#but also im allergic to the idea of making a discord for it so it could be just me being antisocial KDSFHK
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sanchoyo · 7 hours ago
ok as I was digging thru my old text posts looking for that one specific one abt doppelgangers I found a bunch of really funny text posts that, if you sort of go back in order on, perfectly capture me deciding to do the tm2 comic again. its kind of cute...
like ok, I made these ocs in 2014, and I did (2) failed attempts at webcomics before deciding not to mess with them for years (I mean, I drew them on and off, but a LOT more in recent years after feeling guilty for quitting their comic, I finally worked up the nerve to work on them again...)
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in 2022 I was talking about doing a cute fanfic novelization of the story, with chapter illustrations! it wouldve been on ao3!! But I still obviously was conflicted, because a comic is the PERFECT medium for the story imo. there were some things I am just NOT a good enough writer to convey that my art can. (this is funny to say, because in general, I think my writing has gotten more attention overall!! I know a lot of my current followers are here from my ao3!!) not saying I don't LOVE writing, but a comic combines my writing and art....as much as I talked about writing this story out as a fic, I kind of always knew in my heart it was going to be a comic or nothing. it does make me a lil sad my fics get more attention, but those are usually canon characters and it feels like an uphill battle to get people to get people to care abt ocs, lol
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midway into 2023 I was pretty sure of that. I kept joking around this time someone ought to tell me no/talk me out of it, because I'd failed twice and I KNEW how much work it was. but this is a story I've had in my brain for 10+ years!!! That's crazy!!! I LOVED making the comic. I did miss it!! I burned myself out, and that made me reluctant to return but enough time had passed I stopped being so embarrassed about failing and became nostalgic instead... this seems like such a small thing, but admitting this was so hard for me. because like. I didnt want it to be a fic. I didn't want it to be a series of stupid lore dump text posts. I wanted it to be a manga like the ones I spent my childhood hiding away and binge reading!!! I wanted to capture the feeling of huddling around a big clunky desktop computer and watching tmm on 3 parts on youtube!!!
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A chapter a month is crazy, and I'm glad I didn't do that even if that's still a fear of mine. running out of time is a big fear I have, but I'm still trying not to burn myself out. but this is the text post that made me realize even when I was typing it like. yeah. yeah im doing this. I knew it would be niche. tmm has a small fanbase left and a smaller portion of those ppl are interested in a nextgen story like mine. its a specific type of people I think, lol. but this is MY story and its just like all my other stories in a way because its SO self indulgent. I don't know if its worth it sometimes!! I'm literally putting so much effort and some actual money into running the website but I do know I'm having fun and seeing my story start to come alive is CRAZY. I am really proud of myself no matter what. even if I end up quitting again (no plans for that rn, but uhh, you never know what could happen I guess??)
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I'm not rly sure this midnight ramble has a point, I guess I just wanted to say if any of you guys have a weird niche idea you want to do and think only you'd be interested in you should do it anyway and not worry too much because you might regret taking so long to actually do it. like I wish I hadnt quit, or had restarted it sooner!! and making yourself happy is important too. even if its something youve failed before you can just try again if you love it and really want to. like theres no one who's going to get mad at you or anything. really! you can do whatever! esp living in the uh..times we are rn... everyone needs at least one silly little thing to decompress with.
past me was right. you can have fun with it. its Whatever, dude.
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(this makes me want to make the comic weirder and more experimental in the future. esp since ive been doing really weird traditional art in my sketchbook abt it. I love my ocs. :3c)
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newtedison · 1 year ago
New Year's Ask Game For Writers
thank you to @crestfallercanyon for creating this and tagging me, and also @blue-summers for tagging me as well!!!
To close out 2023…
1) what fic did you have the most fun writing this year and why? Or, if you can’t decide, what was most fun about writing this year for you?
i gotta go with How Brenda Spied-Her Man, even the title is fun. i had never written a superhero AU before let alone a semi-crossover event like this, and deciding how Minho would be Spider-man was a really fun experiment. i also just really loved creating the dynamic between Brenda and Minho in it, this is one of my favorite versions of them. maybe one day i'll write a sequel fic!
2) what’s a scene/story that you finished and felt “wow, I really accomplished that, that actually went so well”?
it's hard to say a specific scene but i think all of feet on the ground, head in the sky kind of felt like that. i'm proud of a lot of it and surprised i was actually able to pull it off.
3) What helped provide the most inspiration for stories, if anything? Was it poetry? A song on repeat? A gorgeous gifset? A walk outside? A book you read that made you want to change everything? Whatever it was! Tell all.
i think music usually is the main inspiration, i'll hear a line and it will make me think of a character, or a scene, or just general vibes of a WIP. i'm close to publishing speeding 72 which is named after a Momma song and includes some lyrics as paragraph breakers. and the fic itself is a spinoff/prequel to all we do is drive, which is quite obviously a songfic. it's usually a combination of music and me just really wanting to see a specific story be told. i write fic for me first, and everyone else second, to be honest.
4) What is something you want to share about what you’ve written this year? A particular line, a comment that made you feel really good, a scene that was difficult to write — you get to choose! What do you wish someone would ask you about when it comes to what you’ve written?
this is more a funny tidbit that when i was writing feet on the ground, head in the sky, i wanted Brenda to be reading a book, since she does in The Death Cure. but i couldn't tell from the screenshots i took what the book was supposed to be. but through some sleuthing in the Discord, lovely @smalleymcsmall was able to figure out that it was an X-Men book! so Brenda is canonically a fan of the X-Men. i have that as a note at the bottom of the chapter but i was so shocked that Laura was able to figure that out that i want everyone to know.
And to start off 2024…
1) do you have any writing/creation goals for the year? What are they?
if i can get my shit together enough to figure out what to do with this wip i have 34k worth of scenes written for but not enough purpose or structure to continue writing, then i will be unstoppable
2) is there a fic or idea that you’re really excited to be able to continue to work on in the new year?
i'm not excited for the fic i mentioned in the last answer it's more like my curse. but i am excited for the potential for people to see some of those scene cause i do like what i've written. that's the only WIP i have right now amazingly
3) What’s something new in your writing you want to try/are going to try? A different writing style? Different fandom? Darker works? Fluffier? Longer or shorter?
i would love to be able to write short fics again, like 2-5k. for some reason im allergic to fics that are less than 10k. i made some shorter things for Brinho Week which was refreshing so maybe i'll try to do more of those as writing exercises
4) what’s something you love about your own writing that you will continue to appreciate in the new year?
i gotta write more jokes! i gotta get sillier!
i'm sick and delirious so i can't think of who to tag but you can just say i tagged you if you want to do it sdjsakdh
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miss-rotini-nini · 4 years ago
talk about me time
✨okay but why are you here✨
table of contents
1. about me
2. things to know that might be about me or maybe not since we really don’t know over here
3. fandom things
4. status
5. rules
6. mutuals/friends
7. hobbies, likes, dislikes, all that shit
8. to do list
10. special mentions
11. contact me
✨let’s go✨
1. about me
heyyy so i’m nini- female, minor, straight, she/they pronouns. people say I’m aesthetic, so thank you- I’m always listening to music and singing. also jsyk I’m an absolute queen. oh also a mess. I’m an organized mess. which is like proof no one knows anything anymore right-
✨queen vanilla of heaven and hell✨
2. things to know
-im going through a whole lot of shit
-therefore I have lots of mood swings
-and bad days
-lots of bad days
-I’m an only child
-also an absolute perfectionist
-leo alerttt
-I’m a fashionistaaa and apparently “hawt”
-rarely in a good mood but shopping does it
-my time zone is est
-I’m what you’d call “a sunshiny innocent bitch with a dark side”
-so she be queen of heaven and hell :)
3. fandom things
-hogwarts house: hufflepuff
-godly parent: aphrodite
-ability: talentless
-faction: amity
-caste: 1
✨kotlc wiki girl✨
4. status
-usually active [less active on weekends]
-asks [open]
-pms [open]
song requests [closed for now] jysk, song requests are basically requests for an original song/poem but I’m currently idealess so-
-pfp requests [open] please do tell me what you want it to be
-book recs [open ofc] specify genre
-rants/vents [open for now] ask first
-mood: 5/10
5. rules
don’t talk to me if you’re any of the following:
-against any religion
-a b*got
-someone who cares too much/only talks about politics. i prefer not to talk about them, ty
-a creep
-questionable/looking for personal information
i will block you and/or report you. i hope I’ve made this clear- I am a minor do not gr**m or whatever that is just- not ok.
less serious rules:
-don’t spam ask box or pm’s
-literally idk why Im writing this but don’t make up things about me- don’t make up rumors or whatever other shit. just don’t.
-do not swear to oblivion. or swear aggressively. I mean, a few words here and there is fine, but dont swear swear swear yk?
-please add trigger warning specifying what the trigger is (I do have a few triggers myself so please be cautious about this)
-please don’t joke about serious things
-dont call me bro or bruh. it seriously bothers me. once or twice, that’s ok, but if it happens again and again then it’s not ok.
-don’t talk like you’re 4. or like you’re an adult who uses way too many abbreviations. its annoying-
-be kind. self explanatory.
-don’t be rude. also self explanatory-
-please don’t lie (sElF eXpLaNaToRy)
✨yeah I think that’s ittt✨
6. mutuals/friends
(the ones that ik are on tumblr, if I forgot you message me! im sorry bestieee-)
@theobliviouswhale aka fin
@okaylalisa aka mads
@pxstelxfairy aka lizzie
@absolute-white-crayon aka allyyy
@completekeefitztrash aka av
@fairyxsies aka lili
@bbybeth-chase-deactivated202107 (sob) aka sierra
@liliesandrosepetals aka lyn
@arendelles-anxiety-deactivated2 (sob) aka zar
@vintage-chaotic-lesbian aka cam
@rune-and-rising aka rune
@ploofyfun aka ploofy
@manyreasonstoworry aka lynnsie
@the-chaotic-hopeless-romantic aka kenni
✨love you guys <33✨
7. hobbies, likes, dislikes, all that shit
-riding horses
-cute things
-gross people (iykyk)
-fried chicken (pescatarian)
-the color orange on me (not my color)
-crabs (ew)
-old books
-chapped lips/dried skin
-mango (im allergic I’m sorry)
-karens (no hate if your name is karen!!)
8. to do list
-message one of my wiki children
-find quotes for this post
-add more special mentions
-do my fandom profile when zaras done coding it
-change phone theme
10. special mentions
@the-chaotic-hopeless-romantic : thank you for the idea credits lmao
@okaylalisa : blink bestieeee
more tba
11. contact me
-fandom: @Queen.of.vanilla.bean [very active]
-pinterest: @queeninixoxo [active]
-tumblr: @queen-panini-me [active]
-instagram: @queeniniofeverything [currently blocked on my device, not active]
-discord: qvbnini#6634
✨wow you read through ALL of this✨
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lgcyunhyeong · 5 years ago
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hey there!! this is my first time in lgc and i’m super excited to be here! i’ve been eyeing this place for a while and i’m glad i finally mustered up the nerve to join. this is cho yunhyeong, 21, works part time at his local gs25. he’s been a trainee for little over a year and is hoping to eventually debut in a band! he plays the bass and sings a little bit, and he also wants to get into songwriting and composition eventually. he’s generally kind of a weird kid--super spacey, often distracted, your local space nerd--but he’s a good egg in spite of that. compared to some of the other trainees, he’s pretty aimless and chill, but he does genuinely love music and performing, so...!
you can find some more info about him on his about and background pages but they’re kind of messy so i’ll drop some quick facts about yunhyeong under the cut, along with some connection/plot ideas to hopefully kickstart things! if you’d like to plot, please hit like on this post and i’ll hop into your ims! i also have a discord if you prefer to plot there - just ask me for my username ♡
quick facts:
born and brought up in seoul - very local, most comfortable in his neighbourhood, the most exciting vacation he ever took was to busan (and it was #lit). his parents own the best hot pot restaurant in seoul, and yeah he’s biased but that doesn’t mean it’s not true! 
has an older brother currently in law school and their relationship is best described as ‘i tolerate you’. they’re complete opposites - his brother is super driven and loud and outgoing while yunhyeong is not so they’ve never really clicked beyond the fact that they are siblings and therefore are obligated to love each other
was the quiet kid growing up, had a very chill and subdued personality. didn’t really speak unless spoken too, didn’t play much with others. most of the time he kept to himself and focused on his hyperfixations - first, it was dinosaurs, and then space! and he’s been stuck with space ever since
his mom put him in music lessons when he was younger in hopes that a relatable hobby might help him make friends?? also that it’d work as a conversation starter but it didn’t because yunhyeong remained as weird and solitary as ever! he did fall in love with music as a result though
in high school he decided to branch out and make friends by starting a band - new age sexy aliens or NASA for short. his recruitment process was like: whoever shows up to join is part of the band! it worked out for the best since he and the band members got really close
they started off playing covers but then branched out into their own original music (yunhyeong helped write some of their lyrics). most of their songs used heavy space imagery and they were really pretty but also low key about aliens
yunhyeong loves aliens
nasa had a pretty dedicated fanbase both online and in their school! did well, were thriving, living their best lives and playing hella gigs, and then their lead singer got scouted by an entertainment company. it was the beginning of the end for them; the rest of the members went their own ways as well and the band officially disbanded in 2018 rip
yunhyeong started to busk on/off since he wasn’t attending university and didn’t really know what the heck else he wanted to do with his life outside of the band, and that’s where he got scouted by legacy! joined the company because like... well... why would he not...
wants to debut in a band if he can... and focus on songwriting and music composition as a secondary career path. he isn’t like... super motivated though? has always had issues with setting goals and being ambitious... he’s more like, eh, i’m just gonna go where life takes me! 
personality wise, he’s still a pretty quiet kid unless you get him talking about one of his interests, in which case he will never shut up EVER. he gets distracted easily and will sometimes zone out when you’re talking to him but has a good memory of like, the most random shit you wouldn’t expect him to recall
easygoing as hell, rarely gets riled up over anything. on the flip side, he doesn’t really come across as sincere (even though he almost always is!) in his emotions because people are like... hm... just feels fake. tries to stay as positive as he can and doesn’t dwell on stuff that might upset him. sometimes people think he’s shallow! but he has #deepthoughts. he just doesn’t share them
unmotivated when it comes to most things! has no goals, no ambition, doesn’t care much for academia or being forced to like, conform to things. his mom calls him a free spirit but she’s probably just making excuses for him. it’s more like he’s stuck in some sort of limbo?? scared of growing up but scared of being left behind. it’s complicated
he’s really a sweet guy though. a little odd - he’s not the best at showing affection and sometimes he can be really... strange? offbeat? you never know what the fuck is going on in his head. but he’s a Human Being Just Like You (sadly) and simply trying his best to live every day
connection/plot ideas:
he didn’t really have many friends growing up, but still - childhood friends! maybe you were the exception. maybe you didn’t mind that he was awkward and quiet and a little weird! maybe you tripped and fell on the playground and he gave you a star-patterned purple band aid and you decided you would die for him. who knows! 
friends in general who understand him and look @ him with fond exasperation... must be able to tolerate his antics. liking aliens is a bonus. jk, but he’s a sweet guy who loves his friends! please be kind to him
fans of his former band, nasa (or antis?). he was the bassist and a sub vocal and didn’t stand out too much compared to some of the other guys, but he always did the intros and he’ll happily talk about nasa all day! discuss the symbolism of their songs with him
exes? i genuinely cannot think of a single reason why anyone would want to date him but i feel like he’s had at least (1) relationship before... maybe you took a chance and after you started dating you were like, god, i’m running away
crushes, whether one-sided on his part or your part or reciprocated but you don’t know it yet?? he’s holding out for his alien bae but maybe you don’t know that and just think he’s like, this quiet mysterious pretty boy. maybe he thinks you’re cool for a human! 
fellow trainees who can play instruments... yunhyeong needs someone to #jam with because playing the bass alone is kind of lonely (and since he’d like to eventually get on the band track, making some connections would be cool) 
fellow trainees in general, especially ones in his training group!! he’s not as hungry for debut or as ambitious as some which means he’s a) non-threatening and b) chill to hang with. you could be into that or it could absolutely infuriate you since he doesn’t seem to be taking things seriously! maybe you think he doesn’t deserve to be here
met online on an alien enthusiast forum and you talk almost every single day about various theories and moves and all that kind of stuff but you’ve never met irl! and yunhyeong really wants to meet you in person! 
idk bully him 
you’re buying a bunch of weird shit from the convenience store where yunhyeong works at like 2 am and he has so many questions and won’t let you pay and leave until you answer them
alternatively, you find him sleeping on the job and you want to wake him up but the moment you touch his arm, he makes this high pitched screeching noise and you fall over and take an entire shelf of candy down with you
you invite yunhyeong out for drinks but he took one sip of soju and he’s a mess... you didn’t sign up to take care of a giant drunken baby but guess what! you will be! if he tries to kiss you, dodge him
you always bum free meals from yunhyeong’s parents’ restaurant because his parents think you’re his best friend. tbh you actually don’t really like him but he doesn’t realize it so he never bothers correcting his parents either!
you didn’t realize yunhyeong was allergic to cats and dogs and you brought your cat/dog near him and oh my god he is having the UGLIEST allergic reaction
yunhyeong can’t swim. you push him into a pool as a joke. chaos ensues
you play various video games together and yunhyeong is really good but he’s more interested in stardew valley than in league of legends and you keep pestering him to play with you dammit i need you on my team
you slipped a love letter under his door for one of his roommates but yunhyeong thought it was for him and now he keeps (kindly) rejecting you whenever you see him and you don’t even know how to react
Oh No We Are Trapped In This Room And The Power Went Out And I Am Scared Of The Dark Please Hold My Hand For Science
yunhyeong loves smoothies and one day you catch him trying to blend a slice of pepperoni pizza into a smoothie because he is, and i quote, “tired of chewing”
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rxmvns-blog1 · 5 years ago
                𝐇𝐈,  𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒  !  i’m  𝒅𝒓𝒊  (twenty,  she/her,  pst)  !  i  was  late  posting  my  intro  for  the  first  iteration  for  pinky,  so  nothing  has  really  changed,  huh  ?  some  fun  facts  about  me  are  that  i  have  the  incredibly  dangerous  combo  of  high  ambition  and  poor  time  management  and  i’d  risk  it  all  for  a.c.e,  ateez,  and  loona  !  i’m  back  with  ya  fav  skater  eboy(?)  roman,  so  if  you’re  interested  in  plotting  connections,  feel  free  to  im  me  or  ask  for  my  discord  (where  i  would  be  way  easier  to  reach)  !
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                *  𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒊  𝒔𝒂𝒏.  𝒉𝒆/𝒉𝒊𝒎.  𝒄𝒊𝒔  𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆.  ╱  i  am  pretty  sure  i  saw  𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏  𝒋𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈  at  manon’s  party  that  night.  the  𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚  year  old  is  in  their  𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅  year  at  west  bridge  studying  𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒎.  i  hear  they  were  at  manon’s  party  because  𝒉𝒆  𝒘𝒂𝒔  𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅  𝒕𝒐  𝒃𝒆  𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒂  𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅  𝒖𝒑  𝒃𝒖𝒕  𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏’𝒕  𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅  𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎.  i  wonder  if  they  got  the  same  restricted  call  as  us.  will  they  comply?  +  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕  𝒐𝒇  𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒍𝒚  𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒅  𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆,  𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒊𝒅𝒔  𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅  𝒐𝒏  𝒂  𝒃𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎  𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍,  𝒑𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆  𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅  𝒊𝒏  𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔  𝒂𝒕  𝟐𝒂𝒎.
full name: roman jeong / jeong jinwoo (정진우)
age: twenty
pronouns: he/him, cis male
orientation: bisexual
zodiac: scorpio
place of birth: san jose, california
born in san jose, california, roman lived with his parents and little sister clarissa until the age of eight, when his mom left them in pursuit of an old flame from high school that she apparently never got over. their dad tried to raise them for maybe… a few months… before realizing he had close to no parenting ability. he and clarissa were sent to live with their rich aunt in wisconsin, and they’ve been there ever since.
listen… their aunt turned out to be a Helicopter Mom to them and it was… super suffocating, especially to roman. she expected so much out of them and tried to force her own dreams onto them but he was just Not Feeling It. he’d always hit her with the “ur not even my real mom” line. despite being a rather intelligent dude with a relatively quick wit, he put the bare minimum into school (especially around the halfway point in high school) … but still lowkey wanted to do well. he was the guy who always found a way to get test answers inconspicuously and found ways to work around the turnitin system, ya feel? tl;dr: smart and capable, but incredibly unmotivated
when he was fifteen, he found out (while eavesdropping on one of his aunt’s phone calls) that his dad had gotten remarried and had twins with his new wife, a girl and a boy. furious over the fact that this was kept a secret from him for two years, he went to rant about it to his sister, who told him that they should just keep pretending like they don’t know. roman suddenly couldn’t hear, and during dinner that night, he brought it up and it was an angsty time.
after this revelation, he began Acting Out more because he hated the idea that their dad just sent them away almost like it was nothing but ended up raising an entirely new family of his own afterward. it started to feel like it was him and his sister against the world, and even to this day he would do anything for her. he got into fights a lot in high school because he gets defensive and doesn’t know when to Stop. his temper is… so short…
he took a photography class his junior year high school and just… really enjoyed it?? it was practically the only class he actually wanted to Try in. his teacher noticed this, and they ended up being pretty close. when roman wasn’t out messing around, he spent a lot of time hanging in the classroom and talking about life and photography. probably the One adult he respected, but his teacher ended up moving to new york shortly after he graduated high school. it felt like he was being abandoned once again (yikes!!!) even tho he knew it had nothing to do with him.
but yeah, for the past few years, roman has just been studying film (his aunt thinks he’s there for engineering but he did a switchy switch… haha keep it a secret!), doing freelance photography on the side, and fuckin’ shit up ! his sister is currently going to school in california, and her decision to attend berkeley lowkey rubbed him the wrong way since it’s relatively close to where their dad lives and he doesn’t want thim to reach out to clarissa or anything because he’s supposed to be dead to them.
people think roman comes off as intimidating, but they’re not entirely wrong. he takes a while to warm up to people, and even then, he doesn’t have a lot of actual friends.
he doesn’t express it often, but he would literally do anything for his sister and close friends. can be incredibly protective. no kidding, his sister has complained that people didn’t want to date her because they were afraid of him KJDHGDSG
you know that friend who is able to find a persons facebook page and essentially everything about them with very, very minimal information given? yeah, that’s roman. he :// lowkey keeps up with his dad through facebook bc all of his wife’s posts are public :// he looks at posts of their family and just Suffers… it’s so bad!!!
he is the type of person that won’t share his own food but eats other people’s.
listen… you didn��t hear it from me… but he’s really just a softie… he’s just scared
doesn’t know what it’s like not to hold a grudge
acts on impulse and emotion often
can and will argue about the superiority of ice cream over frozen yogurt
has an emotional connection to cats and will stop to pet one; also has a cat and he loves her with his entire being
is sustained by coffee and sarcasm; drinks his coffee black
romcoms are his guilty pleasure tho they lowkey make him feel a sort of longing
his bedroom wall is covered in polaroids, which are of his friends, scenery, and neighborhood stray cats! but mostly his friends. he loves taking pictures of his friends :/ he also loves the idea of polaroids capturing a singular moment unlike how digital cameras can be used to get the Perfect Shot after like… 30 tries
has that one second every day app
mildly allergic to bananas but didn’t realize it until he asked a friend if they liked the tingly feeling they get when they eat bananas
pushing people around in shopping carts at 2am/being pushed is one of his favorite pastimes
“u can’t wear thrasher unless u can deepthroat an entire skateboard” is his instagram bio and he thinks thrasher elitists can choke. bought all of his friends black thrasher hoodies for christmas in an act of spite.
going off of that, he started saying “sk8 or die” ironically but now he can’t stop
will look you in the eyes when he holds a conversation; this is sometimes terrifying bc it rly looks like he’s staring into your SOUL but tbh he just be like that
can solve rubix cubes very fast!! when he was 13 he once spent an entire night studying rubix cube algorithms online bc he didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t solve one
walks fast DGJHGS like slow down speed racer where r u goin
roman didn’t even want to Be at the party, let alone get entangled in the Big Mess
he showed up around 15 minutes before they found manon’s body, only in the area to pick up a friend after receiving a phone call
he went inside to seek them out, but little did he know what would take place 5 minutes later.
he finds it kinda unfair (and shitty karma) that he was brought into everything… but then again, a girl Died, so he doesn’t really have the right to complain.
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svnmae · 6 years ago
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lalisa manoban, demi girl, she/her & they/them. — you know khun mae win, don’t you? they’re the twenty year old sophomore who’s studying elementary education & art and living in thayer hall. they used to be addie’s bullying target, but now they are feeling relieved that addie wont be around to hurt them anymore, though they feel guilty as well about that. 
trigger warning for a car accident and teenage drinking.
khun mae is the youngest of three kids. they has an elder sister ( mayuree ) and a twin brother ( sakda ). while her and sakda are twins they can. it’s always playful and they try not to come off as a whiny brat. khun man and their sister are extremely close, as she is only two years older than the twins.
home life was fine as a kid, nothing to report about or worry about. both parents were present and loving, extremely supportive of their children and the varied interests they had. mayuree really loved music and started her talents early in life. sukda became the sports fan of the three and was on nearly every sports team that would have him in middle school and high school. he currently attends the university of michigan as a second string quarter back with a full ride.
khun mae found her passion in art and dance. painting really became her thing, soon spending as much money as was allowed on new supplies. they started winning awards for art and it really made her want to continue this as much as they could into adulthood. while they knew they might not be able to make a living off art all the time, she agreed to go to school for something to fall back on. so she started earning a teaching degree as well as her art degree in order to teach art to others, wanting to perhaps bring the same passion to kids.
her second love had always been dance and they were great at it. able to pick up steps almost instantly and follow through with a new idea until completion, kun mae was a force to recon with on the dance floor. 
her life was always easy, her friends said. her siblings and her got on famously, her parents were amazing and not the least bit over bearing- until the accident. the accident was honestly her own doing, she was out late and making horrible decisions. “but what else are teenagers meant to do?” she asks herself, thinking there was no way she’d actually suffer for this.
until she was. her friend had lost control of the car, who shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. while they’d all had some to drink, the group figured he would be the best to drive them home safely from the party. sudka had stayed to close down the party and take his girlfriend of the time home later so khun mae got into the car.
she doesn’t remember much of the accident. the doctors said that wasn’t surprising with the amount of trauma she’d sustained. they were shocked she was conscious at all. days in the hospital turned to weeks turned to months when they learned the extent of what the car had done to her. unable to walk for months, khun mae still struggles on worse days. while most of the time they can walk without aid, they do have crutches as well in case.
they refused to walk the stage at her high school graduation, instead staying in the crowd to cheer on her brother. never once did her smile fade through her struggles, instead she internalized the struggles she faces so that no one else would have to suffer with her.
it took a lot of convincing for khun mae to think about college again, her admitting to mayuree  and sakda one day she might not go now because she doesn’t want to be that person who struggles to get around campus now. while they couldn’t help her, they did convince her to try and she enrolled as a full time student.
Q U I C K   F A C T S.
loves animals.
it’s really easy to tell their mood based on what they’re drawing at the time.
allergic to bananas.
enjoys kpop too much.
speaks both fluent english (first language) and thai (second language). learning japanese, would be considered conversationalist.
her mother is thai-candadian while her father immegrated from thailand. the two met in they want to revisit seoul one day.
attends physical therapy three times a week.
has partial paralysis of her left hand, causing a weak grip and inability to hold things for long.
loves makeup and considers it another form of art but personally wears very little.
once jumped out of plane on a dare.
favorite colors are purple, pink, and white.
hearing people talk about others making her embarrassed and gives her panic attacks.
wants to meet ariana grande in person.
vanilla coca-colas are their favorite.
has a guilty pleasure playlist of late 90s and early 2000s rap and hip hop.
hasn’t drank since the accident.
spyro is the only video game she’s ever owned.
favorite fruit is strawberries.
threatens to hit people with her crutches a lot.
she’s nice to a fault and tries to make friends with everyone.
oil and acrylic paints are her favorites.
bob ross videos are what started her passion for painting.
loves to eat limes like they’re oranges.
only 5′3″
can quote every line of mean girls.
has stayed up all night to finish a book a few times.
misses being able to sleep on a top bunk.
loves stars.
won a watermelon spitting contest in the 3rd grade.
thought about making a manga but hates any stories she makes.
owns too many stuffed animals.
terrified of clowns, to the point of crying at the sight of one.
loves the sounds of mechanical keyboards.
dislikes pie, prefers cheesecake or cobbler.
christmas is her favorite holiday.
hates using q-tips.
gets regular manicures.
blessed with synesthesia (seeing sound as colors), mostly related to music.
since the accident, suffers from really bad headaches as well.
loves to hand write letters.
yo !! message me to plot or like this thing here and i’ll slide in your messages. fair warning: i have no wcs in mind and im trash at plotting but i love doing it once we have a starting point. 
also add my discord, i’m always mobile there and respond 10x faster. 
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stxrrdvst-blog · 7 years ago
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‘sup, beautiful people! i’m paula, i’m 18 and i never fucking learnt how to write a proper intro. i dont have much to say, but like this intro or hmu if you want to plot <3 my discord is the pan with a plan#2778 in case you’re allergic to IMs
anYWAYS!! here’s my babe pandora aka panda aka fitz aka that crazy potions chick
▲ — ELLE FANNING; PANDORA FITZPATRICK is a PUREBLOOD in their SIXTH year, making them SEVENTEEN. for being a RAVENCLAW they’re pretty CREATIVE & ELOQUENT, while also being FICKLE & IMPULSIVE. ( cis-female & she/her )
okay !! so, pandora fitzpatrick. no one really knows what to think of her, not really; not her teachers, not her parents and sometimes not even her closest of friends. she is not exactly paradoxical, and she often seems rather straightforward. but she is also known for randomly doing stuff that seems really unlike her. it’s like she doesn’t have a grasp on her own personality.
she’s known for being sort of a weirdo, always with her head somewhere else.
she loves experimenting, and she often tries out new potions or spells by inflicting them on herself. you can bet that madam pomfrey is really familiar with her already
personality wise, she’s studious, rather eloquent, caring and open-minded. but is also selfish and fickle. she wants to have fun, all the time
she can get pretty intense when talking about experiments, new ideas, etc. definitely the type of person who doesn’t know how to chill.
she’s also incredibly opinionated and passionate. if there was a debate club, she’d get kicked out of it since she, as previously mentioned, has zero chill
she’s recently discovered that she’s into girls and boys; she freaked out for a week before deciding to ignore it altogether.
patience? what’s that? that’s not a word in pandora’ vocabulary. she’s like a child, in the aspect that she gets restless easily, always needing to be doing something. queues will be the death of her; or at least that’s what she claims.
her sense of humor is mostly based on sarcasm and lame puns
extremely smart; i mean you have to be to invent your own spells and potions, right??
the sorting hat’s first decision was slytherin. pandora has always been ambitious and clever; she dreams big, wanting to be a famous spell inventor or smth along those lines. in the end, she was sorted into ravenclaw because she seeks knowledge for the sake of it, not to use it as means to achieve certain goal
she’s secretly addicted to invigoration draught which she drinks in order to stay awake as much as possible when inspired to invent or experiment since she believes that sleeping is a waste of time when she could be doing something “productive” with her time
pandora yearns for physical affection (touching foreheads with others and cuddling are two of her favorite things to do) and loves praise. she also has a huge weakness for petnames. call her any sort of petname and there’s a 72% chance she’ll do whatever you want.
she’s her own biggest enemy, always trying to be better and hating herself when she doesn’t receive the results she wanted.
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mixingh · 5 years ago
✏ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
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hai everyone!! i’m jae :DD (aka the mun for yejun :D)
for this muse, my discord tag is injunniestars#5720 so if you’d like to message me on there you can! and my twitter is @/uwurenrat which my may also message, but im more active on tumblr haha! im always open to plotting so just message me if you would like to plot with this adorable fellow :D
here’s a little bit about Hong Xing!!
.・゜-: ✧ :- ♤ -: ✧ :-゜・.
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨:
Name: Hong Xing
Birthday: March 13, 2000
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Digital Media/Performing Arts Major @ Myeongcho University, Online Artist, Part Time at Bimil Convenience, Bartender at The Grotto
lETs stART
Xing is sorta shy sorta not-
Ambivert is the word you would use to describe him I think-
But most of the time he’s just a fluffy fluff ball of happiness :D
Unless he’s grumpy and tired
Then he’s really quiet and he makes savage comments whenever he’s annoyed
That rarely happens though
Xing is also very sweet and loves helping others
But if they are r00d and mean to others then— rESeaRCH TIME
He really just needs a background check on everyone because he’s always paranoid bc of his step dad
He just wants to live his live the way he wants to :D
he loves drawing-
His mom told him he was born with a crayon in his tiny hands
You can find him drawing/sketching everything/anyone
His mind is always thinking of ideas for drawings and pieces to post online
His art mainly consists of stars and the sky and bright colors :D
And he draws whenever he can-
He’s always doodling in class while listening to the professor
When he’s drawing at home, he blasts music and sings along with the songs
He plays the guitar from time to time
you can see i love music lmao
Most of his inspiration comes from music 
If it’s a love song, it’s a beautiful silhouette of a couple on a date
If it’s a sad song, its a rainy sky
And so on and so forth- 
He uses the money that he doesn’t use for rent or food on art supplies/school supplies
He hoards school supplies
All his stuff is like cute and aesthetic and adorable and yEH 
okAY i fORGOT to add that he’s allergic to a lot of things-
Alcohol, blueberries, cheese, there’s more but that’ll take a long time to list-
per usual i’ll add more if i forget something 
which is likely
and i’ll add plots soon- 
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