snarkys-malarky · 1 month
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It's Tech and Phee yall, OLYMPIC STYLE!!!
#TECH LIVED! #livin they best life
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vewwonati · 7 months
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “hamlet act 1” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
Five minutes later: dude i swear i just saw king hamlet’s ghost walk by
My buddy prince Hamlet pacing: Claudius is lying to us
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romanken · 1 year
You ought to have that brother of yours put down / oh we tried he bit the vet
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minty-bubblegum · 11 months
i just sent every single one of my moots the 🥺 emoji:)
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My honest reaction
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sterekorgtfo · 5 months
Eddie: (minding his own business)
Eddie’s Phone: (pings with a new text message)
Eddie: (Looks at phone)
Text from Buck: YOOOOOOOO!!!! GAY SEX IS LIT A F!!!!!! 🤪🤪🤪🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯🍆🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦💦🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Eddie: (Regretting life choices)
Eddie: (Texting Hen)
Eddie: Permission to be homophobic to Buck?
Text from Hen: ???? What did he do!?
Eddie: (sends screenshot)
Text from Hen: Permission granted.
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elfolfenburg · 1 year
These shows are lit asf🔥🔥💯
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wordbunch · 1 year
The Hobbit re-read: favorites, thoughts and honorable mentions
thank u to my tumblr besties for encouraging me to rant abt this book for a little while, and brace yourselves for a LOOONG post; aka We're Going On An Adventure!
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this quote abt Gandalf: "tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion" like. THIS exactly is Gandalf to me ✨✨✨
the whole good-morninged sequence (as if he was selling buttons at the door! can you imagine! By belladonna tooks SON of all people!!!) 😱
"a cake or 2 would do him good after this fright" me too bilbo
"he had a horrible thought that the cakes might run short" me too bilbo 🍰
Gandalf constantly selling Bilbo's skills to the company and just hyping him up and believing in him all the time!!!! most excellent and audacious hobbit!!! 😎
"this was thorin's style... if he had been allowed he would probably have gone like this until he was out of breath" aka he is Dramatic and Important
"bilbo was getting excited and interested again so that he forgot to keep his mouth shut" how many times will i write ME TOO BILBO in this post
gandalf: i found him in the dungeons of the necromancer; thorin: girl what were YOU doing at the necromancer's??? 🧐🧐🧐 gandalf: finding things out as usual O M G like what else would he be doing there 😚
bilbo constantly wishing he was back home as soon as he left
"off bilbo had to go before he could explain that he could not hoot even once like any kind of owl" yall this book has so many funny moments but like in a very chill humor way
the fact that one of the TROLLS is called WILLIAM 😂😂😂
"i am a good cook myself, and cook better than i cook" okay bilbo rizz 😏🔥
"they had not at all enjoyed lying there listening to the trolls making plans for roasting them" you don't say. i love this deadpan humor SO MUCH jrrt snapped
that whole beautiful iconic description of kind as summer elrond
"their clothes were mended as well as their bruises, their tempers, and their hopes" WHEN will i go to rivendell 😩
"there is nothing like looking if you want to find something" thorin life coach realness 👏🏼👏🏼
thoring gesturing at a miserable desolate land: these tRuLy hOspiTabLe moUnTaiNs 😍
then gandalf lit up his wand. oF coUrSe it wAs gaNdaLf, but they were too busy to ask how he got there. 4ever mood
he thought of himself frying bacon and eggs in his own kitchen ME TOO BIL- 🍳
"Gollum brought up memories of ages and ages and ages before, when he lived with his grandmother in a hole by a bank by a river" this kind of made me cry. it brings unexpected humanity to such an appalling character; kinda makes you want bilbo to spare him eventually
and the fact itself that bilbo felt so bad for him he decided to just leave him be
"you would have laughed (from a safe distance)" LOVE how JRRT puts random little comments addressed to the reader
gandalf just being like ok i gotta go do other things now. good luck besties. ✌🏼😚
beorn: what are you, a traveling circus? and he is actually right 🤪
"you have got to look after all these dwarves for me, gandalf laughed" and i cried
bilbo being like hmm how will i get down from this tree (except by falling)
bilbo's song while killing gigantic spiders "not very good...but you must remember he had to make it up himself in a very awkward moment"
the dwarves starting to respect him and bowing down until they FALL OVER is such a comical image to me
the whole alluring magic of the elvish feast in the forest which disappears when they get closer!! a whole fairytale mr tolkien!!! 😍
thranduil is a greedy b <3 and especially VERY fond of wine 🍷🍷🍷
"i will lock you all in again and you can sit there comfortably and think of a better plan" bilbo badass mode and we love to see it 💋
tolkien being like WELL u can laugh but you wouldn't have done any better if u were him. real.
when they're in dale i love the numerous references to "songs and stories of old" and all of them basically being a living legend and turning their stay in dale into a public holiday and spectacle
thorin is cocky af
/freeze frame/ "you are familiar with thorin's style on important occasions so i will not give you any more of it" its ok jrrt, let him be a drama queen 👑
bilbo when he takes some gold from smaug being like "this will show them!!!1!1" 😠😠
sassy bilbo strikes again with "did you expect me to trot back with the whole hoard of thror on my back? if there's any grumbling to be done i think i might have a say" GO OFF KING 👏🏼
i just rly love him okay, he stole my heart in this book like a real legitimate professional burglar that he is
"i am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly" etc. basically this whole exchange btw bilbo and smaug is pure gold (pun not intended) 🤫
talking birds that eavesdrop. enough said.
the descriptions of the arkenstone which make you actually want to have it too. genius. there could be no two such gems, even in so marvellous a hoard, even in all the world." 💎💎💎
the harps (untouched by the dragon who had a small interest in music).. WHY is this so funny to me
bilbo putting on some elvish DRIP and being like ✨✨ i feel magnificent ✨✨ (but probably look dumb 😩)
"this is the great chamber of thror" ok thorin the tour guide king
BARD MY KING i love one (1) man 🎯
bilbo being absolutely against any wars or battles and just wanting to go home BUT also being a sneaky lil shit who takes the arkenstone to bard and thranduil BUT also still not wanting to leave his dwarf buddies
when he gives them the gem "not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing" AHHH i want it!
ambiguous gandalf returning. always love to see it
"if you don't like my burglar, please don't damage him" 🙄 ffs thorin chill
"you are not making a very splendid figure as king" yes gandalf call him out
defeat seems "very uncomfortable, not to say distressing" to bilbo. we love.
the fact that he was just knocked out cold during the battle so thur we know very little abt what really happened?? jrrt genius writing hack. might use this one 🤔
fili and kili deserved a better sendoff than just mentioning that they died. come on.
thorin's last words and reconciliation w bilbo... PLEASE I WILL CRY until i throw up. "it has been more than any baggins deserves." "no! there is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west. some courage and some wisdom blended in measure. if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
i might still be crying
"tea is at 4 but any of you are welcome at any time" my heart... ❤️😭 Guess he's no longer scared of running out of cake
bilbo gifting thrandy a necklace as an apology for eating and drinking his stuff secretly, king shit 😉
bilbo having the absolute NERVE to say to ELVES "your lullaby would wake a drunken goblin". wig wig
he deadass borrowed a handkercheif from freaking ELROND 😳
bilbo arriving home to being presumed dead and his stuff literally being auctioned off
"it was a long time before he was in fact admitted to being alive again…" and sackville-bagginses having sm beef with that HAHAHA
he lost his reputation but he lived his best life so who's the winner here 😌😌😌
the closing lines "you are a very fine person, mr baggins, and i am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all" "thank goodness! said bilbo laughing."
like. THIS. literally embodies everything. he is just a little guy. just some smol person. BUT STILL had a say in how BIG things happened. BUT he remains happy to be just a smol simple person.
overall an incredibly fun read and it was way more genuinely FUNNY than i anticipated. bilbo is a whole mood. thorin is a diva. gandalf is there to start shit and hype up bilbo. jrrt with random author's notes throughout the book gives me life.
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viperswag5 · 5 months
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life would be lit if i looked liek these two mfs 🔥🔥🔥💯💯
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juiceofmoons · 1 year
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glitxd-shenanigan · 1 year
Brain damage is lit 🔥🔥💯💯💯
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downthedraincomic · 9 months
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HAPPY 2016💯😂👌‼️🔥 have a lit new years and remember to dab on the haters 😂😂👌💯🔥‼️‼️‼️#savage
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Thinking of You - May 👩🏿‍🍳2024 - Taurus
Whole of their energy towards Taurus: The Hermit
Feelings: Knight of Cups rev
Intentions: 2 Cups
Actions: 8 Pentacles
Past love came out as I was shuffling, could be a past life connection…which is like an intense attraction you can’t explain, you don’t even know this person and it’s like someone lit a fire inside of you. Good or bad. They could be crazy! But they got you acting crazy…or actually, that’s switched, you got them acting crazy. Feeling crazy anyway. Or it’s an ex, maybe a missed connection or something. You’ve been alone for a long time, they have, or you two just haven’t interacted in a long time. They’re crazy in love with you though, this person misses you often, and you dream of them, there’s definitely a past life or soul tie kind of connection between you.
To describe them we have Indulcement & heavy Virgo energy. They could be a smooth talker, someone that could sell ice 🧊 in Alaska, very persuasive, or the connection between you may have been one of temptation 💋. It’s possible they’re with someone else - thus The Hermit, or this could’ve been a sexually charged connection that never really went anywhere. Maybe just attraction and nothing else. They fell in love though, or they think they did anyway. I do get that *normally* this person is pretty chill, boring even, a hard worker, reliable, they’re a “good kid” and maybe for you they did some things… or that’s switched. Someone turned the fire on, or that’s just the effect you have here 🔥🥵
Their feelings are delusional. They think about you constantly, but it’s not clearly, they’ve built you up into some romantic figure of their imagination that you/they are riding in on a white horse and whisking the other one off into the sunset or something. It’s not real, and it’s not you, but someone is definitely looking at you like the man/woman of their dreams and they long to make it official - 2 Cups. Which is sweet. Not the most realistic (especially with all of this earth energy), but sweet. Would they feel that way in reality though, eh 🤷‍♂️ It’s not really them either. Whatever happened before was short and fleeting, they never intended to have feelings for you, and here we are. Actions are working their ass off, I think literally - work. They either are a boss at their job, or that’s their goal, and somehow you’re part of this. It’s like if they rise up the ladder, you can’t deny them? Idk man, this person lives in a delusion of sorts, but are they wrong is the question…I don’t get unhealthy or toxic. Actually, I get a very strong connection no one expected, possible past life something, Eternal Love at the bottom, *and* a divine pair now out on the table. Queen & King of Wands. I see it’s Hermit, and has been for some time, but I don’t think it’s possible that’s going to last much longer. You’re on their mind 24/7.
Indulcement 😧
Persuasion - Bribe - Temptation
Alliance 🤝
Trust - Honest - Compatibility
Their side:
- This was only temporary for me.
- You are EVERYTHING to me 💯
Your side:
- Loyal
- ✨ I see you in my dreams ✨
Possible signs:
Heavy Virgo, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius & Cancer
If you’re dealing with:
The World, 5 Wands rev underneath is conflicts resolved in many different relationships or parts of your life, even the inner conflicts we don’t talk about - no matter who it is. This feels more like a larger shift than a particular experience, everything has changed from how it was, both in your own life and that of others. Closure. Very positive energy though 🌎
Aries - working on a literal home possibly, or at home, putting more effort into the relationship, or even working towards taking this to the next level - if romantic, you could be getting serious
Taurus - loves you from afar - thinks you’re mad at them, but they’re not mad anymore
Gemini - happily out of a toxic relationship or a committed thing - with you or otherwise
Cancer - playing it safe with you bc you’ve stabbed them in the back before /switch
Leo - either an excitable friend at work with good news, could be work bestie, or if a relationship - they’re aiming for long term ❤️
Virgo - King & Queen of Wands again, whew, you’ve done something spicy to a Virgo for sure 🥵
Libra - could be a single parent or someone that’s really been struggling - they’re doing much better now and things are looking up
Scorpio - pissed at you over secrets, or you’re giving them the silent treatment /switch
Sagittarius - leaving behind sneaky/unaccountable bs, making an attempt *now* which…after the hurt of course, or one of you has left for this reason - could be to avoid it
Capricorn - difficulties conceiving, could be having some kind of fertility treatments - if not, then there’s a contract or plan doesn’t go to plan
Aquarius - giving up some thing else in order to make this work, could be giving you something literally, a gift or loan 💵 because they don’t want you to end something/it - Death rev, there could be a bribe of some kind even, or selling something
Pisces - wants to come back around or see you again, but they’re taking they’re time & not rushing anything
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redflemmefoxy · 11 months
Allow me to share my humble opinion of actfl
🦊Spoilers ahead🍎
Honestly I sobbed so much during the whole book:
💜 Evajacks reunion got me like:
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💜Jacks pov were pure emotional damage and I absolutely digged it
💜Nothing could beat the phoenix three scene
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🍎I just loved the romance, the angst, the pining, the ending for Evajacks. I was surprised to see people who weren't fan of Jacks pov - the way they were one of the best imo.
🍎We did get crumbs of his past, I actually was satisfied with that especially when you know he did it so castor/chaos wouldn't be alone🥺
🍎Honestly for me it was enough when it comes to backstory, we also learnt how strong Jacks feelings for Eva were. When I tell you the man did everything so that she would be safe even if it means he would never feel anything by burning his heart (literary) 😭
🍎Jacks was absolute menace in this book😂, I absolutely loved every time he made Apollo nervous even when he wasn't there. Him breaking Apollo nose was💯
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🦊I absolutely loved Evangeline in this book, she annoyed me a little at the start of tbona as she was stubborn. But here she proved she has changed and learnt for her mistakes, heck she even had an amazing character development. I loved how confident she was even without her memories, she was strong🔥
🦊I loved when she slapped Apollo 10/10 moment (it reminded of Rosaline slapping Romeo in go away Romeo, great webtoon btw)
🦊🍎I am so glad they got their happily ever after, they way I was worried they wouldn't. Each time I was scared for them, they really deserved it🥺❤️
🤡Apollo, oh god he was such a clown from the start to finish. I actually found his povs interesting tbh, he really lost himself somewhere in the way. I actually had a good laugh when his plans failed, at the same time at times he was kinda psycho and scary. Overall not bad villain essence
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🐉Okay but Lala was so cool, she had brief appearance but I loved all the scenes with her. Her and Eva going on a trip to retrieve Jacks heart was fire🔥
🐉Lala and Castor ??? Unexpected but not unwelcome, actually a spin-off of their story would be lit like the tension😳. Also I think Lala's story as the Unwed Bride would be interesting to explore
🐉Which leads me to a question of besties going on trips are need and don't get me wrong partners to lovers or enemies to lovers on a quest are my jam. But we need more bffs going on quests😍
💜Aurora was absolutely evil, now it was shocking to learn she was the reason for Jacks curse, but honestly I didn't mean it. Like she was the ultimate mean girl. I hope we will see more of the Valors.
🍎🤔Now we didn't get the apple lore, although I read somewhere that apples were used to calm Jacks urges, so I guess it makes sense. Perhaps we will learn more in the owlcrate alternative ending
💘The alternative endings were such a gems, a pity there are not part of the main story (btw they can be found in tumblr, the only missing one is from the owlcrate edition)
Overall, it was such a painful beautiful and fun ride. I enjoyed it a lot, I am looking forward to Stephan Garber's next books🥰
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cupofsorrows · 1 year
Have to feel some sympathy for new One Piece fans whose introduction was the LA series because now if they're looking through tags or anything they're probably seeing a lot of people like "can't wait to see what Biggity Zumbo looks like in live action 🤩😎💯" and "bro the Skeeby Peebis fight is gonna be so lit🔥🔥🔥" hang in there kings
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My weekend was LIT🥵🔥There was a lot of spanking,pegging, toilet humiliation and cum acquiring 😍My dungeon was like HeLL with my submissive sissy -sluts🔥😍💯
Well if you don't know am a very strict mistress still looking for forward to own and collar submissive,honest ,truthful, straightforward and obedient sissy-sluts into BDSM lifestyle 🤗either you're a newbie or you've got experiences, DM let's share interests and let me Make your Sissy-Slut dream come true 🤗🥵💯 You should reach me on Goggle chat: [email protected] 🤗
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