onlinebooks01 · 2 months
Budha Aadmi Aur Samudra (Hindi Translation of The Old Man And The Sea)
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'बूढ़ा आदमी और समुद्र' उपन्यास एक बूढ़े गरीब मछुआरे के जीवन-संघर्ष की कहानी है। मछली पकडऩे जाना, मछली पकडऩे की कोशिश करना, उस कोशिश में कामयाब होना, फिर इस सफलता को अंजाम तक लाने की जद्दोजहद का नाम है 'बूढ़ा आदमी और समुद्र'।
एक मछुआरे के जीवन-संघर्ष की यह दास्तान काल, समय और सीमा के बंधन से परे है। यह मछुआरा दुनिया के हर कोने में मौजूद है— अपने परिवेश से जूझता हुआ बिना किसी आक्रोश के, बिना किसी तिरस्कार भाव के। शायद यह मछुआरा एक विकसित आत्मा भी है। उसके सारे मनोभाव तात्कालिक हैं। वह समुद्र से, चिडिय़ों से और मछलियों से संवाद करता है। विषम परिस्थितियाँ उसे विचलित नहीं करतीं। उसकी जिजीविषा मरजीवड़े से कम नहीं।
प्रकृति और मनुष्य के अंतर्संबंधों को बयान करता हुआ अर्नेस्ट हेमिंग्वे का यह उपन्यास निश्चित ही एक कालजयी रचना है तो फिर हम हिंदी के पाठक इससे क्यों वंचित रहते। अस्तु! Buy Now : https://www.amazon.in/Budha-Aadmi-Samudra-Hindi-Translation/dp/9355214626
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assamnews · 7 months
‘Gulzar is a part of my creative journey’-Namrata Datta
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‘Growing up, Gulzar's lyrics were not just melodies to me; they were an intimate connection etched into my heart. As a singer, his compositions echoed through my childhood, and I found myself frequently humming his tunes. However, it wasn't just the music that captivated me; it was the enchantment woven into his words. This profound admiration for Gulzar's artistry sparked my interest in exploring his literary world, leading me to his book, 'Actually I met them.' To my astonishment, the journey took an unexpected turn when Sanjay Kumar Sanyal, a respected producer at Assam Publishing Company, presented me with a unique opportunity – to translate Gulzar's book into Assamese. The outcome was the Assamese rendition named 'Smritir Manuhbor.' The unveiling ceremony was graced by Mumbai's screenplay writer and director, Akashaditya Lama, alongside Kolkata's Ranjan Ghosh.’
Subham Panseshwar delved into a conversation with Namrata Datta about the book and her fascinating journey of creativity.
Q: How did your foray into writing begin?
Namrata: My journey into writing commenced during my school days, although initially, I never envisioned sharing my creations with the world. Singing occupied the forefront of my pursuits at that time. After marriage, a serendipitous encounter with La Rochefoucauld's 'Maxim' ignited an unplanned translation journey, fueled by a growing attachment to the book.
Fate intervened when I met Mr Jiten Deka, a senior publisher from Nalbari, who, after a brief discussion about books, requested a manuscript. His unwavering confidence became a pivotal catalyst. Completing the translation and handing it over to him, I soon discovered a report in the weekly newspaper Sadin, acknowledging the Assamese translation of 'Maxim' by me. It was a report by Bedabrat Bora. This unexpected recognition was a gratifying milestone.
Q: Tell us about your original writing.
Namrata: Inspired by Keshab Mahanta's Assamese lyrics, I harboured a fervent desire to unravel the untold stories behind those melodious tunes. Approaching him, he generously agreed to share his insights, culminating in the creation of 'Priyatama ei Jivan.' The book garnered positive feedback. Additionally, I authored a novel titled 'Kathopakatha,' derived from a distinctive Sunday program I conceptualized for a local FM channel. It was a fictional narrative in the form of conversation. Curated songs were inserted in between the conversation to enhance the situation and the mood of the narrative. Rituparna Das, a distinguished broadcaster and playwright-director, lauded the program's form and content. Later, I expanding this concept into a novel. Mr Das hosted the book release event. Pervez Ahmed, a filmmaker, and my school friend, even translated parts of the novel into an English film under the title ‘Cherrypicker’, now available on mxplayer.
Q: You wrote a book on Assamese Lyrics and the Freedom movement. Could you share more about this book?
Namrata: This book emerged from a research project that earned me a Senior Fellowship from the Indian Government's Department of Culture. Titled 'Reflection of India's Freedom Movement in Assamese Lyrics,' it proved to be a laborious yet profoundly fulfilling undertaking.
Q: What about your book on Modoji's Maan Ki Baat?
Namrata: The concept for this book originated from Sanjay Kumar Sanyal. We meticulously selected excerpts from Modiji's 'Mann Ki Baat,' focusing on social responsibility, community development, success stories, and innovative ideas evident in his speeches. I firmly believe these speeches unveil the leader's inner spirit, philosophy, and administrative approaches. The resulting book, titled 'Mor Priya Deshbashi,' is an essential read for those seeking to understand the man behind the Prime Minister.
Let me add one line more, I translated some poems by GulzarJi and those were published in book form by a prestigious publication house of Assam- Journal Emporium. The title of the book is ‘Gulzaror Kabita’ (Poems by Gulzar). That was probably first translation of Gulzar in Assamese book form.
Beyond her writing journey, her career has taken diverse paths, from being a casual announcer and news reader at Akaswani and Doordarshan to transitioning into private TV channels and FM radio. She has also worked in newspapers and magazines. Presently, her active involvement in social work. Her projects includes co-authoring a book with my husband - , titled 'Pati, Patni and Bandhabi (Man, woman and Girl Friend).' And household hacks for working women titled Gharuwa Diha (Household Tips).
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julia-kalman · 1 year
Plans for the future
Daily writing promptAre you a leader or a follower?View all responses I was surprised to learn from a quiz that I’m a natural-born leader 🤯, even my imaginary cat doesn’t obey me 😂. Maybe my experience as a rising fiction creator and literary translator has honed my leadership skills, as I’m used to leading people down the rabbit hole of my creativity 📚🖋️. Who knows? Perhaps one day I’ll lead…
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jaideepkhanduja · 2 months
Xenogenesis of Culture: The Modern Adaptation of Odia Classics and Their Impact #BlogchatterA2Z
Xenogenesis of Culture: The Modern Adaptation of Odia Classics and Their Impact #BlogchatterA2Z #OdiaLiterature #CulturalHeritage #ModernAdaptations #OdiaClassics #DigitalTransformation #FilmAdaptation #LiteraryTranslation #OdiaCulture #EducationImpact
Reimagining the Classics: The Modern Adaptation of Odia Literature Odia literature, with its rich heritage and profound cultural narratives, has long been a source of inspiration across generations. The classical works of Odisha not only resonate with timeless themes but also reflect the social, political, and spiritual milieu of their times. In recent years, there has been a burgeoning interest…
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munkat-keres-kinal · 4 months
Jelentkezési felhívás az LTI Koreai Fordító Akadémia Rendszeres tanfolyamára 2024
✔ A koreai irodalom, webtoonok, filmek törekvő fordítói
✔ Nyelvek: angol, francia, német, spanyol, orosz, kínai, japán
✔ Online jelentkezés: 2024. április 1-től április 19-ig 16:00 (KST) a https://academy1.ltikorea.or.kr oldalon keresztül.
✔ Külföldi állampolgárok: havi 1600 000 KRW illetmény, vízum támogatás, oda-vissza repülőjegy
✔ Időtartam: 2024. augusztus 26 - 2026. június (4 félév 2 éven keresztül)
✔ Tandíj és regisztrációs díjak: Ingyenes tandíj minden diáknak, és évi 100 000 KRW regisztrációs díj általános jelentkezőknek
✔ Részletek: https://ltikorea.or.kr/kr/board/notice/boardView.do?bbsIdx=15187&pageIndex=1&searchCondition=&searchKeyword=
✔ Érdeklődés:
○ Oktatási Menedzsment Hivatal: [email protected]
○ GYIK: https://academy.ltikorea.or.kr/home/faqList.do
A Koreai Irodalmi Fordító Intézet a Fordító Akadémián 17. rendszeres kurzus diákjait toborozza. Reméljük, hogy támogatják a leendő fordítók.
✔ Támogatás igénylése
○ Időtartam: 2024. 4. 1. (hétfő) ~ 4. 19. (P) 16:00 (KST)
○ Módszerek: Online felvételi ( https://academy1.ltikorea.or.kr )
✔ Toborzás áttekintése
○ Nyelvek: angol, francia, német, spanyol, orosz, kínai, japán
○ Jogosultság: alapképzés vagy annál magasabb
○ Oktatási időszak: 2024. 8. 26.. ~ 2026. 6. 2. félév 4. félév)
○ Képzési szponzor (külföldön élő külföldiek): D-4-2 vízum, fizikai költségek (havonta 16 millió won), repjegy oda-vissza támogatás
○ Általános szponzor (Koreai belföldiek, külföldi állampolgárok): 1,5 millió won félévi ösztöndíj három nyelvi jogokkal rendelkező diáknak
○ Tandíj : Ingyenes
○ Regisztrációs díj: (General Supporter) 100 000 won évente egyszer
✔ Érdeklődni
○ A Koreai Irodalom Fordító Intézet tudományos menedzsment csapata [email protected]
○ Fordítóakadémia GYIK: https://academy.ltikorea.or.kr/home/faqList.do
*3. 27. (Szerda) 10:00 és 17:00 online felvételi eligazítás lesz a Koreai Irodalmi Fordító Intézet YouTube élő csatornáján. (A két ülés közül csak az egyiken lehet részt venni. )
#번역아카데미 #TranslationAcademy #번역배우기 #문학번역 #영화번역 #웹툰번역 #번역가 #한국문학번역원 #LTIKorea #translation #번역수업 #예비번역가 #번역 #literaturetranslation #literarytranslation #literaturetranslator #literarytranslator #Koreanliterature
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descalibrary · 1 year
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Here: If you plan to do a quick reading on this compilation of essay to be exact then drop your plan - I suggest! The 21 essays on translation written in this book aren't something you'll read in a glance. It's simply because they'll take you to the world of (literary) translation from both personal and professional perspectives. I sound a little bit like Bloom but I couldn't help myself but raise this question, “Shall we see (or enjoy) a piece of translation aesthetically or seeing the meaning behind each translated word written there which lead us to an ideological perspectives. I have given an example of how political and ideological a translation could be on my previous post on this book. I also mentioned Burton’s translations as an example which is also mentioned several times in this book. Yet I cannot neglect that there are plenty of literary translated works that I fall simply because of its translations. Here’s an example: Some of my #TiltedAxisTeam friends told me that Hamid Ismailov’s are not easy to be understood even they’re translated into English. In my case, I do fall for Ismailov simply because I can convey and relate to what he wrote through the English translation. Another example: I always adore Marguerite Duras! I always have my head over heels when it comes to Duras. But I do enjoy reading the translated version of L’amant - the Lover. I stock each word there as I put my heart on sleeve. Another interesting point is how this book points to the discussion of decolonisation through literary translation. An example is the translation of the Arabic words and the works of my love- a Saint Lucian poet Derek Walcott. Will elaborate more on the review on this book in my personal platform. Will keep you updated. Des✨ #bookishindonesia #bookaholic #bookstagram #bookstagramindonesia #bookreview #bookreviewer #booknerd #bookaddict #bookblogger #bookaesthetic #bookenthusiast #booksbooksbooks #descalibrary #descaslibrary #descareading2023 #fictionbook #literaturejunkie #nonfiction #igreads #igbook #instaread #instabooks #ReadTheWorld23 #riotgrams #BookstagramReels #LiteraryTranslation #ViolentPhenomena #ReadTiltedAxis #JeremyTiang (at Sota,PNG) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoQZ7-9S7TO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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acyborgkitty · 3 years
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Finished first round edits on a graphic lit translation I'm very excited about for @fantagraphics - details forthcoming. Treated myself to a korvapuusti (Finnish cinnamon bun) and walk. [Erica, a white person with short brown hair, sits with their hand on a cane in the shade at an outdoor table with a field in the background, the broken camera lense creates a reflection of the field superimposed over the lower right of the image] #writingcommunity #literarytranslation #translator #comics #translation #mecfs #disability #disablesldartist #spoonie #spooniesummer #crip (at Fiskars Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CShe2uCosDh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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angelbooks · 3 years
MEET THE AUTHOR 📚 We had such a wonderful time at Beecroft Gardens School in London. Thank you 😊 Had a really wonderful time with the parents, children and teachers. 🥳 @brockley_open_studios @brockleymarket #beecroftgardenprimaryschool #brockley #lewisham #lewishamchildcare #gardens #schoolchildren #meettheauthor #teaching #primaryschool #books @moonlaneink @croftonbooks @beckenhamplacepark @becktogether @moonlane  #goodreads  #literarytranslation #debuttranslation #literarytranslators #languages #publiclibraries #libraries #library #books #authors #authorcommunity   #authorunion #tradeunion #BritishLibrary #bookloans #books #publiclibrary #childrensbookrecommendations #picturebooks #picturebookillustration #catford #bookreview  (at Brockley South East London (UK)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ8R_2qDYdc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-leper-squint · 3 years
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¿Qué es más abrumador que traducir a O. Lamborghini al inglés? Reseñar a la traducción espléndida de @sequeira_jess ‘Two Stories’ (los relatos: ‘La mañana’ y ‘Escribir como cualquier cosa’) @sublunaryeditions • What's more daunting than translating Osvaldo Lamborghini into English? Reviewing the superb translation of 'Two Stories' by @sequeira_jess | @sublunaryeds for @asymptotejrnl #translation #osvaldolamborghini #literarytranslation #review (en Americas Tour) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVdzBpA3tu/?igshid=1sgsza9srtlk9
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literaryplotsblog · 3 years
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Literatura brasileira para exportação com MEMÓRIAS PÓSTUMAS DE BRÁS CUBAS. Não percam a entrevista com Margaret Jull Costa que traduziu a obra para o inglês junto com Robin Patterson! http://inversbrasiltradlit.blogspot.com/2020/12/entrevista-n-1-margaret-jull-costa.html #literarytranslation #brazilianliterature #translation #machadodeassis https://www.instagram.com/p/CKhH-Y7B2d8/?igshid=jfxlho10ozex
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bcltuea · 7 years
These workshops truly highlighted what this summer school is about: allowing people with a passion to come together, and strengthening the community of literary translators – a job which, as everybody I have spoken to underlined, can be very tough and lonely. Lonely was the opposite of what the whole week was like: there was a lot of laughter, fun, smiles...
BCLT Intern 2017
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the-pec · 5 years
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Translation Types, Accurate translations of documents are performed by agencies providing professional translation services. Based on the domains, translations can be divided into various types. But according to us, the translation types can be majorly classified into the following categories -business translation, certificate translation, professional translation, administrative translation, technical translation, legal translation, medical translation, financial translation, literary translation, script translation, academic translation, website translation.
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soundslikewish · 5 years
Stories to Read by Candlelight
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My translation, Stories to Read by Candlelight by Jean Lorrain (Contes pour lire à la chandelle, first published in 1897) has just been published by Odyssey Books in a postcard-sized paperback or as an e-book for Kindle. Now available at Amazon and other online bookstores.
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draculachronicle · 5 years
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Histria Books presents: When Angels Sing: Poems and Prose by Magda Isanos. This beautiful book is brought to life with original illustrations by talented young Romanian artist Alexandra Chirita @chiritaalexandra944, The volume presents English language versions of one of Romania’s greatest lyric poets and one of the leading female voices in Romanian literature of her generation. Her work reflects a spirit of joy and innocence but also a sense of darkness and impending doom. Born in Iași, Romania, on April 17, 1916, Magda Isanos moved to Chișinău with her parents, both medical doctors at the end of World War I when Bessarabia reunited with Romania. She made her poetical debut at the tender age of 16. She returned to Iași to attend law school. While thre she met and married writer Eusebiu Camilar. She published her first book of poems in 1943. This 152 page volume includes translations and an introduction by A.K. Brackob and a postscript by the poet’s late daughter Elisabeth Isanos Goian. #Romania #poetry #RomanianLiterature #MagdaIsanos #Moldavia #MoldavianLiterature #Moldova #Chisinau #Iasi #literarytranslations available on Amazon! When Angels Sing: Poems and Prose by Magda Isanos amzn.to/2N3ea3R via @amazon #MagdaIsanos ORDER TODAY! #casemategroup #histriabooks https://www.instagram.com/p/BycPH16AjnD/?igshid=myy57e4wvv8
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“I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and it isn't of much value. Life hasn't revealed its beauty to them.” #borispasternak #russian #novelist #poet #literarytranslator #bornonthisday1890 #borntodie (at Highland Square, Akron) https://www.instagram.com/p/BttVPC2lLU8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nxlrfwv2cpoy
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lilinamcollins · 6 years
Why Is Literary Translation Job Considered As A Challenge By Many?
Italian, English or Chinese, translating literary works is not at all easy. Whether it is for making another book in different language or any adaptation for any film or thereat, Literary Translation is the most challenging job for even the experts in translation. This is due to the fact that literary works involve the writers and reader’s response and feeling about the literary piece. That means a translator does not only need to know the correct terminology and the meaning, but must also know the feeling that the writer wants to convey to the readers through the words and phrases. This surely is a difficult endeavor.
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The volume and other factors
Literary translation is also considered to be difficult due the large volume of a single literary piece. Whether it is a drama, a prose or a dramatic poetry, translating it in other languages needs to give shape to the reader’s understanding no matter to which part of the world they belong. Moreover, literary works have different other fields such as history, philosophy, and politics. Handling a piece that contains thousands of words running through hundreds of pages require patience and experience. It is not recreating the work in another language but simply changing the dialects appropriately.
[ Must Read: Why A Banking Translation Important For A Fast Growing Business? ]
Remain true to the original
The balance the translator needs to maintain in literary translation is perhaps one of the biggest challenges. The translator must remain true to the original text but make sure that the completed project is unique and it evokes similar responses as the source text. In this type of job even a single word can change the entire meaning of the text and make the translation inaccurate. The translator must know the specific reason why the author has chosen a particular word so that it is delivered rightfully in the target language. Each work will have different meanings in different language and no direct translation of the source text will help in any way.  
Most common mistakes
There are a few common mistakes that a professional translator must avoid in literary translation so that the real feeling and emotion of the source text is captured in the target language. In order to make sure that the soul of the book is not lost in translation Quality Literary Translation Services will avoid translating word for word or even exaggerating or over-emphasizing on a particular word or phrase. They will not depend much on translation tools and never overlook cultural differences.
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