#lit major gojo
Meet Cute--- Gojo Satoru x Reader
                             I know I’m late mais voilà! Happy birthday Satoru!! 
It contains T.A Gojo arguing with lit.major reader about their essay. I’m not a literature major but I share an inordinate amount of love for reading. So, don’t take any of the opinions expressed here seriously. If any of you haven’t read it, Babel: An Arcane History is a wonderful book. 
Falling in love with Gojo is falling in love with bright smiles and loud laughter, with high energy and the warmth of a fond look. It is the loud music from a boom box, the hugs that fit perfectly, the stifled giggles and the whispered secrets. It is the enemies to lovers, the vinyls and the pressed flowers.  
“That is not what Babel intends to portray at all,” the man next to you says, boredom leeching all impulse control from his brain, voice rougher than he’d intended, fingers tapping against the desk next to you.
“Robin Swift is a tapestry of contradictions, held together by —”
Ocean eyes focus on you as he ran his tongue along the inside of his teeth, “If you recall, the protagonist is a Chinese man  who’d believed translation would unite people, only for the bitter realization that, according to those he’d left behind, in his colonized homeland, translation is betrayal.”
“A puppet who constantly pirouettes between ideologies—-”
He lets out a puff of air, partially stunned but mostly exhilarated by the way everything about your posture speaks of barely contained fury.  He arches a brow, engaging in an an impressive display of restraint by not rolling his eyes.
“Well, it is a work about something sinister that reared its head under the surface of scholarly propriety—”
Your jaw flexes, squaring your shoulders, eyes narrowed at him preparing for a fight and Gojo Satoru is inordinately pleased to have irritated you, to have wound you up, even if just a little. He eyes your essay, in an idle attempt at casual disinterest.
He returns to his work, a distinct sort of satisfaction settling around him as he leans back in his chair, stupid distracting arms crossed once again. “You could try submitting it chibi-chan,” he smirks, shrugging in a non-committal kind of response, observing you, your challenging posture and the determined stare.
You find you rather want to know how that smirk tasted, the intimacy deprived parts of your brain reminding you your dry spell was more of a biblical pestilence at this point. Moot point because it was wrong.
Oh, he looks far too pleased with himself. A huff of disbelief leaves you as you grab your things and leave, without acknowledging his words. He could gloat all he wanted, you wouldn’t let him have the last hurrah.
“Gojo Satoru, third year by the way.”
You stop dead in your tracks, to find him smiling, a secretive one that seemed to straddle the line between amusement and annoyance. He’d taken his glasses off, the ones that made him look like such a dream of academia. The golden rays of the setting sun filtering in through the blinds caress his face, casting it in a warm glow.
“Ne ne senpai,” bottom lip jutting out in a truly impressive pout, you twirl an errant curl around your finger, suddenly hyper-aware of how utterly enticing he looked. “Oh, and I’m also your T.A” he said in a low voice as his words spilled beneath his breath. He watches a myriad of expressions flit across your face, finally settling on a grimace in the aftermath of that confession.
Whatever composure had been holding him together shatters, shoulders shaking as he laughed, the warmth of terrible decisions in that smile. It shines like starlight, the sound floating through the space between you, coasting across your skin with the softness of silk.
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just-jordie-things · 11 months
kiss cam surprise - gojo satoru
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word count: 2.8k warnings: none! :) summary: when (y/n) kisses shoko during a kiss cam at a baseball game, satoru gets a little ~jealous~ this is half fluff half crack tbh lol a/n: ok i don't take fic requests but someone dropped this in my ask box awhile ago and it resurfaced in my mind so... ur a lucky duck. also! if u like kiss cam fics y'all should check out kiss cam! by @naosaki <3 one of my fav megumi fics <3 ___
For being at an event that they couldn’t care less about, Shoko and (y/n) had been on their best behavior for the entirety of the baseball game.  Satoru and Suguru had been so excited to gift the tickets to the girls so they could join them in a fun outing, that they’d tried their best to accept the offer graciously.
Even though neither of them had any interest in going.  It was obvious when the tickets were presented to them, from the awkward smiles they’d worn to the way their eyes shifted towards one another as if to make sure the other was thinking the same thing- why wouldn’t they just go on their own? 
Shoko and (y/n) would’ve happily spent the day doing their own thing had Satoru and Suguru gone to the game just the two of them.  Maybe some light shopping, or maybe they’d hole up in one of their rooms and eat junk and watch romcoms all day.  Either way… any activity would have been more entertaining to them than this.
They barely even knew the rules of the game, only cheering when the guys did, and sharing knowing looks when they tried not to laugh at just how uninterested they were.
Still, they did their best to participate.  Both glad in the same colors of the cheap merch Satoru and Suguru had treated them to.  (y/n) was in a jersey too big for her that hung off her body awkwardly, and Shoko wore a hat with a bill that wouldn’t stop dipping over her eyes, but they didn’t complain.  They were very good sports for their friends, only sneaking off for a smoke break one time.  They even made a few trips for snacks and drinks so that Suguru and Satoru wouldn’t miss any of the games.  Sure, maybe they were trying to stretch their legs and ease the ache in their butts from the uncomfortable plastic seats, but they had the right intentions!
“This is fun, right?” 
When (y/n) turned to him, Satoru was beaming from ear to ear.  His sunglasses were slipping down his nose due to the way his ball cap bumped into them, and his bright eyes seemed to hold even more light from his obvious joy.
She couldn’t lie to him if she wanted to.  It was too cute to see him this excited just from sharing the experience with his friends.  He’d had his arm draped over the back of her seat for the majority of the game, and whenever his team got the upper hand, he’d eagerly tap or shake at her shoulder to involve her in the hype.  (y/n) was grateful for the que to pay closer attention to what was happening, but she did fluster and blush every time he’d touch her.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Shoko, who would knowingly knock her elbow from her other side, a small smirk on her face when (y/n) would peek at her from the corner of her eye.  She tried to ignore the silent teasing, but after a while it got hard with how much it was happening.
With a smile and a nod of her head, Satoru’s expression lit up even more.  “Yeah, I’m actually having a really great time,” She said.  It didn’t matter that she was more interested in all the attention he’d been giving her than the great seats they had for the game.  He didn’t need to know that part.  “We should do this more often” She adds before thinking.
Once again, Shoko’s elbow was bumping into hers, and this time a less-than-discreet snort could be heard.  (y/n) sent her elbow back into hers in retaliation, silently scolding her for eavesdropping.
“Yeah?” Satoru fixes his cap so that he can push his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose.  “Tickets weren’t that expensive, we could go to more games this season, if you want?” He suggests.
Bullshit, she thinks with a smile telling him that’s exactly what she was thinking.  Nothing was expensive to the Gojo Satoru.
“Yeah, maybe” She says without much commitment.
Going to baseball games just the two of them? The idea had her heart soaring.  Having to sit through a game that could take more than three hours was less than ideal.
Soon enough a break in the game came, the announcers hyping up the crowd with some silly chants and trivia on the big screen.  (y/n) found herself slumping down into her seat, aimlessly tapping around on her phone to pass the time.  She hadn’t been paying enough attention to notice the change in game on the big screen, that is until there was a hand smacking at her shoulder again.
Looking up, she’d almost expected to see the game in motion again.  Satoru had only been tapping at her like that when an exciting play was in action.  However this time, he’s pointing up at the screen.
She gapes when she sees that she’s displayed on the screen.  The camera has a wide angle that includes Shoko and Satoru on either side of her, the words Kiss Cam spelled out in pink cursive above them.  It’s complete with lipstick stains and sparkles for dramatic touch.
“Oh my god” She mumbles, hoping that her blush is undetectable by the camera, seeing as her face felt scorching hot from embarrassment.
The longer the camera is focused on her, the rowdier the crowd around her becomes.  Eagerly chanting ‘Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!’ like a bunch of teenagers at their first house party.
Satoru is grinning so hard his face hurts.  This was like a dream come true.  The easiest excuse in all of history to get a kiss from the girl he’s had a crush on since he was fifteen was just presented to him on a silver platter- and the crowd’s cheering only spurred him on further.
Even Suguru is giving him a smirk and a nod of approval.  He’d heard more earfuls than most about the ins and outs of Satoru’s feelings for (y/n).  Although on occasion, Shoko or Nanami were on the receiving end of his lovesick rambling.
His heart is about to burst out of his chest when he turns to (y/n).  His smile is starting to hurt and for a second he realizes he’s going to have to relax to actually kiss her.
“Are you okay with-?” 
The question barely comes out before he’s cut short.
(y/n) had already turned away from him, swiveled in her seat to face Shoko.  It’s like he’s watching it happen in slow motion.
They both giggle at their idea, and (y/n) takes off Shoko’s hat while she’s quickly tucking her hair behind her ears to clear her face.  And then time goes back to normal and all too quickly, Satoru watches as they lean towards each other to share a kiss.
It’s just a peck, so swift and chaste it’s over as soon as it happens.  The crowd hollers and then are just as quickly getting excited over the next unsuspecting pair on camera.
(y/n) and Shoko laugh a bit more before sitting back in their seats, going back to their phones and striking up conversation about some anime they’d been interested in.  Both, or at least (y/n), completely oblivious to the offended gape on Satoru’s face.
That was totally his kiss, after all! It was his perfect moment to finally take things to the next level with his long time friend that he’d harbored a crush on.
To make matters worse, Shoko wasn’t as innocent as she was pretending to be, sending a smirk his way when (y/n) was too focused on her phone.  He scowled back at her.  She knew about his crush! She knew he was going to go for that kiss!
With a huff, he stood up from his seat and made his way out of the stands.  He needed a bottle of water, or a snack, or just some damn space away from his so-called friend that was teasing him for snatching his kiss.
Satoru leaving so suddenly finally perked (y/n’s) attention.  He was gone too fast for her to call after him, but she worriedly watched him scale the steps with ease as he headed towards the hall of vendors.  She locked eyes with Satoru, raising a brow in silent question.
“He’s just being pouty,” Suguru replied casually, shrugging his shoulders before turning back towards the field.  “You wanna go after him? Be my guest” 
(y/n) sighed, turning the other direction towards Shoko.
“What’s he so pressed about?” She mutters.  “What even happened?” 
Shoko rolls her eyes, a lazy grin stretching on her lips.
“I dunno,” She says in a teasingly melodic tone of voice, suggesting she knew exactly what set their friend off.  “Maybe pluck up some courage and go ask him?” 
With another sigh of defeat, (y/n) slumped back into her seat, her thumbnail wedged between her teeth as she mulled over the idea.  A nervous flutter settled in her chest, a persistent buzz of confusion and anxiety distracting her even more so from the game starting up again.
When she suddenly shot out of her seat, muttering some excuse about needing to stretch her legs before she raced up the stairs in the direction she’d seen Satoru head off towards.
Two sets of eyes watched her as she hurried off.  Suguru and Shoko locked eyes once she was out of sight, both of them snickering between themselves.  It didn’t exactly take an active imagination to know exactly what was coming next. 
To her surprise, (y/n) found Satoru as soon as she left the stands.  Moping around the upper part of the arena with a half-empty bag of cotton candy.  She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, effectively getting herself caught by him.
“Why’re you up here eating your feelings?” (y/n) speaks first, eyes narrowed inquisitively.  Satoru scoffs as she approaches him, snatching a piece of the pink sweet right out of his hands.
“I’m not eating my feelings” He replies unconvincingly, digging the hole deeper as he shoves a rather large piece of cotton candy into his mouth.
(y/n) rolls her eyes, but the smile on her face is impossible to hide.
“Sure,” She remarks.  “You’re totally not pouting right now.  C’mon just fess up.  What’s wrong?”
“I’m not pouting.  My friend betrayed me, I think I’m right in being upset about that?” It’s a rhetorical question, followed by another shove of cotton candy into his mouth.
(y/n) frowns.
“Betrayed you?” She repeats.  “Did I miss something? Who betrayed you?” 
Satoru groaned, tossing the remainder of his cotton candy into the trash dramatically.  (y/n) had to resist the urge to laugh, not understanding where this whole little tantrum came from.
“Shoko! Obviously! I mean she knew that that kiss was-!” 
He stops mid sentence, realizing where this outburst was going to lead him if he didn’t relax and go back to his usual suave demeanor.  (y/n) shook her head in confusion, her brows pinching together.
“Was what?” She asked, a breathless laugh escaping her.  “Meaningless? A joke between friends?” She suggested.  “You’re mad about a kiss?” 
“Of course I’m mad-! Well, I- I guess not mad, I’m not mad at her,” He stammered over his words, not knowing how exactly to explain the complicated feelings.
(y/n) tried to be patient while he stammered and struggled to make himself clear.  Mostly because she was partially amused by the whole thing.  Satoru prided himself in being what he called a smooth-talker, and while normally she’d laugh at him for that, it was a shock to see him behave the total opposite right in front of her.
“But that wasn’t exactly fair, I mean, she was just trying to rile me up.  And- like- yeah, that’s what we usually do, we pick on each other but that just- that just wasn’t fair! That was my kiss and she knew it! And she just-” 
“What do you mean ‘your kiss’?” 
Finally Satoru had been rendered speechless, his mouth still hanging open mid rant, jaw slacking a bit as he realized he’d gotten carried away.  (y/n’s) expression almost mirrors his, her eyes wide and lips parted, even as she holds her breath and waits for him to clarify.
But he’s completely frozen in front of her.
“Satoru,” She waves her hand in front of his face, trying to bring him back to reality.  “What did you mean ‘your kiss’?” She repeats, shaking her head at him.
“I- I just… I meant that-” 
Words are spilling out of his mouth without direction, without knowing what the hell the right thing to say was.  He’d known (y/n) for two years now, and in all of that time he’d been pretty proud of the persona he’d built up to be sure that he was always the cool one, the guy she could rely on to be smooth and popular.  He felt pathetic now, letting his own secrets slip and stuttering over himself like an idiot.
The corners of (y/n’s) lips twitched into a smile the longer he flustered over who-knows-what.  It catches his attention when she unintentionally lets out a little laugh.
“Sorry,” She apologizes right away.  “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you.  I just… are you trying to say that you wanted me to kiss you? For the cam game?” 
She tries not to sound so hopeful that it comes across desperate, but the mere idea that Satoru had wanted a kiss from her had her chest thrumming with butterflies.
Satoru’s throat feels dry, and suddenly her gaze feels like a spotlight.  The intensity has the hair on the back of his neck standing up.  He pulls the hat off his head to run a hand through his hair to relieve the heat.
“Well… yeah,” He admits, sounding more bashful than she ever would have thought he was capable of.  Her small smile turned a little brighter, and he tried to get his voice back.  “Not that I need a silly game to kiss you, obviously-” 
“Obviously” She repeats the word fondly, giving him a small nod.
“But- s-still, the kiss cam, would’ve been… fun” He admits sheepishly.  She giggles, nodding her head again.
“Well, it was fun, for the record,” She teases, earning a roll of his eyes from behind his shades.  She steps closer to him then, a tilt in her head as she takes in the obvious nerves written on his face.  “But if you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked” 
“I was going to,” He argued, his hands moving about erratically.  “It's not my fault Shoko beat me to it!” 
She giggled at his drama, reaching out and grabbing his hands as they flew around, still laughing as he froze up again from the sudden touch.
“You know, it didn’t exactly mean anything when Shoko did it,” She suggested.  “I know there’s not any cameras… but…” 
Satoru raised a brow.
“(y/l/n) (y/n),” He gasped dramatically, “Are you asking me to kiss you?” 
Her cheeks tint pink as she bites back her smile, giving him a small nod of her head.  He smiles back at her, pulling his hands out of hers and dropping his hat so he could lay them across her jaw, tilting her head upwards so he didn’t have to lean down as far to reach her.  
She doesn’t wait a second longer for him, closing her eyes and leaning up on the tips of her toes so she could press her lips against his.  Satoru’s quick to reciprocate, his fingers flexing against her skin, holding on as tight as he can without hurting her as he deepens the kiss right away.  She has to grab him by the shoulders to keep herself balanced.
His lips are soft, and taste sugary like the cotton candy he’d been eating.  She’d always thought he’d taste a little bit like sugar, what with how much of it he consumes.  It makes her smile to know first hand.
When they break the kiss, he steals one more quick peck from her, grinning with excitement before he pulls away so he can pick up his forgotten hat from the ground.
“Feel better now?” She teases as he slings his arm around her shoulder to head back towards their seats.
“Mhm,” He hums, pulling his cap over her head and smiling as it slips down her forehead.  He pokes it upwards with his index finger, then pokes the tip of her nose.  “But next game I bring you to, I get the kiss cam kiss, alright?” 
There’s a gleam in her eye and a blush on her face as she leans into him, matching his steps as they head down the stairs to their seats.  As shameless as ever, she can’t help but tease him.
“Then sit on my left next time” ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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roseychains · 7 months
could you maybe do relationship/nsfw headcanons for gojo and nanami. Please
Relationship and nsfw h/c for Gojo and Nanami ~
A/n: thanks for the request! This was pretty fun writing, I enjoyed it a lot and kinda went crazy ;3
C/w: fluff, sillyness. As for nsfw, written by a minor!
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Major gift giver!! It’s his love language and he certainly has the money to do so. If he sees something that reminds him of you, he’ll buy it for you. If he thinks you’ll like it, he buys it for you. If he thinks it’s a cool thing, he’ll buy it to show you
Sooo touchy. He’s clingy and cuddly. He always has his hands on you. Holding yours, snaked around your waist, hip, around your neck, on your thigh, it doesn’t matter. He needs to hold you. When he gets home from particularly draining missions, he just wants to wrap his arms around you and sleep
Speaking of sleep, he’s really sleepy. And snores loud as fuck, almost monstrously so. That’s only for day naps, at night, he won’t let himself sleep before you are asleep
He sometimes has bad dreams, dreams where something happens to you and will wake up and pull you closer. He’s gentle enough to not wake you up but holding you is a comfort to him
Loves to take you shopping and play dress up with you. He will pick out clothes with you then send you to the changing room, and have you walk out real quick to show him how you look
He loves showering together, and he loves washing your hair for you and vice versa
You play games together, and he rages. Y’all definitely have some shared concels for playing things together, and he will throw a fit when he loses
He likes helping you cook. He will get things out for you, cut veggies and wash the dishes while you run the kitchen
But sometimes he cooks for you, doing it all in an apron that says “kiss the chef” or something cheesy
Buys you the most expensive jewelry, and urges you to wear it anytime you go out
Hugs from behind!! Lots of sneaky teasing touches. Pinches you playfully. Slaps ur ass then runs knowing your about to turn around and get his 10x harder
He acts like he’s smaller than he is. Will definitely ask to be little spoon, but you end up wrapping around him like a backpack. Sits on YOUR lap, etc
Always wants a kiss. Never let’s you leave the house without a kiss, and vise versa
He will pose for you. Pose for you to draw him, pose for pics, etc
Let’s you practice hair, nails, makeup, and anything else traditionally feminine on him. He thinks he looks fabulous
Will attempt to take bites of your food when you aren’t looking
Such a gentlemen. He will chauffeur you everywhere, open your door for you, carry you when your feet hurt, pay for 100% of all dates, treats you like a princess
Speaking of princess treatment, he makes you breakfast in bed “just because”
Definition of a male wife. He does all the cleaning and helps with the cooking, always has the bed made and the house tidy by the time you get home
Brushes and does your hair for you, learned how to specifically for you
Such a romantic. I’m talking candle lit dinners, rose petals adorning the bedroom, bubble baths and more
Surprisingly super shy in public. You have to break him out of his shell a little bit
He secretly wears women’s perfume when he can. He thinks it smells so much nicer than cologne
Puts your needs first down to the most minimal details. Not making you sit next to strangers on trains, letting you get the entire hotel bed to yourself, letting you shower first with the hot water, etc
He takes any and all of your injuries seriously. Even a small paper cut he will have you wash and put a bandage on it to prevent infection
He also doesn’t take any risks. He makes sure anytime you guys are outside for an extended period of time that your wearing sunscreen. When you guys are in grass, he’s making sure you have on some kind of bug spray on your ankles
Brews coffee everymorning like clockwork for the both of you. He likes it black but bought a ton of stuff for you, so he makes your coffee Starbucks style the way you like it with cream and stuff
Watches you sleep, not in a creepy way. More in like your so beautiful he can’t keep his eyes off way
He’s super into yoga, will go to yoga classes with you. He’s so stiff he needs it
He reads a lot of books, and will geek out about them to you
Frequently accidently sleeps with his glasses on, you’ll wake up beside him and he will just. Have them on. And when he gets up in the morning to take them off he has red marks around his eyes
Such a fucking tease. He LOVES to get you worked up before giving you what you want
Edging and overstim both ways. He loves to get you so close to that edge, then pull out and make you whine or beg for it. He also really enjoys making yoy cum over and over until your crying and pleading with him to stop. As for himself, his main motive for edging himself is to help him last longer. Lord knows he can’t stand more than 10 minutes inside you without cumming. He also loves it when you milk him for all he’s worth, ridding him into tears
Absolutely into sensory deprivation. He gets a kick out of either you, not being able to know his next move keeping you in the dark, or him, being at your mercy
Speaking of sensory stuff, he fucking loves it when you wear his blindfold. Blocking your vision, you can only feel his touches and not see them
He cums so much, everywhere all the time. His favorite place to cum has to be all over your face. Have you sucking him off, but before he cums he pulls out and jerks it a few times before painting your face with his seed. It’s so hot to him, seeing you covered in it
He might even take a picture if you let him. He’s really into picture/video taking, just to have for himself. Whenever your not there, he can pull out his file of lewd photos and videos of you two
He is soooo vocal. He’s loud and his moans are whiny. He doesn’t hold back though, he has no shame. Matter of fact he wants everyone to know what you do to him
Speaking of, he’s a bit of a risk taker. He’s not past sneaking into a changing room for you to help him with the boner he got looking at you in those clothes
While he may cum fast, he can still last several rounds without break. He is the strongest, after all
Loves oral giving and receiving because it’s so messy. He loves it when your drooling all over his cock, or when his chin is covered in your slick
He’s a switch, but when he’s on bottom he’d moan if you step on his cock. Such a slutty submissive, and a brat too. He’d do things to get you angry so you punish him for it later <3
Definitely has considered 3somes with geto, but never brought it up
I can see him being into roleplay
He’s not insanely girthy, but he is LONGG and pretty. Has a cute curve at the end that’s perfect for you
He loves fucking your tits
His fingers are slim and long, and when he fingers you he will make you see stars
Thinks it’s so hot when he gets you to squirt
Somno with consent
If you need to be clean right that moment he will do so, but aftercare with him usually he prefers to cuddle up and sleep then clean up in the morning
Such a service dom. He’s a provider, and that nature sticks in the bedroom. He lives to please you, and will make you cum several times before even freeing his cock from his tight pants
He would definitely dabble in bdsm. Specifically, what he enjoys is bondage and brat taming
With bondage, he has it all. It may be a small fluffy pair of handcuffs binding your wrists behind your back, two a sturdy rope tying your ankles and wrists to the corner of the bed, to full on shibari, ropes all over your body
Absolutely uses his tie and/or belt to bind you
Brat taming was something you insisted, and when he tried it he found out he got a kick out of it too. It started with you teasing him all day, and when you begged him to be rough with you and put you in your place who is he to deny you?
Both kinks are done with upmost gentleness and care. Of course. He may also engage in light impact play, small spanks on your ass and even your clit. Nothing enough to hurt, just a little love tap to startle you
His hands drive you insane. His hands are so big, they wrap perfectly around your wrists, neck, hips, waist, etc. they also reach all the parts inside you just the way you like
While he often takes the leading role, he’s not opposed to letting you ride him to get yourself off when he doesn’t have the energy
He’s not very loud, mostly grunts and quite muffled moans come from him
So much praise. He’s constantly reassuring you through the whole ordeal, calling you beautiful, gorgeous, how well your doing, how good you are for him, etc
He would degrade you if you really wanted. Again, you’d have to tell him because he wouldn’t ever say such things to you but when your begging him to say mean things to you, he’s nothing but a pleaser
Cockwarming is a big turn on. He’s a busy man, so when he has work to do but you wanna get off, he will let you sit on his cock
Similarly, he also likes watching you ride his thigh. Your wet pussy grinding up and down on his clothed leg does something to him
Aftercare god. As soon as you guys are done he’s running a bath, carrying you to it, washing you off as you just lay back. After he drys you off, he’s carrying you back to the bed and wrapping you with his arms
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pholla-jm · 5 months
Sukuna with a S/O who has a sweet tooth/Loves eating sweets ?? :00
Like imagine most of the time they go on a date it's basically just reader and him going to different shops trying out desserts and sweets
Hello! Sorry it took me awhile! I got busy with work and my new class had just started. I decided to add some more to this. I hope you like it!! *********
Sweet Tooth
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IMAGINE: SWEET TOOTH~ SUKUNA X READER FEAT: GOJO GENRE: FLUFF cw: modern au! implied female reader, sukuna calls your woman. not proof read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Whenever Sukuna took you out, you would make him stop for a sweet treat. It could be for the slightest thing. Groceries? Sweet treat. Getting gas? Sweet treat? 
You will use any excuse to get sweet treats. 
This time, there was no real reason to convince Sukuna that you needed a sweet treat. Only that there was a new café opening up. Taking a quick glance at what would be on their menu, you already decided that you needed to go. It had most of your favorite pastries and drinks. 
“Please, Sukuna.” You pleaded to your boyfriend with your hands clasped together. You had asked him to take you, but you knew how much he didn’t care for places like that. He didn’t like the options they provided; they always smelled so sweet. And it sometimes stuck to his clothes. 
Sukuna has already decided to go with you, though. He would do anything for you. However, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t make it easy for you. He loved to see you like this. 
“Please, I’ll make it worth your while.” 
Sukuna smirks at your words. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” 
Your face lit up at his words, “so does that mean you’ll take me?” 
“Yeah, brat.” 
“Yay! Thank you!” You say while wrapping your arms around his ample shoulders. 
Sukuna chuckles, squeezing you tight in return. 
When the time came, Sukuna couldn’t believe he agreed to something like this. Since the place was pretty new, there were a lot of people. The theme was coquette, which Sukuna wasn’t fond of. 
Sukuna settled with matcha mochi and coffee. In contrast, you had the most sickening sweets in front of you. 
When Sukuna looks at all of it, his stomach almost churns in disgust. But when he sees you gleam at the desserts and take happy bites, it erases his dislike for the sweet treats. He would spend hours in places like this to see your happy face. 
“What’s so great about these treats anyway?” Sukuna asks you. 
You were about to answer, but someone interrupted you. Someone that neither of you wanted to see. 
“Ooh, can I have some of that?” You look up to see the bright blue-eyed man named Gojo. 
“Ugh, no get away.” You say while shoving him away. 
“Awe, come on.” He pouts at you. 
Sukuna frowns at seeing Gojo. “Get away from (y/n).” 
Gojo’s eyes flicker over to the brooding man. His arms were crossed as he glared at Gojo. 
An annoying smirk now sits on his face, “why? Scared I might take her away?” 
Sukuna’s hand slams down on the table, and your face twists disgustingly. 
“Oh my god.. You’re so embarrassing niisan.” You whisper to Gojo, but Sukuna hears it. 
The anger slowly dissipates from his body, and confusion fills his head. 
“Brother?” He mumbles. 
“What? I can’t protect my little sister?” 
While the two of you bicker, Sukuna glances back and forth. 
Gojo and you didn’t look alike. Not a single feature looked the same. Some things are similar, like the hyper personality… and the major sweet tooth. 
“Well, I got to go. Thanks.” Gojo says after taking a bite of one of your cakes. 
He gives you a smug look before waving bye. 
“Ugh,” You groan before turning to Sukuna, “I’m sorry about him.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me he was your brother?” 
You look at him in confusion, “I didn’t?” 
Sukuna gives you a look, “I think I would remember something like that.” 
“Huh, sorry. I guess it just slipped.” 
“How does something like that slip?” 
You purse your lips, “well whenever I’m not around him… I just seem to not worry about him. You know?” 
Sukuna looks at you, a bit confused, which means you will explain it further. 
“Satoru and I aren’t full siblings. Same mom but different dads. But Gojo has always been the golden child. Everything is about him. He always got everything he wanted, but me? I was lucky to even be in the same room as him.” You chuckle while shaking your head. 
“So, it’s nice not having him around. I can do whatever I want without him around.” 
Sukuna nods, “and have whatever you want as well.” 
You smile at his words, “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
Sukuna scoffs, “of course I’m right, woman.” 
You laugh and shake your head. “It wasn’t long ago that I discovered my love for sweets. I never got sweets as a child, since Satoru hogged them all.” 
Sukuna smiles at you and leans forward. He grabs a napkin, wiping some of the icing away from the corner of your lips, “that just means I’ll have to spoil you more than.” 
Your face turns pink at his words and actions. 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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shogunish · 6 months
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼𝘀 & 𝗶. [𝟬𝟲]
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synopsis. all that mattered was the taste of strawberries and whip cream on your lips and his hand caressing the nape of your neck.
words. 2.8k
warnings. none
note. IT'S FINALLY HERE 🥳 i hope you guys have as much fun reading this chapter as i had writing it 🥹🥹
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as you thought, you didn’t belong to these sorts of people.
grandeur surrounded you like the sea encapsulated an island in the middle of nowhere.
men dressed in expensive suits filled the dimly-lit hall with their wives hanging on to their arms like the finest jewelry. waiters and waitresses alike steered their way through the crowd with practiced ease and grace in their feet all while carrying a silver platter around, giving champagne away like candy and offering little treats.
such things were foreign; you only had seen such things on tv and for a moment, you felt somewhat intimidated by the sheer scent of money in the air. sometimes, you forgot that satoru worked for a great company, enjoying a high ranking and an even greater paycheck if his tailored suit was anything to go by.
“you look amazing,” satoru reassured you with a whisper in your ear. “don’t be afraid. i’ll be with you all the way.”
and his words did soothe your worries, but not the rapid pounding in your heart. maybe you wouldn’t feel so light-headed if satoru didn’t wear this damned suit and didn’t add a hint of his cologne on his neck and wrists. even his hair was styled and you swore you had suffered a heart attack when you first laid your eyes on him.
smoothly, with your palms clasped around his arm, satoru guided you through the crowd like he had never done anything else. a pinch of pride shone in his eyes; not only did you look stunning, but you also wore the dress he had picked for you.
“it’s too expensive,” you had argued with a pout on your lips when you saw the price tag still attached to the graceful thing. “i can’t possibly wear that.”
and look at you now, turning the heads of his colleagues as he showed up with you.
like a ship in the vast sea, satoru steered you from person to person just to exchange some pleasantries and introduce you to those he worked with for the majority of the time. to your surprise, it was easier than you initially believed. occasionally, he even snuck a little snack from the platters and shared the small treats with you.
it was at these times that your satoru shone through the cracks of the styled businessman in your hands.
everything was going smoothly until your not-date date suddenly got stolen away by some chubby business man in his fifties and drowned in the sea of people and lights and grandeur.
“satoru?” you called out softly, worry in your eyes when you realized he wouldn’t hear you over the soft tunes spilling from the speakers.
how hard was it to find a 1,90m man with white hair and dazzling blue eyes in a crowd of people? yeah, you were surprised as well when you found out it was indeed hard.
heels clacked against the polished marble floor when you found yourself at the bar, giving up on finding satoru for the time being. next to you, three ladies chatted amongst themselves. draped in diamonds and silver, they gleamed in the dim lighting of the grand hall like they were gems themselves. their eyes found yours when they appeared to recognize you.
“oh, you have to be gojo’s date for tonight, right?” lady #1 chirped in kind and mildly surprised tones. you recognized her; she was the wife of one of the businessmen satoru had introduced you to earlier. at least one face was somewhat familiar.
“i think it’s the first time gojo brought a woman with him, right?” the second lady added with a glass of champagne in her manicured fingers.
you perked up. “excuse me? the first time? i fear i don’t quite follow..”
lady #3 sat back in the bar stool and flashed you a smirk, her lips painted a deep burgundy as she spoke, “gojo’s never shown up in the company of another woman. many have tried to become his plus one, but he always brushed them off.”
“yeah, you should’ve seen everyone’s faces when he first started talking about you and how well you get along with his son. lots of hearts were broken that afternoon,” lady #1 giggled as your face fell into disbelief.
sure, you suspected that satoru was popular with the ladies. not only was he handsome to the bone, but he could provide a stable life, he was funny, charming, smart and– you were getting carried away.
before a response could make it out, the topic suddenly shifted when one of the ladies realized she hadn’t shown off her newest necklace which glimmered and split the lights into the colors of the rainbow.
at this moment, you realized that you truly didn’t belong in the same boat as them when they talked about tiffany’s jewelry, mansions, vacations in malaysia and venice. the topic of satoru and his lack of female company was wiped clean from the shared canvas of their mind and was instead painted with problems and luxuries you couldn’t even dream of having.
luxury meant for you ordering takeout twice a month when the delivery app had some sort of sale going on.
satoru’s strong arm wraps itself around you like a blanket of comfort as he sweeps into the conversation with one of his charming smiles. the eyes of those women were as drawn to satoru like a flock of moths to the flame as he spoke in soft, suave tones that had even your heart beating a tad bit faster. a bit harder.
“excuse me, but i fear i must steal my lovely lady from you.” satoru flashed them a gentle smile and left the women giggling amongst themselves as he guided you towards the balcony, away from all the hustle and bustle, away from unnecessary attention that wasn’t his.
the moon hung high in the sky in its entirety, filling out the dark heavens above as it watched over countless twinkling dots. below the balcony railing, city lights glimmered in bright neon colors. streets were alive with as many people as there were stars in the sky and yet all of them seemed so far away when you finally breathed.
“sorry.” satoru broke the beat of silence before he combed his fingers through his snowy hair. leaning against the steel railing, he looked handsome. the moonlight caressed his features with the touch of a lover while those cerulean irises bathed in the infinity of the skies. or so you thought. “i didn’t expect anyone to need my attention tonight when it was reserved for you."
heat rose to the apples of your cheeks and suddenly, your heart was pounding underneath your ribs. this feeling budding in the core of your heart was blooming with each word satoru said. especially tonight.
there was no child to take care of. no stomach aches that made you feel horrible.
in this little corner, you found a glimpse of paradise with satoru by your side.
“don’t worry about it,” you said, resting your elbows on the railing and letting your eyes drift towards satoru like he was pulling you into his orbit. “you must be really important when you’re stolen away from me in the blink of an eye.” up until this moment, satoru didn’t know that a chuckle could be like silk in the form of sound and dribble into his ears like warm honey.
leaning closer to you, satoru bumped his shoulder against yours – or rather his biceps. even slumped over, he was still taller than you.
“so tell me, have you been gossipping about me while i was gone?” it was a light-hearted joke, you knew, and still you had half the heart to let satoru know that you would never talk about him behind his back.
you shook your head, eyes crinkling at the edges as you gave satoru a smile. “not about you. but they had a lot to say about their men.”
that seemed to pique satoru’s curiosity if his cheeky grin and the twitch of his ears was anything to go by. a funny look was painted all over your face; one that made satoru only more curious than he already was.
“don’t look at me like that.” he almost pouts. almost. “you can’t just say you got some juicy details on my colleagues and then seal your lips shut.”
fuck. if anything, you wanted him to seal your lips shut. ever since you had laid your eyes on satoru, dressed in that tailored suit which accentuated the slimness of his waist..your thoughts decided to wander and they wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.
“my man and i argued and he got me a tiffany’s necklace. my man gifted me this dress, my man gave me this, my man gave me that,” you mocked voices, tone going up by a pitch before you ended the show with a sigh slipping past your lips. those ladies weren’t bad people, but gods were they exhausting. “it felt like a competition.”
“what, don’t tell me you’re jealous.” a teasing lilt lingered in satoru’s voice. he couldn’t wipe the smirk off his face when you shivered and pouted your glossy lips. if only you were his..he’d pin you against the railing and kiss you stupid until your lipgloss was smeared all over his lips.
“of them? never.” shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you leaned your weight against satoru’s strong frame and basked in the way his warmth seeped through the fine fabric of his suit and into your pores, keeping you warm and toasty. “i don’t need fancy things to have a happy relationship.”
acting on auto-pilot, satoru rested his arm around your waist and pulled you a little tighter against him. “well..what would you need to be happy?”
now that was a question you had never given much thought. the only answer that you could come up with sparked the butterflies in your tummy to life. right then and there, you swore you were a silly teenager again who had come face to face with her crush and there was nowhere to hide.
you didn’t know if the goosebumps on your skin came from the pounding of your heart or the chilly breeze passing by.
“..maybe someone who can communicate his feelings. someone who’s fun but can be serious when the time calls for it. someone who buys me a year worth of pads and prepares a hot water bottle for me. someone who eats so many sweets that it’s a miracle he doesn’t have diabetes yet.”
usually, satoru would like to tease you and say something so cheesy that you were certain you’d regret opening up to him, but he just looked at you with those infinitely deep eyes that glimmered in the moonlight. his hold around your waist tightened.
“you know, i think i’d also be happy with someone who gets along with megumi and doesn’t know how to use my stove. someone who laughs when i buy all the pads with wings and dozes off on my shoulder. someone who brought cookies when she asked if she could help me watch over megumi.”
a smile, that of a lovestruck fool, graced satoru’s lips as you stared at him with round eyes and shock written all over your face. for a moment, he feared you’d ask “me?” like you didn’t even dare to think that satoru could be into you when it was so painfully obvious that it was you.
the moment he saw you standing at his door with that batch of cookies in your hands, he knew it was you.
“gojo, there you are! there’s that man i wanna introduce you to.” one of his colleagues popped the intimate bubble satoru had carefully crafted for the two of you. bubbles were meant to pop eventually, but this was probably the worst timing ever. “oh, you can bring your girlfriend, too! he’ll be delighted to see her!”
this was the hellish equivalent of getting cock-blocked, he thought.
apologies swam in the irises of satoru’s eyes as he furrowed his brows and let out a defeated sigh. he would get his chance. and it’d be tonight.
“shall we?” satoru offered you a hand which you gratefully took before he led you back inside.
an hour or two later, you found your arms looped around satoru’s biceps as he escorted you back home. street lamps lined up next to the concrete going through the park illuminated the space around you, adding a golden glow to satoru, to you, to the feelings that wouldn’t stop growing.
you only took a break on a bench when you mentioned the ache in your feet. walking around in heels for an entire evening, for hours on end, was not one of your many (hidden) talents.
words of memories past fell from your lips like honey as you recalled something about you changing shoes in the middle of an important event.
if satoru was honest to himself, he wasn’t truly paying attention to what you were saying. he did add an occasional hum of approval or offered a chuckle, but what he really focused on was the glimmer in your eyes, the sound of your voice, the way your hair fell. you were imperfect, he knew, but to him, you were perfect for him from head down to your pinky toe.
he wanted it all. he wanted it all for himself.
“..and then there was– oh.” following your line of sight, satoru spotted a small food stall illuminated from within and occupied by an elderly lady who seemed to be distracted by the malfunctioning radio. but that wasn’t what stood out – it was the strawberry crepes being sold.
“you want some, don’t you?” satoru chuckled, cerulean eyes glowing even in the dim lights of the street lamps lined up right beside the two of you.
“how did you know?” you inquired with curiosity laced in your voice.
shrugging his shoulders, satoru smirked. “you’ve been with megumi and me for a while now. it’d be a shame if i didn’t know what you wanted just from a glance.”
you couldn’t protest when satoru already strolled over to the elderly lady and ordered two strawberry crepes. gladly, the lady prepared the sweet treat and even added some extra whipped cream for satoru as if she could sense his sweet tooth. within mere ten minutes, the crepes were done, warm and adorned with ripe slices of scarlet strawberries.
sauntering back to you, satoru handed you your crepe, sat down right next to you and enjoyed the first bite which was as messy as it was sweet. a frown was etched onto satoru’s features as he dropped a strawberry onto the ground. a sweet treat forever lost and never to be savored as god intended.
taking note of satoru’s misery, you offered him one of your strawberries with a gentle smile adorning the curve of your lips. “here. you can have mine.”
“are you sure? it’s your strawberry after all.” who would’ve known that an insignificant thing such as a strawberry would bring a blush to his cheeks? sky blue eyes blinked once, twice at the fruit between your fingers before settling on your face. this was the chance he had been waiting for all evening, he realized.
“you’ve got some whipped cream on your lips.”
“huh?” hastily, you rushed to wipe your lips with your index finger and when you were done, you lifted your face again for further inspection. “is it gone?”
oh, how sweet you were. amused, satoru shook his head. “no. right there.”
nimble fingers tilted your face upwards while cerulean irises gazed into the cracks of your soul as satoru leaned in, closed the gap and sealed your lips with his own.
for a moment, your muscles froze. was this truly happening? was satoru actually kissing you? or was this another one of your daydreams right before he dropped you off at your doorstep? no, it was better than a mere daydream – it was reality.
fingertips twitched, needing to hold his face, his shoulders, anything. but before you could even lift a finger, satoru pulled away with a smile on his soft lips and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “this is much better than a strawberry.”
like a fish, you were left gaping at the man who just kissed you with the care of a lover. you wanted to say yes a thousand times over, but not a single words made it past your lips. satoru liked you, that much you knew. he had said so himself earlier that evening and yet, you were still left speechless like a canvas that was waiting to be painted with his love and kisses.
“it is,” you finally breathed, set aside your crepe and cupped satoru’s cheeks as you pulled him in for another sweet kiss.
lips melted into each other like candle wax as they danced with each other, explored and got to know each other all over again. no words were needed to explain the feeling, now in full bloom, engulfing you and satoru like a cocoon.
all that mattered was the taste of strawberries and whip cream on your lips and his hand caressing the nape of your neck.
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taglist. @torusmochi, @cinnamonmon, @risuola, @ayanominitrash, @lordbugs, @phoenix666stuff, @hotvinimon, @stevenknightmarc, @sukunasleftkneecap, @erigaur , @lu-lynds, @staryukis
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zorosimpclub · 7 months
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My Brother's Best friend (003) – Geto Suguru (NSFW)
⊹˚. ♡ Previous chapter Summary: You have always been in love with your brother’s best friend (who also happens to be his roommate) – does he even feel the same way or does he view you just as Gojo's little sister? It doesn’t matter because your brother made it very clear to him that you were off limits since you're his precious little sister… But were you really off limits?
⊹˚. ♡ Content: 18+ only, MDNI – fem!reader, smut, degradation, praise kink, bj
⊹˚. ♡ Word count: 5k
He didn’t respond immediately because he himself had no idea what he should do. This was definitely a situation that he wasn’t prepared for. It would be difficult to explain everything they did to Gojo and he for sure wasn't going to tell him that he had his hands all over you. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting himself calm down before looking down at you with that smirk you loved so much.
"You leave first and I’ll come in 5 minutes.”
Taking your phone out, you checked the camera to see if you looked presentable enough to leave. You shot him an incredulous look and pointed to your two fresh hickies.
“Did you have to give me these?! My brother’s gonna think Sukuna did this and lose his shit on him.”
"Oh, sorry princess. I let my lips wander too much I guess."
Although he was being sarcastic, you couldn’t help the butterflies thrashing around in your stomach at him calling you ‘princess’.
“Ugh. You’re the worst. You’re lucky it’s not super noticeable, I just know that it’ll be tomorrow though.”
You push yourself off him and go to open the bathroom stall but hesitate looking back at him,
“What does this mean for us…?”
He knew that was coming. You asking what this all means in the long run. Instead of addressing your inquiry, he simply grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him in response.
"Let's worry about that in the morning. Just for tonight, let's focus on what we should be focusing on. You and I. That's it. It doesn't have to mean anything."
You clenched your jaw, feeling yourself get annoyed at his remark, of course it didn’t mean anything to him. He had been with so many women, you were probably just another one he did something with. This is so like him, why did you expect that things would be any different?
You pushed yourself away from him gently and stormed out of the bathroom, before glancing at your reflection in the mirror — guess you didn’t look disheveled, nor were the hickies too prominent so you’d be fine. Or that’s what you thought.
Not looking back at Geto, you made your way back to the booth trying to push past the crowd, only to see Gojo chat animatedly with Utahime. Nanami was also there but he was just sitting there, nursing his drink whilst staring off into space. You go and sit next to Nanami, sighing to yourself and snatched Gojo’s drink before downing it.
Still feeling yourself seething, you sat back a little, trying to make yourself look calm despite how you were feeling. Geto definitely crossed a major line with you and then acted as if it meant nothing but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be frustrated at him. And that frustrated you. You were frustrated at yourself for feeling like this. You really wanted to be mad at him and tell him just how inconsiderate he was being but it was as if your body just simply wouldn’t allow it.
Gojo grinned at you to acknowledge your return but carried on chatting with Utahime, no doubt trying his luck on her. Why was it okay for your brother to hit on your friends but god forbid any of his say anything towards you that could count as flirting.
Nanami eyed you cautiously for a second and went back to nursing his drink before speaking flatly.
“I see you’ve returned. Sukuna is still on the dancefloor grinding with some random woman.”
You nodded and sighed in relief, you didn’t want to and couldn’t think about flirting with Sukuna right now. Not after what you just experienced with Geto.
“Yeah, I just went to the bathroom. Felt a little sick, so thought I’d get some time alone to recuperate. It was getting kinda stuffy on the dance floor…”
Nanami nodded and looked away as if he understood completely. He knew you were lying but he didn’t care and decided to give you space about the situation if you wanted it.
Then out of nowhere, he spoke again, making sure to keep his voice low enough so only you could hear. Not that your brother would have heard it over his obnoxious flirting with Utahime anyway.
“You should be careful.“
You looked at him fake puzzled hoping to throw him off, “What do you mean, Nanami?”
He stared at you for a moment, weighing his options before deciding to be somewhat straightforward with you.
"You guys are being really obvious. It won’t be long before your brother figures it out.”
You knew damn well that there was more to his previous comment than what he was letting on now. He was clearly implying that you should be careful around Geto, which was probably the right thing to do considering what had just happened in that stall.
You felt yourself tense a little. Of course Nanami would have been one of the first people to pick up on it, he was always so observant. Thankfully, you knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t rat you out to Gojo. You were an adult who made your own decisions and he respected that.
You mumbled a little “You’re right, thanks.”
Geto made his way back to the table with the same blonde he was with on the dance floor and plopped down as far as he could be from you, avoiding your eyes as if he didn’t have his tongue shoved up your pussy up until a couple minutes ago.
So this was how he was going to act? Completely ignore your existence and go back to blondie over there? You couldn’t even be mad at the woman on his arm, it’s not her fault. It was his.
Nanami sighed, almost as if he knew this would happen. Nanami was the kind of person that saw through everyone’s bullshit, you were glad he was on your side because you felt yourself getting agitated by the way Geto was acting. It hurt. A lot of mixed emotions were running through you at the moment and having this awkward ass conversation with Nanami definitely wasn’t helping.
You felt another presence beside you, most likely Sukuna. He wrapped an arm around your waist and gave you a lazy smirk as if it was the most natural thing to do. You were so caught up in the fact that Geto was ignoring you, that you let out a startled gasp when Sukuna came up to you. A chill ran down your spine as he wrapped his arm around your waist and unfortunately (or fortunately) it felt a bit comforting somehow. You had a feeling you were about to go down a slippery slope with this guy but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
You sighed and flashed him a flirty smirk, "Hey."
Sukuna smirked at you, basking in the flirty tone of your voice and smile. You could practically feel him eyeing the two hickies that covered the edge of your neck.
"Damn, who gave you those?"
You tensed and flicked your eyes briefly to Geto as a reflex but quickly looked back to Sukuna, hoping he didn't pick up on it. At this rate everyone at the table except your brother were going to know about your little escapade with Geto.
"Ah... just a random guy I met by the restroom." You tried to sound convincing, but with the way your voice shook, it was obvious that it wasn't just a random guy.
Sukuna smirked and his voice lowered into a low, husky tone as his eyes stayed on the hickies on your neck.
“A random guy. Right. Must have been really into you for him to be that rough with you. What did he look like, sweetheart?”
He sounded amused by the whole situation, like he was enjoying watching you squirm.
That question caught you off guard, you were not expecting him to ask. Unprepared, you just listed the opposite qualities of Geto hoping it would sell it for him.
“Shortish and blonde.”
Sukuna looked like he was trying hard not to laugh, did you think he was stupid? You couldn't even tell a proper lie. He looked down at you a little amused and chuckled quietly.
"That’s interesting because I could have sworn I heard your voice in the bathroom stalls moaning Suguru’s name."
You tensed a little, feeling a blush adorn your features. Great, now everyone but your brother knew. It was only a matter of time before someone spilled it to him.
“Please don’t tell my brother.” You whispered awkwardly.
Sukuna laughed softly and rolled his eyes at you, there was something about you and how easy it was to tease when you're flustered that he enjoyed. He was clearly going to give you a hard time with this for a little while longer.
"I won't tell him."
The moment he said that, a sinister smirk formed on his lips.
"If you give me something in return."
“Emotional blackmail? Really Sukuna? That’s low even for someone like you.” You smirked and rolled your eyes at him.
Nanami grunted and shot Sukuna a glare before adding, “Let her be.”
Seeing Nanami’s glare made Sukuna chuckle but he was still grinning at you in a very mischievous way, like he was going to keep teasing you. He had the look of someone that knew how to push your buttons.
"Give me a kiss on the cheek, right here, right now and I won't say a word to your brother."
He had no shame in what he was doing. The man was clearly a menace but he had his own charm.
You looked over at Geto who seemed unfazed by your interaction with Sukuna. He didn't hear what you were talking about, it was hard to over the sound of thumping music around you. A kiss on the cheek seemed semi reasonable, right? Besides Sukuna was an one older guy who knew his way around women... maybe it might be good thing? Either way, it was just a kiss on the cheek so you didn’t have to really overthink it.
Shrugging, you leaned in to kiss his cheek but Sukuna being the cheeky asshole he was, he turned his head quickly so that his lips met yours.
Geto turned his head so fast he almost had whiplash, he could feel his stomach bubbling with anger and jealousy. Huh? Why was he getting pissed off like this? You were just Gojo's sister, he reminded himself. Or tried to. But before he could think logically, he got up and yanked Sukuna off you, glaring at him menacingly.
"Don't touch her."
Sukuna raised an eyebrow at Geto and smirked coyly. You had never seen this side of him before and it made you realise just how little you knew about him. You watched them carefully as they stared each other down, trying to gauge their reactions to understand the situation but you also couldn’t help but fear what would come of this. Sukuna just looked amused that this situation was getting so heated in the first place and that made you wonder even more on how this would end.
"My, my. You're awfully protective over your best friend's little sister. Even Satoru, her actual brother, doesn't seem too fazed by it." Sukuna chuckled and leaned back, resting his arm across the sofa headrest.
It's true. You looked over at Gojo who didn't seem to mind too much but you quickly figured that it was because he didn't see the whole interaction between you and Sukuna. That had to be it otherwise Sukuna would have gotten his ass beat by now. Or maybe because he was too busy chatting with Utahime to even care what was happening around them.
Geto’s voice was low as he moved in close to his face, his fists clenched by his side. It seemed like he was trying not to do anything reckless but he was visibly agitated.
"Shut the hell up. You shouldn't be touching her at all."
Sukuna let out a taunting chuckle and smirked sadistically at him, "Neither should you. But apparently you did more than just kissing in the bathroom stall. Isn't that right, Suguru?"
Geto’s entire face froze at Sukuna’s comment. How did he know? How was that possible? Did he hear you in the stall? His grin got even wider after Geto didn’t respond to him, causing him to tilt his head in a mocking manner.
"I’ll take that as a yes."
You watched the scene unfold in front of you like a deer in headlights. Thankfully, Nanami came to the rescue once again.
He leaned over and placed his hand between them, "That's enough you two."
Nanami’s hand landed on Geto’s chest, separating him from Sukuna. Geto remained silent but his face spoke volumes about the fact they had been caught. Sukuna’s shit eating smirk was still in place, almost begging him to carry on.
You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding in, relieved that Nanami had stepped in.
You shot him a quick glance and gave him a small smile, a little grateful that he was trying to keep the peace but Geto looked like he was ready to tear Sukuna’s head off.
He was acting completely out of character in this situation but you couldn’t entirely blame him for his reaction either. Or could you? After all, what right did he have to act like that? He said what happened in the stalls earlier didn’t have to mean anything nor was he your boyfriend…
Just as you went to open your mouth to call it a night, Gojo piped up from the other side of the table, "After party at mine! Let's go."
You groaned, not wanting to go back to their apartment right now given the fact that things were incredibly messy but you also didn't want to be alone right now. This honestly would have been the perfect opportunity to make your escape, but you had this overwhelming sense that you wouldn’t feel better if you did. Maybe it was because you knew that if you left so suddenly it would draw attention to what had happened and Gojo would ask questions. You were never one to turn down opportunities to hang out with him and Geto. Until now.
Since there were 6 of you had to get two Ubers between the group. And unfortunately, somehow you had been wedged in the Uber with Geto because:
a) Gojo booked the Ubers
b) Gojo didn’t know what happened between the pair of you
c) Your brother wanted to carry on flirting with Utahime
and d) Nanami insisted that Sukuna and Geto be kept apart also mumbling something about keeping him from you too but you figured he mainly did it to give you and Geto privacy to talk and sort out what had happened earlier before it turned really messy.
You sat back and kept quiet the entire trip. Things were already a mess between you and Geto and you really didn’t need anymore attention drawn to that right now. You looked out the window, pretending like everything was fine and that there wasn’t this awful pit of anxiety looming within your chest. Your fingers squeezed one another as you tried to distract yourself from your thoughts.
You tried your best to ignore Geto at your side, he was taking up so much space in the Uber that it was impossible not to bump into him every few minutes, but you still tried to keep a fair amount of distance between you both.
That was until he said your name.
Geto’s voice was hushed and your name falling from his lips made your body respond in so many ways that you can’t even describe with words. When he called your name you jolted, you felt your stomach dip. He had you in his clutches and even at this very moment he could still control you.
You stared at his lips, entranced by them and that damn smirk of his. The urge to kiss him was overwhelming and it was slowly taking over your body. You felt yourself moving towards him slightly without even realising it. You were a mindless moth circling towards the flame of temptation.
Geto noticed your lips parting and his eyebrows shot up slightly; this was clearly an opening for him to make the first move. Without hesitation, he lowered his head and his lips met yours in a hot, frenzied kiss. You felt that electric spark again and all those feelings came back all at once. Your body trembled as your lips felt swollen with want and your breath came in shorter breaths. You felt weak in that moment but you didn’t want to pull away. It felt all too good.
As if a switch flicked off in your head, you bit onto his lip and pushed your tongue in his mouth. Geto's breath caught in his throat as he groaned and pulled you closer to him, letting out a faint gasp at the feeling of your lips and tongue against his.
He kissed you passionately and his tongue met yours, exploring every inch of your mouth as if he couldn't get enough. You could see from the way his hands were pressed against your shoulders that he was trying to avoid being too rough with you but that only made you want him more.
"Sugu..." You whisper moaned, making sure not to catch the attention of the Uber driver.
He moved one of his hands from your shoulder so that he could trace your body, starting from your arm and working its way down to your thigh. The heat in that touch made your skin tingle with excitement and you could feel your breath coming in shorter, more erratic breaths.
You palmed his cock from his jeans earning you a soft grunt from him. He was completely caught off guard but in a good way, he wanted more. More.
Feeling a little bold, you silently unzip his jeans and slip your hand in his boxers, tugging it at slowly at first but building up the pace when you could see how desperate he was becoming. You smirk a little, which caused him to buck his hip and thrust into your grip.
“F-Fuck…” He breathed out, trying his best to keep quiet as not to rouse suspicion from the driver.
You quickly covered your lips with his and he kissed back hungrily whilst you continue stroking him, tugging, twisting, and making sure to keep to a steady rhythm. He moaned softly against your lips and pulled away, throwing his head back on his headrest. You watched as his face twisted into one of pleasure – his lips parted, cheeks flushed, eyebrows furrowed and eyes clenched shut. He let out a shaky sigh and tensed, softly spilling your name from his mouth.
Geto relaxed a little and caught his breath before looking over at you and smirking. You smirked back, pulling your fingers away and licking up the mess that he left behind.
“Fuck…” He groaned and sighed at the sight, you were an absolute temptress and you knew it. Neither of you spoke for a few minutes, you both just sat there enjoying the silent bliss.
“Are you okay?” He softly asked you in a low, husky voice.
You turned to him and his eyes were fixed on you. That single glance made you feel everything at once.
“Yeah, I think so. You?” There was so much you wanted to ask him but you didn’t know where to begin.
“I’m okay.” He turned away from you when he said this, almost like he didn’t want you to see a vulnerable side of him.
He couldn’t bear to see your reaction to him being so serious, especially not right now when he wanted to ignore it completely. He took a while to speak again.
“What happened back there?”
"I don't know, you tell me."
You said, sounding a little snarky. What? He deserved that. One minute he was kissing and eating you out in a bathroom stall and the next he acted like it meant nothing. Then he had the audacity to get into a heated argument with Sukuna all because he kissed you, all the while he had his own blonde wrapped around his arm. He was playing mind games with you and it confused the hell out of you.
You raised a fair point and he seemed aware of that. You saw him shift a little uncomfortably. He knew he was being selfish, expecting to play around with you while keeping it at an arm’s length so he wouldn’t have to deal with the repercussions later. He remained quiet for a moment, maybe trying to choose the right words to say.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
You let out a sarcastic chuckle and shook your head, "Friendship? Please. Do you get all off your friends off? Give me a break. The only reason why we hang out is because of Satoru, because you feel forced to hang out with your best friend's annoying little sister."
He looked like you’d just hit him with a bucket of cold water. Your words weren’t very nice, but it seemed like they hit their mark. You could see the hurt etched on his face but it was a pain he brought onto himself.
“Is that… is that really what you think? That I only hang out with you because I feel obligated to?”
"Do you know the amount of times you complain about me coming around to hang out with you guys? You're always complainin' about me being over."
“Right. But have you ever thought about why I tell you that?”
"No, please do enlighten me." Your words sound polite but your tone was anything but that, it was dripping with sarcasm.
He takes a deep breath and looks directly at you. He seems to be debating whether telling you would be a good idea or not, but he realises that he can’t keep you in the dark for much longer. He lets out a sigh and then nods.
“You’re right. I do find you insufferable at times when you tease the hell out of me but that’s not the entire reason why I complain. I complain because whenever you’re around, I just want to kiss you.”
Your eyes widened a little, a blush gracing your cheeks. He what now? So you weren't just his best friend's little sister?
“I don’t know what it is about you that makes me lose control of everything I know. All of sudden I become a completely different person the second that I’m around you. I can’t explain it, but this is why I try to keep you at an arm’s length. I try to avoid you, not because I don’t like you, but because I’m afraid of what might happen if I see you too often.”
Your gaze softened a little as you took in what he was saying, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?”
“I think you know the answer to that. Besides, it’s not like I could have gone to Satoru and said ‘hey, I want to tell your sister that I find her attractive’. He would have kicked my ass on the spot and then I doubt I would have been able to see you again.”
He looks away for a split second and the silence seems to linger on for longer than it should. You can see that he is trying to come up with the right words to say but nothing seems to be coming to him. You can almost see the wheels turning in his mind the more he thinks about what he should say and how he should say it. He looked down with a pained expression on his face before he spoke again.
“I thought it was for the best to keep my feelings suppressed and to avoid you as much as possible but it’s only made me more attracted to you, it’s like an endless fucking cycle.”
"So... you're just attracted to me physically? Is that it?"
You asked cautiously, not sure how he would respond. Sure, he found you attractive and that was a win but the way you felt about him was more than attraction, you were in love with him. You just had to know. If you didn't ask now, you'd probably never get this moment again.
His face flushed a little and he couldn't hold your gaze. He stared down at the car ground for a few seconds, trying to get his words together. It almost as if he is unable to say it out loud, it’ll feel too real when he says it.
"I– fuck. I– we shouldn't be talking about this, Satoru would be pissed." He ran his hand desperately through his hair, looking torn.
"Who the fuck cares about Satoru! Just tell me, Suguru!"
You snapped a little, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes. It's hard not to get frustrated when you're so close to hearing something close to a confession after you've been in love with him for years yet having it taken away from you because of your freaking brother.
And just like that your words seemed to snap something inside of him. He looked back at you with a wild look, looking like he was trying to stare you down and will his feelings into you.
"You want to know how I feel? Fine. I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for fucking years now. I fuck countless of women because I fucking can't seem to get you out my head. I cycle through them, hoping that I'd fall for one of those women instead but I can't! You're all I ever think about and when you're nearby my brain short circuits – you're so fucking beautiful inside and out but I can't fucking have you. Every time I try to pull away, I only end up being drawn back to that damn spell you have on me."
He yelled a little, a tear or two falling down from his beautiful face causing butterflies to thrash inside your body. In all the years you’ve known Geto, you had never really seen him cry which made this moment even more bittersweet.
Your tears fell quickly down your cheeks as you soaked in all his words. The raw honesty in his words was enough to make you feel weak at the knees. It's like all your dreams were coming true at once. The look in the eyes, the raw emotion – god, you wanted to scoop him up and kiss him over and over again.
“I’m in love with you too… I have been for years now but you already knew that… right?”
He couldn't stand to watch you cry any longer. He reached out his hand and gently rubbed your tears away with his thumb, he couldn't help but want to comfort you after everything. Geto slowly leaned into you, closing the distance between you both. The world seemed to slow down a little as you both held each other, pecking your lips together over and over again as if to make up for all the lost time.
He pulled away and smiled softly at you causing you to smile back, he looked so beautiful that it made your stomach flip flop around. You felt like you were up in the clouds but that however was short lived when the car pulled up to their apartment.
You both looked at each other one last time, exchanging a soft look filled with all those emotions you had been keeping inside for so long. You didn't have to say a word to each other, you both just understood the feelings that you had for each other in that moment.
Now you just had to go in and pretend like you were just friends who hadn’t just confessed your love for each other. Great.
⊹˚. ♡ A/N: sorry i ended up making this chapter super fluffy OTL, the next one will be smutty lmao ;D tysm for all the sweet comments, it makes me want hurry faster with the updates (i realised that i wrote 12k words in less than 24 hours LMAO–) anyway, i'm also on ao3 (same username) if you find it easier to read on there <3
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strawberrystepmom · 10 months
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pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
word count: 6.8k
about: Gojo is many things but you get to know him best as Satoru through the eyes of the people who see him as something else entirely - nothing but a fellow human being.
contents: Told through three non-linear stories. CW: Reader is drinking alcohol in story 1, discussions of non major character death and marriage in story 2, discussions of trauma with Megumi and food mentions in story 3. Established relationship, reader is a sorcerer and teacher alongside Gojo, reader is referred to as girlfriend and my girl in story 1 and he is referred to as boyfriend. A bit of angst/discussion of losing someone you love in story 2 but otherwise it's mostly silce of life fluff.
notes: Happy early birthday to my Sagittarius superstar! ♡ This isn’t birthday themed but i’ve been working on this for a few weeks and am proud of how it turned out. If you read, thank you and I hope that you enjoy.
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“I have this thing tonight and I want you to come.”
Generally when Satoru says something like this you roll your eyes, irritated about the last minute notice he’s infamous for, but his grin was so earnest you said yes without thinking too hard about it.
It’s easy to indulge him no matter how hard you try to deny your tendency to give in to his whims and it’s how you’ve ended up stepping into a bar in a neighborhood you have never been in with his arm slung over your shoulder, the moon hanging high in the sky while the stars twinkle above. The atmosphere is practically buzzing before he enters and it’s even louder when the patrons spot him, various cheers scattered around the room and arms raised in the air.
Clearly, they know him and he knows them.
“Hideki!” He points to a man who cheers. “Takahiro!” He points to another who nods. “I don’t remember your name,” he points to a third man who is already tipsy enough that he simply smiles and shrugs. Alcohol helps but you’re sure that Satoru’s smile and demeanor are half of the reason his worst behavior isn’t held against him by anyone in the small group that is clearly regulars to this bar.
Food sizzles behind the counter and you start to ease into the unfamiliar setting, sliding onto a chair and leaning back to watch the master at work, his natural charm infectious and soon it feels like the dimly lit room is practically thrumming with energy, voices chatting excitedly and other patrons typing texts inviting friends to come see the man, the myth, the legend in person.
His name is written on a napkin and stuck in the wood paneling above the dart board with a dart. Seeing the bold characters when you spot them on the wall, you giggle. It’s so like him to do something like this for no other reason beyond what was likely boredom and inability to sleep one random night.
The patrons buzz amongst themselves about Gojo’s appearance, his sunglasses slung low on his nose while he flashes a grin at anyone who comes near him, and you watch from afar with a far more demure grin of your own. His name clearly carries weight even outside of the confines of the sorcerer community and you hide your smile by looking around the dimly lit bar, sizzling coming from behind the counter while the chefs flip yakitori by the skewer sticking through it. Your mouth waters and a beer is placed in front of you without even asking for it, your eyes darting across the bar only to be met with a wink tossed over his shoulder from your boyfriend.
One of the men he was speaking to sidles up to you and offers a polite bow of his head. Returning his gesture, you lift the beer glass to your mouth and take a sip, raising your eyebrows when he speaks.
“You must be the girl he always talks about.”
Raising your eyebrows, the warmth in your throat from the beer you’re sipping slowly spreads through your face out of slight embarrassment he talks about you at all when you’re out of earshot. You can’t control what he says when the two of you are apart and only whatever God reigns above knows what he has said but it couldn’t have been too terrible considering the man doesn’t look at you lecherously or with anything but curiosity. Smiling, you fan your face and tilt your head toward the grills to play off the heat of embarrassment as heat from cooking.
“I certainly hope so.” 
You believe that you are the girl in question but your gut churns at the thought he may be mentioning someone else despite the two of you recently making it very clear you are serious about one another, closing off any lingering attachments elsewhere to focus on your relationship. 
“Oh, I know so. He shows us pictures of you all the time.”
Sipping from your beer, you look away briefly, embarrassed about that as well. Gojo has many photos of you, not all of which are meant for other eyes, and you hope that he has enough decency to keep them to himself. Looking to change the subject, you remember the legendary title held by your boyfriend within these walls and shift in your seat to face the man next to you. He’s probably in his 40’s and looks a little worn around the edges but it could also simply be the hazy vibe of the entire bar making him seem that way. Nothing here seems clean, pristine, or perfect - unlike the way Gojo is elevated by his peers - and it amuses you how easily he has found his place amongst it all. 
“So, how long has he been coming here to play darts?” Your question makes the man shake his head and shrug. “A few months, maybe. Came out of nowhere one night.”
He gratefully bows his head when a dish with a skewer is passed across the bar toward him by the chef and wordlessly, another is passed in your direction. You accept it with a bow of your own, appreciative of how kind everyone has been despite your status as an outsider. It’s easy to feel outcast when you consider how isolated the work of a sorcerer tends to be, something you’ve lamented to your boyfriend on more than one occasion, so being accepted open armed and without question is almost uncomfortable no matter how well you play it off by saying thank you for the meal and biting through a perfectly charred green onion and humming your approval.
“It’s the craziest thing any of us have ever seen. He hits the bullseye without even looking sometimes.”
Snorting as you chew, you keep it to yourself that he’s in all likelihood using his excellent perception to cheat knowing that the average person doesn’t care about Limitless or Six Eyes or anything remotely similar. They don’t know he has been exceptional since birth, they just know he has a mean wrist and hits his mark every single time.  Honestly, you think that may be why he likes it here so much. He doesn’t have to be anything but some guy sipping on a cold soda.
“He has a knack for a lot of things,” you mutter to no one in particular, noticing that your companion has left his seat and walked toward where a crowd has gathered around the dartboard. The show must be about to begin and you settle into your seat, taking another bite and washing it down with a sip from your beer. More people weave past you and Satoru appears almost out of thin air, joking and laughing at the crowd.
“Who thinks I should show my girl over there why I’m the champion?”
The champion, The Strongest, it’s all the same to him as long as he’s the star of the show no matter where he is. 
The crowd erupts and turns to glance at you, much to your mortification as you shrink slightly into your seat and another skewer is passed across the bar. You aren’t shy or apprehensive about receiving attention but it’s the insinuation that you are his girl that makes you feel a little uncertain. It’s a big responsibility to love a man with the world in his palm and there have been many times you’ve wondered if you are even up to the task. Will you be enough to keep him happy forever?
He doesn’t give you much time to chase a trail of darkness in your own mind, your attention grabbed when he shouts your name across the bar and flings a dart. It whizzes through the air and hits its designated bullseye with a definitive slam and the bar erupts into applause and hooting.
“That’s not even how you play darts.”
You’re talking to yourself again but simultaneously biting back a smile while Satoru spreads his arms wide and looks around as if to say, “yeah, I did that.” You want so badly to be annoyed by his pomp but his enthusiasm is nothing if not contagious and the crowd grows more rowdy with each second that passes.
“Now it’s her turn to throw one for you!”
As soon as the suggestion is tossed out, you lift the yakitori to your mouth and take a bite to avoid having to walk toward the opposite end of the bar to do just as you’re being asked. He’s a tough act to follow and although your ego isn’t even a speck compared to his, you aren’t sure you can handle the disappointed aww-ing that would come as a result of firing a shot that lands off of the board. 
“Come on!” 
“Do it for Gojo! Do it for Gojo!”
Just as you’re about to throw your hands up and shake your head, Satoru locks eyes with you and crooks his finger, beckoning you toward him with a smirk that you know you are far too weak for him to deny. Making a show of groaning and rolling your eyes, you trudge across the wooden floors and finally you stand next to him. He throws his arm over your shoulder with an easy chuckle and bends his knees to get low enough to whisper in your ear, voice a rasp.
“Yeah, do it for Gojo.”
He produces a dart between his fingers and you reach to grab it, plucking it between your own to get a feel for it while casting him a sidelong glance that clearly amuses him. You have done this just once or twice at an arcade with darts that do not have the sharpened metal point but this is real and everyone is watching you and you’re doing it for him - the man you love no matter where the two of you are.
You take a deep breath and he removes himself from hovering over your shoulder, giving you ample space to get comfortable. Spreading your feet apart, you make a few motions with your elbow to test the angle you need to throw at and you swear the bar falls completely silent the moment you gnaw your lower lip with your teeth and toss it, hoping some of Satoru’s natural good luck has rubbed off on you. 
Instead, the dart clatters to the ground. For a millisecond, you want to follow suit and fall to the ground and hopefully disappear and never come back but without missing a beat, everyone cheers for you anyway. The eruption makes the building feel like it’s shaking, stomping feet and clapping hands coming from every direction while Satoru bundles you in his arms and pulls you against him. Dipping his chin, he presses a kiss against your temple and you sigh, leaning into it. 
“Looks like the champion is still undefeated!” He shouts and you elbow him playfully in the ribs. This only draws a wicked little snicker from your boyfriend and he bends down to whisper in your ear again, one hand wrapped around your waist. “Better luck next time, baby.”
The crowd continues to cheer and several patrons take their turn approaching and clapping Gojo on the back. It’s surprising despite knowing his Infinity is off because you’re in his arms but you know it means that he’s comfortable. He trusts everyone here and their intentions, at least for now and that’s good enough for you.
You tap his arm once and he lets you go, his eyes following your every movement as you bend to pick up your dart from the ground and hold it in your palm. Smirking, you turn toward him with a twinkle in your eye that he recognizes all too well and the patrons hold their breath wondering what will happen next.
“I think the champion is counting his chickens before they hatch.”
An ooh spreads across the bar and you grin to match Satoru’s toothy one, holding your arms open to offer yourself as a contender. His glasses slide down his nose a little and he pushes them back up, covering his eyes enough that you won’t be able to tell if his abilities are on or off.
“Finally, a worthy opponent!”
His words send the patrons into another frenzy and you laugh although the only person who can hear it is the man standing closest to you, the one who wants to make you laugh the most. You join his side and he wraps one of his arms around your shoulders again while plucking a dart from his pants pocket and moving to toss it again.
“Good luck,” he mutters while looking down at you with a smirk and he lands yet another shot perfectly without even looking. 
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It’s always evident when either you or Satoru have a rough day. Your shoulders slump and smiles become half hearted, hiding the frustration simmering inside of you. His need to cling to you becomes more intense than ever, you are the desperate reminder he needs that he’s human after maiming curses, and that’s how you’ve ended up walking hand in hand back to his apartment.
The two of you were lucky enough to make it off campus before sunset and you can count today as one of the handful of times that you’ve been reprimanded by Principal Yaga thanks to a mission that leveled the bottom floor of a local preschool. Thankfully no one was injured but you were reckless and deserved the reminder of the innocent that needed protecting. That’s why you do what you do.
Gojo, well…he is rarely not in trouble but today hurts worse because he got you in trouble, too. The two of you are rarely paired up for missions after the Great Restaurant Destruction of 2012 where he leveled a small family restaurant in Yokohama in an ill guided attempt to impress you but now that three years since then have passed, Yaga insists it’s to keep at least one instructor on campus at all times. 
No matter what occurred today, both of you seem a little zapped. His steps are heavier and slower and you’ve been quiet the entire walk to his apartment from the train station. It has been awhile since the two of you have spent any time over here, too busy with work and crashing at your place that is closer to campus than his if you have a night together, but it’s nice to get a change of scenery. His neighborhood is far nicer than your very normal one and you enjoy taking in the sights of how he lives when he’s not with you.
Down the sidewalk, an elderly woman catches your eye and you see her struggling with a few bags. Nudging Satoru’s ribs, he looks down at you and then down the sidewalk and immediately shouts, holding his arms in the air.
Before you can reprimand Satoru for being impolite and skipping all sense of formality, especially toward an elder, the woman turns her head with a smile and offers a small wave in his direction. She’s slightly hunched in the shoulders likely due to age and her hair is a beautiful pale gray, the fading sunlight catching the hollows of her cheekbones. Your breath catches in your throat as you’re reminded that there’s nothing more beautiful than to grow old, something you pray often that yourself and Satoru are able to do together. Especially after a day like today.
“That’s Mrs. Ikedo, remember?”
You nod at his words, vaguely remembering a conversation the two of you had about Satoru helping her move some things from her home into storage a few months ago. Mrs. Ikedo steps slowly in the direction of the two of you and he takes a few long legged steps toward her and offers his arm to help. She swats it away playfully and you smile watching the interaction, almost identical to how the two of you behave often. How does he so easily find stubborn women to surround himself with?
“Where have you been, young man?”
Witnessing the two of them interact, you wonder how much she knows about the life Satoru leads. Does she know about his abilities? The danger he willingly puts himself in to keep people safe? He doesn’t see it as dangerous, of course, his incredible belief in himself outweighs all other possibilities but there is always a chance he’ll never come home regardless. A breeze blows by as the ominous thought of him never coming back bleeds into your mind and you shiver slightly, pulling your jacket closer to your body.
“You know me, I’m a wanted and busy man.”
She laughs and you smile despite only being on the fringes of the conversation. The sun dips lower in the sky, dusk coloring the world in warm amber, and you’re almost too lost in your thoughts when he joins your side once more and pulls you close to him. He doesn’t caress all of your sadness away but the way his thumb massages your side even through your jacket helps you feel more grounded.
“Baba invited us in for a cup of tea. You up for it?”
It would be impolite to say anything but yes so you nod, letting him lead the way to the home you know belongs to her because it’s four buildings down from his. The longer you’ve been standing here, the more you recall about her because he has mentioned her more than once. 
“Thank you for inviting us, Mrs. Ikedo.” You smile warmly in her direction and she walks slowly beside the two of you, her grocery bags now slung over Satoru’s free arm despite him jokingly picking up the lightest one and then asking her to handle the rest. 
“You don’t have to be so formal with me, this one sure isn’t.”
She jerks her head in the direction of Satoru who chuckles and waves his arm, the reusable bags hanging from them rustling against his shirt. Your formality is almost always a balm to his brash nature so you too easily fall into the role. Gratefulness warms you against the cool evening air and you lean further into your boyfriend’s side.
“Remember who is carrying your bags,” she pats his forearm and you follow her inside of her home, taking your shoes off at the door and looking around. It resembles the home of every other elderly person you’ve ever been into - covered in various collectibles and photos. Smiling faces and one you can easily recognize as her a long time ago, hair cropped to her chin in a tidy bob.
“Satoru looked at that one and asked me what century I was born in.”
It would be best to reprimand him for rudeness once again but instead, you giggle and rub your palms together to warm them. Winter has arrived and while there isn’t yet snow on the ground, the air feels chilly even indoors and you will welcome a cup of tea between your hands as soon as you are able. Mrs. Ikedo leads you through her home and into the kitchen where Gojo places her shopping bags on the counter, sighing.
“I just remembered I have something for you from Gifu,” he says with a sigh and a stretch, pretending the bags were any kind of a hassle for him. “Is it okay if she stays here while I run home to grab it?”
The woman nods and you fight the urge to be annoyed that he’s leaving you in a stranger’s home no matter how kind she may be. This day keeps going on and on and you are fighting off a pout and an attitude when a warm mug is offered to you with a smile, the lovely scent of green tea filling your nostrils and calming you down. 
“He’s quite something, isn’t he?”
You laugh, head bobbing in agreement. That is certainly one word to describe him and many have said the same thing to you in the past. He is something, the word takes a life of its own and has a different meaning to everyone who says it. To you, he’s your “sometimes not but currently yes” boyfriend, a man who has known you since you were fifteen years old and still had baby fat making your cheeks chubby, your best friend most of the time but you understand why others struggle to see him that way.
“He knows it, too. Most people say that’s the worst thing about him - he knows who he is and brings him everywhere he goes.”
The woman laughs and ushers you in the direction of the sitting area of her home, inviting you to sit down at a kotatsu that she flicks the switch on to heat up. You will be the last person to ever turn down the opportunity to warm up and you kneel on the ground, holding your mug against your legs that are tucked beneath you.
“I was surprised when he told me he’s a teacher.” You nod again, understanding that this surprises many people that the mouthiest man in the room has apparently been entrusted to create future well adjusted adults. “I figured he would be a model or something judging by the size of him. What do you feed him?”
“It always surprises people when he tells them that he teaches but he really has a way with the kids.” You respond with a giggle, sipping your tea as you finish speaking and letting the warmth seep through you. The strain of your shoulders starts to relax and you lean back, comfortable. “He keeps things fun for them so they don’t realize they’re learning most of the time.”
She hums and nods.
“He brought that Hakari over here last year because he told me the boy needed to learn a little hard work.”
That’s an amusing sentiment from someone who doesn’t work very hard himself, you think, but you remember the issues he had with Hakari last year and how only a few of them resolved themselves going into his second year and now he’s your problem - attitude and all. Despite his hands off approach to work, he is a good kid deep down and you know the support of the man the sorcerer community basically views as a god probably helped bolster his confidence. That’s what makes Satoru so good at what he does - the weight that his praise carries. All people dream of being told they’re doing a good job by the star in their field.
“He was right about that. Hakari is my student now and it must have helped him a little bit, he shows up to class three days a week now instead of one.”
She grins at you and sips from her tea, settling beneath the warmth of the kotatsu with a contented sigh.
“You’re a teacher too, I recall Satoru telling me. You seem more suited to the role than he does.” She nods and sips again, placing the cup in front of her when she’s finished. “A lot more nurturing.”
It always embarrasses you a little bit to know that Gojo talks about you when the two of you are apart. That’s not to say that you don’t talk about him because you do. In fact, you gush. Your sisters and friends get tired of hearing about it during the good times and put you on temporary bans against talking about him at all. It feels more vulnerable when it’s him doing the talking, though. 
“Thank you for saying that. I’m glad I get to work with him, he’s definitely one of the best parts of the job even on bad days like today.”
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you for a moment and you know she’s appraising you but you aren’t sure on what criteria. Are you slouching? You’re certain that the mascara you put on this morning is likely flaking beneath your eyes by this point and you look a mess but you doubt she’d care too much about that kind of thing. 
“Would you take some advice from a nosy old lady?”
She sure is funny. You find yourself laughing at her again, nodding gratefully. You are warm and relaxed and you can see why he has made friends with this woman.
“Of course. All of the best wisdom comes from nosy old ladies.”
Sighing, she leans forward and makes a face while moving her legs. 
“This cold…terrible for my joints,” she laments while settling back in. You sip your tea and watch patiently, scooting closer to the warmth of the kotatsu yourself. 
“He loves you.” You choke on the mouthful of tea you were swallowing and she chuckles while you wipe the corners of your mouth and cough. “The person you want to spend the night with after a bad day is the person you love. Don’t push him away or punish him for not understanding everything yet, he has a lot to learn too.”
You’re shocked by the wisdom and you blink at her dumbly. Words aren’t coming to you easily and she can tell, smiling kindly and watching you grip your mug for dear life.
“Give him time. He’ll grow to be the man you’re married to for 70 years.” She nods toward the wall behind you and turning your head, you gasp to see a portrait of Mrs. Ikedo and who you are assuming is the now gone Mr. Ikedo by her side, matching grins in wedding kimonos. It’s overwhelming to be compared to a couple that clearly had so much love in it and you blink tightly, willing yourself not to cry and embarrass your boyfriend in front of his friend. 
“Take it from me, the ones who need a little patience are the ones you have the most fun with.”
Sniffling, you nod and sip from your tea again. You hope that she won’t hold it against you that you’re struggling to find the words of appreciation for her sentiment. Blessedly, you hear her front door open and Satoru hums while taking his shoes off and entering her home, whining when he sees the two of you are comfortable without him.
“Sorry for interrupting,” he mutters sarcastically while joining your side, kneeling and sliding a decorative box across the floor in the direction of his friend. You lean your head on his bicep and he smiles, glad to be touching you in any capacity. You are his comfort and his Infinity always off when you’re near, something that the woman across from you likely has no idea about. 
There is a wall between him and the world and you are what reminds him of what exists between the two places. You make him more..human.
“If you brought me another set of tea cups I’m going to throw them at you,” she mutters while opening the box but a delighted grin quickly replaces her teasing frown when she sees a ceramic frog inside the box. Lifting it out, she shows it off and you smile.
“Another for the collection. You know me too well.”
Satoru shrugs and you see it rather than feel it, making a note to ask him a few more questions about just how close he and the widow are when the two of you get home.
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At 8 am on a Saturday, a knock rings through the Fushiguro children’s apartment and Megumi rises from where he sits on the floor reading with a groan, his sister scrambling to get up behind him to see who could possibly be visiting them this early. He would assume it’s Gojo but usually he just invites himself in so it has to be…
Megumi opens the door wide enough you can see his eyes and you wiggle your fingers in a wave. The morning sun shines behind you and his sister appears behind him and says your name excitedly. Suddenly he feels annoyed and shy and a million other things he can’t explain because he’s twelve and the world is nothing short of frustrating at that age anyway.
He almost got into a fight at school this week and that’s why you’re here. Satoru is off in Iwate on a mission and as his guardian, he received the phone call while “decimating a den of second grade curses” (his words) and debated even telling you about it. His concern for Megumi outweighs all else though and he asked you last night to check up on them today, just to see how he seems. Tsumiki is always the angel of the household and right now she’s pushing past her brother to let you in even though he’s reluctant. He knows you must know, that big mouthed overgrown idiot-
“Good morning, I’m here to make you breakfast!”
Megumi’s mean thoughts cut themselves off when you offer to cook and he moves enough that the door can open, letting you slip through a narrow crack with a smile. He knows you’re a capable cook and he’d be silly to shoo you off when you’re offering so kindly.
“What’s for breakfast?” He asks as you toe your shoes off and enter the apartment, taking a deep breath along the way. It’s clean as always, the futons are folded, it’s small but cozy and you smile seeing pictures of Satoru and the two of them hanging on the walls. Megumi can pretend he doesn’t like to be around him but there are many signs that point to otherwise, a little smile evident on his face in each framed image. 
“I was going to ask you the same thing! What do you want?”
Breezing through the living room, both of them follow after you.
“We usually have rice with a fried egg on top,” Tsumiki chimes in while she trounces to your side. She’s almost taller than you are and it amazes you how time flies. It wasn’t all that long ago you were braiding her hair and polishing her fingernails for her, her brother shyly requesting you paint his thumbnails alongside hers.
“I’m not asking what you usually have, silly, I’m asking what you want to have.”
You raise yourself up on the balls of your feet slightly to reach high enough to affectionately rub the top of her head and it makes her giggle, the two of you finally making it through the kitchen where her brother is already waiting.
“Depending on what you have in the cupboards, I can make just about anything,” you offer with a hum at the end, wondering who will offer up a suggestion first. You know the two of them are shy about their needs and often pretend they don’t have any lest they concern their guardian or anyone else he has around to help out with the situation but you try to encourage them to speak up when they can. They’re both good kids; wonderful, even, if you consider the situation they’re in.
“How about something fancy? Oh, I can make some French toast.”
Despite himself, the surly almost teenager smiles and shrugs. His sister practically dances out of the kitchen, walking back toward the small living room space of their accommodations, her unabashed sweetness the perfect foil to her brother whose mouth remains in a flat line while his green eyes scan over you, hunting for ill intent he will never find. 
“Why are you here?”
You look up from combing through cabinets to find even the most basic ingredients and make a note to give Satoru a piece of your mind for keeping the kitchen mostly stocked with convenience food rather than what they need to make meals, meeting Megumi’s uncertain glance. He rests against the counter and for a moment you realize that he is no longer the unruly haired child the two of you used to take for the occasional picnic and day at the museum with Tsumiki. He’s growing up and you feel guilty for making things confusing for him thanks to your admittedly confusing dynamic with the man who more or less cares for him, his de facto big brother. 
Megumi and Tsumiki both have experienced a lot in their young lives and all of the attempts everyone in Satoru’s life have made to help them have a normal childhood cannot fix the pain of loss and the anxiety of not knowing what comes next. Neither of them are apt to open up about all of it, satisfied long ago with the thought that their parents ran off together and never returned, and part of you hopes they never find out the truth. There is safety in ignorance and what have these last four years been besides an attempt to keep them as safe as two children can be?
Stepping away from the cupboard, you turn to face him and lean your own hip against the countertop, attempting to meet him on his level. 
“I’m here because the two of you got good grades and I wanted to celebrate with you. Is that okay?” His skepticism practically wafts off of him and you snort. “We got good grades three months ago.”
You sigh, knowing you’ve been caught in an admittedly bad lie but you don’t bother to elaborate the real reason knowing he’s well aware. Changing the subject is probably the worst way to handle it but hey, you aren’t here to discipline him so you assume the role you’re better at and that’s comfort.
 “Can’t I just do something nice for you two? You don’t have to earn everything.”
A shadow falls over his face and you notice it, leaning forward on your elbows slightly to look at him. He is a boy with big emotions even if he hides them to appear stoic on the surface, something you have worried for years that Satoru is not equipped enough to handle given he rarely blinks at his own distress before compartmentalizing it. There’s more than meets the eye for the enigmatic man who ties all of your lives together but children aren’t always the most capable of picking up on that, seeing him as an overly happy nuisance rather than someone who covers up anguish with smiles. 
“People have been doing things for me my whole life even if I’m not acting my best.”
Tilting your head, you wordlessly ask him to elaborate if he would like to and he sighs. The way his shoulders slump gives away anything he’s trying to hide and the nurturing part of you fights the urge to make him spill knowing it would surely backfire. You’re aware he has mixed emotions about his relationship with Gojo thanks to the few times you’ve been able to get him to open up enough to talk about how he feels indebted to the man for saving his sister more so than saving him but that’s a big load to carry for a twelve year old. To keep things as light as you can, you take a card from Gojo’s book and play it off as nothing, propping your chin up with your fist and keeping your elbows on the counter.
“So? It’s not like they’re asking you to pay them back. We all have times where we are not our best.”
The unspoken part of your statement is that Megumi knows he will eventually have to become a sorcerer someday but given his abilities, it was inevitable no matter whose care he came into. Perhaps this is some form of payment for the guardianship he has been given over the years but you don’t believe that Gojo sees it that way on more than a surface level, a debt paid with flesh is hardly one that the cornerstone of sorcerer society would care to collect on from a child.
“Listen,” you use the weighted silence in the kitchen to your advantage and keep your tone low and even while speaking. You’re sure that if Tsumiki were listening that she would hear you anyway but you don’t think too hard about it. “All anyone wants is for you and your sister to be safe and happy. We stop in because we care about you and want you to know that you always have people on your side.”
Watching him carefully, you hope that your words bring him some comfort and you swear that a trace of a blush comes across his cheeks. The tips of his ears are red which always gives him away and you reach to pinch his cheek, to which he responds by slapping at your hand and groaning, scrunching his nose. 
“We love our little Megumi, what can we say?”
He rolls his eyes but something about him feels definitively lighter so you feel as though your job is done. You open your mouth to speak again but you’re stopped when you hear the front door open, Megumi looking over his shoulder to see who could possibly be here.
The shout comes from the front door and you recognize the voice immediately. A smile comes across your lips and Tsumiki stands up in the living room and rushes to the door to greet Satoru who just arrived at the apartment with still hot breakfast in takeout bags dangling from his arms.
Megumi rolls his eyes but his usual frown is replaced by the hint of a smile. He leans against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest and watches his sister greet Gojo gleefully, already thanking him profusely while he heads toward the kitchen to see you standing there. He raises his eyebrows, feigning surprise, and you roll your eyes as he holds up his arms and shows off the bags.
“Celebrating the two little geniuses in apartment 9-A!” 
You nod and he sticks his tongue out at you while he passes, shimmying past Megumi to place the bags on the counter next to you. Wordlessly, you try to indicate that the smart boy has already picked up on the lie and to not proceed with it by widening your eyes and shaking your head but he misses the cue.
“I had the same idea.”
Megumi scoffs and lifts himself away from where he leans, stepping quietly toward the enticing smell of a fancy breakfast looking between the two of you while gathering plates from the cupboard to his right.
“Yeah that’s because you guys are exactly alike.”
Tsumiki opens her mouth to reprimand him for being rude but you shake your head, smiling as you lean over toward her brother.
“Yeah but which one of us do you like better?”
This finally draws a chuckle from the usually sullen boy and you nudge him playfully, a shy smile on his face that he dips his chin to try and hide. The curve of his cheek gives him away and you decide to leave him be for now until he leans in and fake whispers, plates between his palms.
“You but don’t tell him.”
“I heard that!”
Feigning offense, Satoru scoffs and holds his hand to his t-shirt clad chest. You smile up at him and he winks down at you, the two of you aware that the Fushiguro siblings are watching your every move. Megumi pushes past you to begin unpacking the bags after handing the plates to Tsumiki who giggles and leaves the three of you alone.
“So I’m not in trouble?” Gojo sighs and claps Megumi on the back, shaking his head. “No but if you start a fight you better win it or else you will be.”
You gasp and smack his bicep with the back of your hand, frowning while Megumi genuinely laughs and starts opening containers that smell so good it makes all of your mouths water. The discussion isn’t over but it’s paused for now and that’s something all of you can accept.
“What? I’m just saying,” Satoru argues while picking up a container and heading toward the set table. “Haven’t I always taught you to finish fights that you start?”
Megumi nods, following after the man with another container. Their relationship is unconventional but he can’t deny that he has learned not just that but much more from him. Each of you sit and you notice Megumi perk up a bit, Satoru using his chopsticks to put pancakes on each of the plates.
“To winning fights!”
“Hey, I thought it was to good grades! And he didn’t even fight!” Tsumiki interjects and you laugh, hugging her shoulders. Her brother scoffs at the white haired man next to him while he pours criminal amounts of syrup over his plate and for a moment, you think that maybe this arrangement is more comfortable for them than it seems.
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https-milo · 11 days
start stream masterlist / Inumaki's college debt profiles
my main masterlist
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Y/n and Yuji have been going to the same schools since middle school
The two met Megumi and Nobara in their second year of High School
Yuji has 3 different sports scholarships for college, earning him a full-ride
Megumi is a lit major and Gojo pays for his tuition
Nobara is a fashion major and models for money
Y/n is a journalist major, but god does she hate it
The four of them live together in a house paid for by Gojo and Y/n
They're all 18
Y/n has been streaming since she was 14, meaning she's been doing it for 4 years
Y/n's "streamer persona" and her normal self are two STARKLY different people, hence the difference between her priv and main
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TAG LIST / 3/50: @sorenflyinn @cookielovesbook-akie @qibblekelp
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
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in which, jungkook wakes up to you crying at two in the morning
pairings. jungkook x reader (f)
genre(s)/au. fluff, comfort, crack, established relationship
warnings. major jjk manga spoilers!! you have been warned. mentions of the word d3ad, nothing to do with jk or the reader
note. this might be a bit of a self indulgent drabble bc im still mourning :D so enjoy
jungkook's hand twitches in his sleep, unconsciously reaching for the loss of your warmth. you tend to scooch away from him when you sleep and he has to blindly search for you in his sleep and pull you back to him. but his hand only finds the cold empty sheets and he thinks you might've scooted farther from him, of course not on purpose.
as he's half asleep, he groans lightly about to sit up on his elbow but he hears quiet sniffles in the room.
now he's alert and awake.
quick thoughts of you getting up to the bathroom but hurting yourself somehow or you had a nightmare.
"yn?" he feels the sheets move beside him, then he notices you're all the way at the edge of the bed and you have your phone in front of your face.
he frowns, carefully scooting next to you. did you hear him call you?
"baby, why are you up?" he asks softly, his head whipping around to check the time from the digital clock on your desk. it's 2:24am.
you can barely turn your head but he sees you shaking your head. you can’t let him see. he’d be heartbroken as well. probably not as much as you are right now though.
“did i wake you? go back to bed.” as if he can, you’ve definitely been crying. and what kind of boyfriend would he be if he just went back to bed.
he places his hand on your shoulder peeking out from the blanket and it doesn’t go unnoticed how you hide your lit phone screen.
you shake your head again. “no, go away.” poorly, attempting to shoo him away as if he would so easily.
he pokes his bottom lip out, visibly pouting. “why? what’s wrong?”
“nothing, go back to bed kook.” you dismiss, your voice breaking at the end of your sentence.
nothing my ass, he thinks.
he tries to be fast and reach for your phone with his other hand but you react quick and hide your phone under the blanket.
“no!” you exclaim.
“baby, what the hell is on your phone that’s making you cry?”
you keep shaking your head, wincing when jungkook turns your bedside lamp on.
jungkook let’s out an audible gasp, seeing how red your eyes, cheeks and nose is from you crying. cursing to himself because that means you’ve been crying for awhile while he was asleep.
“baby, stop shaking your head at me. you can tell me.” he gently cups your face, the pads of his thumbs wiping your cheeks and wiping the inner corner of your eyes for those eye boogies.
“i can’t tell you, and actually, give me your phone. i forbid you going on your phone for the entire week.” you try to look for his phone while he’s still cupping your face in his hands but he forces you to look at him.
“tell me.” he says sternly, nothing but pure concern in his eyes for his lover.
the way he’s looking at you and studying your eyes for any clues makes you whimper and break down again, you collapsing in his hold, burying your face against his bare chest and your arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
he holds you tight, his hand holding the back of your head against him as he tries to calm you down with soothing whispers.
you have to tell him.
you pull away from him, tears freshly running down your face as your lips are trembling. but he just peers down at you with the utmost love and care.
“he’s dead.”
his first thought is, maybe one of your family members? one of your classmates? coworker? one of your friends? he doesn’t know but a thousand thoughts are running through his mind because he’s just worried about you.
“who?” he asks, cupping your face in his palms once again.
you sniff, “gojo. he died in the new chapter of the manga.” you break down again, clinging onto him as you wet his chest with your tears.
you continue, “i couldn’t fall asleep so i was watching tiktok and i saw a fucking chapter leak and saw that he fucking died. he’s supposed to be the strongest!” you sob into him.
a weight has been lifted off his chest, thankful it’s nothing serious. the anime you both watch and keep up with every thursday, that you’ve grown to love and enjoy watching from the storyline and characters. he knows you tend to have a favorite character and have a fixation on them, and the one for the white haired, blue eye, six foot character grew since the first part of the second season.
“i thought it was something serious, baby. scared the shit out of me.” he mumbles against your hair.
“ow-“ he winced.
“this is something serious, i thought you’d be upset and i was going to hide it from you.”
jungkook stares at you fondly, his soft touches grazing your skin continuously. "silly, i wouldn't be this upset."
you scoff, pushing his hands away from you as you crawl back to your side of the bed. but he is quick to be beside you and tangling his limbs with yours, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
you lift your hands from under the blanket, shoving your phone in his face behind you. “look.”
his eyes widen at the picture in front of him. “well damn,” he mutters. he sighs, taking your phone and turning it off. tossing it somewhere behind him on the bed before snuggling back into you.
“don’t worry, pretty. i’m sure he’ll come back, we can read theories and make our own tomorrow. but right now, sleep please.” he kisses your neck covered by your hair, he uses his nose to move some of your locks before kissing the bare skin.
and you fall asleep.
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kurominiiiz · 11 days
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SERIES: "Bomb's Away!!" - Chapter 3 : It's What Everybody Craves!
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The air was heavy with the smell of cigarette smoke and the low hum of neon signs. You leaned against the wall of the empty arcade, your (color) hair, wild, and eyes reflecting the flashing lights of the machines that buzzed around you. It was late—way past curfew for Jujutsu High students—but you never cared much for rules. Not back then, anyway.
It had been a while since you'd visited this place. The dimly lit arcade, tucked away in a corner of Tokyo, held too many memories. You took a long drag from your cigarette, letting the smoke curl lazily into the air, and closed your eyes. The buzz of the neon, the smell of cheap food from the street vendors—it all brought you back to a time when things were simpler, even if they were far from easy.
"Oi, Bombshell!" a familiar voice called out, breaking through your thoughts.
You opened your eyes just as Hakari stormed in, his swagger on full display. The tall, muscular sorcerer had his signature grin plastered across his face, hands stuffed into his jacket pockets. His presence was loud—like he owned the world, or at least this corner of it. You smirked despite yourself. He hadn’t changed a bit.
Right behind him, moving with a casual ease, was Kirara Hoshi. She always had that ethereal, aloof air about her, their long, star-adorned hair catching the light as she walked. Kirara’s sharp eyes met your own, and there was an understanding between you both—a bond that didn’t need words.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Kirara said with a teasing lilt. “Thought you were too good for us now that you’ve become Gojo’s favorite project.”
You rolled your eyes, flicking the ash from your cigarette. “Gojo’s got nothin' ta do with it. Just been busy, that’s all.”
Hakari slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a mock headlock. “Busy bein' a pain in the ass, more like. You don’t get to ghost us, Bombshell. We’re a team, remember?”
You elbowed him in the ribs, not too hard, but enough to get him to back off. “I haven’t ghosted ya. You’ve been picking fights with the higher-ups, and Kirara’s been… well, Kirara.”
Kirara grinned, leaning against one of the machines. “What can I say? I have my own way of handling things.”
You snorted. The three of you were always an odd trio—Hakari, the muscle with a sharp tongue and quick temper; Kirara, the mysterious strategist who never quite let anyone in; and you, the wild card who kept them grounded but pushed them to take risks. You three weren’t just classmates or fellow sorcerers. You were family.
It hadn’t always been that way, though.
You could still remember your first year at Jujutsu High. You had come in with a chip on your shoulder, brimming with cursed energy and a reckless attitude. Hakari was just as hotheaded back then, already notorious for his brawls with anyone who crossed him. And Kirara? She'd always been the quiet observer, watching from the shadows until the right moment to strike.
Your first real mission together was when everything changed.
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Two Years Ago
The rain pelted down hard, making the alley slick and treacherous. You crouched behind a dumpster, your heart pounding in your chest. You could feel the cursed energy swirling in the air, thick and dangerous. It was your first major assignment as second-years—eliminate a high-level curse that had been terrorizing the city. Gojo had assigned you three the mission, confident that you were ready.
But things had gone south quickly.
Hakari was fighting in the distance, his energy flaring as he clashed with the curse, his fists glowing with raw power. Kirara was beside him, manipulating her strange, star-shaped markings to keep the curse disoriented. You had been tasked with keeping an eye on the civilians—ensuring no one got hurt in the crossfire.
But it wasn’t going well. The curse was stronger than any of you had anticipated, and it was getting harder to keep it contained.
“Bombshell, get over here!” Hakari’s voice rang out through the storm, his usual confidence tinged with frustration.
You gritted your teeth, cursing under your breath as you bolted from your hiding spot. Your cursed energy flared to life, crackling around you like electricity. You darted toward the fight, your feet splashing through puddles as you closed the distance.
As you reached them, you could see the strain in Hakari’s movements. His usual cocky grin was gone, replaced by a grim determination. Kirara was faring better, but even she was struggling to keep the curse from tearing through their defenses.
You didn’t hesitate. With a wild scream, you launched yourself into the fray, your cursed energy exploding outwards as you swung your bat—your weapon of choice—straight into the curse’s side. The impact sent a shockwave through the air, and the curse let out a guttural screech, its form distorting under the force of the blow.
Hakari grinned, catching his second wind. “That’s more like it, Bombshell!”
The three of you moved in perfect sync after that—Hakari attacking head-on, Kirara controlling the battlefield with her markings, and you dancing between them, striking fast and hard. It wasn’t clean, and it wasn’t pretty, but you guys got the job done.
By the time the curse was vanquished, you were all drenched, battered, and exhausted. But you were alive. And more than that—you’d found your rhythm.
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Present Day
You exhaled slowly, the memory fading as you flicked your cigarette into the street. You glanced at Hakari and Kirara, your lips curling into a smirk. “You two still pickin' fights with curses like it’s goin' outta style?”
Hakari laughed, a deep, hearty sound that filled the quiet night. “What can I say? Gotta stay sharp. Besides, the higher-ups are always asking for trouble.”
Kirara gave a knowing smile. “Someone’s got to keep them in check.”
You nodded, feeling that familiar warmth settle in your chest. Even though things had changed since then—Hakari’s suspension, your own self-imposed absence—this bond remained. You'd been through too much together to let anything come between you.
Hakari glanced at you, his expression softening. “You know… you didn’t have to disappear when I got suspended, right? This place hasn’t been the same without you.”
You felt a pang of guilt but shrugged it off. “I wasn’t gonna stick around while you 'ere gone. Yer the one who dragged me to this school in the first place, remember? Besides, Kirara woulda been bored outta her mind without me around.”
Kirara rolled her eyes but smiled. “Don’t think too highly of yourself, (Y/n). But… yeah, it’s been quieter without you.”
You sighed, leaning back against the wall. “I guess I just needed a break. Things got messy after that mission, and then Hakari… well, ya know how it is. But I’m here now. Principal’s orders.”
Hakari smirked. “You’ve always hated authority, haven’t you?”
Your smirk mirrored his. “Yeah, well, I make exceptions when it comes to savin' the world. Or whatever.”
For a moment, the three of you stood there, the silence between you comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding. You didn’t need to say it out loud—your bond was stronger than anything the Jujutsu world could throw at you.
Hakari grinned, slapping you on the back. “Good. Because we’ve got a lot of catching up to do, Bombshell. And with that vessel runnin' around, things are about to get real interesting.”
You met his gaze, your eyes gleaming with a familiar fire. “Yeah. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
The late-night glow of the city buzzed in your veins as you stepped away from the arcade, your cigarette still burning between your fingers. Hakari and Kirara lingered behind, still laughing about something, but your mind was already miles ahead—back at Jujutsu High.
You'd avoided that place long enough. Coming back wasn’t your first choice, but with Hakari suspended and your resentment toward the higher-ups festering, you’d stayed away for your own sanity. But Gojo’s recent call and the buzz around "Sukuna's vessel" had pulled you back in. It wasn’t just about obligation—something deeper gnawed at you, a restless feeling you couldn’t shake.
The school was quiet when you arrived, the kind of quiet that felt unnatural. Even in the dead of night, Jujutsu High was usually alive with energy, the hum of cursed spirits lurking in the shadows, the faint thrum of students training late or sneaking out. But tonight, it was still.
As you walked through the main gates, the familiar courtyard opened up in front of you. The sight hit you harder than you expected. The sprawling building, the worn-down training grounds, even the cracked pavement where you and Hakari had sparred countless times—it was like you’d stepped back in time. Only now, everything felt slightly off. It's unfamiliar, even though it hadn’t changed at all.
Your boots crunched against the gravel as you made your way toward the dorms. You didn’t feel like sleeping, but you knew you had to find somewhere to crash before Gojo or the others started grilling you in the morning. Even with all the distance you'd tried to put between yourself and this place, you couldn’t deny that the school still held a strange pull over you.
“Look at me,” you muttered to yourself, dragging your free hand through your wild (color) hair. “Back like nothin' happened.”
Yoy stopped for a moment by the edge of the courtyard, looking out over the training grounds. The ghosts of the past flickered in your mind—old memories of you and Hakari sneaking out, skipping classes, stirring up trouble. You both used to own this place, or at least it felt like it. You were the rebels, the ones who challenged authority and fought to make your mark.
But now? You weren't sure who you were here anymore.
With a sigh, you flicked the last of your cigarette to the ground and crushed it under your heel. The dorms weren’t far now, just past the main building. You kept walking, your fingers twitching as the weight of being back settled into your chest. You could hear the faint sounds of wind rattling through the trees, but no students—no late-night laughter, no training noises, no chatter.
'What happened to this place?' you thought, half-expecting to run into someone, maybe one of the new first-years you’d trained earlier, or even Maki. But it was just… empty.
You opened the door to the dorm building, the familiar creak making you pause. The hallway was dimly lit, barely enough to see where you were going, but you didn’t need light. You knew the way by heart. Your old room was down the hall on the left, near the window that overlooked the courtyard.
When you reached the door, your hand hovered over the handle for a second too long. You weren't sure why. It was just a room—your room—but for some reason, you hesitated. Shaking your head, you turned the handle and pushed the door open.
The room was exactly as yoy’d left it. Messy, a little chaotic, but familiar. Your old bat leaned against the wall, and posters of punk bands and graffiti art covered the walls. The bed was unmade, the small desk piled high with papers and notes from half-finished assignments you’d never turned in. It smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, though you hadn’t been here in months.
You dropped your bag on the floor and flopped down onto the bed, your arms spread wide. The mattress creaked under your weight, and you stared up at the ceiling, feeling the weariness sink into your bones.
You hadn’t been back here since Hakari’s suspension, since you’d stormed off, too angry at the school’s rigid rules, too furious at the unfairness of it all. You’d built your lives around each other, the three of you. Hakari, Kirara, and you—misfits in a world that wanted you to fit into neat little boxes. And when Hakari got suspended for one of his infamous fights, everything had started to crumble. Kirara had stayed, playing by the rules just enough to avoid trouble, but you? You’d bailed, refusing to follow a system that punished your closest friend.
Now here you were again, dragged back because the world was in danger, because of Sukuna’s vessel. Part of you felt like it was some kind of cosmic joke—like the universe had a sick sense of humor, pulling you back when you’d finally managed to cut ties.
You pulled out another cigarette from your pocket, about to light it when there was a knock on your door.
"You're not supposed to smoke in the dorms, you know."
You recognized the voice before the door even fully opened. Gojo stood there, leaning against the frame with his usual grin, though there was a softness in his expression you weren't used to seeing.
“Yer not supposed ta break half tha rules ya break, and yet here we are,” you replied, lighting the cigarette anyway.
Gojo chuckled, stepping inside. “Touché. But I figured you’d be back eventually.”
“Yeah, well, I ain't exactly here by choice,” yoy muttered, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “What’s with the sudden call ta action anyway? Thought yew had yer hands full with your new first-years.”
Gojo shrugged, his hands in his pockets. “I do. But this thing with Sukuna… it’s bigger than just the first-years. I need people I can trust.”
You scoffed, sitting up on the bed. “Ya trust me? That’s a bold move.”
“You’ve always been good at downplaying yourself, (L/n),” Gojo said, his tone more serious now. “But I know what you’re capable of. And I know that when it comes down to it, you don’t back down. That’s why I asked you to come back.”
Yoy held his gaze for a moment before looking away, blowing another puff of smoke into the air. “You’ve got a lot of faith in me, Gojo.”
“Maybe,” he said, moving toward the door. “But you’ll prove me right. You always do.”
With that, Gojo gave you a lazy salute and disappeared down the hallway, leaving you alone with yoyr thoughts.
You took one last drag from your cigarette before stubbing it out on the windowsill. You couldn’t shake the feeling that things were about to get messy—messier than they’d ever been before. But something in Gojo’s words stuck with you.
Trust. It was a dangerous thing, something you didn’t give or receive easily. But you trusted Hakari and Kiara. And if Gojo was asking you to come back, it meant he trusted you too, for whatever that was worth.
'Guess I’ll have to see this through,' you thought, lying back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling once more.
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
August : 6
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Summary : Y/n has a feeling that Hiro might be gone for good but she is not going to sit and let it happen. A familiar stranger offers help.
Pairing : Gojo x y/n
Warning : Curse words, major yandere themes. drugging, Minors do not interact, 18+ only, word count : 9k+
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Previous : Masterlist
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Honeymoon period of a relationship is the period when two people have just started dating or going out. It is the period when a person sees all the hidden colors of the world, they smile at strangers, feel the breeze in their hair, wake up with a smile, the food seems tastier and somehow life seems better. But I hate the honeymoon period. It sets a person up for some unrealistic expectations of what is to come and once this period ends the greyscale life begins. Now the same person walks with a resting bitch face and rolls their eyes at a crying toddler in the cafe. You see dear reader, while the honeymoon period shows you all the good your partner has to offer, it also hides their dark side. If it was up to me I would do it all in reverse. See the downs first and then the ups, wouldn’t that be more exciting? more rewarding? 
That’s what Utahime thought to herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, so what if her relationship started off rocky? Things are going well now.. This was not the first date she had had with Gojo but something felt different. The black Viviene Westwood dress hugged her curves perfectly, what made the dress even more special was that it was sent by Gojo. This was probably the first gift he had ever given her, well second if she counted the diamond earrings he sent along with the dress, and third if she counted the red roses. She ran her hands down her sides and bit her lip. He had good taste. She blushed thinking how well he knew her measurements even though he had never touched her. She was beyond impressed but she knew better. Her smile faded thinking about all the failed dates of the past, the lunches where he ignored her if he showed up at all, the movie where they bumped into you, the dinner four days ago where he stood her up..again. Though she hadn’t seen much of Gojo this week, the invitation to a private dinner was a nice surprise. Utahime loved surprises.
As she walked towards the private seating area of the most high end restaurant in the city she decided to put the past where the past belonged and focus on the date. Water under the bridge. The doors opened to reveal Gojo, in a black velvet suit standing by the table, smiling at her. She let out a shaky breath. The room was dimly lit, a walkway made of rose petals led her to the table under the chandelier where her fiance stood. She hesitantly walked towards him, her diamond earring formed kaleidoscope shapes on his cheeks, blood rushed to her cheeks when she reached the end of the path and finally got a good look at Gojo. She didn’t think it was possible for any human to look this good. It should be really a sin to look this perfect. His hair that usually fell on his forehead was neatly set aside. His features looked sharp enough to cut her but what a bliss it would be to bleed that way. 
“You look beautiful”. Utahime was snapped out of her trance. “Thank You. You..you look good too”. Gojo smiled and pulled her chair back. 
“I’m glad the dress fits”. Gojo spoke as he settled down in his chair across from her. 
“You have good taste”. She said looking down. She was happy. Too happy, and it scared her.
“Do you like it?”. Gojo asked, reaching for her hand. He felt how she shivered under his touch and it satisfied him greatly.
“I do”. Utahime was set on not letting out more than intended. As advised, she was keeping her replies short. She had every right to be upset with him but the way he was holding her hand made her heart skip a beat.
“I’m sorry Iori”. Sweet words in a sweet voice paired with a sweet smile had Utahime flinching in her seat. “For…for what?”. She stuttered.
“For everything. I know I wasn’t..kind to you. I should have been but I was not. I lived in the past and blamed you for everything when you were just trying to help me. But now I realise how wrong I was. You are my present and my future and I am willing to make it up to you if you give me another chance”.
Utahime was at a loss for words. This was beyond what she had imagined. Was this another one of his elaborate plans? Was he toying with her?
“I know it is hard for you to trust me and I deserve it. But I promise you I will earn your trust back”. Gojo brought her hand to his lips and gently pecked her knuckles. This one gesture brought tears in her eyes. “Do you…do you really mean it?”. She asked in a shaky voice.
“I do”. Gojo nodded and let go of her hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. “I know we are officially engaged but I never really got to propose to you”. 
Gojo opened the box and pulled out the ring. “Utahime Iori, would you do me the honour of marrying me and making me the happiest man?”. 
This had to be a dream. Utahime bit the inside of her cheeks to come to her senses. Was Gojo proposing to her? Did her plan work? She looked at the shiny rock and drew in a sharp breath. It was no ordinary ring, it was the Gojo family ring. The one she was supposed to get on their wedding, instead it was right in front of her.
“I know this might seem unnatural. But after last week I have finally realised what really matters, and it’s you. It’s us. Our family that we have now and the one we will have in future..I understand if you are not ready-”.
“Yes!”. Utahime exclaimed just as Gojo was about to pull back. Gojo smiled to himself as he pulled her old ring out and slid in the new one. “It fits”. She said, smiling with teary eyes. 
“Of course it does. It was meant for you Iori”. Gojo leaned over and wiped the tear off of her cheeks and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. Utahime thought this must be a dream. It was too good to be true. But it was happening. Her plan had worked perfectly. 
Over the five course meal and a bottle of Cabernet Utahime fell for Gojo all over again. They laughed and talked. He flirted and she blushed. He held her hand and she played with his fingers. He lent her his jacket and she basked in his scent. He kissed her lips and she knew there was nothing she wanted more.
Utahime woke up in the middle of the night and sighed. This had become a routine, each night when she was sure Gojo was fast asleep she would sneak out to conspire. She rubbed her temple thinking whether all of it was a dream? She brought her other hand up and stared at the new ring and smiled to herself. It was not a dream. It really happened. If the glistening rock wasn’t enough, the heavy hand that rested over her waist confirmed the reality. She placed a chaste kiss on her fiance’s lips before slipping out of bed.
Grabbing her phone from the nightstand she made her way towards the ensuite. Turning behind to confirm that Gojo was indeed asleep she stepped inside the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
Utahime : The plan worked!
N : What? It’s too soon.
Utahime : But it did! He proposed! Again! I said yes! He even  apologised for everything and it was perfect!
N : Are you sure this is not one of his ticks?
Utahime : I am. That wretched woman is finally out of his life! I should have done this long ago.
N : Is she? Has he fired her? 
Utahime : I would ask him later. He said he wants to earn my trust so I am sure she would do it. Guess he finally realised that she had nothing to offer him and now that he thinks she is with another man and carrying his child there is no way he wants her now.
N : Hmm. Maybe. But be careful. Meet me tomorrow evening. Same place same time
Utahime felt guilty. Something about talking to another man while her fiance slept felt wrong..it felt sinful. But she justified it by thinking about the times he left her alone. But this was bigger than that. She wasn’t just talking to any man. She let out a sigh and stood up to wash her face. She had wished for this for the longest time and now that she had it, she didn’t know what to do. As soon as she opened the door she found her fiance standing on the other side of the door. “Are you okay?”. Gojo asked with concern.
Utahime : OK.
Utahime : Can we just get rid of her? I fucking hate her! She pretends to be oh so innocent but I know she's a fucking snake!
N : Calm down. All in good time. We need to be patient.
“Yeah. What are you doing?”.
“I didn’t find you in bed so I got worried”.
“I’m fine, let's go to bed”. 
Utahime Iori was in such a rush to hide her phone as she made way around Gojo,getting in the bed that she failed to notice that his phone screen lit up too.As Utahime closed her eyes in the arms of the one she loved she smiled to herself. His warm embrace took her to a dreamland she had never visited before. With her back pressed against his chest she fell asleep with a smile on her face and she didn’t notice the haunted expression on his face. She didn’t see the anger in his eyes. She felt the warmth of his body but failed to feel the tension it held. While she buried the hatchet, Gojo sharpened his’. 
Gojo saw you in the office the next day and almost smiled but he remembered your conversation on the rooftop and held himself back. Though it was never easy for him to resist reaching out to you, now that he knew everything it was only getting harder for him. So he decided to stay in his office all day..He was plagued by the truth and disgusted by the lies he had to tell to protect you. But as long as it was for you, he would do it all with a smile on his face. 
Hiro’s confession gave spark to an unfamiliar rage. Gojo wanted to play fair. Play clean. But now that the other side had involved you, purposely, he was not afraid to get his hands dirty. 
“Hi”. The door opened and Utahime walked in. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?”. Gojo asked with a sweet smile on his face.
“I was thinking about the new resort inauguration in Bali…do you think you could take a week off and maybe we can have a little get away?”. Utahime asked, making her way around the table and carefully sitting in his lap. 
“Hmm…that’s an interesting proposition. But maybe we can work something out”. Gojo winked, making Utahime shriek in happiness. 
“How about we go out tonight? We can start shopping and then dinner maybe?”. Gojo asked, studying her face. Making sure to press the knife deeper into her heart.
Utahime stiffened and got up immediately. “Oh. I forgot to tell you, how silly of me. I have to meet an old friend today. She lives in the states and is visiting for a day so I thought I should catch up. I’ll be leaving office early today”. 
“You can call her over for dinner. I would love to meet your friend”. Gojo asked, relishing in her embarrassment.
“No no. She is..very reserved so I am not sure. Maybe later?”.
“Sure. Just be back home soon and let me know if you need anything else”.
“Thanks”. Utahime hurriedly pecked his lips and walked out. 
Your anxiety was growing with each passing second. You had tried to focus on work but your mind kept rushing back to the same thought. Where was Hiro? Until two days ago your messages were getting delivered but not anymore. You had tried calling but his phone was turned off. You had tried reaching out to his friends but none of them had heard from him. Making a police complaint did cross your mind but then you realised that he had taken a leave and you can’t file a complaint based on your intuition. You thought of asking Geto but for that you will have to ask Gojo and after your last conversation with him you weren’t sure how to approach him.
“Hi y/n”. Utahiem chirped as she entered your office.Can she hear your thoughts about Gojo? You stood up immediately to greet her. 
“Oh please relax. I just came to chat. How are you doing today? You seem stressed”.
“Yeah. Nothing serious. I’m feeling a bit under the weather today”.
“Oh then I came right on time”. She flashed a pearly white smile which made your stomach churn.
“Is there anything you need?”.
“No. I am getting off work early so you can go early too”. 
“Oh okay. Thank you. I will just finish up this report then”.
“Sure darling take your time”. She said and walked out. You did notice the new ring on her finger. Did they renew their vows? You shook your head and focused on the task at hand.
You were about to walk out of your office when your phone rang. You walked back to your desk and decided to attend it. 
“Hi Y/n. Mr.Gojo would like to see you in his office”. It was Miwa on the other line and your heart skipped a beat at the request.
“Is it urgent?”. You asked, hoping to get out of it.
“Okay. I’ll be there”.
You made your way to the other end of the floor and debated whether you should ask Gojo for help. 
“May I come in?”. You asked knocking on the door. 
You entered the cold room and saw Gojo standing behind his desk,littered with papers, with papers in his hand. His hair was slightly dishevelled, white sleeves rolled up to his elbow, tie hanging loosely around his neck. It looked like he was in the middle of something important and this only piqued your curiosity.
“You wanted to see me?”.
“Yes. I need your help with an upcoming trip to Bali”. 
“Utahime didn’t tell me anything about it”.
“That’s because it’s a surprise for her. I want to take her to Bali for important work and I need help from you to arrange everything for her. Can you do that?”. He wasn’t looking at you, instead shifting his gaze from one paper to another. It hurt but this is what you asked from him. 
“I’ll try. What do I need to do?”.
“For starters, you need to get your travelling documents in order because I need you to travel with us”.
“I can’t do that”. You replied immediately. 
Gojo finally looked up at you. He studied your face for a few seconds before turning his attention back to his papers. “Don’t worry all costs will be covered and you'll get overtime pay”.
It was offensive the way he was treating you. But that’s how he would have treated any other employee and this is what you asked for. Maybe you should have been careful of what you ask for, as you might just get it. A part of you wanted him to sympathise with you but you knew he was under no obligation to do so.
“It’s not that..I can’t. I just can’t”.
“You are mandated by your contract to fulfil your work obligations and this is your work obligation so I don’t see a reason why you can’t come with us.But given the circumstances I am still leaving it up to you. Think about it”.
You mentally cursed yourself. You had used up all your leaves for this quarter and can’t back out of it now. But if he was so insistent on bringing you along then maybe just  maybe you can call a favour too.
“Is there anything else?”.
“I have emailed you the list of other things so you can take a look at it. Oh and”. He looked up at you with his mouth agape. “Don’t tell Iori about this. It’s a surprise”. He ended the request with a smile and you found yourself reciprocating it. But yours was laced with jealousy and hatred.
“You can go now and let me know your decision by tomorrow morning”. Gojo said. Keeping down the stack of papers and pulling out another file. You stood there searching for words, fidgeting with your hands and Gojo noticed it. “Is there anything you want?”. He asked, corking and eyebrow. 
“I…I need…I need..”.
“What do you need y/n? I don’t have all day”.
“I need Detective Geto’s number”. You blurted out. 
Gojo stared at your concerned face for a second and then let out a chuckle. “And why do you need that?’.
“I think..I think Hiro has gone missing and I need his help”. 
Gojo bit his bottom lip and drew in a deep breath. He knew he had to be careful with his words. “Hasn’t he taken an extended leave for personal reasons?”. Gojo asked, leaning back in his chair. He studied your face and it angered him how much you cared about that scum.
“I know. But I have tried reaching out to him but his phone has been off for days and I even contacted his friends to know his whereabouts but they haven’t seen him at all! I have a feeling that something has happened to him. Something bad!”. 
“You really care about him don’t you?”. Gojo asked, eyes focused on your teary ones. 
“Yes Mr.Gojo. He is my…only… friend. I wouldn’t be asking this if I wasn’t sure. I’ll do anything …I’ll come on the trip and I’ll do a perfect job but I really need Geto’s help!”. You sounded desperate. You knew you sounded desperate but you didn’t care. Not when your gut was telling you your best friend was in danger. Gojo’s skin was burning with anger but his heart skipped a beat looking at how much you cared about people close to you. He let out a sigh and nodded his head. 
“Fine then. I’ll ask him to contact you”.
“Thank you. Thank you so much!”. You meant it. You were relieved and almost on the verge of tears. As you were about  to leave, Gojo spoke up. “Don’t forget. You owe me one now”. Your mouth hung open. Was he really going to use your helplessness as a way of getting something? Of course he was. He is Gojo Satoru. 
“I know”. You replied with a nod. 
Before you could walk out of the office the door opened to reveal the man of interest standing. Looking from you to Gojo and flashing a smile to his best friend. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting something. Hello Y/n”. Geto said as he made his way to where you were standing. 
“Hello Geto”. You replied and looked at Gojo. Geto took his place on the chair and stared at his friend who was still staring at you. “What’s happening?”. He asked. Before you could reply, Gojo straightened in his chair and cleared his throat. 
“Y/n wants to talk to you”. He said, giving a pressed smile.
Geto frowned and pointed his index finger at himself and looked at you. “Me?”. 
You pressed your lips together and nodded. “Go ahead y/n. Tell him what you told me”. Gojo said, giving you a green signal. You walked over to where Geto was sitting and stood in front of him with your arms clasped in front of you.
“It's about my friend. His name is Kato Hiro and I think he has gone missing”. 
Geto opened his mouth to say something but closed it and turned his head towards his friend on the other side of the table. Gojo nodded his head but kept his eyes focused on the report in front of him. Geto maintained his pleasant expression, trying hard to not smile. 
“Why do you think that he is missing?”. Geto asked, smiling at you.
“I ..he has taken an extended leave so that’s why he hasn’t shown up for work. But we are neighbours, you see, so I know him really well!  He hasn’t replied to any of my messages or calls and two days ago my messages stopped delivering. I even called his friends back home but they haven’t heard from him or seen him”. 
“When was the last time you saw him?”.
“About ten days ago. He texted me that he was leaving from work early and..wait let me show you”. You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. “This was the last text he sent me”. You opened the chat and handed your phone to Geto. Gojo too craned his neck to get a peek at your chats with the scum. He scoffed when he saw that you had saved his contact with a heart next to his name. He pouted a little wondering how you saved his contact, if you had saved it at all. 
Hiro : Hey luv leaving work early got some work to do. See you tomorrow <3.
“And you didn’t hear from him after this message?”. 
“No. Things got a little busy and I had to take a leave from work. But it seems that he took a leave the next day. Which is strange”.
“Why is it strange?”.
“Because he didn’t tell me. If he was going somewhere he would have visited me before leaving or dropped a text”.
“Why would he tell you about his plans? What was your relation with him?”. Geto smiled to himself. He was only asking this question to poke his best friend. 
“I..we were..we are really good friends..he would never just disappear on me”. 
“Are you sure about that?”.
“Yes. Hiro would never not tell me about where he was going”.
“Well apparently he did. But anyway I will ask around and let you know if I find something and in the meanwhile if you hear from him then you let me know okay?”. Geto offered you a smile along with his card and you politely took it.  
“Thank You”. You offered both men a courteous smile and walked out of the room. 
“What was that about?”. Geto asked, smirking at Gojo.
“She is being paranoid. That scum deserved what he got”.
“Aww. Are you jealous ,Satoru?”.
“Are you here to mock me or help me?”. 
“Both?”. Geto joked, earning an eye roll from Gojo. “What has he revealed so far? Did you ask him about the child”.Geto asked, lighting a cigarette. 
“He passed out soon after but my men are working on it and no I didn’t ask him about…the child”.
“Why not?”.
“Didn’t want to”.
“Or you couldn’t??”.
“I said, I don’t want to”. Gojo was dead serious and Geto dropped the topic…for now.
Gojo opened his second laptop and walked over to sit next to Geto on the visitor’s couch in his office, he opened the tracking window and entered his password. “Do you think she is going to meet him?”. Gojo asked.
“Based on her chats it seems so”. 
The two men focused on the red dot moving across the map of the city. Thanks to Geto, Gojo had installed a tracker in Utahime’s ring. As if that wasn’t enough he had even installed it in her other jewelleries. But above all he had spyware installed in her brooch and could now hear and record every conversation as long as she had her phone. 
The dot stopped moving near a farmhouse and Geto zoomed in to see the address. Unsurprisingly it was not in friendly territory.
“Turn on the speaker!”. Gojo spoke, not removing his eyes from the screen. Geto nodded and with a click of a few buttons they were able to hear every sound in the room. Gojo knew Utahime had the habit of wearing her favourite red bow brooch whenever she was happy and Gojo made sure she was happy today, and this worked well in his favour as they could now see and hear everything.
“He is waiting for you”. Some man in black uniform spoke and was now leading Utahime through a corridor. The man opened the door and Utahime walked inside. 
“Hello beautiful”. Another man spoke and seemed to offer her a hug. Geto and Gojo looked at each other and smiled. The man came into view of the camera and they knew exactly who he was. 
Any other man on this planet would have been furious to have found his fiance sneaking and meeting another man but not Gojo. Gojo was happy. Gojo got all the proof he needed. Gojo was going to ruin everyone. 
“You know the rules, Iori. Keep your phone out. We can’t talk with your phone in your hand”.
“Do you not trust me?”. Utahime asked. 
“Oh I trust you alright. It’s your fiance I don’t trust”.
Utahime let out a groan and handed her bag and phone to the man who led her here. 
“I must tell you, you were right. The plan worked perfectly”. Utahime said, sitting down. The man sat opposite to her on a plush black leather couch.
“I told you it would. But this does not mean that Gojo is all yours now. You still have a long way to go”.
“I know. But I am sure you will handle the rest. Right?”.
“For you I would”.
“But tell me..what do you gain from helping me get Gojo?”. Utahime asked. Gojoe and Geto sat silently waiting for the answer. 
“You are a smart woman, Utahime Iori. How about this, You get Gojo Satoru and all the four industries that are currently under your name be transferred to an offshore company? Small price to pay for love right?”.
“You want me to transfer the rights of my shipping company to you?”.
“I can’t believe she can’t see his plan”. Gojo spoke under his breath. Geto chuckled. “That’s why he is using her. But I must say Satoru, you are quite a commodity”. Gojo glared at his friend and Geto only chuckled. 
“-and of course I get Y/n L/n”. The man spoke. Gojo and Geto froze. Suddenly it seemed like the man was talking directly to them. Geto could feel the tension in Gojo’s body and it scared him. “Hey, he won’t hurt her”. Geto said reassuringly.
“I won’t let him”. Gojo spoke, eyes still focused on the scene in front of him.
“Why do you want her?”. Utahime asked.
“Let’s just say, she interests me and of course she is pretty and has a sharp tongue. Just my type right?”. N laughed.
“Wait, have you met her?”. Utahime leaned forward in her seat and so did Geto and Gojo. Gojo was getting worried now. There is no way in hell he could have met you, he wouldn’t go that far to involve you. Right? Geto seemed to have read his mind.
“Oi Satoru. Don’t worry. My men will keep an eye on her. He won’t dare go near her”.
“He better not-”. Before Gojo could finish his warning the man spoke. “I have. I might meet her again”. He winked at Utahime. Gojo’s eyes widened, his jaw clenched and he was one step away from burning the whole place down. “I want round the clock surveillance on y/n. He cannot go near her. He cannot talk to her”. Geto nodded and patted his shoulder.
Utahime scoffed and turned her head away to look at the painting on the wall. “I don’t get what men see in her”.
“Don’t worry love, you are the only woman I care about”.
“I am engaged”. Utahime spoke, raising her left hand to show off the brand new ring.
“Wedding or it didn’t happen baby”. N said, laughing at her innocence. Utahime rolled her eyes and scoffed. It pinched her that the only man who was giving her all the attention she deserved was also interested in you. But as long as she got Gojo she didn’t care what happened to you.
You stood under the shower, eyes closed, feeling the water wash over all the events of the day. You were relieved that you got to talk to Geto but still a part of you was worried. You have been checking up on his apartment everyday for the past ten days, hoping that someday he opens the door. A voice in your head said that he was gone for good. But you didn’t want to accept it. You couldn’t imagine losing someone again. You were not sure if this time you’ll be able to bear it at all.
You looked around the kitchen, thinking what to make. You were tired and decided to head to the local ramen booth instead. Grabbing your jacket and purse you stepped out of your house and rang Hiro’s doorbell. You counted to twenty hoping that he would open the door but he didn’t. You sighed and walked out of the building with your head hung low and earphones in. The air was cold outside the apartment building and you shoved your hands in the pocket of your black wool jacket. Sleep on the floor by The Lumineers played in your ear and you looked around to see people smiling with their partners, friends, family…and you had none of those.
Being alone had it’s perks you thought, you can disappear and no one would or come looking for you, your mishaps won’t affect anyone other than you, and if you were to die no one would mourn you. But that was not going to happen to Hiro, you were not going to let it happen to Hiro. Even if he didn’t want to be found, you were at least going to make sure he was safe. As you walked to the booth you wondered if Geto was really working on your request. He had no reason to since you were nothing to him anymore. Asking Gojo for a favour took a bite out of your pride but it didn’t matter now. It was done. 
You greeted the head chef and made your way to the corner most seats.The booth was small with Chef standing on one side of the counter with kitchen entrance behind him and close to ten chairs kept in a semi circle on the other side of the wooden counter.Multiple water jugs,tissue boxes and stacks of paper cups were placed on the counter to be used by the customer.The atmosphere inside was warmer and happier. Like a purgatory in this cold harsh world. You raised two fingers at the chef and he understood that you wanted set number 2. You opened your phone to check if there was any reply from Geto but there was none. You had texted him your address and home number just in case he needed to see you or Hiro’s apartment. But now you were starting to doubt if he was even going to look into it. Why would he? He was Gojo’s best friend. He was going to be his best man at his wedding so why would he help a paranoid ex girlfriend? You chuckled at your stupidity for even asking him. 
“What are the odds of us meeting again?”. You heard a familiar voice and turned to your side to see N.
“If you are stalking me then I must say the odds are very high”. You replied keeping your phone in your pocket.
“Why do you look sad? Is everything okay?”. N asked, placing his order.
“I am fine. What are you doing here? I doubt this is your kind of place”. 
N chuckled. “Oh this is just my kind of place. The food is good and occasionally I bump into a beautiful woman”.
“And what do you do when you bump into her?”.
“I ask her why she looks sad?”. N winked. There was a split second silence before you laughed along with him. He was certainly an odd man but it felt good to laugh. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?”. N asked. The chef placed two bowls of ramen and both you and N offered him a curt smile.
“Sure”. You said, taking chopsticks out of the stand.
“Do you happen to know Kato Hiro? He lived in an apartment nearby”. N asked, slurping the ramen.
It felt like the world stopped revolving around its axis. “How..how do you know him?”. You asked. Your hands shook and sweat trickled down your frowned forehead. 
“He is an old friend of mine. I have been trying to reach him for quite some time but I can’t get through. So you do know him?”.
“Yes! He is a really close friend of mine. I’m sorry but I haven’t heard him mention you at all”.
N laughed and shook his head. “Yeah. That’s my fault. You see, I moved to Tokyo just last month. Hiro and I have been friends for ten years,if you count the last five years where I got so busy in my life that we drifted apart”.
“Oh. I haven’t heard from Hiro either and I don’t know where he is”. Your face dropped in disappointment. 
“I was supposed to meet him a week ago but he didn’t show up. I thought he must be angry with me so I tried calling him multiple times but I lost contact with him after that”.
‘Wait! He was supposed to meet you ten days ago?!”. You asked, almost jumping in your seat
“Yes. Why?”. N replied, nonchalantly.
“That’s the day I think he went missing! This can help us!”. You could see a sliver of hope now. 
“You think he is missing?”. N asked. His brows furrowed and lips pressed together.
“Yes! I mean think about it, he told me he had some work that day and I guess he was on his way to meet you. But he didn’t show up and suddenly he took a leave and now he is out of reach. Doesn’t this seem fishy to you?!”. You asked. N could see that you were clearly very concerned for your friend. Your long forgotten, half empty ramen bowl turned cold.
“I see where you are getting at. But what do we do now? I mean how do we prove that he is missing?”. N asked.
“I have spoken to a detective. Would you be okay with talking to him? He can really help us!”.
N nodded his head and pretended to think about it. “Yeah. I mean, I would do anything to make sure Hiro is safe”. 
You let out a sigh of relief and wiped your face with your hands. “Thank you so much! I have the detective's number. Would you be okay with talking to him? We can go over to my place and you can explain everything to him”. You spoke in a rushed tone. You knew the dangers of taking a stranger to your apartment but somewhere it didn’t compare to danger Hiro might be in.
“Yeah sure. Let me pay for the meal”.
“No, wait”.You reached into your purse and took out your wallet to pay for the meal. “This is the least I could do for you”. You said as you kept enough cash on the counter for the two meals. N looked at you with his mouth hung open. This was the first time anyone, especially a woman, had paid for him. It messed with his head and for a moment he didn’t see you as just a pawn in his game. But he shook it off. This wasn’t the time to get soft.
“Let’s go”. You spoke standing up and grabbing your jacket. He was still frozen and looked at you in disbelief. “You…you paid for me?”.
You looked at him with a tilted head. “I told you it’s the least I could do. I didn’t mean to offend you. I have just been so worried about Hiro and I really believe that you can help me find him. I know it might sound crazy but I have a feeling that he is not in a good place”.
N looked at you and smiled. He kept his wallet back in his pocket and nodded. “You really care about him, don’t you?”.
“As sad as it might sound, he is my only friend..oh and my name is not Rika, it’s y/n”. 
N shouldn’t have felt guilty as he followed you out of the ramen booth but he did. He had never felt guilty for any of his actions then why now? He took a deep breath, convincing himself that he felt sorry for you..not guilty.
You were walking back to your apartment with N when you heard someone call out your name. “Y/n!”. Both you and N turned around to see detective Geto walking towards you. While you smiled at him, Geto was not pleased to see you in such company. “Geto! I was just about to call you”. You looked at your friend,” N this is detective Geto, the one I told you about”. 
Geto squinted his eyes and looked at your friend. “You…told this man about me?”.
“Yes. He is a friend of Hiro’s. He can help us!”.
“Is he now?”. Geto asked, not moving his eyes from N. Geto’s tall form towered over N’s as he moved in between the two of you but he N didn’t seem to care. “Yes I am. We were just about to head over to y/n’s place and call you”. N smiled.
Geto gritted his teeth and looked over at you. You with your doe eyed innocence were just about to  invite the devil into your house. He couldnt believe you could be this stupid.  “We don’t need to go to her place. We can talk right here”. Geto said, offering you a sweet smile.
“In the middle of the road?”. You asked, looking around.
“I meant the park y/n”.
“It’s too cold for the park…detective”. N said.
“I’m in a rush. So why don’t we talk right here. How do you know him y/n?”. Geto turned towards you. 
“I..we met a few days ago at a local pub and we bumped into each other at the ramen booth today”.
“And you told him about Hiro?”. Geto asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“No..I mean yeah I did. But he asked me first. He is Hiro’s friend and he is looking for him too. Right?”. You asked, looking at N. “Yeah”. N replied, lighting a cigarette.
“And how do you know Hiro?”. Geto asked condescendingly. N scoffed, “We are old friends but you see we lost contact with each other”.
“If you lost contact then why are you looking for him?”.
“I moved to tokyo last month and wanted to reconnect with him and-”.
“They were supposed to meet the day Hiro disappeared”. You interrupted and both men looked at you. “Is that so?”. Geto asked and N smiled. “Yes”.
“Y/n, I’ll drop you home and you..I will have to call you in to take an official statement”. Geto grabbed your wrist and tugged it. 
“I can drop her home detective”. N said, crushing the cigarette butt between the asphalt and his leather shoes. “Do as you’re told. This is not your place”. Geto warned in a hushed tone and pulled you towards him. “I’ll be fine N. Thank you so much for your help”. You said and smiled at him.
“I’ll see you around y/n. Goodnight detective”. N said and walked away. Geto watched him walking away while still holding your wrist. “Ge..Geto?”. You spoke, trying to break him away from the trance-like state. “Hmm?”. He hummed, still looking at the disappearing figure. “You..you didn’t ask his name”. You spoke hesitantly, still trying to figure out what he was thinking. “Oh I know his name”. 
Geto slammed the door of his car. He groaned out in frustration and hit the steering wheel. This was bad. Really bad. He just prevented something catastrophic from happening but what if he had been a little late? Just by a couple of minutes? He didn’t want to imagine that. But the situation was no better. Gojo was not going to like this but he needed to know. 
“Hello?”. Gojo answered on the third ring.
“I saw y/n with him”. Geto spoke huffing in frustration.
“With whom?”. Gojo asked. Geto didn’t know how to explain what just happened. “Suguru?”.
“...with Naoya Zenin”.
“...with Naoya Zenin”. Suguru spoke on the other end of the line. Gojo froze in his step. His heart was beating out of his chest and his skin crawled in fear.Everything that Hiro had told him seemed to be making sense now. He looked up to see his fiance walking in with a smile on her face and shopping bags in her hand. “Ok. I got to go now”. Gojo said and cut the call.
“You had fun?”. Gojo asked, walking over to Utahime with a sugary sweet smile and enveloping her in a hug.
“Yes. We talked so much and even went shopping. I bought some new outfits for the trip and a surprise for you so I hope you’re excited!”. Utahime replied, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“Surprise for me?”.
“Darling you can’t surprise me”. Gojo said, pulling himself out of the embrace and walking towards the kitchen. Utahime gleefully followed him.
“Oh I can”. 
“Well I have a surprise for you too”. Gojo smiled as he walked behind the counter and started assembling the ingredients.
“What is it?!”. Utahime asked with a smile on her face.
“I’m making us some brownies. So I hope you are hungry for dessert”. Gojo held up the cocoa powder box and winked at her.
“Oh Satoru it’s so sweet of you but I don’t think I can”.
“Not even if I make it?”. Gojo asked, leaning against the counter and giving Utahime a pout “Not even if I make it with love?”.. She laughed and pulled his cheeks. “Fine! But only cause you’re making it! Let me help you”.
“Oh no no no I am sure you had a tiring day. So why don’t you go and freshen up and I’ll bring the brownies to …. The bedroom?”.
Utahime bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. “Alright then”.
As soon as Utahime was out of sight Gojo got busy. You see, brownies were one of Gojo’s favourite desserts. They were easy to make, perfect for late night snacks, left little room for error, and above all they hid the taste of pills really well. The rich flavour of cocoa dominated the flavour of Gojo’s favourite pills..
Utahime opened her eyes but didn’t feel a single muscle in her body. “Sa…toru”. Gojo walked out of the ensuite and immediately went to her side. “Hey, you’re up. How are you feeling?”. He asked, leaning down towards her and moving strands of hair out of her face.
“What happened? I don’t..remember”.
“You don’t..remember anything?”. Gojo asked, straightening up. Utahime felt guilt take over her. “No..what happened? I feel weak”. She tried to get up but her body just felt too heavy for her.
“You passed out in the bathroom Iori. I called the doctor to check up on you and he told me that it's because of exhaustion and stress. I was really worried". Gojo said, helping Utahime to sit up in bed.
“I don’t know how it happened. I don’t remember anything. I remember going into the bathroom and …coming out and…that’s all”. She frowned at him.
“It’s alright darling. I am right here. Do you want me to call your family?”. Gojo asked, walking over to the wooden cabinet in front of the bed and picking up his phone.
“No! It’s nothing serious so let’s not bother them. I’ll be fine. I..I guess I overdid it yesterday”.
“Hey hey, it’s okay. How about this? Let’s go to my country house? We can relax there. We need a change of scenery, don’t you think?”. Gojo leaned against the wooden cabinet and smiled at her. Utahime smiled in return and nodded her head. “But what about your meeting in Bali?”. Utahime asked, frowning.
“I’ll send someone else. I need to be here with you”.
“No Satoru. You must go. It’s a really important project. I can’t have you miss it because of me, what will your father think of me?”.
“Who cares what my dad thinks?”.
“Iori, nothing is more important than you. I’ll send someone else and we leave for our little vacation tonight”. Gojo said in a serious tone and turned to walk out of the door but Utahime stopped him. “Satoru!”. Gojo smiled to himself. Bingo. “Yes darling?”. Gojo aske turning back to look at Utahime. “How about you go to Bali and close the deal and meet me at the country house to celebrate?”.
“Iori..I can’t leave you alone-”.
“Satoru I’ll be fine! Go! I’ll wait for you”. Utahime chuckled. It swelled her heart to see how much Gojo cared about her. Gojo walked over to the bed and knelt on the floor beside her. He gently held her hand with both of his’. “Are you sure?”. He asked.
“Yes I am sure”.
“Do you promise to take care of yourself while I am away?”. Gojo asked, holding up his pinky finger. Utahime giggled and intertwined her pinky finger with his’. “I promise”.
“Fine then. You wish for my command. But..There will be a doctor present with you all the time and you are to obey him at all times. Okay?”.
“Okay. I will. Now go!”. Utahime spoke, smiling at him.
Gojo walked out of the bedroom and saw the doctor and nurses he had appointed standing in a line. He smiled at them, “Please make sure you do your work well. Okay?”.
“Yes sir”. The doctor replied, smiling at Gojo.
You got out of the elevator to see Miwa standing right in front of you. “Good Morning!”. You smiled at her but she looked nervous. “What happened?”. You asked, stepping out and turning towards her. “He wants to see you in his office”.
“Mr.Gojo. He wants to see you in his office now. He asked me to wait here and ask you to see him immediately. He looks angry”.
You were confused but you followed her. You wondered what you did now? Did Geto tell him about last night? But he had no reason to be angry because of that. “All the best y/n. Miwa said as she came to stop in front of the door. You took a deep breath, “Thanks”.
“You asked to see me?”. You spoke, walking confidently towards where Gojo was sitting. “Yes”.
“What is it about?”. You asked, stopping to stand in front of his desk. “We need to leave tonight so take half a day off and meet me at the airport at 5:30 PM. My driver will pick you up from your place at 4:00 PM. Carry only essentials and pack light”. Gojo spoke without stopping to gauge your response. You opened your mouth to say something and then closed it again. “Tonight?”
“Yes y/n. Tonight?”.
You were confused beyond measure. “But I..I haven’t completed the work for the new project that you asked me to”.
“It’s not needed. Things have happened and we need to start moving if we are to get that contract. The plan stays the same. Don’t tell Utahime. She has taken the day off so it shouldn’t be an issue for you”.
“I..it’s too soon”.
“What does that mean?”. Gojo asked, shaking his head.
“I mean..I don’t know if I am supposed to tell you this but I ran into Geto last night and we might have a lead on Hiro. So I am not sure if this is the right time to leave”. You swallowed hard not knowing how Gojo would respond.
“Do I need to remind you that the only reason you even have a lead on Hiro is because I asked Geto for a favour? Besides, going away for two days won’t hurt the case and Geto can always contact you over the phone and if anything happens I assure you I will be happy to fly you back”.
Gojo was right and you hated to admit it. “Alright then. I will wrap up quickly and get going. Do I need to call the doctor? To make sure Utahime is good to travel? Or arrange for a doctor to travel with us?”. 
Gojo kept the file aside and looked up at you with squinted eyes. “Why does Utahime need a doctor’s permission?”. Wondering if Utahie had told you about her condition.
“Because she is…pregnant?”. You were confused, did he forget that his fiance was pregnant?.
“Who is pregnant?”. Gojo gasped loudly.
“Uta..Utahime?”. You answered. 
“Right….Utahime is pregnant…with my child?”. Gojo asked, dragging each word as if to confirm he was saying the right thing.
“Yes..she is..?”. You replied, wondering if he had overworked himself into insanity.
“The tests were for…her?”. He asked and you didn’t know what to say. 
“Utahime told you that she is pregnant with my child?”.
“I..yeah. She told me you knew. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to overstep or anything…I just..She told me you knew!”.
“Oh yeah right…umm..hmm…right right. So why did you take the week off?”.
“Because..I…I just…felt..I didn’t feel..I was not feeling well”. You were fumbling with your words. How could you tell him that you took a week off because you couldn’t bear to see him with her. Gojo chuckled and soon his chuckled turned to laughter.
“Are you okay? Do I need to call a doctor for you?”. You were concerned, Gojo seemed to be having a breakdown.Gojo just shook his head and laughed. You kept your bag and coat on the chair and went around the table to check up on him. ‘“Do you have a fever?”. You asked as you pressed your palm flat against his forehead.Both you and Gojo fell silent the moment your hand touched his skin.He didn’t have a fever and you soon realised what you had done and you withdrew your hand instantly. “You..seem fine…I think you should get some rest before the flight”. You shook your head and grabbed your bag and coat. “Have a good day Mr.Gojo”. You spoke and immediately rushed out of his office.
“Cute”. Gojo muttered under his breath. “I underestimated you Utahime…I won’t make that mistake again”.
Gojo : Y/n is not pregnant with his child.
Ghetto : Did Hiro tell you that?
Gojo : No.
Geto : Is it yours then?
Gojo : Fuck off. Utahime lied. We don’t need to hold back anymore.
Geto : We still need to keep him alive
Gojo : Do we?
Geto : Yes we do. You need to keep y/n away. 
Gojo : I’m leaving with her tonight.
Geto : Be good
Gojo : Yes dad.
Like he had said, there was a knock on your door at exactly 4.00 PM. You  opened to see a butler with two bodyguards standing at your door. “Hi”. You said, unsure about why they were at your door instead of waiting near your building.
“We are here to pick you up for the airport. Mr.Gojo has sent us”. 
“All of you?”. You asked, looking at the group.
“Yes ma’am”.
“Okay, I’ll be right there”. 
“Let me help you. The butler smiled and stepped inside to take the bag from your hand. You stepped out and locked your door. The bodyguards took their place behind you. You stopped in front of Hiro’s door and slid in the note through the gap between the door and the floor. “We should get going ma’am”, The guards warned. “Yeah. Let’s go”.
Gojo was getting impatient waiting inside the flight. This was risky and there was a good chance that you might not forgive him ever, but he had to do this for your safety.  He hadn’t slept since Geto told him about you and Naoya. He wondered what Naoya told you and how he could get it out of you. He had made sure that Utahime had reached his country house and had it wired with hidden cameras. You weren’t even going to Bali but you didn’t have  to know that. It’s better if you didn’t know the destination until you had reached there. 
You walked inside the flight with your purse and coat in hand. You had decided to dress comfortably in navy blue jumper and Navy blue pants. Your eyes immediately scanned the inside of the black jet and landed on the white haired man standing in the middle. “Hi”. You said, smiling at him. “Hi”. Gojo said as he let out a breath of relief. “Where is..Utahime?”. 
Gojo cleared his throat  and sat down in a plush leather seat. “She is on the way.  Why don’t you settle down..you can sit wherever you like”. 
You nodded and decided it would be best to sit diagonally opposite to him. 
Gojo looked at your bouncy leg and smirked, “Are you nervous?”. He asked, taking a sip of his drink. 
“yeah..I have never really travelled in an aeroplane before”. Gojo hummed and gestured to the stewardess  to attend to you. 
“Have it, you’ll feel  better. Sugar eases nervousness”. Gojo said, pointing at the plate of brownies the stewardess had placed on the table between you. “No thanks I’m good”. You replied and took the water bottle instead. “Have it y/n”. Gojo said again and you realised that this was not a request but an order. So you picked up the square piece and took a bite..
You woke up with a gasp and realised that you were lying down in someone’s lap. Your eyes flickered trying to adjust to the dim lighting of your surroundings.It took you a while to recollect where you were. You straightened up in the seat and saw a blanket had been placed over you. Your head was spinning and your vision was still blurry. “What..happened?”.
“Hey hey…you’re up”. A familiar voice greeted you and you blinked your eyes rapidly to focus on the man speaking to you. “Satoru..?”. You realised you were sitting next to him and his arms were wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Yes love?”. Gojo replied, helping you adjust in the seat.
You shrugged his hands off and rubbed your eyes. “What happened?” You looked around hoping to see Utahime but it was just you and him in the jet. “Where is Utahime?”. You asked, panicking.
“She is not here”. Gojo said in a soothing voice, his one hand was rubbing the back of your head while the other held a glass of water for you. “Drink this”.
You stared at the glass and then back at him. He had a gentle smile on his face. 
“Why?...Why… Why is she not here?”. Gojo sushed you and pulled you in his arms. His hands rubbed your back trying to calm you down but his actions only scared you. “It’s alright. It’s all good now”.
“Gojo what’s going on?”. You asked,gently pushing yourself away. “Where is Utahime?”
“Utahime is not coming”.
“Is she…is she going to meet us in Bali?”. You asked, gulping hard.Somewhere in your heart you knew the answer .Gojo smiled and shook his head. “No love”. Gojo said calmly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. That nickname, why was he using that nickname?
“Are we..are we going to Bali?”.
“No Love. We are going somewhere where it would be just you and me”. 
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shewasverynice · 4 months
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Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)  MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS
Rating: Explicit 
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con 
Content Warnings: Dubious Consent, Prostitution, Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Blood and Violence
Categories: F/M, Multi, F/F 
Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character(s), Nanami Kento/Original Female Character(s), Getou Suguru/Original Female Character(s), Ieiri Shoko & Iori Utahime 
Major Characters: Original Characters, Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Nanami Kento, Okkotsu Yuuta, Toudou Aoi, Zenin Naobito, Zenin Jinichi, Zenin, Zenin Ougi, Fushiguro Megumi, Kamo Clan, Nitta Akari, Inumaki Toge, Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime, Kusakabe Atsuya, Muta Kokichi, Itadori Yuuji, Hakari Kinji 
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Chapter 1 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
"100 species of insects were collected, the larger ones were snakes, the smaller ones were lice, Place them inside, let them eat each other, and keep what is left of the last species." - Geography of the Suishu
In the heart of Tokyo, darkness intertwines with the vibrant glow of neon lights. As dusk descends, the streets come alive with a cacophony of sounds: the pulsating beats of music from the clubs, the raucous laughter of patrons, and the occasional distant sirens signaling trouble just out of sight. The neon signs flicker and dance, casting an eerie glow over the throngs of people who wander the labyrinthine streets while dark alleys snake through the district like veins, cloaked in shadows that seem to swallow the unwary whole.
The district pulses with life, a magnet for thrill-seekers and hedonists, drawn to the promise of excitement and forbidden delights. The streets are crowded with a kaleidoscope of humanity – tourists with wide-eyed wonder, locals shuffling one foot after the other with their gazes firmly set on the ground, and those who exist on the fringes of society, seeking refuge in the shadows. It's a place where the rules of society bend, where one can lose themselves in the neon-lit frenzy and forget the troubles that plague the outside world. It's a place where the line between pleasure and peril blurs, and where the thrill of the unknown beckons with irresistible allure.
The year 1939 marked the beginning of World War II. With fear gripping the human population, Sorcerers found it increasingly difficult to control the rising number of curses. The situation escalated further in 1940 when Japan formally entered the war, putting additional strain on the already struggling Sorcerers. However, the most devastating blow came in 1945 with the dropping of the atomic bombs.
Both humanity and sorcery were crippled, causing a massive influx of curses that spiraled out of control. The creatures emerged more and more humanoid in the wake, the fear compounding on itself and forcing an evolution into something more akin to humans themselves. Retaining their horns, multiple eyes, colorful skin, or other oddities, curses were still easily distinguished from humans but their existence had become undeniable to the population. The ability to see curses became more prominent, a necessity for survival.
In 1949, the Japanese government officially acknowledged Curses as a distinct sentient species. This decision faced strong opposition from the Sorcerers, who were still in the process of rebuilding their numbers post-war. However, misunderstandings led to exorcisms being mistaken for acts of murder by humanity. The blame for the anger in the dark hearts of Curses was placed on inequality, with people arguing that it was unfair to kill them before they had committed any crimes. Sorcerers were viewed as rogue vigilantes at best and terrorists at worst, driven off the streets and treated as if they were criminals.
Sorcerers, in the face of contempt and animosity, were compelled to abide by the regulations put in place to safeguard Japan's latest inhabitants. They were obliged to don masks, rendering them readily recognizable to ordinary individuals. A formal record was created, and once a Sorcerer's power awakened, they were acknowledged and recorded in the database. 
This had no effect in suppressing the animosity, leading to Sorcerers being singled out despite their persistent attempts to banish malevolent curses. Regardless of the proof provided, regardless of the reality, society had already made up its mind and deemed Sorcery as a criminal act. The deceitful cry of injustice by the curses had triumphed over the humans, compelling Sorcerers to conceal their deeds once more.
Naturally, this gave rise to varying viewpoints, leading Sorcerers to establish their own factions. Certain groups opted to honor their initial pledge of safeguarding humanity, while others decided to abandon their unappreciative responsibilities. Additionally, some made the choice to pledge loyalty to the highest bidder. As time passed, this division would slowly solidify and deteriorate, transforming into a distorted manifestation of the original purpose of Sorcery.
In 2018, the neon lit streets of Tokyo now obeyed a different set of rules. Those set by the government and those set by the ones who'd always been its silent guardians. 
The elaborately carved wooden door burst open, the brass handle slamming into the wall with a loud thud. The man responsible barged through the building, his expression contorted with anger. The red mark from the slap on his cheek burned, the ring of his attacker leaving a shallow cut on his skin. Following closely behind him was a petite woman in a sleek black suit, her short blonde hair bouncing as she struggled to keep up with his long strides.
"Sir, you need to calm down." The woman urged, "Customers aren't allowed past this door."
"I want to talk to the owner." He gritted, "That girl is out of control and I want her fired!"
"Sir, you broke the contact rules stated in the contract you signed. The girl in question is within her right to--"
"She slapped me with a ring on!" He roared, shoving past another door, "This better not scar! I'll sue you for--" He froze, finding exactly one of the women he was looking for. 
With one leg crossed over the other, she remained focused on the papers in her hand without lifting her gaze. Wearing a white top with long flowing sleeves and a high collar, her back and shoulders were openly exposed. Her sharp forest green eyes moved methodically across the pages, while her foot tapped impatiently on the floor. A strand of her lengthy dark amber hair slipped down from behind her ear as she tilted her head, briefly glancing up at the customer.
Next to her, a massive man loomed with his arms folded. His sleek black hair was pulled back into a neat bun, his broad chest exposed showcasing his intricate tattoos. The menacing snarl of the crimson Oni half-mask he sported added to his intimidating look, his intense gaze piercing. The man's strong biceps bulged, his fingers gripping onto his well-defined muscles.
"You!" The customer huffed, storming over to the woman, "You'd better have an apology ready because I'm not--"
"Have a seat." She said calmly, "Let's work this out, hmm?"
The man's stance faltered as the blond woman placed a wooden chair behind him. His lips were parted, ready to unleash a verbal assault when he spotted a light blue oni mask on the table beside the woman. He swallowed thickly as she placed her other foot on the ground and held up the papers she had been reading.
"Mr. Kato," she began, "According to this contract that you signed you agreed to a no touching rule with Himiko, is that correct?"
Kato swallowed again, "Ah, yes I did but--"
"And from what I can assume," she continued, "Is that you just decided not to follow the rule that you'd agreed upon before signing?"
He cleared his throat before muttering, "Ah, well it was a simple touch on--"
"Todo." The woman said, her eyes trained on the customer, "Would you please move me closer? I can't hear him properly."
In a swift motion, the goliath of a man lifted the heavy chair with the woman still seated in it. He carried it over and placed it gently in front of the customer then took a step back. She looked up at him with an appreciative smile, then turned back to Kato.
"What was that? I couldn't quite catch it."
At the same time, a different woman walked confidently on the ground level, her flowing dark hair moving in sync with her skirt that reached her calves. The sound of her charcoal heels echoed on the marble floor, while the kimono-style sleeves of her top added a touch of sophistication to her appearance amidst the luxurious surroundings. A porcelain doll-like mask concealed the lower part of her face, and her serene caramel eyes maintained a composed demeanor.
Walking beside her was a young man, his half mask matching Todo's but painted in cerulean. His dark hair fell just past his chin, partially covering his eyes, which showed signs of weariness. His white top was loose, but tucked into fitted black trousers. Resting his hand on the long katana at his hip, the pair strolled across the bridge spanning the shallow river in the atrium.
A resounding crack echoed through the building and the woman's eyes flicked up towards the room where she knew her partner had been dealing with the disgruntled customer. Her gaze moved down to the man beside her, her eyes crinkling to reveal a soft smile hidden beneath her mask.
"Yuta," she said, "Would you mind scheduling the carpenter to come and see about making us a new door?"
"Yes, ma'am." Yuta said with a nod.
Deeper in the establishment, the woman walked with Yuta until they reached one of the VIP lounges. Her expression quickly soured when she saw the state of the room and its sole inhabitant.
"Boe." She said harshly, raising her eyebrow at the third member of her trio laid lazily amid the discarded bottles on the stained red carpet, "Get up."
The woman lying on the ground let out a groan, her arm covering her face. Her vibrant lavender crop top was loosely tied, exposing one of her breasts, while her black shorts were hiked up. She had bare feet and her purple dyed hair fanned out around her head on the carpet. Boe flashed a smile as she fixed her top, then got up and leaned against the corner of the oversized couch.
"Mornin' Rin." She grunted, "What's up? Something going on?"
"You can't use these rooms like this." Rin sighed, "We'll need to have it cleaned for our guests tonight."
"Hey hey hey!" Boe grinned with a wave of her hand, "I was entertaining our guests! They just happened to leave before I did."
"Partying with Gojo until he gets bored is hardly what I'd call "entertaining our guests"," Rin said, "And where is your mask?"
"Eh?" Boe looked over and around her shoulders then on the square table in the center of the room, "It's here. Right here, hold your horses."
"Gonna need a new door." The woman from the office huffed as she joined her partners, adjusting her black sneakers, "I went overboard, sorry. That guy just really pissed me off."
"Oh shit!" Boe chuckled, "Did you get all spooky on him?"
"I did." She grinned, "Busted out the longsword for it."
"Sarah," Todo said, hurrying in after, "Ma'am, you forgot your mask." 
"Damn, thanks Todo." Sarah said with a nod, taking the light blue mask and tying the strings before letting it hang loosely around her neck, "What's going on down here? Boe, did you sleep in here again?"
"The carpet was nice." Boe shrugged.
"Well, in any case we need this room cleared." Rin sighed, "Tonight Yaga and his lieutenants plan on meeting here. We need to make sure everything is prepped." 
"Right, cool." Sarah nodded, "I'll let their favorite girls know." She glanced up at Todo, "C'mon big guy. Let's go."
Rin watched her companion leave, then looked back at Boe, "Get the cleaning team together and have them prep the room." She said, "And clean yourself up. They'll expect to see us tonight."
"Cool, yeah no prob." Boe said with a wide yawn, "I'll take care of it."
"Fuck." Gojo groaned, pulling down his eyelid while looking in the mirror with his bright blue eyes, "I went way too hard last night." The whites of his eyes were bloodshot, evidence of his excessive binge.
"You go too hard every night." Geto chuckled, combing through his sleek black hair, "I have eye drops in the top drawer. They burn, so be aware."
Pulling out the drawer, Gojo shoved various bottles and tins out of the way until he found the eye drops. Tipping his head back, he held his eyelids open as he dropped two drops in one eye before screaming and punching his fist into the bathroom door with his eyes squeezed shut.
"Holy fuck!" He hissed through his teeth, tipping his head back to get the other eye, "Jesus Christ man these are a fucking nightmare!"
Geto straightened the collar of his crimson dress shirt, smoothing it down against the lapel of his well-tailored ivory suit. Shifting slightly as he admired his reflection, he made the choice to unfasten a couple more of the pristine buttons, revealing his chiseled chest and showcasing the vibrant tattoos adorning his pectoral muscles. Giving a satisfied nod, he ran his fingers through his hair one final time, effortlessly taming his bangs into their desired position.
In the meantime, Gojo effortlessly slipped into his sleek black jacket, which he wore over a vibrant yellow leopard print silk shirt. His leather pants left little to the imagination, while his luxurious Italian shoes made a distinct clicking sound on the floor as he made his way towards the mirror. Running his fingers through his hair, he smoothly slicked it back, revealing the stylish undercut beneath the fluffy white top. With a flick of his wrist, he opened the arm of his round sunglasses and effortlessly slid them onto his face, taking a moment to appreciate his own reflection.
"Are you two quite finished with your preening?" Nanami grunted, appearing in the doorway, "This evening isn't about meeting women."
"Every evening is about meeting women." Geto said with a coy smile, "They're always watching, you know."
Nanami scoffed, yet he had also bothered to dress up in a black turtleneck paired with a tan blazer. The loose-fitting marching pants and well-polished brown shoes completed his ensemble. As he tilted his head back and clicked his tongue, his round yellow glasses gleamed, before he turned away, allowing the birds to carry on admiring their own reflections.
"Sir." Nanami said giving a quick bow as Yaga turned the corner into the hall, "We're almost ready."
Yaga acknowledged Nanami with a nod, undoing the golden buttons on his crimson blazer sleeves and rolling them up to his elbows. His emerald floral silk shirt was neatly tucked into his ebony trousers, and the rings on his fingers shimmered in the subdued lighting. The scent of Yaga's preferred cologne wafted through the air, causing Nanami to inwardly sigh as he realized that not even his superior was immune to the captivating charm of the brothel's women.
The four men gathered in the hallway and Yaga looked at each of his lieutenants, "Tonight we'll be meeting with the Zen'in and Kamo groups." Gojo immediately groaned, but was silenced when Yaga held up a hand. "I expect respectful behavior, despite our feelings on the Zen'in. Is this understood?"
Geto and Nanami agreed immediately but Gojo just clicked his tongue and looked away. Yaga's arm snapped forward, gripping Gojo's collar hard and pulling the younger man forward roughly.
"I said, do you understand?" He growled.
Gojo grumbled, fixing his sunglasses back into place, "Yeah, yeah I get it."
Releasing the white haired man, Yaga stood up straighter and adjusted Gojo's collar back into place. "Good. Let's go."
They all donned their assigned Sorcerer masks, crafted meticulously from wood and fashioned in the likeness of Oni half-masks. Each mask boasted its own distinct design, yet shared common motifs that united them as a collective. Nanami's mask shimmered in gold, Gojo's in cobalt, Geto's in carmine, and Yaga's in a mesmerizing deep onyx. The golden fangs of each mask sparkled under the neon lights as they confidently made their way through the streets towards Tenjiku. 
The facade of the establishment exuded opulence, living up to the grandeur suggested by its name. A magnificent, glowing neon sign spanned across the main pathway leading to the entrance. Lining the walkway were meticulously arranged wisteria trees, their intoxicating purple blossoms serving as both an enchanting invitation and a subtle caution. Crossing over a sprawling koi pond, the path converged with pristine white marble steps that ascended towards a majestic palace. Adorned with towering crimson pillars and intricate golden embellishments, the entire edifice exuded a sense of ostentatious luxury. Undoubtedly, its reputation for extravagance was well-deserved.
Upon entering through the grand front doors, one is greeted by a luxurious entryway featuring a sleek black marble floor adorned with a lavish red carpet. The hall beyond is flanked by four majestic red pillars on either side, embellished with cascading flowering vines. The ceiling exudes a radiant light reminiscent of sunshine, with wisteria flowers hanging delicately like a chandelier, their petals gracefully suspended in mid-air, never touching the ground.
Just inside the hostess smiled brightly at the four of them with a deep bow, "Good evening, Gentleman. Shall I lead you to the VIP lounge?"
Yaga nodded, lifting his dark sunglasses to wink at the young woman, "Please, if you wouldn't mind."
She delicately concealed her enchanting smile behind her dainty hand, assuming an air of mystery as she gracefully nodded and took the lead, guiding them through the grand atrium. The opulent floor beneath their feet boasted a mesmerizing display of black marble, while at its heart, a resplendent red marble floor with exquisite carvings and adorned with a lavish seating arrangement. Encircling this regal seating area, a shallow square river meandered, its tranquil waters caressed by the presence of two magnificent bridges, exuding elegance and charm. With an air of confidence, women strode through this magnificent space, at times accompanied by patrons, and at times, embracing their own independent grace.
An abundance of doors encircled the grand atrium, serving as the rendezvous points for the ladies and their esteemed patrons. Beyond the discreet back entrance lay the expansive bar and the resplendent dance floor. Ascending to the upper level, one would discover yet another array of doors, while the pinnacle of luxury awaited on the third floor, where the exclusive VIP chambers and primary gathering spaces resided.
As Geto and Gojo strolled along, they exuded an air of confidence, relishing in the attention and admiration they received from the women who eagerly sought their affection. Meanwhile, Nanami maintained a stern expression, his gaze fixed straight ahead. Yaga, on the other hand, wore a charming smile and graciously acknowledged the greetings from the women they encountered. The fact that the leader and his lieutenants were all present in Tenjiku at once was a rare occurrence, and the women of the brothel couldn't help but anticipate an intriguing evening ahead.
With a graceful bow, the woman guiding them wished them a pleasant evening and headed towards the exit after they had arrived at the expansive VIP lounge. Just as she was about to leave, Yaga gently tapped her shoulder and slyly passed her a small stack of bills, accompanied by a wink and a half-smile. The woman blushed, concealing her smile once more before shutting the door behind them.
Gojo swiftly settled on the edge of the expansive square sofa that adorned the room, his gaze fixated on the door while his arms found solace on his knees. Geto and Nanami patiently lingered until Yaga had claimed his seat before opting to join their leader. With a hint of amusement, Geto playfully tapped his fist against Gojo's back.
"Relax, the Zen'in wouldn't be foolish enough to try something here." Geto said with a chuckle.
"I don't give a shit about the Zen'in right now." Gojo said with a smirk, not even looking away from the door for even a moment, "I wanna see her."
Geto, Nanami, and Yaga synchronized their eye rolls, knowing this situation was bound to go south. It always did.
The doors opened and Gojo immediately got excitedly to his feet only to grumble and sit back down when it was Naobito Zen'in who entered the lounge. With a grunting bark of a laugh, the old man strode past Gojo with his own three lieutenants in tow.
Naobito and Ogi, being brothers, possessed a striking resemblance with their sharp, pointed chins and slender figures. Their long gray hair was elegantly tied into sleek low ponytails. On the other hand, Jinichi stood out with his broader build and muscular physique, allowing his wild black hair to flow freely. The rough stubble on his face only enhanced his rugged appearance. As for the youngest lieutenant, Megumi Zen'in, who was merely sixteen years old, had attempted to slick back his deep black hair, but it seemed to have backfired, making him appear even more out of place. Despite their differences, all four of them shared the same piercing, cold dark eyes, each expression exuding a chilling malevolence.
Shortly after, Kamo arrived accompanied by his two lieutenants. Kamo had always opted to conceal his identity behind his mask, but Hizumi and Araki had no qualms about revealing themselves. Hizumi, tall with a long, thin face and short blonde hair, looked even taller in his well-tailored pinstripe suit. On the other hand, Araki appeared quite unassuming, with his ordinary features and quickly combed dark hair, resembling the typical businessman. 
Behind them, a small group of women entered the room. They were all dressed in slacks and white dress shirts, black vests with red trim over top and little black bow ties. They brought in bottles of alcohol, specifically chosen for each of the men's specific tastes and began to serve them their drinks.
"Where are our esteemed owners?" Kamo chuckled as he received his drink, "It's unlike them to be tardy."
"Probably had a job elsewhere." Naobito grunted, giving a lingering gaze to the woman in front of him as she poured his sake.
"Still, it's unlike them to not be the first in their own establishment." Kamo said, nodding thanks to the woman who handed him his whiskey.
All gazes shifted towards the door as it swung open once more, prompting every man to rise and welcome the trio of women who entered the room. Rin took the lead, offering a warm smile to each man she encountered, followed by Boe who casually waved at them. Lastly, Sarah stepped in, but before she could utter a word, Gojo swiftly moved in on her, catching her off guard.
"Hey sweet stuff." With a seductive tone, he murmured, running his fingers through his hair and tilting his head to the side as he stood tall above her. "Long time no see," he whispered. His hand boldly glided over her shoulder and down her spine, gently tracing the crimson scar that extended across her back from her shoulder to her hip.
"Hands off, shit stain." She growled, "I didn't come here to see you."
He flashed a wide smile as she brushed past him, paying no attention to her attitude, and eagerly trailed behind her. Sporting a mischievous grin, he settled down beside her on the sofa. When one of the ladies approached to prepare their drinks, he swiftly gestured for her to leave and concocted a beverage for her himself. 
She let out a deep sigh and reluctantly took a sip of the drink. "Not bad," she muttered, and he nodded enthusiastically. He leaned in close again, his lips parted to likely whisper some kind of lewd invitation to her before Rin cleared her throat, shutting down that conversation before it quickly spiraled out of control.
"Good evening, gentlemen," she greeted, gracefully taking off her mask and delicately setting it on the tables. "May I inquire about the reason we find ourselves welcoming so many of our distinguished guests to Tenjiku tonight?" Following suit, all of the sorcerers either removed their masks or chose to place them on the table anyway as an olive branch of sorts. 
"We needed to come together to chat about the curse problem." Naobito said, jutting his head towards the woman who'd poured his sake. When she approached with the bottle, he snatched it from her hands and waved her off, choosing to drink directly from the bottle.
"There's been quite the rise in the curse population, lately." Yaga explained, "We wanted to get together and discuss the current state of the city and how it's been handling the increase."
"Oh true," Boe said, flicking the straw in her drink, "We have seen a lot more of those creeps coming in here lately."
"You serve curses too?" Megumi asked suddenly, chiming in.
"We serve anyone," Sarah said, "Well anyone of age anyway." She raised her eyebrow at the cup in his hand, "That better not be alcoholic, kid. I don't want to pay that fine."
"I'll cover it if it comes up." Naobito chuckled, patting his great nephew on the back, "Don't you worry your pretty little head."
"If I may ask," Kamo asked, "The curses that have been visiting, were they the latest group of humanoid types?"
Rin nodded, "Yes, they were. We had one of our women unexpectedly injured after being chosen by a curse for an evening. Their new forms can be quite deceptive for the rare human who can't see the cursed energy."
"We took measures to put more advanced surveillance around." Sarah added, "They won't be able to sneak up on us again."
"As for our end," Yaga spoke up, "Our businesses have also been experiencing theft and attempts at fraud." He glanced over at Nanami who continued.
"Within the last month we've seen an increase in specifically food and alcohol theft." The blonde man explained, "Even an attempt at a large scale scam involving intercepting out shipments and swapping the liquids."
Kamo nodded, then added, "We too have seen the increase. And you Zen'in? A similar issue, I assume?"
"No." Naobito said with a twisted grin, "But we don't serve curses in our establishments so I'm not surprised they're too afraid to steal from us."
"What should we do then?" Boe asked, "Like, we can just keep letting them do whatever they want right?"
"If we just exorcize then it won't be an issue." Naobito huffed after taking a long swig of his sake, "
"If it were that simple, we'd have done it a long time ago, old man." Gojo gritted, propping his arms up on the backrest of the couch behind him, "Can't just do that anymore, though I'm sure you keep forgetting it's not still the good ol' days, huh?"
"Gojo!" Yaga snapped, only for Naobito to wave his hand dismissively as he laughed.
"Let him bark. We all know the Gojo clan's prized puppy won't bite in here." Naobito sneered.
Gojo stood up, slamming his drink on the glass table, "You think you have a shot against me, old man?" He roared. 
Naobito sat still, tilting his head back defiantly, "You wouldn't dare challenge me here, especially not in front of your favorite whore."
"You mothefuc--"
"Zen'in." Sarah snapped, stepping in front of Gojo, "Talk about me like that again and you'll regret it. We don't use that word here."
Naobito placed the vacant sake bottle gently on the table, a wide grin spreading across his face. The three women had stood up simultaneously, Rin revealing her extended claws and sharp teeth, Boe holding her bloodied knives firmly in her hands, and Sarah swiftly unsheathing a sword from the scar on her back. Naobito couldn't contain his amusement and let out a hearty laugh before settling back into his seat.
"My apologies, ladies." He said lazily, "I meant no disrespect. The sake was talking for me."
The three women reluctantly calmed down, though the hatred was still searing in their eyes. Taking their seats again, Gojo still remained standing with his hands balled into fists. He gritted his teeth before sitting down with a huff. 
The discussion picked up again after the tense moment with Geto stepping in to smooth it over.
"Well, perhaps the Zen'in are on to something." Geto said, "It wouldn't be against the law to exorcize curses who are committing a crime. Perhaps we could work with the law enforcement on this particular case?"
"Not a bad idea." Yaga agreed, rubbing his goatee with his fingers, "That would set the stage for us to exorcize any curses on our properties after hours."
"That seems agreeable to me." Kamo nodded, "And as long as we all follow that particular thought process we should have no trouble with the law."
"Or at least right away." Naobito grunted, "I'm sure the curse sympathisers will find a reason to make it a noble cause."
"They will always find a reason." Yaga agreed, "But hopefully we can put a stop to their thievery before that happens. I think a collaborative effort in this case is a good idea."
"A toast then? To a temporary truce?" Kamo said, holding up his glass, "To yet another reason to do what we were born to do."
All the guests raised their crystal glasses, savoring each sip of their exquisite libations. In due time, the ladies of the establishment were gracefully escorted into the exclusive VIP area. Greeted with affectionate, intoxicated grins, the favorite companions of the night arrived to charm and ensure the festivities, beverages, and most importantly, the cash, continued to flow effortlessly.
In the heart of the city's underbelly, where neon lights flicker like promises unkept, lies the red light district. It's a place where shadows dance to the rhythm of desire, and the air is thick with anticipation. As the moon ascends, the streets come alive with a cacophony of laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses. 
Sultry sirens beckon from dimly lit doorways, their eyes flashing with mischief. Every alleyway is a labyrinth of temptation, each corner hiding secrets waiting to be discovered. The bars overflow with the lost souls of the night, drowning their sorrows in rivers of alcohol. The scent of whiskey hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the smoke of a thousand cigarettes. 
In this city of sin, time is a concept forgotten, and consequences are but distant whispers. It's a place where the line between pleasure and pain blurs into oblivion, and the only rule is to indulge in the moment.
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thejujvtsupost · 7 months
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When the World Comes Crashing Down…
This is my first Itafushi post, and non-insert post. I really thought this would turn out longer than it did but I got too emotional tbh. Which was disappointing bc it felt like I was writing for ages. I also chose a different aesthetic for my dividers, my usual cutesy ones don’t really fit here lmao✌️🤠 Manga spoilers past chapter 212
Notes: Itafushi, hurt, so much angst, self loathing, major character death(s), end comfort but everything is not okay™️, discussions about not wanting to live, low self worth and trauma/culling games aftermath.
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Megumi Fushiguro no longer wants to live.
Megumi Fushiguro, who let his guard down at the worst moment. All in the name of stupid emotions he didn’t deserve to have.
Megumi Fushiguro, the only person capable of destroying everything precious to him so quickly.
Megumi Fushiguro let himself be taken over, he let himself become a puppet to a monster- the same monster that killed his sister. The same monster that killed Gojo, his father figure. The same monster that ripped out his love’s heart right in front of him those months ago.
Megumi Fushiguro, the boy everyone left behind. His mother died, who cares about his father that left on his own, the sorry excuse of a parent his stepmother was- at least she gave him Tsumiki. Yet, he failed her… Tsumiki died in the world she had no business being part of. The world he joined so he could protect her. He failed.
Megumi Fushiguro, whose thoughts were interrupted by the presence of another- which shouldn’t be possible while he was in this state of limbo he prayed would end every day.
Megumi Fushiguro recognized the energy in front of him, how could he not? His love, Yuuji Itadori, was his only remaining tether to the earth. And he had hurt Yuuji too. Not only did he eat his finger, he’s seen how roughly Sukuna has treated him during this battle.
“Fushiguro! Get up, it’s time to fight back and end this!”
Megumi Fushiguro was unable to do anything besides stay crumpled on the ground, begging for everything to end. “I can’t, I’ve had enough…” He couldn’t even look his love in the eye. He didn’t deserve to, he didn’t deserve the love Yuuji gave, the love they had yet to put a label on and now never would.
“Get up! Get up so you can live! You’re our only chance, look at me Fushiguro. My time is almost up here, we need you!” And Yuuji did sound desperate, but if he met his eyes he might fall to his will.
Megumi Fushiguro felt a hand on his cheek, forcing him to open his eyes and let out a sob at the sight. Yuuji was bleeding, but he really was right there in front of him…
“We need you. I need you ‘gumi, please? You’re strong enough for it. I know you are.” He felt a kiss on his forehead before the presence vanished.
Megumi Fushiguro, who wanted to die when Yuuji left him, once again, alone in limbo. He wanted to die but he didn’t want to be alone. And if he died, would he be alone forever? Would his suffering ever end or would the crushing pain continue? What happened to Jujutsu sorcerers in the afterlife?
Megumi Fushiguro, then made the decision to go where he wouldn’t be alone. He would go where he could have companionship, comfort, even if not everyone would be there to greet him. Even if his world had crashed and burned.
Megumi Fushiguro got to his feet, though it took several tries, and made his way to a door he didn’t know was there all along; that he would have seen had his fog lifted sooner.
And everything was brighter than the sun, unbearable and beyond painful, until there was nothing. Absolute nothingness as he fell unconscious- oh…
Megumi Fushiguro, who woke up in a familiar room. The too well-lit clinic of Shoko Ieiri, with his own heart beat loud, coming from a monitor to his left.
Megumi Fushiguro, who then groaned and properly opened his eyes to the world.
Megumi Fushiguro, who heard the grating noise of Satoru Gojo’s chatter- and the sight of him sitting up in bed. Of course he had the audacity of eating pudding and making a no doubt annoying comment that he couldn’t quite comprehend all the words off. But he’d let Gojo be annoying, because it meant Gojo was alive. Alive and not cut in half by his own hand.
“Damnnnn I thought you’d take longer to wake up, now I owe your boyfriend money. Quick, go back to sleep before he notices and we’ll pretend this never happened.”
Megumi Fushiguro caught a few words, Boyfriend?
Megumi Fushiguro, whose hand was weighed down by one of his pink haired love’s own.
Megumi Fushiguro managed, against his will, to blush. Yuuji was knocked out at his bedside, slumped over the edge of the bed and lightly snoring. Good. God knows how long he’s been awake…
Megumi Fushiguro lost many people, good people that didn’t deserve to die. People that shouldn’t have died so young.
“Alright alright, you’re obviously not going back to sleep I guess. YUUUUUUUUJI YOUR LOVER’S AWAKE!” And Yuuji jerked awake with a snort and looked around, as if he was trying to discern where the fire was- then smiled at him so big…
Megumi Fushiguro let a few tears drop (also against his will) because maybe he lost many, but he did still have people to care about him. He really did.
Megumi Fushiguro wasn’t alone.
Megumi Fushiguro was gonna be okay. Definitely not now, but eventually…
Megumi Fushiguro decided he would live.
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graysongraysoff · 11 months
writing pattern game
tagged by @boltlightning thank you SO so much 💗💗💗💗💗
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works* or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
*gonna exclude co-written works/rp adaptations unless i was the one to write the opening post for obvious reasons hehe
1. red and red and rust-red
bungo stray dogs | soukoku | 328 words | major character death | in the small room/land of inhuman demons spoilers
It was the brilliant burst of red from the bullet hole between Dazai's eyes that brought Chuuya roaring back into control of his conscious mind, and he shot twice more on reflex before the rest of his body caught up.
2. like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume
bungo stray dogs | soukoku | 6.5k words
Chuuya is burning away like a dying star, and he feels fucking fantastic.
3. Your hands are red from holding tight.
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & satoru gojo | 885 words | major character death | ch. 212: the ripening pt. 2 spoilers
When Megumi finally spoke — not Sukuna but Megumi — his voice was a sleepy murmur that tugged at Satoru’s heart.
4. maybe i'll call you mine
jujutsu kaisen | satosugu | 3k words
Shoko is so pissed about how the mission went that she's refusing to patch Suguru and Satoru back up with her reversed cursed technique.
5. Shadow Puppets
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & tsumiki fushiguro & satoru gojo | 4.5k words
The day Megumi summoned the Divine Dogs for the first time, a storm had knocked out the Fushiguros' power, so Megumi and Tsumiki had piled pillows and blankets on the living room floor while Gojo lit candles and placed them safely out of reach around the room.
6. Three Unspoken Messages and Three Words Left Unsaid
bungo stray dogs | osamu dazai & sakunosuke oda | 2k words | major character death
"Got an early start," Sakunosuke Oda commented, sitting in his usual place beside the young Osamu Dazai, whose empty whiskey glass was being replaced with a fresh one.
7. Exorcise My Mind
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & tsumiki fushiguro & satoru gojo | 10k words
"I think we should clean out Mom and Dad's room."
8. Ulterior Motives
bungo stray dogs | soukoku | 261 words
"Is that my shirt?"
9. A stranger whose laugh I would recognize anywhere
jujutsu kaisen | satosugu | 700 words (exactly!)
"I didn't expect you to show," Suguru tells Satoru softly, eyes glinting.
10. December 7, 2007
jujutsu kaisen | megumi fushiguro & tsumiki fushiguro & satoru gojo | 842 words
On the surface, Satoru's 18th birthday wasn't much different than the others he'd celebrated since he started at Jujutsu High.
okay so i actually did go back and look at my post from the last time i did a similar exercise, and i'm pleased to report that i am giving a lot more variety these days, lol. one of my reflections was also that i "should try to open with dialogue more," so it's good to see that i took that to heart! i think i manage to do a pretty good job of dropping the reader into situations without the almost formulaic "___ had been ___" style openings i used to do a lot of, too.
i like that a lot of these opening lines manage to introduce not only the setting but also the vibes, like how the characters are feeling/seeming in the moment the reader joins them.
my favorite is definitely "Chuuya is burning away like a dying star, and he feels fucking fantastic." i have been stupid-proud of that sentence since the moment i typed it, lol.
now i shall tag: @antique-romantic and @pyrrhlc, if you are in need of a little tag game!
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Im actually so hungry for a college au jjk like maybe im a nerd or smth idk but im nostalgic for hallways dorms academic blah blah balh BUT W SOME FINE ASS PPL IN IT TOO GRGRGRGRGRGR like those cute college vlogs w friends WAAAA
Academic geto has me WEAK and like frat gojo 🤧🤧 -🌺
Im very sorry for nonsense yap finals r catching up to me 😛
NO BECAUSE YOU’RE SO REAL FOR THAT 🌺 ANON…… i’m never not thinking abt a jjk college/uni au </3 WITH SUGURU IN PARTICULAR. he would be soooooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫 walking around in sweaters and turtlenecks and overcoats… wearing his pretty glasses…. i’ll die on the hill that he’s a lit student but i could see him majoring in any other kind of liberal arts too. he’d just be so polite and studious and teasing and warm and 😔😔😔
he makes me a little insane i think. anyway YEAH I AGREE….. i’m never not thinking of college sashisu!!! and college childhood friend!sugu…… he fits into that setting so well . just put him on a college campus during autumn and he’ll feel right at home :3
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mymegumi · 10 months
HAII im late but here’s my entry for the matchups thing 🥹🥹
name: logan ⭐️
preferred anime: jjk !!
preferred gender: you can roll the dice for me 🤓
fave thing abt the holidays: definitely the weather, if we’re talking abt christmas in the northern hemisphere i love when it gets cold bc im so used to living in tropical weathers n i love wearing sweaters when i go out, also im lowkey domestic as fuck so spending it w the ppl i love in my family is also nice 🥹
personality wise i come off pretty unserious 80% of the time but it’s all in jest, i truthfully struggle with expressing my raw emotions/thoughts out loud sometimes so im more of an action person (my love language is quality time which explains it pretty well, i basically am very much a “i dont know how to tell you i like being with you in a way that fully encompasses it so let me make up for that by dedicating all of my time to you”). also my aesthetics/interests and overall likes tend to lean more towards anything alt/niche and ‘nonconforming’ as i have this innate desire to be as unique as possible (yes i was an edgy not like other girls teenager and yes i regret it) but i draw inspiration from the world around me and i could never see myself without the people i hold dear to my heart :’) im also a huge nerd lol im a stem major specifically astrophysics and i like to think im pretty smart but just suck at explaining/teaching things to others so yeah. this is probably more than u even needed from me but i hope this works !! 😭
hi logan!!!! its soooo good to get to know u more and i hope u know that i am so excited to get to know ever MORE! but for this wintery match up today, i match you with:
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listen, i think gojo lowkey loves that ur like shy w ur affection and is always teasing you abt it!! he tries to get u to say u love him n he’s always always trying to make u blush or get flustered!!! he thinks it’s such a treat when you finally, finally tell him you love him and will absolutely smother you in affection when you do! he says, yeah i’ll love you enough for the both of us, baby, don’t even worry. he also loves! loves that you’re smart and that he can talk to you about his jujutsu and even can explain the limits of it and the mechinations in a way that he can’t with ppl that don’t understand physics/calculus. he thinks it’s so nice to be able to have someone even remotely on the same level as him in terms of like,, his jujutsu!! and i think that he’d also appreciate how you were so much smarter than him in certain aspects. he also loves ur perspective on life and i can see y’all having vvv nice convos abt the world and how both of you see it!!! it’s just such a wholesome lil couple and ik that he’s ur fave but i truly think y’all would get along rlly well and have good convos. and he would be so teasing and pretend to be hurt when u say smth lowkey mean and make u give him kisses and apology!!!
RUNNER UPS: ⠀ ෆ none ⠀ ⠀ ⤿ tbh i lit cant think of anyone else that would be a ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ better match for you loge!!!
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gojo laughs with his chest as you brush at your hair, eyes concentrated and brows furrowed as you try to get the melting snow out of your hair. his chest is light, full of joy and happiness at the ease of which he feels with you. “baby, why are you so grumpy? it’s just a little snow in your hair.”
“i know it’ll melt, but my hair was so cute tonight!” you grumble, hands clutching onto gojo’s as he attempts to tuck a stray piece behind your ear. “ugh, whatever. let’s just keep walking.”
“okay, princess.” he knows not to argue with you, because he’s smart and he loves you. “want to get a coffee at that cafe?”
“yes please.” you pout, tucking yourself as close to gojo as you can for warmth. putting an arm over your shoulder, he rests his head on your not-so-soggy hair. “i can pay.”
“don’t insult me like that.” he huffs, tugging on a piece of your hair gently. he loves to spoil you, and you just hate letting him have his way. too bad you were stuck with him now, though.
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