#literally my only S grade character
desertdragon · 3 months
This shit is so ass I just want it to be over
#the moment i saw it has FFX But From Wish.com my intelligence 100% just feels insulted#it was already boring this entire time but disrespecting X's point by turning it into a cheap commodity device is kicking my nuts#just spitting on Sakaguchi by trying to copy his homework in the hopes idiots will clap like seals bc they recognize the reference alone#but when hasn't msq's point been pushing out nostalgia and by the book trope slop for the sake of illiterate's money#gameplay and collectables is all this shit has ever had aside from the occasional side story or side character#i like the collectables. the gameplay is interesting enough. i have a story of my own at home.#they even ripped off IX for more HEY YOU REMEMBER FF9 RIGHT? BUY OUR GAME BC WE SAID ALEXANDRIA & MIMICKED SOME BUILDINGS#YOU'LL BUY IT AND LIKE IT JUST BC IT SAYS SOLUTION NINE LIKE ZIDANE EVEN WHEN IT HAS NOTHING IN LINE WITH FF9- YOU DUMB TOOL#the solution 9 plot is just the twist from ff9 but if it had nothing to do with anything aside from being one giant reference#it's never made to fit xiv itself and it only appears at literally the last quarter of the story with virtually zero mention of it before#and then to drag it out even more they added a sprinkle of ffx fayth but make them disconnected from the themes and have no personal connec#with the protagonist (s)#everything before this is pure seasonal anime lowest grade shounen tropes with no seasoning bc it's played so predictably flat and straight#zero novelty beyond fringe ideas that just get mentioned w/o much writing behind them which this game loves doing#they love mentioning shit just to postpone it to the last second when it's suddenly important despite having no depth attached before#saves money on actually having to write a complete story#they even got Wish.com Steiner in here lmao#if anything the time for them to rip off IX was in EW because those stories actually have themes in common to make some sense#also the way characters are expendable to the story in the sense the game forgets they exist after they play their role#is at the worst it's ever been- they drop even long time main characters like flies once their exposition is done#it's so abrupt too just when you think a character might contribute more they're already gone#this expac is everything bad about the game which makes it worse than bad- it's unbearably boring and tedious#even characters that were HYPED IN THE TRAILER literally only show up for a few lines of dialogue then leave
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unreleasedwrites · 5 months
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Caught You, Again
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you?
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summary: You and Gun have been in the same class since the eight grade, and you developed a little crush on him that same year. Once the ninth grade started and you two had been paired as seat mates, you started to drop subtle hints here and there with the idea of your little crush on him for the past year. Gun notices this and takes it as an opportunity to constantly tease you about it jokingly— until, he was no longer joking, and made a move by asking you out which then ended with you becoming his first and last girlfriend, because he made you into his first and forever wife. Yet, he never fails to see you in the not so hidden act of admiring him, which has him calling you a “simp,” and he continues to tease you for it.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: fluff, teasing, playful and flirtatious gun, gun is nice, swearing, use of Y/N, mentions of physical fights gun gets into, mentions of blood/bleeding/bruises, couple nicknames, kissing, established relationship, idk much about weddings, VERY SUGGESTIVE TOWARDS THE END!! this is really long tbh 😭😭
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unwrapped on: Saturday Night, December 03 2023
wrapped up on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
published on: Sunday Evening, April 28 2024
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“Need something?” Your seat mate suddenly questioned you as he shrugged a brow at you, who was blankly staring at him, obviously lost in your thoughts.
“O-uh— No!” You quickly replied and zoned back into reality, “Sorry, I was just thinking, I didn’t notice tha-” You added before he cut you off and said,
“If you like me, you could just say so’ You wouldn’t be the first girl to confess to me this school year.”
“Wha-! Talk about confident, also it’s literally the second week of the ninth grade..” You scoffed, a little nervous considering you have liked him since the eight grade so he technically wasn’t wrong.
“That isn’t a no~” He replied with a tint of his usual smirk.
“Wel-” You tried to speak right before he interrupted you once more “Enough with the excuses already, it’s boring.”
“Well?” He added and you responded with, “Well.. What I was trying to sa-” Ding, Ding, Ding— You were interrupted once again, but this time, by the bell. And it was now lunch time, so you two went your separate ways.
That was one of the occasional conversations you had with Gun, it just so happens that you two have been paired as seatmates since the eight grade and therefore, had to have spoken to one another atleast a number of times by now. They were just meaningless and short interactions that was just another way to kill time for him, yet those little conversations and interactions meant the world to you.
Fast forward into the school year and currently, it’s almost the fourth month of school— all of your classmates along with the new/transfer students have gotten to know each other, and it just so happens that you and Gun have started to talk more aswell. From little “Hey, about the homework-”, “Since were the next pair who’ll discuss, how about we-”, and “Could I borrow an extra pen, if you’ve got one?” To “What did you get for this number..?”, “Let’s hang out at my place, we could also plan our discussion for english tomorrow.”, which also turned to him simply grabbing things out of your bag when he pleases.
The formal little questions he’d usually ask you were starting to turn casual and friendly, not only his words but his tone is shifting as well.
You never thought you’d be invited to his place so casually and he’d lend you his jacket whenever you two are hanging out. Although, he insists you keep all of them since he loves the way it looks on you. It was weird. It was all so weird. So many girls like him, he’s constantly got girls dreaming to be around him as much as you get to be. Now, if you think about it— you never actually see ANY girls approaching him or hanging around him at all, aside from you, that is. People are constantly telling you about how you two must be dating, well you aren’t, but he’s never actually denied it either. He continues to tease you almost everyday and it just has you falling for him even more.
“Y/N?” Gun suddenly called out to you while you were walking out of the classroom to go home.
“Dinner, just you and me. This Friday at 7 o’clock, how’s that sound?”
“Wait, what?” You rose a brow at his sudden invitation, “What do you mean, by dinner with just you and me?” You briefly added.
“A dinner date, with just the two of us.”
“That was a little, out of nowhere.. Don’t you think?”
“..Yeah.” He responded, “My bad. Maybe it was a little too soon, never mind about what I sai-” He added before you cut him off, “Wai- wait! it wasn’t too soon at all! Sorry, I was just taken a back— since I really wasn’t expecting this from you.” You said, visibly happy.
“Well then..?” He nervously asked and you responded with, “Are you kidding? That’s all I’ve ever wanted!! I’d love to, Gun.” It was evident just how excited you were. Suddenly all bubbly and red in the cheeks, Gun found that to so adorable. “I wasn’t expecting such enthusiasm from you,” Gun said as he laughed, “You’re probably in love with me, aren’t you?” to which you replied, “You asked, I answered! And would you have wanted a no for an answer?” “A no from the girl who’s head over heals in love with me? I highly doubted that response.”
Gun might’ve said those words so casually and care free but he really was surprised with how quick it took for you to say yes. Throughout the course of your friendship, it did become obvious that the two of you do like each other. But it was much more evident on your side, with how much people knew you like Gun and how you spoke about him and how you were whenever you were with him, versus how you were when you were with some other boys that were rumored to like you. Of course, Gun was slightly taken aback when he learned about all this— how could someone like you, a beautiful and simple sweet heart who doesn’t even like contact with people or going out that much, like him, a guy whose name is insanely problematic and all the rumors spreading about him are mostly true and have something to do with his violent side and the things he does outside of school, a guy who people quite literally fear.
But Gun didn’t really like thinking about any of that. All that mattered to him was how you felt and the adorable reactions that come out of you whenever he teases you about apparently liking him so much.
A few months passed since your first date and the two of you started dating after a while, even more time has passed since then because you two were now in your final year of high school. Despite going further into your friendship to turn it into a relationship, nothing much has really changed.
You guys were at your place this one time and you begged him to do skin care with you. He was reluctant at first but with your puppy dog eyes and some touchy convincing, he finally agreed.
“Stay Still!!” You scolded your boyfriend who kept moving when you were trying to apply a full mask onto his face.
“How am I supposed to? It’s so wet and slimy, kinda reminds me of something..” Gun replied.
“Oh shut it, I finally finished applying it, now we have matching masks on!! Come look at the mirror!” You exclaimed, “Tada~!”
He looked at the mirror blankly and slowly turned to you, who was overflowing with joy.
“Awh, don’t you like it?”
“It’s.. something, that’s for sure..”
You looked at Gun with your usual pout, to which he caved in and finally went along with the whole thing, saying it’s not that bad.
“Hehe, my baby looks so handsome, just as he always does~” You said as you admired Gun while squeezing his cheeks.
“You’re such a simp, you know that, right? Gun said, slightly muffled as he looked down at you with his usual smirk.
“Hmph! If you don’t want my love then you could just say so!” You said as you let go off his cheeks and crossed your arms with a grouchier pout on your face.
“Baby, there’s no need to be a brat.” He then grabbed your chin to kiss your lips (you were tiptoe-ing). Gun always knew how to deal with the unpredictable pace of your mood, given how you can go from absolutely simping over him to a pouting girl who doesn’t wanna talk about it at all with him.
“Your eyes sure as hell love to wander, dont they?” Gun teased. You went all pouty again so he coated you in some more kisses to make up for the teasing about you being a complete simp.
Those were the moments that ultimately led to the situation you’re currently in. Beneath the sunset in your favorite place, dressed in an astonishing wedding dress, paired with an elegant pair of heels, just the right amount of steepness for you to walk in, given your veil and dress that was trailing on your back. Holding an extravagant boquet with all of your favorite flowers wrapped in such delicate material.
It was all so ethereal. Gun, your soon to be husband hasn’t seen you. You were queued to walk down the aisle so very soon, which had you shaking in both excitement and fear. It’s finally the day you’ve been waiting for so very long. You knew you really liked Gun the moment you two became closer, yet you’re still stuck in the point where you were admiring him from technically— not afar because he was right beside you the entire time. But still, you were just an admirer in awe. And now you have the same last name as him and do tons of things together— cooking? hell yes, shopping? without a doubt. hopping in the shower and bathtub together? you don’t even notice him coming in until you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you and start to wander across your body.
Another thing is that Gun may seem like a “cold” or reserved person on the outside, but he really does care about people that matters to him and knows how to observe. One of the things he observed about your “infatuation” with him was how you looked at him. He really saw right through the eyes you looked at him with— they only expressed one thing. That one thing was actual love, and it was not at all short-lived as people say what infatuation is.
It truly surprised him to see how your eyes never got gloomy or even got tired of looking at him that way even when time passed.
If anything, they became brighter and loving with every moment that passed with you looking at Gun’s dark eyes, wondering why he would ever want to have anything to do with a girl who’s had a huge crush on him for so very long.
He realized just how much importance those little details hold. As they say, the eyes don’t lie. And he sure as hell was able to experience that for himself.
He may not have wanted to admit it at first, but he slowly fell for you, in the way where you fell first but he fell harder. His entire mood and demeanor would change the exact moment that you’re around him. He could be beating up people and see that you’ve come to check up on him because he specifically told you that he was just going out to get something from Goo, but ended up taking way too long— hence, why you went to find him. He changed in an instant. Leaving behind the scene and making sure you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about it. And according to Goo, the way he talks about you is just “agitating”— which pretty much translates to “amazing” in your vocabulary, given that Goo doesn’t care about these types of things.
You’ve heard from various of his friends that he really does love you, because he doesn’t prolong any of his fights due to the very fact that he wants to make sure that he can get home to you asap. Especially when it’s late at night, he knows you like to sleep but he wants to be the one to tuck you in and cuddle and place gentle kisses on you to sleep. So even though he loves fighting worthy opponents that gets him turned on, no one can top you— he just loves that matching pj’s set that you tend to wear, with the small pink lace ribbons and the silk fabric, the short and small shorts with the sleeveless top.
Gun told you all about what he does for Charles Choi when he fully trusted you and you guys were already dating, and he didn’t expect you to stay. He was scared to tell you with there being a big chance that you’d freak out and leave him, call the cops, and do other things he wouldn’t have ever wanted you of all people to do to him.
Despite all of his fears and bad expectations of what you might do when you learn of the “bad” side of his, he still has you and always will. He really cant believe that you stayed after everything and still look at him the exact same way you did when you first met him. You somehow still retained the same feelings and love you have for him despite everything— and he is insanely in love with you for that. He loves teasing you about it though.
Going back to the present situation you’re in, you were now walking down the aisle as Gun absolutely stared at you in awe. Enthralled by how amazing you looked in white and how such a gorgeous woman was walking down the aisle to meet eye to eye with him and to hold him hand in hand.
The ceremony was breathtakingly beautiful, flowers of all sorts were surrounding the venue with just the right amount of lights that have been set upon with candles and dim lighting. The details in fabrics, decorations, covers, and even the architecture of the venue was simply incredible.
All of this “extraness” as Gun would call it, was for you. Gun wasn’t the type of person to have such a big wedding despite the small number in guests, but he knew you loved all of the things he had made to be included for the special day.
And even though Gun was relatively smart with his money, he was more than willing to go all out on this short event.
After all the agreements and words that the officiator had asked the two of you, you guys finally reached the most important part of the day, the one you have been dreaming of for who knows how long.
The officiator spoke once again, “Do you, Y/N, take Park Jonggun to be your lawfully wedded husband— To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
You looked deeply into Gun’s eyes, “I do.”
The officiator turned over to Gun, “Park Jonggun, do you take this woman to be your wife— to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
Gun held eye contact with you with a subtle yet sincere smile, “I do.”
He then carefully placed the beautiful ring on your finger, which was followed with you doing the same with his. Just after that was the unity ceremony which was such a bliss.
Of course, once that had passed, came the pronouncement— After more words and hundreds more that you didn’t pay much mind to, the officiator finally looked at the two of you deeply and stated, “I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
And so you guys did kiss, for a pretty long time— With Gun’s hands placed on your waist and one of your hands on his shoulder, and the other nestled against his face. The crowd cheered for the two of you as it all happened.
It was all so, so, so, incredibly divine.
Once the ceremony has ended and the after party was finally about to begin, you kept chatting with the guests, more particularly your closest friends who were also your bridesmaids. It genuinely made them wonder how you could be so in love with someone. The way you talked about him was absolutely adorable considering they’ve met Gun before, and think of him as the luckiest guy on earth, and you as the blindest girl.
And despite not knowing many of Gun’s friends that he invited, they were still so kind to chat with you. They told Gun when he came by that he really was one hell of a lucky guy to have someone so head over heals for him. To which he only agreed with them before he went to attend to the other guests.
“I don’t understand how you could like him so much, he’s garbage..” Goo said as the other guys were talking amongst themselves at the same table you and Goo were at.
“Maybe to you he is— but he is just the sweetest to me, and he’s hot as hell too.” You replied, obviously lost in your thoughts, imagining Gun once again.
“Woman, what the hell do you see in him for him to be considered as sweet? Do you have any idea how much people he’s arranged the organs of?” Goo questioned.
“Oh please, how much have you?”
“Hey. I don’t like getting my hands dirty as much as Gun does.”
Goo came closer to you and whispered in your ear, “Did you know that Gun has liked you before you even attended the same school together..?”
“Yup. You may have been led to believe that you were the first to like him all these years, but he’s just never told you that he’s actually a creepy stalker deep down.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“Nope! And you could figure it out for yourself!” Goo exclaimed.
“Oh please! If he hasn’t told me all this time then he wont tell me now, why don’t you just tell me more about it?”
“Fine, buttt! You can’t tell Gun or even give him hints that I was the one to tell you all this, alright?”
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that,” you replied.
“Alright-y then! I’m guessing you know Gun as someone you became classmates with in the eight grade, and became friends with in the ninth. Butttt, he actually first heard of you in the seventh grade, and although he wasn’t in your school that time, he transferred the next year so that you two could be classmates. He first saw you walking out of that school and he told me all about how pretty you were and how he’d like to be friends with you,” Goo explained.
“I can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or not..”
“It doesn’t matter what you believe, just know that I am telling you the truth and it’s up to you to take it or not.” He said with a smile spread across his face.
Like all things, the wedding eventually came to an end, it may have been short-lived but it was truly memorable. Of course, what comes after the wedding is the honeymoon.
You guys went on a trip to somewhere tropical for your honeymoon, which resulted in Gun wearing almost nothing most of the time, and if he was wearing something, it’d be boxers or swim trunks, or a more formal outfit that just looked sooooo good on him.
There was this one instance where you guys were about to go to bed, and Gun would usually have on some loose pants or shorts, but this time.. He was wearing absolutely nothing, not even boxers or briefs of some sort. He casually walked over to your shared bed while you stared at him.
“Need something, babe?” Gun asked he tucked himself into the blanket you were also tucked in, but you were both still sitting up.
“Well.. No, but um…” You replied nervously, obviously pent up from the view you had right in front of you.
Gun looks at your eyes then down to his naked body (and mind you, you were wearing a cute yet small and slightly revealing matching- sleepwear set), “Hm? You’ve seen me naked countless times before, and it’s not like you’re a virgin.” He teased as he brushed some of your hair to the side.
“Yeah b-but..” You managed to utter as you were still straight up staring at his body, fresh from the shower.
“But what? Does my wife need help with her words?” Gun teased as he leaned in closer to you and slowly lifted up your top to place his hand on your chest. To which you got very tense and nervous.
I’m sure you already know what followed in the next moments..
But moving forward with a few more days that passed, Gun caught you staring— maybe even admiring one of the pictures that you took together recently, specifically zoomed in on him. You hadn’t realized or even noticed his presence so you were just looking at the picture like some teenage girl, obviously crushing on him.. As if you didn’t just get married to him to him last week.
You were cheekily smiling at the picture, even giggling to yourself at some point when you swiped through some of the other pictures of him and you. You just loved him so bad, that even though you had him right with you, you still resorted to pictures. Gun thought that was adorable. The woman he fell in love with, sat on a chair facing away from where he was sneakily stood at, was swiping away at pictures of him when you didn’t even know that you had him wrapped around your finger.
“What’s my dear wife up to this evening?” He spoke out of nowhere, suddenly startling you. This caused you to have the phone slip out of your hands, but he swiftly caught it and took a closer look at the photos you were staring at.
“What are you doing with pictures that you can’t already to with the real deal right beside you?” He asked as you got increasingly nervous by the seconds passed and you were starting to fidget.
“I was just looking at what photos I wanted to keep.. And what I didn’t want to keep, y’know what I mean..?” You replied.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, my dear oh dearest husband,” you said mockingly— “Why are you interrogating me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Little miss stalker,” Gun said as he sat on the chair across from you, obviously enjoying himself.
“Stalke—? Oh wait-! That reminds me,” your husband’s brow rose at your sudden statement, “Your close friend, Jonggoo, told me a little something when him and I were talking during the after party.” You added.
“And that is..?” Gun asked, skeptical of what you might’ve learned, knowing Goo very well.
“Well,” you shuffled around as you tilted your head and finally spoke, “Is it true that you only came to the school I go to in the first place because you saw me walking out there one time and.. yeah—?”
“That bastard— But, yeah. That is true.” He said without a change in expression and emotion.
You gave him a teasing smile and a soft “hehe” as you looked at him. For some reason, finding out that was true only seemed to make you fall in love even more.
“Oh hush, I don’t understand how much a person could like someone—” He said and he stood up to lift you into his arms for teasing him.
“Hey! Why are you carrying me?” You suddenly yelped. He dropped you gently on to the bed and he climbed on top of you.
“Woman, it’s not good to start something you can’t finish.”
“Tsk! My nickname is now woman?” You pouted.
“My apologies then, my wife.” He said somewhat mockingly to which you pouted even more, so he finally said it in a more sincere manner and gave you a kiss.
“Well?” He asked you as you were still in the same position, with him on top you.
“Well what?” You clarified while your eyes shamelessly wandered through his body, flustered with the position you were in and the teasing he was doing to you.
“You’re eyes seem to be wandering yet again, and your cheeks are redder than rubies.. You just never get tired of me, do you? Gun said in a teasing tone as he leaned in closer.
This honeymoon sure as hell will be going on for a long time.
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notes: I think ill prolly put out a masterlist and about me post in like a month or two who knows, also this request has been with me for so long 😭 I am so so so sorry to this anon, please forgive me 😵‍💫 Also, I really hope that this wasn’t too bad and can live up to what you were expecting and requesting, I am so sorry if it doesn’t, I really tried 😭 ANDDD I accidentally deleted the actual request because I got a little lost with trying to navigate tumblr because I accidentally clicked the Queue button and yeah.. I don’t think I really proofread this tbh
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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ryker-writes · 2 years
TWST characters as parents (Staff)
proud bird dad
literally he is so proud of anything you do and will share your achievements with the rest of the staff
he also has a box of things that you've completed/given to him
childhood artwork, cards you've made, old gifts you've given to him, your first assignment and test, and even some of your old stuffed animals from when you were a kid
he also has a thick photo album full of pictures of you growing up
the kind of parent who takes so many photos
he looks through that photo album a lot to look back on the precious memories
the box and the photo albums are protected using magic
he will cry is something happens to them
pretty sure he lives at the school so you grew up at NRC
you know the entire layout of the school, visited every dorm, and even met all the ghosts
the ghosts all love you
they watch over you when Crowley and the other staff are busy
naturally you become a student of NRC when you're old enough
and once again, Crowley is so proud of you at orientation
he's taking photos as you walk up to the magic mirror and get assigned a dorm
he's so happy no matter what dorm you end up in
and if you want to change dorms, say no more it's already done
he's a little bit protective
loves when you make friends
he already knows if they're generally good people because he has their student files
it's a bit different if you have a romantic relationship tho
he's scared and will look into your partner more
will express his worries, but not to you
the other staff members hear it
"my child is growing up too fast!"
if you get involved with any of the overblots he is terrified and hovers around you afterwards
other students have mixed feelings about you
some will want to be on your good side because you're close with the headmage
others will be cautious of you because they worry if they offend you then they'll get expelled
and some (Azul) may try to take advantage of you
he's also painfully supportive
if you play any sports at NRC he has set up a cheering squad for you and you alone
also probably going to ask you to help him with his work
"won't you help your dear loving and hardworking father?"
when breaks come up he will give you the choice to stay at NRC or go on vacation with him
even if you say no to going with him he will try to convince you
he calls it parent child bonding
while other students may say he's not a very good headmage, he thinks he's great
he doesn't mind what the other students say, but if you were to say it...
he may start to consider that he's not as good as he thinks
what would really make him realize they were right was if you somehow overblotted
if you did overblot, he's full on crying and heartbroken
of course he's going to save you from the overblot
but afterwards he's going to just hug you and cry
he can be a bit of an overbearing father at times, but it's because he loves you
a more strict but loving father
he absolutely loves raising you
he calls you his pup
unlike Crowley, he won't keep a million photos of you or collect your first assignments or anything
but he is proud of the things you do
if you present him with some art you made or something cool you did he will be proud
the type of dad to keep your art on the wall
he also will spoil you
like you won't even know how much he spoils you
you'll be happy just to get a new coat and it's actually one of the best brands that costs so much money
his motto is "Only the best for my little pup"
this motto perseveres throughout your life
when you attend NRC, he's super proud no matter what dorm you end up in
when you attend school is when the slightly more strict side of him shows itself
he wants you to pass all your classes and will help you study
you might not get many breaks until he's sure you understand the concept and know how to do it
of course he's not as strict with you as he is with other students
they might not even get breaks
he will push you to get good grades but he always knows when he starts to push too far and will stop himself
if he accidentally does push you to hard he will apologize and try to make it up to you
Crewel is a bit of a protective dad
he pays attention to what his students are like so when you mention your friends he already knows them
he doesn't mind as long as they're good people
if you're in a romantic relationship he's a bit more protective
remember that motto I mentioned earlier? yeah that comes into play here
he thinks you deserve the best and will not tolerate your partner giving you anything less
he can be very critical of your partner and you may have to tell him to back off
he may also give your partner more work in class than other students
Crewel likes to make sure that you're dressed well and will tidy up your appearance when he sees something out of place
very loving father
he already has daughters so you aren't an only child
you know how he treats Lucius? you get similar treatment
he is a doting cat dad and a doting dad
he spends a lot of time with you and your siblings as you grow up
he never wants to miss any part of your life
also will hang your artwork on the wall
he'll even bring some to his classroom and hang them up there
he will go on and on about you to his students if they ask
some may do this to get out of doing classwork
they find out later that they still get the assignment but now they have no explanation of how to do it
he's very proud whenever you complete assignments or get good grades
and he's very proud when you finally get to go to NRC
he won't really mind whatever dorm you get into
but he will worry if it's Savanaclaw
students in that dorm are more prone to fights so he's worried
like Crewel, he's a bit of a protective dad
he will slightly judge your friend choice depending on who they are but won't interfere with anything
unless they get you in trouble, then he'll say something
if you're in a romantic relationship, he will silently judge them too
will also be more strict towards your partner in his class
he will not tolerate them slacking off in any way
well...he doesn't tolerate anyone slacking off in his class but even more so your partner
when you're in his class, he is much more relaxed with you
while he won't let you sleep you can still get away with spacing out or not paying attention
you also get Lucius' attention while you're in the class
most students find the cat annoying and Lucius will glare at them, but Lucius loves you!
he'll lay on your lap during class and purr very loudly
whoever sits next to you may be nervous not to disturb the cat
whenever Trein and Lucius get separated he gets really panicked
unless he knows Lucius is with you
you're the only one he trusts with Lucius
Lucius himself is protective of you
if anyone gets too close for the cat's liking, he may scratch them
while Trein is more passive aggressive with his protectiveness, Lucius is more outwardly disapproving
proud dad #4
he's unashamed to be your biggest fan
no matter what you're doing or where you go he's cheering you on
he probably has you playing at least one sport growing up
wants you to be super fit and active
and he'll also feed you all sorts of healthy foods
he wants to be your role model so bad
he just wants to hear you say even once "I want to be just like you Dad"
if he does hear it, he's fallen to his knees and overwhelmed with emotion
he won't cry, but he comes close
super proud when you become a student of NRC
he doesn't really mind what dorm you get in, but he secretly hopes it's Savanaclaw
Savanaclaw is the most athletic dorm
no matter what dorm you end up in, he is cheering as soon as the magic mirror says it
Crowley has to tell him to calm down
he's not a protective dad
he encourages you to make friends and doesn't mind them at all
he doesn't mind when you have a romantic partner either
in fact if you introduced them he would simply hug them and get straight to bonding
your father has now stolen your partner for bonding time
where did they go and how long will they be gone? nobody knows
when they do come back Vargas will say he's part of the family now
when you're in his class, he already expects you to participate and stay fit
so he's not as worried about you as he is for other students
if you play any sports in school, he is coming to all your games and cheering for you
he will be the cheerleader
he's over there with pom-poms and everything
you are such a spoiled child
like really anything you want, you got it
and I do mean anything
he has connections so he can get ahold of anything
you are his special little imp
he treasures the little artwork you make as a kid
it's the one thing he won't sell
he often trains you on how to run the store
so even though you may be small, he may still have you work in the shop
he won't have you do anything too big of course
but little by little you learn more about how to work and run the shop and you get to bond with him too!
but people are more likely to come again and buy things when there's a cute child
so having you there is also a business strategy
he's such a fun dad tho
he loves to play with you a lot and will generally do anything you think is fun together
he's happy when you finally become a student at NRC and it doesn't bother him which dorm you end up in
though if he had to choose he would say Octavinelle because they got the business strategies
he's not a protective dad either
he encourages you to make all sorts of friends
he even encourages you to make friends on the other side but never specifies beyond that
he doesn't mind if you have a partner either
they shouldn't expect a discount unless they are really good to you
speaking of discounts
you don't have to pay for things while you're at the school
he gives them to you for free
but he will ask if you want to help him out at the shop sometime
some students may try to get close to you so they can get more discounts (Ruggie)
and some may try to get close to you so they can get some of those business connections (Azul)
Sam hopes that in the future, you may be able to take on ownership of the shop
it's been in the family for a long time so he hopes he can pass it on to you
you have a while before that tho
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callsign-rogueone · 7 months
a brief history of Navarre - x.r.
Xaden Riorson x marked!partner!reader (gn) Midterm week at Basgiath has you wanting to pull an all-nighter to study, but Xaden won’t let you. requested as part of my Valentine’s day celly 💕 (gonna be posting these well into March, oops) words: 745 🏷: no book spoilers and no triggers, just X taking care of his partner. established relationship between reader and Xaden. the reader wears one of Xaden’s shirts, but there is no description of how it fits on them (we bigger / taller girls are tired of reading that [character]’s clothes are soo oversized and long on us!) shoutout to the people who put a full timeline of the continent’s history online bc I was too lazy to find it all in my copy lol
“I’m calling it a night,” Xaden announces, closing his textbook. “Gonna go shower.”
You hum in acknowledgement, pen between your teeth as you read the same page for the fifth time tonight, still trying to cram six hundred years of history into your brain. You’ve been sitting on his floor for hours, and the lines of text are starting to blur together, words starting to look misspelled and foreign, losing their meaning with repetition.
You spent too much time reviewing the first fifty decades. You still have nearly another hundred years to cover, from 530 to present. 
It has not escaped your notice that the book reduces the Tyrrish revolution to an afterthought, at the end of the text. The belittling words they’d chosen to describe your parents’ valiant effort had nearly been enough for Xaden to light the entire volume on fire, but he’d settled for ripping that page out of his copy and letting Sgaeyl torch it.
You’d left it in yours as a reminder that these people are not on your side, nor will they ever be. 
The running water stops, Xaden stepping back into the room a moment later. “You’re still studying?” He asks, rubbing at his hair with a towel. “You must be really into that book if you aren’t checking me out right now. I’m literally dripping.” 
He’s a little offended that you don’t even look up as you answer. 
“This is important, Xay. It’s a third of our final grade.”
He dries his hands on his pants, taking the book from your hands easily -- your grip on it has loosened with your exhaustion.
You protest, but he shushes you. “Why did Poromiel not unite with Navarre after the great war?”
It takes you a moment to respond, pushing through the sleepy fog to find the answer. “Religious differences”, you reply tiredly. “And their king did not want to share his throne with Navarre’s.”
“Good. When was the second Cygni Incursion?”
“And the second Krovlan uprising?”
He shuts the book, gathering your notes into a neat stack. “You know this stuff, darling. You’re going to pass this exam with flying colors and set the curve for the whole class, but only if you get some sleep.”
Materials now confiscated, you have nowhere to look except up at him, and your resolve immediately starts to crumble.
He’s ready for bed, dressed only in a pair of black sweatpants that drape across his hips and cover the muscle of his legs, but every other inch of skin is exposed; the relic swirling up his muscled arm, the definition of his chest and stomach, the broad expanse of his shoulders…
You’re too tired to jump his bones right now, but it would be nice to stop, to cuddle up with him, to fall asleep in his arms. Your schedules are packed with classes, studying, training, his wingleader duties, and your responsibility for the younger marked ones. It’s been nearly a week since you’ve been able to hold him for more than five minutes. His skin is always so warm against yours, and his mattress is certainly more comfortable than the hardwood floor… 
You hesitate, still eyeing the book in his hands. “I don’t know…”
“Yes, you do. C’mere.”
You sigh, letting him pull you up from the floor. Your muscles sing in relief as you stand, your back aching from being hunched over for hours. You relax into him, resting your eyes for a minute.
“Go brush your teeth,” he encourages.
You don’t want to move from his arms, but three years of dating the boy has taught you that he won’t yield on matters of your health. You sigh, heading to the bathroom.
When you get back, he’s packing everything into your bag for tomorrow — or today, rather. You’d started studying after dinner, and now it’s well after midnight. 
He helps you out of the day-old clothes and into one of his shirts and a clean pair of underwear -- you keep a few days of necessities here for moments like these. 
You curl into his side, pulling the blankets overtop of you, and the swirling thoughts are replaced with the easy contentment that comes with being held by your partner.
“You’re going to do great,” he whispers, smoothing a hand over your back. “Just get some rest, okay?”
You don’t respond, already lulled to sleep by the steadiness of his heartbeat and the warmth of his arms around you.
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veeaxx · 1 year
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— EXAMS ★ their s/o pushes themself to study for the upcoming exams, but it might be getting out of hand.
note: this is a no overworking zone, rest if you need rest!! m.list is here characters: various haikyuu boys x reader
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⋆ seeing as suga does tutor the first years sometimes, this isn't something new to him.
⋆ in fact, this is quite the common sight. he sees the first/second years stress over their exams all the time.
⋆ yet, he does get overall concerned for them.
⋆ if i know one thing, exams are important but YOU definitely come first!
⋆ what if they get too stressed and pass out? what if they prioritize studies over their own well-being?
⋆ suga's mom instincts kicking in: 🏃💨
⋆ so when he sees you studying for the exams yourself, he can't help but think how determined you are.
⋆ his cute, adorable s/o set on one goal, passing the exams..he finds it cute.
⋆ he does joke about it quite a bit. poking your cheek from time to time all while he softly coos at you. "determined, aren't we? hehe."
⋆ he does understand your concentration though, he will leave you be to avoid distracting you of course!
⋆ he doesn't think much of it at first, studying is a normal sight, obviously. it's even more normal with you, because you two have study dates all the time.
⋆ still cautious about you stressing yourself though. he'll brush it off in the meantime, but he won't forget.
⋆ a few hours pass by. he's gone to volleyball practice, done a few school-works, etc. he can't wait to relax.
⋆ he hums softly before taking out his phone to check the time, it nearly being evening.
⋆ slowly opening the classroom door "time to go home sugar,” he says softly.
⋆ his eyes widen in slight surprise as he sees you there, multiple empty cans of energy drinks, cluttered papers, and notes around your desk.
⋆ your eyes snapping open from time to time as you try to avoid snoozing off.
⋆ as cute as it may sound, he's genuinely concerned. like 😥
⋆ he walks over to you, slowly tapping your shoulder as your eyes flinch open. you rub your eyes before looking up, seeing the concerned smile of your boyfriend.
⋆ "oh, hey suga.." he chuckles quietly. "you look exhausted, sugar. maybe you should rest."
⋆ you whine, "but i need to stud—" he softly shushes you, helping you get up from your chair. "baby, exams are still in a few days. yet here you are worrying your pretty little head." he says.
⋆ "take a break, love. we can get some snacks before we go home, okay?" suga hand in marriage now 💳💥💥💥💳💥💥
⋆ there's no over-studying when suga's around.
⋆ baby would literally pamper you till all the stress goes away!
⋆ no doubt has beef with the subjects you're studying for, like how dare you make my bby stress out 😤
⋆ very good boyfriend, 11/10!
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⋆ he also knows how it feels, studying for a complicated exam.
⋆ not that daichi has bad grades, but because he also sees his underclassmen having quite a hard time.
⋆ he's also fairly concerned, not only because you're his partner, but because he cares about you. he can't forgive himself if something happens to you :((
⋆ although, seeing you study does motivate him to as well.
⋆ his baby's so determined to pass the examinations..how cute!
⋆ that doesn't stop him from trying to prevent anything from happening to you though.
⋆ "hey, make sure to take a break, alright?" he murmurs, rubbing your shoulders gently. "yes i will, daichi, love." you reply, smiling.
⋆ will leave you alone if you ask him to! he doesn't want to distract anyone here. he might as well attend volleyball practice—and come back for you later.
⋆ and so, he does. as soon as he finishes practice, he sends you a text saying he'll walk you home.
⋆ however, his message remains unseen despite being sent. which is quite odd, as you always would reply immediately.
⋆ "maybe they're busy.." is what he thinks.
⋆ but when he opens the door, oh boy, he's in for a surprise.
⋆ his s/o, knocked out on the desk, nearly snoring. papers and a few notebooks clattered around.
⋆ his eyes are wide, because this is exactly what he had thought of happening. walking over to you, he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, sighing in concern.
⋆ "i thought i told you to rest, sweetheart.." he mumbles quietly, not wanting to wake you up.
⋆ as if on cue, you slowly open your eyes before locking contact with your boyfriend. "oh, hi daichi..what time is it?" you ask, rubbing your eyes.
⋆ he sighs once again, ruffling your hair. "enough studying, baby. you better rest." he replies.
⋆ if you try saying no, it's quite useless. he'll keep saying no to over-studying again.
⋆ will get you anything to make sure you feel better and less-stressed.
⋆ he'll ask the teacher to excuse you if needed.
⋆ once you finally get the rest you need (most likely a nap), he'll be the happiest person alive.
⋆ "sleep well, babe." he mutters as he kisses your forehead.
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⋆ quite annoyed how you insist you're fine, yet you're clearly tired.
⋆ "tch..stop insisting you're alright, idiot." bakugo vibes frfr 🫡
⋆ but if you really insist, then sure, he'll leave you be.
⋆ he's really concerned though, trust me.
⋆ he just won't show it much because he's being tsukki.
⋆ tsukishima is no doubt smart, which earns him loads of people asking for help on studying.
⋆ with his sour demeanor however, he turns them down as yamaguchi apologizes on his behalf. or he'll snicker with tsukki, lol
⋆ but if you ask, oh, that's a different story. he'll oblige on one condition, buy him some strawberry shortcake.
⋆ anywhooo—while studying, he keeps an eye on you, especially if he can see you're tired.
⋆ if he needs to go to practice, he'll politely ask one of your classmates (or his, if you're both in the same class) to watch over you until he comes back.
⋆ tsukki being kind since when?!! 🫢
⋆ "hey, watch over y/n for me. leave them and you're dead, got it?" nvm he's still rude as ever 🫠
⋆ also sends you a text as soon as he finishes, but if there's no reply he's sour and worried af lol
⋆ imagine, he opens the door calmly, and sees you passed out.
⋆ if the classmate assigned to watch you was still there, he'll actually be kind and thank them all while quietly ushering them out.
⋆ once he's alone with you, he'll sigh softly before sitting down to you.
⋆ "i thought i told you to rest, stupid." he says before taking another look at your sleeping face.
⋆ you looking all pretty sleeping brings a slight tinge of red to his cheeks. kissing your forehead, his blush only turns redder, oh you'd be teasing him all the time if you were awake.
⋆ when you do wake up, he'll be back to his normal self.
⋆ no excuses, you're taking a break from studying. no ifs and no buts either!
⋆ what'll the teacher say? don't worry, he's taken care of that. hungry? he's got your favorite snacks at the ready. cuddles? sure, just this once.
⋆ ask and you'll receive ;)
⋆ will always accompany you to study after that.
⋆ he's really the the sweetest boyfriend, but just for you.
⋆ and by the way, when he kissed you—you weren't even sleeping 🤫
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⋆ this goofy lil mf !!!
⋆ will tease you on purpose to mess with you, and he gets you everytime.
⋆ i mean, since you're studying he might as well tag along and study too.
⋆ can't leave his precious baby studying alone, can he?
⋆ while it may seem like tendou does not take anything seriously, he knows when someone may have pushed boundaries a lil too far.
⋆ in this case, you pushing your own boundaries by overworking yourself to study.
⋆ satori's pretty smart, in and out of volleyball. don't think you can fool him that easily, dear 😞
⋆ "oh y/n my love~~ don't overwork yourself too much!" "awe.. you're such a sweetie, tendou." "only for you, my sunshine~!" 🥹💕
⋆ he literally needs to go to practice but is still clinging onto you like a koala.
⋆ if you do happen to convince him to attend practice, he will be thinking about you the whole time. he might even mess up a bit because he already misses you that much.
⋆ "oi, tendou! get your head out of the clouds and play well!" semi shouts from the other side of the court, earning a teasing broken-hearted look from the middle blocker. "ouch, semisemi's so harsh!"
⋆ when on the way back after practice, he can't help but have quite the happy mood.
⋆ yknow, you guys could ask each other questions to review, or take down notes together, or—
⋆ his thoughts come to a halt when he sees his lover, in their desk with a look of pure exhaustion on their face. "oh, you're back, babe." you say, before yawning.
⋆ "could you wait just a lil bit more? i gotta tackle this last part—" you mumble, before closing your mouth in your boyfriend's presence.
⋆ "enough studying, baby! look at you, so stressed out and tired." he continues, "how could you do this to yourself?!" your eyes widen in slight surprise as your boyfriend exaggerated nearly every detail of your actions, it's actually quite cute seeing him ramble.
⋆ "t-tendou, i'm fine, baby." you reply, holding his face softly. "you're so cute when you're worried."
⋆ a blush makes it's way onto tendou's face. "i know you think you're fine, y/n-chan. but the way i see it, you're tired, my love." he continues, "rest, sunshine! it'll refresh you a lot, promise."
⋆ tendou touching our hearts fr 💘
⋆ long story short, he's very mindful about studying now. he's gotta be there with you!
⋆ also, he will always let you take breaks if needed! tendou's got snacks, cuddles and anything you'd like at the ready~
⋆ "take good care of yourself, my love!" he exclaims before kissing you, making you giggle.
⋆ "yes, tendou, my love. i won't forget this time." you reply, holding his hand.
⋆ oh man, he really loves you.
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⋆ kenma himself is quite smart. some may think he only prioritizes video games—but in reality, studies are something he maintains.
⋆ and besides, to complete some of his games, you're required to solve puzzles to move onto a level !!
⋆ so technically, he never lacked smarts in the first place.
⋆ kenma also hates being burnt out, and due to that, he usually requires a study partner to be able to check on him.
⋆ back then, it would always be kuroo—and it remained the same, until he started studying with you.
⋆ i am not implying he replaced rooster head btw 😢
⋆ and throughout time, he started to notice how you'd stay up quite late just to study.
⋆ on one point, staying up late is something he does all the time. but he's aware it could have negative health benefits.
⋆ and so, he'd try his absolute best to remind you that you should take breaks once in awhile.
⋆ "rest, babe." he whispered. "hm? what was that, kenma?" you say, turning your head to face him. "i said you should rest, i don't like seeing you tired.." he replied, blushing softly.
⋆ you always give him the same "i will!" which makes him think you're lying.
⋆ he does trust you, but do you really think he believes that 🤨
⋆ anywho, he does understand that you need to study, so he'll leave you be.
⋆ is lowkey the type to send someone to spy on you/j
⋆ i mean, he'll see you after anyway, not much of a big deal.
⋆ atleast, that's what he thinks. but the moment he sees you again, oh boy..
⋆ it's as if a tornado came and wrecked everything.
⋆ i'm exaggerating ofc, but yk what i mean 👍
⋆ letting out a soft sigh, he walks over to your cluttered desk, crouching to be able to see your exhausted expression.
⋆ "hey, kenma...what's up?" you ask, straightening your form as you look at your partner lovingly, albeit visibly tired.
⋆ "you look tired, bunny." he mutters, being careful not to raise his voice too much to avoid making you surprised.
⋆ "haha..yeah, math's taking a toll on me, hun." you reply, yawning while stretching your arms in the air.
⋆ "i promise, i'm almost done, maybe 5 more minutes?" you continue, looking at the clock on the wall, which makes kenma look at you in disbelief.
⋆ he softly grabs your hand, blushing a bit due to embarrassment. "kenma?" you ask, "is something wrong?" you ask. "bunny, don't overwork yourself. you look exhausted, let's take a break." he replies, rubbing your hand softly.
⋆ surprised at the little gesture of affection, your eyes widen, as if it's the first day you saw kenma. such a sweetheart.
⋆ giving up the act, you smile and nod. "sure, let's take a break, love." which in return, makes him smile as you stood up from your chair.
⋆ if the message wasn't already clear, you're not sneaking off to study, that's a nono!!
⋆ if you need anything, kenma will literally go out of his way to get it for you (that is, if it is obtainable in the first place).
⋆ most importantly, if you just want to rest with him, he'll oblige to that too!
⋆ he's really just concerned, so don't get him worried again, or else he might as well drag you to play a game with him on his psp, heheh.
⋆ "you did well, y/n. i'm proud of you." he mumbles, stroking your hair.
⋆ boyfriend material !!!!
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HAIKYUU TAGLIST: @millenialfanfictionaddiction, @queen-aria-things
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚘 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝙱𝚢 𝙳𝚘𝚍𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜
Summary: How do the Karasuno boys react when their s/o decides to prank them by purposefully dodging their kisses?
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of food
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Yu Nishinoya, Asahi Azumane, Koshi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura
Word Count: 3.1k
You can find a My Hero Academia version of these headcanons here if you're interested! Also, this is my first Haikyuu post and I only have 1 other Haikyuu request sitting in my inbox, so feel free to send in Haikyuu requests if you have any! :)
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♡ Shoyo Hinata ♡
- Shoyo’s very relaxed whenever you’re around, he’s just so content and happy whenever it comes to you that the thought of you pulling something like this would never even cross his mind, so it’s really easy to prank him and get a funny reaction from your adorably hyper boyfriend
- Oooooh Shoyo is not happy when you pull a prank like this, he loves his kisses, especially after a long day and he won’t appreciate you hiding away from them >:(
- It’s a habit in your relationship for you and Shoyo to meet up after your last class of the day, allowing you to walk him to practice after school and sometimes even stay to watch if you have nothing else going on that day, so you knew this would be the best time for you to try out this little prank >:)
- Of course you greet your boyfriend just like you typically would, wrapping him up in a warm hug before interlacing your fingers with his as he starts chatting with you about his day and the two of you make your way to the practice area so as not to arise any suspicion from him
- And of course Shoyo in none the wiser, excitedly swinging your connected hands back and forth between the two of you as he tells you about the awesome grade he got on his biology test and looks at you expectantly for your response
- “That’s great, Shoyo! I’m so proud of you, I told you that all the studying you did would pay off. I know it was exhausting trying to balance studying and practice, but I knew you could do it.” You smile as you praise your boyfriend, heart melting at the way he beams in response to your words
- But when he leans in for a kiss to celebrate his good grade, you know it’s time to put the prank into action, so you step to the side and watch in horror as your boyfriend faceplants directly onto the sidewalk in front of you, kissing the pavement as he scrambles to pull himself up
- “...What was that for?” Shoyo exclaims after a minute, frowning at you and pointing to where he had just fallen face-first for emphasis. His grumpy, pouty face was positively adorable, and it caused you to immediately lose your resolve as you started laughing and moved to hug your boyfriend in apology
- “I’m so sorry babe, I was just messing with you. Come here, let me make it up to you.” You laugh as you apologize to him, leaning in to kiss the pout off of his face as Shoyo wraps his arms around you tightly
- “I expect at least 10 more kisses from you as an apology for making me fall on my face and embarrass myself, you know.” He responds, and the wide grin on his face when you award him his promised kisses and then some causes your heart to bubble in admiration for the boy, smiling at him and promising to never pull a prank like this again as you finally resume walking him to practice
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♡ Tobio Kageyama ♡
- This kind of prank honestly just confuses poor Tobio, he doesn’t really get that it’s a prank at it just leaves him confused, grumpy and needy for your affection :/
- He’s very easy to prank, but also so oblivious that you’d literally have to spell out that it was a prank in order for him to understand. So you know that you’re probably going to regret doing this to him, but you just have to satisfy your curiosity and see for certain how he’ll react
- So you decide to put your plan into action one day after practice, giggling in anticipation as your boyfriend swiftly makes his way from the court over to your side as he reaches out to grab his water bottle from your hand
- “Thank you, Y/n.” he says, gulping down the water before handing the bottle back to you, moving to grab your hand and squeeze it as his silent show of appreciation and affection for you
- “Of course, babe. You’re doing amazing today, always make me so proud.” You praise your boyfriend, watching his cheeks get dusted with a light pink hue as he smiles shyly at you. Usually Tobio wasn’t very big on PDA, but complimenting him after a game or practice was always the best way to get a kiss out of him, and you took advantage of that knowledge in order to put your prank into place
- “Why did you do that?” He asks simply, putting his hand up to smell his breath as he asks. “I think my breath smells fine… is it because I’m too sweaty? That’s never seemed to bother you before though…” Tobio searches for a reason to your sudden odd behavior, pouting as he waits for you to answer him
- And your adorable boyfriend fell right into your trap, leaning in and closing his eyes in hopes of pressing a quick peck to your cheek, only for his lips to meet nothing but air
- Confused, Tobio quickly pulled back to look at you questioningly, debating why you had avoided his kiss in his mind as he gazed intently at you
- “What do you mean, babe? I didn’t do anything!” You respond just to mess with him, biting back a smirk as his pout turns into a small scowl and he grows even more confused and frustrated
- As he continues to ask you why you’re doing this to him you decide to finally give in, giggling and leaning in to give your boyfriend his long-awaited peck as you fluster him with the sudden contact and leave him more confused than ever at your sudden switch-up
- “Yes you did, I tried to kiss you and you moved away!” He responds, wrapping his arms around you as he stares into your eyes, searching for an explanation. “...Did I make you mad or something? I don’t think I did anything to upset you, but if I did, I’m sorry and I didn’t mean it.”
- “I was just messing with you, Tobio. You looked so cute, all confused and pouty.” You respond as you press another kiss to your boyfriend’s nose, giggling again as he grumbles about how he’s not “cute” but still allows you to fawn over him because secretly, he really likes it <3
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♡ Yu Nishinoya ♡
- Oh I just know that he would hate this prank the most out of all the boys, Noya thrives off of your kisses and it is downright cruel in his eyes to deprive him of them :’(
- His feelings are hurt, his day is ruined, it's the whole 9 yards of dramatics with this man when you pull a prank like this on him lol so make sure you know what you’re getting into when you decide to do this
- You decide to pull this prank in the privacy of your own home after school while helping Noya study, since you know that if you did this in front of anyone else, he’d only get more upset. At least when it’s just the two of you, you’re the only one who will have to witness his whining, so you opt for privacy when pulling this prank on your incredibly needy boyfriend
- It works and it gets your boyfriend motivated enough to actually try when studying, though, so you’ll take it!
- You see, the two of you have developed a system when it comes to studying, because it can be… difficult to get Noya motivated to actually sit down and study
- So when you both have time, you review questions with him, and reward each correct answer with a kiss like the cheesy couple you are
- Unfortunately, though, you have to momentarily throw a wrench into this system in order to follow through with this prank
- So when you nod approvingly at your boyfriend’s correct answer to the last question you asked him and you see the bright grin spread across his face as his arms immediately reach out for you, you steel yourself and force your head to turn away from his eager kiss
- And of course, Noya immediately freezes when his lips meet your cheek rather than your lips like he was expecting, taking a moment to process before pulling back, frowning and giving you the most wounded look you’ve ever seen from your typically bright, energetic boyfriend
- “Baaaabe, why would you do that to me?!” He immediately starts whining, arms wrapping around you as he buries his face in your chest with his lips still stuck in a pout
- “Oh my god you big baby, you’re so dramatic.” You tease him for just a moment longer before you’re willing to give in, a mischievous smirk across your face as you playfully try to push him away, only for his grip to tighten and cause giggles to erupt out of your throat
- “Why don’t you love me anymore? Why are you ignoring my affection when I studied so hard for you? I earned that kiss, baby!” He whines even louder now, arms digging into your sides to tickle you and forcing allowing you to finally cave
- “Noya, stop! Fine, I’ll give you what you want so badly.” You manage to break free of his tickles long enough to press a chaste kiss to your boyfriend’s lips, smile growing wider when he leans in once more to reclaim your lips with his own as his way of making up for your earlier lack of kisses >:)
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♡ Asahi Azumane ♡
- Genuinely why would you ever do this to him :( Asahi’s such a sweet boy and he loves your kisses so much, this is so cruel!
- Okay in all honesty, it would probably be incredibly easy to do a prank like this on Asahi, he’s very unguarded when it comes to you, so he’ll never see it coming and his constant kisses leave you with a plethora of opportunities to pull a prank like this
- And because he’s so sweet and sensitive and would never suspect this from you, you know his reaction will be golden, and it’s an innocent enough prank that you’re willing to go through with it just to see his reaction
- You decided to pull this on him right after a long day of practice, since you know that’s the time where he’s the most needy for your kisses, praise and affection
- You, being the wonderful s/o that you are, meet your boyfriend for the last 30 minutes or so of his practice, proudly cheering him on from the sidelines and bragging to the few people not playing at the moment about how proud you are of your amazing boyfriend
- And once practice ends, you can see a red tint on his face as he smiles gratefully at you, hastily making his way to you with his arms wide open in a hug that you know will be accompanied by a chaste peck, just a small kiss so that he wouldn’t get teased too badly over showing PDA in front of his team mates
- But poor, poor Asahi was left incredibly confused when you turned your face away from his kiss, instead opting to turn so his lips landed right on the side of your head
- You hear Suga and Daichi immediately burst into laughter upon seeing your denial of your boyfriend’s affections, already feeling guilty over the teasing he would inevitably endure over this but forcing yourself to follow through with the prank for a little longer despite the pouty look worn across your adorable boyfriend’s face
- “...You’re kinda sweaty babe, sorry.” You tried to force a grimace to add to the prank, but the way Daichi and Suga absolutely fell apart at your comment convinced you that it was already time to give this up and put your poor boyfriend’s mind at ease as he looked down in shame at your words
- Poor Asahi's face was absolutely flushed with red upon hearing what you had said and the laughs of his team mates, though, mouth falling open as he floundered to find any words to apologize in that moment
- Before he could let out the embarrassed apology that was on the tip of his lips/ hiwever/ you reached out to cradle his large frame in your arms, reassuring him that you were just pranking him loud enough that his teammates would hear as you pressed kisses across his face to apologize for your actions
- Your PDA only made him blush more, and his teammates would never let him forget this moment, but his pout immediately disappeared and was replaced with a shy smile as he muttered an “It’s okay, angel” and hugged you back tightly, just happy to be able to kiss you again <3
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♡ Koshi Sugawara ♡
- I can definitely see Suga being just a bit of a little shit to you when you pull stuff like this, in all honesty
- 99% of the time, Koshi's your adorable, incredibly sweet and loving boyfriend who would never dream of messing with you or being upset with you
- But that 1% of the time, when he’s in a particular mood and you try to pull a prank like this on him?
- Oh, he’d definitely mess with you just a bit in return to get you back >:)
- You and Koshi decided to have a cute little date night at his house, as you both have the weekend to relax and spend time together :)
- And whenever you two have date nights, one of your favorite activities to do together is cooking dinner with each other, taste testing each part of your chosen dish and working together to create a meal you’ll both enjoy
- Tonight the two of you are cooking your favorite meal, as Suga wanted to celebrate the high score you got on your recent math test and reward you for all your hard work like the wonderful, caring boyfriend he is :>
- And of course you, the sneaky little menace you are, have to repay your boyfriend’s kindness with a prank, just to mess with him a little
- So when Suga gently prods at your lips with a spoon, silently asking you to taste test a part of the dish, you immediately know what he’s up to, putting the spoon in your mouth and nodding encouragingly at him to show him that it tasted good as you wait for him to follow his predictable pattern he always fell into in moments like these
- And he does, smiling back at you before immediately leaning in to replace the spoon with his lips and capture your mouth in a sweet kiss
- Except this time you lean away from his kiss, giggling as his kiss lands on your chin and he pulls back, frowning at you
- And, while Suga immediately knew this was a prank, he was also quite the actor when he wanted to be, so he decided to get you back a little bit after he kindly made your favorite meal with you and you chose to rekay him with a prank and withholding your affections
- “Sweetie, it was just a prank, I’m so sorry.” You apologize immediately, holding your boyfriend tighter out of guilt. “Of course I still love you, I didn’t mean it. It was just a dumb prank.” You promise, only to be caught off guard when you suddenly hear your boyfriend giggling with his head tucked into your chest, giving you a shit-eating grin and making it clear that he had actually gotten you
- Suga gave you the most genuine pout you had ever seen, eyes welling up with crocodile tears and causing the smile to immediately fall off of your face as he backed away from you, feigning hurt and heartbreak
' “Babe… do you… do you not love me any more? Why would you… why would you avoid my kiss?” He asks, so quietly that it seems like his heart is breaking and you immediately scoop your boyfriend up in your arms to reassure him with a gentle hug and kisses pressed all over his face
- So yeah, it’s probably best not to mess with your endearing, doting boyfriend, because he can and will switch up entirely and find a way to get you back for trying to mess with him like this >:)
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♡ Daichi Sawamura ♡
- Honestly, I feel like Daichi will be able to tell that you’re up to something before you even pull this prank, and while he’s not gonna be as dramatic about it as some of the others, he’s still not gonna be happy about it and he’s gonna make sure you know that lol
- I can see him approaching this kinda similarly to Suga, but he wants to give you a taste of your own medicine so he’ll be a bit more direct with his actions
- Daichi was always kind enough to walk you home whenever you stayed after school to watch him practice and support him, he insisted that he had to make sure his wonderful partner always made it home safe and he always kept your hand tightly clasped in his as you walked home together and chatted about whatever came to mind
- Today, though, your typically peaceful, relaxing walk with your boyfriend was going to take a mischievous turn, a sneaky grin plastered across your face as you began your prank
- Daichi, ever the observant and attentive boyfriend, had unfortunately already noticed something was up with you, though. He saw the way you were nervously fidgeting with your hands as you walked, and the way you sported the grin he only ever saw when you were up to something, but he decided to feign ignorance for now just to see what you would do
- “Honestly, I’m feeling really good about tomorrow’s game. We’ve been working really hard recently, and I think we have it in the bag.” Daichi wrapped up what he had been saying, looking over and smiling at you as he wrapped an arm swiftly around your shoulders and waited to hear your thoughts on their chances in tomorrow’s game
- “Of course you guys do, babe. I can’t wait to watch you absolutely crush them tomorrow, I don’t doubt you guys at all.” You reassured him, squeezing your boyfriend’s hand and giggling as he leaned in to kiss you in response to your encouragement, immediately moving your head so his lips met nothing but air
- When Daichi realized what you had done, he paused for a moment, eyes opening slowly and glancing at you before giving you a sneaky smirk of his own and turning to walk away from you “Fine, be like that. I see my own girlfriend doesn’t love me anymore.”
- Your jaw immediately fell open at his words, frowning at how quickly he had turned your own prank back around on you and chasing after your boyfriend, attempting to press an apology kiss to his cheek and pouting when he moved his head away
- “Babe, don’t be like that!” You whined, wrapping your arms around him and forcing him to stop walking as you held his face in your hands. “It was a dumb prank, I’m sorry, now please let me kiss you to make up for it.”
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- Daichi contemplated making you squirm for a bit longer, but eventually decided to give in this time, leaning in and letting you press a sweet kiss to his lips as he smiled contently
- His arms wrapped around your waist to kiss you back, smirking at how he always won in moment like these even when you tried to mess with him
A/N: Hi everyone, I’m super excited to make my first post for Haikyuu! I’ll admit that I’m not super far into the show yet, I’ve only just made it through season 1 so I apologize if the characters don’t feel as accurately represented, but I tried my hardest to make their depictions as accurate as possible! :) I chose the team members who I’m personally more drawn to to start off with, but as of now, you’re free to request for any characters in the anime, so feel free to send in a request if you have one and it’ll be added to my Haikyuu request list asap! :D
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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superb-fox · 11 months
I wanna talk about how Sousou no Frieren treats heroes and demons, because in my opinion it's masterfully done.
We really only learn about one hero, Himmel. Sure there's the Hero of the South but what do we really know about him besides he had future sight and he died? I'll focus on Himmel. I think what sets Himmel apart is how he acts, in typical hero stories they're portrayed as kind, strong, willing to do what's right, all that nice stuff and while I do think those are good traits for a hero, Himmel is shown differently. We almost never see him fight, every time we see him it is in relation to an action he took that influenced people for the better. He takes on countless detours and quests because he can't turn down people in need, every where he goes he's doing good, when people talk about him they never talk about how strong he was or how cool he was it's always about how his act(s) of kindness changed their lives. They're happier, better people because he came through their town. He changes everywhere he goes for the better because of who he is and how he acts. He quite literally changed the world not because he killed the demon king, but because everywhere he went he improved people's lives, and those people because they are better change more people's lives and it spreads and spreads and spreads until the world is better. From random towns people to our main characters, everyone is better because of him. Look at Frieren for example, a complete stoic who before Himmel just was living her life in the woods doing whatever. But after? She takes on an apprentice, travels from place to place continuing the good Himmel did, she learned so much kindness from him in the relatively short time they spent together. Pre-hero party Frieren would have gone to a town, blended into the background, and moved on. But now? She's taking on quests, helping people, and making lives brighter. Why? In her own words it's what Himmel would have done. Fern owes her life to Himmel despite never meeting him because Heiter took her in because that's what Himmel would have done. Frieren looks after her after Heiter's passing because that's what Himmel would have done. Think of all the good she's doing traveling with Frieren just because of that! It ripples outward forever because of a great hero's influence. In other words, he's not a hero because of his great feats or his power, it's because of who he was and that's how you write a truly great hero. 
Now let's talk about demons. People with third grade reading comprehension have made the comparison to real life peoples. That the text is saying that demons being just an irredeemable evil race is racist and compare it to how in real life people do that to justify genocide, but this cannot be further from the truth. Demons in this world are an offshoot of humans like elves and dwarves are. They're similar enough to look like humans, speak like humans, their magic is something special to them but similar enough that with study humans can use it just as well. However demons are truly the farthest thing from humanity you could be. The best way to describe them is how when you see two animals that look so similar but they're in entirely different evolutionary families. How a rabbit and a hare look similar but are so SO very different. Demons are closer to animals in that they do what they can to survive. They trick, they deceive, they hunt. These are not evil things, this is nature. A lion is not evil for hunting in packs to eat one antelope, a bird is not evil for walking a certain way to imitate rain and attract a worm. However when it's applied to something that looks and acts so incredibly human it can be seen that way. The lion ganging up on someone is not a fair fight, the bird is lying to and tricking the worm, these are absurd statements. Demons are a divergent evolution of humanity that cannot comprehend the traits that make us human but will use them to hunt us. They do not understand malice or bonds or guilt or love, they are solitary beings that understand power and magic. They biologically cannot understand it, them learning these emotions is like if a cat suddenly sprouted tentacles, it just can't happen. But because they lack the very traits that make us human while looking so human, they appear evil to us. How could something so human-like act so inhuman? Perform such evil acts without a seconds thought? But they're not evil, they can't even understand evil. Them using maternal love to have someone drop their guard and become easy prey is such a basic thing like waking up in the morning they cannot comprehend why people think it's bad. The problem isn't that one is evil and one is good, it's that evolution set these two species on such polar opposite courses that they truly can never understand each other. Yet they're still so close that there's always that feeling of that things could be worked out, that these two peoples can co-exist, but it is just biologically impossible. And that's tragic, that's heart breaking, for one species to exist peacefully the other must die. These beings so close to us yet so far must die. There's no way around it, no negotiating, no compromise, evolution and nature have played this sick dance to pit these two brothers against each other and it absolutely should hurt your soul, but it must happen.
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destinygoldenstar · 26 days
For Anyone Who Wants To Watch 90s Sailor Moon But Doesn’t Want To Watch Several Episodes Of Filler, Here’s A Guide (Dark Kingdom Arc)
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Hello, as someone who just rewatched season 1 of the 90s Sailor Moon, I wanted to give newcomers a bit of help.
I watched this version way back as a kid, I will say it didn’t click with me until years later after two or three rewatches. But my opinion isn’t too important for this post, I ran down all 46 Episodes of the first season, and made a list tracking down the filler contained.
Cause yeah… 46 episodes for a 14 Chapter story in manga text… yeah there’s gonna be a lot of filler. And people, myself included, want to enjoy the shows story without getting interrupted.
I will NOT be condoning ALL filler. In some episodes, there is SOMETHING plot relevant that happens, whether it’s based off the manga or based off 90s show lore that they changed.
Basically, I’m going to list off EVERY Episode of the Dark Kingdom Arc, 90s version. If literally ANYTHING tied to the seasons main story is in the episode, I’ll list it as a watch. And if there’s nothing, I’ll list as a skip. Or I could add better context, skip some episodes because they’re pointless, skip because they’re bad episodes, or cause they’re pointless AND bad episodes, my favorite /s.
So, for anyone who wants to get into 90s Sailor Moon, here’s a guide on what episodes are a must watch, and which ones you can skip and lose nothing.
‘The CryBaby Usagi’s Beautiful Transformation’
Quite obviously the first episode is VERY VITAL TO WATCH.
It’s the first chapter of the manga. It introduces our main character Usagi and her powers. It introduces Luna. It’s when our two lovebirds first meet. It’s the introduction of the Dark Kingdom, Beryl, & Jadeite. It’s the introduction of Tuxedo Mask as a mysterious figure. You get it.
It’s one of the few episodes that’s pretty close to the manga version, with the exception of a few not very harmful changes here and there.
Also her mom kicking her out of the house is funnier in the anime.
Manga: “If you’re gonna come home with grades like this, don’t even bother coming home!”
(I watched this subbed)
‘Punishment Awaits: The House Of Fortune Is The Monster Mansion’
Literally the only plot relevant thing in this episode is the introduction of Motoki.
In both versions, he’s a red herring for Tuxedo Mask. In both versions he’s also a very nothing side character, only serving in the manga as a love interest for Makoto, AKA Sailor Jupiter in the first two arcs. But it goes nowhere.
So… if you care about this character, watch the episode just for his introduction. But if you don’t, (I don’t blame you,) there is nothing in this episode for you.
Unless you have a kink for sexual harassment. Umino’s got you covered there.
‘The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect The Girls In Love’
This one is NECESSARY.
The episode introduces the Moon Power disguise mechanic, which unlike the manga, is used a lot in the anime.
It also has Sailor Moon and Jadeite actually meeting each other… which, yeah, is also important.
I also just like the episode. It’s one of the episodes of the anime where Usagi actually shows some growth as a guardian. The action in this one is really fun. And they use the stock Tiara Attack creatively here. That’s appreciated.
‘Learn How To Be Skinny From Usagi’
Especially for anorexia and body shaming trigger warnings.
It’s very fatphobic. It’s very offensive to people without mainstream body types. AND there is NOTHING plot relevant that happens in it.
‘Scent Of A Monster: Chanela Will Steal Your Love’
I’m very torn on this one.
On the one hand, this is an episode where Usagi actually uses her brain, (though she kinda drops the ball at one point) and we get to learn more about Usagi’s family. Which is an appreciated form of filler. And we also get Moon Tiara Stardust and Luna living with the family.
ON THE OTHER HAND, there’s NOTHING plot relevant that happens in this episode. The Stardust function NEVER gets used again. It’s not in the manga. And in terms of Luna, I would agree with the plot of her living with their parents if it weren’t for a simple fact: SHE WAS ALREADY LIVING WITH THEM AND NO ONE BAT AN EYE
So, no, you’re not gonna get anything plot related in this episode. But if you want to learn more about Usagi’s brother and you are anti-animal cruelty, maybe you should watch it idk. You decide that one.
‘Protect The Melody Of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid’
Okay, there’s nothing plot relevant in this episode. Absolutely nothing. The characters in this episode besides Usagi and Luna never show up again and have absolutely no purpose. Nothing progresses.
It’s also one of the few episodes where Mamoru doesn’t show up once��� though that’s a win in my book.
So no. You do not have to watch this episode.
But… darn it! I can’t write it off! It’s SO SWEET
It has such a different atmosphere than the ones before. It’s so pretty to look at. Usagi is actually extremely competent at her job in this one. And I cared about the stakes in this one. I cared about this piano guy wanting to get his music to his girl. I actually felt like Sailor Moon was a guardian of LOVE and JUSTICE in this one.
Seriously if all the filler episodes were like this, I would not be making this post. It’s that good and sweet.
But it is filler. So it’s your choice. But I think it’s a filler any Sailor Moon watcher can love.
‘Usagi Learns Her Lesson: Becoming A Star Is Hard Work’
There is NOTHING IMPORTANT or of value in this episode.
At least the rose did something useful in this one I guess.
‘The Girl Genius Is A Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School Of Horror’
This is the episode that introduces Ami Mizuno AKA Sailor Mercury. She’s an important character.
It’s also Chapter 2 in the manga. So… yeah. Must watch.
Also, I actually like Ami as a character best in this version. Believe it or not. This episode, of every version, did the BEST at grasping who Ami is.
In the manga, she gets brainwashed along with everyone else.
In the anime, she doesn’t fall for it, not because she knows it’s a trap, but because she’s the kind of person that studies on her own terms and her own interest. Shy or not, introverted or not, she has that moral code in her that she stands for. Studying is all she sees value in herself with.
It’s a small change, but I LOVE this change because it gives Ami more characterization to stand behind. And sets up her own story throughout the show.
Her attack sucks though.
‘Usagi’s Disaster: Beware The Clock Of Confusion’
Surprisingly necessary.
The episode itself is meh. It’s confirmed in this one that Tuxedo Mask is indeed a stalker. The animation is quite rough in this one for some reason. And Elder Sailor Moon is cursed.
But I mostly say you have to watch it because Mercury gets a power up in this one. That being her calculus.
This thing is used quite a bit in the anime. And it is also used for an emotional punchline at the season finale.
(Again, I’m going off the anime’s story logic here. This calculus was an addition just for the anime. This was never a thing in the manga. Maybe they realized they did Mercury dirty and tried to course correct)
‘The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, The Guardian Of Fire’
Obviously this one is also VERY IMPORTANT.
It introduces another Sailor Guardian, that being Rei Hino AKA Sailor Mars. It’s Chapter 3 in the Manga. Rei is an important character. Obviously.
I will say I prefer the Crystal version of the episode over this version, but this version is not bad at delivering THIS version of Mars… a rival character for Usagi, basically. And a rose thorn. Not sorry.
I think that just has to do with me not being given a good reason to like her in this episode. The episode is more focused on the bus mystery and the shrine location than Rei herself. Whereas with Crystal it’s the opposite.
We saw there her insecurities about her abilities and how people unfairly treated her and assumed she was monstrous. So we could sympathize with her when she snaps back.
Here? She just snaps back. At everyone. Even her own family. And that’s our intro of her character. This is the first impression the writers want you to take away of her. Not exactly a positive light on someone who’s supposed to be a main character.
(In case you don’t know, this is NOT Rei’s character at all in the manga)
I find it funny that when Luna senses energy from Rei she wonders if she’s the princess, but when she senses energy from Ami she assumes she’s a monster.
Someone in the writers room hates Ami and that makes me sad.
Also, Tuxedo Mask does something other than throw a rose and peace out in this one. So that’s nice.
‘Usagi Vs Rei: Nightmare In Dream Land’
This is the first of many Usagi & Rei rival episodes. The titles are not subtle.
I know some people love their dynamic in the anime… I’m not one of those people. Like, there’s witty banter and teasing, and then there’s insulting, agreeing with the bullies, and being physical. I just think they take it way too far sometimes and it overstays it’s welcome in this season. They’re both pretty annoying this episode, for different reasons.
But ignoring my opinion on that matter, I do know people who love their dynamic, so this episode will deliver on that content.
And this is the episode where Rei meets Mamoru, which becomes a whole controversial subplot that didn’t exist in the manga. But it is a subplot that happens later and this is its intro so maybe you should watch it. Idk. It doesn’t really affect the main plot.
There’s also a little combo attack Moon and Mars do and it looks pretty neat.
‘I Want A Boyfriend: The Luxury Cruise Ship Is A Trap’
Oh look, an Usagi & Rei rivalry episode…
Wait, didn’t we do that last episode-?
This episode is about these three girls fighting for each others affection when Rei asks Ami out on a date. That’s it. That’s the plot.
Rei denies things. The cruise’s energy draining is homophobic. But I see right through her that she’s just a closeted gay 🏳️‍🌈
(That’s my headcanon anyway)
At least last episode was about solving a mystery related to the villains. Here it’s solely for these girls own dreams. Not that it’s a bad thing. I like it when protags are selfish sometimes.
But this episode is also important because it acts as significant build up to the next episode. That being Beryl getting very pissed at Jadeite for a scandal he pulls. Plus it’s the only time Jadeite gets any sort of character depth ever so enjoy it while you can.
‘Girls Unite: The End Of Jadeite’
I don’t think I need to tell you this one is VERY IMPORTANT.
The death/defeat of one of the major villains of the show is very important. I don’t need to tell you that.
It’s also just a really great intense episode. Usagi is excellent in showcasing her growth in this one. Like GOSH does she feel so REAL in this version of the story.
She also asks a really good question.
“What’s wrong with our government, hiring people like this?!”
I ask myself that a lot, Usagi. And I don’t know that answer.
Mamoru is insufferable as usual. And this might take the crown for his most pointless insults. What do you gain from being a dickhead to this girl, I seriously need to know!! (It’s also sad considering he’s only like this in the first chapter in the manga and then never again)
But at least Tuxedo Mask gets a one on one duel with a villain and that is epic. So I guess this balances it out. Especially since he’s fighting against another misogynist.
“Go on and cry! Do you need a man to do everything for you?! Women are such shallow, useless creatures!”
That’s how you know Jadeite deserved his fate.
‘A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite’s Evil Crest’
Important episode because it introduces the new villain character.
Actually, TWO of them, as Zoisite also shows up.
Yes Zoisite is a queer dude. DEAL WITH IT.
This is also the first time the introduction Usagi makes at the start of these episodes changes. I always like this, as it shows where we’re at in the story and her development.
And yet everyone roasts Usagi and treats her like an idiot, and to that I say “Where were you guys in this episodes battle?? That’s what I thought”
Mamoru doesn’t show up this episode, but Tuxedo Mask does and he actually fights and participates this time. Both of those are music to my ears.
‘Usagi’s Panic: Rei’s First Date’
The start of the episode is about the trio learning this guys beautiful park is being bulldozed and the creatures in it are in danger and he’s all sad about it.
AWWWWW, it’s a cute ‘save the environment’ episode and they’re gonna help this guy. That’s-
“I better find a boyfriend and have a date before it’s gone.”
No it’s just an episode about Rei being a selfish prick. As usual.
I know I said I like it when these characters are selfish sometimes, but there’s going to have fun instead of working cause you’re a kid, and then there’s forcing a guy to date you in a park that you heard is being bulldozed as well as not taking no for an answer.
They just go way too far when it comes to Rei.
This episode is about her dating Mamoru. Which is a very pointless love triangle plotline if you ask me, and anyone with even the slightest knowledge of Sailor Moon lore KNOWS this ship is dead in the water upon concept alone.
BUT… as much as I don’t like this plotline, it IS a running plotline in the show, so if you care about it you have to watch it.
I don’t blame you for not bothering though.
Oh yeah this is also the episode where we learn that Mamoru is a college student.
I’m gonna do die in a corner now.
(In the manga, he’s in high school and only TWO years older than Usagi. There was literally NO reason to increase that age gap. What the f-)
At least Mamoru was tolerant in this one, AND Ami was great in this one. She really is precious.
‘A Girl’s Dream: Usagi Becomes A Bride’
This has a group transformation.
That’s it. That’s all the value there is in this nothing episode.
‘Usagi’s A Model: The Flash Of The Monster Camera’
THIS, of all episodes, is where Luna gives the girls communicators.
(For manga context, they don’t get communicators till the second arc)
AND this is our first mention of the Legendary Silver Crystal, which is very important.
So yeah, surprisingly, you have to watch the episode.
I completely forgot about this episode before I rewatched it. And I’m kinda embarrassed that I did. It’s better than I remember it being.
Even if it’s one of those ‘Usagi Bullying’ episodes where everyone makes fun of her and insults her, even though time and time again she’s proven to be much more competent than she seems. AND she saved everybody’s asses this episode. By herself.
And they STILL belittle her.
Really, your tolerance for it depends on who you are as a person. Or whether or not you hate Usagi. I can see why some people would, but I’m not one of those people. Usagi getting bullied just makes me sad :(
‘Shingo’s Love: The Grieving Doll’
This episode was nightmare fuel. Those dolls, just… UGH
There’s really nothing to say about this one other than it’s another episode about Usagi’s family, and this one shot of Mamoru and Nephrite walking by each other.
Yeah… nothing really noteworthy. Pass.
‘Usagi’s Joy: A Love Letter From Tuxedo Mask’
This is an important episode. Quite a bit happens here.
This is the episode where Sailor Moon and Nephrite properly meet. Which is important.
This is the reveal of Tuxedo Mask’s identity… albeit pretty underwhelming of how they revealed it. Still a reveal though.
(In the Manga, he has complete control over his two personas. In the anime, he’s not. That’s a detail change right there.)
This episode also has a bit of a conversation in the manga. Well, a part of it at least.
(In the manga, there’s a conversation Usagi & Mamoru have upon finding out Tuxedo Mask’s identity. It’s explained why Tuxedo Mask fights and always protects Sailor Moon. Another half of it is Mamoru explaining his past, but in the anime that part is split into a different conversation later. This half of it presented in the anime is much sooner than in the manga. In the manga, this takes place after Jupiter joined the team, and after Usagi got her moon wand. And instead of an elevator escape life or death situation, it took place in Mamoru’s apartment.)
This episode is also where Naru & Nephrite first meet, which is… a can of worms. But it’s important. So…
‘The Summer, The Beach, Youth And Ghosts’
Does nobody find it weird that it’s summer break but when they get back to school they’re not up a grade?
Idk how Japan schools work.
Anyway, unless you like haunted mansions, there is nothing in this episode for you. And even then it’s one of the weaker haunted mansion episode stories.
It’s also one of those ‘Forgive your abusers’ story and defiance of said abuser is the bad guy.
Thanks… I hate it.
‘Protect The Children’s Dreams: Friendship Through Anime’
I would say this episode was important for Sailor V lore… if this was actually Sailor V lore, and not about lesbian animators.
Yeah… there’s nothing in this episode for you.
Unless you like lesbian animators.
‘Romance Under The Moon: Usagi’s First Kiss’
Chapter 4 of the manga.
12 Episodes later… oh Serenity…
It introduces Kunzite, another main villain. It introduces Mamoru’s nightmares about Serenity (which near exact to the manga btw). There’s more of the Nephrite & Naru plotline. (Hell, if you skip the previous two episodes like I suggested, this is a near perfect transition.)
It’s also Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask’s first kiss.
Though whereas in the manga Usagi was unconscious because she was exhausted from the fight, the anime decided the reason she passed out was because she was intoxicated by wine… as a 14 year old… and Tuxedo Mask kissed her…
What the f-
‘Wish Upon A Star: Naru’s First Love’
“And you’re under arrest for romantic scam charges!”
Couldn’t have said it better myself Usagi.
You thought the 90s age gap between Usagi & Mamoru was bad? Try a 14 year old girl slobbering over a middle aged man who is also a terrorist.
But I like that the other characters call her out that it’s creepy and unhealthy and that their plan is to get her to stay away from him... even though they're the ones proven wrong because 'love'... UGH.
Legit, this episodes subject matter is very sensitive. So trigger warning for this one for abusive relationships & scammers.
But it is important. So… just be mindful of some uncomfortable stuff.
ALSO, this is Part 1 of 2 in a story. So it’s buildup to the next episode.
‘Naru’s Tears: Nephrite Dies For Love’
Part 2 of this two parter. It’s important. You know.
As problematic as the story they came up with is, it is still impressive how the 90s anime utilized Nephrite to flesh out the Dark Kingdom agency over the manga counterpart.
In the manga, Sailor Jupiter just kills him with lightning and we knew nothing about him.
So automatically the 90s anime is an upgrade for this character.
You will be missed, dude.
I didn’t spoil it, the episode title did.
‘Jupiter, The Powerful Girl In Love’
This episode is VITAL. Obviously.
It introduces a new guardian, who is one of the best characters of this show (not sorry).
Like, in manga context, Venus is my favorite, but in 90s anime I’m a Jupiter Stan. (She’s great in the manga too)
I think one of the most interesting changes to her character in manga/anime is Mako’s approach on violence.
In the manga, she saves Usagi from a car, and there was more emphasis on her being an outcast due to her height, where the stories of her being expelled for picking fights were fake.
In the anime however, she actually DOES pick fights with people to protect others, and that’s how she meets Usagi, AND she punches Zoisite in the face without powers… which is just badass. Ngl.
In both versions, her behavior is a trauma response to all her loved ones leaving her. Her parents died in a plane crash, leaving her to live alone, & her previous boyfriend dumped her in a very nasty way. So yeah, her response to crushing on every guy she meets in the anime actually has more depth to it than just a running gag. (I can’t speak since I didn’t watch the other seasons in full, but I heard they go more into this)
As a kid I wasn’t very fond of the anime’s change because the whole point of the manga version was that people misjudge her, whereas here, they really aren’t. BUT I’ve warmed up to it as just another version of the character and one that DOES work for what they are trying to set up about her. Mako’s still the tough girl into cute stuff and a hopeless romantic. She just goes at her treatment from others different ways depending on the version. So, yeah, I like it.
Off topic, but the live action movie based off the first season of the anime goes more into depth on this before Mako even becomes Jupiter. We see her get expelled, and we see her home life and how… depressing and lonely her life was before she met Usagi.
I loved it. I wish those scenes were in the 90s anime. Because we only meet Mako THIS episode, where she was NEVER mentioned before, and we’re supposed to just accept she’s a new main character.
I mean yeah the manga kinda had that issue too, but at least it was Chapter 5 of the manga and not episode TWENTY FIVE.
Whatever. I still love Mako here.
This is also the episode where we learn the existence of Metalia. In a scene from Chapter 7 of the manga. In the manga Metalia is the final boss. But in the anime, it’s just Beryl. So… honestly I kinda wish the 90s anime cut Metalia entirely because not only is Metalia a very boring generic evil entity in both versions, but she does absolutely nothing in the anime. And Beryl is just a way more interesting villain in comparison to Metalia. In both versions. Especially in the manga she’s way more interesting.
And this is also the start of the ‘Silver Crystal Fetch Quest’ arc. There’s these rainbow crystals all three sides are after because they need these things to form the Legendary Silver Crystal.
So, automatically, the Zoisite Arc has nearly all of its episodes important, unlike the last arc. (Sorry Nephrite)
These rainbow crystals were not in the manga. In the manga, the crystal was made from Usagi’s tears. (In the manga the crystal is teardrop shaped as a result. In the anime it’s a sphere.) BUT I don’t hate this choice. It gives us a good excuse to learn more about the world and these people living in it.
At least there’s a reason given for this many episodes now.
OH, and one more thing. This episode introduces the Moon Stick…
…I’m sorry, I prefer how the manga introduces it by MILES. And I’m legit disappointed about how the anime handled it. Luna just… makes it appear. I could buy her doing this with the pens, but this weapon wasn’t that.
It also completely takes away such a wholesome and heartwarming bonding chapter with Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask by doing it like this. The stick wasn’t just a weapon, it was a wand of healing magic generated by the couple’s love. It’s so important to the story.
‘Restore Naru’s Smile: Usagi’s Friendship’
Rainbow Crystal. Important episode.
You’re gonna hear me say that five more times.
As problematic as the plotline was, you gotta REALLY appreciate them using the screen time to showcase the grief of the loss of a character. It’s such a great episode to just breathe and process what happened.
This is also the episode where the Usagi introduction changes again. To highlight how amazing Mako is. Can’t argue.
Despite Umino Rei and Luna being especially insufferable this episode (like come on, it’s been how long and Usagi’s saved your asses how many times, how are you STILL so entitled and discrediting her?!), we all wanted Naru to fight Zoisite even if she’d lose. This poor girl needs some serious help. She’s a good kid! Leave her alone!
Also the monster is a boxer…
This is made from a Pastor…
And it made a boxer…
At least Tuxedo Mask gets to fight this time. He doesn’t always throw a rose and leaves. Y’all over exaggerate. We also get the music watch this episode, which is used for an emotional punchline in the finale.
‘Crushing On Ami: The Boy Who Can See The Future’
Don’t watch it, cause it spoils the fifth Sailor Guardian on this team & the arcs major plot twist. Why???
(Though, the latter is not very hard to guess anyway)
Anyway, Rainbow Crystal. Important episode.
Hooray! It’s an Ami episode!!
Seriously, we got how many Rei episodes and only NOW we get an Ami episode?
On top of that, the episode is more about the victim of the week than Ami.
Who in the writers room hated Mercury?
Whatever. It’s still a nice episode.
‘The Painting Of Love: Usagi And Mamoru Get Closer’
Rainbow Crystal. Important episode.
The Usagi intro also changes.
I know. Already. Guess Mako wasn’t that special /j
It’s build up to the big plot twist. I have nothing else to add.
‘Total Chaos: The Messy Love Rectangle’
Rainbow Crystal. Important episode.
Oh yippee, it’s an episode where everyone fights over the same guy. I got Miraculous flashbacks watching this episode with all the stalking involved. But at least it’s just one episode here and not the entire show. And at least that plotline is over with now, at least for this season.
Mako strangles Mamoru at one point and that got a good laugh outta me cause yeah, he deserved it.
Beryl, you don’t need to do anything. Just let Jupiter finish him.
‘Grandpa Loses Control: Rei In Danger’
Rainbow Crystal. Important episode.
Why Rei is such a prick in this show, I cant explain. But at least in this episode it’s somewhat justified…?
But like, she saw her grandpa get attacked and how that emotionally affected him, and she doesn’t do a thing about it till it’s too late?
There’s also a new ship that gets introduced here, one that wasn’t in the manga. Take it however you will.
‘Loved And Chased: Luna’s Worst Day Ever’
Rainbow Crystal. Important episode.
Wow is this the first time we got a Luna episode? I’ve ignored Luna this whole time, and that’s mostly cause she’s just been… there. There to occasionally tell Usagi how dumb she is. But here she actually gets her own little story.
And it’s actually pretty epic.
Yeah this episode is 90s comedy GOLD. They did cat lovers justice.
Jupiter also checks out Mercury. They had no reason to put that in there. But I suppose 90s Jupiter is the bi icon we needed.
‘Umino’s Resolve: I’ll Protect Naru’
Dang, Naru moved on quickly from Nephrite, huh?
But at least this ship is much healthier than that, so that’s nice. It’s something to appreciate Umino for. He’s a good guy.
I guess I should also point out the Zoisite/Kunzite ship since it’s brought up now.
It wasn’t a thing in the manga. Idk whose idea it was. But there’s no real ‘damage’ in making them a couple far as I’m concerned. Yeah there’s the ‘bury your gays’ trope, but it’s 90s, so what do you expect? And hey, could’ve been worse. Uranus & Neptune could’ve not existed.
I mean, I watched this anime subbed with the original Japanese dialogue. I didn’t watch the dub where they censored everything, but I have heard about it and heard dubbed Usagi’s voice, and I couldn’t take it seriously. I also heard about the censorship of the LGBT content in that, where they made the lesbian Sailor Guardians ‘cousins’, and in this case, making Zoisite a woman.
Yeah… the manga specifically calls them the ‘four dark KINGS of destruction’ so why would they call themselves that if a woman was a part of the group?
For those without original context, there you go. Zoisite is a guy. He and Kunzite are a canon couple in the 90s anime. Deal with it.
This episode is actually important because Sailor Moon loses the Rainbow Crystal they had. Can’t say I’m surprised. Like, why did SHE have it? Why not give it to someone like Ami if you really didn’t trust Usagi?
Whatever. Her reasoning was understandable. That’s what counts.
‘Enter Venus, The Last Sailor Guardian’
Obviously this episode is VERY VITAL.
It introduces the last Sailor Guardians of the main team, my girl Sailor Venus.
While I’m not a fan of only foreshadowing/exploring Sailor V in the first episode and a game when this version has so much time, the manga didn’t do that very much either so I can’t complain.
Actually, I more prefer this version of the chapter as an intro to Sailor V.
In the manga/Crystal, Sailor V just shows up at the end as a last ditch save. While that’s also true here, she gets more screen time to actually showcase who she is and WHY she’s a big deal. (Plus, in Crystal, the fight was more focused on Tuxedo Mask’s resolve and complex about Sailor Moon & the Legendary Silver Crystal. A moment with some great writing. BUT that whole bit was made just for Crystal. It didn’t happen in the manga. In the manga, Tuxedo Mask couldn’t even get to Sailor Moon because of a barrier, which was why Venus had to jump in)
This is also the fight where Kunzite participates in the first time.
‘The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears’
This is part of a 2 parter that is VERY VITAL TO WATCH.
The plot twist is not really hard to guess if you have a brain, but it’s still there and how it’s revealed is pretty sad, Ngl. It’s also the climax of the seasons plot.
Like, even the biggest Mamoru haters have to feel bad for him here.
There is also no Usagi intro in this one. She just describes the plot of the last episode. Shows you the severity of relevance that and this episode have.
Though, there’s a whole plot point on this subject matter involving Venus in the manga. Manga viewers know what I’m talking about. And they just drop it immediately here. And…
Well it was bloody obvious that she wasn’t the thing either way, but it was also heavy characterization for her. So… I guess it’s just another Mako situation how you feel about 90s interpretation.
I’m not someone who docks points just cause it’s different. I’m someone who docks points if the change made makes the story worse. (Like, if you gave Batman a gun. Shit change. Shouldn’t have been done.) In this case, it’s not harming too much. So whatever.
Oh wait, there’s flashbacks to dialogue from the fat shaming episode and the worthless idol episode, so I should claim they’re relevant after all, right?!?!
Yeah, no. I just hate the former episode that much.
But in terms of this two parter. Even haters of the 90s anime gotta LOVE how they handle this part of the story.
‘Returning Memories: Usagi And Mamoru’s Past’
It’s Part 2 of this two parter and part of the major plot twist. We get the Legendary Silver Crystal’s first appearance, a power up for Sailor Moon, Zoisite’s execution (bury your gays), Tuxedo Mask getting abducted, and there’s no Usagi intro this time, as this time it’s Luna that describes what happened last time. We also get some huge vital lore dumps and backstory here.
Rei also somewhat redeems herself a bit. Like I said, she gets better.
Great episode with a lot of plot.
‘Usagi’s Confusion: Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?’
No Usagi intro this time. At all. Instead it’s a follow up of Usagi’s trauma from the two parter. Which is needed.
Though this episode also contains one of the dumbest plans I’ve heard from a villain and the DUMBEST reasons for why it doesn’t work. And the two parter further proves my point.
These villains are stupid. Kunzite, you’re stupid. Stop being stupid.
This episode is important because of Tuxedo Mask’s role in this episode being revealed.
Also, this episode lies to you. Roses, in fact, do not turn black when they wilt.
‘Let’s Become A Princess: Usagi’s Bizarre Training’
This episode is fun, actually.
We learn that Artemis is the guy that’s been contacting Luna this whole time… which I thought she knew that already, so it’s awkward.
And… that’s it. And in my opinion it’s not enough to call this an important episode because… it’s not.
But it is cute, so… you decide.
‘The Snow, The Mountains, Friendship And Monsters’
Oh. It’s a Usagi & Rei rivalry episode.
(Geez there are a lot of these…)
Pretty stupid they don’t immediately detect there’s a trap in this one considering they literally call it “Moon Contest”
Though Rei actually shows character development and helps Usagi in this one. Like I said, she gets better after the Mamoru incident. Huh, I guess her subplot with him meant something. It leads to some pretty cute bonding with the two that had been missing all season.
And it makes the finale hurt a bit more. You know with what scene.
This is a character episode. In terms of plot there is nothing. You decide.
‘Paired With A Monster: Mako, The Ice Skating Queen’
Uh… let’s see… we learn that the Moon Kingdom loves ice skating.
But it’s completely irrelevant to the rest of the season. And we learn nothing new about the title character. And the episodes existence makes the whole ‘Tuxedo Mask is brainwashed’ thing worse.
‘The Legendary Lake Yokai: The Bond Of Usagi’s Family’
This episode is so sweet. Usagi’s family isn’t entirely relevant or anything, but it’s always nice when they get focus.
We also get build up to the next episode with Usagi and Mamoru’s interactions in this episode. Which honestly, I prefer over the manga and how that chapter handles it. Usagi seems less stupid here, surprisingly enough.
Very nice episode. But it’s not needed for the plot so you decide.
‘I Won’t Run Away From Love Anymore: Ami Vs Mamoru’
Yaaaaaayy!! Mercury gets to actually DO STUFF!!
And it’s glorious! It gives a strong look on her character and this is easily her best focus episode in this season!
They also bring back the boy from the last focus episode she had. Who is one of the better side characters in this.
It’s also an important episode because of what happens to Tuxedo Mask.
Mercury W
‘Sailor Venus’s Past: Minako’s Tragic Love’
Okay fr, this is the only character focus episode we’re getting of Venus this season. So take it while you can.
It’s a great character episode just for that and it’s worth a watch if you want to.
‘Usagi Abandoned: The Falling Out Of The Sailor Guardians’
Alright, this is the last filler episode that is not necessary at all.
Nothing in this episode carries over at all. It also forgets the skiing episode being development that happened. So yeah, skipping this episode makes the finale better in my opinion.
‘Usagi’s Awakening: A Message From The Distant Past’, ‘Death Of The Sailor Guardians: The Tragic Final Battle’ ‘Usagi’s Eternal Wish: A Brand New Life’
And of course, the final three episodes make up the finale. All VERY IMPORTANT.
I’m not gonna say much because it’s the ending, but it’s the lore coming full circle, a pretty devastating beat down, and an… odd ending.
I’m also very glad that this anime changed aspects of the backstory from the manga. Changing the Romeo & Juliet date to a plain ‘they were murdered’ and the queen wishing them to live happier in the future is so much less romanticism and the theme from the manga isn’t lost.
Really, my only gripe is the very ending fate of all these characters. If you’ve seen it already, you know what I’m talking about.
The manga didn’t do it, this was an aspect made just for the anime. And it DOES work bittersweetly… if this was a one season show. But it’s not, so Season 2 is left in a very awkward spot. But other than that, this is a great finale to a great season of a great anime.
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I actually had quite a bit of fun making this and revisiting this anime. And I do hope that with this some people realize this anime is actually NOT as loaded with pointless filler as many claim.
I thought it would be that way going in, but look at the math I picked up. Of the 46 episodes, only EIGHT of them I found completely pointless and meaningless. But that’s really only if you watch all the episodes that are in the grey area of this regard (what I put in yellow). Those are episodes that help with characterization and/or plain fun if you want it. Or you can skip them if you only want plot. That’s completely your choice.
Whichever route you choose, this is a great entertaining show that is worth your time. Just… be mindful of how many episodes there are.
(Also if you guys want, I can do the other seasons as well. I have no problem with that.)
22 notes · View notes
londonfog-chan · 4 months
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Rite Here, Rite Now Part 1
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This two shot fic is dedicated to that poor soul on TikTok getting shitty comments about a headcanon of Eddie liking Ghost. Fandom has become so damn toxic bro. Who cares about what an imaginary character likes or dislikes?? We are cringe, we are legion. We make out of pocket headcanons sometimes. Like come on, Eddie might “theoretically” dislike Mary On A Cross specifically for various reasons, but I could see him having some favorites. You can’t say he would entirely hate Ghost when fucking Year Zero and Mummy Dust exist. Or the whole of Prequelle as an album. I had to laugh at one person saying he liked Avenged Sevenfold (it didn’t exist in the 80’s and neither did Ghost like we are literally arguing about shit he wouldn’t have known about be so serious rn). But I digress. I’ve even gotten a couple hateful comments on a fun little TikTok I made and I honestly have just been deleting them and blocking. Don’t even want to deal with people’s bullshit anymore. Please enjoy this spite fic and continue writing and having fun babes. Go against the flow and make Eddie proud.
Part 1 (You are Here), Part 2
Every member of Corroded Coffin could tell when you arrived to a function. Eddie knew the sound of your car like a cat that knows when its owner is home, and he’d be waiting outside the school to greet you first. That and the car make and model. Someone always called it if not Eddie. He’d been off his game today though, definitely the excited nerves. Jeff called out your 1979 Volkswagen Beetle heading up the driveway by slugging Eddie hard on the bicep, Gareth and Dougie immediately following up with calling “no tag backs” as they rushed to hit each other and Eddie like a bunch of middle schoolers. Eddie almost got nailed by Dougie’s beefy fist until he nimbly dodged out of the way, cradling his prized Warlock like it was a newborn.
“God dammit, easy asshole!” Eddie laughed. “Don’t be hitting my baby! I need her intact if I’m going to impress our songstress.”
“Trust me Ed, she doesn’t need more impressing. You had her in a tizzy when you asked her to write a song for you. I wonder what she came up with.” Gareth said, leaning forward so his hands were settled on both his high and medium toms, he was watching your approach intently with a gleam in his eye. “She didn’t even make it to campaign on Friday. Must have really been in the zone.”
You parked the car against the side of the driveway, emerging looking as though you’d just swallowed a whole mouthful of cry baby sour gum. Your lips were pressed tightly together, clutching your fat Trapper Keeper to your chest as you approached the group.
“Hey sweetheart!” Eddie called, waving you over enthusiastically. “You okay?”
“Eddie… God it’s so bad… It’s worse than I thought.” You said, grimacing.
God you looked delicious. He couldn’t help himself but to stare and smile like a dope. With each step your flowing gray skirt swished enticingly side to side, and with a bit of pride Eddie noticed you were wearing the Twisted Sister shirt he’d distressed for you, looking like an adorable snack of a metalhead with your black clothes, black opaque tights and dirty Chucks.
Eddie’s smile faltered only slightly when he heard your self depreciation.
“Oh come on, can’t be that bad. Not with those grades you’ve got in English. Let me see…”
“Fuck no! No seriously… it’s worse than you think.” You insisted, shaking your head and pulling away from his outstretched hand, “It’s so… God dammit! What the hell was I thinking…?”
Gareth, Jeff and Dougie left their instruments to approach you, Eddie putting both hands on your shoulders to comfort you.
“Hey, hey… come on, don’t be like that.” He said, smile gone and a more serious look on his face. “I get it, I really do. It comes with the territory of writing your own songs. Trust me, I’ve done it for years. You won’t pick it up overnight, and whatever you think is weak we can work on it together. I’m a DM honey, I can have my pen out faster than you can blink and help redraft as many times as it takes.”
“Oh… god dammit… okay, fine…”
You reluctantly handed Eddie the trapper keeper, the velcro making a harsh rip as he pulled it open to the first page where your lyrics neatly sat waiting for him to peruse. Eddie’s eyebrow raised when he saw the title, “Square Hammer”, outlined in red ink.
“ ‘Square Hammer’? … Huh… I like it, that’s good.” Eddie nodded, and continued to read on.
The lyrics were certainly unique to say the least. It was obvious you’d tried to go with a theme based on the prompt he’d given you: something that oozes the brooding dark metal he envisioned Corroded Coffin would croon to thousands of fans. You certainly had an affinity for the macabre, and he knew he could trust you with everything he wanted in his vision. Then again you could have written the cheesiest, poppy trash in the world and he would have loved it. He was extremely biased, far too sweet on you for his own good. But these weren’t bad at all. The lyrics reminded him of old Hollywood vampire movies, echoing the work of Doctor Faustus with the thematic element in the song. The voice of the lyrics seemed to be coming from an otherworldly entity, one summoned to offer power and prestige to the listener.
And Eddie was obsessed with every word the further he read on.
“Woah, woah…”
His eyes widened with every sentence he read.
“Holy shit…”
Powers clandestine, solving a crooked rhyme… Every line, no matter how simple, packed a lot when combined in the collective.
Eddie finally looked up at you, completely bewildered.
“You wrote this by yourself?!” He croaked.
You were embarrassed to hell, curling in on yourself and looking like you wanted to die.
“Ye… yeah… I… When you asked me to write for you, I got really stuck on what I wanted to do. But I remember you mentioned Black Sabbath was one of your first covers, and then I couldn’t get the image of the coffin out of my head because, you know, “Corroded Coffin”… and then we were reading Faustus in Mrs. O’Donnell’s class and I thought since you asked me to do you this favor and Faustus is all about favors…-“
You were rambling. Not even paying attention to Eddie’s continually growing grin. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet the longer you ranted on, until his untamable outburst silenced you.
“THIS IS AMAZING!” Eddie was screaming, scaring the shit out of everyone. “Holy fuck sweetheart! Are you bullshitting me?! This is… fuck! We’ve been stressing for new material for next month’s gig at The Hideout and you just gave it to us on a silver platter?! Jesus H.!”
“Check this out…!” Eddie turned away to show his friends while you quietly protested, unable to speak as he passed the paper around. The guys crowded around, each one shouting out when they saw a favorite part, “hammering the nails into the sacred coffin” quickly became a favorite, because they immediately began trying to work out how they could fit the lyrics to sound.
“All we gotta do is work out a melody and we’re in business baby!” Eddie said. “This is bitchin’!”
“But it doesn’t even make any sense!” You argued. “Like seriously? The entrance to the shrine part does not fucking fit, I only wrote it because I couldn’t come up with a better rhyme with clandestine!”
“Who cares?” Eddie cried. “It’s badass as hell! The imagery is absolutely savage… ‘Hiding from the night, sacrificing nothing’, and don’t let me forget about the little tongue in cheek line you added about hammering nails into a sacred coffin!”
“It’s fucking great!” Echoed Jeff.
“You should be proud. You managed to take our style and give it a unique spin, that’s not something anyone can do.” Eddie praised. “God dammit… I’d have been a millionaire by now if I could write like this.”
“You… you really liked those parts?” You asked cautiously.
“Of course I did sweetheart! This is real metal shit right here. And the part with the ‘crooked rhyme’? That really captured the creep factor I was looking for. Shit… what’s more metal than summoning a demon for a deal? That’s exactly what Corroded Coffin needs in its material. I love this little brain of yours!”
“Don’t forget Ed!” Dougie cut in. “ ‘Are you ready to swear right here right now before the devil’?!”
“Bitchin’! Keep this up, and I’m gonna wanna make you write all of Corroded Coffin’s songs from now on!” Eddie beamed happily.
“We gotta get the melody worked out!” Jeff said, “Any ideas? I could come up with a few…”
The boys began gabbing together, Eddie unable to help himself as he began to strum his precious 1984 BC Warlock, his black beauty. Without a doubt he could already envision how he could make his baby purr for you, impress you, take you out finally.
And then you changed his world forever.
“… I had an idea for a melody already…” you said quietly.
All eyes turned to you. The guys were thunderstruck.
“Seriously?! Lyrics and a melody?! You’re spoiling the shit out of me sweetheart! Jeff, let her borrow your…-“
“No… no I… I don’t know how to play guitar…” you said, cutting off Eddie sheepishly, “But I… I brought my Casio with me…”
“Where is it?!”
“In the trunk of my bug…”
“Well go get it! Show me whatcha got sweetheart!”
Eddie followed you to the front of the Volkswagen. Everyone always thought the front trunk was the coolest shit ever and he was no exception. The cool car only added to the many things he liked about you. You took out the obnoxiously large keyboard and the stand, fumbling to close the trunk until Eddie stepped in with an “easy… I got it”, slamming the trunk shut and helping you lift the Casio like a gentleman. You were shaking, vibrating with embarrassment so hard that Eddie had to help you plug everything in and adjust the sound, hovering and reaching over you on purpose hoping you’d notice and feel his burn for you.
“Alright sweetheart? Show us what you’ve got.”
You turned on the Casio and fingered the keys gently, warming up with a few chords as you tried to soothe the shaking in your fingers. Fiddling with the settings, you stalled as long as you could while the boys waited patiently. Once you found the setting you wanted, you went for it.
It was like a demon had possessed your body. The melody was quick, but it packed a hell of a punch. It was in the key of D minor, and you had ironically chosen what sounded like a combination of 1960’s psychedelic sticky rhodes and Transylvanian organ to achieve the effect you wanted. The sound overall was eerie, yet enchantingly fun all at the same time. And your singing! You were singing softly under your breath, rocking yourself to the melody on the tips of your worn out sneakers, and you had quite the set of pipes! Despite your shot nerves, you’d clearly come up with something truly special that no one else in the entire world could have conceived of.
It wasn’t the traditional metal Eddie had in mind, more avant-garde, theatrical even. Whereas he had expected a sound more like Black Sabbath, you played something not out of place at a theater performance of Dracula. But this sound… there was something that nagged him about it. It was a sound that Eddie could imagine playing to arenas of screaming, adoring fans.
“Gentlemen… that’s our fucking song!” Eddie cried, “That’s our song, it’s a goddamned masterpiece!”
The Casio halted, and your mouth was hanging open mid play.
“What?! How-…” you began.
“I can already hear the riff, Ed what do you think of following with standard tuning instead of going to D minor?” Jeff picked up his Gibson and began to play, mimicking what he heard on your Casio by ear. “If you move it, the sound is way off from what I’m envisioning. But if you keep it at standard you leave it easier on the fingers with the couple of open notes when you start stretching.”
“Yeah, yeah! If you tune it down it’s going to sound off with her playing when you hit the chords.” Eddie agreed, immediately looking back at you. “Play it one more time sweetheart?”
You cautiously complied, going through the melody one more time as Jeff began to follow with you. Eddie was completely absorbed in your music, listening to both you and Jeff play and following along quietly. The warlock in his hands eventually couldn’t be helped, humming to life when he started playing a chord at a time by ear. As he played, he kept you repeating the melody over and over, both Eddie and Jeff deep in concentration on the sound. It was getting almost exhausting trying to continually repeat the sound until they got it right.
“D minor.” Eddie said, playing a note.
“Then she does B flat there.” Jeff played.
“A minor.” They said in unison.
“C. And that’s what I’m thinking your rhythm guitar can do, meanwhile, I’ll keep the root of the chords for the riff so I can follow her keys.” Eddie said, and he began to perfectly copy your melody. “Okay sweetheart, just one more time… and then let’s bring everything together.”
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wifey-ohara · 1 year
Blood Like Fire. Burns The Same Way
Miguel O'hara&teen!Spidey!Reader (gn)
A/n (oh dear god there's many)
Angst/no happy ending, hurt/abso-fucking-lutly no comfort, theres a major absence of them in this fandom
Literally miguel's life falling on the seems and reader steps on it
Grief, lots of that, hospitals/car accident mentioned, dead character(s)mentioned, abandoned family, replaced family, basically cheating, rubbing slat on wounds, pure evil, well deserved tho, major daddy issues,panic attack,quick mentions of reader physically suffering(i made my spider bite to be very very painful) crying,planty of that,crusing(warn me if i should add more)
Reader acts alot like miguel and picked alot from him even without meeting him, manners, intelligence ect.. they also wear reading glasses,but they don't necessary need them seeing as they're a spider
The reader is evil,cold, unfeeling to miguel,they only make it worst , getting their revenge and getting it fast
Shoud be gender natural if i didn't slip (do tell me if i did so i can fix it)
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i did proof read this but i haven't slept in more them 24 hours so correct me where i go worng
You're half way through your new book when lyla appeared above the book, catching your attention
"lyla?" you asked the AI, she looked frantic, worried, which made you, in return, worried
She never gets like this, unless it was something serious, mostly about the multi-verse
"y/n! The canon happened! Miguel he's-"
The "canon" happened
You stooped listening to her and worring about it, expression going blank, eyes falling to book to resume your reading, it was more interesting then his "canon"
Lyla fell silent above up, her figure flinshing back slightly "y-y/n?" she hesitated, something you know she did on purpose
Your eyes snapped up to her, your reading glasses' frame divided your eye sight in half, lifting an eyebrow, you waited for her to continue
"miguel is coming back... " she said, hopeful, yet knowing the reality of the situation
Miguel o'hara , your biological father, left you and your mother on your fifth birthday to go live with another family, raising another daughter claiming that it's the best for the universe.
You lived with your mother for the rest of her days, 11 years to be more exact
She would always praise your father to you, saying how much of a great man he is, and how he's out there leaving his two most beloveds to save this universe
You smiled at her and pretended to believe her, because you know that deep down, she didn't mean a word of it
And you didn't need to reach deep down to know, in fact, all you needed were mere touches on your cyan screen, activate a camera, to see him smiling at a mother that wasn't yours, a family that wasn't his and most of all, a daughter that wasn't you
He left when you were 5,your mother left when you were 16
you were bitten at that age too, sitting on your mother's grave, angry at your mother for leaving, angry at your dad because he doesn't know that she left and most of all angry at yourself for thinking about him in such a moment, that's when it happened, a little pinch at first, you thought nothing of it, but by the time you reached your room, you were crying, kicking and screaming, hell running through your flesh, lyla hovering around trying to offer words of comfort but to no avail
And that's what you call, your "canon" For becoming a spider, suffering alone..(it was actually losing your mother, but hey! Maybe with both being absent you'll have more powers?!)
You weren't put into an orphanage because you were almost 18 with stable income and good grades, one thing you could thank your father over is his pay check and his intelligence,, which you question from time to time if it was your mother's, and she decided to keep it hidden
After alot and of studying the multi-verse (mostly out of spite to prove that miguel didn't actually need to leave, to which he didn't, it was a canon for that girl to lose her father, by him being in the picture the universe he's in will get destroyed when her canon becomes his and he loses her!)
but then again, that lab that only opens to him was proof, of your intelligence, since it's your lab/work place now,, only opens at your command, full of your tools and projects, would he ask for it back? Not that you would give it to him,, it doesn't belong to him anymore, hell, nothing in this house does
By the time you re-surfaced from your dark thoughts you were already washing dinner's dishes, damn, you didn't even enjoy it, you rolled your eyes, as lyla flew around mumbling stuff under her breath, she sounds like fly, you held in your smile
You dried the last plate when you senced it, your face dropped and lyla paused.
He was here
You acted like nothing is happening, wiping the counters, your back facing the entery of which he'd reach a few seconds after unlocking the door
Lyla disappeared, probably not wanting to deal with the tension coming in the shape of traitor with bloody,torn clothes, messy head of hair, red,puffy eyes, and barely standing on his two damn feet
You heard him pause right before reaching the opening that signals the end of foyer and the beginning of the huge living room, dinning room and kitchen tied to it, the only thing separateing them were bits of walls and counters
You can hear his confusion, and damn it was funny, confused why didn't his "true love waits forever" wife come hurring to his side already? the memory of her wishing every night in that hospital that his mission was over and he'll come to her the next morning as you try to fall asleep in her side in that uncomfortable hospital chair ignited your hate for him like gasoline to a fire
He's dragging his feet carefully now, wondering why hasn't his daughter come with her mother yet, standing behind her, leaning on the door pillar, looking up at him like he was a gift sent from the sky, a dream came true, a legend proven real, a hero coming from war
You almost laughed at the idea, if it wasn't for his breath hitching at the sight of you
You were wiping down the stove now, pretending to be blissfully unaware of him, despite all your spider sences screaming at you to turn around, either fight back or swing away, even they knew he was a stranger
The stove and counter were half way through their third wipe down when he finally spoke
".. Hey" a broken, shell of a word
You turned around to face him, acting like you knew he was there, or that he'd been there for ages already, and both were correct, but he wouldn't know that
"hey" you repeated, voice louder but not attacking, monotoned to match you deadpan stare at his redish eyes
He took a sharp breath, the lack of reaction having caught him off guard, ego reversing itself back into a tiny black dot
You looked him up and down, features like an ironed shut book to him, good.
"um.. Do you know who i am? " he asked, confused, does he think you were not his?
You almost huffed out a laugh before swallowing it down by "Miguel O'hara?" it was worded like a question, toned like a state of the obvious, he almost folded in on himself, seemingly smaller, somehow..
"yes but what else? "
You snapped
He dares ask what else, as if he ever played any else it your life
Traitor, lier, cheater-
"-my sperm donor" you said, an extended hand, to give him a slap on the face
His eyes widen with horor
"where- where is your mother! " he was the one to snap, sharp yet weak, and you could almost see him yelling, blaming your mother "i leave to save this whole universe and what do you do??? Tell them I'm their sperm donor?!? You felt nothing towards me or my honor to tell them anything else!... You never really loved me huh?"
So you kept staring
" where is your mother? " words more confident this time, more angry
You swallow the knot in your stomach that brings tears to your eyes
It was now or never, break him or make him, and you're not a maker
"she was my canon event" you said, and you hoped that the hallowness of your voice did a good job in hiding the sadness that came with it
It takes him a moment,, then two, until he looks genuinely terrified, red-eyes becoming glossy, quickened breath turns into pants and little dry sobs, legs finally buckling down, arm reach to the nearest surface to insure a safe(r) landing, other hand reaching for his throat, tearing what's left of that blue and red suit of his, it was almost comical how it happned
Little pants turned into heaving "h-how-why-y.. What-" the rest you couldn't make out even of you tried
"car accident, last year, stayed three weeks in the hospital after they told us that even if she survives she'll suffer, do they pulled out the plug, by her call " you let the high walls get even higher because no way you are crying in front of this unfeeling man, no matter how much emotions are currently being on full blast in front of you right now
More heaving in hopes of enough oxygen to enter his lungs and calm his storm of thoughts
"the last weekshe stayed alive waiting for you, she was almost certain that you'll come see a last time" you didn't usually like rubbing slat in open wounds, but his look like a delicious meal for you
And there it was- that heart-crushing sob,that sounds like chocking and feels like it too, that always come with more tears then you know what to do with, as he leaned on the wall hands on his face,plams pressing into his eye sockets,,tears somehow still a stream down his face,despite the un-humanly possible pressure he's using..
For the first time since he entered, you took a step, out of the kitchen, then another, until you were in front of him...
He stilled a bit by your closer presence, and you resisted urge to laugh at him, he really thinks you're gonna be here for him? after everything? What a fool
You inhaled, his scent ten times in your lungs, well more of a mixture of salt, ash, dust, blood, sweat and if you focus enough a, colone
"your room is the same as always, bedding is the closet,clothing is as well , there is some leftovers in the fridge, do. Not. try and open any other room, they're not yours anymore" and with that you sealed you lips again
If he stilled before, now he froze, all tense
You stood back up, turned around and started walking to your lab
"lyla" you requested, the lighting figure appear within rhe second, face scrunched up and worried "yes y/n?"
"do help him if he asks, I'm done here" you almost added if asks nicely lyla turned to see that horrific sight, with a gasp, she turned towards you, but was cut off by his , repeated, quick, wet, inhales that only come with a scream as hurtful as death itself, been there, done that,
Before he reaches a range to let out a scream, you closed the lab's door and the sound proof walls done their job, having some homework to do and projects to work on.
Blocking a horrible, terrible, scream and grief and regret, tainted not by one, but four sets of blood, one still so warm and running down his skin as you breath when you closed the distance between you two, to throw ice at his boiling oil...
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This took me almost 4 hours,short for my liking tbh
I think imma add a few more parts to this, to fully fefill the title's meaning, not sure tho, what yall think?
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werlikestea · 3 months
Well i havent posted in a while well, mostly because, i forgor
wow pretty busy really said fuck you f2p players
I didnt complain untill now so i think i can get a little treat
So ok prepare cause this will be a prob long post or just very well mostly negative about my whole expierence with this game because well I AM PISSED
So I acually first played this game around the time of its release (of couse because of the Leviathan Bath card lmao) but didnt like how the game looked like that much so i quit pretty much as soon as i started
Then my friend got me into it again and well i fell in love with the characters and the plot LITERALLY DONT JUDGE THE BOOK BY ITS COVER
And why am i talking about it well its because it was around the time of christmas gabriel nightmare pass and i was new so i just kinda didnt care about it back then
But now back to the present
so the whole reason im writing this is in the first place is obvs the nightmare pass
Like gabriel one, ppyong one i could live i was like ok it sucks but what can i do i can still get all the 7 kings eventually so thats fine
AND OMG ok i was like ok im pissed but its probably just the victory cards that will be in the nightmare pass right ?
both of my favourite characters in a row well how nice
Dont even get me started on how fucked the pricing of it is like i payed for battle passses in games before im not even a total f2p and i was acually considering doing the same here because i mean its a small company and i really like this game so i might as well support it well no. not with this price.
And not only are there no new stories, previous events are payed if u havent read them, oh and if u want to reread them well fuck you too
I honestly havent even read the belphie's event cause i just really dont feel motivated to do it
Maybe its just me but unlocking the character card stories is also a little hard because getting the BEGINNERS candies is just annoying even though it well should be the easiest out of all of them
And the story is what made me get into this game as much as i did
I think it was the first time a game was so perfect for me when it comes to story length, and amount (i tend to get very overwhelmed when theres a lot of content)(I acually quit playing genshin impact after 2 years because there was no skip button)
The 5 chapters, all the events, some of the character's stories i read were all so interesting and fun
and well now we get literally no new content
plus like thats very personal but i would have loved it if this game had some sort of a routine because i feel like everything is such a mess ?
like now we get 3 fucking nigtmare passes in a row, new characters and event are so random and the main story well it left to get milk
also when i say i play this game for the story i really mean it because the battle system is really not my cup of tea overall the game mechanics im just not that big of a fun of that
+just the fact that PB hates that we share content of payed cards with each other but also puts important lore in it just man be fucking for real
I log in everyday just to log in and get my 10 key pull from the pancake shop to feed my gambling addiction and maybe get that mammon or satan attacker cards cause they are the only ones i lack from the ones u can acually get from the standard gacha at the moment
oh and now they erased the free 10 pull from the store huh
well with how little red gems we are getting say goodbye to any gacha in a fucking gacha game
Oh and also i dont know if anyone noticed but now selling S tealeaves gives u 6 pancakes and L tealeaves gives you 9.
3 pancake diffrence. For an S character and L character.
oh and lower grades just dont give you anything really i have like around 14 milion gold and books so yea
and while i wont have that much of a problem cause i already have most cards,most artifact, almost maxxed out bloodshed beelzebub (not his skills)
But now imagine you are a new player trying to get into this game.
And you cant read events unless you pay, u can do the story but i mean u might finish it quickly or it might get hard if u cant get any characters because well doing any gacha at all just got 1000 times harder,you just see another nightmare pass thats just expensive af, oh and a new character comes out and you didnt get lucky with your one ten pull that u managed to get after weeks of working ? well u have to wait 3 months TO MAYBE get it in the standard gacha that well you might do once a week maybe
and so the low maintence game i loved in a span of a few days changed for much much worse
I will probably keep on loging in just to see if maybe anything changes but i dont have my hopes high
ngl with how it looks like rn i doubt even asmodeus for who i was waiting so much for will change my mind about this game
what i need them to do is honestly just bring back the whole previous pancake shop along with this new nightmare one i feel like for me at least selling tealeaves for the normal pancakes and then if i have a lot of it i can changee into nightmare pancakes and then maybe exchange it for some thing would be much cooler and honestly i just want my very easy ten pull back........
for the nightmare passes just make then like i dunno every 3 months even would be better and just make it so that its smth special not neccessary or just make it more affordable for players to acually afford
and i mean what im saying is just random stuff i havent even thought about it that much there might be better ideas for what to do but i honestly wish the best for this game and what is happening right now is just pretty much ruining it for not only me but most players i doubt only f2p, cause even if you pay for a game u need a reason to do it if the game doesnt provide then you might as well go to a diffrent one
Ok i think thats pretty much all there might be more i wanted to say but well i forgor and well im gonna get bubble tea as a treat prob......
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keresnotceres · 1 year
[sfw] cw(s): none !!! As a girlie who has been reading fanfiction for god knows how long, it was inevitable that I came through with a High/Secondary School AU. As a reminder, I don’t know shit abt the British school system so we’re going with my experiences with the American public school system. enjoy dovies <3
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Ghost is that one upperclassman in every single one of your co-grade classes that just sits there. He doesn’t say a damn word and you don’t even see him writing down any notes, but somehow, he has the best grades in the whole fucking school. Principal’s honor roll, scholarship recognization galore.
It takes so long for you to work up the courage to talk to him and ask him for help on an assignment and when he admits he doesn’t know they had an assignment to do, you’re a bit dumbfounded. You realize that he quite literally just sits there and vibes the entire time. He proceeds to turn back to the window and stare out of it.
Eventually he warms up to you, though. It takes, like, three months of pestering him until he actively begins conversations with you and you find yourself with a very stoic cheat sheet. He has kept all of his tests and is perfectly fine with just giving you them bc what are morals???
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Gaz is the local “i know him but we aren’t friends” kid. Literally everybody knows his name, he’s on the school’s soccer (football, i guess) team and is relatively well known as a nice person, but he only has a few close friends. His grades are also insanely high, you don’t understand how he manages to ace every test while also spending most of his time practicing sports.
He’s the type of person to forget a pencil, however, and usually ends up leaning over to whoever is next to him and asking for one. He usually gives it back, unless it’s someone he doesn’t particularly like. When he tries to give it back to you and you just tell him to keep it, he likes you automatically.
He’s always inviting you to watch his games after the two of you get closer. He also sits with you during shared study halls or lunches regardless of if you or he has other friends in the lunch. Gaz is also the type of person to lean over and ask if you wanna share the copy of an assignment document or swap essays to proofread.
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Soap is absolutely the really loud jock kid that people either really like or really hate, and there’s just no in-between (i’m so sorry Foap 😭). Despite this, he’s actually one of those really nice sport boys that will start punching if someone disrespects his friends. He’s also in an abundance of art classes.
In class you can see him scribbling down notes until he gets bored and starts just doodling in his notebook, tuning out the lecture. However, if your science teacher decides today is not a teaching day and puts on something like Bill Nye or The Magic School Bus, he is enraptured. Is also the person to quietly chant “Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!” during the theme song. Used to hate the Amoeba Sisters until he binged their videos before his Biology final lol.
You start being friends with him on complete accident after you help him with a question on a pop quiz. He gave you puppy eyes! How could you refuse! He proceeds to talk to you the next day like the two of you are best friends and you are now stuck with him until graduation. But hey! You basically have a bodyguard now.
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Price is an Honors English and AP Literature teacher through and through. He originally wanted to be a history teacher, but the English position was open and he took it with little complaint. He’s absolutely the teacher you can launch into tangents for the entire class and will take half a point off of your essays for misusing a comma.
If you're his favorite student, he tends to grade your FRQs and other assignments much harsher than he would others, but it ends with you having well rounded essay skills afterwards and acing your assignments later in the year. Will let you hang out in his room during your study halls and is always open to helping you on assignments if you ask.
Hangs thank you notes from students on his walls, has a wild collection of them and shows them off any time another teacher asks him about them. Has cried reading some from students he liked having in his classes.
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Laswell is a Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus professor. Idc what u think she is absolutely a math teacher and would absolutely have a doctorate. People who don't like math probably go into her class also not liking her, but come out at the end of the year wanting to be in her class next year.
If you're one of her favorite students, she absolutely gives you little notes on your graded tests like 'good job :)' and always says she's proud of you if your grades improve during the year. She also lets you and your friends eat lunch in her room because she understands why you'd rather be in a math room than the cafeteria.
Has never been seen without a coffee during the first four periods of the day and a random beverage during the last three. She always has a drink with her and it's become a bit of a game between a few of her students. Sometimes she'll give someone who asks a drink as well. A student she particularly liked tried to pay her to bring them coffee; she gave them their money back and brought them a coffee.
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Nikolai is a history teacher that also coaches the school golf team. And yes, golf team; that man radiates golf energy and I cannot be told otherwise. He doesn't understand the kids' obsession with things like Kahoot, but makes them because it keeps kids engaged with the class and mostly keeps grades up.
Being one of Nikolai's favorite students is hard if you don't golf, but if you are a favorite, he tends to give you extensions of assignments if you're struggling to find time/motivation. Also will give you candy under the table if you win a Kahoot, or if you visit him during a study hall he will also give you candy. He gives out Smarties (the American version) because he thinks the name is funny.
If you show interest in learning Russian and ask him how to roll your Rs or how to pronounce the Cyrillic letters, he will automatically like you more than the others. As long as he feels like you're earnestly learning it out of interest and not just to make him like you, that is. If you already know Russian he'll like you anyway. Sometimes it's nice to speak his native tongue.
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messy-crisantemo · 1 year
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Since we’ve entered a Gentan renaissance, I figured I should make a
🍉 GenTan fic recommendation list 🎴
(Edit: Now we have a Part 2!)
Note that this is a list of personal favorites based on my likes and the many (yet not all existent) fics I’ve read. They’re not put in any particular order and they’re all completed fics. I’m adding some of the tags, but not all of them since I don’t want to make this post extra long, so please read them again once you go to the Ao3 link. And finally, if anyone is anime-only, even if a fic is spoiler free, it’s likely that it’ll have some reference to Genya’s abilities or family relationships, so be careful.
That being said, we proceed!
Don’t Talk to Me by 125389, 9k
(Red Light District Arc, Canon-Typical Violence, Meet-Cute, Strangers to friends to enemies to ???, Humor, Crushes)
A second impression, a star-crossed meeting, a misunderstanding. Each was there to do his job, to keep matters strictly business, but when have things ever been that simple?
Beautifully written, fantastic humor, and just GenTan inevitably falling for each other (both romantically and literally).
To Be The Piece You Need by Gilberrts, 11k
(Alternate Universe - High School, Dialogue Heavy, Friends to Lovers)
Shinazugawa Genya's life is in a downward spiral. He has no friends, his grades are on thin ice, and he can't seem to stop outgrowing his clothes. Then, when his relationship with his brother finally hits rock bottom, Genya has a strange encounter with the sole member of the school's cooking club.
Hurt-Comfort scenario where, of course, Tanjirou is the comfort.
Rest + Recovery by aizetsus, 2k
(genya is stressed, post Swordsmith Village Arc)
Genya gets overwhelmed pretty easily. Especially when faced with a cute boy.
It wouldn’t be a GenTan rec list without our traditional, fluffy scenario of Genya pining for Tanjirou.
Cardinals by bluejelly245, 8k
(Modern AU, Wakes & Funerals, Hurt/Comfort, Conversations, Friendship/Love, Past Abuse)
Genya and his family attend the funeral wake for Tanjiro’s father, much to the younger Shinazugawa boy’s dismay. The last thing he wanted to do was spend his evening surrounded by tears and grief, but what he least expected, was to end up on Tanijro’s bedroom floor, comforting the strange boy after his loss.
Genya discovers he is a good person, so sweet despite the gloomy scenario.
loveholic by mimimimi (reiiiiii), 81k
(Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, CEO Genya, Slow Burn, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Aged-Up Character(s), Strangers to Lovers, No Spoilers, Relationship Study)
Tanjirou lives a normal life as a university student on his last year, struggling financially to maintain a life that's not affordable anymore. On the other side, Genya is back to Japan after 17 years living overseas, ready to ruin his father's attempts to save face after several mistakes.
Both are on the edge, about to fall apart.
What will happen once their different worlds collide?
One of those fics that make you squirm under the blankets at 2am because you just can’t stop reading.
A tale of young love and starry nights by kenmagoesblep, 3k
(Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Fix-it, Fluff and Humor, Getting together, Love Confessions, Festivals, Minor Spoilers)
The sun is already down by the time they arrive and the colorful paper lanterns bathe the streets with a faint whimsical warm glow, highlighting the easy smiles of the festival attendees and the natural glisten of the fresh food in the stalls. Their eyes immediately go to the makeshift gate made with bent bamboo, all adorned with people’s written wishes, to be sent to the heavens by the end of the night.
Genya’s handwriting is shaky but hopefully the crooked words will carry his wish just fine.
Sweet, sweet, sweet.
diet soda society by beecalm, 6k
(Alternate Universe - High School, Fluff and Humor, Genya makes bad life choices, Brunch, No Spoilers)
Genya knows he should just tell the truth. He got frustrated, and thought that strong words of persuasion would revive his bike from the dead. Non-judgemental as he is, Tanjiro would probably just laugh it off and walk home with a smile on his face.
“I got into a fight,” Genya lies, instead.
(or; Genya yells at his bike, lies about his ability to kick ass, and gets indoctrinated into Kamado Tanjiro’s Saturday morning brunch club.)
GenTan + friends in a super silly and funny scenario.
July by 125389, 45k
(Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Canon Compliant, Modern Setting, Reincarnation, Manga Finale Spoilers)
It could've been just another weekend, just another month, just another season passing by, but instead they made that summer theirs.
Two teens discovering love naturally and intensely. Tears were shed and hearts were healed. It might or might not be a Fix-it.
Tonight’s sky by Wild_Quetzal, 6k
(Canon Compliant, Missing Scene, Hashira Training Arc, Introspection, Pining, Arguing, Light Angst, Fluff, First Dates, First Kiss, Hopeful Ending)
Tanjirou didn’t recall having watched so many people gathered before, not even when his sister and him went to Asakusa. Everything was so appealing and, at the same time, disorienting for him.
He would’ve been feeling lost if it wasn’t because Genya was beside him.
(Or, sharing a night at a festival with Genya should’ve been easy, if it wasn’t for an unexpected event and Tanjirou himself getting in the way)
Yes, we got to the self-promotion part. I’m especially proud of this one <3
And last but not least!
Todo empezó con (un beso) una despedida by Dogchasingcars, 20k
(Manga Spoilers, Post-Canon, First Kiss, Love Letters, Long-Distance Relationship, Reunited and it feels so good, Family Bonding, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Lo que inicia como una breve despedida y la promesa de reunirse pronto (sellada con un beso), termina volviéndose una larga espera para volver a verse.
Because we’re not gonna leave the Spanish-speaking side of the fandom empty handed and it’s one of my favorite GenTan fics of all time. Melancólico y dulce, todo el dolor vale la pena.
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monkey-network · 3 months
The Beauty of 12 Angry Men
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I remembered in 6th grade lit reading Franz Kafka's The Trial, a story about everything judicial being set in stone for someone completely out of the loop. The bureaucracy behind Josef K.'s fate is never given a cause, no method helps him, and after a year he's at the mercy of a situation nobody said would be fair to him. It was a striking story to me, and lead me into recognizing Sidney Lumet and Reginald Rose's 12 Angry Men as a similar yet antithetical story. The film keeps everything in the dark except for the titular jurors trying to piece the case together for a boy expected to get the death penalty. The matter though, is that the defendant's fate was clear from the start and the journey is about getting to that thread's end. What follows is one of the most well written, performed, and staged movies I watched in my entire life and I just wanted to finally talk about it. So, let's talk.
Setting the Stage
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It takes three minutes almost exactly for the title to appear. You get the mission statement from the judge, a good scan of the main characters, and a single moment of the defendant's face, basically the only time you ever get to see said defendant for the whole movie. After that, we the audience are locked in the deliberation room where the film starts to shine after the credits role.
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For the longest time watching movies, I was so used to big colorful settings, the characters going places even if it's just another place to talk, where it's a gamble if you can memorize those places. Oppenheimer last year became the widely regarded movie that consisted of next to nothing but conferencing in rooms. Even in older movies, things were never shot in the same spot for long. This film was the first instance where they stripped everything and worked with bare bones staging. All it is are the men in that one room. No flashbacks, no cuts to anything beyond the group speaking. The only other places you get are the adjacent men's restroom and the courthouse steps at the film's very end, scenes of which add to less than 4 minutes. And you would think it gets boring, but 'focus' is the keyword behind everything. The fact there's next to no music adds to it having an actually engaging script that doesn't manipulate or go to unnecessary places to get the point across.
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12 Angry Men is what I'd call a "dynamic stage play" where you could imagine yourself seeing this in a live theater, but it wouldn't have worked as well without the secret main character that is the camera. This film knows how to prevent things from getting too static; the cinematography is... well-paced in laments terms. Again, in that one room, you're engaged in where it's focused, how it moves with the characters, when it cuts especially when it closes in on the jurors at their most serious. From a technical perspective, it's immersive at its simplest. No juror feels left out even when out of frame and nothing distracts you from the brilliant acting everyone brings to the literal table. After seeing this, I felt like this was the kind of movie I'd want to make. One that can work with so little but feel as tightly coordinated as any other similar to this. Then again, I wouldn't have concerned about this movie on technicalities alone. Let's get to the story.
The Stakes of Uncertainty
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The trial is a first degree murder charge where if unanimously found guilty, the defendant would be sentenced to the electric chair. Everything surrounding this film hinges on the one person who votes not guilty, juror 8. Number Eight makes it clear that his vote is not about bias, there's never a hint at him or anyone having a relation to the defendant outside the case. His vote is the biggest gamble dependent of everyone retracing their steps of the details surrounding the trial, and what I love most about this is the fairness.
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Eight doesn't know if the boy's not guilty, he never forces anybody to side with him, but recognizes that the defendant's life is a serious matter and shouldn't be as open shut as everyone else makes it in the beginning. The film shows within reason that the trial wasn't as clean cut as it seemed. And I know the movie isn't judicially accurate and everything's circumstantial, assumptive, and so on. If there's any real issue the film has for me is that they never indict Eight for sneaking in the switchblade even though that scene is still a goddamn show stealer.
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Henry Fonda excellently portrayed a man who knew how to play the cards right
Then again, the increased flimsiness of the trial made with the uncertainty of the outcome is the point. We never get the sentencing after the men leave that room, it's all about Eight showing the others that the boy's life deserved more deliberation than the others were willing to give him. Hell, it discusses that trials like this can and have existed where measures of the outcome are made beyond the defendant's control. Breaking through the easy decision every other juror had was more valuable, and Juror 8 did that responsibly while never trying to be above anyone. That in turn is what makes this ensemble cast nearly flawless.
The Angry Men
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Before ever seeing it, I've seen a couple jokes of this movie's premise of how it was nothing but said 12 men who sure were angry. Having now seen it myself, it's amazing how much we get to know about the jurors yet only two are ever given names. You'd think the film would give them simple archetypes and gimmicks, but even if you disregarded the acting chops everyone brings, the writing was able to balance who they each are relative to the case and each other. You can memorize which juror is which yet that never makes them just a number on the table.
To me, the best part about this film is how the group is able to collectively debate about the trial with individual motives and understandings. Jurors Eight and Three are the focal characters, they're the most opposing, but I don't consider them the main characters. A Youtube video I watched explores this better than I ever could, but everyone is in this together, regardless of how present they are in the movie and you notice this in their behavior. The character writing made with the simple staging does so much while explaining so little.
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Juror Four, who reveals himself to be a stock broker, is the most clinical about the details. He does his best in retracing the trial as factual as possible, discussing the evidence in a way not even Eight is able to fight. What makes him crack though is when it came to jurors Eight, Five, and Nine bringing up certain conditions of the defendant and witnesses that he didn't care to notice. Juror Nine is the opposite, concerning about the witnesses' conditions and probable influences which helped reveal factual doubts in their testimonies.
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Juror Seven from the getgo is made the most detached of the group. By the way he's dressed, constantly checking the time, while capable of paying attention Seven is the most dismissive of the case for the simple reason of just wanting to leave for baseball. This is where he comes into conflict with jurors Two and Eleven especially. Eleven is expressively respectful toward the judicial due process, mentioning himself being an immigrant, which makes him eventually fed up with Seven's disinterest. He's not somebody who changed his vote easily nor adds a lot to the debate himself, but recognizes Eight's efforts of a fair discussion and naturally confronts Seven about his constant snide attitude towards the case.
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One of the film's strongest moments, where the build up was genuine even if you felt it was unexpected
Everyone makes sense with is established about them in the beginning and I could go on about the little things. Juror Nine, being the first to switch his vote, is the only one who meets with Eight outside in the film's end. You can tell by Juror Twelve fiddling with his glasses and concerned of having the info laid out sequentially is the most flippant about his vote. Juror Five being more likely to change his vote out of sympathy, having grown up and is more knowledgeable of the slums given that's the defendant's home. Nothing about this movie or ensemble is complicated, but the through-line behind everyone's choices in this gets to be more complex than realized. Everything about this is encapsulated in my favorite scene of the whole movie.
Pulling It All Back
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Juror Ten is the most openly bigoted of the ensemble. From the start he is racially motivated in his vote, but that's not expressed until a little later. Of that point, he's certain of himself like juror Three about the vote being clear while scoffing at Eight's opposition. When the cracks of the case start to show, Ten's arrogance starts to show and his words become charged. He becomes the most hostile toward everyone and especially gets a rise out of Juror Five when talking about "these people". Everything comes to ahead when the vote is 9 to 3 for not guilty. Ten finally has his outburst, his racial rant unspecified but striking all the checkmarks of a man that stuck in his ways. Then it happens.
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Everyone put up with his remarks up to that point, but here they finally step away and we get the most striking moment of a man finally alone with his thoughts. After Juror Four tells him off, Ten goes to the corner desk and basically shuts down for the remainder of the movie. This was the film's strongest payoff in every sense. It wouldn't have worked without the buildup just as much as the civility that came with everyone involved. Nobody had to throw a punch or challenge his beliefs, you never know if this changed Ten as a person, all that matters was that Ten knew he exasperated any goodwill from the jury and finally checked out the conversation. 12 Angry Men knew how to make the characters see their errors naturally, never feeling like they played up the drama for everyone to get their moment.
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To me, I'm reminded of when in 6th grade, my literature teacher would have these Socratic seminars discussing the books we'd read. You could say it was the most involved I was in that class. This film knew how to capture that feeling, how towrite a roundtable where the stakes are high from the start but doesn't make it sanctimonious. Again, Juror Eight doesn't force or manipulate the others to see things his way. They try to convince him initially, adding up to a tangled but mutual engagement and it always feels like you're with them in the moment. You feel Eight's uncertainty is as sincere as his conviction, the same going for everyone else involved. The fact they're all sitting in sequential, helping you naturally follow who is who, is the cherry on top.
Before watching this, I didn't presume much beyond a simple courtroom drama which I enjoy ever since Ace Attorney. What followed after was just being more than impressed by how concise and thoughtful this was made. No second felt wasted, no detail felt trivial, ALL THIS and not even mentioning it being like a "bottle episode". Believe me, this post is long enough fanboying about a film from the 50s. It earned being the most ergonomic and engaging movies I've ever seen. If this essay wasn't enough, I recommend it at least once in your life as it's free to watch. What else is there to say?
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It's the Best
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lyrakanefanatic · 3 months
4: brady daniels
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closest to in the game: knox landry, odette morales
love interest: odette morales
person he dislikes the most in the game: savannah grayson
personality traits: kind, outgoing, loyal, loud, intelligent, interesting, strong, cheerful, warm, charismatic, and talented
negative personality traits: incredibly insecure, impatient, needy, jealous, irritable, and desperate. he spends a lot of time building up his charisma so people don’t see past it to what lies underneath.
• he’s really tall. like, 6’4 tall.
• he has sandy blond/dirty blond hair and tan skin, (he defo gets really dark during the summer) and he’s 22 years old.
• he has a golden retriever personality
• he was definitely that one golden boy at school. did well in class, was popular, and got into many school programs that were extremely difficult to get into as well.
• although he was bullied when he was younger a lot because he had crooked teeth and went through puberty late. he used to go home early every day from ages 8-11 because of stress stomach aches. (if yk how those feel ☹️)
• a lot of kids that knew him at those times always get shocked whenever they realize it’s him because he has straight teeth now and changed himself completely to fit in
• he’s AMAZING at cooking. you best believe he can gordon ramsey up any dish and makes people shed literal tears at how good it is.
• him and libby grow a special bond over it, so sometimes brady cooks dinner and she bakes desserts
• is anazing at math too, and solving questions in his head
• he’s an only child
• he’s actually very strong, but doesn’t really know what to do with the muscle as he can’t fight that well 💀 (although he will if somebody talks crap about the people close to him)
• he does his best to defend his friends and family no matter what and will always speak up for them, even though sometimes it makes him uncomfortable
• forced to listen to kanye west born to listen to taylor swift
• he had a phase where he would get bad grades in school on purpose to fit in. he ended up eventually realizing that it wasn’t worth it so he got his act back together and started getting 100’s again
• he has the bluest eyes you will ever see
• he’s great with parents and can immediately make good first impressions
• he is not great with people if he feels uncomfortable with them, and usually ends up finding an excuse to leave 2 minutes into the conversation (although he tries his best to leave good first impressions with people no matter what)
• lyra kane: him and lyra actually end up being really close, although brady knew that she distanced herself away from him quite a bit due to the fact that he was close with knox. (and we all know the deal with lyra and knox 🙄) once they do get closer though, they end up being besties. brady always makes fun of her for being short, but never takes it too far bc although he’s a foot taller, she can still beat him up. example:
• “hey i think we finally found the answer to this riddle! it’s: ___!”
• “oh hey we did!”
• “up top!” *brady reaches his hand way over his and lyra’s head, grinning*
• “fuck you.”
he ends up asking her for advice on how to ask out odette bc her and odette are besties, and lyra is always happy to help (as long as brady doesn’t ever hurt her. if he does, she will reach her hand down his throat and rip his skeleton out. 😊)
• knox landry: him and landry are best friends and spend a lot of time in the game hanging out with each other. although there is a significant height difference, (since brady is 6’4 and knox is 5’10) that’s never stopped knox from kicking his ass in boxing. they spend a lot of time going over clues together, and during these times brady accidentally spills about his crush for odette. knox instantly makes fun of him, but also finds it cute and tries his best to create moments where they can be alone together for brady. brady usually has to drag him out of fights and tries to be the “peacemaker” one in the scenario bc knox will beat anybody up bc he has no chill LMAO
• odette morales: ever since he saw odette, he immediately found her interesting and beautiful. he loves how she can be so quiet and soft spoken and yet still draw people in and make them listen. he also loves how easily he can make her blush. although she only ever has a faint blush, brady can tell when she’s nervous. she darts her eyes away, everytime she smiles it’s a downward smile, and she looks for an opening to leave the room quickly. he finds it’s so adorable but doesn’t do it too often because he wants her to stick around so he can talk to her. i like to think of their relationship as being similar to nick and bree’s from legend born, except nick and brady are the same people and bree and odette couldnt be more different LOL. he loves to call her “smart girl” and has never undermined what she’s been able to do. plus, she gets him to open up his music taste and now he likes SO. MANY. different artists it’s not even funny. odette is semi tall at 5’8, but even then brady towers over her and honestly it’s so new to odette because she’s been taller than, or the same height as, almost everybody in her life.
• savannah grayson: brady and savannah aren’t that close due to the fact that their personalities are way different, but they’re still friends. brady does kind of feel threatened by the fact that grayson is her brother and feels like she might get special privileges from that, but like knox, tries not to hold it against her because she’s like 4 years younger 😭😭 brady grew up playing tons of sports, so they usually find each other in the gym (if there’s one at the house they’ll be staying in on the island) late at night. at those times, they usually 1v1 in basketball, but brady has gotten her to try other sports. although they aren’t that close, they’re still good friends. (even though brady felt the most threatened by her in the beginning)
• gigi grayson: brady definitely got bored one day when it was super slow at the house on the island, and slipped her coffee, and ever since then gigi declared that they were best friends. he also is very much taller than her, although he could not manage her crazy self if he tried. he always tries to cheer her up when he sees that she’s under the weather (like if she can’t figure out a riddle or sum) and makes sure she’s okay. they have done so many karaokes together it’s not even funny, and brady sometimes gets scared of how extroverted he is. AND HE GREW UP BEING THE POPULAR EXTROVERTED KID!! 😪😪
• rohan: he finds rohans quick comments and comebacks funny, but also gets a bit envious at times of his never ending confidence. he felt the same way about rohan as he did about savannah at the beginning of the game, but as they got closer, he started warming up to rohan more. although rohan wins significantly more when it comes to casino games and whatnot, brady still wins the other half of the time because he uses gambling mathematics to win (and whenever he does, rohan calls himself a nerd.) brady has made fun of rohans accent so many times, but stopped when rohan started threatening to beat him up. ☠️
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nova--michael · 4 months
How the My Little Pony Fandom ruined my mental health (long rant(/essay?))
TW: sexual themes, gore, trauma, self harm, suicidality
I will go in-depth in alot of sensitive topics, please proceed with caution
I got into My Little Pony when Season 2 aired. In 2011, I was 7 at the time, 2nd grade. English isn't my first language, I didn't even know other languages were a thing. That is until I got access to the internet. We had a family computer that I used basically daily. I mostly drew on MSPaint and played Animal Jam. I was a happy little girl at the time. Eventually, I discovered YouTube. Which became my new obsession. I consumed content like an addict. And eventually, I stumbled upon My Little Pony, where people uploaded whole episodes. The first episode I watched was "Fall Weather Friends", S1 E13. I was hooked instantly. Bright colorful Ponies! It reminded me of the Fillys I collected. So I consumed more. Was able to find a playlist with all episodes in order. The only thing is, they were in English, which I didn't understand. But I didn't care. I wanted my magical colorful ponies! So I watched it and had an overwhelmingly fun time. It was "Bridle Gossip" S1 E9 where the language just...clicked for me. I can't explain it, but it felt like I suddenly could understand almost every word and my English knowledge expanded from there. Which was a yay for me, because now I could watch my colorful Pony cartoon and actually understand what they were saying. It gave me a big heads up when we started learning English a year later in 3rd grade. I never learned English in that class, knowledge wise I already knew what I needed and was very far ahead of everyone. All thanks to My Little Pony.
But I think it is also the start of when everything went downhill for me.
I explicitly remember holding paper in front of the screen to trace the Mane 6's outfits from the episode "Suited for Success" S1 E14 with a pencil. The show made me really get into art. I drew My Little Pony left and right, and it eventually led me to DeviantArt, which I still have fond memories of. I found out that people made original characters. So I did so too. One of my first ever character was "Starshine" which I still love dearly and sketch when I'm bored. But this also led me down the Brony Fandom rabbit hole. Once I realized people made their own My Little Pony content it was over. I literally obsessed over fan content. I consumed everything that the Fandom could offer. And when I mean everything, I mean Everything.
I don't know what the first gore or nsfw content I consumed, I really do not remember. But it was ultimately this content that shaped me or....better say traumatized me that still affects me to this day.
Just like many people in the Fandom, I found out what "Cupcakes" is. A creepy, gore fanfiction that was about Pinkie Pie dismembering Rainbow Dash and turning her into Cupcakes. One of the many fan content I consumed but I remember this being one of the first experiences I had with gore. I watched the original video from ocarinaplaya. I was, I had no idea what gore was. But it was MLP, so I watched it. And this was the first straw that altered my brain. It was like a car crash, i couldn't look away. The way Pinkie tortured and cut up Rainbow Dash. And I consumed more. Smile HD, Cupcakes SFM, My Little Paradox, Pony.MOV, Lil Miss Rarity, My Little Amnesia, Elements of Insanity (that I still unironically love to this day), and so much more. You name it, I watched it. Things like Elements of Insanity and Cupcakes SFM all led me down the SFM rabbit hole. SFM = Source Filmmaker. When I see SFM models of the MLP characters now, I swear I get flashbacks. Because through SFM I found sensual MLP content. Of course, not all of SFM was sexual or gore. Some masterpieces like Doors, Fluttershys Dream, The Walk, Remembrance, Nightmare Night, all are so good.
But of course with SFM came very...sensual MLP content. Ponies kissing or Making out or even going as far as almost having sex. And something changed in my brain. I started to...actively search out these videos. Rarijack, TwiDash - Hearts and Hooves Day, Appledash, those freaking Fart and Vore videos. I watched it all. I don't know what I felt at the time, I don't remember or more so I don't want to remember. All I know is that I started to seek them out. Like actively searching for it. Which also led me to non sfm sensual content. Twilight Sparkle Pantsu, Friendship is Benefits, Concerning Pegasi, Fluttershy gets BEEPBEEPED in the Maze and infamous Banned from Equestria.
Remember I was a child. 9-10 at the time. And 99% of these videos didn't have any warnings. Nothing. And even if they had a warning 80% of those were joke warnings.
I consumed alot of My Little Pony porn and gore in my childhood. Unrestricted Internet access traumatized me to no end.
It was Banned from Equestria which had changed a lot for me. Because I found out that it was a game. An actual game you could play. And I sought it out. I played a lot of Pony games too, especially the ones on the very old Hasbro website. But Banned from Equestria was almost too easy to find. I found it on a website mainly for bad porn games. And it had a category that was purely for My Little Pony. I just went to search for it. I only needed to type "mlp porn games" and it was instantly there. 2 clicks is all that it took. Yes, the website is still up sadly. That website led me down another awful rabbit hole of My Little Pony porn games. Again, I was 10, I had no idea what porn was. Or sex. But it was this (and a separate event that happened in my family) that taught me what it was. And again, I searched for those things actively. And played those games religiously. By 10 years old I was a freaking porn addict. Not even gore (which I developed PTSD from), but Porn was the thing that caught my attention. I also learned what masturbation was thanks to that. And I did just that. I masturbated almost on the daily. Found my Mom's toys, stole them, and used them. Now, masturbation isn't a bad thing by any means. It's good to explore your body and what makes you feel good but I was just an innocent kid...
My parents never found out. My Mom eventually caught on I stole her toys but never did anything against it. Nor did she educate me. She let me do my thing. So I basically masturbated daily, sometimes more than once. What being horny was, was something I didn't even know. I only knew I wanted to do this because is saw my colorful ponies do it.
But these porn games made me spiral. I lost so much of my childhood innocence through this. I spend most of my childhood and early teen years (I started puberty when I was 9) by watching porn, playing porn, and the occasional gore. It has twisted what sex even was for me. The whole concept was ruined for me. To this day.
Throughout the next years, I learned more about porn, and went through many different rabbit holes. My Little Pony Porn, actual porn, Furry Porn, it didn't matter. If it was Porn, I consumed it.
I would also blame this addiction was the reason I became/am hypersexual.
And now, over 10 years later, what changed?
Nothing. I have grown so disgusted by Sex, it's why I'm AroAceflux now. I know. Hypersexuality and AroAce? Pick a struggle. But I'm serious. I consume a lot of Porn to this day. Masturbation had died down but it still happens occasionally. The people I follow on Patreon mainly do nsfw content. Hell, I was on Nsfw-twt a few years ago too.
Porn has ruined my whole mental state. It's scientifically proven that subjecting children to porn and gore at an early age can severely damage their development and I think I'm no exception.
My mental health has been very bad since 2016. I started to cut myself frequently and get suicidal. I still carry scars to this day and I do blame a lot on this addiction. I've been self-harm clean for about 3 years now. I was severely suicidal again in 2021 where I almost killed myself has it not been a friend calling the cops i still struggle with being suicidal to this day though, despite having finished therapy.
I also struggled with a lot of identity stuff at the time. I have it figured out now and am openly out as a trans man by a lot of people in my life. And I have an amazing support system now. But I never really had the opportunity to talk about THIS. How the My Little Pony Fandom ruined my mental health due to the content that was created, without any content warnings. I say I also developed my PTSD from this.
Obviously not just that, it was a lot of trauma family and school-wise wise that made me develop PTSD but I also will blame these types of MLP content for this as well.
Now, I love the Brony fandom. I still do. So many people I have met who are in this Fandom are so incredibly nice, but the awful stuff just stands out even more. This was an innocent kids show about colorful ponies and the magic of friendship. Many children with unrestricted internet access watched it. And watched this type of content. The Fandom should have been a lot more critical about the type of content that they post
I know I'm not the only person that was subjected to gore and porn. Many children from 2010-2017 were traumatized by this type of content. And I wouldn't be surprised if many also developed mental disorders because of it, whether it be Depression, PTSD, Hypersexuality, etc. Many of the young fans are scarred
And we still are
And we are still trying to heal as young adults
Hell, I'm turning 20 very soon, and I still struggle so hard with my mental health and the scars I got in my early childhood and early teen years.
I should've spend those years so much differently
But I didn't and know I'm left to pick up the pieces.
I hope this shines some light on the cruel side of the Brony community, I recommend Raymundo2112's video "The SINS of Bronies", it goes also in-depth about the psychological effects of children being subjected to porn and gore
Please be careful what children consume on the internet.
I apologize for this length, I just wanted to talk about it
I'm open to any questions that may come up, and I'm sorry for my irl people who see this
Thank you for reading, it means alot
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