#literally would never happen i know but it's funny and made me stop thinking abt how much i hate college so
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wereh0gz · 1 year ago
I need everyone to know that thinking abt sonic the werehog took me out of that bad thinking spiral last night
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lucabyte · 5 days ago
Hello! First of all I love ur art, and because of that I have something to ask you regarding it. This comic has never left my mind for the last year or so since you first posted it and I was wondering where the specific things the characters are saying came from! Even if it's not from anything and you came up with it yourself, I would love to be able to quote the dialogue elsewhere and know who to attribute it to (because the depth of the relatively simple exchange is MASSIVE and I wanna be able to share it with people)
Hiiiiiii :D
Thank u very much hearing that you wanna quote something i made is insane and absolutely go ahead feel free.
and yea! it comes frommmm my brain. i guess attribute it to my username lol?? Unless it's in a context where attributing usernames would be strange in which case uhh dm me im not super precious about my irl name being used i just find it funny to be anonymous. old timey nettiquete n all that I can step you through what i recall my thought process was at least? Lol. I recall it came to me for the most part like, basically fully formed with the exception of flipping the pronoun from 'me' to 'you' happening when i was thumbnailing it.
Thought process below if u want it. it got long and is kind of a ramble but wheee. idk if this would Ruin the Magic or not but i usually enjoy hearing the reasoning of artists so. ?? sure
so. despite being listed as "alt title:" that joke was actually the starting point. I had been thinking about that one tumblr post that goes "one must imagine sisyphus pokemon puzzle challenge gbc" riffing on the whole one must imagine sisyphus happy thing.
and like ive already rambled about the Bonus Depth that siffrin being named for sisyphus has. The whole thing where the *reason* sisyphus got trapped with the rock in the first place was because he cheated death & in the process stopped death for everyone else too. (though. siffrin did that on accident and sisyphyus was. a rascally and intentional little scamp about it. what with the corpse desecration and all (don't get me started on a potential siffrin/loop reading of sisyphys' time spent seperated from and then returning to his gross rotten body. but im sure we could do something there too.))
so id been thinking abt siffrin-short-for-sisyphus for a while and that obviously makes loop the boulder. and the "one must imagine sisyphyus horny" thing is funny and had been in my brain since. i had been thinking about that post.
then it kind of combined with a disguuuuuustingly mushy train of thought . (spurring from *another* previous joke of mine about how siffrin was >on a boat >looked back >shouldn'tve >this is an orpheus) where i had been batting back and forth an exchange in my head of the two of them (postcanon) arguing in circles who suits orpheus/euridice better and that "well you hardly Doomed me by looking back, you saved me." "I could say the same for you!!" which is just. so sacchirine its embarrasing. (so when i used it for this i cut it off at the 'doomed' part for the mid-canon fight implications.)
And then there's just the. like viciously obvious narcissus stuff. Like loop's design is literally inspired by a contemporary piece of art of narcissus. Howeverrrr I had also been thinking about the part of the narcissus myth everyone forgets. Echo. Whose name literally went on to be Our Fucking Word for a copy (with undertones of being a Hollow Copy!!!) which is obviously supposed to be bleak irony re: narcissus falling in love with his reflection. and because i was being blorbobrained i was like hmm. a Copy falling in love with someone whos infatuated with their Reflection. Being so in love with them despite their utter ignoration that both wither and die? Yeah thats . that could be sifloop
so i come up with that first panel's dialogue due to having these three trains of thought in a relatively close timeframe. But its in like a sappy "eaugh too cute while still being oddly nihilistic" manner. The two of them using a rotating list of greek myth allusions as weird pet names for each other wistfully type shit. Again so saccharine i kind of want to not tell u this but i am being soooo honest right nowwww. but yeah i kind of rotate it in my head for a while, while im just wandering around the house doing nothing.
and then as im scolding myself for "oh come on now. three? three *different* greek myths? not everything is your scrimblo bimblo shipping fuel dude." the second half of the dialogue forms in my brain just kind of unprompted and i go "oh . or it could be fucking baller. hold on" and i think i like. made this in only like 3 hours or something scary like that. just got posessed by how sick as hell my wording was and yknow what? i was right it fucks like hell. glad i pounced on it.
but yeah there's the thoughts. overall it was very meandering and disjointed as always lol.
i'm a little mean to myself for calling my readings "surface level" since like. well nah dude they aren't *that* surface level. im just a horrid stickler for Artistic Integrity and Intent. and like as i point out above yeah. there's plenty implications to read into outside of the surface stuff. Narcissus and Echo dying unfulfilled despite being right next to each other, Sisyphus' seperated body and spirit thing & stopping death for *everyone* (and sisyphus being a king. i am never not on sisyphus being a literal king. What A Choice.), and Orpheus and Euridice being a tale of how You Can't Help but be worried for the people you love, how you'll love so much you'll go against the 'rational' thing to do. Very siffrincoded. Also boats. (Also that part where orpheus gets torn asunder by a pack of women. uh. maybe not that part. hmm. maybe that can be mal du pays (<- JOKING))
Honestly there's a major treatise to be said about like. how even though im talking sifloop here i keep implicating the party (the other people sisyphus stopped from dying, the 'loop as orpheus and the party as euridice' read) because they're kind of so viscerally inseperable- especially loop- after having so much other identity discarded that this becomes their Whole Purpose. However best i can really do is just gesture at it ?? and go ????
this kind of mapping is good to do though especially in a deeper sense. a friend of mine still has an outright *biblical* reading of The King up her sleeve that she may or may not detail someday. so . yknow this kind of drawing back to mythology is where my head tends to be at. anyway narcissus was real for that #1 self love king get it dude (watches him atrophy) uh oh
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sadie-bug345 · 11 months ago
could you write either hcs for the gang getting their wisdom teeth removed, or a mini one shot fic of soda after he gets his out? <3
(I love ur blog btw)
yesssss OML i love you sm🫶‼️
just so wacky istg
lowk thinks he’s in a book so starts talking in the third person and narrating everything that’s happening
darry struggles to get him back in the car after the appt but once they finally get back home pony stumbles through the door
”ponyboy feels peaceful as he walks through his humble abode” yells pony while darry chases after him
dally is chillin on the couch and pony sits RIGHT next to him
”dally has an elfish face and is anything but handsome, idk what cherry saw in him” and dals just like🧍‍♀️
he refrains from “knocking his block off” just cause he knows he’s on anesthesia
pretty quiet afterwards ngl
but he’s just in awe of absolutely everything
😲 24/7
he just has his jack skellington moment like “what’s this? what’s this?”
by the end of the couple hours everyone’s just so done 💀
but no one takes it out on him cause i mean it’s johnny
who could be rude to that face🤨
people try and baby him a bit and he’s just like
”lay OFFA me🙄”
similar to johnny he just asks SO many questions
but it’s just “why” OVER AND OVER
just so goofy
darry and steve are riding from the dentist with him in the car and darry gotta stop for gas
so sodas like “why”
and then steve goes off abt car mechanics and how car engines work and everything
so sodas like “why”
steve’s just like “uhhh cause that’s how the world works”
so sodas like “why”
and steve goes into an existential crisis and darry’s just like “cmon soda we gotta get you home”
this is bouta be so chaotic i’m sorry😭
cause he had a group talk abt who he wants taking care of him when he’s on the anesthetic
can’t be two bit cause hed just goof off, dally would commit three felonies and one war crime in the space of an hour without the threat of darry punching his skull in, steve just goes along with soda and hypes soda to do dumb shit, pony can’t even drive, so johnny is the only remotely responsible one
and dally chooses to invite himself along🙄
dally drives darry home after flirting with a girl waiting in the doctors office. she’s kinda crying and he’s like “what’sa matter baby😏”
and she’s like “i just got diagnosed with crippling anxiety” or smth (i know people get their wisdom teeth out at an oral surgeon/ dentist office but ITS JUST FOR THE JOKE)
and dal is OUTTA THERE
johnny sits with darry in the backseat and darry just kinda lets loose on the both of them
like “dally, yk you’ll never amount to anything at this rate right?😀” and “johnny, do ya think your troubled home life will affect the way you’ll live as an adult for decades to come?”
flirting way too much with literally everyone
”i may not be able to feel anything in my mouth but YOU sure will tonight 😏”
and two-bit is just standing like 🧍‍♀️
EWEWEW i’m actually throwing up that made me cringe sm but it’s funny so idc
the whole gang is there cause they gotta make sure dally doesn’t run away and become a drug lord overnight
pony buys him an ice cream cone and he just breaks down crying like
”this…this is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done to me 🥹” and it’s probably true
making the MOST non-sensical jokes ever
he’s just talking the ear off this old lady nurse like
”and THEN a poodle walks into the bar holding a *wheeze* a frying pan‼️”
BUT two-bits delivery is so on point that it’s actually funny cause no one expects it
just the epitome of wacky
tries to jump out of the car while they’re driving
he thinks it’s the funniest thing ever when everyone freaks out
in general just thinks everything is so funny
dally will make his usual threats to anyone in the car and two-bit will be like
”remember when dally threw up at the christmas party we had cause ponyboy bet he couldn’t drink a gallon of eggnog in two minutes💀‼️”
and dally just sits there silently for the rest of the car ride
actually thinks he’s invincible
SPRINTS and parkours his way through the doctors office
two and dal are just egging him on
sodas dying
sticks his head out the car window
TOTALLY passes out once they get home
lowk just keeps sleeping everyone thinks he died cause it’s been 12 hours since the appointment and he’s just out of it
TYSM for requesting @obsessedwithyouxx‼️
and my inbox is always open!!
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davey-in-a-minivan · 11 months ago
Second Star to the left Pasithea Au??? 👀👀👀👀
okay there are actually three permutations that @munchiezxx and i discussed (listed in increasing order of my fondness for them!)--
scoutminder jane, scout sophie:
personalitywise, this one feels most obvious--sophie's got that intrepid explorer air, and jane WOULD be over-particular and stressed if she had to try to watch over sophie in a situation where she has almost no actual influence!
remember that part in pasithea season 1 where jane admits she doesn't mind hearing sophie's stories about other planets bc they're probably the closest she'll come to seeing new worlds herself? scout sophie lovingly describing her planet for the sake of jane, who they both assume will never see it, is born from that same wistfulness
like bell, scoutminder jane ONE HUNDRED PERCENT has a "criminal due to decisions of conscience" past that she drops no hints of and sophie is too self-absorbed to prod until something happens
a very funny situation made possible by this set up is that moreau is jane's on-station nemesis that she complains to sophie about and sophie's like "um are you're sure they're not flirting?? *i* think they're wildly attracted to you and it's pissing them off. you should flirt back" and jane's like "you're insane" and sophie, who finds the saga wildly entertaining, is like "jane pleeeease, im stuck on this nowhere planet, i can't start drama myself, you have to do it on my behalf, i'll literally coach you" except then one day jane gets on the radio and says "um. something very lgbt just happened between me and moreau" and sophie's like 👁👁 wait a minute (<- suddenly super jealous and BLINDSIDED by the feeling bc she literally spent weeks egging jane into this)
sometimes sophie crosses a line and jane gives her the cold shoulder, refusing to talk about anything non mission related, and sophie resorts to narrating stupid choices she's "going" to make until jane can't take any more and is like "i know you know that putting your fork in the outlet won't fix it, stop that" and sophie (who was bluffing about the fork AND the broken outlet) is like well okay fine :) 2. scoutminder sophie, scout jane:
my backstory thought here is maybe instead of jane getting thrown in prison for the ssttl-verse equivalent of the rowley conspiracy, she was "invited" to become a planetary scout
sophie would probably have an ideological faith in the institution of the scouting office (which she works for as scoutminder) that gets broken down over the course of the story
jane would freely rearrange mission priorities and modify equipment to suit her and sophie's like "for the love of god there is protocol to follow." and does jane listen? no <3
jane asks sophie to slip hieronymus cheng novels into her data download packages and sometimes she reads them out loud and sophie insists she's only half-listening and doesn't care about the plot. which is true she doesn't care about the plot!! but she loves to hear jane's voice :')
sophie also asks jane to describe her planet sometimes but she's trying so hard to picture jane, not the planet... she's like "what's the light like? is your hair up or down?"
my favorite aspect of THIS scenario is i think sophie would just wildly overshare abt her life to fill in gaps in conversation so she tells jane waaaay too much abt her love life on the station at first "for jane's entertainment" because "it's not like she's got much else going on", and then one day jane's like huh sophie hasn't told me about any of her hookups in excruciating detail recently, thank god (this is because sophie is pining horribly)
3. scoutminder jane (again), scouts sophie and george:
this one is notably different from scenario (1) bc in that one, scout sophie fills a gwen hartley-ish role; in this one she's mikhail
from sophie's pov: she finds out her planet is inhabited by a sentient species (the others!!!) and realizes that in order to protect them & humanity from each other, she has to fake her death and stay here alone. (i don't remember the name of mikhail's alien lover but THAT'S OMIKRON)
from jane's pov: sophie gets weirder and weirder over calls until jane hears another voice in the background and goes cold bc it sounds just like evelyn. and then sophie's like "yeah i need you to tell everyone i'm dead and leave me here alone with no company except my ghosts and the undead replica of the guy we both loved!!! and you have to be the only one who knows what happened to me while everyone else mourns me!!!"
meanwhile jane and moreau are having their whole haters-to-soulmates arc over the radio (remember how moreau names the egoran corpse in their closet and insists jane treat her with respect?? they would sooo anthropomorphize their bot and then condescendingly explain to it why jane is wrong during arguments)
also moreau's a xenobiologist and i just think they deserve to have a field day investigating the weird vines on their planet and jane listens to a thirty minute monologue abt the vines' growth behaviors and is like "wait why is this so endearing"
jane gets in trouble for insubordination on the station bc of course she does and moreau finally gets josephine to track down information abt jane's background, finds out abt [rowley conspiracy equivalent] and is like "oh shit. that actually makes me like her even better. shit she can't go to PRISON abt this"
i do think coordinating a long distance jailbreak by calling in favors from random ppl who are fond of jane (anders? david alegros?) is something moreau is capable of AND likely to do
so jane escapes to moreau's planet, they finally meet in person, and then sophie turns up out of fucking NOWHERE to find jane bc while moreau's been having their ssttl 'express your newly recognized feelings for your erstwhile scoutminder by breaking them out of jail and bringing them to your planet' plotline, sophie was having her pasithea s3 'i need to convince the aliens to give me a ride home' plotline
now all three of them are on a planet together and it's GOING to cause problems!! but the fun kind!!!
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doyouremem8erme · 2 months ago
asks for tomorrow when you are in (point emoji) The Car
what are your biggest inspirations for your ocs and the stories you want to tell?
if you could have absolute control over any book being adapted to film, what book would you choose and how would you adapt it? if you don't have a book choose something else
what is the sexiest car
1. i think the biggest thing is preexisting stories whether music or other works. but also various times in my life that i feel nostalgia for or that otherwise really affected me. and finally relationships that transcend boundaries of platonic/romantic and even fate and lifetimes.
for academy of bad cats, the biggest inspirations for the way the story is told are sparklecare and matilda. but the story itself is still very much at least very loosely based on real events
liminaland is a bit of an outlier since its much more rooted in aesthetics than my other stories, but it did have inspiration from infinity train and a bit from amphibia. and the relationship between the main characters is certainly one of those relationships transcending expectations of platonic and romantic attraction.
the world of light was very inspired by various songs by sleeping at last—the “light” in the title comes from light, which inspired the very first short story i wrote in that setting—melius’s story, which establishes the timeloop and the doomed romance between him and mahina. its still quite funny to me how closely the plot of world of light resembles homestuck despite being put together years before i ever read it, and the fact that the timeloop was created by a character literally originally named akemi before i renamed her to atsuko to stop it from resembling pmmm, which i also hadnt watched and knew almost nothing about at that point! bigger inspirations for the world of light were the sajana/bayala books by gecko keck, and the wolves of the beyond books.
other minor characters i have are usually based around a very specific theme song or concept. sarah and ben are based on the plans album by death cab for cutie, from their designs to their story to their names. phoebe and mara started out as designs i was given based on moodboards i made, and their stories grew entirely out of those designs.
2. hmmmm well before the wildwood movie was even announced as being made by laika that was already my ideal vision for an adaptation and i am sooo excited for it to come out… the laika style complements carson ellis’s illustrations sooo well
but since that one is already happening! i think an anime movie of escaping exodus by nicki drayden would be absolutely beautiful… the visuals in it already feel like if studio ghibli was gorey body horror i think itd work so well
also i know it would never happen and if it did happen it would not be to the vision of fans. but… animated warrior cats movie… hot take lowkey would be kinda fire if they actually USED that realistic 3d animation style for it. like the fandom is so so full of talented 2d animators that create so much incredible stuff on their own but 3d is harder to pull off well on a low budget. and seeing those books brought to life like that would be insanely cool. ofc it would be way too violent for the target audience of the books but if we are simply talking dream scenarios…thatd be so cool. and it would be cool if it was 2d animated too! they both have their pros and cons.
finally another that i know would never be done well but i would still want to see so goddamn bad would be. homestuck movie series. they could probably pull it off in 6 movies at the most and ive talked abt how it could be split up before… i think it should be slightly cheesy live action. like a little bit campy with intentionally dated cgi especially within the medium. faithful to the original comic but perhaps adding in some more modern references… imagine if they were able to get some of the iconic homestuck fandom songs for it. what if lets see how far weve come played in the end credits of one of the movies. i had a wholeass dream abt this once. and i wish it was real so fucking bad. but i know it never will happen
3. i dont know enough about cars to answer this sorry…
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maymeowmoo · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
New episode of Smg4?!?!?!? Well I'm inna writing mood soooooo.... Imma review/analysis and share my thoughts on the new episode >:) ["SMG4:SMG3's BOMB CAFE"] If you're bored feel free to read this overly detailed analysis of a 12:01 minute video! (Actually ~10:30ish)
Analyzing time! ^w^/
Smg3 being so happy abt his lil cafe is very cute. I did not expect Smg4 to be so goddam sassy in this episode but I like that they didn't get rid of their rivalry completely since u know, after so many years it would be odd for it to just disappear even if they have recently been bonding so much u<u
Still I couldn't help but feel a bit odd? Like idk if Four just desperately wanted Three to ask him for help w the coffee or what but DANG was he super into making Smg3's life harder. At 4:49 Smg4 basically goes screw it lets make Three more miserable and invites everyone. Like let bro learn overtime we don't need a Kirby Lunch Rush but with Smg3! Also Four's expressions? Dude is being SILLY on purpose u_u He continues his nuisance charade with 6:22 ("How can you not even have the unicorn frappucino?"). Like dang bro how abt u calm ur sass down and stop provoking Three even more? He does get a clear indication of Smg3's annoyance (8:51-8:52 Smg3 says "Shut up." to Four also stopping him from making another sassy remark) yet still continues. At 9:14 (Smg4:"So you admit you can't run a shop yet?") Four gives his snarky comment and all I can think of is how he intentionally made it harder for Three to run the dang shop. [Note: Tbh even someone who owned a shop would have a hard time with Smg4's Crew lets be fr.] Just like I said at the beginning of this paragraph I am starting to really believe Four wanted to be involved with Three somehow and the only way he knew how is by forcing conflict.
Characterization wise what surprised me is how even after two instances of Three yelling for the others to stop fighting they still continue on. Idk I just feel like they would've listened tbh. They were very... hyperactive I guess? The characters do act kinda like they should but it still felt odd to me for some reason. Eggdog as always has the best characterization tho, man do I like that silly egg thing. Anywho this wasn't the only thing that felt odd continuity wise. I would've thought Smg3 learnt to make proper coffee before he started up a cafe? Especially since he literally lived in a STARBUCKS??? Like I just think he would've idk tried making coffee before opening a cafe even if he didn't make any during his time in the Internet Graveyard. I did make up two explanations for this tho! One is that the dead memes (Specifically the funny lil knuckles) made the coffee during his time in the Internet Graveyard and the other is that he was just too anxiety/adrenaline ridden to make proper coffee. At the end of the day these things aren't huge issues for me but as I said before it did make me feel odd.
Smg4 getting called out for his sass was necessary for me to like this video so imma glad it happened and he doesn't just get away with his behavior. At 9:23 the realization of his silly shenanigans finally catch up to him and that means..... THE SMG34 PART OF THE EPISODE STARTS YEEHAW! Even though Smg4's and 3's confrontation felt just the tiny bit forced to me (probably Four's fault) it was so nice to see them being softer. I also really like how Three doesn't agree to Four's proposal without making some convoluted reasoning as to why this isn't just two pals helping each other out and is actually TOTALLY just a transactional thing. It feels really in character! Oh yeah since I need to put this somewhere at 9:47 Four is like "I want to help" and like... you made it harder and now you want to help? Better now then never tbh ^w^/
Jokes -> The joke at 2:27-2:34 made me chuckle ._. and that makes me somewhat disappointed in myself (You want it? Issa urs my friend is so real). 3:00 is also a joke I liked, it felt very relatable (I struggle with basic human stuff like buttons on a coffee machine also u_u aww man). 3:28-3:32 Decent joke! 4:12 having a Gmod Three bang the coffee machine was good but the sudden Pomni/Smg4 reaction wasn't for me :v (It is good for Au art tho, I've seen the Smg4 as Pomni art hehe ;P ). 5:55-6:05 Nice joke ^v^/ (Smg3 writing '1 jar of poison for Mario' was the cherry on top tbh). 6:29-6:35 just like the joke at three minutes the whole 'operating a coffee machine being like dark magic' is still funny to me. 7:35-7:38 7:45-7:46 the music that plays when the rainbow (acid) coffee is shown is cool. 8:34-8:49 The whole Tari going coo coo joke is honestly pretty unfunny ._. I did not like it :v. 10:44-10:45 'Cleaned up everything!' is such a funny pop up to put here. Joke APPROVED!
Joke wise I think this episode is actually quite solid. The one joke I really didn't like kinda puts it down but ignoring that issa cool ig :D (6,8/10)
Closing statement -> Dude Four on roller skates working at a cafe for Three? THIS IS JUST A FANFIC AT THIS POINT... and I am all for it ;D
[Note: I have no idea why I wrote this but I felt like it sooooo... YEAH! >:3 If you have any thoughts abt this ep I'd love to hear em ;o]
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link-20xx · 1 month ago
can u explain all the fallenchungus lore literally all I can find is that he made unattractive fart fetish porn and I've avoided twitter for like a good week and people are talking about a massive downfall and im SO out of the loop
Hi. Okay. I’m gonna try the best I can. I’m putting this under the cut for people who don’t care.
Fallen Chungus’ main problem is that he’s kind of just really annoying, but he’s so annoying everyone hates him. But he’s done some kind of insane shit so I’m gonna try and summarize what I can
- he has said he is going to kill himself publicly like 8 times now. I feel for the guy I get it but it’s to the point where he does it whenever anything goes wrong and I know he is not being honest abt it because he says he will do it, then says that he was released the next day. The worst one was when he said that he took like 80 Advil when you Can Not do that (speaking from experience) because your body begins to throw up the pills because it doesn’t like that many. Even if he did manage to get 80 down/if he did take pills (I’m sure he did, but just exaggerated) 80 is an insane exaggeration because that would leave him disabled for life. Like his liver would have stopped working and he’d have like… 10 years to live w/o a transplant. That’s the main thing that pisses me off abt him LOL but
-he was shit talking his family online when his aunt came out and said that he was actually pretty abusive and his family has been trying to help him because they’re worried. He told his fans to review bomb her small business and then just like ignored it ever happened
- made fun of a 14 year old for self shipping for like no reason then got mad when people were like “hey man they’re 14”
- he said “young [n word]” (the abbreviation of the first two letters) and when ppl were like haha hey man jsyk that means something different than you think, he said he knew what it meant but he wasn’t calling anyone it so it was fine. (He was directly calling someone it)
- some people say he made incestious animal crossing porn but i think that’s kinda an over reaction. It was just Isabelle reacting to her brothers farts which is like.. kinda weird but nothing crazy idk. He also drew kuromi fart porn when she’s 5 but idk if a lot of people know the hello Kitty characters are that young and not just like chibis?? So that doesn’t seem that bad
Okay now for just the funny stuff
- he made a thread with a fucking. Drawing and everything called “the kid, the unc, and the gooner” and hyped it up like it was gonna be something crazy. He publicly said he had a fart fetish after hyping it up for days and then said things every normal person agrees on, like “kids shouldn’t be in nsfw spaces” and nothing new was added to the conversation. He said porn artists were bad because autistic people could get hyperfixated on porn. A week later people found his newly made porn account
- he says he’s done with the internet forever then comes back a day later. Longest he’s been away is 2 weeks. No one wants him here he is killing himself online
- says the r slur so much it’s insane I have never heard someone say it with such hatred before. It’s really funny to hear him say because of how intense he says it ngl 😭😭
- he was like homeless for a while? That’s not like funny I just feel I should mention he was homeless because his parents couldn’t take how terminally online he was
- he had a job for 4 days then got fired for arguing on Twitter all day
- had a breakdown and said he would not be this generations Chris chan
- one of my friends used to run in the same circles as him and she says he was really really rude
Now for my favorite:
- when he decided was done with the fallen Chungus account he decided to sell it. The buyer gave him 500 dollars so chungus gave him the account. Chungus than freaked out, decided he didn’t want to, and gave him the 500 dollars back. But the guy already had the account so he just. Took the account. And everyone likes the new guy more. They ended up being cool until he kept getting more and more annoying and finally said he’d stop posting online, but asked him if he could still promote his Roblox game. He said “what” and chungus blocked him
Thats everything I remember. I’m so sorry if you read all this I feel I’ve cursed you. But basically everything could be solved if everyone went outside I think
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thecrazyphantom · 8 months ago
Just some interactions that happened to me a couple of years ago.
The person I'm referring to is probably stalking my account as I post this 😕
(This is just a vent of mine, you can skip if you don't want to read it ❤️)
Btw both of us are Female(well idk what they are but they're afab)
I was so uncomfortable trying to respond to them saying this, let alone in response to my photo.
When they broke our friendship (In a very cringe way btw. I can elaborate if anyone asks) they told me how I "treated them horribly" even though I was the one who constantly just had to deal with their Bullshit when they texted me.
They'd also constantly oversexualize all the female characters I Roleplay/I like
Ex: Saying that Peko has (AND I LITERALLY QUOTE.) "phat juicy tits".
When we had a Simp channel in our Discord server That was Yk... Dedicated to fictional characters.. or people in their class they thought were pretty. They posted a photo into it of Me in a Byakuya Cosplay looking down at the camera and then started going on and on about how they'd give me everything they owned and such and it made me so uncomfortable that I couldn't even response logically so i just sent "<3" and didn't respond to the text.
They would also talk constantly about their AUs and stuff about The Cuphead show. I rlly did like a lot of what they talked about since I liked Cuphead the Game and have a very open mind to others Aus. But the thing was was that I had openly talked about how I didnt want to watch the Cuphead show because I just didn't like the voice acting ((Well they've got good voice acting, good Animation, and funny plots , but I just don't think the Cuphead cast should have voices. But I did watch the show after all this, and it was pretty good)). But i just remember that one day I was getting tired of them talking about Cuphead and I texted them "I don't mean to be rude but can you stop sending Cuphead content? You're slowly making me dislike it 😕" (that's the exact quote), and then they got annoyed and was like "that was the only direct cuphead thing I've sent" And I ofc denied that bc I don't rlly loose interest in things through only one message unless it's controversial. And I wasn't gonna deal with pulling up all that evidence so I just said "Omfg *name*" "Nah I'm done with discord" and they instantly started to "im so sorry" bomb but I told them I wouldn't talk to them until I calmed down bc I was just pretty grouchy at the moment. When I came back I sent some words abt me calming myself down again, then said "I apologize for my outburst". And bam we were somehow friends again????
What was even worse was that they did this all in front of our mutual friend (well at the time it was mutual, now they're just my friend ^_^) that they were at the time dating.
(I don't even remember if they sent more cuphead and I'm not even gonna dig for it)
All I know is that that could've been easily resolved by either just saying something along the lines of "I'm sorry I'll try to send them less" or even being like "Cuphead is my Hyperfixation, just like how your hyperfixation is Danganronpa"
They'd also text the gc that me and my friend were in that they were going to commit Slick-a-Slide and then disappear for weeks on end. So ofc me and my friend would be worried and get in a depressive state because we were under the false narrative that they Unalived, just for them to come back after a while and just brush it off. Each time we asked if they were okay they would always be like "Yeah Sorry my mom just took away my phone." And for a while I started to speculate that they were just in a Mental hospital but they never mentioned it (and they Kinda told us EVERYTHING that happens in their life/day/week.) So not only were they treating me wrong, they were dragging my friend into it and Worrying them. (This happened multiple times while they were dating, so I can't even imagine the levels of depression that could've spiraled my friend into. Like having to hear your lover say they were going to commit, then go offline for a long time, is actually petrifying.)
This is a small one but I also remember that a couple weeks or months before they broke ties with me, We were in a server with all of their friends (+my friend and I), they texted the public channel asking if anyone wanted to call, and when I said that I was down to call that literally responded something along the lines of "someone who isn't Phantom" and then they kicked me shortly after I responded with a sad emoji. That made me lose all left over respect I had for them. My friend confronted them on how that wasn't too nice to say, and then they got kicked too.
Also this is off track but imma bring it up since I'm currently obsessed with Korekiyo, but the way they Roleplayed Korekiyo made him seem like he's some Holier than thou character that could pretty much read minds and just tell what they were doing prior ((for example a character could make and excuse to walk off to give something to someone they're currently seeing and come back to Korekiyo and they'd respond "Oh were you giving something to *name*?")). Idk this just made me not like Korekiyo for a while after they broke ties with me.
Anyways that's all my ranting for now. Pip, Ace, whatever you're going by rn. If you see this, please get off my page, for you've made me dread each second and more that you've talked to me ;) ❤️
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iheartgaykey · 2 months ago
Hiii Ellie! I know this might sound a bit corny but I just have to say how excited I am for your AU Locked Up?? You’ve been such a huge art inspiration for me ever since I started following you and it goes way beyond DHMIS!! Every piece you create always leaves me in awe and you have no idea how much YOU have inspired me to experiment with bold colors. The way you execute everything is just so flawless it pushes me to do better every time I see your work! I don’t say this nearly enough but you’re really funny and you’re also just so much fun to be around! I really wish I could express more often how much I appreciate everything you’ve done and the time you’ve spent following me.. IT TRULY DOES MEAN A LOT TO ME AAJFDHGFDGF THE WAY WE JUST HAVE THESE REALLY STUPID INSIDE JOKES. We can never let "abc to shoot me in the face and kil me instantly " die or "home is where the ward is" I'MGONNA CRY I wasn't sure which account to send this but also you don't have to reply to it AT ALL I honestly get how cringe it might look I JUST HOPE YOU KNOW I'LL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR BACK. Even if you need to vent or rant about something you're free to reach out to me! Never stop talking about that Key, Never stop talking about $oulbomb and just keep spamming the fuck out of this account -💌🩷
This timing is so good actually I've been rereading this like all day.THANK YOU SO MUCH DOLLY YOU FR DO NOT UNDERSTAND. I've been so stressed for the past few days bc alot has been going on (to be expected but that's a story for another day) so hearing this actually made my day my week my month and my year please never ever stop being you and never let your friends parents or anyone put you down bc good god doll you are genuinely an amazing person. I DO NOT DESERVE THIS AAGH NEVER EVER.THINK YOU HAVE TO HELP OR COMFORT OTHER PPL I could yap all day about everything you brought up here but I'll try to keep it a bit short FIRSTLY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVEN READING SOME OF THE SHIT I POST MOST OF THE TIME (for some reason...) I ASSUME PPL JS LIKE MY POSTS & DONT READ THEM... I was originally going to give up on my dhmis au bc I DID NOT THINK anyone gave a shit abt the pilot anymore bc I am a few years late.. (joined the fandom early last year methinks..) ALSO I AM STILL SO SHOCKED I INSPIRE YOU AT ALL WHAT :(((/POS
I WOULD LOVE to talk abunch abt why I likey bright neons sm bc I think it does show a lot in my art (I fell in love with neons a few years ago js like $oulbomb bc I was looking for a specifc genre of items and found them before I had a name for em ♡) AND YOU STILL SOMEHOW PULL OF NEON FUNNY COLORS BETTER THAN ME??? the way u draw is so magical it KIND OF REMINDS ME OF GACHA/POS everytime I talk to my family abt tumblr or literally anything dhmis related my brother brings up abc to shoot me in the face and kil me instantly...
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year ago
i dont think ive seen any of ur pcs other than afhiri (who i adore) basically i am here to say if u want share pics and some facts abt ur other pcs!! :D
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this is rue she is my durge and her playthrough got murdered by durge related bugs that i didnt wanna deal with and would rather wait for them to fix the cutscenes <3 also known as rue the impaler shes a wild magic sorcerer who got fed up of being one shot and became a tank with a barbarian multiclass <3 afhiri is a resist durge who i can explain best as those uncomfortable and uneasy to be around strange emo girls who stare into ur soul with lifeless eyes. shes pretty... but shes weird
my oc dru kind of got cannibalised by rue but still exists.. cuz dru's intended path literally doesn't work because i made her before i finished the game and the ending doesn't allow her to exist and it would have to be rewritten by me so much that i just don't have the energy so dru just lives in my lil au "what i wish the ending allowed" space in my brain <3 i'm not gonna share a picture because this also allows me to have her exist outside of the games limitations so no picture <3 she's so much cooler than the cc allows <3 dru is a high elf who is delusional and thinks shes actually a fey eladrin and is very uncomfortable to be around because shes just insane. completely isolated from society and the world and would have the hermit background if they didnt remove it .. larian literally didnt want her to exist.
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unfortunately due to my pc death i no longer have asuras cc stuff so she will need to be remade but... this is asura shes literally terrible. shes my unfortunately extremely power hungry character who will accept every single option to make her stronger. she fucks mindflayers. and minthara. and she and minthara will rule the entire world together as tyrant wives and maybe they ascend. true love stuff. asura won't live until i'm confident minthara isn't a broken fucking mess . i think playing asura will make me worse. shes like how people play bhaalist durges who love their daddy but shes not the durge. shes just a bad person
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THIS IS TAV. yeah his name is tav. they're just a tav man idk. this is my first character from full release tav is an ancients paladin whose entire vibe is "you don't quite suite your oath" and that's fun. they are the most lawful good boring ass motherfucker you ever met and literally my favourite type of character. he's all about Justice and Order and Goodness and Sacrificing Your Happiness For The Greater Good. that kind of annoying paladin! <3 tav never got to finish the game because my pc died and killed them. oh and tav has a twin who dedicated their life to annoying tav because .. like. lawful good paladin? DESERVES to be annoyed
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which is really funny because the twin is my EA character! also tav! see the thing is. paladin tav is actually tav. but this monster? tav isn't their name. but they go by tav. just so they can hopefully fuck with their twins reputation. doing terrible things in their lawful good twins name!!! i still can't decide if i want twin tav to work with the guide and kiss nine-fingers keenne or work with the zhentharim and kiss rugan. or maybe they're a double agent and kiss both. idk!!! twin tav has literally no moral compass and just does shit for money mostly. and to make their twins life hell <3
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and lastly i have this dude who doesn't have a place on my oc page because he doesn't have a name or nothing like. he's completely blank beyond i KNOW he's something to do with afhiri. so fun fact afhiri's lore was leading towards this dude being some sort of outer planes entity, either a god (dead star) or the herald of such, and baited afhiri through a portal as part of her destiny. this is how she gains her wild magic. BUT this was scrapped for what ended up happening (afhiri befriends a chwinga. cuteness ensues). HE STILL EXISTS IN AFHIRIS LORE SOMEWHERE - HE IS LITERALLY A COMPANION IN HER PARTY - when my pc stops crashing every time i play bg3 he's going to be on my blog a lot because im gonna use fancy editing to make him a companion and shove him in cutscenes. afhiri and he will kiss btw. i definitely don't want him to be actually a tiefling though this is just a form he uses to walk faerun and not to cause any ruckus... and to make afhiri feel ease around him <3 ALSO HES NOT ACTUALLY AFHIRIS GUARDIAN... u will see who is when my pc stops dying <3
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ladyseidr · 11 months ago
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been thinking abt how funny michael's first kiss was. like, even he thinks it's funny once he's older. it's like:
( edit: this post is so redundant in many ways, as rory is literally a muse now. just read his bio tbh fkdhsflashfds this post is unedited over all but inaccurate parts are crossed out )
he was literally like 13 and it was absolutely one of the guys in his little bully group ( def the one he was closest to. . . before the kiss Made It Weird )
( this is pre-Bite to be clear the group literally abandoned him after That went down )
happened just during a random quiet, private moment with said friend. like, it wasn't a special moment or anything, it just happened
no, michael obviously didn't make the first move. he is literally allergic to making the first move ever, even prior to the bite
literally just like. very intentional hand brushes -> friend gives him an incredibly awkward, short kiss -> they both stare at each other stupidly for a moment -> friend panics, apologizes, and literally Fucking Leaves
( was michael's reputation a part of that? yeah, obviously. would said friend have panicked regardless? oh yeah )
no, michael was not aware that he was gay prior to this. he like. . . questioned his disinterest in girls a bit, but he was vaguely in denial
yes he feels ~Sparks~ and yes he immediately realized he had a crush on said friend and YES it literally destroyed him for his friend to just run out
it did make things weird between them and they never talked about it. no, the weirdness never improved, mostly because of the group abandoning michael in an attempt to distance themselves from evan's death
michael cried over the whole kiss thing for like a week straight in his bedroom but he will NEVER tell anyone this. like i don't care if it's fn.af 6 era, you will never pry that information from him
i want to be clear that we're talking full-blown teenage melodrama here. like, you know when you were a teenager crying in your bedroom to sad music? LITERALLY michael. it literally wasn't even that big of a deal. but he was 13 and everything is life or death when you're 13.
yes the other af.tons know abt the crying in the bedroom thing. by default they know better than to breathe a word ( except elizabeth lmao ), but by all means write your af.tons doing otherwise FDSKHFSH
very My William-specific but: one of the last major bonding moments between him and william happened regarding this. michael actually managed to open up some about this and william like. actually? handled it pretty well?? which is rare because he is NOT good at comforting, but he had a point of reference as a queer man who remembering his first recognizable crush on a boy. mind you, don't think michael just outright announced what was fully going on lmao. there's a ton more context to how this went down, but i'd have to write out the full ass scene to show that. but also william is perceptive and lbr he didn't think michael was straight anyway LMAO
anyway if you're wondering when his first actual relationship was, that's er. dependent. i'm still wishy-washy abt default shipping him with jeremy. like, in my heart i find that relationship important to michael but also i'm so wary of default shipping non-canon ships on here. but i did it with will.ry, so who's stopping me LMAO. anyway yeah but that would be when he was 18-19. if we're not including jeremy tho, it's literally no one unless we're shipping in a thread
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daisyjonesgf · 1 year ago
Omg ur recent post abt Conway — so true. IT HURTS. Although finnick and conway starting to beef as soon as they met was kinda funny, it’s also really sad :(
To come to the realization that the girl you’ve been pining for your whole life won’t feel the same way about you (and has been manipulating you as a means to survive) DURING THE GAMES is insane.
But also, I cant stop thinking abt that brief moment between when the reader was reaped and when conway was reaped. I couldn’t imagine how he felt after she was called :/ before that, he probably thought he had the chance to finally be with her, only to see her to get reaped and potentially die, while also being mentored by her ex :( and before he could even process that HE GETS REAPED?? this is the type of tragedy you can only find in Shakespeare fr
ik i keep acting shocked, but it’s so valid for katniss to be thinking like this right now. her only focus is survival and she understands that one of the keys to survive the game is to perform for the capitol. Idk what do u think abt that?🫣
yes I love psychoanalyzing my character to no end
because reader was being honest when she said she probably would've ended up with Conway, realistically they would've ended up together if the games hadn't happened. she would have settled to have a normal life with him and would have been happy enough, but never as happy as she would be with Finnick
and Conway cared about her so much, that he would've been fine with that. honestly though I don't think Conway could have won, I think he was so angry when he realized reader had been using him, known his feelings and used it to get back to someone who'd once broken her heart just set him off. I think he would've instantly been flooded with guilt if she'd died and so either Birch or Marlowe would've won.
additionally I think about how Conway never would be able to understand why reader couldn't just actually love him back, when he cared so much, was so reasonable, but she just didn't want the life he did. and I tried to portray some of those differences when it came to reader wanting the peaches and trading the necklace because he's so do what you need, use what you can afford, and value what people give you, where's she more of you only live once, live for the moment, at least before her games.
and yes, reader knows that she has to perform to survive and that if she wins she can help her family, she would've thought she'd finally be able to live the life she wanted, and maybe finnick would take her back. in the catching fire book, Katniss mentions how she doesn't believe any victor is really a pure person since they did what they had to do to survive (she makes an exception for peeta) and I love being able to reflect that too. reader isn't some angel of a person, she uses someone's feelings, she manipulated, and lies. she's also a teenager, so even things she does before the games to conway are side effects of her being human and a teenager. she's not perfect, finnick's not perfect, conway isn't perfect. but they're all victims and all deserve so much better.
also a while back @howilyte made playlists about Conway and reader which I listen to a lot and there are at least two songs I need y'all to know I listen to whenever I'm thinking about writing each of them are
The Moon Will Sing for Conway
Just a Man for reader
anyways, sorry this is so long, but I love talking about all the intricacies so much and thank you for doing it with me, literally I want to hear every thought
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baekhvuns · 1 year ago
I almost thought I forgot to send you an ask, dw abt the timing tho. it happens to me a lot 😭 I forget if I had done something and then i question it?
IKR HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY IRKS ME SO MUCH BUT THEN HIS FACE?? HIS FACEEEE!!! 😩😩 he's such a hypocrite honestly, and each time he makes a dumb fucking decision I want to punch him in the face so bad!! BUT THEN I RMR THT ONE CHAPTER WHERE NAVIER'S HAVING A FLASHBACK TO WHEN THEY WERE KIDS AND- 😭 I CANT-
Bcz...this just got too real? 🫣
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😒 don't even talk abt tht selfish piece of shit, I hate her. The audacity she has, like she literally just said "there's not a woman in the whole world that wouldn't sulk if his lover is spending time with another woman." 😃 miss girl YOU are the OTHER WOMAN! He is spending time with his WIFE! On her BIRTHDAY. Jail. I want to see her in jail. I'm glad Heinrey knows the kinda person she is, he and the empress are the only ones putting her in her place. Like it annoys me so damn much how she cries over every damn thing, idc whatever shit she went thru, it didn't give her any right to become a homewrecker. And soveishu is dumb enough. And navier?
....she's. Etheral. How to be her? How to hv a man like hers? How to be bold like her? How to BE NAVIER??
OMG GURL YES I READ IT 😭 I CANT BELIEVE SOVEISHU KISSED NAVIER'S NECK?!?!?!?! 😭 IM- IDK THT MAKES ME LIKE HIM MORE DESPITE HIS SHITTY ATTITUDE?? WHAT DO I DO 😭 but respectfully, he should fuck off....you lost the chance man. You lost her. No Bcz what does he want frm navier??? Does he think she has a heart of stone? As if she doesn't hv feelings??? He gets all riled up if she even talks with some other guy and look at him, going out with a strange girl he has no idea who tf she even is.
I'm telling you rashta is the downfall of the empire. Girl I'm telling ya, if I see a strange woman running to hug my man like tht..id throw hands idc what my status would be, I would THROW HANDS. (On both, my man, and the girl) Navier is so strong. BWAHAHAHAHA AND HIS GUTS TO SAY "IM A GOOD MAN" 😭🤚 STOPH- HES THE MOST DELULU PERSON EVER! Rashta is like that one annoying cousin. LIKE SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO WEAR THE SAME DRESS AS NAVIER?!?!? FASION POLICE- YOU GOTTA ARREST HER! BCZ THT IS PLAGIARISM 😭
I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna kill him I HATE HIM SO MUCH! NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS A CHARACTER MADE MY BLOOD BOIL THIS BAD!
Navier no...the potion has worn off, Duke Kaufmann likes you 😭
No way you fell asleep on the stairs...was it Bcz it was comfortable or you were just too tired to walk till your bed? 😭 (OMG I WROTE THIS THINKING YOU WROTE "I FELL ASLEEP ON THE STAIRS" AND I WAS LIKE ?!?! WHAT- I READ IT WRONG 😭😭 but this is so funny so I kept it in the ask, i cn be so silly sometimes)
NO WAY DROP THE NAME OF THE MOVIE! controversial? I'm questioning my tastes-
Ikr it's so wholesome and cute, the last episode ended on sung ho offering haebom to drink with him, man I'm totally up for everything that's coming next, Bcz haebom, is already in love and he might not realize it yet, Bcz the way he blushes EVERYTIME he sees sung ho. LIKE WHEN HE DROPPED HIM AT THE DAYCARE CENTRE HE THOUGHT "DID WE JUST LOOK LIKE A COUPLE RN??" NOW TELL ME THIS MF DOESN'T THINK ABT IT ALL THE TIME 😭😭 dw I'll update you once the new episode comes.
I don't wanna go to work tomorrow AND I DONT WANNA GO TO UNI I wanna fall in love with someone IM SO LOVESICK 🤧
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please stop. im in a public setting this picture to picture comparison is taking me out pls don’t let me do this bc i have this draft where the reader is an undercover empress and san’s a thief w heinry’s personality
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no srs as much of a goof heinry is he is quick to check someone like rashta or whoever disrespects navier like that,,,, rashta needs to go to jail esp for what she did to that maid???? gOD 😭😭😭 ITS ON SIGHT WITH HER AND THE WAY SHES COPYING NAVIERS STYLE AND HAIR ?????? CRYING honestly soveishu puts her in place sometimes and it makes me feel so good omg i just spoiled it for u
NAVIER IS THE PERSONA OF ELEGANCE !!! THE EMPRESS, ur asking the right questions bc when will fate put us under her fate 😭😭
duke kaufman is so 🥰☺️🥰 id be w him ngl very mingi coded
NO LMFAOOO THIS IS SO CUTE FHWJD 😭😭😭 I FELL ON THE STAIRS LIKE GOING UP THE STAIRS did not fall asleep but i was transferring from my couch (where i slept on) to my room and i thought the platform of the stairs was there and i took a step and boom im collapsing <3 my eyes were closed yes bc i have this thing that if i open them while i transfer my sleep will vanish <3
omg ok it’s a 2006 bollywood movie w srk in it, it was extremely controversial bc of the concept but i think if it were released today it would’ve gotten a better reaction nonetheless
manifesting a ceo who does ur taxes and handles everything for u <3
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1eos · 2 years ago
Its so weird to me that anon went you hate shinee now because you dont vibe with them anymore because like...Thats just the normal tumblr ecosystem to me😭 a blog i followed stopped talking about a band which is why i followed them and you know what i did? Minded my business and found another band blog. Why they stopped liking the band wasnt any of my concern. What really baffles me is that you never start shit these people are just talking about you hating Shinee for no reason when the last shinee post you made was 2 years ago😭😭😭 Let Miss Kendra look at Leos Boobs In peace!! Sorry for the rant miss kendra hope that photoshoot happens🙏
omg right? it's So common for ppl to jump interests on here 😭😭😭😭 'person no longer into thing i followed them for' is literally a core tumblr experience. personally i think shawols just miss me oooooooooooooooo they want me to be reblogging whatever taemins last song was like i do losing game. just let me go!! everyone stay reposting my old text posts it's like i never got terminated!!
and it's so funny that the anon was like omg you HATE shinee (i don't) implying my change in opinions happened overnight when ive been very clear that i was already drifting away bc how disgusting everyone was after jonghyun passed, and then watching ppl get harassed for not liking that shinee were trying to be thugs (something im SO OPEN abt hating) and then getting harassed for a whole day for bringing up an ask where someone said leo's more handsome than taemin (he is) and a better singer (HE IS). 😭😭😭😭😭 like why the fuck would i still want to walk around uplifting random men to godhood status and think that excuses their fans telling me to die over opinionshgfddfggghh. and it's very telling that just coming out of my delusional SHINee can do no wrong brainwashing and just seeing them normally is seen as 'hate' to someone like thanks for reminding me why i was good to get tf OUT!!! im free!!!!! speaking that cowboy leo photoshoot i saw in a dream into existence!
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 days ago
dumb ramble about my writing experiences
i was sitting here with the thought "ive always liked writing" and had to go wait HAVE I?? and its kinda funny bc....no, its actually true... from the moment i knew how to write--WELL before kindergarten, bc my mom did SOME things right by me--the idea of writing down my imagination was the coolest thing ever. but as a kid who grew up having silly kids books read to them i hated that school made me write boring shit about myself or my real life to the point where in 5th grade i wrote a story about, i THINK my cat at the time and a penguin in a raft coming up to a waterfall? instead of the prompt i was given, and my teacher thought it was especially Creative or something i guess bc soon after I was made to take a weird test that frankly seemed unrelated to reading/writing but whatever, and then started being scooted off to the Advanced Learning Program (ALP) when it was time to do Language Arts, which then went on to become honors english, then AP english, and then an advanced freshman uni english class. i dont know if i was "good" at it at that point but i do think being IN advanced english helped MAKE me good at it, which makes me kinda wonder if normie classes arent doing it wrong ngl... (that same year i also started making comics as a way to combine my other favorite thing to do with writing. its also the year i learned what a lesbian was and had the mind blowing realization that girls could like other girls, which Explained Some Things and gave me the most massive Christian Guilt. i kinda consider 5th grade the point where "i" started existing lol)
then by 6th grade i had learned about and gotten into writing fanfic (my first ever fanfic was a very bad hamtaro supernatural-horror) and continued to write fanfic* and fan and OC comics for myself thru the rest of my school years. then i got to college and despite trying to be serious about my new adult life i still ended up writing some dumb fic shipping two of my wow characters within the first year bc i just cant stop? then i continued writing abt them in a pretty long fic that never got finished, until i met friends who did wow RP and gave me New Characters And Plots To Write About, and ive just kinda exploded with writing since, to this very damn day, and i feel like i can definitely say i did in fact always like writing
nowadays only a single person actually is seeing the stuff i write but i would be fine if it was only me tbh. actually i am, bc the currently 73,915 word (154 page) fluff fic about Noora/Aymeric/G'raha is literally for my eyes only lmfao. WRITING IS JUST FUN and a little....easier to represent my imagination with than my still pretty limited drawing skills oop
*(mostly lord of the rings with a hobbit specific focus and then death note. both yaoitastic ofc. i discovered BL in 6th grade via a sample disc from an anime magazine i cant recall the name of atm that included the first ep of Gravitation, which i became a huge fan of and followed until it ended. Something Happened when those boys kissed. My heart actually seemed to stop for a moment and i got so fascinated by it, i think because it was the first time i'd ever seen gay people represented positively and it like, validated the feelings i'd been having for other girls instead of making me feel like a gross sinner for having a crush on my friend. (yes i knew it was a crush even that young, id had crushes on boys and it felt 100% the same, it wasnt that hard to make sense of. almost like children wont be all that confused and freaked out if u teach them about homosexuality, wild...))
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sanchoyo · 11 days ago
ok as I was digging thru my old text posts looking for that one specific one abt doppelgangers I found a bunch of really funny text posts that, if you sort of go back in order on, perfectly capture me deciding to do the tm2 comic again. its kind of cute...
like ok, I made these ocs in 2014, and I did (2) failed attempts at webcomics before deciding not to mess with them for years (I mean, I drew them on and off, but a LOT more in recent years after feeling guilty for quitting their comic, I finally worked up the nerve to work on them again...)
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in 2022 I was talking about doing a cute fanfic novelization of the story, with chapter illustrations! it wouldve been on ao3!! But I still obviously was conflicted, because a comic is the PERFECT medium for the story imo. there were some things I am just NOT a good enough writer to convey that my art can. (this is funny to say, because in general, I think my writing has gotten more attention overall!! I know a lot of my current followers are here from my ao3!!) not saying I don't LOVE writing, but a comic combines my writing and art....as much as I talked about writing this story out as a fic, I kind of always knew in my heart it was going to be a comic or nothing. it does make me a lil sad my fics get more attention, but those are usually canon characters and it feels like an uphill battle to get people to get people to care abt ocs, lol
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midway into 2023 I was pretty sure of that. I kept joking around this time someone ought to tell me no/talk me out of it, because I'd failed twice and I KNEW how much work it was. but this is a story I've had in my brain for 10+ years!!! That's crazy!!! I LOVED making the comic. I did miss it!! I burned myself out, and that made me reluctant to return but enough time had passed I stopped being so embarrassed about failing and became nostalgic instead... this seems like such a small thing, but admitting this was so hard for me. because like. I didnt want it to be a fic. I didn't want it to be a series of stupid lore dump text posts. I wanted it to be a manga like the ones I spent my childhood hiding away and binge reading!!! I wanted to capture the feeling of huddling around a big clunky desktop computer and watching tmm on 3 parts on youtube!!!
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A chapter a month is crazy, and I'm glad I didn't do that even if that's still a fear of mine. running out of time is a big fear I have, but I'm still trying not to burn myself out. but this is the text post that made me realize even when I was typing it like. yeah. yeah im doing this. I knew it would be niche. tmm has a small fanbase left and a smaller portion of those ppl are interested in a nextgen story like mine. its a specific type of people I think, lol. but this is MY story and its just like all my other stories in a way because its SO self indulgent. I don't know if its worth it sometimes!! I'm literally putting so much effort and some actual money into running the website but I do know I'm having fun and seeing my story start to come alive is CRAZY. I am really proud of myself no matter what. even if I end up quitting again (no plans for that rn, but uhh, you never know what could happen I guess??)
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I'm not rly sure this midnight ramble has a point, I guess I just wanted to say if any of you guys have a weird niche idea you want to do and think only you'd be interested in you should do it anyway and not worry too much because you might regret taking so long to actually do it. like I wish I hadnt quit, or had restarted it sooner!! and making yourself happy is important too. even if its something youve failed before you can just try again if you love it and really want to. like theres no one who's going to get mad at you or anything. really! you can do whatever! esp living in the uh..times we are rn... everyone needs at least one silly little thing to decompress with.
past me was right. you can have fun with it. its Whatever, dude.
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(this makes me want to make the comic weirder and more experimental in the future. esp since ive been doing really weird traditional art in my sketchbook abt it. I love my ocs. :3c)
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