#literally all i did was wear my invader zim backpack
sethsbigtits · 4 months
guess whose mom got upsetti in her spaghetti over a stupid backpack ????? my fuckass mom ! :)
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vitosscaletta · 5 years
🍓 🍓 🍓🍓🍓🍓 for ALL your vampire kids! 🦇
AIRIKA..TY FOR MY LIFE! ok this is gonna be long 
🍓 — he’s over 300 years old (that technically makes him an elder according to the lore book… overpowered king) & was embraced in the 1600s, he was the son of a french marquis back in the day 😳 He lived in Versailles for a long time & considered it his home even though people would literally shit in the corners there -_-
🍓 — has NO idea how technology works… he has one of those ugly early 2000s flip phones because he saw other people having those but has absolutely no idea how to use them, much less a computer. Most people just think he’s ~romantic or something for writing letters but he really has no idea how to write an email :(
🍓 — He’s the baron of Bel Air.. has a nice mansion there bc living for over 300 years gives you time to hoard that much money ig. 
🍓 — His grand-sire (??) is Helen of Troy 😳 overpowered af bloodline
🍓 — He doesn’t care about vampire politics in the slightest and is sort of aligned with the camarilla bc he has power within them but there’s no loyalty or conviction.. the main reason he’s in it is to start drama and watch it unfold 💅 He and La🥐 can’t stand each other but also can’t do anything about it… Strauss is okay with him but they’d also sell each other out for one corn chip.. He’s sort of frenemies with Gary, they hate each other because… yknow toreador and nosferatu but they’re equally shady so there’s mutual respect… in an odd way 
🍓 — He doesn’t have any other childe..r… whatever the term is except miss Helena.. he hangs around humans a lot but has no real attachment to them (except being kind of a hoe and.. yknow.). She’s the first mortal in a long time he felt anything for which was mostly just good old toreador obsession but he thought it was love.. she vaguely resembled a lost love of his. and had potential I guess so he actually got permission for embracing her babey… just not from her bc he didn’t even consider someone wouldn’t want to be a vampire.. 🙄
🍓 — Having OP Christian as her sire did have its perks even though she hates his guts for embracing her… She automatically had a pretty good position within the camarilla through connection alone :^) she works as sort of an informant/spy for the prince directly.. which puts her at odds with a bunch of people - they either think she’s an inexperienced little girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing and works for an incompetent prince OR hate her for being in his sort of inner circle without having to work for it (like Victoria. she thinks that)
🍓 — CRINGE but it be like that sometimes… she’s descended from a looong line of vampire/witch hunters on her dad’s side - he’s from a catholic german family who was largely involved with the society of Leopold. Michael himself wasn’t overly religious (still studied theology but didn’t actually care) and left all of this behind when he moved to america & got married but after he and Jenny divorced he was like “know what… time to become a zealot again”. His ex-wife and daughters are completely unaware of that of course 😳 dunno if Helena sees him again after becoming a vampire 🙄 but yknow.
🍓 — Doesn’t have any of the “vampires are better than mortals” superiority complex that a lot of the others seem to have.. does think thin-bloods are losers though kjdkjdfnms
🍓 — Only video game she plays is the sims!! she bought ts1 when it came out for fun and got hooked.. ts2 is even better!!!!! first thing she did was make a sim that resembles her and marries a business tycoon 💅💸
🍓 — owned one (1) YSL dress she bought from her savings (which was USED)  but she couldn’t afford anything else so she just wears it with something she found at hot topic every time she goes out with her rich fake friends pre embrace. When she works for La🤡 and actually makes some money she can afford a SECOND dress babey! with shoes!!!
🍓 — She’s actually really into some standard 2004 radio pop songs but also emo songs at the same time.. except the genre didn’t have anything good in 2004 except three cheers for sweet revenge (she’s also really into evanescence, green day and blink 182 which isn’t really emo but it was still part of the experience™ nfdkjdf) - which is also her entire aesthetic summed up, emo meets theatre kid prep.. Helena: *googles “how to look like Gerard Way and Britney Spears at the same time makeup tutorial”*
🍓 — sdjhsdh cringe but she’s always been kind of a weirdo but was pretty good at hiding it/acting normal & was part if the prep gang in her high school days (not the leader, more the kind of the replaceable third wheel), she always preferred hanging out with the weirdos though. Post-embrace everyone just thinks “lol crazy malkavian” so she’s just like 🤷‍♀️.. 
🍓 — Her sire, Ray, was suuuch a freak but she liked him because he was something.. different in her sheltered, dull life and made her feel excitement she hasn’t felt in a long time. He bails on her after embracing her bc he sired her without permission & fears execution (even though literally no one cares or even knows he sired someone) but has letters delivered to her from time to time instructing her what to do lol
🍓 — Actually enjoys the freedom vampirism gives her? She’s officially dead so she has the option to start again and be whoever she wants to be… it’s scary at first bc she has no idea what’s going on and where these voices come from but she gets used to it, also the voice of her late grandmother in her head is a comforting presence for her… I imagine she’s actually in there kinda like the heart in dishonored, afterlife isn’t her granddaughter’s mind but it’s sort of an echo of her? IDK she tinkered with magic in life so supernatural schizophrenia added that to Erin’s mind.
🍓 — She loves early 2000′s radio pop (yknow.. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson… etc) but also classical music, stuff from the 20′s, alternative rock, the early 2000s goth music that’s playing in L.A.’s nightclubs …. she’s gonna thrive in 2006 when a fever you can’t sweat out drops!!!
🍓 — She’s part of the anarchs but mostly hangs out in hollywood or downtown (only goes to santa monica to visit the asylum (BEST nightclub ever in her onion. isolated SLAPS)
🍓 — yknow in the 2000s when people had invader zim merch from hot topic.. she owns this backpack 🤦‍♀️ it clashes with the rest of her style which is already a horrendous mix of victorian/early 20th century gothic and 2004 prep style 
🍓 — her background is still a BIG wip but she was born at some point in the late twenties/early thirties and embraced in 1954 :^) she was a bit of a workaholic and had an intense work ethic but never made it far within the company she was working for because it’s the fifties (thinking maybe it was her father’s company bc she was RICH.. there was a feud between her & a few male relatives on who’s gonna lead or something)… She was eventually noticed by a ventrue businessman who thought her ambition and no-nonsense attitude would be a great addition to the clan - She was promised a opportunity to rise within a different society without le sexism. Go white feminist queen!
🍓 — her embrace wasn’t really what she thought it would be.. drinking other’s blood REPULSES her and she has a hard time adjusting to it, plus kindred society isn’t really what she imagined - by the time she’s embraced L.A. has no camarilla presence so there’s really nothing for her to do so she moves to New York to join them there.. except she’s stuck with a shitty job and no one taking her seriously because of her age 😒 When they establish a presence in Los Angeles she’s the first to suck up to the prince & be assigned a somewhat high position (I guess adviser to the ventrue primogen and also being tight with the prince is good!!)
🍓 — She dresses very business-y BUT always designer bc she got money 😳 her wardrobe is chic but also minimalist, also with a hint of fifties design because fashion peaked then in her opinion.. mostly in dark colors, reds, browns and mostly black combined with minimal jewelry and high heels… very very elegant
🍓 — genuinely loves romcoms from the 50s and 60s (doris day & rock hudson movies b*tch!!) but also “newer” one from the 90s and 2000′s.. notting hill, pretty woman and 13 going on 30 are her favorites that she watches when she’s off duty, cozy in her downtown apartment.. but don’t tell anyone 😤
🍓 — She’s THE queen bee within the L.A. camarilla… doesn’t have any friends in her workplace but she’s respected by everyone and that’s what matters to her (it does get lonely sometimes but it be like that. She’s not gonna give up her status for shallow friendships 😒)
🍓 — loves those ugly small 90s/2000s glasses but they clash with every outfit she has so she doesn’t wear them
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
1. What kind of car does your best friend drive?: A Honda Accord. 2. Did you take your college finals yet? Are you worried?: Yeah, back in 2015 when I graduated. I was extremely anxious and stressed out. 3. Do you own any designer handbags? If so, which ones?: Nope. 4. Are there palm trees where you live?: Fake ones.
5. Do you like Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line?: Some of it’s cute, but overpriced.
6. Do you own any Hello Kitty stuff? If so, what?: I have one little Hello Kitty figurine. I used to have more stuff when I was younger. 7. What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop?: Cherry. 8. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print?: I’m not a big fan of animal print, with the exception of my giraffe print body pillow I have. 9. Does your dad have any facial hair?: Yeah. 10. Do you wear any clothes or accessories with the Playboy logo on it?: No. 11. Have you ever taken adderall to get schoolwork done?: I’ve never taken it at all. 12. What do you think of foot tattoos?: I don’t think anything about them. 13. Last band you saw live in concert?: Green Day. 14. Do you like bugs or do they scare you?: I am terrified of bugs. All bugs and insects. Yes, that includes butterflies and lady bugs.... I do not find them cute at all. 15. Ever seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries? If so, did you like it? If not, do you want to see it?: I haven’t seen it. 16. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go?: Yep, we went to Disneyland. 17. Do you have an instagram account? What’s your username?: I do, but I don’t want to share it. It’s private anyway. 18. Do you like Gir from Invader Zim?: I didn’t watch Invader Zim.
19. Do you want to learn any languages? Which ones?: I’d like to just be fluent in Spanish instead of only knowing very little. 20. What’s your favorite color?: Yellow, teal, mint green, and pastels. 21. Do you or would you ever own a gun? Why or why not?: No. 22. Do you like sunsets?: Sure. 23. If it was offered for free by a professional, would you get your hair dyed platinum blonde?: Nah because I like the red that I’ve been dying it for the past 2 years. 24. Were you a “scene” kid in middle school?: I was in my sophomore year of high school. 25. Do you own anything by Juicy Couture? If so, what?: I have 2 messenger bags and 1 backpack. 26. Last time you saw a rainbow?: Hmm. Not sure. 27. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts?: A strawberry frosted donut and a coffee. Unless there’s a seasonal donut out. 28. Do you smoke? If so, how much your cigarettes in your area?: No. 29. Ever been to another country? Which one?: Yes, Mexico. 30. Do you like sushi? What’s your favorite kind?: Nope. 31. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?: Silver. 32. Do you watch football? Favorite teams?: Nope. 33. What about WWE? Favorite wrestler?: Haha funny enough, I don’t watch WWE, but I watch Total Divas and the spinoff, Total Bellas, which is a reality show featuring some of the female wrestlers. Obviously since they’re wrestlers, they talk about it, you see them train, you see the struggles, and they show a little bit of wrestling, but it’s more about them outside the ring ya know? I don’t care for the wrestling itself, I like watching them more behind the scenes I guess. 34. Do you still find Mean Girls quotes funny?: Yep. Mean Girls is a classic. 35. What were you for Halloween this year?: I had no plans to dress up or do anything, but at the very last minute I threw on my “Property of the Loser’s Club” (the Loser’s club is from the movie, It) sweatshirt I already had and then wrapped some gauze around my arm like a cast. On the cast I wrote Loser, but over the “s” I wrote a “v” in red like the kid from the movie, Eddie. That’s literally all I did. What made me even want to do that was because my brother was a clown, so I was like hey why not. 36. Did you think George Bush was a good president?: Oh politics. 37. Funniest thing you’ve ever heard a teacher say?: I mean, I don’t know. 38. Do you wear a lot of makeup? What do you think of girls who do?: Nope. I rarely wear makeup at all anymore. 39. Do you have a savings account? Are you good at saving money?: No. 40. What classes are you taking this semester?: I graduated college in 2015 with my BA and I have no desire to continue on. 41. Best teacher you had last semester?: 42. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets?: Haha yes. My camera roll is like mostly my puppy. I’m like those memes that are like, “ Dog: *exists* Me: OMG LOOK AT THIS PRECIOUS ANGEL.” lol. I have a lot of her sleeping lol cause she’s just so adorable. 43. Would you rather have a relationship or casual flings?: I’m almost 29 years old, I want to experience a relationship for once. 44. What kind of car do you drive?: I don’t drive. 45. Do you have an iPhone? What are your favorite apps?: Yeah. I use Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, and Kindle most often. 46. Do you know anyone that’s part Native American?: Yes. 47. Who did you want to win the 2012 presidential election?: Sigh. 48. Are you religious?: Yes. 49. Do you usually tell the truth?: Generally yeah. I tell white lies sometimes. < Same. <<< Me, too. 50. Who was your favorite spice girl?: I feel like it was probably Baby.
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