#little nat adventures
Security Detail 
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~5.1k
Summary: Little Nat goes to a birthday party
A/N: More inspired by ideas from @rianncreates
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, creeps, and cuteness
This was your nightmare. Honestly the idea of having near 2 dozen kids running around makes you more anxious than you ever would have imagined. Between keeping them from leaving your sight, and making sure no one fell off the jungle gym you didn’t get a moment to relax as you supervised your daughter’s friend’s birthday party.
This is one of the first events you’ve gone to like this and you are realizing quickly that you definitely don't give Wanda enough credit. She loved these types of things, and watching her now was truly an experience. She was somehow the social butterfly between the two of you. She wandered from table to table and talked to parents, kids, and their friends with a smile on her face and an energy that you couldn’t even attempt to muster at this point.
You’re out of your element and it feels painfully obvious as you sit off by yourself. Well, you have your dogs with you. You’d brought them because you had no idea how long this would last, and you hadn’t wanted to worry about them. They loved to get out anyway and after exploring the playground and getting their fill of scratches from the kids, they’d come to sit beside you. You’re considering getting up and making the rounds with Wanda when someone sits beside you with a loud sigh.
“Hanging in there?”
You turn to see Pietro shooting you a knowing look that you just laugh at. He doesn't like these things either, but he can wander off without getting judged. If you did that you'd be a neglectful mother, so you're sitting nearby-ish as you take a breather.
“This is exhausting. I don't know how Wanda does it.”
Pietro glances toward his sister who's smiling as she talks to one of the dads that has at least three kids of his own here. He’s not sure how his sister went from mobster to stay at home mom so seamlessly but it was never something he imagined for her. He was glad that she seemed happy, and he honestly could use some of her energy. He reaches down to scratch Boone’s head with a smile. The dogs have been very good during this whole thing. He’d been afraid that they’d be overwhelmed by the near thirty children here, but they were actually pretty chill. They mostly looked around and kept an eye on Natalya, but she was having fun with her friends and was being watched by more than enough people.
“She’s an impressive one, my sister.”
You smile at the thought and you hum in agreement as your gaze falls to your wife again. She really is spectacular and as you watch her laugh at something the birthday kid’s dad says you feel yourself sigh wistfully.
“She’s amazing, for sure.”
Pietro turns to you with a pinched expression when he realizes you’re practically drooling over his sister. He rolls his eyes before slapping you on the back to startle you out of your daydreaming. You flinch and turn to glare at him as he pretends to be annoyed.
“Hey, that’s my sister you’re drooling over.”
You roll your eyes before slapping your brother-in-law’s hand away. You shake your head before meeting your wife’s gaze briefly before she returns her attention to the host. You briefly wonder how much they spent on this party for their son who’s 4 and won’t remember it. They even hired caterers that are still milling about to make sure that there’s enough food to go around. At this point it’s mostly the parents eating as the kids run around and play on the playground or in the large field that hosts various games.
You hope that Natalya won’t want a party like this. Despite having the money to throw one, logistically it sounds like a nightmare, and you aren’t sure how many more of these you can sit through.
“I’m not drooling. She does look beautiful in that dress though; don’t you think Piet?”
You’re teasing him now because despite agreeing that his sister is pretty, he finds it a little awkward to talk with you about her looks. You know this and you’re just giving him a hard time because it’s what you two do. You take his lack of response as answer enough and you sigh before checking on your daughter again. She’s strayed away from her friend group to play with one of the other dogs roaming around here. You turn back to Pietro to see that he’s spaced out, and you sigh before getting to your feet.
“I’m going to make the rounds. Want to come?”
Pietro unsurprisingly shakes his head and you just leave him to sit and mull as you wave your dogs along. You’re not going to walk around alone, and you’re grateful that they both stand and follow after you obediently.
“Good boys.”
“Thank you.”
You roll your eyes and don’t even bother to respond to Pietro as you decide to get your wife something to eat. She’s been milling around for so long, and you’re not sure if she even ate, so you take a detour to the ridiculously large buffet with a smile. You make her a plate and grab her something to drink before you glance around for your daughter again. She’s wandering farther away and you frown and decide you don’t like this. You turn to Boone before pointing toward Natalya and waving your dog off.
“Go get her, Boone.”
You should do it yourself, but you’re lazy and you’ll check on her as soon as you stop by Wanda to make sure she’s not going to pass out. It’s way too hot for an outdoor party, in your opinion at least, but you’ll worry about that later. You walk up behind your wife and smile as you hear her laughing as she continues to chat. You check behind you and frown when you realize your other dog abandoned you, but since he’s going after his brother, you’re going to let it go.
“Hey there, Wands.”
Wanda’s exhausted. She underestimated how tiring such a large birthday party would be. She’s playing the part of a host despite not being one, but she’d wanted to get to know the parents of her daughter’s classmates in a setting that wasn’t run by the school. She’d learned a lot, but mostly she’s exhausted herself after nearly an hour of chitchatting. She’s beyond grateful to hear your voice behind her, and as soon as she realizes you’ve brought her food, she could just kiss you.
“Hi detka. Come sit.”
You set the plate and cup in front of your wife, and you’re about to sit down but you remember that you were going to check on Natalya. She would do anything to pet a dog and you have to make sure she doesn’t go too far. She was still in sight when you sent Boone after her, but you had to go make sure she didn’t stray any further. You kiss your wife’s cheek before you point over your shoulder and explain why you’re not taking her up on her very appealing offer.
“I will in a minute, I have to go wrangle Little Nat first. She’s over there.”
Wanda turns to where you’re pointing, but she doesn’t see her daughter anywhere. She’s frowning by the time she looks back to you and your smile turns down too when Wanda shakes her head.
“Where is she? I don’t see her.”
Natalya was getting tired of playing and she could use a second serving of cake. She had planned on doing this immediately after leaving her friends, but she spotted a new dog that she hadn’t pet yet and she couldn’t resist the urge to follow it. It was a small scruffy dog with a purple collar, and she followed him closely as he headed away from the party and toward the parking lot.
“Come here, doggy.”
Natalya reaches out and is just short of the dog so she starts to walk faster. She doesn’t even realize she’s getting too far away from everyone else until she follows the dog behind some trees. She stops short and turns around only to realize she can’t see her parents or uncle anymore. Her moms had told her before coming here that she needed to stay in sight at all times. She could only talk to the other kids at the party and their parents, but no one else at the park. She’s reminded of this last rule as she sees a man dressed in black and white waiting for his dog with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He holds out his arms and Natalya just stands where she is as she debates heading back.
“Hello there. Do you want to say hi?”
Natalya is conflicted. She’s not supposed to talk to strangers, but her moms never said anything about petting their dogs. She nods meekly before she steps forward so she’s in the shade and closer to the cute dog who’s panting from his run over here.
“Yes please.”
The man smiles before he drops the still smoking cigarette and stomps it out before pointing at his dog. He watches the brunette take a couple of tentative steps forward.
“Go ahead, he’s very sweet.”
Natalya reaches out a hand to pet the dog’s head, and she smiles as he licks her in return. She’s about to ask what his name is, but his owner catches her off guard as he grabs her around her waist and picks her up. She doesn’t get a chance to protest before he’s covering her mouth and hurrying off toward the parking lot.
You’re speed walking toward where you’d last seen your daughter with Wanda and Pietro on your heels. You are only a little worried when you walk past the field and toward the parking lot without seeing her. You don’t even see your dogs as you mutter under your breath anxiously.
“She was just here, I swear.”
Wanda’s response is cut off as she hears shouting nearby from beyond the trees near the path that leads back to their car. She frowns when she realizes that they’re screaming in pain and only a second later she notices that it’s nearly drowning out the sound of growling. You and Pietro run toward the sounds and as you get closer you recognize your dogs and run faster.
The sight that greets you is a lot to process, but you don’t hesitate to run forward to stop Pietro from committing murder. Your two dogs have latched onto the legs of a man in a caterer’s uniform who’s holding something under his arm. It takes a second for you to realize it’s a person, and then only a millisecond longer to realize it’s your daughter. You ignore the small barking terrier as you call off your dogs as the man finally drops Natalya. She falls hard on the ground and you rush to grab her just as Pietro tackles her attempted kidnapper.
“You fucker!”
Wanda’s shocked to see someone with her daughter in their arms, and it takes her a second to realize that they’d been trying to run off with her. She had feared something like this would happen for only the first few years of Natalya’s life. However, every scenario that she’d imagined hadn’t included a birthday party. She supposes that was shortsighted on her part. She watches for only a second before she’s running forward to check on her daughter that you’re helping off the ground. She’s got dirt on her face, but otherwise she looks unharmed.
“Little Nat, are you alright? Did he hurt you?”
You’re frantic as you check over your daughter to make sure she’s not injured. Luckily you only notice a small scrape on her knee from the fall, but otherwise she appears unharmed. You ignore your brother-in-law as he beats up the man who had snuck into the party and lured your daughter away. Your anger makes you want to kick the man while he’s down and already bloodied by the older Maximoff, but you decide to focus on your daughter.
“Pietro, stop!”
Wanda gathers Natalya in her arms while you try to calm down your dogs. They’re still barking and snarling at the brunette that they’d intercepted, and they’re too on edge to listen to you. You see that Wanda has her phone out and she’s hopefully calling the police so you focus on Pietro. He’s understandably pissed, but you can’t let him kill the guy before you find out what he was doing. Rather if he was doing it of his own volition. You hadn’t heard anything about your wife’s work for years. Since she’s been retired, you’d never had problems, and you hope as horrible as it sounds, that this is just a run of the mill creep instead of a mobster creep.
“Who the hell are you?! What did you want with my niece?”
Pietro’s breathing heavily as he stares down at brunette who’s barely fighting back. He realizes quickly that this person probably isn’t anyone’s hired help. He’s too soft and the thought that he’s working alone is as comforting as it is disgusting. Pietro grabs the collar of his bloodied shirt, and he’s about to slam him on the ground again when he hears new voices.
Apparently, the dogs had attracted the attention of some of the other parents and they’d wanted to make sure that no one was hurt. Wanda noticed them first, but you’re the one who talked to them about the confusing, disturbing scene in front of them. Pietro reluctantly let the brunette up and he just held him tightly as he waited for the sirens to get closer.
Once he was in custody and everyone involved had been questioned, you decided it was time to leave. You look to your daughter who’s sleeping in her uncle’s arms, before turning toward your dogs. They were still a little wired, but they’d calmed down as soon as the cops showed up. You were grateful that you’d sent Boone after Nat and that they’d both protected their sister, but you’re feeling guilty about not going to get your daughter yourself. She would never have gotten that far if you had just gone after her, and you’re kicking yourself for what almost happened.
“Stop it.”
You turn in confusion at the sound of your wife’s voice, but when you see her knowing look you just turn away with a scowl. She’s not mad at you because there’s no way you could have known what was going to happen. Nat was still in sight when you saw her, and you sent Boone after her with the intention of finding her right after. She’s sure she would have done the same thing. She’s just lucky that the dogs had saved Natalya, and that her brother had beaten him up for all of them. She reaches out for your arm as you shake your head.
“I shouldn’t have left her alone. I’m so stupid.”
Wanda grabs your chin to turn you towards her, and you’re met with a stern look that you know isn’t something you should argue with.
“Stop it, Y/n. This isn’t your fault. You were going to check on her, and in the meantime, you made sure she was taken care of.”
Wanda takes a moment to look at the two dogs that might still have blood on their faces. She didn’t worry about that now as she knelt down to pet the duo with a wide smile. They had been loyal companions for years, and Wanda had always hoped that if a day like this came around, they would step up and protect their own. She couldn’t be prouder of them and she kisses both of their furry heads in thanks.
“Such good boys. You’re getting steak tonight.”
You guess that Wanda’s right. You hadn’t predicted that you’d face this threat today, but you’re glad that you were more prepared than you thought. Well, it was less you and more your dogs and your brother-in-law being able to thwart the low life who tried to steal your daughter. With any luck, something like this won’t happen ever again, but you can at least take comfort in the fact that your daughter has her own guard dogs.
“They definitely are.”
When the trio got home after the party everything seemed normal. They had dinner after spending some time on the couch watching one of Natalya’s favorite shows. Nat nearly fell asleep at the table after the tiring and stressful time at the party, so you picked her up to take her upstairs to bed. You’re distracted by tiny hands pulling on your hair as you walk through your daughter’s bedroom door. You frown when she whines quietly before speaking barely loudly enough for you to hear.
“I want to sleep with you and Mama.”
You aren’t really surprised to hear this, but you and Wanda still need to talk and figure out what you’re going to do about what happened this afternoon. The police had their own investigation going of course, but you knew your wife well, and you would be foolish to think that she wasn’t going to look into it herself. You decide to try and compromise and you figure you can stay here with Nat until she falls asleep and then go catch up with your wife.
“How about I stay with you instead?”
Natalya frowns but she nods and lets you get her ready for bed. After she brushes her teeth and changes clothes, you tuck her in and grab a book from her shelf beside the bed. You smile as you ask your daughter if she wants you to read this tonight, and after grabbing Winston and holding him tight, she nods wordlessly.
Wanda’s still downstairs trying to talk her brother down when you finish reading to Natalya. You leave her once you realize she’s fast asleep, and you head back downstairs to find your wife growing frustrated as she finishes her drink. She’d had a glass of wine at dinner, so this must be her second but you don’t pay much attention to that right now.
“I know Pietro, and I appreciate it, but we’ll figure something else out. I’m not going to blow our cover on this. He was probably just a lone creep.”
You had come to the same conclusion, but you just sigh in defeat as you go straight for the fridge for another drink too. You choose to grab a beer and are almost half done with it by the time Wanda hangs up with her brother. She takes a deep breath before turning toward you with a small smile. She’s tired and stressed, but she’s sure you are too so she takes a minute to check in with you.
“Natalya’s asleep?”
You nod in confirmation before setting down your beer as Wanda reaches out for you with a tired look. You hold her close before glancing over her shoulder at your two dogs that are resting in their giant dog bed in the corner. All of the kids seem to be down for the night, so you decide that you’ll go to sleep soon too. This had been a stressful experience and you could feel yourself crashing at the very thought of your pillow.
“She is. How’s Pietro?”
Wanda shrugs before muttering something into your hair about how he’s being an overprotective uncle, but he should calm down soon. You listen to Wanda’s plan before you lead her toward the stairs once you both finish your drinks and set them in the sink. Wanda squeezes your hand as she shuts the door behind her and keeps you from collapsing immediately.
“How are you feeling, detka?”
You sigh before you shake your head and admit that you’re still a little upset. This is understandable and Wanda’s certainly not happy either. She’s terrified and still shocked that you both could have lost your daughter today. If you’d been even 30 seconds later, or you hadn’t sent Boone after Natalya, she could have been taken. Wanda shivers at the thought but she focuses back on you when you finally respond as you lead her to the bed. You feel like you’re going to collapse if you don’t sit down right now.
“Still reeling. I can’t believe this happened.”
Wanda nods in agreement as she leans against you as soon as you’re both sitting on the edge of the bed. She wraps an arm around your waist before she hums in contemplation. She had thought that something like this would happen a lot earlier in Natalya’s life, but she wasn’t going to mention that now. Instead, she focuses on you and the fact that your daughter is sleeping safely in her bedroom.
“Me neither, but we’ll figure out what happened, and the important thing is that she’s safe.”
You can’t argue with this or the fact that you’re relieved to have your daughter safe and sound back at home. You offer your wife a small smile before kissing her cheek and taking a deep breath.
“You’re right, Wands. As usual.”
Her response is an amused smile and you just follow her wordlessly as she leads you to the bathroom.
You’re asleep almost before your head hits the pillow, but you unfortunately don’t stay asleep. You manage a few hours before something wakes you up with a start. You frown in confusion and wait to see if whatever woke you up happens again, but no luck. It’s quiet and you turn to your left to see that Wanda’s sleeping soundly. You sigh before you close your eyes and try to go back to sleep. You don’t know what woke you, but now that you’re up, you’re tense and finding it hard to fall back asleep.
Your mind wanders to the events of yesterday’s party, and you know despite how everything worked out that you won’t be letting your daughter out of your sight for a while. Whenever she leaves the house, she’ll either have you or Wanda within arm’s reach. This thought makes you want to check on Natalya, and you sneak out of bed only a couple of minutes later to see your daughter is still sleeping peacefully.
You quietly walk down the hall before pushing the door to Natalya’s room open slowly. You see Winston is on the ground and you’re about to grab him and put him back in bed with your daughter when you realize she isn’t there. The sheets are in disarray and her pillow’s almost on the floor, but Natalya’s not anywhere in sight. You try not to panic, but you’re already looking around the room before you get on your knees to look under the bed.
“Natalya? Little Nat, where are you?”
Once you start tearing through the closet you truly start to panic. You stand up and nearly trip over the various shoes and clothes you’ve thrown around on your way to the door. You stop in the doorway when you run into a confused and slightly miffed Wanda. She’d just woken up to sounds coming from her daughter’s room, and how on edge she was she didn’t hesitate to get up and investigate. When she realized you weren’t in bed, she quickly ran down the hall only for you to almost barrel her over.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? What’s-?”
You shake your head as you grab your wife’s shoulders to steady both of you. You’re starting to walk past her as you speak up in a jumble of words that you hope make sense. You plan on looking around in the other bedrooms before running back to your room to call the police.
“Nat’s not in her bed, Wands.”
Wanda’s eyes widen in surprise before she glances in her daughter’s room to confirm this. She curses under her breath before she runs back to the bedroom to grab her phone. She’s not sure if you even hear her since you’ve run to the next room to check for Natalya.
“I’ll call Piet.”
You see quickly that both of the bedrooms are untouched and after checking the closets, you’re sweating you’re so anxious. You don’t bother to shut the doors as you run back down the hall and look for your wife. She’s still on the phone with her brother and you hear her speaking frantically in her native language. You don’t know what she’s saying, but you hear Pietro’s equally frantic voice as you check to make sure that the security system is still armed. There’s nothing amiss and you start to tremble from the lack of leads and the idea of someone sneaking in here. You force yourself to take a deep breath as you look around frantically, and the sound of Wanda’s increasingly anxious voice fades into the background as you lay eyes on your dogs. They’re still lying in their bed, but they’re awake as they watch you and Wanda panic. You find this odd because usually they’d be all over you and any activity that’s happening. Instead, they’re curled up next to each other in bed with-
“Wanda, she’s here.”
You miss your wife looking over to you and then promptly hanging up after she spots her daughter. She’s sleeping beside her dogs in their oversized bed, and they’re both curled around her protectively with Boone using the brunette’s shoulder as a pillow. You breathe a sigh of relief and almost start crying as you hurry forward to check on your daughter. Rogue’s tail starts to wag and Boone tries to lick you, but you focus on Natalya who’s sleeping soundly despite being covered in dog hair and being squished between the heavy dogs.
“Hey, Little Nat. Wake up.”
You are still trying to calm your breathing when Wanda comes up next to you and kneels by your side. She reaches out for Rogue to scratch him as she waits for Nat to sit up. She grumbles slightly but she sits up and rubs at her eyes with a frown at the sight of her worried parents.
“Is it morning yet, Mama?”
Wanda shakes her head as you hold your arms out for Natalya, and you smile when she starts to crawl toward you.
“No, milaya. Mom went to go check on you, but you weren’t in bed. What are you doing down here?”
Natalya climbs into your lap before wrapping her tiny arms around your waist with a frown. She tries to hide her face in your stomach, but Wanda reaches out for her because this is important. She wants her daughter to look at her.
“I didn’t want to sleep a-alone, and you said no dogs on the bed.”
Both you and Wanda frown at this but seem to realize what Little Nat’s saying. You hate that this happened, and maybe it’s just yesterday’s events that made you freak out, but you’d let the dogs sleep in Nat’s bed if she wanted them to. It was much better than having a heart attack.
Wanda seems to be on the same page, and she smiles softly at her daughter who’s looking at her shyly. She thinks she’s in trouble, but you hold her tightly and kiss the top of her head which makes her look up curiously.
“Okay, next time if you want company come to us first, okay? I was really worried when I didn’t see you in bed.”
Nat’s lower lip juts out in a pout and she shoots you a guilty look before holding you tighter. You watch Wanda run her fingers through your daughter’s tangled hair before shaking her head. She surprises you by what she says next when Nat apologizes.
“Sorry Mommy.”
Wanda’s just grateful that her heart’s started to beat normally again and she didn’t call anyone but her brother. She’ll apologize for waking him up so early tomorrow.
“It’s okay, but from now on the dogs can sleep on your bed. On top of a blanket though. How does that sound?”
Natalya smiles widely and nods in excitement which makes you feel lighter. You let Natalya go and she hugs Wanda quickly before she starts to bounce excitedly in her lap while looking between her redhead mom and her dogs.
“Okay! Can they sleep there now?”
You can’t help but laugh as you see Wanda regret her decision almost immediately, but you nod quickly as you watch Natalya clumsily get to her feet and near tackle her dogs. Wanda sighs but you can tell from her smile that she’s happy as she watches her daughter throw her arms around Rogue’s neck. The shepherd had been watching lazily and he just lets out a surprised huff when Natalya falls on him. You just stand up before reaching out to help your wife to her feet as Natalya tries to coax her dog out of his bed.
“Rogue! Come on let’s go!”
The shepherd considers ignoring her, you can tell, but eventually he sneezes in her face before climbing to his feet. Natalya leads him upstairs after hugging Boone goodnight. You squeeze Wanda’s hand as you lead her upstairs following in your adorable daughter’s footsteps.
“She’s so cute, Wands.”
Wanda sighs in defeat but she can’t argue with you. As she watches Natalya lead Rogue by the collar to her bedroom while talking to him animatedly, she can’t help but be grateful for her daughter’s excitement at something so simple. She’d give a lot to see her daughter smile, and cleaning up a little extra dog fur didn’t seem like a big deal. You two tuck your daughter and Rogue into bed before leaving her to go back to sleep. You release another heavy sigh as you and Wanda arrive back to your bedroom. She wraps an arm around your shoulders before pressing a kiss to the side of your head with a smile.
“She really is, detka, but she’s going to be the death of us.”
You laugh in response but only nod in agreement as you sink back into the bed with a groan. Wanda smiles at you before cuddling up into your side with a yawn. She closes her eyes and hears you switch off the lights before settling beside her with a tired hum. As you both fall back to sleep for the second time that night, you hope that tomorrow will be calmer.
Little Nat Adventures
109 notes · View notes
natsmagi · 2 years
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no fuckign way
48 notes · View notes
talietikasero · 8 months
Ichiban's kept Nancy as a pet and she stays in a clay pot lmao
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aceofwonders · 5 months
absolutely loving the Drama of deon being weird about emyr cause of dalish culture stuff and emyr has no fucking idea lmao
0 notes
bluefuecoco · 2 years
hmm.....i might hold off on xy for a bit, because i know i’ll get frustrated by not having access to the pokebank.
so should i let’s go? or do dynamax adventures? or perhaps even work on the national dex in bdsp?
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Barcelona Femení + Misa Rodríguez x Hardersson!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Someone's ego is bruised
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She was hot and sweaty but above all, Misa was tired.
She’d even go as far as saying she was exhausted.
“Ale!” She complains as another ball goes rocketing past her to the back of the net,” Come on! We’ve been at this for hours!”
On the edge of the pitch, lay both Paños and Cata. They’d been Alexia’s first two victims, having been there since before Misa arrived.
“I’m just warming up,” Alexia replies, jogging on the spot before kicking another ball past Misa’s body,” I’m practicing.”
“For what?” Paños asks,” You’ve not told us anything. Are you doing another charity match? Because this is extreme.”
“No, but that’s a good idea,” Alexia says thoughtfully before letting loose another rocket that streaks past Misa’s outstretched arms.
“She’s finally gone crazy,” Cata groans,” I told you this would happen. She’s gone crazy and now we’re all suffering.”
“Again,” Alexia orders as Misa rolls the balls back to her,” We’ve still got a little bit of time before-“
“How long have you guys been here?” Patri appears out of nowhere, strolling onto the pitch  with a group of people trailing behind her,” God, you’ve killed Cata.”
“Okay,” Misa snaps,” What the hell is going on?! I thought retirement was the opportunity for us to relax. Ale’s gone absolutely batshit!”
Patri grins, all crooked and mischievous. “Her ego’s bruised. The new Barca keeper hasn’t let any penalties in ever. Alexia thought she’d be the exception.”
Misa racks her brain for who the new Barcelona keeper is, thinking for a few moments before,” Oh, Eriksson and Harder’s daughter, right?” She laughs. “Wounded your pride, did she, Ale? It’s okay. You’re not in your prime anymore-“
“I’m just out of practice,” Alexia says to Misa before turning to Patri,” How did you find out? Did you blab to everyone?”
A group of the old Barcelona team have invaded the pitch. Pina, Marta and Caro have all set up a picnic blanket as Paredes and her wife hand out juice boxes and to-go sandwiches. Jana and Bruna are squirting each other with water as Mapi and Ingrid roll their eyes.
Vicky and Salma have arrived too, talking to each other as Ona and Aitana come strolling closer.
Behind them, comes Patri’s cousin and you.
You’re talking softly to her, heads bowed as you speak whilst carrying a bag.
You’re dressed casually in just some tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. Your jacket is flung over your shoulders and Natalia fiddles with the collar.
You’re much taller than you were the first time Misa met you. You’re taller than her definitely, taller than Alexia too. Misa’s eyes cut to Ingrid and she wonders briefly if all Scandis are tall or if you and Ingrid are just outliers.
“Morning,” You chirp, digging through your bag for your gloves.
“Ten euros on Alexia getting one in,” Jana says and Misa watches as Talia rolls her eyes.
“Don’t be stupid. Alexia’s getting nothing past her. Mi vida is the greatest keeper in the world. She doesn’t let me score against her without a fight. There’s no way Alexia can do something I can’t.”
Patri laughs, ruffling her cousin’s hair. “You think you’re better than la reina? You’re cute, Nat.”
Natalia huffs, darting away so she can smooth her hair down. “She’s not getting anything past her.”
“I’ll put five on y/n playing with her,” Ingrid pipes up,” Look at her, she’s already not taking this seriously. She’s teasing Ale.”
You’re grinning, swinging your arms easily before dropping down to tie laces that were already tied.
Alexia paces in front of the penalty spot like a lion.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
You take your time, inspecting the goalposts before whistling sharply. Without even looking, Talia chucks you your drink and you catch it one-handed. You take a long drink and Aitana giggles as you carelessly throw it behind you.
You clap your gloved hands twice before finally taking your position.
Alexia tries to catch you off guard. She doesn’t run up, she just kicks.
You leap up on one leg and pluck it from the air.
She tries to put the next into the left bottom corner but you’re already diving in that direction before the ball has fully left her foot.
“See!” Natalia swoons to everyone who will listen,” My girlfriend is the best in the world.”
Alexia’s penalties get more aggressive as time goes on but you collect them all without little fanfare.
Her last kick had you winking as you roll the ball back to her and Misa had to smother her life when Alexia’s jaw clenches.
“Give up, Ale!” Mapi yells from the sidelines,” Save what little dignity you have left!”
Ingrid smacks her on the shoulder but offers up her own teasing. “She’s already got a list of veterans she’s beaten in penalties! Don’t make her add you too!”
“She has a list?” Misa asks and Ingrid nods.
“It’s a long list,” Ingrid giggles,” She’s been collecting us like Pokémon. I think Chloe Kelly got put on the list last week. Sixty-nine mile per hour shot, y/n collected it like it was nothing.”
“Kid’s got skill,” Paños says, whistling lowly,” Did you see that goal in the World Cup last summer? She’s got flare too.”
“It was so cool!” Talia says excitedly, practically barging her way into the conversation,” The shocked face after it was so cute.”
Natalia waxes poetic about you for the next half an hour as Alexia overloads you with penalties.
None of them go past you.
“You’re so gross,” Patri complains as Talia finally finishes her latest you-centric lecture,” Can you go be in love somewhere else?”
“Nat!” Paredes calls out,” Come and grab a drink, please! It’s very hot today.”
Misa agrees It’s is very hot and she can’t believe a Scandi like you is easily keeping up with Alexia in such heat.
Aitana calls out to you in Catalan and you turn your head to respond, perfect Catalan flowing from your mouth as you reply.
While you’re distracted, Alexia strikes.
She kicks the ball hard. It’s going in the opposite direction to where you’re looking but you still move, like you’ve seen her kick out of the corner of your eye.
You intercept the ball with your chest, letting it fall to your knee and then your foot, where you boot it straight back to Alexia, who has to duck or face a ball to the stomach.
“Sorry!” You call out to her, face suddenly goes bright red when you realise how automatically you reacted.
Alexia sighs and just lays backwards on the ground in defeat.
“Another one for the list then,” Mapi laughs as you make your way over.
You sit by Aitana, who offers you a drink that you take gratefully.
“Hey,” Misa says, sticking her hand out to you,” I’m Misa.”
You shake it. “I know. We met at the world cup when I was little.”
“That was a while ago. It’s nice to see you again.”
“You too.”
She sits on your other side. “So, no penalties whatsoever?”
“None,” You reply,” It’s my special skill.”
“She’s super smart,” Natalia says as she appears. She drapes herself over your back and props her chin up on your shoulder. “So smart. She has a degree from Cambridge.”
Your cheeks go red. “You don’t need to keep telling people that.”
“A degree from Cambridge!” Talia doesn’t pay any attention to what you’ve just said. “And she speaks so many languages! She’s working on her Basque right now!”
“Talia,” You complain,” She didn’t ask.”
“But she should know,” Talia insists,” Maybe if you bragged more then I wouldn’t have to do it for you.”
“I’m not that smart.”
Aitana scoffs. “You picked up Ancient Greek in a few months,” She says,” I think we should all be thankful you decided to do football and not take over the world instead.”
You laugh. “I’m happy I stuck with football too.”
The air is filled with ease even as Alexia crawls out of her defeat and joins you all on the picnic blanket. It’s the first time you’ve really hung out with the old Barcelona team. You know a few of them through the coaching staff, a few more through Talia but having them all together makes you feel a little lightheaded.
Cata and Paños in particular seem in awe of your skills and you used to admire those two nearly as much as Zećira. It’s all a bit surreal.
Alexia ends up next to you.
“If I was in my prime,” She says,” I would have scored past you.” She’s being deadly serious and it shocks a laugh out of you.
“Do you really think so?”
Her face betrays her true feelings even as she nods.
“We should get Jenni to try a few against her!” Jana insists.
“I’ll text her,” Marta says,” I think I saw somewhere she’s in the city. Maybe we can get her here now.”
Alexia doesn’t bother answering them. She looks at you, really looks at you. She’s scrutinising you.
Her eyes are narrowed as she stares before her features soften and she bumps her shoulder with yours. “One day,” She says,” I’m going to give you your Ballon d'Or.”
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utilitycaster · 1 month
#where is the line how do you determine who is a “little power” and who is basically a god#who is the standard#bc the average person the average town has nothing against the average 14th level adventurer lol via @veththeebrave I wanted to make this post because just to demonstrate, Keyleth is obviously not as limitless as the gods, but when you stack her up against a commoner it's...remarkably not dissimilar:
A commoner has stats of 10 across the board, 1d8 HP (4 or 5 on average), and an AC of 10. (source)
Keyleth has 147 HP (well over 10x theirs). Her DC is 21 and her spell attack bonus is +12, and she has the cantrip Thorn Whip which deals 4d6 damage, or on average, 14 damage. Unless she rolls a natural 1 she hits, and on average she would perma-kill a commoner. This is not counting her 22 spell slots of various levels, all of which could kill the average commoner. She could cast Storm of Vengeance, wildshape indefinitely while maintaining concentration, and quite reasonably level an entire town and kill every commoner within it while still having almost all of her daily power intact. She is also going to live to be 1800 years old, and is a political leader.
Do we kill Keyleth? Hell, do we kill Ashton, who has nearly as much HP as Keyleth and will surpass her within 2 levels max, 1 if Taliesin rolls well, can resist unconsciousness, can invoke the power of a titan for a minute, and also with a +11 with their hammer hits any commoner unless they roll a nat 1 and at minimum knocks them unconscious (+2 from the hammer, +4 from strength, minimum 2 damage as it's a 2d6 weapon) with even the lightest deliberate attack?
What is your power threshold that is inherently unfair, and at what level is killing everyone of this threshold the solution?
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
For your requests my babes, how about Norstappen or Carlando who ever you're feeling going on vacation and you surprise them with some lingerie 🙈🤭
Nat ily
Norstappen bc I got another carlando request// hcs bc I'm lazy
Short n goofy
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Vacation lando was always on the go
Vacation max loved to relax
They found compromise
Some days they'd adventure with Lando
Some days they relaxed with max
Some days they did their own things
But at night they always came together
Dinner before crawling onto the sheets and... making the most of the maid service
Before the holiday she'd actually gone shopping
She had smuggled the surprise lingerie in the inside pocket of her suitcase
She couldn’t wait to put it on for her boys
She put it on beneath her dress before they went out for dinner
Excitement bubbled inside of her as the food was brought to them
She couldn't wait for it to be over
As soon as dinner was over, she rushed them back to the hotel room
"What's up with you?" Lando asked with his signature cheeky grin
But she couldn’t answer him
Not until she had him and max sat on the bed
When their attention was on her, she let her dress fall from her shoulders, revealing the red, lacy lingerie beneath
Lando was looking at her, hungry
Max... had his nose turned up at her
"Red? Seriously?" He asked as Lando reached towards her
"So, what, you're a ferrari fan now?"
But she knew he wasn't being serious
He wore that adorable little grin that scrunched up his face
"Maybe you should take it off then, Maxy," she teased, swinging her hips as she walked towards them
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Let’s talk about Nat’s makeup and how it represents her mental state and character development✨
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Juliette Lewis said in an interview that Natalie’s signature thick black eyeliner is her “war paint.” I absolutely love this quote because it is a perfect way to describe the way Natalie uses her physical appearance to guard herself. Natalie’s eyeliner and fashion sense serve as a physical representation of the abrasive walls she puts up to hide the softness and vulnerability underneath.
The Pilot episode script introduces Natalie’s character with this descriptor:
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This line makes it clear right off the bat that Nat’s makeup is a front she puts on; a mask. While most of her classmates may put on makeup to attract others, it’s clear that Nat’s makeup is meant to push people away. That dark, smudged eyeliner paired with the safety pin and bullet necklaces and the thick leather jackets are all screaming “I’m intimidating, stay away from me.”
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But, unlike her appearance suggests, Nat is actually one of the softest and most compassionate characters on the show. Her trauma both with her father and out in the wilderness have shown her that she is a dangerous person, and that she needs to remain guarded and walled off from others in order to avoid hurting them. Her makeup hides her softness both for her own protection and the protection of those around her.
We see that Nat puts makeup on like armor. Before Doomcoming, she’s seen putting on black eyeshadow in the mirror right as Travis walks by, preparing to deal with all of the insecure feelings she still has around their breakup. In the Wilderness, Nat is pretty much never seen without makeup smudged around her eyes, despite the difficult circumstances. Even when she’s carrying Jackie’s body back to the plane you can see she’s got some eyeliner on. In the adult timeline after Travis’s death, Nat is seen putting on probably the heaviest makeup we’ve ever seen her in. Immediately after she puts this makeup on she texts her drug dealer with the intention to relapse. All of this shows that Nat’s makeup is her defense, which is why she goes to such great lengths to put it on even when she’s stranded out in the middle of nowhere.
It seems that the heavier Nat’s makeup is in a given scene, the more guarded, vulnerable, and/or threatened she feels.
Which is why it is so significant when Nat stops wearing heavy makeup after spending time at Lottie’s compound. When Nat first arrives, we see her clinging to her old forms of protection. She’s given some (purple) clothes to change into, but she rejects them in favor of staying in her black leather pants.
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She keeps the thick eyeliner, too. That is, until she goes on her little adventure with Lisa to Lisa’s childhood home. After Nat processes her trauma around feeling like she is poison to the people she loves and has that great talk with Lisa in the bar, Nat notably changes her clothes and lightens up her makeup the next day. She is seen in a purple and navy sweater, but she still keeps her black leather pants on and her eyeliner is still there, albeit a little bit lighter, showing that she is starting to change almost in spite of herself.
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Then, directly after the hypnosis scene with Lottie in which Nat finally begins to come to terms with and process her guilt, we see her in a purple dress and cozy Birkenstocks with socks. The thick eyeliner is gone and so is her tendency to push people away, as she readily embraces all of the other survivors as they arrive at the compound (even Misty). This is heartbreakingly the last outfit we ever see Nat in, but it shows the audience how much she has changed and forgiven herself in her final days.
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I’ll leave you guys with this beautiful quote about Nat’s transformation:
“I wanted to show that Natalie became her soft self. I don't know how long that would have remained comfortable for her, but she liked it. She liked being clean. She liked being comfortable. She relinquished her eyeliner, which was her war paint.”
-Juliette Lewis for TheWrap Magazine
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ahhhwomen · 3 months
I loke wanna see R’s reaction of watching Tv if Carol hasn’t let them in the past
Vampire Empire kinda long blurb
a/n: I loved this idea
Slight spoiler to unreleased chapter
You never took much interest in the flickering screen located on the far right wall in their little den.
It’s another observation the younger redhead has gathered the past couple of weeks while you have been staying with them. Even after Wanda and herself had continuously tried to get your attention on something while they unwind after a long day, you never seemed keen on it.
Wanda even made a little nest for you beside their joined feet. It was a pile of their softest blankets and throw pillows all laying in a pattern meant to comfort most, but still, you chose to watch them from a dark corner in the connecting room.
That was until Natasha got a genius idea.
She had been half-watching the reality show her wife had put on when she saw your little head peer over at them in her peripheral vision. It's another thing Natasha had been seeing you doing more and more recently, sneaking a glance when you thought they weren’t watching. 
Usually, your eyes would stay on them, if you were feeling adventurous you might peek at the cushion beside Wanda, but other than that you were far too nervous to look around or even focus on anything but the floor or their turned backs for more than a few spare seconds.
Today, however, when your eyes moved on instinct toward the continuously changing light from the TV screen, they stayed. If only for a second longer than usual, but Natasha saw it. Curiously she looked over at what might have caught your attention.
Her lips lift into a small smile as she chuckles to herself. Between the shots of botox-filled women and shabby-looking men, they mixed in nature clips of the forest surrounding the American household. It seems a little birdy has caught your attention, quite literally. When the tiny sparrow flew off screen Natasha could see your hands moving.
It was barely a centimeter, but she saw it. How your body tensed in anticipation, how you lowered yourself to stay closer to the ground, how your hands hovered slightly.
It was frankly adorable.
And like a lightbulb flickering to life, it lit up an idea in the redhead’s mind.
“Honey, could you pass me the remote?” Wanda half-heartedly grumbles as she gives over the remote, she really liked this shitty show.
It isn’t until she is sliding the smooth plastic over to Nat that she sees her wife’s attention focusing solely on you. Wanda does the same with an arch of her brow, curious as to what behavior might have caught her wife’s attention and most importantly how she could stare so freely without you cowering away.
When she sees your eyes glued to the TV, body low, eyes aflame, Wanda smiles.
So, there was hope for you yet. Wanda chuckles to herself, making sure to be quiet enough that it won’t startle you out of your newfound playfulness.
Natasha briefly switches her attention to the TV, she wants to do this quickly so you won’t have time to retreat. With inhuman speed, the less scary of the two redheads switches over to YouTube and quickly types in “bird videos for cats”. Clicking on the first one that pops up, she holds her breath, awaiting your reaction.
It works like a charm.
You are still far too timid to do anything too crazy, like jump at the screen, but it works.
With only a few tentative steps, you settle yourself much closer to the TV, and in turn much closer to the redheads. Your eyes never leave the screen, even as you paw against the ground until your hand settles on the soft cushion beneath Wanda’s crossed feet, slowly you crawl into it and curl into a ball. All too focused on the TV you miss the little “aw” that Wanda lets out as she and her wife share a smile at your jumping eyes as one bird flies away and another comes closer.
You have never seen anything like it. Sure, Carol and some of the others often watched the strange screen with flickering colors, but it was never like this. When the blonde woman watched something, it was all about violence and noise, this was much more pleasant.
And so, it started.
From that day forward, if Wanda and Natasha needed to keep you occupied, a video of birds or dancing fruit (that’s a whole other story) would be shown on the big fascinating magic box.
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scarletwidowsbaby · 8 months
Little Pet
Summary: Something nefarious this way comes. Will you run before it's too late?
Pairings: Vampire!Nat x Hunter!Fem!Reader x Heretic!Wanda
Genre: Dark and slightly smutty but no sexy times.
Warnings: Sexual suggestions, blood, fangs, lingerie, dark magic. Minors dni, this is not for you.
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while but I gave it a bit of a touch-up. Hope you enjoy!
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It was only dusk and you were already regretting taking the job. 
You had been hired by the local innkeeper to investigate the mystery around the abandoned manor on the backside of the forest’s mountain. Many adventurers had come in search of the manor, yet none had returned.
The fact that he was paying you three thousand coin per adventurer that you found was… possibly also the deciding factor. 
As you stepped onto the surprisingly well-kept lawn of the place, your hunter instincts went off. Something nefarious was here, lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting. You pulled out your sword as you entered through the giant double oak doors.
Immediately, your blade began to burn hotter than a thousand suns, forcing you to drop it. Thankfully, you had your fireproof gloves on from your latest encounter with a feral dragon, and weren’t burnt. 
“So sorry, dear.” A voice echoed in the grand pitch-black entryway, high ceiling above decorated with paintings akin to the skills of the Sistine Chapel. 
Not even God could save you now. 
“Come closer, dear. Let me see you in the light.” 
You noticed a speck of moonlight from a small window to the high right, almost casting a spotlight on the tiles in front of you. You cautiously stepped forward into it, unsure why, yet the voice’s chuckle was… unnerving.
“Why, look at you. A female hunter? Shall we call you Huntress?”
Your gaze steeled - there were more of them - before you felt a sharpness on your neck, a blur passing behind you. 
“Oh my. How… sweet.” 
You put your hand on your neck, your glove in the light showing a thin line of your blood. 
“Vampires.” You muttered beneath your breath. 
“Oh, not just vampires.” A new voice said, a clear glee entwined in her thick accent. “I do wish you would figure it out already.”
Suddenly, your body was lifted by an invisible force. You couldn’t move, save your eyes, and you were whisked through the house before you came to a throne room. You were practically thrown to the ground in front of it, a pair of sleek boots in your gaze. 
“It’s so wonderful to see another human try their luck here, isn’t it love?” The person, woman, in front of you chuckled darkly. 
“Let her lift her head, my dear. I want to see the life in this one’s eyes before I take it away.” 
The invisible force acting on your body released your head and you immediately lifted it, coming up to see two women. The one on the throne held a classic lop-sided smirk, her ginger-red hair flowing down her shoulders in simple waves. The other, standing beside the throne, was very clearly something else, with her brown locks tied back in neat braids done by a professional.
“A… here… tic…” You strained the devious hybrid species’ name through your lips.
“There we go. She figured it out!” She snarkily laughed, her eyes glowing as crimson as the bloodstains on her sleeves. 
“You are clearly a very skilled huntress. What is your name, sugarcube?” The seated vampire asked, her eyes set on yours. 
“Y/N.” Your name was pulled from your lungs by the heretic. 
“My my… No wonder Wanda liked the feeling from your sword… you are known for such giant feats of destruction in our world, Y/N the Huntress.” 
You guessed that Wanda was the heretic, given the grin that came onto her face. “Now now, love, I think you should introduce yourself. Give this huntress a good fright, yes?” 
You looked back at the throned woman, noticing a familiarity to a few wanted posters on the borders of the Darklands. “No…” 
“Yes…” She grinned, nodding her head as her sharp nails came to grip your cheek. “I am Natasha Romanova, Countess of the Mstiteli Clan. And you, dear huntress… are now mine.”
She pulled you up by your neck and made a neat slit across your skin, sinking her fangs into your vein whilst Wanda ripped your armour from your body with her magic. Wanda grabbed your wrist and pulled up your sleeve, making a neat slit perpendicular to your arm and delved into it. 
Tingling sensations spread from both areas, sending shivers down your spine. It was fast, and ruthless, as they didn’t stop even to let you breathe. You were trapped in the cycle of stuttered breaths, euphoria, and the effects of blood loss. 
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When you rose, your body felt exactly how it was - weak, drained of energy, of blood. You felt your ankle had been chained, the cold metal stinging on your skin though it contrasted vastly with the softness of the bed beneath you. 
“Oh, now that’s a hangover headache for the ages.” You winced, lifting your hand to your head to simultaneously relieve the ache and brush a few strands out of your face.
“Is that what humans feel like when they’re blood is consumed? Intoxicated?” You jerked your head up - bad idea - to see Countess Natasha lying next to you in nothing but a black nightrobe and dark red lingerie. She gingerly brushed her fingers over your neck, which had small gauze patches on either side. 
“You.” You growled before instinctively reaching for your sword, only to feel another hand there. 
“You were right to melt her armour and sword, my love - she is such a feisty one.” Wanda giggled, her own nightrobe and lingerie adorned on her body. 
Wanda flicked some magic to your hands and they obeyed, pulling up until the wisps of red tied your wrists to the bed frame. “Though you can think of hurting us, now you can’t.” She grinned deviously.
“Now, sugarcube… what to do with you…” Natasha teased before she carefully began to peel off your gauze patches.
“Hey! That hurts!” You huffed before Wanda ripped the one near her fangs off with a sharp tug. 
They both chuckled and cooed at you like you were some soft malleable thing. 
“Calm down, detka. You’re such an impatient little thing.” Natasha rolled her eyes. 
“I’m not your ‘baby’.” You huffed, rolling your eyes before she quickly gripped your jaw.  
“Do that again and I’ll take away the pleasure from being fed on.” She whispered darkly into your ear, pressing her thumb and finger into your neck to pinch your airways. 
You paused, relinquishing, and she pulled away. “Good. Now, for ground rules: This coven is a respected coven. You are the only human we’ve ever taken in that won’t be turned, no matter how sexy you’d be as a vampire.”
“You see, baby girl… We own you now.” Wanda summarised, putting a small bit of ointment on your healing bite wounds. 
“Nobody owns me.” You retorted. 
“That ends today. Well, I should say tonight.” Natasha chuckled, tracing the outline of your face. 
“Yes, it does. So, we will explain the hierarchy to you: Natasha is Countess, so she will often be busy with coven affairs and our coven’s safety. Then, it’s me, considering I am her wife-”
“Wife?!” You exclaimed before Natasha’s finger pushed down on your sternum, her supernatural strength keeping you down in the bed. 
“Yes, my adoring, lovely, brilliant chef of a Sokovian wife. Now listen and be respectful.” The countess warned you. 
“As I was saying, I am second in the hierarchy. Then it is James, Steve, Sam and Scott - they are our ‘muscle’, even though some of them look like tanks and others not so much. After them is virtually everyone who is not an unturned child. Those we have accepted and who will be turned upon legal age.”
You listened carefully before you noticed an item in Wanda’s hand - a necklace. 
“This is something you will wear at all times unless in the shower. It is imbued with Natasha and mine’s scents and blood, should you ever need to be healed.” She said, clasping it over your neck and not afraid to let her hands wander a bit down. 
You turned your head away from hers, feeling some sort of spell over your body like the blood within the red stone was charged. 
“You feel it, don’t you?” Natasha smirked from above you, her hair tickling your neck as it hung down. “The power of us, the Mstiteli Clan leaders, though only a single drop of blood each. The power of vampires. You could have never defeated us, Y/N. Not even with your enchanted sword.”
“I did enjoy breaking those enchantments.” Wanda added.
You closed your eyes, trying to take everything in since you were still a bit dazed. “Nobody told me that you were Mstiteli. If I had known that-”
“You wouldn’t have come. We know. But we loved chatting to that innkeeper a few nights ago. He was just divine.” Natasha licked her lips and you understood the double entendre. 
“A few little drops of amber ash doesn’t hurt a fella. And without you to return and claim your prizes, we’ll keep getting willing meals right at our doorstep.” Wanda smirked.
“Such delicious, tasty meals… Speaking of, I want to have some more…”
You looked at the two warily. They stopped. What?
Natasha snickered darkly, cupping your cheek. “Oh, you really are as sweet as they come. No, what we did was a dominance show. Now, we go gently.”
Gently wasn’t the right word for her to use as she practically smashed her lips against yours, delving her tongue in to test if even your saliva was as sweet as your blood. Your hands, still chained above your head, were no match for Wanda’s power as she sank to your stomach, kissing and sucking at the exposed skin. 
“So divine…” She murmured, a flick of her magic warping your reality. 
“Hey! Bring my clothes back!” You yelled, mostly from embarrassment as you now wore the same nightrobe adorned on them but in crimson red… and without lingerie. 
“Patience, dear. We want our filling first. We will always come before you.” Natasha said, the words burning in your mind as she locked eyes with you. 
Then, she leaned in and reopened the wound with such precision of her fang she could be a surgeon. She sucked at your neck whilst keeping a firm hold of your body, her arm snaking underneath the nightrobe and around your back. 
“Come up here, Wanda. You were the one who wanted us to make our marks clear and present.” She chided her wife, who you hadn’t even noticed feeding on your wrist. 
“But she’s so beautiful… I want to sink my fangs into every inch of her, litter her body with my bite.” Wanda said and you could tell she was the far more possessive one. 
“Neck first.” Natasha said firmly. 
You felt like a blood bag. Nothing more than for something they can feed on and toy with, squish around in their hands to bring out every bit of life source. 
Then, you felt that tingle again. That rush of endorphins coursing through your veins, making you whimper beneath their touch. 
“Hush. Fuck, you’re delicious.” Wanda moaned against your neck, digging her fangs deeper. 
You quietened down like a good little pet and let them have their fill once more, your jostles of movement stopping quickly as fatigue set in. They were both grinning as they pulled away from your neck, fangs and lips smeared with your blood. 
“Wanda, go get some hot towels.” Natasha muttered, the heretic speeding away to bring a tower of hot towels. 
She leaned into your ear, kissing it gently. “Now hush, little pet. Time for you to rest some more…”
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Little Nat Adventures
Stuffy ~ Nat loses something important to her 
Firsts ~ A few milestones 
Lost and Found ~ Adventure time! 
Art crawl ~ little artist Nat
Security detail ~ Nat goes to a birthday party 
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elizabethsnuts · 4 months
So I don't know if you've seen spy kids 3, but basically there's a scene where the mum has to go on a mission with her baby because she has no baby sitter and she just carries her in a baby carrier. The scene is low-key badass. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something like that for winterwidows daughter. Like they have no one to babysit her and she has to go on the mission with her parents.
P.S. I love your work.
Family Mission
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Natasha and Bucky have no babysitter for you so they have no choice but to bring you on a mission to take down a HYDRA base.
A/N: Thank you for all the support on my work! It really means a lot to me that others enjoy reading it. It was my one year posting on tumblr a couple days ago, happy late tumblr birthday to me!
The morning sun filtered through the Avengers kitchen, casting a warm glow around the room where Bucky was finishing his coffee. Natasha, who was already dressed in her black tactical suit, was adjusting the baby carrier strapped to her chest, inside the carrier was you, gazing up at your mother with wide, curious eyes, cooing softly.
Bucky approached the two of you, his metal arm glinting in the sunlight. "Are you sure about this, Nat? Bringing Y/N along on a mission?"
Natasha gave him a reassuring smile. "We don't have much choice, do we? We can’t just keep her here by herself. Besides she’ll be looking at me the whole time."
Bucky leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. "Alright, we’ll keep her safe."
You all quickly boarded the Quinjet, where Tony was pacing the floor. Steve and Clint were gathered around a large holographic display of their mission target: a HYDRA base nestled in the Siberian wilderness.
Tony glanced up as Bucky and Natasha entered, you looked over to Tony with your little legs swinging in the carrier. "Well, look who's here. And they brought a little guest." His tone was a mix of amusement and surprise.
Steve raised an eyebrow. "Y/N? Are you sure about this?"
"We don't have a babysitter," Natasha said with a hint of defiance. "We'll manage."
You were secured in your carrier, staring at the flashing lights and buttons inside the jet, your tiny hands reaching out to grab at the air. Natasha couldn't help but smile at your innocence. Bucky sat beside the two of you, keeping a watchful eye on both his family and the surroundings.
The Quinjet hummed as it sliced through the sky, descending towards the snow-covered landscape of Siberia. As they approached the drop zone, Tony ran through the plan one last time. "Alright, Natasha, Bucky, you're with me. Clint, Steve, Thor, you take the north entrance."
The team split into their assigned groups. Natasha and Bucky, with you securely strapped to Natasha's chest, moved stealthily through the forest. The snow crunched softly under their boots as they approached the base's southern entrance.
You played with the little beanie on your head, giggling quietly as you touched the fuzzy pom-pom. Natasha looked down and smiled at your happy mood, though her face had a hint of worry.
The team were able to hack into the security system, disabling the cameras and unlocking the doors.
"We're in," Steve whispered through the comms.
"Okay, Malyshka," Natasha whispered, adjusting the sound-dampening headphones over your little ears. "Time to be a good girl for Mama and Daddy."
You giggled and waved your tiny hands around as if you were part of the mission. You had no idea what was going on but you liked going on an adventure with your parents.
The three of you slipped into the shadows, Bucky’s eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Natasha moved silently, her skills honed from years of time in the Red Room. Your presence, surprisingly, didn’t hinder her. Instead, it seemed to sharpen her focus, giving her a greater purpose which was to keep you safe.
Inside the base, the corridors were eerily quiet while dimly lit. The team had done their job well, creating diversions and taking out patrols. Bucky and Natasha moved methodically, their silent communication seamless.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Natasha whispered to you, her lips curving into a smile.
As the central control room became closer into view, you began to babble softly, your eyes wide with curiosity. Natasha glanced down and smiled. "Almost there, Dorogoy," she whispered.
Bucky placed a small charge on the door, and they waited for the soft beep indicating it was ready. With a nod, the door blew open, and they rushed inside.
Alarms blared throughout the base. HYDRA reinforcements were closing in fast. Natasha and Bucky moved swiftly, taking down enemies with a coordinated dance of skill and precision. You in your carrier, just watched Natasha with a smile on your little face, your tiny hands clapping at the flashes of movement, oblivious to the danger.
With the last of the Hydra agents taken down, Natasha and Bucky quickly began gathering data from the computers. Steve’s voice crackled over the comms. "Status?"
"All clear," Natasha replied, her fingers flying over the keyboard. "We’ve got the data."
Navigating through the maze of corridors, they reached the exit quickly and ran back into the snowy forest.
“Mama!” You giggled, your little fingers tangled in her hair as flakes of snow hit your little pink cheeks.
Natasha laughed and kissed your head. “You did your first mission! You did so well!”
Back on the Quinjet, as they soared towards home, Natasha leaned back in her seat, exhausted but relieved. You, now sleepy, nestled against your mother's chest, your tiny hand gripping Natasha's suit.
"You did great today, baby," Natasha whispered, kissing the top of your head.
You babbled sleepily and closed your eyes, now feeling all warm in safe in Natasha’s arms. You loved the little adventure you had today.
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dailyreverie · 10 months
Christmas Valentine
A/N: This one was requested by @writingsoftheloser, and I loved it so so much! Thank you so much for requesting! I had the idea for it and then I came across the song Christmas Valentine by Jason Mraz & Ingrid Michaelson and it is so Bucky and gave me all the feels and ughh... just give it a listen please 🥹🥹I really hope you all like it!
2. "You shouldn't have"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (no pronouns, reader is called doll)
Word count: 1k
Holiday prompts ⛄
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'Twas the night before Christmas, when every corner of the common room was bathed in the warm glow of sparkling colored lights. The chimney crackled, casting a cozy fire across the room. Everyone was dressed in their festive best, and joy permeated the air… and Bucky would much rather be in his room.
He remembered Christmas, he truly did, Steve made sure of that, and it’s not that he didn’t like everyone - he liked Steve, and Nat sometimes, and Sam could be somewhat tolerable every now and then. Yet, this Christmas, his first after everything, he preferred observing from a distance. A bottomless glass of scotch kept him company, the amber liquid warming him as he contentedly watched from afar, even if it meant being away from you.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” Ah, shit, you. How could he forget to include you on his mental list of people he enjoys? Bucky caught himself smiling into his glass when you entered the crowded room with your cheerful exclamation. Nat hugged you, Wanda playfully placed a Santa hat on your head, and despite the festive welcome from others, you still searched for Bucky and shared a quiet smile across the room.
God… the way he felt for you. He never thought after all those years he would be able to feel something like that again, something that felt so warm even though it must be snowing outside. 
The night went on, food and drinks came and went, and the two-week-long Secret Santa that had been going on was finally revealed. It was right after the gift exchange when you began walking towards him, with a beautiful ear-to-ear smile on your face courtesy of the festivities and the sweet drinks Wanda kept giving you. 
“Merry Christmas,” you greeted him. “I’m sorry I didn’t come by before, I was dragged to the whole thing as soon as I arrived.” You laughed slightly, remembering to the way you were engulfed by your teammates. 
“I could see that,” Bucky laughed too, more discreetly, but laughed too. “Merry Christmas, by the way.” He knew he sounded awkward when he said it, almost as if he wasn’t quite sure if those were the words he wanted to say, but when your cheeks heated up and your smile got shyer, he knew he had to be doing something right.
“Hey, listen I- uhm-” It was your turn to be awkward as you fidgeted with the gift bag on your hands. "I know you didn't want to be part of the Secret Santa thing but I can't let you celebrate Christmas without a gift." Bucky decided to keep the image of your reddening cheeks forever in his head, perhaps for a rainy day. 
"Oh, doll. Why did you bother yourself with this?" The festive paper bag in your hands reached the top of the table, and Bucky hesitated to reach for it.
"You are never a bother, Buck. This is the least I could do to thank you for all the training."
Bucky chuckled to himself as you pushed the bag towards him, finally grabbing it, and once he opened it, his cautious smile turned into surprise. "You shouldn't have."
"Nonsense." You shrugged as he revealed the first edition of The Hobbit you had gifted him. "Remember that time you called me a Hobbit because I kept referring to your missions as adventures?”
"Of course I do." Bucky laughed softly. "Of course, I do," Bucky laughed softly. The gift, a first edition of The Hobbit, left him genuinely touched.
“I also may have overheard you say to Sam that you read it when it came out. I though maybe you could have a little thing from back then, now.”
"This is… this is wonderful." You took this thankfulness with a smile. Contrary to his words, though, he groaned. "Well, now this is embarrassing, but I might also… uhm…" He reached down his chair, pulling out a gift bag. "I also got you something but it's not nearly as good as yours." 
You gasped dramatically at the sight of the bag, making grabby hands for it. "For me?!" Bucky nodded, silently confirming your question and watching you intently. Every move you made tightened his stomach into a tighter knot, not sure if you would even like it - opening the bag, taking out the little box inside it, untying the ribbon from it… every second felt like torture for him.
You took in a sharp breath when you opened the box, admiring the beautiful necklace Bucky had gifted you; you had seen it before, that one time you went downtown with him. You thought he wouldn't have even noticed, but he not only watched your eyes shine at the sight of it, he also went back that same afternoon to buy it to make sure no one else got it first.
"Bucky, this is- this is gorgeous.” Your fingers ghosted delicately above it. “You shouldn’t have.” You repeated his words, making him chuckle slightly. 
“How could I not? You kept going back to look at it.” He freed your hands from it, standing up right in front of you and circling your neck with his hands; his lotion made you take a deep breath and hold it as he kept moving closer, you had never seen him move so gently as he placed the chain around your neck and clasped the lock, making sure it was straight before taking a step back again. 
“It's beautiful.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, your fingers toying with the charm as you looked up to smile at him. 
Bucky nodded, a quiet “yes, it is” confirming what he saw right in front of him. 
“Buck, I-” A call for your name interrupted you.
“Go, I’ll come find you later,” Bucky promised, hoping your thoughts mirrored his. Before leaving you kissed his cheek and squeezed his flesh arm, your way of telling him he better come find you soon.
“Would you look at that, the robot has feelings.” Sam sneaked up on him, patting his back and walking past him to get a drink.
“Leave him alone, Sam.” Steve warned, not without his own squeeze to his shoulder with an encouraging “Good one, Buck”. He had never seen his friend happier, his eyes lost in the crowd not able to stop looking at you. Bucky remembered Christmas, he was sure he did, but he had never loved Christmas lights as much as he liked them reflecting in your eyes right then.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
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PAIRINGS: Ghostface!Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: bottom!Nat, kinda dark reader, Mommy (R), smut obvi, mentions of face riding, hand jobs, breeding, little!Nat, praise, pet names, Nat is referred to as “bear” a lot, small angst, wrote this in abt an hour so it’s not that great :/, think that’s all tho :)
Screams echoed through the dark alley, and Nat cursed herself for not thinking to cover the victim’s mouth. Someone could hear, and with the news of the recent killings spreading, she didn’t want to risk finally being caught.
The blood oozed out of the man’s wound, and Nat smiled as she grabbed her camera. She examined her surroundings, making sure nobody was nearby before she took multiple photos, placing them in her pocket after making sure they were perfect for you. She sent a text your way, updating you on her completion before removing the mask and cloak, placing them in her bag while she placed a single headphone in, making sure she looked like a normal citizen and not a killer who just took away the life of an innocent man. You told her to be safe on her voyage home and received a quick photo of her grinning with a thumbs up, giving you all the closure you needed as you set up the bath. You ensured the water was hot so it would cool to an even temperature by the time she was home. You placed her favorite toys in the pile of bubbles and ventured into the kitchen, waiting for the oven to set off and to hear the twisting of keys to your shared apartment.
“Mommy? I’m home!” You heard a giggly Nat alert you, causing you to peek your head out of the room. She smiled when she saw you and tried rushing forward, only to be stopped by your voice.
“Ah, ah, what’s the rule with shoes in the house?” She looked down, noticing a small trail of blood she left on the floor. She rushed an apology and placed them on the rack next to the coat hanger, continuing her way to you and throwing her arms around you in a hurry.
“Mm, I missed you, bear.” You placed your hands on both of her cheeks, squishing the plush skin before leaving a quick peck on her lips. Her dimples shined under her large blush and you chuckled, placing one last kiss on her forehead before grabbing her plate of food.
“I know you must be so hungry after all your hard work today, I thought you deserved a little treat.”
“Breakfast for dinner? Oh, thank you, Mommy!” You knew it was her favorite, and while it was a bit of a hassle, you’d rather spend half an hour cleaning if you got to see her smile so large. She poured the maple syrup over her waffle before grabbing the whipped cream, only to be stopped by a hand.
“I think it’s best if Mommy does that for you, we don’t want you dirtying up your shirt, now do we?” You also knew she loved to go over the top with sweetness, whipped cream being one of those. While she deserved a lovely treat, it was best if she didn’t plow down piles of food and complain later on about stomach pain.
“Would you like me to cut your waffle for you, love?” She grappled onto your arm, resting her head on the soft skin as she watched your every move.
“Yes, please.” Her mouth felt empty, usually, she had her pacifier to soothe her in times of calmness like this. So, she took to biting her lip instead, a habit you’ve been trying to have her let go of.
“There you go. Why don’t you eat up and you can tell me all about your little adventure tonight, okay?” She nodded, instantly taking her fork and picking the piece she saw first. You sighed with contentment before taking the seat across from her, occasionally feeling her foot slap against your leg as she swung them happily.
“I even got a bunch of pictures for you!” She concluded her rant, reaching into her pocket where the Polaroids were stored.
“No talking with your mouth full, bear,” You reminded her, making her stop as she swallowed the nourishment before continuing. She placed each of them on the table, taking a sip of her apple juice before explaining each one.
“And guess what? I stabbed him, like, a billion times! I forgot to cover his mouth on accident, so I made sure to leave before anyone heard him or saw me.” You nodded along with her statements, standing alongside her as the two of you cleaned each dish.
“Now, baby, you need to make sure you’re being careful, I don’t want you to get caught.”
“I know, Mommy, I promise I’m usually really careful, but I got a little excited this time.” The man wasn’t a terrible person, but in her mind he was. He was your boss and had been setting unrealistic expectations for all of his workers, including you. This meant longer hours and more stress, which also meant less time that Nat got to spend with you. You tried making it up to her, and she didn’t blame you, but she knew this was the best gift she could offer you. After all, you do so much for her, you deserved a thank you.
“That’s alright, we’re just going to need to wait a little bit longer until we find someone, this time.”
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The two of you quickly finished the load of dishes, thankful that there wasn’t a lot. You led her to the bathroom, helping rid her of her clothing before she settled in the bathtub. She played with the toys, allowing her giggles to be presented instead of shying away. She was never appreciated in the ways you showed her, so being able to remove that ounce of fear she held felt undeniably relieving.
“Mommy, can I ask you something?” She asked in a low voice, clinging onto the towel you wrapped around her. You furrowed your brows but gave her permission, your worry only growing as her gaze faltered to the floor.
“Do you really think I’m good at this type of stuff?” She had been trained her entire life to kill, it was all she ever knew. She was of the highest rankings at such a young age, but the constant competition and downgrading she received failed to fill her confidence. All she ever wanted was to be good enough, and now that goal was even more important with you by her side.
“Oh, honey, of course, you are! I’m always so proud of you and your work, nothing will ever change that.” She sat on the edge of the bed, the cracked window causing goosebumps to erupt on her naked skin. You took the signal to shut it before returning, kneeling before her as you patched up a small cut on her knee. She eyed the Frozen bandaid with a smile, running her fingertip over the area before returning her gaze to you.
“But you don’t seem as excited about it as before, am I doing something wrong?” Her lips formed into a pout that she tried to hide, only to be exposed as you brought her face to meet yours.
“No, that’s not it at all. I’m so sorry, bear, I’ve been so stressed over work, and with the holidays coming up, I guess I’ve been neglecting you as a result. I’m so sorry, it was never my intent to hurt you.” She relished in the fact that the truth was now out and she could be at ease, but she felt saddened at your reaction. She didn’t want to hurt you, but now you were the one with a heavy heart.
“No, it’s okay! I- I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong, I’m not mad at you.” You rubbed her sides gently, taking the seat next to her as you wrapped your arm around her small frame. She rested her head on your shoulder out of instinct.
“You did so well tonight, I think I’m going to hang those photos up on the fridge so I’ll always be reminded of how talented you are.” Her legs rested on top of yours as she kissed your cheek in appreciation. You chuckled, doing the same to her while your hand rested on her thigh. You inched further, watching her shuffle impossibly closer to you as a result.
“You know what I think? I think that my girl deserves a little reward for just how well she did.” Your thumb made contact with her tip, the action bringing a shiver throughout Nat’s body. She grinned through a bitten lip, her cheeks turning a shade of red as you removed the skin from her teeth.
“You need to stop that, baby, you know I don’t like it.” She rushed a quick apology before a small gasp left her. She removed the towel from her lower half, only to see your hand now wrapped around her length, stroking a continued motion slowly.
“M- Mommy, that feels really nice.” You hummed, your eyes falling to the area of attention. You removed your hand, causing a whine of disapproval from your girlfriend. You shushed her, guiding her to lay on her back as she spotted her stuffed animal. It was a plush dinosaur that you got her years ago, she still cherished it. You pressed a kiss to her forehead before doing the same to the soft creature in her arms.
“Close your eyes, I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” She questioned when you stood in front of the door. You turned to look at her as you removed your shirt, exposing the black bra to her eyesight. They widened, her cock hardening even further before you closed the door behind you. She tried to follow your orders of sitting tight and closing her eyes, but the anticipation was so high. She wanted to know what you were doing, she wanted to feel your touch again. Her palm lowered down her body without realization, and she couldn’t hold back the whimper as she brushed over her balls. They were so sensitive, but you always said that was your favorite part about them.
“Natty, baby? Are your eyes closed?” She retracted her hand instantly, hoping you wouldn’t get a glance at her antics. You were never one for letting her touch herself, she suspected that wasn’t going to change tonight.
“Yup!” She heard the door squeak and had to fight the urge to look, but she remained how you wanted her, and she knew that pleased you when she heard small cooing.
“Aren’t you just the cutest little girl ever? Mommy is so, so lucky to have you, bear.” You ran your cool hands against her nipples, resulting in the buds hardening. She stifled a moan as you went lower, your fingers tracing over the same area she had just teased. She hoped you couldn’t tell, she never knew how but you seemed to know everything, especially when it came to her.
“I could just…eat you up!” Your hand enclosed around her cock, creating the same movements as you started earlier. She was grateful to have the return of your touch, but it wasn’t quite enough. Her hips thrusted with every stroke, her desperation being made clear to anyone who could see her.
“Oh, did you need something?” She whimpered when you came to a halt, your thumb collecting the pre cum from her drooling tip. You rubbed it over her bottom lip, letting her get a taste of the sweet nectar you grew addicted to.
“You, I…I want you.”
“But you have me, don’t you?” Your condescending tone brought her to quiver in excitement and fear.
“I need to be in you, Mommy…please?” You crooned, hovering over her length and letting the head tease your folds. You moaned, rubbing your clit in small circles. You continued until she couldn’t bear it anymore and finally let yourself soak in the pleasure, and allowing her to feel your warm walls clenching around her.
“Fuck, my little girl is so big, can barely even fit.” You groaned, interlacing your fingertips with hers. She seemed content with the praise and let her hips follow your movements, hoping she was doing it correctly in order to make you feel good, but that was quickly proven by your high-pitched moans.
“Right- right there- ah! Don’t stop, baby, don’t you dare fucking stop!” You leaned your face down, admiring the fact that she continued to comply to your request even in a state of such arousal.
“You can open your eyes now, bear.” She fluttered them open, blinking twice as she came to register the sight in front of her. The mask covered your face, the black paint looking into her eyes and she suddenly felt like someone else. She was no longer the killer, she was the victim.
“You like the mask? Yeah? Good, I was hoping you’d say that.” Your pants caused your chest to heave, your breasts bouncing in her face as a result. She removed a hand from yours, using her digits to caress the soft peaks before wrapping her lips around one, then switching to the other. The coil in her stomach tightened with each clench and each thrust, her eyes squeezing shut as she forced herself to slow down.
“Don’t hold back, bear, I want to feel your cum so deep inside of me.” She looked at you one more time for permission, using your short nod as approval to let go. Her teeth bit down gently as a result, causing you to hiss as she hurried to explain herself. You cut her off before she could speak, and she found herself unable to do so as she painted your walls white. You let her ride out her high, finding yourself unable to care for the orgasm you threatened yourself into having. It was cut short, and Nat wasn’t going to allow that.
“Shh, shh, don’t worry about me, just fill Mommy’s pussy.” Your tight hole greedily accepted her, and your womb greedily accepted her seed. You felt so full, but you were nowhere near done.
“You see this?” You pointed the knife in front of her, she gulped in fear before it led into hunger. You led the weapon to your chest as you leaned back, drawing it from the bottom of the mask to your lower waist. You grasped her palm, placing the knife in her hand as you allowed her to sit up. When doing so, her cock maneuvered inside of you, bringing a shudder of pleasure from both of you.
“I want you to mark me, baby. I want every single fucking soul to know exactly who’s Mommy I am.” She smiled, letting the object slowly and barely seep into you, it was just enough to leave a mark but nowhere near as bad to injure you greatly.
“And I want you to tell me while you write just how much of a good girl you are, and just how much Mommy loves their little bear.” You pet her head, rolling your eyes to the back of your head as she continued. You felt your hips threatening to repeat from earlier but held off until she finished.
“There, all done.” ‘Owner of Natty Bear’ was sloppily written on your skin, the blood dripping down your side as you praised the younger female.
“Mm, you did so good, Princess. Now, I think Mommy deserves a little treat, as well, yeah?” She nodded happily. “Alright, lay down, Mommy’s going to ride that cute face.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Introductions II
Patri Guijarro x Hardersson!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You meet Patri
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"Relax," Talia whispers," It's going to be okay."
Her words did nothing to quell your anxiety, leg still bouncing as you sit in a hole in the wall café at the very back.
It's the first time you're meeting Patri, Talia's older cousin. She used to play with Alexia and your Tia Tana but you've never actually met her before. You've had her shirts too. You've just never seen her in person.
You wouldn't normally be this nervous but this is Talia's cousin, her absolute favourite cousin who might as well be her sister. When Talia's parents moved from Mallorca with her, Patri came over frequently.
Talia had grown up with Patri. Patri was important her.
You need to make a good impression, hence why you're so anxious about it.
Patri was important to Talia and Talia was important to you.
"Okay," You say, releasing a long breath as you reach for Talia's hand.
She squeezes yours in her own, bringing it up to press a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
You smile at her, a little awkwardly but still grateful for her comfort.
"Patri's not scary," Talia assures you," She's just Patri."
Strangely, that doesn't fill you with much hope.
Patri Guijarro, even retired as she is, looks fairly scary as she steps into the café. She catches sight of Natalia quickly, who stands up to greet her with a hug.
You stand, wiping the sweat off your hands. "Hola," You say. You offer her your hand to shake.
Patri takes it and you give her a firm handshake like how your Momma always taught you.
Patri watches you, eyes narrowing briefly before she releases you and glances at Talia. "Strong hands," She comments, giving your girlfriend a meaningful look that you don't quite understand. She looks back at you again.
"So," Patri says," I heard that you speak a lot of languages."
"I do."
"Can you teach me your favourite swear words?"
The ice successfully breaks after that and you relax into the simple flow of conversation between the three of you.
Now that she's up close, you can see the similarities between Patri and your girlfriend. They've got the same kind of features with slight differences. They're very clearly related though from the way their eyes spark to the way they gesture as they speak to the exact same way they push their hair out of their faces.
It's sweet and you can't help but smile as Talia tries to shove a cupcake down Patri's throat, who was just in the middle of telling a story about something embarrassing Natalia did as a small child.
"So," Patri says to you when Talia goes off to the toilet," I suppose this is the part where I tell you that if you hurt her I'll hurt you?"
You freeze suddenly.
That's what you've actually been waiting for. You should have known that this would happen. Credit to Patri though for lulling you into a false sense of security for nearly an hour now.
You throat bobs and you take a small sip of your water.
"Er..." You're not quite sure what to say to that. "If you want?"
Patri looks very stern now and she leans over to the table to you.
Her mouth opens.
Her hand comes up...to pat you on the shoulder.
She laughs.
"That was the plan, you know? To scare you into never breaking Nat's heart but you...you're way too sweet for that. I can't imagine you even hurting a fly."
You weren't quite sure if that was a compliment or not. You were going to take it as one though otherwise you weren't sure what you were meant to say to that.
Patri grins at you. "No problem. Now, Nat's probably touching up her makeup, do you want to here about the time she got stuck in a bin?"
When Talia returns from the toilet, she comes back to the table to see both you and Patri giggling with each other.
Giggles that turn into full blown laughter when she sits back down.
"What?" She asks," What is it?"
Patri is laughing properly now, wiping tears from her eyes and clutching her stomach as you bite at your lip to stifle your own, going out of your way to not look her in the eye unless you burst into laughter again.
"I'm serious," She says," Have I got something on me?"
"Don't worry, Talia," You reply, reaching out to gently cover her hand with your own," It's nothing."
"It's clearly not nothing!"
Patri snickers. "So long as you think getting stuck in the bin as nothing."
"I told you to stop telling that story!"
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