#little late to the event and these are a bit ugly but WHATEVER
timmy-bee · 6 months
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┈ for @necroangelz's 294+ event ✧ f2u with credit! . > < ) sources : both gifs
day 2︓ a sweet love song
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nomazee · 6 months
Greetings! Would it be okay if I request bodyguard!Dan Heng x celebrity!Reader with a 19:58 timestamp? I hope it's okay, thanks in advance.
i think my dan heng favoritism is showing because this is the longest drabble i've written for this event so far,,, i love dan hen hsr,,, THANK U FOR UR REQUEST :**
my 1k event!
The airport is much too bright for Dan Heng’s taste. The reflectiveness of the linoleum floor tiles and the beaming LED lights make him squint as he guides you towards the baggage terminal. 
“That was fun!” your enthusiasm is almost painful compared to how exhausted Dan Heng feels. There’s no hint of a drag in your steps or a lull in your words as you head towards the carousels, on the lookout for a sky blue and neon green striped suitcase—courtesy of you, of course. You asked Dan Heng for his opinion when you were first buying it, claiming that it would be easy to recognize among the sea of plain, typical suitcases. Truthfully, it was an eyesore, but you looked so happy about it, so he just nodded along. 
“Fun? You’re not tired?” he asks. Your atrocity of a suitcase is, in fact, easily spotted, and Dan Heng goes to pick it up for you. Luckily, his is on the same carousel, and he takes up both in his hands before turning back to you. “It was a long flight. You’ll be jet-lagged for a bit.”
“Oh, I’m definitely tired,” you admit, engaging in a wordless struggle with Dan Heng as he fights against your attempt to take your own suitcase from him. He has yet to engage in an actual fight as a bodyguard (or do much at all, really), so he might as well help out by being your glorified bag-carrier. It makes him feel less guilty about the paycheck he gets every two weeks. “But being in first-class was so exciting! You didn't think so?” 
Exciting is certainly a way to describe it. For most of the ten-hour flight, Dan Heng was trying to not puke in a paper bag in front of you in fear that he’d embarrass himself, and then get fired. He hadn’t been on a flight in years, and sitting through one that’s that long was not the best way to ease back into it. It would be embarrassing to admit out loud, but you have a way of reading through him, so he divulges as much of the truth as he can stomach.
“There was… it was shakier than I thought. But it wasn’t loud, which was good.” 
“I meant, like, the food and stuff! And the hot towels that they gave us.” 
Of course you’d be excited over something like a hot towel. He tries not to look down at the (objectively) ugly suitcase that he’s successfully torn from your hands, but it’s all very you and he can’t help but be reminded of every single one of your habits. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks, instead of talking more about the plane, because he’ll seriously be sick if he keeps replaying the turbulence in his head. “The portions were small on the plane. We can check into the hotel first and then find somewhere to eat.” 
A sigh escapes you, lighthearted as you swat Dan Heng’s arm with your hand. You both walk through the confusing maze of the airport and eventually find the exit, stepping into fresh air for the first time in a while. “I’ll get you dramamine on the flight back, Dan Heng. Maybe then you’ll be clear-headed enough to understand how nice the hot towels were.” 
You’ve clocked him, saw right through him and pried your incessant way in and offered him a motion sickness pill while you were at it. He tries to ignore the flush of his cheeks as he watches you smile from his peripheral, but it’s hard to ignore when it’s all that he can feel right now. 
“The— food,” he stutters, because he’s a fool and would like to lay down already. “What would you like to get? It’s a little late, but you should get some dinner.” 
“Whatever you want, Dan Heng,” and he looks to his side to see you smiling at him, so warm and familiar and he’s really, really trying not to puke on the sidewalk right now for a variety of reasons. He ignores you again, because that’s his best way to cope, and hails a taxi before cramming in both your suitcases in a flustered haste. 
In the backseat of the car, you lean against Dan Heng’s side and open up Google Maps, scrolling through all the restaurants near your hotel. The line of your arm presses into Dan Heng’s, and his attention is flitting between that feeling and the bright icons on your screen, different foreign names and descriptions of food popping up. 
“I don’t feel like sitting down for a full dinner,” you admit, mercilessly skipping any restaurant that has things like tablecloths and candles and small plates. “Something to take back to the hotel would be nice. Oh—” you bring your phone closer to his face as if he can’t already see it crystal clear, “—the menu for this looks good! They have some of your favorites.” 
Dan Heng skims through it and finds that they do, in fact, have a suspicious amount of his favorites. There’s a prideful look on your face, hiding the fact that you likely spent an hour researching local restaurants to find something Dan Heng likes. It embarrasses him and makes him have hopes, like a fool. You treat him less like a bodyguard, more like a close assistant—a position that you’ve never actually had filled, which makes his suspicions (and hopes) grow day by day. Really, it’s more like a close friend, a partner, and he likes that thought more than he’s comfortable admitting. 
He mumbles something like okay, looks good, and the grin on your face only grows brighter and cheesier. He’s forced to look away from you and stare out the car window instead, watching the passing city lights against the dark background of the autumn night, in a country that he covertly learned the language of, so that he could guide you around a little better—in a country that you spent an hour looking up restaurants in, so that Dan Heng would have something to eat.
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin
fill out my event taglist (pinned) or general taglist (navi) to be tagged in upcoming works!
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seraphirism · 1 month
Hello there again! (●’◡’●)ノ I’m the anon that asked about Falin and wanted to thank you for your detailed explanation on her!! I knew she was a bit of creep from what Google translate told me (someday I’ll evolve to actually understanding jp) but not that much of one. Like geez, I knew Akuneko showed the ugliness of humanity but I didn’t think they’d go that far. >~< As much as I’d hate to say it, I’m a little sad she wasn’t utilized more as a sub-villain. Then again, I guess we’ll probably be seeing her in some flashbacks maybe (holding out hope) of elf man.
Speaking of elf man, I’m actually terrified of whatever Studio Wasabi is going to release late August (╥_╥). I really really hope they let Belen become a butler though but that brings up the question of who the other two butlers are gonna be. We haven’t had any hints about them but then again they did the same with Teddy and Hanamaru so who knows. Maybe they’ll all be some kind of fantasy related race? Or something akin to that assuming elf man is gonna be one of the four…ahhhh!! So many questions!! But please Studip Wasabi, let our butlers be happy I say!
Side note but if Belen really does become one of Aruji’s butlers then I hope he still has his cat ears
hii, I hope you’re doing well 💖! and thank you for the feedback \(//∇//)\!!
and yes! i second that sentiment wholeheartedly! see, none of the villains in aknk are written in a half-baked manner; if they are villains, they do more than enough to deserve their titles.
[unlike media, especially these days, that have villains that kill a man on screen to show how terrible they are, have little to no backstory, just a pretty face (so fans can spend money on them and romanticise them), aknk antagonists are not like that.
you end up hating them (because their crimes are truly inexcusable in every way possible), yet you can’t help being intrigued by them. ]
why was Falin so entranced with beauty that she kidnapped people that fit her criteria and sold them? what prompted this? it wasn’t love for money or material. not to mention, she grew up in an ordinary village. why did she become the way she is?
why was Fubuki so lost in his greed for power and wanting to get ahead of the Grobaner family? with him we can make guesses (unlike Falin) but it’s still not explained—we don’t know his childhood, whether he had authoritarian parents that forced him to be this way or an event that changed everything in his life. why did he want to create enhanced humans so badly that he was willing to experiment and kill children and in the end to find an alternative for the devil butlers with Grobaner family so he could get ahead of them?
anyway, you get the gist! all antagonists in this game are really interesting.
that’s I wanted both Fubuki and Falin’s past shown in detail so we could get to understand why they were the way they are! unfortunately, we won’t end up getting too much information about Falin; but Fubuki is alive and i don’t believe his story is over just yet.
[also, it’s so funny that both of them had met canonically and Falin had proposed to him but he rejected her 😭]
I’m also holding hope that when elf guy’s backstory gets explained, we will get information about Falin! since there are earlier survivors (her captives) who managed to escape; we might get their perspective.
there is no doubt in my mind that elf guy is getting playable; like i can already imagine his initial ssrs, his interaction with Aruji/us, how he’s going to be in Halloween event (if he gets playable by then?)
but with Belen, my heart is unsure 😭 I really want him to become playable. though if does become playable, studio wasabi will make sure to break our hearts with each update before making him playable.
I used to think that the writers of aknk add some soft content in the main story after each really sad/upsetting main story episodes. but um considering we got the stuff with Lato and then Boschi’s whole chapter right after, hehe I’m not so sure 😃
i think you have a good guess going with the next coming butlers (excluding elf guy) being from some fantasy race. we’re kinda slowly getting focus on the Western region, the one governed by the green-haired elf looking guy, Elboa.
considering the last two chapters were focused on and in East (Falin and Fubuki both being from East), it shouldn’t be unlikely that with subtle focus on the West in chapter 4, that we will be delving in it in the coming chapters.
so to spice things up, the writers might add non-humans to our long list of butlers ✨! I hope they do, it will make things interesting since we’ll get a focus on the respective regions the fantasy-races are from, how different they are from humans and so on!
[bestie, with all love, i don’t think those cat ears are staying 😭💗 i want them to stay too! because it gives Belen this distinctive appearance from the rest and with how much we’ve seen him with them, the cat ears should be a part of him. but he didn’t have them before his demon took over him.]
and i kinda did some research on Belen’s demon, Beleth, and he has a cat-like appearance.
so i think Belen might have Miyaji’s case going with him. where he’ll get those cat ears and tail wherever MC/Aruji summons his demon for him or wherever he is under the control of his demon (that’s happening now.). otherwise, he’ll have his normal appearance since he is human. that’s totally my guess though.
but it’s entirely possible that his cat ears might stay when he wakes up later because he had them for so long and all (?)
the other butlers don’t have their features change under the influence of their demons (besides having a red hue surrounding their one eye and the black hue surrounding them) or when Aruji summons their demon for them besides Miyaji. with Miyaji, later during his arc, when he loses control to his demon, he’ll also have his animal ears too (i think at least!)
but i can’t wait for Belen! he’s going to be so adorable (๑>◡<๑)!
with elf guy (god, if i have to call him elf guy one more time, I’ll —) I do have a gist of how he’ll be like. but with Belen, while we do have flashbacks that show his personality, I’m not sure that’s exactly how he’ll be like when he wakes up.
he’s been sleeping for 2000+ years in this state where his demon has full control over him (and we do know demons try to weaken the butlers by showing them nightmares or showing them good dreams so they can lose their grip on reality and yield to their demon). so when Belen wakes up, he’s going to have gone through hell 😭 so I think he won’t exactly be the cute, reliable person he was before his demon took control of him.
i think he might even have problem with communicating, even basic tasks like eating and walking to a certain extent at least. he hasn’t performed them in 2000+ years. yes, he was frozen in time but they should show some signs of having trouble with his daily tasks etc (please studio wasabi, I’m begging you 🥺)
that would make for some very interesting content too! from being the reliable older-brother-figure to now having trouble with everything and relying on people around you. I hope after his case is wrapped up (he’s woken up and all) we get some focus on his life in the devil’s palace and his interaction with everyone (like a 5.5 chapter?).
[i forgot to add; i also don’t understand Japanese, in case if I’m giving the impression that i do! i understand it like at an N5 level but i studied it at home. that’s why i hope i don’t give the impression that my explanations have no chance of being wrong somewhere; i rely on deepl and other tools like that too 😭 i hope we both end up learning it completely someday somewhere in the future…]
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anyway, it was lovely talking to you, anon (*≧∀≦*)💞!! i can’t wait for the next update (and I’ll talk everyone’s ears off on tumblr) so let me know your thoughts when you get around to reading it ✨! i might post an explanation of the updates for people who don’t have the time to read the main story update.
i am manifesting those cat-ears on Belen 😀 and for him to become a butler; if they don’t, we’re going to raid studio wasabi’s headquarters by dawn ✨/j and i need more content about Falin! in elf guy’s content, we better get information about her.
have a wonderful day, anon (*^▽^*)💖! looking forward to your thoughts on the main story (whenever it drops!)
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pink-heart-jam · 3 months
Enemies to lovers, anyone? 👀
Enemies to lovers is always peak mlm material! This has always been one of my favourite tropes in fic and it couldn’t be any different when it comes to BL. School/office rivalry, fuck buddies, revenge, toxic obsession, unhinged mythological wars… this list has a little bit of everything and I’m sure you’ll find something especially crafted for your tastes. Get ready for that delicious angst + hate intense sex combo and enjoy!
Checkmate by Tan (E)
Soohyun doesn’t have a “first love,” but he definitely has a “first hate” - his high school classmate Eunsung. A smooth-mannered all-star, Eunsung snaps up first place in everything, leaving Soohyun always trailing behind in second place.
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Ennead by Mojito (E)
The once peaceful land of Egypt has been stained with blood under the tyrannical rule of Seth, the god of war. Horus, son of the god Isis but not yet one himself, rises to challenge the throne and put an end to the chaos and destruction.
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Glasses Cloth and Playlist by Gwak jongpil (E)
Two people in the catalogue department fall in love, get quickly married, and emigrate to another country, leaving their positions to be filled by new recruits Bada Lee and Seomin Hyun.
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Out of Control by Bboong (M)
The story depicts the school life of 2 different guys: Yuri, considered as the school's most handsome guy who hates ugly people, always followed by crowds of girls but always extremely cold and distant towards them, and Jaerim, the school's ugliest guy.
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Park Hanhoo's Manager by Kim Tac (M)
Chansol never experienced friendship before he met Park Hanhoo, a troubled boy who terrifies school gangs and hides his face with an unruly haircut. But when a horrific event turns Chansol's world upside down, he is forced into hiding and reneges on his promise to stay by Hanhoo's side.
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Part-time Partner by Cherrymanju, Ilyoil (E)
Kyuho has become smitten with the new club member, Yoongun. Not only is his face gorgeous but there’s something about the way he stands his ground confidently. When, out of the blue, Yoongun says “you’re not my type”, the two start a love-hate relationship for the ages.
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Semantic Error by J. soori, Angy (E)
Sangwoo Choo is a stickler for rules. So when his classmates free-ride on a group project, he doesn't credit them. But this prevents one senior, Jaeyoung Jang, from graduating. And like oil and water, Sangwoo and Jaeyoung don't mix. Can Sangwoo debug Jaeyoung – a semantic error in his perfect life?
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Steel Under Silk by Snob (E)
Yeonjo used to have it all: a highly respected family, a kind brother, and a comfortable life. Now, with his father executed for high treason, his last kin dead, and damned to a lifetime of slavery, Yeonjo has nothing to lose. All that is left is vengeance, and his chance comes when the new governor assigned to the region is none other than Kwon Hee-ryang, the man who destroyed everything Yeonjo loved.
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The Foul by Chepali, Joo (E)
Ever since inheriting his father’s debt as a teenager, Joo Hawon has been doing whatever it takes to buy his freedom back, whether that means working as a VIP dealer in the casinos of Macau, or taking other riskier jobs. But when a mysterious casino guest offers to pay off his debt if he successfully finishes a job on a cruise ship, it’s too good an offer to turn down–despite his instincts warning him of obvious danger.
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You Get Me Going by Moscateto, Oh doyeon (E)
Not even if he were the last man left on Earth! Youngwon yearns for true love, but his overbearing nature always leads to failed relationships. Lately, he finds himself clashing with his polar opposite, Hyunwoo, at work. However, things heat up when they go on a business trip together. Will these sparks of enmity turn to love?
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philtstone · 8 months
Eowyn/Faramir, 22
painstakingly continuing my spotify wrapped prompts with yet another bollywood entry from one of my favourite movies #22, "Ankhon Mein Teri" from Om Shanti Om along with you / some light has come anyway, this is my answer to the question, "was their great hobbit cacophany post-kiss on the ramparts?" but in hippie camp counselor au
Eowyn’s hospital room has a very large window that looks out into the darkened waiting room. When she wakes up from her doze, which she was partaking in for lack of anything better to do, her head is turned the other way — and so it is that the first thing she sees in front of her is Faramir.
He is sitting in her bed, right beside her in fact, absorbed in a book. He appears to be wearing borrowed pajamas. Eowyn can feel the warmth from his leg against hers. She blinks a few times to make sure she is not dreaming (not that she has had dreams about Faramir in her bed), and it is then that she is struck by the soreness in her hand and shoulder, and quite honestly much of the rest of her as well.
Oh, right. Their valiant protest in front of the EPA building. Eowyn hadn’t expected to be shoved quite so hard by that SWAT officer, but at least Merry caught it all on video. And she got a great punch in before falling with such indignity on her now very broken arm. She wonders if Merry got that on video too; it’d be useful in the event anyone tries to arrest her for assault.
A large white cast covers her whole right forearm. It isn’t particularly ugly, but it is very empty in its clean whiteness, and looking at it leaves a queer disembodied feeling in the pit of Eowyn's stomach, so she goes back to looking at Faramir.
“What are you reading?” 
Of the many questions Eowyn has this is the first that comes to mind. In her general discombobulation the part of her that has lately been engrossed in figuring out Faramir's interests takes the wheel. Of course, it very often does that, but rarely to the point of causing incoherence, which Eowyn is sure she is exhibiting now.
Faramir, who had not noticed her waking, jumps in place.
“Oh! Eowyn!”
“Hullo,” says Eowyn.  
“How're you feeling? Should I call for the nurse? I should call for the nurse — here, I’ll call —“
She nudges his leg with hers (this at least is still entirely operational), and that shuts him up. He presses the nurse call button anyway. Eowyn ignores this and offers a pointed look at his literature of choice.
Faramir says, “Well; a philosophy primer. Gandalf gave it to me at the beginning of camp.”
“You mean like,” Eowyn's voice is much raspier than she remembers it, “as homework?”
“No. He said I might like it.” He pauses, then adds with a conviction that might have always been there, but appears a touch more at home in his mouth now, “He was right.”
The green of the borrowed pajama shirt suits him (she is sure it is borrowed, as it is too large at the shoulders — possibly it is Aragorn’s, or even Gandalf’s) and his pants have little Smurfs on them. She stops inspecting his hospital clothes and begins inspecting his face, which is turned towards hers and very earnest about it. He has a terribly comforting face, Faramir has. The overall effect is more subdued than what she’s used to (certainly Eomer’s got a talent for looking a bit shocking), as all her family members are known for both being and looking intense. Faramir is also intense, Eowyn supposes, but in a different way. He’s intense about philosophy primers and whatever poem he’s reading. He’ll make weird faces because he’s so absorbed in it all. His fair hair and eyes are familiar, of course, but the bigness of his nose is softer, his hair browner and floppier, and his facial hair patchy and mousy. He has lovely eyes, Eowyn thinks. A bit like a doe or something.
On whole he is, at this moment, a bit mesmerizing to Eowyn, who has always liked him – and it’s a good job he showed up this summer, and not last, when she was in the throes of her Most Mortifying Unrequited Crush (named thus by Eowyn and Eomer and Merry, in mutual consultation) to date – but she’s never properly thought about it because she was too worried about starting college next year. It’s odd. That doesn’t seem nearly so frightening anymore. Only it isn’t as if Eowyn’s feeling any better about things. After all, maybe she is about to be arrested for assaulting a cop. So what if her love life is marginally less pathetic, and her future plans slightly less immediately in the hands of her deeply flawed decision-making? The next time Uncle Theoden tells her she oughtn’t worry so much about The Real World and to go get her degree so she won’t be stuck with only farming as her option, she won’t have a good argument against him; The Real World has been pretty awful so far. 
Eowyn wonders if Faramir would bring his philosophy book and visit her in prison. 
She decides she should ask him. Maybe knowing the answer will make her feel better. She hasn’t managed to open her mouth halfway when the door opens and a sturdy looking nurse bustles in.
“Oh, good,” says the nurse industriously. “You’re awake. Not in too much pain are we? I don’t expect so; it was a very clean break.”
“Was it,” asks Eowyn, as her pillows are righted in a bustley sort of way and a cold metal straw is stuck into her open mouth. Her question comes out a bit garbled around the straw.
“Mmm,” the nurse eyes her significantly. Her name tag reads Ioreth in blocky penmanship and includes a little hand drawn smiley face in the corner. Eowyn wonders if she has put that there to counter her extremely brusque and straightforward manner. Don’t you worry; when I’m not shoving eco-friendly straws into your mouth, I draw my own smiley faces, actually! “You’re lucky your friend splinted it so well, or it might’ve moved around on you before the EMTs arrived. Not a medic, is he?”  
Eowyn can’t quite tell if her tone is impressed or disapproving. 
“He’s thinking of doing herbal medicine MSF,” offers Faramir a bit lamely. 
They follow the nurse’s eyes to the big windows of her hospital room, beyond which she is only now registering is a very full waiting room. It was mostly empty when Eowyn last checked, and the sight of it full makes her eyes well up at the back in a very silly and childish way. Closest to the door sits the lanky figure of Aragorn, who indeed set her broken arm and quizzed her on Twilight trivia on the way to the hospital so she wouldn’t fall asleep before being checked for a concussion. He is asleep himself now, but looking like someone does when they didn’t quite mean to doze off, slumped over sitting up with one scruffy cheek propped up against his palm. A pale-faced Frodo is tucked, sleeping more intentionally against his side, with a lumpy bit of gauze covering two of his fingers. Sitting careful guard over them (for all that they are having a friendly chat with a passing nurse and pointing animatedly to something on the familiar lavender-cased iPhone) are Arwen and Sam, who have together been wrapped once in a hospital issue blanket and a second time in Aragorn’s familiar mud-stained jacket. Eomer (whose face is a much bigger comfort than she expected) is wedged into a seat that is much too small for him and rapidly bouncing his left leg while staring determinately at the ceiling. Draped over a lone plastic chair Legolas’s cream cardigan is all that evidences him, Gimli, Merry, and Pippin (who must have taken his Super Mario backpack with him, wherever they are, as she can’t spot it); and if Eowyn listens hard enough, she can hear a man’s unfamiliar, somewhat distressed, definitely disembodied tones from further down the hallway.
While Nurse Ioreth bustles through checking her chart, Eowyn must make some kind of questioning face in Faramir’s general direction, because he says,
“Oh – that’s, um, my brother. Boromir. He came down, after – everything.” By which Eowyn, remembering it all in patchy fits and starts, realizes Faramir must mean the incident where his father flew down from upstate to loudly disown him in front of many strangers and several news reporters (Eowyn was told this all by Merry on the trip to hospital; she’d been in the midst of getting shoved for her not-entirely peaceful protesting when it happened) for squandering his potential trying to do such useless things as saving the environment, instead of securing a future for himself in this dismal and unforgiving world. 
For a Very Important Businessman, Denethor seems to have an awful lot of spare time on his hands. He spent a whole half hour elbowing his way through police and news vans and a very distressed eleven year old in the shape of Pippin Took, just to yell at his son.
“Is he alright?” asks Eowyn; the voice in the hallway seems very consternated. 
“Who,” says Faramir. “Boromir? Oh, yeah.” He fixes his glasses a bit, which are slipping down his nose, “It’s just that the possum finally bit Frodo, and then we lost it.”
“The collective cool, you mean,” says Eowyn.
“No,” says Nurse Ioreth, definitely disapproving this time. “The possum.” 
Faramir grimaces. “It was sort of my fault. That’s why Boromir’s dealing with it — I think he’s trying to make me feel better about Dad. I really am fine though. And Legolas and Gimli took Merry and Pippin to find us all food — wouldn’t it be ironic if they wound up finding the possum instead? Funny how things work though. Everyone’s sort of come together about it so it’s really hard to feel like I'm doing something wrong, no matter what my — what anyone says. I was more worried about you than anything, and Arwen made Eomer sit outside because he kept getting up and sitting back down in here and the nurse got annoyed, so I got to come sit with you instead.”
Ioreth makes a mild tsk noise over her clipboard and Eowyn blinks. It takes all of her willpower not to blurt out You were worried about me? as if that is not the standard fare between friends – camp counselors, even.
Ioreth says, “If you need more pain medication, press the button; you should be out by the end of the day, dear,” and leaves. Eowyn and Faramir watch her, and the unexpected care she takes to close the door quietly so Aragorn and Frodo don’t startle awake, go. 
“You’re okay, then,” she says, after a moment.
“Hm? Yeah, I mean – well.” He shrugs. “Dad can be a cynic if he wants. I much prefer the delusional idealism of youth.”
Faramir’s always been better at making jokes than anyone gives him credit for. Even so, Eowyn wonders if she’d count as a cynic or delusional by his count. Here she is, having mentally avoided the topic of College Next Year so determinedly all summer, insisting to herself and Uncle Theoden that she hadn’t decided a major yet because she’d rather participate in The Real World, only for that world to have immediately proven itself terrifying and she, Eowyn, unequipped to deal with it. So she is back at square one, and even less sure of herself than before.
“I’m glad,” she says, and finds she can’t look him properly in the eye but has to instead stare at her purple fingers poking out through the cast. She feels all of a sudden quite miserable, but can’t put it to words.
“It doesn’t hurt too badly, does it?”
She shrugs, like he did. “It’s a bit sore.” Like how I feel, despite how wonderful you are, she doesn’t add. It’s so sappy of her. Eomer would sigh for hours if he knew.
“We’ll get the kids to draw on it. Or Gimli. You can too, if you like.”
“Will you come visit me if I go to prison?” Eowyn asks, suddenly on the verge of tears.
“Obviously yes,” Faramir answers, quite seriously. “But Gandalf’s got all that sorted. None of us are in trouble with the law, thanks to you and Merry’s video.”
“Oh.” The realization is not as much of a relief as Eowyn expected it would be. So now she’s got to go to college next year. And actually know what she wants to do with her life. Oh indeed. 
“Which is pretty good actually,” Faramir is continuing, “because I’ve decided to switch into a BA, and I don’t think I’d have been able to do that if we were going to prison.” 
She is quiet for a long moment, chewing on her bottom lip. “Everything is very confusing,” she finally manages, in a whisper.
Then, in a way that makes the small breath at the back of Eowyn’s throat catch, Faramir’s free hand slips over the thin hospital bedding and cups itself over her cold and bruised fingers. 
“I don't think we’ll be confused forever,” he says, just as quiet as she has been, but on purpose. “I think one day, we’ll wake up, and life will be less scary than it is right now.”
Finally Eowyn turns to look at him again. “At seventeen,” she says, and her voice is a bit watery; Faramir smiles at her. A small little smile.
“Yeah.” His voice cracks with the bit of laughter in it. “At seventeen.”
Eowyn is very unintentionally staring at his mouth. Because of the smile — and also maybe him as a person. She feels a bit of her old determination return, but with much less defensiveness and also her own little smile; she leans over the philosophy primer and their held hands, and kisses Faramir on the mouth.
Her stomach is half filled with butterflies when they are interrupted by the sound of small palms pounding against glass.
“Merry! Merry! Merry look —”
“Don’t interrupt them, Pippin!”
The crow of delight is so loud, and Eomer’s leaping to his feet so sudden, that Aragorn almost falls off his chair startling awake. Eowyn watches through the large window; their movement has made the sensors in the hallway go off, and all the lights turn on. The lights in the waiting room are yellow, like sunshine, and not the dull white of a hospital she was expecting.
“I called it! I knew! I said, Faramir’s got to go sit with her ‘cause he cares so very much, you see, and it’ll make Eowyn feel better.”
“Well Eowyn's my friend first, I’m the one who told you she needed to feel better —“
“Both of you pipe down, as if the rest of us didn’t care —“
“I have a sixth sense, you know. It’s very well tuned to romance and such. Remember Gandalf’s rule about only platonic activities in the break room, on account of what I walked into on our first week of camp –”
“Pippin, I am once again begging you to stop talking.”
“Faramir! Faramir can you hear me! Is she alright, then? We got you Mexican food from the cafeteria. Well, Gimli’s the one who paid for it, but we carried over the tortilla chips –”
And by the time the door is flung open Eowyn and Faramir pounced upon by overexcited tweenagers, she is properly laughing.
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unhetalia · 6 days
I’m the anon who was ranting about Americas body issues. Hi! Thank you for the go ahead, and sorry that I’m about to use your inbox as my own personal mcdonalds play place for my thoughts! Again content warning for food issue things.
I’ve never done this before actually. I have a 12 page note in my notes app that’s just various ideas, concepts, and headcanons about god knows what. It’s like, a serious problem. Unfortunately I think a lot, and then I write a lot, and that writing is utterly disorganized and lengthy so I figure this is the easiest way to go about this? Blah blah blah whatever basically I’m going to be rewriting my hcs to be more coherent and I’m just gonna… slowly introduce my related thought clumps in their own little asks. Like an endangered fish to a pond. I figure I’ll get some of the facts and things that influenced my opinion about this out of the way first
You wouldn’t know it by looking at modern stats. When people think of the US and weight concerns, obesity is the first thing that comes to mind for most. This is, in the grand scheme of its history, a pretty recent phenomena for the United States. The truth of the matter is the United States has a long history of starvation. Famines happened frequently, from the second settlers made their homes in the 1600s to the beginnings of the 1900s. America was brutal during the industrial rev, and expansion never seemed to cease. Food safety didn’t exist as a federal right to the people until the 1900s. Often you’d find that the food you could get your hands on wasn’t necessarily food you’d want to eat. And of course, constant rationing. An estimated 223 years at war. An actively growing population with not enough decent food to go around. It paints an ugly picture. Because, yeah, it’s ugly. The US is a country built on food insecurity. All this to say, America has been hungry for a very, very long time.
Hello! Once again, I have to apologise for the late reply. Work and also my desire to really give this ask some attention!
I'm with you on having a million headcanons. That's actually how this blog was born! Hetalia just breeds headcanons. I look at a lamp and my brain goes 'I bet Matthew doesn't own any lamps. He doesn't believe in lamp owning. The house comes with lights, there's no need for additional lights'.
I did a little bit of research on hunger in America and found that 1 in 7 households experience food insecurity in the U.S. - which is around 47 million people. In a shocking turn of events, this still has the U.S. as the 13th most 'food secure' nation in the world. I need a lot more time to look up anything historically, but am really interested in your sources and also how America's relationship with food insecurity in the past impacts Alfred in the now.
(I really wanted to talk about fatphobia as well but I didn't want to derail you, so I'll put that in a separate post.)
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 6: Mind Control
Summary: The parasite that had burrowed into Tup's nervous system and altered his brain chemistry had more than taken a hold. It had begun to slowly turn Tup from the sweet caring brother he was, into a mockery of his former self. His mind so out of it that he no longer cared that he had completely overwritten his twin's free will into a vague idea of a happy and relaxed lackey.
Warning: Mentions of blood drinking, egg implantation, parasites, body horror and organic fleshy material used as a construction base (this chapter is a little bit gross but it's nothing too descriptive, just conceptual).
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[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
Tup couldn't help but smile as he felt the cool Umbaran breeze in his hair. His armour and helmet had begun to feel so terribly stuffy as of late, that being able to zip about with his face exposed for just a few minutes felt absolutely heavenly.
Alas it was but a fleeting moment of bliss, since it was not yet time for him to shed this plastoid shell. Not yet at least...
Everything was still (frustratingly) in the initial preparatory stages. Resources needed to be collected, more eggs needed to be planted in the Worker Cast candidates, and the Hive needed to be properly constructed to house all of those who'd be pupating soon. His loyal Drone had been doing a phenomenal job thus far. So eager to please. So happy to do whatever needed to be done to make Tup a happy, healthy and strong Hive Leader. Unshakably loyal.
He couldn't imagine why he'd ever been nervous when he'd first began to size Dogma up for this particular task. This new role of his. Nor could he remember why he'd felt so revolted when he'd first drawn blood from his little brother, to begin the vital egg production phase of their newfound life-cycles.
It was unfathomable to him why he'd found this heinous or disgusting. Especially now that he could see the end results.
Sure there was an absolutely gag-worthy ugly duckling stage. When the implantation spot first flared up in a desperate but futile attempt to fight against the little Larvae that emerged from the egg. The rash wasn't nice to look at, and the way it eventually spread as the body began to fully integrate the new genetic coding was... Well it was a little gross to bare witness to...
Dogma had looked pretty horrific when the changes overtook him. The pus-filled blisters and boils, the crusty eyes and dribbling nose, the pain on his feverish face had all but broken Tup's heart as he kept checking in on his pupating sibling.
He'd been more resistant than Tup had been to the lesser parasite's influence. Had tried to fight it off and even seek outside help from the medics. But then he'd finally succumbed to dronification completely, and his defiance had become open acceptance of his new nature. His mind calm, collected and his to do with as he wished.
And Tup wanted nothing more than to make his little brother happy. Make him feel safe. Which he did whenever he was near Tup. So he was doing a finer job than anyone else on this wretched planet.
The moment his rotting flesh sloughed off from his trembling body was also one to remember. The slick black and blue carapace, the long luminous wings and strong limbs, that powerful stinger, the twitching antennae and sharp mandibles...
He'd made his frightened and gangling little brother into a powerhouse. A warrior of epic proportions. Tup had made him into something infinitely stronger and more beautiful than any mere clone could ever hope to be, and yearned to do the same to all of the remaining vode. To make them better, stronger, less likely to be killed by that... That horrid brute...
The thought of Krell made Tup's blissful expression take on a much more sour note. The delight at feeling the cool wind lost, as he considered how to best deal with the Besalisk bastard that threatened his Hive's safety. That monster needed to be dealt with. Sooner rather than later, otherwise the few he'd already infected might not make it to the Pupa stage. The Nest needed to be finished soon. Which meant they needed more Larvae to begin producing material for construction.
That was exactly what they were doing. Dogma effortlessly carrying Tup between the 501st and 212th basecamps. Giving him ample opportunity to lay more eggs and spirit away those who housed a newly hatched Larvae to their forever home.
All organic matter they shed made fine building materials for a proper cozy nest. Insulating walls, cushioning surfaces, creating the perfect living space for Tup's Hive, and providing a surface for which the fungi and flowering plants they needed to thrive off of to grow on. They'd be self sustaining, seldom needing to go out hunting unless protein provisions ran low. Once Tup could finally pupate and become his bigger stronger more beautiful self, he'd be able to protect and provide for his family. His beloved Hive brothers.
And that was a thought that had him smiling again, pressing his face to the crook of Dogma's neck as he continued to carry him to and fro. Pleased to help in Tup's progress towards power and control. Relishing in his Hive Leader's noticeable satisfaction as he chaperoned him through the air.
Tup loved the new them. He was sure the rest of their brothers would love their new selves just as much. If not, then he'd simply make them. The Hive Leader knew best, after all.
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broken-clover · 1 year
15- Prizes
Trying my hand at writing Bugsnax again. This one has more of a plot but it was still fun to muck about with, having everyone playing games together.
Takes place after the second celebration event with the ghost stories, and after chandlo and snorpy return to Snaxburg. It's mostly Filbo-centric, but it has a little bit of everyone who's currently in town
The trouble had all begun when Filbo dragged out the plywood.
After the last attempt at a party devolved into ghost stories and paranoia, he’d apparently decided he had to make up for it somehow with another little shindig. The others had amused him, partly out of pity and partly out of curiosity. Filbo might have been a lousy mayor, but he was at least creative when he wanted to be. Got the paint out and everything.
Still, nobody was quite prepared for whatever had been brewing in his brain until they were summoned to the nightly campfire.
“What the grump did you do, Fil-Bro?”
Cyan paws awkwardly wound around each other. “I made some games for us to play!” He announced. “Uh, there’s cornhole, there’s horseshoes, and I found enough magnets to make a little fishing game!”
Everyone looked on in grotesque curiosity, like the way one would look at a small, ugly animal. The stalls were visibly handmade and crude, but had enough effort put in to hold together. Filbo had slapped together a tiny carnival, and nobody was quite sure what to do with that fact.
Beffica pointed to a nearby table, stacked high with, to an outsider’s eye, miscellaneous junk of no purpose. “What’s with the table?”
“That? Oh! That’s, uh-” Filbo turned sheepish. “I thought it’d be a little more motivating if I made prizes. A-a lot of it’s just some things I had in storage, but Buddy helped me get some supplies to make stuff!”
“Huh, was wonderin’ what you’d asked me about knitting for…” Gramble said, eyeing a slightly misshapen, knitted approximation of a bunger by the edge of the pile.
Despite his efforts, and enthusiastic grin, nobody seemed particularly enthused themselves. Tiffany, ever the polite one, stepped forward.
“Suppose we can play a coupla rounds, yah?” She glanced at her neighbors. “We’ve all been workin’ real hard lately, a lil’ game might be good fer us!”
“Dibs on the horseshoes!” Chandlo scrambled to the pile. “Tossing metal’s gotta be some great exercise, bro!” He picked up a horseshoe and spun it around on one finger. “C’mon, Snorp-dawg! Let’s work on those arms!”
“Wasting time on frivolities when the Grumpinati are on the move…I’d much rather spend the time with my diagrams, but if you so insist, Chandlo…” Snorpy trailed off after him, far less hesitant than his voice suggested.
“Th- that’s great, you guys!” Filbo perked up. “Beffica, you wanna play a game?”
“O-oh…” He moved on to the next. “Wiggle, how about you?”
She thought it over for a moment. “Hmm…while not very glamorous, I’ve heard inspiration can come from odd places. As long as it doesn’t get my fur wet, fishing might be fun!”
Filbo handed her a homemade fishing rod. She felt the weight in her paws, and looked over at the prize table. “And besides, I could do with a new accessory. It’s hard to find anything fashionable here, but those hairclips might just give my look a new bit of flair!”
Beffica immediately snapped to attention. “Hey, hold on there, those clips are mine!”
“Oh, pssh! I can hear them caaaalling out to me, darling! It’s only natural.”
“You are on, Wigglebottom!” Beffica looked over to their host. “How do I win those things, squeeb?”
“Well, uh, I was gonna have whoever won pick whatever prize they wanted from the table, nothing really planned out. All the fish have numbers on the bottom, whichever of you catches the bigger number wins!”
“Wait a sec, it’s that easy?” Cromdo butted in.
“Uhh, yeah, why?”
He grinned, showing off his fangs. “Simple economics, Fiddlepie. If I win that little trinket, then I can make those two fight each other for the highest bid! It’s supply and demand! I supply, then demand a big payload for it!”
“I dunno if that’s-”
“Outta the way, ladies! Lemme show you how an expert fishes!” Cromdo rushed by, nearly butting the two head-on to make space for himself.
Despite that, Filbo had cheered up considerably. “They’re actually playing the games! Gramble, what about-
“Oh, blast it!”
Everyone ducked as a horseshoe narrowly sailed over their heads. Snorpy crossed his arms and scowled. “This accursed thing is clearly defective, most likely a grumpinati creation designed solely to deceive me! I cannot get it anywhere near the pegs!”
“Chill, Snorp-dawg, deep breaths. You’re letting go of ‘em too late.” Picking up another shoe, Chandlo stood behind the other grumpus and directed his arm. “You gotta focus on where it’s going. C’mon. Feel the horseshoe, be the horseshoe.”
“Maybe bein’ near those two ain’t a good idea…” Gramble doddered off towards the cornhole board. This looks simple enough, ah guess.” He picked up a homemade beanbag from the top of the pile.
“You get three beanbags! Just toss ‘em at the board, and wherever they land, that’s your score!” Said Filbo.
“Uh-huh. Jus’ toss ‘em,” after a few test swings, he tossed one gently at the board, as though he could injure it. The bag limply slid along the surface, stopping around halfway up. “Five points! Nicely done, if I do say so!”
Tiffany clapped her paws together. “Good job! Mind if I give it a go?”
Filbo winced at the sound of someone growling. Beffica waggled the fishing rod over the little pool of fake fish, but was struggling to catch any.
“Don’t look at me like that, squeeb! Your game’s broken!”
“Sheesh, Beff, c’mon. That’s not how ya hold a fishing rod!” Before he could attempt a reply, Cromdo stepped in, doing a quick flick of the wrist on both hands to toss the fishing line down. “Like that, see? Gotta use your wrists more.”
“...Wrists, huh?” She tried an experimental swing, copying the salesman.
Another beanbag thumped against the board. “Wa-ha! I got four points! But I’ll get better aim next time, Gramble, so don’t you go thinkin’ you’ve got this in the bag, yah?”
She gestured for her husband to join. “C’mon, Wamby, it’ll be fun!”
“But look at that lil’ organizer right there! Weren’tcha sayin’ you wanted something like that for yer gardening supplies?”
His expression didn’t change, but there was a twinkle in his eyes. “Fine. If that’s what I gotta do to get it…”
Still, he stood back, unengaged. The two players gave another toss, with Triffany scoring a six, and Gramble’s bag skidding along until it settled right by the open hole by the top, scoring nine.
“Ha! Already gettin’ it right by the hole! I must be some kinda cornhole expert!”
A scoff came from behind them.
“Feh. Y’all ain’t foolin’ anyone, you wanna see a real cornhole expert do his thing?”
Triffany lit up with a pleased grin, tossing Wambus a bag. “Wanna put yer snaks where yer mouth is, eh?”
“With pleasure.” Without any warmup, without any practice swing, Wambus snapped his wrist and sent the bag soaring. It slid up the slick surface of the board, butting into Gramble’s last bag and falling neatly into the hole with a hollow thud.
“W-wha-” Gramble’s mouth dropped open.
“Wamby, I-” Tiffany was equally shocked, eyes wide. “I didn’t know ya had that kinda aim!”
Wambus blew on his knuckles and buffed them against his vest. “Cornhole. Showed up at every county fair I ever went to. Won my first trowel as a young’un beating the town record.”
“Gosh, whenever I think I’ve learned everything there is to know about ya, there’s still surprises!”
Filbo looked on in pride. Next door, Snorpy had finally gotten the hang of horseshoe-throwing thanks to Chandlo’s guidance, and the two were playfully bantering as they tried to outdo one another. Meanwhile, both Wiggle and Beffica were still attempting to copy Cromdo’s skilled line-casting, and Cromdo, who looked far cheerier than Filbo had seen him, probably ever, was soaking up the attention of playing teacher. Outside of friendly teasing, everyone was getting along. After last time, he hadn’t been expecting much success, but this was more a success than he could have imagined.
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wickedsrest-rp · 10 months
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As the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder, we could all use a little more warmth and holiday cheer, right? Wicked’s Rest has you covered this winter. While season 2 is slated to start in late Jan/early Feb, this event will last longer and run until March, so there’s plenty of time to enjoy!
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Wicked’s Rest Frost Bites Festival is a town-wide event held on the Common every few years, where dozens of local vendors set up booths and you can warm up with a cup of hot cocoa as you browse and participate in numerous winter-themed activities. There are normal shops there. Really! Scarves, mittens, treats, candles, apple cider, ornaments – you can find whatever your snowy little heart desires. And if you ask the right people in the right way, they may have some additional goods they’d be happy to sell you, straight from Amity Road. But who wants to know about the stuff for normies, anyway? Here’s where some of the real fun is at:
The ugly sweater contest gets very competitive. With judging taking place on New Year’s Eve, people are already pulling out their ugliest, itchiest sweaters and trying to get in with the judges ahead of time. Anyone can enter! Post your sweater – photo, artwork, etc – on your character’s blog and send us the link in a ModMail by Friday 12/29. There might be some equally ugly prizes. Just watch out for Ms. Lawrence’s sweater. Last time there was a contest, it came to life and devoured everyone else’s sweaters. It won by default. UPDATE: See judging here!
‘Tis the season for mistletoe. How many first kisses have that little plant to thank? The totally completely human people who run the festival got a little confused, though, and ordered missiletoe made of actual toes. It shoots them like missiles. Some of it is probably normal.
Some people are finding that they leave the festival with a newfound impulse for goodwill. Things just slide right off their back – they’re too cheery to be angry. And they just can’t do enough good deeds. It’s the season of giving and they are READY. Some spellcaster probably thought they were doing the town a favor here. It seems to be wearing off after a bit, but maybe some of you Grinches have a little more of a giving spirit after it runs its course.
Winter-themed fortunes sound like fun and games, especially when they’re from one of those old-timey mechanical fortune telling machines. This one activates by itself when someone comes near it, no coins required (though, weirdly, the sticker on it says it costs “1 hour of your life”. It doesn’t take an hour to hear the fortune. So what is that about?) Some of those bad fortunes seem to be coming true. There might not be any snow on the ground but you’ll fall in that snowbank nonetheless.
Some of the music played at the festival seems to be having a strange effect on people, making them break into song. Conversations turn to harmonies and you might be so desperate to do some caroling that you start a real-life musical. It’s not unusual to catch people humming along to music but it seems to be happening more than usual at the festival.
A lot of people want to warm up when they come in, so there’s a hot chocolate stand with free cocoa available. It’s unmanned, but the sign that says “take one!” is encouraging enough. Some get the pleasant little drink they were expecting… others end up with chocolate powers. Or curses. Like turning everything you touch into chocolate. The little marshmallows are cute though. And if enough things become chocolate, it could solve the reindeer problem! (What reindeer problem? Well…)
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If you’ve always wanted to see some reindeer, now is your chance! About 200 of the fiends have trampled into town (or maybe appeared out of nowhere?) and they’re more annoying than the goo. They walk right up to people and expect you to feed them. If you don’t, they will break your shit. They will commit arson. They will teleport into your home and smash everything. Give carrots.
These probably aren’t normal reindeer? The regular ones don’t teleport around, right? These ones blink in and out of existence on a whim.
They especially like gathering on Prospect Street in Deersprings, where all of the houses turned into gingerbread. No surprise there, except for maybe the gingerbread thing. The reindeer really are ecstatic about it.
If you feed the reindeer they’ll leave you alone for a while without destroying all of your things, but they also know you’re a pushover now, and will be back. With more friends.
If you’re curious about whether or not they can fly (why? why are you curious about that?) you could try getting a harness on one of them… it’s not recommended, though. You might end up being teleported somewhere weird.
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In a town full of cryptid enthusiasts, you better believe there’s an entire sport dedicated to finding Krampus each holiday season. Club Cryptid is on it. And… there seems to be something to the whole thing. Whether it’s actually Krampus or a demon having some fun with humanity, something is coming for the naughty and sparing the nice. There have been several sightings in town of a massive creature, with horns, hooves, and a long, blood red cloak. One Club Cryptid nerd said the creature even had a long list in his claws, presumably intending to strike all those names off soon. 
Have you been downright dreadful enough to make the cut? Those that have been marked for a visit may have already seen the signs, and if not, they’re about to: a lump of coal is given to the naughty. Expect punishment to follow.
Krampus (or “Krampus”) isn’t like most other monsters or creatures. He can’t just be destroyed, and there really might be something to that demon theory. But while Krampus may not be able to be killed, it might be possible to pacify him. How nice can you be?
While Krampus is often tied to the night of December 5th in folklore, this Krampus seems happy to stalk around all winter. Why not?
So far, the most common place to spot Krampus (other than inside your own home, hunched over your fireplace) seems to be a Christmas tree farm out in Gatlin Fields. The owner of the farm insists it’s not actually a Christmas tree farm; it’s just a forest. Now it’s not much of anything after the harvest – and the “owner” is actually a leshy now presiding over a lot of treepies. If you want to find Krampus in his home, you’re going to have to brave a pissed off fae and a bunch of evil trees.
Another option for finding the devil of December would be to do something bad enough to get yourself kidnapped… but there’s no telling where you’d end up or what state you’d be in… he seems to like to switch it up.
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Thanks to a mysterious influence, snowmen, snowwomen, snowdogs, snowballs, and giant ice worms that people are building are being brought to life. That sounds like a child’s dream come true, but these snowmen aren’t anything like Frosty. Their teeth are icicles, their branch-arms are talons, and they want to freeze you in your tracks and gnaw on the cold meat of your body. Those who are privy to the supernatural might need to figure out what’s happening and how it can be stopped, before all that’s left of Wicked’s Rest’s population is red-stained snow.
Kill it with fire. They are still made of snow… but who carries around a blowtorch these days? Some people have tried to punch them, but it seems like they can easily reassemble themselves. And they get extra angry if the carrot falls off their face.
The reindeer have been found chasing after some of the snowmen. They want the carrots. Some people have taken to making bets on which one will win when a fight breaks out. They’re calling it the Reindeer Games.
Those who get too close to the animated snowmen might get a literal chill in your bones. No matter how warm your skin is and no matter how many blankets you burrow under, there’s no getting that cold out of you. If you can destroy the snow creature that did it to you, though…
While most of the snow creatures are more typical forms of snowy artistic expression, some are… not. A snow werewolf has been biting snowmen and making more snow werewolves. A giant worm made of ice is sliding around the woods (followed by a goggie who is in love with it). And perhaps worst of all, someone made a snow Shrek.
The snow creatures have the intelligence and instincts of whatever they’re based on. Sentience, too. If they have mouths that were constructed, they might even speak or growl. Are you really going to commit murder on things with human intelligence just because they want to turn you into a popsicle?
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emmashouldbewriting · 2 years
[I don't know, perhaps it's me being a bit pessimistic. (You can't be disappointed if you expect the worst haha.) It was clear under the Queen that there was no way back for them, but we know they desperately want the half in, half out royal shtick, and a part of me can see Charles letting them on the balcony at the coronation and stuff like that. If that happens, the line is absolutely blurred. I'm just preparing myself for the worst 😂😂]
I completely disagree and this is why the hate on Charles is so frustrating because it has little basis in reality. Things like this get repeated and then when it doesn’t happen, it’s not like anyone goes back and retracts the ugly stuff said about it.
Case in point, all the nasty stuff said in response to the media’s baseless speculation about the DoE title which would always have been given to Edward on his birthday (just like his previous additional title as Earl of Forfar was).
So if you look at the facts - the late Queen continued to invite Harry and Meghan to events. She renewed their lease on Frogmore cottage. She continued to take Harry’s calls until she died, asked Charles to and he refused her saying “he’s not a bank”. She could even have changed the LP, which I fully believe The King will do, but she didn’t.
Meanwhile Charles banned Meghan from Balmoral the day the Queen died, wished Harry well overseas, didn’t allow the official RF channels to share his tribute to the Queen (even the York girls got this), didn’t have any 1 on 1 public contact with him (like say William & their Windsor walkabout), didn’t mention him in his Christmas speech or montage, didn’t renew his lease on Frogmore, removed him from the CW trust website and has essentially risen above the continuous baiting.
So what example can you point to where The King has given them “half in/ half out”? One would hope that after the Coronation when all these worst case scenarios don’t happen, that you’d acknowledge it, but after seeing all the ugliness the BRF fandom heaped on him re Edward’s DoE title just because they don’t understand how their issuance works and none of which has been apologized for or retracted, I’m not holding my breathe.
You’re not allowed to criticize W&C’s workload but feel free to make all kinds of nonsense to run down a good man who has dedicated his entire life to serving his country and the Commonwealth 🙄
Okay, this is a lot, and I can see how you're at the conclusion I'm a Charles hater. I... am very much not. Actually I do like Charles (and Camilla) a great deal - his duchy work was incredible, and I would love to visit his gardens at Highgrove one day. Like I'd pee a bit with excitement if someone presented me with a trip there.
I'm also not one of the bloggers who constantly put him down and blame him for every teeny tiny little thing or think there's some Charles vs WK conspiracy or whatever it is. I am an Equal Opportunist Complainer, which means everyone gets my complaints (coatgate anyone?). I've also been pointing out that QEII could - should - have changed the LP, and I always knew Ed would get the DoE no problem, they were just waiting for a notable date.
My position of being open-minded about it is because Harry is Charles' son. That's a very different kettle of fish, and I would much rather expect less from him and be pleasantly surprised by his actions than disappointed in them. It's still early in his reign, and while there's a very good chance he'll approach these difficult decisions like the balcony as the Head of State, there's also a chance he'll do a Liz and approach it as a father. What we do know is the coronation and the balcony will set out the tone of his reign which is why it's so important. If they're on the coronation balcony, they will get their 50/50, but it is an if. I don't quite know what he'll do, therefore I shall sit on my fence until May 6th until I find out.
It's human nature to doubt people. If I wanted to follow someone in blind faith and believe they could do no wrong, I'd join a cult.
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linabirb · 1 year
OK OK SO. 3 16 24 (i was LITERALLY gonna ask abt 6 and 7 but taru beat me to it LMAOAOAOAO) ummm i wanna see for twst and milgram pls <3
HEHEHEHEHE thank you for sending these sol!!
3. "screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr"
twst: OHHHHHH THERE'S A LOT. but i'll keep it short. again, that one bday vignette line and also people saying that riddle will grow up just like his mother despite the character development he got. that one hurts me so much because again, i had said it many times, i have anger issues myself and one of the many reasons why i like riddle is because of how much i relate to him and because he feels so human and not just. you know. "haha angy boi". so seeing things like "ohhh he should never have children because he will treat them like he was treated when he was little" is so. painful.
milgram: tbh there's so many that my brain just kinda refuses to process them anymore ALSO SINCE THE FANDOM IS KINDA SMALL. I FEEL LIKE ALL THOSE POSTS ARE EASY TO FIND but again i'll keep it short: mahiru is NOT a stalker/kidnapper/etc, stop saying she is, she literally said she's not one and i doubt it was a lie and also hhhhhhh i have my. own opinion about whatever is going on with kazui but i don't wanna go into detail but basically. before he himself said that his crime wasn't related to cheating, there were some people who were like.. very passionate about voting him guilty because he's a cheater and like. i'm sorry this is so funny to me like we have a guy who killed a child and MANY different animals, we have a guy who cyberbullied a teenage girl into committing suicide, MIKOTO, SHIDOU LITERALLY ASKED "WHICH ONE" AFTER HE GOT A QUESTION ABOUT HIS VICTIM(S) and cheating is where you draw the line?? 😭😭 ah and also whoever says that it was his wife's fault <3 i'm in your walls right now.
16. "you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)"
twst: HMMMMM LET ME THINK ABOUT IT. okay okay let's see. well, first of all, i'm not a fan of the time loop theory simply because i'm not a fan of time loop tropes in general. i'm pretty sure there was a time (i think it was like.. late 2000's-early 2010's? maybe even earlier) where like ALMOST EVERY SINGLE VISUAL NOVEL, GAME, ANIME, MANGA, ETC (but especially vns), used that trope AND I HATED IT SO MUCH. i love it when time loops are used to make a character go through the same painful event over and over again to completely change their character, but most of the time (haha get it) time loops feel like.. basically it's like writers use them to just explain everything that doesn't exactly make sense in-universe. why does this character say mc looks familiar to them and doesn't elaborate? well that's because they've seen them before in previous loops! why does mc know how this world works even though they've never been there? well that's because time loop! why do these two characters are in love with each other even though they've never even talked? well that's because they were in love in previous loops! i can talk about my hatred for that trope for hours, honestly.
okay, let's talk about characterization. tbh there's not much i can say because.. let's be honest, even though twst characters are definitely deep and interesting and fun, their personalities feel a bit "limited"(?) mostly because of their disney counterparts or because of how strong certain traits of their personalities are. and i'm not complaining.. mostly. i really wish some characters had more personality traits. but what i really hate is when some writers just.. throw away all the "ugly" or "unlikeable" traits of those characters to make them more "imagines-friendly". like i'm sorry, but sometimes i just read some fics and go "he would NOT say that". i know that people love the "OH BUT HE'S NICE TO Y/N" trope, i use it too sometimes, but like.. some people just really forget that this game is about characters who are literally based on disney villains. like it's okay, let them have flaws. and i don't mean those flaws that are like "omg he's so shyyyy >///<" or "hehe he can ramble a lot <3" NO. I MEAN ACTUAL FLAWS.
milgram: it's okay. it's okay guys. i promise it's okay that somebody can't see that character being gay or ships them with someone of an opposite sex. it's okay. and that's coming from someone who has almost no straight ocs.
like, listen, i'm a 0104 shipper. i see their relationship as romantic but i absolutely have nothing against platonic interpretations. but when people see something like ship art and go "muu is literally a lesbian btw" i'm like. i have so many hcs too but it's one thing to say that "hey i think this headcanon is very plausible and i think it's very neat" and to go "IT'S LITERALLY CANON" unironically and not as a joke. like idk, i'm just that kind of person who has lots of headcanons but until i see them actually being confirmed, i won't try to make people change their mind. (and just so you know i'm not trying to deny that she's attracted to girls. she has that vibe and she literally says "i love you" when she sees a girl and her pupils become bigger like?? but come on. it's okay for people to ship her with a male character until she literally says that she's not into boys in canon)
kazui is a whole different thing, i really was interested in the whole "yeah he's gay actually" theory and i love the memes, but now that people are saying it's "officially" canon and lowkey just. kinda being annoying, yeah, i don't even want to look at the tag anymore because i want to see actual theories and i don't want to see another "yeah he's gay so vote him inno". i'm not here to say that it's a dumb reason to forgive him, since we are literally allowed to have all kinds of reasons to forgive a character, but i think it's a weird thing to say when this guy really does seem like a very deep character, but i can't take him seriously anymore because of those theories that don't even sound like theories (and i mean it in a bad way and not bc they sound so canon)
24. "topic that brings up the most rancid discourse"
twst: honestly, this fandom mostly has like.. people-related drama, like this artist/writer/etc did something problematic, things like that. but i think if i had to choose a topic that annoys me the most.. these two topics kinda go together but i'll start with mc's gender. it actually doesn't get discussed that often, since we're supposed to see them as a self-insert, but i've really seen people say things like "mc is obviously supposed to be female" or "mc is obviously supposed to be male", etc.
i'm not going to pretend that i don't have my own opinion and i'm going to say that tbh i see twst mc as being male (one of the reasons why my mc is a guy), but that's mostly just because i usually prefer to play as a guy when it comes to games like that. (honestly if i have a choice, i choose fem mcs very rarely, stelle is like one of the few exceptions) however, i never try to prove why i'm right, i just kinda go "eh you do you". but i'm not gonna lie, those who believe that mc is female are the most annoying ones, like i get it, of course, a large part of twst fandom are women who are attracted to men, but also. there are. so many otome games. no literally a huge reason why i often don't feel comfortable playing otome games is because I HAVE NO IDEA WHY but i really just don't want to play as a girl and i don't want those characters to see my mc as a girl. (i rarely see my mc as a self-insert btw and almost always see them as their own character) LIKE I DON'T KNOW CAN'T PEOPLE WHO SEE THEIR MCS AS MALE/NB HAVE SOMETHING. like i literally love twst and obey me (i really should play it more often but again. my phone doesn't like it and idk if it will run on my tablet) exactly because of how "genderless" their mcs feel and that i can just see them as whatever gender i want them to be. and idk it just.. doesn't feel good when people are trying to remind me that "btw mc is obviously supposed to be a girl" especially when i already kinda know that considering the audience/demographic.
the second topic was probably more popular to discuss when i first got into the game and when it first came out: character x mc or character x character. i was a big character x character enjoyer and didn't really care about character x mc at first until i got interested in riddleyuu and malleyuu. but yeah, watching those sides fight was like. guys you both are losing. like some character x character fans were being mean and hating on self-inserts and some character x mc fans were saying things like "y'all just want more guys to ship". and like. there's nothing wrong with both of those things like calm down. i still can see people arguing because of that, but i just try to ignore them now tbh.
milgram: *clicks on the tag* .. yeah whatever is going on right now.
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wizardmaster94 · 2 years
Heyy so I have had this idea in mind that I can't get myself to write ugh
What about Eddie Munson with a s/o who loves D&D and has been playing it for years (maybe they're the sibling of one of the children) amd who's also a metalhead, but like from their clothes it doesn't seem because they dress pretty basic and acts always nice and gentle but in reality they are as unhinged as Eddie?
If you can find time to do this I'd be really grateful! Hope you have a good day/night :3
You Look Like A Madonna Fan.
Tumblr media
Eddie Munson/Gn!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Note: this is such a cute idea! Thank you so much for submitting this! Also, I'm sorry if it isn't the best! I tried to make it all nice and cute, if you want me to rewrite this or continue the idea I absolutely will!!! Also major apologies for taking so long! i was writing and writing, then editing, then it got all messed up and took more editing 😭 anyways i added like, an extra 1k for the time it took <3
Warnings: none
by yours truly,
rich <3
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“Dustin!” You called out down the hallway, smacking your hand against the wall. “If you want to go to D&D today you have to be out the door in 5 minutes!”
Your little brother, for how much he loved going to D&D sessions, almost always made you two late. Something about his hair needing to look good for the ladies, something Harrington taught him, those ‘pearls’ weren’t getting him anywhere so his next best bet was hair. “Hold on, Y/N! I’m almost finished!” He yelled.
You rolled your eyes, you loved Dustin, you really did, but sometimes you just wanted to- “Okay, I’m ready let’s go!” He bolted past you out the front door, the sound of him slamming your car door shut echoed through the house before you even made it to the living room.
“Let’s go, you’re going to make us late!” Oh, the audacity that boy had.
Once you hopped into the car and started it, a mixtape Eddie had made you started blasting, making Dustin wince. “Mind turning down metallic or whatever they’re called?” He shouted, plugging his ears.
Reluctantly you did, rolling your eyes and pulling out of the driveway. “Metallica, Dustin,” you started. “I thought I raised you better.” You sniffed, pretending to fake cry.
Dustin stuck his tongue out at you, having already gotten used to the fake sobs years and years ago. “It’s just so..loud. I don’t know how you and Eddie can listen to it for hours on end.”
You whipped your head to stare at Dustin, leaning over the consol, flicking the bill of his hat. “I may let it slide but god forbid Eddie hears you say those words strung together, he’ll make sure your ass dies at the next session.” You grinned, pulling out of the driveway as Dustin shrunk into the corner of his seat, knowing damn well you were correct about that statement.
Once, the party was playing a one shot and you had decided to sit out, watch Eddie be dungeon master for the evening and give him your opinion on some things. This evening, the children remembered all too well. Everyone was scared to play a one shot again and also resented Mike a little bit for what events unfolded. But then again, who wouldn’t?
“No, they shouldn’t go to the cave just yet, they still need to visit the village.” You mumbled, flipping open the manual and pointing to a random paragraph.
“They don’t have to go to the village quite yet, they can just-“
“Eddie! Y/N!” Dustin shouted, slamming his hand down flat against the table.
“What!?” You and Eddie both hissed back at the same time.
“We have been trying to talk to you for the past 5 minutes! What are you two, deaf?” Lucas sighed, leaning back in his chair.
You glanced at Eddie, both of you having no clue that anyone was trying to speak to you two at all. “It’s that metal shit they listen to, I swear.” Mike grumbled, getting a laugh out with Will who sat next to him.
You could handle the music dissing, you knew it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but Eddie? He took that shit personally, it’s as if you just told him his baby was ugly after 15 hours of labor. “‘Metal shit’? I’ll show you what’s shit you shrimp!” Eddie proceeded to then make the campaign as difficult as possible, throwing out everything he had towards the boys.
Luckily it was just a one shot or else you would’ve stepped in, Eddie always listened to you. At least the majority of the time he did. But you have to admit, it was fucking hilarious to watch this 20 year old guy yell at 15 year olds and try to kill them in D&D for making fun of his music taste.
“I don’t think I need to remind you of what he did last time.” You tried your best to sound serious, but deep down you could barely hold in your laughter.
“Yep. No need for that, Y/N. I would much rather forget about that night. Thank you very much.” Your brother pouted, staring out the window as you drove.
You two listened to the mixtape in silence, going through more Metallica, a few Iron Maiden songs, and one Dio song before you reached the Wheeler’s house. Since you, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and Steve were all graduates now and definitely not allowed to host a D&D club at the high school anymore, Mike’s basement was the go-to place for sessions now. “Now, do you have everything? I won’t have to drive back home after the session to bring you a toothbrush or anything?” You probably should’ve asked this before you two were driving down the street Mike lived on.
You cared a lot about your younger brother, so even if he did forget everything for the sleepover he’s having tonight you would be more than okay with driving to go pick it up. It wouldn’t be the first time either, but you were praying he got everything since tonight you’re also having a sleepover, but with your boyfriend, not your entire friend group. “Yes, yes Y/N, I have everything, now let’s go!” He dragged out the ‘o’ while aggressively patting his knees with his hands.
“Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses, Dusty.” You mumbled, pulling into the driveway, seeing Nancy from the window giving you two a small wave before disappearing back into her bedroom.
Almost immediately after you turned off the car, Dustin was hopping out, rushing to get inside so not another second was wasted not playing. Before you two reached the front door, it swung open to reveal Eddie who smiled when he saw Dustin but beamed when he saw you walking up the path to the front door. “Hendersons!” He wrapped his arms around the both of you, squeezing tightly and dragging you both inside.
Dustin better be grateful that you were Eddie’s favorite person or else he definitely would’ve been chewed out for being almost 5 minutes late. He wiggled out of the hold, tossed his backpack onto a nearby chair, and ran towards the basement, cheers and then playful banter could be heard for a second as he opened and closed the basement door. “You two are late again, Y/N,” keeping his arm wrapped around you. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.”
“You know how Dustin is with making sure his hair looks good, if I could I’d show up an hour early just to be around you.” You grinned, looking up at him. You were secretly praying that his thoughts wouldn’t remember you two have been late for every session the past three weeks.
“Don’t act all innocent, I’ve seen the empty cans of hairspray in your bathroom too.” Eddie teased, pressing a hand down onto your hair, watching it bounce back up.
“Hey,” you pulled out of his grip. “It takes time to look this good.”
By good, you meant you mean sporting a cream-colored turtleneck, light blue bellbottoms, converse, and any jewelry you wanted to wear that day. “Uh-huh, sure it does.” He took a few steps back, definitely admiring you as he did so.
He started waving his hands up and down his body as if trying to show off his outfit that he didn’t wear almost every day. “Now this,” he did a little spin on his heel. “This takes time.” Eddie smiled, stuffing his hands down into his pockets.
“The true secrets of being a metal head then, isn’t it? Taking more time to look good than the girl next door.” You laughed, knowing damn well you dressed about as basic as anyone else did.
You may have the same music taste as Eddie but you dressed like a Blondie and Madonna fan more than anything. “You pretty much are the girl next door, sweetheart. You look like you listen to Madonna, actually,” he laughed. “Just with really good taste in music,” Eddie placed his hands onto your shoulders. “And not actually a girl.”
This snuck a small laugh out of you, leaning forwards to wrap arms around his waist, craning your neck to make eye contact with him. You two almost always did this but it was a sweet moment almost every time, every comment made was out of love. You pressed a shy kiss to his lips, smiling softly. Though, the moment was rudely interrupted. “Will you two please hurry the fuck up so we can get started?” It was Mike, a blank stare on his face.
You shrugged, slipping out of his grasp, pulling on his hand to drag him downstairs. You two haven’t really been all that secret about your relationship, the plan was going to be to wait and tell but both of you couldn’t hold in your excitement. No one was rude to you guys, not at all, they were all really happy for you guys but they quickly made Eddie continue on with the session and not talk about relationships anymore. Mike was very serious about how well they spent their time playing D&D and you two ‘canoodling’ wasn’t effectively adding to the session.
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“Critical hit, Lady Applejack!” Eddie cheered, leaning over the table to dramatically push the dragon-playing piece off the table.
“Yes!” Lucas cried.
“Finally!” Dustin shouted, fist pumping in the air.
“Told y’all all you had to do was corner the fucker.” Erica said matter-of-factly.
“Language! You’re like, 6.” You nudged Erica next to you with your elbow.
“Oh like you weren’t a sailor an hour ago when you were knocked off the cliff by a bat of all things!” She deadpanned.
You winced at the memory, you were almost killed by a bat that tried to bite you and in desperation, tried to hit it, rolled a one, tripped, and fell off the side of a cliff into, luckily, a river. “It came out of nowhere! We weren’t even in bat territory!”
“There is no ‘bat territory’ Y/N.” Eddie leaned on his hand, siding with the children against you.
Your mouth fell agape, no words coming to mind for a comeback. You just huffed, grumbling nothing under your breath as the party laughed at you. “No harsh feelings, you did kill that nasty goblin earlier.” Eddie reminded you of, patting your knee trying to hide the fact he was laughing.
“As you walked through the dark forest, almost no sound could be heard, suddenly, a twig snaps behind you. Everyone knew it wasn’t themselves who stepped on the twig, but before you could study the situation a horde of goblins came rushing through behind the trees and bushes!” Eddie exclaimed, slamming down 7 goblin pieces.
“Come on, man! I just finished healing from the last horde!” Lucas cried, slamming his head against the table.
“Well? Y/N, you’re up.”
You sat and pondered for a moment, trying to decide if you want to attack or try to get a distraction going. “Y/N please, a distraction, we can’t take this right now,” Mike emphasized.
After a few moments you rolled initiative for a distraction, and luckily rolled a 16, not too bad. “The distraction gives you all a moment to run away while the goblins gather themselves, not being able to figure out where you all went when they came back. But wait..one of them saw through the distraction and was now running after not all of you, just Y/N!“ Eddie met your eyes, raising an eyebrow towards you as a groan left your lips.
“It catches up to you and lands a hit, 3 damage, causing you to stumble. What do you want to do?”
You rolled for the initiative on the attack, getting a pathetic 12. “Y/N trips on top of the goblin, pinning it to the ground. This is when you realize that the goblin is around the size of a fat chihuahua on its hind legs.” Eddie made a high-pitched barking sound, using his hands to give himself little ears on the sides of his face.
“Ha, ha, ha, so very funny.” You glared, trying to keep a serious face. “I’ll remind you that I, not any of you little hooligans, managed to defeat the Demogorgon last year with the worst possible stats ever,” you stood from your chair, spinning around for dramatic effect before sitting back down. “A little goblin is nothing.”
Everyone but you shared glances at each other before bursting out into laughter. You had no clue what was so funny about it. “Okay, well,” Eddie clapped. “During Y/N’s little speech, they managed to suffocate the mean ol’ goblin.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Munson. I don’t see you playing, just ordering.”
“You love it when I order you around.” He teased and you stuck your tongue out at him in protest.
“Man, Eddie brings the..personality out of Y/N,” Will mumbled, making his friends all laugh.
You glared at Will but knew he was right. Eddie had started to get you to act a bit more like yourself, not so quiet and closed off as much as you used to be. Sure you still have moments where you’ve shut off, spoken softly, just doing what you’re told, but mainly now you express your feelings, and you get really into D&D now. You keep trying to convince everyone to try out LARP but only a few of the party is down to try it out. “For the better, Byers! Y/N here has come a long way since I had them join Hellfire, still working on your outfit choices though.” He shook your leg back and forth, but didn’t move his hand after.
Okay, even you laughed at that one. It looked like you stole your closest straight from Nancy sometimes, to be honest. You glanced down at your wrist, checking the time. “Oh shit guys, it’s almost 10. We gotta take Lady Applejack here, home.”
“We?” Mike asked.
“Yeah?” You questioned. “I and Eddie are going back to my place for the night.”
“So we’ll be all alone?” Lucas questioned.
“Well, Nancy will be here-“ you started but got cut off.
“Staying the night with Jonathan tonight.” Will added in.
Going to respond, you were yet again cut off. “Also, I can easily get home by myself.” Erica huffed, standing up out of her chair, and gathering up the few things she brought with her.
“Absolutely not. It is pitch black outside-“
“It’s the summertime.” She responded.
“It’s dark outside. Now, come on, get in the car.” Eddie gestured for Erica to start heading upstairs.
Before you left you turned around to face the children one last time, “I think you can all handle one night alone unsupervised. Just make sure that you all go up and heat up something to eat, and try to get some sleep tonight. Karen will kill me if she finds out I let you guys stay up super late. And make sure to all call your mom goodnight too. Especially you Will, you know how your mom is.” You were, as everyone put it, the stepmom of the group.
Steve was the mom majority of the time but when he wasn’t there you filled in. Eddie thought it was adorable how well and how much you cared for the kids, even when they made fun of you sometimes. Eventually, though, you, Eddie, and Erica made it out of the door and brought Erica home after a long ride in the car of her exposing to Eddie why Applejack was the best character and not a stupid pony who liked apples. “Why have apples in her name if she isn’t all about apples!?” Eddie cried out.
“She is more than just about apples!” Erica barked back, crossing her arms.
They went back-and-forth like this for the next few minutes, you at this point, have learned to just tune their playful bickering out. Eventually, you reached the Sinclair family’s home and Erica hopped out as soon as she was able to. She made sure to give Eddie one last glare before running inside. Eddie huffed, “I totally won that argument, right?”
“Sure you did, hun.” You grinned, pulling the car into reverse.
Erica didn’t like the metal music you listened to so you had the stereo off, Eddie reaching for the volume control once you were on the road again. The first song that played was one of his favorite Black Sabbath songs. One that he very specifically put on the tape he made. “Is this the mixtape I made you?” He asked, looking overjoyed.
“Yeah? Of course, it is. I always listen to it, I haven’t taken it out once since you gave it to me.” You smiled softly, turning your head to look at Eddie.
“I didn’t know you listened to it-“
“Why wouldn’t I? My boyfriend made me it, my very amazing boyfriend may I remind you,” giving him a glance. “You took the time to pick the songs out specially just for me. No one else. Sometimes I just make excuses to drive somewhere just so I can listen to it and not look weird jamming out in my driveway.” You exclaimed, taking one of your hands to grab his hand across the console, lacing together your fingers.
Eddie had a small smile on his face, he didn’t know why he ever doubted you that you wouldn’t listen to the tape. You and Eddie hadn’t been dating for very long before he gave you the mixtape. It was the first thing he did when he got home after you two made it official. You’d known each other for years, playing D&D together in Hellfire, and growing feelings for each other over the years until you took him to a Metallica concert a few months back and confessed how you felt about him. You thought it was the best night you’ve ever had before.
You stood in the crowd of sweaty, shirtless, and drunk people but you didn’t care, you were with Eddie. Your best friend, also known as the love of your life. He stood bouncing on his heels, waiting for the intermission to end and Metallica to go back on. Your gut was telling you to just tell him right here, right now. But your brain worried he would react poorly, but before you could do anything the words were coming and spilling out of your mouth. “Eddie, I have something I need to tell you.” You exclaimed, grabbing hold of his hand.
You couldn’t tell if it was the lights from the stage but it seemed like his face grew a few shades of pink. “Yeah?”
You took a deep breath, locking eyes with him. “I-I’m..I’m in lo-“ but your words had been cut off by the sound of the band starting the next song and Eddie getting easily distracted. Better luck next time.
After the show though, he had asked you what you were saying earlier and at first, you almost didn’t want to tell him until you made eye contact and saw his beautiful smile and just couldn’t bear to not be with him anymore. You just had to tell him the truth and how you really felt.
“That night was possibly the best decision I have ever made, Eddie Munson.” You spoke softly, wanting him to know you were genuine.
“I’m honestly surprised you remembered the song that they played when I was going to tell you I was in love with you at the concert.” You mentioned. “I didn’t think you fully heard me when I said it.” You laughed and so did he.
“Well, I didn’t know it was a love confession!” Eddie exaggerated. “I was really in the zone, y’know? And who knows,” He leaned close to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “It could’ve been you telling me you didn’t want to be friends anymore.
“Ah yes, let me take my best friend to see his favorite band to tell him I don’t want to be friends anymore after I’ve been flirting with him for 2 years. Two very long, long years.” You said it sarcastically.
“Blah, blah, blah. I still kissed you first, don’t forget that.” Eddie was so proud of that, to this day.
“It was a dare!” You chuckled, rolling your eyes as you pulled into your driveway, seeing your mom wasn’t home yet. “And a dare is a dare, Mr. Munson.” You smirked, slipping your hand out of his.
You both hopped out of the car and crashed onto the couch the second you were inside, not caring to even slip off your shoes yet. Those damn kids are so draining. “Y’know Y/N..” Eddie mumbled, fiddling with the chains on his jacket as he leaned closer to you on the couch. “Your mom and Dustin aren’t home tonight..”
“Yeah?” You grinned.
“Yeah,” Eddie smirked.
You dropped your smile and pushed him off. “We’re not watching Star Wars again.”
“Oh, come on!” Eddie whined.
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Mark the Calendar
A/N: Back to writing Chris Evans x Reader? After like probably over a year of nothing, ya girl’s back to this fandom. Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader Word count: 1,936 words Warnings: Swearing, a bit of angst but honestly like it’s really nothing, pregnancy since I’ve seen recently that some people don’t like pregnancy stories. Summary: Y/N thought pregnancy would be great, since that’s what it’s supposed to be, right? Wrong. It’s anything but enjoyable, and brings more pain thank joy. After months of keeping it to herself, she finally opens up.
You thought pregnancy was a dream. Ya know, like how the movies and books make it out to be? How magical it is to have a growing human inside you, the glowing essence of your skin, the sex drive?
Well, anyone who wrote anything like that could go ahead and suck your dick. Because pregnancy sucked.
Pregnancy was not being able to sleep at night, then waking up the next day early in the morning to run to the bathroom and throw up, making you hungry, then not being able to eat because the taste of your own vomit was still lingering in your mouth.
Pregnancy was the inability to walk longer than maybe twenty feet without feeling exhausted, and your feet screaming in pain like they were in some unknown, late stage of arthritis. It was also not being able to wear anything besides Birkenstocks and really ugly tennis shoes.
Pregnancy was hunting on the internet for hours trying to find maternity clothes that didn’t look like the patterns came from your grandma’s couch. It was then finding a shop or two, and them being out of everything in your size. Great.
However, your dearest fiancee Christopher seemed sometimes oblivious in such a blissful way as he constantly adored your body and you. Sometimes it made you feel better when he constantly compliment how he thought you were glowing, or how he loved your figure with a bump. Sometimes, you wanted to rip his teeth out too.
But at least he was sweet about it all and trying his damn hardest. Like propping your feet up every night on the couch and rubbing them for as long as your heart desired, AKA when it become annoying and you kicked his hands away. Or at night when he would talk to the baby which helped you fall asleep, unless you were actually exhausted and it would bother you so you would throw some insult that was too immature to do any actual harm.
Tonight was no different in the usual chain of events, except that you were in a bad mood for whatever given reason. You were sure it was just hormones, because even after Chris ordered out your favorite food from your favorite restaurant, turned on the show you wanted to watch, let you binge on your favorite flavor of ice cream with brownies, and finally rubbed your feet, you were still angry. You weren’t sure at what, but you were going to find out.
The feet rubbing at this point was becoming obnoxious, so you kicked his hands away like usual, but his face was intently focused on the TV, so they absentmindedly went back to their practice and you grumbled, which he did not hear. You kicked away again, he went back.
Why did men just- why did men breath sometimes?
“Could you not?” You finally said, aggressively pulling your feet towards you. Was your reaction a bit over the top, maybe uncalled for? Sure, but you were an angry pregnant woman with a baby daddy who wouldn’t listen sometimes (the nicknames your friends endearingly, or not, gave him when you got pregnant before you were even engaged).
“Hm?” He looked over at you, again, oblivious. You gave a loud and melodramatic sigh, leaning your head back with the eye roll of the century.
“Can you not take a hint?” You asked next, a little venom spat through your voice, “Ya know, context clues much?” His face grew into a healthy mixture of confused, concerned and scared.
“I’m just- what did I do wrong?” He asked genuinely.
“I don’t know, why don’t you figure that out?” You said with a final sigh of being over the human race of males in general, placing your feet firmly on the group, then getting up with a bit of a struggle but figuring it out and walking away with arms crossed.
Chris was left- confused, to say the least. He stared at your figure walking up the stairs until you disappeared behind a wall and he still stared. What _had_ he done wrong? I mean, he did the whole thing right, right? The whole your favorite everything, rubbing your feet, he was being a good fiancee/dad?
Or was he? He began tracking every step, every damn breath he had taken all day trying to calculate where the hell he messed up. I mean, you could be a mad pregnant women because of hormones, but he must have set you off somehow, some way.
Meanwhile you were in the bedroom with a book that wasn’t interesting enough for right now. What you would do for one of those poorly written romance novels with an interesting enough plot, not the Pulitzer prize winning book that sat on your lap. You huffed in frustration, instead going to Amazon to order one, hoping two day shipping would actually turn into one if you just hoped enough.
Was Chris scared to go upstairs? Yes, of course he was. Did he do it anyway? Reluctantly, yes. You weren’t a monster, of course you weren’t, but what you were was an upset and a hurting mama that he needed to figure out how to cool down.
You were pushing livid when you heard the door creak open, and saw a fraction of Chris’ figure standing there, in-between the trim and now partly opened door. But as he slowly stepped in, quietly and carefully closing the door behind him, your heart melted at his genuinely concerned face, in such a sweet way. It was hard to ignore the man who has such a tender aura to him, and damn that loose strand that feel from his neatly kept fluffy hair made him look at least five times sexier than when it was pushed back. You took a deep gulp and a sigh, your face melting from a tense pit of anger into a more disappointed canvas. Not that you were disappointed at him, it was all aimed at yourself and your lack of ability to actually act like a cohesive person sometimes.
“You alright?” He asked with such a sweet tone it made your heart pound a little faster. You nodded.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, looking down to lace your fingers with one another and play with them out of habit when situations got awkward. “I didn’t mean to be so bitchy, really. I think my hormone levels are just through the roof today in the angry department.” He chuckled, sitting on the foot of the bed and rubbing your leg clothes with legging.
“It’s alright,” He softly smiled at you, those big blue eyes like a damn puppy dogs. You pouted a bit at how unfair it was of you to have such a handsome man all to yourself. “Really, I get it. You can’t control it, it’s okay.”

“But still, I shouldn’t have been so mean to you.”

“Hey, hon, let’s not forget the other half that got you into this.” He pointed to himself and you smiled a bit, causing his smile to grow even more. “Trust me, I can take the half-hearted insults.”
“Still,” You sighed, biting your lower lip a bit in nervousness at the words that would leave your mouth next. “Pregnancy has not been fun and I just- I want it to be over with.” He gave you an even more confused look, because somehow, you had yet in your seven months of this bullshit to have this conversation with him.
It wasn’t that you hadn’t wanted to, or that you didn’t find it important. You just knew it would be such a difficult one, because inevitably this was the same man that wanted four, five, six- a whole round up of kids. And you, well, you had really considered the thought, hoped on board for a while, and now that the ship was actually out to sea, you wanted to dock as soon as fucking possible.
“What do you mean?” He asked, eyeing your face for any non-verbal answers of what you meant, how you were feeling. 
“I mean that it’s just been painful for so many reasons. Physical, mental, everything. Everyone talks about how amazing it is to be pregnant, and how amazing woman feel and just- it’s not like that for me.” You mumbled the last part out of the fear lingering of somehow disappointing him.
Hell, he could back out right now if he wanted to. You weren’t married yet.
“I-“ He stopped for a second, looking away and towards the wall across from the bed as you patiently waited for an answer with bated breath, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I don’t know,” You admitted, going again to averting your gaze anywhere else but your partner’s eyes that stared at you. “I mean, you want a lot of kids and while I know I can physically do it, I’m not sure if mentally I can go again. And I would hate to disappoint you.”

“Disappointment me?” He gave a slightly comical tone and laugh, “Hon, if you want to have one kids, that’s perfectly fine with me. If you wanted zero, we could do that too.”

“Chris, I- I’m flattered, but I swear I’ll try my hardest if you want more, if you really do I-“

“Sweetheart, I’m not the one doing all the work here, am I?” He questioned, now motioning to your stomach that was growing by the day. “To think that I even remotely have a say in what happens with your body is astronomically wrong.”
“Still, partnership.”

“Yeah, but in this situation, it’s not 50/50. If you don’t want to carry more kids, then so be it, no more kids.”
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Since finally opening up your shell about your true feelings, you and Chris had decided that for the lasting time in the third trimester it would be best if you went back to therapy (which you knew you had needed for a while) and also talk to a doctor more frequently about the really negative toll pregnancy was taking on you.
Long story short, it alleviated some of the extra pain.
Sure, your feet still hurt and the maternity clothes issue was far from fixed, but by the time you were rushed to the delivery room at seven am one Tuesday morning, your mental state was doing actually well. Until the pain started of course.
On a scale of 1 to 10 the pain was easily a 37. The epidural definitely did wonders, as you were finally able to actually feel relaxed a bit, Chris of course being the borderline obnoxious father who literally stood by you for hours and didn’t take your hand out of his unless you pulled yours away because it got to sweaty. And the push time was honestly not awful, it thankfully only took maybe half a dozen or so strong pushes before your baby boy was born.
As soon as you held your little one, you felt the feeling that is talked about in movies in books. The one where your entire body soars with warmth, overdoses on love, drowns in tenderness. This, this is what it felt like to be a mom.
“I think I want another.” You mumbled after just a few hours of your first born actually being born. Chris gave a chuckle. 
“This soon?” He asked, looking at you as he hovered over where you held the baby close to your body, “We have at least six weeks before we can do anything, ya know?”

“Then we better mark the calendar, hm?”
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
can i get some toxic relationship headcanons with each of the boys? thank you <3
TW: toxic relationships, jealousy, gaslighting, mindbreak (reader getting used to/happy with toxicity), dubcon, hints of yandere, etc.
toono - insecurity
Toono just can’t seem to convince himself you truly love him. It leads to him closing off and pitying himself quite a bit. He treats the relationship like something else he’s bound to fuck up, and he shouldn’t get too attached. That leads to your relationship feeling half-baked.
kashima - jealous
Kashima is not paranoid! He trusts you 100%. It's everyone else he doesn't trust. He gets a little more than hot under the collar when he starts noticing you do nothing to stop guys from buying you drinks at a club— you accept the drinks! that you apologize to the perverts who grope you when the try to slide past you on a crowded metro, and blush when you catch them staring. Steam practically pours out of his ears. He will drag you by your wrist, his grip searing hot and twisting hard against the skin -- it hurts, but he's too angry to notice now. Doesn't matter if it's at school, at a club, and it doesn't matter if it's the morning, noon or night. He'll have you against something in seconds, muttering expletives, even going so far as to threaten live's if someone has the audacity to cozy up to you right in front of him. It's unfathomable, it's like nobody can see that you so obviously belong to him. After all, you're his girl. He's the one you come home to, the only one who gets to touch you, hold you, to fuck you, to see you in every state of mind, to see you break, and to see you cum. For him. Just for him. If he wasn't such a good fuck when he's all worked up, surely you'd have had the sense to leave him, but that just isn't the case with Kashima. . .
yacchan - communication issues
Yacchan can’t communicate, but it isn’t for a lack of talking. He has built up a wall after years of being inferior, so when someone tries to push the boundaries a bit and open him up, he gets very defensive. He gets hostile and sarcastic, even in his body language, moving as if he’s preparing to fight. He just can’t handle criticism because he’s been given so much shit through his life, he interprets criticism as hate and feels a need to defend himself. He doesn’t want to let anyone break down his walls that he has spent so long putting up to protect himself.
Shikatani - perfectionist
Shika doesn’t want anything to happen if he doesn’t know it’ll go exactly as he planned. All the dates need to go perfect or it ends with him in tears because he ‘fucked it all up’. Even if the mess up ends in you two having an equally great time, he can’t get over how it didn’t go perfectly. This also sort of plays into a lack of communication as he doesn’t want to bring up things that could cause arguments.
akemi - gaslighting
To be honest, it gets a little fuzzy trying to remember what life was like before Keiichi Akemi.
“Why worry about it?” he would always say. “I’ll take care of everything. Just don’t think about it, ‘kay?”
How could you refuse a life planned out for you down to the tee? Schedules were structure, and without structure, you’d definitely fall apart.
“What would you do without me?”
Please don’t leave me!
“If you don’t exercise, you’ll get fat again, like before. You don’t want to be fat again right?”
You’re right! I’m sorry!
“I’m only doing this because I love you, ya know.”
You don’t remember before, but you do know that nobody has ever loved you the way Akemi does now, nobody else loves you as much as Akemi does now.
And nobody ever will.
itome - lack of communication
While Yacchan and Shikatani have their own communication issues, Itome doesn’t communicate at all, mostly due to his crippling insecurity. He is silent most of the time, always defaulting to whatever you want to do. He just hopes that you won’t leave if he agrees to do what you want all the time. He gets so scared of losing you, he’ll end up crying late at night. If you notice and ask him what’s wrong, he violently insists he’s fine and nothing’s wrong. “It’s fine” is a catchphrase of his. This leads to a relationship in a stalemate where neither of you know if the other is genuinely happy.
yuri - disrespect (being late, “forgetting” events, unsupportive)
When it was three minutes past your reservation, you didn’t even notice. You weren’t even bothered when he forgot about your recital banquet, after all, he probably just got tied up with club logistics, a vice president does have a lot of responsibilities.
He never really saw the point of your artwork, but what was one opinion out of many? After all, yours was the one that mattered. Right?
At least he was looking at it, although, for extended periods at a time, with a puzzled expression, that would morph into a frustrated confusion before it transformed into complete disgust.
But so what?
Soon, he was a half hour late to reservations, an hour when the days were really bad. He started blowing off your showcases. And when you found the card you’d designed yourself for his birthday in the trash? Or overheard him describing your art as “kiddy! kiddy! ugly?” What were you supposed to do?
Flowers and orgasms were fine and dandy of course, but every anniversary forgotten and every piece you found hidden in a closet was just another knife to your chest, albeit a warning that went in one ear and out another.
tamura - controlling
"Absolutely not."
It has to be the tenth outfit you've presented for your boyfriend's approval, and despite your opaque tights (an improvement over the lace ones the last few 'fits) the dress is "still too short." If not the dress nor the tights, the heels are "too alluring" and your makeup is "too provocative."
Tamura takes it upon himself to pick your outfit and makeup, and unless you're putting on his own personal burlesque show, chances are the colors are neutral or non-flattering and the makeup is almost completely natural, truly.
Sometimes it's nice not having to worry, knowing you can sleep in a little later because your boyfriend has planned out your daily look and perfectly portioned your breakfast and lunchbox. Then there’s the rest of the times, when you have to time out your trips to the mall so that you come home when Tamura is out and hide your shopping bags in your car. But all of it’s no use.
He’s one step ahead of you every time. He has pictures of your gas meter daily, he tracks your location, and eventually, he takes you everywhere you go and sets a curfew.
If you post a picture with a guy on your socials, he wants the receipts, he wants the goddamn family tree proving that the schmuck’s your first cousin, or else. Or else, being that he shuts down your socials, happens anyway of course.
You get used to it. You don’t get to decide anymore, he decides for you, when you wake up, eat, cum, and what you wear, what you know, what you think and isn’t that just sweet?
jimmy - stalking
This one is kind of obvious. Jimmy HAS to know where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, and when you’ll be back. He can be found following you places or looking through your things. Though, when he finds out these things, he doesn’t get angry. He just broods and pities himself for a long time. He ends up making you feel obligated to tell him everything, and there’s always something that makes him upset about it.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
You’re not like most people who enjoys Valentine’s Day. Can a certain redhead change that?
A/n: just a late valentine related imagine for all of u bc I’m incapable of posting this sort of stuff on the exact day. enjoy! (I’m finally using this iconic gif don’t mind me)
Word count: 1,753
Warnings: fluff
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The 14th of February is just another normal day for you. You always find Valentine’s Day cheesy, you don’t see the point of celebrating it. That sort of thing isn’t as important as Christmas or Halloween. Not that you're bitter because you're single, you couldn’t care less about that, it just isn’t the occasion for you.
Tony outdone it this year. The compound looks like it was powdered pink and red overnight from all the decorations when you step out of your room. You almost don’t want to know what the main area looks like. Sam and Wanda are probably getting started on breakfast which would consist of everything shaped like hearts.
Your plan for the day is to stay in your room, only coming out for snack and drink refills, simple as that.
“Hey, Happy Valentine’s...” you pretty much tone out every v-day greeting that came your way, rolling your eyes playfully as you sit down with everyone, greeting them with the usual good morning. You expect the compound to be deserted by midday since surely all of them have plans with their partners for the rest of the day, which is perfect. For you. And for them, of course, yeah.
Sam and Bucky made their way to you. “So, Y/N, how are you?” Sam greets. You already suspect that they were hyping you up for something. “Food good, coffee good... sleep well?”
You turn to them with a smile on your face. “Alright, what do you want?”
“Well,” Bucky lets out a breathy laugh. “Sam here was just helping me-”
“That is not what’s happening. What he wanted to say was,” the birdman cuts him off. “We both wanted to take you out to dinner tonight, we can’t settle on who, so we’re letting you pick.”
You blink. They have to be joking. Do they not notice your routine during this time of the year? After socializing with the team you’d grab a day’s worth of snack, head back to your room, lock the door and lose your mind on video games until the next day.
Unhealthy, but it's for one day.
“Only if you want to,” Bucky adds hastily.
“Come on, this is a chance of a lifetime!” Sam insists, wiggling his eyebrows.
“We’ll go to your favorite restaurant.”
“It’s just a friendly date.”
What you fail to notice was Natasha listening to the events happening. Her foot taps against the floor as she discreetly waits for your response, taking coffee sips and bites of food and looking away whenever she looked like she's eavesdropping. No one else is paying attention, everyone has their own conversations.
Inside, she pleads that you’d turn both of them down, just because she’s planning to ask you out herself. They just beat her to it.
“I appreciate the thought but I’m sorry, I have plans,” you shrug. “Why don’t you take each other out instead? Not literally.” You give them another smile and walk out of the room, coffee in hand. 
Sam and Bucky nods indicating they understood. Sam tells his friend that if he had more appeal you’d agree to the date. But they take you up on your advice, already planning a guy’s night.
Natasha almost cheers when she hears the first part, only to spiral when she hears that someone had already asked you beforehand. You're unavailable. She could ask you out any day, but you deserve something extra special. She sees this day as her only chance to confess her feelings for you.
Her eyes trail you as you walk out, turning to Wanda when you were out of sight. “Do you have any idea who asked Y/N out?”
“I don’t,” Wanda replies, a bit distracted. “They’re lucky, I’ve never seen Y/N show interest in anyone since I met her. Anyway, I have to go, Vision and I have a whole day planned...”
Natasha huffs while people slowly file out of the kitchen. As far as she knows, Tony's with Pepper, of course, Wanda and Vision, Steve is probably going to join Sam and Bucky on their night out, and Clint is back at his farm celebrating with his wife.
And you’re with that person, which most likely someone who isn’t on the team otherwise she’d know. She's left by herself to mope.
Few hours have passed, maybe three, it’s lunchtime. As you suspected the compound is empty, so you make your way to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat.
Boxed mac and cheese is the only thing you knew how to make.
You almost drop your stirring spoon at the sudden voice. You feel embarrassed about your choice of outfit, you feel and look like a grizzly bear while she looks stunning, even if it’s just plain workout clothes.
“Hey, Nat.”
“I thought you were... out with someone?” Knowing you, she might’ve misunderstood when you said you ‘had plans’. You look so cozy she would love to hug you on the spot if she isn’t so sweaty.
You let out a curious hum, turning off the stove. “I was?” You giggle. “Where’d you hear that?”
“I didn’t, just, I assumed you’d be,” she mutters and finishes her water bottle. 
You're now grabbing a bowl for the mac and cheese you made. “I mean, Sam and Bucky did ask me if I wanted to but... y’know, if I’m being honest they’re not really my type.” You pause to look at her who was staring back. “Have you eaten? This batch I made is enough for three people, I think.”
Natasha nods at your offer. “They did say it was a friendly date.”
You stop scooping the macaroni and perk your head up with a grin. “So you were listening.”
“Not like I had any choice, I was in the same room.” Quick save.
Then there's  a minute of comfy silence as you clean the area you made the meal on, putting the pot away and stuff.
“Why don’t you have a date today?”
“Anyone would kill to go on a date with you, Nat.” Is what you say in your head. But instead you say, “Well, you know, I didn’t expect you be here too.”
Natasha shrugs and before she could answer you add, “No one’s caught the notorious Black Widow’s attention yet?”
She chuckles at your words, looking up at you. “Who did you think I’d go out with?”
“I dunno, Steve-”
“God, no,” she quickly cuts you off and laugh,  you laugh along but at the same time sigh in relief.
“Crap, I just remembered I have a game to finish,” you hold the bowl of cheese and macaroni and stick two spoons on the side. “I’m cordially inviting you to my room, you are very much welcome, after you change.”
Natasha tells you she’ll see you there in a bit.
“Huh. I just noticed you do this every Valentine’s Day,” Natasha notes as she takes everything in. Your PlayStation's on, your trash bin is almost full of snack wrappings, couple of beers tucked at the side of your bed. “Cozy.”
“Why, thank you,” you say sarcastically, picking up a controller and waving a vacant one at her. “Feel free. Or you can just watch me fail at this game.”
Natasha decides to join the game a little later, now she's lost in thought on how someone like you spends such a day like this, or how beautiful you looked as your eyes dart at every direction of the screen and how you sometimes bite your lip when you're that focused in the game.
It's always the little things she likes about you.
Glancing at you one more time before eating a spoonful of mac, she turns back to the TV to watch how you're doing.
But you're witty, kind and easy to get along with, why wouldn’t you have a date - or why wouldn’t you want a date on Valentine’s Day?
If only you knew how she feels, she’d make sure to treat you well. Like you deserve. She’d take you on dates you’d enjoy every time the 14th rolls by. If you don’t like the holiday for some reason she’d find a way-
“NO WAY,” you cover your mouth and bump your head to Natasha’s shoulder in defeat, making her come back from her trance to look at the big red words on the screen, indicating you lost. “I almost had it!”
Natasha leans into your touch and pats your back. “You can try again.”
You groan. “I definitely will but for now, I’m gonna take a break.”
“Great,” she shifts a bit to get comfy, switching to Netflix and choosing whatever’s trending right now. “I’m just curious but, do you like someone?”
You hum in response, sipping on a beer, not completely processing what she said. “I - yeah. I guess so,” you tug the blanket closer and pout at the movie that’s on. You don’t like romance movies. You always prefer an action or a mystery one any day. “Do you?”
Natasha feels her heart ache for a moment. “Yeah. She’s kind and sweet, goofy but can still seriously kick your ass type.” Your eyes land to her hands. You knew fully well Natasha isn’t straight, she admitted and definitely doesn’t act like it. “There’s just something about her that makes me... love her.”
“She sounds great,” you mumble, starting to get lost in your own thoughts. “I guess I just-” you hesitate, just because the woman you're about to describe is the same one sitting next to you. “I feel bad for her that someone like me likes her.”
“Why would you think that?” Natasha chuckles, shaking her head.
You shrug. “She’s amazing. So out of my league, I’d say she’s so close but so far away but that would be really cheesy and ugly,” you laugh. “I don’t know, she deserves way better.”
Natasha hums. “Sometimes I think she needs to her worth, because what she doesn’t know is, she’s very much amazing in her own way.”
Looking up at her from her shoulder, your eyes light up and you don’t know when it happened, but you just found her lips pressed against yours softly.
Even if it was just a short kiss you feel breathless when she pulls away to look at you again.
“Just so we’re clear, we’re just describing each other like idiots right?”
Natasha leans in to kiss you again.
oh my god I want a hug
[shameless plug] check out my natasha romanoff ambience here
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Dream SMP Recap (April 26/2021) - L’Sandburg
Foolish and Puffy are both reeling from the events of the Red Banquet. Foolish confronts a familiar foe in his mind while Puffy works through her grief.
After Foolish’s lore, Bad, Antfrost, Purpled, HBomb and Foolish get involved in a new conflict, as Bad declares his  walled-off tollbooth on Foolish’s road a new nation called “L’Sandburg.” Foolish, mad that Bad would attempt to occupy a spot on his land, intervenes. Bad ends up declaring war.
Later, after things settle, Puffy is invited to L’Sandburg but instead attempts to take over the nation, declaring it “L’Puffburg.”
Captain Puffy
- There’s a flashback to the Red Banquet from Foolish’s perspective, watching as Puffy and Antfrost argue.
- As Foolish dies, the screen goes black. The Egg speaks.
- Foolish gasps and wakes in the green beacon light within the Temple of Undying. He’s confused -- he’s immortal. But that was different.
The Egg makes noises, then speaks -- but not in reverse.
“I...am..in your mind...”
“No, no no no no, this is -- this is just tricks! Games! This is just something new!”
“Is this -- is this the Egg? It’s tough to forget a voice like that.”
“What do you mean? No no no, I have never heard you before, it wasn’t that long ago that I first met you. You’re something new, something I’ve never met before.”
“So I guess...I guess I was wrong -- I’m not afraid of you! Even after all that, I am still not afraid.”
“Maybe...maybe I had it wrong. Maybe I thought I was stronger. But...but I’m still here! I’m still here. And where are you? How’d that Banquet go?”
“No, no...you don’t know! You don’t know anything about me!”
“And? Enlighten me, tell me something. Tell me something that only I would know!”
“Be more specific.”
“You could be lying. Where?”
“How do I get you out of my head? I’m not -- you’re still trying to get me to join your side, that’s not gonna happen!”
“No...no, you have it wrong! I’ve tried that, okay? I’ve tried power in the past and it doesn’t work! It doesn’t work. You can’t just use overwhelming force. It worked for short term at best.”
“You think...you think I’m weak? You think there’s strength -- there’s strength in what I do! Let me explain to you. Let me explain to you why I build.”
“Before, I was reckless and wild. I used to believe wielding godlike powers and a sword gave me some sort of control. But it all led me down a path of violence, and anger, mistrust. I can’t control the actions of the world through overwhelming power. It doesn’t work, just doesn’t. But building provides two important elements in my life. Creation and control...”
- Foolish walks back to the mainland as the Egg continues to speak with him.
- Foolish heads to Church Prime as the Egg keeps asking to join him. It says that it knows about Foolish’s deal with Ranboo.
“Hm. So maybe you do know something. Which is all the more reason I need to be rid of you. And you can go back to whatever dark abyss of the Nether you came from!”
- Foolish tells the Egg it doesn’t work that way. The Egg says it can and it will. Foolish asks if it has any last words.
“No...then I mean this in the most polite way possible...”
“Go to Hell.”
- Foolish submerges himself in the waters of Church Prime as the Egg shouts. When he emerges, it’s gone.
- He wonders if anyone is still alive from the Banquet. He walks down the Prime Path, not understanding why he’s afraid of death.
“There was that brief second before that sword...I don’t see beauty in mortality.”
- He jumps down into the spider spawner and makes his way down the hallway, but he hesitates. He needs to calm down.
- Foolish heads back home. Did the Egg know better than him? Is it saying things that he’s afraid to admit? 
- He makes it back to the temple, wondering if it’s really safe. Even if he can die, why is he so afraid? 
- He opens the secret door and walks down the staircase. He still doesn’t fault the members of the Eggpire for the Egg’s control. He retrieves his things from the basement.
- He just needs to rest. Foolish returns to the beacon light.
- Bad creates a three-block-wide area on Foolish’s path to the Nether portal and claims ownership of it. He constructs walls around it and declares it the Town of L’Sandburg. 
- As a gift, Foolish gives Bad a bed and the HBomb catmaid service coupon.
- Bad creates Halobucks. Antfrost arrives to help Bad, and they request more sandstone to build with.
- Foolish gives Antfrost the Sword of XD to kill Bad with. Now, Antfrost and Bad have defenses for L’Sandburg. They refuse to give the sword back.
- Foolish attempts to negotiate with Antfrost to kill Bad in exchange for the supplies. Antfrost is reluctant, as Bad is the ruler of L’Sandburg and he doesn’t with to betray his country.
- Antfrost changes into his maid skin. Foolish asks for his sword back.
- They do an exchange of supplies, but Bad doesn’t give Foolish his sword. Foolish, frustrated that he is unable to break his vow of pacifism, calls in some help: he tells HBomb about the possibility of maid service for Bad.
- Purpled joins the call and logs on. Bad invites him to join L’Sandburg.
- Bad and Ant inform Foolish that he must pay a toll to pass through the path.
- Purpled arrives to join L’Sandburg. He is their lawyer.
- Foolish gets Purpled to kill Bad and then pays him. Purpled also kills Antfrost.
- Foolish says he’ll give Purpled a block of Netherite. Antfrost offers emeralds, but Purpled weighs the options and decides Foolish’s offer is better and continues to kill the L’Sandburgians.
- Bad threatens to declare it an international incident.
- Purpled starts mining bits of L’Sandburg, but Bad stops him, saying he has to take it up with the court. Purpled isn’t one for politics. Bad warns them that if they continue, he’ll have to declare war.
- Bad says they’re bringing HBomb over to act as a judge. Purpled says that’s his cue to leave and heads off. Foolish lets him know that he might need a favor later.
- HBomb arrives in his catmaid outfit and Ant asks him to join L’Sandburg. HBomb becomes a citizen of L’Sandburg. 
- Bad hands Foolish a representation of the court papers (a single arrow) as HBomb exits L’Sandburg to carve out his own country neighboring them. Ant says he can have dual citizenship. 
- H creates a running stream of water and a wall of wood and declares his new country: L’damburg.
- He also creates a seat in the sun and offers Foolish take some time in L’tanburg.
- He then makes a ton of cars and welcomes Foolish to L’jamburg.
HBomb: “Wait, are you streaming?”
Foolish: “Yeah.”
HBomb: “Welcome to L’camburg.”
(Foolish tells chat to never become a pacifist)
- HBomb lights a piece of TNT and explodes L’tanburg, declaring it now L’bamburg. 
- Bad declares that L’Sandburg’s borders, now the entire chunk, have now extended into L’damburg. They now have territory for agriculture.
- Foolish asks, how are they even a country? Do they even have a declaration? One way or another, Foolish says, they can have their little fantasy for a bit but then L’Sandburg is getting destroyed.
- Rat is a canonical L’Sandburg member
- He asks how to make a TNT cannon. Bad warns him against that, saying it would violate their peace treaty.
- Bad declares war on Foolish’s summer home over a piece of cake.
- Bad annexes a block of cactus into L’Sandburg. Foolish is outraged, insisting that this is his land.
Bad: “You will rue the day, Foolish, you started war with L’Sandburg.”
- Bad starts building a wooden one-block-wide pathway to annex territory to the cactus. Foolish gives in and says that they can have this strip of land officially, but not anymore land or else Foolish will have to bring in necessary forces.
- After learning that the cactus has been around for centuries, Bad realizes that L’Sandburg must be older than Foolish’s summer home!
Bad: “Everything the eye can see must be L’Sandburg!”
Foolish: “The strength of my patience is the reason you’re alive.”
- HBomb gets injured from falling outside the strip and Bad says Foolish needs to pay for the damages.
- To be good neighbors, Bad offers to let Foolish keep the strip and the cactus, and L’Sandburg and L’Damburg will stay within their chunks. In exchange for the ancient cactus, Bad requests stacks of sandstone.
- HBomb pulls Bad aside, suggesting they form a new nation: L’hamburg. They claim another chunk.
- Bad starts building a statue to Rat. Foolish blurts that he doesn’t want a statue of that “ugly creature” and Bad and H both stop and look at him. HBomb immediately starts building a wall between them.
- Foolish walks into L’Sandburg, checks a chest and is outraged when he finds that the L’Sandburgians/L’damburgians have been stealing supplies from him. 
- Foolish insults how ugly L’hamburg is. Bad leaves. 
- HBomb explains that he is not a citizen of L’Sandburg now, but L’damburg, and that L’bamburg and L’damburg are the same.
- Foolish tells HBomb that he will wait and get rid of L’Sandburg later. HBomb asks if that’s a threat.
Foolish: “That wasn’t a threat, just a promise.”
Foolish: “We strike at dawn.”
- HBomb points out that Foolish hired Purpled to kill them. He’s the judge.
- While H continues to work on L’damburg, Foolish performs the Shift Dance.
- Bad returns. H has to leave, but he tells Bad to keep an eye on the ‘burgs. Bad suggests he and Foolish create a peace treaty. 50% off toll, and in exchange they have peace.
- Foolish asks, what if someone else isn’t peaceful? Bad would consider that an act of war on his part. He offers to gift Foolish L’hamburg.
- The only thing, Bad says, is that Foolish can’t get rid of the L’Sandburg capital. With that, he departs.
- Foolish says he might keep the tower, but he’ll have to do this later.
- Puffy examines her Netherite axe. The axe that she killed her best friend with. She still can’t believe what happened. Worse than Foolish dying, she stooped to their level and took a life. She swore she wouldn’t be like them.
- Antfrost was right. She failed. She understands why people didn’t fight for L’manburg now.
“Chaos always wins. Despite all odds, despite everything you think you can do to fix the situation, to help each other, to persevere...you can’t.”
- She doesn’t know where Foolish is, but killing Antfrost didn’t fix anything. 
- There’s somewhere she hasn’t been in a long time. She’s done with Bad, done with Ant -- but at least Ant has a reason to hate her now. By killing Foolish, they’d hurt her more than if they’d killed her.
- Nothing excuses what she did. She’ll face the consequences for killing Antfrost later. She acted on her emotions, but she’d do it again.
“Maybe the only way to have people listen to me, to take me seriously, is to instill fear in them. And that’s not who I want to be, but if it’s who I have to be, if I have to be the villain in everyone’s story? Then that’s the choice I’ll make.”
- The Captain’s Log was meant to document her progress as a knight. Now, this book is her undoing. She goes down into her underground base, looking at the signs on the wall.
“You can’t connect the dots, you can’t see anything coming because everybody you think you know about everyone on this server is a lie! Everything you know, you can’t trust anybody!”
“Even the sweetest of people, the closest of people, the people that you have trusted since day one? They’ll turn, because everybody on this server has a dark side, whether they like to think it or not, whether it’s been shown yet, whether it’s been revealed, everybody -- everybody including me! Including the quote unquote ‘mother,’ the ‘protector of the server,’ even me! Because I could be worse than all of them! And the best part is is that they’ll never see it coming.” 
“Some people are predictable...I’m not one of them.”
- Puffy writes in her Captain’s Log, changing “What it means to be a knight” to “What it means to be a villain...”
“Trust...trust is the biggest weakness there is. Trust is what separates strangers from friends. From security, from vulnerability. Trust is weakness, and...on this server, you can’t have any weakness, because if they find out, if anybody finds out you have a weakness, they’ll use it against you.”
- A new era of peace isn’t going to happen. Puffy will bring a new era of darkness. There are few people who haven’t broken their loyalty yet, and she’ll keep an eye out. But to the people that failed her, 
“To those people, I say...’welcome to Doomsday.’“
- After discussion about Puffy’s height, Bad tells Puffy that he’s forming a new nation if she would like to join. A nation called L’Sandburg.
- Puffy arrives at L’Sandburg. The capital tower has been renovated, the base reinforced with obsidian.
- Puffy asks if this is canon. Bad says yes, this is his tower. (After Puffy gets mad at him for killing her son, Bad says it’s maybe not that level of canon)
- Bad lets Puffy into the L’Sandburg capital.
- Puffy asks what the point of L’Sandburg is. Bad explains that it’s a sort of tollbooth on Foolish’s road. The toll depends on how much armor a person is wearing. The more shiny, fancy armor, the higher the toll, because that person can afford to pay more.
- Puffy starts twerking to test the road durability. She pays a toll of carrots with one steak. Bad plans to increase toll amounts as the nation improves infrastructure. 
- Bad tries to arrest Puffy and put her into toll jail for bypassing the toll, but he gives up and walks away when she says no. Puffy points out that his security system is not very good, and Bad starts to see the problem here.
- Puffy walks into the toll booth and Bad asks her to pay a toll of five carrots this time. The price has gone up due to inflation. Puffy turns the tables and starts charging Bad toll to enter L’Sandburg, declaring this territory “L’Puffburg.”
- Bad bypasses the toll by saying he’s ready for hot girl summer and agrees to let Puffy keep ownership of the top floor of the capital.
- L’Sandburg is apparently Bad’s “vacation country.”
- Bad and Puffy hang out in L’Sandburg/L’Puffburg some more and Bad plays around sticking his head out of sand and doing various voices.
- Antfrost arrives. 
- Ant changes into Badboyhalo in a maid outfit.
- Bad and Antfrost fight. Antfrost runs out of L’Sandburg and Bad chases after him, threatening to take his second canon life, telling him to accept his death like a good potato.
- Antfrost kills Bad. Puffy tells them to put their weapons away so that they can have a proper duel. They fight a second time.
- Ant and Puffy say goodnight and leave Bad to work in L’Sandburg.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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