#literally a move that ben would pull
nononsense-dude · 1 year
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I don't know if anyone did something similar like this
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deadghosy · 7 months
Hungry for some kidneys 😋🏃‍♀️
prompt: an eyeless man gets dared to go inside of a cartoon for some free “food”
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Ben had dared you to go inside of this cartoon show that was becoming popular. You said hell no of course….but then he said the impossible…
“Would you either go in the cartoon for kidneys or listen to me tell you the whole script of the new movie.” Ben says with a knowing smirk at which one you would chose.
Never in your life have you jumped into a tv before so quick. But here you are as you stand in the middle of a red twin with dead bodies around. So you smile behind your blue mask and got to work.
You were so busy kidney hunting, you didn’t notice a tall red figure behind you smiling intrigued at how you were only looking for kidneys with your scalpel. You felt skinny hands touch your shoulders as you immediately tried to stab the hand quickly. But it was a wrong move because you got pushed by some green magic.
“Quick reflexes. Amazing my friend! You would do good for this hotel im helping” the man said as you stared at him. Before you could protest you got transported to a damn hotel.
I imagine Angel one time seeing you use your tongues to eat a kidney that was in disguise and Angel had so many dirty jokes for you.
“Omg, I bet you’re a woman pleaser aren’t you?” Angel says suggestively as you just raise a brow at him not knowing what he is saying.
Charlie would try to get you to wear brighter colors, but you literally deny it as if you are still stuck in your emo phase making Charlie get war flashbacks to her own emo phase.
Imagine taking your bluemask off and scaring sir Pentious into thinking you are a ghost to steal his eyes😭 so evil but so funny.
I can see husk literally side eyeing you as you just eating. Like he is just so confused how you don’t bite on none of your other tongues.
I know some people draw ej with black fingernails, but what if Angel had painted them for you instead 💗
Imagine a cartoony moment where Angel is like “ah shit I lost my wallet..” and STARTS TO LOOK FOR IT IN YOUR EYES 😭 straight up digging his hands in ya eyeless holes to look for it and he actually did find it with a smile saying “ah Hah found it!”
Legit Angel will remind you of Ben as Angel will shove his phone in your face saying some dumb shit like. “Do you see it? Do you see it ? Do you see it?” As he has a stupid smirk on his face. You snapped grabbing Angel by his throat as the crew tried to pull you off of Angel as he struggles to breathe. “It was worth it…”
I headcannon EJ! Reader and Alastor being compatible friends because they both eat from human meat. But both different as EJ! Reader just eats the kidneys as Alastor eats the whole things
“No no, you use the little fork and the knife to cut it.” “….I literally eat with my hands.”
Just two hungry boys staring at each other while discussing flavors to make out of people.
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The egg boiz likes to bring you dead sinners as you had promised them to read them bed time stories for kidneys..I mean a fair trade is a fair trade. 🦆
Idk but for me it makes sense for EJ! Reader to bite someone’s hand while sleeping cause in the fanon! slender house they are use to pranks being pulled off so many times.
Literally husk was trying to wake you up cause it was your duty to do the bar tendering and you ALMOST bit his whole hand off if it wasn’t for Husk’s scream.
I can see Lucifer trying to show you his ducks because he found how amusing how quiet and blunt you are as he practically shoved a duck in your face forgetting you don’t have eyes.
“Do you see how cute and amazing this is?! It’s a duck that can do the splits while shooting fire!” “I see.” *awkward silence* “I’m so sorry-” “sorry for what.”
I can see how your dynamic with Lucifer is like “I think I forgot something x I have it in my hand..”
Charlie once had you in red as you actually just stood there while she took photos of you. It was like you were ready for the first day of school as Charlie squealed happy to see her new staff wearing red.
“SMILEE!” Charlie say excited as you just stand there trying to smile but it came out strained showing all of your sharp teeth. “Yeah don’t ever smile again.” Angel said in the background as you jumped at him like foxy in fnaf 2 😭
I imagine you just standing there as Alastor puts his arm on your shoulder like an arm rest. Literally you are “😐 what?” face as Alastor is obviously “😄 what a lovely day!”
I can see you and niffty just playing random games during break time as husk just cleans glasses at the bar. It’s a relaxing sight for once without you trying to get someone’s kidney.
I imagine you and Adam having so much beef as he is annoying asf to you.
“Why are you eyeless? So you can’t see how ugly you are?” “No, so I can’t see how fat you basically are so it won’t affect me.”
I can see the Vee’s trying to get you on their side but you would probably just flip them off as you eat a kidney.
I can imagine Vaggie trying to find out why there is black goo on the hotel stairs to find you are crying since Charlie banned you to scalpel anyone’s kidneys.
Vaggie and Charlie give you the angel dust treatment and try to find any scalpels you have in your room
I can see after the battle of the heaven and hell, you would just stand there like “🧍🏾what the fuck just happened..” as you try to scalpel a few angels only for vaggie to pull your blue hoodie away from one.
When Lucifer first met you, he thought you was a teen demon who just got hired. He wasn’t wrong for the hired part, when you first spoke that man thought he heard god himself as his eyes were wide at you.
I can headcannon Alastor bringing a sinner to your door with a note that say, “eat well <3” and you just stand there like….. “did I just get adopted by a cannibal..” you said picking up the unconscious sinner and grabbing a scalpel.
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xzaddyzanakinx · 6 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Five: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, arm/hand kink, sexual content/fantasizing, pervy behavior, suicide/death metaphor[Be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin is and always will be the most romantic man to exist, that is all. Psycho!Stalker!Ani loves counting idk he just does & I know it.[diary entries from Ani] [texts from Luke] extremely not proofread. MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: July 8th
You’d better be glad I’m patient, or else you’d have another dead neighbor.
When I heard the *wwoop* of your phone sending out a text on my computer I didn’t check it immediately. Until I heard four *pings* in quick succession.
‘Lukey, call me.’
‘I’m in class.’
‘10 mins’
‘Or emergency?’
Remember how I said I like Luke? I like him a little bit less. Who texts like that… just write a sentence like a normal person. One sentence.
Emergency? The panic that flooded my veins was icy-hot as I frantically pulled up a the live feed of your home and blasted the volume.
You were just sitting on the couch snacking on those Extra Toasty Cheezits that you love so much. (Cheezits was a marketing genius for that though, profiting off burnt ones because little weirdos like you lived for that one random burnt piece at the bottom of the bag. Goofy girl.)
That doesn’t seem very ‘emergency!!’ to me. Unless you’ve run out of Cheezits, but you haven’t. I would know.
I chewed my nails, paced the floor, and wrung out my hands. I couldn’t just walk over there and say ‘Hey! Just wanted to make sure you’re okay cause I cloned your phone and saw a concerning text! How can I help?’.
You seemed fine, you weren’t crying, you didn’t look upset. You just started scrolling through Instagram reels and rapid-fire sending them to your sister as if she’d actually watch them all. We all know she won’t, but if you ask she’ll say she did.
‘step out. emergency!!’
‘no, give me 4. it can wait.’
Jesus Luke, are you trying to make me dislike you? I can’t believe you’d make her wait like that. The girl said it’s an emergency. That means pick up the fucking phone, dial her fucking number and say ‘I’m on my way, what’s going on?’
Drop everything and fucking run. I’d jump from a moving train if I got that text from you. Train station who? I have two legs and I can run pretty fast as long as I have the right motivation.
Pass a kid on a bike? ‘Scuse me I’m commandeering this vehicle.’ I’d be the fucking flash with pink tassels and purple glow wheels.
The suspense was literally killing me. I was withering away with worry.
‘if it’s the guy again I swear to god.’
Guy? What guy? What had I missed? There was a guy in your life that wasn’t me?
‘just fucking call me.’
Yeah, you heard the girl. Fucking call her already.
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“No he did not.” Luke scoffed, as if what you’d told him was the most ridiculous thing he’d heard in ages.
“I swear. I swear he did!” You giggled folding over on the couch.
“There’s no way a straight man did that for you and didn’t try to fuck.” Luke laughed. “I don’t believe you. You’re delusional.”
“I am not!” You defended, not actually hurt by his comment but wanting to prove him wrong anyway.
“I literally don’t believe you.” He let out a snort and whispered something to Han on the other end of the line. “Han said he’s still set on Ben for you.”
“I told you I am not interested. There’s a reason I never texted him!” You retorted.
“Yeah because you lost his number you pea-brain.” He teased.
“No.” You said with a slightly haughty tone. “I happen to believe it was just the universe telling me it wasn’t meant to be.”
“That’s a really good justification for loosing his number.” Han’s voice came through the speaker slightly muffled from his distance.
“Shut up both of you. You’re horrible.” You laughed. “I’m sticking to it. The universe said no and I’m no match for the powers that be, m’kay?”
“Sure babes.” Luke said, you could almost hear his stupid little smirk.
“Anyway. Yes, look I’ll send you a picture of the book okay?” You hopped up quickly and snapped a picture to send to Luke’s phone. “Cause I can’t exactly send you a picture of him helping me with my groceries.”
“Mmhmm I know because it didn’t happen.” Luke said flatly. “Hard to get a picture of a hallucination.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed, Luke was just being protective. It’s not like he was wrong, most men wouldn’t do something like that out of the kindness of their heart.
“This would be so much easier if you had an iPhone. You might be hideous but I still miss your face.” You teased, hearing Han’s booming laugh in the background.
“Whatever.” Luke grumbled, “okay, so what am I looking at here?”
“See it’s this collection of paper that has typed out wo-“
“Smartass. I mean: what’s so… cool? about it?” He interrupted.
“It’s a special edition. $50. He just gave me a special edition book without a second thought.” You said excitedly. “Remember I lost my copy not too long ago?”
“Mmm yeah I think I remember.” He said noncommittally. “You should really keep up with your shit.”
“Hey I’m doing better!” You retorted. “My life is so put together right now. You’d be amazed.”
“Delusional Han I’m telling you.” He snickered quietly.
“Oh my god! Have you no faith in me at all?” You scoffed. “I haven’t forgotten to charge my phone or take my medicine. I’ve kept everything tidy. All my important stuff stays in my bag.”
“You’ve been possessed.” Luke gasped.
“Fuck. If I have then I’ve got the sweetest demon the 7th circle could provide.” You joked. “I’ve even been sleeping better, I think maybe even boogie is happier too. She’s started sitting at the living room window to watch the pigeons again.”
“Aw, my niece.” He crooned. “My *favorite* niece.”
“What about leia’s new-“
“I said what I said.” Luke interrupted.
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Diary Entry: July 8th
The way you gushed about me on the phone was everything I could’ve asked for and more. I’ve never been so fucking proud of myself. I feel like I could… I don’t know lift a fucking car or something. I feel good. This is a good feeling, to be appreciated like this.
I want you to know how happy you’ve made me today.
To hear your voice, see your face, watch your body language as you spoke about how we met and our little chat today. I could live off purely that for days. Your giggle is nourishment for my soul, your voice is honey to drink with my tea, your beauty is the sugar in the much-to-big spoon I’d use to stir it with.
That’s what life with you would be like. Tea time. It’s soft, I always think of tea time as being soft; a big blanket of comfort and security. I just feel like it’s the perfect metaphor.
You are the ingredients. The tea leaves, honey, sugar, and water.
I am the the cup and life, fate, whatever it may be, is the spoon.
Can you use all of those things separately? Sure. But would it make much sense to pour hot water on a pile of dry leaves, drizzle some honey and sprinkle sugar into a goopy puddle right on the kitchen counter?
Would it be enjoyable to drink air from a small cup and leave the spoon lonely and unused?
You need me to hold you; you are so many things. All of them are perfect and all of them are uniquely you. But when joined together in a secure little cup you’ll have the opportunity to mesh those things into something new.
A cup is just a cup if there’s nothing in it. Cold and empty ceramic. Sturdy and reliable although delicate when handled irresponsibly.
Fill me with you. All of you.
You’ve already started that you know? Each tea leaf is a tidbit of you.
Your likes and dislikes. Your happiest memories and even your sad ones, your angry moments, your bad days. I love and cherish even the deepest caverns and widest chasms in your beautiful mind. Without them, you wouldn’t be you.
Please believe me when I say that even if the leaves are crumpled or incomplete… it doesn’t mean that they won’t make tea.
Honey, my favorite. Your personality. God you’re so fucking sweet it hurts. Your voice, those lovely lips that speak such well written poetry.
My love, everything you say is a hymn.
I wasn’t a religious man before you. My Goddess, I fall to my knees at the altar for you. Speak to me and you’ll sing to my very soul. Tell me truth, tell me lies, tell me those things that float through the nether. I’ll take it all as gospel.
Ask of me anything and I will spill blood, even if it is my own, to provide you with whatever you wish.
I never understood why honey was akin to the nectar of the gods until I met you.
Now I understand. To taste you is to taste life. To smell you is to breathe freely. To feel you is to be soothed.
Sugar. Do you know how many grains of sugar are in the average tablespoon? Around 60,000. The human eye processes visuals at the average rate of 13 milliseconds per image. Even faster if presented with an image that invokes emotion. Though for the purposes of math, we will go with 13 milliseconds.
13 milliseconds is about 75 frames per second. 60 seconds in one minute. 4,500 frames.
If the average tablespoon holds 60,000 grains of sugar that’s 270,000,000 frames per second.
4,500,000 minutes. 75,000 hours. 3,125 days. About 102 months. Alittle over 8 years.
I use 3 tablespoons of sugar per cup of tea.
That means by our 25 anniversary I will have been graced with every grain of your beauty.
By then I’ll probably need a few more spoonfuls if I plan to survive raising children with you. If they’re as hyperactive as you get sometimes I’ll fucking need it.
Oh well. Just more time for me to bask in your beauty.
All these things have filled me, your cup. All that I need now is water. Your love.
The kind of love that burns so hot that it bubbles up beneath your skin and makes you itch if you’re apart for too long.
That’s what happens when water boils, the atoms separate and bounce around until they come back together as the water cools.
Just like us.
I’m the flame that’s heating your water, the closer I get the hotter it’ll grow until it’s rattling the kettle, screaming to be let out and bring all the pieces together.
Adding that boiling water, your love. It will bring life to me. You’ll warm the cold ceramic shell that I’ve been for so long. Fragile and lonely and horribly handled. I might have a few chips but the foundation is strong and worthy.
A cup is just a cup if there’s nothing in it.
You give me purpose. You make me useful.
I will let our love steep. Let it steep, because you can’t make tea without all the ingredients and a water-worthy cup.
We will stir it and stir it and stir it until the the hand of fate declares us ready, I will be there for you at the *clink* of the spoon against my rim.
I will be there after to hold you until the very last sip.
I will be there until I am broken beyond repair.
If the last sip happens before my ceramic cracks… I will be quick to join you after slipping through the hands of fate.
It’s a long winded way to say that I love you, but if you wanted, I would memorize it and recite it for you every night before drift to sleep.
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Diary Entry: July 12th
You’re so cute.
I don’t know how you haven’t noticed that your laundry detergent should’ve run out ages ago. I giggle like a school girl everytime I see you at the laundromat holding it up to measure it out.
I’ve started washing my stuff in the same as you, I love the way your laundry smells.
But I love the way you smell even more.
You just bought some new sheets recently and I took the liberty of ordering the same ones. What luck that we both use a queen size bed huh? The cutesy little strawberry print isn’t exactly my style but I don’t give a shit. The giddy way you opened up your package was nothing short of adorable.
You know what else is super handy about using the same detergent?
You won’t notice when I switch them out.
You’re washing them for the first time today since you just received them in the mail yesterday. I know you’re so excited to put them on and make your pretty pink bed up, I’m amazed you had the patience to wait until today to go to the laundromat. It’s open 24/7, proud of you baby. Prioritizing that good deep sleep you’ve been getting.
You’re welcome, and thank you.
Watching you sleep from the end of the bed is one of my favorite things. It just… I don’t know it makes me feel comforted to be there. It’s the closest thing to sleeping next to you that I can get right now. Then I’ll be getting some good deep sleep.
It’s hard for me to rest if I can’t reach out and make sure you’re safe.
The audio from your room is wonderful ASMR though. Your snores and snuffles and the rustling of blankets while you sprawl out and occupy as much space as your body can manage; it’s soothing to me.
Partially because I know you’re okay, partially because I was able to give you that deep rest.
You wash your sheets once a week because you love the feeling of fresh warm linens. It’s the simple pleasures of life that bring you the most joy. That’s something I adore about you.
So here’s the plan. I’m a man of my word and I promised you a reward for all your hard work didn’t I? I’m also a man who enjoys the killing of two birds with one stone.
Life goes so much more smoothly if you take the time to line up the shot.
That’s why I immediately ordered my own set as soon as I checked your Amazon account. Mine arrived today too and I’ll be stopping by the laundromat just as you’re leaving. I’ve left them in the box and put it at the bottom of my basket though, I don’t want to ruin the surprise you know?
I’m so glad I was able to hear your little chat with your friends. Not only was it a wonderful reassurance, it also allowed me to plan our encounters more closely together. I’ve made myself known to you, I’ve spaced out our previous meetings well enough to leave you wishing you’d catch me out in the hallway even for a quick hello.
Trust me I have been dying to indulge you. But if this whole relationship has taught me anything it’s: trust the process.
See you soon princess, my timer just went off. I’ll be there just in time to watch you nuzzle your face into the last warm item of clothing from the dryer before tossing it in the basket.
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July 12th
You were tossing the last of your clean laundry into the basket when the bell above the door jingled. Purely out of habit you glanced over, instead of the usual stranger or semi-familiar face, it was Anakin.
He seemed not to notice you straight away, keeping his head down and walking to the washer/dryer set closest to the front window.
It was shameful the way you took this opportunity to stare and soak him up. His whole physique just screamed at the primal parts of your brain. The parts that want you to sprint across the laundromat and l seduce him into ravaging you right up against the glass he stood near. Who cares who sees? You’d be beyond proud to be spotted in the throes of passion as long as it was him who was behind you.
The way his arms moved should be illegal. How is it possible for someone to be so… lean? The veins that and corded tendons that roll beneath his skin become even more visible as his wrist gives way to his hands.
Wide palms that would be perfect for grabbing a handful of your ass. Gripping your hips to guide you down onto what you can only assume is an equally impressive cock.
Long fingers as the most elegantly carved necklace. Fingertips that could trace swirling patterns across the vast expanse of your skin. Those same fingertips caressing the slick and swollen folds that just so happened to be in desperate need of his attention.
How could you not be a puddle of a person when he locks eyes with you like that? Like he’s reading the transcript of your soul, his eyes never stayed in one place too long. He needed to take in as much of you as possible each and everytime he was in your company.
How could you not forget how to speak when he walks over to you with such confidence? His towering frame would be intimidating if he didn’t radiate comfort. He seemed like he knew he had that affect on you, or maybe he was just one of those clueless types. That special kind of man who doesn’t realize what a catch they are.
“What’s up sweet girl?” He asked with that same gritty tone that had you feigning for him in ways he’d find unholy.
“Hey Anakin.” You managed to tone down the smile that instantly spread across your face. “I was just about to leave…”
“Well isn’t that a shame.” He chuckled, his eyes darting from your lips to your eyes and back again before he looked up and away. Stretching his arm up behind his head to rub his neck.
“Hmm yeah it is.” You murmured, too distracted by the tiny sliver of skin and dark hair the peaked out from beneath the hem of his shirt.
“Eyes up baby.” He teased, his finger tapping the underside of your chin before you could even register his hand was coming toward you.
‘Jesus Christ.’
If he can make your knees this weak from a few words… it’s almost concerning to think of the state you’d be in after he rearranges your guts.
The blush on your cheeks could’ve been mistaken for a sunburn, never had you felt so fucking embarrassed and flustered at the same time. You couldn’t even be mad.
“Let me help, yeah?” He said, choosing to glaze over your blatant staring and not push it farther with the teasing comments.
Truly a gentleman.
“Oh! Yeah, yeah.” You nodded. “Thanks.”
You managed a soft smile as your brain attempted to rewire itself into working condition again. He closed the dryer and placed your detergent and fabric softener beads into your basket and carried them over to his washer/dryer combo, expecting you to follow.
He sat it down near one of the many metal folding chairs lining the wall and turned to you again, his expression one of concern? Worry? Apprehension?
“You okay sweetheart?” He asked gently. “Did I make you uncomfortable?”
“What?” You asked, eyebrows furrowing. “Uncomfortable? No, no.” You shook your head in realization that he must’ve assumed he’d struck a nerve with his flirtatious comment.
“You sure?” He asked.
Somehow his hands, those strong hands that you just knew would feel like heaven on your skin, had made their way to your biceps. Slowly traveling the length of your forearm to hold both of your hands in his, your fingers curved over his while his thumb rubbed your knuckles.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You nodded, shooting him a bashful smile.
His eyes searched your face like he was scanning for even the most minuscule change in expression, any twitch of your lip or shift in your line of sight that might say otherwise. When he was sure you were being truthful he spoke again.
“Alright princess,” he conceded with a warm tone. “you sticking around or headed out?”
“I’d stay to chat for a bit if I could, but I’ve gotta clock-in, in about… 45mins.” You said, thankful for the change in subject.
Anakin never failed to both confuse and amaze you. Every fucking time you spoke to him. You were tired of telling yourself he was just too damn good to be true, fuck it, he is that good.
In all your years, you’d never had a man check-in with you like that and in such a caring and considerate way… you couldn’t have dreamed up a man like this. It was a small detail of his character, but it made a world of a difference.
If you would’ve said ‘yes, that made me uncomfortable.’ you had no doubt in your mind that he would apologize and mean it. He’d mean it, apologize with his whole chest and make sure that it never ever happened again.
That was the kind of comfort and security that only a fictional love could provide.
But here he is.
In the flesh.
Maybe hearing about this, Luke might change his mind. Luke was only doing his job as your best friend and protector, shielding you from the dangers of the average Brad that you’d dated in the past. But…
Anakin’s not that kinda guy.
“You know, I don’t think you’ve ever told me where you work.” Anakin pointed out.
“Huh, I guess I haven’t.” You realized. “Bluebird Diner. It’s a good place to eat, yummy pie.”
“Oh yeah I’ve been there before!” Anakin said happily, “that butterscotch pie is so good, oh my god.”
“Right?” You agreed excitedly. “That’s my favorite. I’ll have to tell Rosa that she’s getting compliments on it. She’ll be thrilled.”
“Maybe I’ll grab a slice later.” Anakin suggested. “Before I have to go clock-in.”
“Where do you work?” You asked, finding it a bit comical that you were drooling over him but didn’t even know this basic detail of his life.
“The Cerulean.” Anakin nodded toward the window. “Just a couple blocks from here.”
“The Cerulean? What do you do, bartend?” You asked, curious as alittle itch in the back of your mind needed to be scratched.
“Mhm, I do.” He smiled.
“I think… oh my god. I think I’ve seen you there before!” You laughed. “It was a while back but I was there with some friends… you made my drink!”
“Really?” Anakin laughed. “Shit don’t make me feel bad baby, I don’t remember that.”
“I didn’t expect you too.” You giggled. “The place was packed. I can’t imagine how many people you serve a night.”
“You’ve got no idea.” He blew out a puff of air, with a chuckle.
“Well I’m due for a night out soon,” you said with a grin. “You come grab some pie later and I’ll come get a drink from you tomorrow night.”
“Sounds like a deal princess.” He beamed.
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Part Six
@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @doblasftcisco @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @lunalitva @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141 @rorysbrainrot @hopesworlld @lonaah @t8lzw @guiltycherries @syralix @doblasftcisco
THE TAGS LIST IS FULL! But if you want to be tagged I will comment ur username for you. Love you all so many.
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divinesolas · 2 months
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summary: requested; benjicot gets too eager after seeing you and you have some fun in the elevator
modern!benjicot blackwood x reader
a.n: this is just basically pure smut. haven’t written for him in forever i missed this sm hope you guys like it !!
perm benjicot taglist (open !)
@lyssaluvs @yeolsbubbles @lenasvoid @at-a-rax-i-a @poppyflower-22 @helpyourself-9 @kiraflowersworld @randomgurl2326 @valdezthg @mysticmusicinkpop @tiredsleepyhead @secretf1lms @hardkiddonut @downbadforpsychoticmen n @smh-anon @shootinqstars101 @stlzking @helo1281917 @earth4angels @flowerprincezz @kitkat1sstuff @charvsz @majoso12 @beautifulsweetschaos @waystarkia @xxxkat3xxx @kezibear @scrumptiousloser @stark-head
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you had just arrived back home from vacation and quickly went to go visit your boyfriend benjicot at his apartment.
You had been aching to see him. literally. He had been teasing you the whole time you were away, from regular mirror pics to shirtless selfies with messages of how much he wanted you he had made your journey a lot more tough then it needed to be.
you tap your foot in the empty lobby as you wait for the elevator to open. you hadn’t told him you were coming, it was late so you expected him to be laying in bed getting ready to sleep so you could walk in, surprise him then go to sleep but when the elevator doors open you stare at him with wide eyes. “what?”
He stops the door from closing and eagerly pulls you into it, pressing you against the cold mirror of the elevator as he kisses you. “ben?” you manage to get out as he kisses down you neck, “was going to the store fuck i had no clue you were home baby.”
You hear the doors close but he had not selected a button to go anywhere more content with pushing his hands under your shirt and feeling your exposed skin. “just, got back, wanted to see you.” The words are a struggle to get out as he continues to shove his lips against yours pressing his body tightly against yours leaving you no room to move.
he hums happily and you can feel him widely grin against your lips. “i wish i wasnt late to leaving for the store. fuck were you planning on waiting for me naked.” its not exactly a question more so his thoughts and desires spilling out. the thought had crossed your mind and tbh if he had no been home you probably would have. You feel him slot himself between your legs to grind against you.
As his lips trail down your neck and his hands begin to knead at your breasts your eyes finally flutter open and you remember where you are. “shouldn’t we eugh go back to the room?” one of his hands moves down past your pants band and shoves two fingers into you.
You gasp, gripping his forearms while he pulls his lips off of you and licks them before smirking at you. “you wanna go to the room when you were too fucking ready for that? the thought that anyone could walk into the elevator at that moment never crosses your mind as he begins to quickly shove his fingers in and out of your greedily while he humps against your thigh. “missed you so fucking much.”
Hes usually the type of tease. He would finger you until you were begging him to let you cum and based on his texts you had thought he would do that again but almost as swiftly as he put his fingers in he takes them out and pops them in his mouth with a moan. “fuck you need to sit on my face when we get back in the room.”
he eagerly presses his lips against your again as he hands go to free himself from his pants. “thought you wanted to tease me all night huh?” He rubs himself against your folds and let out a shaky moan, “we can do that later, need you now.” When he pushes himself into you. You both let out a pleased moan in sync as he pulls you up higher to get a better angle.
“missed this so fucking much missed you never go away again.” He slurs against your lips as he slopply thrusts in and out of you. You eagerly nod as you move your hips to meet his. “ill never go away never without you.” the way the friction of his denim jeans rubs your skin and his hands harshly gripping on your hips as he pants and thrusts has your eyes rolling.
When you get closer you wrap you legs around his waist and he pushes you closer to the wall the new angle hitting you just right, you end up bitting into his bare shoulder as you release all over him and he pulses inside you at your uncontrollable action. “fuck fuck fuck.” He quickly pulls out and spills all over your shirt and bare thighs.
The two of you laugh as your adrenaline highs begin to settle and he eases you down helping you atleast look semi decent before shoving himself back into his pants and finally clicking the button to guide you back up to his apartment.
He turns back around and pulls you into a soft kiss as you sway together lightly in the dimly lit elevator. “missed you.” “missed you more stupid.”
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spicyspiders · 1 year
I admire you so much, you literally make the best smut😭😭😭
Could you make a miguel o' hara x bottom male reader smut. Where miguel likes reader but has never been able to act on his urges until, the other Spider-Man start to flirt and be more friendly with him. So on the mission to save the Multiverse Miguel Pulls reader a abetting building or Warehouse and fucks him. With some degrading, dummification, and biting.
I have other requests for call of duty but couldn't help but write this. I'm so excited for the new movie and to see Miguel on screen. There isn't any topping or bottoming, but it's implied that Miguel will be the top when they actually have sex. Warnings for rimming, intercrural sex, and Miguel bites the reader until he bleeds. Even though I changed a few things, I hope you still like it.
You let out a loud bark of a laugh at what Ben had just said, not realizing how loud it truly was until you looked over and saw Miguel glaring at the two of you. 
“Sorry,” you said, quickly trying to hide the smile that accompanied the laugh. When you looked back over at Ben, you let out a snicker. 
Miguel growled and stepped into your personal space, “enough! Put your mask back on, we’ve got a mission to finish,” he waits until you give a tense nod before he goes back to where he was at the edge of the roof.
“Yours is still off and plus, it’s easier for me to see without it on,” you grumbled, pulling the mask back on. 
“If you weren’t playing around with him all the time,” Miguel gestures angrily at Ben, “you could have fixed it!” 
Ben tried to calm the other man, but his attempt was in vain. He tried placing a hand on his shoulder, but Miguel knocked it away, “we’re going to finish up and then we’ll get back and fix the lenses in his mask,” Ben said. His words made Miguel’s shoulders look a little less tense, but then he went and messed it up again, “we don’t want them to hear,” Ben nodded down to the ground where the group of men you were tailing were gathered. 
His final sentence only made Miguel angrier, his shoulders going tense again, “and whose fault would that be?” He asked furiously. 
You flinched at his rough tone, trying to pull yourself in and make yourself smaller so he would stop looking at you with such anger. You glanced over at Ben, seeing that his body language looked similar to yours. 
When you looked back over to Miguel, you could see that his expression had softened. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, his fangs peeking out from his top lip, but they quickly went away as his mouth closed. 
Miguel turned to face the men down on the ground, leaving you to look at the broad expanse of his back. You wanted to reach out like Ben did to try and comfort him, but instead kept your arms at your sides. 
The men you were trailing were on the move again, “let’s go,” Ben said softly, spurring you into movement. 
The rest of the mission surprisingly went off without a hitch. Afterward, when you were about to leave the warehouse where you had apprehended the group of men, a hand on your arm stopped you. 
“We need to talk,” Miguel said. It was just the two of you, Ben had left with one of the officers to go back to their station and answer questions. 
Miguel pulled his mask off and held it tightly in one hand. The last cop car was leaving but was still close enough to cast a red glow through a window and onto his face, making his eyes look even brighter. He started talking only once you had taken your mask off like he did. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” he tore his eyes away from yours and let out a breath. When his eyes met yours again, they looked sad, “I scared you,” he finished softly. 
“You’re our leader, aren’t you supposed to be kind of scary?” You smiled softly at him, but he still looked at you with the same expression. You tried reaching out, but Miguel walked away. 
You followed after him, stopping beside him when he leaned up against one of the tables that littered the warehouse. A short time ago, the table had stacks of papers of various plans, schematics, and other blueprints the men you stopped were going to carry out. Now it lay bare. 
Miguel tossed his mask up onto the table before gripping the edge with both hands, “it drives me out of my mind,” he said, keeping his eyes on the table. 
“What does?” You placed your mask down and laid your empty hand on top of his. “Don’t break the table, they might need it for evidence,” you try and joke, but Miguel ignores it. 
“You with him. The way you laugh and how your face lights up,” he spits. 
At the sound of his name, Miguel finally looks up, fixing his heated gaze on you, “you’re all over each other.”
You shake your head and can’t help but let out a laugh that doesn’t help in wiping the look from Miguel’s eye, “he’s my friend Miguel. Besides, you make me laugh all the time.”
Your words do cause him to relax a little, and his hands loosen from the table, making it easier to run your thumb along his knuckles. You only wish your hands weren’t in your suits and you were able to feel his skin. The warmth you could feel through the suit, you decided, would be enough. 
“Like when?” 
“When we’re training and you knock Ben on his ass,” you answer, watching in satisfaction as one corner of his mouth goes up. 
Miguel steps closer to where he can box you in against the table, nearly chest to chest, “I don’t know if I can make you laugh in the way that he does, but-” 
You press your lips to his, catching him by surprise, but he is quick to respond. You pull back from the soft kiss with a smile, “you already do,” you raise a hand to cup his cheek, “you don’t need to be like Ben. I like you grumpy.”
The smile that your kiss brought to Miguel’s lips was quickly gone, only proving your point further, “I am not grumpy,” he said and turned his head so he could nip at one of your fingers. 
“What are you then?” You pulled your hand away, giggling when Miguel chased after with his sharp teeth. 
“Smart? What am I then?”
“You’re mine,” he growled and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was rougher than the first and left you with little pricks of pain where Miguel’s fangs grazed your lip. “He wouldn’t fuck you like I’m about to. I know that for a fact,” he whispers into your ear before kissing down the column of your neck. 
“Show me,” you breathe, both groaning when you grind your hips together. 
“You doubt me? I thought you would be smarter than that,” Miguel almost sounds disappointed, but when he presses his mischievous smile into your neck, you think otherwise. He opens his mouth just enough for his fangs to graze the skin, the delicate flesh rising after his teeth make their way across. 
You let out a whimper when his warm tongue laves over the marks. His tongue licks all the way up, not stopping until his lips press to yours and his tongue dips inside. When your tongues meet, you can taste traces of sweat and something darker. Something that is all Miguel. 
It’s Miguel’s turn to grind your hips together when the kiss is over, and the moans you both let out echo through the warehouse. He brings your lips together again and again and again, only stopping for mere moments in between to suck in harsh breaths of air. 
It only takes a few minutes of that until you’re both fully hard in your suits. “Do you have lube?” You ask, gasping around the words when Miguel brings your hips together again. 
“No. Do you?” Miguel’s head thunks onto your shoulder when you shake your head, “fuck.”
“Fuck,” you repeat, “we could just-” you try to bring your hips together again, but Miguel flips you around. 
“I can get you wet enough for my cock,” he says into your ear. 
Through the tight grip he has on your waist with his clawed hands, you push your ass back when he grinds forward, the hot line of his cock right against your ass. At least from how it felt, Miguel’s cock was big, but you knew either way that you still needed lube. 
“I don’t think-”
“Let me try,” he grinds forward again, “please?” He begs. You’ve never heard Miguel beg before, but you learned quickly how warm it made you feel. 
That single word from Miguel is how you find yourself moments later bent over the table with your suit’s pants down around your ankles and a tongue licking around your hole. You knew his spit wasn’t going to be enough, but Miguel sure had a lot of enthusiasm. 
When Miguel goes from long flicks of his tongue around your hole to instead press the wet muscle inside, you bury a hand in his dark hair to try and get his tongue deeper. You let out a moan and turn your face to press your sweaty cheek into the cool metal of the table. 
You tighten your grip when Miguel pulls his tongue out and let out a noise of protest. You feel your knees threaten to buckle when Miguel’s fangs meet the flesh of your ass cheeks. He bites down harder than he had on your neck, and nearly breaks the skin, but stops just before it happens. 
He gives the same treatment to the other one. The first brought tears to your eyes and when he moved on the second, they spilled over. The hot tears falling down your face feel just as hot as his tongue as he runs it over the marks he left. 
The skin he marks burns, even after he runs his tongue over it soothingly. The pain of it is overtaken by pleasure as Miguel continues to ruin you with his lips, teeth, and tongue. Your eyes fly open and more tears leak out when he pulls back and spreads your ass cheeks so he can spit onto your hole. 
Miguel had made sure to fold his claws in, not wanting the sharp instruments to risk cutting you, but you can still feel light pricks as he squeezes the globes of your ass. He chases after the spit as it runs down your taint and nearly hits your balls. After dragging it back up, he goes back down to suck at your balls, licking over the delicate skin when he sucks each of them into his mouth. 
Your cock aches in the open air of the warehouse, no doubt dripping a pool of precome onto the floor. You want to reach down and wrap a hand around it, but you’re eager to see what Miguel does next and want to instead focus on that. 
Your ass and the back of your legs go cold when Miguel pulls away. You lift yourself on your shaky arms so you can crane your head back and watch him. His eyes lock onto yours as he undoes his pants so his cock can spring free. 
His cock is a mouthwatering sight that demands your eyes go down to it. The head of his thick cock, like yours, is a wet sticky mess that leaks down onto Miguel’s fingers when he wraps his hand around the base. 
“Bring your legs together, as tight as your can,” Miguel says, his voice rough and raspy. “Good boy,” he rewards you with a soft kiss to the back of your neck when you comply. He guides his cock into the tight channel you’ve created with your thighs. 
Miguel wastes no time in thrusting into the tight space, his precome slicking up his path. He pants hotly into your ear, his hands gripping your hips tight enough that you know will leave bruises. His hard cock occasionally brushes yours or rubs against your balls, sending flashes of pleasure through your body on each pass. 
“I’m going to fuck you stupid when we get home and make you forget all about Ben,” he whispers darkly into your ear. 
Your head falls back onto his shoulder when he takes one of his hands from your hips and wraps it around your cock. He jerks you off in time with his thrusts and it doesn’t take long for you to spill across his fingers and the table below with a loud moan. 
When Miguel comes, he bites into the skin of your neck, this time breaking the skin. He moves quickly to wrap his arm around your chest as pain blood out around the wound his teeth make. He holds you securely to his body and licks up the blood that seeps out when his teeth pull away.
Your healing factor makes it so by the time you both are done cleaning up, your wounds have all almost healed. 
“Can you walk?”
You scoff at Miguel in disbelief, “yes I can fucking walk,” you say, angrily pulling the rest of your suit back on. 
Miguel leaves you with a smirk before he puts his mask back on, “I’ll ask you again later,” he says before walking out of the warehouse and zipping into the air on a web. 
“Look who's got jokes now!” You yell after him and shoot out your web to follow him. 
 Sometime later when you’re back home in Miguel’s bed you ask: “you aren’t going to kick him out are you?” You ask, looking up at him as you lay against his chest. You hadn’t been fucked stupid, instead deciding on another night when there was less excitement of another mission. 
Miguel runs a finger across where he had bitten you. Though it had healed, he remembered exactly where he left his mark. “If he doesn’t stop looking at you like that I will,” he murmurs darkly. 
“Like what?”
“You really aren’t that smart,” Miguel says fondly before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Miguel lets out a yelp when you pinch one of his nipples harshly in retaliation.
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uncannyoceanz · 11 months
what type of bitch every creepypasta is💀
What type of bitch every creepypastas is💀😭
Jeff the killer - the type of bitch who will act like he’s cool but is suddenly scared when you pull out a lighter.
Slenderman - the type of bitch who acts like a mom
Ben drowned - the type of bitch who purposely annoys everyone
Sally - the type of bitch who pretends to be innocent but she’s really a little trouble maker
Puppeteer - the type of bitch who will manipulate you and than gaslight you.
Eyeless Jack - the type of bitch who would use you as a dummy for medical practice lmao
Jason the Toymaker - the type of bitch who hoards all of his belongings 
Laughing Jack - the type of bitch who makes really shitty jokes that only a few think are actually funny
Laughing Jill - the type of bitch who gives off horse girl vibes.
Nathan the nobody - the type of bitch that has way to bad anger issues
Nina the killer - the type of bitch that acts like a pick me.
Lazari - the type of bitch you would have to push off a building just to get her to move
Jane the killer - the type of bitch who makes every argument about Jeff
Ticci-Toby - the type of bitch who will cause an accident and then say “wasn’t me.” Then blame it on one of his close friends.
Masky - the type of bitch who needs to chill tf out on smoking and alcohol 
Hoodie - the type of bitch who seems really straight but he’s really gay with Masky.
Candy Pop - the type of bitch that has mood swings worse than a woman on her period.
Vine the DollMaker - the type of bitch that sits like L and will threaten you with scissors 
Lulu - the type of bitch who is really shy
Suicide Sadie - the type of bitch who will start an argument with you and then beat the shit out of you
Kagekao - the type of bitch who gives everyone ‘cutesy’ nicknames…
Trenderman - the type of bitch who will hold a whole ass photoshoot at the mansion 
Offenderman - the type of bitch who is literally, canonically, a rapist.
Splendorman - the type of bitch who isn’t actually a bitch and is just really fucking wholesome and sweet 
Nurse Ann - the type of bitch who has resting bitch face.
Papa grande - the type of bitch who acts and sounds like Caine from TADC 
Smile dog - the type of bitch who will bite you….cause why tf not?
Dr. Smiley - the type of bitch who will just randomly start manically laughing outta no where.
Hobo heart - the type of bitch who will literally steal your heart
Asylum Nancy  - the type of bitch who is way too fucking happy and hyper up all the damn time
Stripes - the type of bitch who will have a full on mental breakdown because they saw something adorable or saw a fit, beautiful woman and got jealous 
Sadiya - the type of redneck, cowgirl, western bitch.
Clockwork - the type of bitch who will punch you when she laughs
Zero - the type of bitch who always fucking brags about how cool she is.
homicidal liu since @my-jukebox reminded me!: The type of bitch that has his inner emo alpha wolf side.
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icypenguin · 4 months
Ok so can I request the sbg x wony reader but instead of SHES THE ONE AND ONLY SEO CHANGBIN FROM SKZ (she can beat ass.. and can pick ben with one arm :3
⋆ ˚。 Pretty Phantom Breaker ⋆౨ৎ˚
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cw: limping, running away from phantoms, thoughts of broken bones (that’s all i guess??)
a/n: HIHIHI AND OFCCC! but.. i dunno if this is how u expected T-T i hope i got your idea right and personalities right too.. i’m not really in that side of socials BUT DW DW GOTCHUUU anyway this is a platonic relationship with the sbg gang!!! hope you like itttt!
divider credits: @iluvrei @dollywons
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to everyone’s eyes, you were known to be a clean, healthy, pretty and feminine girl. everyone always appreciate you for that. In school or literally anywhere, you’re always the one who soreads positive energy, and that’s what the gang loves you about.
you’re always focusing on a healthy life style (even if every night you’re teleported into some other realm) which makes it beneficial for the gang. They sometimes wonder, how can you be so positive even if it sounds like it’s the end for them?
“hey y/n, can you recommend me any blush? I’ve been seeing people use this like.. lisptick blush thing? i dunno what that is.. but it sounds cool!” you and taylor was sitting besides eachother on a bench, waiting for the others to finish class since you finished your work sooner. “ah! rare beauty? yes that’s a popular one nowadays! i do recommend you buying one of it since it comes in many different shade! it’s really useful, you can use it as a gloss and a blush!” picking up your phone to show the pictures of the different shade, the others were finally back.
“ughh i hate maths.. so booringgg…” complained aiden as he rolled his eyes. “well.. i suggest you to pay more attention in class rather than making paper airplanes” ashlyn stays in a monotone tone while logan, ben, and tyler ignored them.
taylor whispered a “thanks!” before moving on to the next topic, “well, took you guys long enough to finish that 5 kindergarten riddle” she joked while grabbing her bag in action to go home. “if it weren’t for that moron, we would NOT be take this long… burden pfft-“ tyler frowned, not making eye contact with anyone except him. “well- friends stay together right? they wait for eachother!” the others groaned as aiden pulled out this ‘friendship line’.
soon, you all started to walk to the main entrance while chit chatting random stuffs. you noticed aiden got closer, meaning he wanted to ask you something. “y/n, is it true that broccoli are better than sausages?” he stared with a curious look on his face. “well ofcourse, it’s better to eat broccoli everyday than to eat sausages everyday..” you smiled and gave him a thumbsup. “awwh man, i love wieners…” hearing that response, you laughed along with taylor whose heard your conversation.
! time skip phantom realm !
somehow, the phantoms were chasing the whole gang… thanks to aiden’s loud shout i guess.. “ugh did you really have to scream that loud to safe your darling ashlyn!?” tyler seemed irritated by how aiden was acting. “it’s called friendship okay!? just like how you protect taylor-“ he fired back the comment back to tyler and it kept going on and on. their bickering kept on continuing until- “wait- ben!? where’s ben!?” taylor was looking around, checking everyone but seeing no sign of ben near them. suddenly, everyone’s attention has been spotlighted to ben, who was in the back, trying to catch up.
when you studied closer to see ben’s anatomy, you noticed he was limping. soon, everyone noticed this wound of ben and aiden, who does not think first, decided to run back to ben “ah-! ben- wait for me-!”
ofcourse he tried to help ben but only ended up with them walking slower. as the phantoms were getting closer and everyone’s heart was beating as fast as ever, hoping they would be safe, you did what you had to did. rushing towards both men who’s being chased by a bunch of phantoms, you lifted them one in each of your arm. you didn’t really like to show this side of you, but what choices are there?
ofcourse, they were shocked to see how the feminine you- is able to carry 2 guys in a blink of an eye. “whatthe-“ tyler exclaimed in a shocked and unbelievable tone, while the others just stare at you speechless.
meanwhile ben and aiden was taken aback by the sudden lift, aiden adapted quickly and cheered you on “go go go! go y/n!” ben was just giving up his whole body on you and trusted you on his life.
as you rushed forward to the gang, the phantoms were catching speed of you too. but luckily, you catched up to them and you all managed to get into the base or the bus graveyard.
“phew that was rough…” panting while dropping those two men softly on the ground, the others stared at you with wide eyes, suprised by your skill. “what. was. that.” tyler shot back from his thoughts and stared at you. “that was so cool, y/n.. i didn’t know you can do that..!” logan admired you while having a happy and amused face. “aww thanks guys… i thought you’ll be weirded by it..” you rubbed the back of your neck while looking down, not used to have compliments by this skill of yours. “no way! you saved their life!” taylor gives you a pat on the back as a supportive sign. too, ashlyn got into the conversation “it’s honestly a relief for all of us…” she handed you a bottle of water for you to finally calm yourself down.
meanwhile the others were all fine, aiden and ben both thanked you before healing ben’s leg that logan thought can be of broken bone. tyler, at the corner, was scoffing. he had a high hope of becoming the strongest one in the group and he even thought he was! but i guess.. more suprises for him?
“aww tylerrr, don’t be so busteddd~” taylor laughed at her brother being to irritated and jelous. “w-what!? i’m not!” he barked back at taylor while having a clear jealous look on his face. “pfft yeah? than it’s no matter if i call you weak?” tyler then started chasing taylor as he wanted revenge.
you felt something tap your shoulder, ashlyn was looking at the corner to a phantom that.. successfully entered the base outta nowhere. “do you think you can break it?” she asked you with full trust.
maybe.. maybe you can be a phantom breaker champion?
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧
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allfattenedup · 5 months
Hello and what great progress, exceptional!!!
I see myself in you even if I'm just starting out... cause I was also a thin athlete, even too thin at certain times, I can ask you what pushed you to start and after the first phases what did you did it push you to move forward and never go back?
Thank you so much!
I've told this story a few times but not for a while. So I have always had this kink. But I was also pretty vain, lol. I don't mind admitting that. I wanted to look hot, it was important to me. So, I won't say I buried the kink - I definitely jerked off to pretty much only fat guys and girls, and even fantasized heaps about myself getting fat, but I was just really strict in my mind that it was a fantasy only and that I'd never actually do it to myself.
Eventually, it became overwhelming. In hindsight I realise it was a self sustaining cycle — I was working out more and taking better care of my looks to try to drown out the desire, but the more I did that, the more delicious the thought of ruining it all became in my mind. The pull became way too strong. It was all I was thinking about all the time.
So, I did eventually make a deal with myself that I would gain 20lbs, just to get it out of my system, and then lose it before anyone really noticed.
That was the best/worst/best/worst decision I ever made.
Because oh my god, if I thought fantasizing about myself with a belly was hard to resist, actually having one? Actually watching and feeling one grow and wobble and push over my waistband? A potent lifelong sexual fantasy coming to life like that? Fuck me, I didn't stand a chance.
It got out of control real fucking fast. I swelled like crazy. Got the heavy hanging stomach of my dreams and nightmares. Got a pair of moobs, got a double chin and a fat face. I quickly realised I also had an embarrassment kink and with that, the guardrails just came off. The safety net burned up. The thought of having to face people in this body was as delicious as it was horrifying so there was no way I could stop myself from making it worse and worse and worse. I've done a few different drugs in my life and I have NEVER been as out of my mind as I was during that period of time. Absolutely off my face on lust.
Although it's not quite true that I never went back. I exploded with fat so fast that it seriously freaked me out. And even though I was literally getting off on the panic of how obese I was, eventually it became too much and I did actually lose a lot of weight. Not down to my original weight but enough that people were congratulating me everywhere I went for how "good I was looking". It felt nice, honestly. I missed the erotic tornado of weight gain, but it was kind of nice to feel normal again, to feel a little bit confident in my looks again, and I promised I'd leave this whole surreal experience behind me. But then eventually... it was all I was thinking about all the time. It became overwhelming. The pull became too strong.
I should have known what would happen. I came back to tumblr. Explained myself, showed my weight loss. People were really kind and supportive. I admitted that I just wanted to be part of the community again but I'm not gonna be gaining any weight back. And then that became 'I'm only gonna gain a tiny bit of weight back'. And then for probably about a year I was "not gaining" while slowly getting fatter and fatter. I started a Patreon and the thought of being fattened for a living started to ping that overwhelming desire again. My body started to take on a different shape than it did in my first gain. So all of a sudden that made everything new and hot again. I was in denial for wayyyy longer than was reasonable. I somehow managed convinced myself I wasn't really gaining on purpose, meanwhile I was ordering a second pint of Ben & Jerry's while still shoving down the first. I'm sure half of you guys knew I was intentionally gaining again before I did. And that's where we are now. I gained slower this time. My body is handling it better. Seems to me the only way from here is up 😈📈🥵
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zepskies · 1 year
Love Actually - Part 1
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Paring: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Summary: Ben gets in late on Christmas Eve with a Grinch-like attitude, but you’re determined to force some holiday cheer into his system.  
AN: Here’s my last entry for the TGWRC: Christmas in July event! It’s set in the same world as “Break Me Down,” and set before “Checkerboard.” But this can be read as a stand-alone! Hope you enjoy…
Theme: Christmas movies Prompt: “That’s a poor excuse for a tree.” 
Word Count: 3,100 Tags/Warnings: SB being himself, wee bit of angst, potential fluff overload! 
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Part 1: "Humbug"
He was late. 
It was Christmas Eve, and your boyfriend was late. 
With a large bowl of popcorn in your lap, you sank further into your favorite corner of the couch, drumming your nails on its arm. 
Your favorite Christmas movie played on the ridiculously large flatscreen Ben had insisted on when you two moved into this apartment. But you couldn’t get into the story like you normally would.
It was the first Christmas you and Ben were spending together since he’d started working with, instead of against Supe Affairs and the CIA. In fact, he was on an extended mission—hunting down a rogue supe in Idaho, of all places.
Freakin’ Idaho. Goddamn potatoes, you thought irrationally, shoving another handful of popcorn into your mouth.  
While he’d been gone, you went all out in decorating the apartment: red and white candles, stockings, various ornaments, multicolored string lights, and poinsettias. You’d even found a nice little tree that fit in the only free corner of the living room.
Well, you’d had to rearrange some furniture to make that happen, but in the end you’d succeeded. It felt like you were living at the bottom of a snow globe.
You hadn’t heard from Ben at all in over two weeks. The day he left you outside your office in the Surveillance department replayed often in your mind.
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Two weeks ago…
“Don’t give me that face, baby doll.” 
Ben quirked a smile at your concerned frown, and he propped a gentle fist under your chin. You crossed your arms.  
You knew he had to go. Butcher and the rest of the guys were waiting outside the S.A. office. And you were proud of him for what he was doing, genuinely trying to put in the work on this “hero” thing. But you didn’t have to like the timing. It was only two weeks until Christmas.
“Fine,” you agreed. “Just get this guy quick. I don’t want to hear my aunt’s shady-ass sniping. Every time I show up to a family gathering by myself, she starts plotting my arranged marriage to her fucking pediatrist, her divorce attorney—mind the irony there—or even the guy who packages meat at the grocery store—” 
“All right, Christ. I’ll be back in fucking time,” said Ben. He grabbed your arms to stop your verbal flapping. Then with a grin, his hands moved to the curve of your waist, down to get a healthy grip of your ass. 
“’Sides, I’m the only one flingin’ meat around here,” he said with a deepening smirk. 
You rolled your eyes, but a smile threatened to take over your frown as he pulled you flush against him, trapping your hands against his broad chest. You found purchase on the hard fabric of his uniform. 
“You’re so gross,” you said. But you pulled him down for a searing kiss. If you weren’t going to see his handsome face for a while, then you were going to make the most of this moment. 
And it seemed your boyfriend felt the same way; his arms wrapped around your frame like steel bands. Your fingers swept through his hair as your tongue slipped into his mouth, making his grip on you tighten with a pleased hum. 
“Oi! Sid and fuckin’ Nancy,” Butcher called from down the hall. “Got a fucking job to do. Today, if you don’t mind.”
Ben broke away from you, just enough to frown in irritation over your head. 
“Calm your fucking tits, Churchill. I’ll leave when I’m good and damn ready.”
You couldn’t help but giggle into his chest.
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Now, it was quite literally hours away from Christmas Day. 
You would be seeing your family tomorrow, regardless. You and Ben were supposed to go to your mother’s house for dinner. But you were starting to think that he might not make it tonight, let alone tomorrow. 
And if you had to deal with your aunt nosing into your personal business again, your hand might just “slip” while pouring yourself a rum-filled eggnog, so you wouldn’t be held liable for your actions when you inevitably snapped on the bitch.
Sighing, you continued munching on some popcorn while you focused on one of your favorite parts of Love Actually. Hugh Grant was shaking his ass to “Jump In” by the Pointer Sisters.
The music was infectious, and you found yourself doing a little shimmy yourself on the couch in time with one of your favorite rom-com Brits. 
With the TV volume as loud as it was, not even the door of your apartment unlocking could stop your mini-jam session. 
And the door soon opened, revealing a dusty, soot-covered Benjamin, still in his supe suit and tactical gear. He took a small step back when the gaudy Christmas décor assaulted his eyes, but he blinked through it as he turned his head. 
His lips curved at the familiar sight of you—bundled up in your pajamas and a fuzzy blanket on the couch, bopping to the beat of some shitty ‘80s song he actually recognized. You were alternatively mouthing the words and eating fistfuls of popcorn. 
Shaking his head, Ben stepped into the apartment and shut the door with some force. You finally perked up at the sound, your smile alight with happiness when you realized he was home. That alone made him soften a bit. 
“Ben!” You paused your movie and bounded over to greet him with a warm hug and a deep kiss.  
He brushed your hair back and allowed himself to revel in the familiarity of you in his arms. 
“Aren’t you a fucking sight,” he murmured.
Ben was still getting used to having someone to come home to, but it was grounding. This place was his home now, mostly because you were in it.  
“You okay? How did it go?” you asked, wiping off some soot from his cheek. 
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Ben offered you a cocky smile. “We smoked that pyro bitch.”
Your eyes narrowed. “You what?”
“Relax, the supe’s alive,” he said, rolling his eyes, as if it grated him to admit it. He wouldn’t tell you that the supe had two broken arms and probably a crack in his skull. “Being shipped off to prison as we speak.”
You nodded with a smile. “Good. I’m proud of you.” 
His lips pulled at a grin. But then you took his face between your hands with a hard slap (though it didn’t even sting, the point was made in your annoyed frown). 
“You’re late,” you said. Ben raised a brow. 
“Excuse me?” he said. 
“You heard me. You’re fucking late,” you repeated. “Go take a shower. I already started the first movie without you.” 
You tugged him by the hand and all but pushed him into the hall that led to your shared bedroom. 
Ben wasn’t one to be manhandled though. He dug his heels in obstinately. 
“Christ, I just got home. All I want to do is sleep…unless you want to give me a proper fucking welcome.”
He glanced at you over his shoulder with a more than suggestive smirk. He turned around and pulled you into his firm chest. His hands smoothed down your back and squeezed your hips, with his thumbs dragging under the hem of your pajama top.
While your lips threatened a smile, you had to wonder how he had enough energy for reunion sex, but not enough to watch a simple movie. 
Still, his offer was all-too tempting, making heat prickle along your skin wherever he touched. Nonetheless, you managed to remain stubborn and pushed gently against his chest.
“Down, boy,” you said. “If I let you get your hands on me now, I’ll never get through my list.”
First it was Love Actually, then Christmas Vacation, followed swiftly by Home Alone and its sequel, Lost In New York. 
Ben frowned at you. “So? Watch ‘em tomorrow.”
“In case you’ve forgotten, it’s Christmas Eve.”
You gestured to all your hard work in the form of the decorated apartment.
“Tomorrow, we have dinner at my mom’s house. So tonight, you’re gonna go shower," you said, pointing at him. "I’m going to make some more hot chocolate, and we’re watching all manner of cheesy, romantic, and downright silly Christmas movies until your Grinch-ass gets some holiday spirit.”
Ben released a tired sigh and dropped his hands away from you.
“I haven’t slept in three fucking days," he said. "I’m not staying up all night again for some corny bullshit.”
You frowned in disappointment. 
“Ben, come on. Please?” you tried, but he just waved a dismissive hand and continued his way to the bedroom.
For a moment, you watched him go in disbelief. Was he really going to be like that? 
With a flash of hot annoyance, you huffed and decided that you weren’t going to let him ruin the night for you. 
So you went into the kitchen and whipped up some hot cocoa, breaking out the actual Godiva chocolate bars you bought just for this moment. You poured out one mug initially. But you listened to the old water pipes working, knowing that Ben must’ve been taking a shower. 
You knew he wasn’t just tired. He didn’t seem to be looking forward to tomorrow either, and  was going along with it for your sake. Which, to be fair, could just mean he still wasn’t totally comfortable around your family. (Your sister Luisa still hadn’t totally warmed up to him.)
You also had a feeling that he just wasn’t into Christmas.
The question was why… 
But you poured a mug for him anyway, adding some mini marshmallows into each one. You brought both mugs with you back to the living room and set them down on the coffee table. 
Getting comfortable on the couch again, complete with your blanket, mug, and the popcorn bowl, you pressed “play” and continued watching the movie…even though you felt just a bit lonelier. 
But then, a weight dropped on the other end of the couch. You flinched and looked over at your now clean and pajama-clad boyfriend, who eyed you begrudgingly with his arms crossed over a soft plain shirt. 
You smiled at him warmly. “Hey, baby.”
His grouchy face was the very picture of “humbug.” Biting your lip, you set down the popcorn on the coffee table and handed him the spare cup of hot chocolate. 
“I made some for you,” you said. He gave you a brief nod and took a dutiful sip. But not even rich, chocolatey goodness could curb his sour mood as he stared blandly at the screen. 
You knew that face. That was his, I’ll do this for you, but I’m not gonna fucking like it—face. 
When he stifled a yawn, you knew that he hadn’t been lying. He really was tired. Sometimes you forgot that while Ben was all but indestructible, even he had his limits. Chasing that rogue supe across the country must’ve taken it out of him, even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
So you reached over and plucked the mug out of his hand. His brows knit together as he watched you set it down on the coffee table with yours. Then you grabbed his hand. 
“Come ‘ere,” you said, tugging him toward you. 
“What now?” he groused. 
“Just come on. Don’t bitch,” you teased. You guided him to lay across the couch, with his head pillowed in your lap. You grabbed an extra throw blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over him, making sure that it covered him up to his chest. 
“What am I, a damn kid?” he said. But you knew his griping had no real weight. Already he was humming deep with pleasure as your fingers carded through his soft brown hair. You let your nails drag lightly over his scalp, massaging his head. Your free hand stroked his cheek. 
Ben closed his eyes for a moment and let out a sigh through his nose. The movie continued to play, but you were no longer paying much attention. This was more important. 
When he opened his eyes again, they were drawn to the small, four-foot Christmas tree in the corner of the room, next to the TV. 
“That’s a poor fucking excuse for a tree,” he said. 
You frowned and followed his gaze. 
“I think it’s adorable,” you replied. And it was the only one you thought would fit in this cozy, but very narrow apartment. 
Ben’s arms crossed over his blanket.
“I’ll go tomorrow, find us a real fucking tree,” he said. 
Your frown deepened a little. “But I already decorated this one. All by myself, I might add.”
He eyed you then, a bit softer.
“All right, we’ll get a second one for the dining room,” he grumbled. “Getting the tree up is a man’s job anyway.”
You rolled your eyes at that. But you tried to see if there was anything deeper to read in his words. Not for the first time, you wondered how he’d spent his holidays in the past. No doubt with a lot of fanfare and celebrity parties during his hay day as Soldier Boy. You were more interested in his life before that.   
“I remember, my mom would run the show at Christmas,” Ben said.
You blinked down at him in surprise. Without knowing, he’d opened up on your exact curiosity. 
Or maybe he just knew you better than you thought.
“She’d have all the help in a damn tear around the house. Cooking, decorating, the whole nine yards. It was a perfect scene, like something out of a catalogue,” said Ben. “But getting the tree was always my dad’s job. His only job, really.”
You smiled and continued to listen with rapt attention. Your thumb continued to stroke along his neck. 
“One year, he got this massive one. Must’ve been…I don’t know, twenty feet. I don’t even know how he got it through the door, but he was mighty fucking proud of himself,” Ben said.
His gaze trailed beyond you, lost in faded memories. They played in his mind like a reel, wordless, but bright and warm. 
“Who decorated it?” you asked. Your voice drew his attention back. 
“Me and him,” Ben admitted, surprising you yet again. “Meanwhile, Mom baked up a storm for the Christmas party they threw every year…”
It was a rare moment where Ben recalled what seemed to be a nice memory of his father. But soon enough, the nostalgia dimmed from his eyes.
He cleared his throat and swiped a hand over his mouth, as if that could erase his moment of vulnerability. 
Then he turned to face the TV screen. 
“So what’s even happening here? Seems like there’s four goddamn movies playing at once.”
You cracked a smile and continued brushing your fingers through his hair. You also rewinded the movie so he could actually follow the story.
“Yeah, that’s what makes this movie so classic. See, there’s Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman. They’re married, kids, the perfect life, right? But he’s actually cheating on her with a younger, sluttier woman.”
“…And this is a fucking Christmas movie?”
“Yeah, you’ll see. Then there’s Liam Neeson.”
Ben perked up at that. “The Taken guy?” 
You nodded. “Yep! He’s a widower, but he has a stepson who’s got a sweet little crush. So he’s gonna try and help the kid impress the girl by helping him learn the drums.”
Your boyfriend nodded. 
“Musicians get plenty of pussy, that’s for damn sure,” he said. And with a knowing grin, “Actors get more though.”
You snorted and pointed to Hugh Grant next. “He’s my favorite. He’s playing the Prime Minister, who falls in love with his assistant, Natalie. That’s her right there.”
Ben raised a brow at your choice of “favorite.” If nothing else, he noted your type for older men. 
But he smirked when Natalie kept verbally fumbling in Hugh’s presence, then stared along with the Prime Minister at the woman’s ass when she walked away at the end of the scene.  
“Hmm, I’ll admit. She’s got a juicy peach,” Ben remarked. You laughed and hit his shoulder playfully. It worked an amused smile onto his face. 
He took your hand from his shoulder and pressed the back of it to his lips. You blinked down at him, and you warmed with a smile at seeing his more relaxed face. 
He kept your hand on his chest, his thumb drawing back and forth over your wrist. 
So you proceeded to explain the various angles of the movie until he was all caught up. 
You two watched the rest of it together. Like always, you cried when Colin Firth poured his heart out to his housekeeper, Aurélia, half in his mangled Portuguese and half in English. You cried again when Emma’s character finally confronted her cheating bastard husband. 
And you held your breath when Hugh and Natalie kissed as the stage curtain fell down, revealing their relationship to the world. 
By the time the credits rolled, you were an emotional mess. You were happy though. Typically you’d watch this movie with your sister, but it was nice to share the holidays with someone… 
Someone who loved you enough to curb his Grinch attitude about cheesy romantic things, like tree decorating and watching rom-coms with hot cocoa. 
You glanced down, and sure enough, Ben was asleep. He had turned onto his stomach. His head still rested in your lap, his cheek pillowed by your thigh, and he had a hand curled around your leg. Your big, growling bear of a man had a gooey center that sometimes surprised even you. 
For one mischievous moment, you considered sticking a piece of popcorn up his nose. 
He looked so damn peaceful that you didn’t want to ruin it…yet now you couldn’t get up either. 
Shit, you thought, but your grin was soft. Oh, whatever. Sleep is overrated.
You queued up Chevy Chase’s Christmas Vacation next in your movie marathon and settled in. You laid a gentle hand on Ben’s back, between his broad shoulders. 
And his story about his parents returned to the forefront of your mind.
Maybe he didn’t hate Christmas. Maybe it was just difficult for him to remember the genuinely good ones. Maybe he missed his parents; both of them, despite how contentious it had been between him and his father. 
You could certainly understand that. But now, you would make sure he would remember this one for the “good” column.
You only startled a little when your cell phone chimed on the coffee table. The screen read 12:00 a.m. It was officially December 25th. 
You then felt Ben’s warm hand squeeze your leg. His eyes were still shut though, his breathing deep and even in sleep. 
With a smile, you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
And you whispered in his ear, “Merry Christmas, Ben.”
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AN: Yay! I hope you liked this fluffy one for SB. 🎄❤️
Did you like Ben's little day trip down memory lane? Let me know in the comments! 😘
**Note: There will be two more parts to this due to popular request!
Keep Reading: PART 2
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
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casinocarpediem · 7 months
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▪︎■☆Benny, Baby☆■▪︎
☆ cis!Ben Reilly / spiderhero!male reader
☆ Drabble and probably OOC
☆ angst and fluff headcanons first
☆ kind of cringe? Maybe? Maybe not? Depends on who's reading it
°○☆happy reading☆○°
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☆ his morning voice is so deep but not in a sexy way its more like a funny way. Maybe not overly goofy but he's so loopy since he's still a little sleepy he will make you laugh a little with his voice.
☆ seldomly clumsy. He'll walk through corridors and move his hips to avoid hitting tables and when he miscalculates a move he'll wince in pain, but if you're there he'll try to pretend nothing ever happened.
☆ He's clingy. Like, puppy clingy. He'll never admit it but the next best thing other than working out is holding you. It could be in any kind of context. A fluffy moment, a sad scenario, or something a little more intimate. But don't expect him to get his grabby hands off of your body 24/7 because he just loves to hold you and be there for you.
☆ look at me in the eye and tell me he isn't dramatic. ATSV Scarlet spider here, imagine watching Grave of the Fireflies with this guy. Get your tissues.
☆ His hair is so silky. I'm sure he maintains it well. He's willing to share his own secrets to you so that the two of you are walking around with hair everybody wishes they had. haha.
☆ He's a little bit of a jealous person. Not in a toxic way, per se. But he's a little insecure whenever you spend time laughing and talking with the other spidermen. Usually the Peter's. Ben knows he's a clone. He thinks he's just a copy. He hopes you don't leave him for something more "original".
☆ continuation of the hc above me, he'll try holding your hand whenever you're talking to somebody. Not all the time. Just when he feels uneasy. Just a little reminder to you that he's there. Please don't go.
☆ bad nights aren't common between you two but he'll let his laid back facade fade away and he'll lean on you for comfort. You're his strength. His beacon of light. In a world quite cruel he knows he can rest on your shoulder and recharge his energy just being around you
☆ he loves to work out with you. Definitely. He's your best gym buddy and you'll end up exerting more effort into your routine because of how fun and challenging it is with Ben. He might forget a few basic equipment... so be prepared
☆ I just really like to think that he's a clingy puppy when you two are alone, and small remnants of that desperation for your attention clinging in the air. Hugs and cuddles, thumbs-up. Hand holding and a few kisses, thumbs up. Brushing his face against your chest or vice versa whenever you to get to bed, oh absolutely.
☆ I don't know if he'd be a PDA person, but he definitely would be. He likes showing how much he loves you. Like, every part of you. Your hands, your smile, you're voice, everything. It's like a warm presence that has him forgetting about all of the shit that made him edgy /hj. He'd hold your hand on your arm or your shoulder or whatever. He likes touching you
☆ call him petnames. Any kind as long as if it's a petname. And as long as if it's made by you. That takes the cake. His personal favorite is "Benny baby" because 1, it's adorable, 2, it's catchy.
°○☆ nsfw under the cut ☆○°
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☆ He's sloppy. Literally about everything. When you'll kiss him or if he'll kiss you it doesn't matter who takes initiative, he won't hesitate to use his tongue. Sucking your tongue to get a better taste of it. Or kissing your cheek so much it becomes wet in a few minutes. He'll drool like a dog no matter what he does. He'd be ashamed of it at first but when you'll reassure him that it's normal and everybody has their own quirks during sex he won't try to struggle and hide it.
☆ pull his hair. He'd adorably whine and complain. He'd tell you to stop but he doesn't want you to stop. The first time you tried it he was feeling conflicted but he definitely didn't try to stop you the next time around.
☆ he'll probably try to cover his face whenever you fuck him. He's so shy all of the sudden... so when you web/cuff his hands above his head, leaving him powerless to cover his face he pretty much just cums sooner.
☆ if you're somewhere else and he's somewhere private, he'll send you a picture of his abs. Pretty normal. That is until he'll send you even more provocative pictures. That's when you snap and try to finish the errand to get home as soon as possible and fuck him till he goes blind.
☆ PET PLAY‼️‼️‼️ Please please PLEASE treat this man like a horny little mutt. He'll go crazy when you call him puppy or bitch or literally whatever. He's a golden retriever isn't he? Oh he'll melt. Get him a leash too. A pretty collar with your name on it. He'd hide it well away from guests but when you two are alone... he has his fun.
☆ remember what I said about pet play? Oh boy, take it to the next level and he'll go nuts. Literally. Strap him tight on a pet crawler and treat him like a legitimate dog. You probably wouldn't need to touch him for him to cum anymore at that point. Drowning in humiliation to the point where all he could do is whimper for your touch, a command, a word literally anything.
☆ he likes to be degraded. Call him a stupid mutt and tease him about his "rut". How badly he wants to breed/be bred. He'll let out a series of whines and please unless you gag your little puppy. Perhaps if you don't gag him, you can make him woof a little. It's embarrassing. Humiliating but Ben's already past point of clarified thinking.
☆ that doesn't me he isn't a fan of praise! Call him a sweetheart. Your loving little puppy. A good boy. Brush your fingers against his hair and scratch his scalp just right. He'll cum right then and there. Dick frotting against your leg. That is, if you gave him permission. If you spoil him and let him suck your dick while you praise him he'll get drunk. So unbelievably drunk, you'll end up doing most of the work again.
☆ rarely ever a bad boy. He'll follow your orders. And if he's being a brat... well, taming him isn't hard.
☆ if you're going to be bottoming he'll be really soft with it. He'll only go hard if you tell him to. He'll do everything you tell him to do. Go soft? He'll go soft. Move faster? He'll rut inside of you while he sobs out how good you feel around him.
☆ oh my god this man's cum. He definitely cums a lot. Ugagahahh like,,, BROOOOO. Istg. It drops down his dick like thick droplets of pearls and its so filling. Goddamn, doesn't matter if you dom or he does its so much. Please milk him.
☆ oh he has a happy trail. Fuzzy, dirty blonde, well kept ish. He doesn't like to shave it because when it grows back it just gets itchy.
☆ He's a biter. Doesn't matter who's on top. Expect love bites everywhere, anywhere. It feels right to him. In a possessive way. He's yours, your his. Actually, try marking him too. It's hotter that way.
182 notes · View notes
luvsfootball · 11 months
not much of a girlfriend - jamal musiala.
requested by - anon.
request - holaa again hehehe could you write one for jamal like enemys to lovers??
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your brother and jamal were childhood friends, so you were rather familiar with the young german boy.
when you first met, you were twelve and they were fourteen. you still played with barbies and bratz dolls and they made fun of you for it.
you remembered crying to your mother about how mean they were and she told you that ‘boys will be boys’.
growing up, you tried to avoid jamal but it was quite hard to when he was constantly sleeping over at your house and even being invited to family meals.
something inside of you desperately wanted jamal to just treat you with respect, and you didn’t know that’s what he felt too.
he was at your house tonight, eating in the kitchen when you went in to get your dinner. your brother was laughing at your makeup and you ignored him, something that took all of your might.
“will you both move?” you hissed, pushing past them to open the oven and take out your food. when you moved past to go upstairs, your brother stopped you.
“you can’t take that up to your room.”
“i’ll do what i want,” you replied, sticking your finger up and slamming the door shut.
hours went by and you headed downstairs to go for your date with one of your classmates when jamal came into the hallway.
“where are you going dressed like that?”
“like what?”
he didn’t say anything but when he raked his eyes up and down your body, you suddenly felt very self-conscious.
you knew deep down that jamal would never judge you but you couldn’t be so sure of that.
your brother came out of the living room at the sound of your voice and furrowed his eyebrows. “where are you going?”
“out for a bit with kenzie.”
he seemed to buy the lie but before you could sneak out the front door and get to your date, e stopped you. “wait, jamal can give you a lift.”
immediately, you shouted, “no!” but your brother didn’t like the word no. “she literally lives down the road from jamal, he won’t mind.”
jamal shook his head, a silent agreement that he’d take you but you had to try and get out of it. sittinng in a car with him was the last thing you wanted, and you weren’t even going to kenzie’s.
“we’re actually going out for dinner, hence my outfit.”
“well where is it? i don’t mind, honestly.”
something inside of you was suspicious. why was jamal offering to drive you somewhere? you hated each other. or was it just you who hated him?
“it’s the next left.”
he hummed in response, using his indicator to turn around the corner. “this is a bit fancy for you and kenzie.”
for some reason, your throat went dry. why were you so nervous?
you chose not to respond and when he pulled up, you nearly ducked when you saw your date already waiting outside the restaurant. you knew for a fact jamal wasn’t going to leave until he saw you get inside.
“just around the back will be fine.”
“but there’s a parking spot here.”
“park around the back!”
he rolled his eyes at your little outburst but listened and drove around the side, turning his engine off. “could at least say thanks,” he murmured.
“thanks,” you whispered, shutting the car door and looking back a couple of times before walking up to your date as if nothing happened.
your date, ben, smiled when you showed up and he sideways hugged you rather awkwardly before saying, “i thought you weren’t going to come.”
“sorry, traffic was bad. do you want to go inside?”
his eyebrows furrowed at how hurried you were being but he trailed after you nether the less. you turned your head to see if his car was gone.
then you saw it.
jamal was driving past extremely slow, jaw visibly clenched at the sight of you and ben. you were scared he was going to tell your brother because he’d ask a million questions.
but you didn’t want the date to go wrong so you went inside and played everything cool.
‘nice date?’
the text message came as a shock and you werw busy drying your hair after a shower when it came through.
‘my love life has nothing to do with you.’
as you awaited a response, drying your hair became the least of your worries. jamal was with your brother downstairs right now.
honestly, you were shocked that he hadn’t already told him.
‘i wouldn’t call it love after one date.’
‘you probably can’t even get a date, jamal.’
downstairs, jamal didn’t understand why his heart fluttered at you using his actual name. it was always ‘musiala’ or ‘idiot’.
he didn’t respond after that and you resumed drying your hair whilst thinking back to the date. ben was really nice but you weren’t sure whether anything was going to happen.
a knock on your door made you finally move from your desk and you nearly slammed it shut when you saw jamal on the other side.
“your brother’s gone to get some food.”
he smiled a little before handing you a controller. “i need someone to play with while he’s gone.”
“and why should i?”
“you’ll get to rub it in his face when you beat his score. and you might even get to beat me.”
it sounded like a good deal, so you put your slippers on and trailed downstairs, flopping down onto the couch. “you’re so getting destroyed,” you snickered.
jamal rolled his eyes as he unpaused the game.
it ended with you both drawing and you were already demanding a replay.
“how was your date?”
you frowned at how he said the last word. “it was good. not sure about him though.”
“i think you need someone that matches you.”
scoffing, you turned to face him. “you think you’re such an expert on love.”
“i’m better than you at it!”
“when was the last time you even went on a date?”
his cheeks flushed red as he thought back and suddenly became very embarrassed. jamal hadn’t been on a date with anyone in about a year.
“when was the last time you had a boyfriend?”
“probably after you had a-”
you were cut off by his lips connecting with your own and your eyes widened in surprise. at first you didn’t kiss back, but you thought ‘fuck it’.
it was now a heated makeout and before it could go any further, you could both hear the key in the lock turn and you both pulled apart, moving far away from each other to not make it obvious.
“what are you doing down here?”
you discreetly wiped your lips before turning to your brother. “beating your top score.”
jumping off the couch, you passed him the controller and took the food to the kitchen to plate out.
you didn’t notice jamal’s eyes following your body and when you turned, he was facing the screen.
almost as if nothing happened.
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raythekiller · 1 year
Weird question, but how would the creeps and Lane be affected by a reader who has obsessive pheromones. Ex. Any person they spend enough time with, the person (or people) surrounding them gets obsessed with the reader. I kinda imagine everyone putting on a gas mask once they snap out of it lol
I wonder if Lane would be affected, would they stay the same or be worse?
Please and thank you for serving us. I bid you a good day. Take care 🩷🩷🩷
🗒 ❛ Reader With Obsessive Pheromones ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Lane The Lurker
#Notes: this was such a fun concept to write
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
Absolutely falls for it. And it's so difficult to snap him out of it because he will not leave your side unless he's being forcefully dragged away, and that while still putting up a fight. Gets super touchy with you and actually treats you decently. He's just going on and on about how attractive you are and wow is that a new perfume? Once Masky manages to pull him away he'll refuse to come near you or even look you in the face, embarrassed about his own behavior. Avoids you like the plague.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
My God he's already horny normally, imagine now. Hits on you nonstop in a very suggestive manner and is another one that refuses to leave your side. Will probably try to kiss you once or twice before being dragged away. To everyone's surprise, he doesn't seem to mind the fact that he was only obsessed with you because of the pheromones and still hits on you while wearing a gas mask. He's just funky like that.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He gets super flustered around you and stutters twice as much. Doesn't really try to flirt or make any moves, he just stands there awkwardly. Actually doesn't take him long to snap out of it since he gets overwhelmed with his own feelings and scurries away from you himself, without much needed intervention. He didn't like the feeling so he only talks to you while wearing a mask.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Oof... Well, you see, obsession kind of triggers something... demonic inside of him, pretty similar to how I describe him in my NSFW posts. He's unable to speak and just kind of circles around you, acting like a guard dog. Will actually roar and claw and bite at anyone who tries to approach you or take him away from you, so he's the hardest to snap out of it. If he manages, though, he'll apologize for his behavior and ask you to please be more careful with this... power of yours.
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Look, I'm trying to keep this post SFW, but it's getting a little difficult. He doesn't really show any change in behavior, to the point you might think he's immune somehow. That is, until he corners you against a wall, demanding you help him with the... Uhm, problem you've created. You'll have to get him out of it yourself. Once he's back to normal, he'll threaten you to not say a word about what he said to you to anyone else, his face flushing lightly underneath the mask.
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Extremely similar to Masky. Doesn't show any sings of being affected until he makes a move, running a hand up your thigh and kissing your neck. You have to be lucky enough for someone to walk by or else things might escalate. Once he's normal again, he'll chuckle at you like it's no big deal, writing something on a piece of paper and handing it to you. It reads "Played a dangerous game there, doll".
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Lane The Lurker
Oh boy. It's gonna be pretty impossible to get them out of it because they don't want to go back to normal. They enjoy the feeling of obsession. Follows you around like a lost puppy and does literally anything you ask them to, but asks for kisses and such as compensation. Can and will threaten to kill anyone that approaches you, being another creep or family member or anything else. They want every last bit of your attention and they plan to get it.
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sleepanonymous · 5 months
Okay so. I have so many people to respond to and I promise I will, just not tonight. I wanted to give a quick update about the ritual below the cut (because I know some people like going in not knowing the setlist.) Again, typing this all on my phone so my apologies for heavy typos and any incoherence.
As a preface I just got back to my hotel, showered quickly, absolutely fucking sobbed in the shower for like two minutes, and I’m now eating uncle ben’s ready rice straight out of the bag because I don't have a fork or spoon. If that doesn’t scream hot mess idk what would.
First things first: the security/staff at Arizona Financial Theatre are all amazing. Literal fucking angels. Two of them hung out with us in line all day, letting us go inside to use the bathroom and refill water bottles and the guys at the barricade were so friendly and chatty and also handed out water. Literally everyone was so helpful and friendly and nice and they deserve all the good things in life.
Second: Empire State Bastard really wasn’t clicking with me until I saw them live. They’re an absolute vibe live plus the drummer and bassist are both babes. The band were constantly thanking us for showing up early and listening to them (tbh the venue was only half full until about 10 minutes before Sleep Token went on). Literally seemed like such humble and chill dudes.
Third!!! I almost don’t even know what to say about Sleep Token. There’s sooo much I could literally rant for hours but I also need to sleep so I can drive to Albuquerque in the morning. I recorded 5ish songs I think? Mostly the TPWBYT songs but I did get the summoning too. No idea if the footage is any good but we’ll see tomorrow. I made it a point not to have my phone out after finding out the setlist because there was no way in hell I was missing TNDNBTG live while on barricade. Maybe I should preface this next bit with I one hundred thousand present realize this sounds delusional of me, but everyone on the barricade had their phones out and Vessel fucking focused on me because of it. He was singing one of my favorite sleep token songs directly to me! There’s literally nowhere else he could have been looking! he was on the edge of the stage looking straight down at me and we were pointing at each other and I’m fucking dying reliving it because I was singing so horribly and cringy back at him. Like I’m so sorry vessel but my life was changing in that moment. I became a new woman the second you pointed at me.
I kept my phone away for the first several songs tbh and he kept coming back to stand in front of me but never made such heavy eye/mask contact (until Euclid). I actually almost feel like I disappointed him when I did pull my phone out to start recording because he practically avoided me after that. its actually why I decided not to record Euclid, though I knew it was coming and it was the song’s debut. AND IT FUCKING WORKED!! He came back around and was singing to me again, same stance, same obvious eye contact except this time I was literally Ugly Crying™️ at him. Tears were streaming, I had one hand holding onto the barricade for dear life, and the other clamped tightly around my mouth ugly crying. Even my buddies and the security were concerned that’s how bad it was.
In all honesty I can’t pretend that it wasn’t “scripted” like the band hadn’t planned every move on stage beforehand. They first and foremost are performers and Vessel literally sings to every girl on the barricade right in front of him. But it also felt so special and I feel so bad for breaking down like I did 😅🤣😭😫🫠
Okay I need to stop ranting, I’ve been up for 20 hours and this is most likely incoherent anyway. I love all of you and I hope everyone who’s able to get barricade this tour gets to experience the same thing I did🖤🖤🖤
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creepy-friday · 2 years
Ok ok hear me out 👀
What if, instead of fem! Proxy, we got a fem! Human maid 👀👀👀
Like the Slenderman chose her to take care of the mansions needs such as: cleanliness, general functioning (like electrical management, house repair, etc...), food management, etc...
But she isn't a demon nor proxy, but a human dragged into this life (The Operator is a cruel silly guy)
The Proxies have to watch over her so other residents don't mess with her, and also so she doesn't run away.
YOU'RE BACK<3 this prompt is interesting ngl👀👀 I included more characters for the spice
Creepypasta x Maid!Reader
Characters Included: Proxy focused
Warnings: suggestive/NSFW themes,non-con/dub-con mentions,violence,misogyny,drugs and mental illness references
The difference between the power dynamics between you and the other residents are catastrophically huge
Once Slenderman took you in,he made sure that you understand what your role is from the start.It was a cruel time for him to make the decision to bring an innocent human in a manor full of deranged people,but in his mind he took the right decision
The first sick people who viewed you as a fuck toy would be Masky and Jeff
Since you're in the care of proxies,you are somwhat lucky,the others would mostly keep their hands to themselves
Maybe except Ben who has no restrictions by being a literal ghost,so I can totally see him messing with you for a while
The fact that you are a maid might give the others the opportunity to discover a new kink btw
Masky would slap your ass as you clean the windows "good job,get that body moving"
He's a whiny little bitch.He would scream at you if you missed a spot,if you were late to cook dinner by a minute or if he simply needs your assistance with whatever bullshit he makes up
He even called you to prepare him a bath and harassed you in the bathroom,even threating to drown you for his sick entertainment
The way you look up to him makes his dick hard,he doesn't care if the others find gross that he gets off on the power imbalance,he feels good about it
The only good thing he does is not letting the others fuck with you it doesn't apply to Hoodie
Sure,he might threaten to punish you by letting Jeff has his way with you,but we all know his pride won't let him to let you get fucked by another man yeah,once more,it doesn't apply to Hoodie
Right after a bloody mission he would bring you to his room and make you suck him off "How's it feel to have the dirty work done?Right where you belong"
Washing the blood off of their clothes it's a nightmare.Sometimes,the white masked man would try to scare you by saying all the messed up things he did to get them this red
Toby was happy he can look after a girl ngl.After seeing how scared and lost you are,he decided to make himself your safe space
But even then,he saw you as an opportunity to break himself into,it was a selfish tought,but he really craved to be your "knight in shining armor"
He actually started to stand his ground whenever Masky would start to harass him in front of you,and even if he would get beat up and would shame retreat in his shell for a few days,this boy doesn't give up
I can see him letting you escape in the forest if you pull the right strings,but the fear of what Slenderman would do to both yourself and him made Toby to get you back crying
INSTEAD,he goes on walks with you in the forest whenever you are free,just to give you that false sense of freedom
Even if it's just your job to clean,cook and do household chores,he views them as more intimate and might get romantic feelings towards you he has no self respect
Hoodie would play a lot of mind games with you,sometimes he would make you think he's your ally,sometimes he would give the impression that he's just another wolf from the hungry pack
He actually let you run free in the forest for a few minutes and waited for you to get your hopes up until he would show up from behind and get you back
"Gothca" he said,tackling you to the ground as one of his hands rested on your waist and the other one on the back of your head "let's get you back,shall we?awwwh,don't cry now,you know I wouldn't hurt you!Now I can't say the same about the others if they knew you got this far..so let's keep this between the two of us,what do ya' say?"
The son of a bitch would also blackmail you into having sex with him so that he can "protect you" or so that "he wouldn't snitch about your plans of running away"
Even if your plans would be top tier,he would know about them and would make sure to tear them down as slow as the light in your eyes fade away
If you're feisty he wouldn't feel the need to fight with you,but would rather keep him interested into bringing you down
But if you're on the docile side he would still take it as a challenge to himself,to see in how much time he can make you his loyal puppy
The manor is huge,four floors with large windows where a lot of dust piles up,especially on the inhibited last floor where The Operator works
I can see Masky making you work naked at a busy hour of the day, just for his fucked up entertainment,throwing some nasty comments while burning cigarette buts on your soft skin
EJ would watch from a distance,mercy and guilt piling up in his chest.Altough he doesn't see you as prey,he would certainly think of you as a safe resort to call when his heats/bloodlust appears
Jane would nod her head and advert her eyes,often even asking you if you're okay,just trying to make you feel..a little cared for
Natalie would argue a lot about you with Masky,but after all she's just a resident and Tim is still a proxy at the end of the day.She can't do anything about it.
All in all,your life in the mansion would be assured to be a long one,and depending on your behaviour you can make it a less traumatizing pressuring experience
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nonotnolan · 1 year
Summer Break Dullahans
I can’t say that I was expecting to respond to somebody’s cry for help at three in the afternoon.  The student dorms were already pretty empty, since only one of the three buildings would be open for summer classes, and most people were at home until the summer semester officially started.  So when I heard a faint cry of “Can anybody hear me?  I need help!” it was easy for me to believe that the guy had been yelling in vain for quite awhile.  I wasn’t sure what I expected-- a Freshman who managed to get pinned between the bed and the wall, maybe?  I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to see Ben’s detached head sitting on a couch pillow.
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No wonder he was yelling for help, he was literally just a head!  I walked over and picked him up off the couch, grabbing him on either side of his ears.  I thought for sure this was just an optical illusion somehow, but... no, I was holding his entire head in my hands.  “Put me down, jackass,” he shouted, trying and failing to wiggle out of my grip.  “I don’t need help from you.”
I wasn’t expecting to feel the muscles in his jaw move as he spoke, and I’m a bit ashamed to admit I actually dropped him in surprise.  He landed on the couch, at least, but it couldn’t have felt good to land nose-first from that far up.  “I’m so sorry, Ben,” I said, as I rotated him back to an upright position.  “What happened to you, anyway?”
“You know damn well what happened-- your fucking roommate happened, that’s what,” he said, glaring at me.  “I was just watching some Netflix when Grant barges into my room with a goddamn sword.  Next thing I know I’m stuck on the couch, and he’s taking away my headless body!  He already told me about your plan to steal bodies away from other guys, don’t you fucking dare pretend to feel bad.”  Well, that was news to me, but Ben refused to believe a word I said.  Not knowing what else to do, I turned on the TV on for him, and leaved the door open so that the next person might be able to find him a bit easier.  
Pulling out my phone, I discovered that I’d missed a few text messages from Grant.  He said he was waiting for me downstairs in the parking garage with a surprise that I’d have to see to believe.  Which... yeah, if I hadn’t managed to stumble across Ben’s detached head, I don’t think that I ever would have expected to see a muscular Grant.  He was a great roommate and all, but the dude was maybe 120 pounds on a good day.  Given that I was easily twice his weight, the two of us definitely had a weird dynamic going.
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Or, we used to, at any rate.  The new Grant was almost certainly a lot more muscular than he had ever been before in his entire life.  It was hard to imagine the guy who stayed up every night with me to grind rank in League of Legends being able to earn a physique like that.  And there was something about seeing his pale head resting on top of Ben’s tanned body that was just far too comical.
“What, is that the only reaction I’m going to get?” he asked, frowning slightly.  “Fuckin’ look at me, bro.  I’m like some sort of Alpha Male now.  You wish you could be a man like me!”  He started flexing his arms, causing veins to appear in places I didn’t even know they existed.  “It’s okay to be jealous, Eric.  You don’t gotta act so modest on my account.  I know you’re gay, it’s okay if you suddenly want a piece of this.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.  “Sorry if you were expecting me to be completely losing it right now,” I said.  “I already ran into Ben upstairs, and he told me... well, what’s left of him told me about what you did.  Nice sword, by the way.”
“Well, fuck,” he said, letting his shoulders drop.  There was something about seeing him stand there, slouched over, that made him look so much more like the real Grant.  “Probably should have slapped his head onto my old body before leaving.  I guess on the plus side, I won’t have to work very hard to convince you that this sword is magic somehow.  And anyway, I still have another surprise up my sleeve.”  He snapped his fingers, and gestured toward a figure who had been standing off in the shadows.  Well, most of a figure, at any rate.  A headless body, absolutely stacked with muscles, stepped forward into the lights.
“Did you... is that for me?” I asked, trying to make sense of the surge of emotions I felt.  Desire.  Longing.  Lust.  Holy hell, I wanted that body to be mine.  The shoulders, the pecs, the abs... healthy, vibrant, everything that my current pale and flabby body could never be.  Not without more work than I would ever be willing to do.  A primal, animalistic Need.  And, if I had to be honest, a slight amount of guilt.  I’d already saw what Grant had done to Ben.  If I made this body mine, I would be stealing it from someone else.
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I was utterly entranced.  I found myself tracing the ridges of its chest with my fingers, my head utterly swimming in hormones as my manhood rose to its paltry four inches underneath my cargo shorts.  “Grant, who did... where did you find him?”
“Nuh-uh,” Grant said, shaking his head at me.  “I know you, Eric.  You think too much.  If I tell you his name, you’re gonna feel bad and you’re gonna try to make it up to him.  Fuck that shit.  This is all or nothing.  You want this body, you don’t get to know whose it was.”
He knew me far too well.  I looked back and forth between Grant and the headless muscle hunk that he had procured for me.  Did I want it that badly?  Would I be able to live with myself afterward?  My head tried to argue ethics, but my heart already knew my answer.  
I dropped down onto my knees, giving Grant easier access to my neck.  He lifted the sword up high into the air, striking down with a massive swing.  I felt a sudden lurch as I fell several feet to the ground.  I tried to use my arms to prevent myself from hitting the ground, only I didn’t have arms anymore-- my old body was completely unresponsive.
“Hey, wanna know what your new body is gonna smell like?”  I tried to protest, but I was unable to stop Grant from lifting up my new body’s arm and shoving my head right into its armpit.  The coarse hair brushed up against my nose and lips as the sweaty musk filled my nostrils.  “Yeah, you like that, don’t you,” he said, laughing at me.  I wanted to be mad, but... he was absolutely right.
“Just shut up and attach my head,” I said, trying not to let him know how much it was turning me on.  If I didn’t have an armpit fetish before, I did now.  Grant lowered my head into place, and suddenly I had full control over my new, muscular body.
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I practically sprinted back inside to find a bathroom with a good mirror.  Can you blame me?  You could still see the difference between my head’s pale skin and my body’s bronze tan, but I think maybe a lot of people would  just assume that I had used tanning spray.  Hell, for all I know, my prior body really had used a tanning spray.
A few months from now, the rest of my friends would return from summer break, and I would have to try and convince everyone that I had gained this body naturally.  No one would ever believe that I had lost 100 pounds at the same time that my roommate gained 100 pounds.  Although... if Grant was planning to keep the sword, maybe he would be willing to hook up my friends with a new body as well?
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primalmagic · 2 months
here's an excerpt out of my WIP benlor fic called "letters in incognito" <3. hope yguys like it !!
It wasn’t fair. They’d gone through so much together. They’d literally gone through hell and back, but Tyler still wasn’t done.
She wishes so badly that she could do something, that she wasn’t so. Fucking. Useless.
God, there was at least one thing her “secret admirer” had gotten wrong. Taylor wasn’t smart- she was just… ignorant. It was easier to manage things when you didn’t believe they were real.
She got to live her little daydreams and normal life while Tyler was faced with the real stuff. And it was killing him, once.
It’s killing him now.
The damages done to their house and their reputations after the phantom realm only meant Taylor’s mom had to work harder to fix their mistakes, barely coming home for longer than an hour a day. That Tyler had to work harder to fix the gap she’d left beyond.
Everything was so, so-
She looks up suddenly, not realizing she was already in the kitchen, the counter’s cold marble digging into her hand.
You’ve been standing there for a while.
“Oh,” she mutters, “Water. Right.”
But Ben blocks her from the cabinet, hastily typing with one hand. Are you okay?
She nods, closing her eyes. “Yeah, yep, I just… tired, you know?”
She thinks that’ll make him drop it, but instead, he simply moves closer. I’ll get the water for Tyler. You should go to sleep now.
She shakes her head,” We share a room anyway, I’ll just give him the water. Thanks for offering though.”
Still, he doesn’t move.
You said he was up all night, right? If you sleep in the same room as him, you might not be able to rest again. 
“I need to be there for him, Ben,” she smiles tiredly, “He would do it for me.”
You’ll be a lot more help to Tyler if you’re not falling asleep in my arms. He raises an eyebrow, and Taylor turns beet red. 
“I’m not falling asleep in your arms!” 
Really? So I won’t have to carry you to the couch then?
She splutters, caught off guard, and Ben only smiles. Before she can process what’s going on, she feels arms around her waist.
Almost on instinct, she lets herself rest on his shoulder, feeling a little bit of tension disappear. He holds her for a few seconds, minutes, moments that feel like hours.
It’s a simple gesture, but it makes her feel so much better. Wrapped in his arms, she lets herself feel warm.
Ben is safe, she knows.
She is safe.
She’s not alone.
“Thanks,” she whispers, pulling away. His hands are still around her though, she thinks. And then forces herself to stop thinking because she’s already blushed way too many times today.
She’s really fighting to stay awake now, and she knows Ben can see it. “Might have to take up your offer of carrying me,” she jokes, “I think I might fall asleep here.”
She can’t hear him chuckle, but she can feel it, reverberating under her pulse.
She smiles as she looks up, “I do really need to get that wat-” 
Oh my god.
It is safe to say that Taylor is caught completely off guard as Ben picks her up.
Bridal style. 
She’s pretty sure she’s combusting. 
A few thoughts cross her mind, one of them being:
Oh, he’s strong. 
He’s carrying me. Why? Right. I said that. Right. Fuck. Words. What do I say? Um.
She opts to stay silent, because any word that leaves her right now will probably sound like one of Alvin’s chipmunks. 
He carries her to the couch, then settles her down slowly. Taylor watches him in a daze, feeling a little bit otherworldly- as if she’s watching the entire scene in third person- and is somehow more awake then she’s been all day.
Go to sleep, Tay. I’ll figure it out, alright? You deserve to rest.
Half of her tries to stay awake, but the other half doesn’t need to be told twice.
Her eyes close immediately, her mind focusing on the steady (but slightly rushed?) heartbeat of the boy next to her. She lets it drift her away, away from her exhaustion and into a dreamless sleep.
Before she falls, she swears she feels lips brushing her temple, a soft, sweet touch- one that reminds her of the kisses her mother used to give to her as a child.
She’s imagining it, she knows. But it makes her feel at home all the same.
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