#changeling kingdom
sadlycrabby · 1 month
A mother of many suddenly a mother of few as the nightmare spread its wings in triumph, the queen with no hive and very few children weeped for the ones she used to take for granted
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@ask-nightmare-eternal-twilight small lore for chrysalis
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Can we talk to Chrysalis? If so, welcome to yours, my Queen! I know it's a little confusing, but don't worry, we're not going to harm you and your hive, we're just interested in getting to know Twilight and this universe better.
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Woo! Sudden burst of motivation! Updates may take a little longer than they were at the start so i can have enough time to have a break and not burn myself out :3
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lemon-slushie · 1 year
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My brain wouldn’t let me sleep until I made this please tell me y’all see the changeling vision, he thrives off attention I mean like come on
Fucking my little cookie or whatever I can’t keep doing this
Also ik changelings don’t have hair but idc!!!!!!!
Also also I’m not good at drawing ponies so like please don’t judge me 💔
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changeling-chatter · 2 years
Ok okokok I have soooo many thoughts about the new trailer but holy shit the princess mononoke vibes are once again immaculate. The way that malice looked? Link’s arm being all malice-worm-goopy?? Those shots of the horse running in the rain??? Incredible. Outstanding. I am losing my mind
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rebe-p-arts · 7 months
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Red Licorice Cookie, and Buko Pandan Cookie!
the crossover everybody was waiting for I'm sure
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fiddles-ifs · 1 year
Question: for Greenwarden, the default name proposed for my character was "Robin Goodfellow." That's the name I tend to use while online so I don't need to use my real one, so I was just wondering if that name is the example for all players at that point in the game and is a strange but fun coincidence! I am loving the game so far!
Just a fun coincidence!! Specifically it’s in reference to Puck the fairy from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (and wider English folklore) :]
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aethelredism · 1 year
2 and Aelswith & Edward
Aelswith bends down, picking up the discarded glove. “Edward! Your hands will get cold!”
“I’m alright, Mother.” Indeed, Edward is busily digging in the snow, forming a wide circle with two chambers. Aelswith feels as though she has seen this shape before, but she cannot remember where.
“What is that you’re making?” she asks.
“This is where I was born,” he says simply.
She laughs at the childlike absurdity of the statement, but her spine shivers for some reason she cannot explain. “No, silly, I gave birth to you. You were born from me.”
“Only the first time,” he says, and there goes that shiver again. “The second time, I was born in a place like this.” He points to one chamber, and then to the other. “I died in there, and then I was born in here. And when I was born, another little boy died.”
She feels cold all over now. “That is not true,” she says sharply, but Mildrith’s grief-worn face looms in her memory.
“Yes, it is,” he says. “You were there, remember?”
She grabs his hand. “Enough of this. Put on your glove before you catch cold.”
“I’m not cold, Mother,” he says patiently, pulling his hand free and touching her face. “See?”
She opens her mouth to argue, but she stops when she feels his hand on her cheek. Even though he has been digging in the snow, his hand is as warm and soft as though he has been wearing wool gloves.
“I can’t catch cold, or get sick,” he explains. “Because that other little boy died. Do you see?”
She looks at him, this child who looks nothing like her or Alfred, this child who never sickens, this child who Alfred handed over to a pagan witch one full moon and plucked from the mud healthy and new the next morning.
“Yes,” she says slowly. “I see.”
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vampiiric · 1 year
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world's most normal and least macabre bones oracle.
(byron, my bones oracle changeling PC for a pathfinder game! he disguises himself as a human with white hair for Spy Reasons)
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Ever Anon just gave me the idea of a Percy Jackson crossover and I am here to ask you to build up on that because I'm hooked
Thank you and have a good day!
(Kingdom Anon)
"So who's your Godly Parent?"
There's a moment of collective silence, followed by an intense discussion of whispers between the Links. Then Dusk says, "Does Farore count?"
"...Who's Farore?" says the entire camp, entirely baffled
Scoot over Greek Pantheon, make room for the Hylian Goddesses
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Find the Word Tag
Thank you @ceph-the-ghost-writer for the tag! I was looking for an excuse to post some WIP snips in the New Year.
@awordchemist @space-cadead @dogmomwrites @leave-her-a-tome some words for you are:
new, bright, promise, ugly, please
The Sorceress and the Incubus, Echoes of the Void Book 1 (look for this book by the end of the month!)
"Yes, I'm here," I told him, trying to be gentle. "I live here, and you're my familiar." I reached over and stroked his cheek with the backs of my fingers. "This is our home, Saker," I said. "Where else would I be?" "Our…" he started. His jaw tensed for a moment before he blew out a breath through his nose. He turned his face and kissed my fingers, then shifted so he could rest his head on his forearm. "You got me flowers," the demon said instead. "Seemed apropos, given this morning," I said with a shrug, embarrassed about the impulse now that it had been pointed out, and falling back onto the sort of distance that existed between two people when they'd had a one-night stand and woken up in the same bed. "You gave me one hell of an orgasm."
In the Claws of the Raven Prince, Monsters of Faery Book 2 (Eyyy a prequel to Captured by the Fae Beast. Look for it in April maybe???)
“But… why?” I asked. The words sounded lost, like a child, wavering in the night. “Because Crown Prince Sundamar is more dangerous even than the Chimera,” Captain Ulahana said in her lilting voice. “Woods, you may return to the main camp. Brouwer, you’re with me.” “Yes, ma’am,” Woods said, giving Ulahana a bow. She turned to me, looking me over once, then said, “It’s gonna be fine, Lilly. Keep your chin up.” She waited until I nodded, then gave me a sharp nod in return, turned on one heel, and strode back towards camp. I turned towards Ulahana slowly, feeling as if I was about to walk to my own execution. The faery woman waited for me with what seemed like ageless patience, her indigo eyes black in the moonlight.
I... have apparently never used this word. I looked through everything, crossing my fingers for an "enhanced her pleasure" and was unsuccessful TT_TT
The Serpent's Bride, The Blue Kingdom Duology Book 1
"And will I be your enemy?" he persisted. "Are you going to wake up one day and decide a viper is too dangerous a creature to have in your palace, let alone your bed?" That made me look up at him again. For a moment I thought I could see fear in the tension around his eyes, before his brows drew closer together and his lip lifted in a sneer. I only sighed. "Unless you're intending on spitting venom at emissaries or otherwise making yourself a lethal nuisance, you're no enemy of mine," I answered. I flicked the side of one claw where he had it lodged in the table. "Rulers have dealt with far worse than a spouse who's hard on the furniture for the sake of dynastic stability. I'd rather do this without bloodshed, so as long as I'll spill less by having you alive than dead, you can trust I'm no danger to you." Talazen made a thoughtful sound, then wrenched his claws out of the table. "You're very mercenary, aren't you?"
The Changeling and the Dragon, Echoes of the Void Book 2
I squeezed my eyes closed and shuddered, clenching my hands into fists. But the spells wouldn't go away by pretending that they weren't there. Breathing slowly through my nose, I tried to change the sensitivity of my clarity, narrowing the range between a hedgewitch's spell and a sorcerer's. I was used to wanting to discern between the weakest kinds of magic-users, those not strong enough to be considered mages, but that sensitivity was useless in this situation. When I tentatively squinted out into the room again, though, I'd managed to shift the scale of my clarity so that at least the monstrous spells on the curving wall of the room didn't blind me. I wouldn't be able to tell the strength of spells so easily now, but at least I could see. I scanned the room for danger, breathing hard. Nobody else sat in the room, and I didn't see any baneful magic, but there were spells everywhere. Spells for cleaning, for temperature control, for preventing wear, for keeping out pests, for keeping hinges smooth and for protecting the reddish sandstone walls. I shuddered again. This had to be a… a palace. Something owned by someone of awesome wealth, who could command the service of the strongest mages in the world. Someone for whom this room was nothing, just a place where one could tuck a strange, injured woman for the night.
And that's all! Thanks for reading, and see you in the New Year!
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sadlycrabby · 2 months
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Little bit of backstory :3c
She grew up in the changeling kingdom, her mom and dad left the kingdom of nightmares due to their dislike of the rulers ideas and actions eventually ending up finding the changeling kingdom and bargaining food (love and labor) for protection, her main job is scout but she adores researching the world around her.
Shes never interacted with another pony besides her mom, dad, brother, and her changeling brothers and sisters. She is due to interact with the princess of moons love, princess mi amora cadenza, who her brother has been engaged to secretly for quite some time.
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What's Queen Chrysalis like, Ms Twilight?
Is it considered an honor for a pony to be accepted as an official drone?
Do the markings on your coat mean something or are they scars?
Apologies for all the inquiries. It's always exciting getting to meet new ponies and creatures of different cultures.
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“I dont mind the questions! Its nice to have other ponies to talk to, most of the changelings here focus more on work and keeping the hive safe than talking”
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lemon-slushie · 8 months
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Kinda obsessed with the mlp au so I drew madeleine in his royal guard armor, uniform? Idk
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kursed-curtain · 1 year
wanna hear me ramble about Changeling!Graham?
That wasn't a question, I'm gonna do it anyways
Can't eat certain foods like meats because of his fae origins.
Can't really do a tail wag cuz of how bendy his tail is. Buuut it does sway when he's happy so close enough!
Before he ever revealed he was a changeling, he had a few behaviors that suggested something was a little funky but it never suggested "wow this guy must be a fae being"
^ One of them was not understanding them darned social cues. He sees any open palm as 'Put Your Face Here For Pats' so when a noblewoman gestured for him to take her hand and lead her into the castle for a party, he put his chin on her hand, before she sort of... looked at him funny and walked in herself.
^ Graham also did this when No1 offered to assist during dance lessons. Just, No1 holds out his hand & changeling brain goes 'ooh? Face fits there!!' *plop*
^ No1 just sort of... Stood there??? Confused??? He looked over at No2 & No3 (No2 has been holding back his laughter and No3 just thinks it's sweet <3) (those feelings intensified when No1 just did the first thing that came to mind and gave Graham chin scritches) (No2 was on the floor at this point but he didn't wanna laugh loud, the ballroom echoes!)
After Graham revealed to most of his close friends that he's a changeling, he started bein a bit more open about accessibility in the kingdom & how to improve it. I think he'd also do a bit of it with Anisette and the rest of his sisters in mind (Annie ADHD headcanons go brr)
^ like creating quiet/muted sections and rest areas for when big parades and festivities are going on, and you still wanna enjoy the beauty and fun without it feeling like sensory heck :3c
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changeling-chatter · 2 years
Ok and what the fuck is up with those will o’ the wisp lookin things? And the idk, redeads? Maybe a new kind of stall monster? Is this game gonna have more ghosts and shit?
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