#literature lunes
tiiiimberr · 2 years
Literature lunes: Fates Choice
The goddess felt pity for their chosen. If there had been another choice to make. A better trained candidate, perhaps. But in reality, this girl was the only candidate with a hope of survival. There were older candidates, but none of them knew what it meant to fight for survival. None of them had been tempered by the flames of the hatred of others the same way she had.
They had no idea if the other candidates would fight in the face of hopelessness. But this child already had. And when one is born with the ability to survive, it takes a lot more to destroy them.
It was one reason why their chosen wasn’t already in tears. She tossed and turned with nightmares. Glimpses of horrors that could come true. Fate just observed her.
Fate may not have been cruel, but it was certainly pragmatic. The first vision their chosen received had to hurt. Only that would guarantee action. Action to prevent a nightmare from becoming reality. They couldn’t afford for visions to become reality. For nightmares to bleed into real life.
“NO!” the child screamed.
She straightened herself in seconds. A knife laid in her hands. Fate tilted their head as they watched their chosen rush out of the room. There were so many ways that their chosen could stop what she just saw.
She probably wouldn’t. Most people ignore Fate at first. That is alright. Their chosen will learn. Even if she has to suffer to do so. Fate can wait.
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queer-ragnelle · 20 days
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Trioedd Ynys Prydein by Rachael Bromwich | More quotes at Arthuriana Daily
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claircaelis · 11 months
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my butterfly wings. ♡
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msunitedstatesjames · 2 months
There's something I love about tropes that are completely awesome when one character does it, and just the lamest or most infuriating thing in the world when another character does the same thing.
My example is the shooting a swordsman trope.
When some dumb villainous type is twirling around a sword and being like, "Let this be our final battle," and then the hero is like "fuck this" and straight up shoots the dude who has the sword, I'm filled to the brim with a primal euphoria.
But when the the villain shoots down the swordsman in their battle to the death, I'm like, "I can't wait for you to die, dishonorable wretch!"
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prosedumonde · 2 years
Le temps lui appartenait, à elle, rien qu’à elle, elle pouvait en faire ce qu’elle voulait. Cependant, cet immense territoire vierge dont on lui faisait cadeau n’était qu’un gros glaçon flottant sur un océan de vide qui fondait davantage chaque jour. C’était un peu angoissant, elle avait peur de gâcher. Elle n’avait pas l’habitude, c’est encombrant la liberté.
Pascal Garnier, Lune captive dans un oeil mort
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merheisy · 5 months
A veces solo desearía no sentir. Honestamente.
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Fin de siglo (2019) by Lucio Castro
Book title: Alrededor de la Luna (Autour de la Lune in French; 1870) by Jules Verne
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12biscuits · 8 months
So I’m reading De La Terre À La Lune and I’m surprised it introduced a human antagonist after it being exclusively the Gun Club trying to shoot a bully to the moon
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A beautiful end to Werner's character arc I noticed
Warning: below is spoilers for the book All The Light We Cannot See
In the beginning of Werner's story, we see him and his sister Jutta listening to Etienne's brother's broadcast which would then play Debussy's 'Clair de Lune' straight after. Clair de Lune literally translates to light of (the) moon, or moonlight.
Just before Werner's death, when he leaves the infirmary tent, he notices the moonlight. He remembers fragmented moments of his childhood in Zollverein with his sister, the happy, beautiful moments, while also observing how the wind changes the leaves and the grass and clouds, but the moonlight stays the same.
"Why does the wind change Everything except for the light?"
The wind, in this instance, represents life: how everything is constantly changing and tumbling around, like how Jutta and Werner fell apart. It could also represent Nazism and Hitler's influence and how it pulled Werner along into its whirlwind and obscured everything else.
The moonlight represents Clair de Lune. Those moments when Werner and Jutta would sit in the night, listening to the French broadcast. The boats in the canal, the rippling papers in the nursery. It represents Jutta, and her constant, unchanging nature that was there to guide him in the darkness all along.
The moment he realises that, that Jutta was right and that everything the Nazis stood for was wrong, his life was ended.
Because that is Werner's arc. His entire arc and story was for him to learn to see, to stop being "blind" to reality.
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
I am officially not okay now.
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tiiiimberr · 2 years
Ok so I ran out of time to do writing this week, but I do have an idea for a short story so let’s see what stories can be made from this prompt and how mine compares.
You are the embodiment of fate. People think that you are counting on people to make bad decisions to create the timeline, but in reality you rely on selfless acts to keep time in one piece.
You can choose one person to guide these selfless actions. This is your first conversation with the newest “chosen.” What do you say?
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lepetitdragonvert · 11 months
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The Brownies and other Tales by Juliana Horatia Ewing
George Bell & Sons
An Idyll of the Wood
Artist : Alice B. Woodward
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lancelot, guinevere and arthur from the book of romance (1902), luned by @gringolet and laudine by sir edward burne-jones
[ID 1: colourful art of lancelot escorting guinevere, both on horses, to a standing arthur while knights look on in the background. /end ID 1 ID 2: digital artwork of a woman with long hair braided holding up a ring. next to it is artwork of a woman in a green dress asleep on a chair. /end ID 2]
arthur/guinevere/lancelot manages to take the biggest problem in arthurian literature and sort it out nicely preventing frankly most of the deaths and whole lot of pain.
both luned and laudine have strong beliefs and opinions and could easily run a kingdom together. given that luned was helping yvain the whole time he tried to date laudine, she is basically laudine's girlfriend anyway.
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sissylittlefeather · 6 months
Vivian Choquette
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A new OC for the upcoming fic Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming.
- Born in 1940, she's 19 when she meets Elvis
- Her mother, Delphine, was French and she never knew her father. Her mother was a dancer and she married Vivian's stepfather, Roland Everett, an American officer, during WWII in 1945. Delphine passed away when Vivian was 14. Now, she lives with her stepfather where he's stationed in Germany.
- She speaks English and French fluently and knows how to communicate in German fairly well.
- She smokes, drinks, and cusses like a sailor, but there's an elegance and grace to her that seems to make everyone forget how crude she can be.
- She writes poetry in English and French and is obsessed with reading, specifically literary criticism, philosophy, poetry, and classic literature.
- She's also an actress, a singer, and plays the piano.
- Her aesthetic is romantic academia and her favorite colors are light pink and mint green.
- Her birthday is February 26th, making her a Pisces.
- She's an outgoing introvert, meaning she loves to work the room at a party, but she also needs time alone to recover from the interaction.
- Her first love was a boy in high school who wrote poetry and played the violin. He promised to marry her, took her virginity, and then disappeared.
- She's a hopeless romantic who is obsessed with all things related to love and the beauty of human connection. She thinks people are poetry and nature is spiritual.
- Her hair is dark brown, her eyes are deep blue, and she's 5'2" tall. Her build is petite and slender and her hands and feet are small and almost fairy-like.
- Despite her French blood, she prefers American food. Still, she herself cannot cook to save her life. She's been known to burn toast and struggle with boiling eggs.
- The other thing she cannot do is any kind of visual art. She can't paint, draw, or sculpt and finds it infinitely frustrating.
- She has a quick, short temper and will explode easily and then forget why she was mad ten minutes later. She also has a sense of melancholy about her and when she's in a mood can spend hours weeping over a sad song or poem.
- She loves music, but her exposure is fairly limited to classical and pop. Her favorite music is her mother's collection of Claude Debussy, specifically Clair de Lune and La Cathédrale Engloutie.
- All in all, she's like a summer thunderstorm, beautiful, chaotic, calming, and poetic all wrapped into one.
Stay tuned to meet her as Elvis does
@ccab @aliypop @your-nanas-house @rjmartin11 @elvisfatass @tacozebra051
Let me know if you want to be tagged in her fic!
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tsukiyadori · 11 months
"Amidst Stars Spread Out Immeasurably Like Sand, There is One Star Shining Towards me"
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 The Case Files of Jeweler Richard Side Story: Masago Nasu 真砂なす(Like Sand)
Finally, finished reading that side story. It took it to the last split part to actually get to the title's meaning that had been in a riddle to me for all this time. As it turns out, it's a from a song/haiku from poet Masaoka Shiki (1867–1902) from the Edo period in old Japanese and the nasu would be something like のうような or と同じくらい or 形づくる, basically a fancy way of saying 'like'.
Amidst stars spread out immeasurably like Sand, there is one star shining towards me
Which is to say, this is the origin story of Seigi's shift to calling Richard his 'shining star" in volume 12. It was just a little detail dropped in a conversation with Minoru, not explained, but probably noticeable to any observant reader as it has nothing to do with gemstones or natural phenomenon or anything he used previously.
Every time he calls him that, it's literally actually a confession basically???
I mean, that's pretty much the same thing they already did in Moonstone?? Just using a piece of more obscure classic literature that isn't so overused, like Souseki's The Moon is Beautiful. And with none of that teasing playfulness.
I still think Claire the Lune has to be right after the bulk part Masago Nasu, before its epilogue. It didn't get so much of a confirmation rather than another reference (Seigi having to realize, he's not the youngest any more, when he overeats.) And with that it's a whole string connecting it all together. But in any case, this is a direct prequel to the Overture side story. Which again is a direct prequel to volume 12. Both of them along of with v12 exorbitantly make me think of....
Series convergences (that maths thing) or the Sorites Paradox.
As in: How close do you have to get, how many grains do you have to pile up until it is basically as good or actually that same thing?
Seigi keeps insisting he's Richard's "Private Secretary". And it's his way of differentiating it from that usual stuff, to which he has clearly distanced himself more than one time. That's not the nature of their relationship, despite anyone outside thinking it could only be that. I still remember how I felt like screaming to the void when he declares as much to Jeffrey in the Otsukareta Hanashi short story (from Tsujimura-sensei's blog) that is set right after the epilogue of volume 10. (I mean, how often do you get something served that screams queerplatonic and then basically confirms it even if it doesn't use the word?)
But is it that still? (Was it that to begin with??) Does that differentiation even matter at this point? Couldn't they just go with that usual way?
In Ouverture the topic of marriage gets brought up by a Sri Lankan woman, Seigi dodges it, but there is no way he hasn't considered it. It's cut short by an interference by Richard. Seigi and Shimomura have a phone conversation and Shimomura treats his work as the same as a Jeweler, Seigi corrects him, his job title is 'private secretary' and he's stubborn about that, but also by this point, as Shimomura points out, he's doing effectively that very same work. Saul makes sarcastic implications about that job title in Masago Nasu, only for Richard to cut him short and basically muzzle him. But Seigi even has to and does agree. He even reiterates that fact in v12 by his own accord, his work is now essentially the same as Richard's as a jeweler (though he says he's still a sort of lesser Richard.) And 'private secretary' which really is his very Seigi-roundabout way of naming their nature of relationship that also just makes sense only to them. And the analogy to their relationship is palpable. It's been a running trope since at least Diamond that they look like a couple, but they have piled up a lot more of things that make it look just like that. And short stories like the Itsuka Operaza de actually depict the details from an outsider's eyes with more details, which almost feels like the narrative is trying to make a persuasive case.
And then there's Masago Nasu's main point. Saul telling them the story of his and his wife Masago, over whom he sing-sangs another ancient love poem, including a word that means sand and is her name. And he warns them, they are so similar, their headspaces are similar, it's like their souls are twins, so they are prone to not talk about some things, because they simply already know. But if tragedy strikes (Masago dies by the machineries of Truck-kun), you may be left with the regret of not having said enough that you loved them, when you had the chance. And there's the whole chess play, with Richard first being in a clear lead, but then bang, Saul drove him into checkmate, things aren't always going the way you think they will.
And Seigi has bullocks of things to say, but doesn't manage while it's probably super simple actually (he even basically concludes this in Clair de Lune!) while also not, but also he probably wouldn't ever use it that way, because as he already says in Sardonyx it feels like it would become trite to say it like that. Also, he's probably scared in a few ways about that on top of it. Not being able to say anything is 'salvation' to him. But also, Richard's waiting for that. Although clearly he very much knows already what it would be, because in all the numerous roundabout ways Seigi has long since said it, more than just a trillion times, but still apparently thinks he hasn't, but kind of also, he knows Richard knows (because he kinda always knows what he wants to say). But despite that, Richard looks very much like he wants to hear that. (At least that interlude in v12 and many other spots has him always look like internally sighing.) So he waits for Seigi to get there. (And even keeps any external interference away for him at that.) But what's worse, Seigi knows that. But still fails to, at this point, mostly because he keeps dodging the easy ways that are.
Couldn't they just settle for that usual thing? It really does undeniably look very similar. It would be simpler.
But where's the beauty in that trite simplicity? Why round up the convergence value, if you can have a beautiful endless irrational number?
(And there is still undeniably something still different. Or why make the point that they are sleeping in different hotel rooms or still have their own floors in the Sri Lankan house so clearly?)
It's a convoluted something, but unlike any other case of can't they just open their mouths and talk turkey?? It doesn't feel like there will be any miscommunication drama to be had here whatsoever.
Oh, I dig this dodgy roundabout way of all sorts of coded analogies, context-sensitive, but to outsiders entirely incomprehensible metaphors and talking around the bush while also having zero of the bad consequences not talking straight typically has in that old trodden infuriatingly stupid trope. I so dig it.
.... But I still also want to shake Seigi a few times though. Just because he says he'd wait a hundred years until you are both just bones in your graves; don't have this way too patient poor tsundere wait so long for it. Get it over or just settle on that there is no need to do this talking between you and don't tease the poor fellow so much. :<
In any case, quite curious where this is going to go towards in the next volumes. There seems to be little plausibility that this doesn't get picked up as a theme one way or another, me thinks.
Less than a week left until v13~
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prosedumonde · 2 years
Depuis combien d’années s’épuisaient-ils l’un l’autre en un combat sans issue, sans vainqueur ni vaincu, toujours recommencé ?
Pascal Garnier, Lune captive dans un oeil mort
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tscs · 1 year
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hi friends <3 i think i'm going to stick with this one for a long while hehe !!
url change from: @/matthew-seok to @tutontawan
this blog will be completely multifandom since i am engaged in various interests — literature, movies, dramas and shows, kpop, animanga, etc. hope you all like it here :3 also my askbox is open for gif/gfx requests !
tagging some mutuals, please help boost :
@kitconnor @evelynwangs @toplines @nezhcs @oscarwilds @twiceland @buffyboyfriend @fawad-khan @3rachaas @komca @ajusnice @lesseraive @solojihyo @delilahsbard @cardigan @jeonwonwoo @chuuyaaz @sleepytortellini @itadori-san @reyestrands @killinmegoods @haniishu @mayclair @violets @simon-eriksson @gojosattoru @mx-sinisters @evan-eddie @alphonseelriic @ashisdeadanddying @tanchirou @svmit @minkibug @partiallyderived @safins @heroeddiemunson @darkshadowqueensrule @heavenwontbethe-same @aliandtommy @la-lune-chaotique @glowingreviews
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