41 posts
Hi, I’m max. I’m 21 now, and I haven’t been on here since I was 17. This is my life.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
maximus-rose · 7 months ago
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maximus-rose · 7 months ago
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"Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?" Sure do, no problem!!
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"YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?" I gotcha!! Comin' right up!
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"Now that's what I'm talkin' about! But... how about if I'm feeling like it's the kinda day where I need my clothing to be bifurcated???" Never fear, joggers are here!
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*wild cheering* /scene
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maximus-rose · 7 months ago
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Content Warning: talk of weight loss, and mental health, does not go into details. But since this will be a pinned post, know that my account will have discussion of my journey with weight loss and PCOS, as well as mental health improvement.
Hi, I’m max lol, I honestly am not sure how to make posts on tumblr? I kinda decided to log back on and sorta make a digital diary. I also really like poetry and wouldn’t mind being able to share it here lol. I recently turned 21, and life is pretty steady/decent at the moment. I’ve reached some of my goals, a good chunk really, I still have more to go. I guess this is the start to my lil diary.
I reckon I will start with a little introduction.
My name is max.
I’m 21 years old.
I’m agender, I use all pronouns she/they/he. I don’t really care lol.
I still am into the occult and witchcraft, I think I may try and pick it up more so again, I haven’t practiced in years, adulthood threw me into a loop haha.
I’ve recently been getting back into hobbies, such as art, music, makeup, and writing more. I love creation, I also love the game cult of the lamb! So I may have to make some posts about that sometime. I really hope whoever decides to read my silly posts enjoys them, and enjoys following the journey with me.
Some goals I have this year:
Weight loss, for my PCOS as well as overall health.
Work thru the rest of my trauma this year.
Pay off all current debts so I can be a student again.
To enjoy life and build my skills in my hobbies, I really want to strengthen my hobbies.
To organize and finish redoing my spare room/what will be my hobby room, and finish my closet.
Decorating my room for even more.
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maximus-rose · 3 years ago
Energy Manipulation Guide: Sensing Energy
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Hello lovely followers! Recently I’ve gotten an influx of questions about energy manipulation and decided to get around and do a manual about it. Disclaimer, these are all based on my experiences!
What is energy manipulation and why is it so important:
Energy manipulation is just what it sounds like. The manipulation of energy both in you and around you. It’s important because it is a fundamental key in the practice of magic. At its core, magic is energy. It becomes magic when it is manipulated by the castor, witch, or practitioners to do their bidding. 
The first part in this guide will deal with sensing energy. We won’t necessarily be manipulating it today. Sensing energy is perhaps the first step of actually working with energy, as you must sense it to be able to manipulate it. Here, i’ll be going through several different techniques. 
First and foremost, I want to go through a general technique that can be used for both meditations and centering yourself.  
Deep Breathing: 
This is simply a technique that combines both meditation and moving the energy around in your body. In my experience, I am drawing from both energy from the universe, and bringing it into my body, while also expelling negative energy within me. 
This is a simple way to get your energies moving while also cleansing yourself of negative energy. 
You will need to either sit up or lay down. let your palms lay upward, and close your eyes. 
Now, all you have to do is breathe.  As you inhale deeply, envision pure, golden light from the universe coming into your body. This is pure, cleansing energy, Energy that will help and cleanse you. Feel it going in through your nose, down your throat and into your lungs. Feel the warmth. 
On your exhale, envision dark energy leaving your body. This is negative energy, the energy that is weighing you down. These are your anxieties, stresses, and insecurities. Give them to the universe, and let the universe cleanse you. 
Focus on breathing in the energy, and breathing it out. Focus on your breathing. Occasionally you’ll have other thoughts, but that’s fine. Just gradually return to your breathing. 
The Hand Technique:
This technique will be good for those of us who are good at visualization. For beginners, i recommend you get into your deep breathing state. You don’t have to be in a deep meditative state, simply calm your mind, and prepare to focus on something. 
Step one: Sit down. If you have back trouble, then you can also do this laying down. All it requires is that your palms are upright. 
Step two: Hold your hand out forward, palm facing upward. If you have trouble supporting your arm for long periods of time like i do, simply let your elbow rest on your knee, the arm of your chair, etc. Allow your arm to be supported. 
Step three: Look at your arm. Really look at it. Find a focal point that you’ll allow your energy can stem from. When you find this place, I want you to imagine a stream of energy flowing from this focal point into your palm. Envision it like water dripping down your arms, and pooling into your palm.  After a while of doing this, you should either feel tingling, pressure, or warmth. Keep in mind, these are things that I felt, but usually, you can take any abnormal situation as a sign of energy being felt and moved. 
 The Crystal Technique: 
This technique is especially good for those of us who have trouble visualizing things. You will be using aid in order to do this technique, and while I suggest a gemstone, any living thing will suffice. 
 Find a gemstone of your choice. My go-to for high energy is typically smoky quartz and amethyst. After you have centered yourself (use the deep breathing technique), place the gemstone in your palm, and begin applying the deep breathing technique again. In this instance, you won’t have to visualize, just breath and feel the crystal in your hand. Be aware of its presence.  For some, you will begin to feel a tingling right away, or a warmth. The gemstone will typically give off its vibrations. 
If you’re having trouble feeling this, I would consider rubbing your hands together. This sounds funny, but it will get the energy in your hands working. 
*Typically, when I do this, I envision a swirl underneath the gemstone, like a whirlpool, and allow my energy to interact with the gemstones energy. 
*make sure the gemstone is cleansed, especially if it is clear quartz. I’ve done this technique before with one that wasn’t, and my arm was in pain for an hour. 
And that’s the basics of sensing energy, or how it was for me! Please share this around, and feel free to ask any questions if you have them. Next time I’ll be posting ways to actually manipulate energy. 
 Also, if you liked my content feel free to: 
Buy me a Ko-fi Cash APP:$woodlandbrey Venmo: @AubreyEK
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maximus-rose · 3 years ago
Grimoire - Cleansing and Warding
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Cleansing: Home Cleansing A Deep Room Cleanse Let's talk about cleansing, because no, it's not just sage Smudging (the burning of herbs) Cleansing Alternatives A method to Cleanse and Ward after unsavory people visit your house Cleaning is Cleansing Cleansing
Warding: Witchcraft 101: The Basics of Wards & Warding A Crash Course in Warding Intro to warding Creating and Enchanting Wards Warding Warding A few ways to ward Warding Methods Warding using Energy Work ward checkup checklist Guardian Ward Home Warding
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maximus-rose · 3 years ago
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✨Cat Magick: Feline Familiars✨
The cat is one of the most prominent and iconic of witch’s familiars. An emissary of several pagan goddesses, ethereally aloof, effortlessly diabolic – they have long been considered to be potent magickal agents in the worlds of both matter and spirit.
From records of Bast and cat-headed sun gods in the religion and sorcery of the ancient world, to their appearances, uses and meanings in medieval grimoires of both high ceremonial ritual and everyday folk magic, cats have been a prominent part of our lives and the world of magick.
And from the Black Cat of African-American Conjure for works of gambling and fortune – that is, feline sorceries of luck and the stealing of the luck of others – to the Cat Sidhe of Irish legend, and the King of Cats in European folklore. And of course the appearances and actions of witches’ familiars in trial records, and how they were worked with in order to – amongst other things – bring curses upon enemies.
The cat is a truly magickal creature that connects us with the world of Spirit, the unseen, and our inner self. Sending blessings to you and your loved ones.
Source: Dr Alexander Cummins. Image by Victoria Francis.
#mooncraftmagickstore #magick #wiccaaltar #gaia #nature #beautyofautumn #wicca #wiccaaltar #wiccanofinstagram #pagan #paganofinstagram #paganaltar #witchesofinstagram #wheeloftheyear #druidsofinstagram #manifestation #nature #moongoddesses #goddess #nature #moonmagick #autumnmagick #magickaltools #herbsoftheearth #toolsofthecraft #mistmagick #weathermagick #elementalmagick #octobermagick #catmagick #familiars #catsofinsta #bast
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maximus-rose · 3 years ago
— A complete guide to understanding your Black Moon Lilith
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be sure to check out the post below first 🪐!
🤎 The various sides of Lilith
🤎 Detailed Lilith in the houses series
Hi beautiful, it’s Jenx here! As promised, I’m back with another post on Lilith:) We’ll focus more about Black Moon Lilith (h13) this time. This should help you guys with understanding the basic of your Black Moon signs & houses as well as aspects and its transits in different points in your life🤎 Lilith has always fascinated me and I truly encourage you guys to read more into my old posts linked above before reading this:)
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What is Black Moon Lilith?
To successfully connecting with one’s Black Moon Lilith means that one must essentially make peace with issues regarding life, death, and rebirth.
Themes surrounding Black Moon Lilith are:
— radical, wild femininity that radiates or emanates from deep within, femininity as an emanation and not a projection that seeks to please, ruthless self-individuation, fantastically embodying the lunar/non-linear mentality, conscious and embodied power, sex as an act of divine creation, comfort in the state of ecstatic-orgasmic being, the body as a source of infinite wisdom and grace, graceful acceptance of what no longer serves us, achieving the sacred inner marriage of anima and animus/the feminine and the masculine, intuitive connection to our creative/sexual processes and their wild nature, swift identification of falsehoods in ourself and others, the ability to cut away at the falsehoods until all that remains is the essential, core, wild self – nothing more, nothing less.
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Lilith In The Signs
Lilith in Aries
The Aries Lilith emerges in the great need to be respected and to feel deserving. However, a profound sense of unworthiness stands in the way of this pursuit, frequently leading advantageous possibilities to be missed. We can only obtain what we believe we earn in life, and when we believe we are undeserving, we will evade or dismiss people, jobs, or opportunities that we believe are too good for us. With Lilith in Aries, self-sabotaging is common. There may also be a need to demonstrate one’s value to others, even if it occurs in the context of  boasting. Aries Lilith fiercely protects oneself and opposes everything that contradicts one's ideals and principles. Aries Lilith typically evaluates how well they do or measure up to their own aspirations of success, identity, respect, and accomplishments. They may hold the view that one’s success and worthiness are determined by what they have obtained or achieved. They must learn not to compare themselves to others; not to judge their accomplishment by the standards of others; and to appreciate oneself as a unique expression, therefore developing consciousness. Examine any areas where you have settled for less than you planned. Consider what you would do if you were declared worthy. Make an effort to engage with this idea. Consider how important the idea of success is in your life. Consider what you are continually attempting to achieve. When you’ve found the solution, consider if you truly want it. Is it worthwhile to put forth the effort? You will achieve a natural level of internal equilibrium by developing the knowledge that you do not have to be the best in every scenario. When the Black Moon is in Aries, we have a great fear of being inadequate. This place might make romantic relationships difficult since we feel intrinsically unworthy or worthy of things like a healthy relationship. We know we’ve found true love when we accept romantic intentions from someone who sees us as successful in some manner and admires and appreciates us.
Keep reading
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
Raven’s Guide to Baneful Magic
Baneful magic is magic intended to do harm. So to all the Wiccans, sorry, this one isn’t for you.
Now that I have all you spiteful mad-at-the-world types, let’s begin.
There are generally 4 levels of baneful magic. Jinxes, Hexes, Bindings, and Curses.
A jinx is a small spell to bring bad luck. It could be as little as flipping someone off with intent and they stub their toe. This kind is mostly annoying and pretty harmless to everything except toes and the odd finger pinched in a door.
Hexes are the next step up and it’s not a small step. The best way to describe them would be short term and weak curses. This would take a small spell. The consequences could be anything from being forgetful to anxiety to coming down with a small cold. These are meant to ruin someones day or maybe a week.
A binding is a bigger spell. It’s the black sheep(pun intended) of baneful magic because a lot of witches who won’t use baneful will still bind. It does what it sounds like, it stops someone/thing from doing something(normally harmful). These spells normally have an end condition ie (this person will never find love until they atone for X). These can be pretty bad for the person being bound, but having an end condition makes them more constructive.
Curses. These are the heavy hitters. I wouldn’t curse anyone unless I wanted to wreck their shit. Curses take a major spell(most of the ones you see on Tumblr would actually fall under hexes or bindings). The effects can be ruining a relationship and all ones after, wrecking a career, destroying a friendship, major illness, etc…
For curses, I don’t believe in the rule of 3(I’m not wiccan). But I would still protect myself to the gills before attempting one. Major magical workings move a lot of energy, and things can notice that. Also, a bit of stray energy latching onto you during the spell and you’ll quickly find you hexed yourself by mistake.
“What would I use for a curse?”
Well, specifics would come with what you wanted to accomplish and what you have around, but I can give you very general things.
Anything black will probably be good for baneful magic
Unpleasant things
Certain spirits can help you(not recommended for beginners do not sell your soul to curse your ex)
Graveyard Dirt(again not a beginner thing)
Poppets are fun! evil cackle
Spicy things, the hotter the better
Things that smell like the garbage after a week(do not use actual garbage it’s a health hazard)
You’re going to need a Taglock
Fire(don’t burn yourself or your house)
Pretty much anything nasty
There is a very short list that should give you an idea. Each spell would be pretty customized to what you wanted it to do.
And there you have it, a crash course in baneful magic. Do what you will, but don’t be stupid. This isn’t a game and if you want to curse your ex I would suggest leaving off for a few months before you actually do it.
And finally…
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
Simple Binding Spell (knot magic)
Posting this separately from my tutorial on knot magic for easier access <3
Purpose: The function of this spell is to take someone who is generally a shitty person and bind their negative energy and actions to themselves. It will encourage them to learn from their poor behavior by getting a little taste of their own medicine.
Materials: black twine
Step 1: Cleanse your space, cast a circle, whatever you normally do at the beginning of a spell to get all situated and protect yourself
Step 2: Take your twine and cut about a 6 inch length.
Step 3: Put knots of your choosing into the twine and repeat the following as you do (feel free to add more knots and rules or whatever as you see fit):
Knot One: “If X is as wicked as I have seen, then let this spell bind them to these rules three” 
Knot Two:“May your wicked words burn only your own tongue” 
Knot Three: “May your hateful works find no traction”
Knot Four: “May you feel the pain of your own misdeeds in proportion to the degree that you aimed to harm others”
Knot Five: “On the day, if such a day comes, that X finds themselves looking toward the light I release this spell and these rules three so that they may continue to learn to do right”
Step 4: Bury the twine far from your home and forget about it. The spell should take care of itself.
Happy binding!
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
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Freeze: A general ice binding
A basic binding spell my grandmother taught me. She called them hex jars, but Ive foind the effects to be better suited to a binding.
You will need:
A jar with lid
A taglock, even if its just their name on a piece of paper
(OPTIONAL) vinegar, “for a taste of their own”
How to:
Place taglock in jar.
Add water and if desired vinegar. Remember to leave space for the ice to expand as it freezes. I generally only fill the jar ¾ full.
Focus on the aspects of your target you want to bind. Add your energy to the jar.
Seal the jar and freeze it. As long as it stays frozen your target shall be bound.
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
Your Hatred Is Your Own (Curse Jar)
A spell jar to isolate the negative energy of a person.
Ingredients – Red pepper – Ginger – Dirt (as dry as possible) – Common rock – Name sigil of the intended victim
Steps 1. Collect your ingredients and prepare your workspace 2. Find or create a name sigil for the intended victim. Write it on a paper. 3. Add the ingredients to the jar. 4. Crumple up the sigil paper or burn it and add the ashes to the jar. 5. Seal with a white candle.
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
Dionysus Offerings
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"Dionysus (or Dionysos) is the Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, and wild frenzy."
Large Altars:
Grape juice
Olive oil
Curved daggers
Pine incense or frankensince
Bull horns
Snake skin
Leopard or tiger print objects
Purple candles
Theatre masks
Sexual toys (He was sometimes worshipped as a giant phallus!)
Percussion instruments
Wine bottles
Small/Hidden Altars:
Fake/toy grapes
Leaves or curls from grapevines
Ivy leaves
Pine needles
Apple seeds
Toys, photos, or art of any big cats, snakes, and/or bulls
Songs you've written
Any art that you create
Any stories that you create
Art or pictures of the comedy and tragedy masks
Wine corks
Wine labels
Toy or miniature drums
Purple crystals like amethyst, grape agate, sugilite, etc.
Devotional Acts:
Make a playlist for Him
Dance and sing to your favorite songs or songs you'd think He would like
Throw a feast in His honor
Remembering to take your medication (if you have any) and taking care of your mental health
Support/donate to your local theatre in His name
Be a part of the theatre!
Stand up for those that are marginalized
Write stories/plays for Him
Invite Him to watch plays or movies with you, especially comedies or tragedies
Throw parties or attend them
Attend festivals
Attend a wine tasting
Go on wine tours
Attend parades
Masturbate or partake in sexual acts for Him (if you're comfortable doing so)
Drink alcohol or grape juice
Smoke pot (only if you want to)
Learn about winemaking
Support local vineyards
Wear wreaths made from ivy
Wear faux leopard or tiger print
Wear the color purple
Pray to Him for things such as protection while intoxicated/high, relaxation, improvement in your mental health, fertility, ecstasy, for everything going well in the theatre
Artwork from the game Hades
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
🕯️spiritual veiling🕯️
Veiling (or head covering) is a spiritual practice that is found within nearly all world religions! Veiling is the act of covering ones head, partially or fully, with an article of clothing or hanging cloth. The type of veil or head covering varies from faith to faith. Also, everyone has different reasons for veiling. In general, it is a sign of respect to ones deities, to the self, and to the sacredness of the body. Vestal Priestesses of Vesta veiled before their goddess, Yoruba initiates cover their head for spiritual protection, Catholic Nuns veil for spiritual distinction and modesty, etc. Historically, women are more likely to practice veiling but there are many practices where men are also called to cover their heads. Veiling is for anyone and everyone who feels called to practice! 💐🌹
(Note, this is an amalgamation of different reasons why people veil. Not everyone shares these same benefits or beliefs. This is a generalization!)
The crown of the head is, in many practices, believed to be the center of divine communication. It is the part of our body that is closest to divinity. As a result, many people veil in order to respect the sacredness of this connection. It’s almost as if placing a crown upon our head to symbolize our pure connection with our gods. It can also be a sign of humility and humbleness before divine. Veiling for divine devotion is often worn during rituals or worship but may not be worn for everyday use (this varies). This practice of veiling results in a closer, sanctified bond with our divinity. 
Similar to the last point, the head is believed to be sacred. If the head is not protected, the rest of the body may suffer. Emotional empaths may be called to veiling out of a desire to protect their energy from the world around them. Full-body veils can also be worn for this purpose. It offers comfort, peace, and a sense of spiritual protection!
For many people, veiling is a way of “wearing their faith”. A clear religious habit (form of clothing) sets you apart from the rest of the world. Not in the sense that you are higher or holier than the world but in the sense that your life is lived in devotion. It is a reminder of the covenant you have made within your spiritual path. It makes your faith visible and tangible. My Muslim sisters often express that wearing their hijab creates a sense of unification and connectedness. 
I’ve noticed a lot of people, especially women, express how empowered they feel when they’re wearing their veils. It can often garner a sense of respect and reverence. Sadly there are spaces where veiling (especially for muslim women) is met with judgement but, even when faced with criticism, it is an empowering practice. It forces the world to view us as more than bodies to be objectified. It adds a sense privacy that demands respect. 
Wearing a veil is a reminder to the world but also to ourselves. When we wear a veil, we are wearing the tradition of our respective beliefs. It is a physical symbol that aligns us with our spiritual practice and reminds us of why we do what we do. I find that I am much more aware of my actions when I am veiling (for rituals and for everyday wear). There’s a sense of responsibility that comes with wearing a veil. It’s highly symbolic and we have to respect its importance. 
For many, it is a reminder that we are forever blessed, protected, and empowered by our spiritual practice! It’s like taking up a mantle of power. For some it’s out of modestly but, for most, it’s an outward sign of the blessed relationship that we have with our respective spiritual paths!  ✨✨✨✨ Thank you for stopping by! My askbox is always open for anyone who wants to learn more! If you are someone who veils, I would love to hear your reasons and experiences. I feel like there are so many misunderstandings about the purpose of veiling and I hope this post could shed some light! 💐 🌷 🌹 P.S anyone can veil, as it’s a part of pretty much every culture, but be mindful of the style of veil you choose! There are some styles that are sacred and should not be used unless you are a part of that religion/tradition. Do your research. 
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
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Home Protection Spell
Before you start making a Home Protection spell, it's important to cleanse your jar with incense or smoke.
• The first component of a Home Protection Spell is a protection sigil. I used this one:
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then, You'll need:
• A piece of paper with the residents' names on it,
• Himalyian/pink salt,
• Cinnamon,
• Bay Leaf,
• Eggshells,
• A needle,
• Rosemary,
• Clove,
• Rose petals (rose tea also works).
After You've put all the components in the jar, You'll need to seal it with brown candle wax (white can be used as a replacement).
I also added Green Fluorite, which is a protecting crystal. If You don't have Green Fluorite, You can use Clear Quartz/Rock Quartz, Amethyst, or any color Onyx.
I also added the Eye of Nazar, also known as the Eye of Nile, since it's a protecting symbol. The Hand of Hamsa (or Hand of Five) is also a protecting symbol.
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
Warding Methods
General wards
Moon water
Run water
Rain water
Holy water
Grave dirt
Burning protective herbs
Growing protective herbs
PSI balls(around what needs protecting)
Spell jars
Personal Wards
Enchanted jewelry 
Most glamor magick
Witches bottles
Herb satchels
Spatial wards
Outdoor decor(sigils, etc)
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
Spiritual protection/ negativity banishing spell jar
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What you will need
Small mason jar or other glass container
5 tablespoons salt (very salty)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon rosemary
1 tablespoon majorama
1 teaspoon thyme
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 teaspoon black salt
a pinch of activated charcoal
a few drops of mint essential oil (mint leaves work just as well, or some loose mint tea)
any sort of quartz (depending on specific intentions, rose quartz is a great idea! However, clear quartz is best for banishing negativity -in my opinion- I always have it around.)
boiling water and some strong intent at ready!
Add all of your dry ingredients into the jar, i didn’t know exact measurements when I typed this up, so you may need a slightly larger mason jar. (I’ll make another jar tomorrow following this recipe and see if the small jar is ok)
Carefully pour your water into the jar over the ingredients (You might want to have a cloth under the jar in case of spills-)
Add your essential oils (If you used mint leaves or tea and didn’t add them with the dry ingredients, you can add them now.)
Close the lid tight and shake the jar to get everything mixed and ensure all of the salt dissolves (You should probably allow the jar to cool for a bit so it isn’t too hot to handle)
Bless your spell jar by spraying with some moon water, letting it sit in the moon/sunlight or swishing it around in some incense smoke.
I use my spell jar for help banishing unwanted spirits by splooshing some around my room
I also shake it when i need to scare away any negativity in my life.
Have fun witches!
Blessed be,
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maximus-rose · 4 years ago
🏡Home Protection🏡
There are many ways to protect your home through witchcraft. These are some of the more popular:
Crystals are a great way to protect yourself and your home. Simply keep the crystals in your home or room.
You can also keep protecting crystals in every corner of your room.
Crystals with protecting abilities include:
smoke quartz
black obsidian
tiger's eye
and many more
Burning brown or black candles can protect your home. There are also many types of protecting incense.
✨Spell Jar✨
Keeping a Home Protection Spell Jar is a great way to keep your home safe.
I have a post with a recipe for a Home Protection Spell Jar, so check out my blog :)
Painting a protection sigil on your door with moon water is another way you can guard your home.
Here are some protection sigils you can paint:
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✨Protection symbols✨
There are many symbols that can protect your home. Keep pictures, drawings, or charms with protection symbols in your room.
Protection symbols include:
The Hand of Hamsa
The Evil Eye/The Eye of Nazar
Mars Sign
Thanks for reading my post, and maybe check out my blog :3
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