#literally fuck her rapey ass
nikkiruncks · 5 months
Katie Matlin gives me pick me vibes. Her fake nice attitude, her putting other women down, her bullying Imogen, her not being a girls girl, her acting all innocent after having sex with Drew when he was too drunk to consent. In my opinion Katie is a worse version of Ashley
I agree. Especially looking at one of these definitions:
For instance, they might say to guys that [other] girls are “too much drama”. As Courtney Young writes in bustle.com puts it, “a 'pick-me girl' might say something like, 'I just don't get other girls,' with the ultimate goal (subconsciously or not) being to get attention or male validation.
The "too much drama" one especially because even though Katie doesn’t say it herself, it’s canon that she didn’t want to work with Clare because she’s “drama”. But later on, puts Clare with Eli knowing their history (I’m pretty sure that video went viral) and seemed to want to make Clare uncomfortable. Especially her expression when she says that Clare will be “spending lots of time with Eli”.
Like her trying to passing off as this “nice” girl, yet like you said, she would pick on Imogen. I know Marisol joined in too, but the difference is that at least she’s at least HONEST about her moral code. Obviously that doesn’t make it okay, but I’d take someone who can be mean at times but is truly a loving and kind person at heart over a fake nice girl who doesn’t practice what she preaches.
Don’t even get me started on her attitude towards Bianca. Even as far as season 12, Katie calls Maya “Maya DeSousa” when Katie literally had no right to hate Bianca. Also the slut shaming.
And her raping Drew…literally fuck anyone who says that Katie deserves better than him. Especially after fucking him while he was drunk and she was sober. Once again, she definitely knew he was drunk and was playing the victim the next day.
I also wouldn’t even put her in the same boat as Ashley, because aside from a few similarities (having a queen bee bestie, student council president, drug addiction), they’re not the same. For all Ashley’s flaws, at least she did rape anyone. And she does seem to practice what she preaches and doesn’t pretend to be something she’s not.
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feral-radfem · 2 years
Fuck Dramalez and her clique of bootlickers
Yeah, I just went and blocked her cuz I'm not going to deal with the drama she drags up literally every time she gets mentioned on my blog. And it's never necessarily in a negative light I'm just not kissing her ass and it seems like she has an issue with that. Like I'm not even going to stress. She isn't even a good person, let alone feminist.
She argues like a tra (all appeals to Authority and gross misrepresentation of the other person's argument)
constantly avoids accountability for anything she does by acting like if you have an issue with her you have an issue with the minority groups she's a part of (because you couldn't have a legitimate problem with the perfect menalez ofc)
reads and recommends porn that "is good but have to be able to overlook [its] innate rapey story" [her words and if she thinks it's good she was obviously able to look over rape and prostitution] and other porn on her radfem blog (which if she cares about children being exposed to explicit material like she claimed to over the whole Nikacado Avocado thing is weird. Not to mention this is supposedly an anti-pornography space.)
acts like an asshole around gold stars most the time
AND /apparently/ with this Opabina shit we learned she DM's minors ( which I'm definitely judging even if it's not for gross reasons an adult should know better than having private convos with unrelated children.)
She may be on her high horse, but I'm rightfully looking down my nose at her. People who like cliches like hers can do what they want though. I dont care, I don't like her, and I'm just going to ignore her from now on. She has nothing of value to say and she waste most her time trying to police the internet anyways.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Hi! So, full disclosure - I have zero idea how discord servers work or who is who there. Is that "intense taco scene" wigglebox handle there? I'm confised as there is small profile picture you used to have.
lmao no. God I'd have to pull out my zips to show you wigglebox, there was something called the free Misha archive. THAT cap was 2po trying to say it was totally okay for him to doxx fans phone numbers into inboxes, and/or for wigglebox to consciously and maliciously pretend to be investment bankers and call around an entire city she combs for one specific tree by satellite trying to find a specific address because ONE DAY, there was a thought Misha might have been in hawaii for a few days earlier in the week [clutches my pearls] I checked if it looked remotely like Hawaii roofs, fences or landscapes, long after he had left the location.
How, in 2po's fuckin weird ass head he can parallel that to intentionally seeking out specific addresses by a fuckin TREE after IMPERSONATING OTHER PEOPLE TRYING TO MAKE CONTACT, and saving a specific, personal, permanent address is. Wild.
He fucked up with that like. I never went at Wigglebox when she did the actual room right: The idea was, finding if Misha was ever at filming. After filming was done. By checking related areas. That's not doxxing either. He doesn't live there, it's not contact info, it's not his address, it's post-mortem.
He's mixing up "Hey, did misha like drop into hawaii somewhere last week?" with "hey we can save jensen's personal address after spending 2 weeks searching for it!!"and "HEY, WE'RE GONNA GOOGLE RANDOM FANS AND SEND THEIR NAMES IN ANON BOXES" and evolving into 2po and his anons crying "ITS SO MEAN HE HAS STAT COUNTER ON. DOESNT THAT MEAN HE LIKE. DOXXES US? WHEN WE DOXX PEOPLES NUMBERS INTO HIS INBOX?"
no mfer it's security. I've come to realize 2po has an incredibly rapey mentality where he can violate any rules, boundaries, social conventions he wants, to take what he wants, even by tens of thousands of dollars, lies&threats. It's creepy I would not be alone in a room w/ that man without a weapon bc the mindset is horrifying.
It's funny that he tried "clif got reported this." Neat. Clif doesn't have Misha contact or presence. You know what did get reported though? Your server having Jensen's address. And trust me. Someone far, far better than Clif delivered that news almost a year and a half ago.
Dude pulled out that cap to like. try to compare basic filmhunting work to intentionally stalking out actor permanent residences or dumping rando fans contact information in inboxes and pretend they're the ones violated cuz we have a chastity belt called statcounter. like a man wailing he tries to force himself on someone and gets one of those spikedick protection things ripping his dick off. it's all her fault and she's evil, of course. 2po logic.
Bonus creeper points for that cap saying "today" when it's from a year and a half ago so he literally has been stalkin' my shit for 2 years of server rule violation. Like he's got a tagged archive of my shit
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Bc again, boundaries he agrees to exist only to be violated to him. Thank god he's incompetent and so inherently malicious he doesn't know what normal people consider ok. Sorry. Not the same thing.
Keep in mind 2po's tried this shit for ages. One time Jared posted a picture of himself in front of a sign pointing at it and I googled the sign Jared pointed at and 2po tried to call that stalking, but refused to give an answer on all his like. actual. fucking. stalking and doxxing. he does this to deflect every time.
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
I wish for you to feel as I do
summary: Spencer Reid has been dating his boyfriend for six years, but what happens when he finds out you’re killing to make him happy?
pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!Reader 
details: Unsub Reader
category: Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
word count: 8488
warnings: Reader as Unsub, rapey reader, controlling and manipulative reader, unhealthy relationship
a/n: This literally starts with smut so be warned. This was suuuuper fun to write! It’s an addition to this very short oneshot with an unsub reader, but I wanted to expand it because I just had so many ideas! @luvofyourlifeliv this is for your 500 follow contest so I hope you like it! As always, this is edited by @mystic-writes and I will upload it to Ao3 :) Enjoy! 
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Moodboard by Me
You kiss Spencer, leaning over him, over his book, pushing it down. You smirk into the kiss, but Spencer turns away from you. 
"Hey! Hey!" he exclaims, trying to push you away, but you take the book from his hands and drop it onto the floor, before latching your lips to his neck. "I have work to do!"
"You read… 20,000 words a minute…" you say between kisses. "You can… read it… later…" 
Spencer moans into your mouth, and reaches his hands up, placing them on your cheeks and pulling you closer, deepening the kiss. You bracket his legs with yours, and he gasps as you rub up against his growing erection. You reach down and take his half hard cock from his pants, stroking it until it becomes fully hard. 
When Spencer goes to do the same for you, he stops. Because you're not hard at all. 
You push off him and clear your throat, tucking yourself back into your pants and zipping them up. 
"[Y/N], it's okay!" Spencer exclaims, but you ignore him, and the hand he puts on your shoulder. "It's totally normal!" 
"It's not though!" you exclaim, turning to face Spencer and shrugging his hand off your arm. "We've been together for six years and I've never once had trouble… getting it up." 
You huff and stand up, walking to grab your keys and your wallet, shoving them into your pockets as Spencer says from the couch, "The Cleveland Clinic estimates that it’s normal to have trouble getting or keeping an erection for up to 20 percent of sexual encounters. Having trouble getting an erection more than 50 percent of the time can indicate a medical issue." You stop and look at him, and he stands up, walking over to you, taking your hand, and kissing the knuckles. "It's too early to know if anything really is wrong. Just… take a breath."
You nod and take a deep breath in, kissing his own knuckles back, before saying, "Okay. I just… I need a drink." Spencer nods and you pull away. "I'll probably be back after midnight, so just go to sleep without me." 
Spencer nods again and you exit your shared apartment. 
You don't really know where you're going, your feet are just taking you somewhere. You walk past a bus station and nearly knock into a young blonde woman. You just stumble out of the way of her. 
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" she exclaims, but you smile and shake your head. 
"It was my fault," you say, putting your hands up. She smiles at you. "I wasn't looking where I was going." She smiles and nods, and you stick your hand out, saying, "I'm [Y/N]. What's your name?" 
"Haley," she says with a smile, gripping your hand and shaking it. 
You smile at her. "You should be careful, Haley. A pretty woman, all alone. You could get hurt," you say, and she frowns. 
"That sounds like something my husband would say…" she trails off, but you're already walking away from her, a spring in your step as you walk into the first open bar you come across. 
It's dingy and musty, but it'll do the trick of getting you drunk enough to forget everything that happened with Spencer tonight. 
"I don't think I've seen you around here before," someone says next to you, and you turn and see a thin, pale man with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. 
You gasp slightly at how much he looks like Spencer. "No, no I just kinda found my way here. I don't even know where I am," you admit as the bartender comes over. You order a beer and the Bartender nods and walks off.
"I come here a lot. It's my local, really," the man says and you nod, grabbing your freshly poured beer, and taking a long gulp, draining half of it before putting it down. "Maybe I could… show you why I like it so much?"
The man trails a finger along the lapel of your shirt, and you look over at him, eyebrows raised. You take out your wallet and pay for the beer, before being led out a back door, into an even dirtier alley. 
You could never hurt Spencer. You love him. You've loved him for years, and while you have no plans on getting married any time soon, you could see yourself being with him for the rest of your life. But, old habits are hard to break. 
The man pushes you into the brick wall and starts kissing you, but before anything can happen, you take out your knife from your pocket, flick it open, and stab it into the man currently trying to tongue fuck you. He gasps and steps back, and you stab him again, and again, and again, until you're sure he's dead. You step back, panting, your knife clenched in your hand, and you grin, flicking the knife closed and stuffing it back into your pants. You're very thankful, in that moment, that you're wearing all black. 
It is also at this point that it starts to rain. 
You grin as you walk away from the unknown man, and when you look down, you see there's a tent in your pants, and you start playing with it, moaning as you think of the body back there, of Spencer, your perfect little Spencer just waiting at home for you. 
You eventually find your way back to your apartment and step inside, taking off your soaked clothing and throwing it in a nearby hamper. You see your right thigh, where your knife was, and your chest, are stained slightly red. You take your wallet and phone out of your pockets and go into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once you have the red scrubbed away, you dry off but don't put anything on. 
You're still fully hard, the images of the body and Spencer filling your head as you showered, and you stroked yourself languidly. 
When you get into bed, you smile at Spencer sleeping soundly, and you press yourself to his back, slotting your cock in between his ass cheeks, that are covered by TARDIS pajamas that you gave him for his twenty-eighth birthday. He moans and pushes back into you, not even fully awake yet, and you kiss the back of his neck, moving to his shoulder, where you suck a hickey into. 
Spencer moves his hands to your head as you buck up into his ass, and you know he's awake. He turns around in your hold and kisses you as you run your fingers through his long, wavy brown hair. You remember the way the man's brown hair looked splayed out on the stone floor of the alleyway, and you almost cum right there, groaning loudly into Spencer's open mouth. 
"What- what happened?" Spencer asks, reaching his hand down and grabbing your throbbing erection. You grunt and buck up into his hand, your hips moving of their own accord. 
You kiss him and say, "Just… needed to clear my head. Fuck, Spencer you're so hot." 
Spencer moans and grabs his own erection, slotting the two of yours together, and he pumps both of them in his fist. You kiss him, swallowing every grunt and moan that he makes, as well as his scream when he cums. You cum only seconds after him, but you're still hard in his grip. 
"I am going to fuck you all night, Spencer Reid." 
He only moans at that. 
"Hey, hey! Pretty Boy! Have a late night?" Morgan asks as he walks into the small office kitchen for the BAU. Spencer looks up at him, frowning as he adds more sugar to his coffee. 
"Yeah," Spencer says, his cheeks turning slightly pink, but he doesn't say anything more. 
"Let me guess, Star Trek marathon?" Morgan asks with a laugh and Spencer ducks his head as he goes even more red, remembering exactly what you marathoned with him last night. 
"Uh, ahem, something like that," Spencer says, clearing his throat, before stirring his sugary coffee and going back to his desk. 
"Hey- wait a minute!" Morgan exclaims, and Spencer tenses, getting ready for his friend's grilling, when JJ interrupts. 
"Hey! We have a case up in Syracuse. Hotch wants everyone in the Round Table Room in five," she says and Spencer lets out a breath of relief as he gets up and walks into said room, leaving a very confused Morgan behind. 
You groan as you get home, shedding your bloody, black clothes, and you smirk at your erection. You've had no problem getting it up for Spencer the last few months, just thinking about the man you killed making you hard on the spot. Recently though, it hasn't been enough. You found yourself having to imagine Spencer dead and that just won't do. You would never hurt the love of your life. Ever. 
You walk into the master bathroom and slip into the already-on shower, wrapping your arms around your lover, pressing your erection against his hole. 
"You're back," you say, rubbing yourself against him. 
Spencer hums and leans his head back onto your shoulder. "We just got in. I wanted to take a shower and see my amazing boyfriend," he says and you kiss him, on his neck, his shoulder, and all down his arm. You kiss his palm and the pads of each of his fingers. "Everyone else wanted to go out for drinks, but I told them I had to get home. I wanted to see you."
You moan into his skin as you suck on his shoulder, biting slightly. Spencer gasps and jumps and you lick over the wound, kissing it. You didn't break the skin, just bit gently. You would never hurt your baby. 
You pull back, looking at Spencer's back, the back of his head, his lithe body, his pert ass, and you think of the man you killed tonight. He also had brown hair and pale skin, but that's about where the similarities ended. He was shorter than Spencer, his hair shorter as well and less curly, but when you plunged your knife into his back, and felt his sides tighten, it felt like Spencer when he came. 
Your cock jumps against your boyfriend's ass, and you take the lube you have in your shower, sticking your fingers into his tight hole, pushing them in and scissoring him open. He pushes back onto your fingers and you hook them. He jumps and you have to hold his hip with your free hand so he doesn't slip and fall in the shower. 
You slick up your own cock and slam it in, causing Spencer to cry out in ecstasy as you pull out almost all the way, and slam back into him over and over. Spencer braces his arms on the shower wall, and the feeling of water cascading down your chest just makes it all even hotter. You think back to the first man you killed, how it rained right after you killed him, and how it's almost like it's raining now. Cleaning away your sins. Making you the perfect man for Spencer once again. 
You cum at that thought, shooting your load into Spencer's ass, who comes only seconds after, not having touched his cock once.
You pull out of him and turn him around, kissing him, and he's practically melting into you. 
"I love you," you say and he smiles, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
"I love you too," he says back. 
"Another long night?" Morgan asks, and Spencer frowns. He already got his coffee and Morgan didn't even see him make it this time. 
"What are you talking about?" Spencer asks, and Morgan points to Spencer's neck. He takes out the small, two inch mirror from his top desk drawer and almost drops it when he sees the large, purple and black bruise on his neck. You told him to forego the tie, and to leave his shirt unbuttoned since it was going to be another hot summer day today, but now he knows why you really did it. 
Spencer yelps and slaps a hand over the bruise, turning a deep shade of red as Morgan cackles. 
He comes home that night and you laugh at Morgan's reaction, before soothing Spencer, kissing his temple and telling him that you just want people to know you're his. He blushes, admitting that he'd like that too, and you ask to mark him again, this time right underneath his jaw. 
Spencer doesn't hesitate when he says yes. 
"Woah, Pretty Boy. You okay?" Morgan asks the next morning when Spencer walks in. "Did you get mugged or something?" 
Spencer frowns and touches the dark purple mark under his chin. "What? No." 
"Did your girl do this to you? Because I swear to God if she hurts you…" Morgan says and Spencer's eyes go wide. 
"No! No one hit me. My boyfriend gave me what I believe is called a 'hickey'," he says. 
Morgan frowns before asking, "Boyfriend?" Spencer nods. "I didn't know you were gay."
"You never asked, and I didn't have a reason to tell you," Spencer says casually, shrugging as he gets some files out and starts working on them. 
"How long have you two been together?" Morgan asks. 
"Today's the 16th so 6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 6 days," Spencer says, and Morgan's jaw drops. 
"Six years?!" he exclaims and Spencer nods. "And you haven't told anyone?" 
Spencer shrugs. "We never felt the need." 
Morgan stares at Reid, dumbfounded, the rest of the day. 
"Hey, baby?" you call out into the apartment from the entryway. 
"In here!" you hear Spencer call back. 
You walk to the back of the apartment and open the door to Spencer's study. He's sitting at his desk, writing something down on a legal pad, before looking back at a book next to him. You walk over and start kissing the side of his neck, mouthing up and down, and he shivers underneath your touch. 
"I'm going to go out and grab something," you say, kissing right behind his ear, making Spencer moan. "I'll be back tonight. I expect you to be in bed, naked." 
Spencer shivers, and when you come back an hour later, you see he followed your instructions perfectly. 
There's no witty remark from Morgan this morning. No quip about having a good time or marathoning or whatever. Just a smirk that makes Spencer beet red. 
Spencer's about to say something when JJ calls out to the team, "We have a case!" 
They all file into the round table room and sit down, getting handed files. JJ stands at the front of the room and the television turns on. 
"Last night, Riley Heartwood was found stabbed to death in downtown DC," JJ says. 
Spencer's breath leaves him. The man looks almost exactly like him. 
"When was he killed?" Morgan asks, not noticing Spencer. 
"It says here around 10pm last night," Rossi interjects. 
Spencer feels his heart stop as he looks over the files. 
Fred Giles, killed three months ago on the 28th, the day you couldn't get hard, and left, is the exact day and time that Giles was murdered. Then there's Terrance Lake, murdered the day you joined him in the shower, cumming at your normal time instead of taking longer than normal like you had been the last few days. And now Riley Heartwood, murdered last night right before you came home from grabbing something at the grocery store, hard and aching, and fucking Spencer until he screamed and forgot his own name for six minutes and twelve seconds. 
He feels his phone buzz in his pocket and he grabs it, seeing it's a text from you. 
To; Spencie 😘
From; [Y/N] 😍
I can't wait until you get home!
There's a picture attached with you sitting at his desk, shirtless and winking. 
Once is a happening. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern. 
Spencer sits up suddenly, standing and grabbing the folder. "I-I have to go. Family Emergency," he mutters before sprinting out of the room. He grabs his messenger bag and makes sure his gun is still on his hip. 
You're sitting at home when you hear a gun cocking. 
"Please tell me you didn't kill that man last night?" Spencer asks. 
You sigh and turn around slowly, standing up from your couch. "You don't like it when I lie to you, Spencer." 
You see his hand tighten on the gun, but he doesn't put his finger on the trigger. You take a step forward, but he doesn't move back. 
"You're-you're impotent, aren't you?" Spencer asks. 
You smirk. "I wasn't last night when I was fucking you into the mattress and had you screaming out my name as my hands touched you." 
Spencer gasps, and his grip falters slightly. You dash forward and grab the gun from his grip, before pulling your body against his. You groan as your groin brushes against his, leaning down to nip at the hickey you put on him last night. 
"I-I have to arrest you. Take you in," he says, stuttering and nervous. 
You smirk and kiss him behind his ear, making him moan. "You would never. Besides, you could never catch me before I got to your mom…" 
Spencer freezes, but doesn't say anything. 
You lean down and press a kiss to his cheek, saying, "Please don't hate me." Spencer sucks in a breath as you kiss his cheek again. "I did this for you. I couldn't stop imagining myself hurting you, and I can't do that to you. Ever. I love you, Spencer Reid, and I just wanted to be the perfect boyfriend for you."
Spencer nods slowly. "They- they looked like me. The men you killed." 
You nod and turn Spencer around so he's facing you. "I don't want to ever hurt you, Spencer. I love you too much."
"You-you're a psychopath. How- you can't love me!" Spencer exclaims and you sigh, burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
"If I can't, how did I fool you, a seasoned profiler, for six years?" you ask. 
Spencer stops as he thinks about it. If you were faking it, Spencer would have known. He would have seen it. He's seen psychopaths fake love before. Frank comes to mind when he first thinks of it. But, you aren't killing these men for yourself. You're doing it for Spencer. For the man you love. 
And as much as Spencer wants to turn you in, he can't deny the adrenaline that courses through him when he thinks about how all of this is for him. To make him happy. To keep him satisfied. 
Spencer leans up and kisses you, feeling himself get hard against your thigh, and you are equally as hard. You set Spencer's gun down on his desk and wrap your arms around his waist, dipping your hands down to grab at his ass. He gasps and you take that opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. 
Just as you're about to push him onto the comfortable sofa that's in the room for you to use when Spencer's working and you want to be near him, Spencer's phone rings. 
Spencer groans and pulls away, taking out his phone and answering it. He puts it on speaker but presses a finger to your lips to quiet you. You kiss his finger, but nod. 
"Reid? Everything okay?" Morgan asks on the other side of the phone. 
Spencer nods. "Yeah. My uh… my boyfriend… fell down the stairs at our apartment!" Spencer exclaims and you nod, silently telling him it was a good cover story. "He sprained his ankle and I had to help him back up the stairs and into bed."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Morgan says and Spencer lets out a silent sigh. You kiss him quietly. "You ran out of there so fast. I'll tell the others you'll be back in tomorrow," he says and Spencer nods. 
"Okay. I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow," he says, and he hangs up. He throws his phone onto the sofa and pulls you to him again, kissing you loudly, moaning and gasping at every swipe of your tongue, every tug of his hair. 
"I love you, Spencer Reid," you say. 
"I love you too, [Y/N] [L/N]."
"How long?" Spencer asks, tracing what seems like random shapes into your skin, but you know they have meaning to him. 
You shrug. "Ever since I was younger. I would purposefully get into fights with other kids so I could hit them. I never killed any animals, and I was never really a bedwetter. I did like to start fires. My parents would always let me light the candles at dinner," you say. "The first person I ever killed was my babysitter. I was nine and she was seventeen. She kept touching me, kissing me, trying to take my clothes off. I got her onto the third floor balcony and pushed her off. I called my parents crying and told them she fell when I was playing in the yard when I wasn't supposed to."
"Wow," Spencer says, his hands stilling for a moment before continuing. 
"The second person I killed was the first time I killed with a knife. It was my next door neighbor. He would bully me at school, shove me into lockers, take my clothes when I was changing so I'd have to run through the school naked after him to get my clothes back, hit me, things like that. He cornered me in my backyard one day, jumping our shared fence. He was going to kill me. I ran inside and grabbed a knife and when I ran back out, I crashed into him, stabbing him. I cut my side with the blade to make it look like self defense, and told the police he attacked me. I ran inside and got a kitchen knife, and he took it from me. I managed to get it back and he ran at me. I told them it was an accident. It was, but it felt so good, I didn't want to stop," you say. 
"So you didn't," Spencer says, and you shake your head. "But, you haven't killed anyone for over six years. 
You nod. "I met you," you say, running your hands through Spencer's hair and bringing his head up to kiss you. "I found everything I needed. But, those urges came back. And I wanted everything to be perfect for you. I wanted you to have everything you could ever want. And for you, that meant sex. I know how much you like it." Spencer nods and blushes, looking away, but you move his face so he's looking at you again, and you kiss him. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I need it to. And I would never, ever hurt you. But, I kept thinking about it. And it scared me." 
Spencer nods and curls up against you so his head is on your chest. You kiss his hair as he mutters, "I love you."
You smile. "I love you too, baby. Now, let's get some sleep."
Spencer wakes with a start, shaking and crying. You feel the bed moving and slowly wake up, only to see Spencer in distress. You sit up as well and hold him to your chest as he cries. 
"What have I done? What will everyone think of me? Why do I want to- I want- why-" 
"Spencer, Spencer," you say, and almost as if he forgot you lived with him, his head snaps to look at you. "Baby, what's going on?"
"I shouldn't like it. I should take you in. I shouldn't want to know what it feels like, but I do. I want to know," he mutters, almost to himself, but he's still looking directly at you. 
"You want to know what it feels like to kill someone?" you ask. Spencer nods. You smile and kiss him. "I can help arrange that." 
Spencer nods. "I know I shouldn't like you… killing people for me, but I can't help it. It makes me happy to know you want me to be happy."
"Oh, baby," you say, holding him even closer to your bare chest. Spencer wraps his arms around you. "I would do anything to make you happy." 
Spencer hums, contentedly. 
"Everything okay, Reid?" Hotch asks as the youngest profiler walks into the Round Table Room that morning, his bag still on his hip. 
Spencer smiles and nods. "Everything is fine." 
"Morgan told us you had a family emergency, but wouldn't say anything else," Rossi says and Spencer nods again, throwing a grateful look to Morgan. 
He sighs and takes his messenger bag off, setting it at the ground by his desk before he begins to talk. "My boyfriend fell down the stairs in our apartment yesterday. I had to go home and help him."
JJ just nods and Garcia "Aw’s” as Hotch, Prentiss, and Rossi all narrow their eyes at him. 
"You've never mentioned having a boyfriend," Prentiss says and Spencer sighs. 
"It was my business and neither he nor I wanted to share it. But, we want to now," Spencer says. 
"How long! How long!" Garcia asks, practically bouncing in her seat. 
"Baby girl, they've been together for over six years now," Morgan says. 
Garcia's jaw drops, as does everyone else's in the room. 
"Six years?" JJ asks and Spencer nods. "Why didn't you tell us?" 
Spencer shrugs. "Because we weren't ready. Can we get started on the briefing now?" 
The team nods and JJ turns back to the screen. 
"Spence, we weren't able to get to the briefing yesterday, so we know about as much as you do,"  JJ explains. Spencer nods. 
"I think the unsub might be impotent," Morgan says, looking at the files. "The stabbing could indicate that."
"But, there was no semen found on the body. Usually, men who are impotent get off on the dead body as well as the killing," Spencer explains. A few of his co-workers nod. 
"I want to find out more about where these men were before they were murdered," Hotch says. "Reid and Morgan, go to the bar where Giles was last seen, Rossi and Prentiss, Lake, and JJ and I will go to where Heartwood was last seen. We'll meet back here and discuss what we learned." 
Spencer walks into the bar you were in only six months before, where you killed Fred Giles. 
"Hey! What can I get you boys?" the bartender asks from behind the bar. 
Morgan walks over and takes out his badge, saying, "I'm Agent Morgan and this is Doctor Reid. We're here to ask about Fred Giles, the man who was murdered behind your bar six months ago."
The bartender nods and sighs. "Yeah. I knew him. Said he was a regular to all the attractive men who walked in. He never bought anything though," he says. "Always just came in for sex. When I confronted him about it, he said he needed it, that he couldn't live without it, and he was a nice enough guy so I let him. He never deterred people from coming back." 
The bartender shrugs and Spencer steps up, asking, "Did anyone talk to him that night?"
"Uh, yeah. Some bloke. Don't know his name. He's never come back, but we get a lot of that here. Had a beer and they left out the back. Never saw him again."
"Sir, can you describe him for us?" Morgan asks, taking off his sunglasses. 
"No, sorry," the bartender says, picking up some glasses and putting them away underneath the bar. "It was busy and we don't usually have a lot of lights on in here. I know he was handsome. Fred wouldn't've gone with him if he weren't. Sorry, boys." 
Spencer nods and smiles and Morgan walks off, going towards the back door that leads out into the alley. As soon as Spencer steps out of the bar, he can feel himself getting hard. 
Spencer's never gotten hard at the thought of a dead body, except when he first started. He was young and beautiful sitting in the slab in the morgue, naked and displayed for him to assess. He had never seen a body so beautiful, so peaceful, and he had gotten an erection while looking at it. 
Now though, just the thought that you had killed this man to make Spencer feel good has his heart racing and adrenaline coursing through his stomach. He shifts his messenger bag over his groin to hide his growing erection. He flushes and looks down at the ground, trying to will away the thoughts of you murdering someone, and him finding it erotic. 
"Hey," Morgan says, and Spencer looks up at him, eyes wide. "Do you know if Garcia got the footage from the camera here?" Spencer shakes his head and Morgan pulls out his phone, pressing a button before holding it up to his ear. "Hey pretty mama, there's a CCTV camera in the alley behind the bar where Fred Giles was murdered. Can you see if that footage is anywhere?" 
There's a few moments of silence, and Spencer looks around, trying to see if there's anything the CSI missed, but it doesn't look like it. 
"Are you sure? Damn. Okay, thanks mama." Morgan flips the phone shut and sighs. "CCTV's fake, used to deter thieves most likely," he says and Spencer nods. "We should head back." 
"Reid. Morgan. Find anything?" Rossi asks as the two step into the bullpen. 
Morgan scoffs. "Nah. Nothing. He's handsome, but we figured that out already. Bartender didn't see anything and the CCTV in the back was fake so we got nothing."
Rossi nods. "Us as well. Maybe we should wait for Hotch. Maybe he found someone."
The rest of the team nods and Spencer takes out his phone, texting you.
To: [Y/N] 😍
From: Spencie 😘
Team hasn't found anything. Keep you updated. 
You message back just as quickly. 
To: Spencie 😘
From: [Y/N] 😍
Okay! I love you. Hurry back home quickly! I want to show you something! 
Spencer grins as he looks at his phone, before Morgan clears his throat. He quickly shuts it off and slides it into his back pocket, before following Morgan into the round table room. 
"Why are you so happy?" Prentiss asks, and Spencer schools his expression, clearing his throat. 
"My, uh, ahem, my boyfriend texted me," Spencer says and Prentiss nods, seeming to accept that answer. Spencer lets out a sigh of relief. 
"[Y/N]? Are you home?" Spencer calls out into the apartment, and you walk out of the study in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black button down, heavy black work boots already on your feet. You walk over to your boyfriend and put your arms around him, leaning your forehead against his. 
"Go get dressed. We're going out tonight," you say, but Spencer groans. 
"Do we have to?" he whines and you frown. 
"You wanted to know what it was like, Spence. So, I'm going to show you," you say, and that gets Spencer's attention. 
He looks at you, wide eyed, and asks, "Really?" 
You nod and kiss him. "Really. Now, get dressed. We don't want you to ruin your good clothes," you say and he nods, giving you one, last, chaste, kiss before running into the bedroom. 
He comes out a few minutes later, and you almost take him right there. He's wearing a pair of black skinny jeans you bought him years ago, and a tight black t-shirt. 
You walk over and take him in a searing kiss, putting your hand down his pants and groping him. You realize then that he's not wearing underwear and you have to restrain yourself from fucking him on the floor. 
"You have no idea what you do to me," you mutter against his lips before pulling away. Spencer whines but you just pay his ass and motion for him to grab his stuff. 
Thirty minutes later you find yourself and Spencer in a club. When asked why you were coming here instead of a bar, you answer that no one would suspect him being here. 
He admits that it's actually very smart. 
You sit down in a booth and pull him onto your lap, making sure everyone around you knows who this gorgeous man belongs to. He tilts his head to the side to give you access to his neck, to kiss and lick and nip to your heart's desire. 
"I want to dance," you say to Spencer after a few minutes of indulging in your boyfriend. 
Spencer nods and gets up off your lap before grabbing your hand and letting you lead him out onto the busy dance floor. You can feel Spencer shaking underneath you, and you pull him towards you, putting your hands in his back pockets. You kiss him deeply, letting your bodies sway to the music, your groins rubbing against each other. You can feel eyes on the two of you, but you don't care. 
Spencer moans into your mouth and you pull away, nipping at Spencer's bottom lip. The man moans deliciously and you kiss him again, trying to drink every sound. You pull away again and Spencer is staring at you with a goofy smile on his face. 
"See?" you ask, loudly, over the music. "That wasn't so bad." 
Spencer nods and places his head in your neck, swaying to the music that you should be jumping to, but you don't care. You lock eyes with a young man with curly brown hair and pale white skin, and the man sitting next to him. You nod at them before turning to look down at Spencer, who still has his face buried in your neck. 
"Baby," you say to him, nudging him with your shoulder. He looks up at you so innocently, and you have to lean down and kiss him again, showing all your love in the single kiss, prying open his lips with yours and letting your tongues explore each other for the millionth time. Well, you know it's probably not the millionth, and Spencer could absolutely tell you the accurate number, but you're too distracted by his mouth to ask. 
You pull away again and say, "Let's go sit down. I want to find someone."
Spencer nods and you lead him back to the booth you were at before, sitting down before Spencer settles on your lap. You shift your hand from his hip to underneath his button up, resting it on his stomach. Spencer gasps and you feel his stomach flatten even more. You grind your hips up into his ass, already half hard at the thought of killing a pretty little brunette. He groans as that pretty brunette from before sits across from you with his friend next to him. 
"Hi!" the brunette says, grinning wildly, and you're struck by how much he looks like Spencer. Even more than the first. "I'm Daniel! This is my boyfriend, Gary!" 
The man next to him raises a hand, but doesn't say anything. You raise an eyebrow at that, but don't say anything about it. 
You smile at them. "It's nice to meet you both. My boyfriend and I were looking to meet some couples around here."
"You were magnetic! I couldn't take my eyes off you! I think Gary here was a little jealous…" Daniel says, and Gary glares at him, but doesn't say anything. 
You smirk and nuzzle Spencer's neck, who tilts his head to give you a better angle. "Isn't he just?" 
You lock eyes Daniel, who shudders. "Come join us out back. We've been looking for some fun…" 
Daniel grins, turning to look at Gary, who nods, before the two get up. "We're going to go to the bathroom, but I know that no one will bother us out back…" Daniel says and you nod, watching the two walk away. 
You kiss Spencer's cheek, who hasn't said anything for a few minutes. "What do you think?"
"Daniel looks like me," Spencer whispers and you nod against his throat. "Is he yours?" 
"If I could," you say, and Spencer nods. "He looks so much like you baby. But no one could ever be you." You kiss his cheek before leaning back and grabbing something from your back pocket, before placing it in Spencer's hand, underneath the table. "Gary's big, but he'll squeal like a stuck pig if you stab him. You need strength, but once the blade gets past the epidermis, it'll be easy." 
Spencer whines, grinding down onto your lap, and you lick right under his jaw. "I know."
You smirk. "Reading about it and doing it are two very different things. Don't be afraid to ask for help." 
Spencer nods again and you squeeze his thigh, before pushing him up and making him pocket the knife. You grab him by the hand and lead him out back, where Daniel and Gary are already waiting. You grin and let go of Spencer, walking over to Daniel before pinning him to the wall of the alley. He moans underneath you, and you reach into your back pocket, grabbing your knife. You tilt your head and Daniel latches his lips to your neck, and you look over at Spencer. 
He's also pressed against the wall behind him, and he's being petted by Gary ever so gently. When the man turns to look at his partner, you lock eyes with Spencer and nod miniscule-y, before turning back to Daniel. You wait until Gary's eyes are off you, before grabbing your knife, and flicking it open, before stabbing it right underneath the young man's solar plexus. 
You feel that rush and shiver as you look over, and see Spencer doing the same thing. Gary looks like he's about to cry as he looks over at Daniel, but you grin, your cock starting to harden in your pants. You pull the knife out and drive it in again, and again, and again, and soon, Daniel can't hold himself up anymore, and you let him fall to the ground. 
Looking at Spencer, you see he still hasn't moved, has kept his knife right where he first stabbed it, and you notice Gary starting to get angry. You walk over and lean in so your lips are right next to Spencer's ear, and you whisper, "What do you think?" 
That seems to break Spencer from his spell and he moans beautifully, before pulling the knife out and plunging it in again. You reach down and grab his already hard cock through his pants, groping him through the thick jeans, and Spencer bucks up into your hand, stabbing Gary again. 
After three, the man is dead weight and he falls to the ground. You step around his body and put your knife away, before pressing Spencer into the wall and kissing him, flicking your tongue into his mouth as he ruts up against you. You slip your hand into his pants and start stroking his cock, he groans, but pushes you away. 
"We- oh yes! We can't leave any evidence," he says and you sigh, taking your hand from his pants. 
You kiss him before saying, "You're right. You're so smart. I love you so much."
"I love you too," Spencer says and you grin, holding out your hand. 
He puts his knife away and takes yours before you lead him out of the alley, leaving two dead bodies behind. 
"He's accelerating," Morgan says the next morning at the debrief. 
There was no talk from Morgan this morning about Spencer getting some. As much as you wanted to mark his neck, Spencer talked you down, stating that if he caught onto what you were doing, the others would notice by the hickeys alone. You conceded and just marked him below the collar. 
As Spencer thinks about this he presses his fingers into one of the bruises and has to bite his lip to keep from crying out in ecstasy. 
"Yeah, he is," Rossi says. "Could be he's devolving."
Hotch shakes his head. "If that were the case, the bodies would probably be more roughed up. Gary Jenkins and Daniel Espinoza knew each other. They were dating. If one saw the other go down, there would be a lot of defensive wounds."
"What are you sayin', Hotch?" Morgan asks. 
Before Hotch can reply, Spencer interrupts and says, "He's saying he thinks the unsub has a partner." 
Hotch nods and Rossi and Prentiss look at each other. "I can see that being a possibility, but we can't rule out that he's just that good," Prentiss says and everyone nods. 
"Here's a thought," Spencer says, and everyone looks over at him. "The unsub could be a woman. Usually stabbing creates a sexual response in men who can't normally get an erection, being able to penetrate a body without using the penis, but there's been no semen found at any of the crime scenes. The first one it rained after, but the others it didn't, and there should have been some evidence." 
Morgan and Rossi nod but Hotch frowns. "Could be, but we shouldn't scrap what we have now for that," Hotch says and Spencer sighs. 
"I think I have something!" Garcia exclaims, running into the conference room. 
"I want to kill my father," Spencer says that night as you are making dinner for him. 
You freeze in your movements before continuing, asking hesitantly, "Are you sure? If you do, you probably won't be able to go back to the BAU. We may have to run."
You hear Spencer get up and walk over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning his chin on your shoulder. 
"Garcia found something, a surveillance camera at the end of the alley, the end we didn't walk through. But, they know there's two unsubs, and that one's Caucasian. They couldn't get a good read on you, but it's only a matter of time before you're found- before we're found out," Spencer explains and you nod, turning to lock your arms around his waist and kiss him deeply. 
"Okay, baby," you say, kissing him again. "Whatever you want, I'll provide. Anything."
Spencer grins and kisses you again.You feel him shiver as you move a hand from his hip to his lower back and you pull him in closer. "We'll get on the first flight out of here if that's what you want. Just you and me." 
Spencer nods. "We should do some planning, but I want that. I want to see the country, and not because some murder happened there." 
You grin. "I've always wanted to do a road trip of the country!" you exclaim and Spencer grins back, kissing you. 
"Me too." 
A week later sees you and Spencer on a cross country flight to Las Vegas, your apartment, car, and stuff all sold and liquidated into cash. You took as much money as you possibly could from your accounts and Spencer did the same. You both took your vacation time off from work. 
The rest of the BAU had been angry at Spencer, but understood his need to have his boyfriend meet his mother. There also haven't been any more murders in DC, which means their current back alley ripper case was currently cold. Hotch had approved it before he told the rest of the team. Spencer just didn't tell Hotch that you had already met his mother five years ago. 
The flight is long and cramped, but you and Spencer have each other, and that makes it worth it. You get to Vegas and as soon as you check into your motel, you fuck Spencer every way you can, wanting to feel every part of him, and needing to stretch after the long flight. Spencer wasn't complaining. 
But today was the day. 
Spencer's leg wouldn't stop bouncing in the taxi as you both made your way to his father's law firm. You don't know exactly what he did to Spencer as a child, but you know it was bad enough that he's still with you, willing to kill his own father to stay with you forever. You place a hand on his thigh and he looks over at you, nervousness written across his face like the headline of a newspaper. 
You lean in and kiss his cheek. "It will be okay. You can do this. And if you can't, I'll do it for you." 
He nods and you grin, kissing his cheek again before leaning back over into your seat, but you don't remove your hand from his leg. 
You arrive in front of the building and thank the cabbie, paying the fare and giving a tip before exiting the vehicle. You grab Spencer's hand and drag him into the brown brick building before he can turn around. You squeeze his hand and walk in, looking at the receptionist with a smile. 
He smiles at you, a large, fake smile that you know he practiced. "Hi! What can I do for you today?" 
You pull Spencer forward so he's standing next to you, and you ask sweetly, "Can you please tell Mr. William Reid that Doctor Spencer Reid, his son, is here to see him?" 
The man's eyes widen and he nods, picking up his phone and telling the man exactly that. You smile as he tells you what floor and room to go to, and Spencer is the one to drag you this time, going to the elevators. As soon as the door closes, you push him against the wall and kiss him. 
"We're so close, baby," you say, kissing him. 
He nods against your mouth before pulling back. "I love you." 
You grin. "I love you."
You give him a chaste kiss before pulling away right as the doors open, showing a long stretch of doors along a brown hallway. You and Spencer walk side by side to his father's door, and you knock. You grab Spencer's hand once more and the man squeezes your fingers, making you smile. 
The door opens, and William Reid is standing in front of you, eyes wide and mouth open. "So, you're the one who fucked up my baby for life," you say, and William blinks at you. It's just enough time for Spencer to draw his knife, and plunge it into his father's stomach, pushing him back into his office. The man lets out a strangled groan, and you walk into the office after Spencer, closing the door behind you. You look around and when you don't see a camera, you walk over to the desk, turning the laptop so it's pointing at Spencer and his father, and you hit record. 
Spencer brings both his hands up and slams them back down, plunging the knife into his father over and over, screaming out, "That's for telling me it's normal! That's for telling me to deal with it! That's for locking me in that dark room with nothing!" 
You flinch at that. Spencer can't be alone in the dark. You used to have a night light in every room so he wouldn't be scared. That makes your own anger flare up, and you walk over to the two men. Spencer is kneeling beside his father's chest, plunging the knife into him over and over again, drawing more and more blood. When he finally stops, panting heavily and leaning back on his feet, you grab his shirt and pull him to you, kissing him soundly, not caring about your pants being soaked through by the blood pooling around Spencer's father. 
You pull back before getting up, dragging Spencer with you, and you push everything but the laptop off the desk. You push Spencer face first onto it, freeing his cock from his pants and stroking him. It doesn't take long for Spencer to go from half hard to fully hard, and you pull down his pants, fishing a bottle of lube out of your coat. You make eye contact with the computer, and you coat your fingers in lube. You lean in and kiss Spencer's neck, still not breaking contact, as you insert one finger inside of Spencer, quickly adding another. Spencer moans loudly as you bite down on his pulse point, adding a third finger. You scissor him open, before opening your pants and taking out your cock, and slicking it up as well. You pull him to the edge of the desk, and slam into him in one go. 
He throws his head back and screams loudly, before leaning in and kissing you soundly. You move your eyes from the computer and close them, moaning at the feeling of Spencer's tight heat enveloped around your hard cock, and your hips stutter as you get closer to your release.
"Touch me! [Y/N] I need you to touch me," Spencer exclaims and you do as asked, using your already lubed hand to wrap it around Spencer's prick and start stroking him. He gasps and moans loudly into your mouth. 
"Spencer, baby I love you. So much," you say, and Spencer cries out, his body tightening, and his cum splashes on your hand and his shirt. 
When you feel Spencer clench around you, you cry out as well, making eye contact once again with the computer camera before you cum, filling Spencer with your seed. 
You pant and kiss him before slowly pulling out, your dick over sensitive and aching. You lean over Spencer, give the computer a wink, and end the recording, saving it to the desktop. 
"Baby," you pant, putting yourself back in your pants. "I want to see the Grand Canyon."
Spencer grins. "Have you never been?" he asks and you shake your head. His grin gets wider and he stands up, situating himself as well, before grabbing your hand. "Come on! We can take William's car!" You look in his desk drawer and grin, holding up his keys when you find them. 
That night, on a blanket next to the grand canyon, you and Spencer make love. 
Morgan and Prentiss walk into the crime scene, cringing at the amount of blood that has soaked into the white carpet. They walk over to the desk and look at the open laptop, clicking on the file in the middle of the screen. 
Prentiss throws up into the bin by the desk, and honestly, Derek wants to throw up too. 
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csmeaner · 2 years
(Allia-realm) First off, I don’t care if this is posted or not. Most of the proof I have of this stuff has either not gotten screenshotted(Thanks younger me for being a fucking idiot) or most of the screenshots are completely fucking borked in quality. Second, I’m mostly sending this in because I need to get this out of my head. Treat this with a grain of salt. This is just a former member needing to vent this shit out. So, species for context: https://toyhou.se/~world/51807.allia-realm
THe owner has the same fucking ego as Nestly. I used to mod this dumpster-fire of a group. I personally know a good number of former mods. And all are pretty much in agreement that Dottie is the worst fucking human being. The mods barely got paid in anything. A lot of the older mods from when Allia was on Ovipets lost whole-ass characters because they were either stripped from them by Dottie or they had to sell characters to afford to take characters out. That’s right! This dumpsterfire used to be pay-to-leave. And it was expennssive to leave because it was so fucking hard to get the in-group currency to do so. They had a whole PSA made on them because of this. They aren’t pay-to-leave anymore…but only because of the PSA.
The species often have the worst lore. Mahalia lore, which should still be up on their current weebly(They had a previous weebly for lore and deleted the whole thing), included that your characters grew a dick/vagina if they happened to be in a same-sex pairing. And you can’t choose your character’s sex. What you got was what you got.
Trans characters? Forget them. There was maybe three or four in the old group. One of which was of a sex-locked species because Dot thought people were too stupid to know their character of that species is sterile. And then made an item to allow those characters to make babies.
She once made a base that looked rapey. And got mad when several members pointed out that it was uncomfortable because she thought it was sexy. And on top of that, apparently she’s made a naked baby base. Which wouldn’t be so bad if the species in question wasn’t humanoid and she hasn’t literally told me not to make one of my characters, whom was a literal infant, a breeding mill. An infant.
Derk, one of the co-owners, was a minor when they became friends. And Dot would openly post porn in her private group. While knowing she had minors in it. And dot’s let her mods(or even posted herself) post NSFW RPs of underaged characters. Which was reported, but of course nothing got done about it.
She’s even fucking defended her mods for stealing former members’ characters.
And the sad thing? The group only existed because the former mods that ran her group for her whenever she went on hiatus for like months or years at a time had fucking begged her not to delete it. And all three of them were kicked out. One of them got kicked out twice! All because they dared to raise concerns.
holy fuck that’s vile if true
of course taking with a grain of salt because these are pretty bold allegations idk get someone else on the team to confirm these if you dont have screenshots
goes to show even small species can be garbage
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Hi baby, new anon here. Great work darling, as usual. Gotta get a few things off my chest though, hopefully you’ll excuse my language.
TW: I mention dark things like violence.
1. This bitch Fuyumi I cannot stand. I’ll go back to wearing khakis and blue shoes if that mean I get to beat this bitch ass, abuse enabler ass bitch lace up your shoes PERIOD!!
2. Idc ima say this… low-key hated reader-chan for fucking Touya right after he ODed, it jus kinda felt a lil räpëy considering the whole situation but that might just be how I see it, idk.
But yeah this is it. Clari you’re wonderful and I hope you have a blessed day/night and peace🌴🦋💓✨
hehehe hello!! welcome!! <3
1. fair, and i understand where your feelings stem from. my version of fuyumi in this pulls heavily from canon fuyumi and her extreme desperation to try and rebuild or repair her family. in the manga/anime, she is by far the one who tries the most to readily forgive enji for his actions once he attempts to atone for them. (personally, i think canon!shouto's attitude towards him raises some interesting questions/points in the sense that: in canon it's really difficult to tell if enji's only now decided to try and atone for his sins because he's finally gotten what HE wants (to be #1) and either now has more time to care about what he's done to his family (like oh, now that i've gotten what *i* want i can focus on what i did to you) and/or only wishes to patch things up to preserve his own image OR if he's actually realizing just how fucking terrible of a human being he has been for 16+ years to his ENTIRE FAMILY and feels legitimate guilt and wants to atone not to make himself feel better or look better but because it is the ACTUAL right thing to do. irregardless of any of this, though, i harbor an extremely strong dislike for enji as a character for personal reasons lmao). fuyumi in my piece was definitely supposed to make you feel strongly, though, since we (as the real readers) are on touya's side and are always seeing things through his pov/reader's pov. i wanted my readers to feel and experience the emotion he was experiencing in that instance; all of the fear and anger and panic and sadness, all at once, all very overwhelmingly.
2. also fair! it wasn't exactly meant to feel rapey but it was meant to feel extremely selfish, because she is, and they are, and sex/physical affection is their primary means of communicating and calming each other down during moments of extremely intense emotion (especially since touya doesn't know HOW to communicate in any other way, especially when he's feeling vulnerable). if it makes you feel any better, though, touya could've said no, and would have said no had he not felt up to it, and reader would've instantly respected him, because all she ever ever ever wants to be is his good little girl who serves him, submits to him, and never ever disobeys him. for touya in this scene, he doesn't really know what to say or how to say it, and even after he clears his mind with sex he still struggles to express himself, too. BUT YEAH that second sex scene was supposed to make you go dude, what the fuck because it is really messed up and twisted; because they are really messed up and twisted, and (like literally all of my work) it was purposefully romanticized to enable you as the real reader to view it through the characters' distorted rose coloured lens full of sick 'love' (obsession, infatuation, idolization) and extreme dependency, in addition to your ability to take a step back and view the situation objectively from the outside; twofold!!
either way, your feelings are totally valid! thanks for sharing your thoughts with me anon bb, and thank you for the compliments!!! <333 i'm always super interested to know which parts of my work make you feel what and why!! you're lovely hehehe i hope you're enjoying your weekend and staying safe!! <33
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Like even if I didn't have a 12YO vampire whose relationship with his sire I want to be as wholesome as that kind of relationship can be, I don't like the idea of the Kiss/Embrace being analogous to sex because it suddenly makes VTM super rapey. like. worse-than-Game-of-Thrones rapey.
I've always seen it as more of a drug high. Sometimes it can be sexual, like when you're mutually feeding on someone you love explicitly for pleasure, but in the case of the Kindred it's mostly hitting a craving or just in order to survive. or sometimes bonding with someone but not about sex, like vaudlerie.
Can it be sexual? Yeah. Nastasya and Norm have a purely platonic relationship but my headcanon of Nastasya's Embrace is pretty sexual in the implications because I wanted a level of intimacy to her Embrace and it just came off as sexual and I decided to lean into that.
But like, if we view the Kiss as inherently sexual then, uhhh, consider how that would make the Embraces of my following OCs:
Elisa, who got jumped by her sire just outside her front door in the dead of night, then ditched.
Madeline, who got lured out of a club when a Malk cast Dementate on her so that she was terrified and not thinking straight, and put on trial straight afterwards.
Sullivan, who got Embraced and then buried "alive".
Jonathan, who was attacked on three separate occasions before his sire managed to Embrace him on the fourth, only for him to kill her in revenge pretty much straight afterwards.
Wendy, who was forced to follow her kidnapper into a dark abandoned area under threat of her own life, then Embraced by a completely different attacker and kept underground for at least ten years
Oh, and the aforementioned twelve-year-old, who was desperately miserable and lonely at home and absolutely gravitated to this kind old man who helped tutor him for school.
Like holy shit suddenly all those Embraces look extremely fucking skeevy, even the adults, especially because the majority of those people also make a habit of jumping people in dark alleys to feed themselves! To view the Kiss as being inherently about sexual pleasure makes VTM just. super rapey.
and yeah the Embrace is rarely consensual but I feel there's a difference between someone violating your bodily autonomy explicitly for their own sexual pleasure, and someone violating your bodily autonomy to give you sweet ass magic powers. and also a difference between sexually assaulting someone, and hurting them because you literally need to do it to survive. no I do not think blood bags are more ethical and I will die on that hill
and while I don't wanna shit on people who want to explore that, I personally don't. not my thing. so I'm gonna go back to equating it to a high except when it's deliberately sexual and considering my 12YO's relationship with his sire wholesome because if I didn't then I'd have to look at all my other vamps' Embraces in the same sexual-and-therefore-rapey context and that's just not my thing.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
I was looking through your posts and saw one of your asks saying Coco is a rapey lesbian stereotype and I’m like “heyo wtf?” I haven’t read After the Fall or Before the Dawn so what have the writers done now?
she isn't rapey but a lot of her mentality & the defense the fans give for her literally paint her as so predatory it's disgusting. in after the fall, coco comes across carmine escalados & instead of myers writing her expressing her attraction to this pretty woman in any normal ass way, he has coco explain in her inner dialogue that she wears her sunglasses in part so other women can't tell when she's checking them out. which is, from someone who's had this kind of leering towards them from men & women, is fucking disgusting.
then you get her weird stans defending her with " it's okay because coco is a woman " or " neptune is allowed to be flirty, why isn't coco !! " or my favourite, " why do you hate lesbians. "
none of us hate lesbians, we hate predatory women & a cishet man writing one of the lesbian rep in rwby in that incredibly harmful trope that still affects lesbians to this day. but it's easier to attack those with valid criticism about this character rather than dare turn that anger towards the people who are actually at fault.
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chainsawcorazon · 3 years
Who are your most hated Bleach characters in general? 👀
OH BOY strap in, but keep in mind that these ramblings are based on almost twenty years of fannish experience with Bleach, and that i was a lil asshole as a kid and disliked a LOT of characters just cuz they rubbed me wrong LMAO
UKITAKE - the years have not made me nicer, i literally would fight him if i could, but kubo did me a solid by killing him for me, love that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
YAMAMOTO - hate old men in manga in general, but this motherfucker was probably the first one to make my blood boil. he dead now tho, god bless kubo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
GRIMMJOW - i dont hate him anymore, but when i was a kid, i couldn't stand his ass. doing my reread now, and i realize he's just one of those weird ppl in college that never had any friends, so you kinda just tolerate their presence. that's what im doing rn. im tolerating his presence. dont hate him no more.
ULQUIORRA - i used to hate him HEAVY as a kid cuz i didn't like the rapey undertones of his dynamic with orihime, but now that i'm a certified Old™, i realize that it's bc the shippers and orihime haters made me incredibly uncomfortable bc it always felt like orihime was hated on for ulquiorra's death/her own kidnapping/litcherally everything. i have made peace that i just fucking hate the damn ship and will block any and all orihime hate on sight. don't hate ulquiorra as much these days, but i do still dislike him for his transgressions.
LOLY AND MENOLY - i swear they were orihime haters incarnated in the manga, i have literally never hated a pair of cunts more, and still can't stand them
BYAKUYA - he's the reason why i don't like the 'cold older brother' trope, like yeah, he got some fantastic character development, but i still dislike the mofo, 0/10, would not engage with.
NNOITRA - woman-hater nnoitra will always be my mortal enemy, that hasn't changed in twenty years
MAYURI - the devil, THE DEVIL
ALMOST ALL THE QUINCY ADDITIONS IN THE THOUSAND YEAR BLOOD WAR ARC - i dont remember 75% of their names, but they wasted so much panel time, i have yet to forgive them for it. tho i love bleach as a whole very much, the tybw arc was the worst arc in bleach, and 99.99% of it was because of the excessive character additions and loose plot resolution. im sure i'll remember their names as i finish this reread, but i doubt im gonna enjoy them since i felt like more important characters and plot points did not get resolved appropriately while kubo showed off quincy #5239945's character design. i will admit, the designs were LIT, but on god, we aint need that many. hashbrown and buzzard were enough!
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incarnateirony · 6 months
*Shealyn's denialist retardation and avoidance intensifies, adds new vanity plates, tries to be retarded in Norse today, misses what she's reblogging again*
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Shealyn, you've never done a real magic trick in your life, you just chased and abused and tried to destroy the Magi of the path you spewed heretical delusional octopus jibberish in the name of. It doesn't matter what pantheon you run to, but yes, I do have badass music taste, since you keep confusing me with Loki, and yes, even if it burns me out. I've made that incredibly fucking clear.
I love that this bitch just keeps trying to rotate her shit to find something, too. Hermes and the dance moves! Loki and the music list! Um. Anubis and the kitty kibble! All the godshadows and her Therapy Book! Anything but addressing the screaming lady in her head she confessed to on main! Today's distraction is ROCK MUSIC. Tomorrow... whiny reblogs begging the universe to think about her FEEEEEEEEEELINGS. On Sunday, if we turn a bunch of posts sideways without reading them, maybe she can find a way to validate-away with a half printed motivational poster what has her crying inside because she goddamn knows better. Her inner goddess is weeping but the monster of shadow born from her obstructing her own light is too obese on the chewed on foreskin of her ex to release its ego.
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What is it gonna take for someone in her life to intervene and go, you know what, Shealyn. The octopus jibberish from the cited anime was never real. So your communication with him isn't legit. Which would explain why you don't know any of his doctrine stuff or axioms or whatever Aaron is talking about that the rest of the practicing world DOES know. Maybe we should listen to the psych worker and elder magi, and not to the god of death you think is telling you to feed the cats. Because I think he just jacked your playlist and blog again. You HAVE had an alarming escalation in required medication and self-harm habits that you've had to shave yourself bald over. Maybe there's a correlation here. And you know in hindsight, it IS pretty weird that you're up your ex's ass in social circles three years later, that should have pegged us as unhealthy behavior, sorry for contributing to that.
But no, that would require her, and them, to have been like. WRONG about something. If they scour tumblr hard enough they might find a post to interpret that makes their weird rapey bullshit okay.
No, y'all. She's schizoaffective and you've fed it until it became full blown stalker obsession x literally made a fucking cult to her ex husband and now you're ALL too motherfucking embarrassed to look at it.
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Also yes, Shea. Very much the Best Comment. Thank you. Thee Crustdaddiest. You're still schizoaffective and still riding my astral dick. And now you fucked up and got Mark on it.
Avoiding the truth doesn't change it, it just prolongs how long I'm going to embarrass both of you while picking your brain to pieces.
Is being humiliated one of your fetishes too now? is it a kinky thing? maybe I'm just playing into your horny lying cultist hands by embarrassing you like this, is this another way you get off on me?
or are you so braindamaged you forgot we went over this being in the exact time period you fucked up and got Mark bound to me and you kept changing the color of my otherwise identical-across-entities prescription lenses on every different "character" or "god interpretation" you were doing for a hot minute there.
Because that's what people that Actually Talk To A Deity have to do. Interpret what they look like. Not "this is how I see him." This is how you interpret text you pretend talks to you at night. But you done fucked up and attached to me, and you know, we've been over this, you dumb broad.
But yes, Thee Daddiest. Technically they forgot the most important Thee. But I respect the effort. The -est suffix imports the essence of Thee enough, Thee Crustdaddy, or The Crustdaddiest. See, language is fun!
Lady... we're STILL doing this?
My bad that old avatar generator didn't have the exact nose bridge you'll try to bitch about as different. Just like you didn't notice the Pan with the spider after I started yelling HEY YOU LLOTH OF THE TENTH HOUSE ARACHNE WHO SHADOWS HER OWN ALTAR. "man I just got this vivid visual of the pan that looks weirdly like Aaron's icon going BOO, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!" MAN IT WAS REAL RED WHEN I WENT THERE LAST NIGHT TO DEAL WITH MOON MOON "IDK THIS GUYS NAME BUT I'M PROUD OF HIM. IF HIS HAIR IS SHORTER, IS HE A DIFFERENT DUDE????" Me: LMAO ENJOY YUGIOH BRAINROT "we'll draw the guy on hieroglyphics... and paint him BLACK... even without giving him actual black features, we just keep changing the skin tone on the same dude's face and caling it a different guy. But this one has a side shave!! SEE, DIFFERENT GUY WE SWEAR." me, sitting there with my clippers shaving my head: you're literally all brain damaged.
I can ALMOST forgive Mark for missing the Ash in the Pyramidhead thing, because your lying ass intentionally will hide from him what that is and it does look different, but the others yall, it's outright embarrassing to watch, but I've been saving your fanart. Very useful actually.
fuck me running with a pitchfork. Like friggin... artistic blackface to try to dodge being called out on their shit. Changing hair length and hair dye color but still drawing the same motherfucker over and over again with the same general essence and the same glasses throughout, even in the egypt piece where they painted him dark but still gave him caucasian ass facial structure with the same fucking glasses same as "Loki" and "IDK his name but I'm proud of him" which conveniently match the facial shape of "Hermes", or "Rhys", or "Coyote", or whatever she's fucking waving around my bullshit under today pretending it isn't me and mine and my shit and my work face identity you know the fucking song by now. Hell Egyptian Dude direct transited the purple lips and other details from the icon I had on my blog for a month to reclaim my own motherfucking face from your theft. But I guess a haircut and blackfacing him changes everything. Fucking flaming candied jesus on a pogo stick, you guys.
Also sidebar but this is the funniest timing to me rn
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No seriously, nobody finds it weird that while she runs further and further from the concept of Hermes beyond compulsively giving in to a few evocations I've forced out of her letting her think it was rebellion or whatever... now it's LOKI with the dance moves, and it's LOKI telling her to do her therapy. Because therapy and Workbooks and Playlists are all totes common Loki associations, and not just her trying to transplant her bullshit to escape to another language like that'll help.
Hey dumb dumb, Loki is just as easy to travel in the unconscious right now for the same reasons.
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 22, 2021: Pillow Talk (1959)(Part 1)
Y’know, I actually do like Doris Day.
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She’s funny, she’s talented, and she’s a timeless beauty that I remember very well. TOO well. You guys ever have that one thing that your parents crammed down your throat SO MUCH that you got sick of it? Well, that’s what my Mom did with The Thrill of it All.
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Which is, for the record, a cute movie, and one worth watching again at some point. But I’m gonna ease my way into that with Doris Day and Rock Hudson’s first movie, 1959′s Pillow Talk. 
However, while I’m not stranger to Doris Day, I’m afraid that I don’t know too much about Rock Hudson from experience. Well, there is one interesting tidbit about him: Hudson was one of the biggest stars of the ‘50s and ‘60s, and his career continued up until his death in 1985...from AIDS-related complications.
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Yeah, Rock Hudson was one of the biggest gay celebrities in Hollywood, although he never publicly came out. However, it was somewhat of an open secret in the community at large, and basically all of his female co-stars know about it. 
And said secret was revealed posthumously, after his tragic death during the height of the AIDS crisis. He was by far one of the most high-profile deaths during this time period, and you’d think that would’ve caused more waves about the AIDS-crisis, considering that he was good friends with...well...another actor.
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Yeaaaaaaaaah, not gonna get into Reagan and ALL OF THAT SHIT here. This here is a movie blog, not a political blog! But, uh, yeah, a LOT of fucked-up shit about Reagan and the AIDS crisis, obviously, and part of it was Rock Hudson. So, yeah, it’s something that I wanted to address before we got into this whole shindig.
Because, again, I’ve never seen a Rock Hudson movie, but dude was a pretty huge deal, and this was a part of his life that I felt it unfair not to at least acknowledge. SO, with that out of the way, let’s have a little Pillow Talk. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
We start with that might be one of my favorite opening sequences so far this month, which you can see above. From there, Jan Morrow (Doris Day) wakes up, humming the theme song from the credits, which is clever, considering that she sang it! Talented lady, seriously.
Jan wakes up and goes to the phone, intending to make a call. However, this is where we get a pretty stark cultural difference, and a needed history lesson for some of us, me included. See, Jan’s phone line is actually a party line, seen through this neat little visual edit.
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See, this is what’s called a “party line”. From the 1870s onwards, there was a shortage of available phone lines. By the time you get to the ‘60s, more and more people had personal phones in their households, but without enough lines to go around. And so, some people were forced to share their phone lines with others, hence the party line system!
Here’s the thing, though: if somebody was on the line already, anyone else on that line could hear the conversation of other people. Which is exactly what’s pissing of Jan right now, as she needs to make a call, but the line is being used by her party line partner, songwriter Brad Allen, who’s serenading his girlfriend (?) Eileen (Valerie Allen). Not sure that they’re actually dating, but Eileen definitely wants to.
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After Jan’s insistence, they get off the phone, and Jan’s able to begin her busy morning at last. Well...almost. Brad’s now talking to Yvette (Jacqueline Beer), and she wants him to sing HER song to her, which is LITERALLY just the Eileen song with a different name and in French! Which is...hilarious. It’s very funny, not gonna lie.
Once again, Jan tells him to get off the party line, and hangs up angrily. She leaves just as her cleaner woman, Alma (Thelma Ritter) arrives, fresh off of a hangover. Jan goes to try and get a line of her own, and the manager, Mr. Conrad (Hayden Rorke) makes a WEIRDLY sexist comment about jumping to the top of the list if she were pregnant. Which, yeah...weird.
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Anyway, Jan, in her frustration, tells Mr. Conrad that she’s hired of sharing the line by a “sex maniac.” Mr. Conrad asks for specifics, and is AGAIN WEIRDLY SEXIST ABOUT IT. He asks if his dalliances with other women disturb her in particular. But yeah, he also says that if he is indeed a “sex maniac,” they may need to disconnect him altogether. Which has...uncomfortable undertones all on its own, but whatever, moving on.
On her way to work, Jan’s friend Jonathan Forbes (Tony Randall) shows up to bring her a STRAIGHT-UP CAR, holy shit! He’s doing so to thank her for decorating his offices (she’s an interior decorator, he’s a car dealership owner, so...fair exchange?). She insists that it’s too personal, which confuses him, as it isn’t perfume or lingerie.
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But, uh, dude? IT’S A WHOLE-ASS CAR!!! Look, I’m with her on this one, don’t just give me a fuckin’ car out of the blue! I don’t care what the reason is, tell me that shit first! And Jonathan is CLEARLY trying to make it just a little more personal, if you get my meaning.
Jan finally arrives at her office, owned by Mr. Pierot (Marcel Dalio), and she tells him that an inspector has been sent to look after Mr. Allen. This inspector is Miss Dickenson (Karen Norris), and being of the wimmins, is immediately entranced by the apparently irresistible Mr. Allen, sabotaging any attempt at inspection.
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The next morning, the inspector’s report comes through, and Miss Dickinson has of course cleared him of all charges. He calls her, and the two clash in a way that definitely means they’ll never, ever, ever fall in love, no sir, not these two, not a CHANCE IN HELL
They agree to make a schedule for using the phone, and Brad accuses Jan of being jealous of his free-wheeling, bed-hopping lifestyle, which she takes great offese to. But after they hang up, she thinks on the idea of having bedroom problems. Looks like Jonathan wants to fix that, on account of being the THIRSTIEST MAN ALIVE.
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Dude has three three ex-wives, all of which were revolts against his mother, for which he’s seeing a psychiatrist.
...CHRIST, the man’s a walking-talking red flag. Jan also says that she doesn’t love him, like...AT THE FUCK ALL, and the man just straight-up says, “How do you know, we’ve never even kissed.” Ai which point, any normal person would see the phantom neckbeard and whip out the fuckin’ bear mace, but Jan just lets him lean in for the goddamn kiss!!!
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Jan...standards, Jan. My God. Anyway, she still turns him down, he asks her to get married again, and she leaves. For God’s sakes, man. Anyway, she goes home, where Alma’s listening to Brad serenade a girl over the party line. Jan notes the time, and tells him to get off the line. He calls back, and tells her off.
Brad gets a visitor: his old college friend FUCKIN’ JONATHAN AGAIN. He bemoans being a millionaire (po’ babyyyyy), then reveals that he’s pining over Jan, whom he doesn’t know is the person on the party line with Brad. He hears a good amount of information about Jan from Jonathan.
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After the conversation, Brad tries to somewhat reconcile with Jan, but she doesn’t have any interest in doing so. That night, the two have separate affairs. Brad meets up with a woman named Marie, and  serenades her with the same goddamn song from earlier, that suave motherfucker. Dude flips a switch, and the door fuckin’ LOCKS! Jesus, state-of-the-art hook-up tech of 1959.
Meanwhile Jan is attending a dinner held by an extremely client, Mrs. Walters (Lee Patrick). Needing to get home, she has her son Tony (Nick Adams) give her a ride. But on the way home, they stop and WHAT THE FUCK TONY??? I actually can’t find a clip or GIF of this, so I’ll tell you...he is ALL THE FUCK OVER HER, and it’s GROSS. CAN WE PLEASE STOP SEMI-RAPING DORIS DAY? WHAT THE FUCK, IN NO WAY IS WHAT I JUST WATCHED OK, HOLY SHIT!!!!!
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Like...wow, that was the most uncomfortable I’ve felt watching a movie in a WHILE. And it’s not even because of the act itself, it’s because of how...OK it feels in the context of the film. Jan is BARELY upset by this slimy little weasely-faced rapey CREEP LITERALLY ASSAULTING HER IN THE FUCKING CAR. And in case you were wondering, yes! This film was written by FOUR MEN.
This is gross. Sorry, but this whole sequence is gross, and it gets even LONGER, because she AGREES TO GO GET A DRINK WITH HIM. WHY, JAN? STOP ENCOURAGING THIS BEHAVIOR. He tries to get her drunk (but ends up drunk himself), but she tries to leave. However, who should be sitting one table but Brad, who realizes who this is. Jan tries to leave, but Tony tries to get her to dance with him, AND SHE ONCE AGAIN AGREES, JAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!
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And its during this time of distress for Brad that, OF COURSE, he finds himself extremely attracted to her. And since he knows who she is, but she doesn’t know him, he decides to fake his identity. And there we go, we’ve got a creepy-ass one-sided relationship set-up.
Meanwhile, lightweight Tony passes out on the floor, drunk as shit. Brad goes into help, putting on a take Texas accent and calling himself Rex Stetson. And OF FUCKING COURSE, she’s lost in his fuckin’ eyes. Damn those eyes, and his suave bullshit.
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They shove Tony into a cab, then take his car, which appears to be too small for Brad, which makes sense, given the fact that Hudson was 6′4″, goddamn! The two take a cab, and the two reveal their mutual attraction to the audience, through their inner thoughts. Looks like all Jan needed for a relationship was handsome-ass Rock Hudson.
In her thoughts, she thinks on how honest and down-to-earth Rex Stetson seems, unlike “monsters” like Tony and Brad Allen. And OF COURSE this is how we get this started. OF GODDAMN COURSE this is how we start this relationship. Liar revealed, LIAR REVEALED, I FUCKIN’ HATE THAT GODDAMN TROPE SO MUCH
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Soon after “Rex” takes her home, he goes home herself, and gives her a call, inviting her to dinner the following night. She accepts. Then, in the middle of the call, Brad pretends to pick up the line as himself, in order to set up the two identities as being separate...this is reverse You’ve Got Mail, isn’t it?
Think about it. Two people that hate each other, and they’ve never seen one another, but also love each other after meeting in person. IT’S THE OPPOSITE OF YOU’VE GOT MAIL. Ugh. Fine. Even down to the fact that he has a sizeable advantage over her, due to his full knowledge of the situation. He even tries to use his identity as Brad Allen to set-up their date the next night for success.
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And it works, goddamn. A clever yet manipulative asshole, this dude is. They get on a horse and carriage, and we hear the inner thoughts of Jan, Brad, and the dude who owns the horse. And, yeah...it’s funny. The two go to dinner, where Jonathan shortly arrives. Brad gets him out of there with...mildly fatphobic means, but it is the 1950s, so things were just kinda...entirely that.
But in any case, Brad gets away with it, and he and Jan spend a hell of a lot of time together going all around the city. And the whole time, he’s playing the role of “Rex.” Ugh. This is a good halfway point, so let’s go to Part 2 here! See you there!
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I should’ve known when I read the title of this article from 2013, so that’s on me, but this has got to be one of the worst articles I’ve ever read and it’s about Hephaestus of all topics. I’m doing research for a story I’m writing and I came across this and like JFC it was written by a literal Nice Guy male feminist, I swear. It like reaches so fucking hard to find something wrong with Hephaestus to the point where, if the author genuinely believes this shit then they’re a legit asshole.
First they mention the myth of Hephaestus’ birth in which Zeus and Hera take one look at him and literally throw him down from Olympus for being crippled and ugly, and they claim that in a different version of the myth he’s supposedly not born a cripple but is made a cripple in the fall, and that the reason he was thrown from Olympus was because, and I shit you not, Zeus and Hera were having an argument and Hephaestus ‘thinking he was oh so smart’ realized Zeus was in the wrong and decided to insert himself in the middle of the argument to hopefully resolve the issue, but Hera ‘is a strong independent woman who don’t need no man’, and Zeus is the “RULLER OF ALL CREATION” (they literally capitalize this and it becomes important for later), so of course he would be thrown out of Olympus and crippled forever because how ‘stupid’ of him to go against the RULER OF ALL CREATION.
Now, they acknowledged that “his heart was in the right place” even though they essentially blamed this newborn child for trying to solve his parent’s marital problems and for being crippled forever because of it. I mean they even make a point of belittling him for thinking he’s “so smart” for trying to fix their issues. Like what the fuck, way to blame the child for their abuse.
In the next part, they discuss the myth in which Zeus gives Aphrodite over to Hephaestus, and it’s important to note that he specifically gave her so that all the other gods would stop fighting over her, and essentially blame him for it. They don’t outright say so, but they specifically mention that he gave no indication that he ever actually loved her, and so of course she should be allowed to cheat on him with Ares. Like what was he supposed to do, go against the RULER OF ALL CREATION and say no, Aphrodite shouldn’t be handed over to him like an object? I thought he was stupid earlier for trying to go against Zeus?
This article started out describing how Hephaestus is this socially-inept introvert, and mentions in this part how he would make jewelry for her, but he’s a bad person because he never made any attempt to woo her, I guess. Dude really doesn’t sound like the type to ‘woo’ anyone, and yeah an arranged marriage is kinda shit but it really sounds like he did his fucking best to make good of a shitty situation, and she just goes ahead and cheats on him with his brother IN HIS BED, so excuse me if I don’t think he’s a bad dude for outing her and his brother’s affair to the rest of the family. Bitches deserved it.
“Hephaestus is ‘nice’, so he thinks he deserves a wife.” Bitch, you literally just said she was GIVEN to him by the aforementioned RULER OF ALL CREATION who you also implied he was STUPID for going against.
“He gives his wife pretty things, so he thinks she should be happy.” Again, the dude was in a legit arranged marriage so what the fuck was he supposed to do???
“When it turns out she, the literal goddess of sex, has desires outside his own, rather than asking himself what he could do to meet those desires, he gets angry at her.” SHE LITERALLY CHEATED ON HIM AND YOU’RE SAYING HE SHOULD EXAMINE WHAT HE COULD’VE DONE BETTER ASHDASHDGAS!!!
“It’s not surprising that she prefers Ares, who gives her what she actually wants, over Hephaestus, who gives her what he presumes she should be happy with.” My guy, the dude was in a fucking arranged marriage and you’re sitting here blaming him for not fucking her enough (which BTW if we’re being accurate here, she found him ugly so it’s not like she was chomping at the bit to jump his bones tyvm) like fucking take it up with Zeus then if she’s so upset with this arrangement. Let’s see her bitch ass crippled for all eternity when Zeus throws her off Olympus.
Okay but like legit, maybe there’s a point there about him raping Athena, that’s kinda effed up. Admittedly, I didn’t read this whole article before because I was so astonished when I read those first two parts before I came scrambling to Tumblr to blast this 7 year old article.
The worst sin of this whole article, which is whole-ass other topic I will NOT delve into here, is that all this is literally used as a criticism of nerds and nerd culture in general, calling us Nice Guys, or rapey, or misogynists, and other misc. bullshit.
And yes, I did just critique a 7 year old article on Hephaestus.
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
I love you (no Romo though) also do you have omega Magnus ideas
flkgjdgkdjfg mood anon
hm... ok this will probably be messy but let’s get on some highlights
set up and worldbuilding my guys
ok so first of all i feel like i gotta talk about how this interacts with trans magnus. i promise i’ll get to the fun stuff afterwards!!
i know some people like to go more into like, the realistic dynamics of a/b/o (trans a/b/o people, as in, a trans alpha who was born an omega, or like, sexism that has to do with a/b/o and those different new stereotypes, as well as like “non traditional a/b/o dynamics” like alpha/alpha or omega/omega relationships, how this interacts with new different sexualities (being attracted to only alpha females? alphas and betas and all primary genders? etc.) and how it intersects with REAL transphobia and sexism and sexuality) and like.... i have two takes on this i guess:
one: while this is not inherently wrong i guess, it’s just. not what i get from a/b/o. for me a/b/o isn’t a complex worldbuilding set to play with necessarily, although i def am one to ask questions and overthink worldbuilding even in the stupidest of shit. but like, i come to a/b/o for fluff (nesting, fluffy heat sex, maybe scenting and/or “mates” if i’m feeling it), smut (knotting, heats/ruts, etc.), and MAYBE angst but that gets into dodgy territory sometimes. (i’m a slut for arranged marriage aus tho ngl dfgkldjfdg.) like. that specific set of tropes is combined perfectly in a/b/o, and it’d be hard to do that in a coherent au as this is already established and saying “au where alec has knots and magnus has heats” is weird. the only other au that gets close is very specifically like a werewolf au which has its own trappings, you know? it’s a specific coherent and established au and it’s hard to separate the tropes i like from the other stuff.
two: again, i don’t think it’s inherently bad. but i do think that a lot of people who do this are basically just reinventing real issues like transphobia, homophobia/queerphobia, and sexism... without actually dealing with those things or the characters they would involve. and i think that it often strays into yikes territory. so like. i don’t love it. (also it does have some yikes stuff people do like going really, really hard on the oppressed omega angle, or worse, reinforcing the gender roles of omega = submissive soft weak baby, alpha = strong dominant and scary man. or sometimes they establish other roles but either way like, all their characters fall into that. and i think sometimes it kind of works for this feeling like a guilty pleasure trash romance novel where it’s just uncomplicated fantasy of being taken care of, but like.... even then it just gets dodgy, you know? also it does tend to get INCREDIBLY rapey.)
i often used a/b/o for the things i mentioned, and before i started writing trans magnus smut, also ironically as a way to sort of write trans magnus in smut without actually doing it out of fear of backlash/lack of popularity. and while backlash hasn’t been much of a problem, my popularity has definitely gone down fics-wise. (i get much less in the stats area on ao3 now)
and cis omega magnus is in a way basically trans magnus but he has a penis and there’s knotting. like i said, in many ways, a/b/o is sort of a way to write porn with trans characters while keeping to cisnormativity. i, as a trans person, took advantage of that to get more comfortable with writing it, but a lot of cis people use it basically to just. do that. you know.
so how do i reconcile this with trans magnus?
basically i say “fuck you, he’s trans AND an omega, i want heats/ruts and knotting and nesting and shit” and then ignore it lmao
like ok he isn’t cis. he’s afab and gnc and all the shit i normally write, it’s just like. he also gets heats and his ass doesn’t get wet dlfkjgdfg (god it sounds So Unappealing when you say it like that. now that i allow myself to write smut with real trans characters i could never go back to a/b/o--although, like. some a/b/o aus actually do have male omegas have a pussy but that feels even more slimy in the sense of just. make them trans.) and like alec’s an alpha and so on you know.
i basically just ignore all the complex worldbuilding shit and trying to figure out how sexuality and gender and the various -phobias and -isms would be effected by the addition of secondary genders and their trappings, and just go “fuck you” under the guise of an a/b/o au
tl;dr, so i have a lot of complicated feelings on a/b/o and how it generally is something i do not trust people to write properly. but i also am a total slut of a lot of tropes that are sort of entrenched in a/b/o specifically. namely, heats/ruts, knotting, nesting/scenting, etc.
let’s get into the fun stuff.
magnus and heats :)
ok so heats are super like. vulnerable, you know? i’d think magnus would take heat suppressants (ah another plot convenience in this au) because he doesn’t want to spend his heat with someone he doesn’t trust. that’s not to say he’s never had a heat with someone, or even that it’s been all bad experiences, but it never clicked super well i think and like, it’s something that’s very hard for him. because there’s a lot of vulnerability and trust involved, and he loses control and could so easily get hurt
also possibility: while he can take suppressants to lessen how many times he gets a heat, taking them consistently for literally centuries sounds like it could fuck someone up. so. perhaps. magnus occasionally spends his heat with a trusted friend like meliorn (not someone who feels like Family and therefore would it feel incesty, but def someone who is a close friend) and while he still doesn’t love the feeling of being that vulnerable, and it can be uncomfortable--it’s not like he’s looking forward to it--but like... he definitely does trust meliorn (and possibly other non canon characters?) and it’s not like it’s disgusting and miserable. it’s not like, The Same, but it satisfies the biological side of it and sometimes it’s even like. fun, you know? it’s nice.
ngl i actually kind of like the idea of meliorn helping him with these heats and being like a trusted alpha he knows would never hurt him like that. that does mess with any angst you want to go with him not trusting alphas or not like, having good experiences with heats/ruts (like in “stuck in a rut”), but like, different aus different stories, and anyway you could probably work something in there about meliorn specifically being different and someone he trusts
this is on and off, he sometimes does have heats with whatever romantic partner he’s with, although it... doesn’t always end well. so he has a lot of bad experiences, but at least with meliorn he has a good experience to look to, as well.
also camille was a TERRIBLE alpha. i can 100 percent see her using his heat against him to hurt him (and being like oh baby dont you trust me? you cant go to this seelie for your heats, you cant cheat on me, and why are you taking suppressants, dont you trust me--?) as well as potentially her ruts (actually a) im not sure i want to go into the logistics of a female alpha--would she... have a penis? because i’m not making camille a trans woman nor am i touching those transmisgyonistic vibes with a ten foot pole. b) actually, maybe she’s a beta. she could use that against him, as well--being like she doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal, you know? also i refuse to believe only an alpha can satiate a heat even tho it would work the best because like--fuck i’m overthinking the worldbuilding again this is EXACTLY what i wanted to avoid. fuck, never mind.)
but like...........when he gets it (namely with alec, because yes, i am a slut) with like someone he honestly is a viable “mate” or someone he trusts and like, has actual romantic feelings for, too...............it’s literally mindblowing. magnus had no fucking idea heats could feel this good. obviously he had fun with meliorn and felt safe even if he felt kind of awkward/uncomfortable (not bc of anything meliorn did but his own issues with being vulnerable) but like............... alec just fucking makes him melt???
like he felt safe before, he did know meliorn would never ever hurt him or take advantage of his heat, but now he feels so like... free and safe and open? it’s not just the normal vulnerability that comes with but the complete lack of discomfort, just feeling absolutely safe and like. not worried at all? again i want to emphasize it’s not that he felt unsafe before or that meliorn necessarily did something wrong, but bc of his own like. readiness to be vulnerable + while he does trust meliorn, it’s like. it hits different with a romantic partner (in this specific context!! this is not a romantic > platonic thing), if that makes sense.
an y wa  y THE POINT IS. magnus is like. Mind Blown. having sex with alec during his heat is like. amazing. alec is so intent on taking care of him and just worshiping his body (alec!! ravishing him!! pressing warm kisses all over his tits!!! big hands all over his body!! caressing him everywhere and giving him physical affection all over and just making him squirm and moan!!!!!!) and like. not only is he absolutely intent on taking care of magnus and making him feel good and making sure he’s comfortable, but like also it’s just??? really fun?? and alec gives him so much affection and so many kisses???
magnus is not the best conversation partner during heat because he is a little. busy. but it doesn’t stop alec from talking to him and helping him stay grounded and just like... treating him like a person? he hadn’t realized one of the reasons he was so comfortable with meliorn and now alec wasn’t just bc he knew them well and trusted them with this kind of thing, but because like. they treated him like he was present despite him being mostly non-verbal and incoherent beyond vague pleading. like, they always made sure he was comfortable and talked to him and didn’t just do what they wanted with him. it didn’t feel like he was a doll--getting satisfied and fucked hard, yes, but like. also sort of just being used. and not in the fun sexy pre-planned way, but like, in a way that just made him feel more distant and disconnected.
but alec very much doesn’t do that. he keeps talking (and there is a lot of praise! so much praise and gentle affection and teliing him how beautiful he is and how good he’s doing--and of course dirty talk wink wink) and even narrating what he’s doing/his intentions, you know, and not only his voice generally soothing but it’s just nice you know
and like again i would just like to go back to alec ravishing magnus’s tiddies with kisses and holding them in his Big Hands and massaging them and like kissing his nipples and just making him feel so good??? iconic. we stan.
and alec like. is the perfect mix of gentle and rough, you know? he knows when to pin magnus down and fuck him nice and hard and rough and get him squealing and begging, but he also knows when to be gentle--particularly at the beginning and when he’s coming down. not to mention even when he is fucking magnus hard there’s a lot of gentle touch accompanying it
also not to just be a slut but
Also It Feels Good Because Alec Has a Huge Cock
that’s not to say meliorn doesn’t or even that you need a big dick to pleasure someone well but like.
alec has a big cock.
and it feels. hhhhh. good
magnus when alec first slides into him in heat: [straight up just immediately goes incoherent and whining with pleasure and kinda just mewling and clawing weakly at his back or the sheets on either side of him]
and alec fucks him so well :) like they’re honestly both feeling so fucking good like just AAAAAAAAA im such a slut for alec taking care of magnus in heat
also. uhh. K N O T T I N G
alec sliding into him nice and slow to make sure hes ok and like hes loving it, alec fucks him, and when he’s about to knot him magnus is somewhere in the back of his mind expecting that usual queasy sort of anticipation like he does Want It but usually he does kind of feel a little discomfort and again just... apprehension. this is The Moment, and he’s really giving up control you know
but it. doesnt come (but magnus is about to AHAHA)
and he just wants.
like he honestly just really really wants this and it’s kind of a revelation how much he genuinely wants this
alec knots him and magnus is Losing His Mind it feels so fucking good he comes almost right away and he’s just right there again
hes so Full and everything about it feels amazing
and like after alec has like. made him come a dozen times squirting and came inside magnus’s cunt and kept him knotted full there’s just this moment where magnus is exhausted in the best way, lying on his back, legs spread, alec still knotted inside him, his cunt is full of cum and he’s panting and moaning a little and alec is just on top of him and it’s warm and amazing and he’s coming down from the high and he just feels.... incredibly relaxed actually
like he’s like wow have i ever been this melty and relaxed and floaty, like, ever?
the answer is no, not really.
alec is just gently stroking his hair, pressing soft close-mouthed kisses to his skin, and they just sort of cuddle for a bit while waiting for magnus to come down completely from his heat and for alec’s knot to go down and honestly just lying there entwined is really, really nice.
magnus is full and relaxed and he genuinely loves this feeling in a way he’s never experienced before
even when alec pulls out and magnus is pretty much back to himself completely again magnus is so exhausted he just sort of lies back and lets himself breathe and alec is like Pamper Mode Activate(TM) and magnus tries to be like its ok to relax i do like cuddling with you and i can clean up myself its ok and alecs like But I Want To Take Care Of You and like helps clean him up (just... magnus lets himself relax as alec gently uses a damp cloth to wipe away cum and slick you know? idk there’s just something intimate and sweet about the dom helping clean their sub up in the aftercare) and gets him water and a snack and then once they’re both tidied up pulls him into his arms and he strokes his hair and they just cuddle and it’s great :)
i wonder if magnus talks to meliorn about this either. hm
and from then on, alec is the one he goes to for heats. and alec, of course, becomes immortal, which means he can take care of magnus for the rest of their lives :’))
whether magnus would stay on suppressants is another matter because on one hand heats can be inconvenient and like he might still want to minimize them, but on the other hand Hnnnnnnggg Alec Feel Good. so i could see them going either way here.
also i mean................that’s not to say that meliorn would Never help magnus either..... two possibilities here: 1. for whatever reason magnus’s heat is coming and alec can’t be there. meliorn is happy to help. it’s good to have back up i guess lkjfgh fuck idk. but the real fun one....
2. as magnus has more heats, they may or may not have a little Fun with it. perhaps roleplay (whether this be like “oh..... oh no..... im a poor little maid and i’ve gone into heat.....Looks Like My Boss Will Have To Fuck Me” or like even pretending the heat isn’t part of it and he’s Just That Slutty and we love to see it, etc. obviously they alec is sure not to push it too far, he teases magnus but probably a lot less than he normally would bc he’s so sensitive and needy and eager-to-please, but like.... they sure do have some fucking fun with this.
and also. i mean.
threesomes. y’all knew i was going here.
look idk how i got so far on the magnus/meliorn (as close friends and fuckbuddies not romantically) train but HERE WE ARE.
magnus getting absolutely wrecked by two alphas and LOVING it is not something he ever thought would happen, particularly while he was in heat, but it’s happening and he absolutely loves it.
also there are other fun possible scenarios like in “goldenrod” where alec doesn’t know that magnus is an omega and Shenanigans Ensue or whatever like just....both fluffy and angsty possibilities.
i’m a total slut for friends to lovers “oh no magnus is in heat :( but alec can help him through it, gently and lovingly, just completely as a friend :)” which can get into dubcon territory but if you fuck with it it’s doable. and i’m just a slut for pining pre-relationship heat sex.
even like in an au, alec playing the role meliorn did in the previous bullet points but blended with how i discussed their first heat together so like... helping his best friend through his heats, showing him a really good time, making sure he’s comfortable and magnus is just like wow i’ve never felt this good and safe during a heat before :) guess it’s because we’re friends and definitely no other reasons :)
i’m not sure how to word this right but i feel like there’s a potential angst here of like a mundane au of some sort wherein magnus has only had a few relationships with alphas and none of them great so when alec is helping him through his heat he assumes it’s different (as in, alec is so gentle and caring and treating him like this, and he feels safe) because they’re friends and it’s a different dynamic, and that being treated Badly is just like, the normal way alphas treat their mates. or something. look. let me have my whump ok
but the point is alec sets him straight obviously
but like anyway i just like.........i adore friends to lovers malec and heat sex it’s got so much fluffy potential with magnus just feeling Utterly Safe (and pining angst) and alec is both a) incredibly turned on/helplessly in love with him so he’s loving every second (even tho Pining Angst) and b) just in awe that magnus trusts him that much??? (also sad he’s SURPRISED at being treated gently flgkhfjghgh)
malec and ruts
ok as i explored in “stuck in a rut” i think it makes sense that magnus would not feel incredibly secure during ruts. it’s not something he would have sought out with say, meliorn, although he would have been willing to do that meliorn has other partners more than willing to help him with that and actually love it while magnus is. very wary of it.
like a heat, it leaves him feeling very out of control and it seems kind of scary--but it’s almost worst, because rather than feeling needy and helpless (which is a good thing when with a trusted partner but not so much when he’s less sure, or when they take advantage of that) it’s like. he’s cornered totally sober with a similarly out of control alpha, except with more Dominance(TM) and potential aggression you know?
so maybe he’s had some very bad experiences before. and i doubt it’s been literally all terrible, but i think he would likely avoid relationships with alphas, so he wouldn’t have a lot of experiences to draw from overall anyway
but like okay let’s get to the fun stuff
i’ve been over the angst of magnus not being sure how this is gonna go but wanting to Tough It Out with “stuck in a rut” although it’s probably a bit exaggerated for fun angst purposes but idk aaaaa
but anyway the point is here. alec gets his first rut with magnus and like, he probably hasn’t been with anyone during a rut (suppressants?) so this is wild for both of them
but even Feral(TM) alec’s entire goal is just taking care of magnus
i mean obviously there’s an element of like wanting to get his own satisfaction and all but it’s just like..... mutual pleasure you know??? like he wants to fuck magnus nice and hard and make him feel good and magnus is just a mewling mess in his arms letting alec take control and ravish him and they are both having a great time actually
but like ok let’s just. move away for a moment from angst
just................... alec fucking magnus nice and hard and rough, pinning him down and “”making“” him take it, and there isn’t really much teasing because he’s too busy wanting to fuck magnus and fill him up :) 
but like it’s also fluffy bc even all needy and desperate alec still takes the time to make sure he’s ready and prepared and wet and into this before fucking him, makes sure he’s comfortable and checks in on him and if magnus safeworded or told him to stop you know he absolutely would, without hesitation, even if it literally hurt to do. which is basic decency obviously but the like.... the just trust and care there? the fact that even in a literal fucking rut when he’s supposed to be out of control he’d force himself to stop if magnus needed or wanted him to is just.... comforting and good and i love it 
and magnus is like hm i have never felt this safe when with an alpha in rut before! time to examine this trauma later.
nesting (ft. scenting)
i love the concept of nesting so much it’s so fluffy and sweet and dkgjfklgjg 
you build a pillow/blanket/clothing nest that smells like the people u love and u feel safe in 
and then you get ravished in it sometimes
like magnus just piling a fuck ton of soft things (ranging from blankets/pillows to just like spare sheets and shit like that) and stealing alec’s clothes to put in there and curling up in the middle of it feeling safe and in heaven tbh 
especially once they key component of the nest arrives: alec
*magnus yoinking alec into the nest and immediately curling up against him like a particularly insistent cat* 
alec is just like This Is Precious and wraps his arms around him and strokes his hair and magnus is purring (purring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we Will discuss this later) 
and it’s just nice and somft??
fluffy cuddles?
i feel like nesting would be a particular urge either during or near heats so im just imagining pre heat magnus being like *suddenly stands up* I Must Gather Soft Things (Meaning Pillows, Blankets, And Alec) 
and he just makes a nest, all aesthetically pleasing and arranged nicely, maybe a candle nearby with a nice scent that kind of helps, and just..... curling up in alecs arms all content
and alec ADORES this like the first several times magnus was scared of coming off as clingy so he suppressed nesting instincts let alone cuddly needy clingy instincts but alec was sort of like hey baby it’s ok if you just don’t want to but do u need to nest? 
and also he just made a point of being more touchy/affectionate when his heat was coming up/dying down and he watched carefully to make sure it didn’t magnus uncomfortable but he melted into it even more than usual
so like just....alec cuddling the fuck out of magnus in his nest and it’s warm and safe and smells like home????
scenting i feel is kind of weird and i feel weird being like “mm he smells good” or whatever but like also it can be so cute when done right you know lkgjdgfg like omg just...... Alec Smells Like Home
their scents kinda mix and both of them have the others’ lingering on them and people can tell they’re super close 
and just.....................again..........alec like scenting him, marking him as his in a sort of gentle soft way? and like, burying his nose in his neck and nuzzling him and he smells so nice and good??? 
especially if you’re going with true mates think their mates’ scent is just the best thing ever flgjlkjlfkgjfgh
but anyway ok
back to nesting
and specifically, because i am a whore, to S E X
magnus feeling absolutely safe there and it smells like home and alec’s holding him and it’s so--
hey so i know i said i was going to do sex,
but hold on a sec
magnus has nested before. but generally not with romantic partners. 
not sure if familal nesting is a thing--i feel like it’s possible, but given a general association with heat (i mean one could either feel the urge to or simply enjoy nesting outside of Heat Time(TM) but like) it feels a little weird
so let’s go with it’s more romantic except for maybe like really young kids or something idk 
but anyway moving on from that
magnus has nested before
but almost always alone
and an empty nest is just not the same?? it’s still warm/safe but like... it feels empty and sad too. especially if he DOES have a romantic partner they just don’t want to nest with him--saying he’s clingy, or it’s time consuming/boring to just sit there, or whatever else. 
camille was particularly guilty of this, he had to basically hide his nest and cram it in a closet or something (the enclosed space was actually kind of nice but it was too cramped for his liking and it felt even more empty and sad than usual)
and then he would just be there alone in his small empty nest and it was still reassuring but it was just......not the same 
also he didn’t have anything to ground him so he got all fidgety (adhd magnus? adhd magnus.) and like it was a lot less comforting than normal you know 
but with alec OH BOY
not only does he feel all warm and grounded in alec’s arms like he can relax and doze off and feel good and alec is stroking his hair and it’s just. nice
but like also 
alec making sweet love to magnus in their nest and it’s just like wow this is the most safe place possible
it’s not even heat sex they’re just having fun and magnus is like this is my dream come true
and then obviously there is also heat sex
it is the most mindblowing thing either of them have ever experienced
also i feel like while it’s not an instinct thing to build nests for ruts, they still do it because they’re soft and it helps them relax anyway
ok i absolutely love the a/b/o headcanon i’ve seen before where like, omegas purr only when feeling completely safe? particularly around alphas?
so like. 
magnus doesn’t purr that often.
or he didn’t but then he fell in love with alec “his arms feel like home and safety and love” lightwood
it is not uncommon to see him cuddled in alec’s arms purring contently
or like in his nest leaning into alec’s side or head resting on his chest, PURRING
also i have this fic somewhere but au wherein alec doesn’t know magnus is an omega yet and then finds out because magnus dozed off on his chest and BEGAN. PURRING. BECAUSE HE FEELS SO FUCKING SAFE AND TRUSTS ALEC SO MUCH. 
even if he hadn’t told alec about being an omega yet for whatever reason
anyway just alec stroking magnus’s hair while he purrs away and its adorable and also soothing for both of them so they fall asleep like that 
magnus’s purring is like a soothing thing for alec big time its good sensory time and also just generally nice so its easy for him to conk out with magnus warm in his arms and purring loudly 
it’s very nice 
and also he loves that magnus feels that safe with him
this one will be short but like 
basically the whole mates for life thing is cute
and it can just kinda be like soulmate aus
which are all vaguely problematic but just really cute/fun to have and not think about too hard 
so them being mates is just cute idk man i like it 
ok that’s it for now (i’m gonna add more in a separate reblog for reasons but that’s only on one topic, you’ll see--i think i’ll do that tomorrow bc im very tired rn) that’s the omega magnus manifesto (some parts not included) 
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boss-magne · 5 years
Interspecies Reviewers: What HAPPENED?
Here we go folks, the post nobody asked for. Why? Because I’ve been drinking and FUCK YOU I want to do this. Okay. So. What actually happened with this?
So the series Interspecies Reviewers was picked up by Funimation for the NA license and dub. For those out of the loop, Interspecies Reviewers is a very borderline hentai series about a group of adventurers who decide to post reviews of the various species-based brothels of the red-light (succubus) district. It’s actually a pretty clever and funny series, and the uncensored is pretty A+ if you’re into that sort of thing, while not quite being porn. (I love it and please protect Crim with everything you have) So, as I mentioned, Funimation picked it up for dubbing and dropped it after... THREE EPISODES. Why? Because it “fell out of Funimation’s standards.” record scratch Okay. This confused a LOT of people, because there’s NO LITERAL WAY you could have NOT KNOWN what the series was about. I mean, between the opening, and the first episode in general, you were almost guaranteed to be in for a very perverted and NSFW experience. For the love of all that is lewd, some of the opening lyrics translate to: Jerk it, you train hard Jerk it, your own tool Jerk it, now it's time to use it and 
Let's go to heaven, risk your life with your sperm 
Let's go to heaven, let it come Get hard over and over Mind, body, I am fully satisfied And the source material isn’t exactly... keeping all this a secret. So the fact that this got through to actual production without anyone noticing the content is absolutely mind boggling. Beyond that, Funimation has dubbed multiple series that has incredibly questionable content to begin with. Including, but not limited to: (Magne note: I don’t have any feeling about any of these series one way or another but am only including the list to make a point) A Sister is All You Need - A  series involving a romantic relationship between a dude and his sister. The first episode features him sniffing her panties Absolute Duo - A guy is stuck with a mentally ill girl who keeps getting naked Akiba’s Trip - Folks walk around Akihabara stripping people naked Azur Lane - Boats. But they’re sexy Bikini Warriors - In the title. Also includes tentacle rapey stuff. Cat Planet Cuties - A planet of catgirls that like SEX Are You Willing to Fall in Love With a Pervert As Long as She’s a Cutie? - Someone leaves panties in a dude’s locker and he goes on a quest to find her Ikki Tosen - Fights so intense that peoples’ clothes explode off. But only women. Keijo!!!!!!!! - Ass and titty wrestling. In swimsuits. Over pools. Excellent sports anime, but c’mon Funi My First Girlriend is a Gal - Female MC is a straight up pedo and admits to preferring “younger boys” Prison School - Well known for being pretty nsfw Shimonetta - Dirty jokes don’t exist in this world. Porn is illegal and a group of terrorists is trying to spread porn Darling in the Franxx - Piloting from increeeedibly compromising positions. Also Zero Two.  (Many thanks to Nux and this video for providing this list and much of this info) Whatever their “standards” are, it’s incredibly unclear because there’s so much that should be less okay than consensual sex, but apparently isn’t. Whatever the “standards” are, Funi is confusing, and downright COWARDS. But I digress... This led to the above mentioned Nux Taku and a few other anime Youtubers to call for a ratings upvote on My Anime List (to be called MAL from here on out). The premise was simple - give Interspecies Reviewers a 10/10 to show Funi they fucked up. MAL decided, after it passed FMA:Brotherhood in ratings, they did not like this, and absolutely SHUT. IT. DOWN. Users are now no longer allowed to give 10/10 ratings to IR without being labeled as “trolls” and their reviews removed, even if the user has many other reviews under their belt (which I go into here). Almost all of the 10 reviews are removed, dropping IR’s review score to <8. All in all, a sad time, and a confusing fucking move from Funimation. (Special thanks again to Nux Taku for providing the anime list above as well as clueing me into the MAL bullshit, you’re beautiful and a master flexer among men)
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alpha/beta are carol/daryl foils: an analysis no one asked for; twd s10 spoilers, obviously
hoo boy. okay, so i’ve been intending to write this for days, but i had to let it marinate, and also i haven’t been sleeping and couldn’t concentrate long enough to write it down, but whatever, i digress. “we are the end of the world” was something, wasn’t it?? it is so weird to have a plotline in twd that’s like...good? and SO refreshing to have a villain who isn’t a macho, rapey, white dude. i personally believe that all showrunners should be women from now on. oh, i’m digressing again, my apologies.
here’s the actual content, under the cut bc it’s a fucking novel:
so, from alpha’s very first episode, when i saw her shaving her head, i literally thought, “oh, so she’s carol’s foil and they’re going to have an inevitable showdown, huh?” guess who was right? this bitch. but what i didn’t catch right away was how beta is also daryl’s foil, and how the main focus of this season is alpha/beta vs carol/daryl.
let’s take it apart individually first, yeah?
carol vs. alpha:
like i said, the scene that made me instantly aware of what they were setting up was when alpha shaved her head. carol’s hair was a big thing in season 9, and the fact that we had just had henry talking about carol growing her hair out long, juxtaposed with alpha shaving hers off, is what set the alarm bells off for me. i have said over and over that i don’t believe kang does anything unintentionally, and girl loves her symbolism, so those two opposing scenes was a taste of what she was setting up.
carol and alpha are both near-indestructible forces who also happen to be mother’s suffering the loss of their children at the hand of the other. (carol isn’t directly responsible for lydia, but she’s included with “the others” that took lydia from alpha, so i think alpha still sees her as part of it.)
carol and alpha both have transformed themselves to fit within the confines of the world they currently live in, while recognizing that their children weren’t meant for it, even within their own grief. let us refer to figures a and b (lol) below.
figure a:
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here in “the grove” we have creepy girl who i hate and am terrified of asking carol if sophia died because she was weak, and carol straight up is like, “yes.” she doesn’t even sugarcoat it. she accepted that her daughter wasn’t going to survive from the jump, because “there wasn’t a mean bone in her body.”
figure b:
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here we see alpha losing her goddamn shit, because she’s having a come-to-jesus moment with beta about losing lydia, because she can’t have lydia and be the alpha at the same time, because lydia “is not like” her. 
conclusion: carol and alpha both mourn for their daughters, but have accepted that to be the people they need to be in the apocalypse, their children needed to die (or in lydia’s case, be dead metaphorically). in short, carol and alpha are two sides of the same coin. they’ve both found ways to survive, except one is for the good guys, and the other is for the bad guys, and now they’re head-to-head, and it is d e l i c i o u s.
moving on.
daryl vs beta:
idk why the parallels didn’t occur to me when they had daryl fighting beta. i blame henry, he was distracting me by being a delightful idiot (rip my dumb bitch), but that seed was planted in season 9, too. go kang for continuity. who knew twd could do that? anyway.
the big thing that compares daryl and beta is who they were before they found carol and alpha respectively. we obviously don’t know a whole lot of details about beta’s life, but we have enough to extrapolate and compare, and extrapolate and compare we shall.
alright, so we got our favorite lovable, filthy redneck, who grew up abused and isolated, and then here comes the apocalypse, and the only person he has left is his brother, and that’s what defines him until he loses him, both when rick chained him to a roof, and then again, after a brief relapse, when merle sacrificed himself. 
next we have beta, who again, our info is limited, but he does not become “beta” until after whoever that walker alpha puts down is gone. judging by the size, approximate age, and the closeness beta had to him, i’m betting on, you guessed it, his brother. 
figure a:
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figure b:
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these are both turning points for these men, where they Fully Become the dudes that we know. daryl couldn’t be the daryl we know and love until merle was gone for good, and whatever his actual name is couldn’t become beta until smiley face shirt guy was smooshed. 
(side note: how fucking rank does that t-shirt have to be by now? at least the mask dries out, but do you think that t-shirt is just like, melded into beta’s skin at this point? gross.)
so time for the fun part.
alpha/beta and caryl in season 10:
season 10 finds both duos in similar circumstances, by which i mean, alpha and carol are losing their minds, and beta and daryl are like, “uhhhh, you ok?” the men are these women’s confidants, their person, the one they trust and love above all others. carol saved daryl and brought him into a community, and alpha did the same thing with beta. you want more visual aides? well, sure thing, scout!
figure a:
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we’re carylers, we already know carol’s the reason daryl has the confidence and self-esteem to become part of the group, but juxtapose this with the following pic, which i will label
figure b (again):
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and you will see that alpha sees something in beta that no one else does. she sees this lonely, talented man, who’s adrift and in solitude, and she essentially calls dibs. sound familiar? inorite?
so daryl and beta are now loyal to a fault to their women, and this season already has them being wary of how they’re acting. yes, i have more pictures. i like taking screenshots, okay?
figure a:
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one of the first scenes we get with caryl is daryl asking carol if she’s still thinking about alpha, and if she is Dwelling, which is interesting, because...
figure b:
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...that’s exactly the same thing we get with alpha and beta. the first scene in “we are the end of the world” with the two of them in present day is him questioning her motives, and then later on he’s like, “fuck, are you Dwelling?” 
and both women immediately are like:
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and neither dude knows wtf to do about this, because they’re used to the women being the strong ones. carol’s whole, “you’ve got to feel it, but not me, i’m good repressing, conceal don’t feel” thing, mixed with alpha’s, “we’re living like the dead and the dead don’t feel emotions so obviously I Am Fine” motto is what their boys are used to, but suddenly carol is hallucinating dead children, and alpha is making shrines, and our poor dudes are like, “plz stop???” esp bc they know these women are FUCKING TERRIFYING, and should never be left to their own devices if they’re being crazy crackers.
ergo, both men are clinging to the hope that they can bring the women back from the brink. my last visual aides, yes i know, how sad:
figure a:
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figure b:
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both scenes have these dudes reaching out to their women and essentially expressing, in their own way, “i’m worried about you, can you plz stay within eyesight at all times, ilu,” bc neither daryl nor beta is equipped to have a nice long sit down conversation about feelings, and obviously carol and alpha wouldn’t bother to entertain it in the first place, so like  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. they tried. 
will it work? unlikely! because after that showdown at the end of both eps 1 and 2, these bitches ain’t about to stop for nothing. they just straight up made enemies for life, and they’re going straight harry potter with this shit, neither can live while the other survives, someone has to die, and while beta and daryl are not super on board with this whole “being bonkers and bent on revenge” thing, you better bet your ass that they’re going to make sure their woman is the winner, which means they automatically are paired up against one another as well.
so in a nutshell: we could have just stuck goatees on mmb and norman reedus, cast them as alpha and beta, and called them mirror!verse caryl (star trek reference, yay/nay?), because they’re mother fucking foils setting up for the mother fucking fight of the century, and oh my god, can you feel it in your bones how exciting it is that it’s not going to be a rick + negan dick measuring contest again? i am So Hype.
and ofc, as a hardcore caryl shipper, i obviously have to throw in that alpha and beta are totally in love (which is esp fun, bc whisperers aren’t supposed to feel love, uh oh, vulcan violation, yes i made another star trek reference, bite me), and if they are paralleling caryl, well...extrapolate from the evidence.
i love kang, you guys. i love how she tells a story. i love that she knows how to tell a story. this show is good again, and idk how she did it, but damnit, she did.
thus endeth my pointless critical analysis. forgive me. i was an english major and have absolutely no other use for my degree.
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i’m ashamed too. 
that’s all. tomorrow is the early release of the caryl episode, i mean the new episode. looking forward to dying a valiant death with the lot of you. until then, friends.
addendum: i was editing this, and was trying to think if there’s a parallel to the bracelet scene, and the only thing i could think of that alpha gives beta is his mask. she encourages him to take the face of his brother(?), and that keeps him grounded, which is interesting, bc my prediction for the bracelet is that it’s going to end up being a grounding device for carol when she’s dissociating. i don’t have a solid conclusion drawn there, but i thought i’d mention it before posting, just to plant the seed. 
k, done 4 real, bye
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jesstinsource · 4 years
I feel like 13rw watchers are mainly sexist. Clay, Jess and Zach were all badly written. One of these characters gets most of the hate. No not the one would almost raped someone(Zach) or set his principals car on fire and called Justin a junkie in 4x05 and told Justin his parents weren’t his(Clay) but the girl who isn’t that supportive of her ex boyfriends recovery. Zach and Clay were so intolerable and both had rapey scenes but but god forbid Jess be annoying. This show is rape apologist galore
literal tea. viewers love to suck boy dick. where is all the jess and ani friendship appreciation? they were the clustin of s4??? but remember this show focuses on boys the most. as a gay woman i hate that. lets just ignore that zach was a huge piece of shit all season to everybody because he kissed alex. lets ignore that clay treated justin terribly and then they made JUSTIN apologise to HIM because clay has psychological issues. oh also clay low-key considered r*ping that girl in 4x02 because that was his inner thoughts battling with each other. this show really is rape apologist galore. 1. writing jessica in such an antagonistic way so that viewers hate her. 2. having two main (good) characters nearly rape someone but they don’t to make out that “rape is just an urge we have bc of mental illness and can chose not to act on” like no its fucking psychopathic. 3. spending two seasons making characters mourn rapists and feel bad for them and then killing off an SA survivor and ending his final moments on screen by having him say (theoretically) that he loved his abuser............. 4. jessica davis and her whole ass “rape made me stronger” plot line. bitch what? 
oh and lets all remember that by 4x06 jessica was supportive of him. yeah she lied and wasn't the best girlfriend like s3 set her up to be but she cared about him and asked him if he was okay, and supported him through his grief. zach and clay were too busy with their own shit? they abandoned him completely. like there is a line where jessica was completely ooc and thats obvious, and where zach and clay were straight up assholes? (also zach assaulting a girl is so ooc its disgusting. why was that even in there? i’ve never seen that bit actually) 
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