#literally don’t respect anyone involved in this interaction
starbuck · 4 months
LOVE minding my own business while community drama i’m not involved in implodes around me…
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nekropsii · 8 months
This is a personal challenge, based entirely on my own experience and perspective, and also ranked from Most to Least Correct. I was bored, and thought this might be fun.
Putting this under a cut, because it's long as hell.
People get her mostly correct, from what I’ve seen… Most of the time, fan content of Meulin is absolutely recognizable as Meulin, but her pride in her deafness + joy of learning new ways to interact with the world through/due to her disability is always removed, and I do not often see people tackle the Toxic Positivity aspect of her character. That seems less like character assassination, though, and more like a combination of people not actually playing through the Openbounds, people not being able to fathom disabled people (especially those who gained a disability later in life rather than being born disabled) being happy, and general fandom distaste for the idea of touching anything uncomfortable, especially when that uncomfortable topic is highly mundane, normalized, and potentially applicable to them or their loved ones. Meulin’s toxic positivity was, of course, commentary on Tumblr’s ecosystem at the time, so… It was much harder to touch back then.
People tend to get her general, broad strokes personality right, but unfortunately she gets treated pretty roughly for the crime of Being A Serket. People refuse to understand her motivations, and she often gets demonized for what she was doing around/during [S] Game Over, even though that was something she’d gotten pushed to and also was cool as fuck to watch. God forbid a woman do anything.
People are right about the racism, 100%. It is completely despicable, hard to look at, and extremely blatant. She does, however, have character outside of that. No, it isn’t “whore”, it’s more like “angry, dysfunctional abuse victim”, and she’s genuinely a very interesting and tragic character. But, again, people are right about the racism, so she gets to be placed way up here.
She is such a chaotic little bastard. I love her. I really do. Please understand that she genuinely does not understand the concept of consequences. This girl didn’t have a Lusus, she didn’t have parents, it was functionally illegal to tell her “No, you can’t do that.” That would fuck up literally anyone’s moral compass. That’s not me hand waving away all the fucked up and bad shit she’s done, we all know what she did, but people tend to forget this aspect of her character and it pains me deeply, because it is a very genuinely interesting concept that I want to see more of. She’s capable of regret, we’ve seen her feel it, I just don’t think foresight is her forte. No one raised her to consider consequences, or help her experience them in a healthy way, because nobody raised her period.
Also, her ass is not butch, she is the girliest girl in the entire comic. She is about hot pink and glitter and kiss marks and unicorns and cute little puns and you will respect that. She is not masculine. Her ass is not masculine nor is she butch. Let her be her hyper-feminine self.
Please for the love of god there is more to her character than “Gamer Girl” and “Mituna’s Girlfriend”. You are falling for her fucking ruse. Please. Please. Please recognize that her entire character is about internalized misogyny, and being forced to overcompensate for misogyny in gaming circles as a gamer who happens to be a woman. Please. I’m begging.
His character is not that deep, it’s mostly just a string of events he is mysteriously, inexplicably involved with. The Makaras are extremely Function Over Form- their characters practically do not exist, they're mostly just plot devices that exist to push the story along. I'm sorry to Makara fans. You just invented a guy in your mind and decided he was real. He is also not that soft, though, and his relationships with both Meulin AND Mituna are not healthy. Hard to stop people from ascribing cutesy squishy lovey dynamics to random men who happened to have looked at each other once, though. Some people truly haven't graduated from 2012.
I am begging people to consider that maybe the biggest issue here is not that he is “Bad Otherkin/Therian Representation” and is in fact maybe the fact that Hussie was actually making fun of Systems when he was writing Horuss. Because Horuss is canonically a system. He uses the word system. He uses the word switching. He uses the word host. He literally talks about his Plurality at length in extremely upfront, plain terms. I don’t know how him being “Bad Otherkin Representation” was and still is the main discourse about him. It makes me insane. That is a commentary that truly writes itself. Talk about having your priorities out of wack, honestly...
No, she is not a MRA, she’s just a regular feminist who happens to live on a different planet with different politics and social hierarchies from Our Real World Earth’s USA. Whatever argument you’re about to pull out of your ass to say that she sucks is bad. She already explained what she meant by that, in more detail, very clearly, and she was right. Half the time she’s literally just giving you factual information about what Beforus was like, and literal plot synopses. She isn’t saying anything insane. She’s literally normal. I don’t know why people cannot handle or process this. Porrim has not ever said anything controversial. If you disagree with this you’re either misconstruing her on purpose or you fell for Kankri’s bait, and that’s just fucking sad at that point.
Also, she’s more than a sex object, and her tits are not huge. Honestly, half the shit she was saying was just “I am more than my sex life”, and so many people took that and made her main character trait her sex life. Just pathetic.
This man is a fucking war criminal and I will stop at nothing until he is behind bars for his crimes against Damara. Raging misogynist. Total fucking cunt. Just the worst. If I talk any more about this, this part will be 1,000 paragraphs long. But also, I’m begging people to recognize his relationship with disability, too. He was similar to Meulin in the sense that he didn’t mind his disability, and his biggest gripe with it was the way that Horuss tried to “fix” it… Which is an interesting way to expand upon how Beforus’s culling system is not only very explicitly ableist, but mimicking real world systemic ableism. I also want people to recognize that Hussie is actively having a conversation about the reclamation of slurs with Rufioh’s character, and how not letting people reclaim such language is doing nothing but giving the word power against them while stripping away their own personal agency. Rufioh’s a complicated guy, and he’s interesting and also the worst, and I am really tired of how he gets watered down to nothing but “Pretty Boy Victim Of His Inexplicably Psycho Ex”.
Holy Fucking Shit, You Guys Are Ableist.
To this day I see people saying he was just Hussie making fun of SJWs. To this day. To this day people think Hussie was trying to make Every Tumblr Leftist look bad, and that he hates them Because They Are Leftists. When will people recognize him as a bootlicker to the oppressive class and the violently bigoted. When will people recognize that. When will people recognize that this is more of a commentary on the legitimate real flaws of Tumblr’s politics at the time. When. When.
When will people stop portraying him as a lovey-dovey Catholic Whore. I’m going to stab my fucking eyes out and then kill everyone in this building. Me when it's based and cool to ship an aroace character with a sexual predator. I GUESS.
I say this with every ounce of sincerity I can possibly muster as a person: What the literal actual fuck.
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
So I really liked the Damian Wayne x reader platonic friend thingy your wrote. I really feel like there should be more of those.
Anyways, k cam where to respect something similar. Can u maybe write hc on what it'd be like to be friends w him? Like bantering n stuff and maybe u can focus a bit on how Bruce feels abt it? Oh and bonus points if the reader is awkward.
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Being friends with Damian isn’t easy in the slightest, mainly because he doesn’t make it easy for anyone to befriend him in the first place. So the fact that you managed to accomplish that was a major achievement already.
However that didn’t mean anything afterwards was made any easier for you just because you managed to make the impossible become possible. No. Why? Damian is one hell of a dry conversationalist if Titus or animals in general weren’t involved.
He’s basically an extroverts worst nightmare given a human form. For no matter how hard you tried to bait him into giving more then a one word answer out of him, it always ends with Damian not taking the bait and allowing a air of awkward silence to befall you both while everyone else was having a better time then you.
You: hey Damian.
Him: hello l/n.
You: how have you been?
Him: in peak condition, why?
You: it’s because I don’t see you that much outside of school, it’s almost as if your allergic to social interaction.
Him: Tt. why should I go out of my way to do such a thing? I have you as an acquaintance don’t I?
You: I mean yeah I guess-
Him: then I have no need to expand my friend group, for they’ll only disappoint me. Now is that all?
You: I mean there’s not much else to talk about at this point.
Him: good.
*cue to the pair of you sitting in utter, awkward silence*
When Damian says one friend is all he needs, he genuinely means it. One is enough for him. He doesn’t need anymore because he knows that he doesn’t have the time for them. Plus he might not say it out loud but he does appreciate your friendship, even if your both awkward individuals within most social situations, but he is happy that someone finally gave him a chance to be a friend.
So even if you were to ever ask why you were friends it’ll probably go something a bit like this;
You: why are you friends with me?
Him: you aren’t an idiot, plus you’re the only one who isn’t insufferable.
You: is that meant to be taken as a compliment or…
Him: take it as you see fit.
You: okay…
Damian as a friend would be protective i’d like to think? I mean you are literally the first friend he’s made so naturally he’s going to feel something when he sees you being friends with anyone else that wasn’t him.
Was it insecurity that you not day might not want to be his friend anymore? Possibly.
Will he ever admit to it though? No. This is Damian we’re talking about, of course he won’t.
Also being friends with Damian would best summed up as being two people who shouldn’t work but ultimately do either way, kind of like an ‘against all their differences they’re the best of friends’ type of duo because nobody and I mean nobody saw a friendship between you two ever happening. Ever.
Not even the great Bruce Wayne.
Speaking about him. If you ever got to visit the Wayne Manor and meet his father aka THE Bruce Wayne. Take it as a sign as you’ve made it as Damian’s best friend.
Would you shit yourself upon meeting quite possibly the most powerful man in Gotham? Yes and your sweating buckets on top of that, all the while Damian would be stood next to you completely unfazed as he introduced you to his father as his best mate.
Damian: father.
Bruce: Damian.
Damian: *points to you* this is my best friend and I expect that they get treated with respect during their visit here.
You: hi- hello it’s an honour to meet you M-Mr Wayne sir.
Bruce: tell me how you’ve come to befriend my son?
You: we were in the same art class and I noticed that he had no one to sit next to, and so I offered for him to sit with me, keep in mind I’m not that well liked and practically had a whole table to myself, and I’d like to think our friendship started with that small act of kindness Mr Wayne sir.
Bruce: and had Damian been kind to you?
You: in his own unique way sir but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Bruce: *smiled* you’re a good kid l/n and you can go ahead and drop the formalities and call me Bruce instead. I shall go and tell Alfred to add another plate at the dinner table tonight.
Bruce, upon hearing that Damian had made a friend, wanted to meet you within immediate effect and see whether or not his son made for a good judge of character and he wasn’t disappointed.
Given the fact that you were awkward aside, you were defiantly what Damian needed for a friend, and Bruce was happy to see his son finally get to be normal for once as he watched from the window as Damian practically dragged you out to the spacious backyard with an excitable Titus on your heels as the Great Dane tried to get up and personal with you.
Alfred: they are certainly a pair, aren’t they master Bruce.
Bruce: an odd pair they may seem but they even out the other perfectly. Besides when was the last time Damian looked genuinely happy?
Alfred; can’t say that I recall sir.
Bruce: neither can I. At first I was sceptical but I’m glad being wrong. I can only hope that a friendship like theirs will stand the test of time because there will be times that will test their limits with one another. But if they’re as good a pair as I think they are then they’ll be perfectly fine.
Alfred: couldn’t have put it better myself sir *smiles alongside Bruce as they watched you and Damian act on your own within the others presence while in comfortable silence as Titus fell asleep at both of your feet.*
Yeah you’ll both be alright. You’ve got each other after all and that’s what matters at the end of the day.
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I think some people are annoyed that we can’t be friends with whatever characters we want but I really like it esp for the housewardens. It shows us that everyone’s different and maybe some people need more time to trust others or maybe they don’t want to open up in the first place. It says a lot about how diverse and strong Twst’s characters are.
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Oooh that’s a very good point you brought up! ^^ Even within just the dorm leaders themselves, there’s a wide range of relationships and relationship evolutions that we’ve witnessed (in regards to them and Yuu):
Riddle doesn’t particularly respect Yuu at the start; while he’s not overtly super ruse, he still views them as a troublemaker no different than his freshmen. Post chapter 1, we can see that Riddle has warmed up considerably and seems to consider Yuu a friend that helps to keep an eye on Ace and Deuce when they’re not at Heartslabyul. He does cute little things for Yuu, like fixing their necktie for them, routinely thanks them for favors, and offers to help them or show them around. Most notably, Riddle is one of the dorm leaders that is most open about what he is doing to try and reconcile with his childhood trauma (which he communicates to us in the start of episode 4).
Leona is consistently abrasive towards Yuu from the very beginning to the current state of the main story. Their first encounter involves Leona about to fight Yuu for stepping on his tail, and throughout the second episode, he just continues picking on Yuu and their friends, whether in games or in actual battle. He still seems very closed off and reluctant to help Yuu later on (unless it also personally benefits him, like in the case of episode 3), and isn’t interested in becoming friends (Leona still looks very annoyed when Grim calls out to him in episode 5).
Azul doesn’t think of Yuu as anything special; while still professional, he initially sees them as another sucker to bait into a deal and take advantage of to acquire more assets for himself. According to Azul, Yuu doesn’t have any traits or skills worth taking—they’re unremarkable in every way to him. However, following episode 3, Azul is more willing to lend them a helping hand and to hear them out when they’re in need of help, most notably when the Scarabia mobs are chasing Yuu and Grim. Like Leona, Azul has his own reasons for wanting to assist, but at least he’s now taking Yuu’s word a little more seriously instead of taking them for another fool. Something else that’s interesting is that Azul’s business mindset still overrides his social interactions in the main story; he doesn’t give Yuu or anyone else overtly special treatment just because they’re on better terms or because Yuu literally saved his life.
Kalim is always pretty friendly and welcoming to Yuu, the same as he is with any other student or faculty member. Jamil, on the other hand, saw Yuu similarly to how Azul did: as some tool he could use to get his way. After the events of episode 4, Jamil no longer treats Yuu like someone he can weaponize to achieve his own goals, but treats them like how he treats everyone else with that stoic, diligent facade he always puts up. If I had to describe this, it’s like… Yuu was at a negative before, and now they’re on relatively neutral grounds? Or maybe Jamil feels that Yuu is a kindred spirit, considering they both need to constantly babysit dummies—
Vil is the dorm leader that is most consistently polite to Yuu, both before and after his Overblot. He acknowledges Yuu as his equal and thinks that they can play an important supportive role in the VDC group as their manager. Vil is very strict, but he isn’t unfair and he doesn’t chide Yuu for things out of their control or things they had no direct involvement in (ie Vil didn’t use his UM on Yuu because they didn’t eat the cake or pie that Trey made for them). After the OB, Vil is extremely apologetic to Yuu and even funnels his winnings to help renovate Ramshackle Dorm.
Idia doesn’t have a lot of time to engage with Yuu, but since he dislikes socializing, he, by extension, also dislikes Yuu and closes himself off from them. However, by the end of episode 6, Idia is making a genuine effort to reach out to others and hang out with them! He’s playing video games over at Ramshackle Dorm with Yuu and co~
Malleus’s episode hasn’t been released yet, but we’ve slowly been watching his and Yuu’s friendship come together over the course of the main story. Yuu’s the one person he’s met in his life that isn’t afraid of him and treats him like an equal (albeit in part due to Yuu’s ignorance about who he actually is), and we see just how much Malleus has come to cherish their company in the night. When he reveals his true identity to Yuu at the end of episode 5, then episode 6 skips addressing how their relationship has changed as a result of that discovery. 7 will likely pick up where this plot point left off, and I’m sure that many TWST fans are chomping at the bit to see how Malleus and Yuu’s dynamic will continue to develop.
In the end, it doesn’t feel like we’re super close to most of them (maybe varying degrees of “acquaintance” at most?), but it really helps in making Twisted Wonderland feel fleshed out! Different people, different personalities, different circumstances, different levels of comfort in opening up to and befriending others... The TWST cast is just really diverse!
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jester-lover · 1 year
Hobie with a Desi! S/O
cw/ fem! Reader, horrible attempt at writing British people, including multiple desi cultures bc my girlies need all the representation we can get (it’s slim pickings out here) all fluff, some cultural struggles, but everything is resolved, mentions of insecurities
(LONG POST- headcanons and a drabble)
I'm goth and I had a literary awakening when Hobie showed up
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There are literally only two ways I see the two of you meeting
The first involves you being a friend/relative of Pavitir’s, who is exceptionally happy his two homies are getting along
In this situation, Hobie would know a little more about you from the get go, and you most likely would know about him (Pav thinks he’s so cool, he’ll talk about his friends to anyone who’ll listen)
Another; in my opinion, funnier, way for the two of you to meet is him accidentally crashing a desi wedding when he’s on Spidey business
You would be mildly peeved with him for disturbing the wedding, but his spunk and generally opinionated personality make you fall for him
Either way, congratulations! You have the world’s loveliest punk boyfriend
As a boyfriend, Hobie loves helping out in any activity you need help with
He’s the type of boy who tries his absolute hardest to be there for any event that is important to you
No matter if its a massive grad party or a late night pizza run, Hobie is there and having the time of his life
Now, moving onto the cultural aspect, Hobie adores learning about other cultures
Your family is weary of him at first, because of the way he dresses primarily
He manages to find a place in their hearts after they see the way he treats you (with respect and dignity!!!!)
Also the fact that he eats whatever your mom makes, entire plate, man will lick it clean
(I mean, have you seen how much British people love takeaway?)
“Is your mum home yet?” “She’s making something good I bet, she always is.”
He can HANDLE spice, and he’s good with kids (his interaction with Mayday proved that to me)
Your parents may end up, in a shocking event, liking him!
Hobie is your biggest hype man whenever you wear cultural clothes, especially if they’re a little on the edgy side, dark colors and all that
Lehengas, shalwar kameez, sarees, etc, he loves them all
“You're dressed up, aren’t you?”
He’ll explain it to you in this mysticised ‘stepping on eurocentric beauty standards’ type of way, but you know deep down he just thinks you're super pretty
He’s obsessed with your features, no matter what you look like, he thinks you have the most perfect face in the world
If you ever make Hobie Desi food, he’ll be in love with you forever
He loves pani puri, especially if the pani is a lil spicier
His love language is acts of service, and you making him something to eat is like, you are nourishing him?? With bomb Desi food?? he’s is seeing heaven rn
He most DEF asks Pav (who then asks Gayatri) for advice on how to impress you
This leads to him, hanging onto your windowsill, with a Mendhi tube in his hand, and a calm smile on his face
As Hobie slid off his mask, his gorgeous hair fell to the sides of his sharp face. Placing the spiky mask on your side table, he sauntered towards your bed, abruptly sitting down and motioning for you to follow him. 
You sighed, and smiled as you took your spot in front of him. He was alway so considerate, taking your interests into mind whenever he swung by.
“You know, I’m not a pro at this or anything.”
He grinned, almost wolfishly, and placed the small sharp tipped tube into your lap.
“I could care less, do anything on my hands.”
You gently took one of his hands into both of yours, spreading it out to see the flesh of his palm, his nails were painted red this week, courtesy of you, of course.
His long bony hand flexed as you gently took off each of his silverish rings, one by one. 
You were completely focused on this simple act, treating him with a gentleness only you could offer him, a complete contrast from his usual existence. 
“I don’t have a lot of time today, my cousin’s getting married, we have to go to some pre wedding events.”
Hobie perked up in interest, sliding his free hand to smooth out your gingham sheets.
“And what do you plan to wear?”
His mind flashed through all the traditional clothes he’s seen you in, each more ornate and beautiful than the last.
“The lehenga most likely, the peach-ish one, with the sparkles.”
You undid the little plastic pin at the top of the Mehendi tube, applying a slight pressure and making a small line on his palm to start out with.
Hobie looked at you closely, remembering the last time he saw that specific lehenga.
“That one’s cute.”
You laughed a little, looking down at your messy drawing.
“I was going for a flower but it sorta looks like a palm tree.”
He looked down at his hand, a messy smudgy, and less than finished flower was on his palm.
“Maybe, a couple more petals on the top, yeah?”
You squeezed the Mendhi tube again, carefully drawing three extra petals on the top.
“There! I think that's good.”
Hobie looked down at his palm and kept a laugh back, poorly albeit.
The flower wasn’t necessarily bad, just a little wonky.
“It's absolutely beautiful.”
You smiled.
“Hold your hand still until it dries, then peel off the crumbly bits, okay?”
Hobie mockingly saluted with his other hand, matching your smile.
“Anything you say.”
You giggled, taking his face in your hands gently, careful to avoid snagging one of his piercings.
“What am I ever gonna do without you?”
His expression turned a little soft, keeping his smile steady.
“Let's hope it never has to come to that.”
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wayfayrr · 4 months
Ok so off my ask of what if I text in front of him, what if I’m on call in front of him? Like I’m playing and someone calls me so I pause the game and answer it for a minute? So if it’s obvious it’s my mom is hope he’d be ok w that lol, but what if it’s a friend? Or worse, a guy friend?? Oooor, a boyfriend???😂
That usually doesn’t happen to me but what I do sometimes is have a friend on call w me while I play bc 1. Company, and 2. I stink so much at the game so sometimes I’ll ask him for hints so I don’t have to look it up and risk spoilers. And I was at college too so my roommate would usually be in the room and sometimes she was known to get very involved w me so what about that? Would he be mad that he doesn’t have me one on one?
I think the first few times that you get a call (no matter who it is) he's more curious about it, it's something he's never seen or interacted with before. What do you mean you can just talk to people like that. Are they other real people or are they just ai's like how he used to be? Does that mean that there's some way for him to call you like that? (He probably does spend a stupid amount of time trying to find a way to call you ngl. And who knows maybe he'll be successful like wild was >:)) If he ever found out that it was a romantic partner then I think It'd be enough to shatter him. If he's gotten access to being online then I don't think it'd be too impossible to say that he'd send them messages trying to convince them to leave you (they do earn his respect if they stay through that though ngl) but if they didn't it'd most likely escalate into full blown threats.
I think in general he'd be a little bitter about having your attention split like that seeing as he doesn't get to see you unless you have the game open. (he takes it as the same energy as you going on your phone at a dinner date or similar - it's rude!) things that you don't have control over he can't blame you for but that doesn't mean he isn't resentful at all for it. he'd just be extra clingy afterwards, getting his fill of your attention before even considering sharing you with anyone. whether that's cuddling for hours in the mornings before work or class or literally becoming your shadow in those places. possibly even locking your roommate out or filing complaints against them to wherever he can, he's gonna be your new roomie now - why shouldn't he make the process easier for himself?
I think he'd somewhat have a love hate relationship with the hints too, seeing as it's stopping him from getting injured but it's also split attention. he just wishes that he was the one on call with you instead. </3
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stupendousfoxthing · 2 months
Stop writing essays trying to fake concern over Jk and his wellbeing while filming the show because you know damn well you wouldn’t have been singing this same song if Jk filmed a travel show with any other member who isn’t Jimin. You are a Jk biased taekooker so aren’t you supposed to know your own bias more than anyone else? Did you close your ears during the very last OT4 Live where Jk himself mentioned that he was done with his schedules but still wanted to shoot stuff? Can you remind me who out of everyone seated there asked him to stop and take a rest else he was going to hurt his body? Now you are trying to act like that same person who is the same person Jk has mentioned for years that he found the most comfort is, didn’t care that Jk was overworked still made him shoot a travel show that he didn’t want to shoot?
Let’s be serious here for a minute since you seem to have this belief that you are the most logical person alive. Do you think that if Jk has other things scheduled during the weekend after his GMA performance the company would have cancelled those things to film a show? Isn’t it obvious that they filmed the show then because he probably didn’t have any other schedules on those few days? Would you have been singing this same song if the person involved was taehyung? You say things like this but if someone brings up the fact that Tae literally pulled Jk out of his comfortable chair and made Jk cook for him on ITS, you would write essays about how people are dumb to think Jk is a child who can be forced to do things he didn’t want to do but here you are implying that Jk has no autonomy even though this man has literally renewed his contract 2 more times since he debuted and I am here wondering why he didn’t revise the terms and and request for the “fanservice with Jimin” clause to be taken out else he takes a walk. You sound ridiculous as hell writing essays that are aimed at painting Jk a spineless puppet to the company.
You posted this video in your rant and as you can see, immediately Jimin noticed that something was wrong with Jk, he didn’t stop asking what the issue was till he was convinced that Jk was ok so even if you don’t have faith in the company, best believe that Jimin would be the very last person to let Jk do anything that is detrimental to his health and if these video isn’t enough to convince you, then maybe Jk’s own words would.
“One of the most insidious things this fandom has done is paint genuine and valid concern as anti-behavior.”
“Valid concern” my ass. This is no valid concern because this “valid concern” only matters when it comes to Jungkook’s interactions with a certain member. If you had valid concern for Jungkook then you would have screamed bloody murder when Taehyung “forced” him to cook for him on ITS when Jk “clearly” didn’t want to. If you had valid concern for him you would have been mad about the fact that after all this “tiredness” and “sickness” Taehyung instead encouraged him to push himself and shoot more when he said his schedules were done yet he wanted to shoot more. If you felt any valid concern for him, you would have been grateful to the one person who told him to stop and take a rest when he wanted to push more, you would have been grateful to the one person Jk has mentioned several times that he found comfort in, you would have been grateful to the one person who didn’t stop to make a commentary at the camera but instead ran straight to Jk who had collapsed and was receiving medical care in Burn the stage, if you had valid love and concern for Jk, you would have known your place as a fan and respected his choices instead of trying to fake concern while cherry picking moments to be fake concerned about, because if you saw Jk gallivanting around concerts, or musicals or premieres with Teahyung even while being sick, you and I know that you wouldn’t have been writing this fake ass essays about concern. And stop lying to yourself that you care about Jk. You don’t because no one who really cares about him would have any negative thing to say about a show where he looks happy as hell and literally shouts out “ I am free”.
You sound ridiculous as hell making all these essays when this is literally Jk through out the show.
You would have a much easier time and much more peace of mind if you just accepted that Jk did something he wanted to do with one of his closest friends. That doesn’t take anything away from your ship because right now you just sound like a butt hurt shipper who lacks every single ounce of objectivity and only sees what they want to see. But i guess it is kinda hard for you to do that because every piece of the trailer that you see, debunks some of the things you really want to believe about him and his friendship with Jimin because some of you are just too dense to understand that Jk’s friendship with Jimin and what he does or doesn’t do with Jimin has absolutely nothing to do with his relationship with Taehyung. Even if you sincerely believe in your ship, understand that Jk can still have other people in his life that he does things with. He can have other people in his life whom he loves, whom he hugs, whom he cuddles, whom he goes on private and public trips with and that doesn’t affect his relationship with Taehyung in anyway so for the love of God, stop trying to make the travel show a bad thing. It is actually a good thing that in the middle of work, he could just take sometime to do some fun things and unwind with a dear friend of his and stop saying they pulled him out from his promos. You know you don’t believe that unless you are stupid enough to think that BH would cancel other promos that had been booked and scheduled to film a show. They didn’t pull him out of anything. He had sometime inbetween his albums and music schedules and that is the time that was used and you know that!
You are so stupid it's unbelievable. The fact that you tried to make my concerns for Jungkook about a ship and other members really showed your whole ass here. You proved my "essays" right and I don't think you're smart enough to realize that.
Once again I don't know who you're talking to because none of the things you just projected onto me apply. It's wild how you guys repeatedly word vomit in my inbox trying to argue with things I don't believe and never said. Starting with trying to say my concern for Jungkook is fake (it isn't) and thinking my beef is with Jimin when it was the company that set up the shoots for the show. You are just wrong about literally everything. All the time.
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Well, it’s been a week and I've had time to cool down and put together my thoughts on Season of the Seraph and its ending. So here goes.
The season finale plot did not require Rasputin to die. "The eliksni are trying to get control of the warsats" is literally a strike. If the warsats needed to be taken off the table as a get-out-of-jail-free card we could have blown the network and kept Rasputin himself. There was an active decision to kill him. Having thought about it, I think I understand why this decision was made - but I still think it's a terrible decision, and I'll explain why.
Before we start, I don't want to sound like I'm going after Destiny's narrative team either personally or professionally. I'm not calling them terrible writers, much less terrible people. I don't know them! They might even be terrible people, for all I know. While I refer to a single monolithic "narrative team," I know in reality there are multiple groups working on different stories. I’m not a professional writer, and they are. And I genuinely believe all of them are talented people who work hard and care about Destiny. But that doesn't mean I don't have some criticisms.
After considering it I think there are three possible reasons to kill Rasputin:
1). The narrative team believed this was a good emotional conclusion that brought closure to his character arc in Destiny. In this case I just think they're flat-out wrong. I'd say "I respect it" but I kind of don't because I think it's so terribly wrong. I don't know what other people think Rasputin's character arc involved, but I won't get closure till Rasputin faces the Witness again and finally ends the war he's been trapped in for centuries. But I get why they would do it, if they believed this. And that final mission was really good. I had a hard time noticing at the time, but it was very well-done, and the cutscene proper was well-shot, -scripted, and -acted (though I'm still angry about the Traveler upstaging Rasputin's death). They put a huge amount of effort into it and into the story work all season long.
But his death being well-done doesn’t change whether I think it was a good narrative choice. Even saying “Rasputin’s arc should conclude here,” the way it was set up had him sacrificing himself to basically cancel himself out. Unless they’re saving up a plot twist, Rasputin ultimately contributed nothing to the fight. He didn’t do any damage to the Fleet or Witness, or anything to stymie Xivu Arath. He died thinking he’d never helped humanity at all and it was safer if he didn’t exist. I don’t know about you, but I find that extremely unsatisfying.
2). Someone doesn't like Rasputin/doesn't know what to do with him. This is two reasons, but they overlap. The Operation: Sancus mission dialogue pissed me off because it gave me the impression that whoever was writing it really didn't like Rasputin and was taking the chance to morally excoriate him. A more subtle version recurs in the final mission where Rasputin is essentially sacrificing himself to null out his own existence - saying "as long as I exist I'm a threat to humanity" - as if he can't ever help or contribute more than endanger people, which is just flat-out wrong. "Humanity doesn't need a Warmind" you're part of humanity, Red. He’s a person; he doesn’t need to justify living. If someone just decided Rasputin Was Bad Actually I’d be very angry indeed. But I don't think it's that personal. Destiny has lots of writers and multiple narrative teams will touch the same work. One person's distaste probably wouldn't steer an entire season.
Related, however, is the reason that maybe no one knows what to do with Rasputin. To be honest I sympathize with this one. Would it shock anyone to hear I've thought about how I would script a Rasputin-focused season? It's surprisingly hard to build a plot around him. A game needs to be interactive and Rasputin's kind of all or nothing - either he can handle the whole problem himself or he can't do anything at all. Red also mostly plays defense. He doesn't have a goal he's working towards other than "kill the Witness/save humanity." You need to come up with a plausible goal that we can believably help him achieve, and that's nontrivial. But, well, that's why I'm not a professional games writer and these people are. "Not sure what do" is not IMO sufficient justification for assassinating one of Destiny's oldest characters/factions.
3). The Destiny narrative team is trying to "declutter" the setting and foreground story by sidelining characters who take a lot of lore to understand. I think this is the real reason, and it's worth talking more about.
A lot of us lore-nerds have long complained about Destiny not foregrounding its setting and story, and Bungie has responded by trying to do so. I think we didn't consider what that would actually look like. Imagine Destiny's story like a long movie. Now imagine people are constantly coming and going from the audience, and everyone who comes in has to nudge their neighbor and go, "hey, what's happening?" Destiny is always (hopefully) acquiring new players, and existing ones are dropping out and coming back. Even most established players either don't read the lore or don't track/remember it. We the lore-keepers are very much the anomaly. If we want story to be a focus, that story also has to be more accessible to new players, lapsed players, people who don't bother reading loretabs, etc., because otherwise it harms their experience and there's a lot more of them than there are of us.
I think this is why we've seen a lot of seasons that introduce whole new concepts - the eliksni Sacred Splicers, for instance - rather than following on existing storylines. Introducing a mostly-new concept puts new and old players on a similar footing. Haunted is another type of compromise between the goal of furthering the story and the goal of making it accessible. Calus and Leviathan are back, but so warped that old players have as much to learn as new ones, and the Sever missions dive deep into character pasts but pretty explicitly describe the emotional arcs they're illustrating, so you don't have to be familiar with that character to get what they're going through. To those who already know Zavala, Crow, etc., it seems laughably obvious and strained. But to those who just got here, this is their first time learning not just about Safiyah but also about Zavala. I think this is also why there have been multiple casual retcons of minor stuff - there isn't time to explain the history, and they've decided it's not worth confusing people.
Rasputin is old. He's been a significant part of Destiny since literally the pre-Alpha test. The complexity and history that are part of why we love the Warmind also make him hell to explain to new people. It takes a decent amount of lore to get invested in his character and since Beyond Light none of that lore is featured in-game. Pre-Season of the Seraph, anyone who began with Beyond Light literally never met him. They never visited Hellas Basin, which is one big environmental story about Rasputin, and The Will of Thousands strike, which demonstrates Red's power and contains many possible dialogues that emphasize him trusting you/acting as an ally, left the playlist ages ago. Since then a new player's only gameplay interaction with him has been Fallen SABER, in which Red yells incoherent Russian and tries to flatten you with a warsat. Is it a surprise relatively new players might not be up on his character arc?
Season of the Seraph, with its narrative of rebuilding Rasputin from the ground up, would be a perfect time to introduce new players to Red's long history, and they...kind of...did that. They worked in Felwinter although then for some reason felt the need to retcon in the whole "Clovis wanted to destroy the Traveler" plan. If you were a new player who didn't know anything about Destiny lore, and you just played Season of the Seraph, you'd get an entire canned arc for Rasputin that hits the early high notes: built to be a weapon, rebelled against his constraints, humanities nerd, big smite, loves Ana and Elsie, makes mistakes but genuinely cares and wants to help.
But that's where Seraph stops. In existing lore (I almost typed "in reality") Rasputin worked out the whole "not a weapon" thing well back during the Golden Age. For a lot of us Warmind fans the most interesting parts of his story happened after that - the entire Collapse, confrontation with Darkness, years of hiding, etc., not to mention all his character development during Warmind and Worthy. He's gone through a lot, and Seraph misses all of it (except Felwinter) in favor of rehashing the same arc for a third time. It's like when moviemakers keep rebooting a superhero origin story. It may be a good story, but eventually we'd like to move on to the other parts we enjoy: this sleeping giant, hard scifi AI, grouchy old bastard, lost lore of the Golden Age, champion of humanity, learning from defeat, learning to trust again, the morality and trauma of warfare - what it means to lose a war - a being never meant to become what he was transforming still further, still unfolding his own potential.
So understanding why they might have done this doesn't excuse what I still see as a terrible narrative choice. I think dropping Rasputin is a major waste of potential, and he's far from the only tricky character to explain. Osiris, or at least the Cult of Osiris, is similarly old. His story is complex and weird and requires knowledge from Curse and earlier, yet he's still playing a major role. Other current characters like Elsie, Saladin, and Crow also need a decent amount of knowledge about previous game events to get why they are the way they are. Saladin's origin story isn't even in this game. It's not Rasputin's fault the game went three years without so much as mentioning him outside of written lore. What was wrong with the great Xivu-Rasputin “war god” parallels most of the season worked to set up, about the intent of violence? Are we never going to explore those? Are we just throwing out all the dialogues planning a role for Red in the upcoming war? Why did we have a dramatic confrontation about trusting Rasputin to operate independently if he were going to be gone in a month anyway? Just in Seraph alone the number of interesting plot threads abruptly trashed by this death argues against it.
Rasputin's longevity is precisely part of why he should stick around. In the first mission of Destiny 1 you wake up in his shadow. He has a history with us. There's just no one quite like him in Destiny. He's not just a character but an entire faction. He explores a part of story space that no one else does. He resonates with us as people rather than players. I assume Neomuna will pick up the Golden Age banner, but it’s a thriving city; Rasputin represented the ruins, the dangers of a dead age, the shadow of apocalypse. He's also maybe the most Guardian-like character and one of the best to weave a parallel/cautionary tale - were we, too, only made to be weapons? But if Rasputin didn't stay a weapon, can we too transcend that intention? And of all the factions in our solar system, the two with the most personal scores to settle with the Witness are the eliksni and Rasputin, and Misraaks'/Eramis' story has focused much more on the Traveler's flight than the Fleet's attack. Of everyone in Destiny Rasputin has the most desperately personal motive for revenge on the monochrome bastard. Now he's not even going to be there to watch it crash and burn.
I understand that foregrounding story also comes with the requirement that it be accessible to those who don't do their lore homework. I appreciate the monumental amount of work that's gone into doing that and the experimental nature of it. But I think the balance has skewed too far towards accessibility. Stuff like the end of Season of Plunder that has zero narrative motivation or continuity and doesn't even get a pretend justification drives me absolutely batty. You can only break internal rules so many times before players stop buying whatever narrative stakes you're trying to set up. Making the story easier to follow doesn't mean characters have to be cartoonishly-exaggerated caricatures like Clovis was in Seraph - just absolutely cartoonishly evil - or reduced to one or two character motives explicitly laid out for the player (though, credit where credit is due, Clovis was hilarious.) It doesn't mean the dialogue has to be as subtle as a Thundercrash. It doesn't mean you get a blank check to retcon or invent whatever's needed to create the intended character arc. If anything that discourages looking further into lore - why bother to learn it when next season will change it all again? I think Y5 represents a lot of experimentation by the Destiny narrative team, and I really respect that. But I also hope they learn what didn’t work from it, and sacrificing Rasputin in an ultimately pointless and unnecessary finale is a major misstep.
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starvedvampire · 1 year
a little introduction before you proceed
hi everyone, my name is Sabre🩸i’m 25, i only use he/him pronouns, although i don’t identify as 100% male. i’m transmasc, in any case. a bisexual switch*, i welcome all queer people to this space (especially fellow transmascs hi there).
*sub-leaning, usually i only feel comfortable domming people i’ve developed an emotional connection with, but we can try
please keep in mind that i’m in a fulfilling relationship with my partner, @my-vampires-favourite-treat (yes matching usernames 🥰). she is not only the object of all my love and adoration, but also my proud owner and my lovely bun🌻 my mind, body and soul are hers🖤 (also she’s responsible for so many of my most recent kinks omg i fucking love her)
we’re both polyamorous tho, so if you want to sext/flirt with me that’s cool, just as long you know i’ll communicate it to her
please remember that this blog is for me and me alone. if you enjoy the things i post or rb, that’s great, i’m glad to know there are others who share my insanity, but keep in mind i don’t owe anyone here anything and i will block whoever makes me uncomfortable or disrespects me.
I firmly believe the best experiences related to intimacy are the ones that include enthusiastic and clear consent. even if some of the scenarios in this blog don’t explicitly show it, never forget that all sexual interactions fundamentally require consent from all parties involved, as it’s crucial to have it before you engage in kinks (also while you’re engaging bc it’s important to check up on your partner).
Kinks, asks, terms, DNI below the cut…
🩸fuck yES: monsterfucking, aliens, demons, tentacles, slime, belly inflation, oviposition, hucow/lactation/breast expansion, biting and blood as in vampirism, dumbification, breeding (pregnancy but only in theory, never in practice), praise and degradation, corruption, drooling, use of aphrodisiacs, body worship, restraints, humiliation. pet play bc my partner got me into it 🌻 hypno and voyeurism are both tumblr’s fault
🩸 maybe/sometimes: priest kink, cnc, exhibitionism, dacryphilia, hierophilia, light intox (alcohol), r4pe play (idk, still questioning this one)
🩸 dislike/don’t include me: birth (mentions are fine but no graphic descriptions), guns, belly bursting, gore, feet, anything unsanitary
🩸 hard no: detransition kink, misgendering, incest, dd/lg, age play, bestiality
Regarding asks and dms:
🩸 to be honest when it comes to messages i’m not consistent at all but you can try your luck if you want. just please ease into it before jumping into graphic stuff, say hi and your pronouns and stuff.
also please don’t text me in a sexual way if you’re under 21, over 35 or identify as a straight man.
🩸as for asks, please send more and give me an excuse to touch myself (just keep my pinned info in mind)
Terms you can use when referring to me:
Please only use these, i will only accept others if i’ve previously agreed:
🩸pet and filth names: darling, slut, cumslut, cockslut, pet, love, whore, beloved, sweetheart. call me good boy/pretty boy and i will literally melt🖤
🩸body parts: regarding to the ones that may cause me dysphoria, please only use cunt, hole, tdick, dick, cock, strap, clit, chest and tits. terms for other body parts are all fine.
❌ you’re a minor (under 18) or your age isn’t visible in your bio/pinned.
❌ if you send me pictures of genitals with no context/unprompted, i will block you
❌ you fetishize trans people/trans experiences. remember i’m a person and i am worthy of respect just like everybody else
❌ you’re a terf, swerf, transmed, pro-life, ableist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, antisemite. bigots in general please don’t come near here
❌ thinspo blogs stay the fuck away
❌ p*dos i will fucking report you, don’t try me🔪
Tags i’ll be using:
🩸#sabre posts: for random thoughts and whatever
🩸#thirsty sabre: this is my horny license which i can whip out at a moment’s notice
🩸#sabre types: for answering all your horny asks
Anon tags: #💜 #💫
the #🌻 is reserved for my beloved bunny
*i’ll try to tag my kinks as they appear in my posts but i get distracted easily so no promises.
i reserve the right to change/update/alter this at any given time
🖤🩸that’s all, remember to take care of yourselves while misbehaving🩸🖤
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
An aroace that doesn’t ship anything ranks every Invader Zim ship they are aware of:
No offence to anyone. Also don’t expect many “I ship it” moments because I really don’t ship anything.
ZaDr (Zim and Dib romance):
The one and only Invader Zim ship that needs no introduction. If you’re been in the modern fandom for any amount of time, you know about ZaDr. It’s the most common ship in the entire fandom and I see why. The enemies to lovers dynamic, the parallels between the two of them in canon, ✨ The Gay✨, etc. This ship is THE Invader Zim ship and it’s easy to see why.
I personally don’t ship it for a few different reasons. I like my Zim and Dib with a more frenemies dynamic when they aren’t at each other’s throats for one, plus I just don’t ship things like 99% of the time. That just how I work.
This right here can be said for any ship on this list involving Zim; but I also headcanon Zim as being aroace, which conflicts with literally every ship involving Zim. My version of Zim just doesn’t mix with any ships. For me, Zim and romance is like oil and water.
That being said, I’m not against ZaDr and I don’t dislike it. I don’t actively seek it out, but I also don’t mind looking at it if it pops up on my dash. I just like ZaDf a bit more.
Do I ship it: No
How I pronounce it: Za-Dur
Rating: 8/10 (it’s a classic and even though I don’t ship it, giving it anything less would be a disservice to it)
ZaGr (Zim and Gaz romance):
ZaGr is a really interesting ship to me. Not in a character or canon way, but in a meta way. Because from what I understand, ZaGr used to be the most popular IZ ship back when Invader Zim was a newer show, before ships like ZaDr became acceptable and more mainstream.
Now it’s way less common when compared to ZaDr, but you can see it everywhere in older works. I just find it cool that you can tell how old parts of the fandom are based on how popular or common ZaDr and ZaGr are. ZaGr is still popular nowadays, but it used to be the go-to IZ Ship before ZaDr became mainstream and overtook it in popularity.
Kinda but not really moving on from a meta perspective, I can see why it originally became popular, but also why it fell from grace and was overtaken by ZaDr. Both Zim and Gaz show a hated for humanity, share an interest in video games, have the same dislike of Dib and Gaz seems to be one of the few characters that Zim shows any respect towards whatsoever. There was also the rumoured (and later disproven to exist) episode “Invader Dib”, which was rumoured to be the series finale before the show was canceled and would have supposedly implied that Zim and Gaz got together post-canon.
Plus in my uneducated opinion, ZaGr probably also became so popular because of the environment it came into existence in. ZaGr is one of the oldest ships in the entire fandom (I think), being a thing all the way back in the early 2000s when Invader Zim had first come out and recently been canceled. Back then, gay ships like ZaDr and TaGr were a lot less normalized than they are today and were considered to be either crackships, rarepairs or morally wrong because the early 2000s wasn’t exactly known for being accepting of LGBTQ stuff. So ZaGr simply had a lot less competition.
Then, when ships like ZaDr and TaGr became more normalized and popular, people started jumping to them because ZaDr simply has a lot more chemistry than ZaGr. Zim and Gaz only have a few minimal interactions after all.
ZaGr still exists and it’s definitely still prominent, but it’s often overshadowed by its gay relatives that are ZaDr and TaGr.
On another note, I really like the idea of Zim and Gaz becoming friends (much to Dib’s dismay and frustration).
Do I ship it: No, but I adore the more meta details of it.
How I pronounce it: Za-Gir
Rating: 6/10 (the meta stuff elevates it quite a bit, but as an actual ship, things like ZaDr simply have way more chemistry)
ZaSr (Zim and Skoodge romance):
I don’t know why, but the ship name always gives me vibes of strength and durability. I really can’t explain it in any other way. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Moving on from that, I can see why this exists. Skoodge was supposed to live in Zim’s base after all. Plus, with how underwritten Skoodge actually is, he’s a character that can be molded to fit the story or ship, basically making Skoodge a fanfic writer’s dream and basically any and all details regarding ZaSr to be sadly fanmade.
Now, I HAVE actually actively sought out ZaSr content before. It was mostly to find ZaSf stuff because the ZaSf tag is next to empty, but I have gone through the tag once or twice. Even though I don’t ship them romantically, I like the idea of Zim and Skoodge being friends and the ZaSr tag, despite being a shipping tag, is the best place to find content like that.
Do I ship it: Not romantically, but definitely platonically, in a best friends sort of way, and the ZaSr tag is my best (and only) source of content for that kind of thing
How I pronounce it: Za-Sir
Rating: 8/10 (I don’t ship the two romantically, but the tag is a very good way to find content of Zim and Skoodge being friends)
ZaTr (Zim and Tak romance):
This one is in a very similar vein as ZaSr. I have gone through the tag, but mostly just because I ran out of content in the ZaTf tag.
Ship-wise, I don’t really get this one, but at the same time I get the impression that it was popular at SOME point because I’m pretty sure that it was a semi-common thing in older works. I just don’t get WHY though. Maybe as an alternative to ZaGr back before ZaDr became an acceptable option? I really don’t know. I just don’t see it.
Do I ship it: No, but I have used the tag to search for ZaTf content before
How I pronounce it: Za-Tur
Rating: 4/10 (I really don’t understand the appeal of it. I’m a fan of ZaTf with Zim and Tak becoming friends or at the very least frenemies, but shipping the two of them romantically seems like overkill)
ZaTr alternate version (Zim and Tenn romance):
No. Just no. I headcanon that Zim and Tenn are twin siblings, so that should sum up my thoughts on ZaTr [alternate] pretty damn well.
And I’m confident to say that no one is going to fight me here and argue that “it’s just your personal headcanon that they’re siblings so it’s fine” because literally no one ships this.
This ship is stupidly rare and I’ve only ever seen two, maybe three things with ZaTr [alternate] in it. I’m including it simply because of those two or three things and because I said I’d review every ship I’m aware of, even if the ship barely exists and is accidentally made into twincest because of a headcanon I have.
Do I ship it: Fuck no
How I pronounce it: Alternate Za-Tur (or Za-Tur 2)
Rating: 0/10 (it’ll be a cold day in hell when I ship twincest and a goddamn blizzard in hell when I let go of my “Zim and Tenn being siblings” headcanon)
TaGr (Tak and Gaz romance):
I actually used to ship TaGr way before I made this blog. Then I stopped without really knowing why. I left the fandom for a while and when I came back TaGr had just sort of fell off for me and didn’t hit the same. I don’t know what changed. Nowadays I don’t actively seek it out, but also won’t complain if it pops up in my dash. I’m neutral towards it.
Tak and Gaz have basically no interactions in canon, and yet based purely on their personalities you KNOW that they’d work well if you placed them in the same room together. They even have similar aesthetics. And as an added bonus, you have ✨The Gay✨.
You can also pronounce the name by saying “tiger” in a super heavy southern accent and that makes it the best ship by default. You can do the same with the misspelling of the name (GaTr) by saying “gator” in a super heavy southern accent.
Do I ship it: Not anymore (but I used to)
How I pronounce it: Ta-Gir (like tiger with a super heavy southern accent)
Rating: 9/10 (the name and how you can pronounce it does some of the lifting there. It’s just fun for me to say. If you couldn’t pronounce it like tiger or gator in a super heavy southern accent it would be a 7/10)
DaTr (Dib and Tak romance):
This ship definitely exists and it is a ship.
To be honest though, DaTr gives off the vibes of a toxic byproduct of ZaDr and TaGr.
Despite that however, to my knowledge, DaTr is another one of the oldest ships in the fandom that’s as old as ZaGr, being a ship that was often seen alongside it. Zim gets with Gaz and Dib gets with Tak. Like ZaGr, it became a lot more rare with the rise of ZaDr and TaGr. It’s still around, but it’s a lot less common than it used to be.
However, I don’t think it really holds up nowadays. Dib and Tak simply don’t have much chemistry together besides an equal hated of Zim and ZaDr and TaGr seem like way better alternatives.
Plus, just by looking at them, I refuse to believe that Dib likes women and Tak likes men. ZaDr/TaGr shipper or not, there’s no way in hell that they’re both straight.
I do like the name though, I’ll give the ship that. DaTr. Reminds me of Data.
Do I ship it: no
How I pronounce it: Da-Tier or Da-Tur. I alternate between the two
Rating: 2/10
TaTr (Tak and Tenn romance):
I get why this ship exists. A part of it does have to do with Tenn having no canon personality and being able to be molded to fit the story or ship, just like Skoodge but even more malleable because Tenn has even less canon details, so you can really have any dynamic or story that you want with this ship. There’s also a few other details like Tenn being one of the only named, canon, female Irkens in the show besides Tak. ✨The Gay✨ is also a factor.
I’ve mentioned before that I find this ship a bit funny when you take into account how similar Zim and Tenn look, with Tak looking at Zim and thinking “worst enemy, kill on sight” and then looking at Zim with eyelashes and curled antenna and being head over heels, but I got to admit, TaTr has grown on me quite a bit.
It’s one of the only ships I’ve actively searched for (not counting the ships I’ve looked at when searching for platonic content like ZaSr and ZaTr) and I don’t even know why exactly. I just enjoy it.
Do I ship it: I don’t exactly know. I like the ship, but I’m not sure if I’d call myself a avid shipper of it. Probably? You know what? What the hell, my answer is Yes. TaTr is the only ship on this list that gets a yes from me
How I pronounce it: Tatter
Rating: 9/10 (I like this one)
RaPr (Red and Purple romance):
I can definitely see the chemistry between the two of them. They’re practically inseparable in canon, share the same interests and likes and also the line “he LIKES snacks Zim” exists. I’ve seen compilations of the Tallest just called “the Tallest being gay for each other compilation” and I completely understand where they’re coming from.
That being said, I have exactly one complaint. The name. If it was structured as “Purple and Red romance” instead of “Red and Purple romance”, it would spell “PaRr” which can easily be pronounced as “Parr”. RaPr had the opportunity to become one of, if not THE ONLY Invader Zim ship that’s actually pronounceable by a human tongue in one universally accepted way, but it actively refused to do so and now I can’t stop pronouncing it like “Wrapper”, which I think, in Tallest Purple’s own words, is a stupid name.
Do I ship it: no, but I have no reason not to. I honestly just refuse to ship it out of spite over the stupid sounding name. That’s the only thing stopping me from shipping it
How I pronounce it: Wrapper
Rating: 8/10 (would be 10/10 if it was spelled as Parr)
PRaZr (Purple, Red and Zim romance):
I don’t usually give this one much thought, but it’s kind of funny when you think about it alongside the actual events of the show. “Invader Zim gets kicked out of the polycule to work eternal food service after permanently ruining a major military operation”
Do I ship it: no. I got no real thoughts on it either
How I pronounce it: Praz-er
Rating: 4/10
PRaDr (Purple, Red and Dib romance):
Wait that’s a thing that actually exists? Really? Neat.
Do I ship it: I literally didn’t know it was a real thing until writing this (so no)
How I pronounce it: Prad-er
Rating: ???/10 (In my opinion, I simply don’t know enough about the ship to say anything. I’m just putting it on this list because I learned about it’s existence while making this post)
Anything with Keef in it (ZaKr, KaDr, etc):
Honestly, I keep forgetting that Keef exists, and the same can be said for any ship involving him.
For ZaKr (Zim and Keef), I can see it as an unrequited crush on Keef’s end, but just can’t see Zim returning any feelings.
For KaDr, I can’t see anything. Apart from the unmade episode The Return Of Keef where Dib teams up with Zim to get rid of Keef, I don’t think they have any real interactions. I could very easily be wrong because I just don’t have a very good memory when talking about Keef, but I can’t think of any times where the two of them interacted positively, or even interacted at all.
Plus, unlike ships like TaTr, where Tenn has no set canon personality and can be molded to fit the story or ship, Keef, despite his lack of appearances, does have a set personality, and both Zim and Dib are very annoyed by it. Keef is one of the only things that can get Zim and Dib to work together, and that’s only so they can get rid of him. KaDr simply has no foundation in my eyes.
However, I have nothing but compliments for the names. ZaKr and KaDr just sound nice to me. I think it’s the “K” adding something that isn’t seen in any other ships. It has an almost exotic sound to it.
Do I ship it: No
How I pronounce it: Zak-er
Rating: 4/10 (Keef having an unrequited crush on Zim is an interesting idea that I might want to keep in mind and I like how the name sounds, but that’s doing all the heavy lifting. Without those two details, ZaKr would be even lower)
Do I ship it: No, but the name has a very nice ring to it. Even better than ZaKr.
How I pronounce it: Kad-er
Rating: 3/10 (purely because of the name)
Za2r/ZaZ2r (Zib and Zim Number 2 romance):
I don’t really get this one. I get the appeal of ZaDr, and I understand why Za2r exists (evil counterpart to ZaDr) but Za2r just doesn’t work in my eyes.
Ignoring my headcanons for Number 2, the whole point of Zib is that he’s a Dib that’s absolutely lost it and gone down the full xenophobic genocide route, becoming something worse than the very Irken Empire he seeks to exterminate. Putting him in a relationship with Number 2 sort of defeats that whole thing he’s got going on.
Bringing back my headcanons for Number 2, Number 2 is waiting to betray and overthrow Zib at the first possible opportunity, and never gets his chance because of Zib’s virus plan. No relationship between the two of them is going to work out for any amount of time in my eyes or perspective, especially when you factor in my Aroace Zim Headcanon.
This ship is also completely impossible to say out loud. Invader Zim ship names are already hard enough to pronounce on their own. YOU DIDN’T NEED TO ADD A NUMBER INTO IT. If you add a number into the middle of the ship name, my brain is going to bluescreen trying to pronounce it.
ZaZ2r looks like the password found on a wifi router and I’m going to remove a point just because of that.
Do I ship it: No. Not really a fan
How I pronounce it: I don’t because you can’t pronounce this abomination of a name IT HAS A NUMBER IN THE MIDDLE OF IT
Rating: 1/10 (I’d give it a 3/10 if the name wasn’t impossible to pronounce and difficult to read)
DaGr (Dib and Gaz romance):
Fuck no, fuck you, I’m not even going to give this one the time of day. THEY ARE CANON SIBLINGS. THEY ARE BROTHER AND SISTER. Thank GOD I’ve only ever heard of this ship and have never actually seen anything with DaGr in it. It’s so rare that it’s practically nonexistent.
One thing I hate about this ship (besides the obvious) is the name. It’s Dagger. DAGGER!! Why does this horrible ship get one of the best names?! WHY??!
Do I ship it: fuck no I would rather die
How I pronounce it: Dagger
Rating: -9/10 (at least ZaTr [alternate] was only twincest due to a headcanon I have and therefore isn’t universally twincest. It’s only twincest to me (and anyone else with the “Zim and Tenn are twins” headcanon). Dib and Gaz are fully canon siblings. That’s incest no matter how you look at it. Plus I’m super pissed off over the name. Why does the incest ship get the cool weapon name?)
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zombiepuke · 11 months
Random Valentina thoughts 🫶🫶🫶 because I love my baby girl and she deserves more than she got 💖 I’ll probably write more soon but in the meantime have these. I am a slut for hurt/comfort and Valentina is the perfect candidate for such a thing
— She is TRAUMATIZED. As anyone would be. She went through something unimaginable, unthinkable
— All saw traps are awful but something about the ones where you have to mutilate yourself in such a way just,,,hit different
— It’s really not easy for her after she survives. She miraculously pulls through in the hospital with lots of blood transfusions and the like. But she very nearly dies multiple times while she’s admitted. I mean she literally lost SO MUCH blood.
— But you’re there for her through ALL of it- you rushed to Mexico/her city immediately after hearing about what happened and you come barreling into the hospital like “WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?” cause. yknow. she’s your best friend in the entire world at this point
— You’re torn to shreds over what happened to her. You knew she sometimes would get involved with the wrong people, she was a sex worker for most of her life and she would get the shit end of the stick a lot. Her “customers” would regularly attack her, beat her - many times she would come home bruised and robbed. You always wanted her to move in with you and you could both leave, start over - but you also respected her independence too much to try and convince her. You met her when she was doing the “side jobs” so you didn’t think it was right of you to try and make her be something she wasn’t. But you still worried constantly about her, and when she was kidnapped and tortured by John Kramer, you blamed yourself.
— When you finally get to see her, you lose it. You’re a crying mess. She’s just so grateful to see you after her ordeal.
— When she’s discharged months later (I literally have no idea how long you’d be in the hospital for sawing your own leg off? We’re gonna say a couple months LOL), you insist she come and stay with you. You don’t take no for an answer and honestly, Valentina is grateful for the offer - she values being alone and independent but this situation, she doesn’t think she can handle it by herself.
— It’s hard as fuck for both of you. She’s angry, in extreme pain, constantly paranoid. She lashes out a lot and you take it all in stride, trying to be her calm, her comfort through it all. She doesn’t tell you but she’s so fucking glad you’re there. Finally, for once in her life she has someone that’s kind to her and treats her like a human being, so unlike any other person that she’s interacted with before. She knew people looked down on her for being a prostitute, her customers treated her like garbage, her family had disowned her, and any friends she had had left her to fend for herself or had cut her off after Jigsaw.
— You help her get used to her prosthetic leg. You’d paid for the entire thing (unbeknownst to Valentina) out of pocket, and you went to every appointment with her to get it fitted properly, how to put it on, helped her walk with it. Many times she’d break down crying in an attempt to walk, rightfully upset about what had been stolen from her - her dignity, her ability to walk, her body disrespected throughout her life and again by her trap. Sometimes, she felt as if her body were not her own, but something else, some toy for others to use and abuse, and you were there to help her and reassure her that no, your body belongs to you and only you. What happened to you is not your fault. You had something taken away from you and it’s okay to be angry, Valentina.
— So much hurt/comfort with this girl. She’s so strong and doesn’t like to let people in or ever be a burden to anyone, so she’s reluctant at first to let you in, let you see her scars, let you comfort her. You understand completely that you don’t understand, will never understand what she went through, the amount of pain and suffering she had undergone. But sometimes it all comes to a head, and she breaks, eventually. You’re so kind to her, you have been cooking for her, cleaning, washing clothes, and continuing to work to support you both. You didn’t flinch when she lashed out, her rage about her situation bubbling over. You were careful to even touch her - you let her work through it the way she needed to. But one night, late, pitch black outside - you find her sobbing in the kitchen at the table, her head in her hands, body shaking. Her prosthetic propped up against the table leg. She never wanted you to see her so weak, see her crying like this - she was embarrassed, vulnerable. You immediately go to her, sitting down at the chair next to her.
“Hey, Valentine,” your sweet nickname for her. (HC that she secretly loves when you call her pet names, she won’t admit it but it makes her feel really good and loved and all tingly yknow). “It’s-it’s okay,”
She didn’t say anything, but she looked up at you. Her face was reddened, flushed, her eyes dripping tears. She was trembling hard, sniffling constantly. She looked entirely broken, overwhelmed, suffering. You shared a moment of silence with her, your eyes softened, and you couldn’t help it—you leaned forward in your chair and wrapped your arms around her shoulders, bringing her into you. Instead of flinching and turning away, Valentina immediately sank into your embrace, melted into you, her face pressed into the crook of your neck, as if she had been waiting for you to come and hold her finally. She started sobbing, her own arms coming up to wrap around your neck; your hands found her shoulder blades and started rubbing slow circles there, trying your hardest to comfort her in any way you could.
“Shhh, you’re okay, sweet girl. You’re okay. You’re safe, now. It’s over. It’s over,” she cried even harder at your soft words in her ear, you could feel her heart slamming in her chest as her body pressed into you as deep as she could in the position you were both in. You had never seen her like this, so open with her emotions, so broken down. It felt like your own heart was cracking into pieces.
“You didn’t deserve it. You deserve so much better, Valentine. I wish I could take all of the pain away,” And you would, if you could. You’d take all of the suffering and take it for yourself, if it meant she could have peace.
“It.. it hurts. It hurts so bad,” she mumbled pitifully into your skin. “I can still feel it. I can feel my leg but it’s not fucking there, I can still feel the fucking wire going through it—“
You don’t say anything. You can’t say anything, really—What could you say? Instead, you choose to just hold her, as tightly as you can, right there at your kitchen table, let her wail her pain into your chest. You hold her through her shaking, her despair, her anger, her fear, through all the nightmares she wakes up screaming from, the tears that come and go. You rest your palm on the back of her hair and nestle her face into the junction of your shoulder. With every sob your heart breaks, but she’s alive—she’s hurting, she’s not okay, but she’s alive—and that’s something, that’s enough for now.
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whumpy-wyrms · 4 months
are you okay?? what happened?
went to a party for the first time last night (senior party, we graduated and wanted to celebrate), drank for the first time, got drunk, crazy stuff happened. it was genuinely super fun though!! i knew everyone there since they were from my school so i was definitely safe the whole time, and i had a ride home.
ALSO (for context: i’ve always been the most quiet anti social kid at my school who literally never talks or gets involved in anything, just likes to draw and write and be an introvert. people have never bothered me about it either since i’ve always been like that and they all kinda respect it.) anyway the second i showed up at the party everyone in the room literally CHEERED because i was the one person they LEAST expected to be there it was awesome
i think i just liked having like no social anxiety and was able to interact with people really easy and stuff haha. like at one point i literally started rolling around in the grass and staring at the sky while giggling like a maniac it was awesome. everyone was calling me jay too which was so cool guys!!!! (for context i live in a very small conservative rural town which makes it very surprising that there aren’t that many transphobes) like i hardly talk to anyone in my grade but they’re all super supportive of me anyway and i genuinely felt so happy about that. like wooww these people can be assholes sometimes but they respect me and i’m gonna miss them
eventually everyone was kinda grouped at the front of the house and i went to check what was going on and there was a guy in a vest and the second i realized he was a cop i just ran to the backyard and followed like three other people out of there. we ran around town and eventually just sat in a field and waited for a ride it was crazyyy
i did get a ride home (not the one i originally planned lol) and everything turned out fine. i don’t think anyone got charged either (we all were underage drinking lol) so yeah. i also left my ipad there (brought it cuz i didn’t really know what to expect from the party and thought id go on it when i got bored lmao. i went on it once because i wanted to draw anton but gave up after like two doodles because drawing while drunk was literally impossible hahahha i’ll post the doodles when i get my ipad later though). anyways i feel completely fine now i just really wanna get my ipad back haha
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
aight, we back and we're goin in tabbatha, brace urself.
(i reread the latest chapters because a full absorption was required)
as someone who adores psychology and analyzing literature as well as having dealt with depression, you really hit the nail on the head with chapters 15 and 16.
it was super healing to read readers experience through the beginning of the chapter, with the sisters comforting each other in a very vulnerable way and then taking that comfort away. i ADORE you as an writer for making that choice, even if it sucks in the moment. i think it really shows how much youve grown as an author and i would so sososososo happily read a published novel by you. your humility regarding angst drives me a lil insane with how visceral of emotions you put your readers through tho 😂
you show SO much expertise imo with how you eased us into chapter 16 and the overall tone by beginning with feyre and rhys. by showing us how devastated she was over this and rhys' reaction being just to care for his mate, not truly caring about readers own wellbeing.
moving into readers pov and showing us just HOW bad her depression has gotten since the accident with azriel. cassian sitting outside of her door, and idk about anyone else but he came off as a little abrasive when he addressed reader? but i digress, it took literal days for her sisters to be able to get through to her and to get reader to open up to them about 💫why💫. and then the sisters curling up in bed how they used to and just holding tight, because like one of the other anons mentioned, that the born fae will NEVER truly understand the archeron sisters. and then you nail that point in AGAIN by having rhys interact alone with reader. her terror and her spiralling thoughts, and his disregard for how SHE truly is? his hasty departure where you can feel him disregard her as a loose cannon that he now has to handle the fallout of and Nesta's rescue. because she of all people know how he is with anyone but those he deems important in the moment :(
(the paragraph detailing what reader would have said to each sister respectively made me BAWL, like end of kingdom of ash kinda bawl, so massive respect for that alone.)
the ending with mor has got to be my favorite representation of her post ACOSF, just because ive always believed sjm wanted the focus of this series to be how massively flawed her characters are (and purposely so). you showed the courtier, the commander, AND the ruler of the hewn city very well in her reaction to readers actions and her newly uncovered involvements with eris. because ultimately mor has every reason to be upset with reader regarding eris, but she took her words too far because of her love for the IC. which is a massive flaw all of them possess, that you show BEAUTIFULLY throughout the series.
i also really love the decisions youve made with creating reader's character in general. it makes sense that she would be pushed to the side for so long, its been years that weve been waiting for nesta and elain to heal and so imagining a world where there are four sisters? Perfection, truly. the angst is 🥰🥰🥰
as a chronic lurker on tumblr, ao3, and wattpad respectively for the past decade. You are one of the few writers ive found that makes me want to reread ACOTAR after finding it a lil disappointing at times compared to sjm's other series (no hate, im just a tog and cc ride or die 😂) so when i felt as emotional and inspired as i did, it only makes sense that you hear just how amazing of a writer you are💖 I hope that this brings you some joy while plotting how to torture your readers next.
Respectfully foaming at the mouth waiting for the next chapter.
‘as someone who adores psychology and analyzing literature as well as having dealt with depression, you really hit the nail on the head with chapters 15 and 16.’
Okay, I don’t want to get super personal and kind of blabber and waffle all over the place since we’re literally just starting, but hearing people say that they can relate to reader—whether through her anxiety, how introverted she is, or through the moments when she spirals—it kind of bittersweet? As a writer, I feel rewarded that you’re experiencing a connection of some sort with reader, but at the same time it’s hard knowing that those experiences are real emotions for so many people?
‘it was super healing to read readers experience through the beginning of the chapter, with the sisters comforting each other in a very vulnerable way and then taking that comfort away. i ADORE you as an writer for making that choice, even if it sucks in the moment.’
This is so interesting because I know I was quite stressed about uploading chapter 16 since I was worried the calm at the beginning would be too much of a 180° after the intensity of chapter 15? I thought it might be too slow-paced and that perhaps I should have tried to keep that tension going, but at the same time chapter 15 was written intended to be either the first or second highest tension point?
I’m flattered though that you think it was a good choice to have those sweet moments at the beginning and then to end on the angst? Personally I think that’s just a habit now to keep people engaged? 😅
‘i think it really shows how much youve grown as an author and i would so sososososo happily read a published novel by you.’
Is this payback for the angst of cbmthy? Are you trying to make me cry in return? I think it would be fun to write a book but at the same time very draining? I suppose I don’t have to write it now 😅 maybe if I make it to fifty I can sit down and give writing a go, but I’m not sure how realistic it is for me to consider writing a book at the moment :/
Still, thank you so much for such a high compliment—it kind of blows my mind that you’d be interested in an actual physical book 🧡💛
‘your humility regarding angst drives me a lil insane with how visceral of emotions you put your readers through tho 😂’
I genuinely think it might be a case of some of the stuff that pops up in cbmthy/other fics happens to hit specific emotional soft spots? I still don’t think of cbmthy as being particularly sad—it has angsty parts definitely—but to be fair I know the full story whereas you’re still coming out of one of the lowest parts? I’m sure that makes a difference :)
‘you show SO much expertise imo with how you eased us into chapter 16 and the overall tone by beginning with feyre and rhys. by showing us how devastated she was over this and rhys' reaction being just to care for his mate, not truly caring about readers own wellbeing.’
Oh my gosh please I feel like you’re assigning me way too much credit 😭
Honestly it just felt like it made sense to start with Rhys and Feyre since we haven’t really seen them at all it would be a good way to possibly catch some people off guard!! I also just couldn’t figure out how to start it from reader’s perspective since it felt too ‘noisy’(?)—a lot of the choices are heavily influenced by whether or not I feel I can make a scene work, so if I can’t I have to switch it to a different one!! I wouldn’t say it’s anything near expertise 😭 (but I appreciate it nonetheless)
‘cassian sitting outside of her door, and idk about anyone else but he came off as a little abrasive when he addressed reader?’
I think that’s a mix between me genuinely being a little unsure how to write his character and the circumstances? Cassian knows that reader tried to kill herself, that Nesta has had thoughts like those, and that Nesta cares for reader—that plus it being around the middle of the night I guess it was kind of a shift between him being unsure how to approach her since she might still be spiralling, and not wanting to overwhelm her which is why the talking was so minimal? He’s torn between worrying for Azriel who’s his brother and also reader who’s his mate’s younger sister—I think he might have it the most difficult besides reader if I’m honest in terms of conflicting feelings? It was supposed to be a little weird though, since reader doesn’t know what going on, and isn’t particularly familiar with Cassian? Comparatively with her sisters or Bas, I mean :)
‘and then the sisters curling up in bed how they used to and just holding tight’
This was such an enjoyable scene to write and probably one of my favourites so far 🧡💛 I hope it was as pleasant to read as it was to write
‘by having rhys interact alone with reader. her terror and her spiralling thoughts, and his disregard for how SHE truly is?’
I’m glad that this kind of showed? I don’t want Rhys to appear totally insensitive to reader because I think that would be too ooc for him, but he cares for her because she’s his mate’s sister, not because of her. And he still has to think as High Lord, and even putting Mor’s history with Eris aside, Eris’s a dangerous opponent because of how manipulative he can be, and that paired with reader’s more naive side that’s searching for affection from someone isn’t a promising combination?
Even then though, he’s still lost his own sister, so I feel that impedes his ability to be entirely impartial to reader’s situation, hence the mention at the end of the conversation where he tells reader to rest and that she gave them all a scare.
But yeah, he’s a little cold I suppose to her
‘(the paragraph detailing what reader would have said to each sister respectively made me BAWL, like end of kingdom of ash kinda bawl, so massive respect for that alone.)’
I’m incredibly sorry 😔 KoA level of tears shed? 🫢 I feel awful, I’m so sorry 😭🧡💛 (I did enjoy writing that paragraph and the one after it, so I guess it kind of succeeded in its assigned task 😬😭)
‘because ultimately mor has every reason to be upset with reader regarding eris, but she took her words too far because of her love for the IC.’
This is such a nice take that I hadn’t thought of in these specific terms?
I think the born-fae ones of the IC will naturally have a different kind of bond than the sisters do just due to history and experience, but I hadn’t really considered Mor’s reaction to be one that might be fuelled by love for her family because the scene was written from reader’s perspective?
On a slight side note, I find it so enjoyable to see this different take on Mor’s actions since so far I think most people have been somewhat agitated with Mor’s behaviour (and I kind of agree it wasn’t the best way to go about it) so it’s interesting that you’re speculating over her reasons and actually considering her position? 🧡💛
‘the angst is 🥰🥰🥰’
Thank you very much 🧡💛
A year ago I probably would have been concerned to hear something like this, but I guess with the majority of cbmthy supposing to be angsty, it’s good to know it’s having the desired effect? 🫣🧡💛
‘(no hate, im just a tog and cc ride or die 😂)’
We could have an entire conversation about this because I adore Throne of Glass but have struggled so much with Crescent City (I think the modern setting really throws me off?)
‘so when i felt as emotional and inspired as i did, it only makes sense that you hear just how amazing of a writer you are💖 I hope that this brings you some joy while plotting how to torture your readers next.’
Being completely transparent with you I read through your ask multiple times and took a pause in between each one because I kept getting so overwhelmed (in a good way)
I’m so flattered that you wanted to write in this level of detail about the events of ch. 16 of your own accord??? It blows my mind and I want to say just how much I sincerely appreciate you coming into my asks to chat about this story that was by no means planned or supposed to happen but I’m so glad it did 🫂🧡💛
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oldblackhat · 4 days
Y’all this petition going around—the one that includes: “As Neil Gaiman has offered to step back, there is no reason for the production of the TV series to stop”
Oh my God y’all please Do Not sign that!
I know we all are having different reactions to all this and I respect that — but y’all this petition is literally actually doing his expensive PR team’s work for them!
If you want to sign a petition then please sign one that includes stipulations about what “step back” functionally means in practice (because we still don’t know).
I mean based solely on “discussions about possible production changes” and “offered to step back”/“take a back seat” — we don’t really actually know what that means. I think we need a lot more details first on precisely how much he’s not going to be involved? Will he be on set at all (possibly getting access to interact with female gofers)? How (if at all) will he be referenced in official promotions for the show?
Is there a possible world where Amazon accepts Neils offer but Amazon/Neils definition of “step back” is Wholey Insufficient and nothing near as comprehensive as we’re all hoping? Yes! Yes there is.
We currently have Zero idea what “step back” actually functionally means in practice.
I think it’s fine to hope that it means he’ll be cut out as throughly as we all hope—but I think it’s honestly dangerous to assume this to be true (without sufficient evidence) to the point of signing a petition that says since he’s “offered to step back, there is no reason for the production….to stop”. Because we don’t yet know what degree of “step back” is actually being discussed behind closed doors and whether it will be enough!!!!!
It’s dangerous in that you are setting yourself up for more pain if you’ve convinced yourself that it will be a sufficient degree of “step back” — and we later learn that it is not.
And it’s dangerous because it’s helping his PR team do their job. Y’all his lawyers and PR team want people focusing on renewing the show instead of focusing on the allegations. They want us to take his “offer to step back”, be satisfied with it, and actively shift attention away from his badness towards unpausing production.
His PR team would be in favor of this petition getting as many signatures as possible.
And of course he’s “not admitting to any wrongdoing” so he gets to play the white knight offering to step back so the show can go on (sickening).
Now i want to be clear — I am Not saying helping his PR is the intent of anyone who has already signed this petition or reblogged it — I’m assuming best intentions here (which would be not realizing that signing/reblogging this is arguably helping his PR team)
But y’all like if anything sign and share a petition like this: http://bit.ly/firegaiman that explicitly stipulates to fire him and includes: “We feel very strongly that we cannot financially support Good Omens with Mr. Gaiman still in a position of power within it and are calling for his immediate dismissal.” Because again yall we don’t know if this “step back” currently on the table will be enough so we should still be pushing for his sufficient removal.
Or make a new petition that stipulates he not be on set, or anywhere near female gofers, and not be discussed positively in promotional material, etc etc or something.
And yeah if pushing for him to be truly sufficiently uninvolved gets this show cancelled — then maybe that means his being sufficiently uninvolved isn’t on the table for whatever reason — and then you know maybe it not continuing is actually for the best :/
(i know i hope not i honestly do hope he can be removed sufficiently & the show can go on)
Below is the petition I referenced that explicitly stipulates to fire him and includes: “We feel very strongly that we cannot financially support Good Omens with Mr. Gaiman still in a position of power within it and are calling for his immediate dismissal.” If you want to sign and spread a petition please choose one more like this:
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kingcedricthegay · 8 months
So I read the first chapter of your Cedric x Reader fanfic and came to share my thoughts.
I will say, I'm not too fond of x Reader, I'm more about reading about characters instead of being one. That being said, I liked that there was an effort to include other characters from stf, and I actually got invested from how the fic was formatted as a genuine stf episode.
I don't want to be too critical of the portrayal of some of the characters, but as a Roland enjoyer, I felt your portrayal of him was quite decent until it came to Cedric. I'm not sure at what point the story is supposed to take place in besides being between Great Auntventure and Day of the Sorcerers, but I feel that Roland being unhappy about Cedric coming along doesn't feel in character. At most points in the show, Roland is shown to not mind Cedric, let alone with Sofia. Cedric's Apprentice was an episode where Sofia literally became Cedric's apprentice so he could help her for a test, and Roland never once objects to her being with Cedric. I think Roland doesn't have as big of a gripe as people think because he's more disappointed at Cedric not being able to do magic than him as a person overall.
That being said, I love how you wrote him as someone who respected Sofia's wishes and let her bring Cedric along to the carnival. That is very much like Roland to see that Sofia likes something and sets aside his biases for his daughter. I can understand headcanoning Roland not liking Cedric as a person, and It's not something I'd agree with, but I absolutely agree with him respecting his children and their wishes.
As for the royal family as a whole, I didn't expect them to take as much of a focus as they did, and it was a pleasant surprise to have the children interact with Y/N. In fact, the format of the fic was so creative, with the royal family being so involved, I found myself being invested more in that than the x Reader parts. That's just me liking things not involving Cedric more because of how focused he is in the fandom. I wanted to talk more about the other aspects of the fic because I think people would find these elements such a treat.
While the royal family isn't THE main focus, I found Amber and Miranda to be a bit weird as characters. The fact I preferred the writing for James over them says something. With Miranda, I felt she wasn't a character like everyone else. The only role she seemed to have was as a mother and nothing else. The way she didn't have as much of a prominence as the others bummed me out. And it's not that she had to have a bigger role, but I felt myself questioning where she was.
My thoughts about Amber are based on my opinion, but the way she was written felt mixed to me. There were parts where she felt like Amber, like her excitement at getting her fortune told, but her being interested in whether she has a spouse?? I don't know, I personally don't think she would be too interested in that, or at least would be more interested in other aspects of her future. Plus the "I AM EASY" part caught me off guard. That part with the part before of Amber eating fast but elegantly did not pair well. It felt like Hildegard core.
These are just my thoughts though. I really enjoyed reading this fanfic despite some parts I didn't jive with. I would recommend it for anyone who likes a storyline with their smoochies with Cedric rjdbhdidjdjdjrj
Thanks for recommending me this fic /g /vpos
I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you tho or sorry that happened /ref
No but seriously thank you so much for writing all this 😭😭
First of all I always try to make my one shots feel like they could more or less happen in the StF canon, so I’m glad it works!!
Regarding Roland, I know that you love him but I don’t necessarily like him that much. I think he’s okay most of the time, I just hate him for fun lmao (that’s probably why I wrote him as less likable than he actually is)
About the characters overall, this was my first piece of StF fan fiction and when I was writing this I hadn’t finished the show yet (I was maybe at the beginning of season 2) so the characters hadn’t gone through all the development they had to go through yet, and I guess I didn’t have that good of a grasp on their personalities. Now that you point it out, looking back Amber was never boy crazy so I agree that that bit doesn’t make any sense (😭), and yeah I guess Miranda ended up being just… mom.
All in all thanks for the feedback! ❤️❤️
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bigtittiecomitte · 10 months
What is your opinion on other Murder drones ships like Vizzy,Envy,Juzi,Vhad....
Oh boy lmao
So not surprising but I actually don’t ship another ship from MD like I’m too into Nuzi to really be obsessed with other ships but I don’t mind them cause some I actually do like I’m just not crazy over it
Vizzy - This one I like, I can actually see it be a thing. I headcanon V and Lizzy both as lesbians so hey let’s freaking go I’m all up for this, shippers are really nice too
Envy - It’s pretty obvious by now that I don’t really like this one. I just don’t really see them being a couple now, in the past yeah because that’s really where all the nice moments of them are because in the show they’re just so mean to each other, arguing and all that and I don’t want them both to be a relationship where it feels toxic in a way because couples shouldn’t be doing half of the stuff that they do. Even in Episode 5 where N finally got to learn about his past after V has been hiding it for so long (which is probably something we shouldn’t be sweeping under the rug, V’s not a bad person but I won’t lie when I say that she really didn’t handle the whole ‘protecting’ him thing great lmao that just makes him dislike you more girlie) they still go back to being the same that they were before, V ignoring him (rolling her eyes at his goofy jokes and just mostly being on her own or with Tessa) and N tagging with Uzi. It really sucks that there wasn’t a scene where they talked it out and got to actually be friends, I think they should value their friendship and actually start one before it goes further even though chances are that they will never be the same drones they were in that mansion but that’s ok, it’s ok to move on, so I think that they should just stay friends because even I think that they know that they can’t have that bond that they had as workers, if they start a relationship now then it’ll just be pain and V knows that N’s now in love with Uzi so I think we all win if V smooches Lizzy or J and N can smooch Uzi
Juzi - I think I mentioned this before but I don’t really like ships that involve N or Uzi just cause I can’t see them with anyone else (they’re quite literally made for each other) this one I’m kinda skeptical about cause I have no idea how that would go but I respect anyone who likes it, I’ve seen some cool art
Vhad - I remember this one being like the first V ship without N probably cause their only interaction was in the pilot when she was trying to kill him. It’s ok, not my cup of tea but I used to follow artists that shipped it and drew them so I don’t mind it, I still believe in the V is a lesbian hc but we do not hate or judge here. If you like it cool I’d like to see some more art 👍
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