#literally rereading paragraphs bc i kept thinking about this djdksk
lingeringscars · 4 months
Yj chars in t100 a self-indulgent post bc I am probably the only one who cares but I had thoughts I need to get down bc it's scratching my brain and I need to focus on hw:
Already touched on mari who I still think has gotta stay in sanctum bc she'd be so big into the primes
But if mari is not in sanctum, probably alpha station and after coming to the ground and facing near death, finds comfort in earthborn traditions and practices
Van and nat are both factory
Shauna is farm station
What we know about their backstories largely remains the same
Nat hangs around farm station a lot. Would be friends with monty and jasper.
Nat is one of the 100
I don't think...idk I'll probably workshop this but I think nat + her dad's altercation is probably less violent? As in I don't think it'd be the shotgun but him falling and hitting his head that kills him
She's still good with a gun and quickly becomes one of the hunters. I don't think she really wants to be a gunner.
Van is not one of the 100 and while it's important to me that Mel is the sole survivor of factory station when Bellamy finn Murphy sterling and Monroe arrive, i think it parallels the plane well to say everyone presumed van died with the rest but Surprise Bitch
In other words, van is found near the factory station crash alive and it's a big shock to everyone
Shauna ends up with farm station and while people are being picked off and taken, she steps up to learn how to use a knife on earth and help with food preparations and later with fighting against azgeda
Shauna was the best in earth skills class but no one knew it
Van nearly dies in an animal attack and later is supposed to die in praimfaya because not on the list but does not
By the time sanctum arrives, van is like yeah Bill Cadogan I am with you because seeking a reason for why they keep surviving when people around them aren't and there have been no shortages of near death experiences. There needs to be a Reason for this
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