Luna did, and has a knack for magic while also being an anxious introvert. Twilight ticks every box right? Celestia should have considered that it wasn’t just who Luna was as a pony that caused nightmare moon, it was the environment she was in and how others treated her. And Twilight in her family is the magic prodigy being taught by celestia herself. Shining Armor is just another royal guard rookie after all, what’s so impressive about his talents in defense magic. He also took a lot after his families nocturnal side, both him and Twilight did. And a lot of nobility aren’t particularly fond of nocturnal traits, Twilight gets a pass for being Celestia’s personal student most of the time.
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renisrandom · 4 months ago
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A little AU of my favorite characters from my favorite franchises. Plus Renaissance. She’s the only OC I’ve made that I like this much, so I kinda had to. The other characters are there too, but these are the main five. Also, their hearts they have there are colored by how they are referred to, not necessarily their actual soul colors. Though some do fall under that rule, like Sans’, Renaissance’s, and Monika’s.
“But Pink isn’t a canon soul color!”
Yeah, she broke the game that way. Her soul trait is Passion.
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fanatical4creation · 1 month ago
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Ponic sans
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Not having thay much motivation to make drawings, just animations, but those take time, so you can guess why I haven't been posting so often as usual.
That's why these drawings are old tho, you can tell by how giant their skulls are, but i don't care anymore, I had fun doing these drawings and they helped me go throught though times.
Fun fact: I actually studied horse bones anatomy for this, and no I'm not proud, bc I'll not going to draw a skeleton horse ever again in my life 😭 (I presume).
Killer (c) rahafwabas
Nightmare (c) Jokublog
Paper Crane (c) Little-noko
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sadcrab-arts · 7 months ago
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cynthiadasorceress · 8 months ago
Media: Little Nightmares
Characters: Six, Mono
Fic type: Canon Divergent
Summary: After the floor collapsed in on them, Mono and Six were faced with a new challenge neither of them knew how to handle.
!spoilers for Little Nightmares 2!
Six and Mono sprinted through the abandoned house as support beams cracked around them. It was only a matter of time before they felt the floor start to give way, and with one last futile attempt to avoid the falling debris, they fell into the pit below.
The air smelled of smoke. The room felt like it was spinning. Scraps of wood and cement were littered all over the floor. The floorboards of the lower floor were old and splintered, and they gave Mono several cuts as he got up. His brain felt like it was on fire, and moving too fast made him dizzier than he already was. He pulled himself to his feet as he observed his surroundings.
He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, having gotten a splinter from the wood floors, and looked around, only to spot Six wedged between debris. She lifted her head groggily and reached out for help, and in response, Mono grabbed her hands and tugged her out of the pile.
The two fell backward with a thud. Mono lay there for a second, catching his breath after getting the wind knocked out of him. After getting his breathing straight, Mono stood up and turned toward Six, who remained of the floor. He reached out to help her up, to which Six merely looked up at him with wide, scared eyes and a pale face.
"Mono," her voice cracked as she spoke. "I can't feel my legs."
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kakerzz · 1 year ago
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if you havent seen it GO SEE IT BC ITS REALLY FUNNY
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rendjou · 5 months ago
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A drawing with hum is planned. versions of little Knight and Dream. So far, I'm going to throw a sketch of '3
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scri--bble · 3 months ago
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My killers hc room 🔥 (also ignore he doesn't have a window)
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Can we talk to Chrysalis? If so, welcome to yours, my Queen! I know it's a little confusing, but don't worry, we're not going to harm you and your hive, we're just interested in getting to know Twilight and this universe better.
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Woo! Sudden burst of motivation! Updates may take a little longer than they were at the start so i can have enough time to have a break and not burn myself out :3
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mylittleponyauprompts · 7 months ago
An AU where Shining Armor and Luna bond over being the “other” sibling. Luna once being looked down upon for being the Alicorn of night, seen as lesser than her sister who was of day. Their subjects were biased towards which princess was at the stand talking. Their subjects talked about Luna and her beautiful night like they were monstrous dangerous things to be feared and looked down on. And it didn’t help that Celestia just wouldn’t choose a side, she wouldn’t do anything. In many cases Celestia refused to believe her subjects would bully her sister like that, and wanted evidence. Luna felt that if the only way they’d respect her in any regard is fear, then so be it. She’d give them fear, she’d give them a nightmare.
Shining Armor being seen as the other child by his and his sisters noble parents. Twilight is the personal student of Princess of day, and now the element of magic and national hero. Shining Armor has always just been the other kid, even when he got into the royal guard training program, even when he became the top of his class, even when he became the captain of the royal guard itself, and even when he and cadence became a thing. It was always, why can’t you be as successful as your sister, why can’t you be like her? Shining armor doesn’t blame Twilight for their parents behavior, and for the longest time kept his feelings to himself. Then he met the newly freed Luna, and the two ended up talking and ending up on family. The both of them no longer feeling so alone after their long conversation.
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