#listing thingd that I. SAID. AND. DID.)
So many IRL people are talking to me and I Do Not Like It
#anyways rant in tags as I like to do:#idk what happened to the self-isolation that summer break is supposed to be#I Very Dislike This#how do I disappear from the internet to my irl friends#uhh#I Don't Want To Talk To Them#And They All Wanna Talk To Me#I Dislike This A Lot#why are IRL friends so much more draining to talk to#especially this one dude. that i used to be in a relationship with#and i think they still love me#since they LOVE throwing hints all. the. time. (in the past they complained about me to my face but tried to say it was someone else while#listing thingd that I. SAID. AND. DID.)#and they sent a ss of them talking with someone else like “i love someone but they have a gf already”#and I told them I have a gf#and shit#and they keep trying to talk to me (ALL DAY EVERY DAY) and im overwhelmed because I cant even handle#talkign to people for more than an hour before disappearing from sight#And he forces me to talk to him All Day#have I been ignoring him the past two days? Absolutely#(btw love you all for enduring my tumblr rants. kisses/p to all of you I swear I'm making art for y'all)#(also I'm making a pinned post. if anyones interested)#(also have made so much lore for my TSPUD shit if anyone wants to hear me rant)#(my dumb lil shitty TSPUD au)#(which. if you havent guessed by the name of my TSPUD account. i'll be lovingly naming 'The Unmotivated Parable')#(even though it has nothing to do with unmotivation)#(it's just that my brand is unmotivated so)#(I have so much planned eueueu)#(I <3 my men)#(only the fictional ones. the irl men drain me)
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hughiecampbelle · 5 years
Coincidence (Klaus Hargreeves Drabble)
Character/s: Klaus
Word Count: 534
Requested: anon
Power: Aura Manipulation
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @sir-pattystew @melody-of-scream
A/N: I hope you like it love! Feedback is always appreciated 💜
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They called you a dumb junkie. Thought you were too high to function. Rehab after rehab, discarded there until you’d completed the twelve steps over and over again. Maybe you were, but the words you spoke were the truth. An attention seeker, someone starved enough to make up thingd, to play pretend, to lie. Your counselors and therapists tried to pinpoint where things went wrong, what drugs you used to cope, and which made you see all the things you spoke about. But it wasn’t the drugs, or the alcohol, none of the coping mechanisms you picked up along the way and shielded yourself with. Used to smother the things you saw, the abilities you’d had since you were born with.
A coincidence. Everything in your life was. From the day of your birth to the strange things you saw around others, to the thoughts you heard. Your parents said you were a creative kid with an overactive imagination. Prescribed you some crayons and a piece of paper, hoping all your strange talk would disappear. The drawings you made only made it worse. It showed what you couldn’t put into words. The colors around them, around Mom and Dad, and teachers, and classmates, around the world. You asked about things you didn’t know were secret, that no one had told you was rude, that you weren’t supposed to hear. Your teachers divorce, or your best friends money troubles, or the way your mother wished you could just be normal.
The other kids called you a freak. A weirdo. A liar. Too many bad names to remember. The mocked you, laughing at your pictures, ripping them up in front of you. The older you grew, the worse it got. Bigger kids, bigger problems. Your mother’s distaste for you, for who you were, grew too. She tried to smile in pictures and show her excitement when you met milestones in your life, but by your teenage years she was sick of it. Sick of the colors, the things you brought up in conversation you never should have known. She’d always been dark, the bubble around her angry, a black hole you knew she’d love to fall into. You couldn’t stop being yourself, so you left. Dropped out, moved away. Maybe then you’d be less of a burden to everyone in your life, less of a freak, of an inconvenience.
But you were young, and dumb, and overwhelmed, looking for anything to shut out the rest of the world. You found it, and it found you. Now here you were, sober again, listening to their thoughts, stuck watching their auras melt and die. A group you could trust. A bunch of addicts were less judgemental than the rest of the world. You heard who believed you, who clung to every word. He knew who you were before you did. Put the pieces together in group counseling. The colors, the thoughts, your birthday. No one ever told you, he thought, the best kept secret. Klaus would take you home, to his home, and show you others like you. People who would have been called all those same names growing up. One of them, you just didn’t know it.
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tigris-types · 5 years
I told my boyfriend I love him for the first time, full story under the cut. Be warned, its long and I discuss how I came to that conclusion.
So i never thought that I would be in a relationship. I dont have any interest in kissing or sex, and since that's what everyone kind of pushes as the selling points of being in a relationship, I didnt want to be in one. I'm also asexual, )which I didnt figure out until someone suggested it to me, since I didnt even know that was an option) but I wasnt sure where I fell on the romantic side of things.
I thought it would be nice to be close with someone, but I can just get that through friends so did it even matter? I wasnt sure if I was grayromantic or aromantic, but its not like I was really under any pressure to define it either.
Then I met my would-be boyfriend, becane friends, thought he might be into me, and was once again, very confused where I stood on the romantic side of things. Eventually, I decided that I did like him, but I was unsure what a relationship would mean for me.
For the first few months, it was weird to say that I had a boyfriend. I couldnt believe it. I was wrestling with how I saw myself, because I never imagined I would be in a relationship and I kind of never wanted to be in a relstionship so I could be the one that defied expectations, amd show that I wouldnt follow society rules, and show that I didnt need a significant other. It wasnt important to me and i hated that my relatives would always ask "How have you been? How is school? Do you have a boyfriend yet?". And I hated it. I nrver wanted a boyfriend just to spite them all. How dare they place my value on good grades and eventual mother potential instead of getting to know me as a person. I hated it.
But as they (unfortunately) say, I met someone. I struggled with this idea, but i came to the conclusion that I didnt need him. I was fine without him. And if we eventually broke up, I would be fine then too. But being in a relationship isnt about needing someone, its about wanting to be with them. Wanting them to succeed and wanting to be with them every step of the way. (I also hate how corny that is)
I'm not a very emotional touchy-feely person, but I did feel comfortable being open and vulnerable with him. I like his hugs, and I like snuggling with him. And he's really sweet, but inthe interest of not looking through rose-colored glasses, I do have a list of thingd he does that annoy me(he doesnt know this). But we've talk about a few of those things and he has made an effort to change.
And hes told me what I do that annoy him too, like calling him dude. So we talked a little about what nicknames we would be comfortable with over the past few weeks, and i realized I wanted to call him love.
But that name wouldnt work unless I had told him I love him. So I came up with a plan. We were going to see Endgame this weekend, anf most likely eat dinner, play pokemon go, and snuggle afterwards. At someone I woukd say "I think I love you" becaus ei wasn't sure if he felt it back and ssying "I think" gave me the opportunity to retract that statement if he didnt feel the same way.
But over dinner, (we had gyros) we talking about frozen because sandwiches and Love is an open door and so I said, "To quote a Thomas Sanders vine, 'I love you, but this is mine!'" He looked away, I looked down, just waiting for a response, not trying to appear any particular way, like I'm expecting him to say it in return.
Then he looked back at me and said, "I love you too." And I just smiled, I was happy that he said it back and that I managed to say it smoothly. He continued, "Sorry it took a moment to repsond, I wasnt sure if it was sincere or not."
"It was, but I wasnt sure if you felt the same so if you didnt then it could be treated as a joke and no worries."
"I'm glad, because I love you."
"I love you too" Then we kept eating and talking about other things. But it was nice, and when we did get to snuggling, I was a little afraid it would lead to kissing, since I still don't want to (although I am slightly warming up to the idea, which is weird), and it didnt, which I was glad for.
It was nice, weve been together for about 5.5 months and I just got comfortable enough to kiss him on the cheek and he hasnt pressured me to do anything I dont want to. Which i think is great for an asexual-allosexual relationship. We did talk about how he feels, and that he does find me sexually attractive. (Which I kind of suspected, but really, thats something people actually feel? Thats not made up?) I said I couldn't relate, but I appreciate him telling me, and it was nice. Im not sure what to do with that information, but whatever.
But yeah, 5.5 months as being boyfriend and girlfriend, on top of about about a year of being friends, and we said exchanged "I love yous". Quite a few times actually, I kind of wish I had taken tally because we said it so often, but it was probably at least 10 times.
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